r THE NEWS. Vcii.iTMK XI—No. 4>8. ST. JOHNS. MICHIGAN, THT’RSDAY AFTERNOO;^. JT^LY 19, 1900. ONE DOLLAR A YEAR. rs WIQI tr FB.T ITS MK WTH MAU VAM« MltMl MAMIMl MAVa ■HttOTN OM MIM UTESEnini KIMAOI'AM iaU>t«AiaM ‘mP aPMMA. «>MM AT ■MW'AmMTUXB. TMI*. TMMM ■XmiPMOPU. WMck tiK TraNey LiaeCaMpaay I * Chaa. Tobiaa and 8. Marher. raa “This ia thr beat wmter 1 pet to Polltiwiap ao aloaa upon the pradna* 9t . pediara, wnrr armafd thla wnnfc Dame Wemag. drink anywhere on ny trip whieh in ­ tion eaareiaaa the folltiwinp oonfeoaion I chanrwl with hatfrlary. Complaint cludes quite a portion of Miohignn f4>mi “one of the ch4mMi”will be fully Ghmi Mi D mL WMi ClHWfad. I waa made by WMIiam Warren, a and the nurtheni pnrt of Indiana. ” appceeiated. The lanpnapr ia given ' farmer llvinir juat north at Hheparda- snid a tmvelinp man to a Newa re­ juat aa it waa opoken: vllle. It laalfetred that Mr. Warreo'a im ALL THE CAM M SIGHT porter yeaterday. aa hr refreshed him­ HILL QROTA MW QHMJHD ”1 waa the memt fripbtemMl prraon aon found Barber cominir oat of the self at a penato^. on the face of the'tmrth . My heart THE puir on n mm hunae while the family were all away, “What I enjoy prontly is the entire iMppan to boat like a forty-home power SEVERAL PECULIM REQUESTS fin iieinit aaked what he wanted he of the abaenee of taate of iron. 1 sup­ nm TImw Im V i TImI M engine when the graduate ahMd of aaid be waa after suaiethinir to eat. pose yonr water system here has just me bimaD to dmw to a el<me. I began PMH aiMli N h iMM ■--------- Tf li The Imy did nut like the man*a iKM-ti pat in ami the pipes are not yet to wxMMler what the ffmt word of my actiona and turaed the dop on the fel­ old enunph to mat. ” ap4M*l wiun 1 h4>prd 1 would be atmek SIMMijrlbiMM Mait of Ikt Cooaci for Al< low. The dop ia a monatroua llaoe Wlien told that the plant was in ­ li^ liphtninp or the church would cntch and pup croaa and the tail no aooner stalled eleven years apo, the speaker Two Topor Girls Bropflii Their Hothcr lo VIcMr CUiTcy wm Um LmM Hmh lo ItTC ffrr and the aadien4>r stampede. But •Mom hi pare him perroiaaion to play tap with expressed surprise sayinp that he knew alaa. the ‘other fellow’ ffnIalMd amid It WUl THke Tine or thr pedler than he was in posanaaion Gtre Her CoMcnt. trf DU plaee where the water was as ■Is PMpm Propnly mod. terrifle applanae. followed by a deikd of a very important portion of the pure in taste where the pipes had lieen alienee. By thia time my heart bad Brect Rtw fellows pantaloona. Where he would down as lonp as in Mt. ,luhns. 'You attaine*! a opeed of scMuethinp like liave tinished can only be surroiaed as must have seen red the verj' best prade “Iluw much ilues it coat to pet mar­ Fur the Hrst tinae in many yettrs eighty thonoand Imata per minute, and DECLANATION 18 LIKELY the bov saw that it was neemaary Ui of pipinp and it is surely wearinp hi^ pumptNl itaelf up into my mouth ried? ” and p4Maibly thr Hrat time in the hia- The deal for the removal of the Ht. call the canine, if there waa to lie well. But 1 want to say that it is nut tory of the <Munty the full Hat of Jna- and waa dragging my stomach along This rather hmnd queation ivns Johns Hpring Company has lieen prac­ an,v man left apainat whom to make a aakr«i of .luatice Marshall last Sntur- alone the aiswnoe of nut in the water ti4»a of the Peiuw of the county, in* with it. I tom a hraer. got up and (simpiaint. Tobiaa waa stoppinp or the taste of iron .which pives yon oludinp four from e4mh tow’n^ip. manoMi to get t4i the front, smiled. tically claae4i and it is probable that CSllMtoii Air«>«»iM* Mtclil br Taibvii tMT tlir tiay as he was busily enpmpml in win*k putai water. The water itself is sup­ bowe*T aa gmeefully as a giraffe and down at the river it ia said, at the at’ his otHre in the court house, by aixty-four in all, tiave qualiHiMi and the concern will move its inaebintpry IO«|i m time thia cpiaude oceurml. Several erior if I am an}' jndpe. and I think »f thr L4 ^ It tbr FniNrlilar Whlrh Alfred Siaou. an fhrid townahip man. are now rc4Miy for baaiD4wa. Victor aailed in. By thia time I couldn ’t N4se, Aod get settled in its new htmae at aitides of value were found miaainp I am as I never touch anythinp except Clavey, of I’ieWitt, was the laat man didn ’t know who or where I waa and Waa <IO>n il Wvtv t« Im> KaMMi— lat|M»r- Well, renlljr 1 ilo not know as I am when the faimly retumeil and the men tea and e«iffee. ami as a conse«|uenee Pontiac, within the next few moathe. tfuallHed to answer that querry to send in hia papera. If the criminal hadn ’t the leaat idea of what I ivaa were arreated and taken before.Iuatiue I drink a prrat deal of water.” •’Secretary Hubbard ’s propcwitlon to laal l*nlal» latralt^ M«»»arittaK l.rsal thoupht the Jnatice. Althuuph a mar- huain4 ‘as la lipht the next year It sayinp but I knew that I was mtrehan- N. f). Smith of find, who lield them Tlu* speaker was well known to The surely cannot lie attrihuUNl tii a Ia4!k ioally grinding out some part of my the I'ontiac people was that he would ■.Miblllly of iIm* ('oMiMiliy aa<l fhr Vll> riwl man. he appreciatwt the fact that News man who felt the compliment for examination Aupuat firat. They it dependeil entirely on cirrumstances at judicial timlwr. «*MHiy. I didn ’t know wher«* I waa remove the plant providing a site lao*-. furnished liail in the sum of VS imi. and was said in earnest. County Clerk Smith lias made a until I waa juat witMliog up the laat lie anawered however, by sayinp that wert* u> be furnished and fOU.DIo ad ­ were relasod from custody. special effort this year tu pet all of sentence. Then I felt aa tf a five ton the law allowed him two dollars. ditional capital aubseribed to the cap­ “That would hr four dollars for two the justices who were elect4Ml this weight hatl Iwen lifted from my shoul­ ixuipies” Muliluquiawl the swain, as if EIClitEEN DEATHS spring Ui qualify and has been re* ders and I could walk on eggs. I ital stock. hadn ’t the lettat id4ia whether I imd A mrvtinir of tiu* «’«>iiiiiioti i ill a quandry, “and that is mure cash ward«Ki fur his pains by being able The Pontiac people took the matter JOHN CULLER DIVORCED to send the Swretary of State this left out pniT of it, furthermore I didn ’t tlian we have on hand. You see it is up with the result that inside of a few council iit l>ooicc«i f«ir tomoinnc even* | C'AI'NKII HV IMMi WAMIIKN KMITH ek a fnll liat of the oltic-rrs without care. I waa tbrongli ami some people this way” t.'untinued the pentleman weeks the entire amount aaked was in|r when the matter of the franchiM* j Ml’*rr HKM.tIN NiNtll.K r<»M TW4» from ttvid: “There are four of us THIS VKA«. a brvnk app4*arinp in a single town ­ were generous enough to applaud. ” ship. raised. for the trolley line will In * taken up; VKAH k . want to pet hooked up ami we thoupht that may hr you would shade In the list are the names of several pilorn C oonver ^shinehb . The articles of asaoeiation have been No Trosblr With Any of IIm* Itwsers Ns%e juatlces who have HIlexi the offha* for a* a apet'ial onler of huaineiM« tile price a trifle iimler the circum- sign4Kl and .Secretary Hubbard aaid to lie nim I Ml* Wife Were Hmlli KxfwrlMeeri stanors. ” Is «»ss (Ssse—vav Uses Were a long seri4*s of years ami wh«t have The rather unex|>ecte«l re*|ueati* of' heeom** quite familiar U> the voters in ALI. lNVITKI>TI»TMICC'AMI>MKIfTINU The News this week that the work 1,. K m me Kxlenl In the W«V* **1 The juatioe debated It was the MeesseA. thr com{Miny haw receivi«<l (*onKi<ler- ; Hrst tiim* he haii ever lieen askeii to this way. (teurpr W. Bat4K. of Elsie, IN viemiK. of erecting the new bniiding would MalrtinnNjr. txinoeiie a quantity diNcoiint on lepal is the dean of the justiot*s having be commence*! at once and it ia able attention aiui the inemlien> of the: served thirty-two consecutive years ! marriape fees and he did nut can* to Ilurinp the montlut of May and Kev. W. (t. Ntiaae. of JtKiae, haa 'Ikely that the concern would lie mov- covncil and the rillaire attorney hare ami is now just Inqiinnitip another The divorce case of .lohn fiuller. of set a preerilent. .June I)up Wanieii K. It. Smith licensni lieen in .St.
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