1886-11-12, [P ]
At* 5 A "7«$ ' they send boats to save our wounded, as ANNALS. dayB had tho lcey to the valley of the Mi*. A NEW VIEW OF CONSUMPTION. Importanr. our boats were disabled. The dmgey, our Hissippi again in his breeches-pecket. for Why Will You Die? smallest boat, had escaped damage. I dis When you visit or leave New York City, save BCOVIIXJE'S SAHSAPAllILLA, Oil BLOOD whicu lie had to thank his gallant navy and And One Which .4|i|>eut« to Common Senae baggage, expresnage, and »3 carriage liiro, and > of Both Armies Fighting patched Master's Mate Fullam with the re the stupidity, tardiness, ignorance, and AND LTVER SYltUP fur the euro of Scrofu quest. No boats appearing, I hod one of —Many Curable Canes. atop at the lirantl Union Hotel, opposite Mr Battles Over neglect of the authorities in llichmond." [Mcdical Stilus.) lous Taint, IUiennmtiHni, White Swelling, Gout; our quarter boats lowered, which was Grand Central Depot Goitre, CouHUmption, Bronchitis, Nervous De Again. ".*: slightly injured, and I ordered the wouud- One of the Pluckiest Acts of the "Many'persons die of Consumption who 618 rooms, fitted up at a cost of one million ed placed in her. Dr. Gait, the surgeon could euily be cured," says Dr. fi. C- Clark, bility, Malaria, and all diHcaucfl arming from War. of Watortown, N. Y., "if they would go at it dollars, f 1 and unwin ds per day. European an impure condition of tlie blood. Certilicatea who was in charge of the magazine and right I have a new view of the disease.
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