Torre del Cerrano

Strunjan Twinning Programme MPAs/SPAMIs

Krajinski park Strunjan Parco naturale Strugnano Landscape Park Strunjan Torre del Cerrano - Strunjan Twinning Programme MPAs/SPAMIs

General Project Coordination UNEP-MAP-SPA/RAC Khalil ATTIA, Saba GUELLOUZ Italian Ministry of the Environment and the Protection of the Land and the Sea (Ministero Ambiente Tutela Territorio e Mare) Maria Carmela GIARRATANO, Antonio MATURANI

Marine Protected Area Area Marina Protetta “Torre del Cerrano” Group (Italy) Responsible Person: Fabio VALLAROLA Collaborators: Rossana D’ANDREA, Ottavio DI CARLO

Cetacean Studies Centre Centro Studi Cetacei “L. Cagnolaro” Group (Italy) Referente: Vincenzo OLIVIERI Krajinski park Strunjan Collaborators: Chiara PROFICO, Sergio GUCCIONI, Parco naturale Strugnano Anna ANGRILLI, Dario D’ONOFRIO Landscape Park Strunjan

Landscape Park Strunjan Group () Responsible Person: Robert SMREKAR Collaborators: Samanta MAKOVAC, Robert TURK, Lovrenc LIPEJ

Morigenos Group Slovenian Marine Mammal Society (Slovenia) Responsible Person: Tilen GENOV Collaborators: Jure ŽELEZNIK, Polona KOTNJEK

Citation of text: D’ANDREA R. and MAKOVAC S. (ed.), Torre del Cerrano - Strunjan, Twinning Programme MPAs/SPAMIs, UNEP-MAP-SPA/RAC, 2019.

Cover Photo Tilen Genov, Morigenos Cetacean Studies Centre Index

1. Preamble: Twinning Programme MPAs/SPAMIs 1 1.1 SPA/RAC: Specially Protected Areas /Regional activity Center 1 1.2 SPAMI TWINNING 1 1.2.1. SPAMI TWINNING Strunjan LP – Torre del Cerrano MPA 2

Part A - Development of Management Measures in the Torre del Cerrano Marine Protected Area 4 A1 - Torre del Cerrano MPA 4 A2 - Involvement of the civil society in SPAMIs/MPAs management activities: The S.E.T.P.I.A. Project (Cetacean Studies Centre) 6 A3 -Small-Scale Coastal Fishing in the Torre del Cerrano MPA 14 A3a Rules Governing Small-Scale Fishing in the Torre del Cerrano MPA 14 A3b A Social and Eco-Friendly Reality which becomes the Community of Cerrano 15 A3c Interactions with Marine Mammals and Reptiles (Cetacean Studies Centre) 16 A3d Preliminary Data on Climate Change Effects in the Middle : Impacts on the Ecosystem and Presence of Non-Indigenous Species or Native Invaders? 17

Part B - Development of Management Measures in the Strunjan Marine Protected Area 19 B1 - Landscape Park Strunjan 19 B2 - Involvement of the civil society in SPAMIs/MPAs management activities: Incorporating marine mammals into MPA management to improve overall marine conservation (Morigenos) 20 B3 - Local Small-Scale Fishing in Landscape Park Strunjan 23 B3a Regulations governing coastal commercial fishing in Strunjan Nature Reserve 24 B3b The Variety of Fish Populations in Landscape Park Strunjan and the Role of small-Scale Fishing (Lovrenc Lipej) 26 B3c Small-Scale Fishery and Marine Protected Areas: recommendations for managers (Robert Turk) 28 B3d Recent Changes in the Marine Part of Landscape Park Strunjan (Slovenia North Adriatic): Climate Change and Bioinvasion- Related Phenomena (Lovrenc Lipej) 29

2. Conclusion 32 3. Bibliography 35 3.1. Sitography 37

Torre del Cerrano – Strunjan Twinning Programme MPAs/SPAMIs

1. Preamble Preamble: Twinning Programme MPAs/SPAMIs

1.1 SPA/RAC: Specially Protected Areas / basis of the precautionary principle. The MAP is Regional activity Center the result of a regional cooperation involving the European Community and 21 states bordering The Regional Activity Centre for Specially Protected the Mediterranean Sea: Albania, Algeria, Bosnia Areas (SPA/RAC) is the main UNEP/MAP centre. The and Herzegovina, Croatia, Cyprus, Egypt, France, United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), Greece, Israel, Italy, Lebanon, Libya, Malta, Monaco, established at the Stockholm Conference in 1972, is Montenegro, Morocco, Slovenia, Spain, Syria, the United Nations’ authority designated to address Tunisia and Turkey. In particular, MAP Phase II seeks environmental issues at the global and regional level to ensure the sustainable management of natural by coordinating the development of a harmonised resources by integrating the environment into environmental policy, thus keeping the global economic development and regional planning, and environment under control and bringing emerging to protect the marine environment and the coastal issues to the attention of governments and area by preventing and reducing pollution to preserve international communities. The Mediterranean Action and enhance the value of sites and landscapes of Plan (MAP or UNEP/MAP) is the first Mediterranean ecological or cultural interest. The Convention and Plan, which was adopted in 1975 within the Regional its seven Protocols form what is known as the Seas Programme by 16 states under the aegis Barcelona system or MAP’s legal framework (www. of the UNEP. In 1976, these Parties adopted the; Convention for the Protection of the Mediterranean Sea against pollution (the Barcelona Convention). In 1995, the Action Plan for the Protection of the Marine 1.2 SPAMI TWINNING Environment and the Sustainable Development of the Coastal Areas of the Mediterranean (MAP Phase II) was adopted by the Contracting Parties to replace the MAP of 1975. At the same time, the Contracting Parties adopted a modified version of the Barcelona Convention of 1976, renamed the Convention for the Protection of the Marine Environment and the Coastal Region of the Mediterranean. The Contracting Parties to the Barcelona Convention and its Protocols are determined to The Protocol Concerning Specially Protected Areas address the marine environment and coastal and Biological Diversity (the SPA/BD Protocol) was region protection challenges through integrated adopted in Barcelona in 1995, and it represents the planning, and the management of coastal areas principal instrument of the Mediterranean for the by strengthening regional and national plans to implementation of the Convention on Biological achieve sustainable development, acting on the Diversity of 1992, which concerns the sustainable

1 Torre del Cerrano – Strunjan Twinning Programme MPAs/SPAMIs management of coastal and marine biodiversity. It provides for three main objectives: the creation, protection and management of Special Protection Areas (SPA); the drawing up of a list of Special Protection Areas of Mediterranean Importance (SPAMI); and the protection and conservation of animal and plant species. Through the SPA/BD Protocol, the Contracting Parties to the Barcelona Convention have established a list of the Special Protection Areas of Mediterranean Importance (the SPAMI List) with the aim of promoting cooperation in their management, the conservation of natural areas, and the protection of endangered species and their habitats. The SPAMI Project, implemented as part of a Memorandum of Understanding between the United Nations Environment Programme and the Italian Ministry of the Environment and the Protection of the Land and the Sea (MATTM), aims to contribute to the 1. The President of the Torre del Cerrano MPA, Leone Cantarini, and the achievement of the Aichi Biodiversity Target 11 (from Director of Strunjan Nature Reserve, Robert Smrekar, signing the Twinning the Conference of Parties held in 2010 in Nagoya, in within the SPAMI Project (2018-2019) the Aichi Prefecture of Japan) and of the Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 14.5 for the Mediterranean (within the framework of the 2030 Agenda, approved by the United Nations by more than 150 international leaders in 2015) by developing and strengthening the effective management of Marine Protected Areas and, in particular, SPAMI, thanks to Twinning Programmes (SPAMI TWINNING) with the objective of promoting the creation of networks and standardising management by supporting the best practices involving Civil Society Organizations (;

1.2.1 SPAMI TWINNING 2-3. SPAMI Twinning meeting, 26/02/2019 Silvi (Teramo) Strunjan LP - Torre del Cerrano MPA

On Tuesday, 26 February 2019, in the Torre del Cerrano Marine Protected Area (MPA), Landscape Park Strunjan (LPS) and Torre del Cerrano MPA signed the Twinning, together with three other pairs of Mediterranean Marine Protected Areas, aimed at exchanging experiences and joint projects to share best practice and management strategies (Photo 1-4).

2 Torre del Cerrano – Strunjan Twinning Programme MPAs/SPAMIs

4. SPAMI Twinning meeting, 26/02/2019 Silvi (Teramo).

Between 16 and 18 April 2019, three days of work were carried out by the Torre del Cerrano MPA staff and the Strunjan LP staff, together with local artisanal fishermen, in Slovenia at Landscape Park Strunjan, with the aim, among other things, of drawing up a management plan agreed between the entities and the operators (Photo 5-6).

7-8-9. Visit by the LP Strunjan staff to the Torre del Cerrano Marine Protected Area (Teramo, Italy)

5-6. Visit by the Torre del Cerrano MPA staff to LP Strunjan (Slovenia)

Between 4 and 7 June 2019, three days of work were carried out by the LP Strunjan staff in Italy at the Torre del Cerrano Marine Protected Area, the Centre for Cetacean Studies “L. Cagnolaro”, the Pescara coastguard operations room, and in meeting with local fishing operators (Photo 7-8-9).

3 Torre del Cerrano – Strunjan Twinning Programme MPAs/SPAMIs

Part A Development of Management Measures in the Torre del Cerrano Marine Protected Area

A.1 Torre del Cerrano MPA the Adriatic Sea (Figure 1). The Italian Ministry for the Environment, the The Torre del Cerrano Marine Protected Area Protection of Natural Resources and the Sea is located in the Italian region of Abruzzo and (MATTM) established the Torre del Cerrano MPA extends over an area of approximately 37 square by the Ministerial Decree (MD) of 21 October 2009 kilometres, including 7 kilometres of Adriatic and, subsequently, with the MD of 28 December coast between the towns of Pineto and Silvi in 2018, it recognised its transformation from a site the Teramo province, with 2.5 kilometres of sand of community interest (SCI) IT7120215 to a special dunes which continue up to 3 nautical miles into area of conservation (SAC), a true Natura 2000 site.

Figure 1: Location of the Torre del Cerrano MPA (

4 Torre del Cerrano – Strunjan Twinning Programme MPAs/SPAMIs

With the MD of 1 March 2018, Italy permanently (Consorzio di Gestione) established by the assigned this area to the Management Association municipalities of Pineto and Silvi, the Province of Teramo and the Abruzzo Region. The Torre del Cerrano MPA takes its name from an ancient tower, torre in Italian (Photo 10), dating back to the 13th century; this tower is one of the symbols of the MPA, together with the various habitats inhabited by numerous animal and plant species which are specific to the different protected areas (Figures 2 and 3): - Zone B (1 km2) of general reserve in front of the Torre del Cerrano tower; - Zone C (14 km2) of partial reserve, up to approximately 2 km from the coast; - Zone D (22 km2), which has a ‘respect’ function, up to a limit of 3 nautical miles; - The adjacent Zone or Strip, transitional.

10. The tower (Torre) before 1915 (V. Scordella, 2014)

Figures 2 and 3: Hydrographic map and zoning protection areas, with details, of the Torre del Cerrano MPA (;

5 Torre del Cerrano – Strunjan Twinning Programme MPAs/SPAMIs

A.2 Involvement of the civil society of fishing activities and protected species. in SPAMIs/MPAs management activities In the study area, artisanal fishing is permitted - The S.E.T.P.I.A. Project exclusively for fishermen residing in the two (Cetacean Studies Centre) Municipalities of Silvi and Pineto who have been authorised by the MPA; it is therefore tightly S.E.T.P.I.A. Project connected to the local tradition and culture Description and Aims pertaining to a small community. Despite being the Description of Activities primary source of upkeep for a few families only, - Inventory of Fishing Activities and Gear it still represents a cultural and historical heritage - Catch and Discard Monitoring that belongs to the territory and, as such, it must - Monitoring of Interactions with Protected Species (Ceta- ceans and Turtles) be protected and passed on, and also valued as - Assessment of the Effectiveness of Acoustic Deterrent a tourism resource. For this purpose, local fish Devices for Dolphins products, with their typicality and sustainability, - Monitoring of the Sale of Local Fish Products should be brought to the attention of a very - Inventory and Contact of Catering Providers with Tourist broad public through the involvement of tourism Operators operators and with the help of advertising media; - Assessment of the Demand for Fish Products however, it is equally important to create a - Meetings with fishermen, caterers and tourism operators market that brings these products from the nets Preliminary Results of the fishermen directly to the tables of local restaurants, where tourists can discover and enjoy Description and Aims them and appreciate their qualities. The meeting and discussion between fishermen, caterers The S.E.T.P.I.A. Project (Sustainable Enhancement and tourism operators is therefore a key point of for Tourism Purposes in AMP Torre Del Cerrano) the S.E.T.P.I.A. Project, because it substantially was created with the aim of establishing a short contributes to broadening the sustainable tourism and sustainable supply chain for the enhancement services of the MPA. With the same purpose, the of small-scale artisanal fishing products within the MPA suggested to caterers that they adhere to Torre del Cerrano MPA. a set of environmental and social sustainability Due to its low impact on the marine habitat, the guidelines to obtain the “Friends of the Marine Park” small quantities caught, and the selectivity of the label. The specific objectives of this project relating equipment, small-scale fishing is considered the to the above can be summarised as follows: most sustainable of the various fishing systems. To a) Increase the effectiveness of measures aimed guarantee such sustainability in a Marine Protected at mitigating the impact of fishing activities in Area, it is important to constantly monitor the quality the MPA, with particular reference to protected and quantity of the catch in relation to the various marine species (cetaceans and turtles); types of equipment used, the geographical area, and b) Promote the tourism value of local small-scale the time of the year, in order to rationally implement artisanal fishing products from a short supply – or promptly correct – the fisheries management chain by involving catering activities. plan. Interactions between the main protected The Project, which was carried out between June marine species (cetaceans and turtles) and the and December 2019 by the Onlus Cetacean Studies fishing gear occur frequently in the Torre del Cerrano Centre (Centro Studi Cetacei Onlus), involved a MPA – events which in some cases have a lethal team of veterinarians and marine biologists who outcome for the animals, and which require specific operated daily in the Abruzzo Region to protect its monitoring and mitigation actions aimed at reducing environment and marine fauna, and to make best the impact on fauna, and the long-term coexistence use of its resources.

6 Torre del Cerrano – Strunjan Twinning Programme MPAs/SPAMIs

Description of Activities carried out when the fish were landed (Photo 11), Inventory of Fishing Activities and Gear at the slipway areas where the fishermen sell directly to the public (Photo 12). After obtaining the list of professional fishermen During the inspections the operators were authorised to operate in the MPA in 2019, a interviewed and the entire catch was subjected survey was carried out at the Community Fishing to a quantitative evaluation, the identification Fleet Register to collect the main technical data of the individual species, and an investigation of of the latter (Table 1). The list includes 17 vessels, the quantity and species which constituted the registered by 14 individual or associated fishermen, “discard”. Set nets of a length varying between some of whom do not carry out small-scale fishing 1000 and 3200 metres were used in five cases, throughout the year, but only in the spring, when whereas traps were used in one case only (Table 2). they are allowed to catch cuttlefish. The fishing area often includes external sea areas, During the study period, six inspections were which nevertheless border the MPA.

Ext. Vessel Port name Gt LOA Main Year of Main Gear type Secondary marking name tonnage (m) power construction gear type (grt) (hp)

06PC469 SIRENA 2001 Silvi 7.00 13.27 145.6 2001 LLS - Set longlines GNS - Set gillnets (anchored) 06PC486 NICOLA Silvi 2.00 7.50 69.30 2007 GNS - Set gillnets (anchored) - 06PC468 NIKITA Silvi 1.00 5.56 18.40 2001 GNS - Set gillnets (anchored) - 06PC487 GIANLUCA Silvi 1.00 5.78 0.00 2007 GNS - Set gillnets (anchored) - 06PC495 INSIDIOSO Silvi 1.00 6.30 0.00 2015 LLS - Set longlines GNS - Set gillnets (anchored) 06PC485 PALU’ Silvi 1.00 5.78 84.60 2007 GNS - Set gillnets (anchored) SB Beach seines 06PC479 GIULIO CESARE Silvi 1.00 7.44 37.00 2004 OTB - Bottom otter trawls GNS - Set gillnets (anchored) 01OR092 SANTA RITA Vasto 1.00 6.00 0.00 2005 GNS - Set gillnets (anchored) - 06PC447 ELY Silvi 1.00 6.00 0.00 1996 GNS - Set gillnets (anchored) - 06PC465 GIOSIMAR C. Silvi 2.00 6.40 36.77 1999 GNS - Set gillnets (anchored) - 06PC488 CATERINA Silvi 1.00 5.40 0.00 2008 GNS - Set gillnets (anchored) - 06PC459 MOMO I Silvi 1.00 6.18 0.00 1995 GNS - Set gillnets (anchored) - 06PC464 ALFONSO Silvi 1.00 6.10 0.00 1999 GNS - Set gillnets (anchored) - 06PC429 ANGELA Silvi 1.00 5.14 0.00 1980 GNS - Set gillnets (anchored) - 06PC462 ARGO Silvi 1.00 5.94 0.00 1999 GNS - Set gillnets (anchored) - 07PC403 KILLER Roseto d. Abruzzi 1.00 6.57 32.00 1993 GNS - Set gillnets (anchored) - 06PC481 VITTORIA Silvi 1.00 5.99 0.00 2005 GNS - Set gillnets (anchored) -

Table 1: MPA fishing boats (Source: Community Fishing Fleet Register)

Survey number Survey date Type of fishing net/traps Length of fishing nets/ Number of traps

Sur-01 June 28 Traps (pots) n.200 per boat (2 boats) Sur-02 July 31 Set nets 2000 m Sur-03 August 30 Set nets 2100 m Sur-04 September 26 Set nets 2000 m Sur-05 October 29 Set nets 3200 Sur-06 October 30 Set nets 1000 Table 2: Fishing gear data

7 Torre del Cerrano – Strunjan Twinning Programme MPAs/SPAMIs

11. Landing point at one of the MPA beaches (Cetacean Studies Centre) 12. Selling the catch to the public (Cetacean Studies Centre)

Catch and Discard Monitoring The list of species and the related quantities by sampling is shown in Table 3. At each inspection the catch was photo- The discard from fishing (Photos 17-18), documented, the species of commercial interest represented by the minimum quantities of were identified (Photos 13-16) and the related commercial species (of small dimensions or quantities, as well as the presence of juvenile physically damaged) and non-commercial species specimens smaller than the minimum sizes caught by accident, was analysed in addition to allowed by national and community legislation, the above-stated species. The discard is usually were recorded. disposed of with urban waste, consumed on the

13. Lithognathus mormyrus (Cetacean Studies Centre) 14. Sepia officinalis (Cetacean Studies Centre)

15. Squilla mantis (Cetacean Studies Centre) 16. Mullus barbatus (Cetacean Studies Centre)

8 Torre del Cerrano – Strunjan Twinning Programme MPAs/SPAMIs spot by seagulls, or used for the production of bait identified species, the frequency of capture and for catching the sea snail Nassarius mutabilis. The the approximate quantities are listed in Table 4.

17. Liocarcinus vernalis (Cetacean Studies Centre) 18. Bolinus brandaris (Cetacean Studies Centre)

Scientific name Number of specimens Sur-01 Sur-02 Sur-03 Sur-04 Sur-05 Sur-06 total

Squilla mantis 7 3,5 6 10 1 27,5 Sepia officinalis 25 25 Solea solea 12 5 1,4 5 0,5 23,9 Chelon ramada 2 20 22 Chelidonichthys lucerna 8 1,5 3 5 2 19,5 Octopus vulgaris 10 10 Pteroplatytrygon violacea 3,5 2,5 6 Lithognathus mormyrus 3 0,8 1 4,8 Trachurus trachurus 4 0,2 0,4 4,6 Mullus barbatus 0,2 1 1 1 0,5 3,7 Aetomylaeus bovinus 3 3 Raja asterias 0,2 0,3 1 1 0,5 3 Pegusa impar 0,3 0,2 0,5 0,4 0,5 1,9 Melicertus kerathurus 0,1 0,3 0,7 0,4 1,5 Liocarcinus vernalis 1 1 Eledone spp. 0,8 0,8 Diplodus annularis 0,5 0,5 Scophthalmus rhombus 0,3 0,2 0,5 Diplodus sargus 0,4 0,4 Gobius niger 0,2 0,1 0,1 0,4 Liza aurata 0,4 0,4 Umbrina cirrosa 0,4 0,4 Uranoscopus scaber 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,3 Balistes capriscus 0,3 0,3 Pagellus erythrinus 0,3 0,3 Seriola dumerili 0,3 0,3 Boops boops 0,2 0,2 Diplodus puntazzo 0,2 0,2 Sparus aurata 0,2 0,2 Spicara spp. 0,2 0,2 Arnoglossus sp. 0,1 0,1 Scomber colias 0,1 0,1 Scorpaena porcus 0,1 0,1 Table 3: All survey data for commercial species

9 Torre del Cerrano – Strunjan Twinning Programme MPAs/SPAMIs

Scientific name Number of specimens Sur-01 Sur-02 Sur-03 Sur-04 Sur-05 Sur-06

Acanthocardia spp. <10 Alosa fallax 1 Alpheus glaber 1 Anadara spp. <10 Aporrhais pes pelecani1 <10 1 1 Astropecten irregularis 1 pentacantus <10 <10 <10 Bolinus brandaris <10 <10 <10 >10 >10 <10 Chamelea gallina <10 Cotylorhiza tuberculata 1 Cymothoa exigua 1 Dardanus calidus 1 Echinocardium cordatum 1 1 Flexopecten glaber 1 Flexopecten spp. 1 1 Goneplax rhomboides <10 Hippocampus hippocampus <10 Ilia nucleus 1 1 Liocarcinus vernalis <10 >10 >10 >10 >10 Medorippe lanata <10 <10 Mytilus galloprovincialis 1 Mnemiopsis leidyi 1 Nassarius mutabilis <10 <10 Nassarius nitidus 1 Ocypode cursor 1 Ostrea edulis <10 <10 Pagurus cuanensis 1 Partenope angulifrons 1 1 <10 Pleurobranchaea meckelii 1 Styela plicata 1 Tonna galea 1 <10 Table 4: All survey data for discarded species

Monitoring of Interactions with Protected Species (Cetaceans and Turtles)

The fishermen were interviewed about the frequency of the sighting of cetaceans and turtles in the MPA waters. In one case only, a Tursiops truncatus individual was sighted on a sampling day; however, the sighting of dolphins by fishermen is very common. Continual damage to the nets (Photo 19) and the catch, exhibiting bite indentations caused by bottlenose dolphins (Photo 20), has 19. A fisherman shows a net damaged by dolphins (Cetacean Studies Centre) been reported, which results in huge economic losses for the fishermen. they are immediately released back into the sea. In Sightings of sea turtles are less common: adult general, turtles seem to be responsible for fewer individuals were reported to have been seen about economic losses for the fishermen, so there is a 500 metres from the coast in the period prior to the greater tolerance with respect to their presence. sampling in three interviews. Turtles are sometimes It has been reported that during the study period subject to accidental capture, and in these cases one of the MPA fishermen was asked to rescue

10 Torre del Cerrano – Strunjan Twinning Programme MPAs/SPAMIs

Monitoring of the Sale of Local Fish Products

During the interviews, information was collected about the selling arrangements of the catch. Fishermen may sell fish directly to the public at the landing sites corresponding to the slipway areas, and at specially equipped stations. Since they cannot refrigerate the products, they must sell everything within a few hours of landing, and they rarely record surpluses. Three fishermen reported 20. Dolphin bite indentation on a common sole Solea solea (Cetacean occasionally delivering products to caterers, Studies Centre) two of whom run seasonal activities (seaside and recover two Caretta caretta specimens caught resorts). In other cases, the fish is sold directly to in a longline, which enabled the treatment and the final consumer. Some fishermen consider it rehabilitation of the animals and their subsequent inconvenient to supply fish to restaurateurs due to release into nature. Such events are considered the low sale price requested. uncommon in the study area. Inventory and Contact of Catering Providers Assessment of the Effectiveness of Acoustic with Tourist Operators Deterrent Devices for Dolphins A web search was used to inventory 48 catering At the end of 2018, two MPA fishermen were providers serving fish-based dishes in the two given some deterrent devices (“pingers”) for municipalities included in the MPA. Of all the dolphins, to test their functionality in the field with contacted managers, 15 (31%) made themselves respect to the type of bottom and gear and the available for an information conversation and an specific fishing techniques adopted. Instructions interview. More than half of those interviewed for use and a form for the collection of monitoring said they did not know about small-scale fishing data were provided together with the deterrent in the Torre del Cerrano MPA, but 13 of them devices. After a short period of use, one of the two (86%) would be willing to serve dishes based on fishermen ceased his professional fishing activity, the “catch of the day” in addition to their standard and he no longer provided useful data. menu, characterised by the freshness, typicality The other fisherman highlighted the presence of and seasonality of the “zero-kilometre” fish. bottlenose dolphins in the vicinity of the active During these meetings, the caterers were asked deterrent devices on several occasions, so he if they would be interested in adhering to the decided to discontinue their use, fearing that the “Marine-Park-Friendly Restaurant” Guidelines, animals had become addicted to the signal of the currently at the approval stage by the MPA, which pingers. The onset of addiction cannot be excluded; represent a quality and sustainability standard however, it is a known fact that bottlenose aimed at protecting the environment and the local dolphins are particularly resistant to the action identity. Approximately 80% of the respondents of acoustic deterrent devices, which can cause a said they were interested in joining the initiative. decrease in predation in the nets, but frequently In addition, local tourism operators were also does not eliminate it completely. A more constant inventoried; there are 14 of them in total. A sample and prolonged use of the deterrent devices could of 4 operators were contacted for an interview reveal an effective reduction in the interactions of and involvement in the project. It turned out that the dolphins with the nets. 50% of the respondents were not aware of the

11 Torre del Cerrano – Strunjan Twinning Programme MPAs/SPAMIs small-scale fishing activity carried out in the MPA, Meetings with fishermen, caterers but all of them said they were willing to promote and tourism operators restaurants that serve local and sustainable fish products and, in general, to adhere to the “Marine- A preliminary meeting between the fishermen, Park-Friendly Restaurant” Guidelines. the caterers interested in becoming Friends of the Marine Park, the staff of Landscape Park Srunjan Assessment of the Demand for Fish Products (the Park twinned with the Torre del Cerrano MPA within the SPAMI Programme) and other The interviewed caterers declared the quantity interested parties was organised in collaboration of the fish products they purchased on a daily or with the MPA staff (Photo 21). Thanks also to monthly basis, for the three categories of fish, molluscs and crustaceans. The obtained data were multiplied by six weekly working days and by fifty annual working weeks in order to obtain the total annual quantity (Table 5). In addition, the average customer preferences were examined, recording the dishes that were requested the most, in a progressive descending order for each restaurant. The most sought-after dishes in 11 out of 15 cases included molluscs (clams, mussels, squid) and crustaceans (scampi), the collection or capture of which does not occur 21. First S.E.T.P.I.A. Project meeting (Torre del Cerrano MPA) within the MPA. Considering the first three most sought-after dishes for each restaurant, less than the experience of Landscape Park Strunjan, it a third of them were based on local fish. was possible to identify at the first meeting the common goals for the tourist promotion, starting with the fishing and catering activities and continuing all the way to the promotion of typical products and the civil society of the area. Another

Restaurateur Code Daily (kg) Weekly (kg) Yearly (kg) FishMolluscsCrustaceans Fish Molluscs Crustaceans Fish Molluscs Crustaceans Res-01 2 6 1 100 300 50 Res-02 20 30 10 120 180 60 6000 9000 3000 Res-03 4 4 4 24 24 24 1200 1200 1200 Res-04 2 2 2 12 12 12 600 600 600 Res-05 4 100 5 200 5000 250 Res-06 10 10 5 60 60 30 3000 3000 1500 Res-07 5 5 10 30 30 60 1500 1500 3000 Res-08 3 10 3 18 60 18 900 3000 900 Res-09 20 20 15 120 120 90 6000 6000 45000 Res-10 ------Res-11 6 15 5 36 90 30 1800 4500 1500 Res-12 16 10 6 800 500 300 Res-13 100 Res-14 10 5 5 60 30 30 3000 1500 1500 Res-15 5 10 6 30 60 36 1500 3000 1800

Table 5: Quantity of seafood purchased by restaurateurs

12 Torre del Cerrano – Strunjan Twinning Programme MPAs/SPAMIs

22. Second S.E.T.P.I.A. Project meeting (Torre del Cerrano MPA) 23. Second S.E.T.P.I.A. Project meeting (Torre del Cerrano MPA) meeting, held a few months later (Photo 22-23), protected species is undeniable, since the allowed the discussion to be taken to a practical interactions with bad outcomes are documented. level, opening a dialogue between the parties on The mitigation actions undertaken (awareness- their respective needs and mutual expectations. raising activities, use of acoustic deterrent devices), On this occasion, the founding of a “Slow Food which are still in an initial and experimental phase, community” was proposed as a tool for defining must be improved, intensified and extended to the common goals and the activities necessary to obtain more visible results. achieve them. This idea is still being examined by Small-scale fishing and its local products are little the interested parties. known to the majority of the caterers and tourism operators in the area, and so are gastronomic Preliminary Results recipes that could enhance them. Thanks to the meetings organised between the interested The onsite monitoring of small-scale fishing, stakeholders, it was possible to attract their carried out within the S.E.T.P.I.A. Project, is attention and start an open dialogue, which later the continuation of a previous study project developed into spontaneous exchanges. implemented in the previous year (S.E.P.P.I.A. Torre The suggested “Marine-Park-Friendly Restaurant” del Cerrano Project) and the supplementation of Guidelines generated a fair amount of interest the normal data collection which was carried out among the caterers. This is a sign that the latter by the MPA on the basis of forms about the catch could play an important role in the construction that were filled in by fishermen. and promotion of a truly sustainable and short The data obtained helped to broaden the supply chain. knowledge of the fishing activities and traditional It was observed that tourists and consumers practices typical of this geographic region, and the in general are unaware of the quality, variety, fish fauna and its evolution over time, as well as typicality and seasonality of the fishing products of the interactions between the protected species found in the area; this is why there is lack of and fishing itself. demand that could in fact support the market The research has confirmed that catching and feed this virtuous supply chain. To help fill undersized, i.e. juvenile, specimens is very rare with this gap, a promotional brochure illustrating the these fishing methods, and the overall discard, sustainability characteristics of the precious “catch represented in particular by non-edible species, is of the day” of the Torre del Cerrano MPA, from limited to a minimum. primary production all the way to being served at The positive impact of small-scale fishing on the table, is being designed.

13 Torre del Cerrano – Strunjan Twinning Programme MPAs/SPAMIs

A.3 Small-Scale Coastal Fishing which was approved by the Italian Ministry for the in the Torre del Cerrano MPA Environment, the Protection of Natural Resources and the Sea (MATTM) by a Ministerial Decree (MD) The European Union defines small-scale coastal dated 12 January 2017 (O.G. No. 24 of 30/01/2017). fishing as “fishing carried out by vessels of less This activity is prohibited in Area B, whereas in Areas than 12 metres and not using fishing gear as listed C (minimum distance from the coast: 500 metres) in Table 3 of Annex I to the Council Regulation (EC) and D it can only be carried out with the prior No. 25/2004”, i.e. not using towed gear, including permission of the governing body. The following is purse seiners and bottom trawls (PHAROS4MPAs not permitted: active restocking; aquaculture; the Project, 2019), thus reducing the impact of the unloading of untreated water from bilges or other fishing activity on the marine ecosystem. In the Torre devices of the fishing unit and any toxic or polluting del Cerrano MPA, this environmental sustainability substance into the sea; and the discharge of solid or footprint is on the one side accentuated by liquid waste. The Regulation also prohibits the use regulations, and on the other – while emphasising of light sources, towing equipment, dragnets, turbo- the proper relationships between the ecological blowers, drift nets and seiners. The only fishing and anthropogenic systems – it is closely linked to activity permitted is small-scale fishing (Photo socio-economic reality. 24), which has been carried out by the residents of the Pineto and Silvi Municipalities since the day of establishing the MPA. In addition, fishing exclusively using bottom gillnets (nets with a mesh of less than 40 millimetres and a maximum length of 4,000 metres per fishing unit), and pots and baskets (not exceeding 200 and 300 pieces, respectively, per fishing unit) is allowed. For the purposes of control and monitoring, the managing body issues specific permits with an MPA sign, which the beneficiaries must affix to the maritime signalling of fishing gear as provided for by applicable law. In order to be granted a one- year renewable permit, beneficiaries must submit a request to the managing subject by 31 January each year and, at the same time, an official statement of their familiarity with the MD on the Establishment of the MPA and with the regulations pertaining to the activity. The validity of the permit is renewed on an annual basis, under the same conditions, on 24. A small-scale fishing unit ( the basis of an application addressed to the MPA managing body with the corresponding forms (Table A3a Rules Governing Small-Scale Fishing 6). These forms have been specially prepared by in the Torre del Cerrano MPA the managing body for the purpose of monitoring fishing, and concern the activity carried out during in In the Torre del Cerrano Marine Protected the previous year – they should be completed with Area professional fishing activity is governed information on fishing periods, gear used, fishing by the Execution and Organisation Regulation methods, fishing area, species caught (commercial (Regolamento di Esecuzione e Organizzazione), and Latin designation, Alpha 3 code, quantity in

14 Torre del Cerrano – Strunjan Twinning Programme MPAs/SPAMIs



Distance from coast ZONE C – North ZONE D - North CONTIGUOUS AREA - North (miles) ZONE C - Centre ZONE D - Centre CONTIGUOUS AREA - Centre ZONE C – South ZONE D - South CONTIGUOUS AREA - South


Table 6. Details of the form for monitoring fishing activities in the MPA ( kilograms and possible presence of undersized specimens in accordance with the applicable law). The Execution and Organisation Regulation of the Torre del Cerrano MPA also provides that in the case of a specific request for environmental protection based on monitoring results, the managing body reserves the right to regulate with further measures the procedures for catching fishery resources (in proportion to the characteristics and amount of fishing gear that may be used per fishing unit), the calendar of fishing activities, minimum measures concerning the catch of species, protective measures relating to vulnerable or threatened species, and the prohibition of access to certain areas during specific periods (

A3b A Social and Eco-Friendly Reality which becomes the Community of Cerrano

Thanks to the meetings (Figures 4and 5) organised between fishermen authorised by the Torre del Figures 4: Documents about the meetings between the different local socio-economic activities Cerrano MPA and caterers interested in becoming “Friends of the Marine Park” which took place during the S.E.T.P.I.A. Project, promoted by SPA/ were addressed, with the aim of determining a RAC within the framework of the SPAMI Twinning single shared reality in order to promote, including Programme, some of the aspects and problems with the tourism sector involved in the Project, of the two different local socio-economic realities the fish products caught in the MPA according

15 Torre del Cerrano – Strunjan Twinning Programme MPAs/SPAMIs

and cetaceans and marine turtles in the Torre del Cerrano MPA are extrapolated from the Geocetus geo-referenced database of the Cetacean Studies Centre (CSC) (, which collects information about the stranding and rescue of these animals along the Italian coasts. With regard to the Abruzzo region, the data relate to the activity of a regional intervention network which, in addition to the CSC, involves the coastguard, public veterinary services, the Experimental Zooprophylactic Institute (Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale), the Cites Office of the Forestry Carabinieri and the municipalities in the rescue and recovery of animals in distress and dead specimens. The interventions of the regional network allow the specialised staff to collect a great deal of information about the populations and health of animals and the marine environment, either by providing shelter for sea turtles living at the nearby Recovery and Rehabilitation Centre

Figures 5: Documents about the meetings between the different local (Centro di Recupero e Riabilitazione) of Pescara, or socio-economic activities by carrying out regular necropsy examinations of carcasses found at sea and on the beaches. to a short and sustainable supply chain, and to In the five-year period 2015-2019, six cetaceans rediscover the dishes of the traditional Middle were stranded within the boundaries of the Torre Adriatic cuisine. del Cerrano MPA, which rises to 14 if we consider The discussions relating to the issues during the contiguous area (2 nautical miles around the these meetings have since produced proactive perimeter); of these 13 were specimens of Tursiops relationships between the different commercial truncatus and one was a Stenella coeruleoalba. activities, united by the objective to enhance The cause of death was ascertained as anthropic the sustainability of a fish product which is not interaction in 5 out of the 14 cases. In more detail, on “the daily menu” and its supply chain, with 4 of the deaths were linked to the ingestion of a the aim of finding, within the international non- fragment of a net or net entanglement, and one profit association Slow Food, the possibility of case concerned the intentional mutilation of a very becoming the “Community of Cerrano”. This is young specimen (Photo 25), undoubtedly after a reality which, by developing ideas of socio- economic development, will share a common end, and which is currently being realised through various activities, together with the Torre del Cerrano MPA

A3c Interactions with Marine Mammals and Reptiles (Cetacean Studies Centre)

25. Young Tursiops truncatus exhibiting signs of mutilation and cutting Data on interactions between the fishing activity injuries (Cetacean Studies Centre)

16 Torre del Cerrano – Strunjan Twinning Programme MPAs/SPAMIs being captured. All the other deaths resulted from change, which predominantly occurs in the marine natural or non-determinable causes due to the environment where, for example, even seemingly condition of the carcass; therefore, other cases of modest changes in water temperature may anthropic interaction as the cause or a concause quickly trigger cascade alterations with effects of death cannot be excluded. on biological communities which, if they survive, In the same five-year period, 44 turtles of the often react by moving to more suitable areas, Caretta caretta species were picked up within the especially, if equipped with motor skills, towards Torre del Cerrano MPA, four of which were alive. the northern hemisphere. Even the excessive Anthropic interactions were ascertained in only exploitation of the marine environment and five cases: two specimens exhibited signs of water pollution, together with other anthropic entanglement in nets and fishing lines, one had factors, contribute to these changes in ecosystem died as a result of a collision with a vessel, one had biodiversity, and this occurs particularly clearly in ingested a longline hook, and the longline coming the Mediterranean as a “semi-closed” sea that is out of its beak was tightly wrapped around a warming faster than any other marine region in second turtle (Photo 26). the world (Azzurro et al., 2019; Schroeder et al., 2016; Vargas-Yañez et al., 2008). Some ecological socio-economic effects caused by alterations in the interactions between species and in the food web can be well observed in the Mediterranean coastal environments, including the marine protected areas, which will have to address this new environmental problem in order to preserve natural ecosystems (www., 2019). Regardless of the enormous impact on natural 26. Caretta caretta exhibiting signs of entanglement in a fishing line at ecosystems, as well as on human populations neck level (Cetacean Studies Centre) all over the world, studies are still limited, due to pragmatic investigative difficulties in vast For all the other numerous dead specimens, which natural spaces, and to the necessity for integrated did not exhibit signs of disease or debility, we can monitoring data evaluation systems (Azzurro et only hypothesise that they died from drowning al., 2019; Crall et al., 2010; Guidetti et al., 2006). due to interaction with the gillnets, because the On the other hand, the exchange of knowledge of fishermen of the MPA report catching turtles fishermen from different countries has allowed only occasionally – they prefer to release them researchers to reconstruct recent changes in the immediately at sea, and in most cases they do not distribution of 75 Mediterranean fish species, request the intervention of the regional network based on the experience and knowledge of small- for animal rescue or for necropsy investigations. scale fishermen, who spend a considerable part of their lives in close contact with the environment, A3d Preliminary Data on Climate Change Effects thus becoming familiar with the local fish species. in the Middle Adriatic Sea: Impacts on the In this study, entitled “Climate change, biological Ecosystem and Presence of Non-Indigenous invasions, and the shifting distribution of Species or Native Invaders Mediterranean fishes: a large-scale survey based on local ecological knowledge” and published on The redistribution of species at a global level is 22 May 2019 by Global Change Biology magazine, among the most evident consequences of climate more than 500 fishermen, recognised as holders of

17 Torre del Cerrano – Strunjan Twinning Programme MPAs/SPAMIs

Local Ecological Knowledge (LEK), who come from The AlienFish Project, “Monitoring uncommon 9 Mediterranean countries (Albania, Montenegro, and non-indigenous fish in Italian waters: one Tunisia, Greece, Cyprus, Lebanon, Slovenia, Turkey year of results of the AlienFish project” (Tiralongo and Italy), were interviewed between 2009 and et al., 2019), carried out in 2018, highlights that 2016. This allowed the researchers to obtain data the abundance of NIS in Italian waters is still low by observing native fish species which expanded and cannot be compared with the density these northward taking advantage of more favourable species may reach in the more eastern sectors climate conditions (native invaders), such as of the Mediterranean Sea (Katsanevakis et al., Pomatomus saltatrix (Bluefish), as well as tropical 2014a; Golani et al., 2002), where they may remain fish species “Lessepsiane” (coming from the Red confined for years before beginning to expand Sea), i.e. non-autochthonous and non-indigenous (Azzurro et al., 2016a). species (NIS), such as Lagocephalus sceleratus In a study entitled “Lessepsian fish invasion in (silver-cheeked toadfish). Data from the survey Mediterranean marine protected areas: a risk conducted within the S.E.P.P.I.A. Torre del Cerrano assessment under climate change scenarios” Project (2018) showed that Pomatomus saltatrix (D’Amen e Azzurro, 2019), published by ICES (Photo 27) has been found in the Torre del Cerrano Journal of Marine Science on 23 November MPA, and it will be the subject of forthcoming 2019, marine protected areas are indicated as studies. instruments for the support of marine ecosystems; however, current protection measures may not be effective in preserving these areas from global threats, particularly those caused by climate change and invasive species (Monzón et al., 2011; Keller et al., 2009), which represent a challenge for preservation (Katsanevakis et al., 2014). In this regard, recommendations have already been produced (e.g. SPA/RAC - UNEP/MAP, 2014; Mazaris e Katsanevakis, 2018). At the same time, MPA managers must be provided with instruments to shape appropriate strategies to 27. Pomatomus saltatrix in the sea in front of the town of Silvi (Teramo). mitigate correlated impacts (Fulton et al., 2015).

18 Torre del Cerrano – Strunjan Twinning Programme MPAs/SPAMIs

Part B Development of Management Measures in the Strunjan Marine Protected Area

B.1 Landscape Park Strunjan

Landscape Park Strunjan was established on 2nd February 1990 by the Ordinance on the declaration of Landscape Park Strunjan by the municipalities of and . In 1999, a new basic regulation for the protection of nature in Slovenia was adopted, namely the Nature Conservation Act, on the basis of which the Government of the Republic of Slovenia adopted the Decree on Landscape Park Strunjan. In 2008, the amended Decree stated that the Government of the Republic of Slovenia would establish a Public Institute which carries out 28. Strunjan Peninsula public services in the field of protection of nature, manages databases related to the Park within the (Photo 28), projecting into the , framework of public powers, and carries out direct the northernmost part of the Mediterranean; nature protection supervision in the area of the the 200m-long shoreline; and the entire bay of Park. Strunjan. The area of the park, covering 428.6 The objectives of the protected area as stated in hectares, expands over two municipalities: Piran the legal act are as follows: and Izola. The Park has three narrow protected • the protection of natural values areas: Strunjan Nature Reserve, Strunjan-Stjuža • the conservation of biodiversity Nature Reserve and Natural Monument Pine trees • the conservation of the populations of rare, avenue (Figure 6). threatened, nationally and internationally protected species, • assuring the good conservation status of the Natura 2000 habitat types and species, • the conservation of the landscape diversity of the area and the ecological characteristics of the salt pans, the coastal lagoon and the coastline, as well as the natural processes between the supra, - medio and infralittoral. Landscape Park Strunjan is situated in the south- western part of Slovenia on the Adriatic coast. It comprises the area of the Strunjan peninsula 29. Marine biodiversity

19 Torre del Cerrano – Strunjan Twinning Programme MPAs/SPAMIs

Figure 6: The boundaries of the Park and the narrow protected areas are B.2 Involvement of the civil society shown on the annexed map at a 1:20,000 scale, which is an integral part of the Decree on Landscape Park Strunjan (the legal declaration of the in SPAMIs/MPAs management activities: area). Incorporating marine mammals Legend: into MPA management to improve overall Krajinski park – Landscape Park Naravni rezervat Strunjan – Strunjan Nature Reserve marine conservation (Morigenos) Osrednji del Naravnega rezervata Strunjan - Strunjan Nature (Genov et al.,2019b; Genov et al., 2019a; Reserve core area Naravni rezervat Strunjan Stjuža –Strunjan Stjuža Nature Reserve Genov et al., 2017; Genov et al., 2008) Naravni spomenik Pinijev drevored – Natural Monument Pine trees avenue Incorporating marine mammals into MPA management to improve overall marine conservation:

The coastal and marine part of the KPS is mainly - Morigenos – Slovenian Marine Mammal Society characterized by rocky coast under Eocene flysch - Ecological monitoring cliffs, an artificial marine lagoon and a small sized - Education and awareness activities salt pans. The spatial heterogeneity is very high and is one of the main reasons explaining the outstanding biodiversity in this area (Photo 29). Morigenos Slovenian Marine Mammal Society

During summer 2019, a project “Incorporating marine mammals into MPA management to improve overall marine conservation”, was carried out by Morigenos – Slovenian Marine Mammal Society, in collaboration with Landscape Park Strunjan, within the framework of the SPA-RAC’s

20 Torre del Cerrano – Strunjan Twinning Programme MPAs/SPAMIs call for projects “Involvement of the civil society in This project combined scientific ecological SPAMIs/MPAs management activities” and part of monitoring of large marine vertebrates (marine the SPAMI Twinning Programme. mammals, sea turtles and seabirds) within Morigenos – Slovenian Marine Mammal Society the Strunjan MPA with education and public is an independent, scientific, non-profit, non- awareness activities focusing on these species, via governmental organisation, which combines collaboration with the MPA management body. scientific research, monitoring, education, public awareness and capacity building, towards effective Ecological monitoring marine biodiversity conservation. Morigenos discovered, documented and continues to study Ecological monitoring was carried out via at- a population of common bottlenose dolphins sea boat surveys, covering the entire Strunjan (Tursiops truncatus) in the Gulf of Trieste, northern MPA (Figure 7). The presence of various target Adriatic Sea, which has been continuously species was recorded, along with the number of studied since 2002. Other protected species of recreational vessels anchored within the MPA international relevance, such as sea turtles and area, as well as any potential violations of the MPA seabirds, also inhabit these waters. regulations. No marine mammals or sea turtles In addition, Morigenos carries out extensive were encountered during the surveys, but data education, outreach and public awareness collected in previous years showed that common activities nationally and internationally, through bottlenose dolphins do regularly use these a number of approaches. The Strunjan marine waters. However, several species of seabirds were protected area (MPA) is one of 3 MPAs in Slovenia, recorded (Figure 8), including the yellow-legged gull and the only one with a proper management body (Larus michahellis, Photo 30), Mediterranean shag and a management plan. The general purposes (Phalacrocorax aristotelis demarestii), black-headed of the project were: 1) to improve monitoring of relevant protected species (marine mammals, sea turtles and seabirds) within the Strunjan MPA; 2) to specifically incorporate marine mammals into monitoring within the MPA; 3) to increase awareness of MPA visitors and the local community, and highlight marine mammals as part of the local biodiversity; and 4) to provide added value to the

Strunjan MPA by including marine mammals in 30. Yellow-legged gull (Larus michahellis) resting on the marking buoy of education programmes. the Strunjan MPA

Figure 7. Survey transects used for the ecological monitoring

21 Torre del Cerrano – Strunjan Twinning Programme MPAs/SPAMIs

250 Fried egg jelly (Cotylorhiza tuberculata)

200 Black-headed gull (Larus melanocephalus)

Yellow-legged gull 150 (Larus michahellis)

Mediterranean shag 100 (Phalacrocorax aristotelis desmarestii)

Barrel jelly 50 (Rhizostoma pulmo) Number of individuals recorderd Common tern (Sterna hirundo) 0 1 2 3 4 Segment

Figure 8. Number of recorded individuals of various animal species in different segments of the Strunjan MPA

gull (Larus melanocephalus) and the common tern of marine mammals (Photo 32); the portable (Sterna hirundo). A total of 5 violations of the MPA regulations were recorded. Of these, 3 pertained to illegal anchoring inside the MPA and 2 to illegal

31. Unauthorised anchoring within the Strunjan MPA 32. Public lecture about dolphin biology and conservation at the Strunjan Landscape Park visitor centre navigation within the MPA. In all these cases, education exhibition; and via online platforms such photographic documentation was performed, as various social media outlets. Lectures were the Strunjan Landscape Park staff were notified, organised at the Strunjan MPA visitor centre, at and the violators politely informed about their the local elementary school in Lucija (Photo 33) misconduct. at the Škocjanski zatok visitor centre in (in collaboration with BirdLife Slovenia), and at Education and awareness activities Persimon festival in Strunjan. An educational exhibition was set up at the Hotel Salinera in Education and awareness activities were carried Strunjan, as a collaborative education action out via public lectures on the biology and presence between Morigenos, Strunjan Landscape Park and

22 Torre del Cerrano – Strunjan Twinning Programme MPAs/SPAMIs

participants of Morigenos dolphin research courses led to an increased awareness of the public about the presence and importance of marine mammals. Finally, the follow-up activities of this project will hopefully lead to a greater recognisability of the area as an attractive and most importantly sustainable tourism destination.

B.3 Local Small-Scale Fishing in Landscape Park Strunjan

33. Lecture about dolphin biology and conservation for schoolchildren at a In the area of the Park, an important role, in addition local elementary school to agriculture and salt production, is played by local small-scale fishing (Photo 35). In the past decade, Hotel Salinera (Photo 34). Throughout the summer, six fishermen had licences for commercial fishing information about the project was shared through in the renovated small fishing port in Strunjan. various social media. Commercial fishing is conducted with small vessels and, most importantly, with bottom-set gillnets and trammel nets – rarely with fish traps. According to the weight, the largest proportion of catches

35. Local small-scale fishing

consisted of the following species: common sole (Solea solea), common cuttlefish (Sepia officinalis), sea bream (Sparus aurata), European flounder 34. Educational exhibition in Hotel Salinera, Strunjan (Platichthys flesus), common pandora (Pegellus erythrinus), European bass (Dicentrarchus labrax), The project managed to successfully achieve black scorpionfish (Scorpaena porcus) and flathead the planned objectives. Valuable new data on grey mullet (Mugil cephalus). both the presence and the absence of various In 2014 the Public Institute Landscape Park species in space and time were obtained, which Strunjan began the improvement of the can be incorporated into future monitoring and management of Small-Scale Fisheries in the management plans. The educational activities MPA. The first activities were carried out through involving local people, tourists, school children and a project on Sustainable Management of Coastal

23 Torre del Cerrano – Strunjan Twinning Programme MPAs/SPAMIs

Fishing financed by the independent organization Within the SPAMI TWINNING PROGRAMME with MedPAN, which currently connects nearly 100 SPA/RAC (Specially Protected Areas Regional institutions and non-governmental organizations Activity Centre), Landscape Park Strunjan which either directly manage marine protected carried out “Participatory processes involving areas in the Mediterranean or participate in their stakeholders and delivering efficient fishery development. The principal aims of the Park’s management strategies”. Within this project, the project were the monitoring of catch and by-catch Park had the opportunity to continue its activities in collaboration with professional fishermen; the towards the final harmonization of the Agreement training of fishermen in the identification of marine on the Implementation of Commercial Fishing species; the analysis of the data gathered from in the area of Strunjan Nature Reserve, and the an inventory of marine life compiled by marine collaboration of fishermen with Landscape Park biologists in various locations of the marine Strunjan together with the Ministry of Agriculture, reserve; the assessment of the conditions for Forestry and Fisheries, the Institute of the signing and implementing an agreement between Republic of Slovenia for Nature Conservation, the the fishermen and the Park; the organization of Fisheries Research Institute and, last but not least, an international seminar in Strunjan to present commercial fishermen (Photo 36). The activities of examples of good practice in co-management of fishery resources; and delivering a press conference. The project, which was terminated in early 2016, involved fishermen and experts from Landscape Park Strunjan and the Piran Marine Biological Station, who jointly worked towards achieving the set objectives. At the press conference following the completion of the project, the Park presented the impacts of the current fishing regime valid in the area of Strunjan Nature Reserve, and laid down a path towards a new agreement with the fishermen. 36. Meeting with commercial fishermen The Management Plan for Landscape Park Strunjan for the period 2018-2027, adopted by a Government Regulation in February 2019, the project were directed towards the definition describes a detailed definition of the protection of the scientific background from the preliminary arrangements, including for commercial fishing studies; the definition of the legal basis; the in Strunjan Nature Reserve, and provides for the evaluation of the existing outputs on the current arrangement of an agreement on the conditions of fishing regime and proposed recommendations; commercial fishing in the area of Strunjan Nature the selection of the type of fishing gear; and the Reserve between the managers of the MPA and definition of the mode of cooperation of local the local professional fishermen. The aim of this fishermen with the manager agreement is the conservation and protection of Strunjan Nature Reserve with the collaboration of B3a Regulations governing coastal commercial the small-scale fishery, which has a long tradition fishing in Strunjan Nature Reserve in the protected area and significantly contributes to the conservation of biodiversity and resources In Landscape Park Strunjan, the basic guidelines in the MPA. for conducting commercial fishing as defined in the articles of association, i.e. the Decree on Landscape

24 Torre del Cerrano – Strunjan Twinning Programme MPAs/SPAMIs

Park Strunjan, which defines the area of the park, the prohibition in the reserves, fishing of winter the narrower protected areas in the park, the rules shoaling of mullet may be allowed on the basis of of conduct and protection regimes, the manner of a special commercial fishing permit issued by the managing the Park, the surveillance in the park Minister responsible for fisheries. Strunjan Nature and other practices related to the purpose of this Reserve further defines the core area (Photo 37), Decree. This Decree also sets out development including the sea enclosed by Zaliv Sv. Križa bay, guidelines in the Park, which respect the principle and in front of the Ronek headland, where more of sustainable development. The Decree also stipulates that the carrying out of fishery activity is defined in more detail in the management plan, which is a programming measure and defines the development policies, methods of implementation of protection, and the use and management of the protected area, as well as more detailed guidelines for the protection of natural values. It is taken into consideration during spatial management, the pursuit of activities, and 37. Core area of Strunjan Nature Reserve the management and use of natural resources in the Park, their governance, the conservation of strict protection arrangements apply (no-take landscape diversity, and the provision of utilities zone) with a complete ban on fishing. and other public services in the Park. The Decree on Landscape Park Strunjan provides Laws and secondary legislation governing coastal for a prohibition on carrying out commercial fishing commercial fisheries in the Strunjan NR: except during the periods from 1 April to 1 June 1. The framework law is the Zakon o morskem and from 1 October to 1 December, in accordance ribištvu (OG of the RS, No. 115/06, 76/15 with the Management Plan. The Management Plan and 69/17, English title: Marine Fisheries Act), further specifies that only commercial fishermen enabling the implementation of the common may fish in Strunjan Nature Reserve during the fisheries policy for the conservation and stated period, in accordance with an agreement exploitation of fisheries resources, conditions defining the maximum number of nets that can be for access to fisheries resources, structural used by fishermen in the area at the same time, measures, controls, market organization and which the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and international relations regarding fisheries Food determines in co-operation with the Park in accordance with the regulations of the Manager, the Institute of the Republic of Slovenia European Union. for Nature Conservation, the Fisheries Research 2. Council Regulation (EC) No 1967/2006 of Institute of Slovenia, and commercial fishermen. 21 December 2006 concerning management There are two fishing reserves in the Slovenian measures for the sustainable exploitation of part of the Adriatic Sea intended for the protection fishery resources in the Mediterranean Sea, of fishery resources: the Portorož Fishing Reserve amending Regulation (EEC) No 2847/93 and and the Strunjan Fishing Reserve with the salt repealing Regulation (EC) No 1626/94 pans. The latter partly falls within the boundaries 3. Pravilnik o dovoljenju in posebnem dovoljenju of Landscape Park Strunjan. According to the za gospodarski ribolov (OG of the RS, No. Marine Fisheries Act, commercial and non- 90/15, Eng Rules on licences and special commercial fisheries are prohibited in the area of licences for commercial fishing). the fishing reserves. However, notwithstanding 4. Pravilnik o programu usposabljanja za

25 Torre del Cerrano – Strunjan Twinning Programme MPAs/SPAMIs

izvajanje gospodarskega ribolova, potrdilu of the RS, No. 13/19, Eng: Decree on the o opravljenem izpitu in o vodenju evidenc management plan for the Strunjan Landscape o izdanih potrdilih o opravljenih izpitih Park 2018–2027). (OG of the RS, No. 44/05, Eng: Rules on the 15. Uredba o Načrtu upravljanja Krajinskega training programme for the implementation parka Strunjan za obdobje 2018–2027 of commercial fishing, certificate of the exam (Uradni list RS, št. 13/19, angl: Decree on the performed and records of issued certificates of management plan for the Strunjan Landscape exams). Park 2018–2027). 5. Pravilnik o trgovskih imenih rib (OG of the RS, No. 46/05, Eng: Rules on trade names for fish). B3b The Variety of Fish Populations 6. Uredba o spremljanju ulova in prodaji ribiških in Landscape Park Strunjan and the Role proizvodov (Uradni list RS, št. 38/16, Eng of Small-Scale Fishing Decree on the monitoring of catches and sales Lovrenc Lipej (Lipej et al., 2015; of fisheries products). Lipej et al., 2013), 7. Pravilnik o vsebini in načinu vodenja evidence Piran Marine Biology Station ribičev - fizičnih oseb (OG of the RS, No. National Institute of Biology, Slovenia 109/07, Eng: Rules on contents and manner of keeping of records of the fishermen - natural At the turn of the previous century it was already persons). known that, due to overfishing, populations of 8. Pravilnik o prostočasnem ribolovu na morju several fish species had been seriously decimated. (OG of the RS, No. 64/08, Eng: Rules on leisure The findings of numerous research studies revealed sea Fishing). arguments showing that marine protected areas 9. Pravilnik o podrobnem označevanju ribolovnih are a good approach to mitigating the trend of orodij in zagotavljanju trajnostne rabe rib (OG decrease in fish populations. In addition, they of the RS, No. 87/08 in 11/10, Eng: Rules on highlighted some facts showing that traditional detailed marking of fishing gear and to ensure fishing methods in a small area (small-scale fishing) sustainable use of fish). is considerably less damaging and therefore 10. Pravilnik o načinu nabiranja in dnevni količini more sustainable from this viewpoint. Within this nabranih školjk (OG of the RS, No. 88/15, framework, a research study entitled “Trajnostno Eng: Rules on the collecting method and daily upravljanje priobalnega ribolova v Krajinskem parku quantity of collected bivalve molluscs). Strunjan” (Sustainable Management of Small-Scale 11. Pravilnik o dovoljenju in posebnem dovoljenju Fishing in Landscape Park Strunjan) was carried za gospodarski ribolov (OG of the RS, No. out in the stretch of sea by the Slovenian coast. The 90/15, Eng: Rules on licences and special aim of this research, coordinated by MedPAN, was licences for commercial fishing). to improve the manner of monitoring the situation, 12. Pravilnik o evidenci ribiških plovil in evidenci with the help of fishermen, in the marine reserve plovil, ki se uporabljajo v marikulturi (OG of of Landscape Park Strunjan (hereinafter LPS). the RS, No. 60/16, Eng: Rules on the register of fishing vessels and vessels used in mariculture). Methods 13. Uredba o Krajinskem parku Strunjan (OG of the RS, No. 107/04, 114/04 – amended, The research area concerned the sea in Strunjan 83/06, 71/08, 77/10 and 46/14 – ZON-C, Eng: Nature Reserve – a protected area characterised Decree on the Strunjan Landscape Park). by preserved flysch cliffs which extend from the 14. Uredba o Načrtu upravljanja Krajinskega bay of Simonov zaliv to Strunjan. This is in general parka Strunjan za obdobje 2018–2027 (OG the longest section of natural coastline in the Gulf

26 Torre del Cerrano – Strunjan Twinning Programme MPAs/SPAMIs of Trieste, covering an area of approximately 90 for establishing fish stocks. Species that were not hectares. Between 2014 and 2015, fish sampling inventoried with the outtake include fish that do in the marine park was carried out twice a year not stay in the reserve (e.g. sharks from the genus using fishing nets: four times in the part of the Mustelus, Clupea pilchardus, Alosa fallax, Pagellus reserve pertaining to the , and acarne, etc.), appearing only transitionally when four times in the area pertaining to the Municipality crossing this environment. It is also obvious that of Piran. The fish populations were also inventoried the experimental outtake within the reserve did by researchers from the Piran Marine Biology not particularly affect the resident fish, but only Station using underwater inventories. They the transitional fish. used a non-destructive technique to identify the fish, recognised today as a standard method of establishing the presence and density of fish 28 Vertical Transect species. This technique has no adverse effects Parallel Transect on the fish fauna, which is particularly important 54 47 when carrying out sampling in protected areas. 14 We used transects parallel to the coast which appear in a more or less uniform habitat type at 3 3 constant depth, and vertical transects were used to inventory the fish community 100 metres Outtake distant from the coast. A total of 109 parallel (50 29 m in length) and 36 vertical inventory transects (100 m) were carried out. All the established fish specimens were determined on the spot and noted Figure 9: The number of fish species established by the three different sam- on a dive slate. The density of the fish species were pling methods. The intersections of individual sets represent the number of species that were established in both (or all) sets calculated in 125 m2.

Comparison of Three Methods The Importance of Including Fishermen in Research

The inventory with parallel transacts revealed The results confirm the findings that sustainable 47 fish species, whereas the vertical inventory fishing of limited extent (small-scale fishery) is revealed 54 fish species (Figure 9). The outtake compatible with the role played by marine protected confirmed 37 fish species. The sampling outtake areas. In this specific case, the LPS has habitat types used by fishermen in the sea of the LPS showed where several juvenile fish find shelter from predators that many types of commercial fish species appear and safety, and can therefore develop into adult in the reserve. It also happened that several fish specimens. Such habitat types are mainly seagrass species which were confirmed during sampling meadows and shallow environments densely dives were not caught in the fishing nets. Only overgrown with algae (Photo 38-39). In this respect, 14 out of a total of 69 species were common marine protected areas spread over neighbouring to all three methods, with 9 species appearing areas, with new recruits inhabiting them. solely either in the outtake or in vertical transects, The inclusion of fishermen in the management of and only 3 species inventoried solely in parallel marine protected areas is reasonable from many transects. Despite being a pilot research study of viewpoints, and in this respect the contribution the monitoring of fish populations within a reserve, of data on diversity and other organisms and the obtained results show that the combination of phenomena in the sea is particularly important. all three, albeit very different, methods is useful In recent years, the trend towards including

27 Torre del Cerrano – Strunjan Twinning Programme MPAs/SPAMIs

B3c Small-scale fishery and marine protected areas: recommendations for managers Robert Turk (Turk R., 2019)

The principal objective of the majority of Marine Protected Areas (hereinafter: the MPAs) is natu- re conservation. In addition, they may also seek to protect or restore habitats and/or species that are also fishery resources. Strictly protected areas – nature reserves – bring the greatest ecological benefits, such as an increase in stocks, biomass, 38. Dreamfish (Sarpa salpa) are a common species of fish in Landscape density and reproduction of fish populations. The Park Strunjan (L. Lipej) “reserve effect” is reflected in the passing of fish biomass to fishing areas, and thus in the improve- ment of conditions for small-scale coastal fishing.

The establishment of MPAs in the Mediterrane- an is a relatively new phenomenon affecting the small-scale coastal fishery sector. While MPAs and other spatial tools, such as fishery restricted areas, may also support ecosystem-based fishery ma- nagement, defining coastal MPAs results in new limitations for fishermen. This results in frequent conflicts, which in some cases make it difficult to 39. A school of golden grey mullets (Liza aurata) on a noble pen (L. Lipej) promote co-operation between MPAs and fisher- men. The situation has recently improved, and fishermen and other stakeholders associated considerably more MPA managers and fishermen with fish populations, known as LEK (local believe that they can establish, through dialogue, a ecological knowledge), has emerged, especially common vision and goals, which include the resto- in the Mediterranean Sea (Azzurro et al., 2017). ration of fish stocks and the conservation of fish Based on a survey of fishermen carried out in habitats at different stages of life. several Mediterranean countries, researchers have confirmed the current trends in the spread of The managers of MPAs play the key role in the ma- species northward and the arrival of various non- nagement of small-scale fisheries in their areas. indigenous fish species, so their inclusion in modern marine research is very useful and desirable. In this regard it is reasonable that they direct their activities towards:

References Azzurro, E., L. Bolognini, B. Dragičević, D. Drakulović, J. Dulčić, • A proactive approach to building lasting and close E. Fanelli, F. Grati, J. Kolitari, L. Lipej, E. Magaletti, O. Marković, collaboration with the small-scale coastal fishe- S. Matić-Skoko, B. Mavrič, N. Milone, A. Joksimović, J. Tomanić, ries sector in terms of establishing co-manage- A. Scarpato, P. Tutman, D. Vrdoljak, F. Zappacosta (2017): ment in the area; Detecting the occurrence of indigenous and non-indigenous • Monitoring the situation of the small-scale fi- megafauna throughfishermen knowledge: A complementary tool to coastal and port surveys. Marine Pollution Bulletin shery with the intention of shaping appropriate (2018), measures;

28 Torre del Cerrano – Strunjan Twinning Programme MPAs/SPAMIs

• Carrying out an appropriate zonation of the MPA B3d Recent Changes in the Marine Part of and, furthermore, defining the area by a strict re- Landscape Park Strunjan serve protection, thus reducing the possibility of (Slovenia: North Adriatic): Climate Change conflicts with other area users; and Bioinvasion-Related Phenomena • Designing their own plan for fishing management Lovrenc Lipej (Lipej et al., 2015; which could include the following measures: Lipej et al., 2013), • Reducing fishing by seasonal or temporary fi- Piran Marine Biology Station shing bans, with restrictions on gear or fishing National Institute of Biology, Slovenia time (maximum 24 hours); • Improving the selectivity of fishing gear; In recent decades we have witnessed numerous • Reducing accidental catches of sharks, rays, changes faced by the Mediterranean’s marine seabirds, turtles and sea mammals through biodiversity. In particular, these are processes, risk mitigation measures; such as the relative sea level rise, coral bleaching • Reducing by-catches and discards with regula- and phenomena related to the expansion of certain tions or economic incentives; species northward and the arrival of non-native • Reducing the impact of small-scale coastal fi- species from other bio-geographical provinces shing on vulnerable marine species by limiting in the Mediterranean Sea. This applies also to its gear and the minimum size or fishing season; northernmost areas, which include the Slovenian • Reducing unwanted catches by removing lost part of the Adriatic Sea. fishing gear; Landscape Park Strunjan (hereinafter: LPS) is an • Implementing waste collection plans at landing important protected area covering the largest sites; part of the pristine natural coast in the Gulf of • Increasing the effectiveness of control and the Trieste. This is why it is not surprising that it is enforcement of sanctions; the richest in terms of the number of species and • Supporting initiatives to increase the added diverse habitat types. Consequently it represents value of small-scale coastal fisheries products an important habitat for many marine organisms, by optimising distribution channels, promoting which proliferate here and can then expand into catches of low market value, granting quali- the adjacent areas. This paper discusses recent ty labels to sustainable products obtained by phenomena related to climate change and small-scale fishing, educating and raising con- bioinvasion within LPS (Photo 40). sumer awareness, etc. Source: PHAROS4MPAs Project - Zaščita morskih Coral Bleaching zavarovanih območij ob rastočem modrem gospo- darstvu v Sredozemlju (Protection of marine pro- The Mediterranean stony coral (Cladocora tected areas with the growing blue economy in the caespitosa) is an excellent indicator of climate Mediterranean) change. Coral bleaching may occur due to the high temperatures experienced in the past few decades, when as a consequence of physiologic stress endosymbiotic zooxanthellae are expelled from the coral’s polyps. In LPS, cases of bleaching have been established several times. It seems that bleaching usually occurs when temperatures exceed 26−27°C, although it can also happen at slightly lower temperatures. Since 2011, when cases of stony coral bleaching were confirmed

29 Torre del Cerrano – Strunjan Twinning Programme MPAs/SPAMIs

more than 20 fish species have been observed which are connected to the meridionalisation phenomenon. The majority of thermophilic fish appeared in one case only, and others occasionally, while some species are regular residents in the Slovenian part of the Adriatic. Some of them, such as the bluefish (Pomatomus saltatrix), are already causing problems in fish populations as they are successful predators. Within LPS, typical meridionalisation - related species appear irregularly. Other typical species associated with meridionalisation include the common dolphinfish (Coryphaena hippurus), the black ruff (Centrolophus niger), the pelagic stingray (Pteroplatytrygon violacea), the round sardinella (Sardinella aurita), and the blunthead puffer (Sphoeroides cutaneus),

40. a – Panoramic view of part of LPS; b – Coral bleaching: Mediterranean among others. cushion coral (Cladocora caespitosa) – the left part of the colony is in a normal state, whereas on the right there are several dead polyps (necrosis); c - Bluefish (Pomatomus saltatrix); d – Non-native snail of the Gasteropode Non-Indigenous Species opistobranco species; e – Non-native ragged sea hare (Bursatella leachii); f – non-native sea walnut (Mnemiopsis leidyi) (Photo: a, b, e and f – L. Lipej; c – B. Šuligoj; d – Domen Trkov) In the past decade, more than 20 non-indigenous species (Figure 10) have been observed in LPS. Most appeared in only one or a few cases, although within LPS, this phenomenon has reoccurred on others regularly appear in LPS. Most of the a smaller scale every year during the summer species are associated with Lessepsian migration, months. The extent of the phenomenon may be maritime transport and mariculture. Within the reflected in the loss of endosymbionts, which can LPS, the fishing port and bivalve mollusc farms be regained by corals when the temperature drops in Strunjan Bay are the most important points – it is therefore a reversible process. However, if high temperatures persist for a longer period, this results in the death of a single polyps (necrosis), of the entire colony, or the mass death of all the colonies in a given environment.


Due to the higher temperatures of the past few decades, there has been a fall in the ecologic barriers which prevented the expansion of species northward, including in the northern parts of the Mediterranean Sea. Changes in the fish species areas are a good indicator of the effects of temperature changes, because fish are unable to Figure 10: Non-indigenous marine fauna within LPS. Legend: I – Invasive regulate their temperatures with respect to the species; E – established non-indigenous species; A – Non-indigenous species which appear rarely and/or irregularly ; Cr – Cryptogenic species surrounding water (Stebbing et al. 2002). So far, (unclear biogeographical origin)

30 Torre del Cerrano – Strunjan Twinning Programme MPAs/SPAMIs for the presence of non-native species. The most climate change and coral bleaching, the regular common non-indigenous species, which is also monitoring of these types of phenomena is invasive, is the Japanese oyster (Magallana gigas), extremely important for the planning of measures which can be found practically everywhere in the to reduce or mitigate their consequences. Marine intertidal zone. Some species have appeared in protected areas, such as the LPS, are particularly this environment for a longer period of time, which important from this point of view. Due to the is also true for the non-indigenous ragged sea hare protection status, which allows natural processes (Bursatella leachii). Fouling on vessels includes the to function smoothly in protected areas, there non-indigenous bryozoans (Amathia verticillata and is a significantly lower probability that species Bugula neritina), on which several non-indigenous associated with meridionalisation and bioinvasion species of crustaceans (Amhipoda, Isopoda) and in such an environment will cause consequences seaslugs (Opisthobranchia) live. to the native flora and fauna. On the other hand, coral bleaching is a matter of concern, as this Conclusion phenomenon is entirely dependent on above- average summer sea temperatures. In this case, Given the recent changes in the Mediterranean the reintroduction of young stony corals to make sea environment, which result in the arrival of up the damage caused by coral death would be non-indigenous species and species related to reasonable.

31 Torre del Cerrano – Strunjan Twinning Programme MPAs/SPAMIs

2. Conclusion

The SPAMI TWINNING between Landscape Park collaboration where one’s experience becomes Strunjan (Slovenia) and the Torre del Cerrano Mari- another’s project (Photos from 41 to 53). To con- ne protected Area (Italy), promoted by SPA/RAC-U- clude, we want to thank all those who contributed NEP/MPA, can be considered, between work me- to the success of the project and in particular the etings and sharing of experiences involving local SPA/RAC and Dr. Saba Guellouz for her professional populations , an excellent example of cross-border skills and hearty participation.

41-43. The delegation of the Torre del Cerrano MPA (Italy) at Landscape Park Strunjan (Slovenia) to share work experiences within the framework of the SPAMI Twinning Programme, April 2019

44. Presentation of work in progress during the twinning programme Torre del Cerrano-Strunjan 2019 led by Dr Saba Guelloz, responsible of the SPAMI Twinning Programme (Landscape Park Strunjan, April 2019)

32 Torre del Cerrano – Strunjan Twinning Programme MPAs/SPAMIs

45. The summit of the Torre del Cerrano MPA (Italy) together with the 46. Director Fabio Vallarola showing to the Landscape Park Strunjan staff delegation of Landscape Park Strunjan (Slovenia) visiting the region of the peculiarities of zoning during a visit to the Torre del Cerrano Marine Abruzzo in June 2019 Protected Area in June 2019

48. Release of Caretta caretta with the Cetacean Studies Centre in June 2019 in Pescara

47. The Director of Landscape Park Strunjan, Robert Smrekar, during an excursion to the inland of the Torre del Cerranto MPA with the staff of twinned marine protected areas (SPAMI Twinning), June 2019

33 Torre del Cerrano – Strunjan Twinning Programme MPAs/SPAMIs

49-53. Rome, 19 November 2019: SPAMI Twinning – Workshop at the Ministry for the Environment, the Protection of Natural Resources and the Sea al

34 Torre del Cerrano – Strunjan Twinning Programme MPAs/SPAMIs

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3.1 Sitography

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