1909-06-04 [P ]
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O-K Mj•OQUWrv -frBU* READY FOR ANY CONTINGENCY 1 .Second Wife Has Put on File. Aoeurat* Record of "Mother's'' Pos* sessions. An Atchison woman who married; a widower, sad who is wise beyond her time, hat filed a most peculiar docu ment in.iha.iaiMirts. It ls to*-ihis ef. EDWARD JS. CZ.j\1ZKL*> feet: "My liusband's first wife left this smaller arms of the war craft. two petticoats of cotton, and one of wool, all badly worn; one ittd corset, copyw<*#t~/?p9 so/V The engineer of the train, put., 'two paffb ofTiose, tW Sfefi^^ssses, on all 8peed and carried his hu- there he came to a stop. Lyon gold ASHINGTON.—Rear.. Ad- . had*his tour-inch guns directed at breastpin, ~one pair of houfte/gRppers miral Henry Ware > Lyoh -a$d a winter coat. 4 have h<v4 the waterside wall of 'the tunnel carefully itemized and sworn to be* to the highest ranking of wall .and the shells.% began to fat ficer of th£ navy who saw ter down the covering. A breach fore a notary and they now liet sealed service 6h bbai^d the in&n^ was made in the wall, and, fesir- In the attic of our home., Th^s docu ment goes on record to forestall any , of-war Trehton during its " ing that the whole thing would further litigation from my tiep-thil- terrible experience in cave in, the engineer took . the th6. Samoan .hurricane 21 train out of the tunnel, and, gath dren for the possession of mother's years ago. The surviving ering headway, It went at full things.' If at any time they [want ^officer* of the navy* who . 'mother's things' I will be glad to turn speed for the next hiding place. the pealed bbx over to them."-^Lin faced death that day.4a the ^sguthiPacific tc Lyon took a flying 'shot and plant occasionally hold reunions in the city of ed a four-inch • shell into the loco coln State Journal. Washington thaj areasjnarked in their way motive's boiler and it was all up AN AUTHOR ONCE. as the yearly meeting#!!? the irfpitttl'oFtM with the train. officers who fought with Dewey in Manila bay. - ~ i:;:: ^ The Dolphin-went in nearer to £ the bleach and the crew opened The experience on the Trenton was per with small arms on the troops, haps worse than any experience of war, but who returned the fire with their Admiral Lyon, then a lieutenant, lived rifles and then made a scramble through it to take an active part in bat for cover. It is said that in this m tles which were waged" a&Jinst other Ele affair 100 Spaniards were killed or ments than those of wind and wave.. wounded. Rear Admiral Lyon is In the Samoan hurricane Lieut. Lyon spoken of by his comrades in arms bore an active part in the saving of his as "The Gallant Lyon.?' He is a He—When I was at college,-you ship in the rescue of the men of the fine sailor and doubtless he re know, I wrote a little story and got sister vessel, Vendalia, which grets that he has come to the end |25 for it was a total loss. The Trenton of his active duty cruise, and is in She—Indeed! What was it? was carried ashore finally by t a r d e d the port of retirement. Rear Admiral Bowman Hendry He—"Dear Father—I'm hard up! the terrific sea, but through the the prog* McCalla is an old American sailor who has been obliged Please send me $25." excellent management of her ress of the by the fixed law of the service to seek a land berth for officer, who maintained a per boats, the the rest of his life. He is active enough to go through How's This? fect discipline in a soul-trying W« offer One Hundred Dollars Reward tor any torpedo more storms and more battles for his country's sake, im ot Catarrh that cannot be cured bjr Hail'a time, the vessel escaped de Catarrh Cure. was raised but the youngsters must be given a chance, and so Mc F. J. CHENEY * CO., Toledo, O. structions In the Samoan har to the sur Calla has stowed away within earshot of the noise of We, the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney bor when that tempest came for the last 15 years, and believe him perfectly hon face and the sounding sea which he loves. Heroism during the orable in all business transactions and financially up, out of the sea there were Spanish war and heroism at Tien-tsin during the inva able to cany out any obligations made by his firm. removed. WALDINO, KINNAN & MARVIN. gathered men-of-war of three As. usual sion of China brought honors to McCalla to be added to Wholesale Druggists. Toledo. O. nations—America, Germany and Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting with a the accumulation of honors earlier and worthily won. directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the Great Britain. The story of the brave man, Years ago Admiral McCalla, then a commander, went system. Testimonials sent tree. Price 75 cents peg tempest has been told time and bottle. Sold by all Druggist*. C o m - ashore at Colon on the Isthmus of Panama, and backed Take Hall's Family PUls for constipation. again. ,Everyone perhaps knows mander Ly by 150 blue jackets and marines, thrashed a regiment of how the British sailors whose on, in writ Panama insurgents who were erecting barricades and It Is. vessel was the only one staunch ing of the torpedo reinovals, gave, all the were attempting to interfere with the Central and South "Some say it's a mistake to marry." enough to put to sea in the credit to others. Of two young ensigns, Wil American cable offices. It was said that IftcCalla "Well," commented Mrs. Sirthhub, teeth of the storm, cheered liam C. Cole and Yates Stirling, Jr., who thrashed the insurgents. He thrashed them without firing "to err is human." their sailor brothers who were commanded the whaleboats, .Lyon wrote: a shot. He did not care, to involve his government til battling with death. A DcBMtle Etc Remedy "It waB as plucky an enterprise as ever I possible far-reaching trouble, and so he took means $f Compounded by Experienced Physicians. It was-'under the orders' of Witnessed. Day after day these young offi his own to teach the troublesome. ones a lesson without Conforms to Pure Food and Drugs Laws. Lieut. Lyon transmitted';to him Wins Friends Wherever Used. Ask Drug cers ventured close in, shore within pistol shedding their blood. Veracious history has it that the gists for Murine Eye Remedy. Try Mu by Capt. Farquhar of the Tren shot of a defense chaparral, where Spaniards American commander, after a showing offorce, captured rine in Your Eyes. You Will Like Murine, ton that the members oC thfc could have: fired with certain aim upon them the insurgent leaders and spanked them. band of the flagship were with impunity, yet thfy went about their The cable-cutting operations which Admiral McCalla While we have a great deal of re lashed to the rigging in order " • work as unmindful of their peril'as if "demon conducted while in command of the • Marblehead' during spect for old age, we: draw the line at that they might hold their strating a the Spanish war were among the most notable achieve boarding-house spring chicken. places and play "The. Star problem in ments of that conflict, being carried on under the heavi WE PAY 10-12c FOR COW HIDES. Spangled Banner" to the keeping up of the heart of the g e o m - est kind of fire not only from the great guns of the forts, High prices for Wool. Sell Sheep Dipcheap. crew when every moment was thought to be the ship's etry in a but from the small and deadly firearms in the hands N. W. Hide & Fur Co., Minneapolis, Minn. last. In the face of death the band played the national classroom." of hidden Spanish sharpshooters who lined the shore. anthem and the crew sang while battling with the storm During the second week in May, 1898, the Marhlehead's If you have friends in adversity for the mastery. On the stand by them.—Dickens. It was Commander Lyon of the after commander made up his mind that there was a chance There were 47 American officers and sailors lost in Dolphin who cleared Guantanamo noon of that the cables of the submarine company in Cuba lead ANGER'S ICE CREAM CONES that hurf|p£Qer , reports of the officers of the three bay of the torpedoes with which June 6, ing from Cienfuegos harbor might >e cut if a faring G. L. Bradley & Co., Minneapolis. American ships told in full the tale of the heroism of it vfas strewn by the Spaniards. 1898, • t h e plan which he evolved could be carried out successfully. the common sailors, but said nothing of their own hero- The plan was carried out successfully, and it brought Pigments of more than 400 different Every moment of the time in D o 1 phin colors are secured from coal. ism. The story of the deeds of Capt. Farquhar, Lieut. which he was engaged in this work was cruis fame not only to the man who conceived it, but to the Lyon and of thet rest of the officers of the American his -vessel was in danger of being ing east- younger officers and to the seamen who dared death— WE BUY CREAM—WRITE FOR PR1CB ship came from th<e pens of admiring aliens.