E1nergency 'Vveek'' Edition E Age Ews U Eti Published Monthly by the Connecticut Woman Suffrage Association
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E1nergency 'VVeek'' Edition e age ews u eti Published Monthly by the Connecticut Woman Suffrage Association Vol. VI. .. 2 HARTFORD, CONN., APRIL, /920. No. 4. MEMBERS OF EMERGENCY SUFFRAGE CORPS Mrs. Charles H. Dietrich of Hastings, Mrs. Minnie Fisher Cunningham is Dr. Esther Pohl Lovejoy of Portland, Nebraska, is president of the Nebraska known as the "woman who put Texas Oregon, will represent Oregon in the Woman Suffrage Association. She was on the map." It was she who led the Emergency Suffrage Corps which will one of the group of women who fought fight for the primary suffrage bill which visit Connecticut during the week, May through the famous Nebraska-petitions her state passed in March 1918, and 3-7. Dr. Lovejoy is president of the case in which the opponents of suffrage were defeated. Mrs. Dietrich is the wife which 400,000 women, more than the International Women's Medical Associ- of a former Governor and United number of Texas men who had voted at ation. She was the first woman doctor States Senator from Nebraska. Mrs. the presidential elections, made use of in sent abroad by the War Committee of Dietrich will be the guest of her step- July, 1918. Mrs. Cunningham will rep- the Medical Women's Association. She daughter, Mrs. Herbert Knox Smith of resent Te~-ras during the "Emergency" has been active in suffrage work since Farmington, while in Connecticut. weelz. 1905. frage movement in their own states. WOMEN FROM EVERY STATE IN Thirty of them will represent states where women are sure to vote in 1920 THE UNION WILL VISIT CONNECTICUT and the others will represent 9,000,000 women in the• states where the women's vote will depend on ratifica- Will Join With Connecticut Women To Prove tion of the federal suffrage amend- ment. That Special Emergency Exists Arrangements for bringing these women into the state are, being made by the National American W,oman Connecticut is about to have one of the Governor of Connecticut, will join, Suffrage Association which is co-ope- the most unique experiences in the on May 3rd, with the president of the rating in every possible way with the whole length of Connecticut's histori- Connecticut Woman Suffrage Asso- state association in the campaign to cal career. The state which gave to ciation in launching a national protest "make Connecticut· the 36th". the country the first written constitu- week in Connecticut-a consolidated tion will receive during the week of and concentrated protest of the The primary purpose of this protest May 3-7, a flying visit from women women of the country and the men week will be to provide the Governor representatives from every state in and women of Connecticut against the with the proofs of the special emer- the Union who will come to Connecti- refusal of Governor Holcomb to call a gency which he has said he is ready cut to petition the Governor of the special session of the legislature to to receive. It will be a protest of state to permit that state constitution act on the federal suffrage amend- Connecticut people, men and women, to be amended, lest 9,000,000 women ment. against the false position in which the be withheld from voting for president The protest will cover the week of state has been put by the refusal of in November. May 3-7 and will embody a series of the Governor to give the legislature Forty-seven women from forty- some thirty or forty meetings an opportunity to act on the matter. seven states, journeying into Connec- throughout the state which will be ad- "It will," says Miss Ludington, presi- ticut from the Pacific coast, from the dressed by groups of the forty-seven dent of the state association, be an northern and southern boundaries of women who will spend the week in endeavor to make plain that this is ,the country, from states where women Connecticut as guests of the Connec- not Connecticut's sole affair, because vote, and from states where women's ticut Woman Suffrage Association. by the method provided for ratifica- voting may depend on the action of These women are leaders of the suf- (Continued on Page 4) 2 The Suffrage News Bulletin RATIFICATION COMMITTEE The Suffrage News Bulletin THREE COUNTY SUFFRAGE MEETS IN HARTFORD Published Monthly by ASSOCIATIONS MEET IN CONNECTICUT WOMAN SUFFRAGE APRIL Proofs that a special emergency ASSOCIATION · Three county suff rag.e associationweek exists for the call_ing ~f the legisla- meetings were held during t~e f ture in special session will be prepared 55 Pratt Street Hart£ord, Conn. ·1 19-24 The chief business. o o f A pri · ·d ation and duly and properly presented to all these meetings was consi er " the Governor declared Colonel Isaac Subscription Price-25 Cents per Year of plans for "Special Emergency M Ullman of New Haven, chairman Entered as second-class matter March 9, 1920, week. hl . t·ng of the oi the Me;'s Republican Ratificat~on at the post office at Hartford under the The regular mont Y me~ 1. · Committee, at the clo~e of a meeting act of March 3, 1879 Hartford County Associati~n .was of this committee which was held at held in the Y. W. C. A. ~uditorn~m, Suffrage Headquarters in Hartford, Friday April 23. The morning se~s1on President Monday afternoon, April 19. was gi~en over to a general burres1 The Committee met in executive Miss KATHARiNE LUDINGTON discussion. In the afternoon a po i icah session in order to lay out plans for Executive Secretary discussion took place. Mrs. Jose)> co-operation with the Connecticut M'ISS MARY ELIZABETH HUTT Alsop of Avon, spoke on the Reputt- Woman Suffrage Association in ar- lican 'Party, Mrs. T·. S. McDermo ' ranging the series of Protest meet- Infor111,ation Bureau of New Haven, spoke on t.he Demo- ings to be held throughout the state MRS. RUTH McINTIRE DAnouRIAN cratic Party, and Mrs. Annie G. Por- during the week of May 3-7. The ritt, of Hartford, spoke on the Labor Department of Citizenship Committee expressed general appro- ~rty. ff bation -of the plans for the week of MRS. NANCY M. SCHOONMAKER The New London County Su r~ge Emergency meetings. Plans were Association met in quarterly se.ssio; made to provide men speakers for all in New London, Thursday, April 2 · the "Emergency Rallies" which will Editor of Bulletin Luncheon ·was served .at the . Hotel JULIA M. HINAMAN •be held in thirty-five or forty towns Mlohican. Miss Katharine L1;1dington and cities throughout the state during was the chief speaker at this me~t- the week. ing. Miss Edna Tyler, county chair- Among the men ·who attended the WHAT IS YOUR PART IN THE man, presided. meeting besides Colonel Ullman, were SPECIAL EMERGENCY Middlesex County women m~t for. a John T. Robinson, Harrison B. Free- conference at Stueck's Tavern in .Mid- man, Herbert Knox Smith, Chas. A. WEEK? dletown Saturday afternoon, April 24. Goodwin, Hartford; Frank Cheney, Lunche~n was served at 1 o'clock after which Miss Mary Elizabeth Hutt, ex- Jr., Representative, W. B. Rogers, Women from every state in the ecutive secretary of the State suf- Senator Arthur E. Bowers, Manches- Union will join with the women of frage' association, outlined the plans ter· Representative, Harry L. Welles, Connecticut during the week of May f.or the protest week, ~ay 3-7. l\1lrs. we'thersfield; Frederick A. Perry, 3-7 in an effort to convince G?vernor Willis Austin, of Norwich, a member New Haven; Mayor D. J. Donavan, Holcomb that an emerg~ncy ex~sts for of the State Political Committee, w:as Attorney M. M. Wilder, Meriden; calling the legislature in special ses- the honor guest and one of the chief Representative, Harry Shenyood, sion. speakers at the meeting. Mrs. Wm. W;estport; Senator John B. Dillon, These women are making an eno~- P. Couch, chairman of Middlesex Shelton; Representative Samuel C. mous effort to come to Connecti- County, presided. Shaw, Bridgeport; Judge John H. cut. They are doing it because they Light, South Norwalk; A. S. G. Tay. lor, Norfolk; A. T. Pattison, Sims-- place their beliefs in d~?1ocracy b~- NEAR EAST RELIEF fore any personal convenience ?r. pri- bury; Dr. Wlatson Phillips, Hunting- vate interests. It is a rare. priVIle~e The News Bulletin is asked to make ton. which Connecticut women will have in an appeal to its readers for the Near entertaining these women who are the E'ast Relief in its courageous and leaders of woman's activities along over-whelming work in Armenia. MRS. HALE SPEAKS BEFORE many lines in their own states. M~ny The condition of this unhappy coun- FAIRFIELD COUNTY of them are ranked among the leading try is so well known that the harrow- women speakers of the country. It ing details of what it has suffered may ASSOCIATION would be an unusual opportunity to well be soared. ·Given safety and time hear any of them speak on any sub- for recovery, Armenia would soon be Mrs. Beatrice Forbes-Robinson ject but Conn~cticut is to have the self-supporting, but in the failure of Hale, noted author and lecturer, was privilege of seeing them .assembled to- the Allies to co-erce the Turk and the one of the principal speakers at the gether in an effort to finish one of the lack of mandates either for Turkey or well attended April meeting of the greatest struggles in the history of Armenia, the situation grows more Fairfield County Suffrage Association the movement for democracy.