------------------------- DR. A Coat NAYLOR'S REMOVAL THE WORLD OF SOCIETY man[aamm AgT OA Top Palais Ss.rd Royal ih at Trmae .ewweeean in this peculiar change- he Best Tea LANSBU8 & RI1. optaIs.1 oeath The onference With Hunt to Be The of TYmrs. able climate Is an abs-" Bishop Opening the spflag Bsel Tbe board of trade isahowig a lee la- lute it "Special" Held Tonight. te est In everything tending to ,,.ee e, necessity-besides And Coffee welfre of the Distret and hte esmset at gives tone and finish to (t people. At the p lsat t he usda In the Civilized World rcad uestion a well dressed man's _Up0$0st0y@$E0 Dress The Bishop Told One Camunittee That Aftee Lenten Qitet Wedeftage to Taike particulery it aesses Na Goods. --- . btlase ... st .uly. diting coaniderable attentieo at the ***-we the largest dealem. t Aamerica. No Change Would Be Made- Pinee-Pesrea of the board bmne wardrobe. bu wie Checksown g fa Eotee and Its com.ttse.. t and Ja". a our b stote The Peeluig Ime=ea=iag. et At a meeting of the om.t=een o w - to town A visit to our Always something "spe- lntereet. "reach a rt mgey a d city Upholstery Depart- roads hell recently. preside oar b the .gh t O'l m r are to thia .e.r meat will always repay you. Whether cial" in the Dress Goods Did You Know """ Ani dwt emIt the FfRot chairmean. Mr. Frank Russ, a meets weoth'n you want to buy or not you will re- O.e an v"Th mar" .... th. our eive the Department. The conference between Hurst and once more social was adopted roeeting that the beal ot that the same attention. We eon in- Unusually Bishop pleasures cose smilsigly trade is small amount of terest rnd save in Home the representatives of the various Methodist to the fore. was oppoee to the terther rimmeslesa yen monow good bargains tomorrow- Yesterday unpropitious for within the $16.oo will purchase one churches in this city, arranged for Satur- the display of new gowns and hats, but Distrct of cohambIa of gnwe We Give Checks PIGURW SWISS FOR SASH CUR- the result of our day evening, has been the they will and operated' by stmas ever twis spea he here meas- buyer's postponed by keep will be all the fresher of (made toyour ""e" wih ete me. poehaese e amro. TAINS, late to bishop until this evening at 8 o'clock. In foe' wearing this week at the grade .treets and behswape ant e- $2 IN. WIDE, trip New York. many lunch- solving that this ommitt.ee choice of a larga the meantime, it is stated, the bishop has eons and teas with which society will re- dha, Me WE. ure), *' der and ime ~kamme SPECIAL No. 1.-A few pieces of All-wool Bu- been In all suitable een a.rl ... e. a.t busily engaged in with gale Itself. For ways and an m s ....eMnPacratanwhichA......&ehassblsti ®0° o j $o corresponding every afternoon and even- ooaloms variety of ie peeatsto Colm., len ownONSr glish Mixtures, guaranteed 68e quality, for only the pastors of the churches which have ing this week there are potest asineeas~ aMQ "-«'wa. Househod G.e.d .ore. SWISS MUSLIN, IN BLUE, hospitalities by the attapt to obtnia Ra) AND 50e yard. Since these fabrics are 54 inches wide acted in the matter of protesting against half dosen and every evidence for oomimnns Bgrht Ocioe 1 ekaat e.e.. lb. YELLOW, that time can the conotructiea of em t m- Mohairs? .Ja.a ad Mocha .,ede. , and . lb. 42 IN. WIDE, Eve yards is sumctent for a dress. 5050-12.50. the removal of Dr. Naylor, and is seeking pass most pleasantly for those favored with way to be operated by ssm evr em English - ew e, ar - - Tear......-... e. to lb.1 This means a dress of 8lc quality Dress Goods to ascertain whether their official boards the necessary invitations. upon the grade ef ae-ees a"e i , e No class of cloths so well Our betl-Thm Netar",.d..oe.lb. for the of es'ing Uns ese A. d e. for only $2.50. were legally called together, and whether At the of Miss ension P. ski Powder..... .. lb. (REAM SCOCH MADRAS, SMALL marriage Anne Seahury grade. within the or better c.- de d Milk ................ can. SPECIAL No. 2.-Exclusive style Silk and Wool those who voted for the resolutions to be Brewster and Count Henri de Frankmstste Ia Distuiet e r asl adapted give .. PATTERN, that an...............,,.......at Ost. particular, their dhe. aml g ear- 9 7th stw ad gives .ee with 40 IN. WIDE, Novelty Dress Goods, intended to :stall at $1.25 presented to Bishop Fowler, through him. of Italy, In New York on Wednesday of this neetly reslet favorable setisa aN service. 27ery constitute a their bill Mm a Yard, have been secured to sell at only $1 yard. majority of respective week, the bride will be attended by four No. S5., for the te 11h Of foe. 9garsns of yes orw eld tomorrow. 46 Inches wide. bodies. It is also learned that the bishop Wash.gtonand Geesteea course we have the rF$a Mat ra br=desmads-Miss Roma Rockefaller. Miss way Te.o M... SNOWFLAKE DRAPERY, in blue, SPECIAL has already communicated with Bishop Ellen Fink, Miss Ada and Miss Company, and the leheim of I, finer grades up to 535.00, Great Atlantic & lllow and terra cot- No. 3.-A lot of 54-Inch Black Diagonal Fowler and an advance has been Godfrey nri. opinion Bertha Robinson. They will wear gowns of ta, 50 In. wide...... tSo 7 a Serge, guaranteed $1 quality, for 79c yard. formulated adverse to any request for the faille silk lined and finished as NEW CHINA StPECIAI No. 4.-A few restoration of Dr. Naylor, whether by in- pink and short veils of tulle. The Pacific Tea Co., SILK, in the latest pat- pieces of Black Figured dividuals of the count will be attended and colorIngs, China Silks, extra or by. the official bodies by the Russian pa- only genius-skill and good cl-ens IH ff. N4.W. 51 in. guaranteed good value at W5c. churches in the Washington district, sul, Gee. M. Hensel, and his brother-in-law- otoma urad at a point ar a ebE rnachs: 1Sa 14th at. nW. 816 H Paeat. terI wide ........ 7oo0 Special price Is 75c yard. mechanics can do. alot e-. aeorgetown. ad In alb r meit. THREE-FOLD SCREENS. In antique Papers to Be Presented. to-be. Lieut. Lowery L. Reamey. Arch- s r. SPECIAL No. 5.-19 pieces Black Moire Silks. TepheOmats. wta ownaa.Mgr. oat, mouated in best quality silkallie, Best At the meeting this evening it is stated bishop Corrigan will perform the ceremony, ovT==m--T mhan Such asyouma qualities offered this season at $1, 51.25, that the papers to be presented are very at which only the family will be present, e...... 1.35 and $1.50 yard. To choose from uoveltlee strong and outspoken in their sentiments and a reception of large proportions wul he k a ee.e .. m... NICOLL, You may have an odd of Fur- Satin hold later. After a short In piece in Stripe, Fancies and Moire Franeaise. of regret at the action of Fowler, stay, this city altars that needs Bishop with Mr. and Mrs. recovering. We show SPECIAL No. 6.-40 Best Swivel and in manner re- Pollok and Lieut. and ThinsaN loran a complete line of Ramle pieces Quality the and method of his Mrs. Reamey, the count and countess will The Iateeatioal T-ne Tholuat Furniture silks at 48c instead of 59c deli- moving Dr. from the sail for T,,e,,,..a Ia Osvering, in light blue, red, dark blue, yard. Beautifully Naylor Washington Europe and will live in Italy the committee oa gw.. ...ea The Cow terra cotta,elive .. shades In the latest lace stripe effects. district. These resolutions condemn the next year. making their home with the ew...s..d It San~ rete mother of coatrol of he tegrpi aml brown, 20 In. wide. J'lW( o a SPECIAL No. 7.-50 pieces 40-inch wide abuse of power, whether by a bishop or the former, the Countess de he s.e...- 2JW Striped any legislative body, that enacts unwise Frankenstein. Wary coaittees hell as e MOHAIR PLUSH, the best wearing Lawns, In art shades, guaranteed 17c quality, fir pemat sset- Has A Mission. goods to be had. laws or lays down a code that in its en- Mr. and Mrs. J. Van Now have iag yeuteray at $ We show a complete only 12%c Huyck Taegsowbiset Tea -5 The word $850- mas lnferot. line of colors, 24 in. yard. forcement entails trouble and I-feeling. isued invitations for the of their The -o. he n Fr Ole.margarire and battering s eg 'lta- SPECIAL The committee to whom has been intrusted marriage wide ...... ......... No. 9.-76 pieces Indian Dimity Stripes, daughter. Marguerite Estelle and t-me of the o.atr a ....eos b " " " 7U the of of the liuyck. ttes." of Buatter, beau. ar. "Inaferior" to EXTRA HEAVY SILK in lovely color combination, guaranteed 25e quality, duty presenting the action Lleut. Juan Sinclair Attwell. Argentine -es-et-ie. ftom r " Nature It me! S b. official boards held a meeting on Saturday :sar. .e.y .n.e ... atter. sre base TAPESTRY,.
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