High Performance Computing Course #: CSI 440/540 High Perf Sci Comp I Fall ‘09 Mark R. Gilder Email:
[email protected] [email protected] CSI 440/540 This course investigates the latest trends in high-performance computing (HPC) evolution and examines key issues in developing algorithms capable of exploiting these architectures. Grading: Your grade in the course will be based on completion of assignments (40%), course project (35%), class presentation(15%), class participation (10%). Course Goals Understanding of the latest trends in HPC architecture evolution, Appreciation for the complexities in efficiently mapping algorithms onto HPC architectures, Familiarity with various program transformations in order to improve performance, Hands-on experience in design and implementation of algorithms for both shared & distributed memory parallel architectures using Pthreads, OpenMP and MPI. Experience in evaluating performance of parallel programs. Mark R. Gilder CSI 440/540 – SUNY Albany Fall '08 2 Grades 40% Homework assignments 35% Final project 15% Class presentations 10% Class participation Mark R. Gilder CSI 440/540 – SUNY Albany Fall '08 3 Homework Usually weekly w/some exceptions Must be turned in on time – no late homework assignments will be accepted All work must be your own - cheating will not be tolerated All references must be sited Assignments may consist of problems, programming, or a combination of both Mark R. Gilder CSI 440/540 – SUNY Albany Fall '08 4 Homework (continued) Detailed discussion of your results is expected – the program is only a small part of the problem Homework assignments will be posted on the class website along with all of the lecture notes ◦ http://www.cs.albany.edu/~gilder Mark R.