2 統計資料 Statistics 4 倫敦2012殘疾人奧運會 London 2012 Paralympic Games 14 使命及目標 Mission and Objectives 15 殘疾人權利公約 Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities 16 組織 Organization 18 會長獻辭 Message from the President 20 主席報告 Chairpersons Report 22 展望未來 Outlook 24 審計委員會報告 Audit Sub-committee Report 26 人事及財務委員會報告 Personnel and Financial Sub-committee Report 28 籌款及推廣委員會報告 Fund Raising and Promotion Sub-committee Report 30 節目諮詢委員會報告 Programme Sub-committee Report 1 32 參賽資格審核委員會報告 National Eligibility Committee Report 34 活動一覽表 Activity Chart 36 國際賽事 International Competitions 40 海外特殊奧運賽事 Overseas Special Olympics Competitions 43 本地特殊奧運賽事 Local Special Olympics Competitions 44 籌款活動 Fund Raising Programme 45 會議 Conferences and Meetings 46 培訓課程 Development Programmes 48 其他活動 Other Activities 50 成就 Major Achievements 54 嘉許 Awards 56 財務報告 Financial Report 62 2012-13全年活動 2012-13 Year Round Activities 66 機構會員名錄 Agency Members 68 鳴謝 Acknowledgements

香港弱智人士體育協會 2012-2013 年報 HKSAM 2012-2013 Annual Report 3 STATISTICS 2012-2013 Annual Report HKSAM %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 22222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222 444444444444444444444444 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ..2.2....2 . 444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444 777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777 6666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666 11111111111111111111111111111 6666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ...... 21.22121212121212121212121212121212122121212121222121212122121212122121212122222122121222121222222222222222 16.416161111161161116116161161116111111616161611111111111611111111116111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777 66666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666 4.444444444.4444444444.4.4444444444.444444444444.44444444444.4.44.444444444444444444444444 3.633333333.33333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333.3333333333333333333333333333333333333.33333333333333333333.33333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333.333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333.3333333333333333333.3333333333333333.333333.333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333.333333333333333 總人次 Total 52,194 955 570 230 % % % % % % % 8,573 3,671 3,121 2,274 1,910 1,867 1,505 1,491 1,385 1,253 11,083 12,306 2.9 2.8 2.7 2.4 1.8 1.1 0.4 % % % 6 % Floor Hockey 4.4 3.7 Indoor Rowing Golf Soft Volleyball % 3.6 7 Table Tennis Tennis Table Badminton Bowling Athletics Swimming Gymnastics Football Ice Skating Snowshoeing Bocce Basketball 田徑 游泳 乒乓球 室內賽艇 體操 足球 羽毛球 滑冰 雪鞋 滾球 保齡球 籃球 地板曲棍球 高爾夫球 軟式排球 % 16.4 各運動項目訓練班參加人次 % 23.6 % 21.2 2012-2013 Courses for Individual Sports Headcounts of Training Total 總人數 144 Female Gender of 運動員性別 參與者性別 女 Participants 或以上 Gender of Athletes Gender of Female 女 44 Male 男 Male Female 男 100 21 22 融合伙伴 女 人 至 人 Total Total Total Female 88 Male 138 Female 1203 Male 2698 Male 女 男 女 男 男 總數 3,901 總數 226 Female 15 16 女 至 Male 總人數 Total 4,127 男 男 女 Male Female 性別 Female / 78 女 至 Male 男 運動員及參與者 524 283 21 1036 21 518 7 30 15 1246 7 16 15 474 至 或以上 Athlete Participant 0 Total 30 0 16 30 1200 46 16 440 34 1246 1012 474 24 495 1036 486 23 518 268 38 524 3901 15 283 226 4127 至 或以上 年報 至 至 至 至 Gender Age 2 2 8 16 22 2 8 16 22 運動員及參與者年齡 Age and Gender of Athletes and Participants Age and Gender of 參與者 總人數 運動員 性別 年齡 2012-2013 Athletes and Participants 2012-2013

2012-2013 統計資料 Statistics 香港弱智人士體育協會 2 倫敦 2012 殘疾人奧運會 London 2012 Paralympic Games

獎牌榜 Medals Table 2012 殘疾人奧運會於 2012 年 8 月 29 日 排名 國家 / 地區 金 銀 銅 至 9 月 9 日在英國倫敦舉行。本會 7 名運 Ranking Country/Region Gold Silver Bronze 動員出戰乒乓球及游泳兩個項目,取得 1 1 波蘭 Poland 3 2 1 金 1 銀 2 銅共 4 面獎牌,於 36 個國家/ 2 西班牙 Spain 2 3 澳洲 Australia 1 3 5 地區(智障組別)位列第 ,成績更為亞 4 荷蘭 Netherlands 1 1 3 4 洲地區之首。 5 香港 1 1 2 5 6 英國 Great Britain 1 1 2012 Paralympic Games was held in 7 匈牙利 Hungary 1 th London, United Kingdom from 29 August 8 愛爾蘭 Ireland 1 to 9th September 2012. 7 athletes from 冰島 Iceland 1 Hong Kong Sports Association for the 日本 Japan 1 伊朗 Iran 1 Mentally Handicapped competed in table 9 俄羅斯 Russia 2 1 tennis and swimming events and won 10 克羅地亞 Croatia 1 1 a total of 4 medals, including 1 gold, 1 韓國 Korea 1 1 Ukraine 1 1 silver and 2 bronze. Hong Kong ranked 烏克蘭 11 瑞典 Sweden 1 fifth among 36 countries/regions (ID 12 馬來西亞 Malaysia 1 events) and topped the ranking among 法國 France 1 Asian countries/regions. 葡萄牙 Portugal 1

香港弱智人士體育協會 2012-2013 年報 HKSAM 2012-2013 Annual Report 7 2012-2013 Annual Report HKSAM Victory Banquet Victory 慶功宴 Cheer Our Athletes On Cheer Our Flag Presentation Ceremony Flag Presentation 年報 2012-2013

為運動員打氣 授旗典禮

LONDON 2012 PARALYMPIC GAMES 香港弱智人士體育協會 6 傳媒報導 Media Coverage 香港郵政發行「祝賀香港運動員在倫敦 2012 殘疾人奧運會取得卓越成績 – 心思心意郵票小版張」 "Congratulations on the Outstanding Achievements of Hong Kong Paralympians in the London 2012 Paralympic Games - Heartwarming Stamps Mini-pane" issued by Hongkong Post LONDON 2012 PARALYMPIC GAMES

8 9

香港弱智人士體育協會 2012-2013 年報 HKSAM 2012-2013 Annual Report

教練及運動員分享 Sharing by Coaches and Athletes 甘志豪、倪朝陽(游泳教練) KAM Chi Ho, NI Chao Yang (Swimming Coaches)

泳隊成功取得殘奧入場券後,教練與職員對訓練的部署曾作出多方面的調整。十 分感激協會的支持和信任,我們提出增加操練時數、長池訓練、制訂全方位計劃支援 運動員等建議均獲接納。協會多名委員於比賽期間更親身遠赴倫敦打氣,令全隊士氣 大增。 崔小燕(乒乓球教練) 從備戰開始,運動員務求突破自我,均努力克服困難,把自己的獨立、堅強、自 CUI Xiao Yan (Table Tennis Coach) 信及能力展現出來。殘奧期間,他們積極投入,盡展所能認真作賽,更有隊員突破個 人最佳成績及打破香港紀錄;雖然部分泳手狀態起伏不定,但他們亦從中學懂應付壓 由於女子乒乓球隊在近十年的國際賽上屢屢奪金,今屆港隊又有兩名代表出戰女 力。

LONDON 2012 PARALYMPIC GAMES 單,故難免成為「眾矢之的」。加上今次的對手強勁,包括近年成績突飛猛進的俄羅 能夠參與殘奧,教練們既緊張又興奮。我們從中感受到游泳對於運動員的深遠意 斯選手及曾於雅典 2004 殘奧封后的波蘭好手。面對這個形勢,我們於賽前特別調整 義,他們可以把當中所獲得的經驗、價值觀等運用到日後的生活。協會安排運動員參 訓練模式,以密集式操練加強運動員的技術及體能;並針對兩名運動員的心理特質, 加比賽,並不僅為了獎牌,正正就是希望他們透過這個過程,學習適應社會生活,融 進行大賽前的抗壓磨練。 入社會。 楊賜嘉於殘奧前狀態大勇,繼 2011 年亞洲及太洋洲殘疾人乒乓球錦標賽奪金後, 現代游泳運動隨著時代轉變而越趨複雜,作為教練必須與時並進,相應地改變傳 在韓國及斯洛伐克兩站的殘奧熱身賽亦未嘗一敗。賜嘉實力雖強,可惜自信不足,因 統的訓練和管理觀念,並以世界各國的訓練管理經驗作為借鏡,才能應付新的挑戰, 此赴英前需替她克服「心魔」,調整其心態及賽前壓力;身經百戰的黃家汶,心理質 於不斷進步的世界泳壇力爭上游。 素較佳,因此於殘奧前針對其技術弱點,集中操練以提昇整體實戰能力。 香港智障游泳能蓬勃發展,運動員於國際比賽得到彪炳成績,除了協會的努力, 參加奧運是不少運動員的夢想,對我亦不例外。我八、九歲時已開始打乒乓球並 10 還有賴香港體育學院及家長的支持。希望各方繼續共同努力,讓香港在不久將來可以 11 被挑選入北京隊接受專業訓練,之後也曾入選國家隊。可惜當我於 1984 年退役時, 於國際泳壇佔據重要席位! 乒乓球仍未納入奧運項目,令我未能一圓奧運夢。雖然今次是以教練身分踏足殘奧賽 場,但兩名愛徒敢打敢拼奮勇爭先,以金、銀牌為港爭光,同時也令我的乒乓奧運夢 After the swimming team had successfully obtained qualifying slots for the 圓滿實現! Paralympic Games (PG), we and the staff made a wide range of adjustments to the training progamme. We are very grateful for the support and trust from the Association With our victory in numerous international competitions in the past decade and by accepting recommendations such as increasing the training hours, training in long two of our players participated in the Table Tennis Women’s Singles of this Paralympic course pools and formulating all-round plans to support athletes. Members of the Games (PG), we inevitably became the common focus for our competition. Facing Association even went to London to cheer for the team during the competition, which these challenges, we have adjusted the training programmes to deal with the strong greatly increased the team’s morale. opponents, including a Russian player who has advanced tremendously recently and the Polish Champion at the Athens 2004 Paralympic Table Tennis Women’s Singles. Starting from the preparation, swimmers demonstrated their independence, Through intensive technical as well as stress management training, both of our players strength, confidence and ability to strive for breakthroughs and to overcome difficulties. were physically and psychologically well-prepared before the Games. During the PG, they put themselves to the limit in every single competition. Some of the swimmers even broke their personal best and Hong Kong record. To those who Being the champion of the 2011 ITTF PTT Asian & Oceanic Table Tennis Regional performed unstably, they also learned how to cope with stress. Championships for the Disabled and two Paralympic warm-up competitions held in Korea and Slovakia, YEUNG Chi Ka reached her peak condition prior to PG. Despite Being able to participate in the PG, we were nervous yet excited. We could feel skills and strength, she lacked confidence. To defeat this “evil”, we helped her to the far-reaching significance of swimming to swimmers because they can apply the improve psychologically and release pre-game pressure before leaving for England. experiences and values gained from competitions to their future lives. The Association WONG Ka Man is an experienced player with better psychological quality so her arranges competitions for athletes not only for medals, but also for their adaptation to training was focused on enhancing the overall capability by improving technical social life and integration into the community through the process. weaknesses. Modern swimming becomes increasingly complex with the change of times. To compete in the Olympics is the dream of many athletes and I am no exception. Coaches must move with the times and make corresponding changes to traditional I started playing table tennis when I was 8 or 9. I was then selected to the Beijing team training and management concepts. Besides, referring to the training and management and even the national team to receive professional training. Unfortunately, my Olympic experiences around the world is another way to help swimmers meeting new dream was not fulfilled since table tennis was still not an Olympic sport in 1984 when challenges and making advancement in the progressing swimming arena. I retired as an athlete. This time, although I attended the PG as a coach, the gold and In addition to the efforts of the Association, the support from the Hong Kong silver medals attained by my apprentices not only brought glory to Hong Kong but also Sports Institute and parents also contribute to the development of intellectual disabled made my Olympic dream come true! swimming in Hong Kong and splendid results attained in international competitions. We hope that all parties continue to work together so that Hong Kong will soon be able to occupy an important position in international swimming!

香港弱智人士體育協會 2012-2013 年報 HKSAM 2012-2013 Annual Report 13 200 2012-2013 Annual Report HKSAM 殘奧取得更好成績。

2016 米衝刺,每次我都感到很疲累。 50 米及 (2012 Paralympic Games Swimmer) (2012 Paralympic Games (2012 Paralympic Games Swimmer) 100 (2012 Paralympic Games Swimmer) 殘奧參賽游泳運動員) 殘奧參賽游泳運動員) 殘奧參賽游泳運動員) 殘奧還有三年時間,我希望好好利用這段時間改進自己的技術。為免添 2012 2012 2012 2016 ( ( ( 回想備戰殘奧的情況,水上及陸上的訓練都很辛苦,我更額外跑步加操,希望可 希望我有機會參加下一屆殘奧,並可以進入決賽。我會利用這幾年時間好好努力 the memory Paralympic Games (PG), both for the When recalling of preparation I hope I can have the opportunity to participate in the next PG and enter to the final. 我本身是長途泳手,但今屆殘奧只設短途賽,所以我得進行轉項訓練,過程相當 今次是我首次踏足殘奧,可惜於初賽止步,未能進入決賽,實在感到失望。但我 only short-distance were events in this I am a long-distance swimmer but there This was my first time to the PG. I was quite disappointed at stalling in the 當知道自己取得殘奧入場券時,真的很興奮。當時只有十五歲的我,經驗尚淺, 今次雖然未取得任何獎項,但在三個參賽項目中,有兩個可以晉身決賽,於 距離 excited when I knew that I was qualified to take partI got really in the Paralympic my personal best in two of the finals and broke events, I entered Among the three this period to years to go to the 2016 PG, I will make good use of still three are There 周沅凝 Ying CHOW Yuen 李浚生 Sang LEE Tsun 鄧韋樂 Lok Wai TANG 以加強體能。雖然最終未能進入決賽,實在有點失望,但我於背泳賽事打破自己紀錄, 已經很開心、很滿足。 達成這個目標! I even took up running as extra training, very arduous. aquatic and land training were disappointing that I could not make it to hoping to enhance physical fitness. It was a bit in the backstroke my own record broken the final but I am happy and satisfied to have event. this goal. on achieving I will make use of these few years to work hard 艱巨,特別是練習 仍寄望下一屆賽事,希望我可以在巴西 Paralympic Games (PG) so I had to undertake was quite transition training. The process daunting, especially the training of 100M and 50M sprints which exhausted me every single time. I still put hope in the Brazil 2016 PG to obtain better results. However, round. preliminary 只能抱著緊張的心情遠赴倫敦參與殘奧。 米自由泳賽事又突破了個人紀錄,總算達到預期中的目標。參賽時,我還遇到各國具 實力的泳手,可以趁機參考他們的泳姿,加以改進自己的姿勢。 加壓力,我會先以晉身前八名為下屆目標,但當然我亦希望終有一天會得到殘奧獎牌 呢! Games (PG). Back then, I was only fifteen years old and inexperienced so I went to London for the PG with anxiety. any medal in the PG, I did achieve the expected Although I did not win 200M freestyle. to the with reference my swimming posture targets. I also took this opportunity to improve other countries I encountered. superb swimmers from my primary target would be entering the pressure, avoid additional my skills. To improve top eight in the next PG. Of course, I also hope that I can get a medal in the Games one day!

米背泳銅牌得主) (Women's Singles Table Tennis Gold Medalist) Tennis Singles Table (Women's (Women's Singles Table Tennis Silver Medalist) Tennis Table Singles (Women's 殘奧摘金,令我有少許失望,但我會繼續努力練習,希望可以同樣 100 (Men's 100M Backstroke Bronze Medalist) Bronze (Men's 100M Backstroke 2012 殘奧中最難忘的就是站在頒獎台上的一刻。儘管我曾於不少大型賽事獲獎, (乒乓球女單銀牌得主) (男子 (乒乓球女單金牌得主) The most memorable moment of the 2012 PG was at the prize presentation stage. The most memorable moment of the 2012 PG was at the prize presentation Butterfly in the 2012 has always been my main event. Since it was not included 由於我在殘奧前幾個大型賽事勝出,所以身邊每個人都說我參加殘奧「一定得」, 未能於 the Paralympic Since I won the Championships of a few major competitions before I I did feel a bit disappointed at not winning the 2012 PGs’ gold medal. However, 我一向以蝶泳作為主項,但由於這屆殘奧賽事不設這個項目,我得轉戰背泳及蛙 2012 因為教練說要放鬆心情才能把水準發揮得最好,所以於殘奧比賽期間,我一直告 與隊友楊賜嘉對戰的決賽是最難打的一場,因為她的確很強,又熟悉我的弱點。 我從沒有想過自己會贏得金牌,所以站在頒獎台領獎時,實在激動得想哭出來! Paralympic Games because the I kept telling myself not to be nervous during the match Chi Ka was the hardest The final encounter of my teammate YEUNG I was overwhelmed with Winning a gold medal was totally beyond my imagination. YEUNG Chi Ka 楊賜嘉 歐棨麟 AU Kai Lun WONG Ka Man 黃家汶 Paralympic Games (PG), I had to attempt backstroke and breaststroke. The transition The transition and breaststroke. Paralympic Games (PG), I had to attempt backstroke than I thought. Nevertheless, harder the Games made the preparation training before the medal was definitely a “surprise” to me because I have never thought of winning in does not lie on. my strength the event where to hearing my Although I had won a lot of major events, nothing could be compared the audience on the stage because the PG is the name announced and the cheers from why I was so thrilled when I stood there! That’s Games that I am most eager for. 但殘奧是我最渴望參與的賽事,所以當我站在頒獎台上,聽見大會宣布我的名字,現 場觀眾的歡呼,實在開心得難以形容! 給我很大壓力。加上大師姐黎惠玲未能參賽,我實在感到很失落,因而影響比賽心情。 於決賽時,更因為求勝心切導致連番失誤,最終敗於隊友黃家汶手下。 於下屆巴西殘奧取得獎牌吧! can nail it” in the PG which in turn increased Games (PG), every one told me that “You still, I was upset by the ineligibility of senior player on my shoulders. Worst the burdens to my emotion. In the final, my desperate desire Ling for the PG and it affected LAI Wai win led me to committing a series of mistakes that I was finally defeated by my teammate WONG Ka Man. with the goal to win a medal at the coming Brazil PG! will keep training hard 泳,因此我於賽前需接受轉項訓練,令備戰過程更加艱辛。因為參賽項目並非自己的 強項,我完全沒料到自己會得獎,所以這個殘奧獎牌絕對是一個「驚喜」。 訴自己不要緊張,就算遇上強勁的對手,我都沒有感到太大壓力,可能就是這樣,可 以打出最佳水平。 她於比賽一開始便搶攻我最弱的正手球,令我先輸兩盤。後來我冷靜下來,重新集中 精神,加強防守,看準機會便反攻,最後才能反敗為勝。 not always brings best performance. I did coach had said that relaxation Therefore, opponents. my best even when encountering strong and did have too much pressure and familiar with my weaknesses. As the match started, strong because she is really the first two games. so I lost forehand, my weakest stroke, she gained lots of points from the defence, I strengthening on the game. By Then I calmed down and re-focused spotted the opportunities for counterattack and finally won the match. tears of excitement during the prize presentation! 年報 2012-2013

LONDON 2012 PARALYMPIC GAMES 香港弱智人士體育協會 12 使命及目標 殘疾人權利公約 Mission & Objectives Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities

使命 Mission 聯合國於 2006 年 12 月 13 日在《殘疾人權利公約》第三十條內加入讓殘疾人可以參與體育 本會之使命是發展、推廣及組織智障人士體育活動,務求令其盡展潛 活動的措施。新增條文如下: 能、培養崇高體育精神及積極融入社群。 為了使殘疾人能夠在與其他人平等的基礎上參加娛樂、休閒和體育活動,締約國應當採取適 The Mission of the Association is to develop, promote and organize 當措施,以便: sports activities for persons with intellectual disability in order to fully develop their potential in sports, to cultivate positive attitudes in • 鼓勵和促進殘疾人盡可能充分地參加各級主流體育活動; sportsmanship and to facilitate their integration into our community. • 確保殘疾人有機會組織、發展和參加殘疾人專項體育、娛樂活動,並為此鼓勵在與其他 人平等的基礎上提供適當指導、訓練和資源; 目標 • 確保殘疾人可以使用體育、娛樂和旅遊場所; Objectives • 確保殘疾兒童享有與其他兒童一樣的平等機會參加遊戲、娛樂和休閒以及體育活動,包 1. 組織各類型體育及康樂活動予智障人士,以增進其體能及身心發 括在學校系統參加這類活動; 展; 14 • 確保殘疾人可以獲得娛樂、旅遊、休閒和體育活動的組織人提供的服務。 15 2. 舉辦工作坊及研討會予培訓智障人士的教練,以提昇其專業水準; 3. 鼓勵社會人士參與本會工作; On 13th December 2006, the United Nations modified the“Convention on the Rights of 4. 提供各類體育及康樂設備以提高智障人士之體育水準; Persons with Disabilities”in Article 30 to facilitate the disabled to participate in sport. The Convention is revised as follows: 5. 培養智障運動員之體育精神; With a view to enabling persons with disabilities to participate on an equal basis with others in 6. 組織及選拔智障人士參加本地和國際性運動競賽; recreational, leisure and sporting activities, States Parties shall take appropriate measures: 7. 透過各項運動及康體活動使智障人士融入社群。 • To encourage and promote the participation, to the fullest extent possible, of persons with 1. To organize various sports and recreational activities for persons disabilities in mainstream sporting activities at all levels; with intellectual disability with a view to enhancing their physical and mental development; • To ensure that persons with disabilities have an opportunity to organize, develop and participate in disability-specific sporting and recreational activities and, to this end, 2. To organize workshops and seminars to upgrade the professional encourage the provision, on an equal basis with others, of appropriate instruction, training standard of coaches who train athletes with intellectual disability; and resources; 3. To encourage members of the public to participate in the work of the Association; • To ensure that persons with disabilities have access to sporting, recreational and tourism venues; 4. To provide various sports and recreational facilities to raise the sports standard of the intellectually disabled; • To ensure that children with disabilities have equal access with other children to 5. To promote the concept of sportsmanship to athletes with participation in play, recreation and leisure and sporting activities, including those intellectual disability; activities in the school system; 6. To train elite athletes with intellectual disability to take part in local • To ensure that persons with disabilities have access to services from those involved in the and international competitions; organization of recreational, tourism, leisure and sporting activities. 7. To integrate persons with intellectual disability with able bodies through sports and recreational activities. http://www.un.org/disabilities/convention

香港弱智人士體育協會 2012-2013 年報 HKSAM 2012-2013 Annual Report 組織 Organization

贊助人 Patron 梁唐青儀女士 Mrs. Regina LEUNG

榮譽法律顧問 Hon. Legal Adviser 袁燦華先生 Mr. YUEN Chan Wah

Medical Adviser 醫務顧問 節目諮詢委員會 Programme Sub-Committee 會長 President 譚炳權醫生 楊德華先生 JP Dr. Steven TAM Mr. YEUNG Tak Wah, JP 黃重光教授 JP 陳雅麗女士 Professor WONG Chung Kwong, JP Ms. CHAN Ngar Lai 李家祥博士 GBS, OBE, JP 蔡磊燕女士 Ms. CHOI Lui Yin Dr. Eric LI, GBS, OBE, JP 顧問 朱惠茵女士 Adviser Ms. Eva CHU 陳肖齡女士 BBS 何培錦先生 Ms. Ophelia CHAN, BBS Mr. HO Pui Kam 張小燕教授 MH 何兆餘先生 Professor CHEUNG Siu Yin, MH Mr. HO Siu Yu 馮蓮娜教授 許瑞梅女士 Professor Lena FUNG Ms. HUI Sui Mui 郭家明先生 MBE, JP 葉希活女士 Mr. KWOK Ka Ming, MBE, JP Ms. IP Hay Wood 蘇若禹先生 郭金蓮女士 Mr. Martin SO Ms. KWOK Kam Lin 劉蘇敬順女士 Mrs. Eva LAU 創會會長 李耀泉先生 Founding President Mr. LEE Yiu Chuen 容德根博士 蕭何桂嫻女士 Dr. Dicken YUNG Mrs. Henrietta SIU

會長 參賽資格審核委員會 President National Eligibility Committee 李家祥博士 GBS, OBE, JP 黃重光教授 JP Dr. Eric LI, GBS, OBE, JP Professor WONG Chung Kwong, JP 葉肇和先生 BBS, BH Mr. David IP, BBS, BH Vice President 副會長 凌劉月芬女士 BBS, MH Mrs. Laura LING, BBS, MH 副會長 Vice President 副會長 Vice President Vice President 葉肇和先生 BBS, BH Mr. David IP, BBS, BH 副會長 凌劉月芬女士 BBS, MH 運動技術顧問 Mrs. Laura LING, BBS, MH Sports Technical Adviser 葉肇和先生 BBS, BH 凌劉月芬女士 BBS, MH 楊德華先生 JP 楊德華先生 JP 陳念慈女士 BEM, JP Mr. YEUNG Tak Wah, JP Ms. Amy CHAN, BEM, JP Mr. David IP, BBS, BH Mrs. Laura LING, BBS, MH Mr. YEUNG Tak Wah, JP 陳紹基先生 Mr. CHAN Siu Kee 執行委員會 招永昌先生 Executive Committee Mr. Francis CHIU 主席 馮珈儀女士 Chairperson Ms. Vanessa FUNG 執行委員會 16 王林小玲女士 MH 林冠新先生 Mrs. Cecilia WONG, MH Mr. Anthony LAM Executive Committee 17 副主席 林漢傑先生 Vice Chairperson Mr. Keith LAM 陳毅宇先生 陸雲川先生 Mr. Patrick CHAN Mr. LUK Wan Chuen 倪文玲女士 JP 潘鏡雄先生 Ms. Malina NGAI, JP Mr. POON King Hung 義務秘書 韋利先生 Hon. Secretary Mr. Paul RILEY 陳林詩女士 司徒秉衡先生 Mrs. Nancy CHAN Mr. SZETO Ping Hang 義務司庫 王大力先生 Hon. Treasurer Mr. Dali WANG 何兆餘先生 黃大偉先生 Mr. HO Siu Yu Mr. Paul WONG 執行委員會 葉啟德先生 Ex-Com Member Mr. YAP Kai Tak 陳雅麗女士 葉祐淳先生 Ms. CHAN Ngar Lai Mr. YIP Yau Shun 張危美玉女士 Mrs. Marian CHEUNG 蔡磊燕女士 核數師 Ms. CHOI Lui Yin Auditor 朱惠茵女士 梁游會計師事務所 Ms. Eva CHU Yau & Leung, CPA 葉希活女士 Ms. IP Hay Wood Chairperson Vice Chairperson Vice Chairperson Hon. Secretary Hon. Treasurer 郭金蓮女士 職員 Ms. KWOK Kam Lin Staff 主席 副主席 副主席 義務秘書 義務司庫 賴永耀先生 執行總監 Mr. LAI Wing Yiu Executive Director 王林小玲女士 MH 陳毅宇先生 倪文玲女士 JP 陳林詩女士 何兆餘先生 劉蘇敬順女士 詹斯聰先生 (31/03/2013 止 ) Mrs. Eva LAU Mr. JIM Sze Chung (till 31/03/2013) Mrs. Cecilia WONG, MH Mr. Patrick CHAN Ms. Malina NGAI, JP Mrs. Nancy CHAN Mr. HO Siu Yu 李耀泉先生 黃嘉儀博士 (02/07/2013 起 ) Mr. LEE Yiu Chuen Dr. Allison WONG (since 02/07/2013) 執行秘書 Executive Secretary 審計委員會 麥淑查女士 Audit Sub-Committee Ms. MAK Suk Cha 賴永耀先生 高級體育幹事 Mr. LAI Wing Yiu Senior Sports Executive 陳肖齡女士 BBS 李康生先生 Ms. Ophelia CHAN, BBS Mr. LEE Hong Sang 張靄恩女士 體育幹事 Ms. Crystal CHEUNG Sports Executive 葉希活女士 張漢傑先生 Ms. IP Hay Wood Mr. Kit CHEUNG 李惠琪女士 Ms. Vicky LEE 人事及財務委員會 唐英祺先生 Personnel and Financial Mr. Ivan TONG 葉肇和先生 BBS, BH 助理體育幹事 Sub-Committee Assistant Sports Executive 陳林詩女士 周厚欣女士 Mr. David IP, BBS, BH Ms. CHAU Hau Yan 陳毅宇先生 張頌年先生 Mrs. Nancy CHAN Mr. Benedict CHEUNG 何兆餘先生 Mr. Patrick CHAN Mr. Francis YEUNG 楊愷俊先生 陳雅麗女士 張危美玉女士 蔡磊燕女士 朱惠茵女士 葉希活女士 BBS, MH Mr. HO Siu Yu Ms. Jesica YUEN 凌劉月芬女士 袁曉莊女士 Ms. CHAN Ngar Lai Mrs. Marian CHEUNG Ms. CHOI Lui Yin Ms. Eva CHU Ms. IP Hay Wood 倪文玲女士 JP 全職教練 Mrs. Laura LING, BBS, MH Full Time Coach 王林小玲女士 MH 張建勳先生 Ms. Malina NGAI, JP Mr. Kelvin CHEUNG 楊德華先生 JP 會計主任 Mrs. Cecilia WONG, MH 鍾儉開女士 Mr. YEUNG Tak Wah, JP Ms. Cindy CHUNG 籌款及推廣委員會 傳訊主任 倪文玲女士 JP 林嘉慧女士 (07/02/2013 止 ) Fund Raising and Promotion Ms. Francis LAM (till 07/02/2013) 陳林詩女士 行政及傳訊主任 Sub-Committee Administration and Communication 張危美玉女士 任嘉怡女士 (01/03/2013 起 ) Ms. Malina NGAI, JP 葉肇和先生 BBS, BH 行政助理 Mrs. Nancy CHAN Ms. Jo YUM (since 01/03/2013) 賴永耀先生 林美君女士 Mrs. Marian CHEUNG Administrative Assistant 凌劉月芬女士 BBS, MH 馬斯俊先生 Mr. David IP, BBS, BH Ms. Deanie LAM 王林小玲女士 MH 活動助理 ( 資訊科技 ) Mr. LAI Wing Yiu Mr. Marse MA 何傲楚先生 (31/03/2013 止 ) Mrs. Laura LING, BBS, MH Programme Assistant (I.T.) 劉逸璋先生 (22/05/2013-31/7/2013) Mrs. Cecilia WONG, MH Mr. Norris HO (till 31/03/2013) 郭金蓮女士 賴永耀先生 劉蘇敬順女士 李耀泉先生 Mr. David LAU (22/05/2013-31/7/2013) Ms. KWOK Kam Lin Mr. LAI Wing Yiu Mrs. Eva LAU Mr. LEE Yiu Chuen

香港弱智人士體育協會 2012-2013 年報 HKSAM 2012-2013 Annual Report 會長獻辭 Message from the President

Following the re-inclusion of athletes with intellectual disability (ID) in the Paralympic Games, our ID Paralympians have once again shone with remarkable results bagging 1 gold, 1 silver and 2 bronze medals in the London 2012 Paralympic Games. Their outstanding accomplishments will undoubtedly boost the recognition 隨著智障組別重返殘疾人奧運會(殘奧),港 and foundation for developing ID athletes as an integral part of the Hong Kong sports community. 隊於倫敦 2012 殘奧大放異彩,取得一金、一銀、 兩銅的突破性佳績,令智障健兒於香港社會及體壇 The steady progress of ID sports development in the last three decades has only made possible by the 上的認受性相應提昇,為本港智障體壇奠下良好 unremitting financial support from the government and 基石。 our community. Among the strongest supporters are the Leisure and Cultural Services Department (LCSD) and the 本會三十多年來得以拓展智障人士體育活動, Social Welfare Department. These departments have been providing essential funds to our elite training, preparation 一直有賴政府及社會人士的經濟支持。當中,康樂 for major competitions and for our day to day operation. 及文化事務署(康文署)和社會福利署多年來向本 This year, the amount of funding from LCSD has again increased so that athletes can receive better professional 會提供經濟資助,作為精英運動員培訓、賽事安排 training under a more flexible method of resource 及會務營運之用。康文署於本年度更提高資助金 allocation. The convincing competition results overseas 18 have also not gone unnoticed by our stakeholders. As 19 額,令運動員在更靈活的資源調配下得到更合適的 the result, we have now boldly taken on the challenging 栽培。港隊於國際體壇屢獲佳績,令政府對智障人 task of setting strategic aims for targeted success in 士體育發展更加重視,投放於本會作體育發展的資 competitions at international levels. 源亦日增,遂令與國際體壇接軌成為本會的策略性 In preparing for every international competition, we have always been able to count on the backing of the 發展及新挑戰。 government. For example, its Preparation Fund has been instrumental to improving our training and equipments. 每逢國際大賽在即,本會均獲政府發放備戰資 The first time donation from the Ng Teng Fong Charitable 源,以加強訓練配套及完善裝備。我們於去年更首 Foundation also came in most helpfully this year to enable us to pay off the deficits for the 2012 Paralympic Games. 次得到黃廷方慈善基金慷慨捐助,填補 2012 殘奧 These timely and staunch supports had clearly shown 備戰費用之不敷數,不但解除燃眉之急,亦彰顯社 that our community cares about and is ready and willing 2014 to firmly back our ID athletes in times of need. At a time 會人士對智障運動員的關注及支持。仁川 亞 when our ID athletes are focusing on the preparation for 洲殘疾人運動會如箭在弦,健兒們全力備戰的同 the upcoming Incheon 2014 Asian Para Games, we would 時,我們亦冀盼繼續得到政府及社會人士的支持, once again appeal and indeed look forward to receiving the continuous support from the government and our 令本港智障體壇得到更大發展空間。 community to further their laudable cause.

國際智障人士體育聯盟新一屆的領導班子於今 The current management team of the Internatioal Federation for sport for para-athletes with an intellectual 年上任,相信會為智障體壇帶來一番新景象。本會 disability (Inas) has recently been elected and I am 凌劉月芬副會長及葉肇和副會長繼續擔任亞洲區會 delighted to report that our two Vice Presidents, Mrs. Laura LING and Mr. David IP will continue to serve as the 長及義務秘書,令香港成為促進區內發展的重要樞 President and General Secretary of Inas Asia respectively. 紐。本會將把握這個機遇,竭力推動亞洲及香港運 Their appointments have indeed turned Hong Kong into a crucial hub of fostering sports development in the 動員晉身國際舞台。讓我們昂步向前帶領本港智障 region. We will seize this opportunity and endeavor our 人士體育運動邁向新里程! very best to place Asia and Hong Kong athletes high on the international stage of sports. It is perhaps time for us to turn another celebrated new page for ID athletes of Hong Kong!


香港弱智人士體育協會 2012-2013 年報 HKSAM 2012-2013 Annual Report 主席報告 Chairpersons Report

不負眾望 – 闊別十二年,智障健兒得以重返殘 Living Up to Expectation – After being excluded for 12 years, athletes with intellectual disability (ID) have 奧,終能於倫敦 2012 殘奧一展所長。為配合策略 finally had the chance to prove their talent to the world 性的備戰方針,本會於殘奧前積極派出運動員參與 in the London 2012 Paralympic Games (PG). Following 各地計分賽事,讓他們順利取得入場券及長期維持 the strategic plan, athletes were sent to participate in ranking competitions globally for qualifying slots before 於最佳作戰狀態。眾健兒亦不負所望,於殘奧迸發 the PG. With the best competing spirit and status gained, 光芒,贏得多面獎牌以及各方的讚譽。 hard work of athletes has been paid off, with medals and recognitions from the community. 引以為傲 – 2012 殘奧中,最為港人自豪的無 Bringing Glory and Proud – In the 2012 PG, 疑是港隊於乒乓球賽事囊括女單金、銀牌,進一步 Hong Kong people were filled with enormous pride by the success of WONG Ka-man and YUENG Chi-ka, the 鞏固香港於世界乒乓球壇的翹楚地位。冠、亞軍球 gold and silver medalists of women's singles in table 手黃家汶及楊賜嘉的成功,定必能刺激更多精英運 tennis respectively. Their achievement further consolidates Hong Kong's leading position in table tennis worldwide 動員晉身乒乓球隊階梯,為港隊創造持續性優勢。 and has given an impetus to juniors to join in, ensuring 游泳項目乃不少國家的重點發展項目,於智障組別 a continuous and favorable development of Hong Kong 重返殘奧後,各國均積極進行培訓,令泳隊人才輩 table tennis team in future. Swimming is also a target 20 sport for development among countries. Strengthened 21 出。港隊在激烈競爭下,仍能奪得兩面銅牌,可見 national training led to the rise of talented swimmers after 本港健兒實力之強,無容置疑。田徑隊在強國林立 the announcement of re-inclusion in the PG. Our athletes, however, have proved their capability by attaining 2 bronze 下雖無緣問鼎殘奧,但仍在多個國際重要賽事取得 medals under fierce competitions. The athletic team was 彪炳成績,如於瑞典耶夫勒舉行的 2012 國際智障 only one step close to the PG. Though pitiful, it still got excellent results in different international competitions 人士體育聯盟歐洲田徑錦標賽,就勇奪一金、一 such as the 1 gold, 1 silver and 3 bronze medals achieved 銀、三銅之佳績。 in 2012 Inas European Athletics Championships in Gavle, Sweden. 再創高峰 – 智障健兒踏上運動路,須靠比健全 Reaching for Another Peak – Compared with the 人士更大的毅力及決心才能昂首前行。去年,國際 able bodies, persons with ID need to possess greater 賽艇聯盟於世界賽艇錦標賽中不設展能項目,令展 perseverance and determination to become an athlete. Last year, the cancellation of Para-rowing in the World 能賽艇運動員頓失參與國際賽事機會。可幸港隊賽 Rowing Championships left no room for ID rowers to take 艇健兒未有氣餒,一直堅持刻苦訓練。仁川 2014 part in international competitions. However, they did not give up practice and, luckily, found hope lying in Incheon 亞洲殘疾人運動會重開智障組別賽艇賽事,無枉賽 2014 Asian Para Games where Para-rowing will be re- 艇健兒的堅持不懈。港隊選手已積極備戰,期望能 included again. All the hard work of our rowers in this period is not in vain and they are ready, both physically 保持著過往的優勢,把成就推上另一高峰。 and spiritually, for the Games in search of another peak of achievement. 邁向國際 – 本會繼 2004 年的世界游泳錦賽及 Bridging the World – After the 2004 INAS-FID 2009 年的世界室內賽艇錦標賽,於 2013 年底將首 World Swimming Championships and 2009 INAS-FID 次主辦國際智障人士體育聯盟世界乒乓球錦標賽。 World Indoor Rowing Championships, we are delighted to 此賽事獲國際乒乓球聯合會 ( 殘奧組 ) 派出級別鑑 announce the hosting of the 2013 Inas World Table Tennis Championships! What’s more, International Table Tennis 定專家為運動員進行級別鑑定,相信能吸引更多高 Federation (Para Table Tennis) - ITTF PTT will be sending 水平的外隊來港參賽。我們屆時定必竭盡全力,以 classifiers for classification. We are sure that this would attract more teams of higher level to the Championships. 亞洲區籌備國際賽事的先導者身份,推動區內的智 As the pioneer of hosting international competition in Asia, 障人士體育發展,並提昇香港及亞洲區於國際體壇 we will do our best in promoting ID sports development in the region and enhance the international sports status of 的地位。 both Hong Kong and Asia.

王林小玲 MH Cecilia WONG, MH

香港弱智人士體育協會 2012-2013 年報 HKSAM 2012-2013 Annual Report 展望未來 Outlook

本會多年來以讓智障人士融入社群為目標,一 Over the years, our Association has strived to improve the lives of persons with intellectual disability (ID) 直希望透過運動改變智障健兒的人生。 through sports with the aim to promote their integration into the community. 智障運動員過去於國際大型賽事表現優秀, 尤其於倫敦 2012 殘奧,以 1 金 1 銀 2 銅的佳績展 ID athletes have continued to achieve outstanding results in major international sports events, particularly 示出本港運動員的卓越實力。我們並不會因此而自 in the London 2012 Paralympic Games. The remarkable 滿,並將繼續以培養優秀運動員為己任。 result of 1 gold, 1 silver and 2 bronze medals attained reflects their potential and dedication in the pursuit of 於未來數年,我們將繼續安排精英運動員參 sports excellence. The Association will not be complacent and will continue our mission to nurture elite athletes. 與各類型國際及本地賽事,讓他們從中提昇運動技 Looking forward, elite athletes will partake in various 術、累積比賽經驗之餘,同時亦增加其與人溝通、 international and local competitions. Besides improving 擴闊視野的機會,從而建立自信。主要大型賽事包 sport skills and building their experiences, these competitions will provide more opportunities for athletes to 括: improve inter-personal communications and broaden their horizons which in turn help them establishing confidence. • 仁川 2014 亞洲殘疾人運動會:將重設智障項 The upcoming major events are as follows: 目,我們將好整以暇,為這個亞洲區最大型賽 • Incheon 2014 Asian Para Games: ID events would 22 事作好準備。 be re-introduced. We will get prepared for this mega 23 event in Asia. • 第四屆國際智障人士體育聯盟環球運動會: • 4th Inas Global Games: The quadrennial Games, the 這個四年一度的賽事將於 2015 年在厄瓜多爾 highest level of Games among ID persons, will be 瓜亞基爾舉行,於智障界別運動會中屬最高水 held in Guayaquil, Ecuador in 2015. We have been taking part in all the past Games and this time is not 平;本會每屆均組隊參加,今次亦不例外,將 exceptional - a fairly large delegation will be sent 組成相當龐大的隊伍參賽。 from Hong Kong. • 2016 Paralympics: With the excellent results from • 2016 殘奧 : 港隊於倫敦 2012 殘奧取得驕人 the 2012 Paralympics, athletes will take part in 成績,我們會積極安排運動員參與各地計分賽 competitions to attain the qualifying slots to the 2016 事,讓他們順利取得巴西 2016 殘奧入場券, Paralympics. 期望把上屆的優勢延續。 In addition to intensive local training, we will also adopt the "competition for competition" strategy. 除加強本地訓練外,我們亦會運用「以戰養 By arranging the elite teams to participate in various international competitions, athletes can maintain their 戰」的策略,安排運動員參與不同國際賽事,務求 best competitive mentality at all times for the above major 令港隊精英長期維持於最佳的作戰狀態,以迎接這 events. 幾個大型賽事的挑戰。 It is our hope that the Government can implement sports policy that allocates reasonable resources to ID 我們亦期望政府可以儘快釐定體育政策,讓智 athletes for proper training and render them support in their pursuit of a more promising prospect in the 障運動員於合理的資源配合下得到更合適的栽培, international sports arena. 為他們於國際體壇打造更燦爛的前景。

香港弱智人士體育協會 2012-2013 年報 HKSAM 2012-2013 Annual Report 審計委員會報告 Audit Sub-committee Report

為了提昇及深化本會的管治模式,並緊貼機 With the increasing emphasis on corporate 構管治透明化的世界發展趨勢,審計委員會於本年 governance and with the objective to enhance the management and transparency of the Association, the 度正式成立,成員包括來自會計界及社福界的專業 Audit Committee was established this year. Members of 人士,主要負責監察會方內部審計工作,務求以其 the Committee comprise professionals from the social 專業知識,協助審查和監察本會各項運作。於執委 welfare and accounting sectors. The Committee is set up to monitor the Association’s internal audit. Authorized by 會授權後,可按需要並不受制地對會方事務展開調 the Executive Committee to prevent conflicts of interest 查,以防止出現利益衝突及欺詐行為。 and misconduct, the Committee can launch unconstrained investigation on the Association’s operation as appropriate. 由於委員會尚處於新成立的階段,故以循序漸 進的方式進行審計工作,先以每年審計兩個項目為 As the Committee is newly developed, the audit procedure will be carried out by phases. A target was 目標,再逐步構建成審計體系完善的委員會。本年 set to audit two projects annually so as to build up a 度委員會參考政府相關部門的專業建議和2011特 comprehensive audit mechanism. With reference to the 殊奧運夏季世界賽的經驗,確立五大審計範疇:運 professional advice from related government departments 動員、職員及工作人員、義工、參與及舉辦比賽和 and 2011 Special Olympics World Summer Games, Committee members have identified five audit items for 24 贊助商,並評核其篩選程序。 this year - including athletes, staff and helpers, volunteers, 25 participation and organization of competitions, and 此外,委員會亦為日後的審計工作訂下優先次 sponsorships. 序,將先以內部行政運作程序為審計重點,逐步優 After several meetings, we have also set a priority 化不同項目;財務審核則交由專業核數師負責,於 list for the upcoming audit work. Main focus will be put on 年度財務報表提交周年大會前,委員會將監察其完 enhancing internal operation and administration whereas 整性,以確保其符合會計準則的合規性。 financial audit reported in the Annual General Meeting will be compiled by professional auditor. It will be the 來年,我們將進一步擴大審計範圍至體育及 role of the Audit Committee to ensure the comprehensive 籌款活動,確保會務營運符合社會福利署所訂之 execution of the audit exercise. 「服務質素標準」,令會方的管治模式變得更有條 Next year we will further our audit spectrum to 不紊。 sports and fundraising events. It is our wish to improve internal operation to cope with the Service Quality 賴永耀 Stardards developed by the Social Welfare Department.

LAI Wing Yiu

香港弱智人士體育協會 2012-2013 年報 HKSAM 2012-2013 Annual Report 人事及財務委員會報告 Personnel and Financial Sub-committee Report

為建立及深化誠信意識,增加問責性及制衡 In response to the administrative requirement of the Leisure and Cultural Services Department (LCSD), 度,以及回應康樂及文化事務署的要求,我們於本 the Audit Committee was established to further enhance 年度成立審計委員會,成員包括前社會福利署資深 corporate governance and increase the accountability 官員(本會顧問)及具會計專業資格人士,定期進 and balance of management. The Committee, comprising members of professionals from the social welfare 行內部審計工作,以達致優良的管治標準。 and accounting sectors will ensure the Association’s governance excellence by conducting internal audit 執行總監及乒乓球總教練於 3 月 31 日約滿離 regularly. 任,新任執行總監黃嘉儀博士 7 月起履新;兼職精 Both the Executive Director and the table tennis 英運動員教練亦已續簽合約,惟乒乓球總教練尚未 Head Coach left the Association after fulfilling the contract at the end of March. We are delighted to have our new 有合適人選,故有關事務暫由梯隊教練分擔。此外 Executive Director Dr. Allison Wong taken up the position 會方也為剛退役的乒乓球手黎惠玲成功取得「香港 from July. Part-time elite coaches have also renewed their contracts with the Association. Though the post of 展能精英運動員基金 - 退役殘疾運動員就業促進資 table tennis Head Coach is still vacant, duties of the team 助金」,並安排她於梯隊擔任教練助理,將其寶貴 are being shared among coaches. We have also been 經驗薪火相傳。 successfully approved by the ‘Hong Kong Paralympians Fund for the employment facilitating grants for retired athletes with disabilities’ for LAI Wai-ling, a recently retired 本年度亦進行了多份文件修訂工作,包括社會 table tennis player. She is now a coach assistant passing 26 27 福利署服務質素標準的年度修訂及會章修訂。我們 her valuable experiences to juniors. 亦詳細檢視職員工作評核工具,經諮詢專業意見後 This year, document revision like the Social Welfare 修訂職員評核表格,以便能更有效反映員工的實際 Department’s (SWD’s) Service Quality Standards and the Memorandum and Articles of the Association has 工作表現,配合會方提升服務質素的理念。 been finished. To facilitate our vision of improving the Association’s service quality, we have consulted our 七名智障健兒於倫敦 2012 殘奧取得優異佳 committee members for professional opinions to review 績,我們除了舉行慶功宴及出版特刊外,亦向備戰 the assessment tools so that the practical performance of staff could be reflected in the appraisal form effectively. 期間悉心指導殘奧健兒的教練們頒發額外獎金, 以茲鼓勵。本會營運所需除繼續獲康樂及文化事務 The Association has offered an additional bonus as an encouragement to coaches for coaching athletes to 署、香港體育學院和社會福利署支持外,去年又得 get brilliant results in the 2012 Paralympics. Besides the 到黃廷方慈善基金的慷慨捐助以應付備戰殘奧的不 continuous support for ID sports programme development from LCSD, Hong Kong Sport Institute and SWD, credits 敷之數;亦喜獲林百欣慈善基金的贊助舉辦 2013 should also go to charities like the Ng Teng Fong 香港特奧保齡球邀請賽,讓亞洲區保齡球手互相切 Charitable Foundation and Por Yen Charitable Foundation for their donation to Paralympic preparation and hosting 磋競技,成績理想。 of the 2013 Special Olympics Bowling Invitational Games respectively. 去年獲社會福利署基金資助進行「團隊建立」 Subsidized by the SWD, we had staff training 的培訓後,今年將繼續舉辦相關活動,冀進一步改 on “Team Building” last year. We will organize staff 善職員籌備各種典禮的公關技巧和款待禮儀。 development training continuously this year to reinforce their knowledge about public relations and improve their 感謝各政府部門及社會各界的支持,期望大家 skills in holding ceremonies. 繼續大力資助智障人士的體育發展,為智障健兒帶 We would like to show our sincerest gratitude to 來更精彩燦爛的人生。 the government and the community for contributing to the development of ID sports. Together we can make the lives 葉肇和 BBS, BH of ID athletes full of excitement and happiness. David IP, BBS, BH

香港弱智人士體育協會 2012-2013 年報 HKSAM 2012-2013 Annual Report 籌款及推廣委員會報告 Fund Raising and Promotion Sub-committee Report

本年度我們繼續於傳媒關係上採取主動策略, With the aim to promote public awareness of ID sports and athletes, the Association has adopted 以增加運動員的媒體曝光率,有關本會及運動員的 a proactive approach in reaching out to mass media. 消息報導超過一百三十篇。本會爭取的傳媒報導不 As a result, over 130 pieces of media coverage were 限於電視、電台及報刊等傳統媒體,新興的網絡傳 generated. Besides traditional media like television/radio broadcast, newspapers and magazines, we also targeted 媒亦是我們建立聯繫的對象,令社會不同階層人士 at collaborating with the new media platforms on the 均有機會對本會深入認識。 internet to ensure people from all walks of life could know the Association better. 本會運動員於倫敦 2012 殘奧展露鋒芒,更令 The glittering light of our Paralympic stars came 他們成為傳媒的採訪焦點,不但令其知名度大大增 home from London, and not surprisingly became popular amongst the media and the public. Their success in the 加,一眾健兒亦獲邀出席不同的公開活動,足證智 Pararlympic Games not only brought them pride, but also 障體壇已經備受公眾關注。本會更獲明報周刊選為 helped raise public awareness of the talents we have in our home grown ID athletes in Hong Kong. Amongst the 「Local Heroes 2012」之一,王林小玲主席、葉 vast interests in the media, we were selected by Ming 肇和副會長及四位倫敦殘奧獎牌得主獲邀訪問,進 Pao Weekly as one of the “Local Heroes 2012”. Mrs. 一步加深社會人士對本會的瞭解。 Cecilia Wong and Mr. David Ip, our Chairperson and Vice President, and 4 medal-winning Paralympians were interviewed by the magazine to enrich the community’s 為配合大型籌款活動「特殊奧運執法人員火炬 knowledge towards persons with ID. 28 29 慈善跑」的宣傳,我們與商台聯繫並安排本會陳毅宇 When it comes to promoting the “Special Olympics 副主席及退役運動員譚偉業於 < 有誰共鳴 > 節目 Law Enforcement Torch Run”, we have arranged Mr. 擔任嘉賓,介紹「火炬慈善跑」及呼籲公眾踴躍參 Patrick Chan, our Vice Chairperson, and Mr. Sam Tam, our former athlete, to be the guests of the radio program “Share 加,令今年的參加人數成為歷年之冠。 My Song” in Commercial Radio Hong Kong. Through their introduction to the Torch Run and call for public support, 本年度我們繼續獲得社會各界人士的支持及贊 the event has attained the highest participation rate ever 助,我在此特別感謝包括瑞銀集團、香港賽馬會慈 over the years. 善信託基金、黃廷方慈善基金、美泰玩具亞太有限 We are most grateful to have the continuous support 公司、香港迪士尼和高盛 ( 亞洲 ) 有限責任公司在 from different sectors including UBS, Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust, Ng Teng Fong Charitable Foundation, 內的贊助機構。林百欣慈善基金於今年亦加入贊助 Mattel Asia Pacific Sourcing Ltd., Hong Kong Disneyland 行列,作為雙方長遠合作關係的起點。屈臣氏集團 and Goldman Sachs (Asia) L.L.C.. As new joiner to a long term partnership, we would like to express our warmest 多年來為本會所有活動提供飲用水,其支持亦不可 welcome to the Por Yen Charitable Foundation. Special 或缺。 thanks must go to A.S. Watson Group for providing drinking water to all events, without which all the events 我亦感激各委員過去一年群策群力制訂和 would not be successful. 推行各項宣傳策略,喚起公眾人士對智障健兒的 I would also like to thank the committee members for formulating and implementing various promotional 關注。 strategies collectively to raise the awareness of the public in persons with ID. 倪文玲 JP Malina NGAI, JP

香港弱智人士體育協會 2012-2013 年報 HKSAM 2012-2013 Annual Report 節目諮詢委員會報告 Programme Sub-committee Report

自智障運動員重返殘奧後,智障健兒在國際體 There is an increasing rate of athletes with intellectual disability (ID) taking part in international 壇的參與率日益增加。為順應體壇的發展趨勢,會 competitions after the lifting of the ban on Paralympics. 方亦積極舉辦區域性及國際性賽事,讓本地精英汲 To cope with this trend, we devote ourselves in hosting 取賽事和實戰經驗,為日後參賽作準備。 regional and international competitions for local ID athletes, allowing them to gain experience and prepare for 繼 2004 國際智障人士體育聯盟世界游泳錦標 their future participation. 賽及 2009 國際智障人士體育聯盟世界室內賽艇錦 After 2004 INAS-FID World Swimming 標賽後,我們成功申辦 2013 國際智障人士體育聯 Championships and 2009 INAS-FID World Indoor Rowing Championships, we are delighted to announce the hosting 盟世界乒乓球錦標賽,為本地智障體壇帶來又一高 of the 2013 Inas World Table Tennis Championships, 水平賽事。是次錦標賽設級別鑑定項目,獲國際乒 another advanced level competition for local ID sports. 乓球聯合會 ( 殘奧組 ) 派出的級別鑑定專家為參賽 To identify more potential players, classification will be conducted during the event which classifiers from ITTF 者進行測試,以發掘更多具潛質的球員。此外,賽 PTT are appointed for the assessment. Besides bringing 事除了為本港體壇再添盛事,我們亦希望以香港為 another sporting spectacular to Hong Kong, we as the organizer also want to set a role model for member 主辦單位作起點,成為其他體育組織日後舉辦同類 countries in Asia Region to host similar competitions. The 型賽事的借鏡,增加由亞洲其他國家 / 地區主辦大 manipulation of European countries in hosting international 30 型賽事的機會,藉以打破由歐洲國家壟斷舉辦國際 events will be lessened with the greater commitment of 31 Asia Region, not to mention the growing status of Asia in 大賽的局面,進一步提升亞洲的體壇地位。 international sports. 隨着智障健兒於國際大型賽事的參與率提高, The rising participation of ID athletes in international 仁川 2014 亞洲殘疾人運動會也將重啟智障組別賽 competitions also stimulates the re-inclusion of ID rowing in Incheon 2014 Asian Para Games. We had decided 艇項目。鑒於國際賽艇聯盟智障組別的賽艇發展一 to suspend the training of rowing team on water when 直停滯不前,因此會方於早前決定暫停賽艇水上訓 no advancement of the Para rowing development of International Federation of Rowing Associations (FISA) 練,然而 2014 亞洲殘疾人運動會為此項目帶來喜 could be foreseen. However, the great news from 2014 訊,我們正積極投入討論,檢討賽艇項目現時的定 Asian Para Games have brought us back to the discussion 位及未來的發展可行性。 table to review the position of the rowing team and its possible development in the future. 本年度,我們繼續安排運動員參與各地賽事, This year, we continued to arrange a wide array 其中於韓國平昌舉行的 2013 特殊奧運冬季世界比 of overseas competitions for our athletes. The highlight 賽,出戰的 52 名港隊運動員共奪得 25 金 15 銀 among all was the 2013 Special Olympics World Winter Games held in PyeongChang, Korea where our 52 athletes 17 銅共 57 面獎牌,佳績令人鼓舞。 won 25 gold, 15 silver and 17 bronze medals. It is no doubt a great encouragement for us. 除了籌辦和參與賽事,我們亦積極提昇和 改善會方服務。籌備多時的網上註冊及報名系統 Apart from organizing and participating competitions, another focus is improving the service of the Association. (ERES)於本年度正式投入服務,新系統能更快速 The long-prepared E-Registration and Enrollment System 且有效率地處理運動員註冊及發佈比賽和訓練班資 (ERES) was launched officially this year. The system is a platform where athlete registration and information 訊,成為會方和機構會員保持緊密連繫的溝通平 concerning competitions and training can be handled 台。我們會繼續密切留意智障體壇的發展,爭取更 efficiently, playing a vital role in communication between the 多主辦大型賽事/ 活動的機會,為智障人士帶來豐 Association and agency members. To beautify the sports life of ID persons, we will keep an eye on the international ID 盛的運動人生。 sports development and grasp each and every opportunity to hold mega competitions/events. 楊德華 JP YEUNG Tak Wah, JP

香港弱智人士體育協會 2012-2013 年報 HKSAM 2012-2013 Annual Report 參賽資格審核委員會報告 National Eligibility Committee Report

國際智障人士體育聯盟(Inas)於 2013 年初 In early 2013, Inas implemented the “Provisional 推行臨時資格審核(Provisional Eligibility),有 Eligibility”, which validates for two years, to encourage its members to organize local competitions. It gives athletes 效期為兩年,用以鼓勵各成員組織自行舉辦本土賽 with intellectual disability (ID), coaches and parents 事,讓運動員、教練及家長初步瞭解資格審核及級 a preliminary idea of eligibility and classification. With 別鑑定的概念。「臨時資格審核」的手續簡易,所 simplified application process, “Provisional Eligibility” requires fewer documents. This would significantly 需遞交的資料亦較少,故對推動智障運動普及化有 facilitate the popularization of ID sports. 明顯幫助。 Athletes must possess “Full Eligibility” before taking 運動員參與Inas舉辦之地區錦標賽及世界錦 part in regional and world championships organized 標賽,必須先取得全面資格審核(Full Eligibility) ; by Inas. To be eligible to partake in competitions sanctioned by International Sports Federations (IFs) of 若要取得相關體育項目國際體育聯會(IF)認可賽 the corresponding sports, athletes must undergo the 事的參賽資格,則須先參與各IF所訂的級別鑑 classification managed by the IFs that includes Sport 定( Classification),包括運動認知測試(Sport Cognition Test Battery and Sports Specific Test to identify Cognitive Test Battery)和運動專項測試(Sports their disabilities. 32 Specific Test),以確認其殘障級別。 Currently, we have sixteen elite athletes with “Full 33 Eligibility” passed the classification. They are eligible to 現時本會已有十六名精英運動員取得「全面 participate in Inas and IFs sanctioned competitions. To 資格審核」及通過了「級別鑑定」,可同時參與 pave the way to Brazil 2016 Paralympics, we will arrange fourteen new athletes who attained “Full Eligibility” this Inas 及 IF 認可賽事。本年度亦有十四名新晉運動 year to undergo the classification in order to meet the 員成功取得「全面資格審核」,我們正安排他們接 eligibility requirement for IFs sanctioned competitions. 受「級別鑑定」,好讓他們早日獲取參與 IF 認可 We will be hosting the 2013 Inas World Table Tennis 賽事資格,向進軍巴西 2016 殘奧邁進一步。 Championships. During the championships, ITTF PTT will send classifiers to take charge of the classification. In 本會成功申辦 2013 國際智障人士體育聯盟世 the days ahead, we will continue to strive for the athletes’ 界乒乓球錦標賽,更邀得國際乒乓球聯合會(殘奧 eligibility for international competitions to compete with the 組)派級別鑑定專家(Classifier)來港為參賽健 elites worldwide. 兒進行級別鑑定。未來我們亦會繼續努力,確保更 WONG Chung Kwong, JP 多本地運動員獲得國際賽事的參賽資格,有機會與 各地的精英互相切磋競技。

黃重光 JP

香港弱智人士體育協會 2012-2013 年報 HKSAM 2012-2013 Annual Report 活動一覽表 Activity Chart

精英培訓 普及運動 Elite Training Sports for All

海外精英賽事 本地賽事 重點項目訓練

Overseas Competitions Local Competitions Target Sports Training 海外活動 本地活動 康樂活動 (Elite Level) Overseas Events Local Events Recreational Events

國際特殊奧運會 多項運動會 籌款及其他 Special Olympics Inc. (SOI) 單項比賽及訓練 Fund Raising & Multi Sports Games, Others Individual Sports 執法人員火炬慈善跑 特奧東亞區活動 Competitions & 特殊奧運世界比賽 Law Enforcement 國際殘疾人奧委會 國際智障人士體育聯盟 國際乒乓球聯合會 (殘奧組) 田徑 Special Olympics Training 主題活動 (每四年舉行一次) Torch Run (LETR) for International Paralympic International Federation International Table Tennis Athletics Special Olympics East Asia (SOEA) Theme Events Special Olympics Committee (IPC) for sport for para-athletes Federation (Para Table Tennis) World Games Events with an intellectual (ITTF PTT) (held every four 運動員領袖計劃 disability (Inas) years) Athlete Leadership 聖誕聯歡 Programs (ALPs) Christmas 游泳 田徑 Celebration Swimming 家庭支持網 34 夏季比賽 區域領䩴常務會議 Athletics 35 Regional Leadership Family Support 殘疾人奧運會 Summer Games 環球運動會 世界錦標賽 Council Meeting 羽毛球 Network (FSN) Paralympic Games Global Games World Championships Badminton 健體活力日 乒乓球 籃球 Fitness Activity Day Table Tennis 訓練員培訓課程 Basketball 冬季比賽 Train-the-Trainer 特奧之友 Program (TTT) 滾球 Friends of Special 世界錦標賽 Winter Games 世界錦標賽 分區錦標賽 Bocce Olympics (SOF) World Championships World Championships Regional Championships 保齡球 健康運動員計劃 區域信使培訓 Bowling Healthy Athletes Regional Messenger Program (HA) Training 地板曲棍球 Floor Hockey 機能活動訓練計劃 亞洲殘疾人奧委會 公開錦標賽 Asian Paralympic Motor Activity Open Championships 國際賽艇聯盟 足球 Committee (APC) Training Program (MATP) International Federation of Football 家庭領袖論壇 Rowing Associations (FISA) 快來參加特奧 Family Forum 高爾夫球 Special Olympics Golf Get Into It (SOGII) 亞洲殘疾人運動會 體操 Asian Para Games 特奧大學計劃 區賽 Gymnastics 世界錦標賽 Special Olympics Regional World Championships 滑冰 University Program (SOUP) Competitions Ice Skating 超級教練獎勵計劃 賽艇 Super Coach Award Scheme 亞洲青少年殘疾人運動會 Rowing Asian Youth Para Games 邀請賽 訓練員培訓課程 分區錦標賽 Invitational 雪鞋競走 Train-the-Trainer Program Regional Championships Competitions Snowshoeing (TTT)

軟式排球 融合運動及伙伴計劃 Soft Volleyball Unified Sports & Partners Program 游泳 Swimming 義工訓練 Volunteers Training 乒乓球 Table Tennis 幼兒運動員計劃 Young Athletes Program (YAP)

香港弱智人士體育協會 2012-2013 年報 HKSAM 2012-2013 Annual Report 國際賽事 International Competitions

2012 英國國際殘疾人游泳錦標賽 (英國謝菲爾德) 2012 德國殘疾人公開游泳錦標賽(德國哈姆) !#$%''*$+;< 2012 Offene Landesmeisterschaften - Sportverband NRW – Swimming (Hamm, Germany)

2012 韓國殘疾人乒乓球公開賽(韓國水原市) 斯洛伐克乒乓球公開賽 2012(斯洛伐克伯拉第斯拉瓦) 2012 Korea Veterans PTT Tournament (Suwon, Korea) Slovakian Open 2012 – Table Tennis (Bratislava, Slovakia)

36 37

第一屆彈琴湖杯國際展能賽艇比賽(韓國忠州) 2012 捷克公開游泳錦標賽(捷克布傑約維) The 1st Tangeum's Lake Cup International Adaptive Rowing Competition (Chungju, Korea) Czech Open 2012 Swimming Championships (Ceske Budejovice, Czech Republic)

香港弱智人士體育協會 2012-2013 年報 HKSAM 2012-2013 Annual Report 國際賽事 International Competitions

國際智障人士體育聯盟歐洲田徑錦標賽 2012(瑞典耶夫勒) Mike Dempsey Memorial 乒乓球錦標賽(美國加利福尼亞州聖地牙哥) Inas European Athletics Championships 2012 (Gavle, Sweden) Mike Dempsey Memorial Table Tennis Championships (San Diego, CA, U.S.A.)

2012 世界殘疾人游泳挑戰賽(加拿大蒙特利爾) 第六屆國際智障人士體育聯盟歐洲室內田徑錦標賽(土耳其伊斯坦堡) 2012 Para-Swimming World Challenge (Montreal, Canada) 6th Inas European Indoor Athletics Championships (Istanbul, Turkey)

38 39

2012 國際智障人士體育聯盟歐洲公開乒乓球錦標賽(法國旺代) 2013 亞洲室內賽艇錦標賽及香港公開室內賽艇錦標賽暨慈善長途接力賽(中國香港) Inas 2012 Open European Table Tennis Championships (Vendee, France) 2013 Asian Indoor Rowing Championships & Hong Kong Open Indoor Rowing Championships cum Charity Rowathon (Hong Kong, China)

香港弱智人士體育協會 2012-2013 年報 HKSAM 2012-2013 Annual Report 海外特殊奧運賽事 Overseas Special Olympics Competitions

2013 特殊奧運冬季世界比賽(韓國平昌) 2013 Special Olympics World Winter Games (PyeongChang, Korea)

於2013年1月29日至2月5日在韓國平昌舉行的2013 特殊奧運冬季世界比賽,香港代表團派出51名運動員 出戰4個項目,奪得25金15銀17銅共57面獎牌。 2013 Special Olympics World Winter Games was held in PyeongChang, Korea from 29th January to 5th February 2013. Competed in 4 events, 51 Hong Kong athletes won 57 medals including 25 gold, 15 silver and 17 bronze.

40 41

香港弱智人士體育協會 2012-2013 年報 HKSAM 2012-2013 Annual Report 海外特殊奧運賽事 本地特殊奧運賽事 Overseas Special Olympics Competitions Local Special Olympics Competitions

本年度共 5,865 人次參與本地特奧賽事。 2012 澳門高爾夫球國際邀請賽(中國澳門) There were totally 5,865 headcounts participating in Special Olympics Macau Golf International 2012 (Macau, China) the local Special Olympics Competitions this year.

2012 特奧東亞區田徑比賽(中國澳門) 2012 Special Olympics East Asia Regional Athletics Game (Macau, China)

42 43

2012 特奧東亞區夏季項目邀請賽(台灣台北) 2012 Special Olympics East Asia Regional Summer Sports Invitational Competition (Taipei, Taiwan)

香港弱智人士體育協會 2012-2013 年報 HKSAM 2012-2013 Annual Report 籌款活動 會議 Fund Raising Programme Conferences and Meetings

2012 特殊奧運執法人員火炬慈善跑 國際智障人士體育聯盟亞洲區執行委員會會議(英國倫敦) 2012 Law Enforcement Torch Run for Special Oylmpics Inas Asia Executive Committee Meeting (London, UK)

香港弱智人士體育協會周年大會(The One 迎) HKSAM Annual General Meeting (Joyous One, The One)

44 45

2012 特殊奧運執法人員火炬慈善跑國際會議(美國印第安納州印第安納波里) 2012 LETR International Conference (Indianapolis, IN, USA)

香港弱智人士體育協會 2012-2013 年報 HKSAM 2012-2013 Annual Report 培訓課程 Development Programmes

培訓課程 職員培訓 Training programmes Staff Development 本會於 2012-2013 年度舉辦的培訓課程包括: 為確保各委員及職員的工作更配合本會使命及目標,並於其工作崗位發揮所長, We organized the following training programmes in 2012-2013 : 我們於本年度舉行下列培訓及發展活動:

參加者人數 To more closely align committee members and staff members’ work with our 日期 培訓課程 地點 No. of Date Development Programme Venue mission and objectives, the following training and development activities were Participants organized during the year : 義工訓練 — 特奧工作坊 奧運大樓 19/5/2012 11 Volunteer Training Workshop Olympic House 參加者人數 日期 培訓課程 地點 2012 特奧健康運動員區域顧問培訓班 美國華盛頓 No. of Date Development Programme Venue 11-12/9/2012 2012 Special Olympics Healthy Athletes Washington DC, USA 1 Participants Regional Clinical Advisor (RCA) Training 職員培訓日 突破青年村 12/10 & 2, 3, 5, 機能活動訓練計劃指導員培訓計劃 機構會員會址 5/6/2012 15 63 Staff Training Breakthrough Youth Village 9,12/11/2012 MATP Train-the-Trainer Program Agency Members' Premises 2012 HKSAM & HKSO 研討會 奧運大樓 2012 特奧田徑裁判培訓班 沙田崇真學校 14/7/2012 26 46 2012 HKSAM & HKSO Seminar Olympic House 47 24/11/2012 2012 Special Olympics Athletics Referee Shatin Tsung Tsin School 100 Training Course 智障運動員資格審核及級別鑑定研討會 香港浸會大學 ( 石門校園 ) 3/12/2012 Seminar on Eligibility and Classification of Hong Kong Baptist University (Shek 38 ID Athletes Mun Campus) 2012 國際特奧會東亞區高級足球教練培 中國昆明 訓班 Kunming, China 20-22/12/2012 2 2012 Special Olympics East Asia Senior Football Coaches Training Seminar 國際特殊奧林匹克融合運動指導員培訓課程 新加坡 1-3/3/2013 Special Olympics Unified Sports Train- Singapore 1 the-Trainer Course 網上註冊及報名系統 (ERES) 簡介會 沙田大會堂 4/3/2013 E-Registration and Enrolment System Sha Tin Town Hall 55 (ERES) Briefing Session

香港弱智人士體育協會 2012-2013 年報 HKSAM 2012-2013 Annual Report 其他活動 Other Activities

中銀香港第五十五屆體育節 – 展能運動會 暨 機能活動訓練計劃挑戰日 運動員領袖計劃 Bank of China (Hong Kong) 55th Festival of Sport – Adaptive Games cum MATP Challenge Day Athlete Leadership Programs 2012 特殊奧運執法人員火炬慈善跑 2012 Law Enforcement Torch for Special Oylmpics

家庭支持網 Family Support Network

2012 特殊奧運健體活力日 2012 Special Olympics Fitness Activity Day

48 49

健康運動員計劃 Healthy Athletes Program

海外賽事慶功宴 Victory Banquet for Overseas Competitons

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香港弱智人士體育協會 2012-2013 年報 HKSAM 2012-2013 Annual Report 成就 Major Achievements 特奧健康運動員計劃區域項目顧問 Special Olympics Healthy Athletes Regional Clinical Advisor 劉碧珊小姐獲國際特奧會委任為特奧健康運動員計劃區域項目顧問,為特奧東亞區培訓所屬專項之項目總監, 繼續推動健康運動員計劃的發展。 Ms. Doris LAU was nominated by Special Olympics Inc. as the Special Olympics Healthy Athletes Regional 2012 中銀香港傑出運動員選舉 Special Olympics East Asia. Bank of China Hong Kong Sports Stars Awards 2012 乒乓球員黃家汶及泳手鄧韋樂於「2012 中銀香港傑出運動員選舉」分別獲選為 國際賽事成績表 Results of International Competitions 香港傑出運動員及香港傑出青少年運動員。 運動員 獎牌 Medal Table tennis player WONG Ka Man and swimmer TANG Wai Lok won the Hong 日期 比賽 項目 數目 總計 Date Competition Event No. of 金 銀 銅 Total Kong Sports Stars Award and Hong Kong Junior Sports Stars Award 2012 Athlete Gold Silver Bronze respectively. 2012 英國國際殘疾人游泳錦標賽 ( 英國謝菲爾德 ) 游泳 6-8/4/2012 2012 British International Disability Swimming 62338 民政事務局局長嘉許計劃 Swimming Secretary for Home Affairs Commendation Scheme Championships (Sheffield, United Kingdom) 2012 韓國殘疾人乒乓球公開賽 ( 韓國水原市 ) 泳手歐棨麟、陳正、李浚生及鄧韋樂於「民政事務局局長嘉許計劃」獲選為推動康樂體育發展傑出人士。 乒乓球 28/4-4/5/2012 2012 Korea Veterans PTT Tournament (Suwon, 221/3 Table Tennis Swimmers AU Kai Lun, CHAN Ching, LEE Tsun Sang and TANG Wai Lok were awarded as Persons with Korea) Outstanding Contributions to the Development of Sports and Recreation in the Secretary for Home Affairs 第一屆彈琴湖杯國際展能賽艇比賽 ( 韓國忠州 ) st 賽艇 Commendation Scheme. 7-8/5/2012 The 1 Tangeum’s Lake Cup International Adaptive 41/23 Rowing Rowing Competition (Chungju, Korea) 香港體育學院傑出青少年運動員 2012 德國殘疾人公開游泳錦標賽 ( 德國哈姆 ) 游泳 HKSI Outstanding Junior Athlete Awards 20/5/2012 2012 Offene Landesmeisterschaften-Sportverband 32215 Swimming 50 NRW-Swimming (Hamm, Germany) 51 泳手鄧韋樂及乒乓球員吳玫薈分別於 2012 年第 3 及 斯洛伐克乒乓球公開賽 2012 ( 斯洛伐克伯拉第斯拉 第 4 季獲選為香港體育學院傑出青少年運動員。 乒乓球 22-27/5/2012 瓦 ) 211/2 Table Tennis Swimmer TANG Wai Lok and table tennis player Slovakia Open 2012 (Bratislava, Slovakia) NG Mui Wui won the Hong Kong Sports Institute 2012 捷克公開游泳錦標賽 ( 捷克布傑約維 ) 游泳 rd 9-10/6/2012 Czech Open 2012 Swimming Championships 13/ /3 Outstanding Junior Athlete Awards for the 3 and Swimming the 4th quarter of 2012 respectively. (Ceske Budejovice, Czech Republic) 國際智障人士體育聯盟歐洲田徑錦標賽 2012 ( 瑞典耶 夫勒 ) 田徑 12-18/6/2012 81135 Guardian Award Inas European Athletics Championships 2012 Athletics 香港特殊奧運會獲頒 “Guardian Award”,以表揚香港籌辦執法人員火炬慈善跑的成就。 (Gavle, Sweden) 2012 世界殘疾人游泳錦標賽 ( 加拿大蒙特利爾 ) Hong Kong Special Olympics was awarded the “Guardian Award” in recognition of 游泳 5-8/7/2012 2012 Para-Swimming World Challenge (Montreal, 51517 Swimming the achievements of Law Enforcement Torch Run organized by Hong Kong. Canada) 游泳 5//22 特殊奧運執法人員火炬跑東亞區策劃人 Swimming 倫敦 2012 殘疾人奧運會 ( 英國倫敦 ) East Asia Regional Coordinator of Law Enforcement Torch Run 乒乓球 29/8-9/9/2012 London 2012 Paralympic Games (London, United 211/2 Table Tennis for Special Olympics Kingdom) 小計 副主席陳毅宇先生連任「特殊奧運執法人員火炬跑東亞區策劃人」, 71124 Sub-total 協調東亞區火炬跑活動。 2012 國際智障人士體育聯盟歐洲公開乒乓球錦標賽 Mr. Patrick CHAN, Vice Chairman, was re-nominated as the East ( 法國旺代 ) 乒乓球 29/10-2/11/2012 73216 Asia Regional Coordinator of Law Enforcement Torch Run for Special Inas 2012 Open European Table Tennis Table Tennis Olympics to facilitate torch run events in East Asia. Championships (Vendee, France) Mike Dempsey Memorial 乒乓球錦標賽 ( 美國加利福 尼亞州聖地牙哥 ) 乒乓球 29/11-1/12/2012 3/112 特殊奧運執法人員火炬跑 2013 執行委員會運動員代表 特奧東亞區優秀醫生志願者 Mike Dempsey Memorial Table Tennis Table Tennis Special Olympics Athlete Appointee in Law Special Olympics East Asia Outstanding Clinical Championships (San Diego, CA, U.S.A.) Enforcement Torch Run for Special Olympics Volunteer 第六屆國際智障人士體育聯盟歐洲室內田徑錦標賽 2013 Executive Council ( 土耳其伊斯坦堡 ) 田徑 鄭子豐醫生獲選為 2012 特奧東亞區優秀醫生志願者, 13-18/3/2013 th 72136 6 Inas European Indoor Athletics Championships Athletics 譚偉業先生獲選為執法人員火炬跑 2013 執行委員會 以嘉許他對健康運動員計劃的貢獻。 (Istanbul, Turkey) 的運動員代表。 Dr. Jason CHENG was awarded as 2012 Special 2013 亞洲室內賽艇錦標賽 ( 香港 ) 賽艇 16-17/3/2013 2013 Asian Indoor Rowing Championships (Hong 42215 Mr. Sam TAM was elected as the Special Olympics Olympics East Asia Outstanding Clinical Volunteer Rowing Athlete Appointee in Law Enforcement Torch Run for to acknowledge his contribution to Healthy Athletes Kong) 總計 Special Olympics 2013 Executive Council. Program (HA). 59 21 20 18 59 Total

香港弱智人士體育協會 2012-2013 年報 HKSAM 2012-2013 Annual Report 成就 Major

Achievements 香港體育學院體育獎學金 香港傑出運動員 香港弱智人士體育 香港展能精英 HKSI Sport Scholarship 選舉提名 協會傑出運動員 運動員基金 姓名 性別 項目 Nomination HKSAM Hong Kong Name Sex Event 殘疾人士 體育 潛質運動員 of Hong Kong Outstanding Paralympians 訓練資助 Potential Sports Stars Athletes Fund SAGD Athlete Awards 特殊奧運賽事成績表 Results of Special Olympics Competitions 麥瓊方 MAK King Fong 女 F ● 田徑 運動員 獎牌 Medal 顏穎珊 NGAN Wing Shan 女 F Athletics ●●

日期 比賽 項目 數目 總計 謝彩玉 TSE Choi Yuk 女 F ●● Date Competition Event No. of 金 銀 銅 Total WU Ching Man F ●● Athlete Gold Silver Bronze 胡靜文 女 楊麗珊 YEUNG Lai Shan 女 F ● 2012 特奧東亞區田徑比賽 ( 中國澳門 ) 田徑 26-29/10/2012 2012 SOEA Regional Athletics Game (Macau, 18 14 11 7 32 周煥然 CHAU Wun Yin 女 F ● Athletics 體操 China) 羅嘉儀 LAW Ka Yee 女 F Gymnastics ● 羽毛球 43115 黃寶茹 WONG Po Yu 女 F ● Badminton 滾球 梁俊軒 LEUNG Chun Hin 男 M 滑冰  ● 2012 特奧東亞區夏季項目邀請賽 ( 台灣台北 ) 4/1/1 Ice Skating Bocce 27-30/10/2012 2012 SOEA Regional Summer Sports Invitational 乒乓球 司徒東峻 SZETO Tung Chun 男 M ●● Competition (Taipei, Taiwan) 46/ /6 賽艇 Table Tennis 林景珊 LAM King Shan 女 F Rowing ●● 小計 12 9 2 1 12 廖宏倩 LIU Wang Sin 女 F ●● Sub-total 歐棨麟 AU Kai Lun 男 M ●  ● 花樣滑冰 游泳 12 6 4 5 15 CHAN Ching M ●● Figure Skating 陳 正 男 Swimming 地板曲棍球 陳敏冬 CHAN Man Tung 男 M ●● 16/1/1 Floor Hockey 陳煒天 CHAN Wai Tin 男 M ● 2013 特殊奧運冬季世界比賽 ( 韓國平昌 ) 雪鞋競走 CHOI Wa Kit M ● 82338 蔡華傑 男 29/1-5/2/2013 2013 Special Olympics World Winter Games Snowshoeing 周鴻昌 CHOW Hung Cheong 男 M ● (PyeongChang, Korea) 速度滑冰 52 許家俊 HUI Ka Chun 男 M ● 53 Speed 15 17 7 9 33 Skating 李浚生 LEE Tsun Sang 男 M ●● 小計 李珈泯 LI Ka Man 男 M ●● 51 25 15 17 57 Sub-total 陳浩恩 TAN Hou Ang 男 M ● 總數 81 48 28 25 101 鄧韋樂 TANG Wai Lok 男 M ● ★ ● Total 黃嘉聰 WONG Ka Chung 男 M ●● 運動員獲獎成績表 Results of Athletes' Awards 黃嘉輝 WONG Ka Fai 男 M ● 張浩倫 CHEUNG Ho Lun 女 F ●● 香港體育學院體育獎學金 香港傑出運動員 香港弱智人士體育 香港展能精英 周沅凝 CHOW Yuen Ying 女 F ●● HKSI Sport Scholarship 選舉提名 協會傑出運動員 運動員基金 姓名 性別 項目 Nomination 梁舒恆 LEUNG Shu Hang 女 F ●  ● HKSAM Hong Kong Name Sex Event 殘疾人士體育 潛質運動員 of Hong Kong Outstanding Paralympians 孫綽瑩 SUEN Cheuk Ying 女 F ● 訓練資助 Potential Sports Stars Athletes Fund SAGD Athlete Awards 鄧翠芬 TANG Chui Fan 女 F ●● 鄧淑文 TANG Suk Man 女 F ●● 區偉略 AU Wai Leuk 男 M ● 田徑 王曉瑩 WONG Hiu Ying 女 F ● 陳智康 CHAN Chi Hong 男 M Athletics ● 庾焯琳 YUE Cherry 女 F ● 陳富生 CHAN Fu Sang 男 M ● ❖ 周志偉 CHOW Chi Wai 男 M ● 周堅發 CHAU Kin Fat 男 M ●● 乒乓球 朱偉軒 CHU Wai Hin 男 M Table Tennis ●● 張志偉 CHEUNG Che Wai 男 M ● ❖  ● 范嘉豪 FAN Ka Ho 男 M ● 蔡仲熹 CHOI Chun Hei 男 M ● 高榮峰 KO Wing Fung 男 M ●● 周招強 CHOW Chiu Keung 男 M ● ❖ ● 林曉光 LAM Hiu Kong 男 M ●● 詹家豪 JIM Ka Ho 男 M ● 梁仲仁 LEUNG Chung Yan 男 M ●● 羅偉聰 LAW Wai Chung 男 M ● 莫志聲 MOK Chi Sing 男 M ●● 梁俊軒 LEUNG Chun Hin 男 M ● 蘇京國 SO King Kwok 男 M ●● 文偉成 MAN Wai Shing 男 M ● 蔡明輝 TSOI Ming Fai 男 M ●● 吳舒駒 NG Shu Kui 男 M ● 尹國豪 WAN Kwok Ho 男 M ●● 吳錫明 NG Sik Ming 男 M ● 溫偉樂 WAN Wai Lok 男 M ● 伍肇麟 NG Siu Lun 男 M ● 楊錦程 YOUNG Kam Ching 男 M ● 鄧卓文 TANG Cheuk Man 男 M ● ❖ ● 黎惠玲 LAI Wai Ling 女 F ● 鄧雨澤 TANG Nikki 男 M ●● 李曉桐 LI Hiu Tung 女 F ●● 田樂堅 TIN Lok Kin 男 M ●● 吳玫薈 NG Mui Wui 女 F ●● 黃嘉豪 WONG Ka Ho 男 M ● 黃家汶 WONG Ka Man 女 F ● ★  ● 黃茂坎 WONG Mau Hom 男 M ●● 黃珮淇 WONG Pui Kei 女 F ●● 王思榕 WONG Sze Yung 男 M ● 黃沛鈴 WONG Pui Ling 女 F ● 王潤發 WONG Yun Fat 男 M ●● 楊賜嘉 YEUNG Chi Ka 女 F ●  ● 陳敏玨 CHAN Man Kok 女 F ● ● ★ 獲獎者 Awardees 傑出運動員 – 星中之星 Outstanding Athletes – Best of the Best  傑出運動員 Outstanding Athletes ❖ 運動組合 Sports Team 香港弱智人士體育協會 2012-2013 年報 HKSAM 2012-2013 Annual Report 嘉許 Awards

2012 滙豐銀行慈善基金優秀教練選舉 2012 Hongkong Bank Foundation Coaching Awards 超級教練獎勵計劃 Super Coach Award Scheme 超級教練獎勵計劃主要目的是鼓勵更多教練參與弱智人士體育訓練,藉 著表揚這些超級教練,喚起社會大眾關注弱智人士體育訓練的重要性。 完成基本課程後,教練需參與本會舉辦的各項體育訓練工作及協助各項 比賽之裁判工作,於一年內按其參與程度頒發雙鑽石、鑽石、金、銀或 銅獎,以示嘉許。 The Scheme is launched to encourage and motivate coaches to involve in sports training programmes for the persons with intellectual disability (ID), to give recognition to the ‘Super Coaches’ and to arouse public awareness towards the importance of sports training for person with ID . After attending the Induction Workshop, the coaches are required to render their services to us. Different awards, namely Double Diamond, Diamond, Gold, Silver and Bronze will be granted to the ‘Super Coaches’ 54 for their hard work within a year. 55

獎 項 Award 獲獎教練 項 目

Awardee Event 雙鑽石 鑽石 金 銀 銅 Double Diamond Diamond Gold Silver Bronze 獲獎教練 項 目 Awardee Event 曾晨聰 TSENG Sun Chung 足球 Football ★ 倪朝陽 NI Chao Yang 游泳 Swimming ★ 張建勳 Kelvin CHEUNG 田徑 Athletics 陳靖逸 CHAN Ching Yat 滾球 Bocce ★ 葉啟德 YAP Kai Tak 田徑 Athletics 何容妹 HO Iong Mui 保齡球 Bowling ★ 甘志豪 KAM Chi Ho 游泳 Swimming 林漢傑 LAM Hon Kit 賽艇 Rowing ★ 精英教練獎 倪朝陽 NI Chao Yang 游泳 Swimming 李沛強 LEE Pui Keung 保齡球 Bowling ★ Coaching Excellence Awards 李裕昌 LEE Yue Cheong 賽艇 Rowing ★ 陳栩 CHAN Hui 乒乓球 Table Tennis CHEUNG Kwok Shing Swimming 張國丞 游泳 ★ 崔小燕 CUI Xiao Yan 乒乓球 Table Tennis 吳碩鏗 NG Shek Hang 田徑 Athletics ★ 林智鵬 LAM Chi Pang 乒乓球 Table Tennis 譚浩恩 TAM Ho Yan Timothy 田徑 Athletics ★ 馮珈儀 Vanessa FUNG 保齡球 Bowling ★ 社區優秀教練獎 曾晨聰 TSENG Sun Chung 足球 Football 陳紹基 CHAN Siu Kee 足球 Football ★ Community Coach Recognition Awards 蕭潔英 SIU Kit Ying 乒乓球 Table Tennis 陳仲鈞 CHAN Chung Kwan 滑冰 Ice skating ★ 張浩樑 CHUENG Ho Leung 滑冰 Ice skating ★ 吳志賢 NG Chi Yin Sabrina 滑冰 Ice skating ★ 吳綺雯 NG Yee Man Jatherine 滑冰 Ice skating ★ 義工嘉許計劃 黃志文 WONG Chi Man Peter 滑冰 Ice skating ★ Volunteers Awards 趙 敏 ZHAO Min Michelle 滑冰 Ice skating ★ 丘震宇 YAU Chun Yu 賽艇 Rowing ★ 金 銀 銅 譚浩恩 TAM Ho Yan Timothy 雪鞋競走 Snowshoeing ★ Gold Silver Bronze 譚 雋 TAM Chun 游泳 Swimming ★ 個人 陳鄭寶蘭女士 莫志明先生 陳黎靜嫻女士 林芷琪 LAM Chi Kei 地板曲棍球 Floor Hockey ★ Individual Mrs. CHAN CHENG Po Lan Mr. MOK Chi Ming Mrs. CHAN LAI Ching Hang PANG Ka Wai Floor Hockey 彭家威 地板曲棍球 ★ 運動員 陳淑娟女士 曾佩儀女士 李傲寶先生 陳紫慧 CHAN Tsz Wai 賽艇 Rowing ★ Athlete Ms. CHAN Shuk Kuen Ms. TSANG Pui Yee Mr. LEE Ngo Po 張麗賢 CHEUNG Lai Yin 賽艇 Rowing ★ 團體 香港專業教育學院柴灣分校(酒店、服 香港浸會大學(體育學系) 香港專業教育學院黃克競分校(酒店、 鄭富安 CHENG Fu On 賽艇 Rowing ★ Organization 務及旅遊學系) Hong Kong Baptist University 服務及旅遊學系) SIN Yuk Kuan Swimming 冼玉坤 游泳 ★ Hong Kong Institute of Vocational (Department of Physical Education) Hong Kong Institute of Vocational 梁友添 LEUNG Yau Tim 游泳 Swimming ★ Education (Chai Wan) (Department of Education (Haking Wong) 黃芷雯 WONG Tsz Man 游泳 Swimming ★ Hotel, Service and Tourism Studies) (Department of Hotel, Service and 王順英 WONG Shun Ying 游泳 Swimming ★ Tourism Studies) 李世翹 LI Sai Kiu 乒乓球 Table Tennis ★ 黃劍基 WONG Kim Kei 軟式排球 Soft Volleyball ★

香港弱智人士體育協會 2012-2013 年報 HKSAM 2012-2013 Annual Report 財務報告 Financial Report

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香港弱智人士體育協會 2012-2013 年報 HKSAM 2012-2013 Annual Report 財務報告 Financial Report

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香港弱智人士體育協會 2012-2013 年報 HKSAM 2012-2013 Annual Report 財務報告 Financial Report

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財務報告全文可於香港弱智人士體育協會網頁下載 : www.hksam.org.hk The full financial report can be downloaded at HKSAM website : www.hksam.org.hk

香港弱智人士體育協會 2012-2013 年報 HKSAM 2012-2013 Annual Report 2012-2013 全年活動 2012-2013 Year Round Activities

運動員人數 訓練班全年總參加人次 日期 地點 訓練班 國際賽事 No. of Total Head Counts of Training Date International Competitions Venue Training Courses Courses Athletes 4-7/7/2012 2012 8 田徑 / 羽毛球 / 籃球 / 滾球 / 保齡球 / 地板曲棍球 / 足球 / 高爾夫球 / 體操 / 滑冰 / 賽艇 / 雪鞋競走 / 澳門高爾夫球國際邀請賽 中國澳門 Special Olympics Macau Golf International 2012 Macau, China 軟式排球 / 游泳 / 乒乓球 52,194 Athletics / Badminton / Basketball / Bocce / Bowling / Floor Hockey / Football / Golf / Gymnastics / 5-8/7/2012 2012世界殘疾人游泳挑戰賽 加拿大蒙特利爾 5 Ice Skating / Rowing / Snowshoeing / Soft Volleyball / Swimming / Table Tennis 2012 Para-Swimming World Challenge Montreal, Canada 29/8-9/9/2012 倫敦2012殘疾人奧運會 英國倫敦 7 London 2012 Paralympic Games London, UK 運動員人數 26-29/10/2012 2012特奧東亞區田徑比賽 中國澳門 18 日期 地點 本地賽事 No. of 2012 SOEA Regional Athletics Game Macau, China Date Venue Local Competitions Athletes 27-30/10/2012 2012特奧東亞區夏季項目邀請賽 台灣台北 12 27/4/2012 第三十六屆香港特殊奧運會地板曲棍球比賽 九龍公園體育館 167 2012 SOEA Regional Summer Sports Invitational Taipei, Taiwan 36th HKSO Floor Hockey Competition Kowloon Park Sports Centre Competition 3/5/2012 第三十六屆香港特殊奧運會雪鞋競走比賽 黃金泳灘 221 29/10-2/11/2012 2012國際智障人士體育聯盟歐洲公開乒乓球錦標賽 法國旺代 7 36th HKSO Snowshoeing Competition Golden Beach Inas 2012 Open European Table Tennis Championships Vendee, France 17/4 & 第三十六屆香港特殊奧運會乒乓球比賽 石硤尾公園體育館 353 29/11-1/12/2012 Mike Dempsey Memorial 乒乓球錦標賽 美國加利福尼亞州聖地牙哥 3 2,4,9/5/2012 36th HKSO Table Tennis Competition Shek Kip Mei Park Sports Centre Mike Dempsey Memorial Table Tennis Championships San Diego, CA, U.S.A. 11,25/5/2012 第三十六屆香港特殊奧運會體操比賽 順利邨體育館 148 29/1-5/2/2013 2013特殊奧運冬季世界比賽 韓國平昌 51 36th HKSO Gymnastics Competition Shun Lee Tsuen Sports Centre 2013 Special Olympics World Winter Games Pyeong Chang, Korea 6,13/7/2012 第三十六屆香港特殊奧運會游泳比賽暨 城門谷游泳池 494 13-18/3/2013 第六屆國際智障人士體育聯盟歐洲室內田徑錦標賽 土耳其伊斯坦堡 7 th 2012香港智障人士短池游泳錦標賽 Shing Mun Valley Swimming Pool 6 Inas European Indoor Athletics Championships Istanbul, Turkey 36th HKSO Swimming Competition cum 2012 Hong Kong 16-17/3/2013 2013亞洲室內賽艇錦標賽及香港公開室內賽艇錦標賽暨慈善 九龍公園體育館 20 Short Course Swimming Championships for Persons with 長途接力賽 Kowloon Park Sports Centre Intellectual Disability 2013 Asian Indoor Rowing Championships & Hong Kong 5,19/10/2012 506 Open Indoor Rowing Championships cum Charity Rowathon 62 第三十六屆香港特殊奧運會室內賽艇比賽 九龍公園體育館 63 36th HKSO Indoor Rowing Competition Kowloon Park Sports Centre 2,9,12, 第三十六屆香港特殊奧運會足球比賽 源禾遊樂場硬地小型足球場 287 14/11/2012 36th HKSO Football Competition Yuen Wo Playground Hard - Surface Soccer Pitch 參加者人數 日期 地點 8/12/2012 第三十七屆香港特殊奧運會 – 分區田徑賽(第一區) 九龍灣運動場 667 籌款活動 No. of th Date Venue 37 HKSO Regional Athletic Meet-Reg I Kowloon Bay Sports Ground Fund Raising Activity Participants 15/12/2012 第三十七屆香港特殊奧運會 – 分區田徑賽(第二區) 灣仔運動場 742 2012特殊奧運執法人員火炬慈善跑 香港體育學院 2,342 37th HKSO Regional Athletic Meet-Reg II 20/5/2012 2012 Law Enforcement Torch Run for Special Olympics Hong Kong Sports Institute 12/1/2013 第三十七屆香港特殊奧運會 – 分區田徑賽(第三區) 沙田運動場 695 37th HKSO Regional Athletic Meet-Reg III 19/1/2013 第三十七屆香港特殊奧運會 – 分區田徑賽(第四區 ) 青衣運動場 641 th 37 HKSO Regional Athletic Meet-Reg IV Sports Ground 參加者人數 日期 地點 23/2/2013 第三十七屆香港特殊奧運會 – 分區田徑賽 (第五區) 天水圍運動場 829 非運動項目 No. of th Date Venue 37 HKSO Regional Athletic Meet-Reg V Tin Shui Wai Sports Ground Non Sport Events Participants 4,14/3/2013 第三十七屆香港特殊奧運會保齡球比賽 奇樂保齡天地 115 13/4/2012 中銀香港第五十五屆體育節 – 展能運動會暨機能活動訓練計 九龍公園體育館 195 th 37 HKSO Bowling Competition Magic Fun Bowling World 劃挑戰日 Kowloon Park Sports Centre Bank of China (Hong Kong) 55th Festival of Sport – Adaptive Games cum MATP Challenge Day 運動員人數 12/5/2012 家庭支持網 – 綠色飲食同樂日 粉嶺綠田園基金 45 日期 地點 國際賽事 No. of Family Support Network-Green Food Production Fun Day Produce Green Foundation Date Venue International Competitions Athletes 2/6/2012 家庭健康論壇 香港浸會大學(石門校園) 89 6-8/4/2012 2012英國國際殘疾人游泳錦標賽 英國謝菲爾德 6 Family Health Forum Hong Kong Baptist University (Shek 2012 British International Disability Swimming Sheffield, UK Mun Campus) Championships 30/6 & 7/7/2012 快來參加特奧-基礎課程(東華三院馮黃鳳亭中學) 東華三院馮黃鳳亭中學 26 28/4-4/5/2012 2012韓國殘疾人乒乓球公開賽 韓國水原市 2 SO Get Into It-Foundation Course TWGHs Mrs. Fung Wong Fung Ting 2012 Korea Veterans PTT Tournament Suwon, Korea (TWGHs Mrs. Fung Wong Fung Ting College) College 7-8/5/2012 第一屆彈琴湖杯國際展能賽艇比賽 韓國忠州 4 3,5/7/2012 快來參加特奧-基礎課程(聖士提反書院) 聖士提反書院 25 The 1st Tangeum's Lake Cup International Adaptive Rowing Chungju, Korea SO Get Into It-Foundation Course St Stephen's College Competition (St Stephen's College) 20/5/2012 2012德國殘疾人公開游泳錦標賽 德國哈姆 3 6-10/6/2012 特奧東亞區區域信使培訓及運動員領袖計劃大學 中國上海 3 2012 Offene Landesmeisterschaften Sportverband NRW – Hamm, Germany SOEA Regional Messenger Training and ALPs University Shanghai, China Swimming 11-15/6/2012 特奧東亞區家庭領袖論壇暨幼兒運動員計劃展示 中國上海 2 22-27/5/2012 斯洛伐克乒乓球公開賽 2012 斯洛伐克伯拉第斯拉瓦 2 SOEA Regional Family Forum cum Young Athletes Program Shanghai, China Slovakian Open 2012 – Table Tennis Bratislava, Slovakia Demo 9-10/6/2012 2012捷克公開游泳錦標賽 捷克布傑約維 1 2/9/2012 說話訓練活動 香港特殊奧運會會議室 11 Czech Open 2012 Swimming Championships Ceske Budejovice, Czech Republic Speaking Training Activity HKSO Conference Room 12-18/6/2012 國際智障人士體育聯盟歐洲田徑錦標賽 2012 瑞典耶夫勒 8 Inas European Athletics Championships 2012 Gavle, Sweden

香港弱智人士體育協會 2012-2013 年報 HKSAM 2012-2013 Annual Report 2012-2013 全年活動 2012-2013 Year Round Activities

參加者人數 參加者人數 日期 地點 日期 會議 地點 非運動項目 No. of No. of Date Venue Date Conferences and Meetings Venue Non Sport Events Participants Participants 8/9/2012 融合羽毛球活動 帝堡城住客會所 17 2-6/7/2012 2012特奧東亞區區域顧問委員會會議 中國澳門 2 Unified Badminton Activity Castello Clubhouse 2012 SOEA Regional Advisory Council Meeting Macau, China 22/9/2012 家庭支持網 – 史維法夫人紀念日暨才藝比賽 聖公會曾肇添中學 62 29/8/2012 國際智障人士體育聯盟亞洲區執行委員會會議 英國倫敦 2 Family Support Network - EKS Day cum Talent Competition SKH Tsang Shiu Tim Secondary Inas Asia Executive Committee Meeting London, UK School 24/9/2012 香港弱智人士體育協會周年大會暨慶功宴 The One迎 180 3/11/2012 家庭支持網 – 迪士尼親子同樂日 迪士尼樂園 200 HKSAM Annual General Meeting cum Celebration Dinner Joyous One, The One Family Support Network – Disneyland Family Day Disneyland 7-10/11/2012 2012特殊奧運執法人員火炬慈善跑國際會議 美國印第安納州印第安納波里 2 22/11/2012 快來參加特奧 – 簡介課程(天主教鳴遠中學 / 香港浸會大學(石門校園) 66 2012 LETR International Conference Indianapolis, IN, USA 中華基督教會基朗中學 / 香港真光書院 / Hong Kong Baptist University (Shek 1-2/12/2012 國際智障人士體育聯盟執行委員會會議 帝都酒店 9 林大輝中學 / 聖羅撒書院 / 沙田官立中學) Mun Campus) Inas Executive Committee Meeting Royal Park Hotel SO Get Into It – Introductory Course 2/3/2013 2012 香港特殊奧運會周年大會暨新春晚宴 九龍灣國際展貿中心喜善 78 (Catholic Ming Yuen Secondary School / 2012 HKSO Annual General Meeting cum Spring Dinner Xi Shan, Kowloonbay International CCC Kei Long College / Hong Kong True Light College / Trade & Exhibition Centre Lam Tai Fai College / St. Rose of Lima's College / Sha Tin Government Secondary School) 參加者人數 29/12/2012 家庭支持網 – 聖誕新年聯歡派對 沙田崇真學校 52 日期 地點 康樂活動及其他 No. of Date Venue Family Support Network – Christmas & New Year Party Shatin Tsung Tsin School Recreational Activities & Others Participants 19/1/2013 2013香港特殊奧運會健康運動員計劃 青衣運動場 238 14/4/2012 瑞銀融合活動 – 保齡球同樂日 荃灣迪高保齡球館 24 2013 HKSO Healthy Athletes Program Tsing Yi Sports Ground UBS Unified Sports-Bowling Day US Dacos Bowling Centre (Tsuen Wan) 18-19/2/2013 快來參加特奧 – 基礎課程(啟新書院) 香港浸會大學(石門校園)/ 21 1/6/2012 瑞銀融合活動 – 保齡球同樂日 雷霆保齡 30 SO Get Into It – Foundation Course (Renaissance College) 鄰舍輔導會怡欣山莊 UBS Unified Sports-Bowling Day Thunder Bowling Hong Kong Baptist University (Shek 19/8/2012 倫敦2012殘疾人奧運會香港代表團誓師大會 荷里活廣場 18 Mun Campus) / NAAC Harmony London 2012 Paralympic Games HKSAR Delegation Plaza Hollywood 64 Manor 65 Cheering & Send Off Gala 23/2/2013 2013香港特殊奧運會健康運動員計劃 天水圍運動場 247 21/8/2012 倫敦2012殘疾人奧運會 – 授旗典禮 禮賓府 18 2013 HKSO Healthy Athletes Program Tin Shui Wai Sports Ground London 2012 Paralympic Games-Flag Presentation Ceremony Government House 15/9/2012 瑞銀集團150周年家庭及夥伴同樂日 香港會議展覽中心 39 UBS 150th Anniversary Family and Community Partners Fun Hong Kong Convention and Day Exhibition Centre 參加者人數 日期 地點 培訓課程 No. of 27/9/2012 香港殘疾人奧委會暨傷殘人士體育協會 沙田馬會會所旺灣樓 21 Date Venue Development Programmes Participants 40周年及倫敦2012殘疾人奧運會答謝晚宴 Double Haven, HKJC Shatin Club 40th Anniversary Dinner of HKPC&SAPD cum Appreciation House 19/5/2012 義工訓練 – 特奧工作坊 奧運大樓 11 Volunteer Training Workshop Olympic House Dinner for London 2012 Paralympic Games 6/10/2012 – 16 5/6/2012 職員培訓日 突破青年村 15 瑞銀融合活動 保齡球同樂日 奇樂保齡天地 Staff Training Breakthrough Youth Village UBS Unified Sports-Bowling Day Magic Fun Bowling World 5-7/11/2012 2013 - 76 14/7/2012 2012 HKSAM & HKSO研討會 奧運大樓 26 特殊奧運冬季世界比賽 本地集訓營 曹公潭戶外康樂中心 2012 HKSAM & HKSO Seminar Olympic House 2013 Special Olympics World Winter Games-Local Training Tso Kung Tam Outdoor Recreation Camp Centre 11-12/9/2012 2012 特奧健康運動員區域顧問培訓班 美國華盛頓 1 2012 Special Olympics Healthy Athletes Regional Clinical Washington DC, USA 9/11/2012 瑞銀同樂日 瑞銀集團辦公室 59 Advisor (RCA) Training UBSOHK Fun Day UBS Office 15/11/2012 2012- 31 12/10 & 2, 3, 5, 機能活動訓練計劃指導員培訓計劃 機構會員會址 63 瑞銀香港高爾夫球公開賽 高爾夫球指導活動 香港高爾夫球會 9, 12/11/2012 MATP Train-the-Trainer Program Agency Members' Premises UBS Hong Kong Open 2012-Golf Clinic 20/11/2012 HKSAM & HKSO 36 24/11/2012 2012特奧田徑裁判培訓班 沙田崇真學校 100 傳媒茶敍 逸東「智」酒店 2012 Special Olympics Athletics Referee Training Course Shatin Tsung Tsin School HKSAM & HKSO Media Luncheon Eaton Smart Hotel 23/11/2012 440 3/12/2012 智障運動員資格審核及級別鑑定研討會 香港浸會大學(石門校園) 38 分區田徑賽測試日 沙田運動場 Seminar on Eligibility and Classification of ID Athletes Hong Kong Baptist University (Shek Regional Athletic Trial Shatin Sports Ground Mun Campus) 29/11/2012 2012特殊奧運健體活力日 機構會員會址/ 京士柏運動場 581 2012 Special Olympics Fitness Activity Day Agency Members' Premises / King's 20-22/12/2012 2012國際特奧會東亞區高級足球教練培訓班 中國昆明 2 2012 SOEA Senior Football Coaches Training Seminar Kunming, China Park Sports Ground 29/11/2012 2012 310 1-3/3/2013 國際特殊奧林匹克融合運動指導員培訓課程 新加坡 1 國際特奧東亞區青少年融合接力跑 京士柏運動場 Special Olympics Unified Sports Train-the-Trainer Course Singapore 2012 SOEA Regional Youth Relay Run King's Park Sports Ground 5-9/12/2012 2013 - 10 4/3/2013 網上註冊及報名系統(ERES)簡介會 沙田大會堂 55 特殊奧運冬季世界比賽 雪鞋競走海外訓練營 韓國平昌 E-Registration and Enrolment System (ERES) Briefing Sha Tin Town Hall 2013 Special Olympics World Winter Games-Snowshoeing Pyeong Chang, Korea Session Overseas Training Camp 9/12/2012 2013特殊奧運冬季世界比賽-香港代表團授旗禮 奧運大樓賽馬會演講廳 132 2013 Special Olympics World Winter Games-Flag Jockey Club Lecture Theatre of Presentation Ceremony for Hong Kong Delegation Olympic House 22/12/2012 2013特殊奧運冬季世界比賽-香港代表團賽前會 香港浸會大學(石門校園) 108 2013 Special Olympics World Winter Games- Pre- Hong Kong Baptist University (Shek Competition Meeting Mun Campus) 27-28/12/2012 2013特殊奧運冬季世界比賽-滑冰海外訓練營 中國深圳 33 2013 Special Olympics World Winter Games-Ice Skating Shenzhen, China Overseas Training Camp

香港弱智人士體育協會 2012-2013 年報 HKSAM 2012-2013 Annual Report 機構會員名錄 Agency Members

道慈佛社楊日霖紀念學校 Buddhist To Chi Fat She Yeung Yat 匡智松嶺第二校 Hong Chi Pinehill No. 2 School 聖雅各福群會朗逸居及 St. James' Settlement Sunny 學前弱能兒童家長會(沙田) The Parents' Association of Pre- Lam Memorial School 朗逸綜合服務隊 Residence & Sunny Integrated School Handicapped Children (Shatin) 匡智松嶺學校 Hong Chi Pinehill School Service Team 明愛陳震夏展能中心及宿舍 Caritas Chan Chun Ha Day Activity 學前弱能兒童家長會(屯門) The Parents' Association of Pre- Centre and Hostel 匡智太平中心 Hong Chi Tai Ping Centre 聖雅各福群會灣仔綜合服務隊 St. James' Settlement Wanchai School Handicapped Children Integrated Service Team (Tuen Mun) 明愛樂薈牽 Caritas Joyous Link 匡智運頭塘中心 Hong Chi Wan Tau Tong Centre 香港神託會耀荃綜合服務中心 Stewards Ltd Yiu Tsuen Integrated 救世軍筲箕灣社區展能服務 The Salvation Army Shau Kei Wan 明愛樂進學校 Caritas Lok Jun School 匡智張玉瓊晨輝學校 Hong Chi Winifred Mary Cheung Service Centre Community Day Rehabilitation Service Morning Hope School 明愛樂健工場 Caritas Lok Kin Workshop 中華基督教會基順學校 The Church of Christ in China 救世軍石湖學校 The Salvation Army Shek Wu School 賽馬會善樂學校 Jockey Club Sarah Roe School Kei Shun Special School 明愛樂群學校 Caritas Resurrection School 救世軍德田社區展能服務 The Salvation Army Tak Tin 天保民學校 Mary Rose School 中華基督教會望覺堂啟愛學校 The Church of Christ in China Community Day Rehabilitation Service 慈恩學校 Chi Yun School Mongkok Church Kai Oi School 新生精神康復會田景宿舍 New Life Psychiatric Rehabilitation 香港耀能協會 The Spastics Association of 才俊學校 Choi Jun School Association Tin King Hostel 香海正覺蓮社佛教普光學校 The Heung Hoi Ching Kok Lin 東九龍家長資源中心 Association Buddhist 基督教家庭服務中心 Christian Family Service Centre Dick 路德會救主學校 Parent-Teacher Association of Po Kwong School Hong Kong East Kowloon Parents' 迪智展能中心暨宿舍 Chi Day Activity Centre Cum Hostel 家長教職員聯會 Resource Centre 香港唐氏綜合症協會 The Hong Kong Down Syndrome 心光恩望學校 Ebenezer New Hope School Saviour Lutheran School Association 香港耀能協會 The Spastics Association of Hong 賽馬會田綺玲學校 Kong Jockey Club Elaine Field School 基督教中國佈道會聖道學校 Evangelize China Fellowship Holy竹園區神召會康樂宿舍 Pentecostal Church of 香港四邑商工總會 The Hong Kong Sze Yap Commercial Word School Hong Kong Hostel 陳南昌紀念學校 & Industrial Association Chan Nam香港耀能協會 The Spastics Association of Chong Memorial School 石圍角家長資源中心 Hong Kong Shek Wai Kok Parents' 炮台山循道衛理中學 Fortress Hill Methodist Secondary竹園區神召會康樂庇護工場 Pentecostal Church of Resource Centre School Hong Kong Sheltered Workshop 香港四邑商工總會 The Hong Kong Sze Yap Commercial 陳南昌紀念學校家長教職員會 & Industrial Association 將軍澳培智學校 Tseung Kwan O Pui Chi School 66 基督教靈實協會 Haven of Hope Christian Service保良局陳麗玲 (百周年)學校 Po Leung Kuk Anita L. L. Chan Chan Nam Chong Memorial 67 靈實寶林日間活動中心暨宿舍 Haven of Hope Po Lam Day Activity (Centenary) School School Parent Staff Association 東華三院賽馬會 Tung Wah Group of Hospitals Centre cum Hostel 展翔日間活動中心暨宿舍 Jockey Club Tsin Cheung Day 保良局葵涌綜合復康中心 Po Leung Kuk Kwai Chung 賽馬會匡智學校 The Jockey Club Hong Chi School Activity Centre cum Hostel 基督教靈實協會靈實恩光學校 Haven of Hope Christian Service Integrated Rehabilitation Centre Haven of Hope Sunnyside School 香港心理衛生會臻和學校 The Mental Health Association of 東華三院群芳啟智學校 Tung Wah Group of Hospitals 保良局羅氏信託學校 Po Leung Kuk Law's Hong Kong Cornwall School Kwan Fong Kai Chi School 基督教靈實協會靈實 Haven of Hope Christian Service Foundation School 將軍澳及西貢地區支援中心 Haven of Hope Tseung Kwan O & 香港心理衛生會隆亨中心 The Mental Health Association of 東華三院樂群地區支援中心 Tung Wah Group of Hospitals Sai Kung District Support Centre保良局陳百強伉儷青衣學校 Po Leung Kuk Mr. & Mrs. Chan Hong Kong Lung Hang Centre Lok Kwan District Support Centre Pak Keung Tsing Yi School 健康之路體育會 Health Guide Sports Association 香港心理衛生會順天中心 The Mental Health Association of 東華三院徐展堂學校 Tung Wah Group of Hospitals 保良局鄭翼之中心 Po Leung Kuk Y.C. Cheng Centre Hong Kong Shun Tin Centre Tsui Tsin Tong School 匡智地區支援中心(觀塘西) Hong Chi District Support Centre (Kwun Tong West) 保良局余李慕芬紀念學校 Po Leung Kuk Yu Lee Mo 香港心理衛生會荃灣展能中心 The Mental Health Association of 職業訓練局展亮技能發展中心 Vocational Training Council Fan Memorial School Hong Kong Tsuen Wan Day (觀塘) Shine Skills Centre (Kwun Tong) 匡智粉嶺綜合復康中心 Hong Chi Fanling Integrative Activity Centre Rehabilitation Complex 禮賢會恩慈學校 Rhenish Church Grace School 職業訓練局展亮技能發展中心 Vocational Training Council 香港心理衛生會油麻地展能中心 The Mental Health Association of(薄扶林) Shine Skills Centre (Pokfulam) 匡智富善中心 Hong Chi Fu Shin Centre 香港西區扶輪社匡智晨輝學校 Rotary Club of Hong Kong Island Hong Kong Yaumatei Day West Hong Chi Morninghope School Activity Centre 職業訓練局展亮技能發展中心 Vocational Training Council 匡智獅子會晨崗學校 Hong Chi Lions Morninghill School (屯門) Shine Skills Centre (Tuen Mun) 香港耀能協會羅怡基紀念學校 SAHK B. M. Kotewall Memorial School 鄰舍輔導會智齡專上學院 The Neighbourhood Advice-Action 匡智翠林晨崗學校 Hong Chi Morninghill School, Council College for Adults with 基督教懷智服務處朗藝坊 Wai Ji Christian Service - House of Tsui Lam 三水同鄉會劉本章學校 Sam Shui Natives Association Special Educational Needs 及朗屏宿舍 Arts & Skills and Long Ping Hostel Lau Pun Cheung School 匡智屯門晨崗學校 Hong Chi Morninghill School, 鄰舍輔導會怡欣山莊 The Neighbourhood Advice-Action基督教懷智服務處安定中心 Wai Ji Christian Service On Ting Day Tuen Mun 路德會救主學校 Saviour Lutheran School Council Harmony Manor 及宿舍 Activity Centre & Hostel

匡智屯門晨輝學校 Hong Chi Morninghope School, 沙田公立學校 Shatin Public School 鄰舍輔導會 The Neighbourhood Advice-Action基督教懷智服務處 Wai Ji Christian Service Yuen Long Tuen Mun 黃大仙下邨展能中心暨宿舍 Council Lower Wong Tai Sin Day 元朗地區支援中心 District Support Centre 聖雅各福群會 St. James' Settlement Happy Valley Activity Centre cum Hostel 匡智元朗晨樂學校 Hong Chi Morningjoy School, 跑馬地綜合服務隊 Integrated Service Team 仁濟醫院香港佛光協會 Yan Chai Hospital Buddha Light Yuen Long 鄰舍輔導會 The Neighbourhood Advice-Action展能中心暨宿舍 Association of Hong Kong Day 聖雅各福群會雅逸居及 St. James' Settlement Parkside 友愛展能中心暨宿舍 Council Yau Oi Day Activity Centre Activity Centre Cum Hostel for 匡智屯門晨曦學校 Hong Chi Morninglight School, 雅逸綜合服務隊 Residence & Parkside Integrated Cum Hostel Mentally Handicapped Tuen Mun Service Team 學前弱能兒童家長會(東九龍) The Parents' Association of 仁濟醫院上環復康服務中心 Yan Chai Hospital Sheung Wan 匡智元朗晨曦學校 Hong Chi Morninglight School, 聖雅各福群會復康服務 ST. James' Settlement Rehabilitation Pre-School Handicapped Children Rehabilitation Services Centre Yuen Long 休閒服務 Services Leisure Services (Kowloon East) 循道衛理楊震社會服務處 Yang Memorial Methodist Social 匡智松嶺綜合職業訓練中心 Hong Chi Pinehill Integrated 聖雅各福群會工場 St. James' Settlement Sheltered 學前弱能兒童家長會(北區) The Parents' Association of 深水埗區晉晴支援服務中心 Service Sham Shui Po District Vocational Training Centre Workshop Pre-School Handicapped Children Support Centre (N.T. North) 育智中心 Yuk Chi Resource Centre

香港弱智人士體育協會 2012-2013 年報 HKSAM 2012-2013 Annual Report 鳴謝 Acknowledgements

贊助人 Patron 主要贊助商 Major Sponsors 香港大學教育學院 The University of Hong 言語及聽覺科學部 Kong (Division of 特首夫人梁唐青儀女士 Mrs. Regina LEUNG, 瑞士銀行 UBS Speech and Hearing Immigration the wife of HKSAR Sciences, Faculty of 入境事務處義工隊 豐樹香港有限公司 Mapletree Hong Kong Department Volunteer Chief Executive Education) (又一城歡天雪地) Management Limited Work Team (Festival Walk Glacier) 唯聽香港聽覺 Widex Hong Kong 水警(南極星)義工隊 Marine Police (Octans) 執法部門 Law Enforcement 及語言中心 Hearing and Speech International Federation Thomas Mendoza Thomas Mendoza 香港殘疾人奧委會暨 Hong Kong Paralympic 國際智障人士體育聯盟 Volunteers Team Departments International Co., International Co., 傷殘人士體育協會 Committee & Sports Centre for sport for para- Limited Limited Association for the athletes with an 美泰愛心義工隊 Mattel Volunteer Team Security Bureau 保安局 Physically Disabled intellectual disability 美泰玩具亞太有限公司 Mattel Asia Pacific 沙田西區童軍會 Shatin West District 懲教署 Correctional Services 健體有營 Health Promotion (Inas) Sourcing Ltd. 香港乒乓總會 Hong Kong Table Scout Council Department Tennis Association 國際特殊奧運會 Special Olympics Inc. 賽馬會滘西洲公眾 The Jockey Club Kau 恒天然乳品 Fonterra Brands 瑞士銀行義工隊 UBS Volunteer Team 香港海關 Customs & Excise 高爾夫球場 Sai Chau Public Golf 香港業餘游泳總會 Hong Kong Amateur (香港)有限公司 (Hong Kong) Limited 國際特奧東亞區 Special Olympics大專院校 East Tertiary Institutes Department Course Swimming Association Asia 美國豪洛捷亞太 Hologic Asia Pacific 香港浸會大學 Hong Kong Baptist 消防處 Fire Services Special Olympics 屈臣氏集團 A.S. Watson Group 香港業餘田徑總會 Hong Kong Amateur 有限公司 Limited 中國特殊奧運會 (體育學系) University (Department Department China Athletic Association 合興食油 of Physical Education) 政府飛行服務隊 Government Flying Special Olympics 中國香港賽艇協會 Hong Kong, China (香港)有限公司 (Hong Kong) Ltd. 中華台北特殊奧運會 香港專業教育學院 Hong Kong Institute Service Chinese Taipei Rowing Association 柴灣分校 of Vocational 贊助商 Sponsors 香港大學專業進修學院 HKU SPACE Po Leung 香港警務處 Hong Kong Police Education (Chai Wan) 香港保齡球總會 Hong Kong Tenpin 保良局社區書院 Kuk Community 韓國特殊奧運會 Special Olympics(酒店、服務及旅遊學系) Force Arena Arena Bowling Congress (營養及食品管理 College (High Diploma Korea (Department of Hotel, 機構 / 團體 Organizations / Service and Tourism 入境事務處 Immigration 高級文憑) in Nutrition and Food 香港迪士尼樂園 Hong Kong Disneyland 香港羽毛球總會 Hong Kong Badminton 澳門特殊奧運會 PartiesSpecial Olympics Studies) Department Management) Association Macau 香港攀山訓練中心 Hong Kong 醫療輔助隊 Auxiliary Medical 香港專業教育學院 Hong Kong Institute of 廉政公署 Independent 雀巢香港有限公司 Nestle Hong Kong Mountaineering 香港籃球總會 Hong Kong Basketball Service Vocational Education Commission Against Limited 黃克競分校 68 Training Centre Association (酒店、服務及旅遊學系) (Haking Wong) 69 Corruption 昀心薈萃義工隊 Daybreak Volunteers 稜科有限公司 Prismtech (Department of Hotel, 飛龍冰上樂園 Dragon Centre Sky 香港足球總會 Hong Kong Football Rink Association 基督教聯合那打素 United Christian 新界南衝鋒隊義工隊 EUNTS Volunteer Service and Tourism 社康服務 Nethersole Community Group Studies) 敏寶有限公司 Main Plan Limited 香港欖球總會 Hong Kong Rugby Health Service 家庭支持網義工隊 Family Support 香港專業教育學院 Hong Kong Institute of Departments (Buffalo) Football Union 部門 Network Volunteer 青衣分校 Vocational Education 國際獅子會 The International 中國香港體操總會 The Gymnastics (Tsing Yi) 民政事務局 Home Affairs Bureau Team Association of Lions Association of Hong The Hong Kong 康樂及文化事務署 Leisure and Cultural Clubs Kong, China 星河警察義工隊 Galaxy Police 香港教育學院 健體多紛 ?@ Volunteers Institute of Education Services Department Ichikawa Sangyo 市川洋行(美津濃) 健康運動員計劃香港排球總會 HealthyVolleyball Athletes Association 香港物理治療學會 Hong Kong 牽手.香港 Hands On Hong Kong 社會福利署 Social Welfare Company Limited Programof Hong Kong, China Department (Mizuno) (兒科專研組) Physiotherapy 健康之路體育會 Health Guide Sports 健視之窗 Opening Eyes Association (Paediatric Association Hong Kong Sports 雀巢香港有限公司 Nestle Hong Kong Ltd. 香港體育學院 Specality Group) 學校機構 Schools Institute Goldman Sachs (Asia) 依視路香港有限公司 Essilor Hong Kong Ltd. 心連心義工團 Heart to Heart 高盛(亞洲)有限 香港理工大學 The Hong Kong L.L.C. 天主教鳴遠中學 Catholic Ming Yuen 教育局 Education Bureau 責任公司 (康復治療科學系) Polytechnic University 香港懲教署義工隊 Hong Kong 沙非路遠東有限公司 Safilo Far East Ltd. Secondary School 雄姿體育用品有限公司 Gallant Sport Supplies (Department of Correctional Services 視佳光學有限公司 Skyview Optical Ltd (Kappa) Rehabilitation Science) Department Volunteer中華基督教會基朗中學 CCC Kei Long College Company Ltd. Team 基金 Funds 優雋發展有限公司 A Master Development 林大輝中學 Lam Tai Fai College 香港理工大學 The Hong Kong Limited 香港消防處義工隊 Hong Kong Fire 啟新書院 Renaissance College 香港展能精英運動員基金 The Hong Kong 眼科視光學院 Polytechnic University 健步知足 Fit Feet Services Department Eikowada Eikowada (School of Optometry) Paralympians Fund Volunteer Team 聖公會曾肇添中學 S. K. H. Tsang Shiu Dr. Kong健康鞋專門店 Dr. Kong Footcare The Hong Kong 中國太平保險 China Taiping Tim Secondary School 香港賽馬會慈善信託基金 Limited 香港警察資訊科技學會 Hong Kong Police (香港)有限公司 Insurance (HK) Jockey Club Charities (無線電興趣組) Information Technology沙田官立中學 Sha Tin Government Company Limited 健康微笑 Special Smiles Trust 迪臣國際醫學儀器 Medical Technologies Society (Amateur Secondary School 有限公司 Limited 荃灣迪高保齡球館 US Dacos Bowling Radio Group) 戴麟趾爵士康樂基金 Sir David Trench Fund 香港高露潔棕櫚 Colgate-Palmolive 沙田崇真學校 Shatin Tsung Tsin Centre (主要基金) for Recreation 有限公司 (HK) Limited 東區尤德夫人那 Pamela Youde 特奧義工隊 Hong Kong Special School (Main Fund) 打素醫院 Nethersole Eastern Olympics Volunteer 奇樂保齡天地 Magic Fun Bowling 鼎冠國際有限公司 Kudos Crowns Limited (義肢及矯形部) Hospital (Prosthetic & Team 藍田聖保祿中學 St. Paul’s School 林百欣慈善基金 Por Yen Charitable World 寶潔香港有限公司 Procter & Gamble Orthotic Department) (Lam Tin) Foundation Hong Kong St. John 香港中區獅子會 Lions Club of Central Hong Kong Limited 香港聖約翰救護機構 Tekscan Tekscan Ambulance 聖羅撒書院 St. Rose of Lima’s 黃廷方慈善基金 Ng Teng Fong College Charitable Foundation 香港大學專業附屬學院 HKU SPACE CCSU Social Service Society聖士提反書院 St. Stephen’s College 獎券基金 Lotteries Fund 健聽之聲 Healthy Hearing 海外機構 Overseas 社會服務團 Organizations 科大侍學行 HKUST Connect 香港心理衛生會臻和學校 The Mental Health 霍英東基金有限公司 Fok Ying Tung 香港聽力學會 Hong Kong Society of Association of Hong 體育總會 National Sports Foundation Limited Audiology 國際殘疾人奧委會 International 和黃義工隊 HWL Volunteer Team Kong-Cornwall School Associations Paralympic Committee 瑞士諾華製藥 Novartis (IPC) 東華三院馮黃鳳亭中學 Tung Wah Groups of 中國香港體育協會 Sports Federation & (香港)有限公司 Pharmaceuticals (HK) Hospitals Mrs. Fung 暨奧林匹克委員會 Olympic Committee of Limited 國際乒乓球聯合會 International Table Wong Fung Ting Hong Kong, China (殘奧組) Tennis Federation College (Para Table Tennis ) (ITTF PTT)

香港弱智人士體育協會 2012-2013 年報 HKSAM 2012-2013 Annual Report 2012-2013 年報 2012-13 ANNUAL REPORT 香港新界沙田瀝源社區會堂地下2室 Unit No.2, Lower Ground Floor, Lek Yuen Community Hall, Shatin, NT, Hong Kong

電話 Tel : (852)2697 3731 傳真 Fax : (852)2601 2509 電郵 Email : [email protected] 網址 Website : www.hksam.org.hk