WMck tiK TraNey LiaeCaMpaay I * Chaa. Tobiaa and 8. Marher. raa “This ia thr beat wmter 1 pet to Polltiwiap ao aloaa upon the pradna* 9t . pediara, wnrr armafd thla wnnfc Dame Wemag. drink anywhere on ny trip whieh in ­ tion eaareiaaa the folltiwinp oonfeoaion I chanrwl with hatfrlary. Complaint cludes quite a portion of Miohignn f4>mi “one of the ch4mMi”will be fully Ghmi Mi D mL WMi ClHWfad. I waa made by WMIiam Warren, a and the nurtheni pnrt of Indiana. ” appceeiated. The lanpnapr ia given ' farmer llvinir juat north at Hheparda- snid a tmvelinp man to a Newa re­ juat aa it waa opoken: vllle. It laalfetred that Mr. Warreo'a im ALL THE CAM M SIGHT porter yeaterday. aa hr refreshed him­ HILL QROTA MW QHMJHD ”1 waa the memt fripbtemMl prraon aon found Barber cominir oat of the self at a penato^. on the face of the'tmrth . My heart THE puir on n mm hunae while the family were all away, “What I enjoy prontly is the entire iMppan to like a forty-home power SEVERAL PECULIM REQUESTS fin iieinit aaked what he wanted he of the abaenee of taate of iron. 1 sup­ nm TImw Im V i TImI M engine when the graduate ahMd of aaid be waa after suaiethinir to eat. pose yonr water system here has just me bimaD to dmw to a elprd 1 would be atmek SIMMijrlbiMM Mait of Ikt Cooaci for Al< low. The dop ia a monatroua llaoe Wlien told that the plant was in ­ li^ liphtninp or the church would cntch and pup croaa and the tail no aooner stalled eleven years apo, the speaker Two Topor Girls Bropflii Their Hothcr lo VIcMr CUiTcy wm Um LmM Hmh lo ItTC ffrr and the aadien4>r stampede. But •Mom hi pare him perroiaaion to play tap with expressed surprise sayinp that he knew alaa. the ‘other fellow’ ffnIalMd amid It WUl THke Tine or thr pedler than he was in posanaaion Gtre Her CoMcnt. trf DU plaee where the water was as ■Is PMpm Propnly mod. terrifle applanae. followed by a deikd of a very important portion of the pure in taste where the pipes had lieen alienee. By thia time my heart bad Brect Rtw fellows pantaloona. Where he would down as lonp as in Mt. ,luhns. 'You attaine*! a opeed of scMuethinp like liave tinished can only be surroiaed as must have seen red the verj' best prade “Iluw much ilues it coat to pet mar­ Fur the Hrst tinae in many yettrs eighty thonoand Imata per minute, and DECLANATION 18 LIKELY the bov saw that it was neemaary Ui of pipinp and it is surely wearinp hi^ pumptNl itaelf up into my mouth ried? ” and p4Maibly thr Hrat time in the hia- The deal for the removal of the Ht. call the canine, if there waa to lie well. But 1 want to say that it is nut tory of the «»iM* Mtclil br Taibvii tMT tlir tiay as he was busily enpmpml in win*k putai water. The water itself is sup­ bowe*T aa gmeefully as a giraffe and down at the river it ia said, at the at’ his otHre in the court house, by aixty-four in all, tiave qualiHiMi and the concern will move its inaebintpry IO«|i m time thia cpiaude oceurml. Several erior if I am an}' jndpe. and I think »f thr L4 ^ It tbr FniNrlilar Whlrh Alfred Siaou. an fhrid townahip man. are now rc4Miy for baaiD4wa. Victor aailed in. By thia time I couldn ’t N4se, Aod get settled in its new htmae at aitides of value were found miaainp I am as I never touch anythinp except Clavey, of I’ieWitt, was the laat man didn ’t know who or where I waa and Waa n il Wvtv t« Im> KaMMi— lat|M»r- Well, renlljr 1 ilo not know as I am when the faimly retumeil and the men tea and e«iffee. ami as a conse«|uenee Pontiac, within the next few moathe. tfuallHed to answer that querry to send in hia papera. If the criminal hadn ’t the leaat idea of what I ivaa were arreated and taken before.Iuatiue I drink a prrat deal of water.” •’Secretary Hubbard ’s propcwitlon to laal l*nlal» latralt^ M«»»arittaK l.rsal thoupht the Jnatice. Althuuph a mar- huain4 ‘as la lipht the next year It sayinp but I knew that I was mtrehan- N. f). Smith of find, who lield them Tlu* speaker was well known to The surely cannot lie attrihuUNl tii a Ia4!k ioally grinding out some part of my the I'ontiac people was that he would ■.Miblllly of iIm* ('oMiMiliy aa riwl man. he appreciatwt the fact that News man who felt the compliment for examination Aupuat firat. They it dependeil entirely on cirrumstances at judicial timlwr. «*MHiy. I didn ’t know wher«* I waa remove the plant providing a site lao*-. furnished liail in the sum of VS imi. and was said in earnest. County Clerk Smith lias made a until I waa juat witMliog up the laat lie anawered however, by sayinp that wert* u> be furnished and fOU.DIo ad ­ were relasod from custody. special effort this year tu pet all of sentence. Then I felt aa tf a five ton the law allowed him two dollars. ditional capital aubseribed to the cap­ “That would hr four dollars for two the justices who were elect4Ml this weight hatl Iwen lifted from my shoul­ ixuipies” Muliluquiawl the swain, as if EIClitEEN DEATHS spring Ui qualify and has been re* ders and I could walk on eggs. I ital stock. hadn ’t the lettat id4ia whether I imd A mrvtinir of tiu* «’«>iiiiiioti i ill a quandry, “and that is mure cash ward«Ki fur his pains by being able The Pontiac people took the matter JOHN CULLER DIVORCED to send the Swretary of State this left out pniT of it, furthermore I didn ’t tlian we have on hand. You see it is up with the result that inside of a few council iit l>ooicc«i f«ir tomoinnc even* | C'AI'NKII HV IMMi WAMIIKN KMITH ek a fnll liat of the oltic-rrs without care. I waa tbrongli ami some people this way” t.'untinued the pentleman weeks the entire amount aaked was in|r when the matter of the franchiM* j Ml’*rr HKM.tIN NiNtll.K r<»M TW4» from ttvid: “There are four of us THIS VKA«. a brvnk app4*arinp in a single town ­ were generous enough to applaud. ” . raised. for the trolley line will In * taken up; VKAH k . want to pet hooked up ami we thoupht that may hr you would shade In the list are the names of several pilorn C oonver ^shinehb . The articles of asaoeiation have been No Trosblr With Any of IIm* Itwsers Ns%e juatlces who have HIlexi the offha* for a* a apet'ial onler of huaineiM« tile price a trifle iimler the circum- sign4Kl and .Secretary Hubbard aaid to lie nim I Ml* Wife Were Hmlli KxfwrlMeeri stanors. ” Is «»ss (Ssse—vav Uses Were a long seri4*s of years ami wh«t have The rather unex|>ecte«l re*|ueati* of' heeom** quite familiar U> the voters in ALI. lNVITKI>TI»TMICC'AMI>MKIfTINU The News this week that the work 1,. K m me Kxlenl In the W«V* **1 The juatioe debated It was the MeesseA. thr com{Miny haw receivi« of the: served thirty-two consecutive years ! marriape fees and he did nut can* to Ilurinp the montlut of May and Kev. W. (t. Ntiaae. of JtKiae, haa 'Ikely that the concern would lie mov- covncil and the rillaire attorney hare ami is now just Inqiinnitip another The divorce case of .lohn fiuller. of set a preerilent. .June I)up Wanieii K. It. Smith licensni lieen in .St. Johns, this week making *m1 within three jr four months. Hut, “he who hesitate Is lost.” dups and up U> the Hrst of the four years term. Althonpb seventy- been irivt»tr the matter Moiue deep Watertoivn. airainst Martha itiiller, seven years of ape Mr. Bates is still ai'rangements for an interdenomina ­ Work will g4» on here until the new which occupied the attention of .Iudpe The man from Ovid said then* would xveek had adde«i seven imirv. inakinp tional camp OMWtinp whieh he is going atudy. reiuarkalhy vipnmus ami *ioumi in fact**!*} ’ building can lie constructed at Wiest. nt l.ansinir. several days, was Ik - 8V..Vt in it if the four liearts could a total of ilc lias killed eiph- trihoidin Chas. Perkin's woods in Vic­ be lepally maiie to l>eat as two, ami teen durinp this tim**. The amount Imth mind ami iKidy. lie was in .St. From pn'Hent apiiearanw^ it is<|uit4* ’ scttieii yeateniay morninp, when, .lohns durinp the week as a witneas tor township, from August I(t to IK Pontiac. The new company will have aftci the .'irpiiments of the attorneys, the justice conaenttii to po alieaii with of tax collected for the 3.V1 was inclusive. A large attendan Inrinfr iKith of the parties. .Mr. fiuller Hied ami has acte«i as arbitrator in an end- tire superintendenev of our meetings. The husimuH* has been very profit­ the little cpis«idc were Irene and (Ani ­ year's lease of life. Warden Smith able and the company will mi doubt the hill for divorm*. ailepiiip that he It-aa number i>f ca4M»s when* the parti4K* Many prritchers ant) workers will lie ohjectlonahic hj* the oltiwrN of the ^ line (’arman. who also live in Ovid said to The News r«*porter that in all imret with continmKl and augmented was deserteii liy his wife, who went inten*st4Mlcould not agree. .Mr. Bates present Ui assist in an old faahionetl township. They wen- laith under the hut one instann* he ha«i receive*! the pnisperity in its new Held. .'Home of mail. to Imnsinp to live. She HInl an sens** of honor is so stmnp that his gospel fimst. including E. A. Fergii- answer in which she Miupht to justify marriapeable ape and hail Imiupht moat courteous reception. Min, the pinat evangelist of Mt. Ver­ the men at present employed in the >ume of tile miMited |Miinia are of | their mother aiunp with them to sipn Fn»m the Hpures piven aimve it is d4*cisions an* never qut*stion4Kl. contjem may removt* to Pniitiac when her action by charpes of cruelty on Among other of the older justices non, III.. Itev. Wm. Dillon. D. D.. of the neoesaary consent whicii (Herk apparent ttmt the new law is a piHnl the chang«* is made. vital intercNi tn the villaifc and the| tier husltanii's |iart. .sho claiineil that wh«i have lieen in the ham4K*s are Huntington. Inti., anti Itev. .Miss .Smith re<|uirrs in such cases. thmp when as careful an olHcer as In its laat iaane the Pontiac Post tier hiislianii chokeit aliil lieat her (Irainel C. Whitaker, of Itenpal. who Mar}* Mullen, of Toledo. .Mias Mul­ members of the c«iuncil and VillaKci Fnmi till- evitieiii-i- siihmitteii it mipht The applications were sipm-ii amt Warden .smith has shown himself to len was the only one of the eight mis- said : sworn to. llic ivmsenl duly cx«-cule«l. lie. is ap|MiintrU. It is believetl hy was Hrst el«rct4Ki in lk7^ ami who has Attorney llrunson an* thon»irhly alive | Ik - infcrreii tiiat she Is-eaine dissatisti- serveti continuously with the excep­ sitinariea who csoapt-tl the slaughter in Pontiac is liuumi Ui pet another til with her liarpaiii liefon* she rt-acli* the iicensi-s issiini and .Insticc Mar- those who have kept their eye on the Africa Those whtt art* sick shtiuld thriving indiistr} ’ within the preiwnt to the condition and fully reali/a* that | sliall made Irene the wife of Ailfreii work that it has lieen thorouphIy dune tion of one y**ar. J. 1). Vanllurper. year it plans now under consideration eii his home, ami she liveii with him of Victcr. is an old timer having lK*en com** anti hear of holiness anti Divine .Sisco, ami her sister tin* wife of ('has. in liinpham township “Stum* of the roatun* within the coming wimk. As the time to make their arran^mient only a few months. first cliwted in Ism. Francis Mali, of htralinp. They tuui he lie healed. It II. Withcn-ll. piKipIc who I visitetl wer«‘ willinp to has lieen announer*! heretofore in The .Mrs. fiuilcr was granted a soiicitor’s I. wbam>n. has written .1. I* after his will Ik * healthy tti soul anti body to with tile comfwny is In'fon* the fran*j The two mupics left the court house kill their own d*ips ami did mi.” said Post th* ‘ .St. Johns Spring Comptuiy. fci* of flfio and ffor expenses. name since Iskk . spent! ten days in the wtNMis at this chiae la* puhiislieii anti tfiveti ctTect. liNikiiip as lianpy as any younp mar- Mr Smith. in«m tin* at* starteil out in life by lirivinp a shari> proviilinp the citixens of this city WEATHER IS FAVORABLE. Ml that the last name*! in «*ach town- all t4i attend our tent meetings." liarpain They w,-n- evidently axvan -1 THIHKS CAHHOH REOPOHOIBLE would agriK* to suiiaeribe another like titude of the miincil that It wfll not ; sliip will hold ofHcs* for four years, of tlu* fact that the pcntleim-n of the i amount fur the purpose of extending IT I.IMIKKII IM'IIMirs KflHt: I'.tKT 0»' next U> the last thrtK*. the pnrc«Ksling undei any circuinsiancs waive the Iteiich ran*ly mark ilown tiu'ir stock to | KKKs .Nil KKAMIN WHT HINI HHOIT.II THEY WILL COMPETE the plant of th** **

HAPU RAPIDS. BLSIB. PRICE. BnHHM A DOKW CDS HMAIK UTTLt fkiimn m iKmI rwi mnibB Mra. (lartniAt PIlaMPe is vialtlop Mr*. Ul J«NMM tuMk Mar to 01. Loaik Rrvea The ttaa. that 1 woaJd to take treatairiit at tar laallaHaai. ralaiivaa in Baton oowity. Lafr kad the niafortear to Ic now had 1 oar of ho rasa Wadauaday : the Arthur Maud la atlH wry low with Joko Haiitb kaa latrlv kad hU kar- Every Dipbt aiaea Tomny wm t not aasd 1ft. I brr akop arwijr paprrra aad paintad. aainutl suddaoly dropped dead on the aoi much hope of hia raeowry. reara old be haa wahaBad ahaM t road throe or four mlloa wootof town. have told many (^oaaidrrable wheat kae beea Mearwl Biahop l*arkar ami Allen Adams yt-iuek and kiaa i«Bad to hla inottar ofthers the good la tkle ▼irlaitjr. The erop la rather For aerituroaa eighth-prude work went up oorth huaklabarryinp Hatur- for a ,(Nin Saturttay and Sunday. doae to hla Uttle kiad. with a glaaa at •hall be Kralafnl to tha man w|m» BUREKA. Mra. Hiram Brown waaoonaldarmbly or so of the staple that had kieon nnr- Thoae St. Johns people who go pia- watar oo tt. Than hla father, for tho dloeovarod Pe-ro-na.** —Mra. 8,. B. Dtakor* bruiaetl a few days apo liy falllnp ehased tiy Cooley A Moacharo and Han ­ Joaeph Walker la aeriiraaly 111. down atmira. niokinp at Bonmi Imke should oairy ■aha of the additional paternal atam- Naw (iBi-nana, La. kins was saeked and shipped. naaa, pave Tommy hla urdan. A alee abowrr paaaMl orer Kureka FoaUnaateer Draaa. of Dupiaiu, waa a lantern esuaclaHy whan they are Dr. 8. B. Hartman, Cotambaa, 0.t lleorge Ihimmn is about to start into ohilpefi to drive home late in the rain **Now, when yfui wuke up tonlsht. Maoafmaa, Toaa Co„ Va. ** 1 am foaling moeb kwttar now than I Mooday. the pueat of Maple Kapida frianda on knssincas on his own aeoount at Maple storm. Tommy,** aokl the ataru parent, -and Dr. B. B, Hartmao. Cuionibae, O.: (Hoar Hotaford rrtumr*- Oesa for the glaaa of water. Then came I am rid of that tatrlble trouble I had I toll them that Pe-ro-na did It. I hope Charlea J. Warner, who has lieen man furnished all the help." Iaiu Ih Johok. Sundayetl at J. E. Kirhy'a. cle raci- insteail of the two mile ss (fieen is leader. Aside from the ills- ft moment of alienee. when I wrote to yoo. When 1 would Dr. Hartman will live many years amra William (irifnth Itaa lieen harioir kia aufferinp from an injured lep for some stateti last week. In the two-mile **1 deas wlaa.” said Tommy, apaak- •loop over I oould not atralghtea up to hsip othsrs as he did me.** —Mrs. H. time ia alowly recoverlnp. cussion there will In - a short program. teoannent houae on Main street paint ­ farmers’ race Ernie Heinzen won 4th i Inp to blmseir in a ahrfU whtapar. *ff trlthoat tbe most severe pain, lam well Buthv, liM Htxth street. ed. .McKinatry and Burk are doinir Mra. Mynin Allen who maidca weat prize. teaa wlaa 1 aplU every x IV. “Health and Beauty. ’* This book eon- apo kiy falllnp down staira. The I«adiea’ Aid aociety of the E. to a numkier of her young friends .Sat­ Uarna, Miaa. tains spaclAc instruct Ions for the trsol (t«orp«‘ Hoemer haa sold a half in- Several |Nf«ipl« from here attemiefi V. church will meet with .Mra. J. urday in honor of Miss Christine Dr. 0. B. Hartman, Colombo*. (>.: ment and cure of female catarrh. It la tereat in hla hlacksmithinp buainesa to Thiers, of Mt. Fleasant, whoisspemi- the dance at Frr«l .Mankey's Krida.v Bryant Wetlneaday. July 22. at lo nipht. ** I am sure that Pe-ro-na i* one of the illustrated aod oontaln* much informal Fre«l t*arkk. late of Fowler. inp a couple of weeks here. Light o'clock. All are cordially inrite«l. haot medlelnee on the market. 1 am tton. Address Dr. Hartman,ColnmkUMtO' Isaac Hewitt haa plans prepared for refreshments were serveti, and with Xate Smith ami Miss Sadie Lyon, of A lanre numkier from this place at- the kiuildinp of a cvimmoidioua dwell - music, games, etc., the kiours spetl Union Home, spent .Sunday with Miss tende«l the funeral of (irandma Kua- inp houae i>i> .Maple Arenne. merrily away. Tuesday eveniup a Velma Simth. aell. at Chapin, last ThurMlay Mra. .Mr. and Mra. Andrew Annia. of St. pleasant »ucial {lattv was piven Miss .Miss Alice (iailaplier. of Riley, has Ruaaell waa the mother of .Mra. Elmer Thiers kiy l-Iditii iTravis assisted hy iNwn enpapcfi ttt teach the Sessions Stowell of this plar. Ku|fene doing excellent work. is plainly Hart aiK^ father. Dr. II. Hart, for The ladies' Miciety of the Christian .Mrs. (traiit, widow «if the late Capt. GREENBUSH. their faithfulness. Also Dr (iillam. church realiMsI akiout 8lu form the Chas. (irant. of St. .lohns. visite«l her tea piven at Bliss hall on Friday eren- Row to walk the ttreeta In brnud of St. .lohns. .May (mmI pri»aper .ynlngle|int lias original iilotta about For the reason that direct connections iea«lera of The News, Ilia home is up and {laintinp. in (ivUl the Hrst of the week father’s serious illin*s.s and staiteil for family government. He say* every Fadilla. Skaifit <'ounty. Waaliinirton The surveyors of the Lansinp ami •Mrs. F. K. Ha/le and Beth have (khi«> We*lm*s«lay evening. can be made at Durand with the through He says. •This is the tiiieat wnintry .St. Louis railroad who arc cstahlish- returned fnim Ypsllantl. aceemimniisl hom«‘ zhuuld In - n little repuhlk*. where iiip the pradc and line of said road, The Misses Futniaii. of (ihio. who unlvenuil tolenitlon pn-vailM ami every trains. In other words, any passenger I ever saw and 1 never ha%'e seen land hy her mother, Mrs. Beniington. who have iN-en visiting in tin* home of W. that will pnaiuce as much t«» the acre an* expectisl here durinp the week, oue has a vok-*- In the government. ” will make an exteiideil visit. T. Bair for tin* past week, have gone as thia will. It is hani for eastern for the east who takes the GRAND .lohii Ilolierts is now proprietor of .Miss.Stphia (ksmer. of (twosso. a to .ShephenI and fmm there will go to "Yi-a. his family la nuiiiage the acre. Wheat ''>o the past week. The (Ireenhiish Cornet Band will but one change, that is at Durand where Casket I.owerlng Ikevi«*e Works give an ice cream s«teial Tuesilay even ­ to which of the two shall he prrai- bushels to the acre and cn>ps of all The ladies of Billy Ik-polc Belief kinds yield abundantly ami this state .\ isimpany of tkiirty witness*sl the ing. .luly •.'4, at the resideiiiv of lK*n- lent. ”—C'hU-apo Tribune. he will not have to walk twenty-five Corps have n>eeivi*d and aceepteil an marriage of .^liss Marv Melk<«%vell ami nis .Marshall. Band will furnish lieata the world for chert ies and we invitation to lie the puests of the have lota of other nice fruit, hut it I.N-sler Tucker at the home of the music during the evening. .\I1 an* TlieT Are BwrM^ Xww. feet, he may then enter the very coach ( arson City corps .Saturday aftermsin kiride's mother. Mrs. Tucker is one iiivitnl. **^0101^1. ” Mid the roiuaiitlc maiden can't come up to old .Michitran for next. on the apples, peaches, irrapes etc I lielieve of our m<»st siu-eessful teachers and who dnteil oo hearing thrilling ntoiieo. Washinirton has a ur»*at futun- lieftin- Several of the old members of the .Mr. Tucker has a nice |Nisition as DEWITT. "what * tbe luuat agonizlop tuilf Fifth .Mich. Cavalry reaiilinp in this her. .She ia rich in agriculture tiin- traveling salesman for a sllverwan- hour of your llfeT* villape. will attend the eominp re­ house. They will go north to spend a k»er. mines tiaheriea. Then- an* many K*l. M«»ses is home from .Mt. Fleas­ **lt waa the oDe I apent the other . Mart ami Mr. tendance '.N'l, aggregate tanllness 17 kev t«i spend tin* summer. ”Ia It true ttuit Mr*. Ikmgger read* Farr is doitip as well as coiiltl In * e.x- visitors to the selnsil (*7. visits hy Mrs. Carrie Fennell, who hir s«»me itK-h oxbauatlve cluh tm|N-iK?” in any such manner. The beautiful P«*cUn I under such ctrcumstaiu-es teaeh«*rs •.'li. —Kegister-l'nion. time has iN-en away visiting! return- "Exluiuatlr*-? Of counn* noliodyever eii home Fridas. M.r* .’inything, hut when ah** geu through trains for the east are such as Bumps or Bruises. BENGAL. .M rs. Itrishin and n Eividge of Barrington. III., And are Ezra Baker tiM>k in the excursion to ('orners last wt-ek for raspkierries. says he was cnrt*«l of chmnie asthma (ieiitlemen: .'•kimc pcrsiinal exper- Ask those who have gone to New York T«ile .sontlay. of long standing hy Fidey's Honey ienc«* i-nnkdes me to heartily retsmi- you wor­ The la«lles of the .M. K. Ai»l ssa-iety mend the use of Henry «v .lohnsand. Mrs. Ilirnni Murphy They sp*-nt At the funeral of Oeii L. (t, Kuther- mony. destination. The route is through ing, for help is at The M. K. L. A. aiajiety serve«l a .-Sunday with herkindhei, (J. K. Mur- foni at Hart .-latunlay. the aiidress Fkiuani Hawes. D. D. hand. You need surprise picnic supper at Sirs. .1. L. pin*. was delivereii hv Washington (iardner. Dr. Hawes was for many years {las* something that will Button's. Frank Bniwn ’s team kN»came fright- There ivas a large audiem-t* tor «»f the First Church. BurHngt Mrs Fred Edwanls and little dauph ­ alter thnovlng the machine «»ut of You Foley's Kidney Cure will bring you ami *>0 rants a iHittie. heights, rushing rivers and placid lakes. ter, Iktnna, of (Iwiniso. are visitinp at gear. health and energy. need .lames l-ktward's. The follo-ving is the lecturer’s pro­ .V la- er. retitrmsl ti» their home In H«»well. W B. ( aldwell. The ttaklaml County Telephone Co. All through dav trains carry dining cars. It brings hMlth to Montlay nipht. mona (Iraiiprs. their okijrct ami how is (stmpirting arranpements for ex­ kiest to attain It.” I»ca«ler. AdellN-rt Ikrar Slr.^—I take great pleasure in the hair, and the fall* Mrs. .1. H. Aldrirh and children left adding my testimony a* l«» the efficacy changes in all tile towns In the onun- For illustrated descriptive books on Mosher. S«»ng hy lirange ckuilr. Mrs. ty. They promise a toll of live rants ine ceases. Tuestlat* morninp for their new home A. X. .-steward lecturer. of Dr. Caldwell's .Syrup Fep»ln as iise«i In (iwosiNi. Tkiev were ae«-orapatiie diarrhaaa ami summer ouatplalnt. Hall'a Family PIVi are the heat •x:


Nlarvelous I t X^ures; FOR mLEK OF THE SOIL **DaABllaa. PnnwAMi —lamalxiaaa Dr. wrCwalker; yoaea old aad am |roabled with ntf nmatbly ataioMaa It is vary Irrekalar, Tbt> KiuiiMit HpMittUat. u( ‘ oeearriag oaljr oaoe in two or thraa lon»« I ly uf N«m- will mak** tlw IN THE APIARY. mraithe, and alao very painfol. I also TIME AND foMu*iu0 ltn(»l*r llonthl.T riait: eaffer aritb erampa and ones in a while pain stribaa me in tbe heart and 1 haee are practically annihilated drowsy headaebaa. If tbars iaanythiaiy lo ao apiary of (JO coloalas or nioBi^ by tbe ocean cables am! you oan do for me, I will gladly follow III fraqnaotly happana that arsanU land telegraph •ystems I BarariiiB Isam slmaJtattaoaaly and. of your advise.* ^Mioa iUMT which now belt the cir* ootaa. always elaaiar topsUMr to am Gonaa. Aptoo, SPACE cumference of Old Earth in THE C^LraiG MOTH. I with tha bass, tlw cloakar arlll noaiw CaL, July Bl, IMME so many different directions. Foreign parts” arc no b'ngcr ■arlly bs hlv«d as one swaim. aad tba foreign in the old meaning of the term. Europe, .\fnca, Asia, WItfe WkM* kawawia. qnssna wlU kill tswh otbsr uoUl only **DBAallM. It Ik (JoabefttI u'tiatiMfr tlw rwiUlns oas sorrtrsa. To prerant this loos, a PiauHAM:— are “next door ” to ua. What happens there to-day we know matb Ik tDon‘ tlaMmrttrp bi mny ottMr arssk or so Iwfore Hwarmlnic Uma I After reeeiv- to-morrow—if we read THE CHICAGf) RECORD, whose ■ppk* irmwlnit reittou ttuui In Ulnti. ■Up a Qoeeo trap uo tlw btwn uotraoaa iag your letter I hegan the Special Cable C.urres|>ondents arc located /e rvery imf>0rtamt Tbip hUch altltiMli* and dry flliiuito aaon of cacti populous colooy. 1*0, Uw pM( V yaaf* aijr wtl* ham Im4 n'/y in the W0riJ outside of the United .States. No othor •caWrtoauch iroaMt aCwtiaf th« Iwart. tD fnralkli Nlml (TMMlItluna for ttila In* Jbat a sronl about attarbimi tba coM^lltaC Itrr to at «p all nblu