Portland Daily Press: July 26,1864
V N * J VOLUME IV. PORTLAND, TUESDAY MORNING. .JULY :>0, 1864 WHOLE NO 040 all such cases reccontmend the PORTLAND DAILY PRESS, Managing Di- — ■ -- rector lo dismiss him. MISCELI.ANEOIS. BUSINESS CARDS. JOHN T.OILMAN, Editor, BUSINESS CARDS. MERCHANDISE. l.elifr* ‘ \\ e have a heavy winter's business before CLOTH l.\t;. Kemiiinli c “rl iuii g published ut Me. (Cij EACHANGE ilTKEET. by us. Let it not the Hoot < thee >t be said that the Eastern Dis* Bort;.i.d, State of Maine ».h»ia trict PAPER BOX mtNEFACTOHV. RRADLE1', MOl'I.TON A ROGKR9 IN day o July, ltio4. K. A. FOSTER* CO. compared with the other Iltu’knietack Ship Timber* R E M unfavorably THE DAILY <3 V at.. * blaili of Di-tricls of the IMIESS, "ll'iUSAU DbALKBS IS Hackmatack, aud Hard Wood *ujr ,he*« the at i> lira nr great Plauk.Tree- tnoM calln° :o, Railway. uailj iro.u 12 J. OAK. to 28 iucbet*, Treenail Wedge*, ftu. thu <iur,r,M.ogl>, “ f U. Daii.kv, 'P.~Libby, l.at, and pay one cent for Thu Eobtlawd Daily Fausaia published at *8.00 CALORIC POWK.lt MAM'FAt i'DltLH OP fcc*yy k. Taylor adseriiaing Local Eastern District. Grain and Cge-‘ll not pryosr; 11 paid-triotlyiu advanoe, a discount of Supt. Flour, jMWodlm Gilt’sWhir, Port'tnd. JOSIAH cillod ter within one aumih thee will Provisions, BURLEIGH be sent to ““’""•'“P •*“ • l.(*l will be made. Xote.—You will rend well aud ex- 88 me ft at nelt.r Lflke uleasc Paper Boxes, Commercial street, The mss Block, BAR BUfOVBD TO Single copies three oents.
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