"".:/** '


Frank Nadler and Stephen O'Con- tain the bpyg from his :ii\ The Rah way Record Cost Accountants nor. tricks. Prank Thome has pr UNITED NATIONS LOOKING Plans for next week's Friday his magic show in the • 470 Broad S Established July 13, 1823 Leo Cherne Speaker At Publish* 1470 Broad Street Tel. Bah. 7-0600 Rahway, New lent; Nighters Program include a Magic.| schools, and at Fort Du. Entered mt th PubUahed Thunday alterooni by The Rahway Publishing Corporation. and Music Show. Frank. Thome! Entered at the post office at Rahway, New Jersey, u second class mall matter C7M/r/GN/ -GEORGES. BENSON Newark Meeting the sponsorship of the TJSO under the ac' student at Rahway High School, 1 under the act ot March 3. 1B7B. LAMCE-NAIK.JMLAL, YOUItS INDIAN nl-nttilft Ml/ft' "The Forward Look for Industry ring with Thorne will he SOLDIER CAPTURED AT El AtAMEIN Snrtf. Atk'a$a and the Cost Accountant" was the an amateur magician, will enter- Williams ana" his fOfc OW ONN*KM OUt AU.lt! Walter P. Mr- DCAPfD HI5.CAPTORI -ftnCE. Walter P. Marple_ -Publisher topic of the ndili'e& X OW OfH-Kt Ul. ARZEHS- cess, according to Mrs. David ceived a letter this past week er high-priced advice, the owner Powers, Stephen Jackson, John Rahway Department Ha from Florello La Guardia, IT IS fORnED Of- ALUMINUM «W TUW" of the businpss was impatient for Simmons, of the committee. Supply $2,000 PEACETIME SPENDITIS GVA5, .SHAPED LIKE A JOAP BUBBLE /MID Kopp. and William Crane, of the Been Called Often To mayor of New York City, con- Describes Conditions results. He could hardly wait for Clark Hyatt plant. Closing of Registry IVIns. DavjjLEnidmanr-cfiinr^ With the ending of the war on all fronts the principal PWEREDBV ELECTRICITY, if! A UrtTLE- —man"af "the drive, said. "Be- Kratulating him "on having He Found, Methods OVfR 7-FEET LOHS, WEIGHS 150 TOoNDr, the first "expert" to come and Stop Car~Blaze topic-of conversation-among-nearly-all groupsof Rahway cause many who would have John Corrigliano, violin solo- Will Open Headquarters -—Momfc AVtRAEES 24 in.p-.TV.~iWB WArOflCTOHE ijrune-out-needless-expenses.—Less ist, for a concert next Friday To Correct.' 1 T:esideritspand quitclikeiythronghoutHht' nuliuii, is the re- T£WU A^ work-and-more-pronc on the same FromTofls "Few people realize," says Fir made donations were not at As Service'Bnreau; ~ SiTvK-eniC 3 h -evenlngr" The-"LiUIe-Flpw.er;'. vohrrrrc always seems attractive. 'Friday Nighters Chief Ritzman, "how often fire de closed his letter with, "I only - Councilman-David Stewart, can- Clerk In Charge commend duetion_of taxes. While we_h£re in Rahway are funda- WARRIOR Qi/f£/VS/ Finally came a polished man of Mayor Edward J. Carlin, las made to father any donations -nightT-called-on-the-CTnlon-Gounti jpartments are called to put out wish that I could be with YOU menially BRItftmT-GRF/VTLlHEHS ~1WE " \w witha~chlseFsnlipea7h~6se~aha~'["Recently Organized Club which _hjijvejfoXBfien_CQllect=u 'Members of the Rahway Vet- (JUEEN MWTf AND1XE QUEEN Section Board to clarify the status fires in private automobiles on th on that evening." Yes. yes, Council from the Fourth Ward, re- pnrtant p- -momentRahwayans are giving moreandmoxciime-to the spectacles with conspicuous rims. ed." Those wishing contribu^ eran's Service Committee adopted "Stages Gvm Fro of veterans, recently discharged, ^Inn'; jilKkwl up may ra.ll BTr«- "Butch" you mlsstd a couple t sitnntlnn A Mil.I ION MH E< .SlHff -oCtirea wc^had down heitvtoo.- QIuHp7^nstnIght._liiILCIt"7C y Board cor-• discussion-of-rwenues-of-our-Federal- goverrHnent^- Members of the Friday Nighters, who desire to vote in 'the coming to forget that driving a car in * Engelman, Rahway 7-0044. the stops lie has taken to remedy wo oRtrtiNS ONE-AMB- The owner of the plant and his election. Owing to the closing o: Hall, asking the City Councinto have beei News coming out of Washington lately seems to convey A-QUARfER MILLION fl6Hf7N6 recently organized club of the Y. them since he has been in office hired adviser walked solemnly to- the registration lists many vet- volves fire risk, as well as othe: give them official recognition as each othe the idea that some members of Congress either haven't ntn of -THE uNrttO NATIONS , gether through offices and shops. M. C. A. Boys' department, partici- He described to a group of histhe 'official veteran's committee' fO ALL -PABft Of WE 6L0BE/ _erans^.who-h9««-been-unable-tc |.accldent-risksr—In^the—part They were returning to the main pated in a Gym Frolic last Friday LS constituents, last night, of the "de- and also make an appropriation of intcrfcren become aware of the wars end or the news'hasn't reached night. Following a register are asjdng what they must months, the Rahway Fire Depart- Urges Third Ward eye fell KCarter Resigns plorable " condition In which he $2,000 for possible expense during TilL'S'U —rherrras-yet:—A^lacfrof-newbills now-fcrefore-the-€ongTess completed. Jn do in order to vote In the coming ment h^_bej3)L.ca.lle.djoutJtQr_sev found the Street Department the balance of the year. ;v upon- an -IdJe- man—an-old- marr, 1 German Bat Ball and Dodge Ball. •^e-- ' it seems, propose peacetime spending of 50 billion dollars, a sum sitting-at a desk looking out a-wln- eral car fires." equipment when he became chari- Open Headquarters of National Bible Week which will be observed this year Those attending-included: James follows: To Support Casey dow. As soon as they were out of As Leader of P. S man of that committee two years Part of the money will be used result thi exceeding the all-time peak of 47 billion dollars in taxes Smith, Lewis Bpnd, Francis Lenox, ••During the past few weeks I Loss In Millions October 15 to 21, invftes the support of all people in ear-shot, the expert exclaimed: ago." to defray clerk hire to an official efforts to collected during the last wartime fiscal year ending June Fred Plescla, Richard Booth. Win- have received many calls from vet- Millions of dollars worth of pri this movement which is nonsecular in nature but all-in- 'That old fuddy-duddy is a net Formed Corporation In "Type of Man Needed In "There were old trucks" said headquarters to be opened shortly The v 30. Many a Rahway taxpayer has asked, "Why this run- am Lints. William Poland,_Qliyer_[ erans recently discharged, request- vate automobiles burn up even Councilman Stewart, "ready to (all for the distribution of Information !o5s^—Discharge-him!—He-is- just- ___.. 8.95 l clusive in character-and meaning? Resch. Donald Mllnes, Bertram ing Information" as To what they year In the United States, an City Council," Says :v sitting ther# dreaming." |—r903 rHasrBeen Active •___ iaD^ flmMigg --^jj- ta-^'vy.-tond.L ?«'3ig»-V -vteturnlng^reterans^ ihxough h away spending prpgramjf the oft-shouted world ffgace.is FJanagan Fxauc2& on T : J ...With. a sou.n4 peace^yet.to h,e built, we ghnnlfl a)l r M •^yefsaHjMoi&e' their-Tive; T Pawnrrthe- fire chambers In the iri-[Present plahS cali'for space to be '— nrcornpliT" tO~ut as pi uLillSeiJ. " " Since a universal "stabilizing influence for guidance. This year ng?" inquired the owner of the ~TO- In these fires, the Chief explained. cinerator already down, and the acquired temporarily hi the Recre- returning Congress has been asked to get itself on a peacetime baygo, Edward Oswendle._ Ralph authorities have not as yet formu- The older or more poorly serviced The Board of Directors of Pub At a largely attended rally :ewers throughout the city cut 60 ation building on Main street. should be outstanding for National-Bible Week. 'actory. "Day-dreaming, to be lated a definite policy . and the Tuesday night of the Third Ward nccessjtie spending basis, cut in half the 1945 wartime tax bill of 47 sure," replied the expert. "Well Lewis, Joseph Gawronski, Richard the car, the more fire hazards it lie Service Corporation of New Jer- per cent in efficiency owing to President Alfred O'Connor was Giroud. Richard Humiston, Ray- serviceman is deprived, to some ex- Democratic Club, 45 East Milton lack of proper cleaning. authorized by the committee to ship. He billion dollars and initiate a speedy program of tax relief. hat's just fine." said the owner. tent, of the rights and privileges :arries around. ;ey, at its meeting in Newark Tues avenue, in honor of Norman Casey "Now we won't be needing your mond Paplrnik and Michael Ples- Improved Equipment complete arrangements with the in advanc- cla. Guests Included Francis which he had as a civilian. "If we get to a car fire quickly day accepted the resignation o_ Democratic Candidate for the The Committee on Post War Tax Policy has advocated a help. Every so often that old chap "During the past two years," Recreation Commission for the. Schweitzer, Gerald Tennyson, Calls for Statement inough," continued the Chief, "we Thomas N. McCarter as chairman Common Council from the Third The p has. a day-dream, arid the cheapest continued Councilman Stewart, space. real effort be~rnade-to-balance the national budget within a James Bauer, Dudley Painter, , "I believe that the County Au- :an usually put it out with a hand Ward. Mayor Edward J. Carlin ne he ever had was worth half of the board and as a director o: "new garbage trucks have been- Veteran Education tlioir sine reasonable period, to cut down the huge national debt and thorities should make a clear cut ixtlngulsher-before much damage M.D. was the principal speaker a million dollars to this business. ;he corporation and subsldlarj purchased, the sweeper and other Superintendent of Schools Ar- j;et loqctl ^statement- on. what the returning is done. But cars often catch fire He characterized Mr. Casey as eliminate -deficit spending that has been the rule in the Don't disturb him as you go out." miles away from a municipal fire :ompanies. Mr. McCarter ex- equipment put in first class con- thur L. Perry was named a mem- .. veteran must do hi order to be the type of man needed in all of us ; Nation's Capitol for more than a decade. department, and that is when dition and all of-the buildings re- ber of the educational committee, Ideas Have Life eligible to vote—certainly obstacles pressed to the- board his desire to the governing body of our city, the Cnuhi many drivers first realize that they painted and repaired. The city in- of the veteran group, after he gave The reduction of Federal spending, thereby easing the Creative work has its peculiari- should not be placed in their path. •etire on "his 78th birthday. Satur- a comprehensive report of his pro- ihould be carrying a fire- ox- calling attention to his fine back- cinerator has been rebuilt and now Emorgen-. Rahway 50 Yeats Ago ies. It takes place inside people's I received calls, too, from veterans day, and the Board acceded to his posed plan of veteran education tax burden of the Nation, will go a long way. toward easing KARL MARX ingulsher in the car." ground and education, and urged operates efficiently, and I hope perhaps. Snow squalls Monday afternoon of this week. The cold eads. and superficial critics don't who have recently returned from rishes in this regard, with regret the people of the Third Ward, re- you will recall the excellent Job for those veterans who do not go the trying period of reconversion with its .layoffs, strikes I overseas duty and who have not ;treak arrived in this section Monday evening causing a ook that deep. First comes the (Rahway Upholstering Fire Extinguishers gardless of politics, to support the done by the Street Department in to college. "The plan." said Perry, Our k et cetera. Reduction of Federal taxes, which -affect rtiarly :erm of an idea: then careful yet received a serviceman's ballot. Since most car fires are in elec- Formed Corporation candidacy of Mr. Casey. opening up the streets after the "will be subject to the approval of leavy frost Tuesday morning. analysis. Since no one. person can They are on furlough at their the Board of Education." and they every pocketbook in the U. S. A. will add considerably to Company) tric wiring, grease or oil. Chief Thomas Nesbitt McCarter was Will Support Carlin hurricane last fall. ; ' :now all about anything, research homes awaiting reassignment. them if 't the "take-home" pay of the worker, which, at the moment, * * » ' litzman suggests that Under- he prime mover In the formation The guest of honor. Mr. Casey, Sewer Truck The sub'-commlttees. whose per- 5 necessary. Research is costly too, .styUd tltd tizsd for th* Ask for Ballot :riters' approved extinguishers of 'Junior Womm of fi>» 1903 of Public Service Corpora- pledged himself to support the "A truck." said Councilman sonnel will be named in the near_ be the ho appears to be the bone of contention in organized labor. Ice Cream Sodas, crushed fruits all flavors, six tickets ecause it must be carried on by "A number of these veterans he vaporizing liquid or carbon ft<( Rvt or Uu. politics of Mayor Carlin and stated Stewart, "has been equipped with future, will be as follows: Employ, The j 'or 25c at Brown's Drug Store, 136 Main street. men who have special knowledge have inquired at the Court House, ioxide types are appropriate car ,ion of New Jersey which, with Its Window Shades that it was his desire to give to all the necessary tools for sewer ment. Hospitallzation. Educational, » * * ,nd special skills. requesting that a ballot be sent to equipment. Trucks operating un- iperating subsidiaries, is one of cleaning work, and a program of I Legal advice, Loans and Finance, committe the Third Ward proper and digni- BACK PAGE PIONEERS Inventions don't go into pro- Shades Reversed them at their homes, as most of er Interstate Commerce Cbmmis- ;he largest public utility enter- cleaning the city's sewer system 'Rehabilitation, Domestic Prob- and less! The time has arrived when we have to ask our general them will be reassigned before fied representation, so that the A back page of a late New York-Times carried an ac- uction direct from the dream lon regulations have to carry such >rlses..in-the United StatesWf not • . . • • —Photo by Spe&cer has been, inaugurated which will'. lems. Housing. Publicity, and Or- — eader who does not take an interest in politics, to bear itage. Manufacturing profits be- .. Furniture Repaired and election day, and hi each case they extinguishers, and a, recent-..sur- rights of the taxpayers of thein the-near future, bring the sewer ganization.. count of the expanded bendjtts recently inaugurated by the one of the'lafgest in the world. Careless use of -matches, according to the Fire Department, Third Ward would be protected. ;in when multiplied copies of an 1 were" lntbrmea 'that it would be •ey indicates that truck drivers use system to a higher peak of effl- vith' us a few .weeks while our columns are taken up to a Befinlshed The consolidation of various public was the cause of the fire at 1493-95 Main street, Saturday evening. United-States Medical Service,-Inc., a prepaid medical nvention start coming off the as- necessary for them to come down hem to save other people's cars Three youngsters, Richard, 7, Lance. 4 and Bruce Munson, 2. who Other Speakers :iency. care organization sponsored by the Medical Society of the greater extent than ordinarily with subjects relating to embly line, but mass production to the Court House in Elizabeth. .bout as often as they do to pro- utility companies in New Jersey were asleep at the time, were rescued by Jack McGrath, right Other speakers were City Chair- \ '.'. Chair Calnlnr tnrklpi

U \ :;i',- BATES—Z centi per Word WANT ADS ACCEPTED TO S 1 m m advance, minimum SECOND P. M. THE DAT BEFORE REMJBEPAI urn const"" cents. Lower ra^fo RAHWAY'S HOME NEWSPAPER PUBLICATION. THESE • • "™lU" HOME FROM •* * * more times without SECTION ADS CASH IN ADVANCE. **«><* rate 2% The Rahway Record FOR OVER A CENTURY CHTBE OASSIFIEO Use The Classified Ads For Results [The Rahway Record Painting,-Decorating- ~^Articles~For Sale"" ^Poultry Houses To Let - Wanted To Rent BAHWAY, N. J., THURSDAY, OCTOBER 18, 1945 Telephone Rahway 7-0606 "Th» Home Newtptper" 47 Furnished - HARDY BLUEBERRY PLANTS— MODERN APARTMENT, BUNGA- REVOIR & DITMARS PAINTERS BOYS. TWO, 16 YEARS OR early bearing, large berries. DUCKS. CORN FED, 8 AND 10 57 •I ''.;: The Sen Classified Raspberry plants bearing 3 times lbs. in weight. Will deliver. Rah- low or small house, unfurnished t ••;••' and paperhangers. 974 Broad over. No experience necessary FIVE ROOMS AND BATH FUR- or furnished, to rent in best resl- Skipper" Gets His Ship Flower Show Teachers' Association Planning First Bapils Street. Telephone Rahway 7- 40 hour week. Rudy's Armature a year. For sale now!! Also way 7-3019-J. Oct. 11 4t nlshed house, all conveniences. MILTIARY yount! pcoi for sale—soup chickens. Mrs. detnlal section Rahway. May 2684 Aug. 31 tf Service 333 Epst Grand Avenue. Couple only. 6 months period. consider purchase later. Perma- Second Annual Affair to years of hi Advertising Sept. 13 tf Jos, Dolechek, 2097 Montgomery For Home, School Coordination PAINTING. INSIDE AND OUT- Desire Interview. Avenel section. nent. Will furnish highest ref- the followii Street, near Merck's. FRESH EGGS Woodbridge 8-1609-M, Friday or Be Held Sunday Edson Su INFORMATION slde. Also paperhanging. Rea- erences. Will take immediate SERVICE A preliminary meeting, under Salina Mingus; Miss Margaret Oct. 11 2t Sunday. possession. Write full particulars Garden clubs, groups, and indi- Robert Ku] sonable. Joseph Varanay, Oak Milk-Fed viduals-interested-in-entering-the -the~inisj>lces-of the'RatranyTeach^ Hughes:"""Mrsr Gerfrude~GIJbud;F" Box mmaberi -will be Tree Road, Iselin. Phone Me- MEN WANTED to Record Box 431, or call Rah- Schoeffler; KlverUseis not wishing to make MANURE — CHCKEN MANURE, Second-Annual Flower Show to ers' Association, in cooperation Mrs. Evelyn Moss; Mrs. Daisy Con- '.. The class, w tuchen 0-1791-J. For Afternoon Shift -no-litter, 40cHaushel^—Will-de- n—their—Identity. For—Uiis be held at the Trailslde Museum with Arthur L. Perry, Superin- gleton; Mrs. Olga Wolfe, Miss """morning. is~ _charge. Oct. 11 3t -liver, —Rahway—7-3019-J: ROASTERS ^ Real Estate Brokers UNFURNISHED FIVE OR SIX on Sunday, may secure rules and tendent of Schools, was held in SPOT-WELDE-R?; BROILERS - FRYERS Anne Hunsicker; Mrs. H. B. A Goraswor The Rahway Record reserve* POINTING. INSIDE AND OUT- Oct. 11 2t II room house or apartment in or Ens. Walter Evans regulations covering this event, by the high school last Thursday for tec. headed FRICASSEE CHICKENS way High School and was em- Springer; Mrs. George R. Miller the right to edit or reject any side. also plastering. First class PUNCH PRESS OPER. near Rahway. Rahway 7-0620-R. Ens. Walter F. Evans, Jr., USNR, ployed at the Morgan Gas Station. writing to the park commission, the purpose of discussing School- lias planned CCL FREEMAN A SON Oct. 4 3t Box 231, Elizabeth, or by contact- Home interrelationships and ln-and Mrs. F. Hausman. October 7. classified advertising. All ads work. Joseph Komyate, 1271 STORM SASH 1044 Pierpont street, witnessed the His wife, formerly Miss Genevieve must conform to The Record Pierre Street Telephone Rah- SHEAR OPERATORS '15c 1L). dressed Real Estate and Insurance astonishment of Jap harbor pilots Ing local garden clubs. tdraependencles. John Cooper. Planning Committee.. TWO TICKETS FOR THE RAH- Sovchek, and daughters, Frances —Fol!ovrtn£"the~"discussion, Mr.: Ho type and classification standards. way 7-0621-J. Oct. 11 4t COMBINATION DOORS Established 1893 ihen -.they_sasL_thJs_cniiser_ at-the -Mary -and- Carol Ann, reside Ribbon awardS-will be made in President or the Association, oc- All orna: Errors must be reported after BRAKES-HANDS _ W. JENFJL Wb~. 1*69 Irving St^Thear Cherry BIT —way Theatre-have been leftfor surrender ceremonies off Ominato class, and the outstanding cupied. the.Chair. The.objective Cooper, named a planning com- supervision PAPEKI.VG A N D PAINTING. All sizes in stock. Lowest prices. Raritan Road, Clark Township Rev. John Hauser, 150 Elm Ave- —Japan. y exhibit of-the show will receive a of this meeting and subsequent mittee for future activities. Rep- first Insertion as the publisher will Telephone Rahway 7-0050 Capt. James R. C. Cook |j-f.sentlng the Ti-nchprs' Assorla- Board of C not be responsible for more than Matthew Yorke. 1741 Essex St. ASSEMBLERS Will call at^ j^our Jiome and _| Rahway 7-2184 ~nue™Just "bring this ad toTlie The Japs at various times in the tri-color ribbon. Entries will be ac- ones, is to' determine ways of of Mrs. Jasc Bahaay_7^0333-M m .UlCl-J.. — tuki' iiiuilbui anents".'" Record office before October 25. i..,. --,,-*, »» .»wUuo .Ui.Ea iii LIH I Captoapt. . Jamejamess RK. .C U. .Cook COOK, ,o of f 1294 cepted on Saturday, from 2 to 5 1 tion are: Superintendent Perry, -ODe-inconect- insertion. LIVE BROILERS AND ROAST- JBITY, RENT, -IRADE^INSDRI brlnging^tHe schooland-the"hoaifr M. Arthur E~ Oct. 18 4t IIAJND GRINDERS -la5«hree-years-han«-Rl—h— CORDON'S TUHWAY phone Rahway. 7-0493-J. m-rat whictrtlnre IKe judging" will ticipating group felt that, with the [KocTi£ri-C"o6p£i^-Jiiiss—Young-and vrmhfr 12. PAINTING. INTERIOR AND EX-MATERIAL HANDLERS 105-West Mllton-Ave^-Nesr-EUa Newark Army Air Field -where- .^ Yothers. The following parents- Announcements Oct. 18 2t SantaJCruz, in October. 1942. Then received an tionorable "discharge take place. cessation of hostilities, the minds with R -t^rkjrr -Estimate, given. Chillies BUILDEJ^SUPPLYCQ. —Telephone..JBahway-7-1333 1 Judges will serve on the committee: Mrs. -PHONES USED REGULARLY F. Sahs. 930 Lec^"He Avenue: off Guadalcanal, at Taro, at Sal- from the U. S. Army, according to of both the school personnel and - ninii; will l«— LABORERS 280 St. George Avenue Fob 8 tf pan, and at Okinawa the Gray Judges for the event are: Mrs.the-pa rents -have—tcnronHT'exTeriE Wolfe; Mrs. Congleton; Mrs. Mil- Tbe Rahway BeconL R. 7-06M Rn>m-av 7-0578-M End of Jaques Ave. word received from the Separation ler; Mrs. Clarence__Ward;--MrSs- Part of t-he 1 Rooms Without Board WANTED HOUSES, LOTS. PROP- KARL MARX Ghost was either hit, or near hit, Center. Capt. Cook entered the G. W. Wright, Mrs. J. M. Wisan, been eased. Both groups,- there- Fire Headquarter* .R. 7-140* Oct. 18 2t Veterans Are Urged To Apply Rahway 7-2280 |jyIrs^yjucent-X..Mullisan, and Mrs. Glrouit;—MrsT"Van Pelt; Mrs. YounK P erties of every description. List prompting the Jap sinking reports! service in May 1941 and served forer-may give more thought and This \vc>ok Police Headquarters. -R. 7-19M Come in and see the job Oct. 11 tf today. Clifford B. Gehrlng, As Japi surrender emissaries- yen- Russell A.. Shlrrefs, all of Ellza- Fleischer; Mrs.-Braun, and Mrs. HwplUl JR. 7-MS4 (Rahway Upholstering attention to those school activities Springer. - school young before you take it. SOME FOLKS ^TTH DESIRABLE Real -Estate, Insurance, JStULSJ. ~lareff~t6wafa"fift"flagship of" Vice be_th^.Mrs._Shirxefs_is -also -chair- which were, from necessity, some- atj Oltlce* K. 7-USt Professional Services 30 GAfcLON NEW a'TEAM FUR- rooms, to let,Jhesitate_aboot-Bd-! the pnot_pi-a_Llberator_Bomcer man of the show. The Committee, under"~ Mr; B:ipusi Your Z8 !_ Paid -holidays and V-acations-- -nac«-kQileivHave-changed-ttroll7 : Avenue. .Hah~way_7-Q67iLj "Admiral -JaclrFletCher In" tlieliar- He saw action in the European what curtailed during the war. --«; -Asbusy Jportqfflcc ——.. B. T-1IH vertlsing them. If you are look- Oct. 11 tf Company) bor, their whale boat passed close Although the Flower Show will Perry, will be called together in Telephone Office Railway 7 Official Also pot stove. Very reasonable. ing for a room, try advertising theater of operations for eight Participants - the near future for additional Goldsworthy DAISY MINGST MUSIC STUDIO Excellent Opportunity For Wilson. CO West Emerson Ave- beneath the Pensacola. It was months. He has been awarded the not be open to the public until 3 delegates frc Pnklic Sehooli___ E. 7-170« 1152 New Brunswick Ave.. Steady Employment for lt, giving some informa- here that crew members of _the P.jn.Jhe Museum.Joca'ted In.-the planning. This program is one nue, Railway 7-1071. tion about yourself and the lo- J3istinguished_Hying_Cross, the nursery area of the Watchung phase of the American Education annual sossi Phone Rahway 7-0171. Oot. 18 3t Real Estate Wanted "Cray Ghost" saw the amazement Air Medal with two Oak Leaf Clus- OBciil V. S. Ntrj photo Those taking part in the djs- SECURITY STEEL cation preferred. Apr 16 tf Window-Shades n Reservatiorv.wi'! i/^en at 2p>nv.-j Week-Activities. ' Buptis; Coin Nov 12 tf 66 W« completely re-buiM TOW of the Japs_ that_the Pensacola terstt£P£tdUJters jtt£ Pre£td.enUaJii^iU*iccii^iUi ; z^^Xzri in-additlon to the- above ~ Tirk" nejM \ Special Notices : 3 H?ESirawrt*jrfT8DDEL OF SURRENDER SHIP, U.S.S. MISSOURI A collection of bird eggs, compris- named were as follows: Austin L. PIANO TUNiqNG_ , BED, MATTRESS. SPRING. EURNISHF^ SINGLE EOOMS 1 ; • ShadesTosversed •> -.-.-.-_-.- - x=4:jna tan. ' —•-'•-'"• ittfstffj aiftife- ~'~ " •'*"" Badgewlth one Oak Leaf Cluster, .. Wednesday . ,.. i uuTPSu. commode. 6 chairs, rock- with all conveniences. Reason- HAVE CASn BUYERS FOR ALL Low.it prices on tlip co»« land the European Theater of Op- L. to R: Vies Admiral Randall Jacobs, President Harry S. Truman, ing twc>" "cases, properly labeled, Singer, Supervisor of ' Elementary 11 member "0 ' ANITREPATISNG kinds of houses, bungalows, Secretary of Navy James Forrestal, Fleet Admiral Ernest J. King. some of which date back to 1884,Education; Ralph N. Kocher, Six of the eight "top-priority" ART LESSONS. CLASS OR PRI- TELEPHONE RAHWAY 7-2868 Avenel St. Avenel, N. J. ers, 2 tables, flower stand, music able rates. 1287 Main Street, eration Ribbon with three battle cabinet, ironing board, $15.00. farms, lots, acreage. List your Furniture Repaired and Edw. Mackie & Sons Pfc. Fred Scheitlin stars as well as the American De- has been-4onated tc- the Trallside Princlpal"of High School: Joseph items most home owners intend vate. Children especially wel- Sept. 27 5t Rahway 7-1627. June 22 tf Museum by George Noel His, of come. Rahway 7-3197-J. 331 West Milton Avenue. .Tele- properties with . SctTlns; Northern X. I. Pfc. Fred Scheitlin. 6th Div. U.fense Ribbon. a ceremony at the TJ. S. Naval Hos- D. Person, Vice Principal of High to buy when they are available Reflnlshed kervllle. Upon completion of his marine base in New London. He Watchung.' again In quantity are electrical, ALL STRING INSTRUMENTS, phone Rahway 7-2056-W. LARGE' FURNISHED " ROOM, RAYMOND L. RUDDY, Realtor Tor over 50 years S. Marines, now In- China, spent a pital, San Diego, Calif., the School; Miss D. Grace Smith, Sept. 13 6t Capt. Cook Is married and the leave he will return to F.ort Dix has been overseas 27 months^ They are irons, ranges, Tefrigera- accordian. piano taught easily, AUTOMATIC MACHINE housekeeping facilities. Refrig- 188 E. Grand Ave., Rahway 7-0040 320 SOMEKSET ST.. H.AI.\TIQj| day with Lt. Harry Rugg, formerly father of two children, Jerllyn 3, Eleventh Naval District announced for further assignment. Volk also made three patrols Principal of Grover Cleveland; BACK AGAIN FULL SIZE METAL BED WITH erator. 119 Monroe Street. Rah- of 416 West Meadow avenue, while 305th Signal Corps. He has spent tors. radios, vacuum cleaners and quickly. $5 month at pupil's OPERATORS Phone RAH. 7-0383 Tel. Pfld G-3i74 and James 1, and Is the son of Mr. ;oday. Sgt. Baskerville has been in ser- on the Submarine Scamp, and is Orrin A. Griffis. Principal of Chi VICTOR E. FREY spring and mattress. Good con- way 7-0393-M. HOUSE OF SIX ROOMS, IN OR on Guam. Lt. Rugg invited him to The Letter of Commendation, three years m the service, 21 Franklin; Miss Viola La Forge, washing machines, according to" home. Telephone Rahway 7- dition. Bromm. 820 Jaques Ave- near Railway. Call Rahway 7- and Mrs. Clifford Cook, of Rah- vice for the past three and one- now stationed at Guam. months of which were overseas rh consflwer surveys. Riding School. Parsonage Road. 0211-M. NTEKNAL & EXTERNAL Open evenings by appolntamt eat at the officer's club, and after way. which was awarded by the com- half years and spent 17 months • • • Vice Principal of Roosevelt; Miss Metuchen. Telephone Metuchen nue. 0620-R. Oct. 4 3t his visit, drove Fred back to his mander of the TJ. S. Naval Forces overseas. He has been awarded France, , Luxembourg and GRINDERS • • • T/Sgt. Joseph J. Wyzynski Germany, and has received various Lillian V. Campbell, Acting Teach- 6-1347-J. With miles of coun- 'IANO INSTRUCTIONS, CHIL- WASHING M A CH I N E AND Houses FofSale post In an army Jeep. Sgt. Harold A. Seeman in France-and presented by Capt. the Good Conduct Medal and ing Principal of Lincoln; Miss ' ~trj—made trails,,, Established dren easily taupht in your home C2 T, Sgt. Joseph J. Wyzynski of 4battle stars and citations. HEAT TREATERS electric ironer, in good condi- Pfc. Walter Stnke •Harold A. Seeman, husband of esse W. Allen, (MC) USN, stated wears the ETO ribbon with two Harold avenue, has been honorably Marlon P. Baker, Teaching Princi- BOLEX MODEL H-16 1934. -~ ..or.at. 723 West Grand Avenue. ;hat Bluejacket Crook, while en- battle stars and the Expert Marks- 1551 tion. Mrs. G. L. Orton, 196 Elm 5 ROOM HOUSE, BATH, HEAT, • Pfc. Walter Stuke, 6th Div. U. S. Mrs. Muriel Elizabeth Seeman, of, discharged from the Army at the Frank W. Denton pal of Columbian; Lee R. Yothers. Oct. 4 9t Telephone Railway 7-3114-W. Marines, met his ~step-*rother, :aged In shuttling equopment manship badge. Head of Science Department; Miss The Peer of all Motion Picture Oct. 11 3tFURNACE OPERATORS Avenue. Telephone Railway 7- 1 car garage. Near Merck's. Jersey City, has been promoted to ] AAF Separation Unit, of Mitchel Frank W. Denton, of 1163 Cameras for amateur photogra- WINDOW CLEANING 0360. RAYMOND L. RUDDY, Realtor Fred Scheitlin, on Guam after, the sergeant from corporal while serv- across the Rhine River, was ad- He is a graduate of Rahway Field, N. Y., after 38 months of Mary Young, Association Treas- phy. For iale by /ised by Army Far Shore beach, Mooney place, now in the Mer- Stores, Office, Residences ABORERS 188 E. Grand Ave., Rahway 7-0040 battle of Okinawa. He will be dis- ing with the 505th Military Police High School and was employed by service. An engineer-gunner he chant Marine, returned last week urer: Miss Anne Vail, Association Screens & Storm Windows LADY'S CLOTH COAT, SIZE 4*4, charged on points within 5 weeks. Battalion in the city of Vienna, attendants to secure his boat as Quinn & Boden prior to his en- saw 18 months of action in Italy Secretary; Mrs. William Gettler; VOSS—1548 Main St. Help Wanted almost new $15. 1452 Jefferson enemy shellfire was increasing. He trance into the service. to California to resume his duties MI-OWNE TIME KEEPERS SEVERAL 5-G-7 ROOM AND 2 He has received the purple heart Austria. and was a prisoner of war for 12 in the service. Mrs. E. R. Braun; Mrs. Grayce Avenue. family houses—all sections of with a gold star for his second His parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. W. was undeterred and continued • * * months. He wears the Air Medal Fleischer; Mrs. H. Van Pelt; Mrs. WINDOW KLEANING KO. shuttling equipment without fear Telephone Elizabeth 2-5491 COST CLERK FOR MANUFAC- NEEDED AT ONCE Rahway wound during battle. He- was Seeman, make their home at 445 William S. Volk, S 1/c and 4 Battle Stars. BOY'S BICYCLE, 26 INCH. wounded on the 6th, and returned or hesitation and with disregard Oct. 4 tf turlng plant, experienced pre- BJack and white. Brand new RAYMOND L. RUDDY, Realtor •Maple avenue. After completing his fourth suc- • • • VETERANS ARE URGED 183 E. Grind Ave., Rahway 7-0040 to the fight, and was wounded r his own person. ferred but not necessary. Should tires. $27. 760 Nicholas Place. ,. Sergeant Seeman has been over- The Purple Heart Medal •was, cessful patrol aboard, the Subma- PaulC. Howard WANTED TWO RIDERS TO be able to type. 40 hour week. again on the 7th. . seas since September, 194.4. and TO APPLY S4000 awarded for a broken rib incurred rine TJ. S. S. "Sliversides shortly Paul C. Howard, with- U. S. share expenses on trip to Honda Pleasant surroundings. Take 54 GIRL'S BIKE: GOOD CONDI- -_.«-•»—•• • " ~" — has received battle participation before Japan's surrender, William in comfortable car. Leaving Oc- 1710-12 Lawrence Street, 2 when his boat was knocked out of. Army, now in Europe, has indi- *WHyN0T DECIDE NOW AM) bus. National Chair Co., Inc., COME IN — WE WILL BE tion; 28": asking $20. Call morn- Automobile, Floor Surfacing Repairs Pvf. Alfred D'Addario stars for the Rhineland and Cen- S. Volk, Jr., Signalman 1st class, cated in a cablegram to his par- tober 22, Woodbrid£f:.8-1609-M. Walnut Avenue and Valley Rd., apts, 3 rooms and bath each. ' Pvt Alfred D'Addario, of 1275tral European Campaigns. :ontrol and thrown against a PLEASED TO SHOW YOU' ings, 1034 jaques Avenue-Rah-. 2 apts, 4 rooms and bath "each- son of Mr. and Mrs. William S. ents, Mr. and Mrs. Randolph L. Clark Township. Railway. -Main street, lfl at the Newton D. • • • • bridge due to bursting shells and THE JOB BEFORE! _YOU Lot 208 deep—City 1 block. Rahway Brake Service^ Volk of 768 Harrison street, re- Howard, of 1654 Church street, TAKE IT. O'NEIL FLOOR ELECTEICl Baker General Hospital, Martins- Warren L. Crook, BM 2/c ;he swift current. ceived-a-third star in-lieu-of~four- Lost Income S64 Taxes $14 per mo. Complete Automotive Repair -Mis mother, -Mrs. -Magdalene' that-he expects to be home some- TWO COAL AND TWO KERO- SURFACING CO. .-t>urg,.-West-Virginia for treatment. Two—combat decorations — combat insignias for his participa- time in November. l—senebroodersr-500-oapacity-each-.- L A. DIERS_346_W—Graiid-Ave- —and Electric Service To-All— MOTOR Crook, resides at 126 Kwer avenue, Help^Wanted Female. HYATT-BEARINGS V Sept. 6 2t OLD FI.OOUS MADE LIKE NEW ^e served^overseas four months ln-f^onunradation Ribbon and the tion. • • • S3 Parlor coal heater. Large spray Makes Of Cars Scraping irad Rtflnlaliliic with the 9th. Infantry Purple Heart Medal—were pre- Newark, and his wife,"Mrs. Michael DIVISION OF , . ... Genuine Parts U«ed Crook, .formerly .pi^HpUis, Long The Sliversides has 43 sunken Gloria Welshaopt, SJC 2/c gun with tank and 25 feet of • - $8,000 1S1 MONBOB ST.. «AHW.»Y> Wf-»w L. wears UM> axtctfl,.Warren ;i. Crook. -34, ships to her credit t«sldes-other Gloria W. Welshaupt. SS, 2/c, Auto Service GENERAL MOTORS • hose. All metal baby crib. Rah- 1263 MATN ST; RAH. 7-1511 PHONE RAHWAY. J-0451-W itar and" the Pur- Island, lives to Rahway. 326-328 LOWER ALDENT DRIVE j. wrtnomue nor and tne Par-J Boatswain's'-.Boatswain's • Mate Second Class,! • • • heroic deeds of picking up aviators, daughter of Mrs. Richard Wels- GIRLS way 7-2184. Duplex—4 rooms and tiled Heart. Be attended the Rah-' USNR, of Rahway and Newark, In RARTAN ROAD, CLARK TWP. General Repair/ Cpl. Roscoe D. Conklin, Jr. etc. haupt of 752 East Milton avenue, BETTER NOT NEGLECT THESE bath and 5 rooms and tiled • Fuel Oil Volk is a graduate of Rahway has received an honorable dis- very important services to your For Light, Pleasant NEW JERSEY SUBSCRIBE NOVVJTO ANY EXPERT WORKMANSHDl Cpl. Roscoe D. Conklin. Jr.. 136 MAGAZINE bath. Separate steam fur- High School where he was a stu- charge from the "Waves. Miss HAPPY FAMILY? automobile. Have us change all ALL WORK GUARANTEE) I Elm avenue,_recenOy; at the Army Factory Work Reader's Digest .._ 1 yr. $2.75 naces. Corner lot 58x101. In- Moving dent with high standing. Before Weishaupt entered Hunter College. summer oil and grease to come $85. Air Forces Cqnyajgij0|jfc-g^^u«>!p .'oronet 1 . 2.75 PREMIER QUALITY RAHWAY B jia-entered—the'armed forces he New -York City7-rn-t943r-FuTther Veedol winter grade and lubri- ifo. JSxperlence Necessary JANITOR WANTED _ yv Plattsburg Barfacrar Plattsburg, Apply"Ttahway N'ational Bank Newsnwfic • .iVyxJ 3.75 H. A. DIERS, 346 >V- Grandd;^. was employed by Koos Brothers. training was in Bloomington, Ind., ~cate™the chassis," check tires • ' Sept. 20 tf M. GrCLENDENNY "Electric Motor Repair] New York, was honorably dis- Volk has been in the armed in storekeeping. She worked in the and battery, flush radiator and P. S. Bus 32 runs within half Saturday Evening charged from the service last Fri- Post '..'...;. 2 yrs. 6 00 Premier Oil & Gasoline Moving and Storage 1653 Irvine St forces for "three years and four Supply Office at the Puget Sound refill with anti-freeze solution. block of factory. : $3800 day. months, following training at New Navy Yard prior to her discharge. We do the job right. Schwart- °Uiers 2 yrs. 5.00 1922-24 Barnett Street, Supply Co. Courteous Careful Experienced J WMC Rules observed Money To Loan American 2 yrs. 5.00 uf cuicutjo aird" ing s Tydol Service, Irving and rooms and hath, part improve- - Rh1263 ModeEmployeem Equipmens t S/Sgt. Earl BaskerrUle New London, and also in Califor- Pfc. Joseph F. Gallagher ments. two car garage. Lot All Loads Insured S/Sgt. Earl Baskervllle, of 188 nlaand Australia. He voluntered TINGIEYllELlANCE" Vogue : 2 yrs._ 9.00 . _55xl62. Income $50., Taxes SERVICE Pfc. Joseph F. Gallagher^ son of Uonej to Loin Phones Bah. 7-09?3r-7-1239-J EAS V - T ilOR - >1 A Y Bayddck~~streeT, is spending "a 51- Y6TsubmarFrie"servl"ce" while at the Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Gallagher, of Men and Women Ma'demoisclle '.jfyrs. 5.00 $7.40 per month. i 965 ST. RUBBER CORPN. On Bond and Mortgage QUALITY FUEL OILS 172 WEST INMAN AVENUE and all other mnkrs day leave with his sisters, Mrs. Ed- .2187_SL_George_avenue,-has-been- Autos For Sale Hyer * Armstrong adies Home Journal, 3 yrs. 4.00 H. A. DIERS American Home „ 3 yrs. 3,QQ I wlh~BIount~ana~Mlss"Sylvia~Bas- his advanced training at the sub- honorably discharged from the With or Without Experience 903-Ross_Street,_Rahway Rahway-Nfttlorjftl-Bank 34fi-W«st-Grand-Avfh -REPAIRED- si Better Homes & —METER~SEKVICE~~ Ulll Call anil Drllvrr 1940 DE LUXE PONTIAC SIX July 12 tf Building. Rahway. N. J. ON THE VVATER/RONT, SE- BAHWAY 7-3042-W 2 door sedan. Radio, heater, de- Garden 3 yrs. 3.00 Monuments WOMAN FULL OR PART TIME Mortgage Money Available f waren—1st floor living room, ALDEN FUEL OIL CO. froster. A-l condition. Rahway L e 2 yrs. 8.50 dining room, sunparlor, kitchen 7-2184. Good pay. Bauer's, Irving St. KAGAN & GURKIN Your local agency has every RAH. 7-2591 ' Sept. 20 tf 1494 Irving St., Adjoining magazine printed. Call Westfield and lavatory; 2nd floor, tile Mxnnrnrerjts ancTTHarkers -Use<£-Glothing—-|—) "Railway" 8avltijEs"Ban1f~BuIHlSir rurorcTef tne magazine you "BaTh, 2 large TJelroonTsTTsrrmlT For All Cemeteries WANTED EXPERIENCED want. Remember, magazines make bedroom, large closets, sun- AK-WfiflfftHlff Contracting Rahway. N. J. HOLLYWOOD WE WANT TO BUY woman for general housework Oct. 21 tf excellent Xmas Gifts! porch. Dry cellar, oil burner, RALPH L. SMITH 12 by the week. Call Rahway 7- steam heat, lot 108x225, 2 car MONUMENTAL CO. MEN'S CLOTHHO CASSELL PUBLISHERS FUEL OILS Highest cash prices paid. Oil Have You A Servant Problem .- For Morning and Afternoon Shifts ROOFING AND REMODELING 2583-W. Oct. 11 3t SERVICE garage. Price $9,000. H. A. MAIN OFFICE & PLANT: Diers,'346 West Grand Avenue. Oil Burners - Service Opposite Hollywood Cem. In person or phone. CARL B. HODGE RE LIABLE MIDDLE-AGED Westfield, New Jersey 713 EAST SCOTT AVENUE Articles For Sale Motor OH and Greases 168 Stuyvesant Ave.. "Union Applebaum The Tailor! Interesting light work in pleasant surroundings woman for steady, full time USED WALKER-TURNER OR $5000 Unionville 2-1379 or, A Problem Servant? RAHWAY 7-2116-W position at general housework. a 201-5 Main Street, two four 444 W. Grand Ave. RA. 7-2228 1480 Main St. Rah. 7-0UU| Aug 30 tf Delta 10-lnch circular saw in BRANCH DISPLAY: Sleep in or 'out. Inquire Mr. MRS. JAMES McCOLLUM, FINE good condition. Call after 7 p. room arid bath apartments, Opposite St. Gertrude Cem. That, friends, is a difference with a distinction. GENERAL CONTRACTOR. SPE- Marple, at Rahway Record. furniture and rugs at wholesale m. Carteret 8-5659. two extra rooms in attic, stove Oct. 11 3t prices. Hand painted glffc. Of- heat. Two stores, income $80. Locksmith 894 W. Inman Ave Rahway Window Cleaning With the one you're up in the air . . . with the clalizing in concrete and water Rahway 7-1651 proofing: also carpenter work. fice 34 West Emerson Avenue. USED 4 PC. MAHOGANY BED- taxes $21 per month. other-you-'reout-on a limb-.-.-, with both-the con- —room_suite;-also-7-plece~walnut Both_offleesiopen_BtaU_tbnes_ —S. Lembo, 2-Hayes-Avenue, Eliz- Telephone Rahway-7-2993-Rraf- KEYSTOR R. H. SCHMTTT ter 5 P. M. dining room suite. $100 for both, TllANK St ALFRED PORTE, fusion would be almost too horrible to contemplate. abeth. Elizabeth 2-0063. WOMEN 346 West Grand Avenue Proprietors and excellent opportunity for permanent employment Aug 30 6t or will sell separately. 51 Sabo A MILLION LOCKS! MI-OWNE In either event good old Dembling's can help-you ALL KINDS OF FURNITURE. ICE Street, across.from WOR towers, THERE ARE TWO TICKETS TO out. ALL KINDS OF ROOFING WORK INSPECTORS "boxes, kitchen cabinets and East Railway. the Railway Theatre waiting for EXPERT REPAIRS ON Window Kleaning Ko,l done, also sash cords renewed. kitchen sets, couches, beds, Mrs. C. C. Cowie, 259 Elm Ave- LOCKS. BIKES, SAWS, ETC. Have work done now, before springs, kerosene heaters and REGULATION PING-PONG nue. Bring this ad to The Rec- Stores—Of flees—Residents J For the servantless home there's our frequent de- WANTED table in good condition $15 ord office before October 25. LUFBERRY cold weather. Estimates given. stoves. Baby chairs, carriages, ANTHONY'S BIKE Screens taken-doirn. livery" service ... our ready-to-eat delicatessen PAID HOLIDAYS and VACATIONS A. W. Dessewffy, 1242 Bryant play pens. etc. "We buy and sell Telephone Rahway 7-0658. anything." Rahway Furniture & KEY SHOP MEMORIALS Storm windows html. items . . . our ready-to-cook frosted delicacies Wholesome meals at low prices—In our modern cafeteria on the premises Street. Phone Rahway 7-3160-R. AT Order for fall work not. Oct. 4 4t Exchange, 1482 Main Street. Wanted To Buy - 1537 IRVING ST. Large Display Guaranteed • . . our helpful suggestions on meal planning. Rahway 7-2918. Apr. 5 tf Free Tickets To Certified Barre, Vermont Tel. Elizabeth 2-5491 CARPENTRY — REMODELING PHONE RA. 7-H98 Granite And a problem servant is_no longer a problem wuh_ ONCE 47-Elm-Streeti EtttaWh- and repairs. Hardwood floors, CINDERS FURNITURE. CARPETS, ICE (Over 25 Years In Rahway>_ Dembling's fine foods, liquors and thoughtful serv- —For-driveway-or--fill-In pur— Confidence!) CEMETERY boxes, lawn mowers, youth beds, ( 1754 Montgomery St, E ice at the other end of your telephone. Fulton Street, Railway 7> —Come in, t»» Uio job betore- poses. $1 yard. cntw; porcri—wiefcer furaiturer1 MONUMENTS Decide Tonight: Apply Tomorrow 2043-M". Sept. 27 4t OLIVER SUPPLY CO. Kitchen cabinets, kitchen sets! BEAD THE WANT ADS FRANK L. ASZMAN, Pres. T you take it. 1679 Elizabeth Avenue wardrobes, kerosene and coai If you're not already familiar with Dembling s7~a~ ALL KINDS OF WORK DONE— Telephone Rahway 7-3020 If you find your name listed B. S. MOORE, Sr. Salesmanager painting, paperhanging, roofing, June 14 t: stoves and heaters. Baby car- good time to start would be NOW . . . and a good riages, desk, chairs and all baby for free tickets, clip out the ad 2107 Lufberry St., Rah. 7-2689 siding, etc. Estimates given. A. and present it personally any GET THE MOST OUT Family on Lufberry Street item to start with might be Poolet, 1630 Essex Street. Call HYATT CORD WOOD FOR FIREPLACE, furniture, "We buy and sell any- week-day before 5:00 P. M. at furnace and kitchen stove thing." Rahway Furniture Ex- OF YOUR OIL —BE Three Generations M, G. Clendennf| This boy or one of his playmates may shape the datiny of America some day, Rahway 7-2885-J. Oct. 11 3t ROLLER BEARINGS the office of Is Ready to Give Prompt Cut to any length. Order now change, 1482 Main Street. Rah- THE may even change the course of world history. Or perhaps some great scientific GENERAL CONTRACTOR SPE- DIVISION OF for next wlnterrTelephone Rah- way 7-2918. Apr. 5 tf SURE YOUR BUR- Efficient Service on Delicious cializing in floors, roofs and GENERAL MOTORS way 7-1062. Aug 23 8 discovery or invention that benefits all mankind may spring from his brain. Or his kitchen cabinets. Estimates given. WANTED ELECTRIC REFRIG: NER IS OPERATING Oil Burners MOVING heart may be big enough to make him a great humanitarian, a great teacher or PLYWOOD IS AGAIN AVAIL erator immediately, in good Rahway Record 78 East Hazelwood Avenue. Rah- RARITAN ROAD, CLARK TWP, Tickets not redeemabV' for AT TOP EFFICIENCY and devout religious leader. Whatever be bis future, bis soul will have the comfort and way 7-0935-M. able in various sizes and thick- vorkinR-Condition. Phone Rah- LAND O' LAKES Security Steel Saturdays. Sunday and lift of music—in his Ibours of happiness, in bis days of doubt and discouragement. Oct. 11 3t NEW JERSEY nesses. We are ready to supply way 7-2267. holidays. DO NOT NEGLECT YOUB your needs. C. J. Newmeyei STORAGE Eviscerated, Frosted For truly no life is lived without both sunshine and shadow, without joy anil THERE ARE TWO TICKETS TO Lumber Co., 1697 Elizabeth Ave- No Tickets Given Without Ad Have It inspected and OIL BURNER ALL LOADS INSURED sorrow. Whether president, doctor, engineer, farmer or city worker those men and YOUNG GIRL WANTED TO AS Itave It Inspected Regularly the Rahway Theatre fo? Mrs sist with/, housework, afte: ^•nue, Rahway 7-0300. Declares Dividends necessary adjustments and women who have Urtrned to love music in their youth find deep satisfaction and P. A. Hall, 931 Pierpont Street. Now To Saturday school. • Call Rahway 7-1835-R, Sept. 20 t: The Board of Directors or Pub- Betty Hutton cleanfiie done reeularly. Premier Oil & Gasoline BROILERS and FRYERS diversion in listening to its harmonies and melodies. And to have mastered the art Bring this ad to The Record of- lic Service Corporation of New We Are Specialists On fice before October 25. ONE BED COMPLETE, FULL Arturo dc Cordova Supply Co. . and technique of playing a musical instrument when young is one of the greatest SALES GIRLS WANTED. BOOK. Jersey declared Tuesday the regu- "INCENDIARY BLOND" New Brunswick Avenne and r Equipment Corp. -sources of-hsppinessl in-iniddI»-or-later-lifeTr^S e^haU-be-pleased-to*aBs1it you in~ keeper wanted. Permanent. At' size. 3 charcoal barrels. 1—27 lar quarterly dividends for the Clarkson St. Rah. 7-1263 PIANO MOVING gallons. 2—15 gallons, grinder & n Technicolor choosing a piano for those whose musical education is of interest to you. tractive hours and pay. Inquin fourth quarter of this year of $2 — Plus — and ' Special Services at H. Robinson Hardware am still presser. Cheap. Rear 458 per share on the 8 per cent Cumu- West Scott Avenue. Oct. 4 3 Lee Tracy—Brenda Joyce - Premier Oil & REFRIGERATOR House-Furnishing. 1527 Main lative Preferred Stock; $1.75 on "I'LL TELL THE WORLD" AVENEL STREET Street. the 7 per cent Cumulative Pre- — Years of-Experience "The Mutic Center of New Jertey" CURTAINS LAUNDERED AND OIL HEATER, TWO BURNER Gasoline Sup. Co. RAHWAY 7-0499 finished. Straight curtains 50 in good condition 1592 Irving ferred; $1.25 on the no par value 3 Days, Sun., Mon., Tucs. ' S5 Cumulative Preferred: and the "ALONG CAME JONES" NOTICE cents per pair. Call Rahway 7- Situations Wanted Street, top floor right, evenings New Brunswick Ave. and Groceries^... Liquors Delicatessen AVENEL NEW JERSEY 0024-J. Sept. 6 6t Oct. 11 2 regular monthly dividend for De- — Also — Tour Ad In This Directory 172 WEST DJMAN AVR GRIFFITH PIANO COMPANY Female cember of 50c per share on the 'THE STRANGE AFFAIR OF Clarkson Street Will Be Read By Thou- Rahway MOVING. TRUCKING AND DOUBLE BURNER OIL HEATER 6 wr cent Cumulative Preferred, UNCLE HARRY" sands of Folks 739 WEST GRAND AVENUE STEIIWAY REPRESENTATIVES ploughing. W. J. Conroy, 1308 in excellent condition. Very rea all payable on or before December RA. 7-1263 PHONES: The plant Is easily accessible by Pennsylvania Railroad or Public Service buses 48 or 54. •Starts Wed. Thru Sat. You Want As 605 BROAD STREET, NEWARK 2, NEW JERSEY erce 8treet, Rahway 7-3178. WOMAN DESIRES DAYS WORK sonable. Call at 1991 Eond 15 to stockholders of record No- Customers Rahway 7-0923—7-ia "RAHWAY'S BUSIEST LITTLE STORE' Oct. 4 3t Call Railway 7-29G7-J. Str-.-c'.. Rahway. Oct. 11 2tverr.'oer 15. "VALLEY OF DECISION" .'•1.1


RAHWAY RECORD THURSDAY, OCTOBER 18, 1945 PAGE urrenl Attractions at Rah way, Empire and NeighboringTheatres

Gty Legal Science couldn't open the Pull- iPLcklalbotFor man window, so it air-conditioned, [the lialu. • Public Sale Gold Key Society to accordance with R. S. 40:60-26, and a resolution paased bv the Com" council of the City of Rahway. at a regular meeting heldI on OcSbe'r The Scni D Richard H. Talbot, son of Mr. TODAY, FRI.. SAT., OCT. 18-19-20 First Bap'.is City of Rahway will offer for sale at public auction to the hlehcat and Mrs. Duncan A. Talbot, 1034 Greer GARSON—Grefory PECK iirr. on Monday, the 29th day of October. 1945. at 1000 A M atthnrff? young pcoj the reiver of Taxes of the City of Rnhway New" "rsey tl,c j MIdwood drive, was named to the years of hli "Valley of Decision" ring described lands and premises:— ""»«:>. me Peddle Gold Key Society at an 2:00, 7:10. 9:30 the foKovrtl Appro*. election held recently. He is the snt. 1:00, 3:5:s. G:.w, 9:25 Eds on Str Location Frontage Iouxth-of-his-fami!y-to-be-a-mern— Robert Kul Sycamore Street South side "Boogie Woogie" —100 ft. mnrp nr W9 Jr^t ber of the honorary service organ- with Unlit. BENCII1.KV Selioeffler: of Madison Avenue ization. His three brothers—Dun- A ~TWft nlrolor ~"MU sTTal The class, 98 Ft. 1:3.-. - 9:2.-> Term!; nnd conditions of sale on nte at the Office or Receiver of T.I«" can, class of '40; John, class of '41 Sat. 3:15, G:10. 9:0.'> lyHcll, 1470 Campbell Street. RahwSy. New Jersey "ecener or Taxes, and Edward, class of '41—were Sun.. Mon.. Tnen., Oct. 21-22-23 SAMUEL R. MORTON, John C:\KFIF.I.D, F.lranor PAKKER City Clerk. also members of the society. Oct. 18-25 Junior Class Member "Pride of the Marines" !:l.-.. .-:30. 8:43 Talbot. a member of the junior Mon.. TUPS., >::\a, H:.10 class, entered Peddie in 1943. He I.KON rilRDI. Notice ' previously attended the Lin- "Mamma Lovesi coln ami Roosevelt Schools In 1:00. 1:1.1. 7:30. 10:00 ynlA JEKSRY B: Fabier; as surviving Direc- Rahway. Mon.. Till--... 1:30, 7:l.-i, )0:OQ THURSDAY, OCTOBER 18, 1945 'LEAJTDER B. PABER, as survlv- tor and Trustee of Ptcton Park Com- ol Mrs. Jasc- Din't-tor nnd Trustee of Plrtnn n ml'tilfisolvod-aoFporat-iou-ofl ' tne~ -t—Since—"en'terms Feddie "he has NTAItTM \VKI>. M. Arthur B Park Company, a dissolved cor- State of New- York, are made de-? been JV letterman on the '44-45 C'OKNKM. tflLUK |Natiohar~Honor°Society paciLion of tne__Stntc oLJlre iendant-becausc-you are the surviving I socer team, letterman on jhe "A Thousand and One Nights* jQffice^News GeraldjJBpveli Is yori. ISAAC- D. ROSENBEHQ. director of Plcton Park Company, a Claudelte Colbert will bejjack T!:!.". — 111 Cillnri— H::i.T vember 12. "Reporter Interviews A. Klnimick; E3itoriaTStaf To'Sponsor Assembly and MRS. ISAAC D.ROSENBERG: dissolved corporation of the State df| Iresnman-sophomore basketball * :— •- m • j IrrGross-Country Moot at the Empire Theatre, in one of team, letterman on the '44-45 James 1)1 NN—.slirlla IIYAN Toe, wilii RT ly virtue of an order of the Court New York, and as such the trustee her most outstanding roles as ii: he' Edltor-In-Chler ...... Joyce Garber By Eileen Maurer .-ma-ry of New Jersey, made on for the liquidation of the remaining baseball team and is now a mem- "Caribbean Mystery" I By Nancy Hanf By Joyce Garber Tractice Teacfier .iv of the date hereof. In ft cause assets of said corporation which ls the heroine of Fannie Hurst's ber of the '45-46 soccer team. pjurt-ofilTe 1 "Local Republican Party Chairman Assistant Editor Nancy Hanf •In Township of Clark In the the owner of record of a portion of "Imitation of Life," filmed by 1:30, 7:15. 10:00 YounK r i The Union High School Cross Feature Editor Eileen Manrer way fp£_the participa- Universal. ; Honor Society held last Wednes- By Joyce Garbcr ir of Union. New Jersey, a the premises mentioned and described This week "By Joyce Garbcr Country Team defeated the Rah- Spotlight Editor Margaret Tltman tion of RahwajnHigH^School stu- icipal corporation of the State or In the said bill: and you. Isaac D. day, George Sherwood, club •ad- Geraia Bovell, the ne!v~pracTKr Jersey. .. l.v _comnlnlnant _ ond_ school young • way Hlfch School Cross Country Faculty Adviser Loy E. Owen dents in the N. J. Juntor Town Rosenberg, are -mode defendant be- SYNOPSIS OF MINTTES OF MEIT- C.uinnlir.ari Anthony Kimmirk viser, told the. members that. they. Meeting or" the Air~" witwJIr~." "T." teacher- irrther muslc~"departmcnt _cr B Paber. as surviving Dl- cause you are the owner of record of Bapast Your Team 36-19. The meet was held would be in charge of the assembly j: nnd Trustee -of Pltrton Park j jijpoxtipn_of _tha 4)r.emises_menUoned- 1NO OF T1IK L.MON COVNTY i.-. besides being a councilman . last Thursday in Warinancp Park. Moncz as the faculty ad^lsar. graduated from Ltndenhurst High "I BOAKI>-OF" CHOSEN—F __nt Asbury program to be held November 14 npany. n dtssolved~corporalIoh~~5T and described In the said bill! and ti'ulii'the Tilth ward, the chairman j Edwin Haff placed second in the pur fii"st appearance will be School, Lindenhurst, New York State of New York, and others are you. Mrs. Isaac D. Rosenberg, are KKOII.AH MF.KTINd HKLII, OC1O- Betty Hutton portrays Texas Goldsworthy in honor of National Education and. is now a senior at Trenton BEIl 11, 1043 t£ Guinan in her latest for Para- of tile Republican City Committee. imeet; Eugene Moran. seventh; EDITORTAIT some date before Christmas at ;ndant5. you are' required to ap- made defendant because you arc the delegates frj: State Teacher'sCollege. and answer the bill of said cocn- wife of Isaac D. Rosenberg, owner of jnount now at Rahway Theatre. /RAHWA Robert Gaydos "nmttn" and-fcee it on or before the 5th day of annual sessi Mr. KiiumTefc is also a mcmJ>er~oT At hlph_ school JMr. record of a portion of the premises Regular meeting of the Union The picture Is "Incendiary m Cliapin tenth. Unfortunately for many, for The poonnarks. How many— r school will combine with two other I tiler next, or the said bill will described in said bill and. therefore, County Board ot Chosen FreehoWerB GARY COOPEE AND LOEETTA YOUNG Bland*'-' itWEochnicolor JMVV*^-. \/ P^ THEATRE Baptist Conv the Union County RepubUtan ex? The Little That Is Good7 active in music and_w may- c': •—r—-ix£: .'-2^-Wght of -0t,»^ , au^.^wsd rom.«..w .Ye blended in- Otong Came' James McGary. AJex Busse, Monday may be red-letter day. times did yon skip doinj your Nv,J^high 'schools jn^jir.Qduping^a^ ^y stars Betty with Arturo de Cor- • Park next it erutive committee. -jManeww* to -••*:..• .trr-it^--- fhe"s.ild bill ls Hied to foreclose a therein: arid by virtue thereof claim beth. N. J., on Thursday, October 11. Jones.". International Pictures' new RKO Radio release, "co-star- dova. Also in the cast "are Barry T Pkefre RAHWAY 7-12! Wednesday, , James Mcliggsji, WUlard-^ VSJI. -Yes:. ' ITSdfeteii. ^*» murfv _4r to have some lien upon or .Interest In ring Gary Cooper and Loretta Young. William Demarest, Dan A tall, pjeasam ioqkint; man. movies? Sure, it's much nicer blning the induction ceremony present, he is secretary of the tain tax sale, certificate now held 1945 at 1:30 P. M. Fitzgerald, Charles Ruggles and NOW TO SATURDAY — 2 HITS n member o I Pelt. Edwin Nash, Ray Savacool, dreaded, much hated report p. m. each Wednesday evening. tic Township of Clark in the the said premises. Duryea and other noted players are featured in this unusual story with brown hair and brown eyes, to sit In the theater looking at with a Christmas party but no Sigma Tau Chi fraternity, presj. Dated: October 4th. 1945-. Director McMane presiding." Roll Bill Goodwin. I Robert Stabl. and Paul Lowman card day. At that time there definite action was taken. Details will be forthcoming at a jnty of Union. New Jersey, Issued call 6howed 9 members present. of the Texas border. Councilman Kimmick. although he I are boys from Rahway who also are many long, gloomy fares Van Johnson or Betty Grable, later date. Students are urged to dent of the college orchestra, a the 16th day of July, 1034, as cer- HYEB & ARMSTRONG. Minutes of the meeting of Sept. 27. The following students attended member of the choir, and a writer bie-No. 20. and which is unre- ^ Solicitors of Complainant, is very active, riots JIOL .speak a. : ran. seen around the high school but that doesn't pass as a good follow the programs on their radios 1945, were approved as per printed 46, Schumann; Recitative and THE RED-HOT SAGA the meeting; Diantha Pattison, for the college newspaper, "The fjpd. covering lands In the Town- 32 Vail Place. copies on the members desks. Bridges. Drainage & Flood Control (rreat deal a! meetings. When he and all sorts of excuses are excuse for unfinished home- each week. The full season pro- of Clyk. In the County of Union Committee. Aria, "Sheep May Safely Graze," OF THE SWEETHEART^ ^*^\'.? j Harriet. Marsh, Carolyn Schoef- State Signal." Rahway. New Jersey. Resolution that all pills approved be does rise to speak, -you can rest heard. ' ' work. In class when the grams guide is posted in the lib- Stiito of New Jersey; nnd you, Fee $26.46 Oct. 11 aax4.-. ordered paid, was adopted. Rahway Safety Council, asking that Vronsky-Babin To Bach: arranged by V. Babin. assured, it'is not "to hear himself teacher explained something, fler, Jane Eimer,_.Ursula Luetgens, rary as well ^ai^material relating Mr. Bovell Is a" member of the Following communications were re- the white centre line In the roadway Symphonic Dances, Opus 45, OF THE TERRIFIC Chi i History DeptGives "Gosh, that teacher is a ter- Joyce Oarber, John Stillwell, Jor- on the-E. Milton Avc.. bridge, be re- talk" but that he really has some- rible marker," "I deserved a were you paying attention or to each "weeks broadcast. This will Stowe singers ol New York. This ceived and ordered Tiled:— placed, was referred to Road Commit- Rachmaninoff. Non Allegro; An- TWENTIES! rhmp important and constructive were you day dreaming, talk- dan Vogel, Michael Semanitzky, serve as background for choice of an organization made' up of peo- State Highway Dept., advising that tee. ar In Newark dante con moto tTempo di Valse); much higher mark." "A.w. I and Jerry Kagan. the civilian route markera whlcli were to say. jColumbusProgramj don't- think she's at all fair." ing, passinr notes, or the like. our program later. ple _liyinB_near New' York. wh3 erected upon the request of the Register, advising Mrs. Florence.B. Lento assai. Allegro Vivace. fc. Red-hot with ^ BETTY "Boy. my parents will give me Before blaming (he teacher, In addition to the above pro- have attended the Trapp family Metropolitan Defense Transport Com- Merz has been out sick for four days Duo-Piano Team Will Eplgraphes Antiques, Debussy; $2 muiic, tool Mr. Ksmmick is chairman of singers' camp In Stowe, Vermont. mittee, are to be removed, was re- and time lfl being deducted-from her "C 17 hit tunei' tile Bmldinc and City Property heck." These are several of you must take all things into vision has already been made for payroll and advising Forrest L. Pool Pour Invoquer Pan, Dieu du Vente Mr. Bovell likes both classical and LET Ui 1EFLATE YOOR ferred to the Road Committee. resigned as Cancellation Clerk, Effec- Play at Mosque with scttingt Hutton 155( In H.S. Auditorium the many excuses traditionally consideration. D. Bender Speaks the high school chorus to render a Tax Board, approving temporary ap- D'Tte; Pour L'Egyptienne^Mili- to match I and the Lamps and Police com- KIMMICK popular music. ~ His favorite class- - tive Sept. 25th. J- ;. : mittees, and he is also a member heard on report card day. No one expect* that every program of Christmas carols at pointment of James J. McCann as It is given to a -few artists to tary March Rhythm, Babin; Cir- ARTURO 1 ical^orchestra is the Boston Sjm- - Special Investigator for 2 months, ef- Sejejith Ward Republican Club, en- By Kilecn Mauror It would be simply heavenly student in Rahway. High or same -date in December. closing resolution regarding a County combine marriage and a career so cus Polka, Stravinsky: Polovetzki of the printing committee. The phony Orchestra; popular, Fred fective Oct. 1. 1945, at a salary of S200 A combined Columbus Day and not to have homework, tests, any other school will get A's To Sr. LatinXliib charitable Institution lor the aged, successfully as is the case with the Dances, from "Prince Igor," Boro- de Cordova improvement of the business area Warlng'sr a month, was referred to the Finance infirm and destitute citizens of the is something which Mr. Kimmick I A Book Reviewed Fire Prevention Program was pre- or report cards, wouldn't It? or A-pluses in every subject. |_ After a number of attempts to Committee. * duo-piano - -team,- .Vronsky i; arranged by V. Babin.- - - • choose a date for the coming sen- Mr. Bovell ,llkes to swim; dance,' {Sheriff, advising flic following cm- County, was ..referred to Public Wol- would like to see. He believes that I sented last Wednesday, in the hiKh We all realize, however, that That just isn't normal. How f •VJS" Babin, appearing in Newark Sun- j€pnceniing Rome ior class play "Kempy"—it has arch, and participate in other such pfdyeea are due for a salary-lnored^ri: Thin and porous mats of bonded the jioor parking conditions should j By Nancy Hanf ' school auditorium under the direc- these things are just not pos- ever, it is possible to sec thut of'8100 per annum, effective Oct. 1, Mf6.FreTne jClBh, calling attention day afternoon, November 4, at" the finally been decided to make it-a things. Musjc is his hoUby. "Hisi to the bad drainage condition around glass fibers ai whwe-'-Anythins"Can Happen." of Mr. Berser's Early European teacher and blaming her for thafihVnext report card'day Probation Office, advising Mrs. cessful concert artists and had PLUS • history class, presented a skit per- Won't be red-letter day for ,he Sr. Latin Club last Thursday type ofpresentation can be antici- hazel eyes, and is a friendly person- • CADMIUM Phon* for quotations. County Engineer, advising Henry C. insulators in radio, television and the outstanding\nan in politics in \ F-cr.i the time George Papashi- your low marks, let's just take Smith. Jr.. was absent from work, Anna P. Messlnger, has been granted toured the continent and England, taining to Columbus Day. stock of the sslble reasons anyone. about his visits to Rome.- He usedji pated^ [ _with_a_very, pleasing • COPPER leave of absence, with pay, because other electrical equipment. LEE TRACY BRENDA JOYCE the United States^ Congresswoman vily rer.tr the roll of money, which map-to-illustrate~hi5~talkTpoIritlng Sept. 27th. and 28th. wltliout pay. but their marriage made their two ' Claire Luce, the most prominent he needs in order to get off the Edward Kirby read a proclama- When he graduates from college, • NICKEL TVp. of Cranxord, enclosing-resolu- of Illness, from Oct. 9 to Oct. 23. 1945. careers one. The success of these out the various places he visited. One of the most outstanding Mr. Bovell would like to teach in > j tion accepting bid of Benjamin Dl- Following monthly reports were re- woman: and Congressman Clifford boat, until the very last page.' tion stating the Immediate need 1 two. young .people-lies-in-the-per- Mr. Bender stated that he had examples of student interest i"LLschoon l Blmllwr to-Rahway-H Or Other Finishes MARINO'S -Donato-and-Joe—Rufftnt-fm work on* Lcelved-and-ordered-Illed:— County I'll Tell The World P. Case, the outstanding man from you'll laugh at the actions of this for fire prevention, and Fred rfeut —641 -West' Front" — Pralnfieid various roads, was referred to Hoad Treasurer; Jail, Third District Court; fect accord of taste and tempera- Iselin Theatre Rnhgfty Hp f»»lij thpt Russian.-Wlia.Jiecoines-American—J-reiated-the-true-story- of-a dis&s-~ A T/ineJQ'Type j^sfted~1n~~Roffle~Wour"ten times. ™ ' He.sald, when asked how ^<-' Committee. Fifth District Court; Weights & Meas- ment. Their musical sympathies He pointed out what he thought request for auto signs of coining • CALL 6-4242 • ures and County Physician. ISEL1N, N. J. Metuchen 6-1279 3 DAYS — SUN., MON., TUES. man Otto Weimer, his "fellow" ized so_fast: trous fire which recently occurred . . By Faeulty practice teaching here, "I The Club Maylair, advising damage , .Reports of committee on Public are one, and while Mr. Babin has a —councilman from the fifth ward George Is In the park one day in Rahway. - Mr. Persons says: "Always check your work and actions with were,'the interesting points . of games. to property on Btuyvesant Ave., Union, more pronounced tendency toward Fri., Sat., Oct. 19-20 Liners for each game. Within much and I find both the studt&r^ due to recent storms,, was referred to Welfare, recommending a new boiler is one of the most civic minded watching some of his friends pick Edward KUrby was in charge of common sense; you'll find the results pleasure—Immense." Rome—the Forum, St. Peters," the minutes after the announcement be purchased and Installed In the the Moderns, on the subject of the • Wallace BEERY in - ill men in Rahway. Mr. Klmmlck flowers, when they suddenly dis- the opening exercises and Betty Appian.Way, famous public baths, and teachers "very co-open power house er the Bonnie Burn Sana- great Immortals — Bach, Beeth- and other historic points of in- had been made by the officers that here." torium. "THIS MAN'S NAVY" stated tha; he felt that Mr. Wei- . appear.. A policeman arrives,leav- j and Mary Rommel, and June and they are available, the supply ls Report of Bridges, Drainage & Floofl oven, Brahms — they base their in terest. — Also — mer. as council representative to e the innocent Georee to explain ' Janice Nichols were the color Herman Kagan Issues panish Club Members exhausted. Control Committee, advising of bids musical faith. Warner BAXTER in the veteran group, had done a |tnat nc didn't pick the flowers he j guards. The following students and the received" for redecfclng with new steel Program his his Banking Report of Week Give Skit at Meeting club adviser, Edward G. Perrine, Miss Alberta Conlan floor grating the roadway section- of wonderful 'job. In Councilman | ^ hands. He is summoned ' The Visual Education program the Baltic Street Lift Bridge, Eliza- They will be heard in the fol- "Shadows In The Dark" :o attended the meeting: Margaret - y International Pictures presents * — We Wi Kimmick's ojHnion. David Stewart.; court^but refuses to plead guilty. of the high school has been greatly Outlines Plans for Club beth and recommending these bids he lowing program. Sun., Mon.. Oct. 21-22 D hl f By Edwin Schwartz By Joan Jardot Clinton, Ann Brophy, Doris Scout, rejected. frjm the f'juuli yard. ^ d Wl l aided by the arrival of the new Andante and Variations, Opus Van Johnson—Ester Williams is one of the most capable, consci- Ia t court- and throughout the book. thither Alumni Herman Kagan, school banking At the meeting of the Spanish Marlene Uhl, Ruth Cohen, Cele Bill Howel^ Filmoscope. This was Following resolutions were intro- Club, Tuesday, the members gave By Margaret Titman duced and moved for..a cnau UTCTS coir. noDucnn .Council al study the following: lives of fam- ceived for work of redeeming with new Columbia. He is taking a pre- five dollar bonds, for a grand total Spanish skit titled, "En il Baile," Howard Wolf, Oscar Rodig, Mar- 1 steel floor gratlnf?, the roadway sec- "BREWSTER'S supervision. Last the boys and ous people in the theatrical world I read it in a short time and learn law course. of $149.85. and an answer man program vin Grubstein. Roy Vagelos, Tlieo- tion of the Baltic St.. Lift Bridge, Eliz- stance which particularly pleased girls, physical education classes contrast between stage and motion abeth, and authorizing new bids be 2 Big Hits 2 MILLIONS" about these "foreign" Americans In Issuing this report Mr. Kagan Those -who participated are Elea- dore Andrews, John Shell, Edmond with Dennis O'KEEFE_ him was when Jerry Knies re- nor Hardenbure, Ruth Willever, were the first to use it to Illustrate pictures, and current plays on advertised for same, was^_on rqll_caU 1 who realize better than we for Floyd Peskoe, class of '44 came reiterated his statement that 90 Del Principe, Paul Rizzuto, Stan- and Weleif WALKER turned to the Rahway Record and first-aid practices. Tt)e_te~"*hprs Broadway: : —lanlmousiysaoptedr" " ~ what America stands _Go_to_tll-e. out finrt in an I. Q. test with aOQ i per cent nf tho sWriPnt body must | Louise Bartlebough, and Dorothy Jey_Needellr-Michael-SemanitzkTr (3)—Freeholder Smith for the — Also — resumed his duties as editor of .the, i T~r~~3liyslc"ar~eaucation pronounced Those who attended the meetins •nn . c°mPetln8-He is now a | purchase at least one stamp a Williams. Jordon Vogel. John Robnett. Hed- Finance Committee, approving the ap- m FANNIE HURST'S -paper.~~'He~Tce"iS~tlial Mr. Knies 01 library soon to ( it a distinct aid to their health In- are as follows: Kitty Simmons, pointment of Richard B. Reilly, as "WHEN THE LIGHTS 0 S StS m nth Order for dlng Richter, Sherman Ancier, gives the best presentation of the book and remember the title , fmn^ '^r- ^^ ^ ' " ° ' '" *e School tO ._ _l struction. Ruth Keefer, Donna Fuhring, Pa- Acting Chief of County Detectives at and Gilbert Selznick. a salary of $4,000 per annum, effective GO ON AGAIN" news possible. Can Happen."" ; tioned at Camp Dlx. j fly the Minute Man Flag. '"' " Miss Conlan. adviser to the tricia O'Malley, Kathleen Geli with Jimmy LYDON Mr Ka an Jnn. 1, 3045, was on roll call unanl- Councilman Kimmick LS married A,.i, r i ~; I - ' B said. "I think the You Should Know Theater Arts Club says the club Dolores Cox, Florence Farbei, mously adopted. IMITATION and Barbara BELDON ar.ri has two children— one boy, Avice Lusk. class of '40. is now school is capable of attaining It's Jerry Kagan Outlines is arranging for a showing of a (4)—Freeholder Smith for the goal." Anne Pegau. Lorraine Sraarscn, Anthony: and one girl. Ruth Ann. Holiday Origins I teaching in Scotch Plains Junior film in technicolor as an assembly Joan Chamberlain, Doris Fanuel Finance Committee, approving two 0FHFE a In the little spare time that he By Joan Jardot and Pearl Rotter Plans to Debating Club program. This film is concerned temporary appointments, was on roll "ONE < Hich School. Ann Syko, Mary Tokar, Natalie call unanimously adopted. has. Mr. Kimmick enjoys swim- By Margaret Titman John Gardner, the new teacher with courtesy and personality de- : Myrtle Lusk, class of '44 is sec- By Joyce Garbcr velopment. Heidere, Marjorie Bartlett, Sallj (5)—Freeholder Bauer for the Road T1ME1 ming and tennis. He is also a The Knelish Thanksgiving Day, in the science department, is now Roche. Florence Kosinrski, Doris- Committee, authorizing the payment baseball fan; his favorite team is October 21 retary to the Rahway Recreation j a member of Bob Shaw's famous Jerry Kasan, president of the or certain bills of the Road "Depart- Commission. j Tri Inducts "Collegiate Chorale." Out of many debating club, at a meeting held Last week Grace Moshberger Frederickson, Marlene Uhl, Mar- First of all, a cash reserve ed things without strain or bor- ment, for work done In the Boro of the New York Ginnts: and Mel Tiie people of England express garet Titman, Olga Lengyel, Nancj . Garwood under the supervision of the i Broad Sir: Elizabeth . Ott is his favorite player. Council- j their.thankfulness for Uie.harve.sLs applicants, Mr. Gardner was onelast Tuesday outlined the activi- and Carolyn Schoeffler represent- in a sound, helpful bank will . rowing. LRoad_»uper-vi6or,—was—on—roll ~caU"[ Fill, ami RAT.—3-BKJ-MTS Albert Koenig, class-of J45r-cn- of the very-select few who-were ties of the year to the club raenv ed. _the Rahway High_Sch.QOl^as Kachui\ Dolores Manes, Marion —man-kimmiek is-a --mrnibcrof-rnei "by rplis1ous~servTc.es iff the church- j tcreci_tlie..Axmy_ln-January-and j Eighteen Members Springer, Virginia Schmidt, Join" ' unanimously adopted. WALLACE BEEKY with MOTTtA MACGIIL SAtA AUGOOt d chosen. ~ bers:—The "group" will participate typlstsrasslsflfig the Union County mean added security for your- Savings Accounts here have There being no further business and Tom DRAKK — James (II.EASON EJksJ_arj^exs_jnd-Uie-KnJghts4^»-ii^October-instcrtd-orinTroTem- | was first stationed in California. in the Union County Discussion Junior College at Cranford, with Thompson, Alma- Stell. Nanc? ~self and~your family. There's financed higher educational upon motion of Freeholder Dudley, | "THIS MAN'S NAVY" Of Columbus. . IbrI bcrr :1ass is lher. |—The—Blue Triangle- Club In last week the group read this ing of the Air program; have one can aid returning veterans. Regular meeting, Thursday, October BELLAMY MOORE STARTS WED. THRU SAT. nuckj desire it LD abuun an-even -October, which Has Decn derived ducted 18 girls as now members al debate and one forum on the Joan Mooney. • people in and around Rahway. 25, 194S at 1:30 P. M. TfrKcr majority of Republicans in Itror » tllc ancient Druiad harvest sentence: "An interesting anec- account at The Rahway Sav- "Delightfully Lorraine Hoffman, class of *4, a candle light ceremony held al dote is related of Alexander Pope, stage; and debate with clubs from If you have youngsters, you'll CHAS. M. AFFLECK, the council so that the party can - festival en November 1. The Eng- is training to be a Cadet Nurse the Y. M. C. A. last Tuesday. other schools. ings Institution, since emerg- Adv. . Cleric. Dangerous" PAY carry out its platform of Riving the :lisl1 "nd t'H' Scotch, however, had tha famous English poet." ' Mrs. want to give them similar ad- in the St. Elizabeth Hospital. Dorothy Kellish played an ac The president appointed John Student Spotlight ency expenses and other events GREER GARSON ~ PER: • j a special festival at the end of the cordiari solo and Ursula Luetgens, Aszman then asked, "What does vantages. .And — what about SUN. TO Tl'ES.—3 SMASH HITS the word 'anecodote' mean? Bobby Shell chairman of the committee Jokes often strike when least ex- I'ptcr I.AWFOUD— Donald CRISP ' grain harvest in August, which Virginia Hennessy, class of '44 president, gave the welcoming ad- GREGORY PECK BANK1 dress and gave a religious speech. Brooks said, "An 'antegoaf means to obtain questions for the debates Thomas Grahill recreational projects you have to a lady toat." Mrs. Aszman then and forums. Bella Jacobs. Morton By Erwln Schwartz pected. "SON OF LASSIE" Wallace Gordon, who also was a Jane Eimer, vice-president, talked Bl_Mar*areL-Titi»ian —been planning?— nita LOUISE IHSTAL 0 explained that nn anecdote w»s a JBalon, Sherman-Ancicrr :—A—seven-letter—word for "Be- TOUT'School" "" "Thinklncr »r others" ani saying or short story. ley Herer are the other members "Tommy" Grahill, president of Yanks Are Coming." "The Fighting FRO, Treasurer D. Pattison spoke abou the junior class, ls also a rpt"nlv"' Then, there's the promise of Your list of worthwhile pur- Was your face red, Bobhy? of the committee Jerry also ap- Am.: Dentitt a host of better things for con- Guardsman" education. Shirlee MUJe-r set-re pointed the following students to of the Assembly Program Planning poses for having a Sayings Ac- tary, talked on social activity am Committee. She: "Whenever I'm in the WED. 4- THlIltS— 2 Request lilts class of '44, Isabelle Gagnon and Joyce Gar-1 <**_ steerings committeeimittee: Ruth Co- venient and comfortable living count will surprise you, we be- who entered the Navy in October presented the new members to thi g Joyce Gar After graduating from Rahway dumps, I get a new hat. Cary OIIANT—Victor McLAOLEN They would carry this to the barn club. After the friendship circli ber saw the Fred WarinWaing Program, hen, chairman. Ruth Kagan, Billy He: Oh, so that's where you get —new appliances, furnishings, lieve. And—we believe you'll of '44 is now stationed St Pear" DaWs, and Marvin Grubstein. High, "Tommy" wishes to attend SAT. - SUN. MATS DOURIRS FAIKUANKH, Jr. had been formed, Mrs. L. E. Park LdLadiei s "BBe SSeated and Mary Mar- n Grubstein. (-them! radios and so on.. Cash on agree it will pay you to start Harbor. He has been tfiere since ! garet McBride Friday. At tthh e next meeting the group a merchandising sdhboi. He is yet "GUNGA DIN" 'hurst, co-adviser, led the group in undecided about what occupation hand will equip you to get need- building an account here. CABT00N 13. Wooden.' President figure was I prayer. will have a forum discussion. Doris he will follow. Diner: Do you serveTTabshere!- Lana T17KNER—Robert YOUNG harvest queen. Elvia Durmer celebrated-her Scout, Morton Balon, and Marga- Walter: We serve anyone, sit 4 COMEDIES , 7 , ^A !„! The members inducted are Mary His list of favorites include: ^"Slightly Dangerous" These old customs, however, are Prank Murphy, class of 44 who !Andrcws , Hope Benson^RostMarifi- seventeenth birthday last Tuesday, ret Clinton, and James Mclntosh down. B>-GIoria-La France • actressJ_Bette__Dayis: ..actors-Van G« only observed in the very rurai isJtutUf^nny-Ja-San Antonio,-,BrQersn--MaB^Janc Case. Nancy during the-3rd-lunchjienodrThose").will-participate-ln-the-forum;" Members of the Jr. Red Cross Texas is in Regional Hospita . He ; Edwards. Marian Gib- Johnson: male singer, Bing Cros- "I've just- shot a dog." Rates Now Lower Than Ever Before Club, advised by Mrs. Helen Mas- communities and are gradually present were Bea Longstreet, Zenia. The following other members has been there for the past sU ^ , Bondar. Kay Sharkey. Beverly and their adviser, Edward Perrine. by: female singer, Helen Forrest; "Was he mad?" nicr. last Tuesday elected Bar- dying out. : N Hant M sport, football: song, "Begin the No matter what make, ace or months with rheumatic fever. We , Schoeffler. Hoffman and Alma W were present: Marlene Uhl, Doris "We'll, he wasn't very pleased model—we can properly repair bara Wooden, president of the or- c aire M(J x Vogt.- Cele Katzman, Joyce Gar- Beguine": hobby, collecting THE RAHWAY SAVINGS State TheatreWOODBRIDGE "A" Ration Book LiabliltT 15000/110,004 ganization. The other officers Twirlers Plan Routine w1Sh you a speedy recovery. Frank, jAlic e Sml[h Joan *ravU_ c,aln, stamps: and pet peeve, homework. "I see you have a sign in your or rebuild any sewlnc ma- Corinne Knjght and Alice Smith ber, John Shell, Michael Sema- (Rahway) Property t500o elected are Margaret Valenti, vice- , i Zimmcnnan. Louise Reilly, Mar- store, "We aim to please!" remark- chine. TODAY THEU SATURDAY Damage $28-75 For Thanksgiving Game went to the Rodeo in New York nltzky, and Frederic Hall. president; Fegpry Farmer. secre-( School Gr0U[[) Conducts |Jcan Kampe, Nancy Aldenn,, Jane ed the irritated customer. tary: and Carol Bozung. treas- and City and saw Roy Rogers in per- French Members Elect Onr mechanics are sewins ma- Danny KAYE—Virginia MAYOR in By Pearl Rotter Coh and Catherine MacVlcar. "Certainly," replied the proprie- bpena»»twiall Pfep Ahl^ '" Cthi son last Saturday. chine specialists — and ve urer. This year the twirlers. under the Senjor Rufe Hardy Announci tor, "that is our motto." INSTITUTION r membermb s present were Ruth Nyimicz President "B" Ration Book Barbara Wooden, president, ap- supervision of Luella Hopkins and ces "Well." retorted the customer. carry a wide line of parts and By Dolores Corey Ursula Luetgens, Shirlee Miller, Rose Lengyel, Ann Syko. and "Wonder Man" ^ WOo»/$io.ooo pointed the following girls to plan Katherine Sharkey, have learned ne Purchase of Projector By Joyce Garber you ought to take a little time supplies. Let as serve yon. olor) Plus »Mj;yl nn» yrar. S2.DO ttlr mnnfhn tl ?1 Thr»n. ^ion-indttstry-reaches-rcrthe farthest corners oi the globe to -18 CRATES or BOOKI fo-thE StU dangerous than the man-size ene- determine he c —TUcUy mall, postpaid ootslds of Union County, one year, $2 JO. Six montna, Of -Itlf UWVBWrTY Of CAEN W ft mies. Their noise was small, their States is becoming i ,. Wt« DefeatsRahway $1.50. Sla(le copies by mall. 10 centt. All payable In advance. stock its shelves. Producers are free to sell their entire GymnasiumAid output where and when they please. Florida grapefruit; wounds were negligible, but they After Five Years The Seni This newspaper was founded and Is maintained npon tne principle of a clear, planted a venomous pestilence In After Five Futile Years Face Strong Offense First Baptis ooncbe and unbiased presentation of all the interestlnr news of the com- California oranges, Hood River apples, and manufactured the bloo dstream, extravagant of Mrs. Catherine Conies To munity, and npon toe basis of a progressive editorial policy. After five longTearTLTnden^High-Schooljfinally won-a- yount! pcop articles from all states and nations may be found side by Ife and ruinous to the morale of Ifootball game from Rahway.. .and in all fairness it must "Visitors Gain Victor/yt- Head Women's Physical. years of hl| side in stores throughout our land. And you may be sure those who survived. Wilson, Gage Shine Visitors, With Four Straight Victories, the foliowir Member There Is a Cure be said the visitors gave the Scarlet gridders quite an Swimming Program Edson Sir they are good products, for the wise retailer .who wishes JU/J/PE THE FOOD/ How, parallel to Guadalcanal has • New Jersey Press SENEROUS GlPTJ OF FOODJIUEEJ Rahway High School fell Will Prove Severe Test For Home Robert Kul to maintain a thriving business is ever conscious of his been the defense of representative, • Photographic St artistic walloping. The Lindenites played better football, Mrs. Catherine Cordes. of Rari- Schocfflcr: Association HWE BEEN XtrT'lb NOfhlW AND constitutional government on the. and Chemicals victims of a superior team, tan road. Clark Township, has competitar_acxoss_the_stre.et. P0lWW>_8» THg PEOPLE O^ ^^Enlargements ai "been~namedrpliysrcal dIre~c£fesJFfoT Ieam;XocalsJVIay Surprise —The-dass.-ir- "DENMARK"/ noffie~TrontrThe"deai enlng'weap™ —Photo Coniia__ last~Salufday 'afternoon morning. is It is this way in our land because American producers ons of the Axis powers failed to had one weak spot the women's program of the Y. M. Thursday, October 18, 1945 • Photos Colored Riverside Park, when Linden C. A., according to an announce- Unbeaten Cranford" High School will tangle with Rah- A- Goldswor and distributors do not live "by the grace and authority of destroy this republic. American In- ,nd that was on pass defense... RaSway~cikked"~w}tFlts~ ti'c. headed genuity, sharpened by hope of "High—trotmced--them—by- ment made yesterday by George way High School's twice defeated football team at River- lias planned WHEN THE CHIPS ARE DOWN the state, but by the friendship and patronage of critical achievement; American skill, asses almost wherever they tried.. .but to our mind, they score of 30 to 0. It marked Fairweather. local "Y" secretary. side Park, Saturday afternoon. The game will start at 2:30 October 7. The government has ordered all limits off any con- consumers. Let's hope it will always remain this way. whetted by ambition to advance; "The-gym-progT«m-for-wonierLJias. SPENCER |didn't use enough and varied passes. the first time in five years been held every Tuesday and for -prrrtr-eranfordi-rated-one-rif thp stn3ng£sul£amsJn.JJ_mon Hoi struction, inchiding house building, as of October 15, de- America's power to produce, fused Photo Finishing & that Linden has been able to come in the furnace of open competi- the past year has been without a County, has been victorious in four contests this season All orvai spite the fears of OPA and other agencies that prices will IT GETS RESULTS 1540 IrvlniLJSt! TiiTPublie'Lrost Too home In front of the Scarlet eleven leader- to supervise-gym-classes-and- *rrt}-i\ave~a-strong7-powerful-ani fiiDcrvisiDrij" of War information-has warned-that the-coal and they made up for the d«arJii swimming periods. Board of D skyrocket. This is in line with true •American- tradiUun. These same things will not cure versatile eleven. On paper they scare when little North Plainfield of Mrs. Jaso famine in Europe and the Mediterranean "area/this"'coming" However, the shellacking the team took on the field of victories by pouring it on all af- Experienced Agencies which controlled the nation's activities during the S/iWFTHE L/7A/DS _ - Mrs_- Cordes-has-had—consider- appear to be at least three touch- lost to them by a score of 19 to 12. M. Arihur-B winter will hp m ^pvprp as to "destroy all semblance of law ^Miardly^compared-witLthe-beating^the-public-took ;-Tbefore :ternoon.Althougli,-two-bad-brea: North Plainfield scrimmaged here ~;Y UeneniT hT --wrar-a-re -botirKMo-develop- a feelingH-hat-their servioefcafe- fumbles, early in the game were able experience in physical edu- downs better than the Scarlet out- and order^' unless "immediate and drastic steps are HAS IHVrtrD -TOO HE hnd" durihgThe garner Frrst-of-allrthe-jarn-at theJaox office cation having suiveU as a physical vembcr 12. indispensable in peacetime, and _no matter when controls ' responsible for- wnicn nas uroppeo, iwo or —son—opened—and ^though—they Iff, with R. tnkpn." SurrK.a-giJwt'tiion, if permitted to ^T .iome-eHhr patrons-stood~in^lln«~f or two"~ninSen scores, Kanway^mient- Instructor lrTBrooklyn and" also as -goad--'-'emergency" argu- a playground supervisor in. New three games played to date. showed the "makings" of a fast iouift . nore than half an hour.. .and there were some who finally have changed the complexion man. 7ftTirhX_ ment for continuing them. affect the rest of the world, the OWI added, "for with the the entire contest • and even the Yorlrdtyr Mrs; Cordes. is equipped- „ Upset East Orange aggregation, which lacking beef, part of the I world economy interrelated as it is today, Europe cannot Uve up the ghost and walked away. True, there were two final result had they been able to to add to the "Y" women's pro- CranTorbTopened the season with -showed speed_and_$tamlnaJ__HowJL Young Pi As government throws off restraints, industry and in- -IRocp -nRANSfbiw -w iSRpe ever, in that scrimmage Rahway enter economic and political chaos and leave the rest of DOEO ENRouit 1b EUROPE f bates at which tickets could be bought.. .but there was no cross Linden's goal line In {he sec- gram through her ability and ex- a startling upset over East Orange Tins wceki dividuals face the obligation of showing themselves capable fegn or indication at the main gate that tickets could be pur-ond period when they perience in teaching dancing and High School bya score of 12 to 7. had the winning edge. school young of voluntary control over their own actions to prevent in- the world untouched." from their own five yard "ramatles. Trrtn"eT)re^ga"me"f6recast"East "Or- ...'.'Red." Nugent, quarterback—of -Baptist Yt?un_ : fhased^tthe-double-gate at the west end of the field.. .nor the Cranford team,-has-shown-a flationary_prices. The people now have~a chance to prove -""~-=ffu"I)a IXuTi in 11 Iti w0iIt! b 111er than the UiilleJ"SCates caii thmfcLng that citizens must serve the Linden two foot mark The physical program for ange was supposed to have a fit Asbury 1 provide on a substantial scale the only "immediate and the state instead of the state serv- ivas there any sign at the western gate that tickets could failed to score. After that '"Ladies' Day" at the "Y" will be breather" in the Cranford crew better than average ability in run- Goldsworthy that they'are intelligent enough to conduct the affairs of ing the citizens. They actually game was just a rout with as follows: 10:30 a. m. women's but ran into a tartar and were ning the team and also a forward delegates fro LOOXTNG be purchased from a car opposite the gate. An advance passing arm that, has pulled_more this nation, as in the past, without government policing to drastic steps'' that will do any good.—coal and more coal. imagine that rulers can think bet- winners dictating the score. — .gynmasium-and-swimming periodr -waUoped; On the following Sat- annual sesslr Great Britain, according'to OWI, wlirjust about be able to ter than other people. |ale~6f ticket's, before the game, some^lacejaihe business Wilson Stars 3:30 p. m. to 5:30 p, m. girl's gym- than_one_game-out-oi-the-f4rer-He- •Baptist Conv prevent price gouging. It is probable that price increases urday Cranford took the measure supply her own rationed needs. It is expected that eight' s-OEORGE^BEKSON Poisonous -Insects |ection of the city would do away with a lloyment Bill, already passed by Reid level.. .and there is no railing on the steps for help in Cranford Gets Scare as Is to be expected from a green - . 155C mand for goods. he Senate and scheduled for early Gone Forever with "ORANGE" son tackled 'em they stayed tumn season Sunday, with the Last week Cranford was given a Aside from all this, when the chips are finally down it :ountry, to be nearly hopeless and not the least of the ob- j a person wants it. Program sellers could sell their tackled. Walter Gage -also did a Harry "Oats" Orr Signed To group assembling at the Adminis- team. Had they scored when they ' :onsideration by the House. WINTER whale of a job in the line. He upset tration Building of the Park Com- threatened the Linden goal line should be remembered that in the long run the authori- ;tacles is the lethargic, effect of government domination. If our congressmen saddle upon wares out in front of the main gate or down at the bottom in\he third period the entire com- Aluminum All-Weather Windows! k the steps'... and they might be'^handy to each any palrons the interference and often KOt the •mission in Warinanco Park, Rp- Indoor Tennis Players tarian system which price control represents must be For the sake of supplying the rest of the world, this ;overrunent an obligation to pro- DRIVING ball carrier at the same time. On Coach "Y" Basketball Team selle and Elizabeth, at 8 a. m. The plexion of the_game might have ;ounU;y~had_bettcr -stick to. its -?much--abused capitalistic be saying. "We represent^a* com- pho chanced to tumble down the steps. offense Gage opened big wide holes hike will start from the Erie Sta- Urged To Sign Up^Vow changed. They can rise to the abarrfotJ^^T-Ci^SSSslirJf^jJfSgaiStJte'government is to monwealth of incompetents, un- Twice the strength . . . half the thickness heights and upset one of these ystem. It has proved it can get results.' . . . Then after one gets and was a big help all-afternoon^ __Harry_ "O tion, Tuxedo_atJ.0_a_ m. ;-player&,-pI&nnlng-to play be preserved. We are indee~da fickle people if we let the able to take care of themselves." Easily chSngecl or removed for .washing . Miss Irma H. Heyer. of Eliza- highly touted teams and Satur-- First Period center of the Rahway'"Vworld'c coached bjr Alfred C. "Johnnie" indoor^ ten^s_ during, the winter day may be the'day with Cranford- stresses of inflation destroy, the free institutions of our America's vast resources, enor- -*—• (takes only a matter'of seconds) jfe orshe^must'hurrtlQra-seat.r.,. for newly * ~Bi"'tHe~rirsl perlud-the acaitetr -BTua%r~sm;li ludiiib aa ^TJfe^ersr mous productive capacity, trained championship team of the 1929-30 "months Yrfee'EUzabeth Armory, tKe victim. •>• •••••• •-— 1 ITi- - Republic. - • • " ' No fitting problem- leatihg capacity is oversold with never a sign to state- was holding its own with landen. Princeton and Panzer were seen the Ramapo Mountains, covering minds, skilled hands and huge ••standing room only." True, the students do take up a After an exchange'of boots Rah- season, was signed Tuesday night on the local court. The present 12 miles of rocky woodland, follow- are urged to send ir^ their regis- Tentative-starting lineups of the markets will be nothing if our peo- way was in possession of the ball' as coach of the Y. M. C. A. quintet plan is to .revive such a schedule. ing trails, passing brooks and wa- trations to George T. Cron, acting two teams for Saturday's game are . 1550 IRV No painting . . as follows: • -ple-lose-their—initiative^ self-reli-4 toodly portkjffbf the seating., .and that is as it.should be, It-i n»n 9(1 ynrri ling whpn n t.hp rnminp tumti Nnrmnn •tcrfallsr-and-grlimpaing-fine-rie OTpeirrnreH^rl^oFil^eBtloir'Thr EXPLORE THE DETAILS FIRST GET -Mauren Coached Last RAHWAY CEANFORD ancejuad self-starters. -No-repairs—— - lorjt is their game ancT they belong there beforeanyorie backfield fumble gave, the pigskin Temple, "Y" physical director, was_ The last team-sponsorcd^by the from thfe mountain tops. Union County Park Commission, "Probably oneTof "fEe "reasons'" wKy~Congress~h~as been to" Linden. Chapman slithered off responsible for the signing of L.E.....:..rW. Ruddy ...... "Lodefstead" SienTBSve" Spines No climbing of ladders llse. But, if more seats are needed why aren't they pro- "YY" was in ththe season off 1942-414243 Further Information regarding Box 231, Elizabeth'. slow to include compulsory health insurance legislation ^heUiibrication tackle for seven yards. Then Chap- Orr to,handle this year's team. Orr when Charlie Mauren banded to- the Union County Hikin_g Club or L-T Gage Muldreau God in His wisdom meets out ar of Four courts will be available at No leaning out windows vided.-, .or at least let the customer know before hand if man alternating with Harasty on was considered one of the best gether a squad that went through >y Its scheduled hikes may L.Q Bova Mott such as proposed in the Wagner-Dingell Bill as part of the privileges and; duties in proportion. BEFORE winter comes is the^ Armory,-and- play -will -be orr -C....r....Pattoon -...-.: Scarbroughr Federal-social-seeuiity program, is the problem of (.'ustTir -Norstoiage-probleTH bikh^ ~founlayF-- went to~ the~one~yaTd~ centers-the-local""Y"-te_am-CTer- TCsEfaight games without a defeat be secured Tjy. "calling or writing Saturdays and Sundays. Member- SIo man and no nation can revel the time to prepare your stripe from where Harasty bucked had and his return to the "Y" in playing at home and on foreign George T. Cron, acting superin- K.G Soos Loveland long in liberty and shirk the ac- .car-for tbe hard drWinf ship will be limited to 100 players. R.T :.McQrath Bice proportion to benefits. The Wagner-Dingell Bill specific^ Never since the Centennial Fourth of July has Rahway Saves yon work pndees Block Spectators ••• . . •• over for the first score of thethe role of a coach bids well for courts and making one of the best tendent of recreation, at the park Sixty membera have already en- companying responsibilities, -fox aSttad. Out jqwelal-wtntar- game. An attempted place kick the coming season. records any "Y" team ever had. It commission offices, "-Wariaoaco R.E .Applegate .... Swanekamp Befor ally provides that social security payroll taxes be raised to presented such a gala appearance, as she did Monday on human freedom Is a gift from Saves you money rolled leaving room for 40" more Q3 .Keller -Nugent a total of eight per cent, half to be paid by the employer izlnsr service will protect t-Then if one is lucky enough to get a seat.. .and they for the extra point was blocked, in Start Thanksgiving Night will be recalled that the quintet Park, or Mrs. H. T. Clark, secretary' enrolees. he occasion of the parade and inspection of the fire departs ibove. Much responsibility for your car throughout the Saves you time fact Linden failed to score an ex- This year's team will mark the included such stars as, the one of the hiking club, at 110B Anna L.T Wilson Thomas and half by the employer Of the 8 per cent, 4 per cent he future of civilization hangs ppen to toe in the first four or five rows... the chances return of the Rahway "Y" to big street. Elizabeth 4. The fee for membership Is $10 R.H Rutter Noske ment. Buildings all over town were decorated and fac- winter. ' tra point all afternoon. and only Bill Fitzgerald; Jeff Din- per person for the season. is intended to defray the expense of medical care, hospi- >n the American people: we may Made in all window sizes i he will see only the first half of the game and maybe Early in- the second quarter time basketball. It is planned to nocento. Lou Dubino, Alex Hood- F-B G. Ruddy Nellson S< ories and business places were closed. Neighboring towns start the season Thanksgiving talization. and temporary disability. Thus- the wages of a jntered their-fire companies and there was much compe- be glad our liberties are many. Can Be Financed Overjl Period Of Three Years -of that.. .because the standees usually, along the Rahway fumbled again and Lin- zow. Georgie Miller. Jake Clos. BITS ABOUT This is no .time to flop in an arm— bst part of the second period start crowding in front of the den took' trie ball on the Scarlet night arrd~play every Saturday •Mike Barnes, Joe Dl Nicola, Eddie We "Wi person earning $225 per month would

Quotas Abandoned • - !••> :K By Pontiac Motor Production has been started at Pontiac Motor Division of General torer-H was lepuiU'd toflnytiy H, J. Klinser. General manager, and will be continued on an "all The Soul •we can make" basis without re- Kntared at tna pent offlc* at Bahwsy, N. J, H iecona dan mall matter under the act of March 8, 1879. First Bapiisi gard to previously set quotas. Pubusned Krory Tnuisday—Curler Delivery younu peop RAHWAY, N. J., THURSDAY, OCTOBER 25,1945 Local Subscription 11.00 a Year In Advance .veara of hlj Sleek, two-door Streamliner PER COPY FIVE CENTS the followin sedans are the first new models to Edson Str come down the Pontlar lines since Funds Granted Robert Kul] Production was suspended on Feb- 1 Conquerors of Neptune^Kippan. Sehocffler: ruary 20. 1942. Station wagon. ; and four door sedans are next on acprod BAHWAY-LAUSODBS DRTVE morning, is A. Goldswor Mr. Klinger said. ter. liraded I Remove Quotas lias planned "We have removed a;l self-im- ByCouncilmen October 7. posed quotas from our production in order to set badly needed cars Hoi FOR QUOTA OF $1,287,200 to the public as fast as possible." Service Committee All ors:ar Mr. Klinger said. "The production nt new,,cars probably is the kev- Given |2,000 For Board of D- stone of ouou r nationatil l prosperitity of Mrs. Jaso during the reconversion period and M. Art luir B. ._&Uite. likely for ..years thereiilter.. a genera] h( Both from an employment and Off icialjrecognitipn ..of vcmbcr 12. - sales viewpoint we will strive to : make as many cars as -R-P can,; ~ "'"" ISgryli man. will ive" With the cooperation of all enn- i Committee was granted _., pan of the f cerned Pontiac aims to .assume its ] the City Council, last night in "Action Young Pi share of this national rosponsl- | City Hall, and an appropria- Tins week< bility." tion of $2,000 was given them PlansAtY.M.C.A. Dinner —school ..vounK As-tlae -Pantiac.produclian.Jijics., -forthefr^ork"in-aldin~g~an -Bapnsr Youn began to move, construction of' assisting returning veterans t CampaigfTpIans Tor- the 8tE"Victory~War Loan Drive- at. Asbury 1 new buildings and expansion of; World War II. Of the $2,000, •"A-ctionTTatrrer-trfBn-worasrTs |—Tdr "Two~polfte-<5Srs-were- pur- Goldsworthy present facilities continued simul- $1,000 will be placed in the com- chased for the Police Department, delegates fro the program of 'the Republican en's Division of the campaign committee in the Y. M. C. A. taneously. The company has a, mittee's treasury at once with the party," said Anthony J. Kimmick (e) Sizeable increases were al- annual spssic poal of 500,000 cars in the first. balance earmarked for the use of Jr., Chairman of the Republican lowed in the budgets of the_De- It was the opening gun in the drive which starts Monday. Bap; 1st Conv: - complete production year with em- ; the group as needed- In their work. partmentof ~HeaRn7 StxeeT"DT- Park next M ployment of 16.000 persons. [ This appropriation Is to carry the Jity Committee, at a meeting of partment, Recreation__CQmm.isslon to raise Rahway's quota of $1,287,200 through the sale of ~"~"~ -^ the Republican councilman, candi- committee for the balance of the • Victory W^r ~£oaii "Bonds'in tha- a mrmber ol year when a budgetary allotment dates and campaign committee at r city. _Among the speakers were L. will be made. , Fleet Admiral Chester W. Nlmltz, Commander-In-Chlef, United States Pacific Fleet and Pacific Grevens Hotel on Tuesday evening RegfnaWorkers Russell Cartwright, chairman of Friday Nighters Ocean Areas; and Rear Admiral William F. Halsey,. Jr., native of Elizabeth, commanding V. S. Third_ October-23r1945. Railway's Victory Loan campaign WHERE THE PAGES OF YOUR -Protest Adjournment Fleet, who did so much to make the celebration of Navy Day. Saturday; an OUtstandinr event In His- "We shall be Judged by our committee: Mrs. Joseph W. Cos- Contests Feature .M<^tin to leave the yard. The hospital their acceptance. If the plans are e 'and the Library,ln"order that their In presenting "the award, Brig. Eaein, Albin Frenzel. Lewis Sack- °ns of tomorrow, that ister with the Council over an open Veterans' Service Committee for seen purchased, and the other services to the public be improved hibited on Elm avenue, between ^riderij—Allan—Tobaygu. Thomas' .ditch left In iront-of-hls-residence- rehabilltation-work-among-return- ambulance was called tb itCi i3.en^_Balph_De-Yoe, commanding .Main_and_In£lng-streefcs-NovembCT u Xistrier, James Smith, Frank Feld- ,arayour guarantee oFquality thruout.. .of fine luxurious fabrics - the! completion of a sewer re- veterans of World War n. meat transferred and finally will be submitted to the Public into good working condition. Continued on Page Five officer of the Second Service Com- 20. I"t i'-s th"-e befief of the commit- manrwilliam Poland, Jack Flana- I Rizzo delivered to the hospital.' . . UtlHUes Commission where the? mand, cited the employes for "con- tee the exhibit wih give added :.:•'/• gan. Ralph Lewis. . will be given a heatlna shortly *f sistently contributing to the Chap- stimulus to the sale of Victory Befor. : Bonds. Jndres ft1 * December iv •- ~^^ -—••-' lains' Fund which helped provide • Judges of the contest were Don- •.. of meticulous workmanship. You'll find more Famous-Name Fashions OaUUAdln* Violinist *** Bo^tiS^iSe WW- Merck Officials tor Or Against little luxuries for the wounded at Members of the Red Cross Can- ald Milnes. Francis Lenox and Councilman .:m r Corrlgllano is ranked as one of The plans for which approval the Halloran Hospital." teen group, under the direction of Si Bertram Clinton. Others who at- . uir•alarw y wiemeof $i,~r America's outstanding violinists will be asked concern bus routes There were some'20 presenta- Miss Josephine Raub, served the assembled under tin's one roof, than under any other roof in Union stated that Mrs. BbrrelOttl oha dWieme agreedr of the 48 and 134 buses. The 48 Tell of Strike Traffic Change tions made to various other groups dinner. Hallowe'en decorations at tended the Friday meeting were to be Mr duty full time in order and is a jiative of Brooklyn and re- We Wi Richard Giroud. Lewis Bond. Will- ceived his early musical training in For Hallowe'en bus, according to .Councilman The strike of Merck Si Company which" included the New York Po- Jast night's dinner were made in that full service might be rendered Kimmick, which runs from Rah- Two petitions were filed with the lice and Fire -Departments. Regina Franklin School by the pupils of - lam Heahler. William Phillip. Jack Pellerrino Claim the public schools of his nStive mployees, which started Monday pirgel. Fred, Plescia, and Howard County! And believe us, we're proud to play host to so many great fashion . city. He learned the rudiments of A parade with bands of music, way to Perth Amboy on a 45 min- City Council last night concerning is reported to be. the only group *"Misse—s Ann McNeil and Grace Knapp." Guests included Ralph A resolution authorizing the the violin from a neighborhood floats, hobgoblins and ghosts will ute headway, will be rerouted down protest of the "stagger system" traffic on Irving street and on from New Jersey to receive the Pratt. payment of $2,600 in full settle- East Milton avenue, across High- working hours, has been termed citation. McKerzie, Gerald Tennyson, John ment of all claims for back salary friend. From that point he grad- highlight the first annual munici- Main and Irving streets. A letter O'Connor. Stephen O'Connor and names ... to bring the best of Americ ually went from teacher to teacher j»tl_Hallflw_f>'pn way 25 to Lennlngton street, then 'an unauthorized strike" by offl- was also filed by David Dembllng, Those from Regina who were as building Inspector was passed -left-on-Lennlngton-street-to-Eastr °?iilianr-JFWett unaniniottaljrbyTEe" Council •finally finishing his .-.course of [als~"67 tl« Company Union attorney,_in.behalf of the Greyhalt 4^ere4Aiee^res!dentiatr- - Planned for next week's meeting study ol the yioUnwlth Leopold held Wednesday night from 7 to Grand street. Heretofore the 48 non F. Mead, Eva Mlseyko, Rose A variance was granted, -on rec- 1 p. m. in the streets of^thenlty. bus did-not-cross Route- 25-high- hrpugh notice9_pQsted. .in —the Realty Company .urging one-way utIer.,.Dorothy_Knox..Mary Allen, 965 ST. are 5 reels of movies, including aiicl manufacturers here to R. J. Go ommendation of the Board of Ad- Auer, the Russian master, who Merck plant. Picket lines have BllM TVH IT sports and comedy films. erke Co. . numbered among his pupils such Following the parade there will be wayThis rerouting will restore traffic on Main and Irvine streets and Barbara Wigginton. to YOU; justment, to Max Nadel permitting iervice abanddhabandqned_when_theJ8J3Uah (, been in operation most of the week notarial! Subjec hlmjo-erect-tyo-one-story-elnder ' -of-ihe rwith-littleT>mo"Tiol6"nce-fepbrtea. l-be-discontlnued. Elman and Joseph Heiffetz. vas liken off. The 48 will be ex- block, non-conforming buildings at Elizabeth avenue, between Main pended up Scott avenue and will 'Last night officials of Merck Issued Two-Way Traffic Cooperation of Concerns 276 Hamilton street. His program for tomorrow and Irving streets. Numerous a statement giving the company's The first petition filed was the night's concert will include the supplement service of the 134 busside of the strike. No statement ChurchGroup Show: An ordinance was passed on prizes will be awarded for many line. one fostered by Irving street mer- In This Area Cited By final reading vacating a portion worksof composers such as Bach, and varied reasons. All of the de- has been received from Union Of- of Broad street. Mendelsohn, DeBussy.__greisIer- 134 Route -flclalfl-or-the-strikersr-The-Merclr chants and resldents_aslrlnir Aids To jEduiation ^ojnmjtteejCliairman—— ails—of—this—celebration—were . which goes "AHother ordinance ^passed first and Brahms statement follows: two-way traffic on that street be The .Rahway Federation of : 1 rarked out Tuesday night in the 'rom Rahway to New Brunswick "The Contribution of Shippers' "" YOU NEED reading authorizing ttie renewal of Mayor's office in the City Hall by Company Statement restored with buses continuing to churches has arranged for a de- ( the existing sanitary sewer on the RAZE HOUSE ;very hour will be extended to monstration of visual and auditory and Carriers toward winning .the •• Demolition of the one-story a committee of 25 chosen by Elizabeth. The new route of this "The present unauthorized operate one-way. This petition War by Cooperation" was the topic . GASOLINE, OIL and southerly side of East Milton, ave- Mayor Carlln.- ...... mechanical aids to education for : nue from Totten street easterly houserat 1529 Irving street; which line will go down Elizabeth ave- strike, which has forced the clos- contained. _110.. signatures. Louis the Sunday School teachers of of the address made Monday noon. - —-—:— was the scene of the fatal fire on Parade nue to Scott avenue and across ing of the Merck plant In Rahway, by Henry Elwell, president of the AUTO SERVICE approximately 476 feet. Provision The parade will form in the Is led by the highest paid group of Vogel also spoke In favor of this Rahway and vicinity at the Second *as also made in the ordinance for the evening of October 5, was 3cott to St. George and thence to petition stating that no city of Presbyterian Church, November 2 Elizabeth Rotary Club at Greven's "ONE I SPECIALIZE started Tuesday afternoon. Two iquare opposite Greven's Hotel Elizabeth, returning over the same operators in the plant. These are Hotel, to members of Rahway the erection of necessary man- ,t 7 p. m., moving off at 7:30 any importance had one-way traf- at 8 p. m. TIME 1 I Need BUS 62 STOPS AT DOOR holes, Y or T branches and con- minor children were burned to -oute. the stagger shift operators. The Frederick Thome and John Rotary. Mr. Elwell Is the chair- ; death when an oil stove over- sharp. The grand marshal, "The operators on this schedule will re- fic on its two main streets. man of the Chamber of Commerce i nections with house services.. flowed. The rerouting the 48 and 134 bus ceive an average weekly pay of Bayak of New York City will give Your Business This bus will lake you direct to Continued on Page Six lines will give the residents in the Urge No Chance the demonstration assisted by lo- committee for Wartime Expediting SPECIAL SIZE $55.90 and yet, In addition, they The second petition was filed by of Freight Shipments and this R. J. GOERKE ^CO. „ . at Broad and West 3cott avenue area two buses every demand time and one-half pay cal people who will run the various Why net -let me serve you ? jour. The 48 running on a 45 ihe Main street merchants asking _machlnes_afte.r_brief_lnstruction. committee showed an efficiency^ ,..', • when-thelr-Bhift-schedulerequlres that"traffic~"o"rrMain anT~Irving Pictures, stereoptlcons, Koda- percentage of 93;(rfor~thls~areaT Jersey Streets, Elizabeth. Also buses 32 and mlnuteTJeadway aricTthe 134 every them to work on Saturdays afld Shows Plaque ATLANTIC GASOLINE [New Price Tagging Frank S. Parks Takes Issue hour. streets be continued as one-way chrome transparancles together 38, a block from the store. Sundays. _ xaffic. This petition was signed with recordings will be used. During the talk Mr. Elwell dis- OILS. and. GREASES • JUNIOR SrZES 9 to 16 HEAB DEMOCRATS Premium Pay with 53 names. played a plaque carrying the The Italian-American Citizens "The disadvantages of stagger This is the first of the programs COMPLETE LUBRICATION • WOMEN'S SIZES 36 to 44 Procedure by OPA Councilman Anthony Kimmick which the Federation is sponsor- names of Merck, National Pneu- '•LIU Especially designed for petite With Opponent's Statements Club, of 1354 Main street, held shift operation have been recog- asked that a committee of mer- matic and the Wheatena Corpora- PAY, QUICK BATTERY CHARGING EXPRESS TRAINS TO ELIZABETH democratic Candidates Night at nized in Merck wage rates and it ing under the Presidency of the figures . . . regardless of age. ~!Fe'vc a specialized shop that Describing OPA's new simplified :hants on Main, Irving and Cherry Rev. Edward S. McLoughMn to tion which was awarded to Mr. ;helr headquarters last night, is for this reason that they are 1 Elwell's committee .for- its work~ PER! CAR WASHING Find a whole shop filled ivilh caters to the mature figure of I Price tagging procedure as a time Prank S. Parks, Republican can- ipal vacancies with returning vet- itreets be named, together with stress various phases of Federation It's a short, comfortable ride, and •-1 labor saver for retailers* Dls- didate from the Second Ward to •tank Saladino, who presided, in- the highest paid group in-the during the war. BANK! Junior fashion*. average-to-heavier proportions. erans, I would like to bring to my Fire Chief Walter Ritzman to con- work. The Christian Education t OPA today clarified provi- Jie Common Council, on Tuesday opponent's attention, that on the xoduced the following speakers: plant. They get premium pay of fer with the Police committee in Visiting Rotarians present were: INSTAL R. J. Goerke Co. is just a block from the f the new ruUnB for rames J. Kinneally, Thomas Flan- seven cents an hour above the Committee headed by the "Rev. ™i? ° «»e .light of the Republican City Com- very evening the Common Council an effort to arrive at the decision John H. Hauser in cooperation Mayor August Grelner, of Wood- FRO* Pennsylvania R. R. station! Pfdance-of North Jersey mer- mittee and candidates meeting at appointed a returning veteran, agan, Edmund Jennings, Norman rates of regular operators; they equitable to all concerned. The bridge; E. W. Clauson, of Plain- Bob (Bo) Burns' chants. !asey. Ray Young, Ross DIComo, •average 43 hours pay per week for with the Union Service Committee CO I . Orevens Hotel said: Howard Madden, to the position matter was referred to the Police headed by the Rev. Gilbert"F. van field; A. R. Homer. of_Elizabethr- —"My- opponenfs-comment— said Jfcjiley_HQyi^_Harry— Colvln,—Jo~| «O*A-Price" or'AssBSSerrTils^DemocfatlE^coI^ 1 •Bever~haT~set up this program^ ^Cap^-Smith-HSaT^ed C. Zlnk, of Heretofore^OPA^ejgjtalaed, re. ""'arlri "nn mv mihlt^rnvi Ktatp- CagBCi!man BoasJDi Cotnq seph TamBurlna, Vincent Rellly. and they eat their lunches on Westfleld. The War Savings Stamp Atlantic "Service • HALF-SIZES 16% t0 26% AN EASY DRIVE BY CAR ] and-Mayor-EdwardJ. Carlln. company tlme,_which means_they^ Sophisticated m.W Jtuhimu wiiers were required to show two ment regarding the restoration was reported as withholding his prize was won by Rowland Royce. ind Improvement of bus service in are~bnly"iirthel)labt eight hours a in anew size scaled to fit you Especially created fashions for Bring the family! St. George Avenue to Rah- Wees on each tan—the OPA ceil- vote, and * Councilman Joseph FOURTH WARD MEETING day as compared to nine hours for A_substantial contributlon_to_the Elizabeth Ave. & Main St. Uho are women tnirl, .1. . ..' ««. and the retailer's selling price ;he Second Ward can be consid- TamBurlna voted."NO". Launch VictoryWarFuiid Drive— 'United War Fund campaign was fw-feet-four or under. way Avenue, direct to Elizabeth. Turn left ered nothing less than distortion The Fourth Ward Colored Re> regular operators. voted by the membership. Blair V. -hip ifte new regulation, which applies ,nd camouflage. jublican Club will hold a "Meet Provisions Adequate Benson presided with Rev. John STOP and GAS WITH BO I at Cherry St. ... then right at W. Jersey St. » all but food retailers, permits Your Candidate" meeting, tomor- "The company believes that Jaqueth as secretary. r etaUer to sh0 Same Evening row evening, at the^home of Mr. vfD . * one^rlce, the "My statement," continued these provisions are adequate "tag from the ceiling down. Mer- Arthur Cromwells, 870 Main street. recognition of the disadvantages of * MISSES' SIZES 10 to 20 .'arks "was issued on the same The public is Invited. stagger shift work. Surpri • TEEN-SIZES 10 to 16 PLENTY OF FREE PARKING SPACE oS .Who Use "^ system Bn «- evening that Republican Council-. isms J/ you are an average.to.taUer FELLOWSHIP CLTJB "On August 23 notice was given * '. a sign in. the store man Klmmick at the Common that Merck_lntended_to-resume If True sophisticate, y Debtown on the Fourth Floor At West Jersey and Price Streets ... iorr -.;- ."*« "OPAT>i-ice' mark~ea Council caucus >eported~lhe res- -Prank-Hennly-will-be the ;° tagged on merchandise in this ;oration and improvement of the guest speaker at the meeting of work schedules based on a 40-hour Could it be that you' are one c,allzea dre,,, tuit specializes in young fashions for R. J. Goerke Co. Free Parking'Lot. >• week. This meant the resumption of the few persons in Rahway "I LOST 52 Lbs.! eZ n° W«her tnan ^ OPA Second Ward bus service was in Fellowship Club in the Y. M. C. A. WEAR SIZE 14 AGAIN" falont, — - * " growing girls in grammar and ceiling price of the articles." the Effing. This were being dis- tonight. His subject will be "Can of pre-war working schedules, In- and the surrounding territory •IKS. C. D. WILLS, FT. WOKTH cluding the stagger shifts, which who does not read the Kecord high schools. - New Refutation lussedwith the Public Service offl- We Guarantee Economic Security want ads regularly? If so it is YM mvr tow poaadj mod h&ve a, W markln For All?" Supper will be served for were in effect prior to the estab- mon ricsder. tnccfal inn. No1 OPEN EVERY THURSDAY EVENING cam ",i « regulation be- :ials and as soon as the plans were really surprising because so •XEAJM. No draii. Naluitlw. group at 6:30 p.-m. lishment of the 48-hour week. "Af- E*t meat, potatoc*. irnry. butter- g"* effective last week, and af- ifficial he would report fully to many folks tell us that they 11M experirac* ot tin. WeOi may U oods ex ter this announcement, the basic never miss reading this page «r miy net b« dlflerrat th»a roan. Thursday Night is family night at i»!£.,1 ? - cept food, where *he Common Council, and all tat why »ot try Ux A»d« PUaf Look would be given an opportunity to VOCATIONAL CONFERENCE question of additional premium and the more they read it the ml lhm» rtsolt*. rking or tagging Is pay for operators whose regular more interesting it becomes. R. J. Goerke Co.! Hear Freddy Sleckman's i OPA price regula- be heard. Mr. Kimmick never said Earl Burchfield reported to the la dinted tMU eondnctcd bf c ee may be Klwanis Club, yesterday, at work schedule calls for work on They say there_Js_iust-some-- Mftdical decun mon than 1M Ith." *" *'" shown on " 'Wait until. after election and jWIIM MM 14 •» 1$ DOWMd* orchestra while you shop. ' minodlty Greven's Hotel, he had completed Sundays . [_thlng fascinating about It like a •*«r*(« fat • fr» wMka wtttt ^° itseH.lts container everything would be fine'." These again thoroughly th* AYDfl VI tarn la C»ndj plans for vocational conference considered continued story. lUdodairUn. words are just the figment of my and discarded. This "" , depending on the pro- with Junior and Senior students of was prior to the signing of an That's why these small, inex- WKb tbla Ayda PUo roo doat art he particular regulation opponent's imagination. MA mar m«lM. itarchefc pot«toc«, the High School to be held Decem- amended contract with the Union pensive ads get such good re- iB*«Uar batttr.vou ^Mptycat them Secured Better Service sults; almost everybody in Rah- 4owm It's aimpU u>4 tmtia wt«« ber 2. The conference will be held on September 29,1945. roa nloy deUdoa* (viUnUn forti- Direct Phone From Rahway t, OPA pointed out, "Councilman Kimmick has al- in various rooms of the High way and vicinity reads them. • ted> AVDS M ta L At "This unauthorized strike Is on price tags will be ready secured better bus service to School with advisors to discuss costing the production workers of Ask operator for WX 5252 (No toll charge) Inman Avenue and Is working dili- PARKS stu-dents' future. Publication Thursday »« addition, retailers will be re- Merck in excess of $10,000 per day, 1 gently to have the Second Ward "Mere flag waving-and words to .say nothing of the stoppage of Deadline 5:00 P. M- Wednesda< oi the burden of marking bus service restored. These are not on my opponent's part In behalf of L, Russell Cartwrlrht. chairman of the Rahway Victory. War J6tein's Pharmacy lot -i;"'105" With two statements NOTICE production of materials which are Fund Drive: Mrs. Joseph W. Costello, chairman of the Women's .2 CENTS A WORD ut mere words, but a matter of rec-the Veteran can not efface his col- VETERAN must have an apart- still vitally needed for the saving Division of the War Fund Campaign, and Miss Bessie Hinds, as- Cash In Advance ' East CherrySt* OF ELIZABETH . FASHION CENTRE OF UNION COUNT* l Prtce. Retailers who wish to ord. league's stand on this Important ment dnrlnr or before December of lives of men hi the Armed sistant chairman of the Women's Division; are shown at the din- al Minimum Charge foi me using the words "Ceiling Veteran Appointment Issue at the first actual opportun- Forces and civilians both here and ner which opened the drive at the Winfleld Scott Hotel, Elizabeth, Any One Ad 30 Cents 1 ' however, may do so. 8,1945.2H-I-4-5 rooms. Call Car- "Regarding the filling of munic- ity they had to vote on it." teret 8-5464. abroad. last Thursday nliht. Representatives from all Union County r rate for 2 or more tlmen municipalities were present.