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^XX 0'XX XXF & EAMES New Establishment. Going, Going, Going* iJrilracprrt liocit=E&at8t PUBLISHED BY FFERS the followid GOOD, at the HE Subscribers having formed a con­ At PRICES six per cent, less than those ad* CONSTANT supply of 'his superior \ S. W. BENEDICT. O lowest market price: T nexion in the Grocery business, under vertising that they can and will sell A article f'.r sale at the BREWERY in TERMS.—Two Dollars per annum, payable Blue, black, olive, drab a d Oxford mixed the firm Of IToyt Sf Chichester, jtvonld inform less »han their neighbours. ,mam,fattiired from 'thO Quarterly. Mail subscribers in advance. Broad Cloths their friends and the Public, that they have " The proof is in trying." PUREST RQ.CK SPRING WATER ADVERTISEMENTS, less than a square, 75 Slue, black fe mixed Cas imeres taken the stand formerly occupied by Edward Those in want of V • cents i.a aouare, $1 00, for three insertions. Satinets of all kind*, and (heap II. Street, where they intend keeping a een. Bridgeporf/jJaryi;^?00 « 4<c'''/xxxxx;'xxx# Tat tan and Caroline"Plaias and Camblets eial Assortment of Groceries, Hardware, Ste. . Fancy and Staple Gbods Red, white, yellow, and geen Flannels They have now bn hand Cotton IParn, Cotton #«ttC«o;auU Sables, t^arncssrs, FOR THE YEAR 1827, \ - ; Baizes Black Bottbazines and Bom- LIQUORS, consisting of Brandy, St. • Are invited to call at the Store of Cantrlflutc^ HARVEY E.HOFT bazettes • Devonshire Kersey Croix, Jamaica and N. E. Rum, Gin, Wines, A good supply on hand, and for sale cheap, No. 2, East part of Main-Street, < % Drab Fearnought f Cordials, Ale, &c. ' ELIKEEP, ty. „ . , JAMES MALLORT-. Cashmere and CasM'mereShatfls TEAS.-1—Hyson, Young Hyson, Hyson Which mar be found a few rods north of the "EJESPECTFULLY acquaints his friends More New Goods. t'ood asortment dark-Chintz • and the public generally, that he still A Skin, arid Souchong. [ Bridge, where is constantly kept toh |^ Furniture Calicoes /CambtcS v ^ ^continues to manufacture in the' very best SUGARS.—Lump and St. Croix. hand Goods of all descriptions-^-vizlf— XAIVXES ZftilXLOSn? Jaconet and book Muslins "•' maiYner, SADDLES, BRIDLES, HAR­ MOLASSES, best quality. '! Blue, black, miXt, olive, and drab CLOTHS AS recently received hom New York b. Figured. Book and Swis/ Muslins NESS, TRUNKS, CAPS, PORTMAN­ Wheat and Buckwheat FLOUR* Blue, black, mixi and drab Casgsimeres new supply of DRY GOODS. Among Wide Bobbinet La- e ' ' Thnle do TEAUS, HOLSTERS, and YALfCES ; BUTTER, CHEESE, SALT* Satinetts nf various colours and prices his assortment may be found- Black and coloied Cantc^ Crapes v together with every other artiolc in hi< iineof COFFEE, very superior. Bang up Cords, dark and heavy Goods First quality blue Camblets Tartan Plaids Black and whitn French! do FISH.—-Mackerel, Shad, and Cod. vftusines?. Baizes and Flannels. Salisbtny Flannels and Baizes Flannels, of all colors,cheap Bandanoe, fiaga and blakk Cotton Hdkfs. f He has also for sale, Whips, Spur*, Raisins; Oranges ; Pepper ;Alspice ; Gin A large^jassortment of Fancy &. Vestings. , Salisbuiy Flannel Black, cinnamon, and Coiion Flagg hdkfs. ch^ap as any &leigh Bells, and a very choice selection of ger ;Pearlash, Starch, Snuff, Tobacco, &c. Black, green and drab Tabby Velvet green Bombazettes Black Bombazine Canton Flannel Bki-'ioks, Checks and •Brass and silver plated, pottedj and Japaned &c. together with an'assortment, of Earthen B'ack silk Velvet. Ratinet Caroline Plaids & Caroline stripes Black Plaids Bangupcords <>f good quality Hard- Ware, Buffalo Robes, fee. fee. all rif Ware, Hardware, fee. Black Canton Crapes; colored do. Circassian Blk and red fig'd Rattinetrs' Plain and fig'd Grode jtfap Black t which may be obtained on as moderate terms FRANCIS HOYT,. Cashmere, Merino, Circassian and Cassimere Saitinetts, cheap enough Blk, blue, gr<-en Italian Luiestiing . Black India Levan­ at any similar establishment. WARD CEICHESTF.R. Shawls, of various colors and pa terns & drab labby Velvet Brown Cambric tine and Sarsnett j Col'd Florences •* * Old articles promptly attended to. Norwalk. Dec. 15, 18?6. . 43 Sinchews slTkTforSsCrf 4s6d. 5a6rf, 7s ihe yd Bang up Cord, cheap Devonshire Kersey Fis'fl Riit'ini tt fms and common Irish Wanted, CATT'.E'S HAIR., Black Italian at 7s lOrf the yard—only Russian Shawls 7 4 and 8-4 red & blk Linens Linen Cainbric and Lawn NJEW GOODS JUST REC'D BY ,Norwalk, Jan.2d, 1827. 45 call and judge for yourselves merino Shawls 4 4 red merino do Black, pink, and bh.e Cbmbric • liLlB. bElV^tTl', Bl'k &. coi'd Gross de Naples Silk. Plain do. 6 4 and 8-4 fig'd Cashmere Shawls, a very STEAM BOAT LINE. Wadding for ladies coals Buck kin mittens Green, pink, white, blue Lutestring, for 8s w4 few Rods East of the Bridge. handsome article 4-4'cashinere Shawl£4 Light blue Ladies Cloth Rose and Point Bobinett , the laigest assortment yet of­ Stages every day, Sundays excepted for LUE, black, olive, mixed &. drab Cloths all colors Purple and chints Shawls Blankets Bleaphed and uhbleaclied fered, being a lot sacrificed at auction, and * .• JSawpitts) Stamford, Norwalk, and and Cassii.ieres Diabet 1 piece very excellent steel mixt Cassimere Sheetings, &c.:&tc.I&c. ® B will be sold extremely low. Bridgeport. Blue and black mixed Satinetts Black Canton crape Blk, geen, and white Thread Laces ; Edgings, and Insertings HARDWARE. Bang up cord Devonshire Ketsey French C rape Greeh whitegauze veils S^iss Muslins. Swiss Muslin Points Knives and Forks ; Razors and Strops ; Lyonskin V Rose and Point Blankets Blk and white bobinet Laces, various width's Linen Cambrick. &. Linen C'ambrick hdkfs. Knob Lscks; Stock and Trunk do ; Butts & Red, white, yellow, green, and Salisbury and very cheap Floss Thread and Cotton Flagg and Bandanoe Hdkfs. some at 4s4d. Screws; Buck Saws ; Saw Files; Door Han­ Flannel, various qualities and Pearling Good black Levantine Bl'k Italian Crapes,at 2s6d, 4s, 4s6cf, 5s, 5*6d, dles ; Brass Nails ; Shoe and Biead Knives; Tartan Plaids various patterns, «ome at 2s 9d Blk Sarcuietts Col'd Florences Fig'i? Green fo wht Crape; Crape Lisse. [Gs6d,8s6d Wrought and cut Nails, &LC. Caroline plaids and stripe Green baizes Gros de-Naples silk J Thread, Bobinett arid Scotch Ginghams, dark. 9 8 wide Also—A small assortment of Groceries. Black, blue, brown and crimson plain and Cotiou Laces Irish Linens long Lawns >e6vwtiti566fifi65r Domestic Ginghams. Bl'k &, col'd cambrics Norwalk-. January lit, 1827. 45 figured Bombazetts Silk Braids Piping cord Gloves of most HE Directors of the Steam Boat JOHN Furniture Chintz, Blue c£ yellow Nankeen Blk bombazine, Circassian, lustring &. satteen every description Dorebester Bedtickir/g MARSHALL h ••ive commenced run­ Bolivar Stripes. Norwich Crape,a dark brown T HAr.D-WARE, &c. Fig'd and black Ratinett Furniture chintz 6 4, 8-4, and 10-4 Damask Table Diaper ning a daily Lino of STAGES during the Brown Cambrick, for Hats .Calicoes, various qualities [hams Russia Diapers White Jean Plaid Cravat •winter season, as follows, viz. JOILV IllIlIiML Jaconet and Cambric Muslins, fig'd & plain American and imported stripe Plaid &,Ging- Silk and Cotton Flafcji Hdkfs Leaving Zachariah Mead's, 23 Bowery, nr AS just received from York an addi­ Plain and figured Mull Muslins Cassitnere and Cashmere Shawls White and black silk Hose Cotton and •ood assortment of Shirting Muslins Sioc ings Fancy hdkts. Book, Jab- Greenwich . 1 25 Fine black worsted Hose ; common do Desk and trunk Locks Table and teaspoons Linen of various qualities Long Lawn onet. Cambric and Swiss Muslins plain Stamford , ' , 1 50 Long white Kid Gloves. Ladies' white and Stock and dead do I/tk powder ^ Furniture Dimity Muslin Robes and fig'd Vestings American & imported Norwalk . . 2 00 col'd kidGioves. Horseskindo. best imported Chest and pad do Lather brushes and J'inen cambric Cambric muslin Ginghams Clark's spool cotton Bridgeport 3 00 Gentlemen's Gloves of all kinds Curtain pins . boxes Blue and plain Nankeens Ribbons cap Ribbons Apron Checks ah Baggage at the risk of iis respective Gentlemen's Cravats, ail S'JZP.S and patterns Commode nobs Norfolk and common Cravats, assorted colors Diaper Indigo Blue morocco Recticufes a good .tfwners. 1 Silk Umbrellas. iMilliiiett and Wire Snuff iobacco box*- - latches and ketches Blue silk Velvet supply of domestic Shirtings and Sheet iugs N. B. This being the most splendid Line All kinds of articles in the Millinary Line Block tin tea pots' Coarse and fine tooth Plain and fig'd jaconett, swiss & book muslin Best kind needles Knives Scissors pocket on this Road, and having careful and experi Power Loom Shirtino and Sheeting Quinebaug and sand combs Figured Gros de Naples silks Books Slates Pencils Shaving and enced drivers, Passengers may ride with ease Padding and Tiilatings. Buitons%f all sorts stones Pocket BooUa Si waJ- Green and white Florence Tooth Brushes Buttons Spelling Bo 'ka .and mofe than ordinary safety. Russia Sheeting,-Duck, ajid Dowiass Wilson's Bread and ' lets Black Canton and French crape Testaments cotton and Cards Pins \ V January 6, »827. 46 Shears, Scissors. Kniyes and Razors shoe knives Shoe and scrubbing Hlnck sarsinett and India Levantine Tapes Bobbins . PaperHangings Looking- Btuts and screws Suspenders, Combs and Elastic Garters "'Old Line of Stages, from JVew York by the brushes Bobinei? Liice different widths and qualities ALSO . Glasses fen. &c. fee. Wrought Tacks and Scissors and shears Green and white crape CROCKERY, a good assortment. &ay of Stamford and Norwalk, to Danbury. The greatest share of articles called for, from , Sparables i Wafers Thread and cotton Jr«m,4 cents to 10s Laces - "irpJec.e; pen khivea !• S«nd paper""' " Ladies' silk and white Kid Gloves Curry cdmbs Awls, and shoe tack Silk Buttons, assorted colors (t^CAPS—CAPS—CAPS.«^D (^ast hob nails f: Betts' Blacking Blk worsted and blk and white cotton Hose LI REtyD has on hand constantly Fur HE Subscribers have just received 700 Spades and shovels Peging aw| halts and Gimps, assorted colors (Japs of" the finest quality, viz ;—Fu bushels of superior Turks Island Salt— Shovels and tongs T sewing do Floss thread and cotton, skeins *nd spools Seal, of the dark brown and natural colour 600 do .Rock do Gridirons :"f An assortment of cut Ladie?* white cotton pocket hand'is with wor­ Black Hair Seal;-also, the Hair Seal colors, 150 Tons Plasigr: which they offer for safe Barber's Razors Nails ked borders Black siik Vesting. low price. Likewise, an assortment of the cheap for cash or countiy Pioduce. Also*—. •4. ,^_T- --r Benj 's razor straps Norwalk, - - -jifefci&rtSS*'*.- ' - - Vale.ntia, toilnett and marteilles Vesting myeh admired Cloih Caps,called the Grecian PAINTS AND OILS —as follows i E the Subscribers, wish to inform the Septeyiher J 8, 1826. W India , a good article for bed quilts or Rutgers Caps, for Boyt. Those in want White, Red fe Black Lead, Yellow Ochri, Public that we have commenced run­ Ladies'Kid Gloves, assorted colors of the. above comfortable articles for Winter Spanish Brown, English Whiting Rose,Pink, ning a Line of STAGES, to meet GBIFFEN 'GREEN'S ' Men's first quality.Beaver do will please call and make a selection. Prussian Blue,Stone Yellow,Chrome Yellow, .& ODEI4>, at Stamford, as follow-: Cotton checks Bed Ticks Connect]cutK egister for1827 Norxvalk. January 1st, 1827. Umber, Venetian Red, Vermilion Red. Ivy Leaves A. HOWARD'S. NO. 18 Bowery, N. Umbrellas and Parasols Pearling Just received and fo> *'alo at the Bookstore, Black, Lamp black, Lethorgel Verdigris, Tork, every Tuesday, Thursday. & Saturday, Black and cri?vson Tabby Velvet .Now is your-Time. at 9 o'clock, A. M. for Stamford, Norwalk, & and Library, south of the Bridge. Sprite Yellow, Patent Yellow, Putty. Rosin, Apron checks, warranted Indigo blue Tar and Turpentine by th6 barrel ; Linseed, Panbnry. Leaves GERSHOM NICHOLS', Dan Feh. 5 P. PRICE. EVI CLARK Russia Sheeting Buck skin Gloves Fish, and best of Lamp Oil, Spiri's-Turpeft. -fcury, at 3 o'clock. H. WHiTLocK.Norwalk. OR SALE—The House & Shell, horn and ivory^combs Spoons Lhas recently re­ at 7 o'clock. EZRA KNAPP'S, Stamford. 8 Store of the- subscriber, sit­ turned from the city tine, Window Glass, Paint Brushes fee. F Knives and Forks Looking Glassed Norwalk, Dee. If. HOYT® fe Co. o'clock, A. M. every Monday, Wednesday, & uated 1 14 miles south .of Nor- Clothes ;

--i1' •" :'r

F6'6M^RANCE^Paris-]ja'pej^'';bii' the passage of the bill before the haltise, laying o ward grace. Woen a man advbn&s a claim tion ; but tlife House 'rfcfased fo'order them* 3d ult, are leceived. They contain no news. tax on them, and he called for its reading. against the landtjof his neighbour, lie makes The question iheb being put on adjouri. .lCA.—We last week briefly noticcd It ieply 'o the address of the Chambers, the Alter tpe clerk had read a part, Mr. Sill his appeal to thrilaw ; but, when he forcibly ment, it was negatived—Ayes 81, noes 105. jparture of Lieut. Colonel Deiiham, in Kinf of France said— moved tlibt its further reading be dispensed enters upon the possession of them, he makes The question now at length recurred—A V-.,dn»us,for the coast of Africa, where he M You desire peace, gentlemen; no one can with,and that it be laid under the table The his appeal tosomethingrfifferent from the law. '• Shall this bill pass ?" and was decided lyr ' gone on a mission from/to Wajestv s Gov­ desire it more than I dp—the efforts I am bill would never be caller; up. and it was use­ Mr. Forsyth slid the proposition before the yeas and nays. Yeas 106—Nays 95. ernment, which is said t* embrafce the most making to preserve it,spring from my heart.— less to waste our time iu ihe leading of this. House, and the tiily one by strict rule debat Ftb 12/A.—In the Senate, on Monday, Mr. important objects conned cur set-le- It gratifies me to be able to announce to you Mr. Barstow observed that the bill was be­ able, was that tiade by himself, to refer the Cobb presented sundry proceedings of the ex­ menis in that quarter of the globe. I/he pre itint n>y hopes of doing so, become daily more fore the house, and could be called up ut any messages of the President to the Committee ecutive and Legislature of the Slate of Geor­ ' cise nature of these objects dt.es not,of course strong. If Divine Providence evei otherwise time. Mf. Piggot said the memorial bad of the whole Hoise on the state of the Union. gia,on the subject of Treaties lately concluded / transpire, but It i» understood they relate'.o been sent to him. by a part.ofbis constituents, It appeared to hili very extraordinary, that, by the United state wth the Creek Indians.— die opening of a commercial ititucoorve with • rdaiti, rely, gentlemen, upon me, as I rely and he was desirous it should be read. after this whole {subject ol the controversy Mr. Sanford, from the commiftee on Foreigp wine of the kingdoms recently explored b) upon all my faithful subjects; and be assured The clerk again proceeded in the reading, with Georgia, hat been for some time before Relations made a report on the memorials of • Ci'ptain Clappeitoii, and to the foumition of -.hat the horioui rfFrance will remain, as when Mr Sacked remarked that it was unbe­ ihe House, and jodj on his motion, been re­ sundry merchants and traders who have lost, a more convenient and centra! estahlishniei" ever has been, puie and untouched." coming the dignity of the house to ferred to the cor^itiittee of the whole House property by French depredations, accompa­ for the head quarters of our African settle The Speaker—Though 1 regret that the on the State of life Union, in compliance with nied by a resolution for the discharge of the ' m'ents, which may facilitate the cohirnhnica- From Key West.—Capt. Blinn who left Key gentleman called for its reading, yet his. call the wishes of Georgia without remark or ob­ tion with the interior of that vast continent.— West on the first inst. informs that . Commo­ committee from the further consideration of must be obeyed. jection, that so ijfiich anxiety should be Sierrh Leone is not calculated to answer the dore Porter had in port the frigate Liberator, the memorials. A bill was reported, appro­ Mr. Piggoti said he did not know how to to give to the Executive messages respecting 7 extended objects now in view. . It has no nav­ and the brig Victoria, ti e latter just arrived priating 37,000 for Mc Adamizing Pensylva- act; it wa» the first petition ever sent him by it. the usual direction, that is, to send them to nia Avenue from the Capital to Georgetown. igable rivers,' and the soil is foliiid to be^ veiy from a cruize. The. brig Bravo, another ol his constituents. He would stand for the dig­ a select, or to a sanding committee. slight and unproductive. The climate is also bis squadron, was then in sight beating in.— The bill from the House, imposing an addi­ nity of the house as much as any mam He It was in vain t • deadening to all enterprise, and from these The Commodore wgs fitting outa brig which talk of the necessity of a tional duty oo Woollens, was read the first then withdrew his motion ; and on motion of reference to a sin 11 committee, and the dan­ various causes, the condition of slaves who he had captured, tie was daily expecting 2 .time. have been rescued from captivity and sent to frigates from V. Cruz, and intended to attack Mr. Foote, the bachelor tax bill, and all mat ger of going, withltit preliminary inquiry,into The Senate confirmed the nomination of iers before the house, relating thereto, we:e the colony,hctve not undergone that ameliora­ ihe Spanish squadron as soon as they arrived committee of the tvhole. All the fact6 had Mr. Poinsett, as minister to the Congress of tion wiiich the sangUitie j)iomoters of abolition His vessels were al! well manned, and Ihe postponed till ihe firs' Monday in July next long been in possession of the House. The Tacubaya, by a vote of 80 to 17. , only change which has occurred is that no,w fexpected. It should be confessed, howeVer, crews in fine spirits. The Spanish squadron The greater portion of the sitting of the in question. It has been presented by both that the British Government had nothing off the harbor, consisted of 4 frigates and two ' CQINbSESS. House, was spent in discussing the proposition the parties. It ca|ie first from Georgia and whatever to do with the original formation of biigs. Com. Porter could run out any time of Mr. Verplank, so to amend the bill provi­ In the Senate, on Friaay Feb. 0, the bill to now from the President of the States.— the settlement at Sierra Leune. Some phi­ be pleased,but intended to wail for the expect­ U. ding for an exchange of Stocks,as to authorize provide for the adjustment of claims ol persons Georgia bad longssught an investigation,and lanthropists were the first projectors, in 1787, ed re-inforcement. The Colombian priva­ contingently, an issue of Treasury Notes fot entitled to indemnification under the first ar it had whom it passed into the hands ol a teer Carababo, Capt. Hopner, was abo in been promisid lo her. The President the redemption of public debt. The proposi­ through tide of the treaty of Ghent, Sic- was yester Go., whose resources having become bank­ port, repairing, and was to sail iu 2 days.— now asks no more than an investigation. tion received a strong vote, in committee of day reported with amendments. The bill to rupt in 1807, the English Ministry then first She had iaken a number of piizes.—Mere. Why this distinction in the treatim-nt of the the Whole, but did not prevail, and. the bill grant land in the state of Indiana, in aid of took charge of colony. Since that time it Stale, and of Ihe Executive of the U. States ? was reported to the House. the the opening of a canal in that stale, was, after has been used as a depot for the liberated Af­ Loss of the ship Beverly — A letter from And, disguise the natter as gentlemen mighi, Tuesday, Feb. IS.—In the Senate, a BiU full discussion, laid on the table. The me­ rican slaves, of whom there at a- Maranham dated Jan. 1st, says " a few days this was a question between the Administra was reported to amend an act regulating tbQ are present morial of the Colonization Society, praying bout 14,000 in the colony. These arc in­ since arrived here the Capt. 2d mate, 1 pas­ lion and one of theStates. That State had duties on imports and tonnage. A bill to es« aid from the government, was presented, and structed in some of the aris of civilized life, senger and 6 of the ere" of the American ship exerted her rights, ireal or supposed. The tablish a port of entry at Fairfield, .Conn.. w$3 on motion to refer ii,some debate arose, when and taught to labour in the fields, but the pro­ Beverly of 500 tons, which ship was bound President had denied the existence of those ordered to a third reading. it w as laid on the table. The bill for the ben­ duce of their industry has hitherto been from Boston to Valparaiso, and in the latitude rights, and interposed to prevent the exercise The Woollen duty bill, from the House wm efit of the heirs of Thomas Jefferson,deceased, slight, nor have they made any commen­ <« 6, 20, Norm, and longitude 27, 2, West, of them. Georgia asked, in language tempe­ taken up; Motions wer^ made at tiie same, by authorising the contractor* with the corpo­ surate advances in civilization. New sou: took fiie and was burnt to the water's edge.— rate and conciliatory, for a candid, fair, and lime to refer the bill to the~Finarice.commiu ration of the city of Washington,for the draw ces of trade are wanted by the coun­ The crew and passengers left her; in the dispffcsionate examination of the subject by tee, and to the committee on Manufactures ing of certain lotteries, to substitute land pri­ try—new customers must be found to con longboat 14; in the pinnace 9, and in the Congress. She ought not to evade judicial and after some discussion the latter prevailed zes for money prizes in their scheme, was sume our manufactures: and though but a whale boat 0. The pinnace made the land at inquiry. Who was there base enough to im­ by a vote of 5 to 21. read a third time and passer. The bill au­ }K.or picture is drawn of the state ol the native Pemahibo. about 200 miles to the windward agine she had any such intention ? That she [This bill provides that after the first of thorizing such persons as have relinquished . African tribes at present, yet, by opening a of this port, and iiom thence caine here in a was unwilling to submit lo the decision'of the August, 1827, all imported manufactures of public lands, io repurchase the same at a fix free intercourse with the most intelligent of Biazili'in vessel. The Capt. and 4 others re- constitutional authority! Who daring enough wool, or of which wool is a component part, ed price, was lead a third time and passed. these nations, by teaching them the value of 'nrn home in the Elizabeth, the remaining 4 to assert that she was,desirous to resist the au (except worsted stuff good fa; blankets,) whose The House of Representatives did not yes European arts, and the morals and manners oi aie waiting here.,under protection of the U. S. thority of the Executive, when that authority value at the place whence imported does not terday, lake up the Manufactures' Bill,on the civilized life,there can be no doubt t in Consul for a passage home. The other boats w .s constitutionally exerted. exceed 40 cents per square yard,shall be reck­ th queiion ol the passage. The resolution of' course of time the immense continent which have not yet been heard ol here, bui may have Now, the facts were already but too well oned as costing that sum,and charged accord­ l'ered by Mr. Saunders occupied the house anded at the leeuaid; those that arrived known. A contract had been made iu 1824 ingly. If over 40 cents and under Si 50, it is now enveloped in barbarism, would become for an hour, during which Mr. Dorsey made litre were at sea 15 days, and the crew on an nr 1825, for the extinguishment of the Creek provides that they shall becharged with duties a valuable maiket for our commodities, whek some remarks iu continuation, but had not liowance of 1 buist uit and 3 gills of. water Indian claim to all the land occupied by the as ifcosting the latter sum. If over #150, and the old world is comparatively closed against come to a conclusion w hen the discussion was per day. It was a miraculous preservation." tribe within the limits of Georgia Iu conse under #2 50, as if costing #2 50. It over $2 us by the livaLy of other nations. To this suspended. The House was then occupied indeed have traveileis been ex A lettei from the Boston Palladium office, quenue of the resistance of part of the tribe to 50 and under g4,as if costing $4. It provides end sent to on a question as to the refeience of the mes plore Africa ; and we rejoice -to find thai dated 13th inst. says; the fulfilment of that contract, a new one was further, that instead of 30 per cent, duiy, as sage of the Piesident relative to the f^'reek kn tht r labors are now drawing to a conclusion. No letters h >ve been received from the made in Washington in 1826. Before the se now. on unmanufactured wool, 35 shall beiro* Indians. Mr. Forsyih moved its reference to The last accoOhis from Captain Clapperton Captain oi officers ol the ship Beverly, (re­ cond, and immediately afte* the formal pro posed after June 1st, 1828, and 40 after tho the Couimitie of the Whole on the Stale of leave no doubt that the iNiger runs into the ported to be burnt at sea.) Her cargo was muigation of the first by proclamation from same day, 1829. This bill will operate to the the Union. Mr. Everett moved a reference Ocean at the Bight Benin, after traversing invoiced at #104.600,of which gOOOO belonged the President, Georgia made a disposition of advantage of agriculture and domestic manu- to the Commute^ on the Judiciary ; and Mr. nearly the whole extent of Africa. Here to government. Insurance was made in this Tiie lands acquired, or rather made prepara factuies The New-York Chamber of Com­ Webster moved to refer the subject to a Se then, will be the spot to erect a settlement; city, Jjalem, Marbleliead, &ic. the amount we non to dispose of them. She was about to merce have memorialized the Senate on thi$ I ct Committee of seven membeis, which last thrcugh that celebrated river, which is said to do not know. The vessel probably had spe have them surveyed. The President inter subject, setting forth that if it passes it wjj| motion prevailed It was proposed to ap­ be navigable for .1500 miles, a trade could be cie independent of lie above. The ship was posed to prevent this survey, alleging that it deeply affect their interests, and also be sub* point the committee by ballot; but ihe motion carried into the heart of Africa. Tlie Island of 499 tons—cargo,dry goods,provision, white could not be lawfully done until September, versive of the best interests of the n atiou —- was negatived, by yeas and nays,104 to 00. of Fernando Po, at the mouth of ihe Bighi, w ax, furniture, fluur clothing, Rusia goods, 1826. Not satisfied with ordinary means,the They say it prohibits the importation of soma A warm and very lengthy debate took place lias been recently surveyed,and it is supposed silks, teas, wine, brandy, domestic goods, fee. President interposed the military force, the kind of goods ; that with the addition of ex. previous to the decision ol the question. We that this Island will be selected as the future hired soldiers, the regular army of the United change, it offers a premium in favor of similar make a few extracts— ^ ftead quarters of the British power in Africa Capt. Wibray informs that a duel was States, to prevent the State from doing what articles manufactured in the U.Staterof from [Londonpaptr. fought at New Orleans on the 28th ult, be­ Mr. Buchanan believed much greater im­ she believed she had a righ. to "do on the land 62 to 242 per cent; that the cheaper kind of •i, A. tween Joseph Saul, Cashier of the Louisiana portance had been attached to the subject lying within her limits, and the Indian title to goods, such as are worn by the laboring class­ BOLIVAR.—Letters from La Gnayra to Bank,and N. Morse, Eqrs. They exchanged than fairly belonged to it. In his opinion, ii which had been extinguished. es, will by this bill pay the highest duties, and Jan. 12th, are received by way of St.Thomas tlneeshots without effect,when they separa ted, involved na question of civil war—nothing The slate, unwillrng to have a war with the those consumed by the wealthy, pay the low-, Gen Bolivar arrived at Caracas on the 10th. without a reconciliation which.ouglit to alarm the imagination of the General Government, desisted until Septem est : and that they can see no reason to justify liiostitiniid. ,_H.e.Lhouglit.tha_subjttftt-„6h unlimited proofs of our gratitude. Beloved In uje Home, a petition was presented from ing injustice to that State, for a moment to Woollen Duty Bill.—The Bill for the pro imonsly of the opinion, that there are no facts brothers of Caracas, receive our congratula­ Benjamin Bailey, and—Huntigton, com­ suppose, that she would not yield obedience lection of the woollen manufactures was read which will authorize the belief, or even suspi­ tions: jointly we have proceeded in the omi plaining of the conduct ol the insurance Co. to the laws of the country, 1 ask, then, what a third time, and the/question being on the cion,that the Vice President was ever interest­ nous epoch, it is right thai we should mutually m N. York, and praying for a repeal of their necessity is there for legislation upon this sub­ passage of the bill, i^r.Canibreleng delivered ed, or that he participated,directly or indirect­ give ourselves joy. Honoured and vitiuou* cuaner—and also, from thb Company against ject ? Can legislation, at present, fairly in­ his sentiments in oppositton to the bill, in a ly, in the profits of any contract formed with foreigners, your,last steps have added a new the petition. fluence the rights of the parties? The issue speech of more thaji an hour. He concluded the Government through the Department of link to these which before united us ; you A motion was made to reconsider the vote is joined between them, and must be decided by moving its third reading on the 4th day of War, while he was intrusted with the dis- have shown yourselves as patriots, as friends iejecting the fmtsectioii of the State Road according to existing laws. Sir, said Mr. B. March next ; he/Withdrew his motion, how chnrgeofits duties, or at any other time.—? of the incomparable Bolivar; this is sufficient Bill, but the consideration of the motion was altnough I believe the President has acted ever, at the reqi/est of Mr. Buchanan, who They are also of opinion that ihe conduct of to entitle you to oui esteem- Unreasonable postponed 'till Saturday. with the strictest propriety, in referring this moved that the bill be recommitted to the Mr. Barbour, the Secretary of War, in regard Enemies of ti e founder of three Republics, The nouse then again went in committee ol question to the Judiciary, yet, I must be per­ Committee on Manufactures, with instruction to the letter of E. Mix, is not. in the slighieaL return to order ; hi confounded b) the mag the whole, Mr. Kortright in the chair, on the muted to say, tfiat, in another particular, 1 so to amend,thesame as to make the duties degrae,deserving of censure. The accusation nanimity which ihe Heio evinces whom you bill to renew the charier of the Mechanic's &, cannot yield him my approbation. He ought on the importation of foreign woollen goods, contained in the letter was regarded by hini k ;:3persed. Let us conclude these-l'ew lines by Farmer's Baua ol Albany. Mr. Starkweather uot to have prejndged the case, and proclaim­ and foreign wool, to commence at the same, as a 1 ase calumny upon the Vice President, supplicating you, distinguished Liberatoi, mai.e a long and ablespeech in opposition to ed his opiuion to this House, and to the coun­ time, and to make the duties (he same on for­ penned by a man wholly unworihy of notice ^ soon, soon to recall the illustrious Dr. Men- the provisions of the bill, in which he gave a try. The law should have been permitted to eign wool, whither imported upon the skin or and the committee have no reason to believe duza,to continue his functions with the de- History oi'banking operations, and maintained take its regular course. The opinion of the not; also to increase the duty on the import­ that the supposed truth of that accusation wa» coiuh. and dignity which we have admired in triat different provisions were necessary for President ought not,to have been cast into the ation of foreign spirits not less than ten cents at any time ihe basis of any act of the Wat bin , and yourself. In.maculate magistrate, the government of Country and city Banks, scale, either on the one side, or on the other. per gallon ; md also to increase the duty on Department., The committee, remark, thai • £y to dissip..te ihe remains of regret which and that this, as.a pattern ii'/^wonld not an- That opinion has been decidedly t;iven against the importation of foreigu hemp not less than they place no reliance whatever on the testi­ your- absence still occasions to us. Notwith­ avter the objects of a bank ni the country. the State ol Georgia. I do not profess to be five dollars per ton. mony of Elijah Mix. From the self contradic­ standing the immense happiness of which the Mr. Granger replied io his objections. a warm adunrerof the President, but yet 1 The motion was negatived—as was also a tions, apparent on ihe face of his testimony, enjounem oVeipowers us, by this act of rig- The Speaker spoke in length, and stated feel great respect for any opinion which he motion to l«y the bill on the table. aside from the infamy attached to bis charac­ • orous juswt e, you will leduuble the rejoicings that In should vote against the bill. The ob­ has deliberately formed. It is ''entitled to Mr. Ingham now rose, and expressed his ter, the committee were satisfied that ha of thb whole tulvn of Laguayra." ject of limning the charters of banks, was to inuch cotf Uleration ; and, therefore, it would sentiments in opposition to the bill, in a ought not tu be believed on his oath. They see il they managed well. This bank had have been ttie more proper to have concealed speech of two hours. Mr. I. being seated — mention several letters produced by Mix on AltZico and Texas*—Hostilities have com done well, and he was for renewing, their it whilst thacause was pending. Mr. Bartlettjrose, and after briefly advert his examination, of which those from Major ibem ed between '.he iorces of lite Mexican charter as it is. But ii was too early by 4 years Mr. Webster observed, it was not his inten­ ing to.the late leriod of the session, the mass Vandeventer were admitted by that, officer R(| i,t in' and the revolutionists in Texas.— to lenew it. When the charters of this and ol tion now to discuss the general question, or to of unfinished jusiness before the House, aud genuine, with the exception ol such parts as it :>j pi ars that a paily of i^exieans, about 60 other banks arc renewed, the amendment ol go into an extended- reply to the observations to the protrased debate which had taken had been defaced.or obliterated by Mix ; but in • ii;i?bi;r approached a fortified bouse in the Mr. liay, requiring a boaus, ought to be in­ whieh have been made upon it: but lam place on this pill, demanded the previous those papers put polling to be copiesof a letter, viei;!"j of NaLtigdiiches,which was garrisoned serted. told by the honourable gentleman from Geor question. j i from (hat officer to Mr. Calhoun were consid­ by i e trvdoti.au.s. About fifteen of the lat­ Mr. Granger tho't the greatest evil was to gia (Mr. Forsyth) that the Court? are open, The question leing put, the House sustain­ ered by the committee as fabricated. . Th<> ter sallied out to meet the assailants, who be apprehended from delaying the renewal of and that this question may be settled by a ju ed the demand—ayes 97, noes 8£. report was ordeied to be printed- . were repulsed with the loss of four kiiled and all bank charters, till they were near expiring. dicial tribunal. This might have been a >e- Mr. Mitchel iioved that the House ad­ Mr Floyd obseived thai he had gone int$> : "'.'^several wounded. It wasdoubtml which pajty Eighteen millions of capital could make a niarkably good argument to address to the journ—aye9 JH—noes 100. this business with a disposition io do~ainp!e •-•r.-^'-ttvouid prev'ait iu the end. Owl* information powerful impression on the legislature, and state of Georgia before she took the remedy Tiie speakef ttt>n put the question, "Shall justice to all conqei lied in it, and that tho leads os to believe that a large proportion of would give oppuitumty for the reviving of'he into her own hands. It is new mode of set­ the main questioi now be pu> ?" character and conduct, of Mix had been uiar fe­ ihe colonists in Texas have taken sides with old scences of bribery and corruption, i'ht: tling a constitutional question, to seize the On this questio, Mr. Ed varde, of North I ed,in the investigation,by greater atrocity hac " tiie rfevoluti iDisis. A Natchitoches paper of committee rose and reported. muds in dispute, and send on the Hancock Carolina, demaned the yeas and nays— bad been seen since the days of Tims 0->ies.j 'X Jtith inv. I'-d'.itains a treaty offensive and Mr. Piggol obtained leave,, '.hough oat lU uovp horse to defend the possession of [102 'O 98.] 1 . ... In the Stnateon Wednesday,the vice presH ^ve bai'vfcen the republic ot Nacogdo o»dei, i>'> piesuii; a inemoriai liotu >rie b chd -them. But, at this stage of the afllalr, that ap- Mr. Cambreftii now in sundry tribes of lndiaus.-W'.Or.pa. lors of New-York, remonstrating agamsv the j^ekl to tbe^CouFi comes with ratber an awk­ and called-for tl]e|eas nn-i nays on his ujo- Mm?d thecbajf. K

-'•J.. V 3s 'F » ..'I I T P..• 1

mmm •*V w V-:-, if \33t*55*awj9iK'}sgf ...J/ 4= should ofett^n power; and they deserve our! ent year; aiid to fit for sea the Java frigate, NTENDING to unvd to New York, di* / CASE MORGAN. • .. thanks for their firmness. We know of noth­ which wants nothing bat her stores.—Boston I persons indebted to trie for Goods sold itt , i'f flie Rochester Tel e>apofthe 6th mst. ing which could bfe more unfortunate than the Patriot. this plHce, are requested to pay! m.V Brother, us speaks concerning Morgan: advancement to office of some of those men Wm. B. Giles has been elected Governor TUESDAY. FEBRUARY 20. 1827. S. J. FBOST. H. K- FROST. • Delegates from the several committees it) who are so active in thi§ county f >r its accom­ of Virginia in the place of Mr. Tyler, elected Norwalk, Feb. 17, 1827. 52 ae counties of Ontario, Monrm^ Genesee ami It is possible, that we have been misunder­ plishment. But it is thesb ihen ivho jnak,e all Senator, of the tjnited Slates. ; , L Niagara,met at Lewiston on the a.4th ult. and d^THIRD AND LAST CALLi^O stood by some of our rejders in our remarks the noise on the subject, u;ho have lield all the Fire -^On Friday night, Sth ihst. -the nfcw made a thorough examination into the report* LL PERSONS having accotint> .v-ith on the subject of Districting, and as this is a meetings,and who have wade all the nomina­ stables, of Abijah Hi Hatch, of Fishkill, of Morgan's having been, taken to Fort Ni , tHe subscriber, of more than one year's question which those wjio advocate it seem tions^ had not a bold stand been made against keeper of tlie stage house at that place, and A .agara and .murdered. The examination was standing, are fcetjiiested td mike payment by determined to make th{ sticking point at the them at the hazard of losing Republican one of the-proprietors of the line ofstages.was 'important, and the result will,in due lime, be the first of March next; and ill Persons ill? coming election, it majjjnot be unnecessary to character, and with the apparent inconsisten destroyed by fire, together with seventeen fine submitted to the public. Premature disclo debted by Note'are requested to do the samS* state our views more explicitly regarding it. cy of opposing former principles, these men horses,about five hundred dollars worth of hay, sure have already embarrased our investiga Those who riegiect'tbis Call, must eipect to In doing this we wish [i to be understood un­ would have been successful, and if this firm and several harnesses,. &c.. Only'two; out of '{Ions. The Committee appreciate the anxi­ find their ri >tes and accouiits in an Officer's equivocally that wel dij it not as the mouth­ ness is relaxed they will now succeed in their 19 horses in the stable; were saved.1 Eleven ety of the.public to learn the fate of Capt. hands, for collection. : 52 piece of any man qr f>arty whatever, for we purposes. that were killed, were the property of Mr. , Morgan, but they have deemed it inconsistent FeF>. 19." PETER iJUSTED. pretend to be in nojhijan's confidence whose Here then are the reasons which have in­ Hatch, stated to be worth $1000 By.this dis­ "with the ends of justice to communicate until interests are connected either with the adop­ duced those who understand the matter to aster, Mr. H. who has a large family much OR SALE^A small Farm, ! ft was in their power to make a full and satis tion or rejection olllhe measure. But in ex­ take the course they have, and we leave it to inspected and esteemed, has lost his all. f of ten acres of Land, wijti a ^factory developement. pressing our own virus and feelings, we wish every candid Republican whether they are The Grand Jury on Wednesday returned a M|H| Dwelling House, and a Well of ' The Grand Royal Chapter of Masons ofthe our friends in Hartford and other parts ofthe blame-worthy. These are the reasons which bill of indictment against Duvall and others, oBElHn water near the door; Said place /:•..state of New York, have publicly, disclaimed, State as distinctly t'p understand that whatev­ have influenced us in taking a decided stand for a fraud in relation to the Clinton cheeks. is on the Road from Stamford to Bedford, six \individually and as a body, all knowledge or in relation to it; but, we again repeat that miles aitd. a half from Stamford ..,If said placo. er we say on this subject is in perfect accord­ More Indictments.—Two of the Beldens, of ¥ ; approbation of the proceedings in relation to neither we, nor our Republican friends in this is not sold by the 20th of March, it vfrili oil ance wiih the sentimjjnts of a great majority Putnam county,N. Y. who werejconcerned in ; the abduction of William Morgan: and ex county, are opposedjto Districting. We say that day be exposed to public sale: of the people of thjs County. the Derby Bank speculation, and so success- ; • pressed their disapprobation of the same, as a it not to avoid responsibility, for we will re-it JAREC HOLTT. Ii is known to epery man acquainted with folly defrauded the community by palming > violation of the laws, and an infringement of 1 erate our determination to pursue our present Stamford, Feb. 14, 1827. 52' the political I'istori of this State, for the last iff something like gl80,000, were last week . the rights of personal liberty secured to every course nn'ii we sh,all see a fair chance of ac­ 20 years and upwjrds, that Districting has brought before the Grand Jury in that county, .citizen of our republic. complishing it without the hazard of elevating 50 Tons Plaster, heen a question n[uch agitated between Re aud a bill found against each of f! to office men whose political conduct we des them. They FOR SALE BY S. J. FROST, ' The Albany Observer, edited by SolomQn publicans and Fetfcralists, and that it has been ea pise, and who are identified wiih the present were put nnder bonds of Sl0»000 °h for ¥ Souihwick,is very violent in its denunciations considered, or at sny ram treated, as a party their appearancc for trial.—Danbury Rec. At $4 50 per Toil. question. Respecting the sentiments of Mr. - £>f those concerned in the affair, and a late question merely. Republicans demanded it On Tuesday last the Senate of Mass. on Hill and Mr. Tweedy on this subject, we can Brffiaqjort 3Hoch-2^atrr Stir, number of that paper contains several letters in order to obtain a hearing in the secret d e 2d ballot, made choice of Gov. Lincoln as assure the editor ol'ithe Times, in reply lo his ONSTANTLY on hand, and for sale b^ - from members of the committee of investi Council ofthe forner dynasty, when all the Senator of the U. States. The vote stood 26 question, that so faj- as we are able to ascei S. J. FROriT, Agent for ihe Brtctrs. ligation and others which leave but little room proceedings of the^ighest branch of our Le­ to 13 scattering. C tain them, they very much resemble those we Norwalk, Feb 19 1827. 52 - to doubt that Morgan has been miurdered.— gislature were trariacted in secret conclave, Close quarters.-A man engaged in splitting have expressed above as common to the Re­ The editor observes that this committee, 18 in and studiously coniealed from the public eye. limber for rail pots, near Kelsall, in Chester publicans of the county, and that if he op­ Rye Wanted. aumber, composed bfthe most respectable This they justly ctiisidered as anti Republic­ county, lately discovered in the centre of a pose them on the ground of their being oppo­ HE Subscriber wishes to purchase a con­ men in Society, proceeded in a body to the an, and tending drectly to Aristocracy, It large pear tree a live bat, of a bright scailcl sed to Districting, he will do them great siderable quantity of RYfi, for which British side of the Niagara ; and alter a labo­ was here those rwasures w«re originated and colour, which he foolishly suffered to escape, T Cash will be paid, on deliver- at his mill ill rious. if not a thorough, investigation, thev executed, by whiih republicans, no matter injustice. — from fear; being fully persuaded, with the Stamford. JOHN W. HTILI/r. have returned, having, to their penect satis what their characi^r or talents might be, were The Register says the friends of districting characteristic superstition of the inhabitants February 13, 1827. *52 5w faction, become convinced of the following prostrated, stripped of their honors and offices, are very friendly to the regular nomination for of that part of Cheshire, that it, was " a being whether civil or mlitary, persecuted, and dri­ awful and tremendous facts! Governor and Lt.,Governor, and that the old not of this world." The tree presents a small PUBLIC HOUSE TO is f: ; Firstly—1That the unhappy Morgan was ta ven in a inuItitiKH of instances to other states, Republicans will come out quietly and elect cavity in the centre, where the bat wag inclos­ HAT large, elegant, and . fren to Newark, 17. C. gagged, bound, ano where fewer obsailes existed for the devel- Mr. Tomlinson and Mr. Peters by an almost ed, but is perfectly sound arid solid on each commodious HOUSE, long opement and ex|cise of their talents. Fed­ T blind-folded. unanimous vote. We are glad to hear it— side. — known as the Stage Hou^e, in Secondly—That he was there offered to eralists denied it,because heie lay their power but we shall see. MARRIED—h\ this town on the 11th inst. Stamford, will be let, for a term the British masons of that place, with a re­ to persecute and'keep down their opponents. by the Rev. Mr. Eaton, Mr. Jabefe G. Hyatt of ye.;rs, from the first of April next. This quest that they should get him OH board o/A The Council wa their strong hold,, and if Sunday Riots.—A proposition is before the A to Miss Rebecca Brown. In New York, on House offers peculiar advantages to persons British man of tear, or turn him ovir to Brant they admitted aienemy There, the work of re Common Council of N. York that a Police the 11th inst. Mr. Nathan Benedict, Jr. of wishing to engage in the business, *it being a the Indian Chief, and, a mason, to be executed volution was belun at once. They were but magistrate sit during Sunday and until 12 o' this town, to Miss Mary Chichester, of the hall-way House between New York ai'd Ne«^ with savage cruelty. too well aware q" this, and they took their clock every night. It was probably intro former place. Haven, and having the benefit ofthe N. York Thirdly—That the Newark Lodge assem­ measures accoringly. It was thus that so duced in consequence of a riot which took In South Salem, on the 13th, by the Rev. and Boston line of Stages. bled, on this proposition, and sent tor Brant, long as they ha:J the power, the state was not place in Broad street, Sabbatl&before last, the Mr. Saunders, Mr. Joseph Clark, of Bedford, For further particulars, apply to who came accordingly. districted, and ijten in 1818, when the Con particulars of which are given by the States to Mrs. Chioe Newman, of the former place A. DAVENPORT, near the premises. Fourthly—Brant proved himself too mueh veution assembled to draft the Constitution, man as follows.*— In Troy, N. York, John Paine, Esq. to Stamford, Feb. 12, 1827. 52w2 a noble of nature, to hare any thing to d-i so confident wJie they that they ^hould again The bell was ringing for the afternoon ser­ Miss Eliza Ann Warren, daughter of Ezaias with so cowardly, inhuman, and wicked a he a majority, inat with ail the ingenuity and AT AUCTION, vice, and many ladies and gentlemen were on Warren, Esq. Mayor of the city. • transaction. The savage hero disdained to -toquence ol wlicb they were capable, they T£Y ORDER the Court of their way to their respective churches, when In Sheuangunk, N. Y Capt. Cornelius A. do that, which cowardly while monsters urg< "cruple'r to th^proceedings of that convention of Hezekiah Whitlock, the hons« and home­ men, with their coats and hats off, and armed child of Mr. Moses Byxbee, aged 5 months. miserable victim. for proof. Hewill there find on the one hand, stead, the proper y of Lewis C. Fitch, deo'd ; with clubs, shovels and brick bats together In Wilton, Mt. Henry James, aged 65. , Sixthly—The diabolical wretches who had if we mistakenotl, more than 75 federal votes >r so much of his estate as will pay the sum of with some white and some hlar.k women,were In this town, on the 19th inst. r. Riilns G. him in custody, brought him back as far as recorded agaiist (the measure ; and on the #1975 90 cts. with incidental charges, if not engaged in so desperate a fight, that the life Taylor, aged about 20, soirof Seth Taylor, Fort Niagara—and there murdered hini in other hand, 11 will find that every Republican ,jieviously disposed >f at private salii L>q subjfci in the cohduct of both parties—their Or 31r. Elijah Gregory, near If e premises. ded, four or five of the rioters rushed through asASowso. '.sinking his body deep in the lake ! sentiments ptobably remain the *ame. The SPECIAL Norwalk. Feb. 16. 1827. 52* the passage wav on to the side walk, armed -k *Bttt the multitudinous waves of that Lake federalists fitdin^ tf eir opponents stronger Meeting of tr- with clubs, uttering horrid oaths, and threat­ A nshall never wash from the souls of those than they ayjkcipkted, all at once fell violently St, JOHN'S LODQ^. MOLASSES & T£A< ening death to any man who should lemain » wretches, the bloody stains of that night of in love withjnlstricting. It was the only just No. 6, will be hoio«- THOSE IN WANT OF— . on the walk. ' horror and of crime ! ai'd cqniiahlemode of electing our Senators at the Hall,on Thorn Are invited to call at the Store of " Snch an outrage, upon the Sabbath fno, in and memberslof Congress—it was the only day evening next,SCO In addition to the above the editors of the duced a desire in the l;y standers to have the John Burrall, Republican mtde. and he who doubted, it was jn*t. loJaike : ^Spectator say—" We feel it a duty to state( •-wnowtsrniem ^'frew'n'ti'rniwrwair no rtTRO has just received';! quantity of very an enemy to tip interests of the " people."— sideration the bu-i -•that,not satisfied with the newspaper accounts, lice court,nor police officers to be found. One • T excellent MOLASSES Likewise, And this has tten the cry to the present mo­ we have written to gentlemen of high stand person however,called upon Alderman Cebra. ness before the last meeting, and which was ment. CouM/any man be deceived by this i Ftesii Box of Young Hyson TEA, which |ng, whose official stations enabled tbem to who, with the most commend able promptness postponed in consequence ol the weather. A • e offers for the first quality. change ? Wis there' any roojn to dot>l>t as to speak with more than common authority ;— md energy, took measures to procure some punctual attendance is requested. the motives of.-»• ?• -Notie certainly ; and Nor'.v.dU, Feb. 12.«I827. , 51 ' and their answers, just received, have made an officers, and wiih the help of the citizens, By order of the W. M. i< being, awe have before remarked, impression upon us far different from•rrlim- succeeded in t:.king eight or nine of the" riot­ Norwalk, Feb. 19. 1B27. 52 JOHN BURRALL, fte had hoped and anticipated. In one word, a pariv qneiion merely, or at least hav­ EING desirous of effecsing a general ers dragging them out one after another from VALUABLE WOOD AT AUCTION then, although there is as yet no positive ing always fcpen treated as such, it is not sur settlement of his accounts to the present their hiding places in the garret ofthe house. ILL he sold in lots to suit purchasers, B proof of the (act, we have but too much rea­ prising that Republicans should have hesita­ •aiie, requests all persons indebted t;; him to One was taken from a large chest, into which on Thursday the 22nd ins< Feb. a son to fear that the worst is true, and that a ted, untililiKe their opponents, they had fme W iiake payment without fat!, between this and to study tie consequences. They were un­ he had been locked: and another fom two 10 o'clock A. M. on the premises, a quantity lew misguided, heated, deluded, and ignoraBi barrels into which he had been stuffed, sur­ the firs; April next. Likewise, those persons willing tcwurrender all that they had gained of timber & wood, standing on the ground, masonic fanatics, have indicted a wound upon rounded with shavings. The barrels lay np- who are owing him for Flour sold some time after a loiig and hitter struggle, and to submit belonging to John Eversley, situated in the the fraternity to which we have felt it a pleas­ -n their bulge.with their two heads connected, since, the payment mu-l be made by the first themselves again to the mandates and op­ town of Wilton ne^r the Episcopal Church. ure to belong, which it will require years to and on kicking them apart, Pat's head was of March. Feb. 7. .827 51 pressive measures of a secret Council of their Conditions made known at the time of sale. — • ~ ••ILIILII I I 4———. . . I heal, and fixed a stain upon the character of discovered, and his hair served to draw him most deadly political enemies. Finding this Norwalk Feb. 18. 1827. T a Court of Probate holden at Norwalk *the Institution, which all the waters of Niag n to be ihf fact, and not regarding their own from his dusty seclusion—' In faith, said he Feb 13th, 1827. On the estate of* * ara cannot wash away. " I would' na mind to have creeped into a rat OR SALE at pnblicAuction A And yet the general character of the fra­ course, tie Fedeialists set up the charge of Freeloiie Mask, late of Norwalk deceased.— hole for the sake of safety." F on Thursday, 8th of Marcn ternity onght not to suffer, any more than " incom stency," and pressed it with the most next, the real estate of Epenelus Ordered that the Administrator do exhibit should other institutions who have the mis untiring assiduity, until they have made many A few days ago a countryman meeting a Kellogg, late of Norwalk, dee'd, his accounts with said estate for settlement at fortune to have bad members. The princi­ honest ] .epubticansjbelieve that the men who sailor, at the corner of Pearl street and Maid consisting of 158 acres of valuable Land, a ihe Probate Office in said Norwalk, on the ples of the order, if onperveried, are as pure have hilherto enjoyed theirutmost confidence, en Inne, inquired the way to Vesey street, Dwelling-house, two Barns, and other out first Monday of Match next at 10 o'clock A. M. and that he give due notice thereof that a system of ethics as can be devised ; its max and hae ever supported a firm and decided and was directed as follows—" Keep before buildings, lying about two miles north of the ims are drawn from the holy scriptures ; its Republican charact jr, are unworthy to be lon­ the wind till you get to Broadway—clap your Bridge. Sale to take place on the premises, all interested in said estate may be heard thereon. 5!* W. .VI BETTS, Judge. doctrines are those of peace on earth and good ger trtked. And as their prospects have helm hard a port—run North East two streets, at 1 o'clock,P. M. BARNABAS MARVIN. will to men ; its labours are labours of love.— i>rightdied, their rahks have been filled with and that's it."—Merc. Norwalk, Feb. 19,1827. 62* the di^ontented and ambitious spirits, who SJOAH S. BAI££Hr Nor among liberal and intelligent masons, is Clarke vs. Corporation of Washington.—Tii ar>> seijn, like the vdracious shark, swimming MUST ti.\VE HIS PAY. there any mystery in the order into which ihe the Supreme Court of the United States sit­ NEW GOODS. about Jevery ship when there is the least He that reads let him understand. • world need inqoire. There are no secrets ting at Washington, on Wednesday last, the UST received by ELI EED, at his chanci to seiee uprfn a single crumb, or feed Norwalk, Feb. U, 1827. 51 ' " ^bout the principles of masons, or their con opinion of the same on this long protracted Store a few rods north of the B'idge, a upon fhe blood of.a single victim. These J -$uct. The secrets ofthe order -!re the foim case was delivered by Mr. Chief Justice Mar­ Fresh supply ofFancy and Staple GOODS, Y ORDER of the Hon. Court of Pro­ were Bien eKactly suited to their purpose, and of their obligations, their mannei of working, shall, reversing the decision of the Circuit at prices that will meet the minds of those bate for the District of Stamford, siat they jut them in thi foremost ranks, for on. f- B and those mystie signs and tokens by which C ourt for the district of Columbia which was wishing to purchase : mouths fiom this date is limited for.the c^d- havi € borne the nime of Republicans, they .uiasons in any country, or of any language, m f vor of the Corporation. 100 YARDS of fiuedarh mix'd Satinett,only itors of the estate of Lemuel Ritch, iate of couldfmore easily/deceive ; and they wen •are enabled to recognize each other. And It will be recollected that this action was 3s. 6d. the yd. warranted as fine as any sold in Greenwich, dee'd, to exhibit their cl.o.ns,— masta spirits, who fonld stop short of nothing this is all. Our books, our history, our lee brought against theCoiporation ofWashington the fall for 5s.; 500 yds ofstout domestic Mus All persons who neglect to exhibi' tiieir save ilie accomplismieut of their purposes, bn {ures, our principles, are not secret, as the to recover a prize.of $100,000, minus the de­ I ins ; 1000y^rds of fine gold end Sea Island claims within (he'time aforesaid, will be de­ they (obtained by jlfonest or l>y dishones- vulgar believe. And in regard to the outrage duction of 15 per cent, drawn in r Lottery Shirtings, perfectly undressed, and 4-4 wide ; barred a recovery. me'aiis. It is Irom^these m«5t> that we have .under consideration, whatever may have been under the authority of said city. One David 1000 yards of stout Shirtings, from Is. 3d to ASAHEL PA'talEB, Adm'r> i> the offences of Morgan, or whatever may be mostjto fear, and it is against these, and not Gillespie, by a contract with the managers, Is. lOi. ; SOOydsof Bombaswrne, fr. Is. lOrf. Greenwich, Jan. 22, 1827 51 against the measurf, that we lift up our voicc bis fate, it receives the deep and decided dis­ undertook to draw the lottery and pay the lo Ss. &d. the yard. We have indeed said that Districting is not Y ORDER of the Hon. Court of Pro­ approbation of every mason of honor, charac­ prizes; who, afterjselling the tickms, drawing ALSO—-~* of sufficient importance to occasion so inuc;- bate for tne district of Stamford, six ter and virtue. the lottery and pocketing the money, abscond­ % BOXES of fine and handsome col'd green B clamor,and to hreal up the Republican parly months is limited from this date for the cred­ We learn that several ofthe persons impli- ed and left th q fortunate holders of prize-tick­ Crape ; 5 pieces of super Flagg Hdkfs. very Hitheitoit has beei|yi party question between itors of the estate of Philemon Dickson. later feated, were in Albany last week, and an at ets in the lurch. Under the idea that the stout, that will measure 1 yd square ; 8 pieces Republicans and Fe eralists, and il the Iatt- r of Greenwich, dee'd, to exhibii their claims; tempt to arrest one of them was made, but he Corporation was responsible, this suit was in­ of old fashioned Bandanas,over a yard square; had not changed tliti ground from party mo All persons who neglect to exhibit theitf escaped All had fled. We hope, however, stituted by the bolilerof the ticket which drew 1,00 yds of plain Gros de Naple Silk ; 100 yds it uould most mdoubiedly have bee claims within' the tiure aforesaid, will be de« .that they may be overtaken, and that justice lives ihe highest prize. cjf fine Italian, at 7s. 10

i ZZJ. m

rm PPff^p# -4' ^9 "m I I ncal rang on their eats. '.' OP will' jou this Jhis resource, brofalizing bis; habits aiitlBnn]; GROTON MONtJMEtoT j ! • • ./. _»* _i r U«« il'ii tiers,nave nri/1and nonlonlneglect *«t»nn hishi(t lamilufamily. ^ J '• J\Tew FJcLiViVshu si- ilk. J instant, before we are all deafened by th if"XiOXTERX. 'i f"rpu:K OF A GERMAN STUDENT. ftiassailiJ notes 1 to S per ct. dis- noise:" " 1 am going sweetest, but I iiiu?i ABELLA THOUGHTFJJI.. • CLASS THIRD. RmH, having no remittance IYoiij home. Rhode lstana—aiJbanks I to 2 good. ,fip(' .f;e-:t)g in want of a good dinner, sauntered i ave all the servants with me. If our guest is To be Drawn at Middletouin, on the first 3 Mr.Clay.—In tiie speech of Mr Clay before Veimont—all gool—1 to 2 per ct. discount abc. f the' market place of the town in which a person I suspect him to be, he has been ac­ day in April next—The Drawing to :he Colonization feociety, of which we have Connecticut—all mod, with the exception b< abided. The busy throng had dispersed customed to many attendants." Accordingly be finished in One Hour. already published\an imperfect sketch, the of Eagle and Derbyljanks. A "fcvv- stragglers only remained, who, with i lie whole posse was riiustered. Boniface, in genius of the oraioif shone forth in its wonted SCHEME. | hungry eyjes. were viewing the tempting moi ihe humility of his heart, wished to resign th-: NEW-YORK. splendor. Witnessthe following paragraph. ONLY 8000 TICKETS. sels A sudden thought struck Rolf. He post of honor: but his troop used such press- N. Y. city banks pan| Geneva 1 " We are reproached with doing mischief 1 PRIZE OF 2000 in - .v boldly advanced and taking one of the people ing arguments to induce him to be their lead Albany banks Central B.Ch.Val'y.l 1 by the agitation of this question- The Socie 1000 aside, whispered to him that he was Sent ai rr, that it was quite impossible to resist them Troy banks Chenango 1 4 ty goes into no household to disimb its do­ 500 Mhat quiet hour by the celebrated Dr. Addle- He therefore, stepped slowly on, followed by Mohawk bank VVash'n. & Warren 1 5 mestic tranquility; it addresses itself to no 200 Tjiain, to purchase the tail and the two hind • he three waiters^ the hosiler, the Stable boy, Lansingburg Jefferson County 2 slaves to weaken their obligations of obedience. 15 100 hoofs of an ox. as that learned physician hod and the scullion, all holding each otheiV Newburg 11] Rochester & 25 ';.Vi I . seeks to affect no man's properly. It nei 5D ••discovered, that by calcinating these siihstan- coats. The party paused at the back of the Branch at Ithica 1: Dutchess County 1 80 Uier has the power nor the will to affect the 20 ".ces with the back- hone of an ass. he might ob­ door to take breath, and. tbere came anothes Orange County 1 [Ontario 2 55 property of any one contrary to his consent.— 10 tain a powder which would be an infallible "furious peal. They were just on the point of Catskill 1 ;Green County unc 100 u The execution of itsscheme would augment, 5 . cine for the gout, palsy, ppstileuce,—nn short, running down stairs, when the hostess thun? Columbia—Hudson 1 j' Auburn 1 2400 ; :;.v instead of diminishing the value of the proper­ . 4 " ; a complete panacea. Before taking out a dered-fiut," What are you about there ? most Middle District 1!| Niagara " 5 The Prizes in the above Scheme w 5 ly left behiiid. The |Society, composed *,patent for this wonderful discovery, the doctor I come up? —Boniface cast a. rueful glance Utica 1 liihattsburg 75 determined thus : A wheel will be pro free men, concerns itself only with the free.— iiSi\ wished to make a final experiment, and (or at his followers, which was as much as to say, into which will be put 8000 numbers, f' Collateral Consequences we are not responsible NEW-jpSEY. rthat purpose had sent him to purchase the " this will never do." A general groan at­ to 8000 inclusive, 236 numbers will be f] for. It is not this Society which has produced ^. necessary jy;ticles. As ilie butcher was welf tested their apprehension of their weighty ar­ lift out, which will determine all prizes ov the great moral ievolution which the age ex Elizabethtowo,Pat- |Trenton banking co.l aware that a gout-extirpating powder would guments, and driven io despair, the landlord in the following manner, viz : The first hibits. What would they, who thus reproach erson,Morristown,& |\F{trmer's, Mt.Holly 1 UK" be in great demand, he was overjoyed at the boldly threw open the door. ber drawn from the wheel will be emit- us, have done? If they would repress all ten New Brunswick par uniberland 1 news, and handled the before despised hoofs The stranger had now thrust out of the bed $2000, the second to jllOOO, the third, i dencies towards Liberty and ulr'.nate eman­ State BiatTrenton 87 IlJ.t.lan.&tbk.Co.par as if they were shod with gold and studded not only two hoofs, but a long black tail,which fifth and sixth, each to 5u0, and in th cipation, they must do more than put down do at Camden 1 | jeehawk • r^ith nails of silver. He lugged out the whole he whisked about in the paroxysm of rage• all the prizes over $4 will be determi the benevolent efforts of this Society. They Jersey Bank broken I i«ranklin 1 broke Assortment of tails, and entreated Rolf to take and had any thing been wanting to complete succession, as published in the scheme. must go back to the era! of our Liberty and Newark lYlmmouth par his choice. their consternation,it was supplied by Nimber 'fhe-foiir dollar prizes will be detef '"j- independence, and muztele the cannon which Sussex ople's bank par , With a countenance of immovable gravity, Nip, who counterfeiting the utmost degree of in the following manner,viz: Each::. thunders its annual joyous return. They must New Brunswick Limbard. broke. jlolf examined and criticised them, and at vociferation, towards the door. It was 2400 members whose terminating fij > revive the slave trade with all its train of Sa|pii; steam mill IJ)boken Grazing length chose one of jet black hue with hoof to too much—the whole troop faced about, and the same as the one which terminates : suit. The rejected tails were laid carelully in their flight Boniface fell upon the waiters, trocities. They niust suppress the workine* Company par of the three first drawn numbers, ofdi aside ; Rolf's offered payment was declined ; they on the hostlers, the hostlers on thestabie of British philanthrophyj seeking to meliorate terminations, will be entitled to and the butcher slipping a dollar mto his bov, who overset the scullion, and they all the condition'of the unfortunate West Widii cvO BUSflLLS Whole Tickets,$9, Halves $l.50 ! Islands. They ntust ajrest the career of hand, begged his interest with Dr. Addie- rolled down stairs fighting aud scuffling who For sale by JACOB SMI!' South American deliverance from thraldom. brain. Rolf gave him a patronizing nod; and should get first into the kitchen. Three stuck For sale bv S. J. FROST. having packed his purchase, he took it up. in the door way, but were quickly dislodged They must blow out the Inoral lights around There has been 200 prizes sold and drew his cloak over it,and walked deliberately by their compeers behind, and they all bolted us, and extinguish that greatest torch of all, FOR SiSIE, at this Office, in the first two Classes away. into the kitchen, and barricaded the door be­ which America presents to a benighted world, A SMALlJ^ARYIi contain- nbove Lottery. Sounds of mirth and revelry were still heard hind them. pointing the way to their rights,their liberties, .l\. ing abouH3 acres of Land. Norwalk,Feb 13,1827. at the inn ol the Golden Eagle, when Rolf Consternation reigned in the Inn, from the and their happiness. And when they havea- I ting in Dafen, between th^ chieved all these purposes, their work will J^IFE ofihei knocked loudly at the door, and the noise cellar to the garret. I'he guests were all turnpike and qd road, adjoining alier Paul J be yet incomplete. They mnst penetrate the -brought out the portly landlord and some of ringing to know the cause of the uproar. The i\i.i-walk preambelation linjj The Farm is a captain in th^ human soul, and eradicate the light of reason his satellites. The uoble bearing of the stu­ landlady railed at the servants who refused to well watered by five mile Rvler. running th>o' Navy,during tl and the love o( liberty. The i, not-till then, dent, Ins free and manly air, impressed his leave their entrenchment; and Boniface pru the same, and is well propoi^inned into plow, oltitionary Wa when universal darkness and despair prevaii, host with the conviction that this new guest dently counterfeited a swoon, from which all pasture, meadow, and woodLand,and has on 8vo. canyon perpetuate slavery, and repress all was one of fortune's favored soiis, and already the kicks and cuffs bestowed on him by his it a House, of Rood size, anjjother out build­ honor CP tiara, a Novel, 2 vols. 12;-. sympathies, and all humane and benevolent in imagination he fingered the nucats which active spouse failed to recall him. At length ings, a vaiiety of Fruit Tred and a well of Ann Maria Porter. efforts among freemen,in behalf of the unhap he hoped would soon be transferred Irom the snatching up a tray, and exclaiming "Should excellent water. Those who fish to purchase, Story of a Life,by the author of scenes ii . py portio. of our race, who are doomed io stranger's pocket into his own. Snatching up he be the devil himself he shall have Ins will please to call and view; br themselves.— &. Italy? Recollections of the Peninsi • two wax candles, he stepped with officious breakfast if he pays for it," this termagant bondage." If said Farm is not sold at bivate sale before The Self Taught Penman, a new an Beal before the youth, and ushering bin. into boldly inarched up stairs. the first Alondav in March! I will then be method ol acquiring an easy Runnitiy a handsome apartment, oft'eied to disencum On" reaching the apartment, she found her Tailor's Cohbage.—In the Sovereign's sold at public Vendue,: at lj b'clock, j\ M.— in a few lessons, without the assistan ber Dim of his cloak. Rolf waived him off guest sea'ed at the table waiting for breakfast, Coui t, Belfast, a few days ago. a tailor sum­ For further pariicuars, inquire of Teacher, having printed explanation with a haughty air, and, in a deep and solemn who after paying her the compliments of the moned l baker for not paying his demand for Norf» Richards. directions fronting the Copperplates. tone, pronounced the word supper. morning, with grave couritsy, motioned hei making up two coats for him. The man of Darien, Feb. 7 1827. |i 51 Hewit,- Just ree'd at the Booksti The obsequious landlord disappeared, and to set down the repast. She obeyed, and in flour, in his defence, declared, that he ..ad Library, south of the Bridge. . soon after relumed, bearing a lordly dish of doing so, glanced under the table ; but noth­ been robbed by the tailor, who had taken one Feb. 5th, 1827. P. PR1 smoking viands, and followed by two domes­ ing was to be seen there except a pair of ve> y quarter of the cloth! To prove this, he said To n'lpersons whom it may coifprii: Greeting. tics loaded with other delicacies. While the handsome unbooted legs. Under the pretext he weighed the cloth in his scales, and it was Y AUTHORITY of im^iiative necessity HAVE a SMALL FARM lying . servants arranged the repast, Rolf patted his of adjusting the window curtains, she made a as follows: Weight of cloth given to tiie tai­ B you are hereby invited .r* appear before I Ox-Ridge Road abont 1 mile fron dog, bestowed on him one or two muttered detour to the reai, but with no better success: lor, October 31. twelve pounds two ounces; tiie- Subscriber, on or before tin first of March en Meeilng house, well calculated ft monosyllables of notice; and when all was and s'lie then walked down stairs, thoroughly weight of the two coats returned, made up, next, at his store or dwelling hiiise in Wilton, industrious mechanic, which I would . announced to be ready, he placed himself at persuaded that allJhose marvellous stories nad nine pounds one ounce Si a quarter: manifest then and there to settle ybuA accounts, or sell on reasonable terms, give a good t table, wa ved his hand, and said sternly, originated in the effect of ale. deficit, or atno«nt ol^ cabbage, three pounds & notes which are due to him] anu which have accept of payment to suit the purchase Said Farm contains about 12 acres, u Begone!" P :;face looked at the ser­ Rolf having finished breakfast, slowly de­ three quaters of an ounce. The tailor plead­ never been paid, (though offcn equested and vants, and thr i: • ;r»ts at him ; but there scended the stair, and, at the same moment, ed the shreds and cutting; but the baker ar demanded,) all which is to liis mmage. For good house, barn, and other out hous> could be no .m ; 'h one who seemed the carriage of the proud and rich baroness gued that the buttons and thread, and lining the recovery of which this rnctbod i« taken : a well of never failing water within a f accustomt .• •: • .r-:inw;'j, and without loss ol Liebenstcm drove up to the door. Instantly and wadding, made up all that could be reas hereof fail not, but make dmj pUiuent accord­ of the door. Edward Nj time the. all was bustle in the Golden Eagle. Out onable deducted on that score f Finally, the ing to request, a id oblige hit]),* ^ fter said first New Canaan, Jan 15, 18£7. * point in dispute was left to arbitration. As ttit-- • om was cleared, Rolf di­ rushed the landlady, the waiters, and the hos­ March, his office will expire, auathe business OHN BURRALL offers for sa rect' • • . ii-.iin .. ,i to the repast, to which; he tlers; and into the kitchen stepped Rolf will assuredly fall into other haais. J weight of first quulity Goshen CH£ di' <>;•.- ••.- ir.-' .'e ; he then gaily quaffed the purse in hand. Boniface,stood trembling be JVetp Fashion.—It is said in the New Eliphalet WpiTtOCK. 12 Boxes 7 by 9 GLASS, first rate . v j, and finished this first'act o( fore him. His proffered payment was timidly Hampshire Statesman, that it is becoming . Wilton, 24'h January, 1827.!1 , 50 A quantity of first rate CODFISH linking a cigar. At tic first rejected ; apd in a voice almost inaudible fashionable in the country thereabout. Io pay HEAR YE! HEAR JTE !! A new supply of old CIDER BtiAND ; - . .v the obedient landlord started from agitation, bonifare begged him to accept the newspaper "priniers punctually. Warm OSEPH E. CORKEIl ispectfully in­ A supply of CROCKERY & Glass VI Jjic pocir,ArU pair of candles, marshalled compensation.—" Nay, nay," quoth Rolf, ad­ A few half Barrels do do i According to an advertisement in the Roch­ settle them by the firsi of Aiar.i——— his silent guest into a commodious bed cham­ vancing as the other retreated, " this musi Nor walk, Nov. 11 1820. ^ ORI OR!oj i ber, Roll flung himself catelessly on a couch, noi be. At least accept this purse—you know ester Aibum.it 6ecms that the Trustees of the Roman Catholic Church of Rochester, have without noticing that a*useful personage call­ not how much it will oblige me." "Heaven OUND io the vilbtge of..\Stajnford' on *" .Lehigh Coal Stove&j advertised their pastor, the Reverend John ed Boots stood ready io receive his commands. forbid"! Tempt me not! Avaunt! I say," cri­ tiie 24ih inst. a sum of tu>ney, which ERSONS wishing to procure J - M'Cormisk, as having" eloped with a youn^ As hi* silent humour was by this time well ed the horror-struck landlord. On observing :ii(> owner can have by calling oijrthe subscri­ Coal Sloves can be furnished, otij woman, in violation of morality, and of the P known through the whole house, when he our hero's well feigned astonishment, drop ber, proving property and paying'cliarges. cation to the subscriber, at the Norwal obligations of his sacred office,and of all other threw out a leg Boots thought it a signal for ping on his knees he added ; " Your Excel HANFORD RilkoiDS. pensary, where one can be seen in ope.M ties which good men reverence." him to do his duty, and was so anxious to lency must excuse me; I am under a vow no: Stamford Jan. 31st, 18£7. || 50 For Sale, a few tons Lehigh Coal, cU show his zeal that Rolfs boot was halt off be to touch money this blessed day."—"Nay .V'ov. 28. p. PRH POLICE.—A race of beings hitherto un ONE CENT REWARD\ fore he seemed to know any thing ol the mat­ then, there i-> no help fo' it;"said Rolf with known in our country, has been lately discov ANAWAY from the subscrihtr, an in- CLAY'S ITCH OINTMENT] ter The moment, however he was aware of the utmost urbanity but henceforth you ered at Yorkville. These persons, who an R denied apprentice to the shoi making If OR pleasantness, safety, expeditioi the transaction, he gave the man such a heart) may rely on my patronage saying which, swered in their appearance, manners and :ti.sineas, by the name of Orrin S. Jhmings. -*• aud certainty,is infinitely superior cuff, as sent him reeling to the other side of he gaily bade s-ood morning and left the habits, to the ancient Gipsies, had possessed This is to forbid all persons harboringltrusling other medicine, for the cure of that mt< the room, and a single stamp of his foot clear house."—iftthentum. themselves of a building somewhere iu tf«e or employing said apprentice, on the strictest agreeable and tormenting disorder---Ilii ed it uf all intruders. Having fastened the neighborhood of Harleam Heights, formerly penalty of the law. Curtis B|tts. for all herretie eruptions and impurities dooi, he indulged himself in an extravagant FROM THE NEW YOvRK INQUIRER. oi-cupied as a barrack. The family consisted Ri lgfield, Jan. 29, 1827, 50 fif of laughter. Loud and long were the Dear Mr Editor—You must know that I skin. Price 33 cents. For sale by B., of 4 men, 3 white and .l black, and a black ANTED—a BOX. from 15 to R.year» peals, which contrasted so strangely with his am blessed with a upling husband—not one \orwalk, and S. Jarvis, Stamford. woman. One of the men being lame,in com­ w Brack- previous taciturnly, froze the blood of every who gets roaiing drunk and falls lifeless on milling busines. Giles Gre 1KY- man, woman, and child, within the precincts the bed airl snores out the night, but one of pany with the woman, attended to the culine ' To Clothiers. ry department. The others acted as Greenwich, ' Round hilij) Jan. 12, 49 .of the Golden Eagle. your soaking fellows, who topes incessantly, recon- '"II HE.E»tal)hsmeni lor Dres^in^ Clot &• Rolf now went to bed, and slept sotindly till never gets positively drunk, but is always bru noiterers. During the day one of the white | LL Persons who are indebted ^o th JL Carding, near the Congrega, men would search the neighborhood and find alaie hour, when he arose and equipped him­ tat in his cups, and has a very awkward tnodf A'subscriber are -equefted to call a|d set Gliurch in Wilton, will be let for a ter self for the second act of the farce. Having of locking me up whenever he intends wetting where the fattest fowls were to be obtained, Sl­ tie their accounts by the first day of March years. Inquire of the subscriber residing unfastened the door, he jumped again into his jacket. While thus confined, I read in at night the i.hr«e would make their descent, Next, or expect to find tlieii in the ha.ds. of tne premises. Mart DaVEmFoi bed, and rang the bell violently. When a your paper a cure for drunkards, a few gram- ,hd carry off the whole roost. They had liv­ an Attorney for collectioj Wilton, Jan. 25, 1827 4! servant entered the room, Rolf threw one leg of tartar emetic, ipecac and assafctida, which ed in this manner on fowls since the begin Noah Kn/pp. ning of December, and so dainty had they be­ out of bed, .)i«i called out " breakfast." As I obtained and mixed with hisfavorne brandy. Stamford Feb. 6th, 182^ 5) Gentlemen Sf Ladies' Pearl TOOTH I ! come that none but fat ones were serve their DER—Prepared by Dr. Clay. 7 soon as the appalling sight met his eyes, the A few weeks ago he released me from confine A.ME To the suUertber aboul two turn. The neighboring fences served as fuel. For sale at the Gazette Office—Price 2J' horror struck domestic rushed downstairs,; ment one evening, and having seen no persun c months ago a youngjbuck. The owner A voung pig was decoyed by them into their For sale also by Berij. Isaacs and Steph* aor paused till he found himself in the kitch for six hours, I was happy even to see him— is requested to prove property pa/ charts , and served as a Nfew Years dinner. John. Norvvalk, and S. Jarvis, Stamforc sn, the door of which he bolted behind him— " well my love," s-iys T, " you are home ear­ dwelling take him away. The sub tii iber also fojt ar. Not satisfied however with jiigs and poultry, ** what in the name of wonder," exclaimed lier than usual—I have been very lonesome," ewe about the lQtli of De ember. Wiiiie ver 1 they last week determined to have something Court of Probate ho'den al Nort the landlady," is the meaning of this uproar ? so much the better, ' says he, vou women are has taken her up will obtop the. subscrib|ib|r by more substantia. Having'laid their plans, February 10, 1827. Yoiytome tumbling in here as if Number- ever chatting ^nd gabbling when you are to­ giving information immonateiy. they accordingly sallied forth and actually N the estate of Daniel Richards, la: • Nip* were at your heels." "Talk not of gether—alwaysscandalizingyour neighbors,& NATHA IEZ.,H9JBBA.BP. o New Canaan, deceased, represeti heels 1" ejaculated the servant, " I say he has finding fault with your husbands." " But my drive home an or! from some yard in the Stamford Jan. 29th, i8:7. 50 Solvent. Ordered, That the administi .. hoofs!"•—Who lias hoofs, blockhead ?" de dear,"snid 1, with great mildness, "you know neighborhood of the Bull's Head, which they : ^HE Subscribers betn^ by ihe Court of do exhibit his accounts with said estate CTiandedihe enraged landlady. " Hast thou iiat sometimes the affectionate solicitude ol secured in the kitchen or the room attached Probate for Norwalk'District, appointed settlement, at the Probate Office in said N lieen at (he bottle already sot ? I must beat a wife may plead her excuse for being trouble­ o their house, answering that description.— 1 Commissioners to receive. Examine, and ad­ walk, on .Monday the 20th day of ins '.his evil practice out of you—adrunkaid neg­ some." " O bah. don't talk to me, you're aj There was barely room lor |he animal in the just the claims against the estate of David Febrtiaryjat ten o'clock A.M. and that he ji, lects every thing. Up, booby, and see whai fool." So saying, he rose up, went to the; place, and it was necessary for them to be Hubbell, late of Mobile, ih the state of Ala ue and legal notice to all persons interci '< the strange gentleman wants—dont you hear sideboard, and took a eopious diaught of thei speedy in their operations; one held the bama, deceased, r.epreseiied insolvent, heieby iu said estate, fo appear, if tney see cai^e,i> how furiously he is ringing ? No one rings in b.-andy mixture, which he repeated in tenj light, while the other attempted with an ax,to give notice-that we will reeet on the business be heard therein. 51* - the sLom.ich, and he would renounce it forever, tice of the peace proceeded to the rendesvous w.Thursday . the 22d of inst. February, and brought the whole party before the Ma at 10 o'clock, A. M. at th; dwelling house of •distraction Gail in my husband." lie has not toucned liquor since and there r\ • • .' . f_l tfnnn C» /"trtl(f> f /MlrP ~ >•- tools ; a number of hogsh insolvent, hereby give notice that we wi' | i>o»ween Kinderhook and Albany,and between the Remaining itself iri ^\ristiiil|^;fTa>.rt'' pale cheek, and brandy, which stoou ;;-i;',4% hogsheads and barrels, a meet on the business of our appointment, vvUbuiay *n' Schenectady—chiefly the latter 1 f Dry Goods and chattel ii&tewii. "^Heaven grant me pa- " Thinks! to myself," you . milts: stock in trade, consisting the dwelling house of Hez'ekiah Whitlock,In ' \ast twenty years—for 30 or 40 ade kno^vn at the lienee.^'f^cllXned the wife. " Are you also shortly. He left us, after a 3d a... Groceries. -Conditions n Keeper, of Norwalk, on the second Mondayp -/y all have characteristics of ' frighiSned\y a bugbear ? Go up mis mo- and I learn that he likewise ren time and place of sale. of June aud July next, ac two o'clock, p.m. o|: ,r ^ by many have been consid \'i Wd lsey Burtis or-——" 1 am going my love ; I am dfevil and all his works, hav ing be each of said days. Six months from this datp f that hopeful race.]—Com. 27. \ 51 Vg, i only wait to change my coat, and put fully removed. I have just coinme -rea New Canaan,Feb. 12, are limited for the exhibition of claims a tetter vest, and——" —" Do you hear a 3d person. gainst said estate. coin poop ?" cried the wife as another Thus you see, my dear Mr. EjJite|, Uiat 250 Bushjels T.j island Salt, 'S are like flies that leap ^ Benjamin Isaacs, ? f'onim'ri your receipt has been of iucalcuJable.'peiirfji audi Canal 'louri :f¥ .s <-- 2 Charles'rHOMAS, j a disconsolate wife, wno has seeotpr hus id parts to light only upon an vsed supernatural beingsthe object to j. FRQST. Norwalk, Feb. 5, 1827. \ v X noaan^f ibaiid daily undermining his healUy'^astiug' FOR SAL