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(The Kingdom of )

*Roman History-Has three main time periods

-1. The Roman Kingdom

-2. The

-3. The

*Rome- Began as a City created in 753 B.C.

-Rome began as a collection of villages built on 7 hills, along the River, that grew into the largest city of the ancient world -The city grew to contain over 1 million people -Rome as an empire grew to contain over 60 million people

*The - and Remus were twin demi-gods of Ares/ and the mortal Rhea

-Thrown in a river with their mother to die

-Wash ashore and are raised by a she-wolf sent by Ares until a shepherd discovers them - could not agree where to build their city or who would be king

-The two fight and Remus is killed leaving Romulus to found the city in his own name The Origins of Rome

Romulus and Remus *The Migration of the -Romans believed that the founders of Rome were the descendants of Troy led by the Trojan Prince Aeneas

-Aeneas guided the survivors of Troy to the peninsula of

*The Etruscans -An advanced, Greek influenced, civilization north of Rome that ruled the Romans until being overthrown at the start of the Roman Republic Period -The Etruscans taught Rome art and science

-The was created with 300 Senators to advise the Etruscan king on their needs

-Senate translates to “Old Men” -Rome eventually repelled the Etruscans

-The Senate begins to rule Rome as a Republic

-The Etruscans are later conquered and absorbed into the Romans *Greek Colonies -Greece had colonies in which greatly influenced Roman culture -This makes Rome a blend of Greek and Etruscan culture

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(The Republic of Rome) *The Roman Republic -Rome conquers all of Italy, Etruscans and Greeks -The Republic will expand with their chief rival being in Northern Africa *Roman Classes -The people of Rome were divided into four classes; , Plebeian, Freeman, Slave

-Patricians were the Roman aristocratic citizens - were the Roman working class citizens –Freemen represented conquered people lacking citizenship while slaves were conquered people who resisted Rome, anyone could become a slave

Citizens Freeman Slaves

Patricians Plebeians *Roman Slavery – 1/3rd of Rome consisted of slaves -Slaves could be criminals, debtors, or peoples that resisted Rome -If a slave killed their master all slaves that master owned would die –To become a Roman citizen you either; * 1. Joined the military

2. Paid a large amount of money

3. Were born into it if BOTH parents were citizens

4. Granted it by the -Only Male citizens had to pay taxes

-Only Male citizens could vote

*The Roman Government -Only citizens could vote

-Government was split between the Senate, elected by Patricians and , elected by Plebeians

-Both the Senate and selected a Consul which acted as Co-Presidents for one year -Each consul could veto the other so in times of war a single man was selected “to dictate” Rome

-The chosen leader was known as the “Dictator” and he was only to hold power until peace was restored -Duel Consuls were intended to act as “Checks and Balances” however to avoid indecisive leaders American Presidents don’t share power * – The 1st used by the founding fathers when making our Constitution

*Law of Nations – The Amendments that established ideals such as Innocent until Proven Guilty and Equality before the law all used by America *SPQR - The symbol of the republic was an eagle and the national phrase was SPQR which represented “The Senate and People of Rome”

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(The Punic Wars and Roman Military)

Summary of Notes *The Punic Wars -Rome expanded and encroached on Carthage, a Phoenician founded trade city in Africa

-The two empire fought 3 wars over control of the Western Mediterranean

(Punic is another word for Phoenician) Archimedes and the Siege of Syracuse

-Rome won all three wars but nearly loses the 2nd Punic War to Hannibal of Carthage

-Hannibal used a surprise attack across the , with elephants that devastates Rome for 10 years -To end Hannibal’s siege, Rome sails to Carthage

-Rome burns Carthage and later salts her fields

-Hannibal escapes and later drinks from a poison ring before capture by the Romans

*Roman Ranks -Rome utilized Legionaries, Enlisted men, led by Centurions, officers and were famous for the Turtle form.

-Utilized short Javelins and short swords

*Auxiliaries – Romans who were not yet citizens couldn’t be legionaries but instead became Auxiliaries with less armor/training *Siege Weapons– Rome mastered the usage of projectile siege weapons including long ranged trebuchets, short ranged catapults, and anti- personnel ballista Trebuchets – Immobile

Catapults – Mobile Ballista - Mobile

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(Roman Culture and Technology) *Roman Technology –Absorbed and built on foreign ideas -Rome is split into “provinces” each ruled by a “Governor”, just like America

*Concrete and Cement- Developed by the Romans as building and bonding agents * – Connected the entire empire together, and utilized a multi-layer design

*Aqueducts –Built with Roman cement and concrete -Carried freshwater from mountains to cities over miles -Connected to reservoirs which used water pressure to power the many fountains

*Roman Bathrooms – Were open and communal, flushed by flowing water, utilized sponges on sticks as T.P., and were connected to sewers *Bathhouses- Affordable locations to exercise and bath -Built over natural springs or heated with hypocausts -Separate spa-like facilities for men and women

*Roman Currency – Consisted of coins made from gold, silver, bronze and copper -The size and style of metal determined the cost Using precious metals from money is considered the “Gold Standard” * I = 1

V = 5

X = 10

L = 50

C = 100

D = 500

M= 1000 *Romans Clothing – Woolen were equivalent to suits -Women wore linen stolas, and causal male dress was a tunic -Clothes were fastened with a safety pin called a fibula

Fibula *Fleur de Lis (“Lily Flower”)– The French symbol of royalty -Based on the Roman symbol of fidelity, loyalty -Originates from Egypt’s symbol of a “plant” *Glassblowing – A technique discovered by the Romans

*Pulleys – Rome used pulley systems to create cranes, pile drivers, siege weapons, and water wheels *Roman Homes -Overpopulation led to the birth of apartments –Hypocaust heating consisted of furnaces under floors -The rich afforded indoor plumbing *Catacombs – Underground burial chambers to hold the expanding number of dead -The opposite of an above ground Mausoleum *The Coliseum – Held 50,000 people under a retractable roof -Could even be flooded for naval battles -Numerous coliseums were built throughout Rome *Gladiators – Slaves and professional free men who fought in coliseums and arenas throughout Rome -Gladiators did not usually fight to the death! *Triumphal Arches – Arches built to honor victories of Rome -The city of Rome ALONE had 200 at its’ height, 3 now stand -The Arc de Triomphe is based off of Roman Triumphal Arches

*Triumphal Columns – Columns built to celebrate Roman victories and they tell a story as they wrap around the column -Similar to Egyptian Obelisk -

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(The Roman Empire) *The Roman Empire – Began when took power as the first permanent Dictator of Rome

-Is formally established when his adopted son rules

*Gaius Julius Caesar – Wealthy Patrician General who used his army to seize power -Falls in love with Cleopatra VII of Egypt who he even fathered a child with, Caesarion -Egypt is not conquered by Rome until rules

Caesarion *Caesar’s Rise to Power– After a civil war in Rome three generals created a , three leaders, to restore order; Caesar, Pompey, and Crassus

-Crassus will die in the war

-Pompey will side with the Senate who order Caesar to return to Rome without his army *Crossing of the Rubicon – Now means “no going back”

-Caesar will march his army to Rome against orders to step down which was punishable by death

-Caesar will defeat the army of Pompey and be made “Dictator” however he will never step down *Accomplishments – Caesar conquered the Celts in France (Gaul), led the first invasions of Britain and created an alliance with Hellenistic Egypt -Caesar instituted the Julien calendar and the month of July is named after him -Only minorly differs from the modern Gregorian calendar Januarius *Julius Februarius *Augustus September Aprilis October Maius November Junius December *Caesars’ Fall-Rules the Senate who begin to hate him

-The people loved him because of his works for them

-On the “Ides of March”, March 15th Caesar will be assassinated in the Senate by a group of Senators

*The 2nd Triumvirate -After Caesar’s death a 2nd Triumvirate will form to avenge Julius Caesar, but really to take power

1. Octavian Caesar – Caesars’ adopted son

2. Mark Antony – Caesars’ 2nd in Command

3. Lepidus – Caesar’s Calvary commander -Lepidus is exiled due to false accusations

-Mark Antony and Octavian divide Rome

-Mark Antony joins forces with Cleopatra VII who he also falls in love with and has two children with

-Octavian and Mark Antony go to war and Octavian defeats Mark Antony and Cleopatra VII who both commit suicide

Alexander Helios and Cleopatra Selene *Augustus – The Senate will give Octavian the name Augustus “the revered one” and the title “

-Julius Caesar is deified and Augustus is considered the “son of a god”

-The name “Caesar” will continue as a title for rulers of Rome which becomes a HEREDITARY title

Augustus -

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(Early Christianity and Rome) *Early Christianity – Christianity in Rome quickly became the most persecuted group of people in the entire Empire

-Even Jews stoned fellow Jews who converted *Nero – The Caesar responsible for the most renowned examples of Christian persecution -Nero is accredited with the deaths of Peter and Paul -Accused of “fiddling while Rome burned” *Constantine the Great - Accredited a vision from God as the reason for winning a Civil War

– Legalized Christianity in the Edict of Milan

*The Council of Nicaea -Ordered by Constantine

-The gathering of early Christian church leaders to create a single unified canon of scriptures

-Excluded scriptures now called Apocrypha which are still considered canon in certain denominations

-Martin Luther will remove more books when he begins the Protestant Reformation

*Christian Capital– After Christ, no formal hierarchy existed

-Bishops led Christians massed in cities and Rome was the last major Christian city left unconquered by the Muslims, establishing Rome as the Christian capital * – The smallest country in the world

-Capital of the Catholic Church and home of the Pope

-Located within the city of Rome *The Pope – The Bishop of Rome -Currently Pope Francis

“Bishop of the ” Pope Benedict XVI stepped down and resides at the Vatican

Previously Pope John Paul II

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(Fall of Western Rome) *Time Line of Rome -753 B.C. Rome begins as a city under Etruscan rule

-509 B.C. The Romans becomes a free Republic

-44 B.C. Julius Caesar becomes Dictator

-476 A.D. Germans Conquer Western Rome

-1453 A.D. The falls *Time Line of Rome

-753 B.C. Rome begins as a city under Etruscan rule

-509 B.C. The Romans becomes a free Republic

-44 B.C. Julius Caesar becomes Dictator

-476 A.D. Western Rome falls to the Germans

-1453 A.D. The Byzantine Empire falls, Rome ends * Romana – The “Peace of Rome” period after Augustus when Rome prospered prior to declining *Hadrian’s Wall – Farthest northern point of Rome -Created to separate Rome from the Scottish Celts -Rome’s withdrawal from England marks Rome’s decline Rome’s withdrawal from Rome is likely the origins of the King Arthur legend!! *Fall of Western Roman –Took centuries of;

1. Continual assassinations of Caesars

2. Multiple plagues and lead poisoning

3. Slaves and mercenaries dominating the military

4. Massive inflation from diluted currency causing added taxes

5. Invasions from Huns and Germanic Goths –Christianity is unlikely the cause of Rome’s downfall as Christianity wasn’t legal until after the Rome separates

Diocletian *Diocletian –The emperor who divided Rome into 4 provinces called a “” to spread power rather than consolidate it

-1st Emperor to retire to avoid assassination

Diocletian * –Constantine conquers all 4 regions of Rome but moves the Capital of Rome to Byzantium, renamed Constantinople, modern Istanbul, depopulating the West

-Upon his death his sons divided the Empire between East and West Rome and the divide stays permanent *The Byzantine Empire - The Eastern half of the Roman Empire, led by a separate line of Caesars until its fall in 1453 A.D. by the Muslims

-Continued for another 1,000 years after Western Rome collapses from Germans - *Attila the Hun – Leader who briefly united the Hun tribes into a vast army against the Goths and Romans

-Huns were a migratory horseback people from Mongolia which usually warred among themselves

-Attila’s invasion into Italy caused the creation of Venice from Romans fleeing to offshore islands

-Attila marched on Rome but was persuaded into leaving Italy by Pope Leo who likely saved Rome -Attila later dies of a nosebleed after a honeymoon -After his death his forces lost their unity and broke apart *Goths –Large Germanic tribes in Europe such as the Visigoth, Ostrogoth and Vandal tribes

-Were driven into Roman territory and hired as mercenaries after Attila the Hun invaded their lands -Slowly Germanic and Roman culture and military intermingled after years of employment or war

* – A Germanic leader who the Goths turn to for leadership when Rome refuses to give them land

-Overthrows the Western Emperor Augustus

-Odoacer is named “” and his reign marks the fall of Western Rome as Gothic tribes then ruled Western Europe

. -The Dark Ages begin…