f. s aftaaaW Ml eaBTlTi'l rt tf. aatabtiatied July a, iMe, HONOLULP, HAWAII joBB? T.lv 12, 1900.-TWfi- LVE PAGES. PRICE FIVE CENTS, A FLURRY THE MAN WITllORGDsTs THE GERMAN h, IN s vr SUGAR . PROPOSALS tary Refined Product Below Six Cents. They Get the American 14 K''""n'' ' -- t! Indorsement. CAUSES OF THE DECLINE rB?!uir txtnt., rm, CHINESE aaaaTaalt PUNISHMENTS aj" -- rial nmm pjaf i '' Beliaf That War Between V to is . at., i eo the Truit asMawajPA N and the Arbuckles m is A New Move May Open a Way for Again on. i l the Settlement ft. sr. 1 of the i Crisis. u;.m:th . m an.i r--a. a lafllaWaa an .1 t ia. r,P UKftLIN. Oct. 4. --U. .fa,. rannlng. An official of the ntrlfucj W t..f. r. ;u Foreign Office - Mm, . informs the correspond 4 I 4 "- rtenneii.. wasvk crueh.-d- ' wirre.p ent of the Associated Press that Ger I 1. IB.. 1 to And T to p many has issued a m ft, m. t-- i. second note to the u ta. fw yoK. ot. 1 li, powers Maw. hardly ,t-.d- y, faJr regarding the method of secur ing punishment for those Ifctt (1 MS ' guilty of the imnm r.rln... w.nk! outrages In , . IF' iff,. hour r.4 t China. This note is issued as a result of the edict of the EmMror of China beginning md proceedings afalnst Jn Sll- - i nnce and others. ' luan to tin. The Emperor of China has address ed to the powers an edict dated Sep- tember 29th, in which he orders the W.-- r I'talmlnar i punishment of a of - in nm numar only t number nrlnnoa onit .'- dignitaries, -i - mentioned bv foe prlr. or t,n tt,.- r 1Wp for nm having encouraged the Boxers. On ft lav - the 'rocrr. ..id - w- -r no r'- - .r. assumption that the- edict is irenitlT r"''1 itvn.tf.,n- f ,,nv from ,ha the German government, Slfel ftlthn...!. .ft,,,- - . in furtherance it Im.M 1 thftl ,ul- - of the procedure proposed In n wm m its circular7 - pin .mall ,h.t th had not note ot September 17th, .III to I... I k. lrn has further iu a i p. m ti rr "nm irM that stand. proposed to the powers to enme to a poipt agreement to Instruct their diplomatic HI MJH At BK or TIIK TH.M MI.K representatives in China to' examine .,r sort and give their opinion on X-- the following Mfe , ... TORK. Oct. R.nn -- u points: r"o today bvlow rrnta a pound ' aus-- Whether the list c a nt.. for th, nrat urn- - m Y-- n.i fn edict, persons t laaonio Tempi. H ft moih.. while of to be Dunished o ft. m to 4 p aft. flcient and correct? ' rUrtu,oa md la- -t nlaht Whether the punishment nm. r;it - 'nornina- hy thr iiuffar trit and posed meet the case? ti Hi ..I. I ha AH.uckJea. A rut In prlcru '3. In what way the powers can con ' I f-- t , trol nS FT' 4V ' ' ..rn. in.-- th. the carrAir.g out of the rtenfl It ie h... r in ta ovrr and riw Imposed? TIMnt In literal ai.r. "The infor.nation recaived un to tho n.iuntltlra. present wall rm l4wr Wall atrrft. trhorr concerning the receDtion of this If aucar hrofeaws proposal by powers m ta I atr. va. mu. h -- p the justifies the be-- t' tlrrr.l lief o. i i . .. sal Tl U4 wnw -. tliat sciici a.i unuersianaing on " anown that th. Arhucklra this may -- r. ...li, matter be looked for." caKiANn uin hiialnra. t (It. polnta " b. A FRENCH ilia markrt mml iaat nlaht hy thr PROPOSAL. 4. trua. .,.r1n the aprltw and aum- - WASHINGTON. Oct. The French government, through r. wn-- n mere w.r rontinual advanoea M. Thiebaut, the ., French charge d'affaires, has presented rn.i-i- mnunin in all Ip over to Secretary Hay a programme I "nl a pound, the Arlnjoklwa rrjularly for the complete settlement of the Chinese dif- advance made by T' run Iw, eah the truat. ficulties and at the same time the Rus- rne manner In whl-- h now thy have cut sian government, through M. de Wol-ian- t, - l .r:o. r. HftMric " lr j..,rt that seconds the French proposal, thus h,. on Franco-Russia- trk. rde war la aaaln making it a joint n r"''iti ir in., truat amounta to proposition. The proposal is under four llftern polnta. If. aelllnT prlc has noml- - heads as follows: n .!. cent a p md, hut actual "1. Punishment of the guilty Chi- ftv a. nese nun .. r t a officials. i. i .n Tor lorn.. ' IML at CI9 renta. The lopped The interdiction of arms and am- Arbucklra munitions of off twenty piilnta n war. to China. irinm at stroke. It "3. The payment of intimated In th Indemnity to the av p atiaar trad that buyers powers. Mn ae retly ..IT. r. ! auar at a "4. The of tntT-fl- v point- - fr..m rtfter. sufficient Chinese guarantee o a for the m M pne. or at a.M centa future." Th flurry In th iucr trad.- - ruaed The proposals further ask for a com- a wave of earitem.nt In the petent legation guard at Peking; the on Htork Moec- - the K. hnae. razing of the Taku forts and their de- ilation m it waa peavy m prl- - waa r.Tn - IS -- enta - struction and the establishment of a lower at th openlna. and event- .l.l.kT WIU-O- boaaed m the convention of the Independent part line of communication between i K'wm ni nearly inr. onta OC- - Q Th. l.H,,!,, mm at his beck and call. the aea -- - mim ran,, meeung ne board I "" m.ide a speech which, for Incendlarlr m, conceit and Peking. a hia prevloua ... v. and aaininity. exceeded Jam. If rot,t. prealdent of the Nation lll Krnm thl. -.u h i,i.,k liic. afti ... This Franc proposal has i Auvrnnr puDiishel verbati m yesterday arc t .. , Incorporated laat aprlna folio wlna aentencea which ahow man Wilcox taken at random the been sent to the President. I Kir the aa he Is: . havlna rlo rlatlona with the I - THE AMERICAN aaya have been traveling- from Hawaii to N'llhau for the REPLY. ftnaar 'mpany. that the 1 sake of uur countO .md our ticket, because 1 you to t'-- enalave,! with the n.i I, want not WASHINGTON. Oct. 4. U. l.r are a natural trad con. Her.ul.IWn. The S. to l. aa. ne. t0n"ht B R'pub,,cn or party In Hawaii, Government has taken a decided step Irmand and the Ht.tel..ten Docratlc although there are such parties In th I'nlted in arrival of raw aucara on tha market. A-- k the development of the Chinese situ- -- I 'arar 0 Ual - In to-da- y what "laninranre the cut of I iTaa" to e, ery ation a note delivered Plnta tha Ar. n.ted But riht Hawaiian her everj- American in the by Sec- aiea mlaht have, he aaM W- - all H retary Hay to the German T.I av. ?. They aent Hartwell and Smith there to entanelei rnnr Hjndlm MAi.n.. , charge l4 work hard for buatneaa. If you m aalonarlea. they got -- ' ' .... ... d'affaires. Baron Speck von aajawn t yon In- - but aouped." I went with the nickels and he . Sternberg. the Irmand htv. to offer rr, . i 2,T,aii'i .- 1- iJCiuiluis HIIU Kep- - In reaentatlvea shook handa rith an.l autf-orTae- the note favorable " - nougn d action by m.nli to et U." rr.an. rp,.i,l i w.is not an delegate, a I shall be as Contrresf- - this In h rmonr au-- eovernment on Germany's sug- ah with the fall In price of These haolea In country lJ?n latest m ar In RVw York waa thla are noihlng but cockroaches gestion concernine the there a decline of I tell you tonight I waa not born ou; of f'.rty point In Ban Francisco. At 9 wood' Chinese criminals is expressed LwraACrni,- - ' I waa born out of ateel! Tou can vn and the k 'h.. aelllna f. II from 1', V. to arrue until ir mouth Is ,ra but you cannot knock Wilcox trlca may I down, do what yoti announcement is made that th TTnttacv a pounds, In after-kaaa- ) hundred and the I 7 States If. agreed with the people here on June to Dak I already has sent instructions to' I .r there waa a further decltna from M their uate. tell you tonight I will not with. l to aa is. draw at all: .minister conger along the in- - flinre May tha price of the 1 lines K-- m thS n,y w - t0n"ht HaWa" that Kn0WS dicated. The rnnr. article haa baen ateadlly advanr- that doe"" an',hinK of "i tary tactics. There is no other man her. instructions to Mintater '"it in tna autumn or every year longer are that he shall The time has come for Wilcox to take hold of narrow-mind- ed learn the la a tumble, and consequently the these small, haolea who have tried to kn. k me down names of the Chinese t I hav traveled all over, aa far aa K irapt), and I found no countries so as Hawaii.
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