The New Hampshire Gazette, Friday, May 21, 2021 — Page 1 We Put the Vol. CCLXV, No. 18 The New Hampshire Gazette May 21, 2021 The Nation’s Oldest Newspaper™ • Editor: Steven Fowle • Founded 1756 by Daniel Fowle Free! PO Box 756, Portsmouth, NH 03802 •
[email protected] • in Free Press The Fortnightly Rant The Storm’s Not Coming—It’s Here ew Englanders are familiar lished that a person’s right to in- with the scene: video shows fluence elections should increase in Nrain falling sideways and random proportion to their net worth. objects flying through the air. Crash- Shelby County v. Holder, in 2013, ing waves beat furiously against the ruled that, since the Republican Par- shore. Finally the land crumbles. A ty had not been found guilty recent- house falls, beaten to smithereens, ly of criminally intimidating poor, and ceases to exist. non-white voters, the law that had Traditionally it’s been a hurricane been preventing them from doing so or a bad nor’easter, and the process could now be discarded. takes a few hours. Lately, it’s politics. Now that they have achieved such The end hasn’t come for America’s dominance, one might think that democracy yet, but things don’t look Republicans could relax a bit. Cer- particularly good. tainly life in these allegedly United Nobody builds on the edge of a States has been relatively and re- cliff, of course.* Things just creep up freshingly placid since Jack Dorsey on you: the Atlantic Ocean, the Re- threw a certain someone off Twit- publican Party….