■ 4 .: V ■ ■ ■ - W 1 7 / 'C I c H '0 c = - P ^ vv-_.^c£ .DP . CIT^ -JT r-1 T h i»LT LJvi < WS mmi Good mnorning (C S I Cl: u r e fco r G e;m ta xx - r e v o) l t fa UI s cues in Twin Today’s forecasiast: support ththe College t)C [¥ ^ ways to replace the picki■ked up se v eral th o u sa n d vcues By K aren Tolkkincn ■ Ils .uul Jerom e counties for the Oni' Fair and \vannt.T.r. Ea.st1; winds 10 to IS jj Southern'' I d a h o in T w in Jk vneMyear. Falls T im es-N ew s w rite r rcent,Initiative,” Hhick, said.id. •"I would • mph. Hiftlis 60 lo 65.1)5. Lt>ws n e a r 35. FaUs. nmiltee members cit- .IVtci ht future budgets as a haft'-ftnti see it puss by tiini lii.irgin,■ gin," ......................... Pago A2 BOISE - Lawmakers on FrFriaoy killed ■ Tlie SenatKite S ta le A ffa irs j B tT t I of decreasing state ./icall/> lawmakers had usedI ih.ih.U tlueai S2.47 million in property lajlax-.rclief for Cotnmitteei:e voted 5-4 h, a lawsuil over un- to trytr to .sway committee menneinhers to Jerom e and Twin Falls courounties - and against a measuren which public schools and a • sendid the bill to the Senate flouriot.r,-lax re-, Rep. Ron Black, R-Twin Falls,Fa said it would haveve given extVa moiioy to'tlI’thc’-'cqual funding for pii lative" likely to go he- lieff now,i they said, could tlecnL'creasc teii- could fuel support for thehe tax-revolt state’s comrnmunity colleges while redn.•due- "One I’eicent Iniliali' Its fall that would re- sit)nin liver property taxes in TwTwiii l-alls, movement known as the Onone IPercent Ini- ing their pn3roi>erty tax levies. C<imniittilittee fore the voters this 1 ils a n ti c n n m iu n iiy ctil- J erome ro and Kootenai countieslies and de- Growth continunues tia tiv e . m e m b ers Siii;iud the relief efforts coukl1 ciere- move puhlic sfliools ; lerty-iax rolls. crea.>ase the likelihood of thee iiiniliativc T hl: fa s te s t nitc-.s;s ofo growth south- Jerom e taxpayers in partiirticular have ate financia;ial problems for the statee dde- leges from the pnipert ise to “1 think ihat (con:onim ittee) vote just Plooso seee CC U R E /A 2 central Idaho are <>C(occurring in sj>me of chafed alwut the rax burden;n tltiiey Iniar to spile Mapic'c V;dley lawmakers' promise the smaller coun lies. P agoB I Friday flic at Rift’ may grive c a re --------------------------- ier^ ~ ‘Grea _______ Rur'ni h^nUh Camas County iss Itilooking for someone to provide part-timeime mcdical sen-ices three days a week foifo r its 925 resid en ts. airportt some liftli P a g o B I local: But thos)se lava cracks:s are a long wayw Rally time from Twwin Falls and1 Sun Valley Down 20 poiniss itin the sccond lialf, the College of Soutliuthern Idnho women By V irg in ia S. (iarl»eirl>er H rallied to move intoIto ithe Region 18 bas- Times-News writer k u tb a ll title Kiime. An all-new airport ter- Pago BS nVlN I-ALlJs - An Twin Falls city and i»unty - jojoint own- minal deserves an all-all-new name, say local • irs of Ihe local airport - will'ill c o n sid e r t)fficials and a regi■egional tourism and donday renaming the facililyily ■'Idaho's Crunch time recreation group. >outh Central Airport: Galewn'jwny to the weu at ttie state higli Their suggestionon for .the airport at • — ’Die lieiu tiarrowei 5reaLRiftancLSun.VaIleyJ:--------- scHooi~wrestling"toi’tournanvenrFridaj'; ------------ Josiiii Field; 'Tdaho'SIWs-Smiih-Coninil-Ain— County commissioners wrill discussdist Ihe with spots in Saturturday's finals on thu port: Gateway to the Great Rift and Sun ^ narlam e ch a n g e in their 10 a.m ,, sessionsg- on line. V alley,” house. The P age BS But pari of the nanname earned a chuckle ^he 0 fourth (loor of iho courlhou m a tte ; «Jur- fn)in a locai geologistii.sl. ■ . p/ity c Council will ta k e up Ihe m a “It doesn’t makee sisen.se from a geologic ingig ils 4 p.m. meeting in Cityy HiHall.- Both Big day. for colIiallege hoops • -point ot view,” suiddM A iin'inSirope.aCol-. rneneetings are open lo Ihe public.)lic. Don'NelTOn’s-firihjrihguiid-a-hig-win-by— — -! lege of Southem Idahdaho gcolog>’professor......... - T h e n a m e w a s ^ o s e n ^ointl))inlly-by-lhe. Albertson Collcge'-he' highilgiited a huge The Great Rift is a r e m o te s e r i e s «if Mailaglc Valley Discoveiy TaskIt FcForce and day in bnskcthall. open volcanic fissure;,ires that stretches from Ihehe Soulh Central Idaho Tourlourlsm and Pago B7 Craters of ihe Moonon •- wliere the fissures Re?ecrealion Development AsscAssociation, are filled witli basalta lt - so u th e ast m ah o u t TtiiTie airport board has alreadyjy ggiven Ihe 20 miles wesl of Ann\nierican Falls, accord- preiroposal a nod, adding a refereference to ing to “Roadside GeologyGe of Idalio” au- Sui>un Valley. thors David All andid I!Donald Ilyndman. I__ ‘ The volcynic acti'ctiviiy which created Door hangers5 comingc> soon Magic Valley’s geolo,ologic features, howev- Boardings down1 - B l lliis Ciiristian vide■Idco p ro jec t is u p a n d er. is much older tliaiIian Great Rift aciivity. .. nuuiinft.' S tro p e .said. ............. th eem r in learning about the arciarea’s recrt- Pago C l lUil he concededled ihat the “catchy alio:ion and sight-seeing opporiuiiriunitids, its plira.'^e” propo.seil fur airport and region- storical, cultural'and naturalal nresources, __ G ro\vtIi:.lm pos►ossibk*_dKam2_^ _ _ ____ al_m;u,kc-Mosm^iyl.>be useful “fnim a (pub- Manym peiiiilc won't undersierstand the lie relations) poult; of view.”' Grereat Rift refcrencen>ut '1>rii1>ringing up ■ Not according; tcto a new re.searcli Scrapping tiie”‘Twin Tv Fall.s-Sun Valley iJiatlat question brings up thele qquestion, study that tells howlow c h u rc h e s c an a d d R e g io n a l A irp o rt”” t;tag. the prop»)sa! ar- -wii/liat else can I do when I gu0 to Idiiho?'" n u m b e rs. vc “regional coopera- said I'esi A ir,line’s __________Pago.CI_________ id Kathryn Uenefiel, Skywesi tion.”'fi>cus aitentibiitibn'on'iliL-'aren’snntu-— TwiiiviiTFalls niatiager. lOOY OiARLEia U»NOJNCyTh* TVr>a»-N«in rai resources and siiisiinuilate use of an air- The’n new-name proposiil was[IS bbom of an rding numbers have atte le rk in d . ;;__; _T.hey comnwnlinicate ...Nino-year-oid.Eric Bonio n d Tvwi.ff F a J I s J iJ o s h i^8J<lto_ovor tho Robert port whose boardi tempt to heal a rift of another 1 ,ia “ •■•'.siiggedin thepa.sr>:c:y e a r.— •................ - - - t ITho Maglc Valley Discoveo v e r y - T n s k -------- C o lu m n ist J oscjjpllI i W alker talk's alxm f occer flolds Friday aftomlOonT o After hJs frlond toicl Stuart Junior High soct Proponents liaveve said tlie Greai-Rift j.-gnjrce - which includes city'and aU' county dads and kids. op his kite in tho air. ho foilolt compdliod to prove Pago C l him ho could not koop I reference will picjuuue the curiosity of both rt;|„jiresentatives from botli ijidi^idcs of the h im w r o n g . locals and potentialial visitors and engage ' Please soe AIRPIR P O R T /A 2 State takeover;rcloscr < Street iiiito spiin I.S over control of the s WaU; A bill that nirn.s c Inversse logic: throw! fe d e r a lly o w n e d W;Walcott Pnrk to the .state is awaiting onij>niy th e g o v e rn o r’s sig- T h e /V.'Jsociatcd P re ss Blutui in a Btunning feat of rearea so n in g . st«)ck ...................... n a tu re . tra dders e decided the companiesus doing1 all that .•ss th a n Ihe day NEW VORK — Tliey’ve/e ggot to be kidding. hirinjing were actually worth less Wall Street's brain tnistlist, the ioud-tie-and- l>eforore. lliey soid, driving thee Dow1 Jones in- • V iL/llI\)t befall malfees!© ' i — su.spenders crowd that is ppaid e.xtraordinary dustrurial average, tiie st<«k m arket’s m ost. sums to m ake sen.se of thehe teconomy, got some widelely watched index, dowown 171.24 to o f th e l>est n e w s in y e a rs IFriday: ’Hie nation 5,47070.45 for its third-worst pointnt decline ever. >m bo it ^ Challenges ahe:head created a whopping 705,00c,000’jobs last month. Traradcrs also dumped Treasursury bonds, bills oopto gotling jobs? With confidencc:c iin it.s succe.ss grow - Pop the champagnc? RuiRun out and buy that and1 notes,1 figuring an improv•oving e c o n o m y ■ Moro poop .
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