Clark, Cheater Arthur Gauss, Paul Noel. tral: Dorothy Grace Montgomery. East¬ Henry Small. Richard Lemolne Tllley, Vera Smallwood. Edna Smith. Venetia Stew¬ Donald Jasper Roblnette, Randolph Pnge ern: Frank Stuart Esperon. Pauline Gaskins, EttineJCtta Sebrlng . ard, Altoira Streets, Jessie William*. MR. L. Z. LEITER'8 WILL SHOT HIMSELF IN HEAD Titus. John Edwin Tyler. Mabel Lewlr Johnson.Harry John Court. Asbery Saun¬ Chapin, Helen Catharine Durnln, Louisfc Seventh Division. ders Haynes. Frank Sterna Lamion, Mark Tirelfth Division. <"arollne Viola Beyer Lucby, Alice McKnew Sloan.* Ethel Pearl Smith.* Ball.Cato Adams. Rob¬ Galliher, Brlghtwood School.To the Business: Thomas P. Wesley Oeor*e DOCUMENT JAKES JOSEPH GREBLE COMMITS At'.nu Meyer. Caroline Louise Morton. Lucy A. William Morgan.Myron Seaton Cur- ert Anderson. Herman Dandrldge Brooks. FILED IN LOCAL Hyrd Morton, Bertha Imogene Piatt, Doris Percy Orant. Sigurd Hortdahl, tia. GrenviUe Lewis Millard, Kirk Scan- Blar che Qulnn, Myrtle Estelle Sharswood. T. Miller. Sarah V. Cattery. Mary C. Clif¬ nell.* James Albert Brooks, Franklin Pierce COURT TODAY. SUICIDE TODAY. Advanced to District Florence Mary Taylor, Mary I.oulse Tay¬ ford. Bernadette R. Kelly. Geneva Mum- Second Clark, William Oscar darner, Henry Pupils lor. Central: Bertha Ida Single, Margaret maw. Alice E. Division. James King. William Washington, Clifford Thomas. To the Central: Henry Jane Russell. Business: Walter c°»ins. Mary P. Dawkins. Abbot.Frederick Morris Pelzman. Jerome Beatrice Lillian Contee, Amelia Oaines, Estate Divided Wife and Sur¬ Worried Over the Loss of an Schools. Srott, Marguerite Allen. Alice Coombs. ~,glnla Sellnger, Theodore Ellis Newton Clara Among Expreal High Marlon Sylvia Herrle. Western: William C^ase School.To the Central: Stokes, Addlne Irby,. Mabel Ethel Taylor, Russell Dean French. VirgilvSIif|VynBarker. Warthen Gerald. To the Parker WUIls.* Lydla Anita Thurston. Mary Magdalene viving Children.Executors and Package.Not Suspected oI Otis Bailey. Louise V8rnon Renner. James Henry.Howard Livingstone Benson, Wal¬ Tuckson. Unity Commoceda Tuell. Helen Marjorle Mlddleton. Fir,.nT?S;»K ter Edward Izetta I.enox School-Business: Emory E. Jones. ? Harr To the Western: Bose. Harry Hoover. Herbert Washington. Mary Elisabeth West, Trustees Named. Wrong Doing. EACH MAKES CHOICE Henry E. Litchfield. Emily Louise Dietrich, L Dalr>'rnP|e. Lulu Frances Jacob!, Kenneth Hugh Ifssh, William Ern¬ Martha Louise Woodson. Blanche E. Lewis. Zelda VaifAvno Harriet Augusta Weaver. est Schmld. Alfred^latls Schmidt, Nellie Lincoln.John Gant. Raymond Middle- Marie O. Jac kson, Mnii o w ®treet: Maurice McCllntock.* ton, Benjamin Montgomery, Thomas L. Miller, Margaret Raum, Mary E. Tabler. 2-7 rM Curtis. °r Leyl ^ The loss of an express package which Eestern: Alice D Stromberger. KaymondR^vmonrt Fisher. Gale Hliyer Sylvester Morse.Hugo Rudolpt» Schmitt. Adine Simms, John Tlppett, Lillian Brooks. 1>lter- the Chicago XJLRGE NUMBER TO TECHNICAL School.Eastern: Leon Adolph vlrK>« Davis, Helen Putnam McGowan. Annie Catherine Rath- Frances Cooper. Ollie Cooper, Amanda millionaire,~n!T who died at Bar Harbor. Me.. contained »M)0 caused James Joseph Greble Maury GordennY£r1T8H R£}ce- von.* Orlgsby, Mabel Estelle Cas- *St so much he | Block. Edith Katherlne Cash, Anna Dew- Pln"' AUreMa Thompson' Lee, Murray, waa fl'ed today with the register worry thut committed suicide AND BUSINESS. Freeman. Sarah Elis¬ Carolyn wES?" Phelps.George Sloane. Hirst Sutton. Mar- zlta Neal, Sadie Simms. of wills^f*k'm this this by shooting hltnsetf In the | Ing. Jean Cunningham Str*°t: Howard gr.ret Fay. Mabel Sydney Heizer, Dora Lovejoy.Ernest Plnn, Paul Smith. Em¬ city. It Is dated June 1. morning abeth Kerper, Lotta Virginia Noe. Marie Brlce, na®ed T head. He was employed as money clerk by Ruboteau Oldham, Elsie Belle Weaver. WHi'Iam y J?hnson- 1-urene Anderson. Louise Jones. Charlotte Frieda Miller, ma Smith, Elsie Coombs, Clara Johnson, Mary Leiter and Joseph Irin-1 Marie Louise Mitchell, Lydia Bell Suman. Annie B. ' widow and as the United 8tates Express Company and Business: William Owen Gibson, John Al¬ Alexander Nor- ' Wesley. son. executors. wo£d ' rr.^mnn,MGrace Butler 5aret Wilfred Charles Randall.Ernest Edward and lived at 821 M street where The Academic Branch Also Receives bert Marceron. James Donald McGiffin. »# Rogers. Polk.Dudley Burgess, Adams. Ray¬ they, together with his daughters. northwest, the Carrie Louise Lawrence Burton. Frank Henry Butt, mond Coates, Herbert Strathmore Tolson, act Frank Kdmund Sharpless, Emory Arlington RHrk^'nr STh00,1TC<'ntrHl: Anna Nancy Lathrop Carver loiter and Mitr- was committed this morning. For Numerous Helen Bahson. Norma Marie Meetze. Business: Eva Ulysses Grant Goodman, John William Eliza Lee. Lucy Frances Rice, Mary more than Additions.Aggregate Wheeler. V rrinf. Tert>Sa Hardell, Wayne Maris Jane 8cott, Rachel Elenora Rosa guerlte Hyde loiter and Seymour Morris eighteen years Mr. Greble had Donn, Anna Eleanor McGraw. Ust0n' Anna Hart, Henry Lep- Bowen, or been in the of About 1,100 Promotions. l'eabody School.Eastern: Ray Tompkins Virginia DowHn'g. per. Howard Gray Moler. Lawrence Mund- Belle Dash, Mary Elisabeth Dean. Jessie Chicago, are designated as trustees. company's employ and was con¬ Bailey. Jackson McCoy. John C. Stewart. Scho"'~central: Charles Fraser, helm. Henry Johann Toussalnt. Margaret Mary Hicks. e witnesses are his lawyers, Walter V. sidered one of Its most trusted employes. Sellna0rc-aFraser, Luin Longley, Dorothy Wy- Ray Benton, Emma Alvarena Wegenast. K. Berry and Not the Jackson Robertson Weeks, Margaret Ram¬ sor. Benjamin S. Minor, and H. slightest suspicion attached to him sey Clark. Elizabeth Churchill O'Daniel. Business: George Fraser. Henry Mc- Seaton.Alfred Baxter Baker. Rosalie In have been Paul Co LEASED THE BATTLEFIELD. this city. The will connection with the loss of the money About 1.10ft eighth-grade pupils Kule Louise Stelnle. Central: George Bruce Ceney. Watson, Kathren Whitmer. rr. Mary Catharine Kelley, Jennie Por- l-k'o, °f the the schools. The lift Teniey School.Business: Howard F. lev Leese. "utslde of package and the company made good the |>romoted to high Cortelyou, Jr. Business: Raymond Graham iDec?flo°~"thlrd1 "" coal l"n(1fl »M- loss without based on the reports from the various Roberts, All>ert Victor Scholes. Harry R Cherry. Fred A. Poore. Twining.Adrian Christopher Holland, n£?s to thfww °i calling upon him for th« Nellie H.»haAIe^Anderson. Central: Vera M. H. Alexander Kennedy Meek, Edward Var- Col. Heist&nd Has Settled Matters at and the re9t ls tor amount the schools hits been Issued by Superintendent Cliandleo Snodgrass. Herbert Holland wual »°W 8UrpeS an,on* the package had contained. Tliia Jennie Deborah Lillian Franres L. Trigg. Western: Cal¬ milya Payne. Helen Terry Ashley. Jessie did not seem to Stuart. It will be observed that In the Street, Gregory. vert C. Lancaster. Ryman Davis. Rose Louise Reeves. Manassas. Swf Th.il'n.Pernothlng 'n the will have satlslied Mr Greble Sale. Myrtle Lillian Schofleld, Ella Marie Woodburn Nelson Col. of the De¬ which fn<iioI. .J" t0tal va,ue of Mr ljot' and he could not help worrying over the choice made the Business and Technical Sherman. Olive Street. School.Central: Mary McEn- Webster.Fame Ourand. Helstand, adjutant general tlr-s eiute Incident. He had searched high and low Bchools have attracted a large proportion Towers School.Eastern: Clarence J. Ev- t>re. Business: Merrill Marden Wlltber- partment of the East, at New York, arrived in his f»©r, Isabelle Kingston Murphy. Third Division. death of the widow her nor- efforts to trace the missing package, of these promoted. ans. Claude Hanke Engle. Matthew Single¬ In this city today from a visit to Manassas, tton'of Vht ,nto the general but without being successful. This morn¬ T Brent.Robert William Foster, John Ken- as follows: ton Farmer. Edith Alto Cowl, Marian Boote Division. Va., where he made leases for about esute wm^hT distributed*1!" ing he trose at the usual tline and was The list is Eighth tia Hillers, Emmet Relchaxd, Ivan Poppers 30,000 th« «hiu!^ equally among Faust. Ethel Frelse Harper, Edith B. Man- Buchanan School.Eastern: Smith. acres of land covering 'nearly thirty squara the 7. MO about the house with his wife and two First Division. gum, Elsie Mae Yost, Helen Theresa Wll- Raymond Co- Tashof, Katherlne acrea ir . ,'T 8.t,rpes- grown children who Evert Bartlett, Elsie Marie miles for use in the combined maneuvers of ""noto. which Is lived at the family Adams School.To the Central: Russell (ox. Business: Sawyer Wells Clark. Lem¬ Mil. George Relnburg, Helen White. Hilton.Raymond vested In ^ a"13 ,n.In loiter, the home. The presence of a laudanum bottle Furr, Sarah Dorothea Hartley. Gladys regulars and militia next. He son JoSe'h Strong Muddan, Tlmlow Harvey Munn, uel Alvin Fugltt, Carl A. Offutt, Nannie Business: Harry Alfred Fairall, Elmer in September i8 sln not In Its usual place excited some sus¬ Vivian Byrne. Genevieve Courtenay Kane. Merle Williams. says that the land secured Vera Bergman Snyder. Dorothy Fowler Myrtle Duckett, Fiancis Boyd, Taylor Edmund Chewning, Lenox.Samuel W. Frye. Clyde C. Irwlne, comprises pretty picion. and. It Is thought. Mr. Greble prob¬ Steam To to the Western: Harry Cole Ethel Mae Giles, Helen Gertrude Jefferls, Bessie Elinor Martha Eliza¬ much all the Metorlc battlefields and Is ad¬ ^^n^°t^tararto grantee ably drank some of the poison before he Elizabeth Julia Klefer. Emma Dunnlngton, Ella M. Cummlngs. Laura V. Petty. an annual,81.ade Joseph used the Bates. Nathan Brown Chase, Parker Far- Phllippa beth Gonter, Bessie Henderson Nel¬ Norman Harry mirably adapted In every respect for the Leite?raniSi0n}er Income of at least $10 000 pistol He wrote a brief note of rlnglon. Martin Tucker Kisher, Robert Mel¬ Wheatley. Gonter, I Maury.John Bradley, under any circumstances, and to Insure Mm explanation, possibly last night, and ad¬ Wall ich School.Eastern: Edward Ran¬ lie Jackson, Edna Loveless.
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