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[email protected] www.whereitalia.com/turin Il settore del turismo ha sofferto più di tutti The recent pandemic has severely affected one of the linchpins of the PUBLISHER AND EDITOR-IN-CHIEF della recente pandemia. I lockdown, le chiusure Andrea Jarach global economy – the tourism industry. The current lockdown, closing
[email protected] of borders and drop in available revenue at the time of writing this Andrea Jarach dei confini, il crollo del reddito disponibile, nel COO Pierfrancesco Coreno editorial could be very depressing, but remember we’re talking about Publisher momento in cui scrivo potrebbero ispirare solo
[email protected] Where® Italy: a favourite destination of travelers for centuries. Throughout depressione. Ma stiamo invece parlando dell’Italia. MANAGING EDITOR Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II Alessandra Finzi history, our country has been affected by war, famine and epidemics, La meta preferita per secoli dai viaggiatori. Infinite volte sfidata da
[email protected] CONTRIBUTORS and each time it has risen from the ashes to once again become the guerre, carestie, epidemie e infinite volte tornata ad essere il Paese più Carey Bernitz, Simona P.K.