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. PROPOSALS tary Refined Product Below Six Cents. They Get the American 14 K''""n'' ' -- t! Indorsement. CAUSES OF THE DECLINE rB?!uir txtnt., rm, CHINESE aaaaTaalt PUNISHMENTS aj" -- rial nmm pjaf i '' Beliaf That War Between V to is . at., i eo the Truit asMawajPA N and the Arbuckles m is A New Move May Open a Way for Again on. i l the Settlement ft. sr. 1 of the i Crisis. u;.m:th . m an.i r--a. a lafllaWaa an .1 t ia. r,P UKftLIN. Oct. 4. --U. .fa,. rannlng. An official of the ntrlfucj W t..f. r. ;u Foreign Office - Mm, . informs the correspond 4 I 4 "- rtenneii.. wasvk crueh.-d- ' wirre.p ent of the Associated Press that Ger I 1. IB.. 1 to And T to p many has issued a m ft, m. . t-- i. . second note to the u ta. fw yoK. ot. 1 li, powers Maw. hardly ,t-.d- y, faJr regarding the method of secur ing punishment for those Ifctt (1 MS ' guilty of the imnm r.rln... w.nk! outrages In , . IF' iff,. hour r.4 t China. This note is issued as a result of the edict of the EmMror of China beginning md proceedings afalnst Jn Sll- - i nnce and others. ' luan to tin. The Emperor of China has address ed to the powers an edict dated Sep- tember 29th, in which he orders the W.-- r I'talmlnar i punishment of a of - in nm numar only t number nrlnnoa onit .'- dignitaries, -i - mentioned bv foe prlr. or t,n tt,.- r 1Wp for nm having encouraged the Boxers. On ft lav - the 'rocrr. ..id - w- -r no r'- - .r. assumption that the- edict is irenitlT r"''1 itvn.tf.,n- f ,,nv from ,ha the German government, Slfel ftlthn...!. .ft,,,- - . in furtherance it Im.M 1 thftl ,ul- - of the procedure proposed In n wm m its circular7 - pin .mall ,h.t th had not note ot September 17th, .III to I... I k. . . lrn has further iu a i p. m ti rr "nm irM that stand. proposed to the powers to enme to a poipt agreement to Instruct their diplomatic HI MJH At BK or TIIK TH.M MI.K representatives in China to' examine .,r sort and give their opinion on X-- the following Mfe , ... TORK. Oct. R.nn -- u points: r"o today bvlow rrnta a pound ' aus-- Whether the list c a nt.. for th, nrat urn- - m Y-- n.i fn edict, persons t laaonio Tempi. H ft moih.. while of to be Dunished o ft. m to 4 p aft. flcient and correct? ' rUrtu,oa md la- -t nlaht Whether the punishment nm. r;it - 'nornina- hy thr iiuffar trit and posed meet the case? ti Hi ..I. I ha AH.uckJea. A rut In prlcru '3. In what way the powers can con ' I f-- t , trol nS FT' 4V ' ' ..rn. in.-- th. the carrAir.g out of the rtenfl It ie h... r in ta ovrr and riw Imposed? TIMnt In literal ai.r. "The infor.nation recaived un to tho n.iuntltlra. present wall rm l4wr Wall atrrft. trhorr concerning the receDtion of this If aucar hrofeaws proposal by powers m ta I atr. va. mu. h -- p the justifies the be-- t' tlrrr.l lief o. i i . .. sal Tl U4 wnw -. tliat sciici a.i unuersianaing on " anown that th. Arhucklra this may -- r. ...li, matter be looked for." caKiANn uin hiialnra. t (It. polnta " b. A FRENCH ilia markrt mml iaat nlaht hy thr PROPOSAL. 4. trua. .,.r1n the aprltw and aum- - WASHINGTON. Oct. The French government, through r. wn-- n mere w.r rontinual advanoea M. Thiebaut, the ., French charge d'affaires, has presented rn.i-i- mnunin in all Ip over to Secretary Hay a programme I "nl a pound, the Arlnjoklwa rrjularly for the complete settlement of the Chinese dif- advance made by T' run Iw, eah the truat. ficulties and at the same time the Rus- rne manner In whl-- h now thy have cut sian government, through M. de Wol-ian- t, - l .r:o. r. HftMric " lr j..,rt that seconds the French proposal, thus h,. on Franco-Russia- trk. rde war la aaaln making it a joint n r"''iti ir in., truat amounta to proposition. The proposal is under four llftern polnta. If. aelllnT prlc has noml- - heads as follows: n .!. cent a p md, hut actual "1. Punishment of the guilty Chi- ftv a. . nese nun .. r t a officials. i. i .n Tor lorn.. ' IML at CI9 renta. The lopped The interdiction of arms and am- Arbucklra munitions of off twenty piilnta n war. to China. irinm at stroke. It "3. The payment of intimated In th Indemnity to the av p atiaar trad that buyers powers. Mn ae retly ..IT. r. ! auar at a "4. The of tntT-fl- v point- - fr..m rtfter. sufficient Chinese guarantee o a for the m M pne. or at a.M centa future." Th flurry In th iucr trad.- - ruaed The proposals further ask for a com- a wave of earitem.nt In the petent legation guard at Peking; the on Htork Moec- - the K. hnae. razing of the Taku forts and their de- ilation m it waa peavy m prl- - waa r.Tn - IS -- enta - struction and the establishment of a lower at th openlna. and event- .l.l.kT WIU-O- boaaed m the convention of the Independent part line of communication between i K'wm ni nearly inr. onta OC- - Q Th. l.H,,!,, mm at his beck and call. the aea -- - mim ran,, meeung ne board I "" m.ide a speech which, for Incendlarlr m, conceit and Peking. a hia prevloua ... v. . and aaininity. exceeded Jam. If rot,t. prealdent of the Nation lll Krnm thl. -.u h i,i.,k liic. afti ... This Franc proposal has i Auvrnnr puDiishel verbati m yesterday arc t .. , Incorporated laat aprlna folio wlna aentencea which ahow man Wilcox taken at random the been sent to the President. I Kir the aa he Is: . havlna rlo rlatlona with the I - THE AMERICAN aaya have been traveling- from Hawaii to N'llhau for the REPLY. ftnaar 'mpany. that the 1 sake of uur countO .md our ticket, because 1 you to t'-- enalave,! with the n.i I, want not WASHINGTON. Oct. 4. U. l.r are a natural trad con. Her.ul.IWn. The S. to l. aa. ne. t0n"ht B R'pub,,cn or party In Hawaii, Government has taken a decided step Irmand and the Ht.tel..ten Docratlc although there are such parties In th I'nlted in arrival of raw aucara on tha market. A-- k the development of the Chinese situ- -- I 'arar 0 Ual - In to-da- y what "laninranre the cut of I iTaa" to e, ery ation a note delivered Plnta tha Ar. n.ted But riht Hawaiian her everj- American in the by Sec- aiea mlaht have, he aaM W- - all H retary Hay to the German T.I av. ?. They aent Hartwell and Smith there to entanelei rnnr Hjndlm MAi.n.. , charge l4 work hard for buatneaa. If you m aalonarlea. they got -- ' ' ...... d'affaires. Baron Speck von aajawn t yon In- - but aouped." I went with the nickels and he . Sternberg. the Irmand htv. to offer rr, . . i 2,T,aii'i .- 1- iJCiuiluis HIIU Kep- - In reaentatlvea shook handa rith an.l autf-orTae- the note favorable " - nougn d action by m.nli to et U." rr.an. rp,.i,l i w.is not an delegate, a I shall be as Contrresf- - this In h rmonr au-- eovernment on Germany's sug- ah with the fall In price of These haolea In country lJ?n latest m ar In RVw York waa thla are noihlng but cockroaches gestion concernine the there a decline of I tell you tonight I waa not born ou; of f'.rty point In Ban Francisco. At 9 wood' Chinese criminals is expressed LwraACrni,- - ' I waa born out of ateel! Tou can vn and the k 'h.. aelllna f. II from 1', V. to arrue until ir mouth Is ,ra but you cannot knock Wilcox trlca may I down, do what yoti announcement is made that th TTnttacv a pounds, In after-kaaa- ) hundred and the I 7 States If. agreed with the people here on June to Dak I already has sent instructions to' I .r there waa a further decltna from M their uate. tell you tonight I will not with. l to aa is. draw at all: .minister conger along the in- - flinre May tha price of the 1 lines K-- m thS n,y w - t0n"ht HaWa" that Kn0WS dicated. The rnnr. article haa baen ateadlly advanr- that doe"" an',hinK of "i tary tactics. There is no other man her. instructions to Mintater '"it in tna autumn or every year longer are that he shall The time has come for Wilcox to take hold of narrow-mind- ed learn the la a tumble, and consequently the these small, haolea who have tried to kn. k me down names of the Chinese t I hav traveled all over, aa far aa K irapt), and I found no countries so as Hawaii. offenders who are of yeetardar waa not altogether -. rank to be mi u ii za.ia.tr aim uvm avuu in;.- :i ail c.,,jia eo tr) u aJ , t,.ir..i h- - t i.. i . punished: also whether the pun- ted. A number of the bia jobbera .1: th honors ' a rvuie uac uume w .tn ishment to I .oklna for the change so soon. ni. be administered Ls adequate not liaten lo the anaJcca of haalkk, ut let the of - to and will he loaera. Um. watchword Kaulia prevail, "Kill the anakes!'- their offenses and finally, whether - w... IU lUVM FO aft,- iwa .".., wil aga.nst me IfrleVOUSlV. d'H . . no la to lll 1 A . . - V."MfIl. . . . JeUS f'hrtt not" retnrr. ,..luV. .J. for in- - the punishments y - Kaatern auaar brouaht 1.1.4 aaaaanv . . . - Til m IF. A. w ... l . " are actual adminis- ift.'- T''- i rw.ia M.m aaauipi iiiin. utr uiuJJ .ivi. Milium -L rrrm . the Pacific oast, the price n the market tered. ..ws tl in New Y irk T!:e 'I - The American note is -- y considered the i. rn ftennr-r- - thoiialng- " A A af BTV A a aj lucar and th t'lllfor- the Creeks to take a census of rV I afV a at a a most important in Lwaa aZT,r , , nla Muaar ftertnery ara the only concerns GALVESTON'S DEAD their own citizens, which act was not ar.- - II U A I I the establishment of " w i IlnVll' mv-'"'"- V AIM a VVJ rw.Z n i Droved bv Prealdent v VL--4 111 t complete unity between TTniled TAa tr oaat that refine th raw suaar. f'hu the r r"f n ti nrlc for the refined article la aet 91 tes and Germany. ' lb ' s the awtaat from these KULL UVtK A BRYAN LANDSLIDF FOREIGN PROPOSITIONF. reffaaeriea there la no sugar on aaJ I 70WnK!trreVt,tt.I common l.y which the tribe-- now holds its a ll5e7 t etcetK that lanoarted from Hong-- I .birds, should le changed to that of Indl. WASHINGTON, Oc 4. --Propotit.. . Th- - Honakong sugar falls and ADOUt iWCniV-rlV- e ivOIDSCS v:ouai tenure, as provided in the Curtl a f I. . I tft . 4 of a far-reachi- ng co4HrejrtL. 1 . . ... i character I at. a. .a last - - aaattata ftT ... . .i mm .1 aw w" ftiiva - .tV- - 1 i I inn eainic niirnor aaa tft 11 a Willi Ik.Ilia- tiiiirf .L.I.in I" ne advocates a standard allotment nnoiuvi China are being presented in ra; i Be ' la ti ,or acres aa alwaya froaa B rents 1ea In Day Taken Prom the iw each citizen's share In - ''t la B the Rainbow Forecast Of c ssion to this government. T:- State pricw. common estate. He also advocates re-fn- m a Department had no sooner J Bf forty pnlnta In on day La flBtV Ruins. of the itock laws, and recommends disposed of the Election. one to-di- .v alsVraaJfi a lrw lerll. hat on that steps be taken so that appeals from of these propositions by de- "'KWltl I 'wrsstont there have tiaaa grastter. TrlOn !the declalon of the Dawes Commission In livering a response to the Qsrwftaa Gov- t. 4. J Ir r.d cases may a) la--. March Mh of laat year thera wis fall i MA KHTHN. Tex.. The find be taken to the United ernment than it was by j CHICAGO, 4 Demcw N i- - confronted an of one-ha- lf State In Oct. ratic slaty. twa and points a Courts the Territory of ing of - orpaes se-m- never enaing. Instead even more important proposition sub- 'the Interior Department j at Washington. tiunal headquarters has out its mitted by the ' ' bt awa: twenty-fiv- e a day belnff recovered. 4 French Government, and APPOINTMENT f f first official forecast ." the coming elec-- j within hair an hour formally Certainly now the dead in the city will Davey Wins in seconded Paris. tlon. J. G. Johnaon of Kansas, chair-- by the Russian Government. The an- i:ar Man Mad Vtta-- I exceed S.OOt, beyond the city limits 1.200 i fet Tounf Honolulu has won honors man of Com-'mitte- e, swer to Germany covered the subject n more a in Paris the National Executive Frlncipal of School. and on the ma land than - of punishing High besides thoae mentioned in the des- did the figuring- and announced Chinese subjects and made h thousand. 'this Known that the United States had in- trie a. Kaatan has appointed patches Word Come from - result: Electoral votes claimed for n'-- bn - the eroai- I Brj-a- n priaetawl mi th High School to ftaW fmton 320; electoral votes for McKin-jie- y, structed Minister Conger along the I i COUNCIL th.it in an exhibit of postokl cards ' .icMfoatt. who reaaaned aoaae CREEK 94 electoral votes In doubt, 33. lines suggested by Germany. These In- from hie-h.-t - - all over r- a. n co. Mr. iCaaton haa heea th teach the world the m rsi 4. . structions look toward securing the of a. ianre at the High Bchool for two re paat. narhes of persons deserving chastise- rne H la a gradual- - of the fnlveralty of ' ment, also whether the punishments are very youmr "T"": . "- Thee re th. p,c. of "d, iN? in accord with the gravity of the crimes Hfornla and Is a popular mi ?h tuir.e,. i. j.. . .'"P- the is put aa. Mr Alston married In ine annual aurf rid nir and the lei women, which committed and finally, in what manner aeaalon of the Creek council haa convened artistically colored Minnesota and New Jersey. Every- m at to Mies May Hart, daughter of and well printed else fs tiJ' the United States and other powers are thing put down for Bryan. Hlge Hart. at Okmulgee. Chief Porter'a first annual adorn two of the designs of cards sold to be assured that satisfactory punish- mtaag. which la pronounced one of th ' V Davey. ment is rhflictecL Aside from these nm- - At th renneat of Marshal Von Wat- - meat Important meaaagea ever sent to Commissioner General Peck denies vigorously the stories of extravagance connec-t- clfic purposes of the note it Is regarded th allies aelsed the port the counc il, defenda the act of j 2 in i hare I an 0n made n Bhan-hal-Kwa- a-.- with American of n. th of the Creek council, au-- spVec7es. oup?.7 eih the exhibit at the lt teen si tour. World's Fair. (Continued on Page z.) 12, 1900. PA0TF10 OOMMKBOIAL ADVBT!16Br HONOLULU, OCTOBER

dc-iMiia- ur uo suuu.il be was mi An Imperial euiot , to th AND line with this purpose. This fear has , ranks and offices ph iat t FROM CHINA sug- - MESSAGE oeen largely d.ssipatta by tne new Rang Yi, Tung Puh S ARRIVED gestions, which meet in large pari rneerned In the I?oxor JUST i TIEN'-TSI- V v'.wk of this (iovernment. GERAVANY'S SHARP REPLY It i.s understood to be the purpose of the Oct. 1, and Shanghai o, ' 1 13 PER P. 8. "AUSTRALIA" Administration to take advantage of the j cial reports announce tha' '1 s of settlement of the Chinese question. (ber 29. Three British ' l nis wui oe aiscussea Dy me sjaimiei nere uciouer 2d tn , U3Wi 2.-- The following is the throne wnen Air. Metviniey rerurns 10 wusmng- - i uan ana . " BERLIN, " Oct. Uhunir TM Emperor . s mss- - our bremren of JirtSj" "a by the text of the Chinese children, misslonaries women and In connection with tho character of General Chaffee has jage to Emperor William of Germany: wno ror tne sake of their faith, which punishment the Chinese Government king. teft M, Mln- - that Greeting That your Majesty's is aiso mine, have died the violent will be required to impose, the reply of TIEN-TSI- N, Monday rising of - r ster has fallen a victim to the death of martyrs, and are accusers the lierman traperor to tne communica- aai, uct, At a me.ti-- , China, Do com- - - Tien-Tsi- Ahich suddenly broke out In your Majesty. the libations tion from the Emperor of China is look- citizen at n the :l .vithout our ohiciais being able to pre- - manded by your Majesty suffice for all ed upon as very Important. It shows that lution was adopted: foft .pnt it. wherebv our friendly relations these innocent ones? I do not make the German monarch proposes to be the We. the citizens of th . eie' disturbed, is deeply deplored and your Majesty personally responsible for judge not only as to the adequacy of the deolore the rntm,.i...; Lr"tedi Pennant .egretted. By decree we order inai the outrage against all tne legations, punishment but also as to who should be a targe part of the rnt...2thljU iacrittce be made on the altar for the which are held inviolab e among all na- - punished, and is in accord with the note in North China. Wp u, I ., ftlati BICYCLES ieceased and Chief Secretary Run tions, nor for the grievous wrongs done addressed to the powers. allies' armies Is far rw 0" pour hba- - so many and and to and ,.r ,.Cc tang has been Instructed to nations faiths the NOTES FROM THE WAR. that the refusal e ions on tne aaar. suojecis or your auuwy in my iuib- - Government to taWr. i. ' Ai ine commeiti" TIEN-TSI- N, Oct. 2. Rus- ana your Tuesday, The sure to be regarded thrBi,Vw, iuperintendents of the northern tian belief. But the advisers of sian and Belgian ivfinisters arrived here by to officials on unworthy r-- louthern ports have been ordered Majesty's throne and the 1st. German Minister re- act and bv 7 H ake the needful measures concerning whose heads rests the b:ood gui.t of a October The sign of Indifference. w ... Btl conveyance of de- fills mains here. ernment to carry to an 5? 0ll he of tre coffin the crime which all Christian nations 100 troops are to stay a,j - Germany a expiate abom- About American has so honorably an,i OO ceased. When it reaches with horror must their In North China. The missionaries will on an your and to maintain a ,mll second offering shall be made inable deed. When Majesty brings present a petition to Washington to in- Efficient fo $23. iitar. them to the punishment they have de public telegraph protection of Amerkan crease this number. The expia-friendlie- st military Germany has always maintained me served, that 1 will regard as an J 1,,, l gr rr interests until a Guaranteed netween reungtJ anu Aun.u .m troub. is accomplish..: Blue Enamel and We will I relations wUh China. tion which satisfy the nations of , your nleted. t nvrAM r .herefcre entertain the hope that Christendom. PEKING, Saturday, Sept. 29.-- The com- - from'Shan 'ha, 4 SINGLE OR DOUBLE TUBE TIRfcS Majesty will renounce all resentment' if your Majesty will use your im-i- o manders of the International forces are ' "Wen rec.-p- - Ootoner 3d fh peace may arranged as soon perfal power for this purpose, accepting -- '' that bi - arranging for a combined official RnTpr 7 rPW j.s possible and that universal harmo- to that end the support of all the In- - Count von balder- - ttaob.' ;"u "atUh tion to Field Marshal nrrt,nn t , y De rendered possioie ror an ume. jured nations, L tor my part, declare cavalry will, , nfarpj see. A detachment of mixed D .V.:i au'!r-'l- . This is our most anxious hope and our myself agreed on point. I city ii lost ) that shou.d escort him from Tung Chow to this the"eGermans live. The nost ardent wish. also gladly welcome the return of your The members of the diplomatic corps bp latt? said to burningcs th uuxnyr "! Emperor William replied September Majesty to Peking. For this my gen-- 0 here are still of the opinion that only around Peking. " as follows: jeral. Field Marshal Von Waldersee, will Ching and LI Hung Chang can be Prince DANGER TN E. 0. HALL & SON, LTD. To the Emperor of China: I, the Em- - be instructed not only to serve your recognized as peace negotiators. THE SOLTr peror of Germany, the Majesty 4. war- have received with the honors due your rank, SHANGHAI, Oct. The Dutch ,x V, w' A BICYCLE DEPARTMENT. telegram of your Majesty, the Emperor but he will afford your Majesty the Gelderland and Holland have sud- of China. I have observed with satis- - military protection which you may de-facti- denly been ordered to Swatow and Amoy that the Emperor of China is sire and which you may need against respectively. ion aim vvesi rivers is In a ,.. . 1 KTNG Next to Bulletin Office. anxious to expiate, according to the the rebels. TAKU, Monday, Oct-- l-- ine uowasn serous irritation in COnsequeitoW STFEET. precept of your religion, the shameful I also long for the peace, which Empress has deputed the highest officials eolation of bogus edict? tellwS murder of my Minister which set at atones for the guilt, which makes good of the Empire to make all necessary ar- - feat of the allies and of theirf naught all civilization, yet, as the Ger- - wrong rangements for a most Imposing funeral of secret societies. the done and which offers to all I man Emperor and a Christian, I cannot foreigner in China security for life and In honor of Baron von Ketteler, the late Rioters are marauding anl regard that abominable crime as aton- - property, and, above all, for the free German Minister to China. She has also the villages, especially tft ed for by a libation. Besides my mur- - service of their religion, ordered the erection of a suitable temple nouses. dered Minister, there have gone before WILLIAM. at the capital to his memory. The super- - I British and French jrtinboats lntendent f trade at Tlen-Tsl- n has been ling the waterways. This haaW ordereu to meet tne oouy on i anivni vary phwi m preventing highest officials of the port . steamers. receive other than their Just deserts, here and the j With a view of forming a judgment on THE GERMAN these points, the United States Minister j in Peking has been instructed to report whether the edict completely names the PROPOSALS persons deserving chastisement, whether j punishments proposed accord with the THAT DOES Buy j gravity THE BEER All Nations (Continued from Page 1.) of the crimes committed, and in i what manner the United States and the other powers are to be assured that sat- ONE GOOD IS as important chiefly in establishing the isfactory punishment is inflicted. most satisfactory relation between the It is hoped that Mr. Conger's replies to Government at Washington and Berlin. these Interrogatories will confirm the STRAW HATS The Franco-Russia- n proposal takes a Government of the United States in the i vj'.i.ivjii nun Liitj ...IN THE... much broader scope and submits win.u ii nnaif wmi im programme under which the negotia- perial uerman Government that the edict tn question Is an important initial step In Pabst VERY LATEST STYLES. tions for a complete settlement can be the direction of peace and order in China. carried forward. The French charge, Department of State, AT M. Thiebaut, handed the proposition to Washington, October1 3, 1900. to- AN IMPORTANT IWAKAMI S, HOTEL STREET. Secretary Hay shortly after noon MOVE. con- 4. Beer day and held a brief conference WASHINGTON, Oct. The American cerning It. Half an hour later, M. de note to Germany is regarded as one of Known the world over, and ex- - Wallant, the Russian charge, arrived the most important moves thus far made, ported by the carload. not only In fixing the course of events In at the State Department and handed to China but in giving formal expression to Mr. Hay a cable expressing Russian a growing and most sa'lsfactory state of approval of the propositions just sub- feeling which has ar'sen lately between mitted by France. Mr. Hay gave no the Governments at Berlin and Washing- formal answer to the two communica- ton. This has come about after several go extended conferences between Secretary PABST BEER tions as they will first to the Presi- Hay and Baron Sternberg, all of them dent at Canton. looking toward common action by the two IS THE ONLY BEER The Franco-Russia- n proposition is Governments. under four heads, namely, first, punish- As these d'spatches stated yesterday, TO DRINK ment of the guilty parties; second, in- the point under consideration Is the su- pervision by the M'nlsters of the powers terdiction of th shipment of arms Into now at Peking of the punishments to be It is famous for its absolute puri- China; third, payment of Indemnity to administered by the Chinese authorities. ty, and brewed from the choicest You will know the powers, and fourth, sufficient guar- The desires of Germany in this matter malt. antees for the future. were expressed at length and were com- In addition a suggestion is made for municated to the President. They met lega- with the most heartv approval, as they the establishment of a permanent were seen to be, in line with what the Bee tion guard at Peking; for the razing United States had announced as one of Ci Pabst !- !- !- -- Co V - - ? 1-- 2------l- -l'i Peacock & 4rh h I - h I h hi I'l l 14 of the Taku forts and for the mainten- Its chief alms, viz., to hold the guilty par- f H 'l 'H ance of a line of communication be- ties to the uttermost accountability for 'i T tween Peking sea. their wrong-doin- g. As a result Secretary by label and d and the Hay LIMITED, the T The impression here, In advance of prepared the note delivered today. It tflese was cabled immediately to the Berlin action on propositions by our Fore'gn Office. Sole Agents. Government, is that they contain noth- It Is felt here that the American note taste ing essentially unfitting them to be sub- will create a most favorable Impression jects of consideration in a final settle- In Berl'n and wi'l prove another bond be- )jC 9( l(c is likely to tween the two Governments. It has been e Sew ment. The difficulty which rfoopni7rd that aftr the last note to 1c B it arise lies In the placing of proper limi- Germarv some friction was manifested 1 tations upon the scope of each head. in the German preps and there was some This is particularly true of the subject rnnrehonslon tat the pornrd between - of guarantees and perhaps that of in- Germany ard the United States a? to the Over One Doll demnity. Still, as suggested, means of dealing with Ch'na trrght be Hundred Million already strained, if not broken. For that reason each i.s undoubtedly a most proper sub- Tht in the world. Manufactured by tho recent negotiations have taken on b?t the ject for discussion, for when the final added Interest and s'rrnlfiranoe, and the Anuualy earned by operators of the Wimtf Skwino Math ine Co., Cleveland. Ohio, negotiations are reached and, therefore, hearty concurrence wh'ch row has been M. Delcasse's broadest propos.ton, brorsrht aboi't is looked upon as little U. S. A. likely to consume short of a triumnh In International com- Without refertnce tj any particular while some time in ity, and one alike snt'sfaetory to reducing them to ult.mate and binding the feature, a'one upon broad of Ur'ted States and to Germany. but the claim form may be said to have a fair recep The instructions to Minister Cogger dls-- peneral superiority as a Family Sewing tion awaiting them. close the firmness With which this Gov- Remington Standard As to the interdiction of arms, the ernment will se that the punishments Machine, adapted to all classes of wo Department intimat- are adm'nlstered. The chief personages work, State already has guilty of the outrage have been takten ed that there may be a question as to plac the "WHITE" before a critical public into conslderat'cn during the latest nego-tiat'or- s, its wisdom and there is reason to be- ard it can be stated that fore-roo- st with cntireconfulence that it will meet every lieve also that Germany will not view among them are Prince Tuan. Chao that particular feature with approval. Shu, Chiao ard Kan? Yi. Except Tuan. Typewriters these names have been little mentioned requirenent of the mu-- t exacting purchaser. But there appears to be good reason to .... expect among these China h is marked for pun- that a middle ground will be ishment, but thev are mine the less those reached by confining the interdiction of who have had largely to do with out- the ! Ui arms to a specified period, possibly to rages, ard they will be held to strict ac- -; Just think of it More than the Gold Reerveof the H. Hatkfeld & Co., Ltd. be fixed by the time required by China ccntabMif'. Statts. within which to pay the indemnity. The The German note contained In today's chief objection dispatches from Berlin concerning the to the proposition is in purlshment of Chinese offenders is that T Sole Agents, Hawaiian Territory. its being permanent in its present form. which Baron Sneek von SternWrsr has so What the United States Government earnestly urged before Secretary Hav THE REMINGTON does the writing of the world. particularly desires to avoid is en- v'thln the rast four days, and to which the response Machines are on exhibition the bture ot tering into of a program that leans in the favorable of the United at the any Ftates wns oommunleated to the German manner toward the maintenance of Charge d'Affalres today. PACIFIC CYCLE & MANUFACTURING a foothold on Chinese soil and if the LONDON COMMENT. other propositions relative to the main- COMPANY, LIMITED., tenance of a line of free and safe com LONDON, Oct. 4. Emperor William's latest proposition is regarded at the For-- : St munication between Peking and the eign Office here and in other diplomatic In charge of an expert. Eblers' Block, Fort sea and to the legation guards could be circles as going further to pave the way Why Not modified in the direction of temporary to both an agreement of the powers and Repair work done prompt' y and satisfaction gnranteei expedients they will be more likely to the success of the negotiations with China receive the support of our Government. than anything which has yet transpired. It is apparent The text of the German proposals has Keep Your from the complexity of been wired In its entirety to Lord Salis- the latest Franco-Russia- n proposal that bury, who Is out of town. the phase of negotiations thus Initiat- "The new proposals," said a leading ed will take some time to dispose of. diplomatist, "are, of course, the outcome Wardrobe ' Neat? Following is the text of the of Lord Salisbury's verbal refusal of his H. Hackfeld & Co., American consent to Germany's first note. Emper- reply to the German uote, delivered to- or William has now saved the situation SOLE DEALERS, HAWAIIAN TERRITORY. THE day by Secretary Hay to Baron Stem-ber- g, by introducing entirely new proposals, the German Charge d Affaires: which will probably obviate Great Britain TEXT OF HAY'S j having to send a formal, written reply to NOTE. the previous WASHINGTON. Oct. is communication." the reply of the United At the American Embassy, where Mr. sn States Govern. Josep i Choate returned this evening, Everybody Direi Mi ftti ment to the German note relative to the the Should Order lip M news of the German proposals was re- punishment of Chinese offenders: ceived with much gratification and as ev- The Secretary of State to the Imperial idence of tho strength of the American WILL DO THE TRICK. German Charge. proposition. The Chinese Minister communicated to THE DISPLAY OF FLAGS. the Secretary on of State, the 2d instant, WASHINGTON, Oct. 4. a telegram received by him from Mr. Jackson, General Director Secretary of Legation at Berlin, has sup- Siren, conveying the purport of plied to the State Department a proclama- Sets of 21 Pieces $3. Imperial edict, dated September 25, f" by which degradation tion by the German Government respect- the and punish- ing the display of national flags, prescrib- Sample Sets $1. ment of Prince Tuan and other high Chi- nese officials is decreed. ing the conditions under which these are The Government to be exhibited. Foreign ships are re- of the Unitti States Is quired to show flags ""Kara mis measure as a proof their when meeting me ufaire or me a German naval vessel or passing a Ger Government to satisfy thTeatonable m&n fortres If wlthn the three-mil- e VUm-mand- s de U and When enter,n& a Oerman harbor. of the foreign powers for the In- - Pacific We Jury and outrage which their Legations OPEN WAY TO SETTLEMENT l dpi and their nations have suffered at the NEW YORK, Oct. 4. A special to evil-dispos- the i, hands of ed persons China-althoug- Colony in Herald from Washington says: French Brandy, per case. 12 full quart bottles Ehlere' Block, Fort St It haa been thought well, in Consideration of the propositions sub- F. C. eight years old. Port, Sherry, Angelica. Tokay, per gallon view of the vaguenes of the edict In re. mitted by the German Government rela- Whisky, Kingston, Ky., double distilled, per gallon gard to the punishment which some of the tive to the designation and punishment of W hisky, McBrayer, per gallon inculpated persons are to receive, to sig- the responsible Whisky, years nify to authors of the Chinese 8lx old, private stock, cik River! peVgalion the Chinese Minister the Presi- outrages convinces officials here they We 46 gallons- - dent's view It would be most regret- open that kegs. barrels, S3 gallons, or barrel, that the way to the settlement of the Al Rum or Gin. per case. 12 bottles table If Prince Tuan, who appears, from Chinese question. Kingston Whisky, per the concurring testimony of the Legations case, 12 full quarts The officials felt at first that Germany Carte Blanc Champagne, per case, 24 In Peking, to have been one of the fore- Intended to delay the adjustment pints most in th9 proceedings complained of the No charge for cooperage or drayage. of. troubles In the hope of obtaining terri- Uniform cash price to all. EphriaO should escape such full measure of exem torial reparation for the murder of her Make remittance payable to F. Advertiser. plary punishment as the facts warrant or Bole agenta French Colony Vineyard, 18 Montgomery St., San Francis the Minister and the Injuries by Read sustained her w If Kung YI and Chao Shu Chlng should subjects, and that the plan to force the xwier mercantile agencies and M. Phillips & Co., Honolulu. When so ordered we pack, that nothing on packages Indicai y,y A w i r, u i j. ivuii. resourceful In conversation and showing THE TORIES of lh' Pressure of public respon- - 1 Th Shnn-r- a' Pnr mn. by bteamer. Ex BAN Australi I FRANCISCO. Oct. 4. The Mys- ,TEi tic LlM Shrir.ers are making; a float. ng pal-a- c T H UMPHAN M of the Oceanic WE RECEIVED LARGE INVOICES T pany Steamship Com- OF Zealandia. Prom stem to stern the vessel is being overhauled and put Into the very beit of order. On the Stock and bow the emblem of in Anti-Imperiali- sts the order has been painted In flaming colors. It will be Are reproduced Otfcr for Sale on the smokestack and a..-- Nowhere. on the port and starboard quarters. An Seasonable eiaoorate painting was Goods to have been put or. the tern, but Captain Howard, IN EVERY DEPARTMENT. superintendent of the s.eamsh.n com and pany, would not allow the vessel's SALISBURY IS SUSTAINED name to be painted out. and the Shrln-er- s will have to be content with the D decorations that are now on the Returns so Far ar: Ministerialist', Goods Will be Opened and Ready for Inspection in Tho a Few Days 220; L bnralt, 54: Na- Kentucky Turf rrcK paw IKXINOTON. Ky. oct. 2Jd tional, 35. won second and third heats of Transyl- vania X:13 class, purse Is.oOOl York llov. tecond: Prince of Ind a third Time s "NDtN '' The Conservative V..rk Boy won the ftrat heat. Time. 2 KV h. !i Newcastle by enormously Increased majorities and Captain Lambton. of the The Latest European Novelties Krltlah cruiser Powerful, upon CLO! INO OUT THE whom the MiitMbiP Litesrajo town t- -1 to for Xmas Present-- : of imnorterl deal tta virielvw - articles ever . rmo w err 4 IK a crushing blow lnn9tw r WnJ l "uv nuviQfaJ. wI j to the Government, finds himself the TRANSVAAL WAR l4lt0ftlMI thrifc tiof. lM.rtrA t.hnivfrirp vc. a.li-le- a , i at CII nil;intitiS arft -- v ur-i.io- rnn tw t n.n Mai i...tom of tho soil. i e" vy..w n juu auuoutiua,,aui: WUtJll ,1 mJ we a'lTr-riU- e our opeuiiig. ij jmr Lurrnr. cir. has been de. Some Guerrilla in alT ."I ' I in th.. In Fighting Which L if.. contest the College Oreen I inss division of IiiiNin, which ho represented the British utnt.ally in tho U it Parliament, tho opposition to in. SPECIAL: m nr.. wins out of tho fact that he at v ' We d hy I f It I r,ui.'u, tended a levee of the Duke of York. Mr recve-- Australia 2,000 dozen Flandkerchief i for Ladies, Gentlemen and LONIM-N- . Oct. . b-t- i - upon the oppor Lord Iioberts no ter ' "wi wires: asvortnie'if, will he shon anywherrt our own importations direct from tunity of "'John Howard P.rnell. brother returned to Krufrersdorp Oc SwitzH, Und; our ill e of the lato Charles Stu.trt Parn. II. loo ng "liart j.r res the lowest. LargJ iuvoices of Silks will bo opeaed. We call .M tober 1st. He hus been thlrty-thrt- e i . his seat at Mouth Meath. to put Mr. lo i to our of Ictffcjttas. ri tr Carow days from his bare, marched 31u mlita. iueu complete lims forward without his knowledge for South was In contact with the enemy twei.ty-nin- e ai.ein. owing to technicality, he days, killed an unknown number was elected without oppoe.lt on Mr. Car and ai tur d ninety-six- . The British xnn i' I iT 1 1 , '""'i " oner 10 resign lost three killed, tbri-- f pr.5onera anu Muslin Underwear M nr..v v.i 'i ii. ouin .weatn in ravor of Pam. .1 The twenty-fou- r wounded. Hart brought, Conservatives have captured 2.730 3 In mi another seat. bark head of cat.le and 2si sheep. this d'pirtmer t we will lead our prices. Our styles and assortment is so m Sunderland, complete from the Literals. "Duller has returned to Leydenburg 1 Ladies sav-n- s 1 that tin i . V . iil not ouly reat f i ii Itllli'L'v The results of yesterday's election, an from b'pitxkop with a thousand stuep. but e.isy to m tke selections from. . . nr. ' I ' I ' r i a. i noon. .1 up tot C p in., are. Newcastle. There are skirmishes with the Boers W It Pluraeasr. conservative. IS.04C. o dally but they are small affairs. i . iiwh h onaervative. 14.7S. flt. Orey. "The Dublin Fusileers made a night assault with bayonet on a Boer Boy's Clothing Department I.ilierni. lO.a Captain Uimoton, Liberal the U.IU. laager between Pretoria and Johann men, mostly A comp ete large stock of Wash Suits, Blue Tweed Morpeth -- Ti.o and raptured nine Sers, Suits, are now opened. Burt. Liberal. 3.177 Boers FOB Itir-- y lmwrtant who have troubled the Mother s vvrais s, in iCENTS Conservative. 2... district riieno Shut all stvlei and prices; 15 dozen Ladies' White Shirt .Ilea.. Oreen-- J. IV Nannltti. I ont - "A party of Boers have penetrated Waists Do not miss to ted the u. Our Ribbon Department is rjrjOAR ncnxiwo or. JSet.onalit. t.m. jam- complete, our prices are csa. Crew. Irish Nationalist. 2.173. the southern part of Orange River Col bed rock sjrMram ounooriaad W. T. Dos ford. Conserva ony, entered Dewetsdorp and Wepener tive, v.si.. j I emi.etion. Conservative. De'.ai-hment- s are after them." HC Hunter. Liberal, t.m. Wilkle. Ulwr, Mia TUANSVAAL IN AUGUST. ass 1 LomifrrrTTB wosii h number of returns up to dste V. ASHINGTN. O-t- . 4. An Interest is Mm. '!as follow MinlsterlaLsta. as ing picture of the Transvaal and Free 64. Nationals, l..lral. ii. m wave of war I itlake. Irish Nationalist, h Auuust. ifter the h..n.i.nretiiried iinnppoaed for the gouth had passed over the country, is presen:- - irvtlUUL MILL CO, division o' lonsford. whb h h- - repreaent- - d In n report t the State Department f National Oft .1 in the last Parliament. from United States Consul-Oener- al New v. a In Co., Tort; The it uffere.l Pacific .mer frat 17th Import Stowe at Cape Town, dated August the Of Stephen (Jrwn d.vlalon of Iniblin. last. He had to Cape the polling heir, as follows J. M C. Just returned the from u trip through the two repub.ic. ITCOI2POiejiTED. rZmphelt. CoaaorvstUe. 2.M He says that for hundreds of miles ad ,mor. the Interest in; candidates In to- Cie wire fencing is down and cannot Le dy's rontesto are William R. Cramer. used again. The posts have been burn r. Stir ProiT iMIaher of the Arbitrator. Sydney Bui-'.eral- d ed for fuel and mu.t be replaced with lia'.four. Herbert OUdstone. possible I lion posts, owing to the scarcity of tim- make it for them to act. UTT T iiTornor, Sr Kranrla Kvana Jwhoae . STRIKE d. A LONG wife Is an Amirlran), and Dr. A. Conan ber. The plowing in progress is l.m.t-e- "On or before Thursday, October THE LATEST FROM rai tavrle compared with former years and . i 4th," was the time limit set to the of-- 3 Th,. Countess of Warwick has Interven-- d ihero will be a large market for Anv rKUDADLCr fer ' 10 per cent increase and separate THE PHILIPPINES in hehslf of a Llbersl. J K Stevens, By 1901. arbitration contained in the? notices TOD Con-er'at- cereals. March. agricul CAN who Is trylns; to otist Sir John Stone. te posted by the Delaware, Lackawanna from Kast R'rmlnsham. Her tural machinery will le wanted 11 & NVeslern Company t.vlyhlp'a tiU-nrs- which Is placarded Meat and v stork will continue to Not Much Chance of the WatfC Force and Diplomacy Work & i . i i i -- I w i at today, says: ! imporii'M. jcimiin'TtuuiK j uhij.i.. i The Associated Press correspondent ' I do nt purl, luate In party politics. three day's supply o meat when Mr. AAvvancc jeiiiij asked Chief Clerk Tobey of the Lacka- to Bring the War to hot as an Ind snant protect aaalnst tho Btowo left the town. While the Boers wanna how many men showed up for aPshtlns remark a of a minister of the to get work. an End. rown on labor representatives, and as a who have returned are anxtous great cause. to work several months must elapse "Well, I cannot tell you that exact- ll.w laborer In the lalor ly," replied Mr. Tobey, "but I can give eep sek you to ronvey to Councillor Stevens hefor; things settle down to a normal j HAZLETON, Pa., Oct. 4. The only 4. WASHINGTON, Oct. The following - - you the number of colller.es mv boot hopes for his success." basis. Th- Government Is bu.lding- a 'incident of the morning in the Hazieton exact that cablegram has been - received at the War Ijidy Wsrwl. k's r. e la to th- r... new line of railway from Farrlamith to reRlon worth mentioning was the resumed operations." Mr. at BT- - Department: marks mad tv Chamberlain connect with the Orange Colony sys- march of about 200 mine work rs from "yes," remarked the correspondent; mlnahsm. Septemtier 19. when he attack- - "how many?" "MANILA, Oct. 4. Adjutant General, tem, so that the Netherlands Railway the Diamond colliery in the Northern Marin-duqu- e, ed the labor members of Parliament, none "Not a blamed one, said Mr. Tobey. Washington: First infantry to of whom, ho sskl. In twenty-fiv- e years had with Its 204 per cent dividends Will no Dart of the city to the No. 40 shaft of October 6th, on Sumner; General initiated legislation for thp benefit of the lunger have a monopoly In the Trans- the Lehigh Valley Coal Company in the ' The fact of the matter is that the Hare to command island with others to ool - working- r Is sees vaal. There will be a big demand for eastern section of town, where they ex-- i same answer would apply to the first push operations until Insurrection is Nr v T'RK, Oct. -A dlspitch to the bridge material and electrical machin- ttad to get more men to quit. Sheriff question. The sentiment of the north stamped out absolutely. He will have I Tribune from twelve full companies of infantry for AM PA BT CUING lOndn a.iv: ery and supplies. Harvey with a posse was wa.t.ng for Scranton miners as expressed in the the ft There Is a marked decline of public In resolution adopted by Local Union No. purpose. Anderson's first operations de- ONI terest In results of the third series Lord Roberts has appointed an ad- d M man hers at the shaft when they veloped nothing. reports or or r the 808 last night prevails throughout the No since Octo of rontest for thirty-fou- r seats In I'arlla- - visory committee to assist him in the sj a. hed there at o o'clock. He told ber 2d. MAC ARTHUR." - I'sptaln Lambton- struTftle at nopenlng of Johannesburg and secure them if they placed a foot on private while Scranton district. No offer, the sstle-on-Ty- The above dispatch relates to reinforce- w ne lo the chief event. of mining population, upon ground he would be compelled to arrest miners say, that any company may to his friendship with Rose- - the return ments sent to the Island of Marlnduque, CEILING wins Ird which the prosperity of the town de- - tliem for trespass. The strikers dis for individually to its men will receive ry and his esplolts at IiOdysmlth. nnd except in general with Captain Shields and fifty-on- e men or over pends. It Is questionable whether an persed without even attempting to car consideration a 'he other contrats sre mainly sets of the Twenty-nint- h Volunteer Infantry, only seven la series have common to all ry out their plans vention of the United Mine Workers. the entire undesirable element "Back, back to mines," must were reported captured by the Insurgents. retarded as close ronteots. mining towns will be allowed to return One of the Markle mines. Jeddo. No I the sub-- -t mey At that time General MacArthur sent Col- DESK The first result announced was the to Johannesburg. :.. is reported further crippled by the lrom mnenmu ueciaie. tt it ion of Kelr HaMIe for Trltchard some men who had worked If the operators have in mind any other onel Anderson and two companies of the .r Merthyr-Tyd- - AMKI-.I- ' AN St PPLIES. defection of worsan so the member f jlan of bringri& the strike to an end Thirty-eight- h Volunteer Infantry wiUi 11 t t there up to this morning. .1 was a Cnlon Kftln. for - HP WOO. Oct. 4. A special to the 4 tne local coalmen know nothing of it. two re- could bo depended upon to vote iii'ViNnnAH p Oct Con- - the Yorktown and to the Hardle : rril New Orleans, says: lief Shields and they wit the oppoeltlon. but the result was from sessions announced yesterday by the or at least refuse to admit they do. of his command if d army headquarters in Ha-zelto- Were still alive. res-re-te- by the Radicals at the National Tke British Reading Coal and Organizer Dilcher came up from n the Philadelphia and MANILA, Oct. 4. The new Philippine Liberal Club. Mr. Morgan has been a thtsfity are to be closed within to in- to-da- y and in an interview de- ra iron Company were not sufficient FConuauaVaoa today appropriated xi.OOO tho House of Com-mo- ea . Since English offl-we- MSM member of nest itoys the duce strik.ng mine workers of the clared that the United Mine Workers (Mexican) for the payment of sundry ex- He peoseeeed a lane fund of In August. to the sent here 18. S region to return to the collier- know of no proposition from the oper- penses incurred by the military for the ANS ton shout Chins sn.d Australia, and 15.000 horses and 42.-- benefit of government during supplies. y. the Insular not purchase to-da- Mr. organizer and ators. Mr II irdle la S Sclalit agitator and ies Pottier, September and also $1,500 (Mexi-- ; re of the mules have been shipped from this here, "The fact that a company here and donated a labor candidate leader of the foreign mine workers can) to the widow of the loyal and effl- -j heat up., Ilk- - Mr 1 r ,hwrat cr Mr. port to Cape Town as well as large says canvass of there has posted notices on its collier-le- a hss for nave sup- he made a careful this cient Filipino president of the town of M Two Llbersl and'date quantities of forage and other that it will prant better wages does Cruz, who was mur- -' furesnts through inter- - town and found the strikers determined Santa revengefully t their se.i's the plies, the pay theref .r being about for any from us," Mr. dered by the insurgents. The purpose Is ar t In in- - to remain out until ordered to work by not call action of a third nomiratlon the 000.000 In English gold. Several thou- t) show the United States Government's lal-or- . Morgsn convention or by Dilcher declared. ' f and Mr. hss ben the mine workers' Intention to protect Its friends and faith-- - L:h-A- t sand Americans shipped as volunteers is hardly any probability j In th.- V.-:- s'rofigho'd of Presldent Mitchell. "Then there ful servants, the Iloilos of Panay Island time work'ng on the transports for Booth Afr.ca and of a convention to consider tnis offer?' the same the army. In anticipation of a long strike, the and the civil government, up some of d English ay have rolled the many of them J.ln the foreign to-d- appointed was asKca. j Monday night, October 1st, the rebels Mr. rhnm-er'al- n local unions 'ars.at Cnlonlst majorlt'ee. The last night of the big trans- "Hardly,' responded Dilcher. killed Lieut. Max agner of the Twenty- -' not damaged the CnlonUt a. committee to investigate cases of n hsa port with horses and mules i A mass meeting of sixth Regiment of Volunteer Infantry 'fi'i w n Montcsuma among fam l.es. No cases parade and the ii' i u ri.i n ni i i a ranee by his sharp stricture upon the need strikers' near Pavia, Panay. for Cape Town has practically termin- of have vet been reported. strikers Is to take place here next Wed- - Island of labor members of Parliament. distress A detachment of the Forty-fourt- h Reg- The w. irking r Is sees, especially In the ated the work of the headquarters. r'HAMKC IN, Pa.. Oct. 4. A number nesday and the local strikers are bent poos'ble iment at Bohol Island, one of the Visayan north. hav tagett tho hrosdest of strikers from the vic.nity of Mount on making It equal or surpass the group, has encountered a force of the en- - viewa on Imperial qirstlona with which night to form ilktsbarre demonstration. lemv.. . killinsr thirty- - m of them.- One Ameri the Government Is Identified. Sheffield Carmel attempted last v MARK TWAIN IS column to march In the North Frank- SHAMOKIN, Pa.. Oct. 4. At 5:30 this can wan killed. has fo lowed stl the large Fng'l'h towns WASHINGTON, Oct. 4. In accordance i - - is afternoon a special train of five car- y showing- Colonist gsln In polling. One lin colliery at the Trevorton. which with instructions received from the War I i full-hande- d. of deputies passed Kent I seat Hss been captured there by RETURNING HOME operating almost It was loads armed through Department, Gen. MacArthur, command- i )..vornmerit the plan of the marchers to visit the here from Schuylkill county on the way ing the troopB In the Philippines, has TKe Ontveeend election has carried Oi workmen eariy this morn- - to Trevorton to guard North Franklin made arrangements for the prompt trans- on op-nes- tte homes the .t Cirker into Car larrent the colliery to-nig- ht. 1500, portation from 1 aku to Manila of the Henry Norman, Life in Europe MakeS Him FaVOr lng and endeavor to persuade them to Between and lid to his fr'end. - i!000 United States forces at Tlen-Ts- in and Pe- wr la larger than was , 9m as t.e ud the plant. As the latter is heav- strikers are now mobilized at Parker's mttor'tr n king not included In the "Legation guard" ornos--- d Rio-dxu- c Mount wi.l begin igs, low, for Mr Hsmswoetb. who t l Druuici ily guard d by Reading oal and iron Carmel and the march to be maintained at Peking under the per- Mm. had a large prtntlns Interest there h" d. policemen, several leaders prevailed soon. sonal command of Gen. Chaffee. Nearly 'ns in hta faror. - upon the would-b- e marchers to aban- General Cobin is conversant with the 4,000 troops are to bo withdrawn immedi- A t lh.e.1 (tin of two seats at Oerbv. expedition, for the present at contemplated march and if trouble en- ately from Chinese territory and trans- was defeated In He. 4 -- will don the where Mr Harcourt NKW VKK. Kt. Mark Twain a possible confl.ct. sues will be in readiness to ferred to the Philippines. Four iar?e r to Illus- his least, ar.d thus avert furnish -- ,.t unexpected and served 1. 1. v Lon.i.m on Saturday to make transports have been s ignert to the QLISTIOS! of an eWtoeal a nine The North Franklin colliery shipped troops. troops fro-- a trate tre heme In the t'nlted States after - work of transporting the t encouraged sarsrrtne Lib. in Kurope. says a Lon- &40 yesterday and is being worked PHILADELPHIA. Oct. 4. It was are W.irren. ft aho (Jo r. .i.i.riv cars Taku to Manila. These the erats t kSrS that th- rntlea m K M don dispatch to the Herald. He "turns. as rapidly as possible. stated by President Reilly, of the Le- with a capacity of 1.200; the Sumner, witk ' them than the boroughs, says, feeling like a boy reluvenated to- a capacity 770: Indiana, with a ca , - by he The Neilsoa shaft, operatodby J. high Coal and Navigation Company, of the ..... , lie Interest In the war Is revived body and Inspirited In mind. The great j pacity of 900. and the Garonne, with a ca- r when la NOW l.angdon & Co.. of Elmlra, N. day that ten collieries they operate in p t roepert of a series of gals, days will spend th.. winter In Yar.d ps city of 950. o'.A home, 800 boys, was aban- the Panther Creek valley adjoining the 2UTaiMsl' the srid'era and Generals return. Thro York snd will go back to his employing men and Word was received at the War Depart th- - ay to-da- y town "hows will commetnorste In the spring. He avers doned to-d- on account of the foal Hazieton districts are working Indiana has sailed rrat -i. Hartford. Coan.. ment tday that the I the Oner th v " years contact with Knsiisnmen gup.ppy being exhausted. A mine except the colliery at Coaldale, which is from Manila to Taku. The other threa arr'val rf Il'.n o-- thst nine almost m and Lord berta. and there w'll ..... nas iwu""' " down temporarily because of a tiansports are either at tive Chinese posl ,he , rniinntili fre has been burning there for almost shut - i -- i ,nr a. o. nlo-Americ- an o- ar Oahu . event Trie 'ne the A pact exists break in the machinery in the Immediate vicinity. There leetenil will also have a social feetlvat .... . v. h. "la the best friend two months. also two or three large freight boa to v Inv'trd to vtalt m Kurooe and we are the SCRANTON. Pa.. Oct. 4. In spite of SHAMOKIN. Pa., Oct. 4. A Polish available for the transportation of tho one Dela-offemd- v- v w in TMibltn but was forced orly friend she's ot on earth No j AVery preparation made by the band started at 2 o'clock this afternoon heavy arms and artillery and the horses of . .. lafan-tr-e. .1 . The Prince . I U K s T . ,t-- pnm. In to cavalry and U A.ttr.m the Invitation. . i.hirra Carmel, to gather strikers march end equipment of the wttl visit Ulster in tne wimrr nrd defensive alllsnce. but It on Nortji Franklin colliery near Tre- - pany get one 4-- fest.vl- along to at least of its collieries Don Jose 55? ire and there will be great that j WASHINGTON. Oct. - m vorton, seven miles west of here. The goinir irh,n. grow in i Abreu, a voting Filipino, who Is to ee I'm shouM v 5u0, . report, apparently Is cossJng when each of ths do so. The strjfkers will pay no atten-iw- o' crowd at 2:30 p. m. numbered and Law School In New .JJ ft,., so. la a Th" tlsse 'attend the Co'umhla -. Masi nalfour will ' p ople will need It In the'r j tQ tnf) Df ten per ad- - by 6 o'clock, when the march begins, it v.-u onrt bmiov American insinuw-- ni,4 areat llon rroffer cent ' today with J Ul.be.lth to resjon app,i is thought the marchers will number was at the War Department fl &!ZF ,he camrany said Introduction to the Secretary Miin for Irrlsnd. .2Srwi& to work several thousand. They will pa?s umf. rt CorMn, ar.d y which rannot ''r.as:lr lltrr has alr 1y become a com- - only to men who would return r.T Wnr Arlhitant Gencml which V.c.n trs-dy- . Com-th- e through here, where local strikers will Washington. He 'tor ',!'v Is likely to end m When'trday. The Delaware & Hudson other prominent men of rn-- . d, expected Is Jer 4s o 'The of Mlnlstnr comes It will be te fnr Ena and the Pensylvania Coal Com-lar- join in the march. They are savs the present t nip. insurrection reessnlMtlon th. crssh pUy a fj M -- nv weeks. Repots Ar-rri- ra and nr the to reach Trevorton late tonight. The I best for ry hQye n t yfit f;noWd tne action a great . . r ' '' .i a. ,.irv hl wcrl.l that 8Ur"l f big concerns here in post- - colliery' is now the only one working for ( . . m Henry J2Jf2 the other RUB- ..it correct. . highest arsde of RED ana SJveea . . nt. . . Th. in.ll- - the Reading Company. The mines are Only the een h'm rep.tediy oi e i in. s In "tumps made by iter. nger has at-ne- police l used the n,!!. .Sn j operatorsj..,say trey can do notn- - heavily guarded by coal ar.d iron BER Choete'a a - mnrVr. r T r irtunl A. AN GAZETTE CO. 1 iatm ' Ancririn i a is feared. ha W All Kim...... Tn , . in ti.....11 r lir. until the coal carrying railroads and clash is ISltM it hin and cereals In the Boer country. fTMemlty '.nd Vtsd msrlcedlV an.nv. HOHOLULP, OOTOBEB 12, 1900. THE PACIFIC COMMERCIAL ADVTOTIBEB;

river; thence to Ashcroft and on to fiik KACIrir Vjtacouver, from which it was flWG7Wk J NEWS OF WORLD pice; Who Gives to All SLOCK t..nt t.i Senttie " Commercial Luia A. Corea, the Nicaraguan Advertiser rrlVinPIVlCFH Senor im- - L' to Washington, bringing AIL ' Minister Rentes Vv'ilULll3l-- portant information relative to the pro- posed Nicaraguan Canal, with Benja-Th- t O. - n spend- WALTS SMITH KD1TOB. re Is a renawal of heavy fighting mln Vidaurre, the new Nicaraguan con-i- This is as true ofthe Ashanti. '8ul for New Orleans, and other promi-I'reside- nt McKinly has returned to arrived thrift of health as of the nuoit . OCTOBER z nent Central Americans, have Washington. at New Orleans. money. Do not LADIES Over LV000 striking miners paraded at Th(; (jnjon vetevaus' Union, in waster of HOSE Washington, wants Congress to Won DELBOATE IN CONORBSS-IAMU- EL Pa.' con- - 8ion at your health By allow M-- 1 bourne will be the capital or reserve the old Fort Stevens waste PARKER. federated Australia. ground for a military reservation. It con- GOO was ing your blood to rOK SENATORS ov.t persons were left shelterless was there that President Lincoln by the Nome storm. under tire when encouraging the small tinue impure, but purify, FAST BLACK HKNBT WATERHOU8K. W. W. Stickney has been inaugurated force tnat protected the capital from aaOROE R. CARTER, Oovcmoff of Vermont. tne advance of Oeneral Kar.y. vitalize and enrich it by tak- olarencu l. crabbe, The steamer Jeanie is on the rocks A MiffUngton. Pa., dispatch says: The best value ever offered :kcil brown. near Point Arena, Cal. while reclining on a chair beside an ing Ho od' s Sarsaparilla, W. C. ACHI. Bryan arrived at Chicago .n October n wln(i,)W last night at his home at PAH LA. - FRANK 4 and left for Indianapolis. 'Oriental, Juniata county, Adam C.ood- America's Greatest Medicine. FOR REPRESENTATIVES A railroad may be buiit from Kansas J was shot through the mouth by CltJT to Topolobampo bay. Mexico. and instantly kill- - Dyspepsia "My husband doctored PAIRS $1.00 an unknovvn assassin 5 I I. M'CANDLESS. troops did not participate was tem- L. American ed Un Surujay Mr. Goodling a long time for dyspepsia, ivcth only J. KAULUKOU. Shan-hai-Kw- an expedition. in the heard to remark that he had but two porary The bottle Hood ENX"II JOHNSON. J100.WjO.OW is annuauy auueu w whom ne relief. first of s M E, over Hnemi;s in the world, of one of U J. 'AH the ir.ld stock of the United fiaies was terribly in fear. SarsaparUla helped and the second cured CH1LDRENS' HOSE H. R. HITCHCOCK. Seattle brought down a Unit- W. J. COELHO. The steamer General Wood, commanding the him. It cured my sick headaches." million and a half of Klondike treasure. ed States forces in Cuba, has made his A. O. M ROBERTSON. The (ierrnaiiH had a fight nvar Pe- report Department. SMrs. SMary A. Clark, Wilmington, Vt. A fine line Colors. J. W. KEIKI. Box- annual to the War very in all king in which they killed forty It contains his iyvvious recommenda- , WILLIAM AYLETT. ers. A F. U1LFILLAN, tion that all troops in Cuba be mount- Red Wing, Minn., reports a furious ed, an of the V WILLIAM H. HOOC8. - together with account storm, cutting off railway- communlca- - withdrawal of the troops during the IVI. B JONAH KUMALAB. ne itnn - past year. 1 he Health or the troops, PHONE 157. General I.ew Wallace says rsrjan is has b.en Kood and their conduct responsible the war in the l hiup- - Hood's fill cure liter I1U; the and The in the British for lg commended. to inire Hood ' sirHaparll pines. Wetunka, Ala., dispatch of October only cotliartic tth 1. lections bgln to look like thirty - a The Government factories are manu- , says: Winfield Townsend, alias ha'pence. facuring a new rltle for the Oerman poyd a negro, was burned at the stake army. . in the little town of Electric, fifteen F:veryone kauwf th Brother Testa is a good man. weigh- Hanna and Frye have gone to houtn mUrS from this piace, a half hour after let- - Royal ing 300 pounds, ami how that he Is off Iakota tO work for the defeat of midnight this morning. The negro's the fence there seems to be a fair show tigrew. crime was an attempted assault on Massachusetts Republicans have Mrs. Donnie Harrington, w hose husband ROYAL for that structure to outlast the cam- Winthrop Murray Crane Mr paign. named aet flre tQ the fuel whlcn re(iuced IlllWO governor. Townsend's body to ashes. WORCESTER General Otis may succeed Oeneral A Counci, Bluffs, la., dispatch of Oc- - Worcester "Lr. u not listen to these snakes of Shafter In charge of the Department of tober , y. Two men neld up the ' ' No better Corset naole,M said Wlvx In Ms convention California. j passenger train on the Burlington road, gun-,niv- e speech, "but the watchword of Kau-11- a Admiral Kempff denies that the ,nlles south of this cUy at mid. twat Villalobos haB been captured by Value anywhere. prevat): Kill the Snakes.' " When nJght KxpreS9 Messenger Charles Retail the Filipinos. shot killed one rob- - and Wholesale Corsets h killing begins, where will Wilcox Baxter and of the All banks are open at Johannesburg and nis body now Hes at the - 1 In gas In Head Dealers in the lank. Diamond and Pretoria, but they are not doing morKUe in thl3 clty. He was about six crater or up a tre oa Tantalus? much business. ..feet tall, powerfully built, apparently i Charles M. Hays, general manager of ;HDOUt forty-fiv- e years of age. and had may buc-iblac- K The death of Manson removed the Crand Trunk Railway, hair and mustarhe. trpe ceed Huntington. j a Vtian who"" had made a good start in Tne restrictions around Krueger are The Great Northern road has cut pris-rate- s. Our Entire Stock to select from for the iub-stantY- increasing, Is FTawatt and might have become a af and he virtually a Pare Drags, and the Northern Pacific and boo oner He nag Deen ailowed to USe the remained rof this week. cfllsen. Drink got the batter lines may follow. Portuguese governor's carriage. While of him. however, and led him to a pain- nt Harrison will either , ,mt drivlng recently he met a party of .. October i ful end among strangers. Notwith- .speak for McKlnley In New ork or burghers and made them a patriotic FRIDAY standing his errors he had many friends write a letter endorsing him. i speech. The governor now SATURDAY .. Octobd Ignacio of has refused who will regret his untimely taking off. Martinetti. the creator tne uae of his carriage. Krueger has .0U-.0- U in tne piay 01 i"oy a been warned to no Chemicles No time to lose; only . make more speeches uiunieu ihi: aunrm, jwnein.im.-- and js forbidden to wear the green sash Wilcox says he la the only man in Ow ing to the strike shipments to 1 thai tm tlm ImIihHu at Mm s1m Hawaii who knows military tactics. tidewater have practically ceased over j Rer expects to sail on a Dutch cruiser In me rnnaaeipnia ec iveauuig ivaunmu. Holland Shortly That he teamed Ihem the same nas for fledicines school with the whom Menelek senator UlarK ot Montana asKeu The British authorities have made a Italians i or a aepot sue nan ran out of his country with clubs, per- at Lmxmj iW:nw gale of retall priceg a, Pretoria the Salt Lake & I.os Angeles Railroad. Tne prict.s fix,.d an for his achieve- ... - enorrnous re. remain in which to avail yourself of this Corset Sale. haps accounts rare i. ie loung. wno nas oeen visit- ductlon from In vogue es those before the ments In retreat. Oreat soldier Is Rob- ing tne aent. wiieveB ew xotk Por instance a plnt of beer mugt ert, but It Is NKky that he met will go Republican by 100,000 majority, W)1(J - MTf Hlumpnthal be for whe More n an Abysslnnlan. Field ..lfirshal Vcm thwari tht. co9t wag 17 Coff mU8t Prescriptions Carefully last surviving prominent general of the be 80ld for 8 penre pound, while Franco-Prussia- n war, is dangerously flirm..iv if Di,inu Robert Wilcox's impression that he is ' t' , , , , scheduled at i pence; before the war Prepared. made of steel Is not shared by those i mm earner u uu,ma aou w.e ie.,,- - the prlce WM a F BhiUin. It is estimated seen to cover Berkeley collided in San rancisco y. who have him skurry in lhat lh reductions all around will av-ba- his Tarious "revolutions." Wilcox baa and the t olumbla was badly dam- - emee about 2i rer cent M. aKA'-- Killean n A E ever been conspicuous as a Knight of J CantonT O.. dispatch of October 2, Miss J. Plan, who absconded from White it la I ven bet- 'say,,. United the Feather and Portland in 1896 with Jl 100. has been pit Assassinate ting that a family Inpdog. once fully - agets believe a to ARLINGTON BLOCK. HOTEL STREET captured in a British Columbia min- President McKinley is Men aroused, could tree the Garl-haldla- n afoot are valiant vfof.mP'. said to be ln Canton, or on the way or drive him into another gas K.r.gman of Peoria. 111.. nrt. .ith tjM1 pUrp,.,. to kili N asserts that P.ryrtn received $150.000 tIon s (.nlr m.-- . VoKinLv 1MB Colorado owners Insist- i.L. Hi) from mine for ed to refrain from m ing on the silver plank. taking his usual And now the police have been caught r,. drise today because it was feared an A SPECIALTY. I i Julia A. Frederick of Freepet, ., assassin might be waiting on one To it owe my doing It again. Some of " of the them "violate" ,""'"'n",i.,n" l"r PP"-'- "eauny eountiy roads. There Is a strong guard the law by going about at night on un-llght- ed man she had lately bOfTW3 85 married. about the home of the to- - HeAlt bicycles Instead of keeping up Jl') of her and disappeared. President the brilliant glim that wdulrl warn evil- Joseph Man.ey of Maine Haims 2 wathedtclXef of t M,,tKUl,ry- ,'eaVin to doers their approach. je hear, lbb Trll stalled issuea they carry weapons, This today by Mayor Robertson. Jfavnier that concealed mi iuue iiuiiuii.i, n iiere UK iiftiil will SoX which Is also nga'.rist the law. 'ltlzens los.-- . arise! Down with the police! Vive Markie & 'o.. colliery operators at Eastman's anarchy', Shenandoah, will have nothing more to METHODISTS ARE do with arbitration, but will reopen proposal to their mines, giving old employees a The tako away the Capi- chance to return. , FOR EXPANSION fleet tol fence should not have the slightest The Indian wife of George Carmack, Kodaks, is a Tonic and has more attention from the Department of Pub- verer of the Klondike, has sued ttiaij lic him Interesting v - -- nosrisning qoaiities Works. To remove that barrier for divorce. She led him to the Views of Preachers FILMS AND PAPER. v . a 'a. . n would open the grounds to Asiatics and rich piactrs, but was deserted after he at any Tonic or beverage It the lawn would h- cover- - d with sprawl- became a millionaire. the rock River ing Japanese The actress Sylvia Deane took a fatai the market loufers, too many of flOM of morphine at a New York ten Conference. whom conreyate there now. Besides, derloin party in the presence of the the habit of stealing shrubs and small sw j ni. sue anu success- - iian& in loveii, ner CHICAGO, Oct. questions tr would be encouraged. "The peo- ful rival for his affections - . av -- - ' well-enoug- I'romise to take a promlneat place ple" are h satisfied to let the Four more fishing v. ssels with crews in the Go ar sixty-flr.- st VtLOT Capitol grounds stay as they are. aggregating thirty-fiv- e men, were post- - ''aerations of the annual con- ISA Loveioy & ed October 2 as having been dur- - ference 4 lost of the Methodist Kpiscopal m ing the great gale of September 1. This The chief trouble with cement side- la iiu, uiei encc;, now ALWAYS ON HAND. Distributors. likelv to rmnl,.tu ihu l i"1 iifty-seve- eing held here. Dishop M, walks and unphalt pavements In the Three hundred and n thou Thoburn of tropics is that they raise the tempera- sand francs were stolen from the safe Indiana, in a lecture last night on "The ture. Our readers will recall a state- in the Apostoltc Palace of the Vatican Situation In the Orient," called the at- Oct. 2. sus-pecta- ment In July Inmates of the place are d tempt to shut this country In the Mainland files about of having taken the money. from the the heat on Washington. D. C. pave- Robert McCurdy Lord, the world a "semi-Chine- se policy." Developing and Printing Carefully - ISO retired ments reaching- degrees while the hanker who committed suicide at Bay- - China built a great wall about itself,--" Done. thermometer In a drugstore near by suw squandering a for- - "e saiu, and a similar attempt on the stood 7. egg thUt at An was fri. d on the h'2 family; Part of the United States would OOKNitK HrLS!"... j result Koai asphalt in (Vm- :it side- might of $50,000. in same The Honolulu Tobacco ai e.n inlnuu the arrested development. The MERCHANT SITb. In way The record of the Prtnetss Hatzfeldt's world was made for one people- - peo-- walks art precisely the samo adoption cannot be found, the and make walklntc on a warm day and she may pie Of various nationalities are spreading Company, Ltd. lose the $1.000 000 left her by C. P. over it; there open doubly uncomfortable. On that account most be doors. No hiuiuiiiimi, xi. r. xiunungxon says tne "ne part of the earth should be shut up FORT STREET, Ha Received tropical cities should eschew them and gift was specific and cannot be alienat- - for any race." pe' "Aoatralls" from New Vori well-levele- HONOLULU. b content with, d paths. ',, The Rev. Thomas 15. Neely, general sec- - The World Renowned Brand of CIGARS rtnce Georfe ,,f Crete aims in his retarj of the Sunday School Union in an visit to St. Petersburg, according to address said: It Is probably not malice, as Edward I orne of the German papers, to win the! "I believe we will keep the territory we Points supposes, which leads local cor- support of Emperor Nicholas to his have taken, put whether It remains a respondents of the Sar. I'i .?. sco press plan for changing the Cretan constltu- - Pal"t of the United States or not, we have tinn- - Lillian Russell, to send out damaging reports about Kone to those countries and we intend to I Tnp Hawaiian plantations. latest statement of the Treasury rerrairv It is not a matter of politics but SILKQANT CIGAR can parchaaed to The true reason balances in ot Tt' b. I that a local the general fund exclusive Providential duty that sent us there, PURITANOS. sensation sells in the j Of the Jlf.0.000.000 gold Gou ever did anything for our 5 CEIiTS only. Coast metropolis so reserve in the ' benefit for much an Inch division of redemption, shows: Avalla-,1- 1 was when he gave us those islands in TKY TtlErl NOfSfc BET7KB while a favorable notice of any Ha- Die ah balance, $i:i6.1'61,206; gold, ne t'acinc. I hope our army and navy waiian enterprise would be regarded 901. 103 will stay ln China until perfect order has by the Ban Francisco editor as an at- A federal warrant has been im..t been restored and the lives of Christians tempt to get fOf the arrest of I. A. Swiegand navo heen ins,iroa for all future time." free advertising and late Tho century would not be printed general superintendent of the Phiiadel- - twrntleth thank offering all. Wm m at I phla and Beading Company charging wlU roc'lv(' special attention at the con-jhl- rates" as they are professionally call- Bishop BY with discriminating against mem- - Thoburn having come S. S. AUSTRALIA: ed are to blame tor most of the hum- hers of the Brotherhood ,,tre 1art,y ln ,t3 interests. Dr. W. F. Mc. bug that grta Into the big papers, the Cornelius Van.trhiii .- - i w Powell and Dr. E. M. Mills spoke in the object of the reporter earning his living Huntington New York mansion for the 'nlerets of the movement. They say the TELEPHONE MAIN i v i . 199.1 u BUl-l- by paying a oiuc v.. - i win s such rates being to find something rental of 150.000 He1.; announe-- : the Vanderbilt ofT frorn!eed an1 pledges and gifts .r isu h, ii i e?ipei:u e oi its veracity. cut from tbe church to MESSENGERS an expected owlnt ' at lare amounting ALWAYS READY TO - mar" .000.000. riage M , Willi They urged the importance of ANSWER ALL CAXJL8. SMOKED BLOATERS, with "rn 2,000.000 bases readable. Between the two the n? f ' earnest work if the souls are !crted init wagons, ea. U ,M. aaVf.d b the c,0Se Qf modern great newspaper prints more by sixty lnn. men, was at- - lm HOLLAND HERRINGS, iai Km uv 140 a. 1 nonsense than can be thought up by the Itoer - 1 wh,le Ct FROZEN OYSTERS, writer of railroad car novelettes. on way to Vrv" ' Accusing the Missionaries Pine Line 4 hM i. 4- TURNIP fate'of the others is not known ' NEW YORK' ct- - -A dPatch to the OF CELERY, The American Banker hits off the Lord Wolseley, the commander njTlmw from ruris says: ORANGES, LEMONS, ETC., 1 ,etter- speculative possibilities of IS to in Li.KiJf f" u1" - asks the public The InternaUonal congress of peace. FRESH the following happy parable: "In Octo- h Passed sever- - CALIFORNIA FRUITS. ber of 1900 a banker, raS. u,uuona certain having welcome from offering thlVC " V concerning policy In China. S1M.0O0 on deposit In be- ' intoxlcat- - The congress resolved action nr Peterson's his bank, and iuors, as, line all of us. that the lieving Bryan will be i. thev the missionaries was often intolerant; elected, takes the iorn to temptation." that their religious propaganda SlOf.OOO to purchases A Phoenix. rSlJJA. T., should not Wall street and dispatch says: The oo oacKeo up by diplomatic or military fifty-thre- e WAITY 200.000 Mexican dollars for amon SALTER & th" tnat they go iTX on the s"c.,o,f should Into China at Office cents each each of thede heavier and eret. reservation grows their own risks and perils; that Europe Desks Orheum Block Fort Street flaer thun the American silver dollar. once fh at f"011 abandn a"y religious protectorate Grocers. i f f 8'?r.takenPimas China; ter- I la then stores his Mexican dol- n- -i goes J and''" that forcible annexation of - silver on that reservation w IH.. ritory. esneclallv that hM , lars in his vaults In March. 1901. Bry- spread .bath is certain to occur UstfirkWliBU. should cease; that the powers an being President, and a free silver M r'r !hould attempt to establish a stable na coinage law enacted, the banker takes me India coffee trade with FVnn- - tive government. caDablA of nnMan., IN ALL STYLES. China i Mattings lis threatened with katarnal reforms, and his 300.000 Mexican silver dollars to the extinction by the ' that the open door new French duty on Colonial products for thfl honest commerce of the world on l.'nlted States Mint and has them coin- India annually exports 7,000,000 pounds equal terms is tho only policy which gives ed Into 200,00" American silver dollars. of coffee to France, and if it has to any fuafs-nte- for the country's future Just Opened. deposi- pay tw :u1d stability. He then Issued a no4ice to the ice the duty levied on Rrazilian . P"3' We Mat-tlngr- s. tors to meet him in the bank and ad- .coffee, this trade, it is asserted, will fee are prepared to furnish any quality of dresses them as follows 'My friends ""n,1 Young; Men's Kesearch Club. as we have purchased these goods ln large and depositors, you have to your credit A Seattle dispatch of Ociober 3 says I (The first telegram from Skagway Tbe Young Men's Research Club will Hundreds in nse in quantities, which enables as to quote prices exceed- In my bank tlOs.OOO. and as I Intend to to' this city Seattle, marking an epoch in the hls-!11- tn,s evening at 7:30 o'clock at the from business I herewith give tory ingly low. We are closing out the stock at 15 cents to retire of business between Alaska and residence of A. B. Wood. Nuuanu ave-th- e you your S1M.000 In bright, new Ameri- ! 25 cents a yard. outside world, was received here nue. A discussion will be had on y. can silver dollars, and you will note The time occupied by the mes-- : s vrT.-.-i t, that I have 194,000 left for myself. Be- ct tm..io I on my pleasure trip to Eu- fore start The route taken by message states- - The speakers will be W. R. en rope, kindly me I the was tell whom should L- A- - from Skagway to Atlln; thence over the CaBtle- - - Thurston and Rev. Wil-ol- d 'mm i " ISOSHIMA. thank for this handsome present.' Atlin-Lllloo- et line to the Fraser'l'am Morris Kincald. K. nQUEEN STREET. KINO STREET, ABOVE BETHEL I


with the lion-tam- er and drink a bottle of champagne. The performance was HE successful until the batcher foolismv DIED AT and without warning to the trainer, approached the lion aud held a glass of champagne under his nose, whereupon the lion bounded upon the butcher, ground his shoulder within Lamps his Jaws BARGAINS! and mauled his body dreadfully. When OROVILLE the butcher was removed he was almost dead. In the meanwhile the audience -- At the Bethel Street Store of was panic stricken, and in the stam- OF- the pede to escape from the menagerie many persons were trampled upon and George Manson Passes badly injured. PACIFIC HARDWARE Sseape of a EVERY KIND CO., Ltd Away. Mariner. PORTLAND. Ore., Oct. 4. A special to the Telegram from Astoria, Ore.. says: THE END CAME SUDDENLY The British ship Genista, which has been delayed here by an action on the PARLOR LAMPS, ;art of John Grant, a sailor boarding-nous- e We Are Closing keeper, for $10,000 damages for LIBRARY LAMPS, ut alleged criminal libel against Captain Former .learn of the Genista, pat to sea early MUSIC ROOM LAMPS, Secretary of the Council of this morning with the captain on board, DINING ; State Leaves Family he having e.uded the officers who were .JOM LAMPS. searching for him. It is said that Cap- PURITAN STANDARD tain BEDROOM LAMPS, x Here, Hearn left Portland yesterday L.r Gray's Harbor, and coming down the BILLIARD ROOM Coast overland, boarded his ship just LAMPS. ! inside the heads. - WICKLESS GASOLINE George Manson is dead. Positive HALL LAMPS, proof of his demise came by mall yes- VERANDA LAMPS. terday to the Bank of Hawaii wherein PURSER HODSON KITCHEN LAMPS, STOVES. Hie lianking House of Hideout, Smith BLUE FLAME NURSERY LAMPS, & Company, cf Orovllle, California, in- LEAVESJHE M0ANA One and Two Burner formed the local Institution that they YARD LAMPS, 3 I' lOIL STOVES held George Manson's pass book upon Popular Officer to Wait for the STABLE LAMPS, OILSTOVES. .he Bank of Hawaii. CARRIAGE LAMPS, ' A further account of the death of Sonoma' Lauchng in 1 Manson is contained in a clipping in the 8TORE LAMPS, Orovllle newspaper 'Fiisco. which was sent to HOTEL LAMPS- At Greatly Reduced Prices. the Bank of Hawaii. , - The letter from Rldeout, Smith & Purser G. A. Hodson, after years of good Company, is dated October 4 and reads service on the Union Steamship Moana, as follows: yesterday severed his connection with SEE THE DISPLAY "The Public Administrator of this that vessel and will return to San Fran- (Butte) County, cisco on PACIFIC has in his possession the Alameda. He will await the IN OUR LARGE WINDOW. HARDWARE CO., LTD a pass book of yours in account with completion and arrival of the new steam- George Manson. . . . The enclosed er Sonoma, of the Spreckels line, and oc clipping from our town paper an cupy the purser's cabin on that fine new nounces the death of one known by the vessel. He thus transfers from a British name of George on re- Manson, whose ship to an American vessel. This la an mains the passbook above mentioned ur.usual honor to be bestowed upon a for- was found. Also an account check book Among the specials are Dlnlng-- eigner, but Purser Hodson - record speaks Dont Eat of yours. Spring Extension Hanging Lamps, at for Mr. Spreckels "At the request of the Public Admin- itself and was quick to OUR perceive that a man so popular on a Brit- $3.00 each, and Parlor Fancy istrator we write you to give any in- Don't formation you may have in connection ish vessvl would make as fine a record oa Lamps, $1.25 each. Sour with Mr. Manson's affairs." an American vessel. Bread The clipping reads as follows: Shortly after the steamer sailed from Know SHIRT San Francisco, a meeting was held In the "George Manson, a gentleman wno saloon of the Moana In which all the pas- sengers yourself has been In Orovllle some two or three gathered. It was suggested that Exactly And make and children ufk.. weeka, died very suddenly yesterday at an illuminated address be presented to when you can get th very beet and the Union Hotel. He was suffering him the night previous to their arrival in BUSINESS from throat trouble In the forenoon, this port, and also a purse of sovere gns. most wboteeome bread In the city for and Dr. Karsner was called. The doc- The address was presented on Wednes- Why tor found him with a very badly swol- day evening in the saloon. Mr. Turner, the same money, from tbt len throat and gave him a spray, one of the passengers who has traveled (Jrtm Uryer with each day onion which the unfortunate man used. Late extensively on the Australian-America- n it in the afternoon he was heard walk- route, presented the address. He made a it due to the fart, of is becoming ing and gasping and the doctor was neat presentation speech, expressing the better while keeping pace with grow h. called. He arrived too late to be of as- regret of all the pass nsjeis at the purser's KING STREET. New England sistance, as the man had suffocated as departure from the old Moana. He was God-spe- The Utexfc tylf are narpaasing in a result of the swelling in the throat. bid ed In his change in business. f make and quality. "The deceased had been living at a An American lady on board also present- pretty rapid gait, but during the past ed Mr. Hodson with a handsome embroid- Bakery. few days had not been drinking. It Is ered handkerchief on which was worked said that since coming here he went an American flag In sl'.k. This was deem- IMPORTERS OF Soys' and through with nearly a thousand dol- ed appropriate Inasmuch as the purser lars." was about to transfer his business aile-r'an- ce Crockery, Glass and House Furniab Their, DELICIOUS CAKES. PIES George Manson disappeared, from Ho from the British to the American CLOTHING flag. ng Gooaa. j nolulu several months ago and for Children's and BREAD are made of the beet A A new purser will be taken on the Mo-ana- Wlckless Blue Oil Stoves, many weeks his exact whereabouts at Apia, and In the meantime the 's Flame 1 i- No. material, and by experienced were unknown. It was thought that first officer will act as purser. "Jewel" Stoves for wood and coal - gone on Aus- Diring tliM mun'.h we n r our lariM and well selected he had to the Coast the Gurney Cleanable Refrigerators. .hit. nrkm.n tralia, but for some time there was no it rwluce l Call it. nt pneta, and examine If you try our bread once you will proof of it. Soon after he left the em- UNDERGRADUATES ploy of the Republican he drank heavi- certainly use none other. ly and did not return to his home. He AND ALUMNI IN THE was last seen in Honolulu three days THE before the steamer sailed. At the Ha THE waiian Hotel he registered under an a?- - The Punahou Men Will Meet NEGATIVE. "KASH" MUned name for two nights and then woironu.. two rrocsa two telephones disaj peared as suddenly as If the earth on the Gridiron This WHEN I SAY F " Snt. lift. M end 71 J. Oswald Lutted, had swallowed him. Afternoon Ml tl H'ttai Street and Corner of Tort and Hotel ntreeta In Fan Francisco he was seen by sev- Phone. 74. Manager eral Honolulans. His baggage was sent down to one of the steamers btund for The Tunahou alumni will play a prac- - Photographs. Honolulu but Manson did not show up fce game cf football with the Undergrad- on the boat. Since then he is known to uate team on the college campus this aft-err.o- have lived at a rapid gait and his at 4:S0. The alumni have not had demise at Oroville was undoubtedly the jany organization as yet this year and this 13 re- result of his drinking habits. It game will simply practice game pre-- m -- m. School be'a ! m e d a of Don't give the eubject a negmtlee ' port! that he still had balance paratory to the organizing of a regi'lar nearly 11.200 when he died. thought, as I attend to the negative to his credit - pos.- - j t- am frcm the alumni for the annual .here is where the most successful pho- The deceased held Important lies. w?arsi Cigars! i 'Thaiksglving game. The teams for this tography In xi tlons Hawaii Z H.n afternoon will bu composed of the follow- - 1 wtlj get a good negative, a good of the Council of State which held it3 Ins men: print, and a good mount, and you w31 Supplies! sesslons last sprirg. He was also man- 1'unahou Gerrlt Judd. Mark Robinson, ' et a good photograph. ends; Akma, tack- - " ; wmi a c l Havana (111 i fir smnkf ager of the Republican and had been a Ieonard Charles Judd. general newspaper writer in former les; Edward Perry, Alex. Walker, guards: ART eak for i th note Rota Csbeftero nnJ for years on the local papers. He was an Lawrence Robinson, renter; Wm. Mey- - j. LLIAMS rs, John Marcellino. haives; A. L. Castle, i STUDIO 0 led ino Englishman by birth. He leaves a wife full-bac- try Ihe Rarister k; Wm. Williamson, quarter. i and family In this city. Alumni Albert Judd, A. Greenwoll, Fort street. alst ends; A. Waterhouse, J. Waterhouse. PENCIL TABLETS, tackles; Allan Judd. D. Woodward, j Accident at. Menagerie. - i WRITINO TABLETS guards; Walker, center; Ingalls, Hemen- Co. PARIS. Oct. 4. There was a serious way, halves; G. Fuller, full-- l ack; W. H. j Honolulu Drufc COMPOSITION and Babbitt, qua ter; Ahfook and Spalding, j accident today in the menagerie of the STUDENTS NOTEBOOKS, sul Ktitutes. country fair Mar Priras, in the de-- : SCHOLARS COMPANIONS, et partment of Ardeche. A large audience The best every-da- y drink is whiskey PENCIL BOXES. gathered to hIIiWim a local butcher en- - and water, and the best brand of . whiBkey is Moore "AA." SLATES, ter fjM linn s cag.-- play a game of cards Jesse COPT BOOKS, CHALK. Great Variety of COLORED CRATON8. HAVE YOU DANDRUFF? Then you INKS. have a contagious disease, unpleasant, r unhealthy, and one will lead to ETC., ETC, besides s e - ' that ETC, baldness unless cured. Pacheco's Dand- oves MILTON BRADLET'S ruff Killer will positively cure It. It is KINDERGARTEN SUPPLIES invigorating, refreshing and of delight- ful odor. It is absolutely harmless, contains no grease, sediment, dye mat- ter or dangerous drugs. PACHECO'S DANDRUFF KILLER. AND Sold by all Druggists and at the Union Barber Shop, Telephone 696. Thos. G. Thrum INVESTMENTS illges S25 FORT STREET. Alarm, Cabinet, REFERRED STOCK and Onyx The latest sugar statistics of San Francisco and New Tork are taken from the mn' lonen and Eitn Ctstlan J Stow Hall circular letter of Williams, Dlmond & Co., dated October 4, to Messrs. Schaefer A Co. They report a decline In the market quotations. The circular is as follows: SUGAR. In sympathy doubtless with the decline reported yesterday from New Pali Lonfl 73-7- 9 KINO ST. York, prices for the local market and for export were marked down October 3, in l morning. 15 points, again 25 COMPANY. InnLTD. lephone No. 33. eLoeKS. the and in the afternoon points. The Western Sugar Refining Company's latest list for California, Oregon and Washington is as fol- lust Also, a very extensive assort- lows: Domlnos, half barrels, 6.90c: boxes, 7.15c; cube (A), crushed and fine crush-ed- r SEVEN PER CENT PER ANNUM. Opened 6.15c; powdered, 6.25c; candy granulated, C25c: dry granulated, fine, G.1". y payable semi-annuall- y: also, a small I a rme complete of ment of can line Jbwklry granulated, coarse, 6.15c; confectioners' A, 6.15c; magnolia A, 6.75c; extra ' amount of the common stock be Hawaiian Sodvknib golden C. Ufc Price today for Nevada, Alaska and the Hawaiian lali la obtained. quoted at 5.Mc for dry granulated. at ! si BASI8. October 2, no sales; 3d, spot sale, 350 tons, at 4.91c; making b: - THE COMPANY OWNS In fee sim- TOILET I fobt degree centrifugals in New York 4.91c; San Francisco, 4.535c. ple: Q ADT'Q LONDON BEETS. October 2. 10s; 3d. 9s 10 d. SIX HUNDRED AND FIFTY SOAPS 3d taet, to DIAKI O JEWELER. DRY GRANULATED. New York. Former prica of 6c was reduced ACRES of suburban property. Sec- AT ALL PRICE. 5.60c gross, equals 5.49c not cash. tion 1 now selling on the market. EASTERN AND FOREIGN MARKETS. Latest mail advices under date of ACRES ot C'.ith market SEVEN HUNDRED DPLAY im WINDOW. Shi no d Sha September report no change In the situation for raws and refined, the a good water OUR Hawaii at that timsjbelng quiet and steady without business, owing to lack of supplies, mountain land, with shortly when a decline in prices is anticipated. supply. whlfh, however, were looked for rock-crushi- ng I 29, 15 D. S., 13s; reflning, ALSO, a complete pioneer Japanese printing office. HDOM CABLES. September reports Java No. fair country. BOITVENIR PPOONS. The Bhinpo. Us 3d; October beets, 10s. plant; the largest In the HAWAIIAN The publisher of Hawaii the September ., to- bowl always ready and willing paper published In LATEST STATISTICAL POSITION. Willett & Gray report, - m W are only dally Japanese September 26. 3S.699 tons, Territory of Hawaii. tal stock United States four ports in all hands, estimated IMPROVE- the 179,317 year; principal ports of Cuba, estimated Sep--t. PALOLO LAND AND BOOA. Editor. apalnst tons same time last six LTD. T. rnl.er 25, G.800 tons, airainst 1H.500 tons last year. Total stock In all principal MENT CO.. C. BHIUZAWA. Proprietor. is.-61- 9 countries, by cable September 27, at latest uneven dates, 406.499 tons, agalast Office: No. 8. Model Rlock. tons; deficiency under last year 347.020 tons. Our telegram hand from New York this 6 p. m.. reads: '"Cost and latest at report for the ADVERTI8ER Hr- - snd Printing Office near freight sale, 3D0 tons, at 4.76c: beets and dry granulated, unchanged." This Subscribe Editorial 1 ftSZDA 4, 96 degree centrifugals in New York t DOIUIU 1 O Jfcir ,w King street bridge. King street. P. O. accordingly changes basis, October for any vuir & . month, delivered to part of the ottg. So. 4.7c; San 4.186c. W1. Francisco, aft HOTEL STREET Bos OCTOBER 12 PACTFIO COMMERCIAL ADVBHTfK: HOSOUTUT, 19v ARMY OF ORTHOPTERS III T.T AN i w. namSlFOR SALE. 1 yj 1 nI MAI111 1 1 1 Arrived: ust THE KuLLOWINO PLANTATION VISIT THE LIGHTHOUSE rittiiu MACHrNEKt. tUPPLIES AND MA TER1AL ts offered for set fel C HREWER IXX, LTD (in. urn. u.v.r? and DfH' tn b i Diamond Head, echrs. Traxon by calling at olllot 00 yuse? specimens I had brought to me aV Blasting Fow-- lad their IFE AT the Diamond Head light the have button, vtz.: ureet. have been matured males, ar.d I am of Powder. Rice Bird Powder. house is net noted for Its exclte-m- . they were seeking mates tuning' - 1 Oolden Gate Crusher. No the opinion that O. P. Caps. Fuse and Ieaa- Rok eea-do- gs the complete, H. P. portable boiler :: f. In foct. the old The mole cricket Is very Injurious to 4(1. a large assortment of with tl young cane. They neet In the ground I Celebrated Scissors, Sheep-l!neknlv- s. nd engine, elevator and bu ata. whese path of duty Is nightly Illuminated which 1 excavating a b'g hole, the walls of X-C- ut Saws. Burley Drill, complete, with WH.fr rays big lamp do hesi compressor, etc. ly the of the not thev piaster smooth. All roots within the Whitewash Brushes, boiler, air the-i- r Knives. 4 tate to declare that calline is. as a mHhia of their homes are destroyed. The 1 set Fowler Steam Plows gang) A Piano he ..- -. si Varnish Brushes, Kerosene, ru'.P monotonous are same insects to which Judge Wil should full assortment spare parts. nerl of a decidedlv the g Benzine and Turpentine. nd cox recently arew attention as ueBnu.-in- cleaned with regularity t 250 H. P. Stirling Boilers. nature. "Hen 1 of hlB taro patches." Green's Fuel the banks unused for awhile, as s Also Agents for t aeta Economise. Wednesday evening the lighthouse at- The remarkable visitation of this curi- thecaJ I Worthlngton High Duty Steam UU11115 me vucauon tendant was whlllng away the weary ous bug was tne topic of conversation oh month? a OOOKINO STOVES. Pumping Engines, capacity Ave mllllot yesterday. The man who par 24 against a totsJ hours, and now and again relieving the the streets fiano accumulates dust DWAI1K. allons hours, didn't have two or three caged In a match moths. lead of 420 feet. tedium by peering into the darkness to box was looked upon as a monstrosity. 1 14 16 10 Duplex Pump, capacity Mo-an- a, CITT WATER FILTERS. x a If posBllle the lights of the Many weird were the stories told In oacu fr-o- gallons per 24 hours. discern ard CO. !4 million Fran- connection with the mole cricket. iiie uviier lsituius, Urop ya BAFE AND LOCK 1 41 x 2 s 4 rump. hourly expected from San One man said that he had cut one In nnstn I , or telonhnno n. er ch w ..v. Windmills, the best Wind-ev- t Centrifugal Pumps. cisco. half with a hoe and on returning later on f e sjn came to this country; 1 ch Centrifugal Pump. moon had not yet risen and the send out men who are expert Engine, The to exhibit 1t to a friend, found the front i Tit Horizontal Slide Val vs nlKht was Inky black. The guardian of part of the insect lunching upon its own In thin- lfno Thou ...m omptets. PUt t on bind end. r 111 uret-v;iii- 8s 1 25 H. P. Upright Boilsr. ;the llglu was standing the platform of ii:u order Pric jj old Tubular lighthouse. Suddenly someth.ng hit A native who lives at Waialae asserts articles must be at I 7 x S x Duplex Pump. the icoBuimuie, e prerer bejn. S him in the face, then another and then HJCDRtK K PRICES. Please 1 Donkey Engine. notified three dn.v. in... . California Mules, in fins order. another. He did not know what to make mivssiH asxftrvamlne for yourself. Also. of it. Almost immediately a cloud of ir convenient tor you Portland Cement. lan-- j 26 M winged creatures flew against the Steel T Ralls. pound sad t rn. were myriads of them, and .ounda. --v There CO. u second-ban- Sbov-'la- . the noise of their wings was as the noisa HARDWARE Large lot of d Picks. of a mighty engine's humming. ta&kl Hoes and Tools room MO 207 ST., The floor of the lighthouse man's FORT R. R. Tamping Bars. rapidly became covered with what proved B BANK. 1 of SPKECKEL8' Baldwin Locomotive, I pairs to be insects of a brownish hue, over an lrlvers. I font gunge. inch long. Until the moon rose In her 6 16-t- Flat Cars, guage. winged continued their 2-f- glory, the hosts 12 Flat Cars. gyrations ground the great lamp, and 44 guags. IS Cane Cars. then they departed aa suddenly as they I R. R. Btl Howe Track Seals had come. 1 CHICKERINO Platform Scale. M x 47. Ti e lighthouse man sent a number of PIANO Lands 2 Platform Scales. 2s s a rpe. imens to town yesterday morning, j DEALERS. 1 Stump Puller. some of which fell Into the hands of Pro- - j Dump Carta. feasor Koebe'.e. After examining them FORT ST TEL Spring Wagons he said: Rain Wagons. "They are members of the cricket fam- - For Road Scrapers. lly and are known to entomologists as Lot Plow Harness gryllotalba Africana. The'r common name that he was attacked by the bugs arly has been bitten an the hack of the neck is the mole cricket. They belong to the yesterday morning. Fortunately, he Is at the base of the brain by a large and genus orthoptcra and abound on the very strong, and defended himself with a savage bug, In a few moments her hair windward Fide of Oahu. They live on the stout cane he carried. He wouid, how- turned red and unconsciousness super- Cake C. prcund and their habits are similar to ever, have fallen a victim to the uneven vened. After a doctor had worked on Co. sensl-blit- y, Sale Brewer & thcFe of the mole, to whose forefoot their warfare had not five or six friends, who her for three hours she recovered front c'aw bears a dee'ded resemblance. saw his peril, rushed to his rescue. The but her voice, which had been a LIMITED. They affect swampv places and are great teeth of the bug, he maintains, were as tenor of high quality, was changed to an burrowers. Their food Is almost entirely sharp as lancets. alto, and she had forgotten how to swin. Ornamenting, Queen Street. composed of earthworms. Their wings Advices from Palolo state that a hunter Residents of Kaalawal bring the story are very strong and they are consequently had shot a pheasant and was proceeding that bugs as large aa Knglish sparrows phenomenal flyers. to bag It when a regiment of strange bugs were shot with revolver bullets on Wed- "T am of opinion that the remarkaMe swooped down on It and carried It away. nesday night. T".XJCsrf TRACT flight of these Insects was due to the A telephone message from the Kaimukl The above were a few of the stories told, ' exercise of their migratory Instincts. All district Informs us that a native woman all doubtless much exaggerated. to am a fc. fonnerlj Wedding, Birthday N. W!2cs across the Pacific as the captains of 5 the liners. He hais made at least twen- A CHINESE MAID Party Cakes . . . Mexican ty trips, and expects to make almost TO LET OUT as many more. He has traveled on the Zealandia. City of New York. City of WANTS TO LAND ah uscripiionn, maue 10 eraer H Sydney, Australia, Alameda, Mariposa, Frosting and Ornamenting. LflsMHTY LOTS IN MANOA VAL-- and also on the Canadian steamers, and 2 Carved has become one of the old stand-by- s. She Applies f oi MM Mcnta&o's Tract, t.H He has also made extensive travels in r a Writ ft MARSHALL Australia, traversing the continent Habeas Corpus From from one end to the other. In the bush he has had many experiences. He is Judge Estee. a newspaper correspondent, and his ar- German Bakery ft ticles on the statistics of Australia in Little Yap Keau is a tiny-foot- ed China P I0NE 677 UPPER FOIT ! LOTS KAJTJ- - general have appeared In the New WuRtD IN ' A Writ For the Volcano York World. maid whose papa. Yap Fook, resides in OM to UH a lot ttrm Honolulu. Yap Keau Is Just sweVt s'.xteen Editor. MRS. O. W. M'ENERNEY DE4.D. and her almond eyes and olive complex- CAMPING ion are such as Chinese ft consider the aome She was the Sister of Mrs. J. B. Hop of loveliness. SUPPLII A fine kins of Honolulu. On the steamship Coptic on her last trip IN KKKIO TRACT. line of same, from the Orient Yap Keau came from ft JUDGE ESIEE GRUNTS II Honolulans will be pained to hear of Chinaland to Honolulu and asked that she 1400 a including: 'ft n OCK STORE you'll flnft Island. lot the death of Mrs. Garret W. Z - wn ui SdbSun -- of articles particularly luttri l ft ney in San Francisco. Mrs. McEner- - a r'ght to land. But Collector Stackable 'ft ney's sister Is the wife of J. B. Hopkins objected and took Yau Keau into custody. Corpus Will Heard BELTS. ft Habeas Case Of this city. Town of Fran- - " l De, nere Talk San was ,; Tfc ri?"1 Almlst ft 7.1" vain 7 Yap Fook, who AWDI of every sort tn LOTS IN FUTJNU1 This Morning in the U. S. Cisco nas tne rouowing: claims to be Yap Keau's papa, stated in f.kaM tin, (lass, wood and AMI PURSES, etc ft No death of recent occurrence in this voluble pigeon Knglish that the newly t for packing, handy a est Court. me n W&S - SBKSTT. 'issalW. SLIM a lot city caused such profound grief as that ,naJ , dau.Khi?r- e, ex" , Ha ju-- t. been opened up ' of Mrs. Oarret W. McEnerney on Tues-- V.1" .she. .wa? in Honolulu in so went A ,day. It was unexpected that It was i; kTrlhn" 7'l""etr V?015" by the William H. Marshall, the editor of a most severe shock to her friends, for P'naJn !S2 ,be eauca.ted. Her J ft now sne comes WA1KBT8 for carrying basuwti Etc.. Etc. Volcano, may secure his re- Iho frlnhlr, thai :.o lnnlro,l t,.oo ' 4 s experience. the extinct . n 1' Stackable heard, but was t Lt i . " SO. ft ha in. onn,r,o!n 1 c z.i.'ii n..t' n; 1 , If n. ITU. vile very shortly. vc inuai iui not convinced, and he decided that Yap 'ft lease from durance Enerney was a woman of noble Iv" II I 1 cr . Kn - . r .. I I'M. t traits tn Hat & i,o.vr. aa. 4 , ,.t.o..,..,l' .1 ' Lr iui asaui iu inn A Marshall is at present Imprisoned at ' P.l, ' lliailY IIIIC MU,tiMU' aAnn as ever the Coptic returned from tnar are rarely round combined in one COrJUSB yon buy Uu A Oahu Penitentiary as a result of the br trip to San Francisco. So Yap Fook r don't of Ood's creatures. Her death was es- hied him to 'an attorney and asked what ri.&e, but It's of great value tt si V -- r s ftaM.11 apply to pecially occurring co'-l- pvllnlin . Supreme Court decision of Monday sad. as It did so early be done about It. He was sent away anse knowing how to pack A ovt rruling the objections of Marsnall's in her marital career. She was a cul- with a glad heart ard a belief that the ti Insure safe arrival, no br n 'ft tured woman, a lover of simplicity in lawyer could make all straight. teas whether transnorte4 LTD. counsel to the verdict of the lower court home life, devoted to of earrM I A works charity As a result habeas cornus nroceedlntrs mtaJn. on pack saddle 6r sentencing him to imprison- - and extremely sympathetic. Mrs. Mc- - were hepun In Jndsre Kstee's court vester-- n t wkr of . our yaebt. A six months Knerney Merchant Street. was Miss Elizabeth Hogan of dav afternoon hv Juds Davison on a. j ment for libeling Chief Justice A. F. and her marriage to Garret Mo- - half of Yao Fook, asking that Collector C. Achi Judd. Enerney a few years ago. was th? cul- - FtackaVle should he eompe'led to free Yap . Yesterday Marshall's attorney, J. T. minatlon of a boy and girl attachment. Keau and permit her to land In Honolulu. One of the sisters is the wife of HilSJre Before the Cart!e arrives the case will Co., IS" " K X filed In Dis- P If If If I? If I? If f g DeBolt. the United states 15 Hoc, the Oxford scholar and poet. ,1p tried before Judge Estee and Yap Keau Lewis & trict Court a petition for a writ of will have a chance to show how much she f habeas corpus to secure the of remcmW 1 GROCERS, release rs of Honolulu, as It was In his client. Judge Estee immediately i when as a s!x-vear-- child she Is said ftCompany SINGER RETURNS 111 New Books granted the petition and ordered that to have gone nwrfy to China. Fort Street Marshall be brought 10 THAT ARE TALKED ABOUT. before him at WITH A Telephone 240. Real Estate o'clock this mornirg. BRIDE The petition states that Marshall is

a citizen of the United States and that , Brokers, The f5ledge." by Blsley. P. E li-- of Hawaiian Ib. mn of Battle," by Olllvant. he has been imprisoned since Octobe it, tbe The Black Terror, a Romt-nc- e of Bus ith in Oahu penitentiary as a result of V Qiiutet, Brings Back .la," by Iys. a decision of the Supreme Court ot the "Boy." by Corelll. Territory. This imprisonment is alleg- a Fair Wife. C WEST KING ST. "Men with the Bark On," by Reming- ton. ed to be unlawful on the ground that Ladies and Found In the Philippine.," by Captain the original conviction was found by When wandering but nine a of minstrels troubled Q CharleM Kmg. cut of jury twelve men the earth It was but the usual for fair Gents m "The Water, of Kdera." by Ouida. which is contrary to the Sixth Amend- ladies to fall in love Pill n uv Red BUkmI and Blue," by Harrison ment to the Constitution with these roman- nnvuiui tin of the United tic troubadours who sang of passion Robertson. States and that he was not indicted by tf KING The Touchstone," by Edith Wharton. a beneath the windows cf their enamored STREET. Heights by grand Jury which is contrary to the ones. Rough Straw; "Unto the of Simplicity," -- Relmera. Fifth Amendment to the Constitution t ! But now they such say such days are 4 Waller "Our President, and How We Make of the United State3. gone. by The proceedings In Them." McClure. the Circuit Court On the Rio de Janeiro i "In Circling Camps." by Alt.heler. are set forth at length and it is recited from San Japan In Transition." by Ransome. Francisco came to Hawaii a wedded Hats... how the case was taken from the Cir- pair whose proves The Road to Paris." cuit to the Supreme tale falsehoods the The Banker and the Bear." by Web- Court and there lies of scoffers the the judgment of the lower court was at olden times. W. BUTOHEHB ster. P. Ellis brought back iia-waiia- n, -A- a bride he a AT MD-- i confirmed. 'Vhui lUon." by Tolstoi, and many she a mar- other book, copy Is haole and with the of like character, The of the verdict signed by ried couple comes a pleasing &Y1 J. L. Torbert as foreman story of CONTRACTORS AT THE and with the a courtship fostered by the groom'.i minute endorsed upon it that three genius am musical and a jolly nuptial cere- &ITTE&S mbers of the jury dissented. A copy mony the day before (H)lden Rule Bazaar. of the is giving the vessel left to T.Murata'si mittimus also Included, bear them to their new home. H1YA & CO Sl5 FORT the libellous language used by Marshall STREET. W. V. Ellis left here a year or so ago HA in the Volcano for publishing which he as manager An Impure Stomach IHE TIER. tl was found of the Hawaiian Quintette guilty and sentenced. and with these native ho tl PACIFIC It Is likely minstrck tuj Blue 3.H- l TAKING ORDERS FOR that the case will attract had a - Impure blood. Constipation, 118 Nuuanu St. Tel. I most successful and remunera- JIakes roavldeiatlle when is - KINDS OF" TUf attention it called tive twelve month in California. Most 'ie"!usness- Insomnia, palpi- - in Judge Estee's to-da- y. Siwf ' court A very II nice point of law is involved, one which before SSS&l Tl Sprivate receptions It la doing poor '! - OF SAN FRANCISCO.id nas t. en much discussed in courts for fT that work. Don't ex- years and inu umners inougn tney played at the periment give it Hostetter's Bitters Embroidery especially since the recent - i irr- Grand Opera House in San ..en. u or P. McGRATH. Aoent. accessions to the territory of Unit- - Francisco ii ior maiaria tever m m the to enthusiastic audiences for and ague. The result wt) lastonish you. SM SXLJC OR LINEN. CITY 1EED STORE, jed States, and upon Supreme some time. Get It any NOTICE. which the Besides managing the Quintette Mr. at drug store and see that a , Court has PRIVATE y. and fine Drawn Work nar Punchbowl. Honolulu. within the present week filed Ellis who is a handsome native, REVENUE STAMP covers Order, two decisions, as a result of one found the neck of the bottle. tMmir JapaneM artlat. 8enr for Monuments, Headetone. of time to meet and make love to Miss OF THE c. imllclted. which Marshall Is now in pi iton. There Is UnQTCTTCDifi THE CITY OFFICE , in Schreiber, the head nurse the South " a. later th tfnui. Whether Judge Kstee h?.d at ' Mothln O Junsulction ern Pacific Hospital in Bay City. " Ltd. that will be unable to I to consider the case at all Is ques-- , the Just Co., the She was finally induced to STOMACH Star Dairy tion that has been much debated every-- ; leave her As Uood happy j Merchant Tailor where about the city home and excellent position for BITTERS since it became Hawaii nel some Street known that Marshall has taken the antf hours before the ner Merchant and Alakea Rio pulled out unit-.- d Telephone 391. BOP CIULN BKtter t the United States District the two were in Main ' "urt. It may be marriage In the parlors of the Grand Dairy Telephone: Blue 317L 607 HOTEL stated that while Hotel by Horses XOLXDAY GOODS STRrET 'Judge Estee has no right to review the surrounded a few close friends 6661 A. B. DOAK, Man. decision of the Supreme who accompanied them to the ship and now on way. If you need a suit of Clothes call on Court he has bade " the me. I will Quote you guar- a right to consider any habeas corpus them goodbye in royal fashion. price, and Mr. and Mrs. JUL. TKT. OalX AND SEE US. antee a perfect fit. case wherein a Constitutional question Ellis are now here and Clipped... . will stay. Is Involved. The bride I. an accompllsn-e- d SON woman in her profession and Mr. AT THE MCCHESNEY & Ellis is very proud Hawaiian Soda Works. An of his achievement Nnuacu and Extensive Traveler. In bringing from the Mainland so charming an, J. W, Butcher, representing the addition to Hawaii's s Streets. Tel. 938 EMMA AND VINEYARD ST8. population. Club Stables Wholesale Grocers Chemical Company of New York Flcd and Cleveland, was a passenger cn the ' Lctther and Sioe ADVERTISER I. leIlTerd Goods Delivered Free New Machines with modern appliances f lAe city 71 cent. . Moana en route to Sydney. Mr. Butch- - TMoU for ,t CKkS? U 'Sway, used. Telephone 477. TELEPHONE 506. er has traveled almost as many times right. Agents Honolulu Boap Work" CHARLES BELLINA, Manager. itany, Honolulu, and Tannar? afHsl Pam vm " mmkw;iaL AnWBTI KR HONOLULU, OCTOBER 2 ! HOP? ft CO.. J. HOPP CO ! SALE. THE b1 1 K 8 T FOR Th. Peat Ht th Lowhi 1 Pries at Hopes. GOLD FOR TO PROTECT LIMITED. I .-- arty on """ ... , r " " OP HAWAII. LTD. Beauvais HARDY Incorporated Under the Laws of the TARS THE RESTS Territory of Hawaii. CAPITAL , Axminster... Capital. S250.000. S3W.000.0 f President Cecil Brown OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS: h.Kl Vice President M. P. Robinson Charles It. Cooke n Drop Cashier W. O. Cooper c. President nJ Dunreggan Must Pay P. Jones ...... Vice President LIT f,,lS2 Puna Sugar Company Principal Office: Port, near Merchant C. H. Cooke .: Cashier Street. F. C. A&herton Assistant . I f Cashier ''art RUGS $8000. Sued. Branch Office: HUo, Hawaii. Directors Henry Waterhouse, Tom a t MUM ar May, F. W. Macfarlane, m: X In an ... E. D. Tenney. .rfi..i i vm or J. A McCandless. pattern h. th 3 . 7.T m,.i. "U vnen-iS - V Solicits the Accounts i ... ne " of Firms, Cor- ' rerraiar ud t.-- fOR FEARLESS AND AT HONOLULU AND HILO. porations. Trusts. Individuals, and will OR LEASE 4 and Including carpet atsee. O CREW PLAINTIFF promptly and carefully attend to FOB SALE MRIMEIT business all SAVINGS DEPOSITS connected with banking en- received and trusted to it. Sell and Purchase For- Interest allowed for yearly deposits at eign Exchange, the 4 per Issue Letters of Credit. Judg rate of cent per annum. 2 p Etee Makes Silvage Awar-d- Richardson Estate Rules and regulations of savings de- 8AVINOS DEPARTMENT, Down Increasing Emil partment upon Captain furnished application. quinary and Term Deposits received 1 Macau'ey Get Uhlbrecht's Children-Co- urt and Interest allowed in ancontnrvn. Cushins with rules and conditions printed In $.00. News. passbooks, copieB of which mar be had FOR RENT In down or silk made to or r. on application. I any IMPORTANT. Judd Building, Fort street. dr. sis. c tor her Th,5 I services in pulling; off the Puna Sugar Company dlffer-o- n eggan haa a from of Gov-"rnmr-- the reef of Diamond opinion with the nt CLAUS ornc Head Territorial SPRECKELS. WM. G. IRWIN. ie ti.e tug Fearless and her officer In the matter of cutting timber and crtw will receive something over in the lands at Wa akahiula and ques-- CO.. Mahogany KM. Judge the ALMOST EVERY ONE HAS SOME- - I Boita Estee hanried down h.s submitted to decision in the case f the Supreme tWnc Cf value: such as papers. Jewelry. yesterday morning - - - HONOLULU, and the ISIUM money, keepsakes, etc., H. T. Cabinets matter, vshlch has dragged lu the which they are uions; for submission tt is stated that the very anxious to keep safe. At home, ( such a length of time is at company SAN AKIWKKiHT'r? Very handsome, highly polished, IssM finished. is the owner of a tract of land at a hotel or boarding house, there is FRANCISCO AGENTS THK and Just the lit NEVADA NATIONAL x mi mn article for a well it Is a lengthy opinion which Judge Walak&hiula, In Pahoa. Puna, Hawa i. always danger of loss from Are, bur- BANK OF and con-btrurt- SAN FRANCISCO. r.stee gives, it rec.tes the voyage of that this tract borders on a road glary or some one's carelessness. plHBj the DunrfgKan from London to th.s by the Government through a WHY NOT MAKE SURE THAT city and tea of her going on the reef natural forest. The company has been your valuables are In perfect safety. DRAW EXCHANGE ON cuttlnfc and UKUst sth last and It describes the destroying forest trees, shrub- FOR A SMALL CHARGE YOU CAN SAN FRANCISCO The work of the bery and Nevada Na- j. UNDO. Bedroom Fearless and the Eieu and underbrush within 250 feet of rent one of our SAFE DEPOSIT BOX- tional Bank of San Francisco. the Iroquois", and how finally she was the road and claims the right to continue ES. You have your own key, LoNDON The Union . M a I t SI IMS pulled and no Bank of London. off the reef by the three vessels eo doing. one but yourself (unless you give wrlt- - Ltd. Sets c ombined and towed Into the The harbor. Attorney General claims that the ten instructions to admit some partic- - NEW YORK American Exchange Natio- different woods. rendered 12' Call 'f the services by the Fear- company has not such rifrht. and Issue is ular peraon) can open your box. Tour nal-Bank. AMU sven If you do not C less Judge Extee speak epecmlly tell- - box HP1 CAP. r Joined cquarely oa the point. The facts will be in a solid steel vault, the CHICAGO Merchants O ing how she stood by Dunreggan . National Bank. crTpc the are umH t doors being extra heavy steel, and PARIS f I for over forty-eig- ht Credit Lyonnals. ns iuoct hours, never for an lro to tn. court opened by clock work. Tbjg makes instant ceasing to pull on 1 your BERLIN Dresdener Bank. WHITE her save for Thft of law box BURGLAR AND FIRE the wh-- n k . 1"lon at issue U the con- - HONGKONG 3 Oak C time h.r nu. ,J- l, ., - PROOF. It will cost you nothing to AND YOKOHAMA Parlor Os 1617. 1618 1619 believes from ar..i,l w..., .11... ,.r v.o ,:.., ' "l and call and see our vaults and boxes. Hongkong and Shanghai Banking jevlden:e. he auys. that the Dunreggan ,of tbe Penal Lav. Ich the sugar com-ar- y Corporation. any ! In Immlm-n- t claims ar.i to the Fifth Seats jeiil. According to An..-ndmen- t NEW ZEALAND AND AUSTRALIA I : O'M n.1 to t h of tne IT I th (.Mtimony pre-- 1 'institution O ho mmmlm are really beautl'ul. Ol she was in such a I Dlted States. Bank of New Zealand. X made from the rartous situation that she would have The upon VICTORIA AND , i Mrs ' UTHINO. bnt of oak. and f) sections which Attornev Oen. VANCOUVER Bank rn sssr gone to pieces In tim-b- of i iiriBiita Mna; service. a short time longer, eral Dole relies plainly forbid cutting et British North America. 250 SfB OBATt and FA NT It I for her rudder post w as strained, her within feet of any Government road running thrcugh o General bookihq s I i plates were pulling apart and her frame a natural forest, mm tictrcoi mm and provide lines lor any violation of ftrTHWH FRIEND and work was being displaced. If she had the I in law. Deposits received, Loans made on Ap- gone to pletes her crew i proved Upholstering h would bave The sugar company claims that such a COMPANY, LTD. Security, Commercial and Trav- WIRT wAirrs drowned without doubt, had not km is taking private property without due elers' Credits Issued. Bills of Exchange ' by. process of law, as It prevents from Bought and Sold. i th Farlfis stood them r Tiir. if r A SPECIALTY. pays SS) nrlnir from the cutting of the! 409 Fort Street, Honolulu, H. T. COLLECTIONS He some attention also to the timber. PROMPTLY 'peril whl h the Fearless herself encou- P. O. Box 447. ACCOUNTED FOR. ntered by remaining with th- - Imnree-ga- n INTERPLEADER CASE DECIDED. Supreme m r.H'N & co. and tugging away at li rr luring The Court rendered a decision the long hours while she lay on the t rday In the case of Yee Wo vs.Chung & Lup Ye, sustaining the decision of the Hawaii Land Co. BISHOP CO. J.Hopp&Cor R f He recites what Captain Pond Fifth Circuit Court and dismissing the of the Iroquois said that he would not appeal from the ruling of that court. The1 , I case hinged principally on construe- - LIMITED. S)sJ Tinaene. have cared to put his vessel in such a the y. SAVINGS BANK emer-cenc- tlon of the law of Interpleader. It arose ISsiM T I position unless In case of dire e Jaseres owing to SSSt of the seizing of goods and chattels j - and he believes that the m ISSfT DEALERS belonging to the defendant for a Judg-- ym 'amntnrw'MMl 1 urrent und the nearness of the break-- I nt of which was claimed to be Capital Stock $100,000. era was along In great Office at bank building on Merchant o the Fearless all owed. The Judge ordered that Tee Wo Capital, paid up $55,000. Streeet. danger and that It was only due to the show cause why the mortgage should not j paid and ' "urage of Captain Hrokaw and his be first out of any moneys reoelved Satins ; I rviu aria oeinei ts. p men she stood by all. fiom the sale on execution and that all OFFICERS. ....Of kP that at roc.-edin- - t be stayed until the hearing! Savings Deposits will be received and 1 JuU- Kt e mak-- s a careful estimate H-n- question. Yee i V.,nsnn and decision of that Wo W C. Ac hi Presidert ft Manage: Interest allowed by this Bank at four ; . HOPP CO. J. HOPP A CO of the value of the vessel and of her on tbe ground an of and one per per annum. that Vice-Preside- half cent .demurred order M. nt cargo and he closes his opinion with Interpleader could be granted onlv on the K. Nakutna t the following Judgment: application of the officer, who had seized' J. Makalnal Treasure! Roods and not on application of Sell Wner Worts reading tes- the - the Enoch Johnson Secretary Milwaukee "After a careful of the adverse claimants."- The Judge sustn'ned Printed copies of the Rules and Reg- Beer! timony taken In this case and of the the demurrer snd the appeal was taken Geo. L. Desba Audi to ulations may be obtained on u. plica- b. liiitet. briefs of tb- various counsel, the Court on the point, the decision of the Judge tion. is of opinion that the value of the being sustained. J. T. De Bolt apneared BOARD OF DIRECTORS. MTMf Allan ami Tort Sen for plaintiff In error and J. D. Willard i Dunregtcan when sh went upon the ! for defendant In error. Jonah Kumalae, Milwaukee Beer i reef was $h"..nO0; th n mount of money &l CARSON CASKS. BISHOP CO. tUITKl a CO . Aswata necessary to repair h- - r vs 111 be S25.000, THE NEW J. Makalnal. leaving her present vataa $40,000. It is Tn the two cases recently filed against J. W. Biplkane Honolulu, September 7, 1898. cargo the steamship Claudlne by J. P. Low and L AHLU troni''d'd that the value of the Jf.hn Plltz. for damages resulting from and freight saved is St.344.5. making the sinking of the Wl'llam Carson, Judge Tbe above Company will buy, THE YOKOHAMA SPECIE BANK iocral Nercbandise. If you drink Beer, take Mm a total valuation of the property saved Estee yesterday ordered the amendment or sell lands in all parts of the Ha- 'of the romp'alnts so as to show the LIMITED. S4.He.5. that waiian Islands: and also has bouses is "Considering all the circumstances of lichts on the two vessels should have i !e a of two m'les ad City "Buffet Brand." the case and without reference to the at d'stance the of Honolulu for rent. of a half mile, as was alleged In Sabscritftu Cipittl Ten tf.GtiCQOv WI1T1 i question of proportion, the Court Is of th complaints. It was likewise ordered F.fttw op.nlon reasonable compensa- that the two causes should be combined that a Paid Up Capiul . Yen 18,006,000 m..m It te n to the salvors in view of the and trifd on the same statement of facts. fori- - wsjssfswMftr.rna It "Th Milwaukee a'-o- rw t' of property rescued should be Is suing for $!.oofl for the Sssensd rand . . Teo Beer! amount nrro of coh! which the Carson was car-- I 813,0(0 tome Mrtde the sum of Si:.0OO to Include the ser-vic- e and who was the master of iHfi Poi rvlnr. Plltz. II tm MH0 By Vmfm UtSr of all three vessels. the Carson. bub for the personal property LIMIXED Iroquois which he lost by reason of her pinking. - iff - It m ttled at the brewery only. That of this amount the HEAD 'OFFICE: YOKOHAMA. would have been entitled to S3OU0 If she r.'CH ARDSON ESTATE INCREASING. OFFICERS: PN RICH A NO f ftatsM 3 37 per INTEREST ALLOWED. only l() cent had made any claim for salvage: not R. D. Mead has presented his report as 11. P. Baldwin President aloohol. having done so that amount enures to master In chancery to examine the ac- J. B. Castle First Vice President On Fixed Deposit for 12- - months, 4 per llut.l Ht cargo; count of F. W. Macfarlane and August W. M. Alexander. Second Vice President cent per annum. It haa a very Urge percentage of th ship Dunrexgan and her pronerty of irens. as guardians of the J. P. Cooke Treasurer On Fixed Deposit for 6 months, 3Vi per tracts And Albuminoids, that th Eleu haa been already pa.d Koth and George Itichardson. These ac- W. O. Smith .... Secretary tt ser- and Auditor per s receipted in full for her cent annum. j n Hjusc ft kee-i- the foam well. ami haa counts show that the value of the estate Blanks vices amounting to the sum of'S157.70, on April 12. lfW, was $3:.7W. while on On Fixed Deposit for 3 months, 3 per is and betit tasting 523.01. n fit the parwi also to be deducted from said sum of April . 19). Its value was $ini. a per annum. An Kim $.739.32. The repor cent 12.000. net increase of states Sugar Factors FOR tbat the accounts are well stated and rec-o- n SALE at ' Captain Macauley is entitled to some mends their approval. AJTD B services rendered j jfc Try a barrel of rusrts. compensation for the J. O. BANNING'S ESTATE. aAIsrTTv rrMPs f don by him snd the Court hereby awards Commission Merchants The bank buys and receives for col- It coata you only $12 50 delivered Three reports have been filed In the lection Bills of Exchange. Issues free within the city limit. him the sum of SSO0. That the balance Clreell Court by R. D. Mead, master In "E5H of said S12.000 after deducting the said chancery to examine the accounts of Mrs. AGENTS FOR Drafts and Letters of Credit and trans- FRUI' ISeW and the sum of Sl.'.T 70 already Clara H. Banning, as trustee of the es- Hawaiian Commercial & Sugar Co. acts a general banking business. s O. Banning. In last It Is Olna Sugar Company. th H by Dunreggan tne tate of J. the Asstrsha paid thf and after to al-- ; Sugar Company, Macauley of sate reported that the trustee asss be Haiku HQFFSCHLAEGER COMPANY, Ltd to captain lowed the sum of r,io. The valuation Paia Plantation Company, foresaid to wit SX242.30 is order of the estate Is $74,055. An error of thir-b-c- n Nahiku Sugar Company. ING BQI.K IMPORTXR8. ed to b- - distributed as follows: $13fw cnts is found In the accounts, but Kihei Plantation Company, Branch of Yokohama Spoole Bank. LUNG CO crew of the otherwise they are approved. Hawaiian Sugar Company, King snd Streets. Honolulu. thereof to the master and New Republic Building, Honolu.u, H. T. ' v :s4Mi Bthl tug Fearless in the following manner: WANT AN ADMINISTRATOR. Kahulul Railroad Company. To raptaln O. H. Hrokaw, WOO, to H. I The City Furniture Store has applied and Pi wsl of Fearless. to the Circuit Court for the appointment C. BREWER &CO.LD II. AVike. the mate the C&Ufoniia & Co Wheeler, chief en- of Frank E. Thompson a admlnlstra'or Tbe Oriental Steamship Queen Street, Honolulu, H. I. 1200. to Bert the of the estate of Jnmn 3. Stewart. The flnc Paint NOTICE gineer. to J. B. Purdie. the assis- S1.300 i S15. propertv consists of In real estate ED IY engineer. $100: to Dave Rees nnd J. cash, are sisters and ESTABLISHED 1&54. ILL ! tant and and the heirs IN PAINTERS W.l-lla- m In FOR Torkelson. deckhands, each $, to I thers In Washington, in Ohio and AGENTS Parker and J. Hancock, firemen. Enxlar.d. & Hawaiian Agricultural Company, Ono-me- a Hs. s,.m I'HLPRECHT-- ESTATE. BISHOP CO Sugar a 9 To Importers. .hi h S.V0; to John Johnson, the cook. EMIL Sugar Company, Honomu nil.,.., Man Wleee. messboy. S15. Mrs. Emllie IThl-reeh- t. widow of Eml! i Company, Walluku Sugar Company, S3d. and to J. the tragica- - Su- crew of Fearless; Chlbrecht. who was drowned so Banker- American Sugar Company, Makee constituting the the lly off Makapuu Point and whoe foot wa gar Company. Ookala Sugar Planta- S7.042.S0 go to John the balance of to f( wmt in the stomach of a shark, has Med" TRANSACT A GENERAL BANKING tion Company, Haleakala Ranch KIRUNE! Company, the libe- of children. D. Uprecketo and her account as auardlan the ( AND EXCHANGE BUSINESS. Company, Kapapala Ranch. Molokai lant herein aa owner of the tug Fear- at.d asks that some u'taMe per"n be ap-- 1 Ranch. of the tuK pointed as jniardlan In her stead. The Commercial Planters' Line. San Francisco Packets, In full for the services Wai-k!- kl and Travelers' Letters of a McsrriNO or i ndkk- - less expenses Incurred estate constats soV-l- of at Credit Issued, available in all Charles Erewer & Co's Line of Boston at thk and Including all the which Is valued at $10. the laitmin 0 r isn-- d fhlpowners and Agents, held In tug In rescuing the Dur.r. ggan. Principal Cities of the World. Packets. V .by the CLENCH ESTATE. Agents Boston Board of Underwriters. 'I4U ,(., 1SW. fol-owl- INTEREST allowed after July L 1898. 'his City on October Ith. the - app'.le.I for ap Agents Philadelphia Board of Un- Mao- Jane Clench has on fixed deposits: 7 days' 2 per for - BEER FOR THE fcUK of trie estate notice. resolution has unanlmous- pointment as adroln'stratr.r cent i this form will not bear interest derwriters. bn ..f Wm, C. Clench, who died on March IS. Standard Oil Company. Y unleas It remains undisturlved for one U". The estate corslets ol J.m) in real 3 Informer Has Hi Drug D.spenser t S24 In hank. month); months. 3 per cent; C ninths estate on Lunalllo stre and per cent; 12 4 per LIST OF OFFICERS. KKINiLVED. That all merchandise Fined. months. cent. Arretted and C. M. Cooke. President; George Hi any In Harbor P-is- the l. 'aaast avion wharf Ah Kin. a Chinese woman. of Counterfeiters. l Manager; E. F. ves- Mrs. Hannah re- leader W-r- Q. & Robertson, f Honetnhi from steam or sailing wa lined WO yesterday morning for IRWIN CO.. LTD. Secretary; Col W. owners I WICHITA. Kas.. Oct. 4. T. F. Treasurer and sel will be at the rtah of tha tailing liquor without a llcen. said to v leader f a gang of Allen. Auditor: P. C. Jones. H. Water Z'?AT' r t . If not I IBBO)! 4 1 Mrs. Ah Kin keep a little store in the Fruriu. I slar...-- and week a alleged counterfeiters, was arrested Wm. O. Irwin President Manager house, G R. Carter, Directors. m. twenty-fou- r S p. m. of Kewalo district. One nlaht Ust hours after was sick last night. He lives at Can- Claus Spreckels Vice-Pre- s. I eame aaylns that he here late First lande man to her com- Vlce-Pre- he day on whMi it ha been for irtlmular.t. She took pity ton, Kas.. and stood high in that W. M. Giffard Second a n.l asktns mad-- - of A. M. JUMEl ISHiZUKA will be stored or left on the wharf at on htm and sold him a bottle of beer for munity. The c Ins are out v7hltnr. Jr Treaa & 8ec'y h- - risk and expense of the owners or Then he Infdrmed on her. Mclkail silver dollars afnd Galena lead. Geo. W Rosa Audit?? AGENCY OF rent. CblHlnirworth said that Frantz Is said to have coined the mon-y- . De,.utv Sheriff CJeorge Isaac Ball and Frank ock a the d fendant wa a wotom. Ba'l. KEI Hi? BANK, LTD. A BALDWIN. LTD. ,.tl-ne- ord nary fine wre Nolan are in the federal Jill at Fort BUG R FACTORS ALEXANDER i be d if half the BREWER CO.. LTD. inflicted. Judse WM."t S ott. accused of passing the coins at AMD-Commi- ssion for the first offence and he Galena and Jnplln Vineyard Strwt fir the minimum Impose Ball 'AHTLS5 A COOKE, LTD. had no other course open but to Agents. mm. ii DAVTM a CO . LTD a flra-- of that amount. Arctic Explorers Back. ast Chris Tarkelsee snd W. Mainland AGENTS FOR THE Transact General Banking and Ex- IMCKFELD CO.. LTD 'the Buh l of the nla .t after be nr COPENHAGEN. Oct. 4. Lieutenant change Business. cosf them G and ar- p W. O. IRWIN 4k CO.. LTD. S17edlr arned. It Amdrup's Greenland expedition has Oceanic Steamsh Company rived here on board the Antarctic. Th e BSID OPPICB - T01TO, HPM -- "IT F A. SCHAKfER CO. "mC Hammrvn paid SH ard costs for members of the expedition exp'or d and Of San Fra .sco. Cat illlnr t J I'.- - I I I I ' hi of DRAW EXCHANGE ON FIRST ter Ham-rns- n mapped a hitherto unknown stretch 1300 store. : YOKOHAMA. Honolulu. October fth. r. f-- e in front of Hamman" ITTS extending Cape Town, lati- CO., NATIONAL BANK, horse os from H. W. FOSTER & maaiaa and took the S9 d grees 28 minutes north, to hs oleted r,n the srene tude M. Cooks, s Inatrassante Used the ptreet Belser arrived Agnsls Land. 7 degrees 22 minutes R. Lewers. J. Lowrey. C. ,K' wa an ss-ss- ult and Silversmith t. 1a e SHOP snd remonstrated. The result .orth. m SILEUT BARBER case. LEWERS & COOKE. TftortvugaiT The Prince of Wales Is godfather to FINE WATCH REPAIRING. Et in Lumber and are Wnfwt an ounce of h.id.-c- DIAMOND-SETTIN- G Importers and Dealers There Is not the sou ard heir lately born to the Vis- IRAYnra snd Office of it. Jesse Moore MAV C. W. All Goods snd Work Guaranteed Building Materlala TTWA3tVm. ee In barrel countess Derharst. daughter of 414 Fort Street 'oid s JOHEFH Wblsky. Try It and see for yourself. t .r.ynge of San Francisco. HOTEL oTREET 4 R :.I NOTvN aOTKL HOTEb OCTOBER 12. 1900. Ufr PAOIFir fv.MUFKnif. utVRKTiHKR: qnvniri.r

and offense. He wiped tne aecK wun the sailor, then handcuffed him to the rail ai.d swore he would carry him to JU2I ARRIVED Hamburg on the A esia. PUt ACSTRALii Through some means the sailor got word to Captain Nelson of the Acamas, and the latted called on Captain Knuth, and the two men talked at each other remain- very loudly, but the sailor still The laat. ed manacled to the rail. lnvoic Captain Nelson retired without his man. "I'll teach him to attempt to steal my men!" cried Knuth. "He shall go to European China and then to Hamburg in the boatswain's place." With the Shortly before midnight the police heard that there was a man chained to a rail on some ship in port. Sergeant Ellis ran into Captain Knuth, heard' Change in Goods HANCOCK OFF FOR MANILA. his torv. and suggested that he had ' better let him go. The captain finally The Transport Hancock got away guessed he would, but said he would to he shipped to u shortly after noon. She was compelled kick the sailor down the gang-p.an- k. Tariff to wait some time for the tug Fearless TESTIMONIAL TO M'CAIG. I Under the Old Tarlfl, which towed the ship Great Admiral FRANCI&CO, Oct. 4. Chief En- SAN Comee a sweeping reduction In out of the channel. It was thought at gineer David McCaig of the steamer among which comprise. first the government tug Eleu would Moana was today presented with a S the price of all goods of American 5 be brought into service to take the handsome ruby ring by the Marine En- A manufacture. lias of gineers' Association of this city. E. Hancock out, but the Captain dee ded We have cut on every piece of Fpreckels' tug. Finally tir- Tucker of the United Engineering J to wait the Works, made the presentation speech i.i 2 jewelry and silverware In the ing of waiting for the tug Captain stateroom on board the you surprised I ladies' Golf Caoes gave the order to cast loose and the chief's bouse, and will be Struve steamer. The Moana is to be withdrawn great difference from for-- the big white vessel backed water and from the service between here and Aus- i at the skipped down the wharf in the direc- tralia, and the marine engineers took mer prices. No tear of com pari -- Cricketing tion of the light house. A stern line the occasion to give expression of their A sons here, where quality and pat-- ! Flannels was carried over to the light house esteem for Mr. McCaig. The latter first tern are considerations. came here fifteen years ago in the position ed plies. After gett'ng into this Mararoa, and was in the What do you think of full-siz- tug's sprvi" mamp needed, how- steamer later the Monowai. The Monowai was the first solid silver teaspoons being re-- 2 Bagatele Boards Reduction ever, to push the vessel's stern around steamer to leave New Zealand with en j Sale duced to 18.00 a dozen, with so as to head her out into the channel. troops for Cape Town and Chief Engi ETC. To make room for a largn invoir of VEHICLES This was done and the transport went neer McCaig was presented with a graving thrown in, and all ar- i off on her Journey with colors flying. go d medal by the Premier of the colo ticles of silverware reduced In like now on the way. Kr h ltaiit ei time we nies. proportion. offer btock of It was reported that the transport was oar present lying on the coral bed of the harbor TONNAGE MOVEMENT. These are by no means catch and that she would probably stick when SAN FRANCISCO, Oct. 4. The ton prices, hut regular prices which an attempt was made to take her away. nage movement for the quarter ending E.W. Jordai September 30tk, was greater will prevail here from now on, on Sre draws twenty-nin- e feet of water than that Buggies. for any similar period in the history or all the different lines oi gooos Runabouts and the harbor at low water around the the port. It was as follows, as com- rrom tne 10 Fort Street. Waiklkl side of the Naval wharf does piled by the Merchants' Exchange: siaies. not draw much more, and naturally Is Arrivals From domestic ports, steam While reducing all our Ameri- Phaetons, uneven. When the Hancock, then the 290,541, sail 169,239. total 459,730; from can goods we have not changed Surreysf 256,631, 80,264, Arizona, made her first trip into the foreign ports, steam sail the prices on any of our European ago total 336.895. Total arrivals, 796,675. De- Rcate ETC., ETC., ETC. harbor more than two years fears ports, potteries, glass and chinaware, Island were entertained for her safety in partures To domestic steam At greatly reduced prices. f3F"Don't lose this opportunity 269,961, sail 129,231. total 399,192; to for- and although the present cost is docking at the Pacific Mail wharf. She eign ports, steam 245,006, sail 77,073, to- forty per cent mors than former- - in the mud was held fast. 721,270; tdgfSee our stock of Delivery Wagons, rested but tal 322.078. Total departures, while out present very large BIO PASSENGER LIST. total tonnage movement for the quar- Company, Drays, Etc., Harness, Whips, Kobrs ter. 1,517.945. 44.stock lasts we will sell at the old The Union S. S. Moana arrived yes- rates. This Is a very large saving terday morning from San Francisco en MOANA'S LAST TRIP. 4. to you, and ws recommend that route to the Colonies. No passengers SAN FRANCISCO, Oct. The Limited. Moana will sail 8 o'clock to- you your from were landed here, although Purser A. steamer at make purchases night for Sydney, via Honolulu, Apia now, ad- - G. will remain here and return these lines before an Hodson and Auckland. She will take a full necessary. Pacific Vehicle & Supply Co., to San Francisco on the Alameda which cargo of freight and about eighty pas- vance becomes g is expected to sail for the Coast today. sengers, nearly ail of whom are book- F. J. LOW RBI, President. to be Vice-Presid- ent L-I- The Moana carried an extremely large ed for Australia, The Moana is C. D. CHASE, IVII passengers mostly Syd returned to her English owners after WOOD. number of for being by one I ARTHUR B Treasurn DAY BLOCK. 3RRBTANIA STREET. voyage 3 this trip, her place taken ney. She resumed her at of the new steamers recently launched I J. A. OILMAN, Secretary. o'clock yesterday afternoon. The voy at Philadelphia for the Oceanic Steam- B. P. DOLE. Auditor. age from San Francisco was very ship Company. pleasant, no rough weather being en- SHRINERS' EXCURSION. Received Per S. S. Australia countered. The passengers made the 8AN FRANCISCO, Oct. 3. The star, most of the good weather and a sports crescent and scimitar, emblem of the NOTICE. committee organized among them was Mystic Shriners, are emblazoned In red ouy e any, aa an paint upon the bows of steamer ram we ana act highly successful in carrying out the it. FiNE INVOICE OF games program. sum Zealandia, which is to leave the first appraisers, trustees, elvera uf athletic and The Iderwriters. $365 was raised aTTd was used to of Trext week for Hawaii with several of this hundred Shriners on an excursion. A FORT STREET. good advantage as prize money for J reception is to be held on board . the winners. Zealandia to invited guests Saturday ALAMEDA BOOKINGS. night. FOG WHISTLE OUT OF ORDER. The following passengers are booked MANAbt (Of the Alameda which is scheduled to SAN FRANCISCO, Oct. 3. Official given Dry sail to-da- y for San Francisco: E. C. notice has been that the steam Office iOI Judd Bulldias. Goods on chime San light Sharpe, Mr. Bingenam, J. H. MacLaf-fert- y whistle Francisco vessel No. 70, off the entrance of the Telep ne, llaln Sit. and wife," Mrs". D. M. Chambers, harbor, is disabled, and during thick or Geo. McLeod, Mr. Edgar, A. 8. Collins, foggy SPECIAL. W weather a bell will be struck by PRICES FOR THIS EEK. BEGININO OCTOBER ft: R. C. Berkley, E. H. Offley and wife, hand. Repairs will be completed in two or days, TURKISH TOWELS $1.35 per dozen and up Mrs. Henry Holmes, Mrs. S. Tuck, Mrs. three when a notice will be Morse and daughter, S. G. Wilder, A. given. Waikilri Inn Louisson, Mrs. S. B. Curtis, Mr. Hod-so- n. WYEFIELD'S SLOW PASSAGE. HAPKINS $1.00 per uu SAN FRANCISCO, Oct. 4. a M, R, COUNTER doen and g After UN EN ROLLER CRASH TOWELING 6c per yard up slow passage of thirty-on- e and RECEPTION ON THE MOANA. days from goods Nagasaki, the transport Wyefleld ar- The above wJll be sold at prices quoted for one week only. Call early SAN" FRANCISCO, Oct. 3. Society rived yesterday morning, and docked at A and Ret the firm choice, as the stock Is limited, and when the sale is over you shipboard today in response U1TI1IMNIMI1 TM HS IT will have to regular prices. lunched on Folsom street wharf. Captain Cartmer or to Invitations from Miss Violet Carey, reports that on account of a headwind SO. the WALbJKI INN will run daughter of the captain of the Moana. most of the way across and the vessel's The A very elaborate menu was served, foul Jeweler bottom, the Wyefleld at times leaving the corner of Fort and covers being laid for twenty-five- . Miss could make hardly more than five knots Carey received her guists in her fath an hour. REMOVED TO THE streets as follows: it's cabin, and prior to luncheon the WAIKIKI INN: ladies were shown about the sh p. Cap SHIPPING NOTES. FDR THE BARGAIN STORE t;iin t'.i!- y was unavoidably absent, bat The Moana brought two days' mail :30 A.M. 12:30 P. M. Oppoflite the Fire Station. his p ace was tilled by the officers of Coast. Love : Block 6:30 P. It Fort and Beretanla Streets. l Kinau, Upolu the at. A jollier time and a prettier Stealers and Lehua INN. ALBERT BLOOM. Proprietor. function was never held in the Moana's are due tomorrow morning. NEXT DOOR TO FROM WAIKIKI handsome salcon. The steamer Mauna Loa Is eicp?cted 7:40 A. M. 4.31P.M. First Officer Crisp, Second Officer this morning from Kona and Kali pjrts, 10:06 A. M. Bhawman, Third Officer Lilly and Pur- Hawaii, and also Lahaina. H. H. WILLIAMS ser Hodson proved royal entertainers, The Ga ilee, with a cargo of gen- FORT STREET. GET THE BEST and most efficient assistants to Miss eral merchandise, cleared from San Single Fare, 25 cents; 8 ticket!. M Carey. The company sat down at 1:3J Francisco October 4 for Tahiti. 4 b.-for- e The cl and it was o'clock the hostess Helene artd October TITrvTf "IT XT K f"C flHI'H KB gave the signal to rise. Miss Carey's 4 from San Francisco for Honolulu, x iwr v t ivn-iiv- i j wv Ready guests were: with a cargo of merchandise. Grand Opening will play during dinner at the IM1 Roofing W. H. Rock Miss Marie Wells, Miss Ope. Mrs. The bark Dimond left for San Wednesday and Sunday evenlngi Francisco yesterday cargo IT MAS STOOL) TMfc TrST FOR 23 YEARS Page, Mrs. Colruff, Mrs. Sands Forman, with a of A Mrs. Hope, Mrs. Shraw, Mrs. Wenban, sugar and general merchandise. IN FEW DATS. Mrs. Jacobs, Mrs. L Jacobs, Mrs. lies- - H. F. McMullin, first assistant engi- H. N. ALHY, Reay Rock Roof Paint la the beat ror all kinds of roofs, KoukMtMtt linger, Miss L. Davis, Miss G. Bates, neer of the steamer Rio de Janeiro, has te. Miss J. Ewing, Miss F. Ewing, Miss been appointed chief engineer of the PHOTOGRAPHIC Manager. Hennessy, Miss Findlay, Miss Dolbeer, steamer Colon. Miss BCagee, Miss E. SSauth, Miss me American ship Great Admiral AQKNTS POR Sunshine Water heimus, First Officer Crisp, Second Offl-- sailed yesterday for the Sound in bal- PORTRAITS. CASTLE & COOKE, II cer Crisp, Second Officer Shawman, last. She-- was towed out of the harbor Heater .... Third Oitlcer Harris, Fourth Officer Lil by the Fearless. HONOLULU. ly, Purser G. A. Hodson of the Moana. The new barkentine John Palmer, at water day and night without t he use of Ore. Call see lately launched at Eureka, sailed Oc- Commission Merchant and It ITINERARY OF THE ADAMS. 4 wortii tober from that place for Port Had-loc- k, First Class Work Guaranteed HAN FRANCISCO, Oct. 4. The boys to load lumber for Alpine p Australia. Cement, Canned Fruity who have gone out in the training-shi- The body of Thomas Sunny, the engi- Mr. Davey does not wish hi alttert SUGAR JbACTOliS. Adams for their first cruise will have neer of Kihei, who died at Makawan, o accept work unless perfectly aUs Moutrey Sand, Pet and Highland Cream. an interesting voyage. They will wit- Maui, last week, was taken aboard ,the 'aewy; AGENTS FOR Mortar Stains, ness the trial trip of the battleship Peking yesterday for shipment to Standard Biscuit i o Wisconsin in Santa Barbara channel San The Bwa Plantation Co. Francisco. Ce, next week, sailing thence to San Diego The water front put on a busy look The Walalua Agricultural Paper and Paper Bags, for a stay of two days, and leaving all day yesterday. The departing The Kohala Buar Co. there for Magda'ena bay for gun prac- steamers were many, Mill Co. Boltz Clymer & Is and caused the The Wslmea Sugar Co's Cigars. tice and drill. Tne Adams scheduled wharves to put on a ereneral hnldlav Co to return to San Diego on November 7. appearance. The Koloa Acricaltural a Tam Viiitnn iror. Works, and after stay of six days, will sail The bark Rithet sailed for San Fran- it for Hilo. Lahaina and Honolulu. Christ- cisco yesterday forenoon loaded with ate. HAWAIIAN mas will be spent in the Hawaiian capi sugar, scnooner PHOTOGRAPHIC! I7n ti4ii mi Co. TRADING CO., Ltd. on ine Carrier Dove, in tv. tal, and January 9th the traininz ballast, sailed for the Sound. Eu- LIMITED. The F. Blake Stsam rH rnp.T RTREET. LOVR ship will again re- The Qore BUILDING. sail for San D.ego, terpe also sailed for Kaanapali in tow WHtnn'i nantrlfuaalS. maining MOTT-8MIT- H there from February 8th to the of tlie Eleu. BLOCK, England Mutual Lift 22d, when the return trip to San Fran- The Queen Dormer The New has positively been schedV Fort and Hotel Streets ruranee Co. of Boston. cisco will be begun. On the trip the uled to take the place of the Australia ship will stop at San Pedro, Santa Bar on the The Aetna Firs Insurance Monterey. next regular trip from San Hawaiian Carriage Mfg. Co bara and The Adams is due Francisco to this port. The Moana will Hartford, Conn. here on March 15th. not be seen again in this port, as at HUSTACE& CO The Alliance Assurance Ce 4 BUILDERS OF PACIFIC MAIL CHANGES. the end of her present run she will be SAN FRANCISCO, Oct. 3. Captain turned over to the English company by DEALERS IN FOR W. H. McLean of the San Bias, which the Spreckels company. VEHICLES ISLAN D USE arrived yesterday from Panama, wl.l The City of Peking left for the Coast Cookfl take out the City of Sydney, sailing for at 5:30 p. m. yesterday. A large number Wood & -- and Coal. Castle oeo- Central American ports, on 8th. of passengers joined the vessel from the port, LIMITED Captain PillsbUr;. of the Sydney is on this most of whom were Honolu-lan- s. ALSO-- REPAIRING the battleship Wisconsin, and will re Among them were Mr. J F given main there until after the trial trip of Hackfeld and wife, Mrs. Horace j' LIFE and FIRE prompt and careful attention me war vessel in Santa Barbara chan- Craft. Dr. Hoffman of Oahu p'antation. WHITE AND BUCK SAND nel. Chief Engineer McStay of the Co- and Dr. R. W. Anderson. Who enps tr. lon has been join his wife in Oakland. Which ws will seU transferred to the Peru, ship at the lowest market PI SOLE AGENTS OR taking Chief Helland's place, who suc- The George Skolfield sailed rates. A ceeds Chief Ferguson of the China. from San Francisco October 3 for Ferguson goes ast to supervise the Port Arthur with a Rubber Tire Wheel Co. machinery work of the two steamers barrels of beef and 20,000 bales unu being built for the Pacific of hay for the Russian The mott durable RnMvr-Tir- e made. Mail's China Government. run. Harry M. McMullin first assist-a- n The sailing of the ship is contingent SEATTLE BEER 121 Qsees St. TELEPHONE MAIM 47. engineer of the Rio. becomes chief however, upon getting a full comple- AGENTS FOR rf engineer of the Colon. ment of men, which the captain expects --AT THE CRIMPS IN 'FRISCO. to do this morning. Captain Street was lei Enpland tile formerly chief officer of the Will-scot- t. SAN FRANCISCO, Oct. 3. Ger- bark s The CRITERION SALOON, ill man transport Alesla OF BOSTON morning sailed early this A. G. Hodson, the popular purser of for Taku with horses for the the Moana. who SHREVE & CO., San Kaisers troops. The vessel left that vessel yester- Francisco. without sailed day, and also the service of the British imio fiie a boatswain and from 6 o'clock bteamship Company, Ink TO FACILITATE TRADE with the Hawattaa Islands, will deliver mil last night until 1 o'clock this morning neen with which he has OF HARTFORD good parchsjw-- d or ordered of them. FREE OF ALL CHARGES FOR a sailor of an English connected for fourteen years, Is Pacific Transfer ship stood hand- stopping at the Hawaiian TRANSPORTATION to Honolulu, or turning same to Sam Francisco. Goods cuffed to the steamer's rail in the pelt- leaves today Hotel. He will ha sent on selection to those known to tha Ira, me who will furnish satis- ing storm by order of Captain for San Francisco to loin 1 of the Alesla. Knuth VfSel the 8onoma of the Company A. HARRISON ME factory isfsr ssa In Ban Francisco. SntWi "ne. He IllJrllmf Yesterday afternoon the ship's boat- fee,s must be in San 227 King St., n V16 25th of th,s rear of Bailey's Cyclery. swain decided to desert. He walked Join tlaZvessel, month to -L- IMITED. AND ashore, arranged with a sailor friend and will come through on the British ship Acaraas to fetch his rniJnJJeCember on the way to the EXPRESS WAGONS. DRAYS, Mm, AfflH IHKHB effects ashore. The sailor was caught LUMBER WAGONS Sawing, Planikg, Tubhw and . . .. Wont 00 by Captain Knuth as he was leaving DUMP CARTS -juarge ox j&omuob" .u MARKET AND POST STREETS. SAN FRANCISCO, the transport and loU of "AA" .... stock after a few moments I "f8 brands of Always on Hand. special maatratsd oatalogue and prices furnished upon receipt of request. of word Are the two mixed things on ???e7T0niy Je8M Moore Kiln hrtiw. a manufactory of Jewelry and Silverware west of New " Trunks. Furniture and Safes Carefully We hare tbe largest the Alesla's deck. Captain Knuth Is C-o- Honolulu, have Tor srsy, mad are prepared to furnish pedal well up In the science of self defense. it Handled. Estimates jnrnwnea Telephone Main 58. Kawalahao St., I


I NOW A . . THEY GO HOME .1 t lhr office f the ;itpe, iiirmWnl ..f IIS I'ubllr Works till 12 k noon .f Wednesday. November THIS 14th. for the ISLAND construction .f Engine (By H. M. AVRES, House No I. formerly of the Engineers.) I " Hlr. TRANSPORT lu-- r t v Ideation aa tbe nflUs HANCOCK continu.--l Journey to Manila yesftsccke. till 'J M hl.K. !. Sh took from here a jrhoatly thirty-fou- r lUi Sugar to.. " frelKhi th mortal rfinaina of of ntendem ..f Public Work The Registration I'ncle Sam's braw boy p. who receKwl their tinal dlsrhartr from nil mHM ( Board doe turn! himself t accept the servfps In Honolulu. i..vsmH r any bid. Their names were .f'timetl tn th muster roU of many regiment. Among them J A. M. CANDLEHH. Report. r.- - Recular Army men, to whom lighting - and campaigning in distant laads waa ii" ndeni r I'uhii, v..ik a trade, and volunuen, Home of whom had never thMr homes until day A s IMA left tbe trft, when mov d by patriotic or lured by pomp military i it'tloft. ardor the of pageantry, they .. NO NUMBER enlisted. PARTIAL LIST OF . IN EACH DISTRICT ..( trporation From Mniiesota HlSeboS, from lHhiri,i the oun?er of a New VorK department LTD . Nuticcs. more, from the purlieu or a great city, from a little home aiiuaud amoiu tbe M Fb maides, they came, H when the men of the Mainland went forth to do battle against Don. ' tig HA SUGAR the The greater portion of the troopa tarried in Honolulu a while. When CO 'RepuWican, To , Lively Cam- - Ihey departed - the day He not a few brother In arms were left behind. Them- found a horn-I- n Real -- a military hoapttal Estate NOTICE. paign Petition Against until they cither recovered sufficiently to ttmUat tlieir jour- ni ney or, as waa the cae with the thirty-fou- r whose books were recently exhumed, -- I ;ir..w. red H MM k HOOKS OF THE HA Waterhouse. the last call. is Th.- Met in in Hugar Com puny will be dod t.. V.rk regtsaenl which, whi!e stationed here, was vlitd with au epi-- M a trawfers from October HUH to October sate of typhoid fevfyr, paid the heaviest toll, losing over twenty men tiirough --FOR SALE BY i 1 BBj - Inclusive; after Stock- of tlo- Registration fu-- r :tt whth date Hoard ii.e ravage oi tiienread riiseas. . Tue battalion of Kngineers. the lirst ! American holders will please rail n the secretary l . llaiid .it oahu ,,y precincts has e, n soldiery to besOjuartered i. , aiso lost several men. the names of two of whom. old I ml rvllim their certificate of .. .. v. Haass s liannon and Het nard M. I . ninmn tn,. niiowmg itg- - rarr'ngton, will be well remembered by many of i Mr f one hundred dollars for the residents ot Honolulu. v . rtifhatea of par value of Twenty WILL E. FISHER. I 1 Pocr Hantion to his end in a I I 1 tame noble endeavor to rescue a man killed bv FT l'lSTlUCT - hilars, as voted at the special mating contact with a livc- wire on Kin, street He was buried in toe Catholic burying II K,rt Tre;lnot . . 14 grounil. V it Saeond - 1. Precinct St., Inde-psssdes- Mlil'I'KIt'i Harrington suecusabed to typhoid fever la ihc improviwd hospital at jee i Seeretary. Third Prerlnrt 17.'. Park. His death was deeply regrettel by his comrades. The beSt sol- liOOO Fourth Irectnft Wl dier InsVbis company. Farringtdn's dashjrg demeanor and perennial peniulity made BERETAX1A BTRBtfT. fifth Trerinrt . . 1 him a prim; Camp McKinky. McCully street; three lots, atse 71 a NOTICE favorite at 139; Hlxth Precinct . It was a hot, dusty afternoon when he was laid to rest, and all the members of terms to suit.. 10 Seventh Pr.-rtm-- t t,; his company and the majority of those of other companies gathered around his tii MWUUUI qUartkri.y KlirSth I'm in. t . 417 grave to pay their last earthly homage to one they had loved so well. The funeral C499 KINAU STREET LOT. tt a ISa, m-et- lng of the stockholder of C. Brew- Ninth Precinct . was conducted with full military honors, ceremony with many valuable- - trees aad l and at the conclusion of the er Co l. will be held at th office Tinth I'rccinct . . 213 "taps" Were sounded and the speeding vollies tired. shrubbery; ready to build if the company In Honolulu, on Satur- Soon after the sound of the sod dropping on the had died away, the day. October Htb. at 10 a. m. ampward march was begun and the men of Engineers dead, $3.809 BERET ANIA STREET, be- z the left their brother II K FOVRTH fteepSSUj white-blossomi- 'ROK HUCRTitON MISTItlCT. the sleep that knows no awakening, under a fragrant, ng tween Victoria and Pensaeots 49 Manag r. Firm Precinct . . . ftSJ deand. r bush. streets; alas errth treaa. i i i : n i 5xl; .'' .i. ii '..her , irtoo Pi ond Precinct . Ml And now they are going home again! They who boarded the transport with shrubbery, grass, etc mi iT0 Third I'reetaet . . xa elastic step and with the bloom of health on their cheeks are going back to the Prt-c-inr- t many an H fourth i old home. They will be interred, of them, in a sleenv country tfraverard. 17,800 CORNER PBNBACOLA and S3-n- M STOCKHOLDERS' F rth Precinct . W where tbeyslayed as boyi The same moon will haunt the white stones, of sepul- - streets; size, 100x909. An ats-- WEETICG. Siath Precinct . . . eh re and thesame sweet tars still look down on God's acre, and maylie recognize iw presence gant corner lot with trees, etc-- PVenth Precinct . 37 tiie of him who lived and trusted them in the days when his life was many advantages. As fine a lot to hardly begun N ADJOURNED MEETINO can be found In Honolulu. OF 3. 1R To their resting places in the Hush of the day will come aged mothers and he stockholders of the Honolulu Stock who will boy's grave as grow Co., Total for the two districts, i.704. sisters tend their i garden and make the grass to $8,000 BERET STREET, Tarda Ltd.. will be called on Oc- greenly S'e? it with many tears. On Decoration Day the veterans will linger to ANIA tober la, 1900. at the nffloo of com- VYAJni LIVELY CAMPA1UN. bright-n- Pensacola; house and lot; the do them honor, and the spot will be with an abundance of beautiful OS pany, for purpose jf direc- floweriV. I lot, z 290; fine locality. ' the electing J. A Kennedy, BipSik stock-battler- chalrrmin of the year. s self-soug- ht i tors for the eneulng All They started for the war and succumbed in a battle with Death, when their are requested to be Ikan Central Committee, has derided that $6 250 COTTAGE near Pensaeels m present or W a a a a' ! task had barely begun. They have tarried here a long, long time beneath represented - street; contains 9 rooms, bath and I.. by proxy. The meeting Is in! nej.ui.iii an (.arniiaign from now oi. jia !ow of th.- palms. Now their Journeying has recommenced, but the miles ailed for 9:1 a. m. all! be conducted m an aggressive man of their wandering are numbered. all modern Improvements; well Im- A. proved ; size of lot. 69 x 200; possibly I SKWHOUSE. ner. t- - They are going home. j Secretary. io wora win spared to bring suc- special terms. M cess to the Republican ticket and with the gem nsts baotes who Indeed need an vvl icb has so many I return ol Samual Parker on Sunday, the traveled thousand $125 COTTAGE ; to be removed; as 10 tSSgSSMENT NOTICE. that the so much abused mission- mlle-- to lind us. Very many thanks for :.n.pa:gn will be an active one aroun ary gift god Queen street, opposite Milliard Bv .'' is indeed, and after all their best the still more for the love and 7 Honolulu. and most trusted friend of all their ptayers which came with it. and Judiciary building; bat roowa. A meeting of - - the Kxecutlvt- Committee friends- In Hawaii ts, he be is just one today j VAIAiUA AGRICULTURAL CO. w nl? That if "It month since our $4,600 called for this evening at 7:30 o'clo k willing to behave like a man. leliverance cam.-- . My dear wife and our COMFORTABLE COTTAGE LIMITED. at which ar- - i" '"! to be present th ALBERT MOROFK three bairns are on their way to the seven rooms, modern improvement prealSent of the Fourth and Fifth Dis I'r.lf.-- while I accompany them! etc.. with pleasing grounds; alze of THE ADVERTISER CART( N. j States trict organisations and heads of commit as far as Yokohama. I think of lot. 92 x 123; on Anapunl street, near 29 Independent had the following yes-- u their v -- i -- te. The meeting will Important 'The syne i Wilder avenue. Should be seen to mi MTv H s . .iiiasl have an meeting '.such auld Uiu friends as 9 ii on rdnyr - be appreciated. Fifteen hundred ft mann tne development of the cam Mr. ami Mrs. Oulick. Mr. and Mrs. Da- n he assessable stock of this company paign and plans for carrying on the work The clever cartoonist of the Advertiser mon and others. God bless you all. Pray dollars can remain on mortgage. to become due and payable at In an aggrealve manner in every Made a mistake this morning. After the for China. Jhe i.art convention of the Independents yesterday Many osssss ssi m t oose, L,tu., on th ILandn will he discussed. "Yours In the kingdom and patinre of other desirable COTTAGBS. i astie e think that the Republicans are decid- s TOHCU EH FOIt PARADES .lesus Christ, well located, at excellent terms. . . 10 September U. l90, 10 per cent tllO pr edly In the besdllon, while the Democrats "CHACNCEV GOODRICH." 10 Th.. Republican Central Committee h;o har, delinquent October 15. 1W0. at least will have some representation in For addition list call at office o ii I had M0 torches made, loo of which hav. the legislature. p,y the way, has Sam o tober 3d. 1M. 10 per cent tflO per en sent to Hllo. The others will te Parker yet withdrawn in favor of "David. li lused t - elect-ed- .' lell ftfsarsssber 90, 1904b In a :g tor- lil ght pr..r.sl ri. w liicli cr doea ke insist in seeing Wilcox ? '.: alb-- fr some night next week. It be remembered that not W. A. toWBS, There are nearly a thousand of the onv word was said against the Democrats Wlil E. Fisher, 4 Treaa Walalua Agr. Co.. Ltd ti tehee ready for use. gt the Independents' mass meeting last REAL 1HD 13 REPL'HLICAN MASS MEETING eveni'ig, that the Republicans were round ESTATE AGT. AUCTIOIEEB. rer- - 9J . . 1 1 1 . V. . ly scored, and a misunderstood ft . . that . i i sn nee to rince n ray causeu a Alakea and Merchant Street . HAWAIIAN LODGE. NO. 21. F. Pth Instant, at the Orpheum. under the ripC iavia auspices of Young If the Republicans are real friends M. the Men's Republican Dem-nrra- ts in of the Territory they will meet the U. Hub. and the Intelligent Independents h The best of music Is already assured, I fight for the best interests of Hawaii ecth brass a ad voca'. Several sbort in which will be made by new men, and instead of for national Issues Vrh e-- no COTTAGES it Is expected that this will be the mont they hav voice. Thefe I III special meeting of Interesting meeting yet held. lUw No. 21. 4k A. M.. tn P. at A OEAR PETITION? o Its h ill. Temple, corner of BERETANIAS SEEK For Rent Hotel a FRI-a- t The following is from yesterday's St ir.j r a streets. THIS t'o-- 1 :t I AY B1 7 30 A patllion is being circulated among i i o'etock. on natives to replace Henry Waternouse COURT GROUNDS i i ii IN A. V. Clear. "IIK THE FIRST DECREE the Republican ticket with DAY. AND ; Is petition Is purely a THIS Members off Pacific Lodge. Lodge of It learned that thla native affair and that Mr. Clear has not A sjfeattss. Of the members of the b i rogre.. and all sojourning brethren are been consulted tn regard tn It. The sign- Beretania Ter.nis Club was held last temally Invited to attend. say object Mr. on Hj ers they to Waterhouse night at the Young Men's Christian order of the If. U. account of his attitude In January, P03, Association for the purpose of discuss- AT AUCTION K. R O. WALLACE, Secretary epidemic, Furniture and during tbe recent plague ing plans of reorganization. although the particular "offenses" arc Present were Messrs. S. Woods. E. EL NOTICE. not specified. Charles Clark Is the engi - iparj9. Du Roy, W. A. Wall, Noitanius, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 12, 1900 For Sale ntrr of one of the petitions being taken II I ' Ross ; r V C. Atn-- r- Yi l NC MEN'S REpriJLIi AN around ton. E. Robs and Dr. H. C. Wall were AT 10 O'CLOCK A. M. me. t Editor Advertiser: It is remarkable how reprtstnted by proxy. Dltll.l. CORPS will for my MER- - II an amount of Intelligence it takes u At salesroom, CORNER COTTAGE of five rooms, and- ng. 12. The membership roll was called, mlr-- 1 bath October ses CHANT ALAKEA STREETS, lie, if - and two. 7 30. Ill Shed, to rake down, abuse and etc.. I of the last meeting read, and also all modern improvements; rent $20 per at st to Induhre In these low thing. At will sell for account of WHOM IT MAT All who have ' rer. as well as letters from W. L. Stanley and Ernest C '.N'CER.N: j month. Nice garden, plenty of shrub-- ! i ' meeting of Independents Wednes- re-th- at the the Rt ss. said In his communi- will pleaee It exempli- The latter bery, etc., in good Entirely i day nlaht thla waa to fullnea cation that a proposition was on foot all order. time. fied and ssors especially In one certain 13 rd- - to postpone the fall tournament until furnished with new furniture, Including .tMr little e, by name Qulnn. c. ,M M ITT February or March. wOKtt piano. 1600. :t CAMPAIGN EE. A Price who I to make himself It was stated that a had been fwtm th m'.st conspicuous-- ) a. great, pernapi forwarded to the Board of Education, IN THE per IT COURT, FIRST -- In the eyes and mtndsof other, by hi t requesting permission to the AND FURNISHINGS Also, COTTAGE of five rooms, on Kl- - 1 C th- - off and falsehoods leave Territory Hawaii. roerse of abuse ; tirade of dub- - in some spot Alapai. $17. All party, m's- - j paraphernalia the CONSISTING OF nau street, near Rent In against ths Republican the it be undisturbed, Governor Tol High Sh. r'.ff. . where would until aj Curly Set, furnished, plants, etc. Furniture for 4 In tl ..f tl Est ite ..r Wr.li im stonarlf. new ground was No answer Circh Bedroom etc j obtained. $300. I i late of ii i i. ouhu. b en re- Antique Oak Bedroom Set. sale, 'lenrh. If the Indepndents don't aim to be fair to this communication has et One Antique Oak Sideboard. Intestate. and deemt. and have no loftier principle ceived. One Antique Oak Bookcaee. rw--d Th-.- ' to LODGING HOUSE, on Queen street. Hon having u by Mary and conception In this election contest committee appointed look for Three pieces Upholstered Parlo a h widow of said Intestate, th atl to resort to mean, vulgar, unjust and a ground reported mat ineir eitorts nau i nlture. of eight rooms: entirely furnished. pn ig of admlnlstratl n opponent-- . been unsuccessful. For a three court! that letters fa'se accusations against their One piece Upholstered Wicker Farlor Rent Email . Price $200. l tl) (,r r square Up al estate be Issueg her, the I If the Independents must rely on ground, a piece land ct i ( h-- Furniture. l Mary Jan. lench. n. e i re from among Is needed. fuch like cheasmaterlal" Color Paintings. ' W. A. v Two Water mi'"B by given that Monday, the Puh day the haotra to carry themselves through. Wall as appointed to find a One Onyx Table. j All of these ARE CHEAr, and the i ' A D l'O0. at O clock i Tyird hnv.- - v u suitable ground, und it was decided that it-- then the indeed nier. ( opportunity will not again present ' steps One Refrigerator. IRGAfi Auctr. tbe Judiciary building. Honolulu. to aave us and good old Hawad net ever no be taken regarding reorganiza One Oak Clock. self. ",.hu. I appointed the time and l frr m Independent rule! tion, rending his report. One Onyx Ciock. petition, wh.n i Mr. Q . with hi blustering pretentions. One Antique Oak Dining Table. ""'DATES where p.rs..n concerned may ap-ta- r ..,.. w.. All the rest for fools outside all I rateful Acknowledgment. Six Antique Oak Dining Chairs. - will find and show cause. If any they hav- f ik rank, b'lt he j lnrndnl X- - one Sewing Machine. iMOCRATlC vhy ., im m th- - rnnlrnrv when our host ' vr W. Hall has eived an ackn PARTY .,i,i petition should not be grant One Stove and Pipe. Will E. Fisher I d J4! Blent from Chauncey Ooodrlch money N One Adjustable Head Couch. 11. MM ii r.iher a nltlful stcbXstTKsvs. Japan, for which was sen mls-aa..t- Corner Merchant and Alakea Streets. Honolulu. i Honolulu to Qne Carpet; one Rug. ib p, ao-call-ed wMt man" embittsnnsr. frcm contributors the Iiy I he Court. i.t Chin- -. Three Wicker Rocking Chairs. mnA slor.nrlea who were driven out of A THOMPSON. ClerH. the ratle JR. J -- ; Steinway friend .! to Japan. Th latest letter, dated Sep-- vne Burr Walnut Upright I I WEAVER. aeai.ist their betbr and truer were I, for one. to trust the jga o: t( mher 14 from Kobe, is as follows: riaho Attorney for "Dear Honolulu Friends: A very great Rugs; Stepladder. 64T74 Government into the one hand or upon DkSl and very sweet surprise has met us here Cooking Utensils. er I would say. The natives Japanese rdatform would lmires me with far In finding ourselves remembered with such One Table. POLITICAL NOTICE. greater confidence and ye sound levisg sympathy and generous help by Wire Fire Screen. s In your beloved island home. We Crockery. Cut Glassware, etc., etc. $6,250 than that abusive "little haole!" fr.ends Another thins:. When will .m- - of the dr- not feel poor any more though we j etc.. etc. TII mi vlKjl'ARTERS V THE deluded datives learn, and also the "de- - have lost all after such a token of love . Many articles for Housekeeping, ng Men's Republican Club In the Irwin block ..n Nuoanu street, are open N. B. These articles are like new. ELEGANT . very evening from 7 tn I for tbe pur-- , and at present in the warehouse, having i.r: f poae r-- giving Instructbm In balloting. GETS AWAY arrived recently from the Coast; all of Bssryone is welcome regardless of par- M COMB which will be unpacked and placed up-- COTTAGE " ty affliiations Wi ! on exhibition the day previous to the my DESPITE CREDITORS sale at salesroom. Of seven rooms, bath and all mod NOTICE. em imzirovements. Size of lot 99 s 200. Axnple room for stable. An teflnUCOATKS T' THE FIFTH DIS WILL E. FISHER, abundance of shrubbery, plants, RE-HJCA- nice lawn, etc., situate on Lunaltlb TRK T i iMMITTEF. OF THE ll AUCTIONEER. pay PARTY. street near Pensacola, Small LESLIE M'coMR. evangelim " uu""- - '"'s'""" ment down if desired. , Teklng him away as'"a passenger, ne trou I Mc-cab- e. has gone The City of carried owing lo tbe resignation of J man WANTED. ALSO jet a meetlna will be held at Head- - J. .h. miner deck of the sfesmer with the air of a who has suffered for 7 on October 15th. were signs of weariness and anxiety. He was anx- narters kfondav. at' humanity's sake On his face THIRTY MEN HACKMEV f r the . ? 99 O. SB., of selecting bow the open MAT far IS MVSoee cast off and the vessel's turned toward Ccrn; . In- - RepTeaen ious to see the hawsera . Hawallan Automobile ' ' a te for tbe House of Franclsr-.- An reporter ap-- I " J ft nUT sea. He appeared anxlou. to reach 3.m Advertiser telllgent men of steady hab with K I J tatlves . good references, only require Knowl- - i $7,500 R. CARTER. roacK.ed the "evangelist." 15 las liL a nm, 41 tune in " was the query. edge streets a necessity. Y nsj tv. District Committee benignly 1 ol ti rri Mac" sVrriyedt.- reporter and hesitatingly said. "Yi." He ha preferable. Preliminary a in THAT CHOICE look which seemed to reproach re-IS- m awav look la bis eyes and another th school given while u r BtU- -j might bo said of him. - t : LOT NOTICE. tor thing, that ary; uniforms furnished at c good ; BUILDING away for your healta ; wage. Apply personally to M inager streets, "Gotns resignedly. "I need a rest and a chamge. I've Corner Pensacola and KIr.au ..liL answered "Mac," teen here Hawaiian Automobile Company, at 100 200. planted wttb suffejic very sad-l- v Sise x Well bout three years and my health baa much." He shook his head Rapid Transit Company's ofnee. 411 lawn, etc, ready was lachrymore 0 trees, shrubbery, 7VwiT ! 'j' ov; TVMQ CO., Bp9SSls9l9viUe. and his voice Port street, between 9 and 10:30, or by to build upon. Few lots in Honolulu, "Coming back, i sui-poe- Mac. mall, Box 0663 neighborhood closed up their business on I herr February my is improv.-!- . 63. equal this. The wl have Oh yea Indeed. shall reurn in if health j. best; Its - ' are of the v nrm apend is to bo a good Improvements ; J- AM v ajtober 1st All bills against the I intend to go New York and the Winter there. It said proposed - proximity to the electns -- Com- paas winters In." DR. W. H. MAYS S,U.t r e,nt to Quong Sam Kes nitre to get line of cars and Beretania streeS " ' LaJ reporter said he mlsht attached to the "burg and find It InconTenlent most desirable. SmM ?!fcrn cemsr King and Maunakea Honolulu and the former scenes of his evangelistic success. lin. rnnVix it m to return to j desired; balanc l". Mm once. SS the I won't do that. I base attachments here which are sur" HAS OPENED AN OFFICE FOR payment down if Be reeta .9sf St "Oh. no. I'm sure ' far-swa- y surgery 319 to suit purchaser. w '"laU agar leaves for China on ths 11th. All to bring me back s look aalr. came Into "MacV.eyes as he spied practice of medicine and at on the dock, and the "interview" ended. Beretarda street, next house beyond psfSOSSJ Quong ,Fung a young lady of H in BbdsbtSd to the McComb leaves broken hearts and bills .behind. His last night ashore was a Central Union Church. Further particulars once, or . stars must call and settle at Jolly one. and he toasted his friends and roasted his enemies In many a spark- - Office Hours: 10 a. m. to 12 m.. 2 to aS: accounta will be placed In the 4 p. m., and 7 to 8 p. m. Sundays: 91 E. their ,,B,OBr McComb's plans la the East to 11 a. m. Will Fisher, s of bis lnthsats bars are for admission Ager.t and "Auctionee hands of a ssflsstor among the saJb r. where liberal contribute n from philanthropists are frequent. Telephone 902. , 660 f Real Estate AM TOU Manager j. OCTOBER 12, 100. 10 rf 40frr onwVWWOTAr, APVmHTfMl HOUOUTL. JAS. F. MORGAN Special HOW TESTA AUSTRALIA GOT NEXT ttn 8. 33 QueeniStreet. Attractions P. 0. Box 594. Ttttphdnt 72. Everything in Fruii In following departments The Hawaiian Falstaff's Troubles. THIS DAY. AND VEGETABLES for the next few days. THAT THE MARKET AFFORD8. NOW AT 10 O'CLOCK A. M. IS OUT Of POLITICS Also, a very fine assortment In fancy CHEESE and troscu POUltr At my salesroom, 33 Queen street, I CALIFORNIA AND EASTERN OYSTERS. will sell at Public Auction:

GOODS-DR- Domestic Owner of the Independent Found TAILOR Y GOODS. Himself Losing Flesh and FINE BLACK WALNUT BEDROOM Retired. SET. may PICTURES. h. & ee., LTD Department Testa, the Falstaft of Hawaiian pol- SACKS FLOUR. 2-B- itic, could a tale unfold of blighted SACKS RICE, etc., etc. IG ST0RES-- 2 hopes which would shame the plaint of

-- girl on Grand value in Pillow he oldest the shelf. JAS. F. MORGAN. Auctr In the Independent, cf which paper Sheetings. Testa is the presiding genius, the ro- The Waterliouse Store, ( The Mdntyre Stort Cottons er and tund haole-hat- says he has re- that BETHEL STREET. f COR KIHC AND FORT STlEth tired from politics bag and baggage. Telephone 24. f Telephone 22. Special lead 100 pieces This is the sad farewell which the pio- neer shirtwaist man prints in his own dally: 10-- 4 Sheeting 20c yd. Thp ii .tl i., k fiir Hawaii (u n.i.i lnlprl Men who were dependtd oa to uphold and promote the best Interests of the Terr.tciy are turned down by Irre- Bedspreads best value sponsible demagogues or throw down Co, r Honolulu th'-l- nominat.ons to the Legislature I Stock Yards In Justifiable disgust. Mr. F. J. Testa LIMITED. ever offered; 75c, $1, will no longer furnish "copy" for the Advert ser cartoonist, as he today sent W. H. RICE, president. W. S. WITHERS, tho following letter to Democratic masmou headquarters: $1.25. Honolulu. October 10. 1900. Col. C. J. McCarthy, Chairman Demo- cratic Territorial Central Commit- tee of Hawaii, Honolulu. Sir: After mature consideration. I have decided to withdraw from poll-ti- cs for the present and to apply my- self strictly to business. Dress Yours respectfully, F. J. TESTA. Let us hope that the Hawailans will open their eyes before It is too late and show that they are able and fit to ex- ercise the trreat privileges granted to Department them In a wise manner. It is all true. Testa is out of it. He rv , left the muddy brook of Independent and Democratic politics about as read- Splendid of ily as the small boy drops the luscious assortment mango when the bullpup has him by the pants. India Linens, Persian Testa had to go. The why of it all would take long to tell. In brief it is as follows: Lawns, Before Republican and Democratic Madras, Muslins politics was talked in Hawaii Testa was simply a haole-and-mlssiona- ry at prices lower than hater. The Independent was so. Honolulu Stock Co. When with terrltoriaTization came the Yards new parties Testa went on the fence. LIMITED. and he thought ever. He wanted to think W. H. with one hand in his pocket. RICE, PRESIDENT. W. S. WITHERS, UASAon. Surely the Republicans couldn't win Fine line of Fancy Mus and even if they could he would have no show as there were other papers in the field of that complexion. When the lins and Percales, lovely Democrats got together Testa said some nice things about them. They responded in kind and Testa one day designs, 250 pieces no came 'ut strong for Bryan and ltc RESIDENCE A Clanahan. FINE ASSORTMEN Then the Independents assembled. FOR SALE. two patterns alike. We But they had no money and if they did they wouldn't waste It on the Inde- OF pendent. Their members' language was will offer these at 10c yd. Hawaiian and an English paper was THE RESIDENCE of Mr. W. W. of small account. HARRIS, on Kinau street near Pensa-col- a street; frontage of 175 feet on Ki- So Testa blew hot and cold. The fat nau street, and a depth of 150 feet. man began to lose flesh. COMFORTABLE TWO - STORY Grass Cloth Table Covei Prince David tossed his gauntlet Into DWELLING HOUSE: parlor, dining-roo- m, the lists and Testa got next. bedroom, dresing-roo- m, smoking-room- , Why, of course, the alii must be up- etc.. on first floor, and two twrl- - Millinery rooma upstairs: stables and servants held. Testa got a Democratic nomina- quarters. tion. Grounds nicely planted. Silk Kimonos He said things about Wilcox i:i the Water throughout grounds. Irdtr.ei.dent that were awful. But he Term, part cash, balance on mort- connived with the Independents and he gage. hoped O! So anxiously for the Inde- Cotton Kimonos Department pendent Rep- nomination for Senator cr resentative or any old thing that paid JAS. F. MORGAN, cash. 33 QUEEN STREET. Crepe Shii Ladies' Rousrh Straw lie wouldn't say what he was. Not he. He was too foxv. Ask Testa then if he was a Democrat Sailor Hats, new shapes or an Independent or a jobbjrwo.k. He would hitcn up his trousers and smoke 75 CENTS. harder. SILK FLAGS of all Nations to Decoiute your room But he wouldn't tell. On both shoulders he was trying hard to carry water. Men's Time approached to let Secretary Cooper know that he was a nominee of AT the Democrats or drop out of the Bry- an crowd. Auwi ! How he perspired those days'. Everybody gave him different advice. But last Saturday the fateful day I, Furnishings came. He had to file his certificaie or not. He filed. WAVERLY BLOCK. HOTEL fTJ After he cild it 3ome cf the Ir.dsnend- - Four Fold Linen Collars er.ts told him he was all sorts of tilings and warned him he had no show with the Independents. Light very latest shapes, all Meanwhile a Democratic weekly ap- Single and Double Driving peared seeking the chin cf the UnLr-riflc- d. What a hot day than was for sizes, 2 for 25c. Testa! V.V.lnosday came the convention. Men's Tesia was there. He confabulated with Patent Elastic n.ar.y. He had about as much show to get a nomination as a snowball to stay HARNESS Seam unnulu d in Hllo. HAND-MAD- E, Drawers, all sizes, Aain Testa got next. and unexcelled for lie puffed back to his sanctum and durability and iiinisb. our c. there he drew up the ultimatum to the price 65 Democratic party. For Testa Is aweary of the wor'.d. Heaw Draft Harness Xow the curly-whisker- ed Falstafi For prints the following: all kinds of heavy teaming. While we can sympathize with tho Hawuiians who have suffered during Boy's Clothing the rHgn of terror under a missionary Plantation Harness administration, we cannot understand For team, plow and dumpcart uae. how the Intelligent voter can be lured into the political pitfall of men of the t.iamp or Kobert Wilcox, Rotx i I Hoyd Tweed K. B. Pants, James Kaulia, sizes Gtorge Markham and A Large KaJauokalanl. Stock of Collars, Do thev realize the Saddles, Whips. 1 f?lLwich awaits the Hawaiian people Robes. Saddlery Hardware, eta to fit Boys 3 to 4 years, if the Territory should turn loose in a Lesislaturo men of the stamp repre- sented by these leaders. Do the Ha- Horse Goods wailans understand that a Senate 25c pair. ccmpos. .1, as far as Oahu is concern-- X Of every description. 7 Kalauokalanl, J. Kaulia. Geo. Markham. Kanuha, Btptkane Ka-nu- and i. ISLAND ORDERS GIVEN ATTENTION aould mean the financial and po- PROMPT litical ruin of Hawaii nel? The'r best frirmls. from the alii to whom we still JAS. F. MORGAN --Omo- owo allegiance, to the poorest Hawaii- an, must realize the fatal error com- mitted by a few irresponsible dema-Kocn- es KERR & CO, Ld who have not been abo-- o ft drawing "campaign funds," perhaps iciKi Mgr. for their own use. C. R. COLLINS Th mi- - Hawaii am OA. TELEPHONE W fk:r 33 Queen Street. P. I ZETTK Issued on Tuesday nd m. i O. BOX 501. Leading Harness Manufacturer Queen Street Honolulu. 1AJ - P. Box 0. 594. Teleph? K Established 1891 HSPAOlFlO OOMMKROIAI, A IW1C RTJ F R RONOTJif.H. OCTOnETl 12. IftMV 1

BUEVlTi THE RED MEN AT Jut take a peep nt oar win- REMOND GROVE dow when parsing by and see "KICKS." the latest arrivals in i o Thf last dance to be tl . v. retn rity. took place last under the auspices of Hawaii-- m N. 1, Independent Order Red Men It was a moonlls-h- t rwo trains left the local depot of the FOOTWEAR. anu iwiiwijr carrying nearly 400 p0. . me . I scene or the Kedmcn's In the drove where ah. - - FROM $1.50 TO $6.50 A Prior yl and wen of the tribe were nM.mh ..i PAIR. ' Tb sac hems, eaa;amore. pronheta the braves wre in their nhost-danc- e M . i t PRICES iin.l tnKRery. The lame pav.liun AND STYLES FOR ALL JUST RECEIVED another large shipment of these lamps. These lamps burn In such a manner WM Wtttt tly Illuminated making the that the combustion is almost perfect, and for this reason the. ,m light Is magnificently brilliant. smokeless-san- d odorless. The lamps are absolutely br1nt day. The .safe, it being simply impossible to explode. were served beneath the The Angle Lamp accomplishes perfect illumination. presents an - -- " It opportunity f grove. sec y, the Llghta were dls-u..- .l uring lipm which is easily operated end more brilliant than gas or electrtc-"- .,n the premises making the with no more heat, at a mere fractk.n of their cost. It provides a lamp for ne one of homes, stores, offices, factories, halls, libraries, hotels and churches that la Ideal active fest.vtty with so in every way. it ku. ta on the grounds. The public Is eordla'.ly invit.-- to call and Inspect t.iese lamps. - Penrlng was the hlef Ma A (rents for Pour e'er Co. TfnrHrt feature Alsen Cement. mil- ' of the ln The Gl.int nnd T.iccm.i nri dry Th. m Ha r Harbor Lime Co. rurnishsri by a ii. str.nir quartette an! - tli. waits ar.d the deux temps of IBM OO- ' the " ' Utttted for th- - ' wtrd " " v . ,,f the K. .1 b "" The affair "was a success from every HOE COMPAN in H. view. Financially and I Theo. & Co.. - social j Davies Ltd :is- l: l M n f;n Hi. - the oum.k wa I'ls . I oeyonl tn. ir t.it.ons. f K th..re responsible for the car-:- , ' "" f ' vninsv's . nt.'tt.iin 1. r 17. mnt w"l the following chiefs and aj ' fT XT I t 1 99 S A K Murphy. IJit sachem. H. Foster. Br great THE BIG SALE iUl. fteaam.. n T Schneider Jr Kaiti- - ' h ' Irophei Job r - P, ; . the tl- ard. P. of R. Thos r Mi-- 1 une. k or w Committee it- -r of Aarancments . . ft. mm mm W a M mm Jullue- T v ' rtlser Schneider. John W. SPECIAL n.or rommuue A V. Murphy, dtrwet--, r J Salter. IV S rranh Peterson. f' 'r"rman Wsthlns. II Foster H Tr.--t- h Coughing . . I f Continues o s N A xla l, ,n.tnn OF 0 . R.eptlen rommlti.. John r. Cckardt. al Ml selling t y C Abel. John aillts, L Mkn,lR Mederloe. J A Rarr. Tboa, T. Mr-- ' w vesterilay l r PfMMl u Lee. Your Life admft flgslty -- oeelao. B. Kuhey. C. W. Weatherwai. STANLEY "llverla. M if .entailing. T. Sin. OUR eep--r employ i"i j R gaatoa ll PASTOR WELCOMED Away ty M BACK TO Shirt CHURCH when you pwunuWu I s can relief at onc A I. Your irri- RIBBON ge Reception to Fetr. coagh. that William Morris Kincaiti tation in the throat, can cup- - i I hy Mary be if vou treat it Waists J no ' flinch. Laht Night. in time. lelays are . Im.nlstr tlon dangerous with -- r.rst Ircult throat ed The reception tendered to Rev. William ailments. A bottle of M rr h Kiaaaid evening la the pur-lo- rs .. last arrested ee of jCentral I nion Church was ther-- on the the largely all. .1 by the church people and 2.000 Waists m. whlrH aslieo .terdiy n. many Douglit Hip SALE I was sent down the outside frlenda of the popular FIRM'S at Hie end of ms.l ex- si Klna pastor who haa Just returned from an Seuoti, at END-OF-SEASO- fmsn. sn tp-- M tended vacation tour of the Mainland. The CHERRY GOUGfl Ike M. - Jn-- I auests srrivcd early snd by 9 o'clock the PHICEH, goinK at M Phrlore and hallways were Ailed. The . m v. .1 at the entrance by lit Mrs. Mary Wtddlfleld and Mm. Harmalee, COMFORT Has tiim on to Mr. Kinoald. who been a

' was hearty welcome sst.mil-H- I m Me adJeead far aats Thr a wilt givp immpdiate re- flaSta om af d to ln P,or n was the renter of fee lesaihan lbs a -- " Ihrowghout the evening. lief, anl cure voir IM a . Th platform was banked with ferwa 1 looked very pretty. In conch. It hss euro s tas lass gag litis is "nm. and $1.00 af m1J p-- rlor uba wf Mt for tbo others. Don't cone1 EACH TREMENDOUS rM of rrfreshments. Mrs. H. yonr life awav I sals of the tak " whn mfb Waltv was In harge ef the refreshment von ca'n n it Will K r h r' a tioj ceeamittr'. aassstd by Mrs. McCheaney cure it for ' - '' t , m,, T I ' Tnwar.l the rloe trifle. ng - Sizes nl th nn ift.r nn In'.r-ott- pro- 32 to 42. mmi-- vsn PSttnt con- -' A purchase, our policy BPam was eeacludd. refreehaseate 1 fortunate and - i ot tltis. h 4, of rakes. I e .im r.,ffr. and oth- kn 'A of quick returns and small profits, SUCCESS ,r elrrac!es usual to a reception, were makes this sale possible. ker wilt I MttMA bold as aHtlaO pre- - t 10 . lellahtful drm steal proamm was HOBBOH DBira CO. Hall Mrs. x rarrd bv Ms Charlotte and JllU re. Amona tho who took part were Cluh, rompoeed if rna. WHITNEY&MARSH ' - iMi.lrgham. J. K I'rauty 1 Vitaat SsTaJl gbtr. Isaa- l. ' aaal Walter Ottllneham: Miss Kinney and LIMITED. ,, . (" The I ?l r ', the aud'eire There are still good ballads. Their 4) 519 ea Fort thev were en-fl- Street. Kinney ren values left. n solos, ass stel Telephone he received mer-- t 436 11a rooellliled " I the I l li ;f muakwL a 8 We invite further m Tim Sanfor.1. engineer of Honolulifi GENERAL-8- tatlon h f 1 v. r. InjuM' s , a ... melon last week, la now reetine. spection. t the hettae of Jnoeph MeOoire. his ar r..'her-ln-law- . One of his les was h-- i - It is fe;irerl Athletic arne.l nult.- ln.llv anl ... th- - m mh--i r by amputation. THe Tnan M-- n s Club irin r;a will ho 1 a tlrlH this sven- - if U at rnll SheI at 7 .10 o clock. Goods 1. r i i r ire FOOT BALLS M r Proeaer orne ur on th Jam? Mnkee from Kauai yesterdajr. PUNCH INO BA0S BOXING r.LOVES For BASE BALL UPl'LIES 'I ni if 31 This BASKET BALL Week! LAWN TENNIS im. win ' the Ufcev sell at 1 We shall SUPPLIES RAK0AI5 pricks '"k Mn's Qunn's LADIES If Gymnasium Desks It i APPARATUS. Pique, a? IN THE WORLD. a & Company, Limited, jj Pearson Potter We bars on band a large aaaortmeat of thoae Justly aelakrated Dkia Mfe a Ill Fort Street. Telephone 565 are the mannfaefrerw w a Mr Duck Sole Agents for the Hawaiian Islands h. was AND CHESB DESKS HAVE THB iv mnrti-h- e brick A I Telephone l'll Linen LEY'S 398 IKE P. 0. Box 441 Patent Drop SKIRTS B ITS- - TUB OJLfWWtUkMD BICTCLB AftENCT Is with us now. anr will be at to properly handle first-cla- ss wheel. Boxes are facllltlea that and Fancy. MOMR where there rrsjsrt Plain will be eoM at reduced rates to make room for New Goods ordered. Toe don't bare to take a box out to any eertalB paper, bat tea waa Tha stock the box drops down, allowina yoa to rttake any easer oat. Ia OPTfJSCa The BTEAKNB Bicycle, from IKN to VTS.Oe still on band. CHAIRS and OFFICE STOOLS w bae a lsnr an well mseortaw etewtt. mi your eomptet Coeoa Fibre Hata, tOc. Mllwaokee Puncture-pro- of Tlrea, tnxoef Tire In All Plies at can fit offlee out la Linoleuma and Busa, 60. R. o. M On M Co., TBI iBailcy's Honolulu Cyclery Coyne-Mehrte- n Furniture Co. SB ae klckeat art. LIMITED P 2 UA tan at short WWII, 227, 22? AUD 231 Kltx STRUT. KeretaAla and Fort Btreeta. nftoBxsa OOTOBEB 12, 1900. 12 WBM PACIFIC COMMERCIAL ADVEtfBIlV. HfriaOLUL,

THE PACIFIC two nur?, Dr. Hoffmann (Oa-h- a HONOLULU STOCK EXCHANGE. plantation ) and wife, Mrs. C. D. , Chase. C. T'. Schermerhorn, W. H. Oreg-lor- y, Honolulu, October 11, WOO. Oceanic Steamship ConS Commercial Advertiser Mrs. Sheridan anl ton, M. P. Joht-- ' , son , L. Cogk'-- Warden, D. L. ' ar'mnk amterfd at th Post office at Honolulu, SchwcKv. Mr. gficsradahl and two chil- - N AM K OF STOCK. Capital Val Bid ed Second-cla- ss Mc- - II T.. Matter. T.-- M Fisher. C. Clarke. A. H. Issued Brer? Morning, Except Icheanry, Pmrritt Burdock, H. A. Zel- -. H. J. WL Arnold, wife and, ME&ctMtU Sunday, by ' brks, Plats. TIME the '. TABLE: f. ur liil.lr.-- : A. Franca, wife and , c Brewer 4 Oo. 1,000,0-- i 100 AW AH AN OA.ETTE COlfPAjrT, ' girl; M. Clark. M;.s M.t' O Printer. Ieo I The desirable elements of elevation, The fine Passenger Steamers of this Hue will arrive and WW BOB, J. McCamb. Vir Holt Block. King Street. N'x, John Lesie ; hereunder: er Co.. ., l.MO.OW ic good air, marine view, accessibility, and ais A K,r Sydney, per S. 8. Moana. October ft"?""0 20 2fi'.; 27 W. PEARSON M From San Francisco. For San Francis 11. r. I.. McCannon. J. M. Gibson. snWTi'.. BMW ico .... Increasingly attractive residence dis- SCO. Business . , an .1 Howes, 1. H. Graves, wife and ,)'.,-- Af'ricultutM l,!"1,' 100 MOAN A .OCT. 10 AUAMKDA w""rr . , . , 2,31-,.T- ...... (, 30 .cr.udrep, in cacin; ar.a tlaw Coin. ASug. Co. 100 are combined In AUSTRALIA ..OCT. 21 AUSTRALIA .... 01 icuiiBt. Mi'WHilnu Sugar Co. J.'J"i.XI 100 200 trict ..NOV. 6 MARIPOSA 7M 100 176 ' SIERRA i! i. XI C Houoksa 2,000,000 20 .... AUSTRALIA ..NOV. A ST 0Tl fj REPORTS Haik'i mm.huo 100 SONOMA .. ..NOV. 27 AITSTRALIA .... N'Oi HARMFUL , KahukO. 2C 2 TTpn.n T T A TTj..su- - 8 SIE:RRA DEpl 229,000 20 nn Atsi naijiA WW I I I I K ,n .do sua . i'jIu i VKNTURA DEC. 18 DEcl S.I-- M rnAHI-- K V ilili I - Paid in, 230.IMW 20 IV I : i t I HflWUI I f a f T J 1 I I . 7. I.Oaj.uuO Manoa AUSTRALIA .DEC. TJ AUSTRALIA .... all ' 50 TIME TABLE, Kthel Plan. Co.Lt. as 1901. SONOMA Jan! Paid up ( 1,900.000 50 ...... A Kipabuln. I6001"-- ' 100 SIERRA .JAN. 8 AUSTRALIA Jam - nou.t" 100 19 MiUii-ions- ; AUSTRALIA .JAN. VENTURA from and After 1, 1900. Vo it iQs 50.1,000 100 75 Jan. E'hvanl :9,tV Lots SONOMA .JAN. 29 AUSTRALIA 9 SIERRA .... OUTWARD. neto raiuil Honolulu MHunalel 8. Co., Asa 405,000 100 AUSTRALIA FEB. j 100,iX FEB. 19 AUSTRALIA I " Paid an 100 two well located ones VENTURA Dally a.ly Dally Dally Dally 832,floo We offer at 2 Map; wtattons. ex. Letter McBryrte 8. Co.Lt. A ( 20 M V4 AUSTRALIA MAR. SONOMA ... ex. Paid up 1,660,000 20 MAR. 12 AUSTRALIA MA SIERRA1 Sua. Bun. A i 20 Mar Sahiku Sugar Co. VENTURA . am i r.i m. p m p.m. 20 lt it'-- r tn a member f the Hoo-- " Paid up Each. APRIL Honolulu.. 7:10 9 IS 11:06 3:1 5:10 In a Oahu Sugar Co S.nOO 000 100 145 $2,500 City 1:01 0:48 11:40 1:47 Onoraea ' 1,000,000 20 P.art 500,000 Ew Mill S .13 1041 12:00 4:06 6:10 Ookala 20 - day. Kdwanl PolUtl wrlteH as. follows: 812,500 In connecti with the sailing of the above steamers, th.- Agents 18.60 4:41 01 aa Hugar Co. LtAi i 20 Walaaaa .... any 4M 2.500000 20 pared to issue. to intending passengers. Coupon Through Tickets by ' 56 uur market hnre is " Paid up & CO., r Walaiua r ll t:40 .... nt 150,000 100 M'CLELLAN, POND road, from San Francisco, to all points in the United States, Olowaln .. 1M and J str.-nic- . .... trsi Kahuku UJ2 :1S .... caused ly the rn.iltcloUH and 5,000,000 50 is by any steamship line to all European ports. Paauhao8og.PUn.Co Telephone Main 69. Judd Building. York false abmjt the plantation and racinc SS'S 100 INWARD. - 750,000 100 273 th.- - lub-.- r situation, coming from Ho- 7501000 DaUy Dally Dally Dally CJJJJJJ""';;'; 100 an FOR FURTHER PARTI CULARS APPLY TO nolulu. All MBOTta appearing in the Ploneer.....V.'!!... 2.000,000 100 165 Station, n. ex. wwalu Ag 100 101 Ban. Bun. papen ben Oated from Honolulu, bear paid up llfiooiooo 100 300,000 The Overland a. m. a.m. p.m. p.m. a strong tend.-- y to maliciousness and waianae 100 atakukn tM .... tM III will, and We do not think it good Wailuku 700,000 100 370 WM. O. & 'OOO IRWIN Walaiua : .... t:S0 taste on the part of a reporter down Walmanale 100 1 m 100 ino Wala. r 10 .... 1:66 there to do his lev. l best to injure the auuea 1 1 LIMITED wa M l 5 50 7.46 4:B community In which he is living, an STBAMSHir COS. Limited ffNart City i:lL 8 03 '.30 4:U you who are Interested In Wilder 8. 8. Co 600,000 100 US General Agents Oceanic S. S Co - Inter-Ialan- 500,000 Honolulu 1 50 IM tM 6:M th.- promotion and welfare of the Ha- d 8. 8. Co. 100 O. P. DEN1BON. F. C. SMITH, waiian stands ought to look Into the MiacaiJULMXoce why he persistently Three Daily from San Francisco. Superintendent. O. P. T. A. natter and find out Hawaiian Elect. c uo 250,000 100 ...;107H Trains sends up reports which are substan- Haw. Electric Aaaeati. I2i00 100 Two Trains Dally from Portland via TTDI 81 N AND MOON. tially incorrect. Hon. Bp. Tt. & Ld, Co.t 250,000 100 Thin Is iulte a seriosjsj matter, and if Hon. Bteam Laundry, i 25,000 100 not stopp.-- now, will certainly drive Kona-Ka- u Telephoue: So I 26 IYJISmi S S) IT a g1 iway your LnvessmeatB, A Telegraph Co. Lt. 15,000 Ljf 5f from Mutuai Telephone Co. 139,000 10 10 a a x instead f ,'oining to your assistance a 1 '2!-- "5 ill i with money. 40,000 100 ll ?a Makaha CofCo. Pdup laHi33dt5fa The reports whu h were aent up about o. .. L. Co. 2.000.000 100 165 h Peopie'a Ice Bel. Co. 150.000 100 . . IDS I'aauhau tire are a tissue of false-- a look-- Occidental & S.S. m K Is, oriajln Oriental Pi. pm pra. a.m. and the ought to be ' BOH OB. a. so ed I IN 17 t zi v Int.. i Haw. Govt. 6 per cent. t 1 OS S.54 Mmst;49 5 54 1 41, 47 li i i Anoih.r report appeared in the pa Haw. uovt. 5 per cent 8

1 about the s it,. us disturbance on Haw. Govt. Poatal 8a 10 4 M 9 4 41 10 2ft 11. 4A 5 64 5 40 7 41 and Toyo Kisen Kaisha. vlnga 4m per . p m. plantations cattBed by "labor troubles." cent. . . In Hilo B. R. Co. 6 per 11 5 4 B 12 52 ! tul it hofu ,l..n i. Iliura n ti n t ct. U 11.01 c UHH faat IS ill X ..L .T. . Ki' . l"liEwanaDtaiion6D-- .... 102 It 4. 4 H IS 4 4 11 41 OS 5 53 5 38 9 6 i ne oe onagea... over li i inuor iroucnes win gabuku Plant 6p c, 101 In tiin.- and disappear; unfortunately, o. R, A Co..! .. .I.. 102 7 IV 1 7 7 m I r, 10 H L 'rial! It Ma Wft55 w 9 of companies i above 14, S 4 S 11 tne parties no are maliciously sending 13 - " - - n.. i i Steamers the will call at Honolul uand leave tin 41 IS 9 ti 0 4i 42 5 M SO 2S K Session Fifty- - on . Up these reports cannot be bridged or aDout tne aates Deiow menuonea: p m a ta five Walaiua,on.n!assessable, 3W0: 30 Oahu, 8:00 a.m., as1 LEAVE SAN FRANCISCO, 44 av a.ssjs.Mi a m. wi.nr-ni..-dl??- !l2-30- u.9 u - Session-Fi-ve lul Rr; . .. Afternoon Kahuku, 10:00 a.m., 6:00 p.m. on For Japan and China. For San Francisco. last quarter of the moon the 14th personally, we would you atfca . at II n p. m. ask to 11: T ollJla. L.". assess- - LEAVE PORTLAND, 9:15 a.m., 9.00 aa P98lb,e' RIO DE JANEIRO OCT. 9 OCT. Tkfea from tha United States Coast and Lt ,h! able. $100;50Ewa. 27; 55 Oahu. 1142.60. p.m. PEKING (ieodetlc Survey tables: guilty parties may be properly COPTIC OCT. 17 GAELIC OCT.! calleij 24 Tm tides at Kahulul aad Hllo occur down. Through without change. AMERICA MARU OCT. HONGKONG MARU OCT. With best regards, we beg to remain, BORN. PEKING NOV. 2 CHINA "')NOT. tout on hour earlier than st Honolulu. ; yours very truly. GAELIC NOV. 10 . NOV. Hawaiian standard time Is 10 hows 10 10, DORIC EDWARD POLLITZ & CO. STEWART At Honolulu. October HONGKONG MARU ,NOV. 20 NIPPON MARU .NOV, salnutea slower than Greenwich time, be-- 1900, of T. Stew- Only Days to to the wife McCants CHINA NOV. 27 RIO DE NOV, of tba meridian of 167 i.grees 30 art, a daughter. lee JANEIRO athat The time whistle blowx at 130 HEAL ESTATE TRANSACTIONS. DORIC DEC. 5 COPTIC DECl m, aa. which Is the. same aa Greenwich, 0 di NIPPON MARU DEC. 13 AMERICA MARU fceura S minutes. Sun and moon are for MARRIED. Only Days to New York RIO DE JANEIRO DEC. 21 PEKING DEC I local time for the whole group. netolier :.. No. IJ241- -J. K. Mackfeld and COPTIC DEC. 29 GAELIC DSEN-MYHR- Fi awaaaw wife to J. H. Schnaek; piece land, Nuu-an- u SVKN E In San Fran AMERICA MARU . .7.. JAN. 5 HONGKONG MARU valley. Honolaha, 26, 1900, I ROLOGICAL RBCOKD. Oahu. Considera- cisco, September by the Rev. , CHINA tion $1. F. B. Cherington. Capt. E. H. Svend-Bt- n No. 6242 -- & Sleepers. DORIC Cear. Co. to j. H. Norway, j Pullman Palace S s GeTSRimsirr lousing of Bergen, master of the RIO DE FEB! Sttstxt, PtntLitaxs Schnack; portion kul. S520. Palama, Ho- Smoking Library Cars, JANEIRO MomuT. Norwegian steamship Horda, and Buffet and Etsst nolulu. Oahu 'onsideratlon $2,000; mort-Ki.g- e Helga Myhre of Honolulu, H. I. No with Barber Shops and Pleasant Read- $1,000. cards. ing Rooms. No. 6243 C. Winam, tr.. to J. H. PALMER-POTT- Dining Cars, Si 1, up. 1 13K,, 2. Nu-uan- u, S In Honolulu, Octo- meals a la Carte. 7 hnaek: lot of kul. lot B FOR GENERAL INFORMATION, APPLY TO :rf 1 Honolulu, Oahu. Consideration ber 11, 1900, Frank L. Palmer, of Ho- Free Reclining Chair Cars. $l.f. nolulu, to Jeanle Potts, of Vancouver,' Pullman Ordinary Sleepers. No. mt$W. PMerta and wife to olaa B. C. Bugpar Co., Ltd.; (;rant 4363, Olaa, 1'una, J. H. LOTHROP, General Agent, H XV JO 9n W w. To SA H 4 Hawaii. Consi Uration $3,040. Lt ' 0 00 8 1 135 Third Street, Portland, Oregon. . Hackfeld & Co., S- N s m j n a as. s 01 73 -0 10 r.S C. C. Kenninly and wife to F. Classified Advertisements. i I XS 97 7t 1- If 3i M 87 00 73. S -1 M. Wak.tl.M: Patent no9, Kaiwiki, Hilo, JO r 2 SU HI 91 81 2 4 NE 1- -4 4175 und 4176. Puna, Hawaii. D. W. HITCHCOCK, General Agent, w ip, II Grants Olaa. K ajjaj ts aj OlSO'S nk Consideration $2,613. No. 1 Montgomery St., i'I JO Oft 70 18 IX , 4 NNE San Francisco. 43 - t 10. WANTED. f SO No. 6250 Gear, Iinslng f I 01 J0.W 7i 83 08 67- 8 NE S O to Mrs. V. Kelle; lots 5 and 7, block A LADY desires position as nurse to j Or E. L. LOMAX, G. P. & T. A., 33. Kaiahulu, Honolulu, Oahu. Consider- . SS.W.-W- . B.W.-N.- eiiimien. or as iioueaeepei N K. " auuis Omaha Nebraska ation $1,000. Nurse," this office. 5674 Canadian-Australi- Baromater correoted to 23 F. and seA an Royal til-- leel. und for standard gravity of Iit. 45. List o)da for record October ll. AN typewrite? This Is .06 for Honolulu. EXPERIENCED and CHAS. BREWER & CO.'S rorrertlm l'c of- 1 4n First Party, HceaSlfl Party, i Mass. stenographer desires a position P.-rr- Pearce- - Polnawai P.D. fice. Owns a typewriter. Good edu- SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE. S. M. W. Kawelo W. R. Castle D cation and references. Address "E. Mt. KeahemaknniC. Kalelkau .... D H. E.," this office. 5673 New York Line Steamship Company. J. K. losepa and wife Kipahulu Su- DIAMOND II RAD SIGNAL STATION. gar Company D BY AN industrious young man of -- . Bark NUUANU will October II. lop m. Weather, lear; wind, twenty-tw- o years, of good habits, a sail from NEW Jljrhr N. K. YORK for HONOLULU, on or about Oolllaion in Harbor. ponition In a wholesale house as clerk. Steamers of the above line, running In connection with the ca.N'aDL Can give good references. Address PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY between B. and Sydney. AltXlVKp T 2. Vancouver. C, ItOlfOLULt. SAN FRANCISCO. Oct. Lack of "M. S. T.," this office. 5672 S. W.. and calling at Victoria, B. C. Honolulu, and Brisbane, Q., are Thbraday, October 11. judgment. ,,r a miseom-ep- t ion of duty, AN December 10, 1900. . Am Mlir. Mary. K. Poster, Thompstm, sent two steamers crashing into each EXPERIENCED young woman position dress- XD"ue KConolTol-a- fiuui the Satlnd wiHi lumber for Allen & other at 6 O'clock this morning, and for would like a with a For freight rates apply to sit itoMnwon. maker, to sew by the day. Address On or about trnr dates below stated, viz.: f. inoni'-nt- P. ft. w placed several hundred "M. S.," Advertiser office. 5669 CtfAS. BREWER & CO M. S. Moana. drey, from San Ifres in peril. The steamer Columbia FROM VANCOUVER AND VICTORIA B, C. FROM SYDNEY, BBISBA5K(l, Krssclsco. m getting in mm Portland, collided 27 Kllby St., Boston, For Brisbane Q., and Sydney: j B. C: Ka-(K.- a: Just Vancouver, Htmr. . A YOUNG good For Victoria and Jams Mak.. Tutlwtt, from sh-- j man with references 10 with the ferry steamer Berkeley as OR WARRIMOO SEPT. 29 OCT, sacks rice. on desires position In an office as assist- AORANGI Hehr Moke, was starting across the bay her first bookkeeper MIOWERA , OCT NOV. Kawallanl. from Kolos. trip of the day. ant or copyist. Address BREWER & CO., LTD. WARRIMOO "S.," this office. 5666 C AORANGI NOV MIOWERA DEC. Who was at fault will be detetitxitied Honolulu. WARRIMOO DEC. 22 lUn.Ktl WHOM HONOLULU. by the Inspectors of Hulls and Boilers within the next few days. Meantime FOR RENT. Thursday, October 11. the Berkeley Is laid up damag- - with a A LARd lv FOR SAlE. Am. iKhr. Carrtsf Dsrts, for the Sound .1 bUS and a splintered lifeboat, and well furnished front room. at hallast. the Columbia has a jagged hole In her campbelTs Lane, first house from Am. bk. ll. P. Hlth. t, McNeill, for i Bow, h r Is Llkelike street. Gentlemen preferred. and stein twisted out of To EX-HELE- N The magnificent new daiUl Francisco. shape. The Columbia was steaming Price, $2.50 per week. 5674 ARRIVE BREWER, service, the "Imperial Limited," is now running Am. t. lr.'al Admiral, Sterling, for the Slowly up the bay, side by side with the ija due in October: Soon.! In ballast. . BETWEEN VANCOUVER i. oronn-- as b i t LARGE, airy suite of rooms, 400 Bere-tani- a and MONTREAL. 'n sp. Kiiterp., S:i,bs, for Lahalna. the Berkeley the slip. LEHIGH PORTLAND CEMENT. I The Corona put Into Broadway street, near Fort. 5670 ft. A. T. Ma-nll- n wharf Making the run in 100 hours servl Harnock, Htruve, for off AMERICAN FIRE BRICK. without change The finest railway via Guam, I p. m. nnl the Columbia wis Jackson the world. I street wharf when the ferrylioat sound- A BARRELS OF FIRE CLAY Eu 34 S H city of reklng, Smltli. for FURNISHED cottage on Emma Through Tickets Issued from Honolulu to Canada, United States ar.i San Frsnclsio, 5.30 p. m. ed one whistle. Captain Doran was on street. Apply at Hawaiian Soda CUMBERLAND COAL. rope. a M the Columbia's bridge. Works, above Vineyard 5673 Stanr. Jam. ik. e, Tull. tt. for Kapaa, street. For Freight Passage to st I p. m. "I answered 'the whistle," said h". and and all general information, apply Hktn. W. II. Hansen, "then put my helm hard over to port UNDER new management; nicely fur- Dlmond. for 8an t C. BREWER & CO.. LTD. Pi cnclsco with sugar and mrrhandlse. and rang to stop the engines. 1 saw-tha- nished rooms at 619 Hotel street. 5671 8 S Moans. Cary. for Colonies, 2 p. m. th. Berkeley's Helm had been put QUEEN STREET tp port and I rang to go full speed NEW two-stor- y con- i n. I house at Pawaa, H. was at a standstill when the taining nine rooms. Tbeo Davies & Co Ltd., Gen'l Agu DUE TODAY stern of the Berkeley swung into me Artesian water MACHINERY FOR SALE. , and h. my from well on premises, free. Rent S AUmola, from Colonies for Saa r guard cut stem like a saw reasonable. Apply to a- - the ferr.vl at k pt on for J. Lightfoot, Francisco. Oakland." room 4, Magoon building. 5671 4 Captain O. n. Blaker was In charge ONE PORTABLE 30-- H. P. Boiler and of the R.-r- ley H- - has been twenty-fiv- e Engine. New. TO SAIL TODAY. years In the Southern Pacific em FTJRNISHED rooms with privilege of ONE STATIONARY 15-- P. Slide- - H particulars, H Alamedat for Ban .,. ploy, and the Berkeley Is his first com- staoie. Jor innulre at e0ia irn.. 11 h-- office. mand. He says that was trying to this 5069 ONE STATIONARY 25-- P. Slide PABSKNOKRH steam c lear of the Columbia when the Valve Engtne, in good regalr. II latter siruck him. As evidence that th" FROM October 1st. ofllce on Hotel ALSO Arrived. fault lies v ith th.- - Berkeley, those on street, and at present occupied by the th- - Five hundred tons stable manure, Direct Service hiYork, rotn Ban per Mo-- i. .Columbia point to Mies De Lartigue. doc- Hi Between New Francisco, I". 8. S fact that Suitable for suitable for gardens en route to Colonies. October II the stern and Inm work of the bow is tor or dentist. Apply to Mrs. Cowes. rice and lawns. ApU-T- dragged Inquire of Pacific r . J Carllle. Dr R R rhan- - to port In the direction the next Y. M. C. A., on Hotel street. 5666 the Coast and Hawaiian Islands n. Mr.. Kdward J Dorn. For Auric. Berkeley w as making. The damages are HAWAIIAN FERTILIZER CO., LTD., Jand -- Miss Urownlee. O. W Clarkson. W. placed at $ Hi.oiiO at th,- - lowest Brewer Block, It . Urkeon LOST. OR AT snd wife. Miss Clarkson, R. FACTORY. IWILEI. 8. S. "AMERICAN" SAN FRANCISCO H Mason. 1. MlUlgan. K Reynolds, MM WILL LEAVE NEW YORK FOR THURSDAY, between Wilder avenue Portland and the Bound, en route to on 10th, due st 8sM H. Stafford wife, BUXIM8BUBG, em-pioj- .s Honolulu October and nv. J. Pa., o t. 4. --The and towji. embroidered table center- win K. H'. i: M. Turnl.ull and wife ..f the Reading piece. "Return to b ranclsco about December 12th, at the Sound about December 21st 11. W Iron Co. have Advertiser ofllce and OHIA FOR SALE Vr 8f.tne Itallexf Ileebe A. A ed to accept n ' ive reward 5674 WOOD celve freight at Tacoma and Seattle for Honolulu at lowest rates. BUm 1 1 the tt per cent cut In sod wife. A. Frisco and wife. A. wag. 8. S. "HAWAIIAN" IS EXPECTED TO LEAVE NEW YORK in m urowne. f. lirydrn. V. their s. Their action this time is J liutchri 48773.1 cember 10th and will perform voyage re Misa Casey, J P. Carolln, J. Collins, W.'lftr"A' 89 tho have already TRIBUNK bicycle, '99 model, No. the same as above. Freight returned' $10 In any quantity. Apply to Company's Forty-secon- d reward will be i Wharf, Brooklyn, all time? r rrnwv. ,i Dnniop. Miss M. H w,.rK. rne Danville rolling paid for return of 4k CO., Street. South at mills same to F. C. Atherton, Ha- - W. C ACHI ...cn. j .b. rTKnson una wire. W . t. .liav.r also resumed worlc ,ft..r - Bank of 10 King - an idle- wail. Ltd. West Street uoV- snd wlf Wra. Fleming, Miss A ness of several 5673 fsly N. UN. M T A. months. For particulars Flemiisr. Prankromh. B. D. Giles, 4 further apply to Honolulu Agents. Vrnrl Lssic and wife, F. J. McComns. FOUND. 1 Msllalieii and wife. Miss Ixiuls. MOVEMENTS OF" 9TP1ipd0 FOR SALE. , I . 5L SATURDAY night, bicycle VrT-t- Maroulset. T. O Morlsnd Steamers due snd to sail tod- -, a at H CO., LTD. V. Mors. Fred. Nash, Mrs R. Nlehol .! next six days are as follows: nomas square, twner can have by HACKFELD & Miss Nl. hols. W (' . isbortie. MN J.e g ai mis omce and urovina sw.iM"MiawawwaMMasMaaaawwMawaMMaMMiy l ; ARRIVE. property .epblne Papet. A Piirk. H M I. and paying for this adver- - A VALUABLE PIECE OF PROPER-t- y and wife, J. wife, tas Steamers From. Due. tisement. 5672 C Pratt and Coptic S. F. situated on the corner of Punahou :itt, Miss I PriP. K. A Hanfor.l las ..OcL 17 and King streets, 100x208; good local- V. Swk-her- . N. M. 4tner1ca Maru 8. F. . . ..OcL J4 ASK YOUR DEALER FOR Thomson and wife. 8. Queen-8- . ity; near both the King and Beretapia 11 Tlmson snd wife. K. Turner, J.. F .., ..Oct. 24 FOR SALE. mwera . . . . street car lines. Many valuable fruit Wurrrn snd wife. Thos. W. Wise. Join Victoria ..Oct. X! trees in full bearing on the premises. Honolulu for Bydney J. xf. Gibson, L. DEPART For further Information apply to l ;rares. wife snd two children; 31. J. Vlsmeda 8. F ..OcL 12 IN lowea. Join at Apia for Sydney R. M. Jeellc 8. F ..Oct. 19 NUUANU VALLEY, NEAR W. W. CHAMBERLAIN. M callom. lAcrangl Victoria ...... Oct. 21 AVENUE: 5671 Room 207, Judd Building. From Knpns, per stmr. James Makee, Hongkong Maru 8. F. . ..Oct. 27 Axle Crease. Cfe tuber 11 Mr.. Prosser Mkl tM AV k S( TEKDERS WANTED. Departed. Ten large C extra and fine residence Ter Ssjl rrsnclsco, per P. M. H. S. Po- THE MELROSE, King Street lots. If you will call at our office will king?. ", t. .i r ll. A. Mc-Nall- Mrs. L. W. inform you how to secure a pretty and Wrlgl H Wil ier Craft, W. Pal-- p, enjoyaoie nome or your own ror LESS j TKNDERLS ARE WANTED FOR W. T OYflson and wife, Paul Reiser. THAN' A THOUSAND DOLLARS IN; cutting 25.000 cords of wood at Awini, Dr. Anderson. Miss M. Tost. Mrs. C. W. Board and rooms; all modern com- ALL. These lots are sold on easy Hawaii. For further lnformatl on eall Van p.-- t A W. Ahlborn. Mrs. Geortre forts; electric lights; mosquito proof; terms. Apply to upon or address the undersigned at St. Carter. Mrs. Sunny and son, D. H. a quiet, refined home. Kins; St. ears People's Express Company office, 215 atwrphy. w. W. Goodale, Capt. H. A MOROFF. W. pas the door. Prices moderate. Tele- ' Merchant street, between 9 and 10 a. m. If. L. Hudson, J. F. Hackfeld and phone M81 -- blue. Room 8, Magoon Block. 6872 E. C. MOORE. Read the Advertiser i.v