Congressional Record—House H5252

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Congressional Record—House H5252 H5252 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð HOUSE June 24, 1998 Lewis (KY) Pelosi Smith (MI) PERSONAL EXPLANATION tion as a member of the Committee on Linder Peterson (MN) Smith (NJ) Small Business: Livingston Peterson (PA) Smith (OR) Mr. FRELINGHUYSEN. During the vote on HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, LoBiondo Pickering Smith (TX) final passage of H.R. 4103, the National Secu- Lowey Pickett Smith, Adam Washington, DC, June 24, 1998. Lucas Pitts Smith, Linda rity Appropriations Act, I was on the floor and Hon. NEWT GINGRICH, Maloney (CT) Pombo Snowbarger intended to vote but the machine failed to reg- Speaker of the House, House of Representatives, Maloney (NY) Pomeroy Snyder ister my vote. Had it been registered, I would U.S. Capitol, Washington, DC. Manzullo Porter Solomon have voted yes on final passage of the bill. DEAR MR. SPEAKER: I hereby resign as a Martinez Portman Souder member of the Committee on Small Busi- Mascara Poshard Spence f Matsui Price (NC) Spratt ness. McCarthy (MO) Pryce (OH) Stabenow APPOINTMENT AS MEMBERS TO With kind regards, I am McCarthy (NY) Quinn Stearns COORDINATING COUNCIL ON JU- Sincerely yours, McCollum Radanovich Stenholm VIRGIL H. GOODE. McCrery Rangel Stokes VENILE JUSTICE AND DELIN- McHale Redmond Strickland QUENCY PREVENTION The SPEAKER pro tempore. Without McHugh Regula Stump objection, the resignation is accepted. McInnis Reyes Stupak The SPEAKER pro tempore. Without There was no objection. objection, and pursuant to the provi- McIntosh Riggs Sununu f McIntyre Riley Talent sions of Section 206 of the Juvenile McKeon Rivers Tanner Justice and Delinquency Prevention ELECTION OF MEMBERS TO CER- McNulty Rodriguez Tauscher Meehan Roemer Tauzin Act of 1974 (42 U.S.C. 5616) as amended TAIN STANDING COMMITTEES OF Meek (FL) Rogan Taylor (MS) by Section 2(d) of Public Law 102±586, THE HOUSE Menendez Rogers Taylor (NC) the Chair announces the Speaker's ap- Metcalf Rohrabacher Thomas Mr. FAZIO of California. Mr. Speak- Mica Ros-Lehtinen Thompson pointment of the following members on er, at the direction of the Democratic Millender- Rothman Thornberry the part of the House to the Coordinat- Caucus, I offer a privileged resolution McDonald Roukema Thune ing Council on Juvenile Justice and (H. Res. 492) and ask for its immediate Miller (FL) Roybal-Allard Thurman Delinquency Prevention: Mink Ryun Tiahrt consideration. Moakley Sabo Tierney Mr. William Robert Byars, Jr., South The Clerk read the resolution, as fol- Mollohan Salmon Torres Carolina, to a one year term; lows: Moran (KS) Sanchez Traficant Ms. Adele L. Grubbs, Georgia, to a Moran (VA) Sandlin Turner HOUSE RESOLUTION 492 Murtha Sawyer Visclosky three year term. Resolved, That the following named Mem- Myrick Saxton Walsh There was no objection. bers be, and they are hereby, elected to the Neal Scarborough Wamp f following standing committees of the House Nethercutt Schaefer, Dan Waters of Representatives: Neumann Schaffer, Bob Watkins APPOINTMENT AS MEMBERS TO Ney Schumer Watts (OK) To the Committee on Banking and Finan- Northup Scott Waxman NATIONAL SKILL STANDARDS cial Services, VIRGIL GOODE of Virginia. Norwood Serrano Weldon (FL) BOARD To the Committee on National Security, Nussle Sessions Weldon (PA) ELLEN TAUSCHER of California, ROBERT Ortiz Shadegg Weller The SPEAKER pro tempore. Without BRADY of Pennsylvania. Oxley Shaw Wexler objection, and pursuant to the provi- To the Committee on Small Business, ROB- Packard Sherman Weygand sions of Section 503(b)(3) of Public Law ERT BRADY of Pennsylvania. Pallone Shimkus White Pappas Shuster Whitfield 103±227, the Chair announces the The resolution was agreed to. Parker Sisisky Wicker Speaker's reappointment of the follow- A motion to reconsider was laid on Pascrell Skaggs Wise ing members on the part of the House the table. Pastor Skeen Wynn to the National Skills Standards Board Paxon Skelton Young (AK) f Pease Slaughter Young (FL) for four year terms: Mr. James D. Burge, Washington, GRANTING MEMBERS OF THE NAYSÐ61 D.C.; HOUSE PRIVILEGE TO EXTEND Barrett (WI) Hoekstra Owens Mr. Kenneth R. Edwards, Rockville, THEIR REMARKS IN THE CON- Becerra Hooley Paul GRESSIONAL RECORD ON THURS- Berry Jackson (IL) Payne Maryland. Brown (CA) Johnson (WI) Petri There was no objection. DAY, JUNE 25, 1998 Brown (OH) Kind (WI) Rahall Mr. MCINNIS. Mr. Speaker, I ask Campbell Kleczka Ramstad f Conyers Kucinich Royce unanimous consent that all Members Coyne Lee Rush RESIGNATION AS MEMBER OF be permitted to extend their remarks Davis (IL) Lofgren Sanders COMMITTEE ON SCIENCE and to include extraneous material in DeFazio Luther Sanford ECORD Delahunt McDermott Sensenbrenner The Speaker pro tempore laid before that section of the R entitled Deutsch McGovern Shays the House the following resignation as ``Extension of Remarks'' on Thursday, Doggett McKinney Stark a member of the Committee on June 25, 1998. Ehlers Meeks (NY) Towns The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there Fattah Miller (CA) Upton Science: Filner Minge Velazquez HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, objection to the request of the gen- Frank (MA) Morella Vento Washington, DC, June 24, 1998. tleman from Colorado? Franks (NJ) Nadler Watt (NC) Hon. NEWT GINGRICH, There was no objection. Furse Oberstar Woolsey Speaker, House of Representatives, Washington, f Gutierrez Obey DC. Hinchey Olver DEAR SPEAKER GINGRICH: I am writing to b 2015 NOT VOTINGÐ14 resign my position on the House Science SPECIAL ORDERS Baesler Hamilton Markey Committee in exchange for a position on the Crane Kaptur McDade House National Security Committee. Thank The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. Dingell LaFalce Wolf you for your assistance with this matter and LAHOOD). Under the Speaker's an- Frelinghuysen Lipinski Yates please contact me if you have any questions. nounced policy of January 7, 1997, and Gonzalez Manton Sincerely, under a previous order of the House, b 2007 ELLEN O. TAUSCHER, the following Members will be recog- Member of Congress. Mr. HOEKSTRA changed his vote nized for 5 minutes each. from ``yea'' to ``nay.'' The SPEAKER pro tempore. Without f Mr. PICKERING and Ms. RIVERS objection, the resignation is accepted. CONTROVERSIAL ARTICLE RE- changed their vote from ``nay'' to There was no objection. GARDING KENNETH W. STARR, ``yea.'' f So the bill was passed. INDEPENDENT COUNSEL The result of the vote was announced RESIGNATION AS MEMBER OF The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under a as above recorded. COMMITTEE ON SMALL BUSINESS previous order of the House, the gen- A motion to reconsider was laid on The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- tleman from Michigan (Mr. CONYERS) is the table. fore the House the following resigna- recognized for 5 minutes. June 24, 1998 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð HOUSE H5253 Mr. CONYERS. Mr. Speaker, I will seems to have become an enabler of Although Tripp and Lucianne Goldberg place in the RECORD an article that has Starr's abuse of power. kept up their relationship through 1996, become controversial in the fact that it An examination of the Lewinsky story's Goldberg did not push the book idea. ``It begins to examine more carefully the origins and a day-by-day review of the first wasn't high on my list,'' says Goldberg. ``No one seemed to care about this guy screwing question surrounding the Independent three weeks of the media coverage that fol- lowed, suggest that as it has careened from everything in sight.'' Counsel, Kenneth W. Starr, in connec- one badly sourced scoop to another in an ON THE RADAR SCREEN tion with his off-the-record contacts ever more desperate need to feed its multi- Perceptions about the president and sex with Members of the media. I ask that media, 24-hour appetite, the press has aban- changed markedly as 1997 began. In January, this material be included. doned its treasured role as a skeptical Newsweek published a cover story on the The material referred to is as follows: ``fourth estate.'' This story marks such a Paula Jones suit declaring that the case de- [From Brill's Content, July/August 1998] fundamental change in the press's role that served to be taken seriously. The Newsweek the issues it raises will loom long after we storyÐalong with the Supreme Court's hear- PRESSGATE determine (if we ever do) whether the presi- (By Steven Brill) ing (also in January) of the Jones lawyers' dent is guilty of a sexual relationship with appeal that their case not be delayed until What makes the media's performance a the intern, obstruction of justice, or both. after President Clinton had left officeÐsud- true scandal, a true example of an institu- LOOKING FOR A TRUE CRIME STORY denly made the president's alleged sexual tion being corrupted to its core, is that the It started with the 1993 death of Deputy misconduct and his resulting legal troubles competition for scoops so bewitched almost White House Counsel Vincent Foster, Jr. In topic A. everyone that they let the man in power some anti-Clinton circles, Foster's suicide ISIKOFF ON THE HUNT write the storyÐonce Tripp and Goldberg became what Lucianne Goldberg calls ``the Newsweek now allowed Isikoff, its lead re- put it together for him. best true crime story out there. I was porter on the Jones story, to add the Clinton It began with high fives over the tele- interested in getting a book out about Fos- sex allegations to a beat that already in- phone. ``It's breaking! It's breaking! We've ter's death, and Tony Snow [the conservative cluded not only Whitewater, but also the done it,'' Lucianne Goldberg screamed into columnist and nowÐFox newsman] sug- blossoming controversy surrounding the her phone in Manhattan to her son in Wash- gested I talk to Linda Tripp.'' ington. It was 7:00 A.M., Wednesday, January A veteran government secretary, Tripp, funding of the 1996 Democratic campaign. 21. then 43, had been assigned to work for White A native New Yorker who grew up on Long ``This was my mom's day,'' says Jonah House Counsel Bernard Nussbaum.

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