Congressional Record—Senate S921
March 1, 2021 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S921 Even as commissioner of education, The legislative clerk read as follows: The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- it wasn’t beyond him or above him to CLOTURE MOTION ator from Georgia. invest in his community in that way. We, the undersigned Senators, in accord- f It is, I hope, an indication of who he is ance with the provisions of rule XXII of the and whom he will remain if the Senate Standing Rules of the Senate, do hereby HONORING THE LIFE AND LEGACY chooses to confirm him into this role, move to bring to a close debate on Executive OF JOHN ROBERT LEWIS AND Calendar No. 8, Gina Marie Raimondo, of COMMENDING JOHN ROBERT as I hope we will do with a big bipar- Rhode Island, to be Secretary of Commerce. tisan vote today. Charles E. Schumer, Sherrod Brown, LEWIS FOR HIS TOWERING I yield the floor. Sheldon Whitehouse, Benjamin L. ACHIEVEMENTS IN THE NON- VOTE ON CARDONA NOMINATION Cardin, Robert Menendez, Patrick J. VIOLENT STRUGGLE FOR CIVIL The PRESIDING OFFICER. Under Leahy, Alex Padilla, Jacky Rosen, RIGHTS the previous order, all postcloture time Richard J. Durbin, Tammy Baldwin, Mr. OSSOFF. Mr. President, as if in has expired. Jack Reed, Chris Van Hollen, Richard Blumenthal, Tim Kaine, Martin Hein- legislative Session, I ask unanimous The question is, Will the Senate ad- consent that the Senate proceed to the vise and consent to the Cardona nomi- rich, Christopher Murphy, Maria Cant- well. consideration of S. Res. 82, submitted nation? earlier today. Mr. MURPHY. Madam President, I The PRESIDING OFFICER.
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