Of Present Status of Plant Species in E Macro Habitat of Ogbia in Bayelsa

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Of Present Status of Plant Species in E Macro Habitat of Ogbia in Bayelsa Original Article Assessment of present status of plant species in Otuoke macro habi tat of Ogbia in B ayelsa state, Nigeria:A checklist of plant species in the study area B L Nyananyo 1, M M Etukudo 2* , M I E Roberts 3 Department of Biology, Faculty of Science, Federal University Otuoke, P.M.B. 126, Yenagoa, Bayelsa State , NIGERIA . Email: [email protected] Abstract This study was carried out to assess the qualitative parameters of native species in Otuoke terres trial habitat in view of the need for monitoring of plant species and enhance sustainability of the important services provided by plants. Random sampling with line transect was used to collect plant specimen from the study area. Preservation and identification of plant species were carried out using standard taxonomic procedures. Vast number of plant species ranging from herbs, shrubs to trees were identified in the study area. Eighty six (86) plant species that cut across different families were identified and preserved in the herbarium unit of the Department of Biological Sciences, Federal University Otuoke, Bayelsa State, Nigeria. This study provides an excellent overview of the present status of plant species in the study area. This study suggests that Otuoke terrestrial habitat is endowed with great diversity of flora, hence, appropriate conservation strategies should be adopted for sustainable exploitation and management of plant species in the area. Keywords: Assessment, present status, plant species, Otuoke, Bayelsa state, Nigeria. *Address for Correspondence: Dr. M M Etukudo, Department of Biology, Faculty of Science, Federal University Otuoke, P.M.B. 126, Yenagoa, Bayelsa State, NIGERIA. Email: [email protected] Received Date: 27/07/2016 Revised Date: 12/0 9/2016 Accepted Date: 01/12/2016 modification, fragm entation, destruction of habitats and Access this article online 13 to increased rates of invasions by non -natives species . Plant species potentials are faced with sources of strong Quick Response Code: Website: disturbances such as destructive practices, pollution, www.statperson.com invasive species, mass mortality outbreaks, bus h fires, flooding, and poor development plans and programs leading to profound struct ural and functional changes 5,11 . Plant species assessment and monitoring project is part of DOI: 03 February the management measures of plant species in the study 2017 area. The development of effective conservation strategies for plant species in Otuoke terrestrial ecosystem requires the acquisition of baseline information, which is INTRODUCTION the ultimate focus of this research. Obtaining this baseline Sustainability of plant diversity remains a subject of information represents a key step in exploring futur e major interest to conservationist and scientist due to the modifications of the ecosystems. Therefore, future shifts ecosystem services deriv able from plants 7,17 . Increasing in the species composition of assemblages cannot be anthropogenic pressures have evoked the need for a broad evaluated without knowledge and understanding of the based research of the current status of terrestrial plant present state of habitat biodiversity. The maintenance of species 4. The role of biodiversity as a driver of ecosystem ecological, aesthetic and economi c values of plant species functions and the basis for human life has enhan ced in Otuoke terrestrial ecosystem requires regular research interest in this field. Biodiversity is thus one of ecological sampling for their assessment, monitoring and the foundation stones on which human life and culture is protection. Although, a variety of approaches have been built 17 . However, plant species are declining dramatically investigated for measuring components of biodiversity, at local, regional and global levels due to large scale the focus of assessment and monitoring of plant species in How to site this article: B L Nyananyo, M M Etukudo, M I E Roberts . Assessment of present status of plant species in Otuoke macro habitat of Ogbia in Bayelsa state, Nigeria:A checklist of plant species in the study area . International Journ al of Recent Trends in Science and Technology February 2017; 22(1): 25-31. http://www.statperson.com (accessed 04 February 2017). International Journal of Recent Trends in Science And Technology, ISSN 2277-2812 E-ISSN 2249-8109, Volume 22, Issue 1, 2017 pp 25-31 Otuoke terrestrial ecosystem is on approaches associated compass. In view of the marshy terrain of the study area, with estimating the qualitative parameters of native random sampling with line transects were used. Samples species in the sample plots. of plant species were collected based on the sampling units. MATERIAL AND METHODS Determination of Qualitative Data Study Area Plant species found in the plots were identified to its This research was conducted in Otuoke terrestrial habitat lowest taxonomic division possible. All unknown plants in Ogbia Local Government Area of Bayelsa State, were collected, pressed, and dried for identification in the Nigeria. Otuoke is a suburb in Ogbia Local Government laboratory. Preservation and identification of plant Area of Bayelsa State in the Niger Delta region in species Nigeria. The majority of inhabitants are mainly fishermen were carried out using standard taxonomic procedures. and farmers. Otuoke is located at coordinates of 4O42ʹN and 6O19ʹE. Bayelsa State has a riverine and estuarine RESULTS setting with many of its communities completely The lists of plant species collected and identified in the surrounded by water, and lies in the heaviest rainfall area study area are presented in Table 1.Vast number of plant of Nigeria, with heavy rain forest and short dry season. species ranging from herbs, shrubs to trees were The temperature is humid averaging about 300 Celsius identified in the study area. A total of eighty six (86) with a mean minimum monthly temperature ranging from plant species that cut across different families were 25 OC to 31 OC3,14 . identified and preserved in the herbarium unit of the Site Evaluation And Sample Collection Department of Biological Sciences, Federal University The habitat was mapped out, and weather condition (air Otuoke, Bayelsa State, Nigeria. The dominant plant temperature), information on site location, date and time, species were recorded from the Families, Euphorbiaceae, site photograph, soil characteristics and other relevant Apocyanaceae, Longaiaceae, Menispermaceae and environmental variables were recorded. Systematic Rubiaceae, while those from the Families, Moraceae, technique was used to determine the locations of the Cesalpinoideae, and Asteraceae (Compositae) were of sampling plots. The plot size (area), shape and plot layout moderate proportion. Other Families indicated in this were determined using measuring tape, stakes and study recorded low proportion (Table 1). Table 1: Plant species from Otuoke terrestrial habitat, Bayelsa State, Nigeria NAME FAMILY HABITAT DESCRIPTION A growing tree up to 5m high. The trunk is armed Ceiba pentandra Secondary Bombacaceae with thorns and usually with large buttresses (Linn.) Gaertn. forest when big Aframomum sceptrum Secondary Forest herb with pale lilac flowers and edible Zingiberaceae (Oliv.and Hanb.) K. Schum forest fruits. Epiphytic climbing herb with slender wiry stems Culcasia scandens Araceae Secondary forest producing numerous short adhering root. Spathe P. Beauv. greenish. Lamiaceae Secondary A branched slender herb up to 30- 39cm high, with Platostoma africanum P. Beauv. Syn. Labiaceae forest slender racemes of very small flowers. Secondary A forest tree up to 6-7m high with stilt roots, Uapaca heudelotii Baill. Euphorbiaceae forest usually near a river. A climbing plant; leaves, oborate, opposite with Secondary Pergularia daemia (Forsk.) Chiov. Asclepiadaceae elongated petiole. When plucked produce white forest exudate. Phyllanthus capillaris Schum and Thonn. Secondary A small shrub, up to 8-9cm high with slender stem Euphorbiaceae forest and white flowers. Rinorea oblongifolia Secondary A understorey plant/ tree upto 1.5m high. Leaves, (C. H. Wright) Violaceae forest large, long stalk, acuminate, cuneate at the base. Marq. Ex Chipp Rinorea brachypetala Secondary A Shrub up to 2m high, grows in deep shade near Violaceae (Turcz.) O. Ktze forest water. Macaranga occidentalis Secondary A tree up to 8-9m high, stem and branches often (Mull. Arg.) Euphorbiaceae forest with spine, flower green Mull. Arg. Mimosa pudica Linn. Mimosoideae Secondary Creeping plant armed with thorns. Leaves, International Journal of Recent Trends in Science And Technology, ISSN 2277-2812 E-ISSN 2249-8109, Volume 22, Issue 1, 2017 Page 26 B L Nyananyo, M M Etukudo, M I E Roberts forest sensitive to touch. Parquetina nigrescens Secondary A twiner often herbaceous but becomes woody Periplocaceae (Afzel.) Bullock. forest with leathery glossy leaves. Secondary An erect and diffusely branched herb up to 30cm Oldenlandia corymbosa Linn. Loganiaceae forest high. Leaves, opposite. Secondary A woody or subwoody climber with tendrils fruit- Paullinia pinnata Linn. Sapindaceae forest red. An erect / suberect soft wooded shrub up to 1.5 to Leea guinneensis Secondary Leeaceae 2m high. Flowers bright yellow, orange or red. G. Don forest Fruit brilliant red. A growing tree up to 3m Irvingia gabonensis Irvingiaceae Secondary high. Bark greyish, smooth.Leaves, simple, broad, (O’ Rorke) Baill. forest elliptic. Fruit, edible. Icacina trichantha Secondary A scandent shrub. Fruit reddish when ripe, velvety,
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