XXXYIUTH CONf.RE8S-nB- ST BK5SI0S. ment, and the Government haa stopped that. S.i . March 14. BATCHEIOIVS DYE, Lt r T port cf - sV.n-- for V co-- right?, which WiSHissToy, Mar.b 13. St. Lorn, HAIR I r' tad t up ir r,;tt;t:citl March 15. Notwithstanding contra liction", WORLD. tt-- rfll commanding the District of Washington, TUJt BUST THIS JOURNAL. WW 1 :.f. I e n 1 '.yo'i Geif Grant's exact poesitioj, ai e ,j tint- General Fisk, IS WEEKLY AT graiurt'iy BCioch" trn in- SEKATi. tte plan of exchange adoutel by Gea. Butler celebrated Dalr Dye CJOIiKL FPANK ir.TS triEJII of was ed ith llalleck enl with the relation of the St. Lcni?, Las j ast returned from a tour of WILLI Ail A. EATCHELOR'S p cKi!irccmcnt the rctiiiaa, dif The Senate reconsidered iti action of has ben rejected by tbe War Department, and a color not to b from oatoraa, Numerous bant3 froduaa man, fro LEIIKOTOM.KT. Lot v would be sUvcj. eiyerel amies ia the West, coalinue3 an ob- spection in the Southeast. dituuihed V1 a2"Tte:eamer C. E. III. a t. aittant iter guerillas have beea committing depreda- in the passage of tbe House bill de- exchanges on that basis have been stopped. warranted not to Injurs tha Qjur In the Uut; rcmedie fil-?- Wolf-i- speech by stating ject of general discussion and mystification. of 31 Thofe cf enr to hear the Col. d clcse'J Lii Mil Louis Menu-his-, .UcVei oa TtursJay wqj fining the rank, pay, aad emolument! of cf-- 111 drem, to iru wen there Were always iu Th:s much, however, be positively stated : tions in that section end corttieast Kan?e, ia soma tha eff.tcta ot and th Hair for . ferh of th's disT'T'!ni?el Kenoky trat he awrre that but cer3 of the army. l;'w"If Longstreei moving, as say bl Instantly toon opposite Ia'.ind IS, ty a of pao;.-1m- this city oa Thursday trembly "tim,"S Gen. Grant has gone West to mike soma end some bands are preparing lor more extru- Ufa. GRAT, RZD, or RC3TYHA12 torn tni lielodeon ia cveiy tubiic Energetic Mr. Sumner presented tbe petition of one be is, upon Knoxville, he will probably git ,landid leaving ILklt won aa ? o apprehended, be re- m.i'ie it tbeir business to final arrargrraents for the armi?s in tb; south- sive operations in ihe spring. Black Brora. lh Carper bcinp tbelmt tare lest a treasure which ran never end informers" wbo de- de- - - patron-ap- com- are being taken to drive out or bundled citizens ot Louisiana of African knocks there he will forever b.aatiful. Eo;j by an Drurji-- te. pur- paired. The time, the occasion, the c'reum-EUxec- report to tbe fotmtiins of power nd e west, and to torn over their immediate meamres such hard that Lad lauded on the ArVansas fbor? fjr the scent to be allowed to vote in tbe reorganiza- - A. BATCHX- - fAe oppociiion to them. mand to Gen. W. T. Sherman, cf Obio. Ha stroy ail such bauds and establish lar aul the name of tbe place Kaock tVTb Genu ina alcned WILLIAM erd n an, ail conspire to render wla. was said ia lie tion Louisiana. The petition ia approved a'terwarda write pose ot woodicg, and mnuj of tie pss:s;jers he faitb-ful'- y, E ist, and tbe next order tbrouBboct this department. cf IX K on the four tide 5w. ir one of the most significant and important CrtHed upon them to report what raid ill then return to tbe Lou- ae; bank, iron-cla- turreted gnnboats were by Anthony Ferdandez, President of tbe ville. TOKY tad, M um&l, "trolled out the i fforis that the present terrible crisis of tbs and among ether things, tbey might movement of the Army of the Potomac will Two VAI Bcl Hire, flw Tru a Caroudc-le- t isiana Association of the Veterans of tbo VTr BrwultcayN.J Bond "TalYOlAld twcLtj-fiv- e 41 r. Lmcola, if be desired to know Le made under his personal supervision. launched at on Suadiy. Chops. The Henderson, Ky., Reporter lLaU Hi mndi & ithea a. party of from twenty to i.atiou's hit tor has called forth. The iLfim As;osia-tio- r, Tin j ttoee ia the army whom he coaiiaered Gen. W. F. Smith, sometimes known as Cairo, March 11. cf 1812, founder of the first Union raerlllaj tudJcnlj made tbeir appearaace was the presentation to him of a wtht and a member of the Central Committee says of the wheat crop in that se rtion: cpUndid sword, pistols, 6uit-a-fc his mir.iocs thought of his official course, Gen. Baldy Smith, the officer who was once Fivo hundred new recruits from Iosva, for A Farm, opened fire upon the seh, aai spur?, for the organization of a free S.ete; by Thoa. It gratifies us to state that the ia this Fine tte vooda, and Lis feilow-citizen- t; tbet "tbeir opinion was that he was a tccu5ed of real drunkenness in aa action oa tbe South, have arrived. wht T"NrltR GMil ULllVAll tea to rank, by a portion of our tyrani Com- ia ao badly as at s i Genuine Preparations Lulia g was J. Duract, President of tbe Free State section not injared fin fj? IIrtiD rnnntT. steamer and those who were oa shore, but, instead cf its being a mere and a usurper," who was seeking, by overtiJ-ir- the Peninsula ia a Senate debate, aal WAsniKr.TOS, March 7L1 w.ll sol.! or f. .r I T'vil h- - It. and represents In maay piacas, where it wua thoogbt kiv.r. all constitutional subsequently eionernted, and who lately mittee, other citizens. It that nrar llii wily. jlmi tbU w acol-lera- and wouadicp t'.ght commonplace acknowledgment of eu?b a barriers aud limitations, is recon- , ioH.ilj Iaium td a nepro, It understood that the Seaate will all are owners of property, and many e wheat was entirely YU'el b thac-ll- office. ' ' hi?h-es- t to trample upon the liberties of his country. been serving under Hooker ia tha We3t, is hu Lead spring line being out, compliment, it proved to be ose of tbe struct tbe IIouso bill providing for tho estab- iu the pursuit of commerce, and coming cut again, and promises to yieil aa ether. The and Torts of a patriot fully imbued wi'.b But we shell follow Col. Wolford no fart'aer, now down with the Potomac army, and tbe hive t lishment of a Bureau of Freedmia'a Affairs. been paying taxes for forty-nin- e years; and, average crop. in low places ia tbo wheat axd a Etrorg wind blowicfr oa tLore, it that devotion to country which pitriot-b- end will conclude this very imperfect notice general belief is that he is to have immediate Olj JOICTi J. BATLT. XLT05 ft. GtrroitT. his Gen. Meade'3 friends are making very ac- at the call of Governor Shtpley, tbey raisa! seriously burr. lii-SK- J. UAVI3. BAil'i. W. VAN CI LIS. teemed impossible to pet the boat into tbe alone engenders ot a statesman whoe ot his address by rtmiiki.ig that it was oae copomend of it. He is only a Briga tive exertions to have him relieved of tbe tte first colored regiment ia forty -- four hoar.', qies-tio- Grant is said to have specially The Plymouth, Marshall coiatv, Ialiaaa, atrttm. Finally, however, Cap4-- Canon, capacious mind gra?ps the momentous of the boldest and most manly speeches tint but Gea. command of the army of the Potomac, but JOEL J. EA!LY CO., and of a soldier who hes ever been made to our people. It is cead-le- requested that he Ehould be appointed to fill norss. ssys wheat crop that dect.-ha.n- eu of tbe hour hu tbeir chances of success are E.iii to be very Republican of tho ia i A'T' wili CL&rles Wessins, a needed battle- vsicatit ia tha regular Tbe House tben resumed the coasiJeration imperilled bis li'e npon innumerable to add that it was received with the most the slim. county : in cutting the line, when the boat swans out. fields ia defence of that glorious government rapturous applause by the iargs audience as- army caused by his owa promotioa to tbe of the gold bill. Importers and Jobbers, With the exception of the single fact that Mr. Several intelligent farmers ia faUcouatv, of of the KueriUas, more daring than their hich was handed down to us by our ances- sembled oa the occasion. Lieutenant Generalship. for Giiswold advocated the bill. A lint wns Gea. Wadsworth has left the city Fortress Mr. Mr. whom we have uiade iaquiriea the Witk tO. KOBTU THIRD 6TSKiT, tors S a legacy of blood. Coming, too, from Gen. JJpade in the city ia tho winter, ia G. called up Boutwtllof put as Succeeded in getting on board and tON(iilESS-KIIt- ;T Monroe, tbeie not a shadow of fouadvioa wht-a-t cc:ara3, de- IXXVIUTU bESSIOM. willing to give up Mass., who caused a letter to b9 from concerning tbe growing crop, say it ia by Way Co.), - I rtnk Wolfoid a man who signalizsd his and wns quite the command for the report seat this noon in relation to read the (Up!y occnplfd J.
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