24th lnfontry Division Associolion FIRST TO FIGHT Taro Lea VOL, 53 No. 4 Reunion - Tulso, OK - Sept, NOVEMBER I999 Ilarold (Corlry) Peters 21" Intantry l)ivision Assoeiation President lTelcoming: Maior General Freddy McFarren Commanding General 2 lth Infantry l)ivision (Meehanizedl and Fort Riley 24th Infan Division Association Prsident Harold (Corky) Peters (Co. G 2ls) 14030 Xanthus Avenue ffi Rogas, MN 553'14-9332 TARO LEAF, the official publication of the 24th Infantry Division Association is Tel. 612421-2433 expressed or implied are not nec- Fax.612427-594 published quarterly by and for its members. Opinions essarily those of the Department of the Army, the24th Infantry Division, the24th hce Praifunt the Editor of the Taro Leaf. Robert Smitlt Infantry Division Association or (BTRY A I lth FABN 49-'51) 7'l2lDer,rLn. Wisconsin Rapids, Wl 55494-91I Tel. 7 I 5-325-5057 Articles Submissions accuracy and readability in editing, manuscripts and articles SecrdaryTrcosurer To improve speed and Will Schumaker should be originals or clear copies, with either typed or printed out double-spaced in (a1thsl88-s192) letter quality printer mode. Articles are to be received by the Editor not later than 1300 East Hartley near Ozark, MO 65721-8437 the deadline established by the President and Editor and as published in the Taro Leaf. Tel.4t7-581-2127 E-mail:
[email protected] Deadline to the Editor Publication Date E&or Yvonne (Vonnie) Mullins 3 I 150 See Mew Dr. January 3,2000 February 2000 Rocky Mount MO 65072-2903 May 2000 Tel. 573-365-lm7 April l, 2000 Fax.573-365-7872 July 1,2000 August 2000 :
[email protected] E-mail l5 October 2000 December 2000 Choploin Glan Carpenter VOLUME 53 NO.