Intel Multi-Core Briefing – April 2005

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Intel Multi-Core Briefing – April 2005 Intel Multi-Core Briefing – April 2005 IntelIntel MultiMulti--CoreCore BriefingBriefing April,April, 20052005 Intel Multi-Core Briefing – April 2005 IntelIntel PlatformPlatform StrategyStrategy…… andand MultiMulti--corecore • Intel continues to drive platform strategies across segments – Driven by expanding end user needs – Platform advancements: Wireless, Manageability, Security, Form Factor, Battery life, Compute Capability,… • Intel Multi-core platforms are means to deliver tremendous growth in compute capability – Builds upon the success of Hyper-Threading Technology – Multi-threaded application performance and Responsiveness in Multi-tasking environments IntelIntel MultiMulti-core:-core: EnabledEnabled byby IntelIntel InnovationInnovation andand MooreMoore’s’s LawLaw Intel Multi-Core Briefing – April 2005 FueledFueled ByBy MooreMoore’’ss Law:Law: ContinuedContinued GrowthGrowth inin UserUser ExperienceExperience Server Multi-core Enhanced Virtualized Consolidation Datacenter HT Client Multi-tasking SMP Streaming Digital Media More Natural High Def Game Play er Experience Online Transaction er Experience Instruction and data Online Transaction Instruction and data Content Level Parallelism performance Us Us Multiple Natural i486 Multimedia Simultaneous Language Pipelined Execution Internet Users Processing Windows* Multi-media Collaboration Greater Multi-tasking Time NextNext WaveWave DrivenDriven viavia IntelIntel MultiMulti-core/Threading-core/Threading *Other names and brands may be claimed as the property of others Intel Multi-Core Briefing – April 2005 TheThe MoveMove toto IAIA MultiMulti--corecore Platform Current 2005 2006+ Future Itanium® processor MP Itanium® 2 Processor Montecito Montvale Tukwila Poulson Itanium® Itanium® 2 Processor - Millington DP Montvale Dimona processor DP 3M (Fanwood) ® MP Server Intel® Xeon™ 64-bit Intel Xeon™ Paxville Tulsa Whitefield Processor MP processor MP DP Server / 64-bit Intel® Xeon™ Processor w/ 2MB cache Dempsey WS Dempsey Future Pentium® Processor Extreme Edition Presler Future Desktop Pentium® 4 Client processor Smithfield Pentium® 4 Cedar Mill processor Mobile Client Yonah Future Pentium® M processorprocessor Yonah Single core Dual/Multi-core All products and dates are preliminary and subject to change without notice. Single core Dual/Multi-core Intel Multi-Core Briefing – April 2005 TheThe MoveMove toto IAIA MultiMulti--corecore Platform Current 2005 2006+ Future Itanium® Tukwila Poulson processor MP Itanium® 2 Processor Montecito>15 Multi-Core Montvale Projects Itanium® Itanium® 2 Processor - Millington DP Montvale Dimona processor DP 3M (Fanwood) Spanning All Segments ® MP Server Intel® Xeon™ 64-bit Intel Xeon™ Paxville Tulsa Whitefield Processor MP processor MP DP Server / 64-bit Intel® Xeon™ Processor w/ 2MB cache Dempsey WS Dempsey Future Pentium® Processor Extreme Edition Presler Future Desktop Pentium® 4 Client processor Smithfield Pentium® 4 Cedar Mill processor * Mobile & Desktop Pentium Mobile ** data is projected run rate exiting the year. Client Yonah Future Pentium® M processorprocessor Source: Intel Yonah Single core Dual/Multi-core All products and dates are preliminary and subject to change without notice. Single core Dual/Multi-core Intel Multi-Core Briefing – April 2005 TheThe IAIA MultiMulti--corecore PlatformsPlatforms Platform 2005 2002006+ Future MP Richford / Future Platform MP Montecito / Montvale ® Tukwila(’07) / Poulson Itanium Processor Intel® E8870 Chipset / Enabled Future Chipset Family DP Millington / DP Montvale Dimona Intel® E8870 Chipset / Enabled Future Chipset MP Servers Truland Platform Reidland Platform Paxville Whitefield (’07) Intel® E8500 Chipset Future Chipset DP Servers Bensley Platform Dempsey Blackford chipset DP Workstation Glidewell Platform Dempsey Greencreek Chipset UP Server Pentium® D Processor Mukilteo Chipset Anchor Creek Platform Bridge Creek Platform Desktop Client -Home Pentium® Processor Extreme Edition Pentium® D Processor (Smithfield), Presler Intel® 945/955X Express Chipsets Desktop Client -Office Lyndon Platform Averill Platform Pentium® D Processor (Smithfield), Presler Intel® 945/955X Express Chipsets Napa Platform Mobile Client Yonah Processor Calistoga Chipset Golan Wireless LAN All products and dates are preliminary and subject to change without notice. Note: only multi-core processors listed Intel Multi-Core Briefing – April 2005 WhatWhat isis MultiMulti--Core?Core? • Two or more independent execution cores in the same processor • Specific implementations will vary over time - driven by manufacturing cost efficiencies – Best mix of product architecture and volume mfg capabilities – Designed to deliver performance, OEM and end user experience Single die (Monolithic) based processor Multi-Chip Processor Example: Smithfield Example: Montecito Ex: 65nm “Presler” or “Dempsey” Core1 Core0 Core1 Core0 Core1 Core0 Front Side Bus Front Side Bus Front Side Bus Intel Multi-Core Briefing – April 2005 MultiMulti--CoreCore EnhancesEnhances andand EnablesEnables KeyKey ServerServer PlatformPlatform UsageUsage TrendsTrends Scale-up headroom with Optimal platform for more threads per platform virtualized environments Databases Enterprise Apps RISC Replacement Back-end Improving compute Service Oriented Enterprise density in the datacenter sq. ft. DualDual-core-core is is a a natural natural evolution evolution of of Hyper Hyper-Threading-Threading Technology Technology Intel Multi-Core Briefing – April 2005 Napa:Napa: TechnologyTechnology toto BenefitBenefit thethe EndEnd UserUser Performance Thinner Lighter Yonah: 1st mobile 65nm DC, Golan: MiniCard Intel® Digital Media Boost Small form factor GMCH Calistoga: improved integrated Intel® Advanced Thermal Manager graphics Wireless Battery Life Support latest IEEE 802.11 Intel Integrated Graphics standards EBL techniques Cisco* Compatible Extensions Intel® Dynamic Power Coordination Runs multi-threaded, multiple intense applications, and background tasks with greater responsiveness, delivering a better on-the-go experience for the digital home & digital office *New feature information – more details in Mobility KeyKeynnoteote & BriefingsBriefings Intel Multi-Core Briefing – April 2005 ParallelismParallelism inin thethe DigitalDigital HomeHome …While Enhanced User Transparently Experience* Running Multiple Background ‘Enjoy’ Protection: Multimedia Applications Virus Scan • Edit, create, share: Firewall music, videos, and Data backup photos Data encryption Platform Multi-Task • Enjoy multimedia, Health/Operation: gaming, IM, browsing, .. Automatic Downloads OS Updates and …while services Compression Content Management: Transcode to different formats *Performance Delivering multiple streams improvements relative to Record content to the hard drive single threaded CPUs in (PVR) similar market segment Intel Multi-Core Briefing – April 2005 IntelIntel DesktopDesktop DualDual--corecore PlatformsPlatforms IntelIntel® PentiumPentium® ProcessorProcessor ExtremeExtreme EditionEdition withwith IntelIntel® 955X955X ExpressExpress ChipsetChipset IntelIntel® PentiumPentium® DD ProcessorProcessor ((SSmithfield)mithfield) withwith IntelIntel® 945945 ExpressExpress ChipsetChipset FamilyFamily ComingComingComing ininin Q2Q2Q2’’’050505 Intel Multi-Core Briefing – April 2005 PentiumPentium®® ProcessorProcessor ExtremeExtreme EditionEdition 848400 IntelIntel DualDual--corecore withwith HyperHyper--ThreadingThreading TechnologyTechnology Summary:Summary: – 3.2 GHz dual-core processor – 2MB L2 Cache (1MB each core) – 800 MHz FSB Execution Execution Core Core – Intel® EM64T 1MB L2 1MB L2 – Execute Disable Bit Cache Cache – Built on 90 nm process technology Bus I/F Bus I/F – LGA775 package MCH FSB – Die size: approx. 206 mm2 – Transistor count: approx. 230M – Introduction Q2’05 RichRichRich NewNewNew FeaturesFeaturesFeatures BoostingBoostingBoosting PlatformPlatformPlatform ExperienceExperienceExperience All products and dates are preliminary and subject to change without notice. Intel Multi-Core Briefing – April 2005 TheThe BalancedBalanced PerformancePerformance PlatformPlatform IntelIntel®® 955X955X ExpressExpress ChipsetChipset FamilyFamily 800/1066MHz FSB 2-Channel DDR2-667 Performance Memory PCI-E* x16 Gfx Optimizations Dual x16 with Bridge GMCH 8GB Memory Support 6-PCI-E* x1 Expansion1 6-PCI-E* x1 Expansion ECC Memory Support Intel® High-Definition 4-SATA ports Audio Intel® Matrix Storage 8-Hi-Speed USB2.0 Technology (RAID 1 PATA port 1 PCI Ports 0,1,5,10 and AHCI) InnovationInnovation forfor HighHigh EndEnd PerformancePerformance && AdvancedAdvanced UsagesUsages *Other names and brands may be claimed as the property of others 1 Features only available in value-add ICH7 SKUs PerformancePerformance forfor anan ExtremeExtreme ExperienceExperience Don’t delay your departure: Convert 50% digital movies for content on the go 1 High Definition Video Encoding with Adobe* Premiere * using Microsoft* Faster Windows* Media Encoder Advanced Profile Quickly enhance your music mix: Enjoy 65% custom music with superior sound quality 1 MP3 encoding (Razor Lame*) + Sound Normalization (MP3 Gain*) Faster Create digital content faster: Develop and 52% render images with ease 1 Rendering 3D images with 3D Studio Max* Faster Do more while gaming: Play a game while 124% recording multiple TV shows More Frames1 EXTREME EDITION Gaming with Need for Speed 2* and dual TV tuner using Snapstream* PVR Configurations and Disclaimers Source: Intel® Configuration: Intel® Pentium® Processor Extreme Edition 840 (2x1MB L2
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