Definition and Selection of Key Competencies Contributions to the Second DeSeCo Symposium Geneva, Switzerland, 11-13 February, 2002 Neuchâtel 2003 Definition and Selection of Key Competencies Contributions to the Second DeSeCo Symposium Geneva, Switzerland, 11-13 February, 2002 Edited by: Dominique Simone Rychen Swiss Federal Statistical Office Laura Hersh Salganik Education Statistics Services Institute, American Institutes for Research Mary Elizabeth McLaughlin Education Statistics Services Institute, American Institutes for Research Swiss Federal Statistical Office Neuchâtel, 2003 Information: Heinz Gilomen (SFSO) Phone: 41 (0) 32 713 68 38 Dominique Simone Rychen (SFSO) Phone: 41 (0) 32 713 61 60 Editors: Swiss Federal Statistical Office (SFSO) Education Statistics Services Institute (ESSI), American Institutes for Research (AIR) Obtainable from: Swiss Federal Statistical Office (SFSO) CH-2010 Neuchâtel Phone: 41 (0) 32 713 60 60 Fax: 41 (0) 32 713 60 61 Email:
[email protected] Order number: 312-0200 Price: Fr. 28.– Graphics/Layout: Sanjay R. Seth, ESSI/AIR Cover Art: Andreas de Bruin, Publi Duty Copyright: SFSO, Neuchâtel 2003 Reproduction with mention of source authorized (except for commercial purposes) ISBN: 3-303-15297-7 Definition and Selection of Key Competencies Table of Contents Foreword . 3 Editors’ Note . 5 Introduction . 7 1. Opening Session . 13 Ruth Dreifuss, Head of the Swiss Federal Department of Home Affairs, The Federal Council of Switzerland Valena White Plisko, Associate Commissioner, National Center for Education Statistics, U.S. Department of Education Satya Brink, Director, Child, Youth, and Social Development Studies, Human Resources Development Canada Barry McGaw, Director for Education, OECD 2. Key Competencies in OECD Countries – Similarities and Differences .