XXXYIUTH CONf.RE8S-nB- ST BK5SI0S. ment, and the Government haa stopped that. S.i . March 14. BATCHEIOIVS DYE, Lt r T port cf - sV.n-- for V co-- right?, which WiSHissToy, Mar.b 13. St. Lorn, HAIR I r' tad t up ir r,;tt;t:citl March 15. Notwithstanding contra liction", WORLD. tt-- rfll commanding the District of Washington, TUJt BUST THIS JOURNAL. WW 1 :.f. I e n 1 '.yo'i Geif Grant's exact poesitioj, ai e ,j tint- General Fisk, IS WEEKLY AT graiurt'iy BCioch" trn in- SEKATi. tte plan of exchange adoutel by Gea. Butler celebrated Dalr Dye CJOIiKL FPANK ir.TS triEJII of was ed ith llalleck enl with the relation of the St. Lcni?, Las j ast returned from a tour of WILLI Ail A. EATCHELOR'S p cKi!irccmcnt the rctiiiaa, dif The Senate reconsidered iti action of has ben rejected by tbe War Department, and a color not to b from oatoraa, Numerous bant3 froduaa man, fro LEIIKOTOM.KT. Lot v would be sUvcj. eiyerel amies ia the West, coalinue3 an ob- spection in the Southeast. dituuihed V1 a2"Tte:eamer C. E. III. a t. aittant iter guerillas have beea committing depreda- in the passage of tbe House bill de- exchanges on that basis have been stopped. warranted not to Injurs tha Qjur In the Uut; rcmedie fil-?- Wolf-i- speech by stating ject of general discussion and mystification. of 31 Thofe cf enr to hear the Col. d clcse'J Lii Mil Louis Menu-his-, .UcVei oa TtursJay wqj fining the rank, pay, aad emolument! of cf-- 111 drem, to iru wen there Were always iu Th:s much, however, be positively stated : tions in that section end corttieast Kan?e, ia soma tha eff.tcta ot and th Hair for . ferh of th's disT'T'!ni?el Kenoky trat he awrre that but cer3 of the army. l;'w"If Longstreei moving, as say bl Instantly toon opposite Ia'.ind IS, ty a of pao;.-1m- this city oa Thursday trembly "tim,"S Gen. Grant has gone West to mike soma end some bands are preparing lor more extru- Ufa. GRAT, RZD, or RC3TYHA12 torn tni lielodeon ia cveiy tubiic Energetic Mr. Sumner presented tbe petition of one be is, upon Knoxville, he will probably git ,landid leaving ILklt won aa ? o apprehended, be re- m.i'ie it tbeir business to final arrargrraents for the armi?s in tb; south- sive operations in ihe spring. Black Brora. lh Carper bcinp tbelmt tare lest a treasure which ran never end informers" wbo de- de- - - patron-ap- com- are being taken to drive out or bundled citizens ot Louisiana of African knocks there he will forever b.aatiful. Eo;j by an Drurji-- te. pur- paired. The time, the occasion, the c'reum-EUxec- report to tbe fotmtiins of power nd e west, and to torn over their immediate meamres such hard that Lad lauded on the ArVansas fbor? fjr the scent to be allowed to vote in tbe reorganiza- - A. BATCHX- - fAe oppociiion to them. mand to Gen. W. T. Sherman, cf Obio. Ha stroy ail such bauds and establish lar aul the name of tbe place Kaock tVTb Genu ina alcned WILLIAM erd n an, ail conspire to render wla. was said ia lie tion Louisiana. The petition ia approved a'terwarda write pose ot woodicg, and mnuj of tie pss:s;jers he faitb-ful'- y, E ist, and tbe next order tbrouBboct this department. cf IX K on the four tide 5w. ir one of the most significant and important CrtHed upon them to report what raid ill then return to tbe Lou- ae; bank, iron-cla- turreted gnnboats were by Anthony Ferdandez, President of tbe ville. TOKY tad, M um&l, "trolled out the i fforis that the present terrible crisis of tbs and among ether things, tbey might movement of the Army of the Potomac will Two VAI Bcl Hire, flw Tru a Caroudc-le- t isiana Association of the Veterans of tbo VTr BrwultcayN.J Bond "TalYOlAld twcLtj-fiv- e 41 r. Lmcola, if be desired to know Le made under his personal supervision. launched at on Suadiy. Chops. The Henderson, Ky., Reporter lLaU Hi mndi & ithea a. party of from twenty to i.atiou's hit tor has called forth. The iLfim As;osia-tio- r, Tin j ttoee ia the army whom he coaiiaered Gen. W. F. Smith, sometimes known as Cairo, March 11. cf 1812, founder of the first Union raerlllaj tudJcnlj made tbeir appearaace was the presentation to him of a wtht and a member of the Central Committee says of the wheat crop in that se rtion: cpUndid sword, pistols, 6uit-a-fc his mir.iocs thought of his official course, Gen. Baldy Smith, the officer who was once Fivo hundred new recruits from Iosva, for A Farm, opened fire upon the seh, aai spur?, for the organization of a free S.ete; by Thoa. It gratifies us to state that the ia this Fine tte vooda, and Lis feilow-citizen- t; tbet "tbeir opinion was that he was a tccu5ed of real drunkenness in aa action oa tbe South, have arrived. wht T"NrltR GMil ULllVAll tea to rank, by a portion of our tyrani Com- ia ao badly as at s i Genuine Preparations Lulia g was J. Duract, President of tbe Free State section not injared fin fj? IIrtiD rnnntT. steamer and those who were oa shore, but, instead cf its being a mere and a usurper," who was seeking, by overtiJ-ir- the Peninsula ia a Senate debate, aal WAsniKr.TOS, March 7L1 w.ll sol.! or f. .r I T'vil h- - It. and represents In maay piacas, where it wua thoogbt kiv.r. all constitutional subsequently eionernted, and who lately mittee, other citizens. It that nrar llii wily. jlmi tbU w acol-lera- and wouadicp t'.ght commonplace acknowledgment of eu?b a barriers aud limitations, is recon- , ioH.ilj Iaium td a nepro, It understood that the Seaate will all are owners of property, and many e wheat was entirely YU'el b thac-ll- office. ' ' hi?h-es- t to trample upon the liberties of his country. been serving under Hooker ia tha We3t, is hu Lead spring line being out, compliment, it proved to be ose of tbe struct tbe IIouso bill providing for tho estab- iu the pursuit of commerce, and coming cut again, and promises to yieil aa ether. The and Torts of a patriot fully imbued wi'.b But we shell follow Col. Wolford no fart'aer, now down with the Potomac army, and tbe hive t lishment of a Bureau of Freedmia'a Affairs. been paying taxes for forty-nin- e years; and, average crop. in low places ia tbo wheat axd a Etrorg wind blowicfr oa tLore, it that devotion to country which pitriot-b- end will conclude this very imperfect notice general belief is that he is to have immediate Olj JOICTi J. BATLT. XLT05 ft. GtrroitT. his Gen. Meade'3 friends are making very ac- at the call of Governor Shtpley, tbey raisa! seriously burr. lii-SK- J. UAVI3. BAil'i. W. VAN CI LIS. teemed impossible to pet the into tbe alone engenders ot a statesman whoe ot his address by rtmiiki.ig that it was oae copomend of it. He is only a Briga tive exertions to have him relieved of tbe tte first colored regiment ia forty -- four hoar.', qies-tio- Grant is said to have specially The Plymouth, Marshall coiatv, Ialiaaa, atrttm. Finally, however, Cap4-- Canon, capacious mind gra?ps the momentous of the boldest and most manly speeches tint but Gea. command of the army of the Potomac, but JOEL J. EA!LY CO., and of a soldier who hes ever been made to our people. It is cead-le- requested that he Ehould be appointed to fill norss. ssys wheat crop that dect.-ha.n- eu of tbe hour hu tbeir chances of success are E.iii to be very Republican of tho ia i A'T' wili CL&rles Wessins, a needed battle- vsicatit ia tha regular Tbe House tben resumed the coasiJeration imperilled bis li'e npon innumerable to add that it was received with the most the slim. county : in cutting the line, when the boat swans out. fields ia defence of that glorious government rapturous applause by the iargs audience as- army caused by his owa promotioa to tbe of the gold bill. Importers and Jobbers, With the exception of the single fact that Mr. Several intelligent farmers ia faUcouatv, of of the KueriUas, more daring than their hich was handed down to us by our ances- sembled oa the occasion. Lieutenant Generalship. for Giiswold advocated the bill. A lint wns Gea. Wadsworth has left the city Fortress Mr. Mr. whom we have uiade iaquiriea the Witk tO. KOBTU THIRD 6TSKiT, tors S a legacy of blood. Coming, too, from Gen. JJpade in the city ia tho winter, ia G. called up Boutwtllof put as Succeeded in getting on board and tON(iilESS-KIIt- ;T Monroe, tbeie not a shadow of fouadvioa wht-a-t cc:ara3, de- IXXVIUTU bESSIOM. willing to give up Mass., who caused a letter to b9 from concerning tbe growing crop, say it ia by Way Co.), - I rtnk Wolfoid a man who signalizsd his and wns quite the command for the report seat this noon in relation to read the (Up!y occnplfd J. T. i far the boiler-dec- k, but were prevented March 12. Army. Ha is now Secretary of t her Treasury, ba.ily damaged, anl cannot poJioiv maae ai at viation to bis country upon tho breaking out Wabiiisgtox, of the Potomac quite as the exchange of prisoners. in which he siys, HOUSE. to do so. He ia in bad health, how on tho l!)ih February, ha addressed a letter ball a crop. proceeding further by several soldiers, who cf the rebellion by raising the first reziment unwilling Gen. Butler will not be iaterfere l with in cf PliilAclolpliln, r, The Honcc set apart for spsect-mali-in- f. thi3 i3 likely to be made tbs occa- to tbo Committee oa W ays and Meana, aslsiag brarelj faced them ender a galling fire. The in Kentucky to be wielded for its eupprcs-fio- ever, and the exchange of prisoners. Tbe whole subject for the Louisville JuurnaS.I AMtTL W. TAN CrtIM flat" 9"tr,Tan rJr.Jia, who hfs been uninterruptedly sion of relieving him, whether he ia willing for authority to eell gold, and he had not yet Otaor l .hi dny Mltui(iJ prtn-- r n vir rilot-bcus- rid- ia the still rt mains in his EELMBOLD'3 e of the steamer was prfeol'.y Mr. of Indiana, argued is now, and has been ever baud. changed his opinion as to the desirability of corr. t W comiiu, aa iiarcwbra, kaofarail eervice for the last three years, and who, as Holman, aTatnst or cot. He tere B03T0X, March 14. otil Among tbe wounded, Po- Euch a measure. TO TEIESP3 Of FEDERAL rHIS')SEK3 aKrtmtct ded with bulletrbolea. btfore remarked, baa ricked bis life almost the po.icy of tbe Presi- since Grant returned from his viait to the Private advices state that the rebel pirate Tilt car-air- y, is Mr. Dunman, of protested against hOW IN THE HASD1 VT THE KMMT. were lUjar Main, cf the lit Mi3s:s:.ppi ever day duiing that period it was calcu- dent, whose duty it to execute laws, aal tomac army. Rappahannock left Franc9 privately on the Pa, the HGSIEEY, determination to come Treasury being turned iato a broker's shop, Marcb 3, 130 . the shoulder; Lieut. late! the more to command the rerpectful at- Let nislte them. General Grant'3 East 20ih and a Fortrkss Moxrje, Genuine Preparation! A. D, severely ia -- of February, armed with six Runs bill'. GLOVI'S, tention and then fall ul cousi-eraii- of bis Mr. Hubbard spoke in favor of tbe bellig and give his personal attention to raovemant.3 and would continue to vote against the Cavalry, in tbe foot; two ricked crew, who hd been paid ia advanc. Tto undersigned, membsra of the "Board ot ft fcioutier.lSth IUicoii ltilow-citizec- s. 1 j erent right to declare flares of rebel3 free. would seem to indicate that this is to be the Without notion on the oil bill, and after GEKTSTTJIl?nSIIIIi"G GOODS, be time, too, ast after tbe Her cruising grounds, it wa3 reported, will ba ' Di?!ribution" lately confined in Libby Prijoa, 11 r. ot tbegsa-l- operations. But, on tbe o;h- - considerable debate tho House adjourned. civilians, the and three deck i nuance of an order for the enr jimeut oT tae Luniont noticed the remarks l thratie of active the Equator and the China seas. feel lhat the greatest favor tbey can coifer oa SMALL WARES, men who bad heretofore complaiael that tho r hand, his personal friendship for General EIQULT CQZCSSTZATZir ttaads. Tbe soldier who was killed during regress ia Kentucky to be drifted into Waptiisotojj, Washihston, March 15. their unfortunate comrades ia to call the at- GOODS, army, vio- original purpose of the war had been pervert- She: man is so great that the friead3 cf tbo March It. Orders, No. 100. WHITE on shore at the tine, and tbe United S a'es ia utter General tention ot their friends and familiea La tbe the attack was the ed to abolitionism. He would like to know insist he would not be to tbe The news of Giovernor Bramlette's protest iTErrrivu o EJUBEOIDEHIES, &C, lation of her St its sovereignty, and in latter asignd North to the following sngg.'stions: m po D guerillas, with a cit- - vig- against the enlistment of slave3 ia Kentucky, Washim, ton, filjrtli II, ) - co 0 a fell into the bands of the delegation of tbe clearest provisions ever whenlhtse same grntlemen had yiel lei a command of tbe armies in tha Southwest if lrl 1st. Bcxc3 should not exceed twelvs cubic Wh!ch aro r.prJ wll at tb lowxt market contained in a d?3patch thia morning from In order to supply the forca SoUr an 01 our acucX, ixea whose came was not learned. iren the force cf law by constitutional orous ssjpnrt to the putting down of tae that were not considered a desirable position. reqaireito te feet, ft?et feet r Hit rxamwaiiua Frankfort, produces ronsilerabla excitement navy, ade- or two sq'iare and three loa. yimra, n; made the views of this distinguished rebellion. Tte idea that tbe South would It is estimated at the War Department that drafted for tbe and to provila aa 21. Tbey invaria'oly be stoutly l.i.uAt among politicians. The fueling among tha quate reserve force for all contingencies, ia ehoulJ aad DAILY & But little basicf33 wa3 Eettackian deep'y iateretting. No pueni'e enter into no negotiations short of a the number of new ealistmeats uader thi call securely bound with iron hoops. JOEL J. CO., FLUID EXTRSCT B'JCHU' EaiaacM Siwa. up Union members of Congress is etronglv ia addition to the r.00,000 men called for Feb'y H North t. cjy of "copperhead" could be raised agia :t recognition of tbeir bcus Confederacy for DOO.000 men ia all the Statca, to April 3d. Coffee, teo, sugar, flour, tobacco, and ho TiirJ transacted at the Barracks yealerJay. favor of a broad and manly policy i a Ken- 1st, 1804, call ia hereby made and a (January) 1st, nich a man by chimney-corne-r heroes who was ridiculous. There were traitors ia 1. will foot up 200,000. A draft will certainly tte draft articles of a like character should te pat FHiiADCLrnta, first month 1A. ?.y tucky, and it is believed that the President 200,000 ser- ia Tbe Sd Ohio cavalry, two hundred aad fW n cpon the infallibility of the decrees of the free States, some of them runa- be required for tbe quotas of Kentucky and ordered for men for tha military stout paper cr canvaa bag?. ways from War Department con- cecnot and will not recede from tbe position vice, army, navy, and marine corpj of tha men, arrived from borne, on their power; and yet, we venture to say, that no tbe Sjuti, who were knowa as Meryiand. Tbe still 4rb. All perishable articlea shoal 1 be ex- call for 200,009 be has taken. It ia not rcea why Kentucky United States. The proportions and epotaa was man in the nation has ever arraigned tbe poor white trash. They were amongst tbe templates a further men. cluded, as tending to injure the retaaiaiag II. Cuwni, way to He front. This one of the earliest should te treated ia any way different from for tho different wards, township, of iioskiuatiita. Cash. Br. bx. How dominant party with more manly bol most earnest against the war, and maintained The findings of the Court of Inquiry ia the town?, content?. L: Fcjilirf :! Fpecii: 2e:J7 sent to the field by the re-e- other border slave States. , cavalry regiments and more withering invective, lie that tbe boldieg f slaves was a proof of ca?e of Gea. McUook, is that he did his whole precincts, or election districts of counties will 5th. Under no circumstances shoill arti- B. Chickamauga Kentucky members iniist that there 13 some be made known through the Provost Marshal Ja. State of Ohio, and it has rendered effi:ient charged Mr. Lincoln with wantonly tram- ctability. Such men deserved to be elect- c'uty in the battle of proper, but cles cf a contraband natnre, Ba?tt aa liquora, Cbriatiaa County. ed to the Congress. He noticed tbe committed a mistake, arising not from mistake nbout tbe despatch, anl deny that General's Bureau, and account will ba takea en-ic- pling upon the constitution crushing rebel clothe?, bo in all its movements whh the armies and Bromlette can bave taken any sach position as the deficiencies wiaea, money, or citizena seat. under tbe iron heel of military power the cf ilr. Cox, and referred to his book, of persona! safety, but from aa of credits and of former quotas. prohibition ia imperative, scruti- PHELPS, CALDWELL, & CO, of the Southwest. The old 31 has carved for ia attributed to him. 15th 1804, ia designate! Tbe aai tne rights of the people guaranteed by that "T he B uokeye A broad." error of judgment by going into Chattanooga, The day of April, ny most thorough. Every box ia which tbey itself m bright history, and the people now ilr. Cox said he was tired of hearing such The Court fire's Gea. Crittenden fiee from The Preside at has received a despatch from as tbe time up to which the numbers required BLADDK't. KIDST, (IRITKI, ii strctuent; be charged him with violating announcing thou- are difcovre'd u liable to conSacation. LOUISVILLE proudest enunciate! slang uttered here to a slim house. all blame as to his conduct ia tbe battle, an Arkansas that over twelve from each ward of a city, town, etc., may be )'riend3 tail it as one of the ornaments of kis solemn pledge, as repeatedly l sand of the inhabitants have taken the oath To the of the enlisted men, we would commencement administration, Some cce reminded ilr. Cox that the speech justifies his going iato Chattanooga oa tb9 raised by volunteering. Ealistmeata or drafta emphatically say, send nothing excepting ToLacco Warehouse, Ftale. at the of his prescribed in his amnesty proclamation, be of a most ilt as to tbe purposes of the war; he charged to which he objected was from a Democrat. grounds that all his command had been trans- will made ia each ward city, towa, letters. Cornar Main and Tenth Street. Th M?dlcta tm pawr of IHsrrton aal infantry, three to the reconstruction of the State which filled as- eic-- tn Jti"iil)t..'iTjiih actj'jrj, Tte id If lanesota tunlred Lim with a violation of the rules of civilized Ilr. Cox replied that Mr. Dutnont was a ferred to other Generals ia tbe course of tbe etc., shall cot have tha quota In rnaiirg thes9 recommendations, we I, O II S V C , II T. r:t"!y on h I I L L hKi th a.iii.'iir oj i.'.iL':;. : vids-sprea- Democrat. to gen- consequently hs did nothing Government the principle. signed to it within tte time designated for the t-- i f y rr terans, are en route for the front, wtrfare in the indiscriminate, i renegade He then referred action, end that wccld rot be understood as charging tbe Con- WBliIP TO "LOCIiVILLS" WABSiiOCSS and a:l rXV.ITi.iiX.IL H A ara ll, number required to fill said quotas. The m . M ixdaj-.t'- i i 4 A joyed a furlough among the friends ruin w bchbe was sowuz broadcast through- tlemen coming here like schoolboys and using but his duty in reporting to Gen. Rosecrans Coixunrs, March 14. federate Euthoritit3 wita want of faith or vhicb kaa amp! ttorae asl tacHi'ies fbr prompt iiiiii .a, an fowdi Lav rg tr soon lor Jlm-- i, WQ OmtiLiji&J. charged in- - tbe slang and tra;h picked up danag tbe week ia person. Both Generals, McCook and It ia reported that there was a diff- drafts will te commenced a3 after t'ae ow- Mir. mar3t dlraAw f ilJ, i4 their Ur northern State. Tte gallant 21 out tbe South; he him with the to carry cut tbeir pledge3; bat, c! scpuration of a policy for the prosecution of and eending it to the country as good speeches. Crittenden, have been ordored to report for iculty to day between tbe copperheads and 15th of April bs practicable. The Govern- ing to the scarcity of transportation and tbe Adjutant-Genera- l, ment now paid, will to wxVlxrcoia's earliest pride, and the men the which was not only unconstitutional It was a farce. The same oil stuff reiterated duty to the and expect to Eeveral fur'.oughed soldiers at Bacyrus, Craw- bounties, a3 continue uncertainty aa to the whereabouts of the per- ui ri! 1, 1SG A HAN OP A THOUSAND. k be to immediately. At t, at which tima ths v tr.-e-d the etorm-ehoc- ef battle as atd en ire, but the inevitable result of which about which he wrote when a schoolboy. He assigned command ford county, in which three soldiers were adlitioaal son addressed, it ia almost aa impossibility to favored the social condition of tbe negro. No particular?. bounties cease. Oa and after that date oao wculd be to prolong the war, if indeed it Net York. March 13. shot. secure tbe deliverv of any narkagea. Physician :c.j a He sturdy oaks of their native State No fool prisoners buLdred dollars only will ba pail, as provide! IT. JA.tlES, a Retired of r at EEL?.3CLD!3 EXTRACT BUCHU ever ended in peace, and, if successful, would one but aa idiot or a would draw such By the arrival of the steamer Morning Star About one thousand rebel wera (Signed; JAMES L. SANDERSON, DH. ia tHa E Jt f j.iia. before the howling wind of the winter a conclusion. sent from Camp Chase to Fort Delaware to- ty acts approved July 22, 1S01. Lteut,-Co- a certn:n. for uroncnii'i, lund ta utterly dee troy constitutional freedom as frctu Havana we bave intelligence l. and C. S 1st A. C c.n irl,t':Dimo".on. A"im, may feel proad The Chairman (Mr. Dawes) called Mr. Cjx day. ABRAHAil LINCOLN. C'oczha. Coiu', an Oeiierol hubi'.ity. The gtorm. Thi yourg State well If it bad fallen under the blows of armed re- to tbe S.h iubt (Signed) ALEX. VON SCHR0D2U, aa-- objerre wm or Lim ipi a' cir emu, a ber second regiment of retcran Tolcnteers. bellion. And notcnly did he charge these to order, and required him to the Havcna journals contain copious extracts uairo, Marcn 14. Knoxville, March 14. Lieut-Co- l , A. I. G. 1 V.h A. C. ter, siren Bp to H.icbi J w cured, u i ia XTahJts cf Twentv-seve- a s h ci. - Arliia 2 "8m Excesses, tfDisil m'ea. from Mobile papers showing Sher- are now lying at A lleutenpnt engaged in recruiting for the 11. now alive and we'l. l"elr. bo;!tu hufl- th rigs, but be cited the acts of the Presiient late that (Signed) S. AuCHEtt, will to aolmode who wfc..i 109 ra Two tundrel and fifty recruits reported 11 r. Cox said he would do so, but why the Red ready for the coming L he seed it patiaa, Iadiscrwtida, Atvse, tis party es proof to which there could dil man's expedition createl tbe greatest alarm mouth of River, lit nited States (colored) heavy artillery, Lieut -- CoL 17:h Iowa Iafantry. ciw. eontiainv full dirwrioi for uaai'i ard ao Er!7 tr from Columbus, O. They will be forwarded ottered no Euccesstul refutation. not the Chairman call the gentleman froai In- there. Tte Federal troops are charged with expedition up that stream. Tbe ram Avenger wt3 shot yesterday, near Louisville, by a eewfnlly n"'ijr, thi rn!iy. orj receipt "f thir It Bkmea, with ataaips to fr,e Thers ia ArTMDSO WIT3 THS P0LL01TT39 ITX?TOIU: j. diana to order for his gross psrsoaaltLs. outrages. Las probably joined the lleet. rebel citizen. to prei. to Nashville TLe most vile and of all the urns taiing committed incredible a inglci-- of e'DfiTurtion 'i-.- t it Jo? no at Mr. Blisp, of Ohio, a speech spoke of tbe By of the War Eagle we have "t Inm Pow. with wh:cb the country has ever been a!!lict-e- i in Tte steamers Fauaio and Syreu arrived at tbe arrival The caia went to Morristown yesterday. mahkisd, Ofra taka hold of m l'liu.pitj. , lDrfbrro'tttca aa Cxrtin, of r, Thirty conralcsceaU were received from Democratic party adiainkteriag tea govern- the latest news from Vicksburg. The report3 iubne of tha f.ilnra of im Inw,.! emty, T'imeniv ol S.oaihraf, Nflisf.n on tbo 2."iih with cargoes of cotton at tne front. At h WnlnTit street Jtoth Kiiat (.'hntrh, on Thm- - imtatirn l abolitionism received no favor at the Aiiqnict t.i:-- it, 11 Imt. Weak I v. i:n, various points. They are men that have been ment for so mary year?, and a.ncring strictly of a fight at Yazoo City sre meagre. It dav niorn:ns. v J. W. liriuh, Ur. Ji-- i d'ttictilt eTPctoraiion. pti' the 'r Sorts bends cf this gallant Kentuckiaa. He de- f;cn Wilmington, having run the blockade. i'efcc has been ratified with the North Cia throat, chilly mmtinnt. ni.e at t'no tr in. Herroref I W!t,ire, to the letter atd spirit of the constitution, aal Mews from Vera up seems that the first report wa3 mucV x3gger- - Carolina Chcrokccs. Those recently action of the bowels. wtHtic ..f taa mnele. I ini"ie of V lion, Paih in the trclen fiewn ty exposure and severe daty ia nounced its advocates ss the enemies of tbe has been received Cruz captured u mt thus securing to the nation tbe bles3ing3 it ed. 1 re 11th are reported a;I right, iiiiBMua'.w e.airw nana.j aWThe wTi'f r will plena ' th ern of taa pa-- Vi veretl the F'nehia. tb Body, uLtry; disturbers or the public peace and lo March 1st, and from the city of Mexico up iliinois say that tbey were iaduced to take up arma Liideof w tte field. They will require rest and light so competent was ptr tney ace tnia auiiieni-'.- r m m.'" dMnt, jtr'i.'O th lac. reenters of strife; and, while he was ia was to bestow. He attributed to February 20 ;b. The report that President though the fighting severe. ODder the belief that they were ngbtiaa for CiAPrxK.'S A CO . T. it liij PaliiA Lonnion aan. Jgtt to restore them to health. a can- Ma tied, r.Z Second t., , tha Skin. t:.oi ght, word, and deed every inch a Union our troubles to the election of sectional Juarez, had" resigned ia denied in a letter by rive companies, under command of a the United States Government. Two were At M Tsiilcsrr, in ri.-9- i coanty. Ky., an itnr- - wly North l'hHdxlhi T. iryno( by ft, in kUyearof lii agu, Uu.ouel Fifty convalescents and two prisoners were he did not to say that they were didate contracted fanaticism, which sought bim self. jor, were Eurrounded ia a sort of fort, and permitted 10 go in search of tbe band aad day, llr-- the Thea aymptriwia. If a'.tnwad ta w on, walcfc tkl rosD, hea'ate 1.1.EKSOSI . 1UEI jTON. auoa to sbridze the constitutional rights of tbe all parts of tbe country come3 intelli- called upon twice to eurrenaer, winch tney represent the real facts. Tbeir chief Tu:ka-neec- meuicuue mvariaoi7 remote, fcllw fjrwarded to Nashville in the morning. rs cangercus to the repcas and perpetuity or Frcm On FHtnrday nieht, the 12th int., Mrj. KLrBrTn South. The President's plan of reconstruc- refused, were few , tbe Uni6n as the secessionists themselves. gence of the occupation of varioui towns by ir.u;gaantly lhoir assailants came in a days since with thirty WrtTiintrnaii, viilutv of tlm I lr. Hwilin M. IMPOTISCT. IATX'ITT.tPII.XPTIC PITS, tion was and as absurd and troops. The French have also had naily compelled to retire. of tbe tribe aad accepted the amnesty. Since tVtalliirtoul, utcet4, in tlie silth year of her Lt Own Homo. Cavalry. Oa our Tbeir fanaticism knew no limits to unconsti- the French ai. Toir A - of which the parent erijirs. Who eaa Fiira Kistcckt Uordi-dcr- TLe gone to Vicksburg 15 Ar.- - ri'HtirSASPSfAS CEALIS HISDSJD mv Ins arpTessicn: and to acquire them-fclv- impracticable. a cavi.1 success. Their war ccrvctto e had with cot tbe return ol tee luaiaas to loyalty, the roDeU In this ciJy. on tha ltth imtant, r. n:. nsil exceat li.y they ar by thjee tutional for jr, ami 1 of of 1 LtM VEKKLV. Ca iirel it tr.uaauy loiMd first per will be found a letter from Colonel Mr. Grinnell noticed the remark which Mr. Mexi- ton, and would bring back supplifa and for r B'D'.i:, !i'eJ jimu mouth, (.ueaa lha ton pro'tjri -1 in 7 power sad pelf they scrupled not captured and tock iato Saa B!ez, tave committed numerous outrages oa them. iiiui-ss- . at in irvrr trn3vho''i p"r rest dirtfcl diaeHJ,', at luugi, alter a paiiilui which is important to the ab- Cox tad concerning him; namaly, that co, vessel San Francieoo. formerly En- ge. (Jen. tlurloa. ana stall had arrived at Twenty Lave been thrown into prison. detmni awpie aa fl nr. It ia the fraa'et dioTry O. L. Bddwin, trt.rcplicg upon the laws, overturning consti- the aa Tbe The fiienda, nnr are they few, cf FrwBD.J Sirn- - of t irt c iUr aerit a r i "f ti he wculd cxprers h'S astonishment f.t any-thi- Raglaa rrr.pbis. rest Ere concealed ia tbe n w pe s tliaf. L t. sentees of the regimect. There are miny who tutions, and plunging the nation into irre-- glish steamer, with Lord on board mouataias. rA niy ihi ir to lus oa. it rjurw u run. atarupi for ittnrn pTr'tnge. C. it S ) ar awar a the ean of ITietr an from Hj Grin-- ct Progress from is Ihe exile ttre n I hw i 4I N, 7 Ne ftanv Jric, bat decent bim Grinneli . v. despatches from Juarez. Tbe steamer Arkansas river There was eoma siieht skirmishing vc at liuio frier. atd home. '.f wt BK0 So Elnirrit.. Vori. ji J ton.'-et- . Th ;i ier&Lle anarchy and ruin. ilh y, Vav coiii- - Bor e wiii rwrtlof .rfnm are away without leave, aad some have 11 never raised bis arm to assault a man ia arrived at Memptis with 2,000 bale3 cotton. beyend ou Sntnrd tbe IJtti, ou binr'l tiny L.,ilo, an') th melaiuhn'.y dentha by inn He relerred to the remark that tiew istuet WASiincaTOS, March 13. teidey, Morriatown, ia wbka tiie Ig IrCIU 1 HdUCkD. l.'mnmfitou, aaaf doc btic-s- contemplated desertion; ta all each bis life, but repudiates tbe foul slander ia tbe Ccl. Jones was killed. VTanted, Split Brooai. tucit wiu. eaa w Um tt uia uf kie aaasr:MiA. Lad arisen since the outbreak of tbe rebellion, A speeinl to tte Times says Gen. Grant re- Hi.AL";t.' AiiTsr.s Aemyof the Potomac, ) rcbel Sndiien'v, on the m.irr.Ing o th I'tS inf nt, at S TTTE WISHTO KVilf I' 'EN if !CK..."tT SPtTT audacity and bare remark of that member. i;o ol Arl.-- g 11 ih o-- be promises every honorable effort to have atd gave it his emphatic contra iictioa. The enly ten days. He reor- March 14. J All quiet Tbe rebels are supposed cluck, ' Vit, Jiiia it, II lor whkh we will l.'J mgat mar- coxsTiTfri', wixa Mr. iioiman turns here for will vt Let ago. e. ias aptctj to-d- reminded lie. Gricaeil that to be force at Bull's Gap. tiht Jtar ket pri them restored to duty without trial, if they i tee was the same that it was then. ganize the Army of the Potomac and head it3 Gen. Meade returned to the army ia W. B VP A CO. Mr. Cox was not in his seat, Attbeieidencei f Ccrrse P. rrnt:c. MreH teu .iwlwlm BEI.vS - -, TLe question at that tima was "iSai'l tbs re-- lint movements in the field in spring. Gea. )3 health seercs to be' excellent, aad tbe re-- FoRTBEsa Mo.vttos, March 1J. 11th. scu of .. L. U..i:io KwjiTr-.- t all f mi;: !na to and 'vfrvm during all this month. After the 1st Grinnell said he knew that, but ilr. l'lBTia, ilUli til f. .T.'-- wVili jf M lix.ion be put down, the cmoa maintained ilr. Smi'h my receive its commaad. orts in regard to bis resigaatioa are said to Tl e fl ig of truce steamer New Yoik ar Taj lor. CALL ASO SIS THI XZW C w measures Cox p1 left tbe fcs'.l like a coward. THJ r SICUU tuMrebij tiuva. A QUI WiJ eo. cf Af ril be ill take vigorous to end tbe Constitution prercrved, with ail tbe Lieut. CoL Sanderson ia under arrest on tbe be without foundation. rived thia evening. In SinnHonrilie, Ky., at th of W. A. vmc toe aioet uejiioai. arrest and punishment. any gusrantred rights under unimpaired, Mr. Ilolmaa esid the gentleman might not ly MrIoweil, on tie 2'th tl Ketruiry, 14, Jons Li. procure their If it or charge preferred by Col. Straight cf d sc'osi'jg Washisgtox, March 14. Captains r nn and Sawyer aad Gen. Don ilADti x, in ths 'jwh -- ar ot bis ';e. HAKD-L00S- 1 tbtul the rebellion be successful, the Union use such terms if Mr. Cox were present. plot have arrived here. FABIILY deluded yourg men are known to good Union Mr. Grinnell said tho sarcasm of Datuoat to tbe rebel authorities the of th9 Unioa TLe following important order has iust Id tbi citv, Jlnrch 15, at 20 minute, ! 1 A. M., d esolver, nl tbe government destroyed?" prisoners to escape from I.ibby PrUoa. None There is nothing later about Geairal Sher- v. Javf- - li. ) N, p iitor of it ?hl'v mreet U. cithers as being in this category, the kindest r.Ed r.if.rr-e.- the etc n' Ionian from Ohi.v who been published: K. t limch, 3.'y. i..i.iiih, a.i.l It d yt. Kow la cperitl'.a at J. I. Bonlarait'a SeadA'or, It was uot whether the rebellion should bs ' i ; i i i , ,u i cf bis friends nave aDV doubt cf hi3 innocence. man's extedition. aed C03T- thould be need to induce them to . War Dep't, Adjctant Gex.'s Otfics, ) f.o. 344 Hill street t, OZ - perruations ciucbcd end tbe Consuictioa which is tbe i Ttecommissioa to in vestigate tbe conduct Tbe Richmond Examiner of the 11th coa-tci- TAui rLAlLMi Washington, 1 JUfcaiAal. repair their error. The Fifth Kentucky Cav- bend of tbe Union at tbe same time de .rVE ckaniauzah&ve fully March 12. the following: Di kin con B.;3, Gemral Orihrs, Ao. f'3. Weaves frcm 15 to 20 yards per day. Tn tntny aSect'nra pocnMnr to P(ialta tha iTirva stroyed, as ilr. Lincoln and bis followers exonerated bim fiom all blame. Charleston, March 13 Eight sheila have alry offers most desirable terms forenlUtmea. 1'r. Grinnell 6cid that 5'r. Damont bad The President of tho Lnited State3 order3 Bscha nn"iiaiiH t y any other rtnwty, aa in Ch'iv ere attempting, but whether this glorious March teen fired at the city since last report. Trf!irj!h of a Great IMscoTfTj! oam Keeniitn. Irrea iiaritr, or M old re giment,baving been raised by Col. the Democratic designs, aud taat New Yors, 14. as follows: Fur particular anj racomaienlatine from vrolt'.e t Pu(m, li at f; Iric cf our father?, with all its clu Netting new. The puMic hat ret tllerl againsf c. irinj 11 it'r Py. p 4.i4a of ATtonatim4. teertt.! .j was the sore foict; they hal opposed soldiers Advices frcm Jacksonville to the 8ih era 1st. Major-Gener- Halleck is, at hi3 own b( w celnj them la this Stat apply aa abov peno-nal'- y i.b t'.ttxx of fie I Urne. LeirtrTh, or w Eaprard ia 18CI, and Ks present commander Uring memories and sacred guarantses of Charleston, March 7. The enemy have Faehion baa foreawora thrm A atstcijas comaiaui- - f(r t hi, voting. Mr. Holman bad controverted unimportant. General Seymour was atill ia request, relieved from duty e.3 General-in- - or by letter. and all eoTviu.m rneeii,t rbe aa. - old experienced who will ctnsjtuuocal freedom, should stand as an tht kept up a slow fire cn the city. Toe position ty adopted in their Btcad wnether aroing from Lnuiacreiuiu. HLilsoi Ihaaipa-tiwu,- or is x scd soldier, point, bnt Mr. H. belonged to a very small command. Our loss at Alustee will reach ;biet ct army, Lieutenant-Genera- l hi fl J WItAwi TR. B. H. T ATI OR X. eternal monument ot tbeir wisdom, courag. tbe and of tbe fleet is unchanged. 8th Thirty-oa- e In scon tCrecruiU for active duty. Any one party the war Dcraocra's. Not eo with tbe eighteen hundred, of whom are U. S. Grant essigned to tbe command of the CIlISTAIOIiOS DYE, Ltd patriotic m. was the issue then it sheila were fired at the city y. 9 X)K DZCLTAE I n.VrtGI or LI7Z. portion of them. Ha briefly Fpoke ia siigbtly wcucJeA. United State?. headquar h and for these rawm: It nibrowns and bl;t' kem th w. n.wrPB, W. M. T, Oi who bat seen service, and possesses the requU is the istue new. He acknowledged no legit'- - luigtr armies of the Tbe Five moniters are outside morn- L of Xar of Dm-ocrat- Hiltem report tbe bar this - ite Jiaik il!a. rrnrroa aaom. purposes derogation cf McClellan, who, with his ic Head letters that tbe firing on ters of tho urmy will be in Washington, aad knir, r.ot thoK. It ia Mveg?nbU emolitnt, not a barn- ia cations of character, can obtain a irtte deviation lrcm it. The of the , ing. Ten shells were fired at Sumpter. El&ua'.if waslesgued with slavery, Fcrt Sumpur and Charleston ceased on last l?o Lieutenant-Genera- l ingfnid. It io not bor!eiue nature with blooming AMD NEW GOODS!! NO SHOULD wer were tbe came that they we:e aal wi'h Grant ia the An artillery duel h 13 beea kept un for sev- HEVJ FIRM FAillLT B2 WITZ0UTIT. cocd Lieutenant's commission by recruiting go Tuesday. ' . metallic tivgrf, produce her own lining Uon- - would down to belh field. aalSulli-lau- bat axe. It Len sir. Lincoln in tis inaugural, aud blockade-r- eral hours between Battery Gregg 's Takeao Fiin, MrcnTT,ov Cn?lmnt Sfedictsaa men for this regiment. The committse rose, aud the House The steamer Alice Turner, a small J. Mfjor-Gecer- Halleck is assigned to ccolisg efloctu lasting. H dtfiat deteciU. IwrotnlU & tor LLpitaaaut and Laugeivna thirty rt6 ky resolution, declared that they were unner, Isieiid. WEB 3, COOKE, CO., Aiaeaao. had run ashore on Tybee Island, uty ia Wcrhincton aa Chief of Stall of the araaaiorra. It never ail. i.ot fcr corquest or subjugation, nor for in Patterson, N. J , March 15. WHGLUALC IW A bloody shooting affray occurred in Nitr Yosx, March 13. nd was captured by our troop3. Army, under direction of the Secretary of Slanufarturpd J. CKISTAPOBP, Ha. Atfor EIAIZM BUCHU rJ5" terference with the domestic institausns of Tbe Press announces that Colonel McCal-lu- m Ftomp. Tork. 6old by all Drui;,:i.tK. Applied EELMSCLD'S EXTRACT A Jrcksonville letter states that Colonel end the Lientenant-Genera- l commaad- - F.astil county, Kentucky, oa the ?ih iast. tbe Stales, but simply to preserve tbe honor The Morning Star, from New Orleans the War, yesterday informed the locomotive build- br all HirrvPreMT.. m" e"IAe ha I Henry's cavalry routed Boney's rebel cavalry liia orders wiu oe ooeyed and respected Staple and Fancy 5th, via Havana, has arrived. Sue brings Villiam S. Harris, a man abat seventy years and meintain the eupremacy of the constitu on the 3d et Ne&le lliver, some distance from ers cf the place, that, unless they would tion. 1 he effort to pervert the war from tbi j 1,200 bales cf cotton. acccrdipgly. proceed at once to furnish the Government cf age, while under the infiaence of liquor, A part of Gen. Lee's cavalry had left New Jacksonville. lid. Mpior-Gener- . T. Sherman is sa-- legitimate purpose, end to make it a war te rebel force now consists of senteea with two hundred locomotives, he would IY OOODS, got into a quarrel with James W. Holt. The up n slavery, w as an issue which tbe dominant Orleans for Red river. I iirLed to the command of the miliar divi bave to seize their ebcpa and them cn Secret Diseases regiments f infantry aad two cavalry, besides sion of Mississippi, composed ot the depig- rua 426 Kaia bet. Foa'ti & Fifth, fiital perry bad no it was a startling Gen. Sherman arrived at New Orleans oa j Government account. The locomotive build- it, la ail their at little expena, Lttior aOCha quarrel rceulied in an affray and ia the rihttomake sriiilery. The Savannah News of the 21 con- hagaivs ?iag.olia dal,?i no iiic.'Uvei.ic2e,tae. -- a, 1113 ments cf tbe Obio, Cumberland, Tennessee, ia d.ut, t surpaticn ot power and, for one, he should me on ue guuooai ueane. late of capture ers have prrrsioed to comply with the de- Tula Is the Kwt delightful an4 extraordinary arti chootirg cf Eolt by Harris. The wounded is called by himself a b;g raid, ia tains an account the of tho rebel and ArkerEas. Loiiisvillo, denounce it es without the color of right, &r,d $20,000. mand on them. cle ever dioovsre4. It chasrea tha fac ABS SOW IN BECE'PT OP A TKBT in few minutes after receiving the Lisa cargo, vslued at 4th. Mejor-Gener- J. B. McPherson i3 man died a justice, cr constitutional jusuncanoa. tbe course of which be reached a point tea Caiso, March 15. and banrla to ft pearty iitia UxtTire cf raTkhln baaa WK and weil a lected tork of Stipla nd Faucy It eacae and ftrpnrk a The Missifsirpian reports that 400 deserters to the commsnd of the department of Ao., Ac, all eutireiy ne fnwii e!r,,u ot .ro..rM shot. Harris left bis victim dead, and nothinj lie reterredto toe recent order lor tne en- miles east of Meridiaa without aay serious The steamer Perry from Memphis has ar- taipartlnz the poriy of yonta aad tha dim- - IKT LTIO., Cr na;e, tser.i rt;noi i.Hia, e.Tatfn ia Jones county bave organized, and resist of the Tennessee. tr. tcail aod well ao turnd, and adapted to tha Taaceaaee and and r,iri". Strutwrea of tha rt, aJVs- aa:a negroes Kentucky, opposition, and returned with 11,033 mules, LeAimy 1C0 lnrlti-j- j bab-to- more was seen cf Lias that day. The next rolment of in and successfully all attempts to subdue thorn. rived. She trcugbt up balea cotton. She tinffr-- appeaxano te tn tie rtty bell ef Kentucky trad, a hkh we iaT;ta to examine au.l U.J o ra tb r'4a d. waii , 5th. In reueving Oen. Halleck from duty u j, it alike as unconstitutional and 4,000 contrabands, 500. prisoners, aud a lare reports several t aasactiocs ia cotton at remOT tan, freckle, pliap'oa, aud rooghnera tefore burins' eisewhe. an war dtormind awl a lt.ii.i.i e Me bile Tribune of the 2d eays on General-in-Chie- f, It tit dewier apply, a Mr'1' AJ Dornirg be was found lying cold and dead Enpplies. II tnit 83 the President to rat-js- aa low ok ivwJ. hor.e bat aeed WCSS iii. ur just. It was but another of the series of amount of . cotsptexJoa trafija- - vh.le-!- . I XATHi. J'ccda 5'!" slots wer thrown at Fort Pow- express Li3 sppreci&tioa aud thanks for from ti? akin, tearing the freeh, our b'iiinD will be eaUre'y epe-- the (round about three miles from bis startling usurpations of power which werebe-ir- g Traceporj rapidly bringing back troops the Cxrao, March 15. a Injariona L3 tiJuiAaSaa WEBB. CCXJKX. CO. Tltscaasda apoa Taoaaanda tie ell 1 y tbe Yankee fleet, but without doing any abie and zealous manner ia which ardu- rent, and amooth. It oontalna material Tl presumed, and he said it was tbe duty of the from lexas. tbe Lete information from Vicksburg ia to the Actn(K is that the unusual (fatttee. ous to tb eLln. Patronised ty and Opra Sinf. BXZX OT , Habn Wft3 Inaugurated end responsible daties of that positioa VT119 IIATK THE TrCTIH affi-ay- reotle of Kentucky to resist it as a violation Governor on tho efi'ect tbht news bad been brought in by ne- U arery lajy tUooLI bava. evory. produced tythe bU advanced Tbe World's New Orleans letter thinks Cftve ceen era. It hat Bi THE CONFTOENTIAL GT7IDTL ot their fur.racteed rights. If they were 4tb, with imposing ceremoaicJ, at New groes, a portion of the Marine Brigade AL WEAKNaWi.1 ight there is reasca to expect success from tbe new Bv Secretary or t ar. that wbers. A TBiATISS tN biMIN a?e, and the chill air caused bis death. everpowertd by force in their fusil to obey Gen. Banks delivered Si address, ia order of tha under Capt. Crandal!, recently surprised . DE.,!. cV fit., ud, yonaa-- married, and Jim' will autna QUACKS. t rt Red River expedition. The cavairy force has '(Signed) D. a f. B.4nFl by perrtin kra de- which be predicted tbe reduction tae ia E. TOvVNSSN'D, a thi'jiof importanca Uiawork. paid N Hiiit leaves a wife and two small children this order, then be advised them to appeal to cf rebel camp, twelve milea east cf Pt. Gibson, AorsT9, i t Ardwhoha-- a HtWT PITi t mrMhia been sent to the front. Ac I oisn: l Ladii wild .i4o I'ara in j their aJTAataj was sanection to two or three State3 oa tbe At- Ass't Gin. n o;3eodAom J bri.adir, .T. leori4j hort time, have (ootid they wer aid support. the law for protection; and he mistaken McCler-nar- and captured prisoners, arms by aortntnir TaeOoii iluida. "eViw-O- ta4 pendent npon ber for Harris hu six Tha 13:h nd 10;h corps, under d ! 1 by nae of ia the Governor of the State, whom he lantic coest by this season's campaign. Ho WasHisoToy, March 11. seet b auy ad lra, u a envelop, oa lb r tb lW hs tha hal end Franklin, with a and Capt. Lewis, besides releasing of trn one A..l.lrwN fceeTv.dne.inp In tha tyitem, lo feraaA oat ia children grown. Bram'.ette said: Let us remember that tbe inauguration The court of inquiry appointed to icves'i- - fuM cen" aod r'. aagraratad and lxcwn long and intimately (tijv. lorce from Vicksburg, form the rest of the five of cur men who had beea taken at Big ,121 4tatin A. LATOiiTAIS. WMa aa iorm, occupied a positioa on the platfotm with we celebrate has the basis of a ctatury, the conduct of Generals McCoo'i, C.-i- pro- We learn from a gentleman, just ar--- the extedition. The expedition sent acrosj Black e lew elys before. A largo lot of P3P.HAP3 ATTS2 3fAR2IAQ3. 1ST for we Lk u&uka-njaog- s, Fjeaker, baring com us especially for tbe bave achieved deeds of a century ia I'ombartrwQ two months ego, has returned tenden, ana regiey, at tae oatue or visions was destroyed by the same party. rived direct from Vicksburg and Memphis, purpose of bearing bim), if be did not protect tbe pact two years, and so long as tbe p9opio has reported tbe results of ita investi- Lieutenant Fredericks, who escaped from GFO. T. BAB BET, JN. V. BN S"t i'ASTLS, to New Orleans. - lU'g'i Army. in rights. It, are (a:lhfa! arid true to t''eau-.4ve- so long gations tbe War Department. Attorney at Law. Lat- Ass't U. i. Ltd Cateral Sherman has pressed all steam- tl.em their constitutional when March 1 to cur boats at New Madrid, was recaptured by i re St. Lons, i. to people of Kentucky appealed to tbe will stf.nd Louisiana tbe first turiiia Sta.e s Ibey bud Uenerai AitUoK atd entire Col. U3S boats between Kew Orleans and Uemphis liv Vicksburg of tbe 2d say Rltbjata hu Ellett. BAHEET & BONNYCASTLE, a for protection from th.e unconstitutional edict, ia which every man is a free man. duty in tho battle proper, but that he male a Yezoo City baa beea evacuated. Colonel Cotirt C'lfnif for 'f.Ii-- MOST TOWIAJrTJt A3i iTZSlTl into Government service.. Bit troops were rest-- Gcvernor Hahn's regards slavery at that place have been prc3iei iato Govern- an error t aCai te toi.'M, ir'r. Li r coin persisted in enforcing it, Le would edlrtis, ment service. take, arisirg Horn in lajgraeat. Coates says our loss ia tbe recent fcht ia Pensions, County, Retained P3y, &c, BY iiELtfBOLLVS EXTRACT BUCHU from severe preparing t be people sb the caue presant unholy war, CcatUnooga. General Ciittea- - faoira, THS CASS 0LT, iog their march, and tbe rebel, and not the of cf tte aad It is reported that a movement is to be a eoinz iato much lighter than at firet reported. The Dn cuchaxsd and doevked 8old:er and th. ir by offer its utjivrstl sr.d immediats as WB3 entirely blameless, AIM Tar all A K'.anm n4 D'.teaaoe ol for some new movement It is thought be is Eentucky. He would no mesas eiiiactioa a made via Red. Black, and "h;ta Rivew, to dtn held aad the Court tuildingB from which our fcrce wua bred uon to tnis unoosetitational order to the public and private blessini. "From every spcVe in commendatory terms of hia coaduit. destroyed. Quarternsstfr srsd Subsistence Vouchers, a. boat to transport Lis iiuriroe, theceo by land to Siireveport, Lv were iil pare - oi n or r-- or diun-e- o a. nor: collecting the command of throwing the State icto secession, l;,Lt btfore uie," hetajs, "1 am cocstraine'i Lis forces bad been sent piecemeu to Giueral ia And pie and pnxat- 3. Organs, etd Gen. Steele will from L.ic:ie Kock TLe stfarcer Minnehaha hard aground tii pr prt cau.J by the Fod aruuea. spld Tho Urinary Ltissisei pi da-li'- down the river, either for another bi.t when Kentucky had fulfilel all her -s to lei:eve that the cause cf rebeilioa b at its Ti.oniKg.and he found himself without a com ornot-i'- HickmaD. S'ae is so i Louisville, far out of the Mrr, treet, ovyu'te Wmnw. a- -r to Uf OB Braa) Givera-cL- CrsfrsEELANP Gxr, March 13. Jfrnon wW far Mam z!t:n It" PI3f e iteuiTe raid or for an attack oa Mobile. If erd cb'.lgations to the Tederal t, last extremity, sad it seems not uaisa to mend before leaving tor Gbattan9oga. channel, ttat it will Uke a long time to getter nil. tubj jm Aeata t tt aa.'iiy a hater er emua orimnauoj, no ft. eays Long' 0rmlcay procsrad v I pay ai4 nanf was lojal to the constitution atd lock ca ttis year aa the final one of tho most Ir.formation, deemed relmble, tiene ral reg;ey is also exonerateo. off. regiments veterans, the 8:b TU; taa kaowtia f acn a movement is in contemplation, or at ltvi street's headquarters are at Greenville, Tena. Two cf and sTArajiTja of the lft td and intended so to rem us, she eer selotf, causeless, acd most murderous re- Tbe Herald's special of March lltb. savs 12th Iowa, which are on board, bave seat to RirnTat A cr now Lona tempted. General UtPi.e:son will have com t na- and Bv.ctnei's at Cull's Gp. Their main Pucific, including Cai- P"ivh traaa, am ed a i;bt lo demand that her constitution bellion that ever occurred ia a civilized tbe Dctaiimentof the - here for another liaa rrwl, Uaf C.---e between these two points, the euarermaster boat. of tSeee Cr jah rtqalre tb aid of a Tram a. taacd ef the expedition, eicce Sherman has tbe rights of berpr-opl- under it sho tion. Tho loyt.1 mea of Louttiaai htvo fcrcts.tre and ifornia, Orerou, &c, has Iveen tinderel to to-d- trd ili Gov. Yates came down oa tae train tir-"- , ble3-tic- rickets miles above SHj.-Ge- "ilslr'i ear vtiwt, aWaavfl.'. assigned to tbe be respected, and he believed that Governor rufltred much and deeply, but wit'a the iteir ei?ht Morri.'twa Kumer ar.d refused cn the ground wenteiown tbe river on the Mia-- been command of the Divisxn Gen. Yeupban is at Itogersville, Gea. aud 3uamer ajj. u. ssAC-rosr- HEC.,B0LO:S EXTRACT BUCHU Ertmiette would et-- that tbey were respect- cf Gcd upon our exertions eil will eooa aai ttat he desires active service ia tas te.a & siEippi. He goes to Memphis. cf the aUsaiMippL .lores at Lena's Mills, eight miles below Hevs.lasAlat:". ed. He added, at tbe cme time, that while be ribt agaia, and psace, hip)ia, aal rceCv eeaicst tbe enemy. Oa Friday last Forrest, a brother of Gan. 13 THX 025AT DIUBTTIC, be ted no ideacf giving up bis government or ptrrperity will smile oa our tbreshholds as of JoriesTiUe, V a. It is believed that a reorganizationof tbe a squad of guerillas, l7iAfrii. I&la. From information regarded as reliable Forrest, and roia pat par- -i of M uaconsti-tutiot- New Yoas, March 14. ep"n.a tte au ) eartatn ha dealer I alVH tn all qeitting its by rra;on cf the al c'.C." Aimy of the Potomac is now btin male ua a, from ilempais. tri! X't And It fte Pt. Mr. Jameson twelve mue3 t Tic, u.t1 ntdJ rpai.a mt.i ivr uicU m toe Chattanooga Gazette gives an appr jximate reports The Tribune's despatch says that A lairal Wejor-Gtner- Major-Gener- urn it rbvataall. and impolitic enrolment ot negroes, The Nthez Courier of the 4th der bxna. where tbey observed several mea disappear. , blere-- 13 bia way Tsu.-- Lotlarin-J- Ornate of the rebel strength in our front in and that tbey should neither report to bim, beavj firing oaths Oaacita, near Uarrisourg, Pt ou here without having Hunter is to bave command of the 1st coros. They imiueeiiattly started toward the pUce car H ala crie obtained, the ot Li3 Eon. y. wi'vrueivt-ia- i. direction of Dal ton. It comprises Lieut. tor would be to them ; yet, as a Kentucky free- on Tuesday and Wednesday. bcaj Gen. Hancock of the 2J, and Ga. Warrea of when two c. tne supposed rugiuvea emerged r. Washing rax, March 11 3d. BiarT dAwly Frea't Zi. ii. Araia .. Hardee's corps, man, be bad a clear opinion cpon tbi' subject New Yobs, March 13. tho and oideied toe cuerillua to halt. ral consisting cf three grant-ir- e ELC0D! ELCODII ELOODMl Gene rrd did not hesitate to express it. Toe pn-p- le A Washington sprc;al says, by Ihme.ViT. Unite introdnced a bill A detachment of about two hundred anl Ooe was named Contrigal, a darin ?;rohb?r, order of tbe New A WOVT fl ! I wan at ft under Walker, Cheatham, and Cle of Kentucky did not waut to keep step to lends to hid iaoorstracing a railroad from fifty rebel soldiers, prisoners of war who have repeater fired. Forrest Pfpot CroaJway, York. pA.',4, Anta division. resident, the following military orgaaiza-ticr- s wto bad a which he Hi .fn' n oniu, enrerae to my Ev'asmm CcaceatraUd OutapoaiiA neg-- Ore- - FtmeU. Cslmboul't fihl Eindman's corps, tire. tie 'mui? of the Union" alongside of bave been made: Slt Lske City to the heal waten of the taken tte cata of allegiance, started for rtew ordered bis men to fire, and Contrigal aal his Fpr Rata, Rnarhrt, Ants, Br4 Orimtol Kere,, and II otnr n, a' 4 Ka. eoldiers open, secure the same postal on a special tram Una evening. 9flc, Ban eurion ank te. 1 rire,ura ant ,ree, Aidra Stephenson, Ea-- it was an insult and e decredtioa Lieut Gi n. Grant has beea resigned to nad for aal mil York companion, Samuel Allen, lormcrly of Naia itlotha In f nri, Wenllrna, iVr Inoect Tt. ln. ia Stewart and oVe. iJ2U-- JOUS Loai. BddarU.aa fiirWions, on for which their free and manly spiriu were coujicsnd ail the armies of tbe U. S. Gaerai itary purposes. 1Li5. with other raattsrs Tee kilipiry Committee of tbe llou38 have ville, fell dead. Dr. Malone, hearing tbe oa Viuta, 'omIs, Animnls, Fluid Extract ' Wheeler's cavalry, four ' prepared, whi.e it involve! the to tbe Pacific Railroal, was referred to decided to report ia favor of increa;io the of the house and sought rtfuge Pet up in 2V, Vc, and SI Bxa, But'kM, and Plaak. A 1ROSTII! I WAST T HISJS ASXiTS Sarsaparilk te.. aad Genera tot at sitae llulU tk is relieved from duty as General ia firing, ran out 1 tut lNaruvTiONa, Ao. C?7f: . pay per ai.d Si ti liOTKi., Public tp t O in evftry cvuu'T at pJ, Tatterson, Hnme, and D Crre an irf.aotion ot tbe rights of tbe 3tite self ct committje oa the eubjec of Eoldiera to eighteen dollars month. behind a tree, fifty ya'da from the guerillas. riiaoiili.M iipu e.r.if, ender Eodd) diet end sssined to spee ial duty at Wash- "Only rray1ioa known." to a41 mv pew cheap Fxily ewn.f 4. aiuet A v iiK h it was the du'y of the Governor, Saer-ma- Mr. Arnold introduced a bill providing for and seigeenta to taiity dollars. fired at slightly wounding . MtDJyiN, Alfred. M tine. to the above there are uai r ington as Cuitf ot Statf of the army. n Fonest him, him "Free from Poleotn." tfli ;n! JL M 1 3 I bis oath to support the constitution and sje , a permanent peace by removing the causs of gang for 'Jiot daoerotia Ui the Hnmtn fvniir." SeT 1,1 Carolina is arsigned to tbe Division of tbe New Yokk, March 15. in tbe head. The tben left the soath iTa ' troape, war. provides that aad after tbe "Ea'a come tut of their hiie ia dia." aa of the Eloe-t-, attack two odd br races of Sv tbe laws faithfully executed, to resist with ail lately comaiauded by Grant, compri-e- i: tbe It from The Herald's Noifolk letter says ths la'e ex vaid. Tale! affection anl tha Ibburn's command, Com passege Bfrr?lJ Vbo;J In all larce rltii a. tu tl l.iu.nKa of tiie N 4, Taroaa, ti e roLititutiontJ power ot the g tbe Departmnts of the Obio, ot this bill slavery shall be abolished rxclition resulted ia the destruction of Kio Washington, March 15. Sold aua ererywhere. (r.n, ! temporarily a:taehed to C the Spates tov bf all Irngi.t Urtailen arid cttir Hmm Hirta'a, ataain OCO men. TmnesHee, aai Arkansas. in all and Territories. Uererred to tbe and Queen county court house, where tha It 13 stated that the Committee oa tbe Coa axi'lll Brwtr. ct all worthl.aa iavtiunt. lu tb !rut,..-- I Wera. lie.iu Ki'rwta aU between 2T.0D0 and 30. BiTSee that "t'oTAK'g" name iJ on u.h box. Battle. th bLxni, and a.1 in We do not pretend to report evea tbe most Major-Geacr-ai Committee on Judiciary. wua raur- - duct of tbe War have sent to tha President srvpniia fW3i rw tmtt McPnerson ia aignel to gallant Dahlgrea ambushed and 9 you t A ! erf u March W and uuk beire 'it npiKua tba .a. giviu tta CotmptaWa a J meagre syncpais of this great speech, fur grett Tena-ese- e, Cairo. It. ma Secretary of ar calling for all tbe cor- xp-- lp - men ot the 1st 3lLt the toniiufand of tbe Department of tbe Ceitd. Ihe ot otn aud v:h and mwa,vm HKNRY R. COSTA tt. t'.eerand lieal'.ny t. it je.n pii.-".- l I- Etty it Fas in all 'te essentials of powerrul oratory, recently cciiimatd'id by Gen. Shsrmao. We have received some further particulars cavalry by tie expedition has already respondence in reference to the Florida cam ProipaL Dltoj i2 bauauwAT, i. i. ft.r thia claM of cmpaioM,ti iu B. if to. MTboldty B- - A. CO., S.T. 1860.2. are yreeer-re- to a trreaMir way etaa at the Soldiers' Hon. as it did through an tour and a hel-quMtc- rs of the late expedition up the Ouachita river. probably Boon be kuown, kilMN ei ue aaat lecy retorted ruLCrcg hilf. Lient. Gen. Grr.t will estab'ish his teen stated. paian. It will VILS'J A PSTE. pre ol iaraapar'.ila. ut verl-Si- report ia- Osage, Uone3tog. Amw, as returning to the front. A m of it would fail to do - in the fie ld, with t'ae rpactire army Tie Ouachita, The notorious guerilla Bob Coltoa was tbeiefore, whether the effort to throw the Wholesale Agent. :ce to tbe speaker. It must have been hsard Fort Hinemaa, end (Jacket composed the ex among the killed. We had none killed, and whole retponsibility of that disaster oa Gea, And by - H. PF.IS.LaiK, A email detachment of the lOthlodi&t cpetutiig under his personal controL a.IMuiU A TTtSS. fct"creciated ; the munaer as well . y pedition. Inmiy wasfjund 6tronly foraaed elf zen sustained by the Home yes- tor fuliy W. F. Smith was nominated but talf wounde i. Gilmoie is fact. fHKrdtmAwerwtw Lui.v K. Peraon dentary fcablta troubled wlrh weeXneai volunteers, were received at the be necessary to Tre iron clad Osnge, Ia the advaace, was a be as tteCratter "f'd tgive ilfj. of Volunteers as a nectary Fi.ll details of Gen. Sherman raid will FonTitxss Monboe, Sfarch 1 1. laeaitode, rlp'ttkn of the heart, lack of appetite, An Lotra far Plaf aa of a "erPhn'' lfa enjoyed S. e spoke era-enr- e ellowed to pass without interruption. Tae eclct i morning. The men have with ail tae com-u.e- in D;.r..-- of terday i's fuiH efect. l r limitary to bis assignment to the rublisbedin the Herald and Tribune. Oae Twentv-thre- e dlatreaa after torpid Urer. coaatipatiom, Aa t:;Te, and a4 aa toe Crttarv it fkg-shi- p rebel prisoners captured ia aatln(, from a if. ,ta r.f lloosier w ermth, ana animation of a man who of Hinemaa followed, when a heavy bundled end n!ty miles of rebel railroad com- - ' & CO., (;rsrer, lal)'i.a. aaad ra farlOTgh with their fiiends of the ss, of the Amy tbe Potomac. a recent raid on the Peninsula arrived here W.B. BELIMP eeeerre to luSer U they will sot try the celahrated coiiiie tion wii tha axiratta E JUia aad Atrttipar ilia, of tae truta fue was cpened on her, which, after a tim destroyed. reeo.i-t-. route for the field. We frit etrocg in tbe con00 The Committee on the Conduct of tbe War munication were Thia was its ob 14 yesterday. 111 'U. r d.neaaee m reoni and are now en tos-aa- and arrived gtat w P'epsred d compelled ter to retire in a damaged con li ,ioeTc of th ! aad laiiaMa of what te Otlered,and sre investigating tbe Florida expedition. Tbe ject y Dy om- wwmlba o'.d s. The Gatlin gna was tested - PLANTATION BITTERS, wiil to are told that but a small portion of the be said, regardless "; ptrsooai evidence tlready given tion. with the loss cf two mea killed and mture reoicapai.oa or wunssippi oy haracwr acouaipauy awdiviea. by what establishes tb9 fact The flag was then traos- - lie ceiaof tbe 3d Pennsylvania artillery at this 15th regiment has He spoke as one no.akirig apwty neither tbe Pre. idont nor one else eight wounded. the retels in foice ia an imoosaibility. Sub 5E0K 5IERCHASTS, CEKTIflCATHS OS" CTRKS, aiy ia the OnacbitA, whose powerful guas place, and is pronounced a moat effective which ar now reoomaeaded by the hlcheat medical tararpue to cvteh the popular tppUase, but V. sl ing on is responsible for its disastrous feued to sistence our forcf s draw are more tbaa t'ae twerty enemy's battery, whica weapon, throwing 200 shots per minute. Tbe ST BEITS, antheritie, and warraatmi to pnxlnca aa tmmiiaf From elcnt t T"r tn fag, wila aaaaen : Cincinnati Commercial eayi that Ha cinnfrr in . ie QllH of ination. scon sileuced the surplus above the immediate wants of bomj COItSIS SIAIX AND THI2D to ASO r.iX.1. tnt vu Urn three Bat little Russian olhcers witnessed tneexpenment and beneficial eSact. They ax exceedingly areabi, aaoita HCiSSt in the Department of ordeal, and that it ibe A Noifoik letter of tbe ronnrms the corslsted of poi uitttion. lou 111 cover our enure loss. Mdiral Proaertlee of A CC3C, as je proper authorities a terrible lUh driving ene- were highly granted at ita success. UATI IS fTOIC perfectly pure, asl moat inperaeda all athar tonka rr Dipaso ;4-- mrA rxiir ntiim t.t her best cb?t2S to expulsion of the rebels from Suff.iik, and our difiicr.lty wss experienced in the ry of tn 1'di;U Obio bave taken steps to bring about, if pos- en- Fortf Kss Mosboe, March Nxw York. March 15. where a healthy, rent! atimoi-ta-t ia required. kM r..f VHtMiT valnabl mora oa taa through the perils wh.'ca occupation of the place on the 10:b. is my from bis position at Harrisonburg. Oar It. EST--, Wol-for- catry ber ealely This l.COO TOKS ASS'S IKON & ST They purify, itrengthen, aad inrlgoret. Practice of ?hf4io. immediate dirm'sal cf Frank d forces burned tbe town Tbe Bombshell arrive 1 from Ply All the Wthingtoa specials agree taat tha yee sible tbe viron htr. kter iLaa tbe reported repulse of our troirs, Made of beat charcoal and atonecoal atock. They healthy appetite. rrni t niH. ty th Ute celebrated Dr. PS The gunboat OoacbiU received slight mouth, N. and from Chowan river, Satur- - gold bill will pass the House The create a ir.iirt-lpi- . from tbe service for bis abuse of the In the notice cf this intended prcssnti.n, which was stated to buve cccurrei ou tbe 9 Ja. bt C. . injury durirg tbe engagement. Tbe liiaeniia dry Let. She reports a crowd of negroes Herald says it may te so amended as to be 3,cco eras srxszs, They ar aa antidote to change weterand of diet. rVe renuu-- mod ty IPSStTlf If DOTS'. gpeeeb at Lexington. ere stated that "no cflicer ia tbe UniteiSW Washisgtos, March 13. and wrought all nailsaizca. Li, a eelebra'ed rhvuirian. aj;d Mmlr g f Trefcident in bis recent will require repairs. payment of custom dues. Cut They overcome edect of diaaipatlon and late hoar. Surer,-na- l to considerable awaited her coming down the river, and that used in e 1;.4,1 of IreUn.i. aa p.ibu.aadi erry bed morejustlv entitled himself suh TLe Indian Bureau is taking preliminary li g graU- TLe CcneEtoga collide! with tha Gen. Price rebels opened on ter from tbeir batteries Lieut. CoL Sanderson has been eent to Fort &KTJLB Tney ttrengthen the lystent and enliven the mind. In The Trantci;oTi of u Kir and ,' Jonral. be complimentary token of resp?ct and - tbe 1,C00E GS IIORSE SU0H3, .e torwvr. pnb.maod y SS.V-- ESf-T- rebels la Facbmond, fearing the a icapBeg for tbe return of Indian relagses iu 10th, Mississippi a WBrren. burutn'si uovt.rt,uieot Tney prevent mivnatic aad InterBittaat tevars. me on the on tbe river, sboit on the tank?, rendering it impossible for her Initroeti l'.iurud. 4 te.ww ef tha Jtuyal their city, undermined the Halle tnde from tbe loval people ot oak Kasa.. atout 800 ia number, to tbeir otvn The Courier Dca Etats Un.s this city Tby pnriry the breath asd aciulty of the itomaen. V.V ISA UUI csptnreof Colenel Frank Wolord, beciU3e not one bad cistf.nce below isatchez ice uonestoja, to proceed. cf 7,cco STireina. rc ccuttry, from which they were driven by with a cergo of ammunition was sunk. Tte ctmmander to Plymouth as mentiona a report that President Jaares r:cns3 atd .tzvlz: nails, Tbey enra Dypeprfe and Coaatipatioa. bee muat of the Ute Standard Work on Medicraa. Isle prison ia order te blow all tbe prisoners proved himself more prompt, dashing, brave, oe Her tent frr 11 Hoi hammered make. secession, ace removal will not enacted beat and cargo are a total loss. consented to a transfer of a portion of the Ttey curt. Diarrhea, Cholera, aad Cholera Moron Bncha, SI 00 per bott:, or aix for a) eternhy. As an offset, the Federal power and gel'.ant." If such was our opinion ia re- pome time, sistance. Tbe gunooati souta&eid, White btract iato for vote county, State of Sonora to aa ageat of the Govera- - ELACTrEriTnS TOOLS. They enr Liver Complaint and Xervona Beadacha Baraapariila... 1 8 S the oJfic(T tor whom this compliTient 'ILe ia Oarroll Tennessee, head, and Massasoit were despatched to the Anrilp, Bellow, Viaea, iliuniners, ilea, Ac. " al nndermining the whole rebellion. gard to It understood the commifee on Ways 1 nr. r.,r 1 i They Biak the weak tb lanynid brilliaat, U rapidly week apo, our admiixtion uAon im'l! rescue with 100 infantry on board. mentof the United States, or at least of an elronc, Inproved ficee Wail. 5 " " J was detignea cne SUG aitaco mig pitpicvi a uiii iv West ley. company. rj.cuGiiT?iAiri:i;s' and ar exhausted nature' irreat ratorer. They ar bef-- t he nan In one district the election wa3 Gunboats opened on the enemy, and saelled American itxatskxals. Ct adoaea ef each P't whieh will barall Lss immeesarablv iccieased far manulactured tobacco twenty per 1 Mouldbooxua, W tnga, tladiea, Boita, Ao. Coopoeed Caliaaya hif 1r tgyTbe rebels, who huddled the biJy of tbe Ui cn broken up. Scout3 went witbia eight miles them for five hours, when tha rebel3 dis- The Courier eflirms, that it ia authorize ia of th celebrated bark, wintef ciest to ni tae a.o.1 ebauaato eia, it diroouaaa by reason of this noble effort in behalf j coat. news any XZOLLOW-WAK- C green, aaaaafi H, root, and herbe, all preeervsd ia are .her.i Uk CoL Dablgren Into a bole in the earth which we ot Jackson, luirteen miles south of LX' persed, and the river was open. A esse thia should have foundation, to CASTINGS. ecy eecureiy pachei of constitutional freedom; and, my reached here the rebels at- - circa-La- ,nt.; to audreaa, front Reports have that ington South-fiel- d, no transaction will be recogatzed OveLf . bkiilete, and Lids, Ac lectly par St. CroU mm. For particoJars, le-- deserve now we said, that by his parties of tbe enemy were threaten Pairott gun exploded on the declare that t ra':oa. they are determined never to reveal, add to what then are prepancg another piratical expedition people bv new government Mexico, took and testimonial around each bottle. riba ennptnm la all here Thursday be has entitled him- ing the if they should vote. wounding two." There were no other the cf if it MANILLA CORSAGE, i fainiriHiat. to find their own graves in tbe filthy bellies s;ech ca lrcm some of the small inlets in Chesapeake subsequent to the evacuation of the city B war of Impoatora. Ixtmin vary bottla. Corrr iuaiiuiew. AdTio gratia. self to the lasting gratitude of ever man Nxw Yobk, March 11. casualties on our vessels. place Suitable for Boata, il.liera, As. Bey. utmost vigilance is required of 11CX1CO Dy that It haa D. 8. Baraea'aaicnatnreoa ourrirate C. cf buzzards and carrion crows. to see tne u Tte Washington, March 15 Of rrtameni aiuarez. Ar'TIDATIT. ia Kentucky wto desires nion punboe-ts- , and it is believed the next party The Post's Washington rpecial says it is ELCCK TIN, LEAD, AND SPELTSn, 8. Stamp ever tb cork, with plantation eceoo, aad and the Constitution preserved, aud the rights experiment can't fail falling in doubtful whether the Senate's gold bill Jlovte. Tte House took up tbo Senate bill Washington, March 15. All of which w are ilim aa low aa can be buushl oar firm oa a Ine eel plate engraving oa Piracra'ty appearetl aeCcea m. aa Ai lerman ef tha . e understand, that, at a late loyal - trying tbe will of the manufacturef in email iiuautitiea. lixnainr it I'hiia...- er.ii, it. T. H'.t who, bMag ot tbe people under both upheld ;ani niiia- providing tlist the franking privilege of the Col. John Wooly, cf Indiana, ha3 beea ap. Be tT our Lands. pass the House. ide label. that cui bottle ia not refilled with rtn , wrn, ia mv h'. rparatH l.enntaia no aar. meeting ta Kaebville, the Nashville Union againt tne of thoee, on Viee President shall extend to 1 YTe are also for , tained assaults tie DcnLellv, a notorious guerilla or London, Tte Ways and Mefns Committee havers President and cointcd rovoBt JUaranai ci Baltimore. Aenta and deleteriou atnff. W defy any peraoa to oit.-- ao aiorenry, tr wthax Uu'.riona itmir, bnt ara very nu- cne bane), who ere seeking to destroy them and rover all mail matter to or from either. committee on bank-ru- puru.y Tei.tat.a. U. T. was voted disloyal. The cases are Ya.. fcas captured and seat to Old Capi- jeitei the proposition to permit national banks The House special the rAIZIDANKS S SCALES, match tb tatt or character of oar looda. Any per. U.LAlBoiu. by armed lebe.tion, and, on the other, or ben Mr. Jeacks to reoort PUtform, IJ ay, t o.l, Stock, Scale before merous where inventions bave returned to tol Prison. to issue notes of smaller denomiaatioa than Pacccd. bill bave authorized anl liuia. ton pretending to ell Plantation Sitter by tb gallon sworn acd aubeenbed ma, thia Ttl lay of those who are seeking to crush them under Nxw York, March 14. some since proposed by vvuiber, i W. P. H tA K ",I The Miliary Commission has returned from five dollars. tbe bill time hin. It LILXJE'S T. AND PHOOr SAFES, or ia bn'.k la aa inipoatnr. W ec'l only tn our log .. atreet, jlgTie the inventor. the iron teel of military power. A or both the debtors and creditor's ia 3. Aidarmaa, Ninth abore iiace, rhUa. a 1 lamination of the Northern and Slocks improved from one to four per ceal Tte World's Washington special says the embraces ilh Cuuitinalion Lock con JJored the beat ia mte. cabin bU!e. Any person Imitating this bottle, or tbe Union army, be is bendioz all his ener- tcur cf AlJr Letter let inibrmatloa la conBlenea. ggjrThe 4th and tth Kentucky cavalry Western borpitals. As the result of their after tte hist beard. Commissioner of Internal Revenue recom- tereata. Ve krep conxtaotlT on hand the beat Pittsbarg celling auy other material therein, whrisnr called to the extinction of the rebellion; bat bis was nominate! Major j, now Barrack?. We gies several thousand soldiers, fit for A Jacksonville letter in the Post, dated tb mends a tax of 40 cents on petroleum, $1 oa Gen. W. F. Smith f'oal in and cu furn sh it u lrgar q riantati..n Cittern or ia a criuinai ander tha U. H. T. HIL!i30i,I. Chemist. regiments are at Park to Ji Davis, who is endeavoring regular army v&tn ci..'..rea, at the mark:-- price. n, I Lave been to tbeir regimen's. reports heavy firing up the river. It is dirtiiled spirits, rnd 50 cents on tobacco. General in the to fill the place 8. Law, and wiU o a p.oe--ut- by W already Depot 10t Soo'h Tenta below Cheataut, PhAV proceed Nashville destroy that Union, doe3 duty, returned lltb. buy Met aa , Braoa, 0. rt, understand that they will to ty' aims to not ood to be our gunboats feeling the same correspondent says ia ru- irmr!e vacant bv General Urant a promotion Vf Old ili, such Iro Copper.auJ onr oa two paxtle re tiling our bottlea, Ao aiMi.phia. in the rapid strides Tbe UniLijjiun ii to visit the hospttali iathe uidirs The that it for wbieli we tuy the market price, hart days. The 4th numbers 202 veterans, Lim less fer.sitive be ia understood that Gen. Fremont will be w BZW.tES Of rOOTERPKlT' In a few take charge Souih. rt bel lines. mored that Gen. Butler will removed from It fen ilonAlbumnAvMrn he will tn getting themaelvea Into eloa Hrh the abolition parly in Col. Henry' present assigned to the Department of South Carolina. for jITLXO the ( th 396. are makin? toward St. Locis, March 13. Later. That day our advance, his command. qufcrtar. the demand Prats' riantatioa Bitter A5 0 CSPSia DIALIiA, i r.t the rovrnmect spscial says that a guard yes- Gen. Gilmore ia to have an active commaad la ana wnue ne was TLe 4lh Iowa cavalry, vet jran?, recently cfcvclrv. wpb attacked and dnvea ia from The Tribune's from bfliea, eierrrmen, merchant, fto., perfectly WhoerfleaTOTta dinww "OF TTIXIT OW" aad g-- A rebel paper says that Gen. Bra?g a military ccepotuim; the loss of a number of terday took possession the naval store at in tbe field. timple trial of a bat; ia Im. reputattoa by be had been ia tbe w ith Sbe rmau's expedition, arrived yesterday, second petition, with of ln redi'oi. The la the vihel" a. lee oa In auaiued such retdv in tie future, as Washington, by order of Secretary Welle3, There ia some contradiction hers a3 t3 the a . preaeut of their worth vvl riporiority. brought lis army to a thorough condition with the weapons he had en route boroe. wounded. The Balm bold' ( nine PreparaHoa. IsCto fiftbt the one Missouri repimenU of colored was that the rebels woull make end arrested several clerks of navy ageata to action of tbe Government ia refereacs to ex- ar eold ty aU reapectabU dru? grocera, " hatrjst t ha, of discipline as to make It a mere machine etood equally prepare i, as a free-rce-n, Two fi'll It t lit, tLosec, be s attack on Jacksonville if not, oar serve as witnesses srtiinst Savage, aad parties changes. TLe facta are these: Soma weeka hotaia, aaAJona, etuam boats, aad country r4ajArt!a, ma of Other as ticcp wei t South yesterday. an tore. w Improvad Am w aaa. We believe that Gen. Grant baa rua that to denounce the policy the soon advance. in New York and Philadelphia, charged with ago Ccmmiisioner Ould notified Gen. Butler every truely Washisgioh, March 14. lorees wculd p. Sc cn., Sold by it dtsnvtd to te denounced by that tbe President will soon ca swindling the government ia naval contracts. that at a certain date he would declare pa- n. DIAKH all rre;It everywhere. chine. And be the very The National of this morning The reroit icjel Kentuckian. u.'el for S00 C00 more mea is reported from Hir The ship Star of tbe We3t, from Liverpool, roled piisoDera exchanged, aad that he (But- rI5!c41weo'm Q3J Bradray,. Y. A3 1 roa s:xscLir-TJi- 2 ao ormxx. we allow tbe war to languish, the wbirh to th denies that Gen. Meade intended retiring or mi-- ac- If I'rcnetst terms in characters cn the alleged authority of Goveraor reports seeing, oa March 7, aa Italian ler) do tbe same; to which Butler Cnt out it, A domi-ta- tt resigning on account of ill health. ristr.rg ti .tTaanN, ni r S3 -- usurpations cf power by the issued aa suggested v will languish too, and, la'.g- uhing, startling Pnrti!i- - (supposed to be tbe Re Gallantuoma) in a ceded, and aa order, by AVOID IMfvolJlOU AJID AXtOJCXA. was not afraid of the h.tck-t'.- 1 te CiiOnicle rays that Gen. Wad3 worth ia party. He Tto Tribune bf.3 a rumor that Gennral sinking condition, and, by request, staid by Ould, which was at once countermanded by - pT aAaaw, of ' givicg aid and cemfort to the ," irttructed to state that no more prisoners aTfaaa- rc a4 CAWW ciy Vz the moraiag could not cur Government. aa e A Ooal o A w exchanged except upon garl is ordered lo the commaal of ber all night, but ia For br BVVJttiU tu., Aimi', IDA L OIL W Befl3d rrtw Oil to 94 iPraavdaaay .Va IVra. , denounced tbwe usurpations, ill be the principle perent,age arrange c7 Ig hi, AatxtAavwU cbe Federal armies be preservc-d- vbca te Depar meiil 01 izo jiissiasippi. dticoter any veeuge cr ucr. Butler thu male the Or dodAtrOTrt-d- LiU'vtU, A. IdiiAAwl 4. W. a and be warned the people that if they did not cf man for man, regardiu) of color. -- xie pickled. J1 F