The Archivists Round Table of Metropolitan New York, Inc. Volume 20, No. 2 Summer 2014
Metropolitan Archivist The Archivists Round Table of Metropolitan New York, Inc. Volume 20, No. 2 Summer 2014 Welcome! The following individuals have joined the Archivists Round Table We extend a special thank you to the following of Metropolitan New York, Inc. (A.R.T.) from January 2014 to June 2014 members for their support as A.R.T. Sustaining Members: Gaetano F. Bello, Corrinne Collett, New Members Anthony Cucchiara, Constance de Ropp, Barbara John Brokaw Haws, Chris Lacinak, Sharon Lehner, Liz Kent Cynthia Brenwall León, Alice Merchant, Sanford Santacroce Maureen Callahan The Michael Carter Thank you to our Sponsorship Members: Archivists Celestina Cuadrado Ann Butler, Frank Caputo, Linda Edgerly, Chris Round Table of Metropolitan Jacqueline DeQuinzio Genao, Celia Hartmann, David Kay, Stephen New York, Elizabeth Fox-Corbett Perkins, Marilyn H. Pettit, Alix Ross, Craig Savino Inc. Tess Hartman-Cullen Carmen Lopez The mission of Metropolitan Archivist is to Sam Markham serve members of the Archivists Round Table of Volume 20, Brian Meacham Metropolitan New York, Inc. (A.R.T.) by: No. 2 Chloe Pfendler - Informing them of A.R.T. activities through Summer 2014 David Rose reports of monthly meetings and committee Angela Salisbury activities Natalia Sucre - Relating important announcements about Marissa Vassari individual members and member repositories - Reporting important news related to the New York Board of Directors New Student Members metropolitan area archival profession Pamela Cruz Carlos Acevado - Providing a forum to discuss archival issues President Elizabeth Berg Ryan Anthony Thomas Cleary Metropolitan Archivist (ISSN 1546-3125) is Donaldson Vice President Rina Eisenberg issued semi-annually to the members of A.R.T.
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