------DR. A Coat NAYLOR'S REMOVAL THE WORLD OF SOCIETY man[aamm AgT OA Top Palais Ss.rd Royal ih at Trmae .ewweeean in this peculiar change- he Best Tea LANSBU8 & RI1. optaIs.1 oeath The onference With Hunt to Be The of TYmrs. able climate Is an abs-" Bishop Opening the spflag Bsel Tbe board of trade isahowig a lee la- lute it "Special" Held Tonight. te est In everything tending to ,,.ee e, necessity-besides And Coffee welfre of the Distret and hte esmset at gives tone and finish to (t people. At the p lsat t he usda In the Civilized World rcad uestion a well dressed man's _Up0$0st0y@$E0 Dress The Bishop Told One Camunittee That Aftee Lenten Qitet Wedeftage to Taike particulery it aesses Na Goods. --- . btlase ... st .uly. diting coaniderable attentieo at the ***-we the largest dealem. t Aamerica. No Change Would Be Made- Pinee-Pesrea of the board bmne wardrobe. bu wie Checksown g fa Eotee and Its com.ttse.. t and Ja". a our b stote The Peeluig Ime=ea=iag. et At a meeting of the om.t=een o w - to town A visit to our Always something "spe- lntereet. "reach a rt mgey a d city Upholstery Depart- roads hell recently. preside oar b the .gh t O'l m r are to thia .e.r meat will always repay you. Whether cial" in the Dress Goods Did You Know """ Ani dwt emIt the FfRot chairmean. Mr. Frank Russ, a meets weoth'n you want to buy or not you will re- O.e an v"Th mar" .... . th. our eive the Department. The conference between Hurst and once more social was adopted roeeting that the beal ot that the same attention. We eon in- Unusually Bishop pleasures cose smilsigly trade is small amount of terest rnd save in Home the representatives of the various Methodist to the fore. was oppoee to the terther rimmeslesa yen monow good bargains tomorrow- Yesterday unpropitious for within the $16.oo will purchase one churches in this city, arranged for Satur- the display of new gowns and hats, but Distrct of cohambIa of gnwe We Give Checks PIGURW SWISS FOR SASH CUR- the result of our day evening, has been the they will and operated' by stmas ever twis spea he here meas- buyer's postponed by keep will be all the fresher of (made toyour ""e" wih ete me. poehaese e amro. TAINS, late to bishop until this evening at 8 o'clock. In foe' wearing this week at the grade .treets and behswape ant e- $2 IN. WIDE, trip New York. many lunch- solving that this ommitt.ee choice of a larga the meantime, it is stated, the bishop has eons and teas with which society will re- dha, Me WE. ure), *' der and ime ~kamme SPECIAL No. 1.-A few pieces of All-wool Bu- been In all suitable een a.rl ... e. a.t busily engaged in with gale Itself. For ways and an m s ....eMnPacratanwhichA...... &ehassblsti ®0° o j $o corresponding every afternoon and even- ooaloms variety of ie peeatsto Colm., len ownONSr glish Mixtures, guaranteed 68e quality, for only the pastors of the churches which have ing this week there are potest asineeas~ aMQ "-«'wa. Househod G.e.d .ore. SWISS MUSLIN, IN BLUE, hospitalities by the attapt to obtnia Ra) AND 50e yard. Since these fabrics are 54 inches wide acted in the matter of protesting against half dosen and every evidence for oomimnns Bgrht Ocioe 1 ekaat e.e.. . lb. YELLOW, that time can the conotructiea of em t m- Mohairs? .Ja.a ad Mocha .,ede. , and . lb. 42 IN. WIDE, Eve yards is sumctent for a dress. 5050-12.50. the removal of Dr. Naylor, and is seeking pass most pleasantly for those favored with way to be operated by ssm evr em English - ew e, ar - - Tear...... -... e. to lb.1 This means a dress of 8lc quality Dress Goods to ascertain whether their official boards the necessary invitations. upon the grade ef ae-ees a"e i , e No class of cloths so well Our betl-Thm Netar",.d..oe.lb. for the of es'ing Uns ese A. d e. for only $2.50. were legally called together, and whether At the of Miss ension P. ski Powder...... lb. (REAM SCOCH MADRAS, SMALL marriage Anne Seahury grade. within the or better c.- de d Milk ...... can. SPECIAL No. 2.-Exclusive style Silk and Wool those who voted for the resolutions to be Brewster and Count Henri de Frankmstste Ia Distuiet e r asl adapted give .. PATTERN, that an...... ,,...... at Ost. particular, their dhe. aml g ear- 9 7th stw ad gives .ee with 40 IN. WIDE, Novelty Dress Goods, intended to :stall at $1.25 presented to Bishop Fowler, through him. of Italy, In New York on Wednesday of this neetly reslet favorable setisa aN service. 27ery constitute a their bill Mm a Yard, have been secured to sell at only $1 yard. majority of respective week, the bride will be attended by four No. S5., for the te 11h Of foe. 9garsns of yes orw eld tomorrow. 46 Inches wide. bodies. It is also learned that the bishop Wash.gtonand Geesteea course we have the rF$a Mat ra br=desmads-Miss Roma Rockefaller. Miss way Te.o M... SNOWFLAKE DRAPERY, in blue, SPECIAL has already communicated with Bishop Ellen Fink, Miss Ada and Miss Company, and the leheim of I, finer grades up to 535.00, Great Atlantic & lllow and terra cot- No. 3.-A lot of 54-Inch Black Diagonal Fowler and an advance has been Godfrey nri. opinion Bertha Robinson. They will wear gowns of ta, 50 In. wide...... tSo 7 a Serge, guaranteed $1 quality, for 79c yard. formulated adverse to any request for the faille silk lined and finished as NEW CHINA StPECIAI No. 4.-A few restoration of Dr. Naylor, whether by in- pink and short veils of tulle. The Pacific Tea Co., SILK, in the latest pat- pieces of Black Figured dividuals of the count will be attended and colorIngs, China Silks, extra or by. the official bodies by the Russian pa- only genius-skill and good cl-ens IH ff. N4.W. 51 in. guaranteed good value at W5c. churches in the Washington district, sul, Gee. M. Hensel, and his brother-in-law- otoma urad at a point ar a ebE rnachs: 1Sa 14th at. nW. 816 H Paeat. terI wide ...... 7oo0 Special price Is 75c yard. mechanics can do. alot e-. aeorgetown. ad In alb r meit. THREE-FOLD SCREENS. In antique Papers to Be Presented. to-be. Lieut. Lowery L. Reamey. Arch- s r. SPECIAL No. 5.-19 pieces Black Moire Silks. TepheOmats. wta ownaa.Mgr. oat, mouated in best quality silkallie, Best At the meeting this evening it is stated bishop Corrigan will perform the ceremony, ovT==m--T mhan Such asyouma qualities offered this season at $1, 51.25, that the papers to be presented are very at which only the family will be present, e...... 1.35 and $1.50 yard. To choose from uoveltlee strong and outspoken in their sentiments and a reception of large proportions wul he k a ee.e .. m... NICOLL, You may have an odd of Fur- Satin hold later. After a short In piece in Stripe, Fancies and Moire Franeaise. of regret at the action of Fowler, stay, this city altars that needs Bishop with Mr. and Mrs. recovering. We show SPECIAL No. 6.-40 Best Swivel and in manner re- Pollok and Lieut. and ThinsaN loran a complete line of Ramle pieces Quality the and method of his Mrs. Reamey, the count and countess will The Iateeatioal T-ne Tholuat Furniture silks at 48c instead of 59c deli- moving Dr. from the sail for T,,e,,,..a Ia Osvering, in light blue, red, dark blue, yard. Beautifully Naylor Washington Europe and will live in Italy the committee oa gw.. ...ea The Cow terra cotta,elive .. shades In the latest lace stripe effects. district. These resolutions condemn the next year. making their home with the ew...s..d It San~ rete mother of coatrol of he tegrpi aml brown, 20 In. wide. J'lW( o a SPECIAL No. 7.-50 pieces 40-inch wide abuse of power, whether by a bishop or the former, the Countess de he s.e...- 2JW Striped any legislative body, that enacts unwise Frankenstein. Wary coaittees hell as e MOHAIR PLUSH, the best wearing Lawns, In art shades, guaranteed 17c quality, fir pemat sset- Has A Mission. goods to be had. laws or lays down a code that in its en- Mr. and Mrs. J. Van Now have iag yeuteray at $ We show a complete only 12%c Huyck Taegsowbiset Tea -5 The word $850- mas lnferot. line of colors, 24 in. yard. forcement entails trouble and I-feeling. isued invitations for the of their The -o. he n Fr Ole.margarire and battering s eg 'lta- SPECIAL The committee to whom has been intrusted marriage wide ...... No. 9.-76 pieces Indian Dimity Stripes, daughter. Marguerite Estelle and t-me of the o.atr a ....eos b " " " 7U the of of the liuyck. ttes." of Buatter, beau. ar. "Inaferior" to EXTRA HEAVY SILK in lovely color combination, guaranteed 25e quality, duty presenting the action Lleut. Juan Sinclair Attwell. Argentine -es-et-ie. ftom r " Nature It me! S b. official boards held a meeting on Saturday :sar. .e.y .n.e ... atter. sre base TAPESTRY,. for Ie yard. navy. on Wednesday. April 11. at half-past trrtory evening and formulated a letter of trans- 7. 1732 I street. The ceremony, to which in the Unles. Osage err, " " "Best" Cueamery for $1.0 60 l wid , SPECIAL No. 10.-45 32-inch wide mittal, which paper expresses what they s. . of After pieces Crepos- only a family th and the intimate R-presetat. Pithier Smuth De- you buy a good Suite of Fur- ette. Lovely colors, warranted believe to be the almost universal senti- friends are biden, will be tota ad Judge f Now niture It' will to let it indelible. I8e yard ment of the churches in condemnation of followed by a 3Maguire comer" oa e- hardly pay go 69c. for a fabric equal to the said at large reception at 8 o'clock. drnined the meeting. and a hSme eern lend Jas. F. the summer without imported goods Bishop Fowler's action. Conversation with sere is another Oyster, through protection, At the of "Cerst -ar- SOc yard. pastors and official men of some of the dis- marriage Miss Elisabeth Gray from Repr..eatw . W. .h ad gaia" h he more sttesfly whee It costs se little for Linen. and ... & OUR SPECIAL SPECIAL No. 11.-100 senting churches evidences the widespread Casey Rev. Clarence Wyatt Bisphaan, ear--etl tmo-..a he...... f ec es t vth Pa. Ave. Phone t. GRADE OF LINEN pieces 10c qugality Per- tomorrow at St. John's Church at law as you re at we to Subbed on both sides for alarm that exists in their membership, and, high noon. woew give the esuese t E _d and of rale only 6%c yard. Designs and anoes for Paret will the trol of h uniform 6 ,J while refraining from active participation Bishop oicate, and cere- he telegraph wi.s .e.d. thin eity weave, wrappers and shirt waists. in the movement to the restoration mony will be nompanisd by a full choral WeSecretary aen read M 3 100 driue Tatrin.lue Ka in. wide...... J o y a looking service. Dr. William Penn aill the aaisgsa s at Lea Watt Cosets. s die of Dr. Naylor, they realise that a strong Compton be Dress feeling of regret and resentment is abroad best man, and Miss Sophie Casey will be lowa: In 11 thi oorpestisa hld "M Trimmings. among their toward the arbi- the maid of hesor. The bridesmaads will miles of poles and gor aesap ee'. £n"th 2@000N0ID 0 membership abIes, 'em. wiles of nigly drurable ad fit-+ trary and so far act of the be Miss White of Staten Island, Mis Anna wire m 21.0'75 ...., t e.SU.. perftet We quote only "specials," which we know are unexplained pre- Scott. both cousins of the Miss Dainty bits of Embroidery that add In siding bishop of the late conference. No bride; Madge e.. % less prices than elsewhere. reason seems to have existed in Levy of Elizabeth. N. J.. cousin of the SThet such ricness to our homes; they cost tangible Mine Charlotte Evans, Miss o." thu. thie reaand ther d yet. Spangled Net, beet quality, 15 Inches wide, $2.35 the minds of the preachers or the laity that groom; Lulu 4-e"4 e.d he net .. but little. of would induce a change in the of Willamnon and Miss Mary Todd. The usb- Its eapital was 1 u Fora instead $2.96 yard...... Spangled Runing, 4 eldership era will be Rev. Charles and Mr. a"*st CUT-WORK DOYLI. inches $2.75 the Washington district. No demand for Spalding Only 69c. wide, Instead of $2.98 yard...... Jet removal went up from any of the churches, John Blair of New York. Mr. George Hewitt In.ebte.ne ....e.- Sie each of Burlington N. Mr. - -rson Child' 6...... 6c. Bead Panels, exquisite. $2.25 to $10 each...... Jet but, on the contrary, quarterly conferences J.. Mccandllish, Mr. who w.. ..,ee,, .e ..e ine 7aT%...----...... c. each 1% 29e at their last before the annual con- Marcus May and Dr. Chas. Bilspham. Adre- - the meels. we ..Ms n p . Bead Bands, inbces. instead of 35e yard... meeting wedding breakfast will follow at the resi- M. C. Whelan, tse 12x12...... 12c. each Jet Ealge, Sc instead of 7e and Se ference petitioned for Dr. Naylor's retention. yard...... ace What Rurst Told One Coma- dence of the bride's aunt. Mrs. Scott. on ae 14.14...... 1c. each Mohair Braids, 17e instead of Bishop De Sales street. essnay Soheot lemee heeneme. Ioo3.F St. N. W.mu. ~~}suit 25c yard. mnittee. Over LINEN BUREAU SCARFS, Te for domen papers of Dress Piss. Think of The cards are out for the 1.100 membtw af the lowisheteed Bishop Hurst has seen one committee of marriage of Y It:-.970 pire for Te. Miss Marie Yates Stirling to Mr. J. lee of he cla ape c. .., en In Is what MWsa there saw* an. Itsa 54 1. .&..... ] mansmo local Methodists which represented the Taller of New York on proce-o Ye-teday t.e TRAY CLOTHS lc for Clark's Darning Cotton. Saturday. April 7. --aing b.. IN PLAIN LINEN. missionary and woman s work in the at 12 o'clock. in Brown Memorial Church. od quarters ia the .waft mhh esse to .-- r .an .er when M IE 12e each or $1.35 for one price-.and woa and DAM " dosen Real Whale- chuich. He told this oody that there would the Rev. Maltbie D. Babcock ociaing. ASK ...... o *Ur 36 ba- mesae -... ..e. .a- bones, inches long and guaranteed perfect. be no change made and that Dr. Over six hundred invitations have been Is- Iwhich-he has - a- - ek at bs qualitee and p oaern, TIN TABLE COVEBS.ao,ORCHID Naylor heem omwpibya nd as- Refrigerators 3c for three-yard length of Velveteen Skirt Bind- would not be restored. He baid that his sued, and the affair will undoubtedly be a Joain the cherch very fashionable one. Miss Marie Yates essee en he emss. * See a ing, all colors. own Is well to that we we h w that or. Pla,- 8sam ..... 9ao®I name had been connected with the af- is one of the most beautiful in A full deserptioa ot the nw b - a 5c for fair Stirling girls Face iefrigerator guaranteed to eve /TAMPED PILLOW SHAMS, extra piece of Bone Casing. unjustly and that he was well aware . She is the sacond daughter of Ing and a basy t the as et lhe SlzPd-oad plaid cheviot are te 7e for dosen Covered Dress who was responsible for sich gossip. The Commander Yates of If as expertence of forty-dwe years meas.. Si Steels. of the Stirling the United school, which Is now ee at the I01iaf r no U-O spokesman committee told Bishop States navy. She is a favorite in the d it does, the the - h-a i as d datable sa.... W great country, was priated in r Mim. . dass b.es-with Hurst that he was mistaken in attributing New York. Baltimore and so- aythiag. ou.eley TINTED TABLE COVERS,fhst eclors, Ready-Made Dresses. the connection of himself with Dr. Washington The program was arede eat aM an- -.betedeats-ad me with smbed with linen Naylor's ciety. Her brother. Mr. Yates Stirling. Jr., foenoel. After sIso by the ' removal to any one man or met of men. He of the is at a.Mr. Si.ne .. a "specials" that no other establishment caun navy, present ---H.ihabaN. the seeasnas fringe. was informed that It was almost the unani- stationed with his in BRAINARD & ARMSTRONG WASH are the Sample English Cloth mous sentiment of ship Brazil. Mr. J. Junior letmrtmeeat. ad!eed he oras... Eddy duplicate Dresses, Methodists in the Dis- Lee Taller is the only son and heir of Mr. tics. followed by ag. - worth from $18 to for $10 each. Not trict that he was responsible for and Mrs. regpeadve Far the yeungeteoe suits with the SILKS. Anlatie dyes.. 4453 (s( to $30, only Fowler's action. Ilishop Taller of New York. his father ducted by the superlte.maat 0 he ens6d not Bishop Hurst warmly de- a millionaire several times over. Mr. P. H. only attainable elsewhere, but no more can be nied the truth of this belief and being aistow. The preaer .t d.ma- . exclaimed The has just been ofered by Refrigerator eaty Heeomr Ceata no peselar. Ors secured, even by the Palala Royal. that Bishop Fowler had made up his mind engagement announced tias the paster. ew. Ee, ]deas heed value for yinr ney- of Miss Harriet The slate atun? ILADSBRI to remove Dr. Naylor before he came here. Stone, daughter of Repre- l.Acesg should recewmead aref!tas & RID., He did sentative Stone of to 'bea to every careful Waists. not reply to the committee's In- Pittsburg. .Dr. D. t in homekeeper. 470, 424, 4267TH S. m426 "Special" quiry as -to where Percy Hickling of this city, who Is promi- Get Rid of Or_ (ead here. mes. PrIes uerer n.e resconable than th 4M Bishop Fowler got his nent es top of It. or yes tny e*a semeo. Wash Silk Waists made is the Information on which to base a both socially and professionally. Their et a L peesent up very latest in future ac- will take seroe tbe (all for oe tklet of reeommendatlt foe those that tion a fleld to whi-h he was a perfect marriage place in September next. fiom those who are using *The $2.50 to $8.50. styles. $2.98 sell regularly at $8.91, stranger. Miss Pauline Miss Eddy." Bishop Hurst complained also of Whitaker and Jennie a t .-.o f d e . m . b . even at the Palata Royal. the publicity the newspapers have Glenman the given to have gone to Atlantic City for a o the Lva seat T. - er - o . a peir we t selling .e.a- controversy, and was informed by one week. 11. W. Beveridge, of the committee that he had never BOtSEF aRM1HIGS.. &e.. "Special" Capes. about com- The Misses Jennie and Lasme Blooming- 1215 F and 1214 G sta. rate Pant, with double k nev-patent pialned the publicity given to the dale and Sole agents fur the D. C. aUM $14.98 for Rich Moire Antique Silk Capes that Methodist University iroject, and that the brother, James Bloomingdale. of b*ttem* -ad elatic wn ba . the great body of Methodists in Saratoga. N. Y.. are stopping at the Shore- ?TL S-raarc. la are equal of all competing capes offered at this district ham. 10a15 at regarded that the present disduselon was the eeaets0tit being held over a subject as vitally im- Miss Harriet E. Potter. who is to wed L. for Trimmed Cloth Capes that are tL i.se4l01t Miserable Humanity Moire portant to the cause of Methodism as the A. Thurston, minister of Hawaii to the Uni- --and there are thosande them Worth$6.50and usualiy sold at $7. university itself. ted States, is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. of What unse F. A. Potter of St. RIGHT BRE under the very shadow Who Was at the Confer- Joseph. Mich. Her fd- A(AJIW.me..m.l.Osat Math 5.15t~ E mseman Bros., ARE FAMOUS FOR enee ther Is one of the pioneers of St. of the National eapltal-will Add the Jackets. Says. been a Joseph. world and lite worth "Special" The having resident and bsiness man bright livig after and following communication was re- there for about fifty years. She ACCArm-D. O Basn Ili. M h KM Lightness Durability. $4.98 for Moire Faced Cloth Jackets that can- ceived today from a Methodist from the of graduated tWe Sar I.pson's. Made only by this residing in high school that city in lsna &t h st. not be duplicated at lees than $6.50. city: "I had the pleasure of with high honors. Miss Potter is a tall. SeventhPhamacy, 70pas attending ppre .a.. R, btie E Sts. 0um Otterburn Lithia Water the stately woman, with a clear ..,sy Carea and James S. conference at Frederick, of mingling complexion, preventa Dyqiegsla. Indige- Topham, Miscellaneous with the minriters after the blue eyes, brown hair, and would grace a.ny c ane ng ..we e tisa. Stone in the Bladder. Liver and 1231 PENNA. AVE. N.W. "Specials.' daily sessions, position In life. When asked when the Have old trunks and of hearing much concerning the dif- event PLeMeeM V. es ha Kidney diseases and all arinary troobles. your repaired. It We think that ladies will hardly be Just to ferent happy would take place she declared sec&e. Highly recomaeaded by leading physi- appointments, and from what I could that the date had not been fixed yet and r"-,mneuunnauummwammmttummuwnummwuum: themselves if they make a selection without seeing learn, the whole cause of ali the complaint could not be until Mr. rises. the Palais in seemed to be laid Thurston's work at -- E7Half-gsla bottles, only ae., de- There's Royal "specials" Trimmed and UC- at the feet of one of the Washington was completed. She is. how- se---m...... sp s. trimmed Hats and Materials, Parasols. Neck and Baltimore elders, who, for the past ten or ever, making all the preparations for the Leered. Write or telepha. Look Out For twelve years, has been the 'one event. The The Point! Footwear and other adjuncts to a spring costume. man power' ceremony will take place at her H. E. - - - - There's nothing da.geroo. shout that has dictated most of the appointments home when the arrangements are completed. "l3.. pl".e--.m||| ~em - - - 3 in the councils. t Barrett, Agent, Violet - using a GAS HEATING STOVE. Mr. Wm. L. Gilson of the FeneralLAUmA A.t sek rWtesamn ant her t a IN Water! Hamilton will Cs . Morha Drug store, 15th ad H., I * * "Of course, as our ministers become tme eral p wate. """-that Is "all Then the convenience. Always i some- treat his guests this to a DAR.--0..-e..inj..e .e..e, AdDrew's mtore, Com ave. and L arsly water" an ,m * * * * what the evening drawing Drug S a aviolet"-Deale may that kind ready to light-portable--thorough i Cnrtains. 'gray-haired,' elders nd it im- room entertainment. at which Os elt for * * * * possible to locate them as as Prof. G. H. aLWy.L 27 at 2 ht. et. amof " e rooms, almost nothing, no heaters-aEd clean. The be"t of easily the Pray, the magician, will perform, and but one in town * * * * younger ministers, and, as such is the will ell the them are here. case, be followed to N .can A mme psre quality of sio- Moderately priced. (FOUITIi FLOOR.) frequently take it upon themselves to by dancing, which the guests tra-T.p i e t ]sshy *a ee.si'"los. 0n a t n0000 let by for lea to sug- and their friends have been invited. A A of W water slad se than d1 We think that the Lace Curtains added to stock gest the presiding that be JAMe this bI,mbe . K I S. S. SHEDD & bishop they Miss 60Ni7.DepartedBelthed as et i M& . can e l it I a Newcomb has laM. Braid.an 5hi. bottle. BRO., given very small and invited her at 3:30 at tm We will be as the unimportant ap- young a.m.. era atiesr. Life In Every Drop. today onoted best values Washington pointment, with a view of eventually com- friends to meet her sister, Mrs. --My own preparatios of EMtUIAION Q known. Thiere are over 500 pairs in the Newcomb, --- baa lot. pelling themn to retire. Such action is in- tomorrow at a tea. PU'lE ClDi.iV) tOLpsessavnae 432 9th St. llee . HAtRENTv E.- - --- usnt all full slzaver 10 feet long and 4% feet vide. deed true, and sad, for after having spent The Brookland o'er other preparattees-lt costains hypo. all their assembly will be given at --- plo sphites of lime and soda, and is add!- The first to be sold will ho those at 22. iS a pair. lives In the ministry, and sacrificed the Brookland Hall ----tiun to a everything for the benefit of the tomorrow. Dlancing betng (-00oH IlEtICINE become. They come in lace church, will commence at 8:30. ---- at TONIC snd IttainD PER~IFIEit Only 'Thc. expenaive Brusseis effects. they are cast aside and turned out into the ---lrg -ottle. *7tt makes thiu at fat. worth $3.50 andl up. cold without homes or support. Much of The Clover Club gave an Informal hop last Those at $1.98 pair are Genuine Irish Point tais could be averted if the elders, and pot Satur1day night. The attendance wee large SaulT. Stott- 50 v the bishops, were disposed to be more and It was a great success. NATICONAL HlOTEL DRUG Eg'OE.mbS Lacve Curtains, worth $3 and up. char- itable than they are. Mr. W. B. Littleton of Ioudoun county. Pner ot See the Tapestry Portieres, fringed all around, "'As Is well known there Is a small etn. e 'elique' Va., and MIss Lillie Zundt were married o MS feet, $3.75 instead of $5 puir.' of ministers in the Baltimore Saturday at the MonL&sO!. At Marse. 5y. WeenstUG..UlAW. who want the conference, residence of Itev. C. C. At Reduced Prices $1.01 for "Star" Curtain Stretchers, 14 feet hest of the appointments at Meador. They went to BaltImore 'end Itich- all times, and hence every effort is put forth iy. s4 tde ster tgo Iee. 01 be ess IS. &B. S mond on a trip. They will be at home 'Tues- te f he sl tt. N..amb Long. to try and secure representation in the days and Thursdays after April 2 at The Chenille with dado councils, so that their individual 7u8 Thr-oughout ThisWeek. Portieree, and fringe top claims 10th street northwest. tion. Mao.a ar1am aa1th street sh. Wen - The"Reversible" may be looked after, while those not mem- daymrtg. March 27 . at e sad bottoma, are $1.96 instead of $2.50 pair. bers of the 'clique' must take what Mrs. I. S: Blout and Mrs. M. Clark have (Aeett. 9me. they discontinued their Ladles' 8-.button $1-50 have given to them. Proof of this state- Tuesday afternoons and test Mattressj fliscellaneous Bargains. ment was never more strongly shown than evenings for the season. pate g:0s.afak at PIPE. 01h Mousquetaires $1.35. in the appointment of an elder from the A pleasant Easter party was given at iBER Pfl% et 3Mnzer hesnti as mtoch profit In It for the auer- 29c. for Sest Opaque Window Shades, 20072 West Baltimore to the East Baltimore dis- the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Theodore 26.194. t teerelerte e his esa. Iehltt a. has th-a "oe-sided'' altress, but. Ladles' 12-button $2-50 inches. trict, while our beloved Dr. Naylor is re- No. just TWICE the service for YO-..i Huysnan, 406 Est. Capitol street. rr* Figured Tapestry Table Covers, 1% yards sqtare, moved to an unimportant charge in com- whose son, Mr. Fred. M. Huaysman, Is yeard A Crbe. 4 Naprt. Webstb Wees -co.s t i more! Accep* so substItute.* Mousquetaires at parison to his former position. spending his Easter Sa-95- for $1.25. Sise 2 yards for $1.98. Mize 2% yards "It vacation at home awith All Jlsler. sell it. is only natural that some people, some college maite., who accompanied ry4. ldesty. et heGA Kaae U053 501w0 IE7ite. that I. & B. appears Ia each, ter- Ladles' i6-button $3.00 for $2.48. Size 3 yard. for $8.25. not conversant with the doings of our him to this cify from St. 1arr. Msre AEt Me B.. rie etl 01mae conference, will rise Joseph's C4llege rtym. sandenoetter 0fMrs. T.mh tier of the. label, els It's sot the geaue at I8e yard for Colored Figaured Cotton Damask. up and attempt to in Baltimore. Among those present were Reg. Mousquetaires $2.33. 22c for Window Screena, with brass trimmings, disprove this statement, but past history Mr. and Mrs. Thos. W. Shomo. Walter . cannot be effaced, and unless the members Shoino, Miss Kate ..&iB. &B 18 inches high. 20 to 32-inch extension. of the churches themselves Huyemn," Miss Mamie damornTunga. March 2. at I:3 pde. ham Ladles' mo-button $3.50 take the mat- Adamns, Mrs. .er Messrs. C. Rainy, T. mete reste e S~eRes 4Cc yard for 66-Inch Furniture Linen. ter in hand, and urgently protest agaInst Buckley, J. Cawike1l. 0. Ess. C. L. Jones, flousquetalres at $2.65. E7I.at us estimatec for slips for your this 'one-man power' in the conference, it C. Henley. JERI. E. and Steele. Fied . tyiniteds furniturs, will not be long before the Methodist Connor. Bl. onngm,.M Gents' 2-clasp White and inaking and hanging sheade., &c. Church will be seriously embarra.ssed" SEaER~b. O3143d M 14 ater Wa W WSThMonmnts Prim CART VENDERS. of Culture Pearl Kids, worth $u-5o, at Cheapen Bread. for Tlfrrr Atlel.0 Da ftee 3 toPeopleitt 'nm Lenieney Paesed, Says .Jedge bt.r.. tese. Mas Ie'llttL'SPING-LEAtF Phrmc9 703St. t t. Tale To the E11itor of The Eveniug Star: 24. 144. EALE K. I. $1.25- Linen. han. wing 01g£ tooe more Ninier. SLA. RIro h..umes of "At a meeting of the bakers of ioine-w in it y ither. TIsose Hagers- Six Greeks, Italians IEdwr andte Ete Mr.. T.iete temalt Sho it andl rtterward town It was decided that on and after Mon- three. and one Turk, haw..ssed (SECOND FLOORt.) March would peonut. banana ani :.ov -away enni bit-ao oltstitute The are day, 28, they put twenty-four (heap car.dy venders. L.rIoess of astitei 1. .. e eoual to it. Onrters are r'eietved following somne of the Plais Royal ounces of dough in each 5-cent loaf of who do busIness from push carte about VANER. Os f tekd-. eet.t heop ior all parts of th.- ontiroet---The "ieaders," for which thousands of dlollars' sorth bread, instead of twenty-two ounces, s avenue 7th beeM6 hem they are doing at present. Several stnd street, etood ofD. MRtn a 3 at. beir. ISse t01 p3. 937 PFStreet N.W., 937 of orders have been already received from pro- bakers in a row in Judge Kimball's court this prietors of hotels, advised reducing the price of a loaf of boarding houses. &c.: twenty-two ounces to 4 cents, for morif to answ-er a charge of obstructing TIIhL. Aita bnftee Ky. sitsa.1m but, con- the streets. 2 n.has4MslIed yemi IIZ: Near ioth Street. 64-lnch Heavy Bleached Table Damask, saId to venience In making change and other rea - Sergt.. Acton and Polcemen' H diges and Wanell on the - * s well HA isk the ore ndcfat leo be the beat ever offered in Washington, at 50e sons, it was decided to make the loaves aiepeared stand tevercret e art h. p t larger and retain the old and explained to Lie court how the for. . * n ht w ehe et yo aenvcltr thn. rard. prices. All the stand Famel fr.m her Kwee'. rhet..demmi * *. *. * o yoaratos and wisowrs. W. A. MEltCIIlANT. WHIOILALE DEALERt IN bakers will be obliged to buy new pan.,, Agners along the line 4f'the curb and Lte et ra.t. TWales. Mae Mm8t FINK AND id-inch Fine Irishb Bleached Damask, the usual se.ll thct odThere were others CT.et3p5~ CltWtiKEi$ fMKLM. .which will be expensive, pans costing or.e "ae there sod C sts. sw., quality. far only cike ynrd. baker $70 and another about It is wh~enr men were arrested, but they WATTC. Os Mn-h'w 2a55.4 at t e'1s a~. mmc wrroi t3' nd Be $I150. ran of escaped. Some of them A Poor Gas Tip 72-inch Double .qatin Diamasnk, which is generally thought many people will now buy their asd scat- breadl Instead of baking It themselves. Tbye tered fruit and candy alo~ng the street, anol 3AH tiYMOND.aied g e e Poor ludged worth $1.25 yard. The Palais Royal price reduction In the price of bread was made to the colored newsboys and bootblacks en roh and hevert dsys.wiha: 2 1'akes Light is only 98c. conform to the reduction in joyed a scramble for the fruit and Spi bste Spieatsongea am it's the price of rcattered. These candy -it ky-n't t~orn all the gas, the i thn afnerduring he oao theled A,. 19-lucih German and Irish Damask Napkins, $1.19 flour."~ th~us mien stop their carts Paneral fri.. haer reefence. 4 m6O sest e. * lt alio some of the now to I and remain on the atteet for an hour or et.r srea2. atsin E pm. *718p. ay-felto myothn f an' p edao uynew Instead of $1.35 dozen. The above, taken from a western Mary- * - 0n0. (ewt yeoodo es l. We'l do more at a time, and tail to keep moving scape. Im Necessity dogeal land paper, I commend to the bread bakers when rot WIATTE. 't heeses e. he ateI ei. m., $1.75 Instead of $2 dozen. engaged in naaking a sale. posta-w , wlteaoab c. Or gnwl 22-inch, of this cIty. It has long been a wonder LLa yer Clark, itITE. wt4o ted raeed. .4. yes1n be STheWeisbachflas Burnier ore-to have a toOth extracted.( that who volunteered to defend fnrmthe aut aenda dese our Commissioners have not turned a party of this kind several days ago, was Funer trmte * I. the burter you wint if ---There's a big difference between a) Summer their orewe('eeen. 0a0streheb An40~t Fscher, ---yearlS or two ago nd now. Of Bedwear. attention to this outrage upon the poor and In c, urt again thIs mort-lrg. He was armed! ut wvint pertect light. Fas- -tt.it the the wIth a copy of the Lolice regulatIons, -course isn't exactiy agreeable to Bleached Irish Linen Sheetine, injustice upon better class of our and e~m * i. at* ohale to any gas p!ie. * have a tooth extracted--never will 72-inch 90e quality citizens. It is hut a simple act of justice, he read from the book to show that the WhT.TE M fte ateh. 3 our method of for 75c yard. licensed venders are not he-but paintess ex- now that flour can be had for $4.50 per bar- pet mnitted to ply tr.s.e. the emtr... t ..rd i.t ml.n..... -traction makes the operation as 90-inch wide, 89c instead of $1.10 yard. rel, that bread should be reduced or loaves their trade to the interference of tratr!c. --- hear agreerble as it'll ever get. Counsel -'"ri to,'rrow uTmsng. M.arn7a Gas Appliance Exchange, 54-inch wide at 60c instead of 75c yard. made to conform to the new order of things. argued that the dt fendante paid --- No sleep-no danger. There is no law requiring this in , the license fee of $25. without 12%c Instead of l5c for 45x326 Ready-mnade P11- but there the bakers are content with a Judge Miller referred to the presence of 1428 Y. Ave. - pain, cents. fair N. Eta'-ting t0 low Cases. Note quality of muslin andl how made profit. JUSTICE. so mary push carts ak ng the principal THNDED.O thorceghfaree as an "1i0tolerable nui- Evans Dental up. sance," and said It van a Parlors, for the 72z90 Peppers is Dead. disgrace to the 46c Ready-moade Sheets. city. rhe license, the judge said, c ontem- 1217 Pa. Ave. N.W. "Poppers,"' for thirty years a well-ktnown platen no such thmig as the conduct of Bargains in Towels. character about the hotels of Washington, these men. It is for dealers who move Heat That Room. died at midnight Friday at his about the city and sell from wagons. and *o~' it. We n residence, thendo a rigstam an'oear crrea iae. C2.0 wilt da~ .hav..ereucedprices Thousands of dlozets here. Some that are extra No. F street northwest. He was not for persons who are occut ylng the pub- *"'Gabsore,av a long tine. of them-soy i15 a ven- Uic streets for private p-urposes. thi Ial. 1iaey neve atr.. But. do.' fagsIena. **" values. Such ore thme der of flowers, and In that manner amass- style yo wii-Gdr 32-i Itovee will cook tood following:-19x38 ileavy Lawy er Clark thought that the arrest of all-linen Huck Towels at ed a fortune estimated to amount to be- these 12%.c eaclh. Claimed tween 475,0001 and $100,000. although the ma- rren was oppres've, but Judge Klam- in he best Towel ever offered in Washington nt the jority of his acquaintances supposed him to ball tcld him that such was not the case. " SE UR A IathSt, 1KiuOX9S~rrivals He said that when these men were first ar- YOU RE G."n C.A.M~ddimn6E4 price. be a poor man. The full name of the 15ien's flats de- reeted he let them off, and later be Im- 0 o0 oAce0 you after the ''latest?'' We place Hemmied Htuck Towels at lic ceased was Leon Popper.. He was fifty- 2038 AII-linen seven ycars of age and left a. wife and sev- posed a line of only 51. The fine was then iach. Claimed as good as many sold at e. As 0 0 oo nox's himento Increased to 3t. Afterward some of them LTEfrn" blocks for eral daughters. were fined 15. Besr you oa s o C-1 A--T3tU. UTUS e oo o o The fanmo Kossuth S..ft Hasts are also |oed as the beet procurable elsewhmere at 21c. Boners, o o o 0 In atid sellIng-brown and perl Counsel auggestod that the court release oUgEt "C-A-S-TE-aE-'-you famaiCseRe i-J 29c. cora.th 21x44 All-linen Hemmed Towels at 22c--equal to Killed by Hi. Daughter. them, with a strong admnoritlon, and he .it4 'oa-on ro~et just ri-eeived. The o o 0 o deliente shades of brown. Irresistible :he best 25c Towvela heretofore offered. J. F. Willis of Homer, Ga., was killed last would see the Conmisrloners In relation to o o o o prices. the matter an I have them pass a a n n week by his daughter Lillian and his wife. regulatIon itia i ,: :-i teach dlt. The news of the tragedy did not leak of tome kind. Stinemetz out Adsr.onition to these men, the judge said, & Son, for several days untIl a son, FrancIs, eleven was 1137 a' e. mh22 Pallais as much good asr pouring water on a Pu,. Royal, will Put you w-rouat. dos'slet i. years cf age, told it to neighbors. The dock's back. theumde Msemyrs AND STANDARD POPUtLtlt MfUSIC ONLY 6 AND daughter and the mother were both arrest- "These men have no right to stand about get the asnuine CARTER'S LITTLE UVTEB PgSe 10 crnts; chie selectiots; free catalogues. A. Lisner, ed and given a preliminary trial, when they this reservatlon to dIsfigure our beautIful were released on the daughter's story that city." sold the couart. "The time for len- A POSITIVE CUEE VOS SICKE EADEnm Uprighlt Pian~o,$7. her father was chokIng her mother to death, ino' has passed, and they are fined 5 mun TrOmSneS MSICv ST-en 11 1.th a. G and inthl Streeft. when she brained him with an ax. lumal PIlL. Smll im. N.an ~im.