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vv-_.^c£ .DP . CIT^ -JT r-1 T h i»LT LJvi < WS mmi Good mnorning (C S I Cl: u r e fco r G e;m ta xx - r e v o) l t fa UI s cues in Twin Today’s forecasiast: support the th College t)C [¥ ^ ways to replace the picki■ked up se v eral th o u sa n d vcues By K aren Tolkkincn ■ Ils .uul Jerom e counties for the Oni' Fair and \vannt.T.r. Ea.st1; winds 10 to IS jj Southern'' I d a h o in T w in Jk vneMyear. Falls T im es-N ew s w rite r rcent,Initiative,” Hhick, said.id. "I• would • mph. Hiftlis 60 lo 65.1)5. Lt>ws n e a r 35. FaUs. nmiltee members cit- .IVtci ht future budgets as a haft'-ftnti see it puss by tiini lii.irgin,■ gin," ...... Pago A2 BOISE - Lawmakers on FrFriaoy killed ■ Tlie SenatKite S ta le A ffa irs j B tT t I of decreasing state ./ical l/> lawmakers had usedI ih.Uih. tlueai S2.47 million in property lajlax-.rclief for Cotnmitteei:e voted 5-4 h, a lawsuil over un- to trytr to .sway committee menneinhers to Jerom e and Twin Falls courounties - and against a measuren which public schools and a • sendid the bill to the Senate flouriot.r,-lax re-, Rep. Ron Black, R-Twin Falls,Fa said it would haveve given extVa moiioy to'tlI’thc’-'cqual funding for pii lative" likely to go he- lieff now,i they said, could tlecnL'creasc teii- could fuel support for thehe tax-revolt state’s comrnmunity colleges while redn.•due- "One I’eicent Iniliali' Its fall that would re- sit)nin liver property taxes in TwTwiii l-alls, movement known as the Onone IPercent Ini- ing their pn3roi>erty tax levies. Case the likelihood of thee iiiniliativc T hl: fa s te s t nitc-.s;s ofo growth south- Jerom e taxpayers in partiirticular have ate financia;ial problems for the statee dde- leges from the pnipert ise to “1 think ihat (con:onim ittee) vote just Plooso seee CC U R E /A 2 central Idaho are <>C(occurring in sj>me of chafed alwut the rax burden;n tltiiey Iniar to spile Mapic'c V;dley lawmakers' promise the smaller coun lies. P agoB I may grive ______Rur'ni h^nUh c a re ------Friday flicier^ ~ ‘Greaat Rift’ Camas County iss Itilooking for someone to provide part-timeime mcdical sen-ices three days a week foifo r its 925 resid en ts. airportt some liftli P a g o B I local: But thos)se lava cracks:s are a long wayw Rally time from Twwin Falls and1 Sun Valley Down 20 poiniss itin the sccond lialf, the College of Soutliuthern Idnho women By V irg in ia S. (iarl»eirl>er H rallied to move intoIto ithe Region 18 bas- Times-News writer k u tb a ll title Kiime. An all-new airport ter- Pago BS nVlN I-ALlJs - An Twin Falls city and i»unty - jointjo own- minal deserves an all-all-new name, say local • irs of Ihe local airport - will'ill c o n sid e r t)fficials and a regi■egional tourism and donday renaming the facililyily 'Idaho's■ Crunch time recreation group. >outh Central Airport: Galewn'jwny to the weu at ttie state higli Their suggestionon for .the airport at • — ’Die lieiu tiarrowei 5reaLRiftancLSun.VaIleyJ:------scHooi~wrestling"toi’tournanvenrFridaj'; ------Josiiii Field; 'Tdaho'SIWs-Smiih-Coninil-Ain— County commissioners wrill discussdist Ihe with spots in Saturturday's finals on thu port: Gateway to the Great Rift and Sun ^ narlam e ch a n g e in their 10 a.m ,, sessionsg- on line. V alley,” house. The P age BS But pari of the nanname earned a chuckle ^he 0 fourth (loor of iho courlhou m a tte ; «Jur- fn)in a locai geologistii.sl. ■ . p/ity c Council will ta k e up Ihe m a “It doesn’t makee sisen.se from a geologic ingig ils 4 p.m. meeting in Cityy Hi Hall.- Both Big day. for colIiallege hoops • -point ot view,” suiddM A iin'inSirope.aCol-. rneneetings are open lo Ihe public.)lic. Don'NelTOn’s-firihjrihguiid-a-hig-win-by— — -! lege of Southem Idahdaho gcolog>’professor...... - T h e n a m e w a s ^ o s e n ^ointl))inlly-by-lhe. Albertson Collcge'-he' highilgiited a huge The Great Rift is a r e m o te s e r i e s «if Mailaglc Valley Discoveiy TaskIt ForceFc and day in bnskcthall. open volcanic fissure;,ires that stretches from Ihehe Soulh Central Idaho Tourlourlsm and Pago B7 Craters of ihe Moonon -• wliere the fissures Re?ecrealion Development AsscAssociation, are filled witli basalta lt - so u th e ast m ah o u t TtiiTie airport board has alreadyjy ggiven Ihe 20 miles wesl of Ann\nierican Falls, accord- preiroposal a nod, adding a refereference to ing to “Roadside GeologyGe of Idalio” au- Sui>un Valley. thors David All andid DonaldI! Ilyndman. I__ ‘ The volcynic acti'ctiviiy which created Door hangers5 comingc> soon Magic Valley’s geolo,ologic features, howev- Boardings down1 - B l lliis Ciiristian vide■Idco p ro jec t is u p a n d er. is much older tliaiIian Great Rift aciivity. .. nuuiinft.' S tro p e .said...... th eem r in learning about the arciarea’s recrt- Pago C l lUil he concededled ihat the “catchy alio:ion and sight-seeing opporiuiiriunitids, its plira.'^e” propo.seil fur airport and region- storical, cultural'and naturalal nresources, __ G ro\vtIi:.lm pos►ossibk*_dKam2_^ ______al_m;u,kc-Mosm^iyl.>be useful “fnim a (pub- Manym peiiiilc won't undersierstand the lie relations) poult; of view.”' Grereat Rift refcrencen>ut '1>rii1>ringing up ■ Not according; tcto a new re.searcli Scrapping tiie”‘Twin Tv Fall.s-Sun Valley iJiatlat question brings up thele qquestion, study that tells howlow c h u rc h e s c an a d d R e g io n a l A irp o rt”” tag. t; the prop»)sa! ar- -wii/liat else can I do when I gu0 to Idiiho?'" n u m b e rs. vc “regional coopera- said I'esi A ir,line’s ______Pago.CI______id Kathryn Uenefiel, Skywesi tion.”'fi>cus aitentibiitibn'on'iliL-'aren’snntu-— TwiiiviiTFalls niatiager. lOOY OiARLEia U»NOJNCyTh* TVr>a»-N«in rai resources and siiisiinuilate use of an air- The ’n new-name proposiil was[IS bbom of an rding numbers have atte le rk in d . ;;__; _T.hey comnwnlinicate ...Nino-year-oid.Eric Bonio n d Tvwi.ff F a J I s J iJ o s h i^8J:c:y e a r.— •...... - - - t ITho Maglc Valley Discoveo v e r y - T n s k ------C o lu m n ist J oscjjpllI i W alker talk's alxm f occer flolds Friday aftomlOonT o After hJs frlond toicl Stuart Junior High soct Proponents liaveve said tlie Greai-Rift j.-gnjrce - which includes city'and aU' county dads and kids. op his kite in tho air. ho foilolt compdliod to prove Pago C l him ho could not koop I reference will picjuuue the curiosity of both rt;|„jiresentatives from botli ijidi^idcs of the h im w r o n g . locals and potentialial visitors and engage ' Please soe AIRPIR P O R T /A 2

State takeover;rcloscr < Street iiiito spiin I.S over control of the s WaU; A bill that nirn.s c Inversse logic: throw! fe d e r a lly o w n e d W;Walcott Pnrk to the .state is awaiting onij>niy th e g o v e rn o r’s sig- T h e /V.'Jsociatcd P re ss Blutui in a Btunning feat of rearea so n in g . st«)ck ...... n a tu re . tra dders e decided the companiesus doing1 all that .•ss th a n Ihe day NEW VORK — Tliey’ve/e ggot to be kidding. hirinjing were actually worth less Wall Street's brain tnistlist, the ioud-tie-and- l>eforore. lliey soid, driving thee Dow1 Jones in- • V iL/llI\)t befall malfees!© ' i — su.spenders crowd that is ppaid e.xtraordinary dustrurial average, tiie st<«k m arket’s m ost. sums to m ake sen.se of thehe economy,t got some widelely watched index, dowown 171.24 to o f th e l>est n e w s in y e a rs Friday: I ’Hie nation 5,47070.45 for its third-worst pointnt decline ever. >m bo it ^ Challenges ahe:head created a whopping 705,00c,000’jobs last month. Traradcrs also dumped Treasursury bonds, bills oopto gotling jobs? With confidencc:c i in it.s succe.ss grow - Pop the champagnc? RuiRun out and buy that and1 notes,1 figuring an improv•oving e c o n o m y ■ Moro poop .. ____ m akekes investments in Uncle SaSam less a ttrac - : Fewer ompomploycos thrown ing, Bob Dole's cam]ampaign i.s tum ing its . new Mercedes? No way. voik? Thai's ail badnows It was a tougli day for seci attention to seekirking pence with Pat Traders instead brandisiilisiied the topsy-tur\-y tive. inanciDi markols, which Buchanan and severvenil larger campaign logic that has comc to symlymbolue Wall Street, consi'isidcred the toast of the glohe d Friday in a ghoulish roaction lo ta-sks. furiou.sly dumping stockscs a n d bonds. T lio al>- UJnderstanding n Wail Street 1 : S S Sor f U.S. ' omploymcnl statistics, ihe layers alter- Pago A3 surdity was not lost evenn onot those who inhab- like- peelingj an onion, with the ' it th a t w orld. n ntining between logic and illogic.ic. ; Behincind the riddle iiltrs sold .sivi,res j A plan of theirir own 'T m old-fa.shioned," siiy.say.s William LeFevTC, Talake the stock market. Trade )rs havo boon bolting for monlhs senior market analyst atIt tithe brokerage firm Fridnday on the theory that the10 tresli1 siBns cif i n,j, n„) U,S.uj economy would grow slowly,I. Freakish Friday House Republica)icans comc up ^vith a momic strength would prompmpi the 1-ederal l subdumgng tlthoir worst lo.ir; inflation nnd y Ehrenkramz King Nassbaui3uum Inc. “I s;ly if the ecom Tho govommenl said tho oconoinyocon | . . . .. heallli care plan.th'.they, say can pass — ntorcst talcs.This makes ll vory, , :___ cconomyj5:imprp%4ng^thtthen_companies_thai R e^ sliy away from tunlir th e r c u ttin g in-,. fisjng intcn •obruary.rrz- b iin t‘!rootof"siei>ir\sith w other-plnns put— ------vc-lo-putTTTonoyin-slocks-andnn-a - -CTnntndJPSJOO JobsinEflbtt make up the economy arere also'imprbvihg."a a GH0ULS/A2" tho biggosl monthly gain1 since'slnt ' forth by tihe SenateUeand President Clin- ' Please see 1 oaGon why Iho slock market has boon hitlip'ithng rocofdliighs,, . 1983, Thai's powerful ovidnn'idnnco . ^ ton. lho-oconomy Is growing rapidly-rapli ■' Pago A4 tho focipo for higher inllatlonMlon and United Slates - ■ G 2ain in jolms rising Inlorosl rates. The yioicJyioii on Alive, still in AiA rm y tho 30-yoor Tronsuty bond,nd, sa ' ■ C T ^ o y nwent w ^ 18. Hi :reslrolo ____ ;eo Sabog's family be- avings.-.- ,.5-ycof...... DoWJone nes Bflugo Inflation and interesi For years, Maieo ial tronds, rbckolod'Qp. licved he died inI ViVietnam. I'wo weeks [iers^--“=)unl coftilicato of Industnal oks trad deposit AvoragoJO ■e infonned he was liv- — spo< ago, relatives were ii ing in Georgia. ■ T h e i\s s o c b te d Press 171.2-J point!ints, al 5..I70.-I5, ; J ! 3 0 -y e ar Trea Pago A8 ..... 5.5%- . in the tiiirdd'worsi ^v ixiint de- ■ WASHINGTCrON — Wall dine in histP/Tonm Covrnn P l e a s;e e r re c y c le it a g a in . ------~7 p i'l nvernge cloilosed down been hit hanard hy layoffs. I Emi—

I IK)...... ■ ...... > o o S _MA^MJ J ^ 5 0 ^ B B r a A-2 Tiirus-Nc'ws. Twin Fnlli,.nlli, Idnho S.iiurU.iy, M.ircli 0. 190G TF

Weathiier -r-=7------^ ^ N ational tem peratureu r ^ * Max Mln Pc S ] Idaho forec;casts_____ ‘_____ -Tho AccuWoathor *fi^ forecast for noon, Saturday.ay. March 9 ^ ^ ^ ^ AIDuquLTQuo W 3 3 ' 'J .... I Suluniay, Murcli9 All.ifM.1 l l “ Acc'iWcallicr* futrc-i'l lufur'diytliiTcdi cimillliuni uiid !iIkI> leiniKmliiic] r ~ r ~ TI M sa^-ijnrL Bosion - •» Magic Valley -10. -Ot 0 ..1, 1 IDi 20«i 301. 40* sot eo* 70* #t>» *0* too* 110a CniMQO ’ - )arvl> &n(varaui n>gn lempwalurs isnes to> __ _ • i-'air jm d w arm er to>day. d aj Higlis GO 10 65. Eitst w7nd,s■ds 10 L ^ • D.nlias 3 9 2 2 ... d-30s. D e n v er 6 ... 10 15 mph. Tonigltt partilartiy cloudy. Lows in the mid-: ! ^ ~ 005 Memos 21 -3 ... Sundny variable doudsJs aand mild with a sliglit chiiiici ■ S? ...... slidivers or thim dcrsltow)wer.-i. c I Iiglis in llic mid-COs. Honolulu '0 ^l a -W - ■■■ ICo-nifD’AlunoUa D I 'niculiraviolct intlux;x fcforeciwt is 4. a low exposure Ic'level, y f H o u sto n 5 0 2 9 ... Inai.inopoli5 y ' - Extended regiejiohal forecast KimwsCily 25. 0 L.ns V o g a s 7 6 4 3 ... Mondiiy mostly do uidy d y w ith a cliimce of niin showersor er \ \ '■'I .'-■'I l o iA n g o iu a 8 9 M ... n .ilic day'. Lows 35 to 45.-Higlisii^ S J , V Mtjrrphis 25 16 .„ I ihimduTshnwLTS iaio'in.il - -Minmi Bosch 72 ...... 6 5 ...... Ii u>65- • ' M ilw .iukco Tutsday mostly cloudyudy and coliglis in th e SOs. P h o o n ix B4 5 0 .. FRONTS: PillsDurOh 15 7 !iii -1 V i B E .38 W ood R iver Va/alley V-T- Portland, Wo 22- 19 inOHAtfy______Ponlnnd. Oro 57 43 -01 -C R e n o 6 2 26 Fair anti \s-iirmcr today,day. Higlis around 50. P an ly cloiloudy S t. L0UI5 2 3 6 !bi ,{ PQcnIoiiol S5~- 1,1 , tonifjit. Sliglit diancer of snow slinwers toward momi H L ! 2 i E [ Iin Sail Lako City 56 31 I ";!’ I..OWS in tlic mid-20s. SuiSunday vari;iblt; clouds and mmiltJ- low U’Ovtns nAinuN rsronu: nmmcs i»ow f rain show S o a lllo ______61_____48 .C “ Treasure Valleiley I !i 3

_c»x2 f Panly douJy iind warrwarmer today. Highs in the mid-(d-Gos. Southeast wiiitls 10 to 20 1m ph.T onight mosdy d o u d y ia n d Idaho: ICgh, 64 degree;x>es a t H agtainan. Low, 19 a t Sta.Stanley a n d Sun VoUey. g n miltl. Sliglii chance of rainrsiii showers west toward momi•ning. Nation: High, 91, T hlermal, e n Calif. Low, 27 below, Glaijlosgowond Glcndive. Mom. pJJ^urren^^d conditionilions, ' Lr 74!745- Idaho T w i n F a l l s Tune to th e Naut>nalJ W cadier Scrvice radio band a t 7278; Utah 801-9S4-6000;); th the laho Transportauon Depan- Mnx Mmn Pc|) P( Max Minn PepP I’iirliy cloudy lodiiy.'. H Higlis in th e m iddle 60s. Toniniglit M ifZ or call 423-4423.'3. The Internet address for Idahc Elko. Nev.. arco, 702-738^888.S88. in the lower to upper 30s. Suntinday m en t road rep o n s is:i: hihtip//www.state.id.us/itd/iidhm lhmpg.htm Boiso 60 35 ...... Yoslordoy .. 58 32 . mostly cloudy. Ltiws in t cooler wilh highs in th e lower GO;iOs. I______Bufluy 6J 32 ...... Lnst yonr ...... partly cloudy. A little cool Fiiirfiold 40 23 ...... Normal .. 40 27 .■ h Gooding m m .. Precipitation ” . Northern Utah snow persists acrc-OSS Northeast Hagormon G4 29 .. South,, 1Plains shiver; sn ,28 Salt Liike, Ogden andid I*rovt>:I Sunny and w arm er lododuy. J weather continued in ihe Soudi.Sou Idnrio Fnlls 51 31 ...... „ Month 10 dato; Sun- T he A ssociated Press Unsco-sonably cold > .28 Higlis in ih e mid-<)Os. ToiiigliiToi fair. Lows in the 30s. S dropped 10 11 degrees at Jackstickson, Joromo SC 32 ...... Normal mO- lo Onto: where the mercury dn 7 38 day partly dou d y . Higlish s ini: th e upper GOs. old record low of 12 d e g re te s . Lowlslon 01 43 tr.....Wolor yoar to dnlo; 7, level. Snow continued lo3 fallfa on the Northeast Friday,ly, dos-c K y., b r e a k in g th e o s !33 llic ultraviolet intlexfoX ft)rc-cast is 4, n low exposure Ie- I record daily low of 15 degrees,c s,and a • Malad 50 2*1 ...... Nomialyonr to dato: 5. ing schooLi and snarliniling travel. A cold snap lingcretc red in H untsville, Ala., set a ri 1 1920. Plains states. Birmingham's 18 broke)ke a 20 degree record set in 19. Mnlla 56 30 .. Comfort factors itber_s.ucnm .acy./ several southern and Pli in-thc-20s.cven_on.the_Gulf_CJZoiMt,«3 _ __ — ^ — McCott------:-----m—m —r [s__ IdahojMeatl: ■ Mormhan a foofof"■of .snow fellnn"Boston-by-midttiddoy,—Temperaiurus-wcre-in irp o rt’s w ith M obile setting a newni record at 28. Pocalollo 53 '32 ...... Humidity o'l noon: - 55 p ge conlinued to build over the GGem snarling traffic and forcb rd n g about half of Logon Airpc .... Bafomotof nt noon; 30.30^2 ' ^ hiKl» prc.ssure ridge c Daytime temperaturiures in North CaroUna diat normlormal- i Salmon 46 30 .. Stale Friday afternoon,>on, r e su iiiln g in w arm , p le asasant flights were canceled. I ...... PoHon coUnL IG (olm). low lonneciicut, several schoolss wwere ly range in to ^ to lclower 60s, were in the 30s FridFriday. SInnloy 51 19 . ' wcatliur. In neighboring Con I .... Couft.»yAtinm..ndAnoTi»oe u little warrvarm er loda^. New Y ork state! Outsider30s. snowm obile deudi. the Padfic Northwest. F EvcnincninR; Vcnti.t, Mercury. from th e low SOs 10 d ie up Missile!2S, wordsis fly overr Taiwantl Cure_ Continued from A1 lia n c e o)n n local1 property taxes is Twiggs,1 R-Blackfoot, suggij g g e s tc d . By Marcus Elloson Tensionss neari Taiwan passing. b e c o m inng g increasingly unpalat- that t lawmakers increase• a s e th e T h e A sso c iated P re ss A nalysis For weeks, they:y have tested nble 10 locallo a voters who waich the amounl t of money olher ccoii o u n tie s ‘ U.S. olnmn ondrnd Navy ships nro monilorino . Chinn'# nuclonrlojrtosta nonr Taiwan. , ' funding bills. sudi.a1. as imposing a state pickiieking up tlie cost for com- p i a y 10 send their students:s to com- TAIPEI, Taiwan —-The T three q TThe h t Nationalists exiled the:iem- tax on pop and-raisaising the sur- munity collegecol services in Idaho m r u n ity colleges. Chinese mis.siles fired Utut T an v an 's ^ ,,, V selvesIves to Taiwan in 1949, nndI fori diarge on liquor. ThiThe liquor-fund Falls andd CanyonC County, But Black said that wouldd d p[ o se a doorstep Friday inauguigurated the china . t s d «cades cac afterward, through hoth shift was tlie only 6nen to pass the “Our peoplepei who are paying a hardslup1 lo counues alreadyidy stnjg- ‘ ------latest round of-a-war-of-n>f-ncrvc£.be.— J ------P. id.cold.wac,.sharcd.oniy-QJ.tm e — H o u se.------■------f a ir ly h igigh-property-tax-find h U»at_(-gling.with finances.______tween two countries in 1unsteady ToAv. . c ommon m n aim with China —that th It would have shifilifie d S4.95 m il- h a rd lo aa c cc c c p t,” h e said, Sen. Laird Noh. R-Kimtimberly, » ,h e y s transition. / t.ipo. / ey sh o u ld b e o n e country. lion in liquor moneyly from1 the gen- But comommittee members said supported s the bill but tliein’tein’t v iew ' - - -This fiirango-and mcnacnacingA lra- _ _ j C ______. . / _____BBut u t while China remained _.pral.fund,to_ihe_siatlatpls rwo com- that reducJucing-ihtLimpact on.the . th1 e oilicom e a s a to ta l loss.s. DebateD ; ■ ma in the Taiwan Straitslits is bound 7 j C oimmunist m r dictatorship, Taiw;wan munity collJges whileliie giving prop- state’s gem’eneral fund was more im- over ( the bill has elevatedI lawmak-lav ’ up in the 47-year-old diidispute be- oaot oa jTAtWAN I b e ccame a t rich and democratic,c. A erty own. / Thoselose who had never acceptedcd it The three countieses are the only may not)t sounds like much now w h ic h to o k re fu g e in Tai\v'oi\van. tlie first placo were now free^ to ones to support: tthe colleges when we’ii/c'vc been wallowing in (evidence of a condescendinjding atti- ' colleges,' But it’s much more tharhan a neigh-• ____------y ------, sp ee a a k k u p a n d g e t e lec ted . th r o u g h p r o p e r t yy ttaxes. Olher money forfor the last few years, but ttude toward community col reated as > borhood scrap: It is beirjeing warily _ I TTaiwan ai' got its first native-bob o m c o u n tics pay SSOO for each student next yearar we’ll1 be stranding each \which he said are “still treai an ugly stepsister of higheirier edutia-c ^vatched by Asia, whichdl 1must live 1 e s id e n t, L e e T en g -h u i, in 19{ggS' they send to the Coll:ollege of South- other lo) getg( this four or five mil- i Chinese gi- M0« ^ ; j p ro sit e m Id a h o or N o rth Id;Idaho College. lipn,” saidaid Sen. Jam es Risch, R- 1tion.” Local lawmakers,, hhe e sa id , iri the shadow of the Ch id the grip of the mainlai xitical chal- - y a n d I CSI President Jerrerry Meyerhoef- Boise. should start voting against1s t h ig h e r 1 ant. And it poses a criti fugee-class weakened. Tl lenge to the United Stateta tes, th o re^ t.'-s '^oiiino^-i^^^A ^ refug *arly lawmakers^rs that the re- Senatee PresidentP Pro-Tem Jerry SSti ta n le y only be viewed as an aciact of coer- - f-Bongo/^ W nted visit 10 tlie United Stai:ates Perrine Bridge - mainade the initial River Plaii’lain" theme - to be com- 1 it June, China felt its worst si ater this month by a Boise I Basin. c io n .” sus- request to scrap thethe Twin Falls- pleted late . . . . . Y . - 5 ^ ^ Airport board members:rs “ w e r e The Pentagon said1 it It IS u s in g - - - • . p idaons o r being confirmed: The mman Sun Valley name asas part of its ef- marketinging consultant, said Mike reluctant to release the Sunu n V\ a U e y , Navy ships and an Airir FForce spy IS dearly bent on removing Tai-T fort lo improve relatlations between _ Pepper,. executiveex director of the 1 reference” in the airport’s’s currcntci plane to monitor the: fliflight path w“n‘^an from the embrace of tt: h e . .TNvin F a lls a n d Je roome. m South CemCentral Idaho Tourism and i name and added “... and SunSui Val- • and electronic emission s u r- ' ■■■■■■M ir' mothi3th e rlo n d . And the airport boboard generally Recreationion Development Assoda- i ley” to the proposal earlierlier this face-to-surface missilesrs C h in a h a s • Ignoring Lee's denials thatIt he agrees that a more er regional name tion. w rtg«8 CTtrt«^^ wanu some divisive- “I feel e: week. Twin Falls Coundlmailm an A rt fire d to w a rd T aiw an. mted independence for Taiwivvan, . m ig h t " e lim in a te so :1 extremely exdted about \ The message of China'ina’s mi.ssile ussaunkwHifHtn Chinnlina fired its first round of mipis- ness that has occur;;urred over the the opportiortunity” to de the airport 1 F r a n a s a id . sjigg , Tlie Federal Aviation AAdi dm inis- te s ts w as sim p le: Y ou bex l lt o n g t o u s . es a month after the U.S. visvisit. years,” Airport MManager Ron to regionalinal marketing, said Twin tration will continue to refer•fer to th e China is using nationio n a lis m — *P T hie e following 1 month, anotht h e r M a d sen s a i d ., F a lls Counounty Commissioner Den- I - a i r p o r t a s “ T W F ,'^ an d thle e fadlity-,— fi ______th c -re co v e ry .Q f-T a iw■nn. an , th e lo st ~ - ; - ...... ~' • — - - ...... rounvon- ' T h e n o w n a m t; is is iust the first nts Mau^i^ an ; . Hc defined a region— ; always willTi«rknowh''irs''JiTs-Josllil— . province — to fill the voidvoi left by authontanananism to luu-utooded AndId Friday’s1 salvo came withinin 50 step of a regional mamarketing strat- - somewnavnat west ofthe Great RIt't' « F ie ld , F ra n t2 said. an enfeebled Communiiinist creed, democracy, andan all its inherent un- milesiles of Kaohsiung. the worltrld’s egy - armed withh j a logo and a -thatstrettretches from the Mini-Cas- 1 T aiiv^ is moving from(1 didisciplined certainties. th ird la rg e st c o n ta in e r p o n .

Idaho road rcr e p o r t _ GhoulsS______Lewiston-Orofino.-dry;------U.SU .S ,2 6 — Dry------— :— BOISE (APJ-^M osrr Id a h o high------:U.S.-12 -L e ------Continued from'AI" producee more'goodsir ^ a n d hire ' “You can say we’re a bbui u n c h o f well, wct;.Lowcll-Lolo Ida!Idaho 51 — Dry. '. ways were clear Fridayly a fte rn o o n , O ro fin o -L o w c hysterical, manic depressivesives, and-, 1 snow flixirj snowing. U.SU .S . 93 — Nevada line-Salmimon. terest rates, whichi it does to help more workiorkers. ; the Idaho Transponatiortion Depart- P‘«s- broken sn there's something to bei ssa a id fo r 84 —Dry dry;Ly; Lost T rail Pass, icy spots, brokokeri stimulate growth. O f c o)urse, u r if the economy is. • ment safd. Pat(±cs of snisnow or ice J"‘c” t“ie84 *Vhen the economym y is d o in g w ell s tro n g er andar companieis arc hiring that.” says H u ^ Johnson,I. chiefch in- ' nrA-ic • Idaho SS —- VW et, icy spois. !>• snowow Ifloor, snow floor. ‘ were reported in some an Idaho 2 1— - :Boisc-ldaiio City, dan- IdaIdaho 75 — Shoshone-Ketchuhum. or inflation is risiising, the Fed more worlrorkers — 705,000. for in- vestment officer at First>t A lb a n y : Road condiuons; dry; Idaho City-Lowman. dry;y; G aletia Sum m it, icy spots. leaves rates/ alone; 01or raises them, stance — companies1 are already C orp., a b ro k e ra g e firm . U.S. 95 — Rjggins-Whitthi,cbW Hill. a, rocks; Low m anB anner I Inic n ic n t a ic 86— Diy. Traders figure thatat hurts compa- doing bettiletter and have little need T h e rea lity . Jo h n so n tucplaxplains, is diy; W hitcbird H ill, openn It10 one l^e Summit, dosedicd. InInierstatc u 15— Dry. nies, who dependI on01 lower rates to borrowow more cheaply. Their th e m a rk e t is a co ld -h e arteteei. d , fickle with traffic pilot cars; Gr;Grangeyille- U.S. 20-MMouniain . Home-Ashion, U.SU.S.30 — Dry. for cheaper borrowi»ving, which al- stock, itit wouldw seem, should be beast, hoping the economym y g ro w s . Moscow, dry: Wci.wr-Ncwtw Meadows, : Ashlon-Mi-Montana line, broken U.S.91— U.S Dry. lows them to build'rd'new factories, worth monlo re , n o t less, n e ith e r to o fast n o r to o slowl;owly. ; icy spots; M ursingO regonin liline, dry. snovi floor. IdalIdaho 28 — Dry.

ThcTimiaNe»« . r » ' h d l d CirculatioiI o d iy and Sunday $5.$5.00 per week, daily only | ^ *“ V $4.00 per week.rk. : Sunday only $3.00 per 1nforma^ 1 | o®n Callli■ ___ _ ■ ^ Konnotmoth Preston of Moscow. WEONESOAY MARCH 6 NUMDEFMBgRS T y R au jJetl. circulalion dire , week. Sale* U« I imincluded in all above rale*. Qho w as Friday’s Bucks Circulation phone line* a: l!C will be levied for all re- BJ ; iwecn7«nil tOa.m.only.If>c5?;oSdoTo.r:: AJIJ.W c^rse, ■ 7 3 4 - 6> ; 3 2 6 n'4S?rucks III Second Chance awing winner. Ken Joins ; ceivc your paper by 7 b.ih ... cal.call llie number turned vhcck*. Drawi 01 05 07 13 414 0 E ra E ic h e lb o rg e r of Pller a n d " foryourafta: D iD D H I Tamara E ~ POWBR»*IJL MUOTEW< 4 2‘. l i Jerwne-We«fcll-Oooilui(t-HagenTgennan.J36-:iJ5 -■ MaU informaUo.^ ■■ ■ ■ r A - r u r n M ichaellei IPeters of Coour d’Alene HmleyRupcn-Paul-Oakley.67^<.78-25J2 Jlie Time»-Ncw4ewi (UI’S63I-OKO) ispub- EATHER a s F-inalists in c fora new Dodge WEDNESDAY MARCH 0 NUMBEfW0ERS , ! • lJuhl-CullefotJ. 543-4MB • llihed daily alI i:132 Third SI. W.. Twin -J P O J IL . \LCOTTERY^S KAIJ0«C*S» .4x4 Sporlport. There’are four Second Fi1cf-RoRCf«>n-iJo1ll>ter, 32&-J K330I. b> Magic Valley C h a n cce e drawing( left to enter and Twin Fall* #nJ other area*. 73J733-0931 New»papen Inc.e. Secpnd al Twin Falli by■y TTheTimei-Newi. Official ' 3 S00 e eyour Lottery retailer 06 11, 24 25 262 6 3 1 • S(OMCTipdaanue> ^ RlI JANT, ^NTMIlCIIVt O form ore information. newapaperpurtuanlloSec- NUM...S 'lU iT u n r H om e d elivery; «Jaily an d Sunday.Si $3.35 ' *.‘‘y Ihe Idaho Code. Thunday is InrhcTnn»NCT^^ C ------' ^ im c s N e \ \^ • per week: Sunday only. S2.0'52.00 per week, ‘ion 6C-108 of ihe FIRSTJACKPOT DRAWINGORA lied as the day of Ihe week you can gat your numbers, : Mail tubicriplion* mu»l be: paidpal. in advance hereby deiignaled | | l l M IS THIS MONDAYJDAY , noiiccs will be published. J tt VTOOTH le information, promotion - u)d are available onty whererc deliveryd( ii not on which legal noli SKI UNE MOVIES and find out who's winning pteaie send chanRc of ad- ,C ^ : Pres* d a te s am : mainiained. Mall nilet: local,loca daily and Poilmasler, pie it a n d w h o re . Look fo r th e r.O. U01.J4K. Twin Fall.. s w u B S i i '• ' Sunday J3.50 per week, dailylaity only J3.00 4re „ form 10; T.C REPO J Lottory Update right horo ' per week: Sunday only $2-2: t 'ORT r f l ,rh“o's ‘‘ P l«i»ho H3303- D everyery Tuosday, Thursday. ' FIRST SWEEPSTAKE!AKES • Idaho raUi: d*ily and Sundamday $4,00 per 3 - 5 A ft. DRAWING IS THIS FRID=R1DAY ■ week, daily only J3.50 perrr week.w> Sunday ) C w S a tu rd ay a n d S u n d a y . . only S2.50 per week. Out ofifiuierftln; IU dal- H ^vaO c & \a1 ^ Tnnc»Ncn? TTttTm[n n « » N c w 8

« Snlurday, MiircHO.'19!1996 Timos-Nuwr.. Twin Fiillj-- lilniIilnho A-3

N a tt i i l o n D o le ^w in sbfiring i c hlallenge i is: Peacc e w it hiP a t ,VT d e b aa te ' m ade us Mriing, youIU haveI a home in Thai remarkrci caiiie the morning iered for the vice presidentian tial iKimi- ■ NEW YORK (Al’) — Confident of afler a prominentpre Dole supporter, ination — Powell insists hhe e h a s no dinchinR ihc Republicl)lican presidcn- ihiscamiwign." More often than111 110I, luiwever. ‘New Yorkirk Gov. George Pataki, s;ild iinierest — these-Dolc advisiilvisers say tiiil iJDmiiuitioii hy mnonth’s on end, Bob ' Dole has soiiiuicdd i:more irritated it wouldll nmako sense for Dole, who 1he winild need to sjH-nk favoravorably of Dole’s cam paifai is iiimuming atten- -j. - liian actornmodaiingng wlien it comes has longg o]o p posed alK>rtion, to na m e irostriction.s on abortion, asa s \veli ' as liim to scx-kins jK-ace \ com bat- IO Buchanan. a ru n n ining g m a te w ho favored al>or- etiilaiionion aUiuti a Sieve I*ori>cs. ’s campaign, and have no0 lilitmus tests in choosing a _ vice presidential choice nowow LsI silly. . In adciitioh lo liicst.lese immediate x e cd to m e et ne.M r u n n inlg g iinfite, and his rem arks ‘ "Those discussions begilegin mily challenges. Dole facesL-s ft\vo even larg- ^ 0 sources in both Thursday,ay night clearly showed he. after we have secured thelie nornina-ii ing his appeal > cr tasks; bruady^inR ■icbaii.ui h a s fnirt:— h a d b rooadcning a i the base of the tio n . .so in la te M arch or earlyarly April,” an voters and beyond Republican ^ :es th a t D<)le "jxii- p-iny inin mi iiiid .. h e siiid- buildinf} a iist' of roicryjjUjyl ruiming y airing atls lalx.-l- "W e’rerc ;a b ig p a n y w ith r(H)m for C iv e n D o le’s big le ad1 , hiiho w ev e r. males. - - - irenie. m any jN'inloints o f view," Dole Siiid. there is ramiiant specula .• morning after K t In interviews the m ,igii I101X.-S to enter Most,, ththougl) nol all, senior Dole party circles. The favorite'ole'of many cep of the New L ^ I Dole’s landslide sweei ion of strength; By iKiliiical1 aiivi-sers ai Ix'lievo it would l>e con-servatives is Michigan> GoGov. Jolm Y ork ptimatT,-. severalral Senior advis- wivk. Dole lioivs di.s;isin«isms for Dole to pick a nmnin'g, lingler. a tax-cutting goverfvernor and ers also cited the needed Ilo develop an • . Mi]K-r Tuesday pri- nw ie w hohosiippiirtsalxirtion s riglits. But leader of the welfare refontfonn move- election-year connrcssiessional agenda Higlily 7(Klconven- stirne haveave not yet scratched retired ment who opposes abortiontion and is as a major cludlengee fcfor thc Senate F Reed spoke by.•hanan ii h as just G2 Ck-ii. G ilin>lin I’nweil fn>m th e ir list. popular in a major fall battleattleground* majority leader. w eek with Ikiy Bucluiituuesls. Whilelc 1 Powell has condemned Slate. He is, however,, th e o n ly "W e a re sta rtin s to0 lolook downfield ages her hnnher’srm i and we rcs|)ect abortion,m, 1he has s;iid he believes it Midwestern GOP goi’cnior,or vwho has a bit in tenns of framia m in g th is elec- ______I ihey icmaiively agrci itely should be a woman’s. not endorsed Dole, choo:lo o s in g to ,-e bm uglii forth' in iiliim a te l inton," said Dole tion vis a vis Uill C linto week, according toieed s said Friday, clmice., IfIf he wanted to be c«)nsid- remain neuinil. x;ampai}vi m aiiancr Scoi Rlchordsorvlntroducoft-hgr-s'ir-sonr^oan,-laBobJ3aleLii campaign';- Ms. lludiAxiruvk-a4iut.-vti.on ------W hile seiiior- UolTli - plaiiii-«l lo U‘;siK-iaie>;economic anxieiy r" p to unifying ihc cam paignjn rallyi In O rlando Thursday.ay. tliey have a madmap tt . soncd the well" byriiliural a fssues and ■ he phinncd to reach out to At A times, however. Dole has party. Dole himself: hahas not always nsked if he ing her brother e-\ireian importani pan ^ coopcrjtfd. }Je ofjen;n t bri.stJcs ni ,Dok‘de/niirred. D( mormore recejJtive to the ad\'icc. 'ilie Dole Lnunpaigii In h is N ew Y o rk yici- s|; ..g e a s w ell,” ^ ^ 1 , IWO remainiiiK rivals,;Is, although top "Fat’s GUIou ihcrc talking aboul Ir any talks in n ))osjiioM nmrMiay niglii. for example. I political aides advidvisc him lo tearing dowlown the doors at the con- ’nm the middle of next w» ■ 0 u u j m Ul rcmark-s'blcnded his favorite th acknowledge iheir cuncontributioas to vention,”’ DoleD said. "I don’t know rcm to have swept th eS u ] MB tlie campaign debate.i;. w hat h e 's;upto.” up willrt-iih th o se of his rivals. ___ m aries and liave m ug "If you believe in econ w-ilk on in this Ikii- Jiist Friday, for ex:example. Dole He saidd hoh was confident of win- .•j-;! p ' lion delegaics; Ruchaes." Bucluuum s;iid suggested that FForbes and ning die nominationno: "imles-s-Forbes grci;rowih, you have a home ir heading inlo those a)i .-ampaign.’’ Dole snid. "If I. IleaLsii-suggesictl Buchanan join the restX‘St of th e c;uidi- d e c id e s to to cut a check to dump can "W e rcsiK-ci themlul the riglit to life bundle of n e g ativ e a d s on l>clil>clieve our country- must retu dates who have (|uii tluthe race. And in another bui ll.L.iS,iUL'Sli.U.vlll,Volick of an eye.” an iniem ew 'i hursdayday night, when my head." th[he e traditional family values ihe campaign. Rec KN Fle S 5 E ~ ------i^niey-hav*?-<-l«MrIy-Jii. this ihiddle class eci Vinyl fencee Specialists as Ik 'cii lears GOPrredefines;s battle pplan as el w c l>elieve th a t is an . A CommerdalSll & Residential sp e e c h of Dole’s mess;igtpreserve I'lorida’s Uy D avid llspo -wunrtoshowthey i '. D ole's F ‘» B utlianaii. bin ______T h e As-sociated I’ressi-s _ W jT - have governed," A nalysis themes in "" «'* irrent_difficulties,_■ k&Shcdt ____ Dt)le. ect confidence as — A year after [. 'J Hoase Republicans, bul on thi: WASHINGTON — tn o m ic “ I''" prei>iirL-d to hew-i fall, p.irticular- Ily ihrough the ;it least, th e y ’re lo oking for a pa moving meihodically -says Rop. M ike— in th is lie as long ;ls il takes.'e Majority Leader iH I J(S O n a n o th e r k e y is.siie, th e un' “Contract Wiih Ameimerica," House p . Parker of Hoi m ent, G ingrich stH)ke-|>ersi)iialTf vou FriiLiyinLiniisiaiui.inland 11 of th e pre-si- H J B I b & ...... ■ Republicans' are strugniggling against t- ' Mississippi, one ;uU ihe floor last week on behall;turi> 10 l^>'e would "sell out:i battle- E s s internal divisionsIS a s w e ll a s , of f iv e H o u s e . o ies th a t nuiveniL'nt ill ihc flick Democratic oppositionion a s th e y ^vork members - who tnei lilling to s;ilvage riJiiinanis[s oof their ambi- jgP switdied from the [he S V M n ' aleriol . . tious agenda. Democratic to t s a j Tiix cuts and profoui Koilablo ' e i n g n c - Rcpublican'Puny p ilection n Medicare, Medicaid ; sincc 1994. ■< i vetoed as extremec bby President Democr-nIS ^ provision to help pri 2 8 6 2 A ddison Av^ve. E. • Twin Falls Clinton, have been dedeferred, possi- culties.rich "1 profit in tlic livergladi'S. RRY bly u n til a fle r tliis fall'sill's election. plished any Republican diffi- ■____I'orall-tJieir tu rn 733-;-2717 House Speaker NeNewt Gingrich speak of, il “They have not accom- his one. Republicans projectiiMMi Uukrry" TOLL FREE! 1-8■800-238-2717 abruptly pulled a scalicaled-back rcgu- done formything 11 in the Contract to K "Apass. iliey l(K)k toward thc UKlKitI laiorj’ relief bill from□m the calendar importantly^I, they can't get a budget, •nvim n- ly S e n a te h h c s on Monday. Moderateslie s /ro m his ow n do n e th ar t 1996 rr or 1997 nnd, most lally on comm; party argued it couitjuld jeopardize lance toilly, il thuy can’t get nnytiiing H | alf of a deniial nomination b. environmental protection. Democratit r^tims iinything of impor- \ Conservatives said1 ilit didn’t go far Gephardts?> the American people,” tnough to free busines;ness fnim federal Said aticDei leadt'r Richard ^ niles. ■> Bonior intsaid'Hiursday. .ir A, A day Inter,:r, moderate revolutionaiDemocratic W hip David Republicans mel willviih Gingrich to ;• WhileI thiui intervie^v, " n ic y ’re not ^ tomplain about anti-alti-aboriion provi- Republicaninaries, they’r e extrem ists,” sions in legislatioii'nc-Oiic-odod T n a v e ira p o litica l'fathey l bristle at such tnik, S t r a w b e r partial governmentnt ‘shutdown. "I morecontni:ans hope to minimize the if h a d a n u n d e r- ■ S e v e ra l 1 thought we kind of h •falbiit-from-some of-lhcir- >■ "A Nc-ir OViu-rciIion Ni-iKWx")>'>'>‘ standing-they wcren’'en't going to do conditionitn)vc'i?ial ' siands. It HUX YUUT UU OTM i4 hU« t Ih tin • that stuff,” said onee l>lawmaker who leadershiptl lawmakers, I speaking-on Lots of 11 some old1 -All prkced to set attended, speakingi or on co n d itio n of iy risky >nvoii of anonymity, say th e . re p e a lin g |] anonym ity. ip hopes to avoid a political- ■Mohawk Horizon Mohawk Horizonm 1 I m llllkan “Prairie Bast", On another impoiportant issue, ofassauhwvote this yeiu- on legislation itto ” ani “Barth Scapes"w " agreement is closee aamong House The diffig the ban on several.types Deep tracery lone-on*tone: “Lasting Perioiwamance” ‘Tocatl iuid Senate Republicalicans on legisla- last yeart weapon-s. choose from - Earth tones, I Jtira dense short plush • 5 colors to cchoose from. Muttl*ci•colored, tightly twisted frizse.le. tion to limit hnysuitslits on defective Association ifficulty is n pledge m.ide ilarly priced a t ‘ 2 9 ” s q - y d1 . products. B ut this, locloo;‘is a reircai Iw held.)r "F to the National Rifle • Regularly pricod at^ Regularly priced a t’2 2 “’ S(S(J. y d . Rogulai fo r ih c H o u s e , whi<.•hich last' year kept," ision tli that such a vote would SAIEPBICE*13” pbce I . I passed a broader— billbi providing y.■‘Promises — m a d e, promise-s. SA1£ PRICE *18* sq.]. yd. SUSP■ ! »18” sq. yd. major changes in allI ara re a s of civil lit- ; the ] poliiicnl motto of the igatiiiii. Mohawk Horizon s. Plashes, Kitchen Prints " It's a question off coc o u n tin g vote-s" 0ver4B rolls - Sculptures, I said Rep. Henry Hydeyde, R-ni., chair- Thick plush - 8 colors Commercial Products aniniBerhers i i3 to choose front m a n <)f i4le H ousi)use Judiciary new and s lorals & 1 geom etric design).I. Regularly priced at * Alt at ClbsB'Out pricos.cos, (2I10I ' Committee- “You’vee g

^ ~ — FiFinely tilled s(j y e r - i” sq. ytl. Now availablea in Twsoil. ilityl ani vlnjl tile ^ win Falls! Free wings up to A> ^ installation uitrssufloeslrt rclail piice 1 ^ thru IVIarch n ie ____ ^ 2 0 t t i . ^ i‘sq. ft. 1 b wittiinSO m iles r ^ . . , s e i i n tedecotaiiting Now *oii 1 mahulactureturers ilH 5 % o f f * on3n beautiful nev} j\/ s u g g e steste d d ^ retail priceric e . i 7I0-5RI8"!8” tiller from BCS. 5 hp. T lose ^ *Notin V 50% fasterr tlthan the competition. . ents, bedspreasads, and all thc ■ Tines rotate V ? W conjunctloic tlon Now just $ I iccents you’ve3 beenI wanting. w ith a n y' ottierott) $l 049«g^VE ^$120“ I I IBARFT/ I I reniai Start Ri 1 a n d S a v e 25 •J5465 AtWison Avo-W„ Twin Fans '734-s window treatm ei 734-4147

decorative ac A-1 Timos-Nuvvfp. Twin Tailsalls. lUilho sal.it'ca/. Maicii 9. 199G 19 N ation Lreaders lineup for] pea(icemakejr summ[lit suininit, but other leaderss alsalso arc Briefly/ ------WAWASHINGTON (AP) — In a1 tidra- 9 ' ' ^ maklake a speech in of Israel'sI's peace policies, whose s likely to want the spotliglit.ll. C linton ;t ter- s J eerusalem r i and Uilxir govervemnient is hatiling lo hold li llic stand agaiast Middle East i also is expected to hold one-one-on-one :cept- •« visitisit the grave of power in MMa ay 29 elections. a )s sliuttle in orbitIt extra day . rorism•ism. world lenders .wiftly acct meetings wilh some leadersL.TS a; t the NASA keeps spon- - ' assa.‘KVvsinated Lsroeli T h e le-•aders a d of Russia, France, n t>ne of iis ow n fliglit ‘^•‘1 invitations Friday lo a U.S.-sp C A i’K c a n a v i ;rlA a iU I-la. — NASA broke oni rime Minister Germany,y, Italy,Ii Spain and Canada ssvimniit site. a n e x tra ccn ar ; scuba^diving resort of Shiimin i el- hiuMLiy. A fr ic a n countries. i Egyptian Kram , hc-fore thL- lOKG)Kf) disaster, andJis i? perhaps too con. the_^ s m i m eik ivas caUed to de m o n strate s' Israeli foreign President.Hit.Hosni M uliarak will l)e die )pcratiIaiis i ael. badly shaken by a wave arak said the sponsor. I bring Ciiluinhia home lo CapeC; Canaveral on NASA wantcid lo bf mbings iliai has killed 61 peoj u°J;niic‘d S ta te s a n d “ W e e.xpexpect iliat it will be u day of On page 5 of the 5ears . Friiiay, bin tliL- cloud1(1 cover< was too heavy. RatlnIther Ihan direct the • *wmbi iation, both for the peace [•Edwards/Vir I'orce sincec e F I e b . 25. Israel will sign an agrcgrcement at the reaffirmaii Thursday. March 7 advedverlts- seven astruiiauis to. thethi backup landing site at-E t also was intended lo lakc2 thet summii on cooperatiniting against ter- pnx:ess and'ind fo r th e n e ed to d o every- ing seclion you may h; ce agency chose to keep thfin y have Base. Calif., ihe space: tiative from Islamic terrorists,, w ho • nirism . thing govei•vernments can do in the • . received, there is a prinprinting k’e jeopardized die peace proct)ces.s'. -The M iddle E ast pe;peace process Ls iniemationronal communiiy to combat error. On the Al&T #24.#24418 Company wilvill show Kenned;dy fight ISdyJ give it back to peacemakers. particularly importantant to Clinton, outlandish5h terrorism."t Wliite House I'he summit will “send a dnimnnatic who has made it a showcaseshi of his press secret;retiiry M ike M cCun>' s;iid. Cordless Phone (Mfr. (f Ni:\V YORK — Seelee them fight. See ihem maklake up. See John F. 'I'he i pow erful signal of opjjiiHilion:'nl’ io -foreign policy. Whitee House11 offidals 'Hie niessi(.^siige 10 H am as, h e Siiiii, is #5481), the copy descripcription Keiiiiedy Jr.’s nirifrier-iend Carolyn Bessetie bumn a c ig a re tte from a a n d pc th e: IsIslamic resistance movemt■nent- b e lie v e —G lin to n ’s1 involvementi “they sliouldluld to o w they ;ire noiv i.solat- shouid'say “Extra Hancandset s tr a n g e r (in th e stre eet. t, mas, which claimed the Israra e li l>estows th e m a n d e of3f stas te sm an a n d e d in theintem inte ndoniil commimiiy.'' '•nay &• Date" won>n thet bidding war for the e.xclusiveex 20-minuie Hama Cradle" instead of “Extra“E) mbings. State Deparimcnent peacemaker for thee comingc presi- Summitit organizerso raced againsi ______videiitape iliui sliowsvs Kennedy, 3S, and his publiiblic relations gal-pal boinb Handset".. We regretel ;any )kesman-Nick4Iuniuaid,------isnn.. .______ihtLclock-ta.: tn pin dow n a mt.‘<-iinu site. in a “physical and a'^aggressire7irRiinicnr;*‘^hir:'rv ^rV-show's-pm ducC T------spokw ' iW conveTiwre-nnrs-rn r r a y ------Vfter the conference, Clinton goesgi M oreover, th e U n itetIted Statc-s wants format andnd oi th e r details. It is ex|>eci- lirik Sorenson said Fric[•'riday. lenisalem in a personal sliow offsoli- s to give a boost toI IsIsraeli Prime ed that ClinionClii and Mubarak will have caused our customfomers.- Tlic footase will be:)e shown in five-minute segm^gments on the syndi- to Jem •ity with Israel. He is expecteded to Minister Shimon Peres,rc-s, die ardiitect hold a newsBws co n fe re n ce to close th e c.-itt'd nuwx maiiiinncc sisiiow throughout next week.e k . d a n ty The couple had aLl Iclovers' quarrel in Centralal ’park on Feb. 2S. Kennedy reportedlyly pulled an emerald-and-dd-diamond ring off Hessetle’s finger. louse Rejpublicai ns GovernmentIt to buy Alaskanin salmon ^ -Tlic govemment will buy AlaMaskan pink silimon U l W A S H IN G T O N — 'H inveil heaalth-careebiU % j i O P u b l i c T e i e v ii s S I O N . . : ■ V for sch(K)l lu n c h es aind n d other food aid in an effortort to boost the flag- HinK in d u stry , A ftricultvulture Secretary Dan Glickmainan s;iid Friday. WAA'ASIIINGTON — Two yeiears tion of up to SO percercent of their Cell grains and pledge youiour •alih health insurance costs, eiebrate special progr Glickman said theJ dcd e p a rtm e n t w a s la k in g ste:ps p s because a record aftercr President Clinton's heal c Television March 1-17.1-! 1'J95 harvest has creaieated record surpluses.of can:anned salmon, wilh carere plan flopped, Hounuse • Allow small businessesbu to SUpp<>pbrt for Idaho Public h a rv e sts tills y e a r a lsoso chool-D i5iric t-n e a r ------thC•H 'H or u scG O l* effort:------V’ laivs. - ...... Seattle, said she triesies 10 create public trust byly iinviting people to •^fier years of national debrbate The •Senate bill,, ss| p o n s o r e d by 'school who have nott bcbeen in a classroom in decadrades. She al.so holds oygrjr hhealth care, this could beJ thet Sens. Nancy Kasseb:ebaum R-Kan., community focus groufoups to talk about school prob■oblems. fjrs5t t sisignificant changc in ther sys-s and Edward Kennedjcdy, D-Mass., is , 'TV'n B a ri7 ' w a s h o n o rred e d at the American Associociation of School jqjjjn ^and would require bipartlstlsaii limited primarily to0 guaranteeing( L /I\iR. ZHIVAGO Administrators’ annualual meeting in San Diego, Gil:i^ilif. c o o3 pperation e that has been rarera that workers who haveha' been cov- sin cce e Republicans took controlol of ered by group hcaltalth insurance lbs, fighters congrngre.ss in 1994. plans get continuouous, unbroken Militaiy woumid spend on sub louse Democrats immediateitcly coverage when they/ changecl jobs or • Bnsudid o on B oris Pa.stcrnnk's novel, — The military secreiariesc s sa id 1-rid n y Ih o y ^ j” “ W A S H IN G T O N — ' ticized tlie Republicans for veer-ve becomc self-employe.yod oven with „|,id,;h v w.is b.inned In th e Soviet uo submarines, fighters andd Ai m iy tactical mis- would put money into : too far from simpler Ic^slatiation proKixisting heahh proproblems Union nr< lor decades. Ihls Acadcmy Aw\ward winning film tells Ihe storjito ry ol siles if giv e n m o re cashash by Congress. It hns wide, hip.irti.san support)rt in It is a s m a ll b ill c co: o m p a re d w ith ^ Russl*isslan doctor cauglit up In thele turmoil ol World War I. nndind th e Conspicuously missiissing from the wish list; iheIhe B-2 bomber and jhe'sc irsed Clinton’s massive oververhaul plans in , ‘ Senate and has Iwcn endors eiiuent events surrounding tilele IBolshevik Kevolullon ol 1917.117. missile defense. , , . b y CliiC linlon. 1994. Yet, it wouldloM e ond covor. Repeating a pattern;m .set la st y e a r w h en th e y took tw over control of Hoii-loiise commitiee chairmen, withw age to alwut 25 milliollion Americans Security Commiitc*e p C on^ss, RepublicansMIS on the House National Se Democratic input, got togetlnher who cannot now getet healthi insur- ., .... Air Force how iliey I ■ ' • ■ 7 asked the secretarieses iof the Army, Navy and Ai th Hasten, who is Houo u s e a n c e , th e se n a to rs say.ay. would spend n^nney■ adadded to the defease budget;et by Congress. Last j> rpublican deputy whip, aand Hasten praised1 thetl senators’ o^* c te d 10 b e tw ice th at. y e a r tlie figure w as $7i7 billion;'b th is y e a r it is e.xpectc reed on legislation that would:,d: cffort.s, b u t said th eir Ibill d o e sn ’t go l i n ninging You the BBest! L » ^ ess-ihe price of— ------■-G u a r a n t e c t h a t w o rk e rs 'c■cov—far i enough-to-addresf i M B t o t r ------Senator: Xra^■avel overhaul coiould save o re;d d“ by a group health insurarance insurance for individu:d u a ls. I ___ m continue coverage unintn te r- WASHING'rON —— TlieT government could savem - $ l \ W o n 0 y e a r P>“ " ' jited when they change or k '. in travel costs if ii[ ninioderni/cd authorizationni prOLSlSres;; Son;. ;ir jobs, even if they have p W illiam Cohen, R-Maii.laine, said Friday as a Senailaie panel reviewed sting healdi problems. : i p - . xpenses. efforts to cut such expe • Allow self-employed workt ; the tortuous route requireded to authorize and * ^ A chart outlining th d small businesses a tax ded z i a t e s pay for tnivel depicts;:is a system more complicatedted dian a computer M. M i c h e n eer & Associ chip and as outdatedted as a manual typewriterter, Cohen told the Govemment Affairs: ovoversiglit commitiee that hele ichairs. G o f Some agencies requiquire as many as 60 steps to10 nutliorize,; pay for : V a lley! and audit travel vouchjchers. Much of that was creareated to stem fraud 9 ^ in Time to the Era ^I T h an t k s Y ouu M a g ic streamlined system IXV r of Frank Sinatra and abuse, and Cohenhen questioned whether a sti I n C e’lebration le o f 20 years: o/seri'/ceoj ■ tee invite ctvt’er}f)ne lo our could be scandal-free.le. I & Tony Bennett... 4Y, M ARCH 11 •• 2:00 - 5:00 PMi . Kevorkian acacquitted for 2ndid dme B! ]Jorge Ballerino O P E N H OOUSE • MONDAY PO N T IA C , M id i. — IDr. Jack Kevorkian was actacquitted of assisted I 0 Sings Vour suicidc Friday for helpelping two suffering patientsts 1kill themselves by . ■ ■I ft M em ories F r e e S c r e e n in g s • « F r e e C o n'^SULTATIONS: breathing carbon moimonoxide through a mask.c. ItI was his second I • 7 r.Nf. Sat.'I- • n Ei/yUNG , \ i Screenings willII Ibe offered acquittal in two trials,Ls, 9 March 9 two days. It found' B i The jury deliberai•rated nine hours over twi h & language Kevorkian innocent; in the deaths of M erian Fretrederick, 72, of Ann l l • S |i ceecli c & Lingtiagc consuli>ultations by our speech A r b o r a n d D r. A lii Khalili,Kl GI, of suburbanI Chicago,C in 1993. pathithologists. , Gehrig’s disease: Khalili sufferedsu: from bone ifl Frederick had Lou G( vsical therapists & occupipational c a n c e r. L i^ n • C oninsultations s by our phvsi^ Supporters in the courtroomcoi cheered, and Kevtevorkian turned and themL'nipists for your individuIdual concerns , w a v e d to q u ie t th e m1 .. i 117 Main Ave. East'TXi-OSOOw . Postst Stroke & Mead Injury•y .il 1/3 tlio eoiit of n Inwn>wn »orvire q FoollnQSsofsodnossorlosi Of QWllI Wllhdrowol from soclot c o n ta c t • Rehal (6.000-i>q.-ft. liiwn) uio Qinii a.incluJc« OfplOOSWO ilnltoblilfY Ip with physical rehabilitlitation needs followingIK ini a mobility' toconcenlrolo to . OThct Thouohts of doath/sulcldo • An gcry inf or accidental injtiryry - including hands. • Knell iilcp (Jcnii.'ni; j for a,.poc.r.c »p< QCfionoosli ab o u t ncaiuin 3S In ooflno/ □I FoollnQsfo< of worfhlosjTioss ^ • ScQtUi Nft-Quibhio GunriinU..nuK,'*- siooRino/S'3/soxual hoblls :ks, sh o u ld ers, etc. 1 Foollngs of holplossnoss • H elp • 0 9 5 ° FoMouo/lo:/loss of onorov • or or hopolossnosst Ourprlcefor surgeiin any of these :areas? STOP IN!'J ! . all four tt»ps ^ If y'OU o l c h o c k th ro o o» m o fo symptoms, syn call us for D o Y o u H a .1^ Inform'irmatlon obout Iho holp avalloblo:blo CK to orranoo a Iroo. b acks FHEE Sprsador Usa •• confidifldontiol consultation. l l c l i - At'mi.,1 T1.C OirTKtOil ■“ lave Questions u I m w . CANYON ^ CaU 734-83 your FREE'appoinIntment or come by.^y- HOSPITAL & c o uUNSELING r CENTERS:s 228 Shoup Avo.I. W ost i324 to schedule y< ,(208) 734^8760 • I^OO^f30:657-8000 M.MIC1 ASSOCIATEJ o n V - T o w C o u n ssoling t Con tors Si££. C a n y o ■ 4 •ivc • T w in Falls I* B u rlo y E lk o 42 Ovorlond Avo. -618 Idoho SL :hener&a - ■47»UdnAg.;.'. 1208) 677-4723 (702) 738-2299______493 E astland D riv IJ i - h r f

SaUiid.iy, Mnicn 9,1990 Timos-Nows, Twin F.1II3, lO.lho0 AA-5 C om icsS~ By Lynn Johnstonon P e a n u t s By Charles M. Schul;> F orB qttoror For Worrorse ~1 A frtix u'MTi.>;iVi.rJiiv’'liv-liv- .'o, llUO lO'K’ iJtuxii V-" \ iMrL w.»\r S l e l^ < 1^' y —

b i i f e l . . , . .JI . By Miko Peters ike_ ...... Mothor.GoosB & GrimrI m m - ...... ^ Blondle _____ , Byy IDenn Young & Stan Drake_ . HOW'S COSMIC V O ll i3 " T ) " ) - \r,v.£ HA5MT OU;T£ eOrtTlrreNl I TmE coo~oi'\za&-uus O'Oi);WiNa CUT Z HMRBLOWe rSRIMM.HOW tONS •ft—^ OUT caosr ? j-^ T-£ HAN5 OF ------____------>.'OaE OauONEV B ■ * HAVE VOU BEEAJ „ ,. x-'^a^iHS TWE ; v.ViT OO j ccuureR '■liT V ■>ou ‘•■can ^ STUCK our HERE ? T/“ . I 1 j-'J M lif I a A llhg I — i H l •I---- ty}*-^Mrt-^------i S 5 S s ______By Johnny Hart B^y Brian Cranoino B.C. t Picklos \ I I ^ " 7 W'<‘ T ^ F7 OKAV. d e -term t e -i'nate ^6ai^iDC»?y^ (jToeN^AlLS. ■)

TO R G H lRa e THE ooY't'oo JU S T FIRRED.6 I hCT mhi/^ r '' h # lV 7 L e ? : \ ^ ? m t i r f e \ ] jf Picnontsy^A-sW \ , ' ^'OicnoM ^'< \ j-1 ____ LJ i i l lI By Jim Davis The Family ClrcIrcus By Bil Keanoino Garflold » Dennis the Menace0 • - By Hank Kotcham

/v o u p OWNe.R,^ f WELL, HE.-& /MEAN TH£ \ / t h a t * ) —- ^ S THIN& ABOO r WHERE HE ). V tO O j ______iPOtSNir.S£EM J_., NP6-0N-A— ----- r o LIKE IR ANP y — W li- - HAMS? f ilf( L a ® fc ■ o f______1/

By Chance Browne HI a n d L o ls j 'l l w 4 w r s o A ^ r tJ i f J s X ------) s u s v wmilg r / l W A $ S O S l f?o/A OUR g e n e r a l A - V ^ __ - w*5 OH /^VAV 0U Sl^JES5 TRIP y r ~ ~ P l ?r TO cs-sr <3if=T5 /. j T" LiNET>J£N ; ----- ,pffiv-»Li I P oFofzr, R s o r- 1 "You canan com e out now. boys. . . All lh(Ihe.birthday,balloons, , ^ •^’oS300Yl^m5^15 MEiSHBORHWD are popped." 11 1 'PRtClATES &000»OA\USlCi"

- AMYWMERE ' "^ijll ghnutshops Sydney OmarrI cp------\^'-^ 3-' I LA. boaststs many dougl Brant Parker & Johnny Harlrl •nK'ii.''N .1 I'll fMIV Horoscope ------Thewizardond ------:______- By Bra .ID.WMI |K-(iiik' n,ilii.ii»iil«'„d.'. IliK in UisAii- I mi> Im IM IV 7.r.lK) »-•L.M. Boyd n L HcU's, ii'n n-‘ M AnciL9 IS v o u ii umTHu,in1UAY: Uliy ihis (lifffum r III m di-m.mili 1 iliin'l t i u u is year - -kiKM. 4Uil nuKlivt.du lluilicmvMila;U iiMi- ,..., Vhat's what? suJ:iid(li.-n rvtotaiiiiani DiiriliK llii' >’v Dll'll Iio.ir wim! nl apiil.iinc.cotncitlincitlinK- — ----- / ireci^i^EiHy ■ - - - kfic-iv ilicy s;iy ...... ' ...... «1H;M''-^IV 111*' ‘ willvilh a hcfiii-r Iwnk accDiini. I'ocus ' I 1 50 , \sA9t^Bre’A L iy ^ Ament.m Imli.ni i-»l>fi a-Ul Man. inik-|)i-ndi.-ncc. nriwiulianalily, rii'iKX'cl "'ill :„v,mnlm«v.indai. ' A.N-ninlli.II llic Kild. ' fa-' ------i,ouo?y lm Ins i,ii,;vl fi.m. Wa'hinninn W XM-itJa-d 2(I'J ti>uimr.iKf of coiiviciiiins, rcfii'inR l<> w ip oil idi-a. pnijt-ci thai yiiu knownow in- lilt.' fiMillMlI (ii.'til Ii.-iii;i1iI'lli lli KHI v.ihIn H i»iimd' AlI U.i'i.Ua lK-di Ai»v 1<). l7Kj. lip 1.IIV Aiiuv nc-iUT.il-. xvi-iu »-.ttv.tnlly will sl>cll Mittt-'S, Aric',., IJliraUl i|ii.i[C'i>u<.k\ fitcd .uiu^K. .Ull llu- (Mill.- lU-vi.Iiiliv ill >iiur w,ul(llH.-<.v.i.»h,ir' VM'tnlii'il cmin VW ol hiini 'C.ik-s llial d.iy. givrivrvun. play inlcn;\imK w!i'^ in >1: Ainiv MOK ' .l..< mil Ilu y .ivi i.itji'clif,i-(l217i>.irl iMiii- v a . Am 1-. conin)VL-r%iiil. idcali'tii in nimaniiiiiancc, li.it. iliumk.il »...tfii-.iil^. ij;aii f.iirar ivfilu': "Ymi (]Uc >i«ir miiM pcn>-ef-ptm- vcliip <•«■''■ '<■■"■' iiiilii-Aniiy liiiK.' ivlii'ii llu- hill'hinil liiKi( oi .1 niniiini; horM- tul.ul. iinifiiabiL-. nimanlic monlhs offlVX. IW A1)..ui ino..Ku«cliin;ii>'l nl hoot. M.ivl).-so, lull hor't.-i.-x- !AUtlLS (.March 21April l ‘J)i - C()iConni A siliDl.ir ii'iK.iis r.iki’.ikiM.iii' TkIii 1.111- hiis M' inml li. )im.-'•'■'■• anflmdndh<.-u-callii li "fdrjlinK-" V»i,Diir niDiiL-y - and bk-v'inn^. Somw JAMMS i;ii.ii:<' iiM'Ml'fvimi' »m«c hinks t-nnuKli cif yiiu Io bail yim milIUI cif fi- By Chris BrownelO liTd.iv .mil inmiimiw >lio uiDiiilor da- ii-M.uir.uil bii'i- lliii iin Ir.iiiklin lutHitJil m -'"av |H-cp|)Ii-o|)K- incr .iix *><) -'>1' lH.-fci-iii n.ui.mcial iliHioilly. i-ot-mi-rymi-nis. Hagar tho Horrible SiiiiH- •*1x1% lli'iij.iimii Cmccr Uiik fmm lli' liijn ,iliiti.iilituil >M1.-lallitU hi mol.-llki-lylli,y lhan ilu- >i>imi;i'r dini.-rN to i-.il toll;olk-i-liciiw. diir.iliiliiy uf kimkIs. Cini ,V<-..lliliiiii'-'l«-.m-. iiK.if<-K-ii.i'. laiivi- involved. w n i r T A K E A\YAWICEce--T(Zy' Tt>LJ'uu ^peM c? m-v.n.ir..v-.iiKi.-Mlii'>i.\\V<-. TAUIIUS (April 2I)-May 201; I'ocii'ocii' on K, KrJk&HT^ ) T lM e TH S - y. In Juiviii."'a-Miiiii”> All U.S lo mi in s .it«ivi.- Ihl- dinu- di-niimi- 1 Iw d. i-roWABI2YAK ' A HmI ii.uin1u.viiiIII Nliilini:■ i>.iii<-1 <-1 n.iixmbvl.uvil.uv im i'l liavi- a n i-aidi- im ihum . ii.irtricr^hip. I'.ir public rclaiicuw, li-j I j I i f S UAUMPRY ii:ri-ciia-nls, bii'iiic\s and niarriaKfIKC pro p iki-|i.n>i'r miiiiim.-il <111.1 llic I-Iiiiili iiovi-liM A natcilc ai;r 1-V,iia.-Vlinlio <<• -\|ilaini'il ih .u ilu- l.iw u i i ' ;xi\;ils. (xis Educ of coiurovcr'y pru\-ai!'.-ails, let a iMrdlinn (ir adixir :a\iM; iv ' t@ ^©a? Oil Ila- 1<.Kiks .if UIiu-Im- l-.iflli. Minn., i' lair aiulr<|iii>.Hiiil.ibli- in a 'n m th a ' il fi)rliad<- o)lhi-r\ lh krunv yciii »vill fiRlil if caiiM.- ' ui-ll a ' Ihl- iKKir fiim i s1t-c|.inn n)^il. riill C'.i-mini imiilvL-d W 4 ^ ^ g N ^ aii (itiliii.iiico 111.II iiKiliiliiliiliil' d«.-riii'l' Inmi llu- n d i a ' wi- : Sludy iii; liiiiili loiiin.. iiiuli r Ihiiidi;i-'.Iki- I>i’w;mi; in 'lie M rcci'. CI-:.M1NI\ (May 21-Juiic 20): Sli. [il.ivinn ^!lt•tkl•l^ (liiriit); li Aril-'. Taiinis mc"aKi-i fcir adili-ilk-»'-‘— III M il jm III |i rj iliuii. il'ii l'i>ciis cm <|Hxial siuilii-i. wrilui*rilui(;s. H e l g a t s l f e f ) “ T r ^'^-7 S) ACH oss \ r - Ik' aw-.irc of di-iails, fine.- print, iliiildliiild cm k 1 EtlitJto lioh __ ------^ ------'»1'solid ba-.4'. .'kcir^iiu individual cxprcvtprcv'es ^ liKs it; is f i 5 I’iuonir. ” 7 -DHa/cliciJ ------C\NCI-:K (June 21-Jiily 22): Vuu'lliiu’ll ex- ? S 13 Old miti'umcnl ______ndliidc i>crv>nal niiijya-lisni, thann,, M.-iisex ii|> By Mort WailIc cc>nim<.-m on yiiiir innm-aiivciiiliveilets. WAR HAS BROKEN ■ 10 OLT.caiios 01 i i l p i i______IV- Magnllo - jj- ciriBiiialiiy. clmrm, M.-nsuality. I-'ocu< .55 THREE. IF -- t B 19 As-.;ociiiU;:i dcimi-«ic adiii'lmcril iintilvinK |>ci«i|K>ssiblc 21 Doluncl (JoMic.ll • « " chanKc of n-\idcncc, marriage. acionyin __ VIUCO lAui:. 2JScpl. 22): 'nicnie cine1 2? Woiks doiifih <» H47~UD <9 that Kcal, iK-n'i-ive iKili-niial, induencludinj; A HiB ■ ■ 4-1 SCO 0 40 Do.Tiiof Sluvo J Yostoi (orx-ipi niarkciv Clandt-Miia- arranKc- arm THf fL/NNY gON£/^^ mcni cciiiMinimalcd tcmijjii- 47Spoiikoiot '00 DoiJlo o u Alni . 21): Af- ^ __ biisobnil 9 Sitirjing bud • — - ' SA(;iTr,\UJUS (Nov, 22 I)i-c. 21): ■lOPa.m .1.* y .\l fintialivcl Imprini 'lyl^. lK.T.inlyn new 50 UfOiiKlaol (aio 1' pbaw i)f carccr. bu^inc^v l)iffcrL-mrent kind1 w 52 V;mo1c '2• impioinonls - h i '' J cif Imc iii'pin;v rcsulls in (ullillniKillnient. 5G Uppurnioll poinl llTauoins l^J ■2, njS J cro plays p 5 9 noiai.vor.ol 12 — dO'WL'll ■ ■ | l I confick-ncf. jx-.ice of vml. Ixo p Ir r &p ■ N|0 iiiiCIlMd l | a 01 liiir.clomin.uil rciti-. 14 Tai.l i n H|A : poiboihor. C U ’KICORN (Dcc, 22-Jan, 19): Kill- G2 bird 2 0 Dor,umr, 'S M o f{tllgTlo l i t^ l'A V El d. ■L^ ^ iwr.tv« e-m*i F»«3eOeBrf0*OLCOM i o M t efs sM o c n e I t j pbavis • cm diri-cliun, mcilivalicm,, valuevain of C3Gio«ikcpic, ?A l^inhn(]woid /u A N I I I ?6 Dluobonnc'l, !y ^ d ] o | prxilK-rty. Coiinnct diniiiK lonidit.Kill, Can-' By Art Sansom a Chiplip 6-1 Expfoas i i ti-r nalivc arr.iiiKi'' cxcilinK intro Tho Born Loser — 1 GO Kind ol diver 20 NoU.blo iimL-.; ■TOiHr 29 Inclino ^ ^ » - - • lions. Wi'h tcuni'% ma-. j-our co.i|K'r.iiilK'r.ilicn lOOATTHlMKle GG Stiuvilid «iuj-Jil in majiir projii-t, ~ 1' I'WHW ■'^ .y 67 Pokor slake 30 Inlljoncn ); Diwrsi- WH£M'5 31 Fiiond ;5. .‘I.H AQUAIUUS (Jan, 20-1't-b, IH); l)i\ . ’'I)ry£TOTNjLY CO Gollinn ilofTS fy, prvstnl format, coiiccpi ti) adveniIveniunii DINK6R. U J0 l Q C5> Oinimulivo sulli* 32 3. 'For — joHy £ .Vir.l. be mid. WC 1- ^ r MX)UST£C>TO good..- ^ IS M oiEIf i life ill {cxcciitivc. You no lonRcr will be K£KDY, I f ^ r 70 Minus "You are ahead cif ymir time!"' Iii'lejd. IiiM /MCPOWNVeS) - DOWN 3t33 Yiinkcu iibbt. IP t H1T | 0W9/96 "■ ,i{U1ti>rii« 6 L M > Y 5 = y L ^ (WIHCj-VL Ihis is riRlii lime! Ct'mini, .S.ifiitti 1 Slippaiy . 3!35 OioWe a Inst ------■ lln;prvM.-nled. 2 AGieiilLnke -‘C3G Remnindor 1 ri. PISCI-S (I'cb. 19-Mar. 20); CliiilliJliiilk'nr.e 3 Ono on . 5 Food aloro. (or -if44 01 llio r.unimi't y«)ur side. I W f reiiilins ‘ nitcsiitcss.iiy. iT’a, BE. ^ IW / i HAV6MT ? 4G Lubbock n.ilivi-'. ;o ooddcss 57 P'OtJ I* 50 Indian Cla-ck >i finitrt-< in\iilviiiK bank iiccminl. iicct i£KDY It^ s * f ^ o ^ S ™ 40 " Thin 53 Poncouvei 91 CO Stiingy negnlivo Clnsisioni|uabiyl ^ f DeClDCD . £ fr-i 40 lo a n chiirgo 5-1 Lois £ /A ’NUTC^! ^ 7 Sip______5 or nbbr. 61 Fury It uiiLI______.ibbr. 55 Kcl.iuvei I mliii, ■5iSepn1.no 5G Holpor I ■■) ' if t • - ’ • ______J B l f_ If you’ve5 got nervee and sensee of humor I Briefl^iy roUucts pliVnrTiTNaiupaiT ~ ^ 3 M K chief saysys debt deal holds keyny Simplot’s meat-pro “ Rere are: ssome wei)ird^aysto0 get a j ob ' i . The deal will reqequire ;m expansion of llie facilityfaci , BOISIi — Morri.s-ri.son K n u d sen C o rp . C h ief E and additional ernru p lo y e e s. B ut th e c o m p an y,■ saiisa id nters wito are havini: no luck i Ki»ighl-IU(Iclcr News Sorvii:r>'ice' whate% -er y oou u are) and list your hunte Y's- tive Officer Bob TTil in scm an b e lie v e s th e Boise-1 sp e cific s h a v e noit t Ib e e n w o rk e d o u t y et. • • p h o n e n u m licr.K.-r. .- i ( ) K1 traditional t r ntciliods. Emplt1”“^' company will-sun'in iv c if it con pull off an audjiudacoui- ‘si„|,,„i„tfldQU,1s e x p e a th c a n n u a l o u tp u t at a t th e s “don’l have a lot of lime W hen mailinij or fjixiry;iry; y o u r rc- T ip No. 3G:G: Make I a satisfaction ers "( ’ plan to resolve its;s dci e b t p ro b lem s, . . p la n t to e x c e e d 1(X,00.000 c a tilc w ith in fo u r yetiurs, ars 0 the [irospectivc em- spendL-nd on e a c h a p p lic a tio n .” siimc It) a pnispcctivu'• ciem ployer . );iiarantee to t Id fact, the onlylly significant problem rema“""'."‘"S l),opl.mlnowcmrnploys 190 people and proccs.s-;es.ses I'hat’s one of ihe reasons w fails to j;cr your fooi inn t!Ihe door, ployer — if heite or shu is not satis- Th;i for MK to solve i.s itsil debt, and tlie company w a b o u t 70.000 c a td'l e e a y e a r . iry dclivurinH a pizza to.0 lihis office fied with yourur work by the end of job3 seekerssc who demonstrate• i tltat if its crcdjiortors accept a previously disc . ai tiinncr limo with yourour resume ihe test week.;k. yoii'H leave and lie usualnal creativity or iniiiaiive w proposal that theyicy exchange S234 million in s facility in Utah o r sh e w o n ’t oweow yon n penny. standind out, s;iid Toropov, who spc .for controlling ownershipow of MK, Tinstmannan liid W cStlH plans 1 taped inside; of ilie box. ^n’Y — Seattle-based Westinstin Ho- Il w o rk s — so m c n n c hhasactiially as Tip Nu. 141:41: Students, do your fourir m(mthsn rescarchins and intnter- Tiuir.sday. ".We areu e veo’ close" to fixing tliee compn-cc S/\LT LAKE Cl :o. plans lb consolidate itss w( w orld- senior researrarch project on the viewii;winn career counselors and e ny. the 49-year-oldId ci h ie f e x e c u tiv e sa id , le ls Si Kesorts Co. trie d it. 1 systems in a S12 million lechrechnolo- The pizza prank is TTi| ip N o. \.i company you''iii'cfiike to work for. ployeily e rs fo r th e l«)ok. Triday was Tinsinstman’s first anniversaryy aat the viide information s I*. University of U tah’s Rescie s e a rc h front the tried-aiid-triiele ((al least then std)niit1 thetl paper as pan of ^ome Son of Toropov’s more oi helm and his first:i p u b lic re m a rk s in 11 m onth;nhs. gy center at the. 1 03 Off-tho- your.applicaticItion after graduation, landisidish suggestions work best I low within 45 days whether:r tlthe se- Park, oncc) -siraiet;ies in “303 ' MK should know a n d will Job.” The (This tjives yonyoi a excuse to peoplo p le lo o k in g fo r w o rk in ci will accept the debj-for-equiruity pro- The cenier milI eem p lo y u p to 200 w o rk e rs and Wall Ways to Get A Jp cured creditors wil ■stin will______------booifrb>'-Hrjindt)n-r«»roi.ropov;-hit— ask-for-iin-inun i« rv io w -w id u a -d t;d = ___a tivivt:_£ields e . sucli as atlvertisir h av e a n S8 .G-milIieratc Tip No. 159; W ear a bi|big T-shirt book, a ll.. My M advice to people is to that says “I’m an accountimtant" (or Toropov wromite the book for job proaci:)active." Market!tS ______57 5 58 05 57 95 MM *25 A|. |;;oi,"u.ii >41(100 4111(1 4l3n0 ..'0 O-c 00 70ft jg 00-10 00. Sap 571 sew VOKK (AP) — Spm non'orrouft rhola- pro IIB7 1_11>7 IWO .04 Thu aay Dow-Jones 3 mottry 13 00. (vw J»n ^500(3 501 59U0. 59 70 55 75 - 35 ^ AJummum • 72 4 c»m» pw W. Cor«}on Molai C.t NCW VOUK (API rm«l DowOo'wii »v 00, motit, 23W). U 5 La»( « « M 4( Coppo.. Jl 2300 CattwJo lu*! piala U S OaftU' ’ UlOl^ (l7Uj'* (IMS (.0 ChK^ifoK^tfoOoanHH Iroilfl fii lU mn g (So. (•« E«1 »a».2,74: HJlh « ’Oo.. « Op«n (IV 0«»« ' J3»Ig *u*p571*^^ Cot(ScOo.-J1 JMOp-lb. NT Ma.C»w*Fn 0 ot 00- FROMfE0 97. H003.1.EAW taaLaaa • 50 MMft^ 10 00 tiu fnwmwi; ilow p«« bu«7»«» tJTTOTno-MBU.i n'eei i^iw».i» TToi' CMICAOO (API - USOA - U«;o. U»SI>1'604} IDOriH I742M 1. 4 I'J.^ ^00 ft^-ppsn^ pcJTTTS'US 1A lr^%t 3 jF M ■ tloo 90 Honor A ilaiman (orvy OaJyJy quag\^a) iTKlUJ ^ 51J Oow • »307 10 Troy oi . NY Marc ftPol month Fi — 01.; hotuUNonnDatoiii luundioatS OJror .$5 375 Mantfy i Maiman low, aa^Quot -01a B50.00Q 45 30 45 40 4S0J 45 75 - IJ S4tW OJr - t i 4 fO por bo, Oi . NV More ftcul rvntr 1 A Wiftconvn S 00- Doc 40 4 UoroTf ■ J2B0 00 par 76 ID "aft*. N*» Yttft ...... ■ " ■’"'Thu «oo*c«»^n»*uS»' 50 in CATloni 70-M counl Piatmwm-1413 50 N^ More po* Hay oi Most actives 2100, Wouw'olwi 1(1 OO.J« 00.0S ^ mST b’oo-'jb' m , j S M I * • Vi.:«rll"a>'» CORN &>0<»00 15IM-54 00. Klaho Ji 0( - . IJCWYOHKlAP>-3a»ir'U0'«:UO'KS n’yjn?! C'nnI •^OK wuftiirt»50-owp"i IQOeoxW > It 00- '''^Lautcoiea,7:88 7 i uoO 40 -. tn»no«olin« lSo>o»l»at«n NmrTu J1BM Ki™** « Ota««ft IJU30.I4JO.------IlH-l|la«0XM ------P cti«no« nalomwy>«l «l rrmoimiian$l aauiit<«l« ...... tlOODIOOC---- «ay- Fossil fuels --^ ■ Vokm>n* LaU Chg. uutiap-nii . iy' "Tool ciw*w7i'o?l4(XI. klaho 130( • 11.744.7144.7M J4t *2;^ - Smii-rulM . *00< H(Hjrv)»hil«« 100 18 tacM Wcftco'J ^ ,« ? ^ 7 J 5 KCW YOHK (AP)’- Fuli»C» IraO-ng cn Cl>o. No.Now Yocv 5l»-lCmc n BB,;4S.400 2U Quo«l.»« •!" Ulah.) MarcantU0 E.chan9aFl.lay Miaonlocti « B.OlOW 1; Dff\tji1miiiili>IAuiiculIuin Uiu M Ji jgSo. «7M Be 5 •! 25 Opan l0*T'r'I Sugar ‘S' UOHT SWEET Cr u d e ...... ' .M4 NEWY0HK(AP)-5ug»IIl;Iu»g»l*g»Uoa.f>gonin»Naw Aug 6060M 8230 WW O? i 7 *75 VOl^ W .;i» 0»*#iparbW^^ Cui.oWdUan 587510!000 10 MK — lonKxiMoic^Piu • U Molcxma 5>l7ilO SUOW-WOftCOlI ^y ,gg, Igg T.iMo ADS ^.3^0.700 >Mboin«n»OT;tWl«»^bi^^ ^ l«.000«».;t^^P«ffc.^^ Jul 'fl»J?2 *S wa S.IM.BOOIf T eI GrainsS IfillPiipw* ■l.700.i(00.100 MH • >: VoitoyCroiM -"om ^ 10?» jOBO 10 5^2 - ■ '«M « jj.ooo 03^. P.KM rw i»M i i iii =i Metalslls Ioa '«9 4.(JSw /S Sop 1007 10 10 —05 SaWcM •orW gd Kov . ' 5 2° ?300 3o'''~'''y. . MaiLh il«»Y"fy. M 15. taifuf. W W) Doc lloo' Mj^y 1D07 10 ^ 101 ?a"»93^Jp^?f*10 ^ O.Ooc • 17W 17 12 1700 17 0. noiiKlcra^ SdMdOOpounO - M» agj DM —05 ng ^lUng UIM 85 up tO 05 Ja> 40.ttJin.lMa(l5i>oiMmnw>-.. .. irrn ■ . ' Oei^ ^ -niJ-itiMi non «iIJ 15 AxTKrutar CAttno) 0>^ 23 21 J315 *15 NYHanOr*Mami AmefKjinTBi&IiH U} (lB*iimuJ^*iniJlla'ijinn^Hpoijilno Jul' rtamunlaoocaipa t41004upMM AuO “ I s is s 1 «98 1JuO«!»^ 5a -X ' J4 W. n«w aw> ~Ni>Niat. Oclo(i«i Ueii.o'y. t l OO Sep ~ oJ5 H '' ' P ^ ^ gj JH B4 7J 83 ’ ” NY « ' K£.i • tJ’‘ JJJ7 7735 * 09 JJJ£ 2 cg S '« » IffO Uo...C«K*>» 7J?B J7 : J J'iSTJ^Clo«rfi*»07 10up 0. CunAo>a 42 ItK l*0CA1i;iL0(AI>|- CftI »a».7a.012 Tl^ ftftal«.l(XI9W> Coo» lU^ J732^^22M ” oi NY^apuOWNaioNalonal Uanx 4 p m Fn MOfOO.up Cm«igyCorp ' MK1k !k POCATCUO^'wt^ KEATlNo'Snr'"'''^''"^’ . 16X I pwconi irvvyj 5 4(1 (up 1). 11 pof • Jul . "-03 ’’“'tftl »»'"« 1% ? Thu ftMWft tvio (up 51 Nuv -O J 7Iiw-.up.n».| lO.MO. wJJJ NnwYOnfC(AP|lAP|-Fulur•»»a^lnao<Opan Men lix 3ad>a CJiQ. He MMrtMl P»ck»>0 SKXH Livestock ______n n n __ ^^5 ^40 ^J5 •• 3WUC . V - • • • ?OKILANO“ -Wtw.c r« \'4 « rz ’- - «^OW^S^plOOJ*. s _ 04 COCAtCUO (AP) - loiho Emmaim iiusa'u lnl»nr«»;lucxio(>onlorfiH)4r.Mo K«, Co>n 3M - 01 C1VC5I0CK AUCTION - Wo««»a« U.«il0CX Comn«- Aw 39f U r 50J5 50 25 50 25 WW lDnov“»"f'f*' '®* iVhitg «h«iit cv>1 7 BO (oiogy • W - oa 33 00.39 00, hM^ 47 25 47 71 47 25 fl Moit'Mxv lOHOwn It I *H POiniANO (AP)— -DS il'sinlHIMi'ttm^fDll-^OO.Ii f*»aneo>p JOH Plum«cui & Upionn •1. OIMPI 041*. com. Miloy orxl J«h 0SSSss 00-52 00, l.oh((»«>w FabS 409iss Ptic«/Co»ico 1 It «»40O0O-416O0p» A0« 41190 411 411 BO 4I1B0 41^^ 0 4 0 42.ut4£AoSo«S^Ke*' Pt»m«rV MK hooo\«i™n!i^'lflhl looOonn 1IOC-2 00 low, Jun Swwuroodi » IM i 5? “ ”?hu OOkM SUugma. ^ ^ .0 « 4 . S«ta 35’< Thu ‘ft opon >n1 VO Bin J0 417I0 42*°0 *4 00 J*“ Smitn»F/Olf>c ?1‘ >Jlu«.finirxllxi'tf"» 7 70 SOYl>£yrD£AKM^ ^ Ok Shopkolnc 1?H _ -4 No 2tMtlypn>w<1 5W Wa< ^ - -K IOpC1|1>0<«in I ii ii li ii 15-t ■ II pc|l»tX«cn 5 o' j'"'" > laftl lha martal S.OOO tny at.: oar TiiQijini SofMconUuan IU alo1a»Ilhamartot Uw ■'i« W: o '^ M o “ w3 0 W7 0 -no &^ 49.5 49 25 40 25 MiMl ^ Pifo ivoiwoorw^o - 0 00 ^ Doc £?, , Mi Ml 5 550 0 543 9 552 2 '0 7 U IH — I JO ClllCAOO(AP) - FulumftHBilrn>c»^o Jul 551 55 5 501 0 549 5 557 0 'BO Ja Sap • »!■ ^ 9408^ Wsi-Miwl ^ I* 7J« 00 . 30 00 235 00 jw ro ^- IM XorcofiUo 5600 ^ 0 ^ 0 5600 WO Um SaOa Cf» Oac 5& NATURALSa*’''^'^^^' ! •Ji UlNNtAJ>0LI5(AP) CATTLE Jan 10,000 mm be/a. Ip^arnntiU^ ^ Ok Jh.J‘.’“ 7DO. u(.B2I 4a000*n.;e«ffl«pw*>...... "ouo«»tlon»*nmEiN>«flO.*O.JcnMftCo...... Op« A« ■ 01 31 02 70 ■ 61 |3 5 May ■ Closing futuri r e s ’ o t a t o e s ^ ^ Oc? MJJ 0157 OO ^ 2 ^ - J 0 » 7 040 7043 Vo“ < - ! s ; lot Mb. Ooe ^W40 ^ Mrm Corrmodtr H«r< Lo»• ^2^ 4^M^ o“ 45’ e f * f -^07 ■’‘"Thu-.M*aft1i Apr M ;0 BI30 63 to B3 60 — 02 Thu • opan ml Jun 8107 01 Bf lalat 70,008 ^ ^ i a i iw i 17 MBJ • 15 7«u;»»aW«J.3l ■“ Ssniana I Kuft^l^M^nftft JJ J440.uoMOej3 06S. Fa6rtca!a wra< aanM< n lonOon >5 43. up g^ 1880 IttW IMO IW? 90 9 0J4 • IB t.OOO bu rMnum;jm; I do«*(i p«< tiu»h«l ''|? « “ ‘^**^“^^*1720 M 17 M05 IJ 00575’°"'***' oJc 2 0(15 J 085 2 OM 2 103 5 450. up M070. FiWicaiaOtiWS. up W MW sSw*"’ 5500 S4J0 "^C 1 »aM Ifl"^ Tlf^l ftaiftJI 3«S^ A« OohJ 3W 70 30a 10 r^^'oH'' ” »« »4 ^kVo ^B7 -,io i ^ « l * « aar p apol , inortnFnoay 15479. up J0 0C9 TNl Jt^'°n2o,l72 '■ M»r Copp« 1209J ligSO

— Stock Ji is tin g s - ^ ll»»KI»» » JO II7W7 M»*J* COPI DOI -14 1397 23^-1 S«nS.g ) IM 21^71 ^76»-J N»-W ^ 6^1^ H**j«'*^1 « 10I'o 9320 5 » -'x Towr.* '* ’ 'li OOK IJH 1} •710} JM - X CV.KC New York (S i“ J?44 ’?4'?J}J. iJ J -II 1 14^ VM u x i ^ i »9 ir wn u s - u i i|i’k^ ^ S 'l'r'w j I'w?" «” h I'l N**o’» 60 to 2^ f5fl ""flX-Jt noe»« I H H oIoSl II IC8W 14H~ H ( 241 ir:9»)uS2X-X RWlaatlU If o'22»*4«’-2- A!2l»Cp W 20 JBM X Ga«Jri “ 14 3M«J Jlv” X ISllsIjfO I S - » « 3 iw” >~1 33« ' JfL« M 5,64s Mll-ji"' --- t« n i— ----m 7Wa-B1—-3---- cr»»- W - I] IW -C IH ^ — K0T«-4X9b—II_ ji.sna.iu-u __ ii o ^ ._ ^ ___ ^ ’ j r ~ r \ fiaiiS'cS* 1 j'l44 J6.-I ~fi.nt>rB ------"I —i '» 74CB SlillX 3^ JJ * » 470» UX~I» .lU^ '481 ]5 ^ “i“l5 iruJl1 > ao 17 Ifl Jl - X Nttoi jm ‘^o's laix t !wal**l''w '* M li :'S S f t4 i v S s5iE i *«'o^' JjS joM 1&»-X OcD«>»l r 1 IB BS07 |J » - » " ^ T k ^* J^1j ” *40* l » - J t 140 40 «” rj 5 c*^p13i 33 ?ci 1 127'^ 01* B WM '’l7*. 1 L«SI»ll‘a IMI II 1B23 UX-K OnnCdIU ’ * £~ * ' 20 j'w WH~ ! ! 10 cuf 47X-2X a u c e 2os 1313* JOX- X CxS« 3M tmvfimt >7 1M 4« S i "ifii-i•ntoi I 17l LuCUCi) ..45 W 3f02 J4X- X 0*n 2*0MO' ' ’s'ni0*0lxl.'l 3a»5l»f'»ft 172ft4 t4H— > IcroUay M 070) <3 Ajln^ 2 « • l| 4J» 14 n 1 40. 23 3f3) f5-i-IX CnCCW 1 ItIt 14 733 J1X- X SoaCaft 76 21 0upSi20B u ^vnti i.iuwi , 1 5 IB4B 11X-4 Om,^ .'0. Ifl ” s'j3M J»1 X OMUa. it 7225 (» 34 — * t 2 4Q 10 1 4 OWW^^JW I14JM 4«s-1< I 31 i»ioeox—n usxusa^^ 'nI 40M« 32 -1 FAuWt UO 370 *j(r£«n 'Is'iis X [ES)*'J ' 24 f’ jiv MX- X o2k< ’“ z * I! OMJ 4 Fontb J J 53 _ c-€ - ' h^l«2 ro - X i*wi^ ‘"ft 1 oa 20 WM 3 J '-J ' ^3 ^’fX-lt ',0 I* W 1 AjSii.*lM H 11« w t— » i'fii 'i/'^of? nii—w y 'j j ' m ~ * ^ 7 iT jri"' 2 n''*^o*'’07" iT^Ssj’U x ’i wS»» m ' 1« is CcSl K 13 1JM J4X H-nr. •Sdop'm M 10^ ” (i'-^> 0 1 21 7fO MX^J '3?* 12 1700 2ft*z» SmJScUOa IRC^'^ 'o a '°is ' 31 ' M- S M^5 M 9 40M 25X-X a«OC mIS?" 5 40 'is “*) - t ^ r . '£ —2 CtnSaWU I 741 13 UM 2fl»-H 'InjCo • M Jl 1'^ J II222 «-i S '” f.ii^ o»—4.10 ' »mc»p 5e!(~i-5 Cl>^»• 4» I» 171 3«t- 4 I 1 " S |? J '^'^4^'C”^”'^ * "1 -K C*™**/. J4 2S02 414 I " ' n 2fo’^ » 220 n S’M 27 2«M ^»4^IX P^Cin 2fO 4X 3«MCr< ^ 7 i r » ” *~x ” ’ '51^ ^ j ** SwS" I « I J* iiS v " " w If “ s !1 ISJ^i<»nj ft I 50 12 j«6l 14 4141 05X-ZX Ponn.» H2192 ^ j j i z l i 1 *471” 21 .IK I3»«)n 2 1# IJ7M M»-U — 1-1 - . . .iMcCrtlJIpM^ jO 1310 OOX-2i ^ ^ 1 '*4^035't o -X UaOcn 1” 114 >n^»T-’io |> , ^ 10 a IU41 ' X LkKnio^ 10 73 4130 XX^IX S««C0*7B i 6460 lOtX-iX Uo«a 48 10 581181 J MX-tt ■* CwSoiO? *M 5M 4 ^ - » IfK Col wi"4'i«-''x '"It* - r . ^ lz^ . s s C S 't.7 J4 29SX-7 NTKCori ^ 0 1030 3 0 ^ 5 -1 8 es » 3174 4M~1 CavMh 20 1 1513 19 — X N«*an • JOB 201 20 22237 tiX-IX JtaxmitOC I 2«0 l1J42J3J4«-1X VJM^^1^4 |l« 240j'-7X Nt^ft^Or ^^^2 J 44 la JM g s'‘£ .'S kEJ 1 I CM ^^f^JIM* 5U PhartJii "li A^e. JO « 1|S-. K (>»eDrol»0> II 30314 j ; i - n I 1J0 24 MfJl B4X-2S Pr»W> 100 )' io*ImV 5V*—ix vrft«^^"34^ 17^01 . X (>«■ JJJ n IIM ] iii! ml 04 10 13500 SIX—iX FT«U/ 4 2 2904 SOX- X K* Val£ J tf 1 ;*i| a S a i1° w’jtS I Bos-jis 1putnt 320 14.WW I!.U—&X IIW 152ai 44X— X OOftwp 3Aa 73 .^.1 Cai^lMa 77 Mli 7 « - « • 'I fl»«£^u.,. SS "K! ar:;. I lOa 0 201 IJ t- X (XM ^I14 IJ W43 54A-1X »*>o* 3 401 IJBjlt;(M120x-3X luUUi 1231 n H eros J « - » II 1»4 a 9-32-7-3J ' : ! SSc/p : *I}"m X j!S2 (JfowJA .0«»nle 44 I3« U »- » MfnJK ' ” 1 4 ? ^ 2»»I « oHSw I i'b * DMC£ HiCM 7r«- X Cw>[>ii>>e4i I4 i2a9 «ax-ix Jorau -•10} 1B21U UX-X - D*ncOn»1W> tJ !U74 J i t - l t lix ^ ■ IBM }l 13104 34 -X il’ac 40s '=y”J"ri': 2S America:a n - [U(^not n 1JW4 »*-»'» c-51ci» 2J» M ” u 40 -l« IG«^>K1IU 10 39JM 74X-1X InJH *l"nflf»'f4X-0 liaiyiP*l2o' OtrAH^iW II ISfM 71)1-2*iK . 1 7 IIXJ 4fl*-IX I 1 ^ Y * S °S ~ H ’ an5> I 701 I -2 C ^ r 1 14 I S1J1-.X c0 « « n -23 JS7J W -J * ' 1P«>1*™ tci ^ *^ojs< JX X '*1^ IreZix tawlSSIi'wSji'Sa * Jl’l«i?' 2S**”*. X Ck>3«" > 10 127S7 IIX*. >! ICMMICO. 7 ;46M U>-1X K>tAI K £ . “ 30 IS .BOOa’*»'4^W Man 1 » l: BalaalaalOg. «i«r 0 0»rt?l'.11 l» UMJ 4 ir-l- ;oSj^ i'm 1,1 2f?j"’S - ? t • KCsS. ’ 1 Salucday, MiirchO, lOgC TirTlmoo-Nown, Twin ItJnho A-A-7 Worldr

Briefly Plreser•ving In reams o)f f paper, tape, c(:oncenti‘ation - Israel blows upp Ibomber^s housese camp suw'ivorIa gathers pririsoners’ songs5S . JERUSALEM - Israel1 blewbl up a suicide Ixjmber’s’s hhou.se Friday *■ • for tlie first time since thehe latest rash of bombings andan wamed.it would return itS army to3 tlithe self-nile areas unless Y.Yiisser /Vrafat 'III w p cs out thc radicals. Thc «-aming from Foreigrsign Minister Ehudl B a r a k- aa former mili-' istoi^ ------tary chiet-oLscaff— u-aAthethe govomment-’ft-Rtnjngost-yei __UulocauiU-Mii INTENBURCr Germany" . to the bombings that killed m orial MuMil-, led 57 people and four suicidt - A concentration camp nine days. “There is not: a lot: of time, and activity' is necessary," • scum ii :r who" had seen the body of ^ ; Barak said. “We w-on’t sayiy morer than iliat, but it is dcdear 10 pnsoncr w Washingirm.11. rdered child destroyed in a Kulisiewicz’:icz’s that if he tloes not do whatat i:is needed, we will — and sonnsoc ” rcmatorium appealed to ■ Anifat must “prevent die origiiuil-2,2002 0 0 - Jie next operation ... and disar r mmaie: Write a song to jire responsible for previous□us aitacli," Barak said. IC J- ■page manu preserve?e'the tl memory, script, ccmiainlain- the man who had just :errorists iftg 374 songs>ngs, Iran denies invol."olvement with tei 1 at thc Sach-senhausen con- in MOSCOW — Iran's foreipreign minister on Friday denit;nied /American centrauoruon camp outside Berlin, ullsiowlcr Germany amand inder Kulisiewicz wrote, accusadons that Tcliran providespn finandal and tactic;lical suppon to A leksand ) be published in German at ; intemadonal terrorisLs. “LullabyDy for f My Little Son in the l |i | The I _• of two volum es a year. Tin - Terrorism was the maiinain topic discussed durinfing Aii Akbar Crematoritorium” in 1942: V' 'ject is sponsored by tinth e ■ Velayan's three-day trip to Moscow, offidals said. ItIt vwas the higli- “Heree hhe lies, my only little Ixjy tndaiion of Brandenburi)urg est level meeting l>etweenn leadersli of the two countriesies since 1993, Tiny fistfists pressed in his mouth B M S "morials. : the Universityy oof lal terrorism in How• cacan I cast you into the Velayati discussed thee needni to ciu-b international Regui;unsburgand Volkswagen, separate m eetings Thursiiirsday with President Borisis Y eltsin and flames?"?" he address for the I'oiindatioiiiiion sitnricy a Polish-ioumalist— ------RusslanForclgn'Ministerr YfYevgenyl*rimakov;'------KtdisiCT Jrandenburg Memon;ils. wind.•hicli 1 of sponsoring with a paspauion for music, wrote 54 The United States andd 1: Israel have accused Iran o '■ 1 is pullublishing the songs, is Strassirasse' international terrorism andan suggested Iran was inv'nvolvcd in thc songs dunluring the five years he was •• Naiionen, 22, .16515515 ' ed at Sachsenhauscn for recent suiddc bombings in 1Israd. interned iniejibiirg, Germatiy. publishingling an anti-Nazi artide. He Guontor Morsch, diroctiictor o f tho Foundation oof f BrandenburgI or better, and for worse, musi:iusic : model memoriTzed2e< hundreds more during m anuscripts o f s o n g s Polhollsh Journalist ^vas; a part of life in contenira'.ioi;i:ion Adieu Le Car:: RenaultF to halt r songfcsts, and after the war Memorials, displays ma PARIS — Marketed worl^rorldwide as “U Car." die RenaultRe 5 is on S e ^ W Aloksandor Kulislawlczicz colloctod from Gormanan concontration camp:ips. d his life to collecting music 'ri.soners were forccd to sing:ig aat its way out after thc automomaker churned out 9 milliorion of the M e f „ „ „ hther e , survivors, ciamps. Tho foundationon plans to publish tho sotso n g s . I’H-' autos since 1972. rollI call c or on work detail, amand , , .'. Beforere hish death in 19Q2, he com- ise who did nol sing loudl;udly Renault said this weekk illthat it will produce a finalJ Umiled L senes ihe survivors’ songs and was a survival tactic,”,” Morsch wardrobes inn tl the cramped apart- those of 12,000 R-Ss, ivith the lab

1 » ®

TOEDAY! m're invited to thee'; event of the season for Brideides & Grooms! Leam ababout our bridal registry, JS talk to a variety of exfxcperts in all areas of the hor lOR PRIZES • COMPLIIVIMENTARY WINE & CHE:HEESE p ° ° ‘ BRIDAL GOWNNj FASHION1 SHOW flU ALSO, DISPLAYS & R EEPRESE/mnVES t FROM:'M ; • Bach Phologrnphcrs Boyericr ]cwclry ❖ OiTisiinc's CloUiijlhiers )( '.very Blooviing V ihts ^ ur/'s Wedding Village O Parly-/y Time it V ic k W ii/c H ou$c ■> TnTravel Agents Iitlcrrialional ILii' . ProudI toI celebrate oour 50 year ^ partnershiplip with the pe\eople of Jdaho..0 .

lllliliiiNiiihy e a r sI t o lu c k y 8 t 9 ^ 1 (IES ^ RIBKITDIlE'APn:muxcts • mcrnomcs • cwn • noonoflcovmwcs ci . B oise • C o e uir r crMciic • Idaho Fai'alls • Lewiston . Pocicatello • Tw in FallvS— Twin Falls Superar Store2 * 7 9 7 Pole Line R d.•736-7676 .* l L& *li

. • ■ ■ ■ I; ■ ) A-0 Tinics-Nowr., TwinI f-.nf-.mi:;, Iilni'o SalufUny, March 9,9 , 1,990 > • Tim es-Ne^lews Classified FoFor all your Classifi P e o p l e A rm y!sergeant it presumned dead resurfa"aces in CGeorgia ttown ^ Hi ROSSVI1.I.I';. Ga, (Al*) (Al — Mateo U r'.i . I m K SaiwK otcasiiinally loMold w ar stories H y M ______lo his nciKhliors amiml o n ce con- . . p m B FL-sscd Io piihLc th a t iuniri)Tr,;iini~ hi; had dcsericii tho Armymy during the • Viuinam War, T Wlion policc chcckei.ked with mili- tary offkiiilsrh'owcvor,;er,'they were Kild: Ni), th e sK iry timaildn’t lcl netnie, M a teo Sai)i»H w as tlead . igt. Matoo Sabog’s namo Is Includedi on tho Viotnan Now, it luriis out liieihJ Army mas- M asto r S g t ter sergeant — whi>sese namei is on Momorialll InIt W ashington, D.C. , the Vietnam Veteransans Memorial jn„jd a. lo n e in th e h o m e , talking tail- to him. He was outgtg o in g ill W ashinHJon — e absent without leaveve. He I * * tests. Results won't 'S=s bt i 2|ed in the bedroom. “wanted“wj to make things rig nntil nexl week, oor neighbor Edna Ms. Ms. Hulsey said. Sahon’s four brothei id Salwg, known around Officers O checked the rep ■ sisters in Hawaii thouf borhood as Bobby, was made mac several calls, but were tc it ■ dead until several w 'ing to find odd jobs, but coulcouldn’t Ue, Iwcause he was d t rentW O*' ^ when he tried to applyU t,.r soc‘iai J steady work. He kept • Sabog S; sometimes seemed con- Security l)enefits.. SSo d id .1,0 " ” '■4 neati ^ plan ted a g ard en fused fuse and didn’t like talking a ■ R a t i o n a l ^ Amiy,which had placei I bicycle througli town. the the war but once told Ms. Hi (in the Washingmn metr g woman from Hawaii that thai he had been knocked tir w W ithout any persona! 1 , ^ S Sed Sabog in Rossville scioscious during the war. "WhenL‘iiever V I tio n — B ------LtUESD' like someone who jus ipino and looKed differ- was. waj He found dog tags, from being lost,” said : ie would have anything ihought thoi that they had come of Col. Doit Maple. Sabug bo in 1 him. But I always liked buddy." bud I M TH trouble for deserting, - The iny.stery begatgan in 1970, i— when Sabog stepped•d offt: a plane ...... from_Vietnam.jn-Cal'alifuniia en 1 i . route to a new iissignm.nment at Fort D o o f i Bragg. N,C., and vanishlished. lie was Wednesday, Marclirch 13,1996 declared dead 17 yearcars ago, Last A p ril, th u P e n ta g o n1 informed in: his - 7:00 RM.M. . . f___ sbP'»'« a c a t family that remains believedbel: to be Sabog’s, including teeili;eih. had hewt' ' turr^ed over by the; V Vi'irftam ese $ 3 in Advance *$4$4 at the Door Titles haven’t . , government. Authoritj ickelm available b}/ coutacti said why they belt.elteved the O p a l loI the ll Public • Advance lickt remain.

7 Tr h e y 'ir e h

Plaiy H ot L(L o tte ... »ut f o r 'y o u rse D A H < whyy o u r mnachln' hasas a; higher . Camas Cebounty had a 16.6 percentIt cent growth, from 19,33,361 to 21,065 chopper for countyC( always good to be'able toId caidc i :e of growth than ureas nortlorth, think grovrth, from 7!7 27 to 846 people. people. rAlindiu, TWIN t!(\LLS - Thele pricer was riglit, again M * Cassia County hadla d an 8 percen t ‘’■'ei-ealti, if you will," said McAlii ■ Uncoin C(County had a 12.7 percent that ihe housing^situaiion rcceiiilyrect but Twin Falls CountyIty Sheriff Wayne Ce;Census Bureau statistics5 rert le a s e d growrth, from 3,3063, to 3.729 people. growth, from 19,532 toI 2121,095 people. adding tli Tousley doesn’t want,nt any free hcli- Frid?iday show that Twin Fulls’:’ fifive-year . joromo C r- • Toton County wasvas th e f a s te s t- '‘‘‘^,'"'1";'iroved County had a 12.4 per* do have to be able to providivide the copters from ihe fwleralral govenimcnt.j grownwih rate actually laggeded behind cent growth, 7 growing Idaho county at a rate of 36,8 '^e dc I, from 15,136 to 17,017 u'vel and q uality of services,ces. aatl Thu sheriff’s departnirtment has opted Blairnine, Camas, Lincoln^ Jeroiirome and people, percent. Teton's populatiilation grew from ‘‘•'y iliis proviivides an opportunity to catchitdi up," noc to pursue U n d e SarSam’s offer of sur- Goodloding counties, in that orderder. Twm . Gooding] i County had a 11.6 per-r- 3,439 to 4,706. plus military helicopterters, which are no FallsIls County was ahead of Minidnidoka and h e added■d. at, when longer needed for intertemational peace- Ca.ssi.ssia counues. ------> McAliiilindin also pointed out that, \ • factors affecting that per-r- livo in another couniy Inihut work in Twin conipariiring sheer numbers. Twinin FallsI keepinfi. Tousley disclosdosed the offer in IVhile Wh Blaine County had an1 esestimated “One of the f; .• other’s ------late-Februaryt-And-Kin(veenjuly— has bctiM»n ;i nf hniKinp injhf>ie._L-aIls______^ ’'s i;reen split onon'issue, 1&9090 and July 1995 - the seventhnth liighesi area,” said Davi ;^,580 u> able to establish a in th test in the economic develelopment director. “Theree on farms who decided1 t(to work in Twin F alls' popopulation grew from S;^,5S “We have not boon ab the state and 112th highest g Blaine tie funding source” nauoi kvas 11 per- (also) may be someso folks who may prefer;r Falls or anollier city; otheiiher natives moved 5 9 ,480,, .vwhile the faster-growing Bl posidve and renewable f uon - Twin Falls County's was ■<71 peo- . to pay for operation andnd maintenance of cent,It. Twin Falls County’s ratee wwas 23rd to live in a morere rural setting.” back after living and worlvorking elsewhere. County• wentv from I.?,552 to 16,471 county-owned helicopKipters, the sheriff amonlong Idaho’s 44 counties. So, McAlindiilin said, some people mayy lie Siiid. pie. . said in a prepared statemtemeni. Tousley said he basedsed his decision on technical informationn fromf pilots and | “good figures from oilierhers.” Even so, die^ P I ractitionee r p l e a s e Airpolirt busiiness laggs sheriff said he still belie'ilievesa helicopter' “Ls d(ifinitcly a force muimultiplier if imple- m eiiied properly.” By Virginia S. Gurlwr Twin Falls Couniyy CommissionersC T im es.N ew s w rite r allowed Tousley to inve:ivesugate the freft ■ TWIN FAl.l.S - l-ewe helicopter offer, but slipiilipulated the sher- Ihvyost folks are flying from Twii S Hlorizon o Skywost' Southwi iffs department couldd notn spend much T F - Boise $ S 6 8 tax money on the prograty~am. F a lls th e se diiys. Boardings at the Twi•win T F - S L C - . . $164 ■ • Falls airport are down, an . Investigators sav'iv foul p la y ______----- Airgxtr-t—M ^nagur—lllulL u TF-Seattle S$158 $167 • • ■ not involved in mman^s death Madsen said more Magiagic TF-LA ■$2'2‘4~ $: ~ 5 2 8 0 ------Valley iravders are likelkeiv Boise - S eattle $98;98 RUPERT - Investigatigators have ruled $136136 out foul play in die deaJeath of a 45-year- opting to drive to Boise ii SLC-LA Old m an w hose bod»ody was found S a il L a k e City., . These sample rounund-trip far.es. were, for Tl^uisilursday Wednesday near railroadoad cracks. Toial passengers boarclard- and are subject to change. All fares recji.ecju ire ' _ ’I'he m an was found1 by a train employ- ing--IIorixon Aic—anand sdvance-reservatlolon&.-Fares-don't IncludeJ d e .a ir ^ ------cc-Wcdnesda>'-aftcniooroon-'neafthe to\vn ^ - ...Sl:>’\vcst..Airlinas in.Twi;'win_ taxes.—-:.------^----- I'AlrlinM! of Yale just insideJ e a s te rn B laine Falls - in die period froi'rom Sourco: AlrtI March 1995 to Febriiarlary '------—7- County. lirlinc In February,. Twinnn Falls: eone tried to jump 1996 - declined i p erceiiceni in Dallas, Te.xas. llie air “It looked like someor - now boardings for bothI airairlines ded in the rocks,” from the year previous. offers no-frills fares - r off the train and lundet 9 one topped year-ago numllumbers, said Blaine Couniycy S h e riff W alt T h a t ’s d u e ill pl a a n rr,' and then as low iis $19 Madsen said, lo the lowlow- way - a n d d o e s n 't hihave which Madsen attribtrib u ted Femling. ’ aggres- ra ^ I fare flights out of Boisoise smooth-connections agiigree- in part to airline.s’ ag The m an had appiu-enrenily been travel- ^ an d th e :n states before his ’ t and Salt Lake offereda byh ments with ocher airiiilines, sive marketing and ing in several soudiern s completion of new-tcw-iermi- \uihoriiies weren’t r i i Southwest Airiines, whichich she Siiid. deadi, Femling said. Aui IS to nal consiruclion y had l>cen lying in & •doesn't service llie Twi'win Southwest claims sure how long liis body h: rating January, le County Coroner Falls airport. So iravelei.•lers have th e lowest operai the lava rocks. Blaine C ine. Il W ith ski-charter■r flflights ot be reached for take the car urmeet thoshose costs of any U.S. airlini Russ Mikel could not I pe of included, the Twinrin I Falls comment lliursday niglitiglit. fliglits,hesaid. operates just one lypi . A local airlim/'inanagtager aircraft and doesn’t’t lei airport serves aab o u t - • planes.sil.on.the.groi•ound—lOO.OOO __a r r iv in>t;_. g , i u 'd __ 1 H ail^City Coununal"plans"2~ ~ - -agreed.-'------Thougli many ’I'win FalFalls long between fliglghts, departing passengers;ers each public hearings> oon Monday business travelers' stillI optoj Harbin said, year, M adsen said, f ■ p rii - 6 , HAILEY -r The Haileailey City Council for tlie cuncil will hold a ,; "We do find that peopl•ople m o n lh s, w h ile th o se;e fo r “ You c a n ’t fly it i he said, closed session to discu.'i.sru.'is pending litiga- will drive great distancesesio i Skywesi - which flie:ies to not profitable,” he w eek of tion. reach a Southwest Airlintlines Sail L;ike City - decreneased After the first wee city," said- Southwe:ivest 6 percent, airport reccicords April, the 9 a.m, willill bbe Ihe earliest fliglit to Boiso. Jerome bone marlarrow drive siwkeswomaii Beth Ilariiiiriiin show. honors Bliss manan who died JEROME - A bone-ne-marrow drive in Ctivist in ggood spirilits honor of E d Stover willdU 1be held from 11 , Jailed aC a.m. to 4 p.m. lodayy a t St. Jero m e’s Catholic Church. ------By W illiam Bnick auihoritie.s (yvee seserious Stover, a 48-year-oldold Gooding busi- Times-News wriier 1 to llis nessman and Bliss resi'esident, died last la n for month. Hu needed1 a bohe-marrow POCATELLO - Jaileded nuclear activist a iransplani. Bill Chisholm isn't hapiappy about being . . e 're just Stover’s family iss ssponsoring the ^ behind bars, but "lie’.s.s hhoping his incar- making political;al B ThnM-ttM Chisholm in jail Friday. th e results will be addecided to the national “His spirits are got:fjood," said Clay I, Sursely registry. RRod Pridmoro. coordinatorItor for tho Camas Countyy imodlcal board, Robenson, a semi-retiredred counselor. “It's For more informatiorlion, coniact Mark would vv Ilko to sob a moro} ccc o h o ro n t s c h o d u lo fro m) th o a lth -c a ro w o rk e rs not a pjeasant place to be n " 'jail iUt was Allen of the Mouniainain Stales Tumor who^ sorvo tho rural aroa.I. ly doesn’t wanl lo bee i:in ja il, hut he s Chisholm's wife, Institute at 1-800-84546:-4624. ^ doing what hu thinks is< riglit.”ri( tu rn ed ; Sursely of Buhl.rady Sii had I'Wcdncsriay-^vhen—one-visii .vecLonly------Apply by Fridayy fo1 r su m m e r a judge found he did not m ake'full resu- three vis Chisholm in =eanrasrpGuunl^^seeks tuiion after hurling painiaim onto a train in “It's.nsholm xiii,rsday, but” Siirsely In te rn sh ip s a t Trim in es-N ew s O c to b e r , 1992. T h e train tr a was hauling said, 1*‘b away because he’d alretid>him any TWIN FALLS - Appli^plicadons are due highly radioactive nuc!.uclear waste into slack,th;tiilur-lliai'dayrh«-i>^allowed by Friday for newspape:iper internships at | Id ah o u n d e r th e c o v er ofo f darknes.s.< Rober/islls per week, she siiid. an inter- Tlic Timcs-Ncius for sumrim mer 1996. consisternt medic:al help According to federalI contractors,co it cost est in , notC like he’s a murderer,”or Sii w rite ------Intcrnsbips-wULbe.be_offcred_in_the ______m o re th a n 51,782 to dJean e a up Chisholm’s politicia‘but th ey ’re not cu ttin g me hiir influ- news department andid iadvertising and j sgSH eTfundsfor>r a new clinic S4 can of paint. Chisholilolm paid his fines ence onlhat’s i for sure." •' customer services. Piiine rSidents j and a fraction of thee rrestitution; the In theertson urged anyone with san collect- Preference will bee giveng, to college remaining restitution moneymo; is tied up in ing monChisholm's cas'e to call .-mainingor ' students, o r ihose enteritering college, who B,B y ju lic M. McKinnon miles for a runn;m y nose. , a check made out to Chisholm,Chi Bannock restitutiiians !‘who might have some : plan careers in,printc communicacions. c< — Times-NewsTi w riier Last year.•, th e C a m a s C ivic * County, and Idaho Gov. G Phil Balt. Hobcrn this issue.” •r is 234- Preference will also be given to appli- Organization receivedre a 530,000 state Chisholm said he’ll endoidorse the check if A6G2. ;ie m eantim e, Robert.son is c(; cants from 77ic TiVms-As-Naus circulation FAIRFIELD - Wanted: OiiOne nurse grant for medicically under-served com^ :)ney to pay Chisholm’s rema area of southern Idahtaho and no rth ern pipractirioner or physidan assi:issistani for munities, mone;ley that may bo used to Ition. Nevada. a sparsely populated Idaho10 county,—c subsidize visiiiiling workers and buy prison's telephone number ij Interested studentsIts should send a aian experience a lemporaiyy physidanp supplies - andd keep Fairfield’s clinic Attorinley: Bill i at current resume, a listst ofe references, a a;assistant likens to thele plot of open longer andnd m ore often, current college or highhip school tran- . “Nonhem“1 Exposure." Riglu now, aian unsubsidized Blaine - script, work samples antand a cover letter. For now, you will work:k (out of a Couniy doctortr or nurse practitioner Applicadoas shouldId Ibe sent to Mary tlthree-room trailer. But resitesidents of comes to Fairfirfield, two days a week, to Aug(;er Falls no threan this scenic prairie at the footQt oof rugged but the personan isn’t always on time Karren, V ic Timcs-Ncwscws. Box 548, Twin tl- 1 ■) • ■ Falls, Idaho, 83303. AppApplications will be SiSoldier M ountain are gatheriniring contri- becausc of othitHer commitments, or By K iiren T o lk k in c n accepted undi Friday.f. b'butions, grant money andid (donated leaves early soirimetimes. ■ TimesNeivs w riier Deci-sions are cxpccteicted b y A p rillS . lalabor to build a S250.000 dinicinic. “The biggestst thing we ihoughi the decision Compiledxi fromii staff rqx)rt3 ^ ‘I'he Camas County Medicalcal Services communily wasis crying out for was con: 196 Board got nearly $600 fromm a county- siste n c y ,” saiclid Rod Pridmore, the BO ISi;-The state’s: rejectionre of a pro- 1^ ------' fiifair quilt raffle, and volunte^nteer mem- board’s coordin:inator. posed dam at Auger Fallsills last month could ■ k Ixjrs haven’t even started theirth( fund- Tlie board iss negoiiatingi with Wood -not be challenged underder a bill now in a ■ ■ M raising drive, in .which iliey'll,-'11 1have the River Medicalll Cenler of Hailey and Senaie conmlitlee, despitiipite environmental- I B j help of St. Luke’s Regionallal Mcdical Sun Valley, to> I-help subsidize doctors, isis' concerns, the statee a'attorney general's C enter Foundadon in Boi.se.;. physician assististants and nurse procti- office s;i>’S. m Obituaries B2 ^ Dut diey have been eagerlyiriy working doners. If a dococtor doesn’t make SSOO According to an opinionion issued Fn'day by Funhi : the com- • Magic Valley B3 totc make sure iJie 925 resic2sidcnis of in fees in a hatialf day - or whatever Deputy Attorney Gene•neral C, Nicholas pany le\ tions with Krema, the bill would not impact the slate the.Ljini jm ey gen- ' B4 »growing Camas Couniy havevepart-dm r e am ount is sooron agreed upon - then ltdalio mcdical services three dayslys a week. Wood .River MiMedical Center and the L and Ikvird's ability to denyd e r an ca.scment to era! Will Sports • B5-8 ailew S ating th e need to drive/e rnearly 50 P le aase s see FAIRF1ELD/B3 Cogeneration Inc., whichich had soughi to ' 'Ilieihermore, b it wouldn’t giveiblic tht trust _ place a h y d ro e le a ric projeroject ai Auger Fsills. leverage in future negotiationR UST/B3‘ ind lioard, said deputy attome 'ill Whelan. I hill would prevent the publii P le a s e s e e TRU! B-2 Timos-Nows, Twin FnlFnNs, IcJiiho Saturd.ny, Mnrch 9!199G9! 1 Batt recei\ves epi]ilepsy Servirices •Richord P. ■‘Dick""D Harney, of Chapel.el. Burial,I 1:30 p.m., Bellevue Jo;ui ,A. Poliak, form erly/ of Twin orial ser- Kunnc^vick, Wasli. and formerly o( Ccmetcr:tcrj’, Falls and Wendell,■memorial Twin Falls, 11 a;i.m. m today, Reynolds vice, Sunday, IlarborviewV Manor,Mi -. Funeral Chupepel. Twin Falls, Jesse;se Zimmers, of Castleford. Tacoma; Wash. (M uellers Tri-Citi<)iiies Funeral Ilurae memori:orial service. 2 p.m, today, donaition, (declimies vett Presbyterian Chtirch, Main Bertha Donnn-Jenningjin g s ~ o f ------; in Kennewick). F irs i I*r< Amarillo. Texas, and formerm e rly of :o pri>- S tre ett in Bulil. J BOISE.(Ah — ThcSiL- S13.8 million r« campnifw 10 ■ Buhl, craveside scrvicc,:, 2 p .m . . ' vatu-;ippr»v«il— ------C hapel);------Iho‘chlirchrrl!ovc-Robcnson—— Familrwlltveet-friende^in-Su[j-Sun^y- — I'ridiiy. th e Funeraln l CChapel in Jerom e). 1at die funeral home. A n tiJ k itt co ticfd e ii1 lc:less than two ■ iSislature ^ - i' djiH grant, contet«nd- Harold (Slim)I) i K loer. bf R u p e rt, hours Ritcr that he wouldwoi lel the as small asi SSO.OOO,$5 e lim in a te d ih e [ ing it is non o t a 11 a .m . to d aly, y , L itt le F lo w e r n Sfj'J.OOO p a y m e n t to the tlit nonprofit si.x-year-oldJ cashCi {yam to the chari- k H aM donation lo[o his Citholic Church.). 16011 O akley Avc-., chariry stand despite.• hishi power to ty becauseit it was the only nonprof- W ^ X organizationn but Burley. ViewinK,iK, one hour l>efore ______eath noti ^ , rs are om itted at patients’ req uuest. est ' , tion of his adiiiinisiriitii);ition’s efforts grant, fell farfa short this time as presce s o n ta tio ris 10 a b o u t 5,400I p ’ Romana Galvarvan of Twin Falls; Lois Nielsielson and Some names.- / Volta Cleverley, C a lto n of to curtail spending; inn iiincrements supponersse(seemed to mount a stiff piee aa y , e a r w ith th c s ta te m oney. y, both of Gooding; June Cal Rupert; nnd F ranknk .Bedke of Oakley. Adm itted William Curiel of Burley; William Tyson of RRuj upert; Released and Roberto Barriosios of Heybum . O rlin F reem an1 of Buhl. For obituarliary rate Inform ation, R eleased Obituaaries call 733-093-I931.oxtonslon 278 CASSIA REGIONALRE MEDICAL CENTEIITER Carmen Ramirerez and Araceli Ramirez, botlb o th of Twin Falls; Mariaa Rivera and baby boy of RupR u p c n ; ' Heyburn; and William CurieU riel of ______- 1339.-Hc.-li\.livcd_in-M ilnor_and—noxtX 2C20-yoars v/orking for U.S. Wosl A dm itted Leona W ilkie of 1 Twin F alls worked on aar ro a farm s. Ho sp o n i until<1 hihis illness forced him 10 bc • Linda Edw.irdsIs anda. Fern Gunderson, both of 1Surley. Burley, , lime workingg inII sprinkler inDiallaiion p la ccod c d on modical disability. Ho C larence B arrett of M alta; nnd Alice C heney of Rupert.R B irth a n d lalor atu Simplols £ in Hoyburn. marriocTied Sharon Patterson on Aug.'9 Ho )d R isin g flivor a n d 13, 196196B, in Newark. Calif. R eleased A son was bomn 1to Jay and Karla Chrisiensein se n of M organs a slu ro s 10 sprmklof irri- Jimim'3 's hobbies includod huniing.ig Rebcccn Furfia:gason, M arjorie Green, Ant(intonieta Burley. gallon in lingham Co, in Iho late lixingig uup.old cars, and invonling hisiis I------1 oarearly t960s; He married porsonsonal ideas inlo concrete lorm Elna Murptwly cnc Aug. 22, 19-11, in includirudinq:dosignlng a car winning M urtaugh. TheIheir marriage was sol- tho 191973 M echanics Illustrated U heJdahn Falls-LDS_:GoldcjIrinn H.nmmAf* Aw.irri n rn mi p- U tah cop rmins afoulI of a fo^m l _ Tem ple in Maylay. 1958. ing lootlood storage box (alfeciionaloly ■ Ho was a rmember ol iho LDS calledcd ;a 'Grub Box"), and buildingJg , ROY, Ulah (APA P ) — P o l i c e “T h e n1 the tli turkey initiated a for- cchurch and was forccd to try to se a ­ Church andI son/edsc os an oldor.'He severaloral homes for his family whenon Officcr John Sattletrcmair ran afoul ward attattack,” thc articic said, :son the bird with pepperle r : s p r a y . onjoyod compmping, fisning, hunting iheymc' movod. Ho was an ovorachiev-IV- of a fowl on a reccn:ent traffic stop, pointing; outot that Sattelmair — all IThe burning cayenne-pcppt2p p e r sol- and spendingng timo wiin nis grand- 'o r In1 ovovory regard, Insuring his lam-■n- His colleagues hav(avc just‘bar(?ly 6-foot-3,3, 260: pounds of him — ■ vent, which will droj) a bbra r a w lin g children. ily wvas as weU taken caro ol a n d pro,-Q- stopped laughing loilong enough to retreated.(d. rman in his tracks, didn’tt fazfa; e th e Sun/ivorsincincludo his wife, Elna of._vidodidfor. fc _ - ...... ^ bc able to icli thc,stortory. . ------T h e o ffficer f ic kickcd at the advanc- ttu rk ey . •iKtee-WhSf^RusBell-E.'" —Ho-to-is-su^vtvod-by-nis-^wifbT ------S a tie b n a lr h a sn ’tt sosoIda'pM prr— lng'bird,”b1,-but'worriecl'thafhe'was—— In'desperatloiirSattelmairlair Tuially^1 “ (Caryn) Lowowe ol Boiso. Ralph £. Sharonfon; a son. Davidj.’o son and Following a Feb.. 24Z traffic stop, opening■ his,defenseshi to thc possi- bolted I past Ihe bird, takinga n g a few (Eiloon) Lowevo ol ' Twin Falls, and J. daughlcghlor-in-!aw, Robert ond'Bonnie Sattelm air had justst tic k e t e d a n d b ility o f painfulpai peeking wounds. direct c peeks as he sprintede d fof r th e Michial ■\) Lowo ol Codar Cily. and gragrandson. Nickoias; a son and Utah; one dau(aughlor. Donico (Harry) daughiighior-in-law . Ja m o s a n d Kolly[ly b id th e e r r a n t d riviver e a good day So he revertedre% to thitowing snow- sa s fe ty of his p a tro l car. Moyor Qtaclackfool; 12 grandchil- and grjgrandsons. Andrew, Matthow,1^ when ho turned to0 findf his path balls os hehe backpcdalcd. Still, thc His only injury was, as. theythc say, ■LniSfcH™ drcn; four groaroal-grandchildron; and andI R, at the Burloy Caro Contor, r Year’s Eve also fell on a ppassing looser liquor lawss thanth. its • and moihof. sho retroturnod to ldaho_Sho hadlad Ihroo childron, Alan hq') was born Juno 3, 1925. Iri^ Bart Rankin, maneinager of the Sunday. county,Cl and Bonneville Count;lunty pro- Trem onton In 1975, She;ho worked in Tony Slokosbisborry. Kristine Saudor Oadonon, Ulah. Iho son of Deweyy PressBox Sports Barr inir Idaho FaUs. As they:y ddid on New Year’s Eve, h ib its liq u o r sa les on Sundays,lays. tho church .library aiand roally °hd Chris f^arllortinoz. Also surviving „nH BorBoatrico Amidon Butcher. He0 “ It’s alw ay s b e e n a greS reat d a y fo r us, m o st c ity y b;bars will bump their St. Bonneville'County CommiTimission ^ onjoyod hor work in thoIho oxiraclion 'wo indchilcfren. Michoal' focoivecived.his education in Ogdon,V b,ut bccause it’s onn ai Sunday, it Patrick’s Da: Day panics up a day. Thc C h a irm an Cliff L o n g sa id h e w1 ould program. She was onI aclivoac m om - H"™i “lolody «l» Hand; one olhor ^js father diod when ho was 4A isn ’t go in g to b e th e same."sai celebratiotioif will bc Saturday, not n consider changing the law w ith- • , g ran d so n . Richichard A, Stokosberry; yoa,Q q| ■ bor o( Ihe LDS Church, s old. ond was raisod by hiss City law prohibiti)its bars from March 16.5. 01o u t a re feren d u m . • She was always thankankful for hor o"? •oat-granddaughtor, ior ond stopfalhor. Claude family ond friends. Shee wasw a won- Kayloy G.,Min.lm. all ol Florida. G rover'or. Darrell was a veteran ol dorful mothor, grandmcSmother and Momonal setservicos were hold ot worldId W ar II a n d ih o K o re an;! U tah WOI>rker drown;ns after watcer pipe brealaks groat-grandmoiher. ShSho always daughtersir's home in Nicovillo. Conflict,lict, having so n /e d in the U.S. cold hor lifo hod boon blossod. bio Sho 'P'a. - Navy, Ho H served aclivo duly fromn LAYrON,Utah(AP)lP) — A20-ycar- Davis Courounty Sheriff Rob Davis «scene, said die construction1 wcw o rk ers will b e m is se d by all thoso the who's ------T T - r - .-.------—1 1942' ununlil 1946, ond from 1951 lo0 old Washington Terrarrace construc- said crewsvs mi a y h a v e b e e n u sin g a nimanaged to get a rope to0 TTt a n n e r lifo sh o to u c h ed . In lifo.ife. her prido R n lsO ' , . . ' • I 1 9 5 2?, , b Ho opened Darrell's Dryy tion worker, trappedd whenv his legs backhoc toto excavate Tanner and wwhen the hole began fillingling with , and joy woro hor grandsodson and her t .TY -•____ • ___1 C leanersle rs In 1961. w here ho workedd w e re p in n e d by a cave-ivc-in in an exca- broke thee sbt-inchsi pipe. W hitacker w ater, b u t couldn’t pu ll h imlOUt. ou g reai-o ro n d c h ild ro n . Sho She enjoyed ______unlil hishisreliromoni, I vation hole, drownedi whenw thc hole Constmctiottion Co. offidals denied a “There was too much watera tc r flow- ' crocheting, squoro-danJancing and ! Darrell.rroll w as po st prosidont of Iho0 ------fille d w ith w ater fromn a b ro k e n pipe, b a c k h o c wwa: as b e in g u se d . iring in there to get him oout u t ,” h e golf, • Ja y cooos, o s a lifolimo m om bor of tho° Three fellow workcikers scrambled The Brighrigham C ity c o m p an y w as' said. sc ______Survivors includo horlOr daughier,i ______• '______Burloyly ElElks Lodqo, and was 0 won- r------to-freo-Chrifr-Tonnencr-Thursday—installinfi-cifi-nn-cast-wcst-cutinory-*— =3UciDWaii:oCrwS:FailS^is;-gfandson, ------•:—• -■■■ , , ------1—doriuUiLiUiu£Oandr-i5hof.,^nd-gtand^ — Sheriffa-CaptrBud-Cox-saii-saidthe:— — Mike (Laura) Wall; greijroat-grand- . fatherr whowf will bo m issod always, altemoon when a wallrail m a IZ-loot w ater Ime H ut was so fine that’bnce'iti tg go o f w e t d aughlor, Hailoy; a n d grcgreat-grand- ;■ . A HisJ fai(amily sends special thankss wide, 25-foot deep holeho collapsed W ater Consonservancy District when itit w as lik e qu ick san d . ^s son, Bradley, all of Salt3lt LakoL City; - Ulf. to th o0 Southern S Idaho RegionalII and pinned Tanner’ss legs.l< W o rk e rs th e cav e-inin o0 c cu rre d . It took about two hours to p{ u m p I and numerous niociocos ond ■. C a n co:or r Conior in Twin Falls. Iho3 wcrc attempting to0 dig< him out One constinstruction worker at the etenough water out of the! holeho so , ' nophows. Sho was prO's r e c o d o d in Burloyy CCaro Conior, and lo Iriondss when a water main buibui^t and filled sccnc saidaid two more cave-ins ctemergency crews could retir e tr ie v e death by hor parents', f ond lolghbors lor all Ihoir kindnosss the trench with morere than 50,000 occurred ^vhilewh they tried to reach ththe body. Workers found ththa a t h is : (our brothers and a sister, o n d c:aring arir during this timo. g a llo n s ^ w ate r. ______^ T a rm_____ er. ______fefeet had been wedged beweei,vee n tw o _ W o-oll-mis«-hor-but7 ------— S u rvrvivor5-includo-hi5“ i\ wlfo—; There were conflicilictmg reports Davis, one of 40 emergency per- pipipes, making it ba?3 For: fiisfii; res- know sHO is much happier D orothythy of Burloy; sons. Michael'1 about why the waterir 1main broke, sonnel from•om three agendes at thc acuers to pull him free. Tho (iinoral will bo hold his wife. Juno Butcher of Tuesday, March 12. a t , Horlong,mg, Calif., Dennis and Paula Rogers and Taylor Funora H ome in B utcherior of Ocala. Fla,, and Kovin Trem onlon, Ulah, wiih inti at a n d Cyndl Cyi Bulchor of Paul; a Ihe Riverviow Comcim o to ry in d a u g|htor. h lc Christina Barnes of; nmes-News.Cla!lassifleds. a Tromonlon, Fhends may c Are your kidi ly callirorrre-^^^^^^H B o iso3; ; olghl0 grandchildron. four 3 9 3 1 . . Is 10 8 p.m, Monday ond3 Irom(r< 11:30 groat-grj•grandchildren; ond six slop; Call 733-09: a.m. to 12:45 p.m. on..TuuTuosday al . ^ great-gri-grandchildren. Ho was pre- ____ t001) young to dri] thp (unorfll homo in TreTromonlon, Jam es FraH'ancis Stewart cododd inir doath by his parents; a Afrannomenls aro undorlor IhoI direc- J a m o s F raancis n Stewart, 60. sisior,•, Bi Botty Woodward; a grand- Ijon ot While Morluary inn T\Twin Falls, p a sso d aw ayI on 01 Thursday. March son, KykKyle Smith; and groat-grand-• 7, 1996. at hi?5 homoh in Boiso. oflor son, Johrlohn Paul Smith, R ussell H. Lowe a co u ra g eo u s; balltob : wilh cancor, .A momlomorial son/ico will bo hold ol Russell H. Lowo. 77. of Twin j™ was bornorn April 18. 1935. in 3 p.m.1, SSaturday, March 16. 1996. m 1 , Falls, died Friday. Marchrch 8, 1996, I”- '0J 0 row c ro p farm er, at th e BuiBurloy Elks Lodge. at Rock Creek RehobtlitEitlitation and James S. Stowowari and Gerlrude Tho1 farfamily suggests Ihat momori- Medical Conior. Ann K om m or' Slowarl, Sl Ho joined als bo)0 d schs o o ls In ‘Of 'o u r y o a ^ , cs I2 ye.ira.0|(s old! . ... ■ Ogdon, before movingI lo Idaho In c h a rg o d in-19£1962. Jim sponi Iho Burley.^ • S te a k s r Cholcc Top Sirloin3ln S trip s The fact is 1 t is o ur kids drink eailier and more or often lhan ever bcfon?. Findid out01 Batter-Dipped & DeiD eep Fried - W liai ^wi h's doing td ihem. And how3w you can give them the skillsills 10i ;0' . My-NO,-:I ” Don’t miss this infomwtion-p■•pjcked Idaho lelevislon'spedal.:ial. II WHITE jusicouldlid rmake a big diffcrchce in yourr family!f; m i . . 1 i wBnKfunfiinfrfKm S IN C g I« 4 I TWINFAJFALLS • KIM BEiaY • 733 • 66« I ■I ----- ...... >.>______, - • ■ 1

TF SalurtJiiy, M.ircliO, I99G90 Timo5-Nuwn, Twin Fnlls, ICaiioJilMO B-3

M a g i c V alley/ldala h o DEQ: Slud^g e-p it pp ro b le im s m ktior jood in gp3rosecutor >r By John Thompson • whole potatoiitoes be dcaned up and also1st) sampled three loca! wellsIs and Tile state has nono regulations Times-Ncws writer that the piLsiLs bc fenced off to keep hee saidsi the re.sults would bc avail-«> regarding sludge pits,pil only guide- X Wk.jsigiis frorm city pos)St people fromm dumt ping dead animals ableble in about t\vo weeks. lines, McMasters s;iiiiHiid. The lack of “There are a few things; tthat regulations, anti liecaiiscbet th e pits „ PAUL - A potatoI sludge sh pit in there, which:h has1 been a problem in “ T liaron M etcalf nient,-c,si>ecially i with the airjHiriairj rural Minidoka Count>inty has a.few the past, McNIcMasters said. needced to be improved on. andid wc arc on property owimm-d by Magic repair scheduled H) start. in the wliule Valley I'otuls, mullakes it nearly rs-News correspondent r —:------Tninor-prohk-msbiit-itit-no-serioiis— Owned by Magic V alley Foods - advi>dviscd them tiiat duinpin(4 wi sspring.-AirporfpcrSonnerle r.ire h e imiKissible for IJliQQ 10 i enforce any environmental infracra c tio n s, say Inc., the sludjudge pits have been the potaotatoes is not acceptable,” )0DINC - City prtiscculor .now ,i iLsing a hand-held unit.it, , state officials who visit•isited the site target of conrom plaints from nearby s;iid.lid. “It was a productive meet•eting. changcs. I Nelson has resigned cffec- • Dedded to use small. daclaims nd our a.sscssmcnt is that a!nilmost But the companyIV )ias 1 IKCI. will. this week. residents for the past four years and i March 15. court i in the future lo ppur: u rsu e . D ivision of^ E nvij[vi^>nmental because ofc^ qdoxs ar.d fears of ever;k'crything is on ihc up and up..'.j)," ing UM iiakc ad ju.islm st ei.ls in .l.c- unpaid water bills,- llus aact c i i i i n ------liQ suRsosiioiis, ■ le Ciiy-Council.-wfih the i Quality officials founil'id whole pota- potential groyoun3water coniamihu- -. supposed to bc dumpedped at the site million gallonIons of dudge and waste- thlat a t:stink. If problems jiersistI DEQL "Tliey agrectl lo. .i„ai.oiK-r-joi>d • Instructed City Altonto r n c y . Galley and for all inten ts ; i-cuior Phil Brown to handle ■ about eifiht miles nonlorth of Paul, w-atcrintheple pits every year. willill recommendi that Magic Va Cr.iig Hgbdey to investigateate the irk as they arc meeting on’s duties after March 15. ( according to DliQ solidlid waste man- nie DEQ3 r m ade this week’s visit Foodoods use chemicals that worl vn also coniracts with liatiiliiy 1 policy held by thehe city,t c tlic ments. I don't antici,K i,,j,.„ .„>■ f„r. ager Mike McMasters.s. in responsee x< to complaims made in musltasking agents to reduce dell and Hagerm an cities as A / recent out-«f

Comnimunity Action tteaches b u t l g e dting n ^1 n ie iic's-Ncws AllJ participants will takec h< hom e a ccompleted project, and ihosihose who UURN - ’I’he South C entral arc t income-«ligiblc will receive reci a unity Aciion Agency has voucher % for one box of food^)od got)d J ils Communiiy Food and for f 30 days from the datelie rkshops, the gener;leral theme on budgeting, call c Heidi or Leann 1-800-627-627-1733, Failirfield----- ' -# A Continuedjed from B1 cdate, the board wants to0 raisera at I medicalI board bi will make up ihe 1least half the pricc of ththe e new _ differencerice, guaranteeing that a“-building. t • • ------— medicalI pcperson \vill stay. Pridmore said board metm e m b e rs '- a g ilB H ' “'nun’si’s i:the reason they come for hhope it wtyi’t be necessaryy toic raise Iiourr a:and leave if there’s no iluxes for the money. business,”ss,”.said Connie Perry, a At a meeting WednesdayJay night, ■OUMB consiiltantant from Wood River the t board also brought up some MedicalII CCcnter. “They're losing other c ideas lo improve mediccdical ser- B O ||||||||||H Vices:t ician Assistant Sara • Reconsider a telecommmmunicu- Kratiwinklinkle of Hailey will probably tions t link between the FFai airfield soou startirt wi or^tig from 11 a.m. io_ clinic c and Levin or docito cio rs at R S n ^ H ~ ' ‘ ~ '3 p.liirTvIT)!Mon'days“iiiid Tuesdays' iil ■g^iley*Mcdii:a] | Clinic; Nurseu rsc p ra c -...... the cliniclie at i leasl temporarily. Dr. -mioners " t and physician assiassistants Donald Le,)•» all for a Communiiy way, v someone studyingg loto be a MeasureJ seeks lin1 1 1 1 . 1 9 Developmeiment Block Gnint to build nurse r practitioner or phy?)hysician the $250.003.000'clinic. a.ssistani a with whom residendents are lowest i]in nearly 7" years ^ rise vehicicles ; a succc.ssful grant candi- familiar f could be hired later.ter. BOISE (AF) - Clean•anup cfTtyns.jhejifltflyst?sa ^ ______following February’ss flood^hgfl in TTie thirdr(I TruU S t______northern Idaho createdted h u t^ re d s dedinc in Idaldaho’s jobless rate mir- The/\.ssod:iled Th Press . R ice said he woulould h av e to of new jobs to countetitcr eniploy- rored ihepictiiciure across the nadon, and uni The Timcs-News spend several thtiusaiisand dollars Conlinuedied from B1 vwith the public use of lakeak es and ment losses in otherr sectorssc and where unem;‘m p lo y m en l d ro p p ed on his Blazer to comp L' •; a doctrine that applies sstream s for boaiing, swimjifimming, ^ . drive the jobless rateJ to i t / lowest three-tenthss 0of a point lo 5.5 per- BOISE 1 - National repo[lorts bill when it would go )cds of lakes and stream s - • ffishing or hunting, point in nearly seven yearx—^yea cent. Over 700,00070( new jobs were about ub Rep. Ju n e Ju d d ’s bill•ill to in 1998. ;ing used to interfere with Whelan said Harmsen’sn’s attof- n te Departmeht’of’Employment Er created acroiTOSS the country, the limil lin bumper heiglits on passLsscn- Ju d d said sh e be ; property rights, water nney.s, who have appealed ihe Land forecast February’ss seasonallysi largest one-m••month increase in 13 ger gei cars and liglit trucks hasIS rai- news segment was wc ir lands held in trusts for I!Board decision, could citee ll the bill cm n u e ai 4.8 years, lied opponents of her bill. “I don’l think thejl.cy said an,. schools. Environmental iiin th eir argum ents if it becom bee es percent, the lowest th«the rate has Idaho’s ihrihr'ce-tenths of a point That is why tho St. Mararies thing against thoso , had argued that the lan- lilaw, but that tlie .state woulduuld have ' sunk since it stood at414 44.9 pcrcent d ro p in th:e e rate i left less than Democrat De predicts the Sen.•nato said. ••‘’I hey just tal ;ould allow developer Steve aa counterargum ent. in April 1989. 30,000 worke■kers w ith o u t jobs for Transportation T r Committete c ’s the danger." cn, president of K arl B rooks, lo b b y istt fo r th e A record 587,200 worrt-orkers were the first monifnth sincc August 1991. vote voi on her measure scheduJuled H er bill would “ lini " 'i' ration Inc., to contest the IIdaho Conservation League,’ue, tjues- on the job last month; as the state’s /\nd even1 iliougliili the state’s eco- Tuesday Tu will be close. tance beiween the g :)ard’s decision on the basis iilioncd tliai logic. total civilian lalwr forccrcc hit an all- nomic cxpansinsion has been slowing n ' ie bill cleared the noii.se.se by the highest point on i conflicted with his water “Why would we try to) wwt eaken tim e higli of almost 617,C17,000. for ihe past ycyear. 26,000 more peo- a a 60-9 ( margin. Judd saidjI j h e of ihe front and backS 1 3 ” one of the argum ents in respo.•sponso?" “Cleanup of the dedestruction pie were wotvorking in Id ah o la st death de; of Moscow altomcy PaulP 22 inches on passengei le state’s legal opinion said hhe asked. cau-sed by the floods inn northn Idaho- m onth thann a year earlier when Bro^vn Bn in a collision with a hihigli- The limits on bumi se. Environmentalists did achiachieve a in-Februury, the unemp]o>joymcnt-rate-stood at rise.vehicle ris south.of.Ten;nscd would be 30 inchcsE oi s ' ' -righr 10 appropriate^water lilukewarm A'ictory - ther rijright-to— ...... acaiing-»innj'-ne\rjobs;3bs;"-analysts—STJ-porcnt:—------■ ------— dc:-dcmtmstrate.i tire necd-for-r-the—buniper-tuHl-3-l-incl 5rca"rry“ w iiin ir7 iT rn n fc r—d-dniTmrallcrblll-CTTCtniTTiriTTiTThai------said. Analysts intiindicated that econom- mea.sure. mc . rear bumper on four-\ir-whecl-drive . '^,i„ight to encroach upon the i.this bill, if-signed into law,iw, woultl• Thai combined withth (good post- ic growth hasas beenI tempered from NBC I “Dateline’’ aired a ntnews eds of lakes >Noh. R-Kimberly. chairmanlan ofi the jhg job opportunities"!L:s”hrlum'bor-lD'thc'23;400-i )0-pcrsongrowihinthc ------— “The>-j)ortra>-^-thD truckj:k s^ s 'c m m en t;-m o re w(»rk earns ah'd’not to limit the £Senate Resources and CCo onser- 15 well as lay- dvilian labor f a murder weapon, and wee ’are' and punisli law-abidini and food processing as i™ “ u™con. l^nSnoar.oard’s powers or interfere vvaiion Ctimmittee. offs in ihe banking secisector and at “As ilie pop•opulation growth slows murderers m i for driving therem," “If safely were tht tho Idaho National EngineeringEn and the state’ste’s economy continues - Boise Bo delivery DanLinicl cern.'I think wc wour'oultl be con- Laboratory. upward, moreore jobs are available Rice Ri< told the committee dururiiiR cern ed about all vehicles vel you “However, the develtk-clopment of for Idaho resi'esident-s," th e analysts a a publicp hearing ’lliursday. could go undeniealh." new jobs is reducing thithe im pact," said. " " — J Don’t -p Panel:: Don’t recogniztr je same--sex uni(ions Drink & )RIV]1 Dnink drivers kill ih»iis;iis;mds of peoplo ever>’ year. All BOISE (AI*) - The Se;Senate State sex, or homosuld want such ti' bill, and iti Ihas Idaho's authority' toti s'ct its own' ■ Only Assistant Dcmoalocratic Floor same gender,jr. This is about public nothi;ithing lo do with liomophobibia,” public policy. are tragic’. Yoii drink,<. You drive. And you - oro r • Leader Mary Lou Reedced of Coeur policy." Batl-siti-stiid earlier in the day. "It[t Ihas Others also siiggeIgested thal an d’Alene opposed thee 1

I d a h o F^RnTiiraB M atinee Intlalation Fighter ^ D octoo r abuss e b ilip' House p;)anel kills bidt 3n Sat - Sun For Shovi/ingsJS B etw een 12:00 a n d 4:00 .m . All A dults a rc $4.00T and ar From 4:00 to 6:00 p.m. to tax pari-i-mutuel tic'ckets L ______All A d u lts a re-oonlyS3.50 ______[vinp Book Customers^ m se 'BOISE (AP) — Afler beinglu That wuuld trimm stale sales H iiN ^ otic^^ino^^ h e a d ss to H o 2j^q22ISSSS33!3SSEI3Eu3SS3SSS totold it could de.stroy Idalla h o ’s i;lx re v e n u e by S2.21.1 million per )n Page 47 ol the SavingsIS Book " T h e 'N a m e of tht nOlSE (Al*) — A hillbill aiiueil at ------^------1 horse racing and breeduding year, and Gov. PhiPhiJ U a.. ha.< ■ I P . " ______[lt<) s cc ta ,i n J;. h < M It 11 ■ire i r c proviilers K ______industry,in' the IIoii.se t:ix comimniii- expressed nppn.siti(i.imjorjhai _____■ 1 ^1olor-Vu 2 “ and Grand-Vu wass \knocked oll the page befon who soMiiilly ahiisi- ihi;iheir paiicnls ^ lee on Friday rejected a proropos- reason, H u p rrinting. i n t This coupon is loro?nRe“ DrTv0'nn5-Ont7rThf is |ioisL-(i fo r fin a l Iclegislative J L r T 9 9 6 - ^ al to colleci state sales la>ax on The measure wasas sent to tlie HhMoKlotor-Vu will open on March:h 15th • W ealh er Permittint approval early iiexi wc'cf< • I . Pi'pari-mutuel bets, Senaic Local Gover.ernment and ^■jlandnd will be good at the Dnve-I;-In until April 30. 1996. K ep. D onna Jone.s, K-Pay<. III coiu n isi to ilic stormy SKI I H O O lycttc, Taxation Cornmiimi.icc, b... /c Arc Sorry (or Any Incoionvenience Jhls ,may_havi - •* and crim innl invcsriKfiigfirion that. - gislature Siiid tiixing^K-ttiriR tickets wrorder cer of the state’s larlargest horse ■ Williers, who has (lenied«le) any a person outsicisidc the normal .scope counues lo compete witli .storeresin racing track. Les BoBois Parjc at ■ WToiifiddini’, Sll rrendlu leI re d h is of mcdic;il tre:reatmenL It also man- OnOregon, wliidi hits no,sales tax.IX. Boise, ------Hccnscrttrprncricc-mrdirrdicincrinsT—datw thcrprnvmv-idcrcaimnrdefcnd— .Slimmer amid ii Statetv Hoard1 of his actions hy)y i c laim in g h e h a d th e M edicine investi{iiition.I, patient’s consc)iscni:. Late last year, Lancence’s office Convictionn ccarrics a penally of ^ SC: h e n k > concluded its investif;aiiollion by rec- up to one year:ar in ja il a n d a Sl.OOO itm niendinK S p ecial I’rcProsccmor fine. It also give;ive.s victims two yoars ^ Sieve Clark of Kif-byhy nui file lo come fonv;n v a r d . T h e la w n«iw AU(ICTION - charges due to problemsms with cvi- requires victintims to bring charges (H) D.iily7:15-9:30 MONDAY, m 1 1 , 1 9 9 6 dencc. within a yearrofiheoffcn.se. of MARCH ®^ Sai-SunI ^SjivSur^U5^7^30j9j^^ Clark is ‘now con;onsidering Deputy AtAttorney General OCATED: 50 norm 100 west. Rupcri,, Id ah o . Fiom Cameron's corner take^) — Lcgislatication allow* lower th e requiru irem en t; 173 IHC Loadstar 1700. V8 gas onglno, on powor stoorlng. 5 x 2 spcspood iransmis- H ' down'' >n. 0:00 K"20njb 0or, dual g as lank:Iks. Ross bod. Ilvo motoi floor, mo. “R e m a r k a b l e ! ing voters to.dccide if' they.th want Sincc Statchorhood..all Idaho coun- manuro bootors. - ■ Richinl pirvluii It phcnommil'* new forms of county govt d grain tall oo'o - 1966 Ford F60C100, V8 gas onglno. 5 x 2 spoodod transmission,i ' * | :overnmcnt • tics have beenin administered by a g 30Oo X x 20 rubbor. Siackmastor 15' me in Idaho is .headed tu Gi molol bod. hydraulic hoist wilh comblnnlloncon hay H « .~JL" Mr. I Guv. Phil three-person ccc o u n ty c o m m issio n . stockiricking push fork..Dool ond grain ondon goto and livostock rocko • 1974 19i Dodgo 3/4 ■ f Batl. The legislationon a llo w s a c o m m is- ion1 pickup. ph 360 v a opgino, campor>or spociol,' automatic Iransmlssiission. dual gas H I Ho land’s’s In a Inst-minuic comproniromise, thu sion-execiitivee fo( rm , c o m m is s io n -' tanks,iks. traitor brako conlroi • 1963 OoOodgo 1/2 lon,pickup. sJanl 6 ong ongino, 4 spood ■ t 1 Opus ^e s ' legislation will allow' pcpetitions manager, a thrciircc-member commis- Iranannsmlsslon, pos-a-Irack roar ondd - Socurily Pickup compor shoihell wllh floor ■ ■ ^ from 15 percent of the numlxjrnu of sion with changin g e s in fln e o r m o re Efluiprulpmoni trallor. pumpor pull, lights,Is, singlo oxio. dual whool. mochor:hanfcol Up. 7:00 ■ D.I.I>-7:15-9:30 D.iily 6:45-9:30 voiers who voted in th e laslast gener- couniy officescs or five or seven- * 1Q6 rubborm • Bumpor pull rial bod trail'oiior. mochanicoi lip • al election to trigger a procirocess that member commisnisssions. Gf3ROUND WORIIKING EQUIPK 0 could-lead tu an electionII ono> chang- “This is fabub u lo u s , f u ll o f m e a t Motsso 'MENT Iggi issoy Forguson ctilsol plow. 13 hoiloovy duly shanks, 3 pl. hllch, gaugogoi wtioois • B ing the form of governmentlent. that will help theth counties,” Stone ihZ c 140 lm m Sandler JftCKIE C H f l H r p j^ lerim study In die 1994)4 election, voters :n. 12‘ • (3) Aco socilon long lino lln harrow on 18' fold up bar, . com m ittee that aiUed forjr an 20 per- approved a con; ir, 3 pt. hiich • ■ h e doe:lo esn 't - NoF«ar. 4 ^ 9 o n stitu tio n a l a m e n d - ForoiisTjuson 6 row ticklor, 3 pt, hitch, foldaid up wings • Smizzor 12' rollor ■ play, go! cent requirement, but the Senate m ent.by 106,201IGl v o te s to allo w dif- golf... \ m j No Stuntman. lestroys It.fTTiTi No amended tlie House-passet5sed bill to fercnc forms ofif ggo v e rn m e n t. CULTIVATOR w l 8& CORRUGATiT O R S ■ H c d c 6fow shapo • Opal 2 row boibool han/ostor B SA/^EHAIR.' H QoIdDlggers: r s Deaun Lonebear, formerler .secretary to then-Idaho AlAttorney General wufi1 booltw toppor, hydraulic ram. tank; typoty - Pamia 4 row boalor. doubliubio drum, 540 B Sui-Sun "(H O Larry EchoHawk, to posipose as the company’s majorjority owner. The .O. - • Front mount poly lank wlin bol>olly bor sprayor. 175 gallon H S ait ^ & S u n 1 2 :4 5 - 3 :0 0 H \ charges were conspiracyicy to defraud the federal gogovernment, mail Rjilij^OOGolcmcwja^^W10 fraud and governm ent preprogram fraud, HAY EQQUIPMENT B K W BBSlillM fS IM M i . , . Nowf HollandHo two wido Slackwogon, iraclor ira pull, automatic Ilo, .P.T.O.. onc dual rub- Prosecutors allegedi thatth Hall and Bowen used>ed L o n e b e a r , a n bor. ox< ■ oxcoiiont shapo • Schwartz modiodol‘150 food wagon. P,T,0., foe Indian, to gain the INELEL conlract under a minorit:rity set-aside pro- apoodod • •IHC No. 15 sldo mko, 5 iMir, dualdi rubbor • miskln sido mountilhny h' oiovotor, H O ji/c gnim in 1990, four yearsrs a:afler form er INEL contractcc to r EG & G reje ct- oulomoi>matlc roiso • Coso 135 P,T,0, manuro mt sproador. tnpio boalor - John. Oooro r "iveting ''® Action! lEFF n BRIDGES cd a sim ilar bid ihcy hadid made.r 22A7T hoyha balor, 54p P,T.Q;. siring Ilo,), manuoli lonsion. bolo tumor, boltDolor has boon ■ h ELOOVIOVER SNDBIOUeEK ■< In shodiod • Ford hoy mowor, 3 pl. hitch,I, 540£ P,T,0, • IHC 4000 swalhor.or. icab. air. 14' ■ D:iily Dn 7:00-9:30 WHITE 3or. 6 cylindor g as ongino. conditioiHonor, vory nlco unll IV ibe brings cacase to streets o f]fBoise 7 ,”^ »n.»:00-4:in-7:00.9:?0 C IVESTOCK PANNEL & EQUIPMMENT IB B B SQUALL ' b OISE — Tlie LemhiJ ShoshoniSi Tribe has takenn t< to th e s tr e e ts o f io ' moti■nolal calf panoi with roof • (2) auIiuto foodors • (8) 12' molol H&WW (panols • (4) ^ ■ ■ ■ ■ 1 Boi.se to drum up supportjort for its goal of returninglg to its a n c e s tr a l 10' mou nolal H&W panols • 16' Powdor RivorRi> panoi - (12) 12' molal BigI ValloyVa panols ■ Al JerdilcrdmeD.iily7:15-9;15 |SJ homeland. • (2)I 16‘16 Bluo Powdor Rivor galos - (2)(: 10' aluminum pasluro gotos N ow Also In Jero m e ! A bout 20 m em bers camiam e from eastern Idaho to participatepa in the Powdorod Ilos - Corrol wolor pump.-S40.40 P.T.O.-» 200 stool posts . WcWovon wriro - - W Ai-TwinCnCineiiMDjily7:00-9:15- (OtfWlro - (J) Richio automatic olocloclnc watorors - Smooth wiro - EloElocirtc fencor l\R R O W ■ A crowd of about 100 re^ 1 applause. . fjj ' rcsponcled \vitli d icers and aj colllo ollors and Schaofor calllo oll -1 2 holo hog foodor. 8 holo h ‘RAVOLTA M em bers explained theitheir effort to return .to theirtir homeland1 near Sovoraiiral round ond ovol wolor troughss • Wood lomb foodors - Wood gn liBMBliiiHiiiyiiiMi SI» L A T E R [k ] Tendoy, south of Salmon.an. Forced in 1907 to move1 t< to th e F o n H all bin • • PicPickup slido in slock rack • 150C>00 gollon walor tank - Molol frorframo loading Indian Reservation, thele ttrib e of S acajaw ea nowI is trying to buy chuio0 back land that was its hom.ome for centuries. Digital Surround Soundd ■■ Both Towns! TOOLS & MISSCELLANEOUU S - I m m s i c u j )blo grlndor - Ohii blls • Drill motorsr - Crow bars - S a o w jock - Hancandymonjock _ ■ ^ SCBEAMISCI.V nWN Prison blam edi fo1 r nearly releasasing man 10 fillings • Nolls - End wronchos)s - Air compressor wilh pairil pot po ■-'Cutting ^ - , . - r . . *0^^I wilh bolllos • Lincoln woldor, 18080 oloclric - Eloctnc motors - 011OH filtora - 15 . ■ MOSCOW — A childI mimolester with a moderatelylly h ig h p o te n tia l and 16' 1G' Ilro chains • Top link - HydraIraullc motor, 2000 P,S,I. • Hydrt^draulic ram • ■ ^ q O'' of reoffending was almos;nost released, and 2nd Distriitrict Judge John Chainn sawm . Wolding lablo • John Dooooro radio • Tractor umbrolln • RrRako loolh • H ^ I Bengtson fixed the blai)latne on the North Idaho10 C o r r e c tio n a l Cablo0 hthammor hoads • Splkos • Polyy damc s - Hand sows • Swing dm\jraw b a r . (2) ■ y cTi T' Institution ac Cottonwood,xl. wood1 3lcslovos - Baskoiboll back boardI anda hoop - Cultivator dam ps amand shonks • H “It makes me lose myly failhf. in the 180-day progn'g ra m ,” B engtson ^'0*’gh Pprossuro hoso - 110 oloclric wawalor hoalon for outsldo - Moil boxbo • 4* high ■ |H ‘‘THE . BIRDCAGE’ISTHKK:fallin S o \w 1 said Thursday at a sententencing hearing for 30-ycycar.oldS.cvon —juro hoso - Chickon foodore • Noi'Joso ploco for 6‘ monuro buckol<01 - Hydrant. ■ Iti (,'(JFUNNIER COMEDY Yoy;yaSEETHISVEARi'j Aldridge of Juliaetia. Iroo • Hoslmg irrigation pump. 54040 P,T,0.. Primor sucllon hoso willwil run 3 1/4 ■ [H ' , mllo linolinos - Boll drivo grlndor • (6) Noblo Nc Ezoo flows wlih oloctrlcc motorn • (2) H . -' Aldridge, who originallydiy was dm rged ivith the rap duals--Traildi . [ill!— MiWI B! diological report was datedItcd 22 days later, Id sprayor, 250 gallon wiih bcximss -• WIro spool • Solid bar. quick atlattach for “So there’s no way thatlat NICI officials could havevc looked nt .he Dooro • Allls Chalmors 3 pl, blodo.lo. 2 way lilt • Lols of carpol • Mor coo flow applicolors wilh 2 molor^s • Sled corrugotors. (2) largo tarps I Fronrom Walt Disney -- For•the tl Entire Family psychological report bcfortfore making their recommcncendadon for pro. . • badon," Bengtson said. =; Alvin has takon vory good caro1 ofo his oqulpmont, Lols of good1 ItemsIlo 10 buy H \ ol ouctlor^lon. You won't wont to miss thisI ono.oi S tate schools seekek largest, sm alleststfeehikes ~OWWNER; A lvina8c Dorothy Schi h e n k I g LEWISTON — Shrinkinging state support and two bui could mean the heftiestI fefee increase in the statee fo t S S • Terms: er Cosh or Bankt(able Check Day ofI < S ole - I B State College students. Sole managed by MiFosters Auction Servicirice I H The University of Idahoiho, meanwhile, is jjroposinging the smallest J. "Tho Business; itthat Sen/ice Built" . hike am ong th e four statee schoolssc at 9.1 pcrccnt. Ringside phoni>ne 208-431-7355 I ' l i ] I Lcwis-Clark offidal.<> callall for a 10 pcrccnt increase,«, thei maximum .u rt. allowed by the state Boardiird of Education. Resident; ststudents would AUCTCTIONEERS shell out S74 m ore per semermester. H'AlTwinCin'Cinema Daily 7:00-9;15 Al Jwomc Daily 7:15-9:15 LyleMaslore flupon. Idaho 'Hie b i^ e s t portion, S33,33, is earm arked for the physilysical plant, stu- iho *436-3405 Lamar Level 2O5^^3(W^45jr0(V9^ Sat- dent services and instituuoiiuohoJ support. .Idaho*543-S227 GaryOsOsborns Ruport. Idaho • 4 Moblla3blla • 731 -1616 Goodlno. IdjhcIho* 934-5350 Mobiio*431-131-7355 • Compiled fron rom wire reports ______Mo6llo«S.* 539-5350 .______I 1 Spi in g llUB SU quu a r te r t3ack caalls it qlu its - fb r Therhe Associmed Press liel said ilie school supptipports Hikie’s deci- 18 jiuy\y trial on m isdemeanor chart:liarges of iissaultiIting jKilice officers, resistingng ;arrest ___ _ BBOISE - Tony Hilde. startinging quarter- ______‘‘W e h o p e hd- ctunesies hack." Corbet andlwiieing in a ciiy park after ack for Boise S tate for th e klastHiree sai'd. "We want Kim liacback, but he’s done • Healalso Wiis fined $25 last week;k alafter a- tasons, says for now, he docsJi'::2Ji't plan to what he foels is rightit forft the leam and stolenI campusc parking i>ennit wa.s/a.s ftmndf - >lay football next fall. I [\»- himself right mm-, so) we’ll w< abide by his inside; hhis vehicle. Tciimmate Ryiin•an IIkebe Hilde, who has had some seraMTapcs with k wishes.” .Siiid itI was' his pennit, iind he bou):iought il thehe law,.said his problems havilave causcd / \ ^ llilde suid he wtmkhikin't take p a rt in from iinanotlier studeni for S20. c hislis teammates, the coacheses and the 1 spring praciice and instead insi would con- Hildede, from Pciidleton, Ore.,, satsa out • schcchool to suffer bad publicity. ccntrate on his studies,s, huth lefi tile possi- llie firsirsl four games of the 1993 as a trtie Half th e pi “It is apparent that everythingling diat has J \b ju < ^ bility open he would retuetuni 10 the team. freshmman and then started theh e n e x t ' players lappened off the football fieldeld hus had "At Ihis time, my futmIture wiilrthe.Boise game,, agiiinsii' Montana, and piisseissed for disliked Rieltck Barry. anin .effect on the team’s abilitjility to per- Hlldo S tate fiKitball programim is up in th e air, 388 yanirds. The otheiler half forrorm," Hilde told a news conferiference Fri- ability to focu?;us, and 1 believe th e tc;im’si's and a decision will be 1made at a later He startedst the final seven gamlanies of lay afternoon. results were di.sappuintingdi in 1995, andi I dale," he said. ' that se:reason and every game sinciince. He h a te dI hhim. "1 believe the publicity geneijnerated be- accept responsn.sibility,” he.siiid. Hiliie, who holds nian>iiny of Boise S late’s; playedd 1the finiil seven games oC Ihethe 1994 ausirontnMirl99S"affiKted.-ihn i n n b a n r s s>pons inton:>rmaiia.s.sing letonis, is'sclielliuTdnreirforairAiiril— scasniv^iv^vitlva'sopararert's boulder— 5 — 2 — Billy P a ujitz, te o n fo rm er m teammate, baslask etb all Hall p f F aml ere r Rick B arry K.?.Spantan gT r a p ]pierss mo^ve upP y Kevin M iller . imes-News vm ter

POCATELLO - Minico ended the sec- Bruin, Spartatan make „nd ” day of w estlin g a t ihe stateate champi- nships with a couple of upset aU-RegionUIII squad ^mifinals to pull into third plac}Iace the Twin Falls’ Kylan PetersonPet and NUni- teanram standings. co’s Cory Noblo both wuw ere named to the One Or of those Spartan upsets i all'Rcgion III firstt tcteam by league anotnother M inico w restler, how< A t coaches Friday. 171-71-pounds, sophomore Austin A rth u r ______Sh.ino nrigpc nf rincglassA-1 smtp.gham-_____ scon finni rilllllll pioti Highland H i^ i SclSchool was named toI knockk: off teammate and de player of the year. Therhe 6-S senior also stateate champion Scott Serr. saw teammates Tennisinison Tripple and Arthur’s Ai victory was his fir e v e r .. Brian Maw picked forthr the first team. . . . against ^ Serr. and.placcs him in tthc.state..- Clint Hales of Pocaocatello also was finalnals this afternoon. tapped for the firstI sq squad. H ighland Beating Be Serr, who looked stimnLuined after coach Chris Frost wasas namedi coach of diele 8-46 loss, left A rthur feeling a I ...... ^ . the year. cent:rtain. R yker K erbs of Burllurley and Minico /“It’s ‘Ii pretty hard. I’ve wrestl players Brian Roam aniand Ryan Robert- him,m all; my life. I feel bad becauiwiu.atU Larson,I was unseeded. ■ High School a u jd lia ^f gym.gy WiWilson pinned Larson in the[he sccond A parent must sign;n thei permission . rounund of the semifinals, aftercr beating1 - - form. A $30 fee and1 copyco of the binh Spet3encer JoHnson of Idaho0 F a certificate is required.d. PracticeI \rill be- wtcsrestier; that had beaten him1 tw j m KM ______gin at 6 p.m.______!______scascason, in thequartcrfinals------“T"Tliis is die best day of my lif W ii-*~^^^^H Magic Valley You()uth Soccer songn grinned a fter the upset. ‘T v e 1 meets* next w eek< ata C S I f°”r this i for six years.” KEVIN IMA£IVTh« TVn—nm« Wilson takes on Madison’s MyMyan Bur- ^ L- TWIN FALLS - The•he Magic Valley n for the 152-pound title. S o p h o m o ro BBrian Hydo ofTwin FallsIs struggled: against Martyrty Croft of Idaho Falls InI tltho 103>pound somiflnalal Youth Soccer Associatiiaiion will hold its jIn o th er A-1 sem ifin al actionion: Brian match in tho> C( la s s A-1 s ta to w restlinIng g tournamont Friday, loslosing by pin In tho socondi d ro u n d . monthly board meetingng iat 7 p.m. Tliurs- yde of Twin Fallls was pinned:d bby fresh- .day in the College of)f SSouthern Idaho an Marty Croft from Idaho FallFall^ Alon- pounds, pinningng Jesse Parker of Pre.stonn In A-3 competition,, DecloD< is sending off,” Me:lendcnhall said, Shields Building, roomn 1<104. ‘ ' yVanTasell . from Minico fell by ta S-5 de- early in the sect:cond round of their senjifi-i- two wrestlers to the Ssii la te finals, and Wendiidcll's Justin Culler escapedled from Anyone interested in the youth soc- . >ion to Ben Wehrli of Bonnevi]cvillc, and nal match, , W endell one. Shaynee Charlcswort of R iric toI win wii his cer program or who wouvould like to share loanlartan Pat Adams lost by pinin to( Beau At 152, Wcccaver beat second-seedd Du.stin Palm er dcfcndinded his top seed scmifiniinal match 5-4. Culler, thelie t th ird ideas or serve on a boanlard position is en- ard of Bonneville. Casey Eager o)f f Middlcttin ! 5-3 to advancee at 112-pounds, dccisin>n I Clmi Fatil iwncO Uwi Ouiwr iCtkfhV:«*rtL503. Wa lUUcMjal) Oac OnxUhra (tKArr). 14- comes to CSI Exp«tp o C en ter Madsen took a win over Sugar-;;ar-Salem’s ners Ferry, 6-4.4. Rushion will facc Weis-;• Joining Palmer fnimmi D celo is'K elly rdan McKinley by injury defaisfault. The cr’s Hans Olscrcn, who has pinned everyy Mendenhall, another Honloniei ciirrying the i't oner (San«brf) ' Oktv (CtfilMll. ^-3 iri.AutU< A/tru IhKra) yson McComas of Salmon foror tth e 112- for the title, the 145-poiind scmiHnalnals, Mendenhall n (Dutr>), 3 30. Sa» Gen (Mras) iru| cMc Onan be at the College off SouthernS< Idaho “2“und title after h e knockcd offff tctop-seed- Sugar-SalcmI has1 virtually clinched theL- scored a third round liikedownlak to bcat . ). 1:13-3 tffi.MirCurm'{U*r)pmd DM«I Expo C cnter March 15-1-5-17. TJ Olvera of Weiser. leam A-2 title.>. Buhl, 1 with 86.5 points, iss Melba's Jay Morgan, 6-1. ' • lNl«D).i<7 ! P lease s e e WRESTLINGIN G /B 6 Competition beginsins at 7:30 p.m. Nihill has yet to bc challengedged a t 125 solidly in ftmrtii,th. “I was lucky enoughh l-3669, Utah VaUIley end?is C S F s ; Holytiirnaiiround!1! Twin Falls womenen softball ------players-ga’theH ii-Ij[i*Iat'e^arch^ Sjeason l witith90-7 —WoiiTen-tenim -defieitint©--I'peiH - t-vietep TWIN FALLS-l-heT^: Twin Falls Wom- *en’s Softball Associatioitiun will hold its ' Rv• Li any Hovey . By U irry Hovey p o in ts - a llII frof m first meeting at 7 p.m.,. MMarch 26 at Me- jimeTies-News w riter Tourneyir standings • B6 Times-News w riter Sunny Myers*rs - in N-Eds. Anyone interesteisted in playing or th e final 3:38.8. ■ coaching is welcome.le. Call Danette OROREM, U tah - All th e problen OREM, Utah - At halflime,ha sopho- V DeAnna GIo%jlo v c r’s eight points coilorlier in the sccond half, V shot off theic 1 hig h ___ .B nins at 324-4419. ______ta kkes ^ and happenstances thathat have__j^,i,en Marais_W more Franci Olson lalkecked the talk. Wallacc put_toiictlierAlit-_ — I — post'gavc-GSIG S I-iis------Compllcdrn)TnJiri stafTrepbrtS pTaguigued’th'irCollege~orSoulltern tm Idaho s tie field goalII run and Ru.sty Yoder------S m all-w ondcrrH c-rC■ColleRC’of o S o u th -•- — j had just rendered ___ _ I first load atIt 51 55-54 men’s:n’s basketball program this ye;year w ere capped the comimcback with a three p overtime, outscoring the Vikings 34-11 Dixiee 1then had two turnovers, the la-st Ironsns compared the game to the i :lvcs after that. We just‘ at ilie free-throw line. ' on a ira%•avcling call, giving CSI posse.ssse.ssion Running the l>cll. ’Hicy m ade a little St. Pot/ick'o Ony Run/Wnlknik notiniting “we came in with highS’exTc” es ? Olbon’s follow allowcL,ved CSl (27-4) to with 14I sccondss left. Clover tried anoanoiher Malad Gorge Siolo Portt,1,10 10 a.m. tionsns of ourselves and we didn’tin'. 'r S nin and we coul.^ d n 'l get back in.” erase what .had becomen e a 39-19 deficit higli posost shot that skipped over the rim ------^------' those,ise, or any of the goals wc setset in bas- But Irons also0 admi itted one of the obvi-' two minutes inlo the secoecond half. lo whererre-Olson wiis waiting to makelake the • • - k dIball.” b a - • • ous drawbacks; oof this team when he not-...... “I-walked into-the; Tf T o ck cr room a t pkiy. ‘From a coach’s standpoint,, ththe won- ed ‘‘offensivelyly, our Achillcs heel has' h al/lim e a n d F ra n c i Wiis wi going from A Rcbebel had in.sidc reboundingng tposi- SPORTSnjNE L I t record was disappointing,J, bbut our been lack of cor:onsistcnl rhythm, particu- pl;iyer to player, g ettingng iifteri them and lioii, andnd Ol.son had to flin with a\ foulfoi to PSO«COtltCfMICH$C»l< ■ S elievements i off the floor, espcdTcdally in lariy against the herself, face to facc,”” CCSl'coach Joel getposstisession. 1^ ^ ) acadeidemics, w ere m et,” Irons said, Bate said. “Her teammamates responded . "She• (the( Dixie player) went upIp early,ei iasically, only Abdul Brownwn main- 13 w«. and so did Franci.” a n d shhe t was coming down whew h en 1 tolnecned a good effon for die Eagle:ig lc sa sh e toTr.to'11 \ * ^ 10*0 n '3 * 4 T he .size of th e comneback el was such jumped,’d,” 01.son said. “I knew 1 hadid tclo j’ct 10 00 2 Z 10 Ul J|-.« ■ picketked up 11 poihts and eight rebounds,rcb Mvwa>Dn.CM^ ' that the Rebels had to0 helpli - and they, it (the shoi)si rigln back up" becausclusc the ■ : excessive fouling limited himlim io ju s t' ilid. They w ent four minninutes without a Dixie in:inside defense was swarminfning 10- l*n9S7-33X Co*«»3wl-4 00 7J v. point when CSI was closilosing from an 11- ward her Fof the lJtc$t jcofcs cjII • ht minutes before Utah Valleyile/s fatal « 4-uj.4ji3,o iv®-.. 73'34-6326 Sr point deficit to 52-51.' •, Whilee OLson em erged iis the higli-ligli-pro- ' Jnilfollow Ihp Jimpiclc ln«rucllon».im • pull-a'J-away. kVa>»7,0 IhM"? ______TlicTimcsjSc I The,^0 Eagles had trailed by asS m uch as rCCSlM The Rebels (17-15)' scoredsc just- five | Please see WOMEN1EN/B6 V V

B-G Timi!!i-Nowi, Twin Fiills,.Ills, l(Ji(fio SiiKirtluy, M;irc(i 0. IMfi19' Iron Mitike look:ts rusty ilin 1st op(ten w o rkiout Fbtiriefly in ssports rcoat it after " ‘our roiiiids. “He’s ca- lieavyavyweighl title, “ Y ou c a n ’t sugarcc I.AS-^i:CAS (Al*>) - l-'rank short after fou rll in som ething like today id drops close onene ed what he pahle of ortuni' ;i Bruno for the WBC be told t«> the truth," Brifilit sai by C hrishris Gillette and Justin Hiiandnd. The Eagles blew im opporti session aijainsi Jose;c 1R ih a lia fifjhi aj-aitisi 1 h aving I ty for: a bI ig in n in g , h o w e v e r, by failililing to sc o re ag ain d e sp ite hav th e b aases se loaded and just one out. CSII st:stranded 14 runners in the ga h e loss.______s and staIts _ - ______1------A aronron-B ond g a v e u p e ig h t hits a n p.imcd n ms for the I — Scores astern Utiili. CSI drops to b-8-8 o’over- ,11.) 7 S a m Be.sBest went the distance for Eas IUmiC<|4. CiMa^4^2‘g • all, andnd Ifaces Snow College this afttftern o o n .

------. - P»J a" CuPa 3 — NB/VstnndinKS- 5»n 5 ^ «LJOMMIIM v£SovCS*ft«i. c«to(r-(it « i r<«iu coilf cncHCt Teleyisiqi;iq n 04 Wl'fl-atU'JLLi’Oon] ChcafloW11, Conforonco USA Prlni' I a reported S250,000, plus; inc incen- ’foChiillongw KIVI/(IVI/Ch. 3-68 10la.m.' n. Unn.)(..)alB*-MlC^,, I u p to 50 ■Ml jo COIIOQO baaholball.. C ommpiled from staff and wire rep-rep o rts '•Ii, Coiiugo t'f5'ioib:iii,I, CConforonco USA Prinu■rimoSporta 11:30a. ma»lP*rnD..oi ria. ______Chjrl.»lr. Olympic trials . KTHTFT/Ch. 7-38 . no 3M j;- Swimmlno. U.S, Oly .MVT/CM. 12-11. 1.30 p. l*^>;«.«»(ia|»lVata -wi< COIIOQO biiskutball.1, SSWC conforonco chump. KMV ' iVU’.n " ______wcsiEiiNCONfcncMCc' ill. Stanford at Arizona Stato Prim'rlmo Sports 1:30 p. iball-C hanipionsh irACCirumHinal ^ ^S P P r N /C m O ------‘•■‘5-p: igion-18-B asketl] ship^!— c'ollii^o'D'nikTriljaliri^ p.m. (iS c jA . rt ?or‘or!o«3at0u~>n.rj [ ----- R eg » i '<3 - COIIOQO boBkotball.ill. Purduo at Iowa KMV;MVT/Ch. 12-11 2p- ey S tate College in Orem,n, U tah - ,1 Golf. Honda Classic;lc • KTFl,TFT/Ch. 7-38 2 p. Utah Valle) III. W ashington St. at UCLA Prlm - Collogo baskotball.' Ip.m. C^ojoS" =■“■■■“ *» S«»a al R lc k a i JM - 31 Collogo baskoltJiill,I AtlnnlicA fOc/tamp al CCfi*n«r, A(U . 6 w 3 SPN/Ch. 13 0:30 p. [le (14-4, 264) ~ Collogo boskotDnll,I, BigB Ensi chomp. ESP^ p.m. Oa>J*nai«.lrt 5*"fl*ro- . Dixie 7»> - vVomon’s bsskotballball. Big Sky cham p. Primirlmo Sports 0 p. c ^ u SCO 17 Collogo baskolball,I, WACchnmp.V\ ESPhSPN/Ch, 13 8:30'P'U] p. ^ b » 9 0 « a|ul«Ta». luuston U ina ot Moglc KTRTFT/Ch. 7-38 10:30la a. m C o lle g e scores I A lU«n 102. Saciamat'U >3 ' Pro bnskulball, Suns a-m. 6-.1 1 s. Idaho 6^; TfmrftOtrrn Collogo baskotball.ill. BIfl 8 cham pionship KMVMVT/Ch. 12-11 11a, CmoUnd 00. OMtonOl Collogo baskolDnll,I, ACCA champ. eSSPN/Ch. P r 13 i - 110 ' E ^UItah tat U2£_23:2lJ Utah Valley 90-7^ NN/Ch. 30 ' no^n no ii«ua«o LA C)pp•'ll>I.\vaa^<'gto<^e? Motoreyelo racing.g. DaytonaI 200 ANNI Cm U I, Wlchlgon St. at IntJlann < ESPfSPN/CH. 13 1 P i 0*ny«, 7pm Collogo baskotball.sll. NCAA tournoy pairings KMV;MVT/Ch. 12-'w 4:30I p.m.p. !irj?!*:;!i;,^!^!yT*Aliui • S. Idaho 5&S7 ■ Surfing, Rusty ProJ TtTour Primi'rlmo Sports 5 p Prmni «IOr<««o, 10 30>m ;S P W C h.13- - . 6'P p. .m . . .. pea-CD DlxlflJJb (Q.Q 1 f v 1 4 ^ Pro Hockoy, Oovlls ip m . NofinC*roina«.HOat4 LA CWWiWfWjwrM.lUm" IHI. Hockoy, Chicagoi'gVotMCukoo- - ...... P"m!■rlmo Sports 6 P 5^ , I Dixie 6057) 7 " \ ...... DwtcK'tl 11 ■ m Auto racing. FprmuimulB 1 GP eSPI;SPN/Ch,13 10ip.m. p. lixUna •) Ponand. I p m 'fimo Spons 10) P-m. p P*nM 14 liO*(T|r 4 S a lti aakailiSJIiSi k f l GoK, Dnn Morlr^o CGCGAlnvitallonal P'im< ■ - KulM 4. U.«T« 4 KovUcn •! VwKOuMf, 1 p m Sl fTictfn*t 4. Mo<* SouCM t S ^ 9 . ‘i9«wv. N Jdaho.ihojioi^ciai »►»- ■ R a d ioio • R ic k s 91-61 SvKSf”’" Un*WM*y*nO ^ Utah Valley . ______E v o n t s ta tio>n n - ______T lm o ._ Sair------R lckai3 84-76 OT ------WiRaotiarg 12, Port Part 0 somnvE • Snowa (€ i e , i 2 ^ i m L Saturday 3 n m A;t^u> SI 2-2. Taut-P* NBA box scorcs Collogo ba3kolbnll,(,11, CSI women vs. Ulah Valloy KE2J/05.7FM KE2 6p 0*3a> D*tCtllH. Sc^t•ru e ^ g . I Utah Valley RtxM»O*a.0oi — -I HooanSPairw9.McU>/iy i— ' IU*6.CW4 Flcr«»4 *l2ty5gj!S^D. 0n7.« 1.JO-01. OiwwonCwp/ ,00000. Ou*rt«rtr>ii. T«naK«Sl 6.C»i<*tin2'T ItalLVaUc »-I«44 ». U«u 1-4 0-0 0. llK«inwMIM 1 Uai>*aM02-:3’.Tncn«unOO039 19,0g- Ci»rion;9.NoflhC*rc»«r] ?. Smffi *•? J-113. D»y«nl 4-11 4-4«12. 1?.. J»c»- UmmMi^2-5 ' Sl 79 Dof!»«eO.NEI>n>ift4 CUlfi*«MI<40'‘/TI>*II r«~» ton 0-} 7-6 7. JonMO-0 1-2 1. CT'iculI 2 2gieo OM.»*T.c^48.»l c*rt»MSi 7: ' T0WD«IOi«lSl 6>.TiCTrSI 41 S S f S i. e.OowMl-t&«}. Duni]>2.0uki69 i S U ™ PUMmfta S 23a a2! 24-100 wM*Fc»««;o.v»»A46fl »-7« 2>-MD« l-PcwH9QW.-««-yoi» M3 (0«. “ “ " S a K" :" Qia Docfunon 6. N lo.* I 'SSl'j^lMS.MWon.S-ISM 17, 1NMM4-4. Cot»»cticweS.Sr**eu»«a/ S0M«0-1 1J1.Mcr>»o«»J-10 2-2T4.2-2 N pr«n.2:'(Mii-.lS-i2.St»clN5g C*oro<10«i«'64. V^anot* 76 H f f i — om en ___ SlottWi 11-12M 3S. CiMn 1-J W)t02.0»- 2.1 HufVi2-J) foi<«dDU1-Non* HK* Mn 7-8 M N» TO>t 44 (UMon II). r'MMWO' CUgE^Corfv*^ ■ H M 6 Kuf mt•!^«usx^ 12) A»l.tU-llr« V . opened up the middle aI littlitde bei- jnSin* ^ I J O ^ foiw I*#*!!09 I' l(l«T»'6|.(’M-3VI«a10(U»r~I k». 5i'41?, Nab>.»* to • «.« NHLstandlni jedfromBS _ ...... *.• I-2MJ 7c«»lt4S-87 14:17 109 • easiewcoiJf MxaUi 77 23 IB ^ Mwr^l4 w«te8.Cc4oia*3» ■ te r f o f u s .------a 27-IW T*C»Y«»1-N».YC<»1»<1;4I«*'«>’*f«n* 3 Xaro- K«r SI M. OlaNma St tl BJ - Aaartt»‘’T**TPa DM Of « file h e ro (of this one. the play of " I w a s v e ry w o rrie d whn*88. OTf ^ [UaU St 94. SATKn** Si }-Port QO41416 II 19 49 30 164 C asy M[urdock ufc had the most to do point guards fouled out.It. Ibul we UK* }J. fionv 7-a, Odan 1.2, Ooo*»hM«0-1. SUoJnn* A—19.910(10.166) OaMRruM Do»l» 79 OWryWCh.". Kf « n«avi«r0.2, llfMui 0-2, J«ei»ori0-2Mn>n 0-21. a ” 12 76 16 172 w ith ihe ccomeback t - that, plus rwo • uard front 4-1&(l<«n*>»k 2-9. HuuM 1.2. Mormlorm 1-9. nacnvllMLOoi went back to the two-guan 5lDC»lcnO-t,fo«wO.l,D»«i'>onl-3l'23.Cla» tli.Slala 61. TuiouUnM* 79 24 10 4# 68 IW M urdocllock steadied the Eagles by very happy that Jensen concontrolled 6| UUn47lFoUx7) Ajtna-HoutOT nwvTfro'i SA HCMO»>.BD>tR.IFUoiai E7.iS5L» ” X OUHB^ 10 1-1 II, T«Mk 2-90-04, CK>U» JJ ^^HocT«.a.Di12Swii**" * gettingsc\seven of her 11 points, four (Dixie poinl guard Courtne;tney) Har------ss i ■ re^uniisid s a n d ta k in g tw o c h a rg e s.: _-- : Ian and denied her-dribbleb b le p e n e ------• - • 1»»IM1».»11)...... tc«*l» 91-64 tM9 79 UaouMla 73. U*rr«r.tM ------...... II MMU(IOS) U^Amwun Co«aml m . SaccniRon ?a a 6 *4 21B 222 H e n ry'y, , a sophomore from Valley tra tio n .” NM»4p>n.Da< 5.7 2-9 13 S*m(»»l* ft«ium«w89. 3 looanaeo NEW JERSEY oom Waumt 6-1J 3-4 31. 7 (on** S-7 . Mn4-7 1.2'1-29 5«n] 16 S 26- « WAlAt^.nTwt^mrmri’ NOA DN. U NoiMM . . D«T>t «?9^2'4'?S2 i: m i 'ii U n til1 then. tl Dixie’s defensive to four. The Eagles alsoIso e n d e d Tcrorj) M 24 3 g, CNcaoo - . 31 2. J played havoc with Bate's MAKTOMOItlS) A!»lKrCe.l»-t.»Cl«64H . St l«;;.Ain«>Csnlnl) 41 J} y H l i nj 121 scheme pl w ith a rebounding edg«g « oi n th e CW 6.1» 2-6 ! 7, 5u« .Oo»aSl I0.5h*-^ai E 5 " ~ ia f ’l 'ti- M,l“ 2it “ O u r' offense of: is going from out- 02. AMuniM>CM0«0.n»«>1-1IK)1IW)3 To- l-S.Sn»Ji0-1.*»»«0-:nO-lConu'O- Waones.AioUchniei o S T roMd out—S Kjm [(a(io<««3>-M.-Torento W*am>i~«8g. 6: 19? sid e into to the t big people. They de- gl1)A.V»>- NCAADh>.llbiIR«onffljU '’''^ ‘H&£iiON*iltoCiC4<1 Cowraao 17 21 nc^4-ll04 34 OMt4-t02-4 1 12.0mi2.0na9a5-IS4-S |U*.r10LU.»n({>lO.W9l'l <1 • £ka«JRou« I I4.Cc7«x)WI-S1-193.IV*v2-«£WS6.A«46.A<’o***0-20- a ^ i i j ■rr>3a(Crup- S«aaWHcuid iSlSrSK mod tho.lac and wc had lo think in 0Uuvn24 CAXoma.n* »4, [»>«cro7e>e A&l•>^*C^I'>tunBI.H•VBl>JSSK.ar„46 74II.Jv21«14-n2IS4 3tor«flQaf»l S«< ANow 7-16 iPwMn S-«. EMIS3-7.0M 3-7 TKXtcWt—StOuOVTii* llo ^ . C Oua 97 H»9>cM,AMun>M>0-2) FouMom-om-No>w S>uv A-I4.9I9|19.?M| r MCAAOfT.HOr— ■*1?^ cawo. 39? >5 I ? It? S a te said.id . )teW<24IO-234. . i 9|.Sm< Smsnat^ajM A/xanMT 29 > R»OOl«>0»-N«t JW»«r 44 tOra»" SI. ! »u.o^ SanJoa* t9S 4.JS S 39 ^ ai “That’sIt’s why I felt the turning Hv*sT«44 36Dto<]V43-34 I4.0*naan «Mana4aiS>T>inl4) Aun»-N».j* Ijrjoj M 00 1 J. 3 M 0»J* 141. Swi Arter« 30 (J0^fl•0f l/ao-T* ■ p o in t mlay ay have been Holly’s three­ Y»0», I -1 00 0 3. >1*«un10 M 0 2. H»wg TdUI loU»— JvMy 22, San AntoTH M C A A ^ ^ 0*9>r 1-4 2-2 44 TolM-17-U 1M9 22'57 67 1 l••«. I IIB.VanCial UO.W.. ..V «*3 pomters."'s. Those forcod them to re- ) ttootf a*. 10-16 36, Sirong 04 0-0 0.1!.£jw»c»'4-r Jc t< c > « t y s ^ i , 70 H af^ acsrvOua 91. cs: 17 S 70 '^ '’‘''7«AADi^nS« . ' ^ 3 Spect USis aa liltle o n th e o u ts id e im d ilS^4'A^-^ 6 KTTm^U) 4-4 12. P*Mr»-10l.3l4, thrnti ■tRcgicn OMKrlh* KSK:,s°?rRU. 0i»«O-O3-2 I. l*T*n 1.1 0-fliV'ujin^l^b- 2. NCAA 0»«-IH*»t»i«tI. n» paAanc*»4,S*‘amSI 46 C*ioarT4.SLloun2 . Criiliw C»BM. Po» FV«Roirt. W cf^9, Fiorual FMXMX(V7) FtH^kul Part* 63. L*U ^ M arvO ^C M )^ B.102 2 16 C* ,^43 ““^ ‘“ JS»Abi».nC««l»»«» t-'CSS ^ l- r 3 i‘8.V'^4^’,°:22 lifx Jo~v 'w SJoU -^BoSfj^^’ Wrrestling — >nn*9 3a >cn 6-10 0-4 I6. IVton I-4 3J M ?o2 I 20-;* 96 »06.U*<«no7.161-4IS.C««’-««n l?2^0 2 Unon 61. OwMnt NI C C 4i4^ Wa .Otf*o.« 74. WaUK'po'S bZmT 0.«>i4,Co C*rM.MRaoion F HCAAO^M■riHagicn ^ I cotnorw»i4. 5*n Jo«« 2 lhan OCcrrw (Tacnj ac Ocmw Dm*y^lOooarg). (Cc IM C o.ntinueilued from B5 liO-Ovo C-lkfl (W«t>*«) OK lAk* M*WjmlaKxxn (FV'4JaMm*«M*u>AlU-K,rlU-Kjrxn'C* 60 Itman 97. WAa.llMI30im IOM)**u>l* (Ca«J-.») aac f** TK<*«jn (Uoeo). (Ocdro). 10-2 140.T(jn Aarirr (Sola CofT««) lwM2.J2,0*yJ-100-07 lounJJ-. N.-J*r»T«Pn»lM^.r^.II30*m. e-3 11MUDaiiI DucM (Mrawl oac Una OjO <>«0Wnl). Motoi»T(F»*).240 l4V»^R**iJ(R»»)prna)P»n*d Rrflrg » !»-«« 0.|,tJc«f>»c»iO-21.IT2-9. AMiarnaAlU 106.SC-5oMtant« N Y H*notf» *1 Waifirfltvgtn. 11 30 a m S4. Ruuat■I OfOrt (UM FMal d*c JMW rtiiXMJa (Txi' (Wvdii).44» 1420adUnn(OMleT)ma>m« cOac Jary D- ^ M n16 -90-91 P«»c*Uni96-l4 (FvnrKT.2-9, 2 M*. n*6oui«.-lM tr-jtMx SI (tW Mpm (OofWy), 4 33 1IJUVwanTMr* (OurWj) 0*c Ene I Srt«i fW. JalVKT). 7 J. UJ Cr*rt*- (Cnr WU 2-6. U*i 1-2. S>n 1-2, MarVtfJ 0- 70. l4».Fr»l IMMM (VJaho F*Oa) m«| ok. S»Mt OtToxl (W««>a»l. M 17t JA»*^ Cat toyM|Wap>aD 2JT(v‘^i;'^i^).iwWrn;cn (Kvr^l. 4.2, OOMTnjI IjMlcn 9-J1 (ft*io»4.e. Foi 2-S. W»« Mt2l Proani HCMCr^.BIAMrOcR*; ■r.alOp-r BOa«)l.a.l.lUWt^Zhriww(Di/to,lM8 Ml-Pwntu' 0«. J^tM (W 134 lB»0*rK Onl-9.UraO-I) Fo^Moul-^on• r,Ct*<, Oiartrti*!!f ”- * - , t«i«.-CWrWniJ 44 (lur, n-p<*w. T*uiMU74. Taus6l C. JavvTij Hmnan (Oci-iW.sa), 6-2 1(00,**• rg) ae, Oiy*n lAnrc* (Uati*). 4-3 !•»»■«» o> 7) Auitn-OrMUni 22 (Su*.2»!u U i^ ■ HSSrS»5*LMAnB»«ttogafda- •• Jaruan) MC Zmr* lUocol. M OT, UM 0«a ■ IN FrarOTjOac WoOy JT'MIKiHIWl. 3-1 5 (Solon 79 IWI w p'6) tan-otv*. n - c ---- f*n»»-A-irrati».029r------BeCec*>arM •6 5«n CWi*r ITi^ f«V8-3”tn J « r ™ — ------unujj.euim n A-ig.»w<«».6?4> : Dm %k*k*m (Twr. F.M). 5-1.1B««»* •*»■— DuO»««i>*s. Ooa ccl[*Y*IEwaeMan»S««>-TVi«anrahM. Doi anL**04* . ;WOoa«j**»i QwrcKxanc Mm«na> 8EATTl£(ta) _ , 'SS^S.^Pi'tt9 B.4W1H119.1B8.1I 34, WvnarMrgJB. Ooim AdOtiAut 6 SSE ■ 19 S3 21. Oxmoat 3-9 0-04. M».nw0»- ’ NCAADX.UIUM*AS>ae if*** .OOStOtlR£0 50x-n**.-n****M4J*rwnyMa». 0 . . 103-Uartr CrA lUam Fata) prradI (Vwf)Oa UnwTVI IMJ 1-2 2i. P«u» 7.19 i- ruKOai. p«ct»t A>u7>*eMJ uvCM.DoOdO. A-3FI*** Fatal. 344 14Mt«i Vrtfrt ((tamr,*a| 0*c jQhMon 0*1 0430. ^9 i^^2V . rr^^UanrSmiTS.M lourvan*T*cflB6.l*m*«4a ten. Pen Ctwo Pou^.n CMnRodr<0u*i*n]Ca OwrpKrafacraf«i»-0n*ari*4***^. 5co8 Btmarw. Vt.T'C4Hu«n«v3Rxll 1 1120MtUlan Uaoaan (Jarvna) oac R«ya ArQi< (3 Ft*-- LMion (5*napof'l). 9 29 IWOmu Ward KJonPnyill*) $.10»9 21. M2-4 8. S^^•'!U .nen Am/(Mote I W)2.Fort1-43-24 TotM47-»42»9l new PK. Ill aoua'» i i»i/«id.ou«iaUar».ir«J■rd >3** U*>«n*i. irnrO.S4 1l»A ^ ' W ^S^16?2’i9T* ^16-14 fr2 1 J“ lUnJrloH.nXKanCr'nCr\««l.pitOw».lo (1*»*KJ|').. 13-a134l»Il4a* NM HV«) mat dac l«r* An­ 0«l5a*S«rf(Mrra)^ 12-314. 7^1JM17',S*48.S«a««i»4 iT« B** (3 Fxnotnot). 17-3 I900M* Stttn (Pnwl Rmt) Oac sssca WM44I }«.DyUr4M3 2-3 14.H««lmc(JMCKj-aOO WMfirWal. Mo 47. 0»nll*«*t7pnwTWairi FiomaAy tc 7 l.ri4 IWA cS!lFCMnA^?5ts>-A0«*i]t9lam>« TonHMltDuI {Dk^ 2-1; Jorr ST Wc.- ii»CJ OTtMmKUoDQ oac D«a OaatOaac^ar (Uroj) •»- O-H-6 4, ltlM> 9-J4 i-i 24. W«>l a>.ad*n 1-7'1.23 V2 Towi 3 “ - Smf*M (W*fg 0-J 0-2 0. D»rt W 4-6 12. UUml-4 « 38.941I.I994 •“ w ^caSSS tesoxJX-RanmUnciin-” MUMCmn-Mr»(Orffl 1*M4OiM»i(0iH)9acF*r»rE0-; •n t u i ^ r a r x £ S K ri)OacU*«m»iin!r . i ‘ 124-32 113 I »■*!*«« aia a a i6 -« 1 Ucrrwn WJ 60.R/i^49 , CoionnMSI W, S»"t>asa5 Met c4 J*«on Oa<». pW'ai«>w.Agr*MBI«Tm drtO FtwKjC«niTfl,7-2 14iU**E>*r*(A DoMn (thUvr)r)Oac«M>McOav Oac i « > , J - * 1-’ ' a 91-1)2 AJWta » M m ro t w«wWamiM.UttBH ^(V^RMViOOT 142-HA W«M>(OUi)^ aM(U>al.M.t»lta>0«**n»ac»»WMoaDpmad IW* UrnMca * » 23 29a 331—112 9-ParitM9-2«{I>^IDou^t34, OuarlaAlall •n.*nsu>*C*mmi*rS’.K.^KK? ST tM netted (Wawl M 160-ToiU VarOn>r (Don.‘ Hotreea. (UncDl. 2.14 »«-»,» Har»«i(C«an (C«4*m^ 0*c »rriJ-2. 0*U.2-SjW>«r,2..,H^,MII.3.Ccna< 1 *njnu>M.SoumC«una48 I tm e Ty UaewM (Jara«*). JamM UW^**• Jar»dOcotX»ia»i«(T*«'r*Br.2-1 ir.S^US13.‘n S 54.HMM S 0-I.RoMaonO-3|.AIanu7-3»lO)4 |0 « ^ 3 - 0«r^74 Tar>,MaM63 MaKnilLa .«) OK. 0«< DstM (Dur*Aa*mt 1.}), UnwMU 6-14 (W«» 2-2,0>*M « « ;3-2. 10. Drf«« 2-9. crw 2 4. IMCUWin«0-f.Sm» I K»-tuarlW.F>e«0*7B J . CniCAtWCUOS-naw*, ■npm*dJcM(Mnrvi«M*) ISMIoaRuam -Non* R*- 0-9) Fo>MciU-Mra «M>owU>UUt-UMu- St 69 AuOcm 48 g sgr; Dec (M REbraon f&carO*arT.). M M.-- P9M>1-} R>S1> 1.7) FouM 0«A-Non llor.j.L»«w SouWdC»M M |D*U< 10). AUM* » (U^ , - auerjcahLea T^tK-r^KVOi (Wood RMrl oac (Va»vu.). *- n?jSn^£a»an (Jaretnal 0W*J1A JorcJordan UcKnirr . f«M«44r(;»m.BOI ■C*®* ^ pa (Sui^-SArn) ll9-T[j^Pnc*|Suoa>-Satam)Mm) Oac K*ay 10). UmMOU 90(Ot«MU. W IMautM 19.AJ- HE louMru 92. Sl«<<*n F Auiei l^To-.c-cnao. ^ Man U*t*a(D>m7-l 1»NMNMIU>/0|in>a 7|Jettlta«-fl««» 26. ■0^9 ^ ^ l« » lj A-IO.I741I8 970I Taiai 60. Tain-San Ancn*rtcr«7l KanMlifr ' « |P™rt»>). 217 1»f>•n(' a 3 667 S S o 'C C O P J• ^ l ^ ^ j j . a p-« crrtnfl IO>Ouaar<>k ® °*52a 22T” Mtm (Wood IW ) 0*c. D*»d K*tor (Sue*r- Otc Jo*r S7x>w*B*r (Wood !»«•). (W.-3. I40-U*n14 Cc*e Iau«M,Soi**nU.lh 47r DMmora I 13M)rwiKr>«nr>(D**LMI<»e->-*»*a• .(WMOdal Hc*Hr4(t\m74 142Nc*V S 5 ? ta S ^ » « T k ^ 9 ‘?oTI«.cSl’cST*' uK[jFW3od Rn«). S-l. 130>»v Inam* (SuOar-SMrr.)'> d*c Caa*r Ei^Tar 0 CaHmm C7>c*ao 2 1 S?J o«Am.0nEM0w'«idlWVfr2.V2. 16IWskMt'PUd '2's siS j? ? ’ * ^ Da0jn.9ux).e” X*VTJ• ir|km3UiA3UetUeti**IAiJ*m>.9i|«rB». m*n) p«nr»a■wl JiJo*A Al»r<9« (Wood RiyW), :26 160-Ty l01(Dcmar»t«Ty), PvWi I-2 00,OuW-(«(HO„0TC«..3.- “ ■» * r ?S fTOT r* r»»»d <« UaO<«M(J>nii[Jnrn) mat “ac JuBn H»«nwi (Ko»l. 100. 3 7 2 24 IDMIMIIMO. Ciry4.p04 3 ! S£WYOHKHflOn>rBctiU< e.teD«M[1^ [D>Wn^ d*c Sam Ta*K^ (UDMr)) Il9-A*rw'1>CT*»T t*.''»ric»n F»tta)I) d*ca*e T*d larun 143« 19- 'iiS»5*?U4-i*?i. W*a»M 1-11 99, JOT } ; “ J 5ACnAU£NT0KIN05-»-AcM*dCir4U> _ . |S0.T,nOMI '■ [WoodRM). 7-0 mUA*0>m((V/<)aai > \ ^ 0*>W.«ux).ln3Kr>n •at n,«| txr^d T|«a Somr (Ok/<). 3.16 ca** (&«r.Saiam|. 4-1 103-Tr UaowMM<>raTa^rM <> opiSri Vsi 14 ^iSrsTiI-2 22 2-3 4. FiW«y»WQr«*iVjO«*k*ei*iMScira* u*..**. T*nr»rS^t lOur.). 2 40. D*n D*>Mn |0. ®25o!ciMlilM2^2?l.9-' L £««- ■ NattmLtaS! ^ T.^(au«m) 16-21 4-I3M HAn»«K> SI*cMtm iKixiU-wI p^n^tjradRogOT •«« n-l»M 11, KOnc»» 0-t MO.OO.Shr>i- S LACfetm s a IT toaAng^** 2 * UA*0*v«i.c/WWrtlt,a 60^2.Be»-«(MIMa To«m4S-7n > 34 a Z2-M Mom AUtiMna U T«>*a AlUlUKjr«ix**80 Kji ® 3 SiV contraO. »). SU I12«un< PaM (Daoo) dac J*aA -ll(R09«3-l. ' FARJStir } • 5>i DUFFAlOOHia—5«>*«r.««>a i S 'S 'S i i , . lO3M«kK)d*cOnrt Ow« 0 « (Oaosi • ?SIS L l A«««?1M •ixrtiM . ll»CortwJci»*(7tFiwn»«)Oac; 94. ll2-0w«iPj«™«|0.O0|8ac JaMUm “ 3 ^ ssrniw ’ismsSiS'Sr M (VHmM). 60; lan Qaon (Rnal [»r*d Ki* t p W S ’.i S Jc«r>j),4SI. 1SMA.Ar«*».4r ; I'lii SS^oA is-na-A^»*d«>lKm« t*i«r (XI ItMo). 1>2. Jarad KoUn (Ualad)1 0»I«*ihjTi <(^). 4-4 laOsMrra* FiAtw ( ^m*iwyBIA»- WaO**ilS4. Dd ii Sl 62, OT ...... rr C«M* (SKahnl. 1.11. l4W t^ UanOwPa*, SW*w- mi8cMB,Cof*««o P m ^ (doo) prraotrad tm Oa)Mon (OcAtM. 4 S9: MotM KaiarJ. i«v^){>mrtCf*W»»*(W*rOrf).! II HMian9»-0>VKia« 49 (IVnKtO;.j0|.,0«rw o ,gtt,t7l.»»wfl.DPix.SI TetiTou ta<»- 8*B*»i» J ClAUI DOlPMIHJ-S»>S4nMlK*e>Sm. {Pam)pmdm d T J. R>M M34.W*«hrgW<24!4 llt*crr>on- X**go o>«*a Hr(Wm«I)(aaiOaacCMi>Ut(C7^L 1-0 l60-J«nMr>>4- Cemtcnoiar»1r>M tl. Owtso 26 IXarlntm 61 ToUikt*— kwi wavT«.KiX»ra.lo*An9M«M . Wrerop 72, H C iER&-SV<«9W*m*r n«r{T*o)MI) fecn M TM Sac*« (0*03). 6 CO. Sw/W Dv> lOVAjtn R»)Ke«J«0.c Oradftojwi«ri lOoodTdl.|0 40 Uw>«S* 26. Ow(AMro«I-rd...^)0.e 0 « KnK*>Tem. On lUw* 74. N«a U*uca Sl M I n MaranBt. jamai. .,j Ho*. * n n (Wwual) pmad M*»«i (Ftn*Li Cr*iO (W*nO*C). S< l3M*Ty 0»*l*I* (SAoUvn)(W* d*« C o lleg e sc o re s P*crtc88 UCS4MaDartm67. s s a s i . , . - . Sfwnon luean* (N»w P V « > ^ )> - ’M-142-S«nDa,nw 4. UMcn 10-13M 2t M8a». Cc*«i(«ij-e^ r* Woaftniftvi Cap4ala ConaoMcnitfcn (CRAv|pn«]JadU««i(CMJ>Tl.44l 1C ra 11-20 2-4 24. Drm 6-1S 2-2 17. tl* h s i««M.M*a.9*S iavnc«an (Cooi»74.0«»g*U>to'unoitl C•nc•v^ae'|•»7.PhMU^»?■' TorOM«>0«»™r»o(r« * Omkra (&i'pi.*a) Kt\ M Jam** D*>torrr (Qr»^.*«.)lTmO«.TrTlRtJi»>(C:oolno). I 0MV>ad F.^ar (SoOaS^Scnr^l7l2 l». P>a>£CU>HU[100) ,,r.AM,r. TmvM 64. RToO* SirTu "3 Pio»«Mrca c< M AliL. a SSSM M looooraj Oac C7r» li« (K«»»r). 2-11 ^Kr«>|aCJrfOfW»»K»ipC:w(W J«m ri ’ AlUxiXI l-3 7,WMChan«]on3-l0 4 nnc* ToMiW 71. Hi* 60 IM, Oal^ntwitx.BOwtaw«i.c*»«ecMt -ijw(Mician P»i0in«r 6-6 4-4 14. SUcMbum9-I6I9-IJM29 AteO,CiMirii«»inf I OM (0*00) pm d cm* RMd (Rn*). 2 II,

/ Snlurdny. Mnrcti 9. 199G TiiTimos-Nown., Twin Tnlls. Id.iho Q-Q-7 Knicks5 can NellIson Filin a lly tJM assIb eats GS. W aslhingtonn The Associsociateti Press after ^4-9 slum11.13 Massacliachuseits finally found a ■I way pastLSt dtJorge< Washington, the New York Daily News — , ’^ .^ 1 only leamam to bcal the Minutemen Oiis seasotison. p PHILADELPHIA - It wa.sn’ii.sn’t eas-y Friday for second- Knicks fired head coach rankedi UMaw, Ul It never is against Nelson Friday wiih jus ^ the Colonlonials, who had wbn four games left in a lacklustcr st­ ■*’ ^ straightit overo the Minutemen but and ihe leam dribbling iisel. ' M 1 7 «65 S iin the A tlantic 10 seniifi- of playoff conteniion. Wass made the louniament - Jc£f-^9n_Gimdy..a Knick- I siscant coach for seven yyt c a r s i | \s-ill playay cither• Temple or Rhode was lapik'd i6 lead the teatiL'i.m I h f j y N olson rest of ihe season. ' Just 34, Van Gundy beebecame Injuries and tratr d e s d id n ’t . . • Colleliege basketball— ihe youngest head coach:i inir the help cither. NBA. Power fonvardd (Charles Oak- The struggling Knicks,, wilhwi a ley is out for sixX vweeks with a Dontata BrightI and M arcus Cain- 34-25 re c o rd , w ere in fo foi u rth broken hand, andd ccenier Patrick by eachch scored 19 points for ' place in tlie NBA East goinfiling into Ewing, w ho recer:ently said the UMassJ (30-1),(3 which has won 14 cutive A-10 tournament M a game Friday niglit againsiinst the Knicks were ini “"La-La land” consecui Philadelphia 76ers. missed several gaigames recently • games, Since the All-Star breakak Feb. with a sprainedrd ankle. Four “I gue:uess the percentages fa- 11, ihe team has gone 4-9,-9 , with players, includiiding forward - vored UMass.U^ They had to get a the only fireworks for thehe fans Charles Smith; wetvere traded last win again;ain.st us sometime. Unfonu- being a public, all-out feuceud be- month within 10 days.da naiely,, it ithad to happen toniglit.” iween Nelson and guard:d ,John After the trade:des — m ade to said GWW coach c M ike Jarvis. J____^SiiLrk^-- ______free space underr thetl salary cap Top-rai-ranked Kentucky, which For Nelson, the dismissalssal was — Nelson never succeededsue in cs- domtnarci I a self-fulfilling prophecyL‘cy. On tablishing a solidilid rotation of ferencee during ti the regular sea.son, Thursday, he said, “Changtiige has players, did thei sasame-thing in its first game to happen to this team,t, a and I Nelson lose thehe players for o l the leaguelea^ loumament. 5 ^ -s'' ' ■ "SlELaaSV A could very well be partt of th e gootl during a feuteud with Starks Antoino in e W a lk e r sc o re d 21I change." that evolved intoto a daily soap pointsas as the W ildcats (27-1) bcat* . The Knicks, who had stastarted opera played outlit in the sports ' F lo ritlala 100-76 for their 26th 19-7, had increasinglyy com-t pages. Tlie coachh zall but sealed straightIt victory. vi le Knicks lost to ^ plained that Nelson was> a poor his fate when the 1 SOUTHEASTERN APpr.APphoia I communicator, hadn't def es on ' defined the Los Angeles No. 25 M ississippi St. 69, ’t w ork Tuesday at Madisoiison Square Gar- McKlo of South Carolina did u rin g .flrst-h a lf a c tio n inIn player roles and didn’t v A uburn 58 A rkansas' Karoom Roll:old trios to oscapo B.J. Mc tljcm hard enougli in practicctice. den. ms BuUord .sconxl 19 poinis as s.. . tho Southoastorn Confmforonco Tournamont in1 NNow O rlean s. "It became very obvious3us tiiai Ewing called the loss his low- iippi State (20-7) won its sec- ceniber lo Easieni Michigan in thetl we needed to go,in anothcIther di- est m om ent as a :Knick. while 0 MEMPHIS, Tenn. .-- Anthony seeded Georgi;rgia Tech (21-10) heal Dece EC tournament game in 10 . r ihe sixth .straiglit time. Sunn Bowl tournam ent. Only Ken- Ke reciion,” said Ernie Grun•unfeld. management becarcame convmced 1 Pieper hit 4-of-S from 3-po■point range N,C. Slate for ih i»at Burke had 16 jwinls and 11 led Ihe Wolfpack (15-10) luckcky (2G) has a longer w inniinning Knicks president and gergeneral that Nelson had loslost control. ^Iw undsl and led 22nd-rankeil Marqarqueiie's 3- Todd Fuller led idsforAubum(19-12), 11 in healing with 17 ixiinisarsandlOrelmunds. .strpapaL • manager. “The team was;as in a " I t’s a re lie f for foi this team. Arkarc point attack Friday night i rnngng 80, South C arolina 58,1 No, 14 Memphis 72-GO intl;I the Confer- No. 122 V>Vuke Forest 70, Texas 89, SMU 67 downward spiral. We’re nonot the Starks said aflerter Nelson was pgt BradleyBra> scored 23 points and Virata 60 ReRc(«ie Freeman scored 28 of Ihis firetl. “Overall, we weren't hap- broke a < , ence USA semifinals, •c J, VI sam e as we used to be.!' a confercncc tournament‘ Memphis (22-7) neverk-cr led and Tim Duncanan torm ented Virginia 34 points pi in the sccond half loI carry car ______Ihe_Knicki-hired-NdsoDso o ja st__ pywondjviieiuhaihat_takes_place_____tecoid_mtw th seven 3-poimers for thell — misscd-iw-firstuine-shoihofs of Ihe—nt^fwith-19 po: .•■Loaglioni&.(20raUnm-UiuJinj-final ______July to rcplace Pat Riley,ey, who you’re not goingg outo there and Razorbacljacks (18-11). They get Ken- game and hit only 1-of-ll1 oii.i-poiii^n J "Vix blocl{ed shot:hot.s. Defensive pressure Free;eeman, an all-SWC .selection,n, (t for- took his Armani-suii char[larisma produce like youI should.”sh lucky onm Satuiday.S crs in losing for the (irsirsi lime at by the Demonn DeaconsD (21-5) was too gott aa l-for-8 first half by hitting?11 11 of and a record of four winvinning Last season, Nel'kelson was oust- BIG EAST home since ihe end of the:he l ‘J94 sea- loiigli for undeniermanncd Virginia, 19 .second-half-se shots, - -seasons wilh the Knickss tott ih e . ed by. the Goldenn S t^ie W arriors...... No.,30. 3_Connectlcut 8S, No. 13 son.--...... - ...... - ...... - BBIG l EIGHT ______. . ^VESTERN ATHLETICC______Miami Heat. after conflicts withith players, par- Syracuse 67 ATLANTIC COAOAST No. 5 K ansinsas 88, Colorado 55 ...... New Mcxico 104, Nelson, fired last yearr bybj th e ticulariy Chris Wetk'ebber. Ray AUen,AU the confercncc Player5 C1em.son75.No.20:20 North Raef LoFrenirentz hod 22 poinis and Frtamo SL 99,30T Golden State Warriors,5, i< is th e Van Gundy, aI nreless ri worker of the Yt»r,YtK rebounded from a 4-for-^ Carolina 73'3 . eight rebound;mds for Kunsas (25-3), In In a diLssic WAC battle. New' MeMexi- pect of the play- 17shoo^Jting game the previous day to lutikwilhO,G —which beat the Buffaloes (9-18) for co (26-t) (2 outlasted Fresno (20-10)-10) as • •• • sixth-winningest coach in NBA who has the respe< 29 points and lied a tourna- Greg Buckner's slam dun the reg- ' ers, becom es thele :18th coach of 29 | _ secondf left lifled Clemwinum toils first th e ih ird limeime this year. Jacquc Chailarles Smith had 29 pointsIS aiand history. H e is 851-629 in the ccord with seven sicals,,Daron iretl twice in the last minute. ular season. He also coachei:hcd th e one of tlie league’s mas, power. , postseason victory overver the Tar Vaughn, ijie Bi(Big Eiglit player of the score r had 22 point-s as the Huskies ...... year, hdpcd shushut dokvn Colorado star TliHie game was tied at 74 at thi^be c;end Milwaukee Bucks for l l seaseasons. - ful franchises.------puUetl'awuy from Uie Orango--..— Heels.______- Buckner finished wilh 20 [Klims, in- Chauncey Billuillups, who was l-for-12 of regulation,rt al 83 afler thee fli flrsi ------But he lasted eight stormystc The Knicks havi,ave a history of ;4-8). ertime und ut 92 after two) ovcr-ovc jfile coadies and jyj chiding the lasi four in thehe final 1:05, from ihe field,ti. over m onths and ju s t 59 gamsiseason gamesi large invitation;ion 10 the NCAAs. bertl;rth, Monmouth (20-9) made onlynnly 19 proach was a little differferent,” the Cleveland CaC av aliers'M ik e with 105 points po in a 12-1 run as Iverson M uo'kind 82, DukHike 69 No. 23 Iowaiwa State 62, Nebraska of 33 free throws, point guard Derek HarperTer said. Fratello, George•getow n’s J o h n sat onthe the iMndi with four foub. With L;iRon Profit andid Nhirio Lu- 60 . MID-AMKRICAN . CONFERENCE.USA------“Irwas very tough for guguys to-Thompson-and MMassachusetts’— •—...... C -----casicadlngnhc-wnyvMarjar>-land's-re------K clvurCaKi:iito“5Corcd-16-polnts;------— ErMichigun^7rI$uU5l-7l--71------>Jo. 8 C indnnali 92, No. 22 adjust'to a change.” JolinCalipari. No. serves oulscored Uukc’ss 4 44-3. Profit blocked tw o) .shois .sli and hauled in a BrBrian Tolliert scored 17 pointsIts aand LouisvUle 81 scored 19 poinis and Lucas.-as had 11 for j^ey rebound1 in the fintd minuie for . fourur teammates al.so hit double:ile ffig- Bcarcau{24-1) hit fourpf theirf thcT ern ip in s (17-11). R Ri icky P ric e l„w a S tale (21-8n -8), urestis-for I n te r n Michigan (23-5).-5). die.I X 3 poiniers agaiast the Curdi- had 21 poinis for ilie Blue,ie 1Devils (18- SOISOUTHWEST regugular-season MAC champion. on leads J ;0-ll). Darnell Burton and Dan- Toledo 7S, M iami. Ohio.'55 55 Stockto 12), Jazz. £Si r , uu No. 7Tcxnexas Tech 68, Rice 53 rtson each had 21 points in" No. 18 Georgia Tecre c h 88, Cory Qin-’s’s IfIG points led Tech. Tlie CtCraig Tliamcs scored 16 of his 27 lg Cincinnati, which had five N.C. Suite 7373, . w in w asih o 220th 0 il in a row fpr the Red _PO>f'lints as Toledo (18-13) shol 73 pi>er- ~ past Ro<)ckets, 10er>.-olves 132-11M12, Friday Duth Dakota 84-79; and Koriiri KKne- Stockton also had 15 a im JeweU (ZoUege ot Missouri Lewis & Clark College;c ofi Oregon ' went on a atelate 17-0 run as the 16th- Sou „ W iU iam . ejays upsel first-seeded uppppel scored 23 points as Wise(Viscon- as the Jazz won their C lippers 92, Bull'U llcts p a st sighth-seeded e ig l Embry-Riddlele 66-64. xeetled Blueja ege of Indiana 90-72. sinn Lutheran opened the sectsecond straight overall anti LANDOVEK. MMd, - of Forida l o r i 89-82 in the secondidri Late Friday,^nighl, host hi North- Bethel College Gottfried scored 27 rou:jund with a 70-68 upset victvictory strai^t at home, eveningmg their scored 20) playiaying Trinity Martin Co season series with the RRo o c k e ts the decisive b.-viket.n .ndljyVauelii-I Iniemationnl of Illinoisis ini the sec- points and BBoi oi)B oldonadded23as _.ove:1/erJ.lih-seeded Mount Mercjercy of nt. >wa. at 2-2 and giving coachch .Jerry, had 22 points andid :14 rebounds as , -ed , Klassen and Damonin- -ond round. MidAmericaica Nozarene Walsh U niverk-ersity of Ohio defeated low Sloan his 500th career victtactory. the Los Angeles ClippersCh blanirc— -Jaretl IS 92-89 Friday. The Rockets, who lostost their Washington BulleisS ft hv Ha- Rogers hil a spiispinning baseline T i second straiglit, w ere ledo Sb iS layup with 16,8 sec.ieconds left in the keem Olajuwon with 200 points.p • an 89-89 lie. and J-FJLronco m(len, wornnen Kenny Smith added 13, bubut was Clipper, held on for their fourth scoreless in the second hallhalf. \-iciory in six gamesnes while breaking a four-game losingi; sireakst against the 1 1 L a k e rs 119, S u n s 97 Bullets. imble frc□m Big SSky W PHOENK-Nick Van Exel:xel scored Icks 92 BOZE^iEMAN, Mont. (AI‘) — Jim-n- 12 and Mike Tolnian willritli 10. 28 points, 23 comins in a1 lopsidedIcij 76crs 100, Knich [rebounded first half, and Cedric Ccballt>a!los had p n il> D E U > inlA A - llie Philadel- my DeGrsGraffenried led four playersrs - ‘ WebL-r Stale outre 23 os the Los AnRclcs Uikers kcf won p|,j^ stunnedled the New York in doubltible figures witli 21 points asIS Boise Slate 36-25, led,-d by Smith another rood Rame Friduyluy night 100.92 Fridaiday night,io spoil W e b»r e r State ! advanced to thele with 11. with 0 119-97 victory ovcover th e thu head coachingdebut de of Jeff Van- diampionship pioi gam e of the Big Sky :rence-toumQment-Wiili-»-37*.y.— \V om enV t»an ie - — k l IBS Eddie Jones"aildcd iTpbinT oin(s-mt- jcJry StackJiouse:ise scored 29 points rtory over Boise State Friday,y . VVelicr S t. 84, Boise'Sl.s T B z r o T — ting four of the Lakers' 113113-pom t iind hit two 3-pointinters in the final 70 ^C tor MISSOULA. Mom.II. - Mika T , shots - and MaRie Johnson I .„i„u,„ioRivePhiPhiladelphia leads I poinis and i" /A poinis and eight assists a.s Los /Vnge- gg.82 and 92-S4.'14. Tlie rookie also W eberber State (20-9) led for mostst Brown poured in 30 P' A Ji les hdd iw seventh opponentent in the j, i„yujyup over two New of the: gamega but could never quitete Shelley Berg scorcd halllalfof herl2 last eight games under 100 poipoints. York defenders with.-ith 2;2S left 10 give p u ll away aw from Boise points in theic final 1:15 S w l U It win ^sras the 10th in thehe 1la-si 11 piiiindulphia a 94-88■88 lead. State (14-13). (1^ Idaho was |1 [ of overtimec as; Weber Lifl E . mad pajnes.far.theXakers..wh..who.end: ______1 ig-top-scedcd-Mon-— ------Sl.-edge«l-B«*Boise.Siaie— :— [gB^ ¥ 1 stTcnk at Cavalicrs 96, Ccc i i u « 9 i ------cd a three-game losing strt State in the other ^ ' P 84-82 Frida;Jay in the Am erioi West Arena. ris Mills scored 22 DOSTON - Chris inal laie Friday. \ “ ' semifinals; oof ihe Big ^3 points and the QevJeveland Cavaliers _ Sky Confereirence wom- SM S p u rs 115, N ets 100 withstood a fourih-ih-quarter rally lo 4V&U;U led 48-37 on a It by DeGraffenried j en's hasketba:ball tourna- ,^H SAN ANTONIO - David Ro!Robinson l)cal the Boston Cell;:eltics 96-91 Friday basket b; ort of his • night. Dan MnjerleIe added: 17 points. yvith 10:4910:4 left in the sec- ^ ment, scorcd 4< points, one short B oise coaoach J u n e g B f f k season-high, as the SanI ArAntonio six relwunds andI fivefiv as.sists for the od half a lf before Boise 1^— •. . Spurs bcat the New Jerseyr NcNcis 115- Cavs, who broke a ffour game losing put together a 7-0 \ H l U • Daugherty! la1 m e n te d 100 Friday night. streak. run to0 ppull w ithin 48-44 ll 11 Ihe loss bui.,i'i.iva.s happy ^ Robinson, who cut his harhand and t r» t with tlie qiiiilialiiy of play. ' | icks 91 01^basket « by Gefry ■ sat out tho second half of SimAnto-Son Huwks 94, Buck ington w ith 7:51 remaining, “ I th o u g h t th a t boi:>t)fh te a m s ^ m / Christian Laettner • Rio's last fiiune. had 18 poinisims in the ATlw\NTA - Chi ber State called a time-outut played e.ttremcly well;ll and; left it fpurth period when thefie Spurs scored 17 pointss anda pul Ailanta 30 ' out on the floor." San Anto- ahead for good on.n ca driving shot in and juilt bull its lead back to 63-50 ouKCorcd the Nets 40-29. San jy She wished Weherr well« in the nio led only 75-71 goinB-in' into th e ihe lane w ith 1:100 rremaining as the • with 3:24 3:2 remaining, sparked by quarter. Tlie 7-foot-I ceniererbad I 45 Hawks held offf thet M ilwaukee seven1 points pO from DeGraffenried. championship ganit;It; points I>ec 10 against the NewNev York Bucks 94-91 Fridayly rniglit. , J o e• WWyatt’s 3-pointer with 38 night. R l , Knicks. Craig Ehlo led theiJi. Hawks Wi^ 19 secoids n d s remaining pulled BSUU Berg sunk an 8-fooiooter the Shawn Bradley led the Nets Nei wilh polnt.s, and rarely ui n 71-68, but the Broncos were buzzer to send the} gamg e . 22 points and Chris Childs had 18. iiullard added 14'.r/srar; a d to foul and W cberState hit CCl and free ,i akerinihcfin.nl overiimc. Her basket steal on Vin Baki 3 frec throws in the final 3G 12, O T minute. B.-iker had,d 343 poinis. 5 of 8 fr 3“ throw with 1:15 lo go0 brokeb a 78- ; jZ M agic 117, HomcUs 112, secontis.itis. 78 tie and pushed theihc Wildctiis I ORLANDO. Fla. - The Oi H eat 109, Raploston; 79 . .. WSU;u shoi i 56 percent from theg (17-U ) out front, 81.78.*8. Magic worked overtime to I Miami Heat scored field inin thet first half and lcd34-29 NBA rccord for consccutivctive home MIAMI - Tlie Mii Berg hit two morec I foul shots ■ 17 of the game's firstfir 19 points and at th e! break. b r jmaining to , viCTorics. s 40 Friday night in Alsoo inir double figures for W eber with 32 seconds rem ' Shaquille O’Neal scoredL-d Ifour of led by as many as 4< yn m ake it 83-80. Boi.se’stAlyciaSum- A period as a 109-79 victory1 overo\ the Toronto s ta te werewc Ryan Cuff and Justyn his 36 points in the extra pei lin cut it to 83-82 with;h 10: scconds -■ - "T “j- iders won Raptors, >s with 16 points each and the Atlantic Division lendei left, then Berg hit an

., .. J B-0 Timuii-Nowa,. TwTwin F.’ills, Idnho Sniurdn/. Mnr^ntcti 0. 1990 EvaniIS beats 1Bennett;; Foschi 1fails agaain at U.J.S. finals’ Mushher T" V B INDIANAPOPOLIS (AF) - Janet Evans, -}:13.81. Sivimmin(iling and its board of directors, to her third consecutive Foschi, who battled foror two months to . In tliisis mostn ncrve-vrTacking Amcrii '' Olympics withth :ia resounding victory over compete in the U.S., titr ia ls fo r th e swim meeneet, Foschi said .she was feel ^ H j teen-age rivalal Bnx)ke B Bennett, who had Atlanta Games, also wasIS rnever a factor, happierir anda more comfortable asfe i grabbs winning streak in th c 4()0- Slie ivas seventh at thcc Ihalfway point weckwcnifc n to n . ^ m eter freestyleyle snapped. and eventually moved upip ito takufifth in “I don'tm't think it gets much easiei W f Jessica Foscl:>schi again failed to make . -1:13.84. definitelyily get more used to things,” ! Olympic icnicam ah er a fifth-place fin- Evans became onlyily the fourth said throTrough a spokesman for SU honoors Friday niglitgill. American woman to0 make three ‘ Swimmingling. ailed Cristina Teuscher Olympic teams. Only thele ttop two finish-. Evans5 hash been Fosdii’s most outsItspo- RUBY, vUaska1 (AP) (A - Five Wm througliout thehe irace before pulfing away ers cam Olympic berths,:, ken criticitic. T euscher is also anti-di-iJi"ug, Id ita ro d m iisiieriliers have I 'o victory withi-ith 30 m eters rem aining, Foschi has a final chancince to m ake the and she; Io:lost a gold medal in thc 400I fifree reachcd the Ruby)v cl chL-ckpoint I Evans finishedied in 4 minutes, 10.97 sec- team in the'800 freestyleylc on Monday,' in tlie 1991994 Worid Championshlp.11(lora ------and the Yukon RivciLiver, but only behind her world record of wiiich caii.se a doping dilclilcmma for U,S. Chinesee ssw im m er late;' b anned foifor a one got a l>elly fullill ofo gourmet 4:03.85 set in1 tlictli< 1988 Olympics, Swimming. posiuvedr; dnig test. food and S3.50010 inii freshly *C'ii i*^»t Teuscher waswa; sccond in 4:11.59 and Even if she qualifieses for Atlanta, Fosdii'sli's tim e of 4 minutes, 15.42! ssee- printed singles. ^ J iirk fi^?nn-tlitKl------fl -— mpete remains ..bnds.pJaclactid hur seventh amont;; tthe Two-time Iditaroarod winner __ « Bennett, the;he brash 15-year-cild who ,. uncertain pending a dedsidsion on h er cli- - -dglit.qualiualificrs.in dic.mominc preliirlimi- , M a r tin ,B u s e r .eearned a r the~ _ Janot Evans chcchccks hor flrst-placo timo0 iIn tho questionedicd Evans’ courage, never gibility by FINA, the worvorld governing nary. Shehe was' more tlian a sccond slki.- Jij.s vvrisi in thei Kin^dome ;;j i. forusr u s to have one." Jeff King of DciD enaJi u-as lasi May. The son of former Cincinna next, at 10:47, foilfollowed by Nearly a yoar laiilater, the Seattle Reds;ds outfielder Ken Griffey S Dee Dee JonroweL- of Willow a MariiiLTs’ sia r iiadad a metal plate V ;w up with money. His just has m in u te later, Timm Osmar ( of aiuJ seven strew« s rremoved from more of it now. But his decLsit Kasilof reached•d IR u b y at his left wrist. Now,:>w, lie’s ready to stay in Seattle had nothing to° °< ° 11:30. th dollars, he said. He dedde match hoiner.s with;ith Albert Belle, ^ r i l f I ’ Buser has droppedped five dogs I'ra n k T hom as, Mark.McGwire M; th c advicc of his father, th: so far and entered:d KubyK with and Mo Vaughn. ings aren't always better els 11 in harness. Swingvingley. King He may he rcailydy lo show, a t 26, lere. . and Jonruwe still havehav 13, and ' that he's dearly (he(h game’s best 5o he stayed with his friends Osmarhasll. phiyer, Barry Bond>nds or not. And attle, w here h e was comfortab An A nclioragee hotel, hi the Ko{-cr M aris’ 1961)61 record of 61 d w here he had a lot of frien« l . Regal Alaskan, niesies chefs< and lionie n m s could b e iin je<)|)areril>er years to lant to him. "Thelie w rist is OK,” righth t field.f prepare and sen.’ei-e t the meal; Griffey said, “Thele sswelling hasn’t “Ev‘Everybody says, 'It’s the mont This year's menuiu includesi __^ ------tJ e c n '^ rO b te H IT Trn in rju srjjy iiy g ’to— . it-mad(rhim3 tay;’“'Griffey^sai pan-seared venison3n oover herb {;et it stronger andnd get ready for “Letet mcr ask you a question: 'Ho pasta, roasted dueduck salad, the season. I’m justiust trying to get muchich money would I have gottc smoked Alaska sealscallops and my tim ing and stuffiff buck.”I I’d h av e le ft? ’ It n ev er was kingcnib flamed in acognac, ------Httting'third inin i th e M ariners’- — —monojmoyissue.’” - - — ...... , Each course alsoio ftfeatured a lineup in front of■ 199519 AL baiting ■Ie deferred some of his salai‘“O' different wine, andnd ithe meal champion E dgar MaM aninezand J a y " in ordiorder to help the M ariners be I is to pped w ith a1 pepeach tart Buhner, who had a career-besti 40 a bctt')ctter position to win. He wan with almond crcancam. Buser . Iiomcrs last seasoison, Griffqy is cd toto c defer more. pas-sed on the wine.c. happy. He’s happypy w ilh his ueci- Jccausc of the offseason inidi Buser shared hisis mealn with sion to rem ain in1 SiSeattle and his Tino Martinez, Mike Blower two locjil musliers,:, DonDc Honea ‘ new S34 million conto n tra c t...... -- ff Nelson and Bill Rislcy' i and Emmitt Peters,ers, both of T He’s at th e primne e ofi his ha.seball S oattio0 MT arlnors' Kon Grlffoy Jr.r. vwaits his turn in tho battittIng cago rocontly at spriprlng training orderIcr to stay under a S35 millio whom have nm the Iditarod. life, b ut isn’t mnkinking any predic- ‘cam p In Pooria, Ariz. playerlycr budget, the Mariners manay Peters won the IditarodIdii in tion.s. H e’ll leave thaithat up to others, nott bc b( as strong as they wcrc'■ : 1975. "I liked thele ciduck thc Of ihc possibilitylity of breaking decidess tltliat. The fans decide that, in i 1994, he had to seitle2 for 1 .258 far from 100 peipcrccnt. He hit .255 thc: endcn of last season, best,” Ihiscr toldold KNOM Maris’ 35-year-oldd record,r« Griffey All I canan do is go out there and witli \ 17 hom ers and 42 RBIBIs in 72 with 10 home mruns and 27 RBIs in ‘Grifjriffey is optimistic alwut 199( Radio after cleaninging his1 plate, said: “ I d o n ’t even/en think about play. I’pi’{n not a perso n who goes games ^ in 1995. 45 games afterir 1his return. In thc althoihough he thinks Clevelanind i,.,jid Jduck, and that stuff. I just warkvant to help tliis out there:rc and toots his own hom. B at G riffe y ’s w o rstt s e a s o n playoffs, w henn tthe Mariners beat againiin is clearly the team to be; m aybe a fte r th att you yo rcaily team win ballgamcs.nes. I don’t think That’s not no me. I know what I can turned t out to bc his best:t season, thc New York: YiYankees and lost to for thcthe AL pennant. , appreciate good duckuck. about goins up thcihere and saying do and wwl hat I can't do.” too. t Thc M ariners finalally won thc Cleveland1 InIndians, he was the AllUl Ihe can'do is do his best, an“ ■I With 6-lG milfscs of trail __»______I’ve got to hit 40) h(home runs this Bccau;luse of his broken wrist, sometliing: s the AL West littitle in an old Griffey. Heic hit .364 with six so far.far.he’s showed he may bo th ____ behind.him, Huser,ser_said,he______.'year. I’ve got to drive dri' iri'120 and Griffey’ hadhi an un'Griffeylike sea- —6SToli6iiit'thnUingwmcbT c back that liomcrs oml n im m B T F T n 11 gamSFs e‘i most compTete player. jJ*;II intended to tr>' to) stay stj ahead I’ve got to hit .350.). IflhIf it.2 8 0 n n d son in 1995. 19: He was out of action saw s them take advantagegc of th c games. I'hat wiis.•iis while he.stiU had canI hihit for average and power. H for the rest of the racc drive in 70 and hitlit ^20 home nms from Ma]day 26, when he fractured California ( Angels' collap:Ipse. The a four-inch plateItc and screws in his has: spspeed. And h e ’s won six Gol “Ithinkthefii^^ttoit to thc coast and we win the pennant,pe that’s botli bomones in his left jvrist crash- M T ariners' season saved b asaseball in wrist, Glove}vcs in ccntOr field. “I dnn is probably the w fine.” ing iato:o the fttngdome's center Seattle S bccause the dub is getting . Thc six-timeic All-Star decided wantnt tto bc embarrassed,” he saic Buser said. “I thinknk it’si hope-'' On being calledi b;by some as ihe field wall,all, until Aug. 15. . a j new'outdoor stadium in 1!1999. • before springg trainingl that he “Idonlon’t want to be insulted. I mot fully Koine lo I.ee m e. A lot best player in basebiicball, he said: “I Afterr hitting .323 with 40 Playing with a swollcjc n w rist . w anted to stayr in Seattle, signing a vatec mn; yself because I’m never s;i cotild happen hetwt;tween_now ------d o n T 'd c c ld e r hinrrT n t; he media ' homersra a] n d 90 IUJIs in 111 Barnes~rs—aftcrht! cariig backrGriffiffcy■^vas —four-year contracraCT extension:— ------isfiediedTviih w teirl do;"------ajid then, but rfnigliiigliTlic the' team to l>eat.” Mitshers will hitt ththe Bering . Sea co;ist in 240 milemiles, at the Ozziee and Cc!al reimitte; Fox due( for Hall ofPFame? Unalakleet checkpoiipoint. From Tniil atrves k one 20th century m ajor le;I there the Iditarod Tni Tlie A.ssociated PressISK • ■ ■ ■ .Qof AllJStars in 1986. It wasas during Smith, 41, isi comingcc off a season pick o around Norton Soundund and into ______Ba(aseball.notes___ _tliai ir^i tiiat Ripken got a chance interrupted by;ly shoulder surgery gucr»r aand becausc J im Bunning gr re votes. Fox was left out. ■ ' Ozzie Smith cluiruirged the slow ■ ------tto witness Smith’s dcfensiisivc wiz- during which he batted ju st .199. 'm ore % ' Warm tcmperaturi.tures in the In thc offscasoi n 1985, his last year of cligibil roller and whippc7ped a perfect followngng Ripken’s pursuit of Lou ardry a firsthand. son, the Cardinals In 1! weeks before thei; faracc have sidenrm throw to firsfirst base to con- Gehrig’s;'s consccutivc games “I wish I would have'c had u acquired 26-y6-year-o ld R oyce ty bcfcjcforc the w riters. Fox got 74. _ caused a meltdownDwn on the elude another pretregame infield streak. “If“Ii there is one person who chancc c to sec Ozzie on aa i regular Clayton, who grev ew up idolizing the p e rcrcent e support, short of th.,‘j Cripplc-tivRuby trail,rail, -sending juircd 75 pcrccnt. That stil practice. He then cincircled back and was right’ht for a situation,” Smith basis,” ^ R ipken said. “I feeljel slight- m an \vhose jobb 1he's now trying to requii overflow onto theh e Innoko ranks:ks as the dosjcst miss ever, walked to shallowDW left field to said, “ittwasCal.” w ' ced a bit that I didn’t.” take. .River and litjuefyiiigiiig tthe thou- . • * Byly c coming so close this timt greet an old friend,i. CO il Ripken,, . " it gavkcn embraced, of the Scfkipt.-6 night when baseball . “It ^was always great to Saypl with NEARLY NEI dot thc phiin leadingng tto Ruby. . • and the two shortst•tstops shartd a paused tbtb w itness R ipken’s 2 ,l3lst him. It’s Just foo.bad we; couldn’tc 'eiirly ttrsay,j3Ut3Ht next, Mardi may ncxtyi:t year. There seems to be sent private moment onn a sunny spring strai^tc game.g; “I know that there }]have done it more,” Smitlith said, be the time whcirhcn the llitc Nellie m cntnt ttoward electing Fox at somime morning at Al Langlg £Stadium in St. js no onene in baseball that could “That’s one of the thinjngs that Fox finally manakcs thc Hall of point,:nt, and his chances are not liktike- g ' ^ l f c i r i r l i Petersburg, Fla. Itt wwas a moment have Kaifiandled what he went vwould be great about inteilerleague Fame, ly to:o be I hurt by any new candidi- P ’ that many in thee ccrowd didn’t through.’’1.” - Pplay, it would give plala y e rs a Fox, a four-timtime AL hit champi- datescs ion the veterans’ ballot. Th e v e n n o tic e a n d1 one oi that may The t^vor»vc b uilt a m utual friend- cchancc to see everyone.” on and standoutlut second baseman, ^ nexteda and Ken Boyer in 1998, field. . sides in1 11 1 AU-Star gam es dating ^Smith’s current situation wwith the election fromm th e 1 4 -m em b er Comlommittec chairman Bill Whit ^ Smith, like baseliseball fans all back to 1983.19 They did play togeth- CCardinals, where he’s figlighting to Veterans Comniim ittee last Tuesday, said1 ththe panel had a difficult tim across the country, spentsj last year' er once,, touringto Japan with a leam kkeep liis job. . But bccause thetht panel can only rcachiiching its decision. K i M ws/' r ChamppionshipsB 'JiDi? JJJiJJJ Georg<;e Masonfl thincladds shine aat Indoor ' _ INDIANAI’O U S; (AP)(A - JjiH'js Achon and Aden, running in the secsecond heat, led Saturdayay’s finaL SiiHos Arpasi wonron"His 800 And D’Aiidre1 « H iiro/”Louysiana State, thi Ibraliim A den, Georgorge M ason's 1-2 punch in tuntil thc final straiglitaway,ray, t}ien faltered heat inI 1:49.54 1 and Alex Morgann wasv run- favorite in thche women’s 55 and 200, woi™ } w o w Orav P I ( thc mile, s^vept intoto thc i final Friday as the and a wound up fourth in 4:(4:04.95, making ncr-up) in his 800 heat in rer e a c h in g her semifinal1 in the 55 in 6.70, the fastes 0 D u sk V Patriots began a bid to end Arkansas’ 12- hhim the last qualifier for SaSaturday’s final. Saturdayay's final.-— -- by a collegianri ththis season. She also won he; Daily 9 am to C year reign as men’sI’s iteam champion in the CComing into the two-day championsliipscha at Arkan:insas, needing peak perforform ances 200 heat in 23.4:3.43. ^ W e a th e r P erm•m i itting i NCAA Indoor 'Track and Field tthc RCA Dome, Aden had thc second- from itss thini corps of atltlctcs, was'as encour- LSU is seckieking its fourth consecutivi'v e — > Championships.______fastestf collegiate time of thehe jyear, 4:00.92. aged ass Ryan : Wilson won his 3,00,000-m eter women's tideJ andar seventh sincc 1987. Thi■he W / Achon, thc worldd leaderl< this season with George Mason, tied for setsccond last year, heat in1 8:10.49£ and Michael Powerver placed Lady Tigers will have to ward off a stron)•ng a time of 3.minutes,ICS, 57.66 seconds, toyed iiis_^ favored to unseat Arkansansas, which has fourth inin his mile heat, both qualif;ilifying for challenge fromm 1Texas to win again, with the field in hislis ]prelim inary heat, win- vwon th c title annually sincc:e 1984.1! Saturdayay’s finals. • LSU sustainccncd a surprising loss in thc 5f *' ning easily in 4:03.78.78. The Patriots did not haveive any lapses in Two ofof the best performances in tlic pre- hurdles as Astia;da W alker, ruimcr-up to team Lagging in last placepla> in tlie field of nine aany of their other preliminarilarics. lims wcr(jrc produced by sprinters, mate Kim Car'arson in thc Southcasterr I i M for half Uie race, Achiichon bolted into the lead Greg Houghton, last yearcar’s NCAA run- Obadellele Thompson of Tcxas-ElI PasoPi won Conference Cha!!hampionships, failed to read U l i 3 8 0 P ark Ave. r ' nd bronze medal- his semiflifinal in the men’s 55-meter;er dash in the final, finishiishing fourth in her semifinal with about 600 mettletcrs left, lost it briefly nncr-up in the indoor 400 and VIN Falls i twice, then took it; forfo: good with about 100 i:ist in the 1995 World ChaChampionships, 6.08, faststcst by a collegian this yeara r and tlic Carson h ad thcthe fastest time in the semist m eters to go. Pplaced second in'his heat andam advanced to sccond-fa■fastest in thc world. 7.51. JNITED 996 STATIFe ” — I II ^AIRYI\/ I I I I WlrRESTLIN( | o f IDAVHO ■ V/ URNAMEIENT ..Mllarch 7“’ - 9*g t h 11E x c l usive s Sponssors of ■ f / J I at Holt Arena,I. A l lI IH SA A St£tate B Id a hlo c State Univers r s l t y Champp i o n s h i p EEvents! P o c a t e l l o

t J dMon I Famililiar J ^ e s u s$ ■ situaation . v H______v t d I1in-hng^— 1I o n K Tlic situuiion lookcokcd familiar, even if ym the faces dJdn'c. A 'father a nd hiss 6- or 7->x-ar-o!d son ^ w ere silting in their;ir rparked car out.side ^ the local convunienct;nce store engaged in s k. c r e e iin intense conversatiouion. I did n ’t know them, bill I'knew■ wlwhat was going on. _ H One look at ihe littletie boy’s face told me I )S everything.! necdeirded to know. I had Church ^ groups seen tliat look beforesre - heck. I had wom j that Jook'beforc - and.11 I jiist couldn’t distribute Q ! videceo i W m ' ■' ' ' — hdiJ'butuiiile.' ’ " I I mKm ------to tc local househ;holds EmI i^rblueSpeak 3y H. R. W cljtel Jo se p h rim'es-Ncws correspondent ■ g n W alker JEROME j - Giving the a vidvideo tilled “Jc‘Jesus” to every household1 in Jerome, ■ 'si/-'-*.------1 Bui3uhl a nd K im berly is the goal. TThis week, members of coicom m unity Not that there w■•as as: anytliing espedal- gro;roups are placing door hangersha: in ly funny about the sittsituation. Actually, it JIcromc e r and Buhl to informrm families can be pretty dangergerous if il isn't han- thehey will bc receiving the freeee video d ied correctly. Butut this boy’s fath er befjefore Easter. Homes in KimLimbcrly clearly was doing the riglit tiling. Tliey mils-ill receive videos in May. w ere talking seriouslyusly, but not angrily. Work V on the project will bt eg in There were no tears,irs, althougii it didn't ilextext week in.thc Twin Fallslls a rea, look like it would taktake much to push a witvith Bob Gomes from thele ' F ir s t UD(E8At30UnYm»T1m.iTImn-Nmi ______few out of ihe lad.. I couldn’tc hear their Ass\ssenibly of God Church servi...... I I c o n v e rsa tio n , Out11 1.could 1 follow It capnip turn. «htTaftrloftrand;LBstlo:Ro:Royno1ds*of-Joromo‘8-Falt !lttrChapol-form-a-‘t«am*:dcwm tVdellv------almost word-for-word,jrd, and I knew what The T “Jesus" film was producduccd in doo-lntroducing door hangsngors to a Joromo nolglibiiborhood on Wodnosday.y. A roa was coming. I slidid intoi my car, but 1979, 197 un d er th e direction of C ama pus as aim to roach all of tho»homos h< In thoir communltiiltios. _ instead of leaving I soson of hung tutiund CruCrusade for Christ, a nd was original-orij x ;clicnl F ree Churdi, C hurdih of God, • f - A ^ ir fgoal is to placo a Evangel: ...... lowaichalessoninhc1 honesty.' lyy shown : in theaters as a it m a jo r 1 0 video) in every home,” El Shady moreDre th an igh participating - P,","I the distribution of Hansen,h Assembly of God Church. hands was a small. bobox - I couldn’t tell 600>00 million people in 200 nations.nat :tiesorbycali- ‘Jesus” videos in Thi.s> vweek, the project teamss prprayed w hat it v/as cxactly,ly, 1but it looked like Thirhe W arner Brothers relcos< h a s le Rou. Harold are First Christian as theyy walked througli each comrommuni- candy or something,ng. Inside the store, beejcen tnmslated'into more thai 300 = •‘>23- C hurch,ch. Calvary ty andd ;placcd hangers on doors,ors. T h e the father said sometl:lething to the woman lan,angUDges atid h as been shoMlow n on ■ Assombl'nbly of God Church videoss w' ill b e d e liv e re d to hnmt behind the counter.;r. J She smiled know- lekclevision in 57 couhtriia. "■<“< “ 3-5665 Fiflrirst Assembly of Jeromele a n d Buhl M arch 11-lG.). TiTeam s ingly, then lum cd herhe: attention to the ■More 'ly ,than $12,000 has-li9 -b c c n * Collins a t 324- God Chu'hurch. w ill reticturn to each home April,l 8- 8-13 to '• boy as the father stepitopped back and gen- donlonitc’d to .porcKasc the videcdeos for or Bob Gomes 1,1 Jerome.jer 29 teams - completletc a survey and obtain respons-res; I dy nudged him fonvarward. • thehe Magic.yal^i^. vitbo'Ico'costs 4:5745. from the th« Magic Vallej» es. The child hesitatedIted. His father bent S6. ^______and whispered sopiethlething in his ear and__,- h- then stood TxisitTe lilmlilr wilh a hand on ^ his shoulder, llie bojboy spoke, his head | still bowed'and his; eyieyes still focusctl on > eKcalles^ d ( ^ r cChurch-ta?(IX the counter in front)nt of him. Then he I held out the box lo llii.Uie derk. ' From where I .^nt.t, tltho woman behind »acker seekk s the counter looked1 liJ.like she deserved a __ y m s reeligionpprize bj i ...... nomination for BesflsfPerfonnance_by a_ ~ r I Sal^s Person Tryingng to Help a Parent The Associated Press. for Christ inin 1951 a t th e Teach n ie ir Kid Somiometliing hnportant. ' '.University of CaliforniaCa at Los “Mippoit ic looked at the boy She was greai. She li NEW YORK — Willijlliam R. Angeles. T h e2 Associated / Press sternly, but not looDO sternly.• She took Bright, founder of Campus Ca It is now a $27(270 million-a-year llie box and spoke to Ihim for a moment, i* Crusade for Christist, on. operation preseni;ent on m ore thun CO:OLORADO SPRINGS, Colo,olo. — hen she smiled kind- ri

- r C-2 Timo:j-Nows, Twin1 FnFnlls. Idaho Sniurrtny. March10.1990______0. _ Religion>n " i ' C hurd:hesjoin:in coven;lant to w/ o v k togeether rjjjn1/lissionarlles The /Vsvockiicd l‘ross ri 'F Also, churches willwi share their ______! I I staffs to work on mutual'socialm i sur. . ■ — I ' Several i'ourung people from,the Magic■ic Valley\ I'rrrsBURcni —C“Centuries ci ■■ after i i l il*- l ^ rj P vice projects, suchch as food banks area have l>eer«n called to ser^•e or have returnedreti Marlin Liithc-r leftJ tth e R o m an r ] jfl I and disaster assistantance. ; missions for the Church of Jesus ree dcnomina- i '■ 'III I I Lengwin said hetlie denominations from Ciiilxtlic Cliiirdi, tlircc Q irlst of Latter-;;r-day &iinis. tions «vaiu w focus ont)n 'w hat unites fli IL IS cPn 'ivould benefit finariiaricially from the 18 months I l| I • Si.sier Ci>'!>t>-suil Carlson \rtll serve for 18 m nil her than ilividf^nic-iiliem. ■ I li w If 111 covenant. Churcheses work ^vith le.<;s H e i n 'I'aipei Mission. She 'vill speak spc in Byl money cach'ycar;arrhe said, and W - G ^^J-in.lhe Taiwan' Caiiiolic, Liithcihvran - and 9 k sacrament meuLH.-ting at 9 a.m. Sunday at thedie Twin Ii;i)isci)|)iil hishops from Pitt.sburgh j l g ■ |jl| working togetherier could save d diapcl on Elizabeth Boiilevarijvard imd Falls 1st Ward ( to work money. However, tlithere will not be liavL- sifun--il an agrccmc will enter the Mis-sion? Training C enter min I Provo, and |>riiy Ki);t;(hL-r, (o) eradicatet-r big- ' a joint treasury. Utah, April 10. i>iry and iniolorancu cccooporato In fellowship. The bishops in Pittsburgh Pi said ^r^C Wednesday. An open1 hoihouse is they welcome othIther Christian vdll enter the inf; some of tlic same neneigliborhood planned for 6 to 8 p.m. Sunday at the Pocockx k home.1 projects and Ke fi ruchTOthefrinrSuudayrseryiVicear-thrni-mvfmnni. ~ ^ ^ ^ ^ - L 2 44JtVild£lowm: Iiavc alHnTf 920.000‘m - -■POCOCK P ^ ''Pocock is' till;he"daufiht£-r-Of K e n t and1 SdSondra— — ^ “ -----1 Pocock of Twinji F;iILs and a 1993 graduatee of Twin 1 ^ ^ ^ ^ Falls High Sdichool. She has been attendinging Utah Study fiQndslinkl; between cchange, cl;hurch gn*owth Ql State Universityty in Logan, majoring in sodalial mwork, “This survey, to me, iss alabout the courage churc!rchcs had small group minlinistries. Small tt D. Smidi will serve for twooyearein ye; KntKlu-Rlddur News SerService in sa a a - Ibreak from the past,” saidid J.J David Schmidt, groupups ministries arc wheret:re clusters of the Taiwan Tiiiplipei Mission. He will speak in i who heads the Chicago mark(irketing and research Christ:isnans band together for prayi‘ayer, Bible study IH n mcnt meedng mat 10:45 a.m. Sunday at thele BurleyB A new study by thele iSouth Carolina Baptist v .vill enter Convention may offer;r cdues to help denomina- firm f that conducted the scudcudy. He’s u m em ber and ininumate sharing. 1 Idl Ward chapgrams. • Si.sier^ba^nnon Derricott served for 18 mi South. Carolina’s hisulisioric Convention •— the many n adding contemporaryy sstyles or drama to' • Mass M events, such as crusajsades and con- in the Hond.a TcTallahnssee Mi.ssion. She willill nreport oldest among South Bnpilaptists — hns developed a Sunday S worship. Dedining; churdiesch made few certs,s, were the primary wayslys people first I ^ ^ B on ln:r mission atai 11 a.m. Sunday at the Twinwin Falls ud-with.a-church mthec-ihfhnn th»» trnHi.___ elonj;iizalieth_^ulewird.___ in developing new modelidels of church growth. Nearly three-quarters off ththe fastest growing tionalnl alta r call. : Derricott gra wworked in an H ||H Easdand Drive NN. Carman's 85-city “RaiRaising The have accepnp te d going to s h o» Iis th a t s p i r i t u a 1 upholstery shop andar dug holes Jacobsen is thehe son of Bill and M aurine Jaco'[acobsen Siandtird" lour. Jesus Christst a t th is dude'Je’s revival. for Jacuzzis, of Twin Falls anund a 1993 graduate of Twinvin Falls1 Yet Carman is not>t >ia familiar the concerts. .T h e p eirfor- r f ■ As the decade: woundw down, H ijMM m ^ B n High School, whvhere he p artid p ated in wresi/restling name outside church1 cicircles and . The 38-yea aC h rlstIa m a n c e flolows Carman’s success; steadilyst grew. I $ and performed1 vwidi the Madrigals and Char:hamber steadfastly maintainsf a profile as old singeric r’s and he’s nunuts.* fro m co nicert c He released “Canarman Live ... U t S S t Singers. un unconventional,-ha•hard-to-peg-approach . is ...... _ ...______to .c ru s a d eie.as_R adically __Sayed';d::_in 1988, •.EI^erR>imI(1 Ilcider served for,two_ycars;irirs;in.die_ _ pioneer within Christiistian music rcminisccnt-< ^ . C a rm a n , w ith "R ev iv al In T h e LoLand” in 1989 ■ G Venezuda Manicacaibo Mission. He will reportirt oion his itsolf. Carman Domenic the young BillyBil — C arm a n , Tulsa-based uls Bible in haland, and “Addicted to JeJesus" in 1991. ^ B ^ ^ H mission at 9 a.m.m. Sunday at th e Twin Falls•alls 5th Licciardello is equallyilly comfort- Graham’s inninno- m u sic With the gold recorcords came the m CXjL.^ —J B H Ward chapel onI \Maurice Sm?ct. able striking a rappeip e r’s s tr e e t v n tio n , charian s- ■’■''wSfr; ppeo- huge crow ds an d CaCarman’s work H Ho o ld er - Hdder is the: »son of Lee and Jan Heider•of of 1Twin pose or soberly siandiiiding before ma and abili:lility — pie see men e, a in videos, Falls. He plans toK condnue his cducadon at.Fat. Ricks the Lincoln Memoriarial singing to draw large-gc crowds, a local min- lott of tim es ... they’re not goinjng to His Tulsa organiznization has an m n n College in Re.xbutlurg. about God and coantry.ry. istry lead errsays. St secc oorganization or skill or any-a operating budget of S5 million to • Elder Malthithew Rndmall served for nvo,vo jyears “He’s definitely alwilways done thinging,” Carmen says. “The onlyo S6 million funded1 bby his rccord in the Californiaia Oakland Mission. He will11 rcreport his own thing,” says TesTessie Guell, Lights flashish a nd Carm an’s voice thinging they’re going to see is1 thatt and video sales as: w a tteacher Chapter of the Christiestian Motorcyclists 1 nanadon "f for the program, desigesigned for “How to Avoidid Being a Victim of Crime”: speak at a series of nieeieetings that begin LDS Institute in Logan. Utah.:ah. is set for 7 p.m.. VW ednesday at Holy Trinityy Assodation has planned[1 iuits monlhiy meedng im e before Easter, ^week at the 5 Manager of Pers’erso n n e l le Rock Creek Community Churdurch meets E p isc o p a l Chuilurch, 229 Ninth Ave. N. • for 9:30 a.m. today at the Sodbuster V Seventhnth-day Adventist ^ opmerit V. Daniel Rogerss willwi talk . Restaurant on Blue Lakeskes Boulevard North, lie Blay Colonial Funeral Homiome, 2551 Admission is freeee, and tlie public is invited. K ' Church,•ch, 131 G randview „“The Plan of Happiness” MarchMa IG . ------Tlie-puWic-is-inviied.-For-'or-more-information,------n sat9 ajn . — t ------J^ M -Pr-ive^, ,_ H i 8- l h e m e - i s - ”U!!!LER upen West S tate Ccnter. 36 S. 100 _ call Ross at 733-7317 or ChiChurch at 734-8670. ------to perform tK is weelc”^ B lA lflBntl “Amaziazing Discoveries . M eithodists t h oflcr Lenten seseries "WaterfaU" wwill l present two concerts inn in Bibleble Prophecy.” ^ : ^M. Bair, international per:personnel gcr~for-tho-CEST-wiIUj;po^ p o ak -o n ------[he Wisdbfhof Uie Cross’: is diele Utheme bf tlieHagic ValleyiydfeaTlurweck: ------— K B 9 H 9 i — o p ciCTtlng-nlghnr5er“ n i f?V^“ “8‘ Jerom e stake presessents fair . :ph Smith and the. DocD o ctrin al JUROME - The Jeromeme LDS Stake FamUy “ nten worship series being offered■red by the The husband aiand wife team of Bryan andd f o r FFriday, ri with the' : Twin Falls United Methodist Parish.Par i Bonnie Foxleyy to p icc . "Amoving ladons of Mormonism" Mardarch 16 at History Department is pnpresenting a Family • overies in Lost “’cwenendell Stake C cnter, 60S N.I. IdjIdaho, History Fair from 2 to) 9 p.m.; today al the }pic for Sunday’s session (thirdurd in the !9 ||| from Seattle, D iscovi s ) is “TTie Tided Cross.” WorshipWp begins v Wash.,.will per-r- ^ C itic2s s o f th e D e a d .” ^ iiission is $3 p e r person att thith e door, J_____ JeromcJst and 3rd WardlChuidi.82SE.Ave.Ik Ch ^.passes purchased in Novcmlem ber arc Festinties indude antitnuque fumittire and .. OJn.'atihc Murtaugh diureh and.md JI o jn .. I fonn at 730 pjn.-r^™-Other- rr--programs-t>re— y Bontzlngor “Countintdown to eoodatIt any Idaho area program.n. C Church- doihingi a "story" tree,J, ac u ltu i^ and family ° le f Kimberly' church. Robin EschIschenbxi^ Friday at Calvary lity” on March 16, ^tandanard dress is expected, andid ppartici- displays and genealogy'tr/tniining videos and 2?Sandie Day will present spcdald a l music, C h ap ^ 241 Mainn E te m itj ' Ave. W. in Twin arc reminded that lecturess maym not dasscs. Music by the IdalIdaho Fiddlers is set Touched Me," at die Kimberlyyservica se n “If God is All Powerful•ful. Why is There “‘I ^ Falls, and at 7. ch 17, “2000 and •“ «petled. for 7 p.m., followed by spse room at the R upcn LDS Wes >- on March 20. All meetin;tings begin ot 7:15 Commulunity Church in TwinI FiFalls is . ThoFoxIojoys sion is free, butIt p.m. A ch ild ren ’s progrsg ram will be held involveded in a cooperadve mission□n p ro jca Boc to speak Sund:iday m orning ter, 100 W. 36 S. Sister Allman"SiSS am donadons will be iro, full-time missionaries, will spc c each night, with thele U nited B rethren ChurchI iin n Cream ' TWIN F A IX S -R o ge rr) Boc will be speak AlFaro, accepted. The Frid*iday concert will be aired livec Admission is free, andan the public is Ridge,, nnear Orofino in northern Idah[daho. ' during the “Mi.ssion Monfom ent” at th e 8:30 . ____ onKAWZ89SFMM. invited. Freewill offtifferings will be The churchescl arc helping flood3d victimsv , and 11 a.m. Sunday worshirship services a t the C .nristian n s wom en set lunchicneon The Foxleys hhave-been ministering inn accepted. who nccced household items such:h aas,dish , First Unilcd'Meihodistist Church: He will TWIIiVIN FALLS - “Bon Appetit”it” is the the Northwest sisincc 1981. They use gui- r - tow els,s, d ish clo th s, b a th tow els,Jls, wash- lalk about his m cdical mismission to Zaire. themele of.the< monthly lunchcon mecneetinflof- tars, keyboards aiand vocals in their originaltl K n o w Y o u r R e lig[ion io i scries set doths, potsp and pans and ctwkingg ututensils. (rvcd a Volunteer Christi; La.st summer, Boc serve stian'Women’s Club of Magic3C 'Valley, pop/rock music,ic. Songs such as “House lectures sponsored Anylyonc who wants to donate•money mo or Uhited Methodist plonnetned for 11:45 a.m. to 1:15 pjn. T ® Know Your Religion lec in Mission for the Uh t. Tuesday Divided.” “Therere is a River,” “Jordan.” by the Church Education;ional System of the' Hems canca bring them to th e 10 a.ma.m. wor- Church, working witht scsome of 2 million at thec Blue B Lakes Country Qub. “Like Sheep" andai “Take Me Back” arc^ Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-dayI Saints ;unday at Blay Colonial1 FuF u n eral refugees from Burundi3i andc Rw anda. H e Lindnda M yrland will p resen t “^Gourroet Gc heard on KAW^ ^ 9 .9 FM. will be held this week:k iat several area Home.. 2551^ Kimberly Road, ponponations i current conditions. Kitche will sing ‘ will give an update on cu :hcn,” and Pam Fadness wil churches. All programs beginbc{ at 7:30 p.m. mlay a be mailed to the Rockick i C reek Doe is a p cdiatridan Uvinjang in Pocatello. .“Whippipping Up A Melody." Jane Gum umprccht. Irish Stew D[ )i i n n e r p l a n n e d Ed Pinegar will discuss''S3 “H ope of Eternal lunity Church, 705 Fillmore,ore, Twin - A potluck lunch will1 b

1 1 I ■ S.ilu/iJiiy, Mnrch 9, 199G 19 Tinioa-Nitwa, Twin F;.lls.. IiliihoIiliil C-3 Religklion To somne churc]:hes, dancicingcoullid lead t(to sin .By L oretta Green ou. Holding your body pcrfefectly church, there w;iss non danping at M iniis te r Knight-Riddcr News SoniceScr Corommentary erecirect, the motion m ade your pelvispc gatherings ofchurch;h folks,1 and that ' undindulacc in a way that ouira.raged included my weddiiding reception, •"/toi'tT j,/n.tiw:w.’n. .’n ly c la n d e stiStine and sinful about thee1C church ”saints." held in the churcii'.h'. Il all seemed ‘«'V 7 "And m o heart beauIS sos> Thqt^I can dancing in^ thc tl culture in which I Thus, Th th e scandalized Yvoi.’onne perfeciiy natunil. hardly speak. grew up. •ent running froiii the party,y, her So what is it aboutout d andng that » v ▼ ith A ED S teUIs ' "And I scan to find the happiness I My husba:b a n d an d h is b ro th e rs motlilothcr pursuing her with a sciclick. gets .wmcone off onn thct wrong foot seek, stiJl chuckleele about ihc day a girl And Ar while the Boot>’ Green w;was a with thu Christian folks,fo! I recently "When ivc're out to< ^, ^her danci'n^ named Yvor.'onnc got caugiu doing •id cad Jczehelish, thc fact was, « asked of the ReV.V. A rt C o ta n t, cheek to cheek." the “Booty• GiGreen" and was am »i» ’voiine wasn't allowed to w;iivaltz, senior pastor of thehe First Baptist I I — I n i r Berlin of thc partyy bby her mother. Yvunne eithcither. . Church of Los Altos.s. Calif.( • ^ ip - ' eers hle’s gay would be SUIsurprised lo know that I grew I up African M8*>iodist , Some people belie\lieve that "danc- ' ' •*“ y . So students at Baylor.Ior. the c'bun- sc e n e h as; sisu rv iv ed n e a rly five Episipiscopal. and we knew thatIt not in^t brings a Iwy ondnd a girl in very Knighl-I;hl-Uidder News Service- He graduated cum laude.;Ie. tr>'’s largest Baptist UniJnivcrsity. are decades.. Hillynly the Pentecostal kids couliuldn’t close contacl. and von^’ou have a leinp- ___ __ Peoftte d o n ’t beconie n ______------Eomg-nj-boogttnJo^TnTTITTTVfrcKTST ~ D ancing’ wwas u big no-no lor a "swiiswing aiul sway to iianimy iCioriu^" tation there, saidJ C otant. whose D'ETlETR'Ofr'^’The Uev. JnTT^They are .bom gay, siiys Be;iBeales, years, thc Waco school,:>ol. which ait churcljRoingng girl like her. und it innut thei Baptist kids weren'tt ^ sup- church is part of thche Conservative Beateses isi at a point in life where :Ihu his se.viial awakeningg didn'tdii ties with the Baptisiti.st General was an eveiven b ig g e r sin in h e r jxiseiosed to dance, eiilier. ' Baptist Associationon of Amcrica.' tniihm.I m atters. ioccur unlil he was almostnost .^0 Convention of Texas,, sa,sa>-s dancing PentecostalJ ocongregation. Hut Hu the fact was, many did1 ;any- "But the Scripture nowno that applies So-la;rlast week, wilh alioui 300 ;years old. is permitted. Thc “Bootjotj- Green” was a dance way.■ay. And so did many of theirr |par' i.s, to not be in a .phi'jiace where you of tlth e D e tro it arca..’s Beates didn’t realize hisis sexu-st But songwriter Berle rlin m ay be done to a slslow, pulsating hhies .entsnts. Who had ever heard/;I ,of a would he tempted toto do something'• Preshyihyterian leaders, Bcates iality might be an i.ssue untilintil his- e.thorting people to findind the wrong beat. With orone hand placed seduc- pan;any among African,-Ameriirican that goes against God'od’sword." .shareded lthe tnith. 1last year of seminary, lie; recallsrec heaven, some may thin!link. Whether .tively on you:our stomach, you alter- kids'ids with no dancing? ______"1 ha>have two joys lo share.with a i co n v ersatio n w ith an11 o ol ld er spoken or unspoken,:n. th e re h as nately slid eneach foot in a wide arc Althoiigii -Mi there was no realII ]priv I.oretcu Grveti is uc2 coliiririist far you,"" s;said Beates (pronounced '■ :seminarian, a Vietnam vet. always been somethiiig3g imj-sterious- to the side anand then around behind hibitibition of dancing in the AMAi li f/it‘ Hiinjdse M cm inivNcifs. A Bay-tus;tus), during the part of the The man was talking; ahoiitah in e e tinting called Moments of how 1 hard it was to he celil;:elibaie Celebrabratidii and Remembrance, afteri his wild years in thee AArmyj "First,it, il’s g(M)d to be back wiih ;and he asked Beales if he e ever I I ^ ^ ——rhnnghr-nboxiHiavtng-rop' , Many;my people applauded. They Judy, . a fellow seminarianan \ who knewV tiiatUi Ueates had been hos- Bcates 1 was dating. ized in the fall with /VIDS.- "She was brilliant, good-l<:id-look- ed pneumonia. ing, i played ihe piano' andd couldco econd, I’d like to intniduce ‘ sings and sort of fit the perfectperi lartner, Mike Morrow, who pastor’s i wife," Beates Siiys.s. stood by me during this And. Beates recalls sayisaying; wholee procedure. He was in the "Oh. ‘ no, 1 could never do thatthat.” ital 16 hours a day." To which ihe vei said: so ;ain, applause, but also "Something's ‘ wrong withth you.y ; downiurneddl hj;ads and You ^ ought to get counselinf;rling or oiling. something." s In le.ss than two minutes he’d About that time, Beatess decid-dei told thethc church his secret: “Ihis ed t to obtain another degretgree at ministerJtcrisgay" the t Toronto Sch(Hil of Theokeohigy. K thethose unversed in the ways In I Toronto, he picked up ith e • of Presbe.sbyterians, picture this; A alternative a weekly newspaispapcr m an yoyou work with goes to a and □ realized that some of thi e m eetinging of .senior nianagemeni. men n in thc personal adss ww< ere

ntroduces his partner, . Beales, whose only expostposure A w g p n e Presbyterian church has to t hom osexuality was in1 some so been grapplinggri with homosexu- reading r he’d done in ihe'i scmi-sc v . i ' n lityforfor 20 years. Althougli gay . nitryn library, arranged to metmcet a lesbian parishioners are man n at a restaurant near schtschool. (A b L h H '.ll i n ^ B welcomc)me, the church has decid- The 1 man quickly realized;d thattl ed thinr a t no "self-avowed, unrc* - BBootes was jusi opening thchcclos- cl - pent ant,mt, practicing homosexu- eei door, jusi coming to termter s an serve in the ordained with v his sexuality. He said ^ ■ ^ / / aid he ■tin.s.of elder, deacon or pus- - vwasn’t-interesled nnd-begnnrgnn to leave.l( Z Y i' ' ' SomTie e p re sb y te ry m em bers Bcates, not .sure whatIt w as v i l knew BcBeatcs was gay. Now. all JiJiappcning, became angry. '■•U know/. . JAt the meeting, they "Sit down and answerr soi some — heardI hihis fhallenge: Accept me qquestions for me at least,"51," he / ■ B l as a gay;ay m inister just as wc wci- .d.demanded. ' come an(and love gay parishioners, The m an told Beates lo0 startst B eateates, 41, can trace, his nreading the gay nc^vspapcr,•r, vi.sitv: ' Presbytelyterian roots in the United a gay und lesbian counsel!iseling Walter Wangorin Jr.,, Is o n e o f th o n a tio n ’s mnost o respectQd.rDllgious.stostorytollora. He also.ls the.:e.author.of.lTho.Book.o/.G f-G adt-T ha______S u te ss baback to 1848.- - ...... 'ci ccnier, and attend o coming-King-^iut ------Bible as a^ovel,’ an1 InIntepprotatlon of the Blblible as a single narrative frorfrom Abraham to the birth1 o< f C hristianity. is a c h u rc h th a t B e a te s ggroup. Wi thln“12' daysriic'd dtme'i)ne"iill ? the church that will bury three. tl For his 30th binhday,lay, he bbouglit contact leases, His1 groupgni S to r y(te lle r ’w rite s! ‘B o o ki o f G co d ’ "ti!Ites \vas thc sccond child of went w on field trips to gay bars,)ars. J a m e!S s tiand M arjorie Beatcs, If Beatcs had sex in thoth o se - • into a Navy family that early e; days or if he has sex ni ___ L utheran ststoryteller intiterprets B iblele, gives w anrmth to charar a c t e r s J 23 time.-rbefore he went he’s h not talking aboui it. In hisI ------off to1 cocoll0R0.-Chriscin0, 45,-is—n:-mind, it’s not-tho Presbyteri'tcrian-. - T he A ssociated P ress a Lutheran ministerm and author, less>s aa Novel' university in i Wangerin has rec•ecorded the the orgarganization’s schools in met m Morrow at the Hayloly lo ft alive! Simon, Simon, hele Ihas risen 'the biblical si Indiana, whciicre book for audio cassetsettes. On thc Grand1 Cayman,C teaching sci- Saloon, Si a country-and-wesie-•stern from the dead!” h e is a w riterrin i day he read up to theth death of ence indand Bible dasscs. gay gs bar. • This is not the BibleDie, b u t an In an age when wl many.scholars rcsideiidcnce. Jesus he was supposciiscd to contin- Qn lishis relumi to Pennsylvania, In one of those from-acro;cross- embellishment of thele biblical minutely decc^construct the Bible, Foror example, Jephihahih’s ue on for an addiiiorional 45 min- his liomemetown pastor suggcsicd the-dance-floor th m eetings,1 tinthey account as imaginedI b;by one of looking for historical,hi archaeo- daughiighter is barely heard fromn iin utes, but he could not.ot’ the semirm inary and helped him hit hi it off, the nation’s most respecpeeled reli- logical, literarrary and other evi- the bilbiblical account in .ludgcssof < "I have never feltfel such an __sclccudie h c conservative evanL’eli- _llUaiCAt-iius-iY.as_ihc_unu ______gious storytellers.- derice~th&rieileaves nearly every" her"sU"slaying at her father's hanand overwhelming wavee ofi cmotion. cal Gordfirdon-Conwcll Theological says sa Morrow. . The Rev. Walter Wangangerin Jr., passage open•n to seemingly end- becausause of a vow he had madec tto It just silenced me,”-he h said. Seminar;lary in South Hamilton, “Just that .inner gut feeling.ing. I t ______~^GmslrfaainSily,oveierwfielmedaijyTsaipTiseeks pri\ivacy presidentent emeritus. lolove at first sight.” The Associated Press The Herschchbergcrs say they get thethc story in newspapers aero;ross not answer all." want 10 make:e ;sure their recovery thccountry. cou Letter writers fromjm Florida to Special Meetings SULL!tV^VN, ni. — WhcVhen young from tragedy/ ddocs not stain them Thejhey have declined TV inteter- Japan told of being meTioved to tears Samuel Herschberger■r wasv torn with the sins andan tem ptation of the viewsivs and ; tu rn ed dow n a bid1 to t while reading about; SiSamuel, who wilh n early lim b from lim b3 inir a farm outside w orld-1-and-thcy would like makentinues for ^M | March Facing a six-figure medledical bill, Samuel’s ■ father, Oba havec SouthernS Illinois Universitsity Samuel.. While his1 lilife is tfnce Snnday 10:30 a.m. & 7:00 p.m. they opened their honlome each Herschberger.r. P ress ss quietlyi publish the boo3ok again typical of m»most~Amish weekend to non-Amishsh visitors. ThousandsIs of( outsiders have ' laterr this th year. , . youngsters — hu spent:nt much of a < Monday - Tuesday 7:00 p.ra.ra. Guests donated whatevte v e r th e y written to th e1 HerschbergersH in thc “We;Ve want to thank everyone fcfor recent evening memorlorizing Bible ^ ' ' chose for a home^rookedrd mealr and p a st m o n th» afterr reading an all:he thc cards and letters, gifts anand__ verses in English andid German — W" a ride in one of the familynily’s horse- A sso c ia te d Press Pi story abiiut espcciaicially prayers that were serent he will need more operations opi to ^ dra^vn buggies. Samuel’s 19911 aaccident. our way,”wa; Hcrscliberger .says. “WWe gain fu rth e r use of his hi feet and Donations have erase'ised about The familyy w> on’t specify how triedi toto ans\ver many, but we coul■uld right hand. S250,000 in medical bills,Ils. But th c m any letters'; anda: donations they. h er compli- got; all th e atter attention has caused other tention for one family p y e t "Il's morere ' cations, and • nowow the raises eyeyebrows among clr«7ERLASmG COVCNANTr • St.Ignatius of. An'\n ilo c h Hcrschlwrgers are tryinglg tito keep a Hcrschbergcrs’rs’ neighbors.i ■ ■ MINISTRieS OrilnKlox Missionn i n t h , U u u i i flood of good intentior;ions from ThcHers<±bcibergers say they have ^ . aii.pel at thc YIY P C i tf'' ^ 9 / ^ Findenciitmutlinitie D K tm r,U sweeping away their simplnple way of felt the undercercurrent of unease, j < P £vtrl3sting COi'cninl Klirahctii Blvd.. ... including a nimiimo'r that tl)ey.paid to • life;- - -...... otCMst...... III(.'(uin il’ta - ■ iHtDW'S 13-20.21) UioiVcy;rii SjiuiJj^i m o T c m eoll" t'' 10 00 a.m. Sjnclsy Services L D S & O t t 7 00 pm, • Tues andltiurs? I Amazing Grace! FFellowship C hristian Bcis J C iw Pastor Jam es P. Maco, Jr. , liiuin. ;^>ii>-Liv s BpOKNI ■■ . Anitsla S. Maes VCOjm 1061 Eastland Drive North *• Twin M l , ID 83301 & G i f t s 124 NlalfPiUlfl A re . N. S u ltl 20 4 , T, f. 31 • (FAX) (2081 734-5538 •.543^4668 5. (BUHL) •'326:53755 (FILER}(Fl • 536-2535 (NORTHSIIISIDEI • 678-2552 {BURLEY/RUIRUPERT! SlfOSi law Ante 300 i > . i;;r«.,(w’ DISPLAY ADS «Wicotion. Cell 0 Tlmes-Nflwj v is i n g ICS4S«.l'»l . . 3 Bgiineij dayi prior 10 pub 2 0 0 ^ " 6003 ilSio-mi I ICSVM W«n I )ore informotion. •^C-^irih lt»1**t—« So!e» Repfoienlafivo for mor ;iiiv-'-^»=-« • hitr-n'-r,r.%, Su'W E;a!.li CtMliwl d l T O D A Y ” 1^ , . , ii»i.»^lx»-

jCE MANAGER Roaldttaldent .' Goldon Ano II Adull Cnro- A• NIM N I A L C O N T R O L CONS!ISTRlicTION EDUCATI IQATOR MAINTENANCI B&B. Forin- avy equipment oporat- InlormatioATION INVESTIQA man noodod. Gooding hotel B&B , has ono oponing lor a DEPUTYq e F Hoa-,3 ation and Education Twin Foilslls CCounty is sook- Mainionancoarourx) m handy- ton0-777-0060 call Ellun Fullor 423-G437• 736-7355 eoduros, cod tochniquos. MclSi r o s u m o 10 B o x : gnlivo lo loc c h n ig u es a n d Lakos Blvd. N oquipmoni and animal ro. EXPRI•RESS PERSONNEL 92781. i ures. a valid Idaho ■■______!— t and loavo mosnano. -A oqui 1. c/o Tho Timos- procedures ;;;? ' MECHANIC strain! and caro lochniqu- 11111 FILER AVE.. TF, i. PO Box 548. Twin drivors' lico MANAGEMEN- 4 ioi *************** 111 OS. Valid Idiiho dnvor'sii- - ”------Fnlls. ID i V/AMTED Local trucking needneeds diesel ENTERTAINMENT os ID 83303 bolondw1 wJinon ti communi- TRAINEE V I L O S T & F O U N D censo ond ability 10 com- COORiRDINATOR ------skills, ond organi- 'W A iN ccr mochanic, minimiinimum ol 5 J r e m e m b e r ” Falls County is seek- FARM------colion skill r voar earning yoara oxporionciionco. must municale ollecHvoly. Abil- 'win ci zollon skills FOUND Husky, motJ. sizo20 That binhday ad yo vlacod a pan timo Disooior Gonorai I "?.=T rv"sff‘, ' havo knowlodgo dgo of oil ApptOK Smofl. Found on Ity to uso animal capture ‘"0 ” rai larni hond. Expo- c o tlo n s li on somo timo ano in 7rio , ^^ER V IC E^^ oquipmoni, mur? pagor nnd a 2 “ ' ’^rvlces Coordinolor. rionco 'OW while you typos of trucks:ks {& trallor PololinoRJ 733-1870I Timas-Nowa^ Now is Iho ' awlodgo ol disosler housing, County Hu ropolrs. includin(jdlng roofor , porsonnl compulor. Sub- ng, 733-5769 p O b , “ tirrio lo como picW up yoyr CHARU OAVIO-SON mit appllcallona lo Twin o'"®orgoncy.programs, ' TTTT— ,rlolhe4thflc»rol 3 componany benefits. 'opoi'-, P o / “<■«'iccordiiig lo LOST Bluo Hoolor. malo.” pictures. Stop by Tho 1 id drivors'liconso, Foils, or lo .Qnco exporionco., insinsurance , Magic Valloy's MAGICIAN pjfj Ginck A wliilo w/spots Customor Sorvico Dopt Falls County Human Ro- ''« ‘i“)d verbal orid writlen Oulside ouoo, 425 S hos- ^ Paid Insurar ond rosumo Black collar. Noar Viciory ' Call 536-5802 s o ^,1, u rc o s. PC Bex 120. 0°oO ,ido »o.kor njoaod ;t. Doadlino March vacailo•Inn ovailablo. Send o'y ______lodayl Twin Falls, ID 03301 or imunicotion jkUls, and .In' JV Nood ..lo .o r,c ;S " ” 5in „ F Foils Couniy Is jSSarlM to Box 9 7 5.95. 9 5 % r/io □riddu' REWAROII n Foil; anizoilon sk.ilS Sub- «>3 • 5, P.O . Box Call 73-1-409?______1 1 3 th sou o fo u ilh Iloor ol ih o O'OO'’ ual Opportunity |nc.500CeCompany Timos Nows. P. applications to Twin c a d u «r. cullon 548, Twin Falls,lls. IcId 83303. — i 107 i courlhouso 425 Shos- “f Employer.'O'- Aak for Mr, LOST Rollwoillor, G maslos I ABORTION hono SI. N. Oondllno ' ERS PHon»73: MECHANICAL olO, no collar, in viciniy'Ol ol I ALTERNATIVES | Morch 13 Twinfalls aourc Lube man withIth ll tiro mo- 1050 E area ol Gooflmg. :EII isw orkorsto m ANAGEMEN' CHILDCARE County Twii 15 aiwfiauaL£l'« fnr ing company.,733-7671. 73. ______m «;TRtnlnn3-t-M Qlo125.125- .p,oo-10filir'{J-Call-734-7472. ., lUTOMOTIVE------M arcrch-i.a-^t.wJo.F.all3. _wiin.lam CHILDCARE in my homo, h o r 0 will irohi. Oppor- _accoalinQ-000 Ib. silvor/flray, blflU(/whi!o,ilo. or t-GOO'3?1-7472. Auto dotailor. Musl havo Counljnly is an Squol Op- with larm.oquiji-Ejinilljfli. hot »°[y,. ”loTa-diriBEirm.™- *>**■' jnt posllions-* m e DICAL Kimborly aroa. Loving Moi hoovy consiructlon ^unilyToH “S S S S Timbof Wollo X, answerse t s ______drivors liconso Apply ponurtunily Employer. equip. & 10 to work flex- u e m t a l HEAHEALTH 10 Buck. S2S0 REWARD Chrtallan mothor. Wook- Cou ).& Irrigation, Hous- All who 0| f ...... ■ 309 Addison Avo W. 7 7 7 7 7 irovidod suitable for ablo to Stanstar work imrntrt- loio hrs. Exp<.porionco pre- “ ^ ^ fc iA t^VUSTS S ' g j/if. Iiothno. 677-2815 days. 423.6161______pon ITAL ASSISTANT jS.S'S 101 necessary, p j nnd on-call CTec ^ l.-im.lio3 <,v«i/£).-iy nno tliu • _____ « oi*p. i lor 0 fast paced I j,,.lomily. Apply Rid- laloly, To s (Tech) posi- LOST: Fomalo pan Chow, tu:iulls wilt .-imn;n you. Call^ OAYCARe-trrBunt-L-ovmn- AUT( lonchos. Riddle, ID, ton/iow collcoil 735-0882 Apply in ponJC ■ I- lions avail. For•or ppsychlol- lod,!/ nnd ono ot our liiundly lUTOMOTIVE dontalItal ollico in Koichum. 200-759 dopondonq^ roddish brown. Answoia homo wolcomo youf small Auto Auti louch up porson. Will m uslsl bo a loam piayor rS9-3249 ovos. LABORERSERS ______' rlc/chemlcal dopt 10 Shasta. II lound plonso Ad-ViJ0i3 will ticilp you woiO• : ones, 0-3 yrs. 543-2126 drivi •UT facility. Collogoego training troin. -Must have drivers wi)h1 c a posiiivo otiiiudo. FARM Somi rolironiired molo w/mo- u a n a r e m e m cali 733-6095 Ab>* lor your ndjo IM.1l (I will bl) moslI ------^------309 oao contact Borbaro wonted < ionco preter­ iilluclivo nnJ brinn you Iho Mother of two has day caro llconco. ^ ■ Good work oth- Plooa od oxp'd farm hand. , .tronic skill Jd & Brooklost it comoonso- Hoattior. . I openln(]9. Call Ann at l00i-nood.only_UUipply____QlSOISharlQ 01726-4711 ___Fnmiliai Apply al 309 Addison ' ------^ ^ — ground' .SMI ------0, Sond ro- 733-9423, AUT( 'ER Dioaol oxporion- produc ilaci person- ~ Ayo.W.Bolweun2-4pm Autc ------Ptonso ChoCtryour-BCf-fw NEEDED, oabysilior os -Jo m mduciion o i oquipmoni. _ l EQALSI.S E C R E T A R Y Mny 1. Sludic .Viow-Hospi------g ■ , 1 0 8 ------1 d lor 0 locol low “ Included. Si .up Avo. W. co'roctnoss on tlio lust soon as possiOlo. lot Sni - lUTOMOTIVEhjq, haul,ll. 733-2733______^ u sl I 1°' I PR O FESSION A L ust havo oxporion- Ploaao sond 734-6760 or day that il runs, na The ----- SuiU-apwnn, 1fl-fi,.73tL___ ull nro repair positions. ~ i/ER q u o rt^. Timoa-Nows Is not »a- 1 , SERVICES | Will trom. Vnlld dri«ing li- ort.poycomwsuralo „ Contointoct Sumor at: roforoncos bi 4^______8777 or 734-0980 Tracy aoc R FLATBED in 40 ^we«i 00 to: Monagomc sponsiblo lor error? allor conso roquirod & bonotits " es Cnll 208-543-6126. 324-ZC 733-7300. 55, Sun Vniloy mEOICAL :thaitimo BANKRUPTCY. — _Aavaiiaoio.vo Apply at Magic 1-2071 or 324 3420 EXPRESSSS IPERSONNEL PO Box 2355, ^ All Chapter & AC rolatod " FARM RLERAVE..TF. Id, 83353. Opiicion-oplicordiar'drs'ponser Volley Tiro, 501 S Lin- om vEl 111 FILE ------FTforlocolmal modical — I casos. Froo lojophono coin, J oromo, ID.______pof iq : ■ io4“ 10 whoolor. Fulltime. EXPERIERIENCED IRRIGA- n ftime hrs. No 4 . .consulialion. ^IZ CE MANAGER Iking for ospo: I PERSONALS 53G-7760 Q00-54Q-2166 ) lUTOMOTIVE S: Joba bogin op- monco supervisor MotolSislooklr ■xp. dosirod ^ Wm H. Mulberry n t i l ’arts manager & purchns- ORIVEI Smotoly l April 1 -1S ond ishono School Cist, ciol toko cha Du» "01 nosaocir^ocary. Salary ^ER • lost ap{ SINGLE? Find oul why 22 yrs oxporionca approximately 4-0 138. Closing dotes inlerosled In 1 •& benefits opon.'Ilon. Sond ro -' 4200 Norihwoat slnglos ing ngonL oxtonsivo oip. vVahuhtod, ovor tho road. monlhs. ) oblo to woik ,,,—n 04 B jl'lliillW i'illiU w/c'omputors. Yoii Irirm mn- aFS o Ihs. PAY: .13 cents llcation. 3/15/96 nl. Must bo o X 94015 c/o hnvo choaon HoanOuoal-eal------CARPENTRY—— coir 3 ol Idaho class A COL per plpo chlnory. & parts puichasi- (oquiriuired, 23 yrs old. vans p 0 r>lpo p 1 (3-1, 14.1 cents ______all hrs. & be . P.O. 548 TF 10 mool compaiibto Cuqlom bum RotJwood r r s ' i v ; “ ADMINISTRATIVE ^ng. ^T tCall324-7t4B.fl-Gpm, , 4 roiioi^nii^. 11 wosiorn & (Madiio •NANCE •U‘y Of' P'OD'im. Prefor mo- ______------parmors.-Froo broctiuro:-to:* potto flocks and isitior Aro you a pans countotpor- I.C'rSl-.Rim Jm w /oloclrlcol a n d doyo a month 1-000-949^11 corponlry sorvicos. x o s . b o n o l i l s . Couniio: 11 oxp. w/oxc. When youVe lost)3I somethings( son or .sorvico consulloni ^ C-^M-11-800-220-0004. plpo (3 inicoi oxporlonco. toi or rotoilisumo t 10 Motol ' valuaWo. n dais*)*lisXied ad con — ’ Call Frank Spraguo who would Iiko a dosk 'win FallD Couniy is sook- . _ 0 repair olr tools.' rof Send rosu lilond In llnd- Consltucllon 632-4407 — hour Iso JO LOkos Blvd- be a valuablo lilor> I 1 0 6 I ■ lob? Immodlalo opening Ing a pan lime Civil Dailill ORIVEI'ER OTHERBis auaroniood. aandoloculctoois, fi. 1472 BluoIlls, ID 83301 Ina IL Coll 733-003'1-0031. I SPECIAL NOTICES | • lor a warranty claims ad- Good verbal communica- cDL didrivor/yord worker. vvorkorR BENEFITS:t Single- : 011733-5241 N , Twin Falls ^ Cloanlno'. Oltlces or rost- ministrotor/bookor. lion skills, basic clerical Koich or Housing for lHoso ' donilat, roasonoblo, with ichum Lumbor.Yord, ' who con Plonso opply in porson 10; BAILskills nnd basic compulor S9 00 cannot return lolheir ALCOHOLICS^-*■— rotdroncos. 734-0077. 00/hr., call Jamos o f ,oaldonc Mts. Torry Hosmon al Twinskills. Oiltngual helpful. 726-5'>•5616 utilities.once Ihe somo doy. ANONYMOUS Con Poulos Submit ing applications to os. workmon'9 com- ^ ■ ------Call 733-8300------— KOUSECLEANINQ ismy. . ^ spociQlly. For holp wllh Choviolol-Ponllac-CMC Twin Got Falls County Human ORIVEI/ER ^ ^ salion, work tools.- — . - I yours.... 733-3550 ' ; Truck-GEO Resources. tion PO Box 126, Lookinf )s, boots & oprons, ■ ieS“N( ^ ■ E A R L Y 901 So. Lincoln Twin skill Fnlls, or to ihe 4th job? C intood poy for 3/4 ol J R i _ HOUSEKEEPER . ' Joromo, ID or sond rosumo Iloor skll ol Iho courlhouso, or 4040 slates. Laio model act. RoimDurr.omont S Tirod ol working all day &I _lo P.O, Bo* 403. Joromo. 425 Sul Shoshono St. Doad- convtivontionals. Compoli- onsonoblo ? ' in-bound H i l l : D EA D U N ES coming homo lo n mossy, ■ 10 63338 Jino Twi March 13. Twin Falls livo I ppay. For moro infer- iporlQllon and sub-, ■ M ■ ^ houso. Call mo. 324-4079 County is nn Equal Op- - malic,i„„e.,ll 1.800^23. " nco. 01 the complo-1 ■ r l ^ u FOR CLASSIFIED . ADMINISTRATIVE portunity Twi Employer. 3009.1 1 contract ol 50 pofceni ol iho Pormanont makeup. Conl- Warranty Claims Admlnist- , (jgg 11 or come.by T h e Tr iin m e s - "ADS /ER Truckor. prolor a ponailoraci ond toturn irons- j f rou are unable to call liod nnisl. llyou woniiho, rator. Wo hovo on immo- :ARPENTER 425 ORIVEI ,ilon and subslslonco ** J '''* L license, but nol ro- upon cc Up and mall this oro r d e r THURSDAY, 2:00 pm5m bost. como sob usi Paka( dinto oponing, 3 yoars ox- Joed dopondablo. clonn CDL I 1 completion of tho N e Wws S office, sim p^ cll Lanl’8 Ofcam.'Inc. . .cut_ca;pQDlOLOCDrciniico_ rod ot Ihls limo. Jo b work CO department so thatt a t w e for FRIDAY I porionco prolorrod Apply qqj contract for out-ol- f n r m to our classiiBed j 1^00-350-9607. tn porson 10 M ts..Toiry Hand port IQOIS roquirod. EOE wouldlilH b(i numcinn aeotic tno-arca;raa-v.-Drtv9 has an availablo nqj wookonds, Ap- DRIVE: ir potato farm. Hous- folofoncos, 736-0107 ply nt D & B Supply, EOE lediato oponing lor FT ing prov Ask For Cnitos or Ulla Ad Ooslgn/Grophlcs posi- Pnll jolino delivery driver. work.irovidod. : Yoar round ,. Sond rosumo 10: YOUR ■ lion ovailablo in iho nd------:H1LD CARE ^Si°gsignod to major Petro- Box 939 v o ftlsin g d o p a rtm o n l. CASNannies noodod. Boston ieum3 ( ho\ on area. Ploaso opply - 7N um. ber o f D ays $4.76 p e rrlin lin e Hm your campor been swing J r IVERS ^ 01 FOX I 0X| 5XFLOFIAL137Main T * ‘ 3 lin e nl $7.95 p e rrlln lin e moro drtvoway than camp-' n,ivolO-wDSlorn • s(atos. No surBllas? Sell 11 wllh a class!- E Twin Foils Ji* ® _ _ $14.40 perer 11line i.-* TTii11^ ad. Call 733-0031. uch (rolght. Toams uAin ' 1 & ^ 54{ ilcomo. Rydor policy, sTYUST •3 days :0NSTRUCT10N CoJK■J'677-4536. IST&WANAGEMENT i l h•7 T days Ine I minimum H■UNHAPPY u : WITH YOUR VERS hotlonoIt Cllpa. an oxdllng •IS days CURRENT KMPLOY- DRIVE anol hoircaro salon Is 6-30 days lof Manic Valuos. + ______2.oo_;2,C ' MENT? Bill WINN & COM. Expererioncod OTR loofor & opon In it>o Woromort For 1 onlyWporwoek, * ______liking floor drivors nood- Sjo p a n y CONSTRUCnON, Shopping Conior. tndi B ______immodlotloy. Good poy “ oohtr lines X$/»ni CONJNC. In Buhl. ;0 . oflors - W i^ oking groot stylists. ; T o t jnclosod for S ...... omploymonlfor hard ” '*!!Ith D onoflta, Coll , somomonagomont n Mu Cf 3 lino m working CDL drivors. w t tjitions S still Bvalloblo, ~ " f. a tO deono) hoovy oqulpmont oporo- - 0,^1 3flor Iho groalost poy ^ olll mj ■a^TlicTuncsJSfc IVERS, for dotlvary ondb( rar,»iX'’wtf.?.s?n'i tora & loborora. Rocrulllng p ly doponds on oxp,. tho iInd' bonofit pockago In T otal I a m o u n t duB NOW for work In lato Fob. Indusiryl Jolnus'for 1 ust bo dopondablo. on oxc ’ check or monoy ordsr Is em CUSTOMI omor. Morch, wootHQr pormi- ^ oxdllng (uturol Coil ■ cTiinc»NcMi i‘, 1090 call Valloy ChomI- ' Marclarclo 735-1200 or U -,,. SERVICE ttlng. Wo hlro only tflo ^ ,4I & Fortllljor. 829-5482 I my VISA or M aster ChargeJSTOMERi ( ' , P.O. Boi s r ^ S J c w s ^“>1BESTI Drug-Froo wo^k ^ Credit Card Number______l£ f£ h . qo yoi ______o « T .i ’RVICE - ''•'"ESyib.l _ _ _ tORploco ond Equal Emplby- you Have unuasd photo HAIR Expiration Date ,| in ,iiiNii.i|,.7n 833033|A mont Opportunltlos! Coll equl|{ulpmeni In your homo? S ^ llaIt t noododn ot Robyn po/nioi ictumgo It for cash with a TOdd, ( "ER (200>543-8822 for moro Exeh d, contoct Bobtjl 01 Informalionllll gukkifck.actlrxicioisllliKlad, 734-14£ a lly o u t' I 1488 )rfarm & . 3I™ I 2 H Q , plo in o n t to; ■ | " — • (2C ______I Infc r . •I 1 Salurd.iy, March 9.'19!K53 '"Timor. Nuwr.. Twin Falls,-IdahoJaho C'5

■baih Wonder- HERE'S BUYING3 POWERlf ONE LOOK WILL.LDOl D( -MFDICAL MISCELLANEOUS blJFHC6 ' SeCHiCRATARY A — r r ------1 I. 4.bdrm ,2bai any bollor 4 bodroom bntk homo hom in Rosplratory Toch./Thorn->• AMERfTELINN AMERISTARf CASINOS. Admin I I till locntionn FFoncod back- t doos noi goi ar g.nNANCI/JCIAL SERVICES 1, vnrdw'dockick Doublo car than linn .ii onlylyS6G.500 : . ocoilitnflocallon.1. Boast?Bo . pisl. Roquifomonis: Sintoito Is-looking tor rosponaiblo INC. PT w/wl FTI openings, skilled 2 baths & ; two family rooms,;i«Ollre- iwo ------liconco as a Rosplraiory G.15 foicod air. 4 bndroom s. 2 : y prolosstonal porsonnol, AccountaA Pny»bl» Citric in MS MS W ord, EXCEL. & t u c TTIMES-NEWS DEBT CON ll. Tliorii'f I piacos.ga;i furnace, a . Thoropist. Graduaio ot o“ Wllh strong guosi service Genbrol C Accounting Exp. t Mail Ma req.'Im m edloto C S99.500 over 1500 sq ll- r'r?'Thls Tcchniciah or Thorapist RRENTL Y HAS Cu' p ^ o 733-0590 plenly ol room heheiosmii'g mailc spimklorr. 1 5t and communication' skills. Accounts Payable . . oponiaenings In Twin Falls. C U n f S K s n S s . rge lot with : cii.iiming homo shoul•houlUbO school, ocaoailod Dy tho IX rosumo & covor laner THE i ------on on uxtra large Roqulrod Pax rt E FOLLOWING lNON£W automalic bprijfinklers. ' on your list 5112,112,500. AMA. PRN days. ovos.I.. Como join Iho professional Gonora) offico. lO-Koy. lo:: 326-357432' Attn: Oiane. /f^Q daily pewspnpor BRAND '(lay 733-______nights. & rolotino •' ^DEPENDENT <■«' »fV'r '>=>you \ road and Homo onacicacieage wilUio . foncod back yaicaid ond in- ., Ca'i issy C'ubtjoiiojc Amoiitol toam by applying Computor and PERINTENOENT JUNINIOR R O U T E S ' loon A lovoiy 3 . cludos molal shShod- Call O'jOti «IG 642 wook-onds. Two shifts pof>er in porson at: Ornanizaljonal Skills. Ciatsii,mra, Imiihod 500n monlh minimum. Com anin . _ , P l o ^ contact Paul or iho Sand & Grsvol Co. AVAILABLE — - — bdrm . 2 Ualbalh homo on Ellio Shorp lodOday 7 3 3 : m agic VALULLEY MMking 0 highly molivat- — acres. Pioporty 5559. nES'670 John Mayberry 1377 Blue Lakes Bl'vdN, Carrio 733-2202. ■Y d oxporioncod general .TW IN f . is ptailod ar ’ ,PV REALTY (2O0f 677-6535. CRMC 4 F A U S - L"3V»S5“ :,1 “ a g i c v a i ; -734..,99i 1501 HilanaAvo. Burloy uporlnlondent lor Its sold oil a s C )1 >y Positions avoiiablo: iOFnCE Twin* lolQ, Pricoicod right ot REALT — Guest Son/ico Top, (Ollico & produce work. win Falls division. Indi- ftoU TEt HEDtCAL Idual must have organl- soobik)lk Leisure Lono S60,50,0 CalCai|,Shoy 733- 734-199a q l OPEN HOUSE Sun,iin 3 - t a Rospiratory TochjThorapl-■ (Irom desk). Lynwood IGA. Cali 733- 5202 lor ajpitvoteviowing, pit' • ___ . t1am 3pm Now.3b(.3 bdim. Mainionanco (oxp. roq’d) 6401 for appointmonta. allonal ^,0 skills, knowlodgo i00-30000 bik Pheasant Rd SI. Roquiromonm Stato I hot mix paving busi- 100 bik)ikTwin Circle Rd - 1 BUYHOUSUSES 2 balh, rodwood deckdeck, lots liconco a s a Rospirotory)ry MISCELLANEOUS PPROFESSIONAL "OSS. f ” ; groding ond eonh i200biibik Twin Villa Loop ^ ^ 3 Fixers OK. oavijvo biokoi ol slorogit. onorgyirgy elti- Thorapisi. Graduaio ot a loving experience. Qo- 200 bik ® .g7£jf, ' Ciont, appls 232 Af.hAsh SI.______I a DIETARY HELPER Utiiiiallon rovnw person m°^v" )lk Villa Rd _ I . ______lOos. Call 734-97 ______loctifjicloGJJLJIicrafliaLisL -2-hrs-«tv-S«t-*-2-hr»-on-“ - 'wiiii (jiiumtciil I a y P r-4«— T^oo'onrwasmnu- '■ c schooi, accrodiioo by mo ocossary. Wo ollor com- (on St : ,IH\A/p II ju s t COMPLETETEO Zero , I ho Sun. Apply at Mountain cy and psych counsaling ^oco: its- I OPENEN HOUSES I Cold''l U W C l i ,0, lino home lo, AMA, PRN days, ovos,53, . Viow Caro Corner, 500 oxperienca DA degree. PolU'olillve wngos. bonolil r o u TEE Bi oe ; ■ III loauiiing 3 ______nights- & rotalinq wooko-<0- Polk Sl Kimbprly. oak lor_- -j|: General Manager. 700-80<600 bik Delong Ave ; T.rViea-N. jonlly ownod 4 nice cul do soc. Goodmg, ID 83330 iporolod. a v a ila b le - b' __ llorlal rosponslbllltlos - 0 Box 050, Nnmpa, ID toO-301300 bik Ostrandor St. 1 sponsibloWo toi oirors ollorj 1.BQ0 7J Classiiiod ro.iaefs u e toeWno*nchniclan, CNA. CNE or i f a u I hom es I ly Itaiun' MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS ’ ighor. Salary negotiable. 5^,J k S o n S . I hool. aulo sprin- 7-14.413^'J ‘S/1 in .lU.oilisn *any piolon TacoBandido. Part,timo, SOO bik Filor Avow I. NEW LISTING. kloi. 3 carir garago.Qf buiii in Initiwioil-annvituiuwJt Uw»l tr no. Pan time work nvaitatjle. _ Mso, PT roceptlonist .600 bik ------rco. (xk».r\<.>3V m*.«. IvYtfcap.lim altor school. Also ovon-on- Noodod 3 people lo sign RESTAURANT fl ’ needeeded. Call 736-4276, decoraiod 3 bdrm, 1993. S139,939,900.543 6101 l OTS-OFRIROOM trrtW-.iar, crft.lScn:l a t ings. Looking lor maturo h rnnch stylo homo ______II, 2'./ bath an InloniKWi. 10 ma»n arty ure p o o p lo up io r S1 0 0 0 Great C place lo work. Only 1— — •205 bik Wirsctiing ------In Ihis 4 bdrm, Individual. Colt lor ana n drawing Minimum wage Ihoso Iriendly & eneioeiic iJtLfctILEMARKETING ’ iournry Nico lamily FOR'SALE B fudoa lamiiy Jll^? ‘“ol £ BY BUILDER . homo'ihai indue iJial appoinimont. 733-01000 plus bonuses, must hnvo n o o d a p p ly . F le x ib le iTeiom.tomarkeiors noodod Im- wllh w oodstove. 3 bdrm i/auHod Vaul coilmgs loom, laigo loi, jblu» — • • c.lfT Call 733.8350 ___nour^ Mnxto'a Plzzn & modiledimelyl Hourly wage. f^pUT£ : ' L = 2aversited ; ynid with __maai.e.M!Aa.iras A unorades ilomnn, RV pac ------— MI9CELLANEOU9— reirrp"c'ri<)irc3'ire7roirT"*>wkb(k-A<«t90fV-Avo------JULJoaM _____ L Pasta, Twin Falls. N o u 400 btk Fllor Avo "'i'i-’'.oa, dock, ourbinir“ - Quiott cuido-saccul • most 240asQ.iIII CallSl'uy cvllixl.w: p.pijrunl womnrvomon aril • ■ Assoclatod Busif OSSISS MISCELLANEOUS ------eary, _ ary.WIII Iraln. Call 733- 300-40 )(] kennel, QOrdon 51I4.114.900 733-5202 10 seo,00 ll now. |iiyac»*ltn • Products has an immodl-Wl- Parts counier person RESTAURANT p 835C1350 lor appolntm onl. 00-M'500 bik Jachson St L .'ln rCALL a DEANNA 734-8000« or0 730-7511 ato oponing lor a lull timemo needed. Exporioncod MANAGER p, Now hiring. Ask«k lorI Chad. 400 bik Ouincy St. 06 or RALPH, 733- 420-3943 o ------ttr o u H J3 or 734-2452 ^ Tlii rm<-.p,TC< wi rtt Vrc dc.i^o/y driecr 8-Spmpm prdlonod. Apply nl Grocr'saopfylnpofson. Vacaiion r96-077. ______. accrpt.mifaiJvertlilnQlM Mon.-Fri. Wo oHof o«coI-:el. inc. 2064 Kimborly Rd. I i bonolils North's Chuck- V:******* V r-.l.iln»I-. Oiir leadois an>»s liolio.0U» sond rosumo to Associat- ) you like talking on Iho 51DING1 Now rooll Coldw/ v e i l inbinioci Hial nil Swoldmotllntlt Rd. TF. Do yoi , ■ afrtC-jtl h Sm WCpopw .W od Business Products 430 ------phon'hone? Are you looking ^ :llago slyle home QUARAl Bluo Lakos BJvd.N. Suilo MISCELLANEciu! ; 1ANTEED Bank'ker ' 1 Of YARD PERSON 'RESTAURANT lor}r justiu tho right pan llmo ; has a lot.lot ol amoniiios 2 . 1-, Irarrvmn B. Twin Falls, 10 83301 or Waiirosses i Cooks want- . job'?5b'? Musti bo abio to work ^ i>i bath. 2 lamlly ADS MU Wostern R e a lty | i-ooo.ix;> apply In porson.______Noodod lor building maion- ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ; 733-236!J65 I 07??, IhiTolMiooIelsplelsgwa __ al supplier, Forkiilt, deliv­ od at Oxbow Calo. groat ovonivonings. Contact Sandl. W W one Wllh liiopiaco bonollts. Bliss. Id. Apply 3111.Moln ]]. Avo. W, 733- ' wilh Fobc]bco insori. Groat Buy th eI G lu a ra n to o d Indopondemiyy^owned& c i I krpuiTd b MISCELLANEOUS ery truck oxporlenco & building maiorials knowl- In person. 09311931 oxt 273/274. Times PEPSI/,1/COKE route, 50 to n c e dd bback yord ond packaqcago and Tho Jows Tolamarkoimg locol1 o!established silos. covorodid C paiio complolo edge nocossary. Musi "jPooplo WiU. tom«U.lAQ to sen s News guar- i-boo-743-. ------! . REDUCED to S49.9(19.900....- Wostorn Novada Supply havo cufront drivers gSCO>-OwQ(M/1«005t1'6342 wilh buillJill In bnck BarB- TimeSN' Company, an Elko Nova­ and pooplo who wanl lo V is 10 sell mer- new listin^G1 g G re a t COZY BUT SPACK'ACIOUS. ' llconso. Pay based on his IS o musi 5oe! antOOS l< da aroa lull Imo plumbing buy... inal's whal dastlllod ------iAVE MONEY : 3EANNA 733 0636 Chanilandiso or ranch style horlomo wilh 4 : Don’l lel this homoomo pass , i" oxporlenco Call 733- lUjYonlslng l» nH aboul. WAIT!AITRESS r * IS, separaio • you by U p d atedHod a n d & hoaling wholosalor Is lorualSI OOlbox Of RALPLPH 733-9576. automolm otive ilo m s bdrms, 3 baths, ------FT. fli’. grovoyord position. NAME BRANDS ’ ), sp a cio u s Iroshly painted., Laundry Lai looking lor a shnrp & ag-4 ; ilan immediately. Apply » 0^ in 7 day!lays and ,oal grossrvo individual who is RETAIL Sian Cell 734-7234 ; , Europoon on moln level plusplui fin- MORTGAGE pRETAILSALESPOSmON m1 personpc at Tho Travel- :e in 15 d a y s a,ylo kitchen on nico cor- ishod basem ent.ni CALL ( willing 10 sian ai tho bot­ Mortgago Loan originators {, Is avallabio wiih a Lumbo' er'sir s O' asis. North ot iho j u c : Vi M E S - N £ W S /O will re ru n nor lot wiih RVIV poiklng & B O N N IE-PA RSC=1S0NS. tom & go through a train­ noodod lor locaj mongago' 1 Compan. In Koichum. Id Hansfanson Bridgo, No phono ing program. M ust havo j an addition- garden aroas,I. ! SI 12,000. CRS, Oualily Servlet)ivlce wllh “VO comoany, must havo_;-CT.wittLt»nolits^o!aiiox__calis, : IRRENTLY HAS WI l IEM iS ------OBOOTJOoptir^Klits-A-Oo oxporionco. ContBCt p; porionco protorred. Caii ------1£-F0LC0WING - -STATe-Fe-REAL-TYrlNG: ------a l'7 -d•daya-'al-no a ' ------«G h.200------onthuslaslic. College do­ «!«»• Sumor at 733-7300 1! Wes ai 206-726-5616 WAREAREHOUSE ------IHC^DEPENDENT— i .734:0500______add itiolionaijjbarge, n ____ HALLOJ ------R«duced-tft-St. groo Is a plus. W ostorn“iQ EXPRESS PERSONNEL 5SI. warehouse suporvl- r'& a i ------10 thle e cc u s to m e r. Realty■y Lovoiy homo bumHim In 1994, Novada Supply Is a^^2 32 111 FILER AVE., TF. ISALES ]S RR IE R R O U TE S i ------ior noodod Forkiilt opor- C ' / l V T h o re3 is a S3 extra 734-43^.334 3 bdrms, 2 baths.ihs. main yoar old last moving com­ I Wo warn serious caroor Itor, ator must lltl too lbs. .&AVAILABLE [ f Z lloor laundry, ggas as tlre- pany ollering good bono- j minded pooplo. il you ggn. I >HA charg< loll-motivatod. Good e n s u ' d OLDER home."lOOOsq-lt . ploce plus basorrso m e n t. tils & compotiitvo salatlos.'io t NURSE II warn a caroor in sa les, mnalh a,| & peopio skills. WENDEOELL ROUTE | . , . o s CNA'S NEEDED I 720 Blue Lokiikos Blvd-. BONNIE PARSC=ISONS, This Is not a aalos caii us. Wo oiler prolos. Send g e n resume w/tols, EasiAi: Avo A, 100. 699 bik ; V ' / .kage. Ads $58,000,323 2 4 - 7 6 4 0 CRS- Oualily Sen/lctin/lco wilh p o s itio n . R e sp o n d) in IMMEDIATELY! I - sional iralning in a toam pQ g : Avo a . 100-699 bik , I i l a J F & surrounding a reas' ’O B 7t6. Filer. Id 83320 "OUR m p'"'" a y bo c a n c e lle d . . ovonings. ______VI »95-361 ______w fitina b,y_3lL3/96 10 _ orieniod high periormarico — Roger- l6Hlroo ' Wostorn Novada Supply. AREKOUSe------^------CTfTTS^535------1------_-y. / W = > ------r-you-cpend-^------Atln: Tod Rovlgllo, 450 S. Jowol'5 Hon^^MO. KEZJ/KLIX/K 98.5 lor SampIimple Analyst ./-\LJ convoni/O n ien ce b u t your days, claslastlllod Ills I I J ------4th-Stf«®tT6lho-NVNV ___ 1243LynwoodMaU.___-~mtorvlowr-T33-7512_ Asgn•grow Seed Company- BUHLR c h a r g e w ill-' — your busy scho .ROUTE ------T IM E S {CLASSIFIED-- — the chi I t r / a v K ------« E r l W 89801.______MF/EOE las sookingSO' oppticanls for a gtrt Sl3iNorth-all I ; DEPEPARTMENTj remainlinlhBSame. I ___ NURSE ------F/T 1■n w arehouse/ Sample Pmo • i iS i andcor® STATE REALTY.TY.INC. 1 MISCELLANEOUS FT RN, Three 12 hr. shifts I I .vleoaloweiltlorior you today. 734-0400lO 1 - equalling 40 hrs. Join iho SALES knolyst. Anal Responsibilities Oak ':ISS-ISo«.• E ■ I 208-5B-734-5530 I------AMERICAN STAFFING Croativo onorgoiic saio s mclu :ini. BCC toam 10 holp moot '• ncludo oil sample anoiy' Spruceice - 900 bik '. ______.Your-omploymCDt spodni- clork w aniod. Apply In iis functionsi f tag/lobol poplarlar-900 bik I ' " Isisl Plaeomams inciudoJdO 'I’O chailongos ot me 90's poron at Mado In Idaho or prop m l In LTC. Good bonolils, )roparation. receiving & Holly,- a■ ii I Tomporary. Soasonal, USA. MV Moll. Musi bo conc:ondHionlng documonta- Undenon • 900 bik and Full-llmo, al Otilcollco Roquiiing good roloionc- able to work all mail hours. iion j(]ht os & a true dosiro (o woik ^ lon & sol-up along wiih C a ll Rogor- R loll Iree nnd Professional dr Light )thor in-plonl woreliouse 543 •46404C - — tL tM lL k Industrial lobs, wllh a varloty of rcsidoni , typos. Coniact Nancy 01 . jporolions. NEVER A FEEI EX PA N D IN G imo Bur. ro^ i )BK tho Builey Care Canler, , ‘ BQuiros High School Di- Ify eu lIlvo In Iheso areaa , BUSINEESS & SEERVICE 734-S452 1-800-721 WORK 'ley.. manutaciured hom oj piom>lomo or oquivaloni: pro- A a n■» IntaraatadI In M n g : Strving the EntIro MagiclalC 1729 Miller Avo. Burloy. company. Wo want pro- vlou “ ■■ 10.(206)678-9474, rious seed roialod oxp. anlniIndepandant route •Vallsy.Fof 10.Yoarsj_ i lossional.i cofoor.mind-, .seaflioed.lob oauipmcf^l.oxp.. -carrlei■lBr...PleataCell one I For mat wegkond hldoawaym OFFICE ASSISTANT I '.ed people. Positions in loikiiorkiilt oxp. ability 10 hit 70 a t thaIhl above num bers •. Call 733-0931 tMli t 1 /o r more Infomallon or youru ritrvle c rrpr«enfof/vc youVo always droamod o!.ol. ' Oflico Assisiani noodod,. 'Twin Falls and Burloy. ips,bs. Baste 1 computor skills ttait your search In Iho real'eai 30 hours per week Var- Must boo peopio poraon. doslijoslrablo. THINKIIKING ABOUT SELL- 1 preplen-slay out ot' the oilalo columns ol dassiiiod. iod duties. Ollico & com- work vory woll with others. Submjbmll resume lo: INGYniry;Allhomo------Cail73A-5175 no cnll - we ll Oo It alll 3notIlngS75.300,000, j® repairs Inside & oul, 10 plyaiD&BSupply. EOE.3E. apply. EOE Cl..aiM.73J.06Zt Sub'conlraclors & Suppli­ aso give mo o confi- ers, Blueprinl copios. yrs oxp. Froo osilmalos. I SALES , ------dontia,iiai call. My name Is ' 734-PLAN (7520). Call Bruco 733-7543 JOHN'S SHARPENINGNO Saios Porson 10 market A Woynyno Bosh. You moy ___ SERVICE • Specially vogotabie equip- roacM_:h mo al my buslnoss: O.M.V. SERVICES Complolo sharpening, mont nalionwlde. Ouali- TYPING '9' J-3151 orolhom o Word Processing •One Coll Fixes All* Carbide & stool sows,a. fled candidaias should Protesslonal p ., resumes 736-0<•0016 Homo Ropairo-lnsido & Oul Clipper sharpenlnn-repnir.*Dair.* havo on agricultural bqck- ^ Proof Reading Cindy at 733-1606 Pick up. dolivery nnd FAX Will do ail to satisfy you 141 Brockon S iS We have an immedlediate opening for an ground, prior sales oxpo- _____ iro 10 Indudo prico *.hofl PI' FREE ESTIMATES wflslngllBrnj lor tain In available. Call Trocy ' 734-4050*1-800-471-40501050 nician. We are growing rionco. good computer ■ b CALL 736-8840 experienced technic and longuago skills, and I ■ islllod.______636-5667______1------fa^U-If-you^e-an-in-individuallhaLwants.... -y^llnQnoGOto-iravalXomwl to make a difierenience and are customer^ ponsallon. basod'on sal- I ■ 3 0 2 I ■ ary’and commissions, is I A lONEYTOLOAN [ ■ ne directly, Mr. Chuck I driven, contact me commonsurotewlth I ■ AAA-1 SHELTON'SS experience, Excellonl I ■ StO-lOOKSS ^ Hosman 208-324-39•3900, or 208 734-6565. BRENDA'S CLEANING CUSTOM.ROTOVLUNO TREE SERVICE hoallh and rotiromoni I | 'Rolinarnanco & equity loans, Serving Magic Volley We have 401k relretirem ent program, SERVICE ^ Troctor mounlod 5' tiller >y bonollts. Roquost moro ______20e^734-8727 2 Noiobioo big Wood River Volloy Informalion or sond re- M Blado.from ond loador section 125 flexil:xible spending plan, 301 - :------All supplies lurnishod Wood cutting orwhorovor sumo and salary history, ■ . , SS NEED CASH? > FREE ESTJMATES - medical insuranceice, paid vacation and • BUSINESS wobuv'uy notes & loni esiaio Established E cusiomors Post-holo augor ■ 10 KPR. Iric. Wondell. Id_■-■• - OPPORTUNITIES co° ir Call 324-4076 736-3518______m a n y excellen t b en’nefits. e 83355-0G08. Closing dato_■ ^ ilracts. Creative Murray Boikman 734.6030 Dnce.1-800-a99-4009 — April 15.______* fFISHING. | ! CAMPING AAA QUICK ELECTRIC^ DANE'S MOWINQ/nLUNG HIGHUNE Vico ANO HUNTING cREA'NATIVE MORTGAGE Residoniinl. R Commeicial Mowing, tilling ond earth Prolessional Troo Sotvico ovo gone MLM. Excoilont I Industrial Ag Conirols Uconsod & Insuredi FINANCING I moving, Commorclol and 'Ing TEAM business ond Income ' Aiirncti Compu Pneumatic Co Gon Tioe pruning ♦ shaping 7 3 ^ 5 6 5 ' ictrvo mongago raios Co tosidonliol. Froo esiimal- - balancing ♦ removal'al National hoallh/envtronmen- opportuniiy. For into call sinr]laning ai 7.25% for: Call ' for Estimate 24 hr' .es. Call Jim 423-6464 ,C yS 324-3900 tal Co. sooking individuals 1.20a-67B-S989 ♦ ,8 iaand r 2nd's up lo 100% . 30yr3 30 0xpor.916-965-8088 slump grinding to holp In Twin Falls otlico — GREEN CUTS BY BILL •Free Eellmoles- S. nonovmor purchases 736-1166 or 837-461414 In a toam almosphoro. * ************** * J ^ b>biie i i homo loans ~ Mowing. Irimmlng. Iree ______735^1492 • OISDISTRIBUTORSHIP Dl consolidations ■ osilmalos. Twin Falls B . aroas. Commercial & DALE'S TREE UMB SALES * • * ick loan approvals H -CHIPPING Bo V our O w n ♦Crodilidil problems okay B rosidonilai. Woik Entry Level THE BON MARCHE guaionloed. 326-3133 Formulch or disposal.al. is curronily hiring tor full B 0 9 9 II Locollyillyovmedondopefoiod ™ Free Eallmates. Bogin 1096 by owning THEi MONEYh EXPRESS A-1 DRYWALL l200)73->-2742 .■■andpatmma-poaltiona— -&rporthar>gin{tMoplno,-4------.T onyls-L nndscaping— your own buisncSsl------“ p 7 3 5=P033~6f~caircaii«ci~ ^ ------E» ------'^2cJ)733:31S3------■ Musi bo Iriendly, customor Ioxtuflng.Sinco1978 & Homo Ropalrs — MANAGEB sorvico orieniod. and oblo *Unllmiiod ^ '1 Prpfit Poienlial. ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ * ★ ★ ______Jobs large or small, Pruning, trimming, new r — hrwofk-an-mollhoofo:— T*.ET;P-T.Na.SeUino! ______'*■**■ ______.TREE.5T.UMP_0ajNpjNG5 m ______: Locol oreas available. IntBite re s t r a te s aro — ^ C7ugTD35in(nwnoi------Hiwn'Bpnnwonjnayn!------AND REMOVAL Slartirig wage D O.E. 733-3579 expor. Wo do whol you Apply al sioro's business ♦HorHondling Horshey s, TIC FREE ESTIMATESs — TRAINEES d o w n l _ i can'll Free osl. 734-3322 733-1554 TAC&COCACOLA ,p... otilce. Tho Bon Marcho is t A 1 lies as low as 7.5%) ALAN'S ALj Genoiol Carpenlw P i z z a H u t’s COIcontinued growth and an equal opportunity PRODUCTS! P” }- Is tho timo to ^fin,inco , Po, Mln. Inv.dncludoj Form & City. Largo & Small created an Immediate your homo to r • • i Indoor & Outdoor expansion has crt - - Locations). . qoOobt consolidalion ! » Free Inlormation pack, All Types Consiruclion need for IndividLiduals interested in a THE BON MARCHE lomo Improvomonis j All , Work Gauinnteed i MegieVelley Mall •** ■Extra cash : Innovatlvo T utoring•Ing career in the servic(k^ice Industry, Call 734-3244, 1-800-488-9292 .Rankrikruplcy S'poor credit ; — MAGIC VALLEY MEDICAL IndlvldualUed We are lookingig forI people who know * 24 HOURS programs ovaiiable. DESIONDE S REMODELING SUPPLY AND OXYGEN K-8 *Phonic3 ************* Roading ♦WnllngeVathlath between-effort and ‘SALES *** -800-454-2645 i Tllo work, marblo & MocScartvModicaid/lnsumnco the difference b limostono bovoling. Hand Call Bocky (^734-7032032 Do you ilka talking on tho A n IdahoId Company j - • 734-0600 Twin Falls re s u lts , w h o a r e willingwill to develop strong phono? Aro you looking ____ made Spainiod tlios. 436.6566 Mlni.Cossia lor just Iho rlghi part timo J T H murals, (ireploces 4 1-0OO'3O3-OGO2 Idaho people and producjuction skills. W e want JEIVL BU SIN ESS O P- lounlnins. 734-4490 )0b->:Mu9lbeobl0tOwork PORTUNITY - A sm oll ^ ------in d iv id u a ls w ith initiinltiative and self-mptiva- ovonings. Coniact Sandl, lood establishment, local- ■ 304” I . —; SAWTOOTH SHEET I ave strong leadership 311 Main Ave. W. 733- 'vod T in o high iratfic oroa. ■ __ ^INVESTMENTS INCOME TAX tion and who havi 0931 oxt 273/274. Timas METAL I term committment, Coll Sylvio tor mora inlor- - Healing/AC Rolrigoration PREPARATION abilities and (ong tei motion 734-3811. •STWENT PROPERTY PROFESSIONAL Allordablo Raios lln Falla finest luxury Commercial Coi and rosidonlial Pizza Hut offersars payed training, com- "Ij!! (208) 733-8548 ROORNQ& COATINGS • JACK STEVENS irtmonl communily. 00 __ 733-4786 . high-end performahce- THREE M a : ' 733-7221 or 326-3857 petitive salaries, hh SERVICE Exporioncod IS. pool, club houso. SOUTHERN Cl IDAHO Commorlcal, Industrial, REALTY ■ Preseisenily under conslruc- ^ based raises, fullylly paid medical, dental tiro mon looking tor a job. .Building & Ropair residential. Buildup rools. Call Mika 208-773-7120 | 7 3 3 - 5 3 3 6 and life insurance,:e, paid vacations, free mas Development Co S'Smnll R«modiH'no. Rooliog. - Leaks repaired in 24 hts. ______I S^l'ng, PAimirg. Docta. m e a ls a n d r a p idI a

. QUIET. 4 boO'OOm. full bQSUnionlI Twln-Folli 30 Acro Form. BUH3UHL For Salo By Ownor l OW'TRAFFICABEA■A _ Sitflon3lQl3.NEWonaoilII 2 5107 houso. shako roof, 2 2 ocrosa S. of Buhl. Groot En|Oy llitf. lovoly liimilim.l'y S01).000 Call 536-5227 vinyl aiding, 3 bdrrfi, 2 Iocnlion, locj boautiful viow. ’ homo wiin ovor 1700 Sfltl “ Path, firoplaco. Lnnd- CALL 543-4279 0 hdrmo, 2 bnirii,, Inr^jtnmo QOODINGNow, 3D(Jm., 2 acnpod with codar-ratl — (nrriiiy homo, inrcio loi.0l ''2 < . bnih, 2 c nf0Qf.''QOw'o0o-*' loncos. auto sprlnklors, 2 IDAHO ID^ PROPER-m C.lr ti.irrtflO. (fuil Ifoca0C3 nor Soo nl 029 Pino.’ • car aiiachod gorogo, 10' * ‘S) ,Qlo Goodino.lD.034-0!94, -SNAKE/SALMON C-iii Slioy to« privQU 24- atudio, 20’ « 30' shop. RIVERS viowiriQ 733-5202. J jsj s i \ VAitor shoros,'Irrlgatod. ^ rocJucoiJ.io Sflo.SOb. 5 0 6 Groat viow, could oasily . 45 ^ AC - $29,900 jpoctacular ocroogo ovof- JERO M E/ CO suBdividod, $250,000 Spoc Call Colloon for doialis looking 1®*^ nat’l forosi & HAGERMANfHOMES Salmon Rlvor Canyon. tI x 4 0 X L T 4 X 4 _ g 1 9 9 6 B nronco XLT 4x Rocord-solting wlltJilfo, 1996 Fl50 CB THREE M mlnuiosi 10 boot launch & 1 HAQERMAN CUSTOM VAN CC:ONVERSION KIT Coldwell Now homo on quiot sifool R E A L T Y rlvor.Zc Sodudod homosllo 3l20HvonblO5tj tl 7 3 3 -5 3 3 6 • w/drlvoway «/d & EZ accoss , |] Banker Pick your corpota & colors ______OlOi olong now gravol rd. Sur- m Western Realty 1 voy. wnrronly dood, 5120,900 ------n3--736S------y . THOMPSON & NELSON ' - ...... -5 1 3 . I flnonclng. Call ownor to­ IndopcnOonily ownuO 3 ...... BUILDERS - ACREAGES&LOTS day do (208)839-2501 opuraiod 037-6313 or 037-620-1 ■ (0:30-0:30 /g.' PCT) ' ______1-000-743-S027 I Collulnr 420-3943 5220,000. Horso proporty ---->SROUE-COUMJ-Y-4g_II _ ■in I— o.Kan'dinalra^pprox— .JER RENT TO OWN —HAGEHWAfrVAtCEV------ocros, nomo siio pasturo. C 5 ncrof. ol postures, 8 Con ocr< 025-5017.______n brtfm, V, acre. shod. To buy or noil thni spocinl stall barn, hay siorogo. Col S3000 down, S550/mo.lod. property, Cflll Mark nl r rnacliino shop, ond othor ——(IMBERLY (SOUTH) 20 50% ronl c/oQil 73-1-9034mo. JENSEN REAL ESTATE outbuildings Tho homo IS ''''^1acros. Excodoni homosito 1248 WashingionS 034 200-837.61.16 nn aitractivo spilt lovol polonlial. Coll 423-5278 Stock #'s NA18491.L, LA40900. - WALK TO THE PARK T with a total ol 4 bdrm s. P°’' 351 AUTOMATIC, CUSTOr•OM PAINT. GRILL ITJ Hogofmsn.Vlflw Pfoporty' 2'.ibath5, lorgo lomily :iassllled , . . lor people / n i I P 351 AUTOrOMATIC. PO W ER WINDOWS.WS. and havo room Ior ilio tiiiis 2 5 ncroa. 2bd»m 2 bnih everywliorel 733-0931, GUARDS. BED RAILS. RUNUNNING BOARDS, fC AM/FM to Orint) Ihoir Irionus ir ^ room wild liroptnco and gyg, r .P O W E R LOCDCKS. CRUISE. TILT. AIR, AM/I , ^ homo, finlshod bnsotnont Onsomoni Inrijlty room ____ SUN SHADE. POWER WIN/INDOWS, POWER ■ IMis -t Uodfoom Momo 'ARADISEI Horo II >sl 4 SETTE. CUSTOM WHEELS iiiQ w/5iorofoom. ' ibnlh, uMi-' and bdrrn Nico covorod LOCKS. CRUISE..TILT. T AIR. C rt' ty room, p.miry, liroplaco, bdrm. 2'/» boih conlompo- HOICE '• dock in back look oul ond mofo 10 otiuf Wllh lull cJ.iy-., and bar. Datn corrnl. pas- rory boauty on 2’4 ocros CUSTOM WHEHEELS ( f' ligh'i basom ori:, huili in I (jQ'don nrod wiili numor- ,afy 1, l u r o . mil Ionco, lots ol, . 'oua Iruit troos. A must with a v(ow of South Hiiisl ciUnn hutch & funcoci_ .j, spnng wntof SISO.OOO. $109,000, CALL CAR­ bncW ynrd Call OuUbio .. • sool CALL DEANNA 733- sOLYN i 6 CUTLER 733- ’^artin^ ait ^2 9 9 /M o imth* ,s ,„ 325,000 down ownor will, 0636 OR RALPH 733- q L Sta D.iniols lodny 73-1-104-J.55lj carry 010%. Can 837-6208 9026. <[p5-1S6.______J— ------Or>ir&69.«00-»0D-695- : 9576 *95-409. 9021 MAGIC VALLEY’5— -Nrea'A-Barmrr-aonrJ'-r ■ Iger ExCab 4xi x 4 : Y iJnifi. 1700 oq. ft. tri.lovol 1996 Wlndsi^ a r G L 4 x 4 1 9 9 6 R a f t j REALTY Now rool. liro placo in­ 1GEM 734-1991 sort, coolor, lan, Qordon &‘ STATE REALTY, INC. STATE REALTY, INC. ■ (run iroos. Nico noignt>or-■ 734-0400 »*' 734-0400______■ WHY RENT? ___ />oo- JUSTREOUCEDll 360 : BLM AUM Magic Hot Springs aroa Vory good acroago. Will pay CASHI H S77,50fl. 423-5130 Of 423-6895 ■ A i - Oy ownor. 4 bdrm w;don. rango. will run CO hond for 4- 3. m SB SABALA Ig. cornor lot w/pool. Auto 6 monlhs. Call OIck Non fULLY LOADt REALTY sprlnklor syslom.423-5355 655-4260. i 514 I FFULLY LOADDED YCI'OUR F IED 733-4321 'incom e PROPERTY MURTAUGH THREEM CHiHOICE ___ 3 bdrm 2 botH. romodolod,, REALTY FOR SALE r 503 ~ t now plumbing, olocirlcal. Unit opartmont bulioing BUHUFILER $«" \ Klichor* has hard wood 7 3 3 -5 3 3 6 4 pluauni 0 mobllo homo noor HOMES flooring. Dish woshor, . downtown Gooding. arting at 2 ^ 6 9 / moitilth* now rongo 2 car garago.• 20 < ac. Burgor. mobllo ok § 0 “ Sta ___ $29,400 posalblo to OCfOS _ 6E»col. jp i Incomo ond In vory_ — -----8V-OWNER^-t)dfmr-1-1- 1 acro: S59000. goM condition. Building . bnlh. 1728 sq. (I. Cornor •All prices *2.000 down1 o n 2 4 m a le a s e . + ta xX |& title & d o c . f e e o f *59"I" + 1st & aquisition fee,», withwi ------lo1-A-V»-AsWno S55.000-nor ------!------ttnd.niobiio.homo.on..4_ ___ i - Call-Clattlllod.- 733-003S.- - lots.fif'd Poaalblo ownor .‘300 commercial *&& other factory relsates. Coll 6Q6-2119ovoning9..00- MURTAUGH-2 houses on- « We're randy when you aral lot# |9.. 2 ocros, 569,000. Coll carry. Call for Inlormailon — 432-0634.______Just Listed...! BUILO YOUR OWNI Home In Wondoll on ovor ND A BETTIE R D E A L Now consirucllonl Suporo YOU WfVON'T FIN Oo you nood o placo lo 1.5 Hon- acres. Homo In excol. FIlof 3 bdfm , 2 both Is i 609 buiid Ihoi droam ol yours? j .5 { Thon Ihis Is It. A 1.0 ocro :ond,; com 4 bdrma. 2 boin, N E W V E H I CCLES! yours for only S97.900. |sHOSHONiHOM^ ivoll cared for. room lo ONJ BRAND N CallJudynowl . tot in Moadowr.ldgo. sulld won another homo or ■■ JU ST LISTED! GrOQI 3 subdivision. Only $29,900, -bulliiiorogo unlla. This hos ------^— BARKER—— —bdrm. 2 boin with lorgo Coll Jim Hoog today 01 a,ori ...... -.&III543-4371—...... 733-1278. »JH-270. /ory ygry good Invoatmont po- pork llko yord. Supor lo- ontlaT In oddllion lo lovely ...... 'c atio n on Iho rivor, CAU MAGIC VALLEY }ldorhomo. 'onii- 5115,000. — JOANNE NIELSEN now 505 “ 10 8001660-2994. REALTY , GOOaNOWENDELL Two ocros locolod on 734-1991 le Tw o O 'A v o n u o E o st In I'”' ------Sooding. 160 Excol. home- CHOICE TWIN FALLS llio: Goo< onty this ono parcel i GEM BUILDING LOTS. olt. tlio: Land ia level and* . 34*ACRE HOBBY RANCH STATE REALTY. INC, AvQllaWo In Sprlnglono 'ery loll, buHdabio. Ctoso to * Uniquo 3700 squoro lool?;{ 734-0400 subdivision. All uUilllos lehools very and downtown cuaiom Homo. Quoattlio ...... , I Including gas and cable. 3podlng.'S22.995. schc Call . coltogo. Horso & catilo>UI I 5 1 2 Pricoa ston at $18,500. Woodland Gpoc A esocittea facllliios. Shop & out>0- I FARM/RANCHES/ Bultdora wolcomo. Woefor Information on ihete 420-3043or73e-7511 . for I bulldlnQS. S375.000.Ml- I DAIRIES jualltv praoertioa. Torms. CerUnod opDmlsal. 734-BOOO or 734-2452. quail: Coll (208)834-5402. l o o i i at these fantastic m s 5 a t specials : - I : . ! i -Randy-HH aiisenrC heBW oict-^G eo«> I i | 0 I lOY! WHAIr SAVINGSIS! I IS®P i l M R l I ANDBC 1995 CHEVY 4XX4, ^C H EVRO LElET^ I■ ENDED CAB TRVCl ' I E X T E ^ ^ t ^ AMARC? o I SO, Auto. Trandmissic I # 6 0 8 0 Halogen Headlami: Vheel Anti-Lock Brakei 'E S l f_ i______I_____ ' *5646646. I I :reo Auto., Air, Pou-ciou-cr * AM/FM Ster. Rfick & Pinlorinlon ■ I Front Tow Hooo k a Pluf tax Steering, 4 Whcefhcel ■ & title. I Anti-Lock Brake Systemtern, ■ I ^1 ^1 *ub}ectto AM/FM Stereo Cassetteette, ■ I a o c ------:------Ful!:Center.€ofisokisole------1 — rior u l«. Plus tax & title. Dealeis»er wtaln* rebate. m s m H' • Subjoct to prior ~~ri Wsm CHEVYS-li i L M O T O R S h ^JCTENDED CAIAB Z I GJ\ E N E R A l I ^ g a PICKUlUP ■ F A C T O^ l R Y C A lRS! «6141. 2.2L EnglEngine m B H i 1 WM Dtivcr’i Side AlrtwUtbag, I ^Vhccl Antl-Lotl-Lock " t9 5 C H E V RR O L E T C OmsiCA . • B rakci. BenchJiScat S< I i « 1 9 i With Redinccllnera _ I R E M A IN D E R OF CORSICZAS, □ l ^ Q l AM/FM stc.Stereo I selectio n of cc;olors Plu* tax & with a great s i title, eubject C ta-t — ■ eq u ip m en t lopriorwle. I and e« Dealer retalni £k - rebate. I ^ I I — \t D T ^ 7 \ AT THIS P^RICE! VE LEFT A C- PRESSURE- NiiOHYPE I j i il-W ^'reopen-M ondav'thi'u.i\i.Frlda»-8-8*-SatiiTdav 8-6- HansenGhevvroietGeo akea Blvd.. N. at Polellntn e • (208) 733-3033 ssure7.:NoH\;iVpeatRandirf NO PIN EVER A D O C FIFEE ‘ i j^ N o Presj ------Drop In and sea usI-V uim m im m m md .t 1S54 Blue Lak SalurOiiy, Mnich ft, t996 Tlanmos-Nowa. Twin Foils. Idnho C-7

CASH Foi Mobile Homo3 - m ^ P A V % M A Ri C H 9 ' •1.D0O-311-1C07 jf O P ^ N HOUJS E S «• SATU CASUAL UVINOI l5 whnl you will qol in thisIhif, Cloan 2 boofoom mobiio homo-in Iht* Ciirnoo Mo­Mo- biio Homo Park Youilgot II1U cnriilroo living yoinOUi' looKinf) Iot C.iU Gono Shnip locJjly 733-ij550.” aiAI H i onlyS12,500 Ihls won'tI bo I hofolonn »GS-714 UKE-Sll• $157,000 M - 4 P M 2175 BtTTERROOT'$157,500'M l * 1 - 4 PM 1 5 1 1 BTTERROOTDHWE-$94,500 i n • 12-32.3 PM - 2767 CHAPARRALLCIRCIE-$1D9,9(IO*1:3W:30PH CII GiMI family home wiin roomm lotlo everyofit' 5 befltoom. 3 Br>Brick noma in pre51>gi0'rt area, showsS pmpridfl Ot ow netship. New o n Ifiee nmarket and priced ngnt. Come andndsee ; Ihls Ih'S '<^2 sq, f t, 3 DcDcdroom, 2 bath rloo^ptan won iwo5 MAGIC VALLEY;y ba!M home, 2 family fooms.ms. lots ol sioiage. Nicely •s ■< txdfooms,t 3.5 Bains. oaK vnchen,, TTwi w o fam ily to o m s . wncJetlul, con-OTlonaSte tiome. Spaoous famjy roomTMtnfaScy. wt • awards in Ihe 19D535 FFall Parade ol Homes. One lot iisI^ REALTY UndSMMd yarfl wiin spnnkicf sv o o e w in w orkbench fi/rpUce rrcM. ea 3 twlrooms, 2 5 Ckillis. wuned oilings,)s, 0central an masier suite and onene f(for the kitchen! Convenient lu paiks Cf systtfTi. Home is immacuUic (ormal lori Irvmg toom plm ow fsw l garaoe ; ,734-1991 1 win nice l>ghl oa^ment Ismilyly loomlo #96-016 ■ afeafea and storaot Beauiiljiiy landscapcc!iped wiin automatic ayijmrtng.I. di()out)l« oano«. bnek and stiM^ eilcrxy, RVpitVjng.RV - and scflools, tfiis 15i5 alallordahle new construction Conic ne and hjve one Omit lor you’ /95-07.1 HOSTESS: DEANNA DAISOGIOGLIO ^ 5P'sprmkleis «36-039 n (cne*dtad(>o; On conw lol m deiraSte kcalion rX~f9(H173 see lUis model home a: ’ HANS6N 1974 Concord 2 Ll!LISTED BY: V H D S T E S S : ILEXICLAAR LISTING AGENT:: RORON FREEMAN bdrm Single wi(]u Cnil ownnr, 733.5423 KAKATHY PARTRIDGE \ 11445 4 ^ A ddison Ave. Easijst • 734-0400 • ^ -ANDVIRGINJA------— -MAnUB.TT-'60-iaxia:------■ELDREDGE «“STSTETRESILTy,IN CrM -" y J Good condition S45003 ,EL ^ 543-S987 or 543 4700 " V Gol tonMlrtlno 10 toll? Sdl•ini’ i1 lobilo Ills low-cosi nny , . . vtllli **************************** ' ^ _ _ - v l c h a n cIES e ; ARE Vidooaioroinvontcjntory. Mov- INVESTMENT:NT 1972 Brondmoro mot . * ookod tho po- ios. caah rooistilistof, com- OPPORTUNir.HrrY hom o. G4xY4' In gogood duiiriod. 733 0031. JELL IT! BUYI Y IT S - '’■ou'’'® ovodool . Call 423- 0.000 sq.fl. buildingling down- ohapo. SG.500 CallI 430- 4 ------* VINTAGE 1920 BUNQi1Q A LO W O h’Cinal .* I (til3 5 u n il pulor & misc. C R£77Re«efle..,ExcollonI T im oa-N ow s Classified Will.FillMl EveryE Nood proporty, Ttio^o main homo S372. ploaso lon'lonvomsQ. lown T,F...Two tostrostrooms. 1595 aftor 5 pm. * FIXTURES, VARfjiSHEO WOODV f.Anowooo J btoak room, idonill (oi(Of ollico. ______■ .1990 Guurdon homo local-cni- ^ _ has3lJOdroor>oms with 936 l||0. 1 FLOOns. Full basement ;mt.1T>... KNOm-PiI.E FAM:------Of roiall. Hoal sysic ------od tn Counlrysldo Villnno. aqlt. Thispr Sk52' Ln>Q0 mnolor suilo. vnulioiJlioiJ * UY nOOM AND FrntPLACE OOl.D oum t GAniGE. Tfis * M .■ muchpoiamlin'J.TS;':” REMEMBflBER dalod. pacVlng r ava v 'Z w S : * IS TME *A>4TiOUEn‘S' DELC.KT-T •66,900. * . 7 - 3 3 - 0 3 : Jyouplncod Coll Sid lor motoro doioliad Iroom coilinna. gna hoat, conlrnlilrnl Hoag lodoy’ 19i9Jino^out all Ttwlbcfihdayadyc 1 bnlh. WO hook up., nnow oif, cnrport & bunulilul now * . o f t h o I n e oimo'potoniinl. m i somo limo nooi(j0in7f)O 734.8754, * P L A N A H E A D Buy Six c Intoilor paint. IncludutJos corpoling. YOU CANT DO IX CLMETEtn LOfS itJ * — . — ,_ 1 '733-1270. KJh•JH-579. ' Timos-Nows7 N( * S unset Memooul PA(^^. fo Fon *3,300 TOTAL * r i I k I olovo & swam p cool>olor. BETTERl CALL BOB OR OPEN HOUSEJ MAGIC V A I I P V limoto.comq pie^ I l u vory clonn. Must Soo00 10 BETTY TODAY. 734-2223.!23. * p « ic e . picluros. Siopiw I R W I ■ ■ « ,approcinio. S10.0C S at.. M arch 9“-. 1-4J ______RFAI }W!Ct>_D-OR!______, — *nancAT*FAiiiii:Y-Hoiyi3 M E - AU ON tHb <- " = ftLTx.______^CuGiDmoLSocd' >yi R E A t T * WAIN I.EVEL — 4 BEDROOMS3MS, 3-1/2 O.UHS, 2 * H 7 3 4.1 -t 9 9 1 , •TY " ^ T R W I N 4 — • * FlREF^ACES OfJ LARGE -N (GREAT SUPDiViSiON * ■ ! AOOrtvtalonTbrblino aWKoviat- _ 7 3 4 - 6 5 0 0 ______j Outsido Idaho 1-800.C1 * 3 ,0 7 9 SQ.FT. PLUS A J 412 2 1SF.FT, BASEMENT 7 » d /esu lU . WJWho/i »cu wrIlB g 5 1 5 30-GS0 3flff< • , 9 Q5 Flootwood , 28>8*56 r e a l t y 2 VOU'LL Find LOTS OF GREATEAT FEATURES rN iMrf. * — your dasslllecIM 8d. tra «uro I COMMERC■RCIAL 4 518 wood slOoO, comp, rc * ONE I *239,000. taaders unde^mrnlyour | PRQPER nM F<; condllion. S3S,Giow: 734-6500 ERTV I I MOBIl^HOM •6491 jOutsidoldanoi-oooGSflaoc,i m J DougV«a 1016 SPARKS ST.,riW T INFALLS i S l B8EAKAWAY TO THIS OPEN KOUSS.JSS. 3 BedrootTU. 2 b a i r u . ------on ijwln ftoof. I bodfoom . 1 M inm m tXBomcni. Iriofo's so I1IC < n l ''9 6 2 0 IV96182CC, Fully Loadod .. n _Wilh Compact Disc & Morol .tt m uch fo JOY ODOul fnis he "no.). N

______#9609 #95603Q , •Silvorado'Tkg., f l m I 350 V-8, Aulo., Fully Loododl V ______WTM1 - H o m.«n e e F e d e ra l------\WAS WAS $25,252 ^ ■ I 'TourMoftsiMUiKWr: Robin H*2*n

m v E K 31 I t MM N o rthrthcast location. 4 bedroom'.o m s, 2 . 7 S 11 I b o th\hs. s 2S60 tota\ square feet.e t. F cn c ed b'acky:kyar~drTpnhkler'systernrpfOfesifessionally ------" l ^ H landscdscaped. 5119.900. UR HOST: Brad McElllott IT,V-8,SSp«d,Till,H 8 ^ - 1361, 'Silveiodo' Hig., Awlo,, j T /(OWUH, v-8, Aulo., ^•p«nd>ntly ownfd and e p ra fd -urs«SC(BMlfe! !Q g f Air, (osselleS Morel Pcrwet Steering & MoralS ;, ^ 't 7 rREAXTY—^ - Ll{■sa — m j T 7 3 5 S h o s h o n e S l N. • 734.’3 4 -5858 | T Q I O P E N H O UJ S S E WU Fri, M arch 8, 4-77 PM & 3 2 Sat, M arch 9, 10-0 ^ 2 PM H I

J / m s j . ' «070T,SSp(»

^26 c llm d E'L ^ A N E m m i $ 8 7 ,4 0 0 — EXeEPTlONAL-FAMIL-Y-J-V-HOM E— —: T r 9 H FFORDA'BLY PRICED. 3} bcdrtiombi s, 2 iHis-wiih-nkely-litnilsCiifH'tl-yarJ,arJr-^uubk-.cuf ------y | | | | | | nijje Sl m;m y o th e r c x tn s. H O STEP BY; Brawlcyy RRealty S!= ' «0 2 8 T , ^ #40W,'lme()o'PJij,,AiJ.,At;lo., /400IT,IT,fiCYLfcilo.,AirJill, ruDyloodd Wilh Lowtw Mil ltsl OOi;is«&Ui«Milesli; y W t OPEN HOO:O s F l _E □ II m SATURDAY!-^- 4 P M K I — .I.T VTV-.T I >.!: !30 CORONADO AVMWtWNFALLS ^ STUD IN A WABM FRIENOIY NEIGH60RHCiRHOOO Ot a ptk:o , I IT. ‘Silveroiki* PVg.. 350 V-B, d ^ , «02ST. 'ilverodo* Pkg.,. DuiDuel /4004T, *Sil ...... l W w l t h 3 u con olford. Ihls homo wos bulil If A»lo„FuIfylMde ; IIZII'2 ^ I ond toko a look ot Iho mony footijosi f o s th is h o m o h o s H m K t S B l i " 'IS otfor at ONLY $92,355, <£S^.Orcc3fl7.00 733-5559- E m s n ^e . s j l e b P P j % MAGIC VALLEY REALTY ARE YOU SURE YOU WfWANT TO BUY A CAR OR)R TRUCK WITHOUT CHEIECKING us FIRST? ^ 7 3 4 - 1 9 9 1 lu» Tan. nil*. Uconma and Dee. FmM.. CD«al«r Rauin* Factory Rabataa. \R 1286AddlsonA»a.E. 'Y 1our K e * t: J E lllt S h a rp B MOPTGAae IK I E gig^B i|g5ggfi|^

. .1 \1- I

C*8. Tlmos-Nows, Twiiiviii fFnlls, Idnho SiilufUny. MntcJi:n9. 0 199G

W^(CiK \R 9 <

1996 Toyota’Cai!amry LE 1996 Toyotaa *3 8 ,59 T O T a c o m a 4 x 44 ■•aoo- , 'OAC. 36no.dci«dcndb(B<.P

t l 9 9 6 f j W9 6 Toyota Tacomm a V 6 T oy»./‘34-144 TERCElCEL *ODo«n/^29i ^ -0-*OAC, na.-cbud end koM. Pe)«tni pUto^i».)dpar:nMp^ ■ dSi ^ d^faW 1 demii d* (M>e)y l« b d of ^m.Op*cntopwite»el^2.w.)rcto

D o F oor M e, Toyotaa !i " - 236SHOSHOh)NE STREET W EST-TW ININ FAILSI I Tctcelm(ll1301,Tacomafima mdl 7100. $149/ino. plus tax lor 36j'rno^closrt^ me lease, S500 cash down1 ofOf tradt e o n Tercel, $ 9 9 9 cash d o w n o r Ir 733-2J2891 • 1-800*621-52477 I mo. paymenl. iille Ica and security< deposit due on delivefy lotalirtaling $344,45. Total ot paymerils S5.632.2012,20, O ption 10 p u rch ase T crtel a l lea se1 e VTacomalOfS7.562.62. BasBased on 12,000 annua) mileage ailowanc^nce, Sobjeci lo TMCC credit approval. Pictures Pic are tor llluslration putposos onl mnpm s m i B D T O ttp - i \ ^ m s s & inn!))

- ■ 1 f\' DSW CUTLASS i1 9984 8 . NISSAN 300ZX 1990 vw FOXX 1988 DOIlODCECOLT 191982 FORDT-BIRD 1987 vw GOLF 4-Ooor,Gl,5-Spted EconocJtol,, F(wFfonI Wlwel V«yHiafefTh.Ye 6 0 F 1985 OLDS Aulo, Air Co« 1 9 0 j ,WU1$ 3 9 9 0H * i lAC FIEETWOOD 19911 9 HONDA CRX 1995 HYUNDAI ACCi 1988 HONIIHDAa ACCORD 19911I 1987 TOYOTA CRESS Auto, Air. Lta Than 11,OOOCCENT Miles K8,V«yHk8 IAir CoridillonlAg, C8»rii DXMk9«1 Loo«t,LowMi!es Miles ~ was $7890 na990~^699O~ ~ wq« $7990~*73! -wai-$'r$9990^98O - --was- 9990^898WO — '' WBB § I I!-'- - '-LSt •-■=^ rU R Y 1991 TERCE ig- AkCondiHoning,5-Spt >90, was $6890 ^ ^ 9 ' FYMTROVAH 1 9 819 9 1FORD AEROHARVAN 1992 PLYMOUTH GR. VOTJrOTAGER 1995 TOYOTiOTA TERCEL DX 1991 1992 PONTIAC GRANI ■nMnjer. 'H, Aulo, Air Cooifiontnj 7-hastflg«r,AirCondlioning- Auto, Air,, BjobNeoriyStlOOO oob: - AutcAuto, Air; Put. Windoi^ low Milts &oooRikd4-CYbd*r, Aulo, Air Con^ Wikop '-tal itng - • •• wMj10,990 was $11,99010 ^ 9 9 9 0 was }ll,990^$t 10,860 WOl $8990 * 7 8 ^ I *6880 was, $7990$: *6990 ^983B 7 0 ^DA , , .J----- D'^onto,' " 5 ' HI -wm -$8990-^ 190^ I4RUNNERSR5 199191 FORD EXPLORER 1991 FORDEXPLORI 1988SUZUI^UKI SAMURAI 198!'85 FORD BRONCO II 1989 CHEVY S-10BU ,A«lo,Alr,,Lo.Hi|»$ ORER —— ------Kiwlc, ------— V4,Airto,AifCoo4SonJa91 ------r -. , .....:___ t3LV-6.Ifiod»dL_ nRool,^,Wndo« , , ...... 11,770 m»$14 w« $16,990^1 5,8< . ___JBps $4_9_90J0^3930 w a .I $$5990 *4990 was $8990 * 6 9 Speed mV-«,5-Spe*d.SvnR»nSool.Al.iWIM™ 4CtU>>S|»>l S|»(UUdll iMtidSotk «d : woi$18/

^ER . , V-i. Auto. Ajt. Sun fa ' B i l '90 . wo»$H,990^1 1993 NISSANAN 4X4 PICKUP 1^l992rORDFI5a 1999 TOYOTA 4X4 PH ^^^«4 1^ 1993 CHEVY K1500 BIABIAZERI URoI EXRASI,MuftSot! GntoffliwJlnidtBOuil Wytftikf,ndtr, S-Spttd X Alr.S-SpwlCfB.lte LoocU U II ^17^70 wa.$»t2M9o *20,760 WBi.$24,990 ^23^f - «l$I^990 ^11,740® w.$i$13,990 ^ 1 ! ^ 9 0 I ww$i3,990 * i 2 ; 9m i 4 9 0 B 4X4 1 9 8 k TOYO w/«k.Mi n>e^ OMOTIVE^^ 1 170 WUl$ 8 9 9 0 ‘ TOYO>TA « p U ^ m E X C EaLLENCE^.^^ L ! LLS WU Me. Toyota!i!" ' r " I L ave v W hat Yo.i 236SH O SHHONE C SreEET.WEST

^ (^ ■ 1 m D o F o r A

• TWN FALLS TWIN TV FALLS. Appllcotlons TWIIWIN FALLS EOEN:: CL CLEAN AFFOPO^ TWIN FALLLLS. WHY PAY TWIN FALLS,S -• W eotern ------e nS— o ~ ------1 TWIN FALLS OFFIC•ICE TWIN FALLS 1970 BfoaOmofo, 12x60 botng t3 accoptod tor ABLEE RROOMS for roni, RENT750dOdoMohomolnc«.co.KS. TWIN jy FALLS. Couniry ox- TWIWIN FALLS - 2 Odrm. 432-5241>241 loavomosaago. n ISr *or moro dolails. 324-€-;-€773 sq.tt., 13x14' ovorho.iQ Prot, Cameo Ea.733-7108 o ______oniry common an P V door. ocultvo homo. 5 bdrm. 4 do/ FALLS Quiol molol. BURLEY 0 ,S 1 0 'x 1 2 ‘ of- Ovorland Avo,0, locflUom l« MAGIC VALLE balh. 2 car garogo w/opo- = ” TWIN FALLS 1 ' .War'ehouae, oppto*. WE ARE BACK) ° M. 5375 mo. ind. mi- avaUable. for loaso. Inc. 51500 nil or loo: 7,800 sq.ll., ovothondiond Tlrod ot High Pionsuto nor. " 1 ac. Sprlnklor sys- yihWIN/ i FALLS - clean I crowa^avo 4 trig. 736-1068 Avonuo, C 119 sopaiaioly. 734-:•34“ 3167or r e a l t y tom, loncod. 5900 por ' " door, pnrtioily hoalod. S«loftmor»7 Dool Olfoetly !' bdrm. 5300 mo/» 5150 ------=------lorfloiaiis. 1-800-773-3167,07“ '“ 734-1991 _____ Call Stovo ior doinils. wilh Brockman Family. _mo.«dop. Call 736-1208 dop. quiot. no smoking. ^W N FALLS FAI Rm.. moois ------— .S 896 sq.ft. ______is,, 5300/m o-L O S QOOOINO f ------TWIN FALLS ' HALLOWS SoftKiptortnosomo TWIN FALLS. Lg. 2 bdrm, noW »|».^.73..92t3 BURLEY groat sorvico you oppfod* ^ f. private entry, lam- 0 1) G o 0 d I y 733-2545 |p,_ l-.A« .Knn SHOP w/12x14' doooor Realty houso, lormal dining tm. ^w/l'WIN FALLS 1 bdrm.’oll lly tm..I . T.V..T. phono. Ittun- Ftoniago. F Approx. 1.000 sQ.n. alod tor 20 yoars. Exdu* lg. ,, living rm. kitchon. toiaii business. TWIN FALl^S -sopaioto offico c 7 3 4 - 4 3 3 4 sWo Now Havon by ^ mils tum, 5300 4dop. CaJI dry. 5ffoff strool s parking, no ,0' « mcod o « ‘ S'ovo Hallow, b5ml.tam 1lyrm.uui. mi. 2 734-6202 ^ or 734-4809. pots/sm^smokino. socurltv CaiieisoS;1934-4374 Offico/Comm.nmordaioroa oil pavod. foncc Nashua doalor. 7 ail now car . garago. work shod. - r occuponcy Ovorlond Ave.0 loc«Hon: I( HALLOWS3 TWIN FALLS — dop.. NW loc . 734-6190 ^ n f AUJ tfoublM in stock. S q o o to a i s p r o c l o t o - TWIWIN FALLS 2 bdrm. 1 q, 533.0c XS For rent “ . 580SQI1 5 250,iSO.OftQpr . Realty SHOP-Oni -Socion BaOCKMANS 5700/mo. s 1708 Highland balh bai In 4 plex. AC. low ------______Ollico spacaco avail, Eost ^lic.,I Stovo lo a so 51500Dmff, m' 734- •TOA-A’J’iA Foncod. Zonod M-22 HOUE CENTER ^ FALLS; Capri Moioi. ‘’'win Fdlsis location,: sizes „ ^ " )-773-3167, _____ Eloclrlc Hoal Avo. East. Call 733-9081 • util, util oxlra slorago. loun- TWIN FAL in WS 3.6r.,.-80.-77 ______—9 rinne FALLS: 03m & crodil chock roquirod. ■ i i nOBILE n i HOMES Noar both Industrial Porit. dividual otilcososoroniiro < E WAREK0USEREN1NIAL Clmliied . . . Uio soiuikm lo HOUSE WANTED NEW ^ 4-PLEX $150 CoiiCa 734-1058 QRor 6pm ' 733-3300f . SSK'a"Avo.' 7tM-3737, suHe. Call 734-9C4-9075.' anvournoKdi T" Ro-locating to this oroa. 2 movingp allowance JUIweekdays.______or 3 bdffli houM noodod w/annuolloaso, „ 2 bdrm. 2 TWI'WIN FALLS Available Ploaso call Miko ® (360) balh,Z atl amoniiios. SS50 now. no 2 bdrm.. 1 balh. 366-7201-Daya or Jowol „ m o. * 5 5 5 0 d o p . O ls- Phoasanl pni Viow lownhou- ^ SEATSI 'S SEVEN! (503) 650-5917 anyllmo. counts^ tor multi-yr loasos. so. so 5430/mo. ♦ 5400 dop.. NOWi v ' i s t h e YOUI be plHunOy turprbod’ 73a<775 or 734-5505. Includos Inc walor Sgtubago. II WAITING! ______w o V I , ...... -BU)oi(.«a3)rft.!i.lo.pbca.s- Conidct Woll or Adam. s n TWINPALLSrCuto-l------734:0400^^3°; .______" y ------BESJSr-TIM£— (-W du»m«d ad. Thi coil If 'Ibdrm. now-polnt. no pots, ___ lew...tti«r*«ulliar«hloh. \ Tharid»i»ifled733-093l. 5295 * dop. 736 0937 TWII■WIN FALLS Lorgo IbCnri F O R T O> IB U Y A ■ opl.S350/mo plus dop. No EQUIPMENT I ild sm o b ile TWIN FALLS; Nico 2 bdrm, ^ ' TV Pots. Call 734-4120 R E A I LIFE!E! BUIC W/D hook-up, 5400 * _ & " 521 I 'f. MANUFACTURED _Hdop. No pots. 736-0937 TWIIWIN FALLS r - r NEW LUXURY a ‘. i 603 I * ^ I I FURNISHED A^TS/ APTS, : m 1 ' DUPLEXES UUST BE MOVED 24x60 I Doublo wido.For doialls ITWN FALLS • SECURE ^’releasing starts B Call (206)676-0019 E • aoan*Oulof Sat. St March 9 K 733-0740 SARAT0(3AAPTS TWIN FALLS 1st mo. troo Bo g J tho lirsl to livo in our 1 9 9 5 ISUZZU 1 9 9 5 BUICK 1 9 9 5 O w/1 yr, looso, boauiltuliy boautllul 1 and 2 bdrm im turn., ovor 600 sq. fl., 2 luxury opi homes, TROOPER LIMHITED CENTURY SILHMOUETTE bdrm., 1 bath. Closo lo 651 SafBlogoOr. . #58119, Wilh Evow Option Incliicludit>g Loalher #57051,SI, Wilh lolt of Exlrat,..Slandorcdordlll » S 6 0 6 7 ,-T h i.liAAn . Extroordinory MiniVan CSI. opp. ♦ WSG furn. Interior,In AM/FM (-a»,, P o ^jrWin3ow»& r ’ V-6EnflirMine, ond tho Convonionco ol1 PcPov«ir wilh V-6 Power,, CConvoniont Powor Sliding 5600/mo, * dop.. 734- Locks, Air, Anti-Lock Broketi ondo AAorol Everylhingl * Door ohand Much Morol 5665 days, 734-9888 ovo 735.1600 Wa -TW»N-FAUL&-CoMogo- -r;- l , 8 T l - . 9 - 5 . . I S f , o a o _ _ N o ! 601 I I ilrtctlona: Bluo Lakes ’ FURNISHED —apartmonls. kilchononos. -5 2 8 5 A u p . CaU 734.7S4S- - PBlvd. " Wost on Falls Avo. 'Am h io'Wondoll. south to Ca- _____ ' rweii, corner ol Caswoii ^ 604 I ondWendoil-______^ TWIN FALLS 2 bdrm. M l — UNFURNISHED ba30m«nlw/WDt)00kup. ^ APTS/DUPLEXES TWIN FALLS panially lumishod c o u n ^ I low 4-piex, largo 2 bdrm, • »■■ ■ home. Clotu to town. ■ Now MusI bo familiar w/coel ■FILER: 1 bdrm. senior 2 2>J: both, oll oppis. induding ~ h6at $4S0*<}ep.423.S92€.' *compiox, 50 yr or olflor. WD, roftig. G as hoat 4 h -ncTT>ots.-$375r1st 4 last.- central-air..Stotago.rm— - — S .TWIN FALLS , ' Call ci 326-4085 Carport. ^ Groal neighbor- |L ...... 2 bdrm. h0U80. ovoryitthg -ni — -hochood. Near CSI, 5570*d* r ■ fumlsliod. fndudos linons OOODINQ C now 1 bdrm, op- op. Call Jody at 735-0300. ■ . apt. All appli. in d . WD. arid dishos. now carpol — WIN FALLS Nico 1 bdrm.. ■ throughout all uUlltJos paid hoal pump w/AC. no pots, tw i' Coll 934-81S4.______I no pots, no smoking. 5320 • Irtdudirto coblo T.V. 1816 o ♦ flop., 825-4129 - Blzaboffi S595rtTW,t SSOO 1 9 9 2 FORD F-1 9 4 ISUZU TROOPEI 8 9 F O R D HAZELTON Syringe — l O N C O I I d0p.324-54190f733-5151 _Esiaios. f 1 bdtm opts in WIN FALLS Town homos X L T 4 X 4 LS bdtms. 5440, 3 bdrms. <#08543-0, 351 V-8, Auto., AAir, Power # 0 8 4 9 6 -0 , Looded, ■ (158106-6-1, XLT, v-6, Air, • ------^ ------1 & quiet for Ihe low incomo 5450, W indow s & L o ^ Tw ^Tono10 Paint, Now Tiroj UNFURNISHED . boldotly. handicapped or »ma;mailyard storage, WD HOUSES &disabled. Call 629-4206 ookups, Friondly M 4 ,9 9 f r 9 » 5 TDD0 1-800-377-3529 BUHU Nk» 2 bdm). 1 turn ,, aEMC (Hearing Impalrod).. io pola, P 734-’6600 ;! ■■■■- mobllo homoi No pols. j WIN FALLS ig, 2 bdrm I t o m $42S/month«doposn. Call £ lown hotntf','5460/mo > -----54^8342 Of 788-4305. ~ ~ ■tWiN — FALLS. 1 bdrm lT‘ 5335. ^«dop, no pels. 734-4120 ' Buhi 3 Bdrffl'nom* noar 2 bdtms, 5440. TWIIWIN FALLS. 1 bedroom, ' park & schools. $425/mo Bost s vaiuo in Twin Fails duplex, brick, range. < ■ ■ $300/d«p. Sorry no pols. 2Bright, b spacious & doon relrig. WD. hoat indudod, UM Call 543-8937. BoNo pots. 664 Ouincy Sl. •5300pormonlh.l8t&lost s ir . Noar CSI 734-6600 ♦ doposil, Cail734-6245, . HAQERMAN 2 bdmi. 560 >LDS CUTLASS StBto SL W/D and appls. ------1 9 9 3 V W . 1992 BUICK WIN FALLS. A-150,5550.“ f “ ...... C CIERA " " " for»cod. S440/mo • dop SHOSHONE: 2 apts tor 2 2 bdrm,b 2 bath, teftlg. ; C O R R A D O S L PARK AVENUE ------pioaso call 536-2468.'- - Iront, ! 5400,orid 5500. 2 tango. ,on DW. microwovo. ^ #00466-1, Sunroof,)f, . #67011-2, loodod, H 0 8 U«3-0^y-6, 3 Aulo., bdmis, rivor front and go- WD. vvO gas llroplac*. Water Loalhc^ 17,000 Miloiilot Al^Tho R i^ lE ^ i^ e n t HANSEN PsrfocI ranlsr rogos avallabio, 886-7622. . 41, w in ttd l Long lorm loaso ^ 4iroshoald, ELWOOD ft EVANS ^ 1 6 , 9 9 1 5 ■ - ^ 1 1 1 >95 I only. 2 bdrm. 2 both, nico TWIN „ FALLS Lorgo 2 734-1401 I couniry homo. Qardon* __bdrm. 1 both. Nowly ____ orchard-dblo garago- TWrodocoraiod. W alor 4 TWlfWIN FALLS. A-174.5450. | _ _ shop. $475/mo *200 dop. sowor b provided. 5550/mo 2 2 bdrm.b appls. WD hook- Coll 423-:<698. Rols. rc roq. 733-1067 or op, „£, corporl. Walor 4 uash ' K , 734-ysee. pd.jjtfw pg. Paint. ____ JEROME Two-3 bdrm e E L W ^ D ft EV'AiS------: K housos. $400 & S47S/mo TWINr FALLS ® 734-1401______. ------rS^0(H^t>p^^^«•e64^—- = Sludio for 1 poraon, 5200 ____ ♦ dop. No smoking drin­ JONES WE HAUL ™king, 428 Mojn Avo N. TWIIWIN FALLS. For loaso, ^ > 9 Z CHEVY LUMINi Usually can mov* you ------, brand b rt now Phoaoonl *** 9 M E R C U R Y 1993 OLDS a EURO AWWHERE TWIN U FALLS Road Roi condo, 3 bdrm, 2 TRACER for kna lhan roffling a truck. ■ #67 0 2 66-2, -2 V-6, Auto., Air, Power Wind SIsaUovlngMlowaneo both, bail SSSO/mo. 5550 dep. R O Y A L E L S ^ « e o ; 5 Nood loads to Calif A Arlr TV.Brand now. doluxo and No No pols or smoking. Rof- ; #66043-1, Ucltier, 16,00030 M iln, FREE ESTIMATES ' SIvory woll Insulated 2 oro oroncos rOQulrod, Min. 6 • Liko Now M o D o w ii M O .: CALL 324-3490 ■ bdmi.B 2 bath, ail apptlanc- month mo leoso. Conloct « o D I o w n 2 2 9 f O 05 including woshor 4 yva l^m9’ovmonl incI«J« tax. lille 4 doolof Wait or Adam 734-0400. - - 510,995 Scl North of Curry 2 oiory nj- ^ dryor. Water, sanitailon. n s > 9 9 £______9. 36Monlh», ll^ATOOAC : • ral farm houso. 4 bdrm. 1 and «, lown coro ptovldod. TWI^WIN FALLS; Townhous-' i _ _ bath, $650/mo. Now 5540 . 5400 dop. Call OS, OS 2 bdrm ,1bolh. romodol. NO smoking or 733-2983 or 734-8674 5450»dop. 545 Call 736-2838 pota. Call 733-6126. j. TW IN F A L L S 2 b d rm TWIfWIN FALLS: SovotBl 1 4 ' ' ’ TWIN FALLS bdrm, 1 bath, uill rm. all 2 2 bdmisb stoning at 5300,' . Largo3 bdtm. 1 balh hotno -ryioppis, AC. 5435/mo rHE.MQMT, THI 733-0739. 1 w/1 car garago. No amok- ♦ 5250 dep. Cail736-39<>4 — Ing. no pots. S57S por q, WIN FALLS DELUXE VV-- ' ^ Ttw.*dop. C-ico maker, solf doanlrig- 3 bdrm « tamlly room. 5525/mo Indudos all ulii- ovon. ovo DW, Coil 734-8161 s a x / Appls,-drapos, foncod- -qilioson1526' '; i TWIN FALLS Upper Scalo __ ISUZU . i; 7 3 3 ^ 0 7 2 1 / , T Studio. All utils, pd, ' iaiopDueuiifi)ui.c^.*^ {ACnosa rMOM M ACAOiC VALLBY MJUl.) f ; 4 bdrm. 3 baih. appls. hoi twS275/mo. f l 6 0 5 I lub. S975/mo ♦ dop. s ELWOOD & EVANS ■ROOMS p t FOR RENT I Rofs. rog, 734-9638 « 734.1401 U l ; m m m r n TWIN FALLS 2 bdrm. Ap- pllancos, oloctrlc hoot, foncod yrd, S450 Tri Co Prop, MflTnl 324-2734 TVyiN FALLS 3 bdrm.com- morclal zonod. S525 a PECiAiS monlh +S250 deposit For iMDIIII m m W mifip si lolorviow-call 336-4447. I TWIN FALLS 4 bdrm. 1 baih. «»mpt#toly romodo­ lod. G ^ago. &550/mo ■fdop. Coll735-0373. TWIN FALLS 4-5 bdrm, S 'iH 5550 por monlh. S550 dopc^L 848 Easilond Dr, roW N c ^ J litS»5T O W M CJAR; ^ : 1TO5 MilERCURY 19!)95 M E A b u i^ l South. Coll 734-4402. . 1 ruR E .SE R ii^'.v-::''.:.|SCECUTIVC SERIEI E S . - r s «tPLE i SAABLEW AOpN^M i ; ; TWIN FALLS A largo 1 i h ^ 'l i r a wortti ^opp{^ tv b m lI 0n'eoursa trtey af»boA equippM wW omiUe, front wheel drive. Eirjlpped bdrm, vory doan, W/O 4 jtiora Induding Ictyless ent^, poWefif i loda, pomt m u .'^ rrlK wti .' sw a si;1 it^rtB caksilt's, Inlanral power witwindows, powef drtvei’s ^ n r a n t > t ^ lawn caro ind. No pots.S- g. imervalt ,wl|Mr«,.re

5 0-2 limofl-NLWs.TwlnFan Folia. Idaho Salurdny. Mnrunun-j. 1996 >•***★ ** , LLER HARROW BULK I ol first.'Absolutely STRAWS1.(1 oOobalo. *********** IH 1066 lroclor.600 hra or» H O U J< BAQQED SEED eO ton ol fi •an Ooiivor WHITEHEAR=AHT ^ '"onglno n and clutch. Now 15' Brilllon.E Crowa foot. Pon<'onowowo Whool no roln*nl CallC 32G-4040, J6-5730. Boording. trainliraining, TH E ACE! j C Bobby Wolff paint. pa PTO & TA w/worra- front}nt&roar. SlSOO/otfor. Barlilarioy Oat Sood toavo mos:Tiossogo. Call 436------Lossons,fEngli3h-w is ON BRIDGE 537-6595 or 543-5389 , ALFVLFALFASEED ■.. ^ ■ I " nty, nt> S9500/ Of will conakJ- 53' FA 450 ion 1 st. STRAW, 1 Ionon baJO, doliv- indoor outdooror aronoa.'or Gomiormalna 322-323 otitivdy priced. Mlrrora. daUyy turnout, tur ATHER MF-36 MJt, Nilro N VNS 2nd. & 3rd of good nllolfa.. orod, compctit : players can'L admlLto 3 balos. 025-5520 . G76-6Q13or6r 670-.197Q Round pon. 324-9180.324-; - ■ O f,<11 Iho crucllirs■s (.Ouyic fire the . Som e pi IH 370, to ' disc, notched .S80iBOO/offor.-Tf«llef sx let, Topip Crop( 420-1996 ’ 3 String ba - lutdlcrnhle thatId/ cfJtiu- under ciior. fr^front, good condition. brak ^■‘='1------a t t e n '■ ------3 , . . , AQHA-A sortol 0^ - 934-8605 oak forfor MofSha.h ENTION HAY & 0 iido. S2000. ------tn ia rls,'' ♦ fi 4 525.500 TRAC^CTOR 606IH R R A ir HAY 1 ton 20% pro- Ing, broko to 1 AIN GROW ERS Sdolivoiod & small Cotl 324-012525CV05 Q U A R T ER HORiO R S E S , •'Komi' consoliiliiation,"-added *AQBr>0 ^ J 5 |l 2 gAlCAT 66C w/PTO S38.000 W/ithIh Sworu loodor. Low CAT-S5C-1.l0Oihr.«t3B.500. -hounurB..tS500,-PLOW.ja — TACT RANCHER'S 1 ° . t^ G a n ll a ______IPPCY'FDH'YODR ~ . ® __ A W J n :5 5 5 ? — '— ^7Trnr’'nv.)niirir;Ti-trivt.niKiifa-irh'ar:^ ------SO U T H CASCASE580K Idr/oxtdhoo 4 twt»ttom SIOOO. 686-2660 rog, mo/e, Icr ifjflu hati matl(!! onour game.^ VINE ANO GRAIN - “ " 1laics. ^ , Ploaso call: . ®.®' 1 golding. Botholh Iblazed 523.500 . . . . — — SEED NEEDS Soiitli niffcd West'sW l hearl 541-568-4735 ANYTIME TRAC^CTOR JD3020 dioaol. ' SJ JOO or 351-1286. stoning SlSOO00. fn c o d . S lockings'cxl. he led a A K IO O NlNico ahopo, S8500. 423-‘ Alao som< spade; lo dummy's nimnine und E ast’s PleasePie Call 432-6809 ------______1 _ “ XttdColtor-SlS.OOcwi c Call 588-2; i36 C33S — R*g|#t#r«J Pointnt mare.mi 12 ------Wontonod lo buy lorgo front Roglatofoofod ColIor-SIC.OO 0 horso Any- yoar old. wollII broko br & III, lie was planninfjng to establish Vulnerable:lie: East-West jD)D | BALER 4 6 0 , w orka loodcIdor ottachmom. oqulv- FEEDER na do Golding, genilo. Throwavs ccolor & dununy's suil hiid Kas•-ast forccd him D ealer NorJo rth ' gocgood, S2000. 15'950 JO aioni}nl dual 325 to fit 80 Coitifiod!od Stoptoo—-S14.00 S70 dolivoilivorod. olso dairy tOOO/olfer. woll brod. SI75C1750, Coll U) niff (he heart ace.e. I Unfortunate- ^ roroi lle r h orrow . S 20 0 0 , horsersopowor trocior woni- cwl hoy in OlQOig 4 fiitlo bnios. 934-5344 ovoningalings, wasn't do7-ing; ThebidcMngitig: _ 5543-8651 < ______. od Immodiotoly. in amoll & Whool:1: atrow InIn bbln boloj. 684- 733.709S ly for South, East wa r351-12B6 __ he returned a chibl ins.cadin Wcsl, )dlum alza uaod bock- Cortifiodyd Ponowowa-S14,00F 9300 or 35 West North East J?”JOHN DEERE 1977 4430, 10 oitochmenla (or cwi look h is two clubt wwinners and 2 A* P"P.1SS 5 ♦ AJI p a ss ‘2 Jwhool ' drivo, PS. lift D "u n tin n o n r o o r o f CortinodCJd Conlonniol-S13.00 h a Y 1st 2n2nd and 3rd oaalat. Coll 825-5635. t cut- L ' Soiilii's "sacrifice"X-" w ent o ne , . ^o-bid _ dor. CASHI 324-5858 Cwl lings (orir aosalo also oat hay :______lln.'vn^inv_('_C)jLld_Sri_^PJiih_h.avo ______John.000J0.5460-Eo/aga.. =_ Ools: :l!.amall.aiJoJDl3,______/ rairlo v a r f'lOSO on CoriiiroaTiawm -iTsiw^ niaclc hisK-ime? ' Opening lead:Ica H e a rt q u e en Harvoator, excollonl Hay r :oTF. 734-1321 condition. Call 934-5922. ’ 985'85-t900 IHC, DT466. HoyOals-Ola...... S13.00cvrt ------The answ er lies min not only us- -.V radlals. 734-9743 D i a Co 0 u u n ta lo r b u lk 8. HAY 50 10to 20: ton llrst cut- ing d u m m y ’s sp aides d e but also ) WITH THE AC^ .ocKwood Loc 4 row spud ——------quantitytity ting loodor}dor hay. Coll 543- M W '. J keeping Easl off load.'id. To succccd, planter. 26' Brilllon roller ’ 0 418 8 Stocker, Case IH ______4945 forIf moro mt information. f OJO»B horrow. hOf' 14' Brilllon rollor 0550SO bolor. High lift quar- ■ - Soiii'i should not ruf lurn bole hondler. All m 7 0 S I HAY Graaaoaa hoy undor hay * ^ d s; horrow. hor Coll 438-0230. 'or lu CHEVROLET BLAZERER ciueen; he should disc; A K 1 0 8 — voryjry good cor>d, 686-2072 I HAY.h A GRAIN ;60/lon, 837-4503 1 9 9 3 C instead. riaaaay 33 grain drill, ■ JA9754 2 «»• h a y l a3EAN0 g e ; Stk,#TKT5018B • 4X4. Silverado Pkg,,kg.. When West continuiinuc.s in hearts *1200. 15' disk, horrow, d 705 1 I, " tool t>ai9,300 gallon spray ■ g . n o lla t, 2nd. & 3rd ENSILAGE ' ; 35050 V8 engine, WAS «22,S95 (no other slu(t' is betbetter)^5cuth * J 5 3 2 tank lani on rubber. 436-5822. ■ FARM & RANCH ’“ J " ' ’ on. Coll 544-2475 SUPPUES ig aI(aUa hoy. After ruffs. He lends a spa;pade to duin- 5:00 p.m3.m. call 423-5926. Hay for soloulo. 30 Excd- ^|B P|H IR NEWJEW a USED 4x4 diosol my’s ncc and ruffs a^ spspade high. A ist tell lmm«Jlit*ly, ,,, , iroln.Socondcrop. trump to dummy'ss jjack allows North S So o u th • iroctofs. Iroc Loadera. Imple- d 2nd cutting doiry 3-6493, ovonlngs. monto, rentals & salos. ' 9''orch atylo buildlnga, ^ ffe e d e r q u a lity . 3 Call 7 3 3 ^ South to ruff anot|icrler spade hjgh ^ 25-x 38. 50 x92'. “ ",‘i;" ® MPVaTu.rtiir<:l)uwOOCtfiS5 OSaepniUpniUmit " sHobby ; Horae Ronch a and 1 ton boloa, MEADOWJW G RASS h" Z 7 ^ 2 2 " ^ U M k and sets up the suit,uil. Fliially, a ^ 208-324-5856 :oin-800-330-7118 Qin Od”Idlvof. Coll734-3589 for aalo.0 . CollC 857-2215 second trump to didum m y’s 10 , ■I: Two hearts. Rebid the ’”116 6 NH Sw alhor w/ 16' 706 300 tonsnsoflat, 2nd& ^ » 6 5 gives South three discliscards on the ANSWER: Hoador,3800hraS16400. ■ , najor. There should bc a p,®? FARM SEED cutting,10, plua'BO to n s of OAT HAY.Y LargoI or smoll spades and Soulh briniringshomcan six-card maj Flold Roady. 764-2685 horso(hoy. ho Call543'5776. omounts.IS. 326-4270: m .O S 32449<>900 I overtrick. b etter spot)t tthan (wo diamonds, Whal was South'sh's last cbm-

w asn ’t onsidc. All I wouldv have k.«KhSA5rior^. losl then was the overt•ertrick" cop,ntf.uti>1 im.Unit«dri>tui*SrKbnl« _____ ^ ^ ^ ri-i 0 6 ~~1 50 hood opon Holatolnn WANTED-Hord Holsioln ^ ,i MIHINi m m lANEUUffntAVUiUi 611 T- Holloro, Approx, 500 lbs.I. milking cows, & 20 or FARMS FOR RENT^ 734-9458 lato ovoa/ mag _ moro Holatoln Springer v - - — hofforsrwlilpnylopTJnco;— 9 9 ^ M tyiJi S b a l - - TWIN FA Lt^ (arm tor foni, snl. BOO I b t . H O L S T E IN1 Tom Horrla. 324-225.0_ ^ ------laO-ncrO-Sorot-TFr-TFCO-CO- —hoirora~Tiaccino!oo'nnaI “ ovoa or 731-2250 doya. LS walor. Coll 733-1555. aloovod. Alao springer TWIN FALLSVFomio'foundjnjj hollorq. 078-3929------WISCONSIN'S finoat Hol- i s : •nrU h:lots~of stoln springing hoKers. ^t-iV for ronl. Novor boon< Ih in 85 top quality H olatoln apudo. For intornioilon, 7 largo solocilon. ovor 30 cows. 25 yoors o( ABS> yra. oxporionco, COIIB08- • coll 733-1390.______■,:% brooding. DHIA rocords.■ 987-3405 Bob Coroy Cot- i A i ! » i ^ Coll 326-5693.______tie Co.. Mlrioral Point. Wl d 613 ' 53565 ______• M o r a l ■ - I PASTURE WANTED: n ANGUS BULLS, 2 yra. Old, . ^ aomdn toatod, roody to » Y e a r l i n g S i m m o n - : -.iW u • 1 4 , 5 5 7 r HAZELTON. North, dosorl,ort go, 324-2600 tal/Charolala bull, Somon land, 350 ocros. (oncod ANQUS purobrod bulls.■ . taaiod, 734-8042 aft- 6PM ' ; ..paaluro. Call B25-5617. long yoarling* & yoarllnga. TWIN FALLS AsQfow Ro- C0l)326-3573. 734-4941. I4 702 I 1 , 9 9 5 - J d a i r y e ^ j p m e n ^ _ ;v; soofch doslroa to roni 3-5 .ANGUS; Growthy.-thlok 1 Qcroa NW otTFfor boijna' muaclod. black bulla. CollII HILKINQi SYSTEM, eom- pnalufo or hoy w/no wfillo plolo. iriUho stroinor, tutw p cooler, vacuum pumpa. -7? I L ^ J p I din or rocka: roilobl? wo-'■'O- ARMOUR Buying aUtlon,; daw'8.otc.AlaoloOOgal, ,V tor supply. Ploaao Call: buying alaughier cowa andJ bulk tank w/new 5 HP Dan H. at 734-S470 __ t>uila, opon doi>y. 324-3099I comproaaor A #e« woshor. mil ?iCiT — 1 BEDKEFEEOLOT 324-3119______g l A J i i J L _ CUSTOM CATTLE FEED. • |W AW T^TORE^ :.-(NQ._Wo-turnlan n run | . 7 0 3 - I i aorvlco program o( pro- I CUSTOM V/ HAZELTON. W ant to ront eo88lng;ALLS aroa. 2-3J-3 862-3613______6 yortf 'dump Iruck and r:.'. bdrm w/ gorogo & (oncod BLACK ANGUS. BULLS . I back yard tor profoaalonol Iloader with drivor for hlro, ir ! worhing Canlno. 733- : Coll 543-6126,______7791 after 7PM.______^ I 1993 « n r 15001(EXIICAB4X4 ; 1 1« 9 8 9 CHEVY BERRE1U T A G T 1 9 9 31 HYUNDAI ELANTRAIA avoll. Somon toatod & ' All ground work: Plontlng, l o e s i ^ , SW x Jo . Auto, 310, toadjoded, Only 42,000 MUm. ______t084M-2, looJeci& aeon.m #08268-1.1.Bri8l'l8«d,<.Dr„5Sp«cJ. B UwMikn.Ilos. ------W A K tE D JO R E N I------‘ loodor work, rock-picker, — Boot or potato ground. monurohouling. Call Ron- I ri WAS $19,991 W O W ^T /AS $ 6 9 9 5 NOW Call 438-5234 loavo map. L _fly-WDflVftL@-S43:6aa9 , '± > 4 1 6 - W ASS845495 NOW ^61lS7~ 1 . BULLS (4) comlno 2 yr. ' z . Want 10 ront 40-60 ocro un­jn- olda roglatorod horiorda. ■ Cuatom mochonlcal rock dor pivot for potato In Call 587-5519 - picker. Coll Wayne Bovror Caslloford- Buhl aroa. ______5 4 3 ^ 9 ______^ Call 537-6928______CALF PENS ...... * __ or>d amoll balos of straw. QRAVEL Roadway & (III % —I Call 436-0383______- grovoKoraolo.- Will SI" 6 15 I dflllvor. Call 543-8800 ^}J. MOBILE HOME Call pona. units o( 3. Coll ; I SPACE 324-8418. HAY RETWEVINO ^ 3 wido. 2 wide. e. ton boloa DAIRYMEN. 80 hood Of . FRENCH'S ' Friendly VlllagvEatstM i»9aFour-i5onjFUUU^M4X4 191984 FORD F-150iO 4X2 1989 01 Mmborty. Nico homo sitoa' Quality Holstoln Springer Colt 543-6695 j|SI »EVY S - I O BUZIR 4X4X 4 avail nowl Noar shopping” Holfor« for aolo. Thoy wHI ^ fO^Z-I.lowMmAuto.MoMony Gntom Extrul #08249-1, Bdremely Cloon, 4-Spcl-Spoed #S304jUi-2,S|XxlP«log,,A»B,a«on and schools. Como livo stort caMng April 15. Coll MANURE HAUUNQ U with ua, wo caro. tJorothyhy 678-2013.______- Small jobs OK StI WAS $T6,995 MW ^M 4 , 8 7 9 fASS5995 H or^34'4 8 7 I W A s s n 326-3320 or 420-3320 d* l995 N O W *8j495• s J 423-5253 ollor 3pm tor HOLSTEIN 135 (young) i our ronial Inconitvo. herd. 1st/3rd loc. Also. I = doublo 8 parlor wl 3 bdrm *i 7 o5 I i 4 616 1 homo (orloaao- ^I FARM MACHINERY ^ ii D *1 Call 537-6533 1 ROOMIIATES WANTED 2* 9 6 ' L ockw ood 2 row ------BUHL^HOOMMATES-S- HOLSTEIN_{30)_J»«ty- _ 4600 potato horvoatora. WA’NTEO;3bdtm.'2bolh,[k (90). Som e milking and 1 Roar croaa sta r table & r.J m onofacturod hom o w/ aomo dry. 543-6727 or _betiod£halcL______'h ______DIrocTV S3S0/mo " * t . 543-6654, \ -77’ KW 10 whoolor. 9 ? E j l . -utllltl08.4 mi.W ol Buhl. apd w/ 350 Cummings. a 1’- HOLSTEIN Hoifofcohrttt ^ W /95‘ 22(LSplJdnlkbod. S 1 9 9 0 TO YO TA 4 8 U WW a 4 X 4 S B 5 ' 11993 9 FORD F-150 S.(S.C. XLT 193 No druga, pota 543-9126.1 X brods. & Holaioin atoora ■. >TS CHEVY 4 X 4 'irTfl’ KWlO'Wh'eoloT^a” « f 5 0 i 3 - l , v-4. Aijb, iM cU . jnd. M)onlW,McgVyM>Mc i (OSX083»-0,5-Specd, loaded, h m o o i* & Oi, 2) KETCHtJM: Oldor (omalo,lo Poll 734-2080 apd, 400 Cot poshof axle, g J,!7,l)OOWk. (» I3 .2 ,A•» * , 3iO, v c , Nw Cm to M « l, S rt « o i l-Ofl'fomibod. 42ftsol( ® looking (or samo to sharo« PflODUPEBS LIVESTOCK 'AS $20,995 W01V^16,! 2 bdrm, 2 bath (umlahod unloading trailer, w/ hy- tfl W A S S 17.995 ^ 1 5 , 6 4 7 >95 NO W * 2 8 7 9g > _ ^ SPECIAL DAIRY droulk: & eloctnc ayalom. & J j 7 ® ® W a SSW condo. $400 mo i ^'/> HEIFER SALE ulitllios. Cull 726-1806 ' 36* bod full Unof. Call 670- f t Fri, March 2 2 .11:00am. • 2326.670-3846 » Lady roommato wantod. 900 hoad ohocl brod holf- S200 por month. ors, brod 1 lo 6 moa. ' ALUS CHALMERS HO-5 rHER CLEAN, HARD-TO V. utilllioa- Call 733-0973.3 1400 hoad 500-B50 lbs. - crawior loodor w/ budiot. ^ (0-FIND 1 Q l -1. open hoKora. A> forks. Cull 934-4789 $1 ECONOMY GARS TWIN FALLS 2 b d rmm Ono ownor roputallon houso S200/mo. Incl- util.til. catilo. Cloao consign- Arts Woy 450 grlridof/mixof. ^ ' 1992 M axdo MXl X - 6 waah/dryor.Call 735-1862>2 mont aole. - Excel, cond.. $400«of{er. ^ loaded, w /Sunroo( Tcol iSI B - Joromo (208)324-4345 CCall 678-1632 evonlnga. M 1I1SKU&4 TWIN FALLS Shoro3 »R 4X3 V-6 ^ bdmi houao, Ind uUI, W/D.D. Quality 2 yoor old Limou- CORRUGATOR. 3 row. V Rl 1993 Nissan Sen>nlra ^ 1W4GJS M C 2 5 0 0 E .C . su 4X4C4 no pots, S275, 734-40233 Bln bulls. Call 678-4099, - ditcher. S' Frosno. S150/- M «e53M ,A*/l/CC»i,C»toSI.SU&Wlwls.L7«Mla 5;S-Spood, Cloon, Grool MPG »5H0( M , A * , 350, loodod, Voy d o . each, 543-8171______X | SKW2-2 *08503-0 TWIN FALLS. Rosponai- REO ANQUS SALE WAS $ 1 0 ,9 9 5 WOW^ ^ 9 , 3 2 9 1995 Geo M etr blo, claan roommolo to Crimson Cattio Co. ol Ru- D*tOO NEW HOLLAND M itro WAS $23,91,995 H W *21,387\ 7 ^ ront (urnlshad houso.9. pert will son 9 lop quality ' Backhoo.Modinodforcot-' g a ;peod, Reof Oef„ CD, Coitom Stripe *085320• ■ S200 por monih^uiillUos.a. purobrod bulls. ♦ 3 cow/- ogory 1.3 point hitch IfEl- Roloror>co3. 735-0353- . coll palra Thurs. 3/21. ' . m ount (or amall or mid- - during Iho Burloy Livo* size tractor. Curronity flta O f M TWIN FALLS: SHARE 2- stock Auction (oftor tha . Kut>Ota1.33S0^1,355SS, bdrm homo. $290/mo. p' (oodors soil). 436-3804 ~ Indudes 10* & 24' buck- 1 1 9 , ) 6 Ind. oil uUla- & moro. No 0t»; $2.200, 726-5267 smoking. Coll 733-3808. Simmontol bulls (or salo. = black and rod, don't DISC 6' (new) for amall 3 C T K I guosslll Prodlctoblo ro- ~ point hitch tractor. $500 1 3 1 0 I aulta through EPDs, and ^ Call 324-8725 K B I portormonco, Foascoco FarmaMSuporCw/3. IBM I Slmmontals 934-4827 _ Farmall M w/loader, 1 ^ 9 I SImmentahRed Angus S1350 each, 934-6143. ■ H I I I yoorllng bulla. Somon FarguaonTOSO tractor H IH ■ teated. cStll 324-6606, witn blade, runs graat. n X ^ 701 n Wantod : spring pasturo. excel. Urea. $3250 or best H fiH 1 CATTLE J1 Aprll15tOJunol(orB5to “offor. Call 324-2710 a fte r. H H 170 yooriinga. 574-2495.- «330p.m,AaktofBrBndoft. M l 2 Rog- Angus bulla, aomon - to s t o d h o v o E P D ’a AS -rhKyMrvrlllMourbMllttM QRANARYS I (3) 10,000 M B carcoaa. Coll 324-5342 OT5a«l.73M931. bu. To be moved (rom W n t BoORapWa. S3000ea. ' Coll 537-6609 ------_ < ____ n / f l - ...... t __!•------\ ------I ■' ------^----- :

Soiu.u.iy, March 9, 1990)0 Tlmos-fJows, Twin Foils. IdonIdotio D-3

;nilonwiih - 3TUD8ERVICB ' QATED ALUM PIPE VWATER: Buy. soil, iiado, I building remodol. m — r r ; ------n lo v e s e aiT t i Excol. cond. ^ g .|g I AQUARIUM. 65 goHOi BocK#lp«. Many If~ - ^ 4 ~] .mte Wosiinghouso. Co- lln IMS. o n a clolhoa- 1 b-o.i oil.., Cnli 077-.377-4022 51700,'oflof. 536-6512 ' I . SW INE Irosir03l refrlg, S50. Dryor, Iresser, S400, Coll ^ew 5650.50. Will' sell io r Totlotlor6 pm. ■ _ vohvoa & fttUriga. 324-5099 | lo, ..lo , -CHEAP- 7°3;“« S JS . Call 324-7343. ^ ■62. SCOO Coll 73 •HIMF- T„n CHEVY'73 PU.SlOO'51000, G9 P I0 3 4-H/FFA, all sizes. _____ ovonlngs 734-4196 ^ " 734-4456. ROWmOMACHl 710 -1 I i CENTER MOVE WHEEL P ru ln d o n ? , Pord. S800 'Ogi9 CChovy _ UNES,>jsed. Also, uaod ' ultra sound brooding DRYElYEHS:2Kanm ora S75 OMSET: 6 piece MATTRESS:IS: OuoonC Piilow f. Used' only sgoo 670 51G5>165 HORSE EQUIPMENT 1 for soivage. insula- ®^n[?o*FreFrench Provonclot . ,op ond box:» x spting, SUM In -twtco Call 676-C M Thunder Bird End Movo aloch. Call 73Q-2565. ea.10.-W ash in g m ochino (urnoco. olocuicol. iSO. Ploaso cat: 423-4763 ^ itfor. Call 676-8759 d I a x II c'S' dosigned Clrcl# JH orw & stoclrtri™,” ' -WheoMlnM- 438-8194 550. :oll for prtco 543-6923 CS250.C0II TREADMILL,L m n n u ' DESK CUGtom dosl ™' 6-5pm Mon.-Frt. Jko now bur^k beds 734.6661'______al,E xcellent condllion ci 'I®*'' Unlquo hisiorjisiory. Ilko . WaSo Xollingor Oakloy JEE2ER IBcubtctt.. up------BEDS Uko now.S650. Cali734v734;2613 Bttain 676-3342 O attd Irrigation pipe for Ight. Ilko now. S400 ■ incl. bed>eda w / aho lv o s, goFA ilko. new nei cond, mo- S95 Call 543-0! ~ asle. Call 324-3127 or 124-6478 ^ I Cl Dsa»i, & lodder, wn tones., S275. TREADMILL Puli„i.«,i,irtnr' DOORS, solid cororo S: 537,50 SADDLE Deo Picken Rop­ I I B V J 32^ ’ ______S aAlso, ” twin canopy • Oryer.goodv r, S c l ^ e BOOKCASE. 2- sholtSholt S28, o r. aadO lo 14'/^* se a t. 324-12S2.______y a low-eoii ■ciastiiiBd od od working cond, 5250, Sctiwin ( >UTER 466 0X66, 4 bod Inclcl monrosan 4 box- a\monS. $100^ $10< Both cash ;,k o .S 2 0 0 . L Bo m m nn Troller.6xl0'.si50,/50, Alum, S450. Call 438-2865.. today. Con 733-033I- meGR5 RAM, 420 MEO H/D spnng, comloner.coi canopy ^nty. 423.54' .0 Lawn- G ated pipe. 6' & 6 '. Call 1.5479 otlcr5pm. condition Coll7?-I'73-» 7. j r!\r,? 0365, window s. S25-40 sggg 733. L — e29-4l26 evenlnga. U iiliiariaM BH r aANQE. n c Frlgldalre. 30'. spoco.:o. CO ROM. SVGA covor, pillowpliK cover & cur- . ,7330630 SPRING SPECIALS .. I I goodloodcondilion, SlOO Coir color,r, mouso,i keyboard. loins, S25C350. Call 676-7703-I TV CONSOLI X-C O UN TRY’ nm achine, •7X18 7 High Sloni loadId MALD0NAD~0 PIPE 4 8 0 1 ^ .Com;,011326-3710 • ' S925.i. 1735 0965 ______In good condi Soars Uloalylnr, Tfovoldng Repair MobUo proas. Froo I ANTIQUES & SET, Solid wood 0'*®'.r Call C 423-5633 . $250. 324-5603 lal catlmaiea, Call FoUx 431- ■ EFRIQERATOR. Slovo COMPU,,,-rc o c ------DININQ SEPhntri _ 0t10r6 PM. ______7;^0 Annivefaary apodal -COLLECTIBLES- - Tiju '______tabio-w/fl- FAX ______9loc5ri;niIdr I orsion oxIosDS “2993"WB?01.5J1-4031 | TTmicruwavoTJotrniintnr” AST 3C 50-96' w/tiutctl. -I-Ii 7„nith 5* itOOeo. W/Dnotyot lyr 40 MEO;GHD,2mogRAM,- 1, 25* color con- 4 6 1 7 S5.975 :oll 733-3455 ovos. '*otow/ro'mo 7x16 Siortor traitor Tor­,r. PIPE 12* gatod pipe, aingla ANTIQUE SHOW fiOO>200 o«-Astrfor-Tomam— monoriorcftny coso 5500 ^900. Coll jmolo. oxcoilont ■ MISC FOR nr & double gatod. (l mllo ot on. Solid Oak Q YOUFIR H 886-2954 or 866-7159 543-43i1351 ask lor Pot ENTERTAl sio n Qxtos. 16* rubOor -AND SALE -5200 TA1NMENT CEN- • “ " ‘’‘iL'ii'I:, ALON SET- y. S4950 p.pe)SomolOV 825-5463 S n llrtn n k w ilh S250. Coll111423.5013. 42 3 STATION SAL 1MAGIC VALLEY MAIL iFRIQERATOH/ffeozor, B8 TANDYIY1000 640Kmom ------UP S2000 for>r nil 1 or will / \ l J I 7x14 3 HSL BH v*/ lack PIPE, aluminum, gotod. 6*. T Mar. 15th. I6ih& 17lh RgpR ir moniior. S'/. 4 3'^ Ing TV, 6‘ * 4 '7 ‘. ------room. S4450 iido-by-sido, ico mnker, Color r ar besl offer. Will ■ - 5 81 7 5 1 soporoioly 8 40', S1.50/n. 6*. 2600'. “ oconily seivtcod, S2B5. drivo.0. Prlnior. Groot 'S ^oo or t TiM ESCliSsiFSIFIED Call (600)-9l 4-4833 DESK Antique roll top leporalo. Coll I . HEAT;a ™ g «. _ S2.00/fl. 10-. 3800'.. • .desk. 6‘ *C‘ Roll 0! t/4- :ail 736-49B3 stoiloror (or kida. or smnll ?.?J „? ® *■ /lENT S2.50/ft. 733-4077 daya — buslnoiloss. S500/otlor. ^33-8798.m ______I AIR CONE3NDrnONING Clatiilisd . . . t WE BUY ' aon ook. excol cond ■ evsryntio'ol 733- 3 5 3 8 p_ or 733-3694 evenlnga. _ ASHER Whirlpool. For lnl< ^36.7355. FURNlTUn ^Sirr^aTsiS USED SADDLES&EOUIP- S3000/oHor. 735-1446 Hoavy Duty • oxc. condi- ■ ------•URE-OAK. excol- EARTH STOVTOVE Firopioco MENT FOR c a s h ; I lent queeileen bodroom sol, in serl, Doluxo Doli modol, 1 ■ ■ Q uarter mile Trunnol Con- FLATWARE SlonngSilve7. ion, S250. Call 733-0477. A Also, old sltvor blls & spura.ra. ter Movo wheel lino, ! 8 1 0 tiutcn.>ffil•.ffiisc. lloms. Coll ginsa door, VICKER'S. S250Q. 700' 6*X50' main '6 ploce aoltlngs (Entiy ASHER & dryor. Gonarol I FIREWF OOD I 733-015252------conirollodled blow or. Ex ■ M S 9 9 , WESTERN'S STORE line. S1.75 por tt. 560’ !Rojera Bros.) ot St. Vm. w•loctnc, a c ^ hoavy duty, good i ------cond 5500DO CColl 736-7041 733-7096 cent's. Voluod ol Si.OOO, pi--,ondiiion, S250. 733-5552 Spring0 (cleon-up. Pino.Fli HIOEiA-BE 4'X 40' main lino, Sl.OO bost * oflor. Coll 73-J-9143 advotllta In da»al- i S S S - . - _ .PSLftJlOJOinlJ^aibOO^A J in Collonwood, Call oaslol biU' w^r; i r » » r io or733-169l. -^ii. oiaiis. /JJ-w30a oak irim.m. Boauli/ul conc#,. iQtcti nand lino with bird & y, 804 r |SSSc|EjSj^S^k|^ IRRIOATIGN rlaera. S25 per )olni, 543- Whil are you walling tor? BUILDING ■ MATERIALS Uw. eu: lani or swan wiin a MuStSOlltein SWO/ort»r. Call d [ 814 ^ I n ^ H J a275or326-4172. Place Ihat claaalllod ad ■ BUI da»in<»in«d Dd. 733-0931.- 438-8930 I J E W E LLRY.& R ' FURS today. rnmam WEDDING1 BAND, Bi opoi a U ' -'-Ti1''v I diomond , ppd. $600, will 1993 DOIODGE GRAND CARAVAkV A N Stock #P81IJ18A ‘ Fully loaded, priced toosell! sei HVl5«lfl,9S5 " a i i I ■ j l H | T awn^^I & GARDEN ’ EVERGREEN■ENS quollty bt- m I J ■ UO spruce9 3->nU> ■ . L ^ from grower.vor. 788-3694 YARD TRACIACTOR; Crons- mon. 11 hp,hp. 36* lOOr i e s b o g g o rr, , S235.CoM S a il 3a: 678-6759 324-3901900 i P IMI BiB m il 1.1 I.' s ljlK<#g!W M j g a - a a i g j ^ I B

1995 GMC 4X4A CLUB COUPEE ..... >NTIAC BONNEV 346«, V-8 Engine, 4 Speed Auto(to. Irons. W /O v erJriv e, Chrom■omo ------. ------1996PO I<■ y -i. AM/FM/CD, AluminumIVILLE W SE «346uper, AM/FM Co5s., Remote Ke;(eyiess Entry & Special Troilerin ------_-«62002,3.8litw_Vits Entry, Pow «r AAirron a n d SI mWtieeUi Remote „ . Bumpe Equipmeni1 P>Packoge. I t ’s htime to expect ramore from a car.T-™ ' Kovl«tsThe E P eifict Sporty SodartI >eats. Your Sovingi h5 OverS2SOOt( n \S ------— ------— r ~ : : . ..now *2 1 ^ 6,161 ...... NC $ 2 3 ,7 6 8 - ...... o w ^2 3 ,2 8 8B J ■ \ , 9 9 8 ^ 454148, Air CondiHof 0 AM/FM Coueite, Dualb ' ® 5'cf . : S T ^ - 'sdSM 2 3 ’.:" ''1 1 " " m >NT|AC GRAND 1 9 9 5 GM C YYUKON 4X 4 S r i l l o ^ 1 9 9 5 POII onti-Lock Bralcei, Driver'* Sido 53469, V-8, 5 Speed Automoticic Tronimiijion With Overdrivisivis, - H * 6 1 #55112, dirom a GrillZdsieiit, - f- #52051,4-WbwJQfi.ockj. Air Conditioning, AM/FMdo Airboo, Rear -r «34Plus loarfier Interior, AM/FMA

f— '--[jjjfl 1 9 9 1 FORD WESTl 1993 MERCI L A ^ S n S COUPE I ■ T-BIRD SPORTS^ir Condilioning. #53144-1, Loodod, «O03O6-LAir(^ Ccjsette. Automatic & Morol AM /FM C ^ WAS . .n o w ^ 5 9 9 S ...... NOW ^ 7 9 9 5 m AS AF^C LE; S 8495 ...... -.NC 9ilS>ABU FORU>5

»3 FORD F-150 W ^ , . y 19990 FORD F-150 LT______> R d T F J S O — _ )S B '______S.SUPERCAB 1 ____ 1993 FORD F-15 ___ ^ _1989^FPR iUPERCABXn ...... #5#53473-1, All Tho ------SUPERCAB XLT 4 X I T — Right StuHl 4 X 4■- Loriot, Auto., ^ #63063-2, Aulomolic, :-.#53368:2,— #531«53-2>LotQl.&-AAorol______Looded|._ .. ____ . _ ____ VW M $19,995 loadodi ------— ------Corpat-KiU . . WAS -WAS S19,-995 , ^ 5 NOWjw.M 6,1^5 n 5 — | - WAS > v. M 0 , 5 9 5 a . n q w M 0 , 9 9 5 — 'n o w $1 2 ,9 9 5 ...NOW ...*T67S95-

m 1 9 9»4 4 FORD F-1 50 UPERCAB XLT 1992 FORD F-25LT lii #08384-0, SUPERCAB XLT FFully EquippodI #63112-1, Loaded, IS> R D F -1 5 0 - 1 5 0 11994 FORI) WAS 526,495 460 & Moro! 1 9 9 1 PO R 1993 FORD F-1 V :CAB XLT i TEMPO GL WAS $17,995 S U P iR C i SUPERCAB 286-2, Air, AM/FM Cojsotto ' NOW 7 ,9 9 5 I l-1,loodod, d, I . «0828. NOW ...M 6 , 9 9 5 O 63O 001,Itic & Moral #63103*1, Loaded, & Much Morol Automatic i Automatic, Much Morol WAS ^^11,995 IIWAS $ 1 OC 2< 9 S :■ ...... n o w ^ 6 9 9 S , $1 3 ,9 9 5 ...NOW $13,995 ...N O W ^l 2 /. L, 1^^ I.' ¥ 1« IGER SUPERCAB 1 9 9 5 FORD»L RANGi3019-l,XLT,4,0V-6, #630 WINDSTAR GL Mucn Moro! #55040-1,LowMiloj, • WAS $17,995 ‘ • V NicoVonl WAS $19,395 NOW>w...»16,19S '5 I NOW ■■■*16,695 (27 B lue La! N* Iii 1 4 3 ikbs Blvd* ii 7 3 3 - 1 1 8 2 3 ^Jl 1-- 8 0 0 - 3 3 9 \ D-4 riftiic-. Nltws, Twinvm IFalls, (tl.ino Salurdiiy. MaxclitcllQ, lS9G

* • * HUGE SALE * .• * 0-TUBE 70 .imi) LAB AKC Yollow.malo 10 . ■ ULAWN TRACTOR w.'aSco- s uURLEY. f TWO FAMILY I 19799 Marquis 18'/i' bOOI. RUEGERiERP09DC 9MM ' Inv.iilntiH) vin.'il .vindnv()nw5. Ibarii)« DoacJsI.ii II Eloctct mos. F.iihor on slohi. Bur . : i snoiios: Also 14' Ir.impol- MCMOVING SALE: Marcti 0. PS.>. ddepth lintJof. Chevy 2 -i5> round roi mognzlnes. hiiln A constructioti1 tmloots bonliyiiCQ . Saturn Claiiaislais. ' loy 5100. Cnll G77-454Q ^' ino. Tr.i(jo? 733 67C0 9D qand lOm. U am to 5 pm. I VO.I. wwalk thru 6ow. E2 Somo c i().icts. ■ CJ1I423 G737 SCO Oakloy Avo. loadId IrIrir, $6900. Call 734- shopo.O. $290 S G70-20CG ■ ' cf)r>ipf(i;;s'or, (lonoratitratOf. ------_- LAB, yollow/lvory, AKC UNES, U Hand linos {twhuol ------;--- GO ^work-ask lor Bob or . r.awri, dulls, liravy o(|iO.I.JIP d rog, Isl shois, dowormod, M I nonwnniod.Call cASASTLEFORD 254 Main, 423-4;3-4356 homo ovos. 'd ^ S250 Call 32G.5000. I | J 3GG-2375______pifJig indoor yard salo, ------906 I I I OFFICE EQU1PMEMT VRGER Hoinot '78. 19' 1 HOTT|TTUBS?P0O^ I j,ic>«S. wt'lclcr. ~ LABS AKC, black pups, LIVE i TREES WANTED • -fiday-Sund.-iy, 9 lo 5 , CHARC | & s u p p l i e s . 1 boal. Borkloy pump. c A I ^ M [Jill llloch, 700 r ^ 1 first shots, havo parorMs. up uc lo 30'. Spruco. Aspon S 1 TWIIWIN FALLS ! 454*^0 >PA'95 5 porson ' J irans, lols ol qualdyy ;,I C oploro tor onlo L.irgorgo nro c]foal huniors & Inmily a.’f r rypcr) Cail 206-700-2C7(i i , ingor, ozonoier. fdll. ' ] GIGANTIC SALEII i grrnoSoolbos" oHor°dol '• suluciioii ol rocondlllonodnod dogs, roady now. $125, — 4 HOURS ONLY doluxo covor. fiber- al^lGCU^E'-JSOo'^N' Di 5 1 36G-7910______MECHANICAL “J BULL • ( loaso call 324-4550 construction. Red- .,0 ''" ' copior;iM,ulingnlS2S5 1 Wanl to buy bul wiil torn ll I oclronics, lurnituro. wom------aiiytitiii) or call !j47 ‘J7D year w.ifranly nvailnbln.. ;n'3 clolhos sizo 12. KAWAWASAKl '93 550 SX woodj caDinoi ca & gazebo Call 73-J'99fl8 ^^'■^LABS. Purobrod puppios. youh.ivoono. y 735-09-14 | )ooks, m usical item s, siondLndup jot ski. Very last w/privoc>vocy cunama. Vory HOSPITAL DED. Gxci — 3 black mnlos. 10 wkn — MOBILE HOME .1»I05 .md i kllcllchonw.tro, ook lile cab- roce0 legalli limilod. Lola ol li"'®';'’ ®' like new. Ovor ", concl. Fully (iluc w/Viiat TYPEWRITER XO 4G00~00. Old. $75. 532-4707 ) c h em ic als Incl. ii-'.r. Rornovi^Ulii MCJo f.i tiros Call 025-5435 ,i(tnr i n o t s . p l a n t s . oxiras.ras. S3500. 53G-2640 ^D's/tnpos/rocords-all 0. • Cnll 734-3497 g Q j 4 hand ctank. srs'i.olti olclionar'YXail 32'4.3704•04 LLAM A'S, 3 ro g lsio ro d ,5■5pm CD Porlnblo drolling inbi — m.ntoa,SIOOO. Call — ' typ<^po, misc, and o pot goat STARCiRCRAFT 15‘ liber- ' MOTORCYCLE wnniod : m a ss, Mercury 65 HP (Jul- ' Archilnctural dratlii■,1'linn — 432CG34.______aagoodtiorno. . glass, I 907 I tuplihos, SI50 -123 G31G310 I 0 2 0 ^ Sm.nII Honda or 4 stroko. ] 1282WondeII i Sl. t>oa'ow machine, tools. ------' REAL ESTATE w.intod or ■ lois 19- CHALLENGER 30,500 acluol mllos. i:,iorSi2b.Siio.)iiic;'i (laino*; S2SC['js o ’- BOSTON t e r r ie r s i 73G0142______I ■ iravos, Adventure Puppios Purobrod $1^5>5 S275 Call 324 2350 ] — ■ CUSTOITOM TOPPER Flla Call 32-i-5ii!)2______ITRAVEL TRAILER. tO 'to d 9 0 1 s h o rt OCKMAN'SRV 78 CHRYSLER ------Cnll 733-3054 __ SHIH TCU AKC rueiiatorod, I -,| 67, 1-80fr773-3167 ------^POOL-TABte-Viill.*,----- nn’ nn v ahape. will r^ay [ B AIVS/UQIOBCXCLES- | S500/ot ~ BULL D'Cq malo S400." $200. Cnll 733-2774. « —Gordoba-Z-dr—: 3 ' /x7 loar]uo Wylo !o] Io'll'.'s250°733-03e2 — V SHELL ' Country Squiro. CALL 733-5031 Shnrpoi lomnlo S250. e 360, solor, new . c i n s B ____ Shnrpol lomalo puppy UP TO 20 ACRES w/walor 'kaWIWASAKI -02 'K21100, Shell. i 'ooX| SHIH TZU. rog. liconsod. g< 1. $4995. 352-4207. RANGE. Else. Sujfnarn, S450. 430-4939 loavo Good location NOT noar . n,C1,000 miles, good cond. • tjox,, GGM, while, excel ^ brown & whilo. 9 wopks. dalrfofloodloi di WMcon- ; s i1200/offor, 2< Soo flt 536 eond.1.56!i0.Co3337-te}S. Si ------E xr. . cond , OouOto} ovov- mossapo.______$300 00. Call 733-24S6. ' gi, 74 FORD on, S12S Cnii734.l503. sidor more ocros il ownor I gin:h >Avo. W. TF 908 I ^ COCK-A-POO 9 Adorablo will carry somo Excul. I —, — ------i n i ------1 SNOWOW VEHICLES G t '1?, TINY SILVER MALE. PET : Z' V YAMAHA 80, 1996. i I irand Torino 2-drdr LooKing lor ciiira v.-icalioiaiion puppios $25 oncM. Call crodil. 734-334G ! ATV I EQUIPMENT ^ tliosB 670'51QO______POODLE oboul 7 wks. ------I 4 SllStroke, oloc aiort Low GUHS/niFLESm I NB76S52A moniiy? W)i/ not snil tliosi _ old. Had lirsl shot. Is tUI oood Itiimj youVd Ihioi WANTED old crocheted milo:Ilos $2200 733-1680 ^ 2 2 sit DACHSHUND A.K.C pup­p- ro flislo ro d . $15 0 C all nilorid ombroidorod Imono & ------stainless Monlickof. , 33. sTORrORM TRACK Very Rlorlno? CInsjIlicd v.i;i do ll icope. loothor sllng. . . . j , py. malo, S1 50, roady3y 423.S935______Sr onilque marblo loppod KAWWASAKlj 'BS KDX-OO 9C0| cond. $175. Coll 84 FORD ____ 3/23, 436-0093______walnut lumiluro. ,733-3738 .- Port!jnsbike. Moko on oflor. S285.0<1i.OO. Coll 625-5973, 532 4192 _ TOY POODLES (2) Call 326-5645 eves. 155------Es.scoTt 4-dr Wagonon STAIR STEPPER pronnm DALMATIAN puppios. 7 1 molo. apricot. $100.1 lo- WANTED ^VA 2-5 ocros. W/ Aulo pistol. $130, 1989 Polor:sloris Indy 650, with ' 611193A rnnblo, SMO. nout.O oal UIO pistol. $120. % 2 S “ n Ofk wooka. Cnll alior G:00)0 mnlo, binck;S150 Ro.idy wolor ahoios in Kimboily k a wW, ASAKl'94 KTM550 380 aulo igino. $1000 <-in- lablo. S200. Cnb-will pm. al02S-5819. now. Cnll 324-2449 ggschool disi. 733-5214 ko b r a n d n o w . C o lt RockyMc' Mouniain Gun Salo, • Id, now Klmplex , drawois, St-lO Car sent3oni, ------13-5669______10 ^ overcoat.ov* 678-2934 'track Coll Co for Info 708- airolior. Cnll-02 GG344 DINGO BLUE HEELER Xr WOLF HYBRID, G wook V/ANTED C o sh lor late ------85 FORD • TROOPER , osklor Shoun. ------Pups, Owooks old puppios, high porcon- model VCR's working & KAW;WASAKl '95, 4x4, 300, COLT Tf ■ or best offor, Escort 4-dr STOVE Complolo Walor^'or- Coll 326-4520 logo. Rnisod w/chlldron. non working. 733-9444 enow, $4500. 736-4495 3^2Sj>ocpociai. Excol. cond. lo rd solid cost Iron-on-. ------— Havu bolh paronls. SlOO ----- ). Call 677-4460 , 9^ pOLARIS o u XLT SKS P 3 I1 B , I SSSO. Inda alt ■I23-:2B32B3. DOGS & CATS Will ijQbysil5" 10 $150. Will rako trades WANTED WA TO BUY Fomalo SU2U2UKI '02 RM-00 Good ------OS, Runs excolient. COLT sportersp. (now) S950. iioblle. Like now. ------whilo on vocllon. Coll lorOf or paymonls. 543-2070. Pomoronion. Po ot Schnouz- 'I'OS. 31-6002 TOOLMAKERS MILLING■'NO moro inlo. 829-S9B0. I er.'Coll 438-8093 ' $120(200/oflor. 326-5645 evo 223 amm.Timo.S4,50/box.M14 Co» 731-6 81 MERCURY MACHINE w,‘tools. ______.pLuajunnimmaSBQQ.6Z7.:.4^6fl- -Fof-sole-<2e-(2)l996-Ski-Doo------S1B5O ^0»0f.-^irO 72S-25“ r p n e e —Kin«n-Uong’Imi irr T r i ------8 2 1 ------1 ' ^ WANTED"Tb~BUY’SHIH-““ r t jMAHA n '90 IZf 600 cloon GUN CA ummlt. 900 miles. ougar-Z^r-Goupep E ------^ — groy & whilo. Approx. 4 I STEREO/RADIO/COS T2TZU, reasoooble price. CABINET Custom 5I10fr(6B TRAILER.4xQ ulilily. SSOO200. mos. old. LItlor box w mla.voneo nines, madoof0 0? black Walnul incl S5800/oflo'oflor. Coll 678-2609 Puppy or lull qrown mole. '000/ olfor, 324-6854 ■ 2 I9. Cc Ford 4 cyl 2000 onglno|lno. irninod. Friendly ondd MITSUBISHI 4 spoakors. 5 Nlco. Ni< Call 731.0349. Cortron-llned drow- p o l a o iIS s 'i'85 Indy 600 $ 4 f ] novor Inslallod. S200. wl locks. $2500 or ^ cuddly. S43'6000 disc w/ remote A topo ----- MAHA '93 Y20O kid's offj luich. Runs good, V I U Cai: 734-5411 Alior 5PM — dock. Excol cond. Must WAWANTED roooter Ihoi oal. Deep & wido K — - _e/flcfr«,»f/«r..S200,00_3_ -io*-or lornor non-working n-swivol-noats-SSSOr — FLUTE, Gomoinhardt. Ex- Ex­ oazU. c a n 366-237S ^GARAG^^AL^" Com? ijmfto 4-dr Sedant n 00 ■ , ,. — — color TV S& VCR’S. Cnll I G 11733-3590. collonl condilion. $300. , 423-4676 ovo9&Wknd3. R216707A ■ ...... - Ownor 734-62G2.______GERMAN SHORTHAlR — (bird dOQS). 4 malos & 35 100-300 OBlion I— MUSIC INSTRUCTIONN lomdlos. doclawod. shots, P ropan* tank. 90 GEO Fluto. voice, piano, guliar.tar. & lolls f6t5Trrnr — • 90 h.p. M ercury M arine dollvdc. S595. C70-271717 pups, brlndle. lown. male, cylindor. Shot gun reload- ine motor A — lomolos, roady mid-April. ing equip. Call Donnis ' Trim & Tilr • AM/FM SSf te rw > " f W PIANO Kawol Ebony>ny $475. Call 733-1810 734-6164 1984 FORD BRO^ grand. Suiwrbiono. Froo ' Trailer, com pletely load B9m;fl995 - jnsgood. dolivory. $4400.678-2717M7 LAB Puppios. AKC BASKETBALL BACK- Stk. #3863 *4x4, run 79 CHEVROLET — 2 chocolaio, 5 black. Will' BOARD, Polo & Rim IVAS 57,335 PIANO Whitnoy by Kim­im- bo roody 3/3. S150/blk. ■ Coll Pot 543-6390 ^ C3500 1-Ton ball, $800. coll 734-2908)8 $17S/choc. 324-6599 _ \12,495^ UAB3463A CAMPER SHELL lor 7 8 El Comlno. 733-7S61 ■ ■ ■Scc^ e SM. >^01X. Ta* M Omw OOCCKKi tf ONrn^mliKnll REPOSSESSIONS? CAMPER. 8' over shot. \|!^S 88 CHEVROLET Good condition. Will poy w wnlown »ut»u j BANKRUPTCY? cosh. Call 32C-5227. ffl -lia r* - S C35000 Diesel Flat BR h a t th e Twiirin Falls C ountyy Fair G rounds TRAILER^ Friday-12 to 8 • Saturday - lO tol) 10- Sunday ^ 10 to ( S $ 1 . 0 0 / ■ CALILL JOHNNY K.K I Admission • Kids UnJndej:12Free 7W Rt-Establlsh ^ sh Your C ndit WtiK Banlink Flnandng! | a ATr 7 3 6 - 2 4 8 0O > K A lR o y R o ^ btish your aedil . m I ______vmnt. m ■ -S .p o n s o r c d B l i P I f■ . SoyRaymol ^ 1 1 }:T^ /C entury Boa))atland J&C M otor 'S IU»Un«sSc»lUr lUit>crCrrCnO-ALuutn AfCtK^ Cil y ■■ W 2 ■ AaUAL BMANK FINANCINGi.p«pl..ilawilh...good&edit, I f) FREE I orsports ^ J «s, poor voi|. ^ DRAWING t B en Hartiauiehh JMotors Adventure Moi-733-7222 H |^ n ■ m » A h r n , mIKElSRARZAM,Hlim«n« c tea Ceottr Manager. K For W ater Sporj n SurCnflAluffllnumtn AA CUu Yunahi , WcndcU-53(^66323 TwjnFaUa.73Motorsports % C d l : 7 35-2480orl-SO 6 - O :4;473-5797 W- <5 Accessorie? ^ Sunday 6pm T o m ’s M a r n i n a Gaiy’s Westland• 733-5072 H SnSwiriCtT|ur idJiindaiRV \ NUONOT ^ ■ • Burley - 678-71 T w in FaUs • 73 U n U M H T / V k . R a y m o n d I Pinetrce Sp<;ports Kawasaki/Pc•733^1825 U u n UK K • IM MU WueW*(efMil!x T w i nSolaris F a of ------Buricy. 678-58 - ■5869 T w in F a lla . F73 a U s ||c -73-M 060 ■ ------i i si j t . — _ — ^ SoUiiUnv Mnrcti 9. 1996 Timos Nuws, Twin Fnlla, Id.iholO DD-5

POOL TABLE Boaulltul' ^ !• GRAVEL bolly dump I CHEVY.Y. ^ 1990. 1 ion wllh TOYOTA •92'9: Groolcono. F0R D '91F -1£^iSOXUTLa'*- ;FORD'94,e>ploroiloror, 2 door JEEP • 93 Grand Choinorakoo I g 1 0 ^ 0 .. cusiom oak. slato lop. I 100 2 ------1 ° 1W0II bolow Bluo ot. V-8, AT.'. A'AC, bodlmof. ' AT. power ovoryttDrything, lots Lntoilo, 4 dr 6cyl 'S<-50 Pick Up Flat m -4 7 6 8 days or Coll 324-109932<) ' cond. S5000“ C. XE. low mi, oxcol11 ll. $3!$3500.~^6-6512'^ CHgVV 93 4x4 0x1. cab XLT long boi Loadod,good conco n d . COMPANION ' L .sod drop docks availabi- mPl«‘’,“ 'SUZU '93 T.oonoopor L.S.. OM C’79 Jimmy I‘72 iTon 350 1/2 Ion. shortst bod. Z-71 condlilon. I )0 below low R^hs n'onll Low nulolilonrjo. clonn R od u eo d prioprioo Quality mado >n Idaho bl-ANT1QUE-AUT03------I.- O th o r e q u ip m e n t ^ ^ r i S l ^ o?Q7 51500 b 1-2676 •NASH '6! iw /g ro in b o d . 5th pkg. Loodeidod-w/ovory op- S7000/otlor.r. CallC 733-9597 UQok, only 20,28 000 mi, Cnll David 733-949490 S0,250'oltci call 324-267 Aflordablo, durable □ 8. COLLECTIBLES )l hookup, 536-5815 «0n avail, ■ 11432-5306. I lall Hall't Equipment — — ■. nal mllos-iS-*MlI?S^SELLt FORD'94F-I5<.I50suporcab, . wntrhnly.Cnll43 BROCKMANS- n v BUICK'507. 4dr.,S750. •>.'2O0)234-O889. Pocatollo p q RO173 7 3 ITonFlalBod $19,950.l. 'Call 1 733-7175 .loaded, tow pi 734-3167 1-800-773-3167 — ISUZU-94 Rodoodoo Aulo, n j 2 2 H ^ S l '65 FORD M ustang, now oval______wllh tootloot box. Musl soo to ask for BroJroni 01 734-5951 C^all 423 . AC, cruiso. 17117K milos ------— DCpaint. S4500. Qoih rur^ Call LAYTON.1972 24 ll sloops g JAILER 42' Wosiom approcl.'ociote. Call Qruco aflor 6 p.m - XtiuTnewTuwiirwwihovaiuooi ; Full fnclocy/ wtw arranly. pood 733-8838 anytimo. (20«io lf u n lo a d in g . N ow Miliofat' 6 . SoH-contninod, cloarw . 5 95 SIO. Blazor. umn you uto II. - St7,9S0. CnllII780-3281 78 ; ■ OQUollzor hitch & moro. — yak03.S19,500324-5209 DODOE 19S5 PU. runs ) -74 F250 PS.PB. US, 4 Ooor3or. Loadodil 6K Con7M-OMiiI3t pfpM g. ISUZU Tiooporlor 'i36' Exc. I j j k S3200/onor. Coll 934-S789 PCgood, oxua parts. S600. OLVO 1 906. T an d o m AT.air. air. now tiros, runs. mis, S23K/< . 543-8171 Sol K'O""- FO R D.F250,,0. 1907. ion, c o n d . Now e on n g in e . 5 NEVER BEEN CAMPINO: — 1' brakJrlv o .9 -s p o o d .8 V 9 2 . Call 037- 970 Blazor, good . o x io n d o dic a b . diosol, i spooo. $3450. 3. •05001 overhaul. 11x24,5 ------CHEW ,97 1995 Kll Companion, 23', —PONTIAC 'G9 Firebird, lo r T T ) ‘77 F350 (lal bod conditron.n. 43000 or bost S7900. Catl11733-4103. 7 i ------S12-500/o»or. 736-QtG8 £ rosioro'pans, S600. Soo iros, w/ 1979 Muvall low- ‘ ------'JEEP '90 Ch 3oy troilor. all hydfallc. „ now "S clulch ♦. good offer. Call i 1B35 05iorloh,Twin Falls. IJ52500. 788-3080 _ FORD. F250.0 . 1992,' Supor | Latooo. Loododdodit Traitor 1 99!^ F ( ------SILVERSTREAJClOGSaii^-l- 3o»vto-si9.ononn 6-3/4-Ton-----^------C0br4X4rXlrXLTT-460-OO——pXtj-TTKmlirRo AC. nowor iito3 & whools. I PS.PB. Reliable, - In , 50K ■nis, m il C u s io m I cond. $10,700.ip. 352-1935 : Stk. #T4f)68A •Fullv»l loncicd with-renr A/Cr & i i o o i I boy ..1983. 1 ton. 0X12 P ' nowor 10 gal. hol walor > OLVO. 1386 Tondom b o d . 4 6 0 , 4 s p d . S2000. Cnll Cl 734-7100 w hools»oxtsxtras Sharp ------hoalor. 734-7235 2 • SgM I A H P flW 1 _Bof,arlvo.9-spood.0V92. ------looking. S19.119.995. Days. JE E P'94 QmndId Chorokoo,C much1 rmore! U’ASS22,935 ■ EQUIPMENT 11*22.5 IlfOS, w/ 1979 5J-S0U-00. Call5«-5240 CHEVY suburban,Su 1900. 733-3292. Evos,£vt 326-4470 dark Qioon. llmllod Uml V-0. mi») car *til b« our twsll Uw 1,' mgs oftor 7:00 p.m. 3,^ 4, amtlflad. 733-0931. \ VOLslof board Puller Poialo ovonmgs 4x4. oir. clean. ------load"J! Porloctly)Ctly mainlal- 2 "20 bool'sfoin combino- ari\ ronly, S7900. Can FORD, flsngergor. 1984. long noc 50K ml.. 100K 10( trans- ^ B c Q S ^ W i l tion bods. 25 hoist, auio ] jx ■7® 3/4Ton Pickup ). Call 537-6609 4. - bod, campor>or oholi, V6. 5 imrablo worrant' E E 2 E m 4 911 I —closo boots gatos. 60’ siai ■ spood, now}w llros, good oxtra whools1 w/ studdod ■SuC|Ki»PrcrSM PWtruru.T'«r40Mo00Cc(tu ovn:rnUMni«arcfilS I u n UTY TRAILERS siflos, i-9 t modol. 1-'84 TralFAR BOARD 1979 Pullor Q M C•82 '82 S-15 PU. V-6. '85 1 Ton 4x4. conflillon.. S2300/Ollor.S: snow lires, S24,j:24,500. Call modol. Call 654-2817 BottPotntoTfO llof.tor g-sp.cas.cOMOtto. runa groai. «ilhout 0'x9' tllp- CB1I736-8108100 or 708-5011 208-700-0895. B u r a k r a TRAILER Stock or utility, & 50.500.00 S I95O/0I0,.,,.,32.-4550 ly box. complolo , ------6'x l6' opon top. bumpor 40' TT Sth whool nat >••-1 w/9 ir. Qonoraior & air FORD, XL,, F150, F 1969. JEEP.CHEROKI P i s 734-«5«5tai5 wlnchos, S1800, Call loaso can (208)-537-67a7 . hllch, S1295. Sfl« Ot 487 30ys Of (20B)-537.6536 ^ comprosso>sor. 537-6595 or $7800. Exco(COllonl condi- Now tiros, now^ s y 334-390010 Elm St. Casllolord. Id. B25-5011 ^ ^ 0 . 1 ‘84 long bod wrtool 543-5309.9. tion. Call 324-124-7996. . $3900. Call 733 4810 ------______b o x,. ono on ownor, woll' All typos liailors Single ax- Pi' 'v.inf lull \ u f title I con\■jnuott ■ I’liiMlu-nio^r © tlonjtil call (702)-237-5400 ‘ s.>tfly{ Thf Croiui V,cU>n.)..1/11/.1// I (uxuiv _ Buy. MO. row w iwsp wItnT AT. douined ad. 733-0931. ;SSS$SSSSSSS 734 r s S S S S S ' H ^ ' N o w A t / Raymond Ford You ___ i ' I S; S N O W P A Yi $avc*3000 4iSl . * 2 2 , 8 5 5 J & r - 3 , 0 0 0 sioch*s)s X137303, X136018. X13M2I, X137M2 ■ 1 Conirol • Powor Vifindows • Powor.,H € E 3 = IEEBi H 3 • llluminniod Eniry • Powor Soal ■ 1 9 , 8 5 5 1 ON THB StPO t T I H lV/l(Vl KJl/c.(/i .111(11(1 luxiiiv lA fllm,» \\1 l\v i).iv niiiif liir U-wll! ' H ui'Tnw vfloijivHaHWi J \ FOR USED CC. A R S - 5 1994 CHEVROLEl s S T R U CKS K s W m m Stk, #T4824A»EXT,A11W11 WBfol Drive. Loaicd, Sj Top Dollar for Any Year,,A Ai ttyM aS eH $ including rear A/C.JC. W AS I9.SS5 S ^ ^ Y M C 3ND M s; ’LKIHAM'SI-SOO-CIICAB-LOAHII E ^ 1!«K9ILAX3llVn.E«T• TWDIFDUI CaU 738-038380 ~ 7 3 6 - 2 4 1 8 0 ’ Ask for Dick Oital l t a a o n . Z W f V i ■SuSlKSDProSlW Pw Tu.TBMDD.«>DOC»JiSmn> $ > 601 MAIN AVE.'.EA I ST S ■I'jiTiT ” l i 2 r * SJSSSSSSSSSSS SSSSSSS KuliL 7 3 4 4 5 6 5 S faBStia 324-3900 SS I 1^ k 3 3 3 B B j BARU , 1992 SUBubaru§1 r r1996 Mazda PProtege LX 1996 MazdaI B23dO PU. 4 WGlj LEGAa AWIWDWGN 1 1 1987 NISSAN^N 1990 SUBAinnOpllom, /6-076B,Aii.CroiJ», , SENTRA LEGACY 4X4------{ a B tn v te * rv * " » ~ f604IA.t^VTiIhAllllM t t 9 9 ------— 7------8495 11.995 JjB Was'9995 m § PER w S T T m BO C Now Only... O'JNDAI 1992 TOYOYOTA * E s c M O N T H - «owOn/y...*19^ RA CAMRY >VC, TILT, CRUISE CONTRTROL. AM/FM/CASS., 1994 HYUN>fa, 4 DOOR SEDANSI t•|>- PW R WINDOWSIS & L O C K S ^ 8 9 7 7 o r ^ l 1987 01DSM0B ^ ;&4)738,Lsoded Withi*HIl.Op,i.«, A ll J imm Owned. buOmlCi DELTA 88I 11,000 kt«d»fc Q plkm, 8995 }Nos'M995,.. 9 r M a z d 7 ^1300 S E y ^ 996 Mazda Was'IO,99Si.„ 11.995 , ^ ~ i - . , . EX-P.U. 626 LX Was’449S J O - How Only... 8 VOUlUR ^ NowO/i/y„. * 3 4 ? VAN 1992 SUBUBARU ^ CHOI 1990 CHE' LEGAa 4X4K4 SEDAN DICE ^ ^ 1982 TOYOTAITA astro VA #S-im,Alf,Pow«WindcUSM, CAMRY 4X4k 4 « - 008B,Ai»,Cnm«CBfllrol <5.1831. U oM U U lkiO plio W tiililnCc^,l«DlJrO*n*d. 9995, 12,795 J74J0 l].CD0M3(i«>1*I I W as'/99S > Was‘tt.99i^ - MM7Jnu casNO'KiuMc utf*TvtNt,«a«tCNi doc iH.i:»iitueuutio:i9u.ux»s(uruncN it: m no3 tM, urn « « a*a« iit c» > 9 5 N o w O n lr~ ^9 r*0!tauttJOUlMIMM. U lUCUAlUu?eO.3rt cHOOOuUwtJXMt lianuusAHAjr I NowOnIr- 59? xnut 1993 PLYMrMOUTH ~ rt )«0plio« 0005 i/. GolfGL iwiVw,* ^aeon,ExnitoCondit>an,lfi HowOifyJ^VA12.995 W as'6995 » o e N o w ^ r ~ ^ 9 1995 SUBUBARU ^ . *199 W o w O n /y - *59? *229 A I ,»..r 1994 SUBA LEGAO‘CYL J W PER 1991 OIDSMOB3BILE iMPREZJ AWDWAIMGON fl P E R f i x P M O N T H * • m o n t h * • V CIERA S 4 DOOR SEI Z'T' .(O j* ^WR SUNROOF. M **'- rt-OMA.*jilon«tkIrammo ;S. PWR SUNROOF, A/C, AM/FM/CASS. PV 6tyW«rngin«.AI(,CiA*, 1 L O C K S CKS ______tf Coflhol CiHMItt, Po**f Winiwi & PW R LOCI S3,0(nMiJ«. . 5,995 WowOnlr-Mi17.995 g VtiO i7.6coMiisikTi«i i •• iBHOMnillOJIKtWUAXIvXK)iiNO'»ciR istp«u{w.*caBmcN'iTCN IU nw i«, inu Aj« ca m doc ru » iN W as'9995 S S f v.w.ocua»wm»?3i37ii3W,vwOTACitiawyw4»,ionLO«io«icog)o»«iw*BLwffr. NowOnly^^79SJ9 5 WowOnfy’lO , ARU. S U B ^Vin Falls « 7^8860 ______w 94 Falls Avenue • Tw D-0 rifnos Nows, Twinn FfFoils, Idoho '; Soiurdoy. Morcn :

DODGE’70 Spoflsmnnnn - FORD^ TourusGL 1AC 1994 Grond A/n TOYOTA '6 «ulo, AC fu n j flfO.llto.1t 3.01 VO. AT; PS, PB.AC, VO, 4'floor, oulo. AC, Sllvof. goo •ALERS ______— - -•SirSOtJtfor- 73«’772'i24 - PDL, PW, AM/FM cnss Bd. orlolnal 0wr>0r , ------Call 73^ ■I I Ono ownor, oxcol. cond. FORD '85, 0 pnaa vnnvnn. S4000. Cflll734.C2ll toatloO. S2450. 734-40011001 ■ ' 733-5095. Ooug. S . J i s , " ', ____ FORD '09 Thundo;t)lrd. 2 X FORD '91 Aoroslnr XLTXLT, dr, oxcol cond, S7500 or iRU'7ffBrol.4spoiu Sony 5lOfoo/CD cdonnof 5392.______! '■ JR 7L'.000 mL S11,375. ' BCnl ~ i 733-3570 boforo 7PM.H. iRU -78 Brol, 4 spood, ’‘ooso Choi por#holl, S650. Coll eorroctno! D OLDS 1993, Silliouollo^ GUARANTEED 5392. day lhai It ------Tlmo»-No VSSIFIED orylhlng', lonmor sonla: z : a d s Kl '93 Swifl, 4 door. epontlOlo' TMENT now liroi.. S9,975/o1lorillor. is bumpor, S4500/ol- mot llmo. CnII 7BU 1000______Tho Times Nows :oll doy« 733-9524. L = = ^ = 1-5538 — • guarantoos to soli ~ 1 0 2 0 morchandiso. AUTOS FOR SALElE automolivo in 7 H u r r y I, NDFORD/iMITSUBISH days and roal [j t EEEE 1084 Lincoln Mofll 7 Lov e sta te in IS d a y s ______fHilau£i-u.‘Xl_CCDiL_D.(‘'i37gT ' DrraraiTttiB'ad'arr ■ DliiO SSQQ0Coll543'67Gl— additional 7 days ICADILLAC, 1075, now on at no additional cjino, Illlornnlof. tJilltOfy'^5 *fl chargo to the iiros Runii Ilko n cloc» , S ' I A I { . FORO 07 Tnurus 64K ml, ZaSWlSA MC.•'. <'rtiis4\ Titl. V .tiX ^ P3S7a \ .(,-, ,l «tifitn l n itif, A/< ' oxcol cono, S3000/otlor;i ^■Si^d B t: SwE P>.t Ttt. E TM MIX 734-C124 aliofSPM. ^ KIUKS "°T 1 9 9 1 IN t S S A N FORD 91' Taurus V6 AT A! '.AH / . » • • / ______Loadod,Juna & lookoroai , B0S9304A .\H \ < -ritisi-. T il/. V-l! .V- M KA3i650B l B50S0tAI>,\l.y■ i■J7.nmt M ll.l.:s * 1 9 9 6 1 9 9 3 HNISSAN FORD TAURU! ‘ ‘Yi9 8 9 b O D G i I UA\in ic u tx't I'•U.IA V / / > K1I8IA lu-oniinifi/ At U 0 6 0 S I0 A1 I IV/I.-,-/ I t v i v i - /mond Ford - Roy Raymi I M Jus J g j I I ..OR DRAG # * 1 6 , 9 8 rWORTHj nd equtpped Just th a wi m m B ■ All-Naw and• Floor m als • AM/FM C ossotlo • SROod Controlm * Fl• Auto Ovordrh/o Tfansmiaslon H Flllration S y slo m « SlOtk l i G204773, G2M778, G2O4709, G2( $ M SlK m n o , 9 i ' 1 3 , 9 *9 5 J ______IJ 9 9 t f O R D 1 9 9 1 FORD , 0 / / s f o u i : \ r i A ) i { E m . s p o i i r R a y m o n e tIVO;-/l ( f.. ., S t ...... UaaiVBA t.iiif Miti-n. Aiili,Itnniilif. l.ni'itlly O ivufi I t o U l U Q w n . n • m n FMit I 9 9' I ] MITSUBISHI 1 9 9 2 /I/O > i \ / , . v < i n c i t o K i II , . I .'nil. it W ith 4I.SWA.4>1 t'iittf Whi-t'i2f t JBCPttfif,'. I.iitt' .Miti-s I<9 > 9 3 D O D O E 1 9 9 1 tCHEVY i\n < W li.\v .\i\ , S - I O I S I . A v A n n / . V / r m i A 11.11’I I'iui-i i. 1 .lii/iiiiii,, 7AtlO/ttVB V It. A u ttitniiitif, i l.tim lrif

I{992 F O R D A i/•• ' /.•O .s /■. »/»• j m uck s / ... .illy th i ii. it. I ...... li NttHAOni- <1<>f ii-K iiul.' /in Fads, ID 83301 5 3 3 ______■AKE TRAI 5 0 SUPER CAB 4 X ^ I D F O ^ rURBO DIESEL WAS...323,995 $ « ^199951 n 3 , 9 i i d O V EFJ?/ 13 CHEVY 1 5 0 0 I 1 9 9 2 ’ FORD F - l i P - l . ' i OO 4 x 4 UB29533A I.,„rtntfi'i/ iV- I.tK'a//y On lA6tSt19A V-.'t. A m'/ttnm . tir, l.im ttftl ======9 9 3 ¥ o R d ‘° ° i 9 9 S ~ M l i ^95001 AJEROS'rA Rr, RXTRIVD E E X I ^ O 393S42A O liI.v :i:■i.i.mio .M iit ,i. x i .r r >7/ 7'l*itH sviififr C omul'urt. i t'u tty I'U iitiintf :hevy x-cab 4H 4 I SILVERADO 1 99 9 4 i s U 2 U ~ ~ 1 9 9 4 ^ 1 0 hRODEO B ftA V . Ft I28A l.i/l K iiil. C'ljsliiin W h ffls. ,1 tSt42A !.,■<,Ih , r l,il, rt O / i / . v 2-IJU)ti M U

- m o o l ? 9 3 ~ d ~ 6 6 g ¥ ' ‘ ° ‘ l 9 9 S GRAJVt T D C A H A V A F -JJ50 4 x 4 . S O IEUY 1 5 0 0 STEPSIDE I m m O iM ! Whi rl th-ifi'tfithI) C ruisf. Tilt. Fttta.Vl.T, V -.S , A l i lttniK t ilir fivortlrivo ■ t . 4 ^ nUTBADO 4X4 NOBODDY DOES V IAN BOY iBAYMOND - ^155001 TC0 ENSUBE 5ATISFAC1TION DGE DAKOTA CLUB I CAB 4X4 NOBODYf OFFEBS BETTEB lAiVARBANT1 - ^125001 0)B GIVESC SiB SjFTEB DEALLS! /IC STEPSIDE 4X 4 | m m m m ! . s m m m m ^ e WXS...St4,99S ' 736-r2480 r ^129951 1-800-4173-5797 m u j B M F m m ' W eekdays; 1& -S • S at. mmommnms- i \ M O ^1 3 P rices good at ouiLir B uhl lo cation, too m m m w E c o M ' 543-(-4318 i r w Sim lAKisIS Rim , N. • 1WN (Alls, I Somu pquiptnenC «hbhoun may be option^. i • ' / L TlHE!ISIEN M101FOSniurday. Mnrcti9. 1906iRS Tlrro3-Now3, Twin Fiiiis. idnhono 0 - 7

' E!! Rl >E-IN S,-W E O N T I N U E= I D — -DUE-TO-EDIT AliG A R ^ R A D I E - H A V E 0 < ► ^ H E T R EI I M E N D O U&4JSEDG^ S St\ l O U ^ R E D T A G S ! A L E . R E C[GROUPEDD , R E P R I CS E D - N O M K O N E Y D> ( O W N ! . . c I ^ m OIK 199 5 HONDA ACCORD EX 1 9 8 7 JE E P CHERO»)OKEE 1 9 9 3 GMCIC 4 X 4 PICKUP 19:1 9 8 9 GRAND MARQUIS HONDA CIVIC 4D R . I 1 9 8 6 FORD DRO» leel Drive. Air Condiiionlng, Bilerlor. •5x4.5 Speed Transmission, Pon , Power Dooi 51,000 Miles, " I 4«4, 5 Speed Transmission,in M Cyciinder §,5,^0 gyj;Sysiem, Reclining Seals. Pow er Locks, Power Windows. Manyflany Extras T n n sm is sio n ^ A M I Engine, G reat Ouv W indov/5,25,000 Miles V-8, Olive ill $u ------4IO «hlU St^0l ^6995/M akBOffer— I * 3 5 0 0 ------H ed-TagagPrlcej9999 ______— cutTo^18,400—------| - h l ^ 7 5 9 liTM 7 akeDfferri— ” J — — flBdTag-Prlc8-^3 \ gag

1 9 9 1 OLOSMOBILE t9 9 4 HONDA ACCORD U 1 990 HONDA ACCO 1989 UNCOLN MARK LSC Auto.. AJf, Power Window? & SoJ 1993HOHOJIDA ACCORD SE 199 COM EX 1992 Hoi .I^Powflr Door, Front Wheol Drivo, 2tK. Power Aluminum Wheels, Beautiti I Drive, 5 Snood Transmission, *■’Luxury Sports Car at it'5 Ocsl. Dual Pow Wheci CWvo. Power Sieeiino10 i Brakes, 22K, >^ti-Lock Brj Endows & 0|or Locks, Air. Sloreo Silver. Tactiomeiei, Air CCon I S ™ Mirrors & Seals, Alt Suspension. Tilt. Ctulse.feira CleanIcan Boautllul Go Moon Root 10 inlerior, Good Tires. Tcmporatuie Control

I Now J u s t ^ 1 P , 9990 £ Cut To*'* 1 6 , 8 8 0 B uy T oday M 4 , 4 4 0 How J u s t * 8 4488 1 Now Askgklng *10,888 C u t T o * 9 6 2 6

7 7 - — i i ^ ^

VAGON 1989 MEI AM 1989 UNCOLN TOWNPpffl CARI 1 9 9 0 GRAR Porlect Fami^ Car. front Whetl Drive, HU Autom l.?^Tra?K”I Owner. 5 15.000 Crystal Biuo Metallic, Crulso, Till, Auiamntlc Tians.. Power Steeilno & Crystal Blue wllh a Matchinoifllmerior. Ir Red,AlfCondlil Dark Gold Mclailic, Leather Inlerior, *^iIes!ftom"Anec!onvo.P


1 9 8 6 BUICK 1994 F0RDTHUN0ER^^1DLX 1993 MERCURY TRACERIER4DR. 199 1 TOY!lYOTA CELICA i 1990 PONTIAC SUSUNBIRD 1 9 8 8 1 CENTURY WAGON Air Condllloninp^^FronmhBcl S|-V"v stk, #Z-4535. Front WheellOiive^Ali Ori' Economiul,AitCoiCo;gJ,.nin,.L..«.. ■ “ n f / s sndWcuSng^'BucKot’toai^s'’’’''''’' s Conditioning, Power Windows) w s SI D o o ( - S ie ie o ''““" A S * " -'’"'' N ow Only * 4 9 ! 9 5 B uy ToT o d a y * 3 9 9 5 IRed Tag Price * 13,8811 8 8 N ow O nly %99l190 RedTag Prkrice *11,995 *3688/M *3 akeOHer

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1982FAIRM0HT 1984 UNCOLN TOWNVNCAR I 1 9 7 9 TOY!lYOTAWAEON 1986 PONTIACC 6E 0 0 0 ^ H A ■ ~t licorinq iitomatic Transmission’w/Overdrive, lo m ical Power OiscUrjttcs, loaded. Li mission, AM/TM Stereo - p o „ . Beaulilul^oidM^Ullit^uihr:*E«.tea. F,o»wwii s"*llrakBsf 6^lfn3oV Economic Room. Rifle, Comlort. and Lu e. L u ao ^ o e ’■"“ 'SKs'i?, _ Scats, AWfTM!f£iS!laSW ffl. cutTo'*1488 N ow J u s t ’ 3 9 9190 1 Red Tag PrPrice M 495 ______C ut To * 2 9 9 0 Now Only *!21:1 3 5 _____ p , i L J aA t J u s t * 2 5 0 0 L

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m o 1 9 9 5 MERCURY TRARACER 1 9 8 6 GRAMAND MARQUIS 191 991 HONDA CIVIC LX ^ 1 9 9 1 JE E P CHERI■ROkEE “■ iggg pi lutomati Transmission 41 Dr,Dr,,From Wheel Drivo, DIue, Blue Laredo Packaoo. Power V/ii igln|^pandaid Transmission. Owner. Ail Wlieel Orive, Pow( All Wheel Drive, Condition,• Full'Full jwcr Ooor Locks, Stereo Indivliidiviotui Seals, Auto. Transmission. SSf&m. Power. Aulomalic. Power Windowslows • CasseirG System *Powor Steering, Stereo. Air Air Condiiionlngno ’9555 Buy TodayTo ^490 I Cut To * 1 3 ,8 8 8 I R e d T a g P ric e M O1 , , ! 9 9 D N ow Onllnly M288 ReiRed Tag Sale * 8 9 4 0 Red Tag Price *9

I i m o d o d g e d1**“ a I " * 1 9 9 4 TI rOUR 1 9 9 2 NISSSSANSENTRA ■ PIC K U P. 199 5 F0RD CONTOl 1989 GMC S-15 PICKUP 1 Wheel Drive, Floor Mount Local 1 Owner. Front Wheel‘I Drive.Dri Air L ocal 1 O w ner, F Econ. i Cyilniler Engine. SLini iwer Steering 4 Orakos, Mag Condllorilno. Aulomallc Transminsmlsston Aulomalic iransmis'misslnn.'^r'^onflllonlno Toollioolbox. Floor Mount Transmission Pinsltiplna, Good Tires, :ir. Low Miles. 1 Owner — -Prlc8d-atJuitil2,lJ j 8 9 0 ______Re d u c e dll !T d ^ 8 8 5 8 ______PrU■rlce d A t J u s t * 4 8 5 0 _ _ Rod Tag Price *5‘ 5 5 8 8 _ a t Only * 1 0 , 9 9 0

9TIM EW IH N ER OF THEFHE r------T [ ^ M PRESTIGIOUS CHAIRMAN'IAN’S AWARD FOR CUSTOMERHER SATISFACTION 1 9 9 4 GRAND MARQUIS 1991 GRAND MAI XECUTtVE SERIES ^JJufcs 'Jfatrison's I 1 97 9 CHEVY LUV PICI>ICKUP' T99MiONDAW^SBRTBr 19! H rransmisslon. Low Miles, Just1 Olloil Lease, Tin, Cruiso, Power Seals, Formal Vinyl Rooi, 1 Owne«ncr,AIITho .#L-4516,6, L(Loalhor interior. Powor ■ '■‘'•■“'“s'.srss!"'" mmcr,AirCondtilonlno Powe'ower Windows. Power Door LoctiS Oplions Wlndov/s,;, PowerPo' Door Locks. Cruiso ■ 16,888/M ake OHer Cut To * 9 91 9 9 9 Now OnOnly * 1 7 , 4 6 3 |^^cutTo*28^18 Now Only'ly * 1 9 , 7 6 8 J 1 6 THEISE^N MOTORSIS SB * 198 8 CHRYSLER U ' FORD LTD 1 9 S9 3 VOLXSWAGEN GOLF LEBARON 1987 PLY 197«PnMTIA0VEHBINRURA 197 7 Fl 2 Door, Froni Wlieel Dri' ni Wlieel Drivo, Sicro System, ij^pgo Miles. 5 Sooed Transmission. Condiiionlng, AfMM Stereo w aCylW...2D,5.r.Jpop.ABt.:^ Blast From ItU Stereo Cassotio, Air Condiiionlng . f & S . , , . , ""T s S'd Transmission.t'S Hico Cdr. s»E*rr'‘ A» I Greay Buyl • "Home o f th e Tholson Plan^lan- Red Tag Price’11 9 9 ' 7 5 C u t T o * 4 5 0 «Now Only * 9 9 9 0 Red Tag Price *2» 2 9 8 8 c nut t lTo *17 8 0 T he E a siest Placo In T The h e World To Buy A Cor'r'

3 , 701 MAIN AVE.. E.E 1^— A F T ^R HOURS CdtALL--- Ej| In Beautiful Downtown Twin Fall'a l t s ArdenMartin ...... 73:733-4406 Dave Sterling...... 733-8957 I 7 3 3 - 7 7 0 0 Wayne McWilliams. 73i733-7969 .Darrell. Lage.. . 324-5135 I H T O LL FR E E P at P ark s...... 42;<123-5011 Alan M cIntosh.h..... 7 3 4-2952 1992 POK 1994KUSEPUIA ^ S U B A R I 1.800-316-770:0 3 Ralnar Lange...... 73'734-‘t668 Ron Maughn...... 7 3 4-3122 FronlWhcelDrlve.AM/Ffj a g a g K . ““ ■TJffiM""'™"' Cassene. Air Condiior “" ’'I s ? TTte LtijeitTContintu.^...r . . . ■ Tom Butler ...... 73'734-8809 DaveValach...... 735-0631 O ur'^^putation Cjivji'sVS Now O nly * 8 8 8 8 P ric e d A t J u s t * 8 8 4 8 8 ^ ut To * 8 9 9 0 ' •PM In. hue. IkeifUjylDtikiOotfrtcIS^ SIN L ively...... 73'734-2126 Todd Strain,.,....-733-6655 _____ J ■ 01^9^ 0-8 Tlmos-Nows, TTwitiwi Foils. IO.iho SiilufOny. MutMufch 9. 1990 1 f I I ^ i j i y J "' 1 TJ ■ m ;"nEW!^!1996TliM( .NNEON SEDA] — -0-DtIOWN-IEI Sl.^^k *f.l'N-OJ, CnliML'nli^ri III>ck. Unr tt llili ptlcr. Unll> luhfiluhfrcl 10 prior uls or I Ic4»r. O.A.C. tin cixlcc>*l SII.VKH. Klrtl |«vnimt >nj ktuHivcHivJrjoxli dut upon li>irPn$K>9.lX).U. 60 m»nih cli»«ImJ InK locU>:.fUJtJ In cmmihly [oy- Ini wb.tf. r w i» ’" 8 lOWN ^2! 0 9 Ml10.1 Slock MT-IO). Colon Cmnimn. Om *1 ihU price. Unln >u^c»li>l>xI Juc Iifpun inception 54)4.00.60 monlh c1o«rlotcrlmJ lc»]ln( $I2.S40.00. OptionMion loI pur- *V^^HcWtm ^ll«Kri^^ 2»04j«j2Jll|l»iW l^^ ilhir ptTwent. Dt»lrt rtt»b>t tcbcic. | H I — ■ —NlJEWJ-1996 6-DODGE-]-1400GLU I'X^' ^ 9 SLT.Loadea. ©(3i1W® 1 ^ 0) i]iw N ~!2 2 9 «AO. 1 0 Dl(OWN < ) M O.*— ...... ' Slock MDS-5DS-59. Coioct Ciu>Jt Apple R«i Ob. ■I.11 this niee. Ub(u MiI>)Kt Co mkr leoeUiae;^" oe I ^Hty i l ^ i Jue unon Ehcf«&>< SU«.tV.»JW .« ; Stock I6TOOI'•306. Colon Wiiltr/Drifl. One al ihtttht< nricr. Ualti tubject lo prior uie; or louic.1 O.A.C. ctp coit $2S,$S8.. FiRr»t payment clue upon inceptionn $339.00.60S. ■ month tlo*cJ < $ 1333{ J2 1.71. T u and llllc not IncliuJo tion <0 puithue «l W e ctJ {oe JSJ77.6Qr?.6Q.T« j t t l n y e b B t e ^ ^ ^ » ^ « j ,10, not IncliKtcd In Boninly p*rmt»i. Dcalrrrr retjint1 rthur. ______

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H ' ' . -V WWa u$5995 i l l ■ 1992-bODC36&MONAGO H u ^ O dOWII^IOSmD. K io. PjpWtypw l?6988iiffi^ r 4 9 f ^ l •ltd ■'UalMMbMtoB^'idai'aiM. th- ■ DMlOTim(OTmaM«Mao4ssteasesi!!':! sssd*r(x!i?rM Siam Ira nMbvtoM'TlSI n tE fS S ^ 9 U«H Al% No tMh down. (O bmMIiIt ■ ly p « r ^ ^MJ wyncM. lOOOH ATA. No «*h down, toOoMmthly OMn I H K plynlmBir^iw JmmS!*sjo»k*ll ib«Hoci.p.y»«i.t».!M»ck.t»U. '

:.■ , •. W u$9995 w o sS n 1 o 0 9 9 5 ,••• ^ 1993 M ERCURY TT( O iP A Z ^{1 1990 DODGE’Ey.TONRU. P ’a «’0«M>^179i^|i i169mo.P^98 Now^8988or^OD0DOVilin89MO.|mb^89d8.i^0«>»^18!m M •4l*&a.c.TaiL tilt*

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