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“100% Renewable Energy B Regions,” 32 Baake, Rainer, 82 Basic Law on Nuclear Energy, Japan , 168 A Basic Plan on Energy (BEP), Japan, Abwrackprämie (“scrap 168 bonus”) , 38 effect of Fukushima disaster on fossil Advocacy networks . See Politics, fuel use, 173 Germany Bennett, Andrew, 5 Agency for Natural Resources and BMU . See Federal Ministry for the Energy (ANRE), Japan, 172 Environment and Nuclear Safety Air pollution, China (BMU), Germany Kunming protests against new oil Brandenburg (Prenzlau), 46, 47, 51 refi nery, 138 BUND . See Bund für Umwelt und Source apportionment Naturschutz Deutschland analysis, 138 (BUND) Air Pollution Prevention Plan, China, Bundesministerium für Umwelt und 138–139 Reaktorsicherheit (see Federal America COMPETES Act, 120 Ministry for the Environment Association of the Electricity Industry, and Nuclear Safety (BMU), Germany, opposition to renewable Germany) energy , 69 Bund für Umwelt und Naturschutz Association for the Promotion of Deutschland (BUND), Energy and Solar (FESA e.V.), 17 5, 10, 51 Automobiles . See Vehicle emissions, Bush, George H.W., 118 pollution from “all-of-the-above” approach, 122

© The Editor(s) (if applicable) and The Author(s) 2016 225 C. Hager, C.H. Stefes, Germany’s Energy Transition, DOI 10.1057/978-1-137-44288-8 226 INDEX

Bush, George H.W. (cont.) China, fi ve year plans “comprehensive National Energy 6th FYP, energy effi ciency and Strategy”, 118 conservation in, 145 Bush, George W., 122 9th FYP, promotion of renewable energy manufacturing, 152 10th FYP energy savings in C industrialization boom, 145 Carbon intensity, China, 141 11th FYP reduction goals, 140 Carbon trading pilot projects, China, 11th FYP, Renewable Energy 144 Law, 151 Carter, Jimmy 11th FYP, Top 1,000 Program for “Address to the Nation on Energy”, energy effi ciency, 146 113 12th FYP, emphasis on energy push for energy transition, 113, 116 effi ciency and environmental Center for Renewable Energies protection, 140–141 (ZEE), 20 Citizen protest . See NIMBY protest Chen Jining, 139 Club of Rome, 14 Chernobyl nuclear accident, xxiv, 12, 83 Coal . See Fossil fuels industry China, xxv, xxvi Coal-fi red and oil power plants . See air pollution in, xxvi, 72, 138–140 Greenhouse gas emissions, central government and transition to reduction of renewable energy, 134 “Community College of the Wyhl comparison to Germany, xx, xxi Forest”, 7 13 Decree No. 9 on Deepening Reform Comprehensive National Energy Of The Power Sector , 156 Policy Act (EPAct) of 1992, economics of renewable United States, 118 energy , xxiv renewable energy tax credits under, history of energy effi ciency and 119 conservation in, 134 Conference of the Parties (COP21) . layering policies, xxv See United Nations Framework “low-carbon development”, 147 Convention on Climate Change pilot projects, “Crossing the River (UNFCCC) by Feeling for the Conservation . See Energy effi ciency Stones”, 144 Cooperation, international, priorities in energy transition, 151, research and business ventures, 154, 155, 157, 165 154 tiao-tiao kuai-kuai , bureaucracy, “Counter-expertise,” against nuclear structure of, 142 energy , 3, 20 urbanization, impact on energy use, Critical ecological modernization 145 ( see also Solar energy, theory , xxv China) Critical junctures, oil crisis, economic China Development Bank, 153 strain and Chernobyl , 68 INDEX 227

D Electric Power System Council of Decarbonized energy systems . See Japan (ESCJ), 169 Renewable energy Emissions trading Denmark, feed-in system of, 19, 70 air transportation and, 104 Department of Energy (DOE), United ( see also European Union (EU)) States, 114, 115 Employment in energy sector . See Job Deutsche Energie-Agentur (DENA, creation and renewable energy German Energy Agency), 76 innovation Disch, Rolf, 11, 15 Energie Baden-Württemberg (EnBW), 36 “Energie-Wende” (energy transition), E xix, 9, 53n4 Eco-Institute, xix, 8–9, 64 blueprint for, 185 Economic energy intensity, China disagreements over reduction 11th FYP reduction, 140 targets, 102 12th FYP reduction, 141 drift and institutional layering, xxv, 12th FYP reduction of economic xxviii, 80, 192 carbon intensity , 141 goal of 40% reduction, 63 Economic Infl uence, EEG and job goals of, 95 creation, xxi, xxii, 47 history of, 28 Economy, Ministry . See Ministry for in Länder (states) and municipalities, the Economy, Germany 28, 186 Eco-Station (Freiburg), 16 resistance to, 187 Eco-tourism, Victoria Hotel, green, 11 Energiewirtschaftsgesetz (Energy Sector Eco-Trade Fair (Freiburg), 11 Law) of 1935, 68 EEG . See Renewable Energy Sources Energy Agency Regio Freiburg, 18 Act of 2000 (EEG) Energy and Climate Concept of 2010 Electric Business Act, Japan, 169 (Germany) . See Greenhouse gas Electricity grid system, China, emissions, reduction of 149–150 Energy Conservation Law, South China grid, 150 China, 145 State Grid Company, 150 Energy crisis, 111 Electricity grid system, Germany Energy demand, China, pilot overcapacity and high-voltage power project, 144 lines, 77, 79 Energy Economy Act Amendments upgrades for renewables, 77 ( Energiewirtschaftsgesetz ) , 36 Electricity grid system, Japan Energy effi ciency problems with feed-in, 191 European governments, promotion residential grid-connected most of , 108 successful, 166 German targets, 173 voluntary transmission grid Germany, government promotion changes, 169 of , 64, 69, 83 228 INDEX

Energy effi ciency (cont.) F United States, government Federal Building Code promotion of, 114 ( Baugesetzbuch ) , 35 Energy effi ciency, China, 134 Federal Building Law amendments, in Shandong steel mill pilot project, pro-renewable energy, 73 146 Federal Ministry for the Environment Energy Industry Act and Nuclear Safety (BMU), ( Energiewirtschaftsgesetz ) , 30 Germany, 70 Energy policy defense of renewable energy laws, cooperation, Länder and municipal, 64 28–29 now responsible for energy energy and climate protection action transition, 68 plans , 32 worked for feed-in law, 64 institutionalization of, 28 Federation of German Industries, Energy Policy Act of 2005, 120 opposition to renewable energy, Energy Tax Act (U.S.), 115 72, 76 Enquete Commission, Germany, 98 Feed-in Law (Stromeinspeisungsgesetz, Environment, Ministry, Germany . See StrEG ) , xxii, 64 Federal Ministry for the court cases fail to block law, 70 Environment and Nuclear Safety effect on renewables (BMU), Germany industry, 64 Environmental Protection Law, China, opposition of utility companies, public interest lawsuits, 139 65, 173 European Commission, roadmap to Feed-in tariff (FIT), Japan, 171 resource effi ciency, 104–105 Feed-in tariffs, China, 153 European Energy Exchange, 74, 81 Fossil fuels industry, 43 European Union (EU) economics of, 69 disagreements over reduction in European countries, 96–98 ( see targets, 102 also North Rhine-Westphalia, Emissions Trading System (ETS), energy in ; Utility companies 103–104 and industry) Energy Effi ciency Directives, 30 Fossil fuels industry, energy importer, world’s single China, 133, 134 largest, 93 Fossil fuels industry, Japan, 180 Energy Union integrated market, Fossil fuels industry, United States, 105 116 energy use reductions, 104 Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy goals of greenhouse gas emission Systems (Fraunhofer ISE), 15 reduction, 96 Freiburg University, 7 goals of renewable energy use, 94 Friedrich Ebert Foundation, 78 policies favoring energy transition, Friends of the Earth, 116 xxiii, xxv, xxix, 94 Fukushima disaster, xxi, 50, 77, 79 INDEX 229

effect on energy planning in Japan, municipal renewable energy supply, 167 ( see also Nuclear energy, 32 Japan ) Heliotrope, positive energy house, 11 Hendricks, Barbara, 82 Hess, David, 3 G Hilton, Isabel, 139 Gabriel, Sigmar, 82 Historical Institutionalism, xxiii, 64 George, Alexander, 5 critical junctures and, 65, 67 German Advisory Council on the defi nition of , 100–101 Environment, 32 public policy and, 66 German Energy Agency, Hockenos, Paul, 82 report on expanding grid Hughes, Llewelyn, xxiv, xxix, 182n8 system, 79 Hughes, Thomas, 123 German Renewable Energy Act . See Hydroelectric power Renewable Energy Sources Act of in China , 97 2000 (EEG) in European countries, 97 German Renewable Energy Federation, 72 Germany I comparison to Japan, 178 Import and export of electricity economic and energy in, 94, 187 Deutsche Energie-Agentur (DENA, Goetzberger, Adolf, 14 German Energy Agency) , 76 Greenhouse gas emissions, reduction in European countries, 97 of , 32, 45, 85, 92 Industrial zone, transborder (Germany, in China , 190 Switzerland, France), 6 European goals, 136 Infrastructure for transporting fuel and German targets, 262 electricity, 125 Green Tea Party, 130n63 Institute for Applied Ecology, 8 Greisshammer, Rainer, 9 Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Grundgesetz (German constitution), Change (IPCC), 93 energy supply under both Länder International Solar Energy and federal rule , 30 Society, 15 Guangzhou Bus Rapid Transit (BRT), bus and bike system, 155 J Jänicke, Martin, 28 H Japan , 173 Hager, Carol, 186 agricultural land for renewable Hazardous waste, reduction of, 3 projects, 184n38 Heat, demand for, 37 Basic Law on Nuclear Energy, 168 combined heat power companies Basic Plan on Energy (BEP), (CHP), 37 168, 174 230 INDEX

Japan (cont.) green energy purchase, 34 comparison to Germany, xx, xxviii, heat demand, renewable energy 156, 173, 180 supply , 34 Democratic Party of Japan (DPJ) housing companies, 39 and energy mix, 173 investment in renewable energy, 39 Energiewende possibility in, 186 motorized transport, 34 energy compact and utility industry municipal building, cogeneration or monopoly , 156 photovoltaic (PV) units, 34 energy targets, 139 municipal contracts, gray energy Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) and criteria for, 34 nuclear energy , xxii public relations and educational nuclear and power monopolies in, work , 39 168 regulations for new buildings, 35 taxes on energy consumption, 172 Länder Level transition to utility industry monopoly and renewables, 43 policy drift, xxv Law on Energy Effi ciency, Japan, Japan Electric Power Exchange “Top Runner” system, 170 (JEPX), 169 Law Promoting Policies Against Job creation and renewable energy Global Warming, Japan , 170 innovation, xxiv, xxv, 39, 41, Li Keqiang, 137 73, 92 The Limits to Growth , 14 Lindblom, Charles, 166 Lovins, Amory, 116 K Low-carbon energy transition Kern, Kristine, 33 barriers to, 94 Kingdon, John , 64, 67, 84 benefi ts of, 111 Kohl, Helmut, 70, 73 in European countries’ goals, 94 Krauss, Werner, 4 Europe as a leader in greenhouse gas Kyoto Protocol, 94, 170 reduction, 139 Kyoto Treaty, renewables key for factors infl uencing , 91, 92 German obligations, 75 Lower Saxony (Emden), 41–43, 45 Kyushu Electric, suspension of solar Lower Saxony, energy in grid connections, 176 employment in energy sector, 43 wind energy in, 43

L Laird, Frank, xxv, xxix, 189 M Länder and municipal actions, xx, xxii, Marburg, solar ordinance of, 35, xxiii, xxviii, 186 57n34 advantages of municipal energy, 36 Medium- and Long-Term Plan (MLP) energy consulting services, 39 for RED, China, 151 energy use reductions, 33 Merkel, Angela, xxii, 77 INDEX 231

Methodology, process-tracing 11th FYP industrial energy effi ciency method, 5 initiative, 140 Mez, Lutz , 55, 59, 69–70 Low-Carbon Cities and Provinces Mildebrath, Werner, 28, 33, 40, 42 pilot program , 144 Ministry for the Economy, Germany National Energy Act of 1978, United critical juncture of renewed control States, 115 over renewable energy, 73 National Energy Plan (Carter), EEG Amendment of 2014, 78 conservation, focus of, 113, 115 efforts for cuts in feed-in tariffs National Renewable Energy defeated, 76 Laboratory, United States, 118 resistance to renewable energy, Natural gas . See Fossil fuels industry 181n5 Naturschutzbund Deutschland (Nature support for utilities industry, 68 and Biodiversity Conservation Ministry of Economy, Trade, and Union; NABU), 51 Industry (METI), Japan, 168 NIMBY protest industry feed-in to grid, 177 “generative side”, 3 Ministry of Environment, Japan, Japan negative connotations of, 2 Nuclear Regulatory Agency against nuclear energy, 6 (JNRA), 174 Non-fossil energy . See Renewable Ministry of Environmental Protection energy (MEP), China, 137 North, Douglass, 65 Eco-cities pilot program, 144 North Rhine-Westphalia, energy in vertical and horizontal relationships high energy consumption, 43 in , 142 RWE municipal ownership and fossil Monstadt, Jochen, 44 fuels , 43 Municipal building codes, 35 wind energy in, 43 Municipal level transition to Nuclear Damage Liability Facilitation renewables, 45 Fund, Japan, 176 economic infl uence, 45, 48, 53 Nuclear energy, 6, 9 informational-cognitive factors, 28, anti-nuclear activism, xx, xxiv, 6, 41, 49 8, 9 political dimension, 48 future role in Europe, 91, 94 social dimension, 48 government phase out and delay, technical-economical dimension, 48 64, 75, 98 ( see also Chernobyl wind energy in, 45 nuclear accident ; Fukushima disaster) Nuclear energy, Japan, 167, 168, 188 N Democratic Party of Japan (DPJ) Naoto, Kan, 180 and energy mix, 173 National Development and Fukushima disaster, effect on policy, Reform Commission (NRDC), 173 China, 154 industry role in, xxii 232 INDEX

Nuclear energy, Japan (cont.) advocacy networks and, xxiv, 2, 5, Japan Nuclear Regulatory Agency 34, 69 (JNRA), safety and, 174 center-right opposition to local opposition to power plant renewables, 70, 73, 77 siting, 176 Christian Democratic Union support of Liberal Democratic Party (CDU) , xxii, 6 (LDP), 168 and energy decisions, 4, 39, 47 Nuclear Regulatory Agency renewable energy advocates in, 76 Establishment Act, Japan, 175 Social Democratic Party (SPD), xxii ( see also Political parties, green) Politics, global, centralized decision- O making on Energiewende , 165 Obama, Barack, 120, 122, 190 Post-petroleum energy economy, 111 “all-of-the-above” approach, 122 Power industry, Japan . See Utility Oettinger, Guenter, 83 companies and industry, Japan Ohshita, Stephanie, xxv, xxvi, xxviii, Project Independence, United States, 190 interagency study , 113 Oil . See Fossil fuels industry Public transit . See Guangzhou Bus O’Neill, Thomas P., 115 Rapid Transit (BRT), bus and Organization of Petroleum Exporting bike system Countries (OPEC), 113 Public Utilities Regulatory Policies Act, United States, 115

P Paris Agreement . See United Nations Q Framework Convention on Querdenker (lateral thinkers), 19 Climate Change (UNFCCC) Photovoltaic (PV) electricity . See Solar energy R Pierson, Paul, 66 Reiche, Danyel, xvi, xxiii, xxvii, 52, “Plus Energy Villages,” local grid 186 operator, 13 Renewable energy Policy entrepreneurs, 67 bottom up, 2, 186, 192 Political parties, green, 5 coalition of parliamentary support, “100,000 Roof Program”, 19 70 municipal level support for decarbonized energy systems, 185 transition to renewables , 40 German policy since the 1970s, 64 SPD/Greens coalition promote global transition to, 186 (see also solar, 19 Association for the Promotion of SPD/Greens coalition promotes Energy and Solar (FESA e.V.)) renewables, 45, 70, 75, 83 Renewable Energy Act (Erneuerbare- Politics, Germany, xxi, 65 Energien-Gesetz ) , xxii, 34, 37 INDEX 233

Renewable energy, China, 133, 148 Renewable Portfolio Standards (RPS), largest manufacturer, installed China, 154 capacity and generator , 155 Research, renewables . See Center for 9th FYP, promotion of renewable Renewable Energies (ZEE); energy manufacturing, 152 Eco-Institute; Fraunhofer target for increase (12th FYP), 146 Institute for Solar Energy Systems Renewable Energy Development (Fraunhofer ISE); National (RED), China, 151 Renewable Energy Laboratory, Renewable energy, Japan, goal of United States increasing share in energy mix, 165 Reservekraftwerksverordnung (Reserve Renewable Energy Law, China, 151 Power Plant Act), 80 Renewable energy plants, locations Rheinisch-Westfälisches for , 35 Elektrizitätswerk (Rhine- Renewable Energy Sources Act of Westphalia Electricity; RWE), 34 2000 (EEG), 19 Rhineland-Palatinate (Alzey-Land), ceiling on EEG surcharge, braking 46, 49 expansion of renewables, Richard Fehrenbach Trade School, 120–121 13–14 EEG Amendment of 2014, effect of, Rockström, Johan, 93 8, 124, 126 Rucht, Dieter, 7 energy intensive industries exempted from surcharge, 1 federal policy infl uence, 47, 63 S rates policy favoring large investors Sabatier, Paul, 28 instituted, 78 Salvamoser, Georg, 17 and small investors, 78 “Sasbach Sun Days”, 10, 16 . See also SPD/Greens coalition rewrite of Bund für Umwelt und feed-in law , 70, 71 Naturschutz Deutschland surcharge increase, effect of, 82 (BUND) unequal burden and benefi ts of Scheiner, Stefan, 44 renewables, 81 ( see also Feed-in Schoenberger, Philipp, 186 Law ( Stromeinspeisungsgesetz, “Schönau Electricity Rebels”, 13 StrEG ) ) Schreurs, Miranda, xxiii, xxviii, 187 Renewable energy sources and Schröder, Gerhard, 73 technology, xix, 1 Schulz, Erhard, 15–17 Renewable energy, United States, 112, Schwörer, Reinhard, 12 116, 118 Solar architecture, 11 layering policies in, 112 Solar energy, xvi, xxvii, 2 Renewable Heat Act (Erneuerbare- cap on amount of subsidy Energien-Wärmegesetz ) , 35 through EEG, 83 Renewable Portfolio Standard Law early solar collectors, 10–11 (RPS), Japan, 171 in European countries, 94 234 INDEX

Solar energy (cont.) automobile and transport sector, in, manufacturing, 17 ( see also Wyhl, 167, 185 Freiburg/Breisgau region) Institute for Applied Ecology, 8 Solar energy, China, 137, 141 need for, 33 solar panel manufacture in, 190 solar cell technology, 15 Solar energy, Japan Tokyo Electric Power Company feed-in tariff (FIT) success, 171 (TEPCO), 168, 184n30 increased incentives, post reorganization of, 178 Fukushima, 168 safety for Fukushima Daiichi plant manufacturing benefi ts in, 172 site, 176 manufacturing lead in, 192 “New Sunshine Program”, 170 residential grid-connected most U successful, 171 Under the Dome (Chai Jing), pollution Solar Energy Research Institute documentary , 139 (Golden, CO) . See National United Nations Framework Renewable Energy Laboratory, Convention on Climate Change United States (UNFCCC), 133, 155 Späth, Astrid, 12 United States, xx Special Message on Energy Resources “all-of-the-above” approach, 122, (Nixon) , 113 124 Sperling, Dietrich, 71 barriers to energy transition, 116 Srowig, Olaf, 13, 14, 17 comparison to Germany, xxi Stadtwerke (energy companies) . See consumers as veto players, 123 Utility companies and industry energy transition in, 123 Stefes, Christoph, xvi, xvii, xxii, xxv, feed-in system viability, 187 xxvi, xxviii, 14 greenhouse gas emissions, reduction StrEG . See Feed-in Law of , 133 ( Stromeinspeisungsgesetz, StrEG ) Gulf War, impact on energy policy, Stromeinspeisungsgesetz ( StrEG ) (see 118 Feed-in Law high energy consumption, 125 (Stromeinspeisungsgesetz, StrEG) ) layering policies in the United Sufang, Zhang, 148 States, xxv, 125, 126 Sulfur dioxide emissions trading National Energy Plan (Carter), 113, system, United States, 103 115 Systemkritik , 3 renewables, policies for, 129n45 renewables, R&D expenditures, 140 state regulatory mandates in, 120 T Utility companies and industry, 13 Target Responsibility System (TRS), control of energy system, 64 China, 143–144 decommissioning fossil fuel Technology, innovations of, 3 plants , 80 INDEX 235

limited market reform, Japan, 177 Wind energy, 30, 57n38 monopolies of, 30 and bird protection, 51 municipal or private ownership of, in European countries, 94 22n10 growth after feed-in law, 64 opposition to renewable energy, political decisions and citizens’ Germany, xxiv, 70, 73, 77, 173 initiatives, 44 as policy losers, 65 price of electric sold to preoccupation with former East utilities, 116 Germany, 75 regulations affecting turbine ties to nuclear and fossil fuels, 75 placement, 72 vertical integration unbundled by Wind energy, China European Commission, 86n14 Goldwind, United Power and Ming Utility companies and industry, Japan Yang, turbine manufacturers, monopoly status, 167, 168 148 opposition to renewable energy, 173 grid connections, 209 organization prior to renewables, 9th FYP, promotion of renewable effect of, 175 energy manufacturing, 152 reform to monopoly system, 179 Wind energy, Denmark, 148 renegotiation to promote Wind energy, Germany, 135 competition and renewables , Wind energy, Japan, 174 178 “Wind energy landscapes”, 4 Wyhl, Freiburg/Breisgau region, 2, 20 citizen initiative protest, 10, 20 V Wyhl NIMBY protest Vasi, Ion Bogdan, 4 bottom up development, 4, 20 Vehicle emissions, pollution from, 137 institute for counter-expertise, 4 Verband der Elektrizitätswirtschaft solar economy, foster of, 4 (VDEW, Association of the Electricity Industry) , 69 X Xi Jinping, 133 W Weber, Matthäus, 12 Wetzel, Gottfried, 13–14 Y White Paper: Energy for the Future: Yamazaki, Kunihiko, 171 Renewable Sources of Energy , 100