O-K Mj•OQUWrv -frBU* READY FOR ANY CONTINGENCY 1 .Second Wife Has Put on File. Aoeurat* Record of "Mother's'' Pos* sessions. An Atchison woman who married; a widower, sad who is wise beyond her time, hat filed a most peculiar docu­ ment in.iha.iaiMirts. It ls to*-ihis ef. EDWARD JS. CZ.j\1ZKL*> feet: "My liusband's first wife left this smaller arms of the war craft. two petticoats of cotton, and one of wool, all badly worn; one ittd corset, copyw<*#t~/?p9 so/V The engineer of the train, put., 'two paffb ofTiose, tW Sfefi^^ssses, on all 8peed and carried his hu- there he came to a stop. Lyon gold ASHINGTON.—Rear.. Ad- . had*his tour-inch guns directed at breastpin, ~one pair of houfte/gRppers miral Henry Ware > Lyoh -a$d a winter coat. 4 have h