Looking for volunteer for the EVS project in the Jugendpflege (Communal Youth Work) in Rimpar (, ) from

May 2018 – April 2019 (12 months)

Website: http://www.juze-markt-rimpar.de/jugendarbeit//


These are fundamental objectives of the community of Markt Rimpar: to put children and adolescents at the center of local efforts and to strengthen families and to build facilities for children and young people in the local community.

The community youth work in Markt Rimpar currently includes the following key tasks:

- Youth centers Gramschatz, Maidbronn and Rimpar: open youth work (hip-hop project, go-karting, graffiti, etc.)

- Hüttendorf – Project: management adventure playground in the summer holidays in close cooperation with the parents' initiative

- Holiday programs: organizing, planning and carrying out of actions and measures in the Easter, Whitsun and autumn holidays

- Outreach Youth Work: join with young people at their meeting points, addressing their issues, promoting them in the market town of hearing, but also address negative impacts of their actions and needs

- Barbecue Project

- Universal Children's Day: in September on the barbecue

- Networking - Intern with clubs and associations, the Friends KiJuRim, the two Christian churches and the local companies and businesses, market Ext with other social workers especially in the district of Würzburg, inter alia, the network youth work e.V.,

- cooperation with authorities such as District Office and police coordination of rubbish collection etc.


The volunteers will have the chance to participate in the organisation of different tasks and events and, if applicable, execute them. There will be the chance to propose own ideas and realize them. The volunteers will support the Youthcentres in Rimpar and Maidbronn regularily as well as help during the events. Normal working time: Mondays: free, Tuesday - Thursday: 9 a.m. – 1 p.m. office work, 3 p.m. – 8 p.m. work in the youth centre, Friday: 9 a.m. – 1 p.m. office work, 5 p.m. – 11 p.m. work in the youth centre.

The volunteers will receive: separate room in a flat, pocket money (120€ a month), food money (around 240€ a month), German language course, insurance, reimbursement of the international travel costs (two ways. Max. 275 €), two seminars with other volunteers, pedagogical, organizational and personal support.

The project is coordinated by an experienced EVS coordinating organisation Jugendbildungsstätte Unterfranken (www.jubi-unterfranken.de), which is supporting around 10-15 volunteers in the region a year. There is a blog about the life of EVS volunteers here: https://volunteersinwuerzburg.wordpress.com/

The European volunteers will be supervised by the experienced pedagouges. The supervisors have experience to ensure the introduction and support of the volunteers. They also plan to share the learning objectives (each volunteer gets an individual training plan). The hosting project cooperates with the Jugendbildungsstätte Unterfranken - the Jubi will assume the role of the coordinating organization and support the Communal Youth Work in Rimpar in the EVS project.


We are looking for two young persons between 18 and 30 years old from France who are interested in culture, art and youth work. The knowledge of German language will be an advantage.


Please send your application till 15.01.18 to [email protected] Please send your CV and motivation letter specifying why are you interested in this particular project!


Coordinating organisation: Jugendbildungsstätte Unterfranken www.jubi-unterfranken.de

Anastazja Zydor

+49 931 73041034 [email protected]