1894, Congressional Record-House. 51
/ 1894, CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE. 51 . Infantry ann. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. To be second lieutena.nts, to rank from October 31, 1894: WEDNESD~Y_, IJecernber 5, 1894. 1. Corpl. ffiysses G. Worrilow, Company D, Thirteenth Infan try, vice Gerhardt, Twentieth Infantry, promoted. The House met at 12 o'clock m. Prayer by the Chaplain, Rev. 2. Corpl. Frank J. Morrow, Company G, Sixteenth Infantry, E. B. BAGBY. vice Connell, Fifth Infantry, transferred to the Ninth Infantry. The Journal of yesterday's proceedings was read and approved. 3. Sergt. WilliamA.Raibonrn, LightBatteryF, ThirdArtillery, DEFICIENCY APPROPRIATIONS. vice Carson, Fourth Infantry, transferred to the Fourth Cavalry. The SPEAKER laid before the House a J.e.tt€r from the Secre 4. Corp. David G. Spurgin, Company C, Twenty-first Infantry, tary of the Treasury, transmitting estimates of deficiencies in ap vice Seay, Twenty-first Infantry, promoted. propriations required to meet the urgent needs of the Government 5. ... Sergt. James A. Lynch, Troop H, Eighth Cavah·y, vice for the current and prior fiscal years; which was refen-ed to the Parker, Fifteenth Infantry, transferred to the Fifth Cavalry. Committee on Appropriations, and ordered to be printed. 6. Sergt. John W. L. Phillips, Troop A, Seventh- Cavalry, vice Loveridge, Eleventh Infantry, promoted. PERSONAL LOSSES OF LIGHT-HOUSE KEEPERS, ETC. 7. Sergt. Harry Clement, Troop K, Fifth Cavalry, vice Smith, ThB SPEAKER also laid before the House a letter from thB Sec Twenty-second Infantry, transferred to thQ Twentieth Infantry. retary of the Treasury, transmitting a statement of losses of per 8. Sergt. Robeft S. O:ffley, Signal Corps, vice Crain, Tenth In sonal property sustained b'y keepers and·othm· employees of the fantry, transferred to the Nineteenth Infantry.
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