No. 16,234. WASHINGTON, D. C., MONDAY, MActu. 6 0-TWENTY- FOUR PAGES.'W CNS Gov.McLane ex- vest to stem the tide when the Japanese could try the case arly bi thf evidenc speeches weremade.though of Mukden. But the presented. pressed privately what he said he had hoped were within sight IL A.' Halbersta a in reply i .to say in the presence of the whole com- atest advices are to the effect* that the i"4r, pany. .namely, his and rapanese, exhausted by their tremendous question* by Attor that he ha THE CABMIT NAMED high appreciation for had NORTHERN_SECURITIES (I gratitude all that Senator TRIAL _4k Gallinger CHADWICK a and now, read great many theChadwtc 'fforts. have everywhere stopped, case: done to make-the visit of the New Hamp- A DEATH f ever, Kuropatkin's hour has come. *Did b6lieve shire party a constant succession of de- STRUCCIE you you-104Z and honors. This in Russian Lines Contracting. "Well,,** replie tV pMixejuro lightful unprecedented addition, said to the con- The lines are extended over ia the District Court "I couldn't very use they der. -Presidelitial Nominationo gov. McLane, Decision of the U.8. Japanese Begun on& day-what ther the 4W-beor stant admiration with which his constitu- Supreme sIxty miles, while Kiropatkin's are con- and I doeft kraw was rigit." ents follow Senator Galliager's career In itantly contracting. Besides, he has the at Cleveland Sent to the Senate. public life. Court. Terrific Contest idvantage for the offensive of operating Today. At the conclusion of the luncheon Sena- Waged The jury. w ae d '1Mr S tor Gallinger's Aecretary, Mr. John H. Wal- n the interior of his lines. Military Sritics #tiiwWo ker. escorted the ladies of the party about leclare Oyama has not great enough su- after the-apwig fur. - It i*nsists 0 the Capitol, taking them to the Senate and )eriority to take risks. one- raM .me.3 a rqV estate, deale r House chambers, the marble room, the HILL-MORGAN According to the war offlee Oyama has MR. CARNE(MRESIENT and 4ew-a amma- ISON Me,e as fo IONG LIST SUBMITTED President's and Vice President's apart- PARTY in iot over men in excess of Kuropat- hall and other Interesting Far s Eastl ments, satuary 70,000 l Iws:Ninth' ; MC Lin, whose forces total about 340,000. firmer places. succeed the critics declare Gaisei -bnosn, Gov. McLane and his suite returned to hould Oyama PROSECUTION ANNOUNCED ITS Martin Graw, farmer; If. . Halberstad CUEANGs IN DIPLOXATIC' AND WIN A VICTORY OVER THE AR hat he will prove himself to be a master farmer; 0. F. HaymalIpr ; F. And this morning, taking the Co- of milItary science, and establish a reputa- READINESS TO BEGIN CASE. erson. farmer; Wm. Stov aer; 'L. k L CONSUL&R-CM"P. lonial Express for Boston. RT1W INTENE3TB ion for military genius of the first magni- Humphrey, farmer; W..4', cCray. farme ude. But unless he can completely crush Ellwood Miller, railroad employe, Jame THE right they say Oyama is in SUCCEEDS MR. COLLIER. FATE IN BALANCE Kuropatkin's Carr, real estate. mminent danger of having his own left Selection of to One Cockrell for -Interstate Commerce; E. XGay Nillions Involved in the Contes !ut off and destroyed. Kuropatkin's hance, Jury Occupy Day- E. W. Sims toZe Solleftor of Depart- he war office says, is an opportune offen- Carnegie Gave Prisoner One W. im soliciter of Department anmt of and Labor. Over the Distribution o Gen. Position pive, as passive resistance would be fatal. QUIET NOW AT WABBA-V OGmpr.e Kuropatkin's Advance Aresmed. Quick Glance. tof Comeree and Labor. Edwin W. Sims, who was nominated by the Assets. gapanese to be solicitor of the The official the the President today reports today only bring AUTO1ITIES HAV of Commerce and Labor, lives Appears Desperate. )attle up to last night, when Gen. Kuropat- EOWEVE, Department Lin had succeeded in the advance CLXVE1,AND, Ohio, , March (.-This The President sent a large number of at Hyde Park. Chicago. He was graduated The Supreme Court today arresting NOT TAXED TE ViMANCI in law from the of in )f the Japanese left wing, the hardest fight- morning the trial of Mrs. Cassie L. Chad- nominations to the Senate today, Includ- University Michigan gave the Hill-Morgan party a victory is wick for alleged violation -of the national ing all memberg bf the present Cabinet, ex- the class of 1894. He practiced law In the suit brought against them ng having occurred north of Machiapu, two by the OYAMA'S SCHEMECLEAl laws was Postmaster General Wynne. Mr. Chicago for ten years. He was for Harriman interests in regard to which was the pivot of Gen. Nogi's move- banking commenced in the WARSAW. March 4:16 al cept the dis- mnent. United States district 6, p.m.-There George B. Cortelyou was nominated for terms the county clerk of Cook county and tribution of the assets of the court before Judge no of disturbances here, but the al The confidence placed in Kuropatkin was Tayler. It is not certain how the signs that office. resigned to accept the position of special Securities Company, which was dissolvedNorther"' an advance in long not .rel%xed their vigilanc LAST MOVE]ENT CAME L:rE A reflected by Russian impe- trial will its duration thorities have- The nominations include the names here- by the Supreme Court one year to- rial fours a quarter of a point on the bourse continue, being esti- Patrols, mounted and o L, are cor ago mated from four to -tofore announced as ambassadors, and morrow. The Supreme Court A today. anywhere days two on the street. some of tt e today up- BOLT FROM CLEAR SKY. weeks. It was stantly Senator Cockrell as interstate commerce held the circuit court of the opinion of Prosecuting ar ded by sei appeals. which foreign censiulatet The iominations follow: reversed a decision of RUSSIANS RETREATING. Attorney Sullivan this morning thati not tries. the Germaa whei a left commitsioner. the circuit courts more than one notably of New Jersey an day would be consumed in has received to' blo'w -The New- Calinet. granting injunction to Result of ;Battle Expected Tomorrow- the ielection of a and 'been Harriman against the Fapanese Extreme Left Now Fifteen jury, that the exam:- the consulate. Members of the cabinet: John Hay. Dis- proposed distribu- nation of witnesses will commence b tion of the Northern Securities Comment on in the Moat of the strikersthrfatilIM returned o trict of ot State; Les- assets. Oyama's Ability Xils From Xukden. affdrnoon. itve 6olumbia,'Secretary The court did not hand an work and the street raftads are aga i lie M" Shaw; Iowa, Secretary of the Treas- down opinion, to Crush GENERAL OKU'S HEADQUARTERS iN The court room in which the trial will but stated that an opinion would be de- Kuropatkin. the men having len given sma 11 ury; Wiliam H. Taft, Ohio. Secretary of rHE FIELD, March 4, 2 p.m., via Fusan be conducted is of the smallest, there not running, livered later, and the court. therefore. (delayed in transmission).-Since last (Fri- concessions in the matter o' 'ages aT -War; William-H Moody, Masachusetts, At- being seating room for over one hunired torney General; George B. Cortelyou, New had nothing to say-today on the method day) night the Japanese left, which is people outside of those immediately coa- hours. of distribution. The latest dispatches from the far now north York. Postmaster General; Paul Morton, extending and south, has ad- nected with the trial. Workmen Out at Wt. Petsrsburg. A. The decision today was a complete sur- east vanced several miles. tha Ilflnois, Secretary of the Navy; Ethan report that Kuropatkin last Elaborate precautions were taken by ST. PETERSBURG, ifarch 6.-More Missouri. of the In- prise to everybody interested in the suit, The Russians are in dis-, Are ou t Hitchcock, Secretary had in arrested the retreating great United States Marshal Chandler to prevent half the workmen of St: Petersburg James of for the reason that the court did not he night part Jap- :rder. a crowd in the coul't room. The terlor; Wilson, Iowa, Secretary its usual consultation last and elevators on strike again today. The Schidlovid Victor H. , Saturday, anese advance, but that his The Japanese extreme left is now-fifteen in the Federal building were not allowed to mixed commisgion has beef paralyzed b Agriculture; Metcalf, that no one was expecting the decision. position run above the fifth floor, and 'the stairway Secretary of Commerce and Labor. Chief Justice Fuller made the announce- before Mukden still most miles northwest of Mukden and is advan- from there the refusal of the men to 'par'ticipate in ment after continues leading to the 'sixth flor' 'was e other justices had handed ing rapidly. carefully guarded by bailiffs, who allowed conference with the represtntat!ves of th New Ambassadors. down opinions upon other cases, and as perilous. The escape of the main Russian, forces nobody -to pass without proper credentials. eirployers, and therefore X Sdhidiovski ha Ambassadors extraordinary and plenipo- the justice invariably speaks in a very ieems discontinued his 'attempts t low tone of voice his announcement was Today two of the armies impossible. It is already esti#ted Prisoner in Court. practically the teritiary-Whitelaw Reid, New York, to largest that the Russians have lost over 10.0 settle the questions at issue dpon pro Robert S. 1111- not understood at first, and it was some men. The case was set for ten basis. Great Britain; McCormick, time before members of the bar of modern times face each other on 9:30,',and min- jected nois. to V. L. M?-s- grasped The Russians are throwing away their utes prior to that time Mrs. Chadwick France; George Mevey, the fact that a decision had been ren- the Cosacks- Stop ..jeeting. to Edwin H. Conger, dered in this celebrated case. plain between the Hun and Liao arms and clothing in order to facilitate came into court in the of' two sachusetts, Russia; their custody BATOUM. Cauc2at h G.-Cossack to White, Rhode and within a few hours a de- escape. bailiffs. She was calm and s Iowa, Mexico; Henry Mileus of Dollars Involved. rivers, self-possessed, today broke p an r ieeting a t Island, to Italy. showing not the slightest trace of' excite- were dt ichased th A great many millions of dollars are in- cisive battle is expected to be JAPANESE ON THE ment. which speeches Mnisters Chosen. ADVANCE. audience into the courli of *uses, an volved in today's action of the court. As She wore a black and ministers plen- the case now stands on the face of Mr. fought. to Crush gown, white silk shirt killed or wounded sevezi )IMp Ad one W Envoys extraordinary it, One side or the other cannot es- [ntention Russian Right waist, which was for the most part con- man. Ipstentiary-William Woodville Rockhill, Harriman would seem to be the loser, but Plank-Fierce Assaults. cealed by a black velvet coat, which was 1)itrjct of Columbia. to China; David J. the relations of the parties to the North- relieved white ' cape an disaster. The WITH THE by revers, and white cuffs, New to the Netherlands; Henry ern Securities are so intricate and involve overwhelming JAPANESE LEFT ARMIES, covered with black braid. She wore a wide Ift STR=EF"..~P Hill, York, fate of Russia in the balance. rhursday, March 2, via March black hat, on the left side of which 0e Lane Wilson, Washington, to Belgium; that no one but the counsel of the op- hangs TIENTSIN. was a Edward Walter Sims, could out how L-The Japanese left armies are still con- bunch of long black feathers, which shad- on the 3wi Subwa 'William Miller Collier, New York, to Spain; posing parties figure just It is to be a battle of ed off into white at the tips. TrAinmen reAM attorney In the bureau of corporations in affair stands. This case is a quarrel be- giant forces, their a Brutus J. to Switzerland; sthe :Inuing advance, despite heavy She took a seat at .Ma, Clay, Kentucky, 1908, and hms served in that tween the parties to the famous NortherK if the a and are a long table in the Wakiibut. to September, and, Japanese compel Rus- mnowstorm, attacking Kujatsz and (venter of the court room, be- of tvaln Thomas J. O'Brien; Michigan, Denmark; since that time. His efficient work Securities trust over the distribution of Ertaitaz. The Russian second line of de- hind her immediately NEW YORK, March 6'A sisie Charles H. Graves, Minnesota, to Sweden capacity the securities that they put into the pool sian retreat it will establish leading counsel, Jay *P. Dawley, men on the new subwaW and en .tli ele as special attorney in the bureau of corpo- to be formed. Oyama ense north of the villages was captured and resting her chin in the palm of her and Norway; Edward C. O'Brien, New rations soon attracted the attention of attempted as a military of the first luring the of March 1. right hand, remained a calm but vated lines oWf Manhatts& IsiAd is threal When the Supreme Court knocked the genius mag- night closely York, to Paraguay and Uruguay; John B. Secretary Metcalf and his present appdInt- trust a interested spectator of the ened at midnight tontit. employe He suc- Northern Securities into cocked hat The attacking and bombarding are of a proceedings. New to Greece and Monte- ment is a recognition of -his work. a to nitude, and a loss to the Rus- As soon as Judge had taken tc Jackson, Jersey, a year ago the parties the combinatlen prove lerce nature, and the Russians are defend- Tayler his began voting on the.tiAe jus*osition in ceeds Mr. Collier, who is given foreign set about to distribute the seat on the bench he said: first their ballot negro, and diplomatic agent Bulgaria; mission. immediately sian government that will be hard ng their positions stubbornly. It is the "The case of Mrs. Cassie L. Chadwick." day and the 1,00: t4-ast John- W. Riddle, Minnesota, to Roumania securities that had been put in. -vident intention of the Japanese to crush were unanimously in f&zV OT stoppin -New Jer- The Hill-Morgan party had put in cejsfS to retrieve. Prosecution for Trial. deftinds fat a shQrte r and Seryla; Samuel R. Gummere, shares of Great Northern stock at a sUp- :he Russian right flank along the main Ready work unless their to SENATOR :NOX'S HEALTH. a withdrawal "We are ready, your at oase. At th sey, Morocoo. lated figure. and Mr. Harriman had put Ia ST. PETERSBURG, March 6-2:50 p.m.- ine, forcing general across honor," said Prose- work day were gra*ed- ioner-Fran- shares of Northern Pacific stock at S-' The the :he Hun river. Now that a foothold has cuting Attorney Sullivan. one of the labe r the Statement That He is cer;aAa result of greatest battle of modern 3een secured in the Russian employes' headqtiartevs- IntritM. C re ssour Denial of a stipulated figure. both in return for cer- defenses it is "We are announced as the men cis times is expected to be determined today or )elieved the can their ready," Mr. Dawley. leaders said that as fast ap Ill tificates of the Northern Securities Com- Japanese accomplish United States Marshal that the of ihe Department of Commerce Seriously When distribution came to hand tomorrow. Two of the largest armies of re- )bject in a few days. Chandler sum- peared to vote they Were told Boci&fr Walter Senator Knox's secretary said today that pany. the In the meantime the moned twelve to the as t and Labor-Edward Sims, Ilindif- the Hill-Morgan party, being in control cent times, both ii men and guns, are now bombardment of the jurors box, and must do no work after midnight tonigl no truth in the statement tele- is continued with increased soon as so the executiv Attorney for the northern district of Call- there was proposed that the railroad securities should locked in a death struggle, and although :enter vigor. they were seated Mr. Dawley ad- unless ordered to' do by that Senator Knox This did Wuit The capture of Huande this morning was dressed the court, saying: board of thAsr -eiganiiAtion. fornia-Robert T. Devlin, California. graphed from Pittsburg ,be returned .pro rata. not General has made - Mr. He his Northern Kuropatkin evidently :he sensational event of .the battle so far. "We would like to The Interborough, B#pid Transit CoM District judges-Joseph V. Quarles, east- was seriously ill-in Florida. Senator Knox's Harriman. wanted to cover his retreat re- detachments of know, your honor, an Pacific stock back to him. and didn't every prepartaion by small Japanese troops sent what will be the rule in this as papy, which operates both the elevated, ern district of Wisconsin; James Wicker- also denied the report. The facts given :o reconnoiter the Russian case, far as a b physician want to have any of Mr. Hill's Great North- moving his accumulated stores and muni- positions ap- the matter of is concerned." the subway, has prepared for tie-up are to be that Senator Knox was suf- them under cover of a heavy challenges to 800 strike-breakers sham, Alaska, division No. 3, district of said ern stock loaded upon him, as would be the tions northward, it is now the opinion of proached "I do not think," replied Judge Tayler, importing from 500 and run down, snowstorm and suddenly charged, driving Most of men are now quartered o Alaska. fering with the grip was case if the two railroad stocks should tO military men here that one side or the other x force from the trenches at "that we can make any hard-and-fast rule these went divided rata. Mr. Harriman estimated superior the but I would a steamboat in the harbor.'- Consuls General. and upon the advice of his physician pro cannot escue overwhelming disaster. With point of the bayonet and occupying them. concerning challenges, suggest of the Inter the commotion of the that he would lose about $9,0(0,000 if the that the counsel challenge as much as pos- General Manager Hidleyf Consuls J. Penn- to Florida to escape be wings bent backward, Kuropatkin's sible for without borough Company andGeorge E. Pepper o general-Robert Wynne, inauguration. The letter from him re- Hill-Morgan plan should carried out. b