年報 目錄CONTENT 2 統計資料 Statistics 4 倫敦2012殘疾人奧運會 London 2012 Paralympic Games 14 使命及目標 Mission and Objectives 15 殘疾人權利公約 Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities 16 組織 Organization 18 會長獻辭 Message from the President 20 主席報告 ChairpersonSs Report 22 展望未來 Outlook 24 審計委員會報告 Audit Sub-committee Report 26 人事及財務委員會報告 Personnel and Financial Sub-committee Report 28 籌款及推廣委員會報告 Fund Raising and Promotion Sub-committee Report 30 節目諮詢委員會報告 Programme Sub-committee Report 1 32 參賽資格審核委員會報告 National Eligibility Committee Report 34 活動一覽表 Activity Chart 36 國際賽事 International Competitions 40 海外特殊奧運賽事 Overseas Special Olympics Competitions 43 本地特殊奧運賽事 Local Special Olympics Competitions 44 籌款活動 Fund Raising Programme 45 會議 Conferences and Meetings 46 培訓課程 Development Programmes 48 其他活動 Other Activities 50 成就 Major Achievements 54 嘉許 Awards 56 財務報告 Financial Report 62 2012-13全年活動 2012-13 Year Round Activities 66 機構會員名錄 Agency Members 68 鳴謝 Acknowledgements 香港弱智人士體育協會 2012-2013 年報 HKSAM 2012-2013 Annual Report 統計資料 Statistics 2012-2013 運動員及參與者 2012-2013 各運動項目訓練班參加人次 Athletes and Participants Headcounts of Training Courses for Individual Sports STATISTICS 2 年齡 Age 2 至 78至 15 16 至 21 22 或以上 總人數 Athletics 性別 Gender 男 Male 女 Female 男 Male 女 Female 男 Male 女 Female 男 Male 女 Female Total 田徑 12,306 游泳 Swimming 11,083 0 運動員 Athlete 0 0 1200 440 1012 495 486 268 3901 乒乓球 Table Tennis 8,573 Indoor Rowing 3,671 12-2 室內賽艇 參與者 Participant 30 16 46 34 24 23 38 15 226 體操 Gymnastics 3,121 總人數 Total 30 16 1246 474 1036 518 524 283 4127 足球 Football 2,274 總人次 羽毛球 Badminton 1,910 Total Ice Skating 1,867 運動員及參與者年齡 / 性別 滑冰 Snowshoeing 1,505 Age and Gender of Athletes and Participants 雪鞋 滾球 Bocce 1,491 52,194 保齡球 Bowling 1,385 0 籃球 Basketball 1,253 2 3 Floor Hockey 1 2 至 7 16 地板曲棍球 955 女 Female 1203 8 至 15 474 女 運動員性別 高爾夫球 Golf 570 Female Gender of Athletes 3 16 至 21 518 軟式排球 Soft Volleyball 230 男 Male 2698 22 或以上 283 總數 Total 3,901 人 16.4% 7% 2 7 30 21.2% 至 男 女 Female 88 參與者性別 8 至 15 1246 Male Gender of 6% 16 至 21 1036 男 Male 138 Participants 21.22121..22% 22 或以上 524 16.41616.4.4% 總數 Total 4.4% 7% 226 人 3.7% 6% 3.6% 4.444..4% 總人數 融合伙伴 23.6% 3.73.3 7% Total \144 2.9% 3.633..6% 2.8% 男 Male 女 Female 2.7% 4,127 2.4% 100 44 1.8% 1.1% 0.4% 香港弱智人士體育協會 2012-2013 年報 HKSAM 2012-2013 Annual Report 倫敦 2012 殘疾人奧運會 London 2012 Paralympic Games 獎牌榜 Medals Table 2012 殘疾人奧運會於 2012 年 8 月 29 日 排名 國家 / 地區 金 銀 銅 至 9 月 9 日在英國倫敦舉行。本會 7 名運 Ranking Country/Region Gold Silver Bronze 動員出戰乒乓球及游泳兩個項目,取得 1 1 波蘭 Poland 3 2 1 金 1 銀 2 銅共 4 面獎牌,於 36 個國家/ 2 西班牙 Spain 2 3 澳洲 Australia 1 3 5 地區(智障組別)位列第 ,成績更為亞 4 荷蘭 Netherlands 1 1 3 4 洲地區之首。 5 香港 Hong Kong 1 1 2 5 6 英國 Great Britain 1 1 2012 Paralympic Games was held in 7 匈牙利 Hungary 1 th London, United Kingdom from 29 August 8 愛爾蘭 Ireland 1 to 9th September 2012. 7 athletes from 冰島 Iceland 1 Hong Kong Sports Association for the 日本 Japan 1 伊朗 Iran 1 Mentally Handicapped competed in table 9 俄羅斯 Russia 2 1 tennis and swimming events and won 10 克羅地亞 Croatia 1 1 a total of 4 medals, including 1 gold, 1 韓國 Korea 1 1 Ukraine 1 1 silver and 2 bronze. Hong Kong ranked 烏克蘭 11 瑞典 Sweden 1 fifth among 36 countries/regions (ID 12 馬來西亞 Malaysia 1 events) and topped the ranking among 法國 France 1 Asian countries/regions. 葡萄牙 Portugal 1 香港弱智人士體育協會 2012-2013 年報 HKSAM 2012-2013 Annual Report 授旗典禮 Flag Presentation Ceremony 慶功宴 Victory Banquet LONDON 2012 PARALYMPIC GAMES LONDON 2012 PARALYMPIC 6 7 為運動員打氣 Cheer Our Athletes On 香港弱智人士體育協會 2012-2013 年報 HKSAM 2012-2013 Annual Report 傳媒報導 Media Coverage 香港郵政發行「祝賀香港運動員在倫敦 2012 殘疾人奧運會取得卓越成績 – 心思心意郵票小版張」 "Congratulations on the Outstanding Achievements of Hong Kong Paralympians in the London 2012 Paralympic Games - Heartwarming Stamps Mini-pane" issued by Hongkong Post LONDON 2012 PARALYMPIC GAMES LONDON 2012 PARALYMPIC 8 9 香港弱智人士體育協會 2012-2013 年報 HKSAM 2012-2013 Annual Report 教練及運動員分享 Sharing by Coaches and Athletes 甘志豪、倪朝陽(游泳教練) KAM Chi Ho, NI Chao Yang (Swimming Coaches) 泳隊成功取得殘奧入場券後,教練與職員對訓練的部署曾作出多方面的調整。十 分感激協會的支持和信任,我們提出增加操練時數、長池訓練、制訂全方位計劃支援 運動員等建議均獲接納。協會多名委員於比賽期間更親身遠赴倫敦打氣,令全隊士氣 大增。 崔小燕(乒乓球教練) 從備戰開始,運動員務求突破自我,均努力克服困難,把自己的獨立、堅強、自 CUI Xiao Yan (Table Tennis Coach) 信及能力展現出來。殘奧期間,他們積極投入,盡展所能認真作賽,更有隊員突破個 人最佳成績及打破香港紀錄;雖然部分泳手狀態起伏不定,但他們亦從中學懂應付壓 由於女子乒乓球隊在近十年的國際賽上屢屢奪金,今屆港隊又有兩名代表出戰女 力。 LONDON 2012 PARALYMPIC GAMES LONDON 2012 PARALYMPIC 單,故難免成為「眾矢之的」。加上今次的對手強勁,包括近年成績突飛猛進的俄羅 0 能夠參與殘奧,教練們既緊張又興奮。我們從中感受到游泳對於運動員的深遠意 斯選手及曾於雅典 2004 殘奧封后的波蘭好手。面對這個形勢,我們於賽前特別調整 義,他們可以把當中所獲得的經驗、價值觀等運用到日後的生活。協會安排運動員參 訓練模式,以密集式操練加強運動員的技術及體能;並針對兩名運動員的心理特質, 加比賽,並不僅為了獎牌,正正就是希望他們透過這個過程,學習適應社會生活,融 進行大賽前的抗壓磨練。 入社會。 楊賜嘉於殘奧前狀態大勇,繼 2011 年亞洲及太洋洲殘疾人乒乓球錦標賽奪金後, 0 現代游泳運動隨著時代轉變而越趨複雜,作為教練必須與時並進,相應地改變傳 在韓國及斯洛伐克兩站的殘奧熱身賽亦未嘗一敗。賜嘉實力雖強,可惜自信不足,因 統的訓練和管理觀念,並以世界各國的訓練管理經驗作為借鏡,才能應付新的挑戰, 此赴英前需替她克服「心魔」,調整其心態及賽前壓力;身經百戰的黃家汶,心理質 於不斷進步的世界泳壇力爭上游。 素較佳,因此於殘奧前針對其技術弱點,集中操練以提昇整體實戰能力。 香港智障游泳能蓬勃發展,運動員於國際比賽得到彪炳成績,除了協會的努力, 參加奧運是不少運動員的夢想,對我亦不例外。我八、九歲時已開始打乒乓球並 10 還有賴香港體育學院及家長的支持。希望各方繼續共同努力,讓香港在不久將來可以 11 被挑選入北京隊接受專業訓練,之後也曾入選國家隊。可惜當我於 1984 年退役時, 於國際泳壇佔據重要席位! 乒乓球仍未納入奧運項目,令我未能一圓奧運夢。雖然今次是以教練身分踏足殘奧賽 場,但兩名愛徒敢打敢拼奮勇爭先,以金、銀牌為港爭光,同時也令我的乒乓奧運夢 After the swimming team had successfully obtained qualifying slots for the 圓滿實現! Paralympic Games (PG), we and the staff made a wide range of adjustments to the training progamme. We are very grateful for the support and trust from the Association With our victory in numerous international competitions in the past decade and by accepting recommendations such as increasing the training hours, training in long two of our players participated in the Table Tennis Women’s Singles of this Paralympic course pools and formulating all-round plans to support athletes. Members of the Games (PG), we inevitably became the common focus for our competition. Facing Association even went to London to cheer for the team during the competition, which these challenges, we have adjusted the training programmes to deal with the strong greatly increased the team’s morale. opponents, including a Russian player who has advanced tremendously recently and the Polish Champion at the Athens 2004 Paralympic Table Tennis Women’s Singles. Starting from the preparation, swimmers demonstrated their independence, Through intensive technical as well as stress management training, both of our players strength, confidence and ability to strive for breakthroughs and to overcome difficulties. were physically and psychologically well-prepared before the Games. During the PG, they put themselves to the limit in every single competition. Some of the swimmers even broke their personal best and Hong Kong record. To those who Being the champion of the 2011 ITTF PTT Asian & Oceanic Table Tennis Regional performed unstably, they also learned how to cope with stress. Championships for the Disabled and two Paralympic warm-up competitions held in Korea and Slovakia, YEUNG Chi Ka reached her peak condition prior to PG. Despite Being able to participate in the PG, we were nervous yet excited. We could feel skills and strength, she lacked confidence. To defeat this “evil”, we helped her to the far-reaching significance of swimming to swimmers because they can apply the improve psychologically and release pre-game pressure before leaving for England. experiences and values gained from competitions to their future lives. The Association WONG Ka Man is an experienced player with better psychological quality so her arranges competitions for athletes not only for medals, but also for their adaptation to training was focused on enhancing the overall capability by improving technical social life and integration into the community through the process. weaknesses. Modern swimming becomes increasingly complex with the change of times. To compete in the Olympics is the dream of many athletes and I am no exception. Coaches must move with the times and make corresponding changes to traditional I started playing table tennis when I was 8 or 9. I was then selected to the Beijing team training and management concepts. Besides, referring to the training and management and even the national team to receive professional training. Unfortunately, my Olympic experiences around the world is another way to help swimmers meeting new dream was not fulfilled since table tennis was still not an Olympic sport in 1984 when challenges and making advancement in the progressing swimming arena. I retired as an athlete. This time, although I attended the PG as a coach, the gold and In addition to the efforts of the Association, the support from the Hong Kong silver medals attained by my apprentices not only brought glory to Hong Kong but also Sports Institute and parents also contribute to the development of intellectual disabled made my Olympic dream come true! swimming in Hong Kong and splendid results attained in international competitions. We hope that all parties continue to work together so that Hong Kong will soon be able to occupy an important position in international swimming! 香港弱智人士體育協會 2012-2013 年報 HKSAM 2012-2013 Annual Report 黃家汶(乒乓球女單金牌得主) 周沅凝(2012 殘奧參賽游泳運動員) WONG Ka Man (Women's Singles Table Tennis Gold Medalist) CHOW Yuen Ying (2012 Paralympic Games Swimmer) 因為教練說要放鬆心情才能把水準發揮得最好,所以於殘奧比賽期間,我一直告 回想備戰殘奧的情況,水上及陸上的訓練都很辛苦,我更額外跑步加操,希望可 訴自己不要緊張,就算遇上強勁的對手,我都沒有感到太大壓力,可能就是這樣,可 以加強體能。雖然最終未能進入決賽,實在有點失望,但我於背泳賽事打破自己紀錄, 以打出最佳水平。 已經很開心、很滿足。 與隊友楊賜嘉對戰的決賽是最難打的一場,因為她的確很強,又熟悉我的弱點。 希望我有機會參加下一屆殘奧,並可以進入決賽。我會利用這幾年時間好好努力 她於比賽一開始便搶攻我最弱的正手球,令我先輸兩盤。後來我冷靜下來,重新集中 達成這個目標! 精神,加強防守,看準機會便反攻,最後才能反敗為勝。 When recalling the memory of preparation for the Paralympic Games (PG), both 我從沒有想過自己會贏得金牌,所以站在頒獎台領獎時,實在激動得想哭出來! aquatic and land training were very arduous. I even took up running as extra training, hoping to enhance physical fitness. It was a bit disappointing that I could not make it to I kept telling myself not to be nervous during the Paralympic Games because the the final but I am happy and satisfied to have broken my own record in the backstroke coach had said that relaxation always brings best performance.
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