•fi/ • • .I.• • * • NO. 460. NORWALK, CONN. TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 20. 1827. ^XX <X*<'•< -<••< - X >0'XX XXF & EAMES New Establishment. Going, Going, Going* iJrilracprrt liocit=E&at8t PUBLISHED BY FFERS the followid GOOD, at the HE Subscribers having formed a con­ At PRICES six per cent, less than those ad* CONSTANT supply of 'his superior \ S. W. BENEDICT. O lowest market price: T nexion in the Grocery business, under vertising that they can and will sell A article f'.r sale at the BREWERY in TERMS.—Two Dollars per annum, payable Blue, black, olive, drab a d Oxford mixed the firm Of IToyt Sf Chichester, jtvonld inform less »han their neighbours. ,mam,fattiired from 'thO Quarterly. Mail subscribers in advance. Broad Cloths their friends and the Public, that they have " The proof is in trying." PUREST RQ.CK SPRING WATER ADVERTISEMENTS, less than a square, 75 Slue, black fe mixed Cas imeres taken the stand formerly occupied by Edward Those in want of V • cents i.a aouare, $1 00, for three insertions. Satinets of all kind*, and (heap II. Street, where they intend keeping a een. Bridgeporf/jJaryi;^?00 « 4<<xx>c'''/xxxxx;<xxxx>'xxx# Tat tan and Caroline"Plaias and Camblets eial Assortment of Groceries, Hardware, Ste. Fancy and Staple Gbods Red, white, yellow, and geen Flannels They have now bn hand Cotton IParn, Cotton #«ttC«o;auU Sables, t^arncssrs, FOR THE YEAR 1827, \ - ; Baizes Black Bottbazines and Bom- LIQUORS, consisting of Brandy, St. • Are invited to call at the Store of Cantrlflutc^ HARVEY E.HOFT bazettes • Devonshire Kersey Croix, Jamaica and N. E. Rum, Gin, Wines, A good supply on hand, and for sale cheap, No. 2, East part of Main-Street, < % Drab Fearnought f Cordials, Ale, &c. ' ELIKEEP, ty. „ . , JAMES MALLORT-. Cashmere and CasM'mereShatfls TEAS.-1—Hyson, Young Hyson, Hyson Which mar be found a few rods north of the "EJESPECTFULLY acquaints his friends More New Goods. t'ood asortment dark-Chintz • and the public generally, that he still A Skin, arid Souchong. [ Bridge, where is constantly kept toh |^ Furniture Calicoes /CambtcS v ^ ^continues to manufacture in the' very best SUGARS.—Lump and St. Croix. hand Goods of all descriptions-^-vizlf— XAIVXES ZftilXLOSn? Jaconet and book Muslins "•' maiYner, SADDLES, BRIDLES, HAR­ MOLASSES, best quality. '! Blue, black, miXt, olive, and drab CLOTHS AS recently received hom New York b. Figured. Book and Swis/ Muslins NESS, TRUNKS, CAPS, PORTMAN­ Wheat and Buckwheat FLOUR* Blue, black, mixi and drab Casgsimeres new supply of DRY GOODS. Among Wide Bobbinet La- e ' ' Thnle do TEAUS, HOLSTERS, and YALfCES ; BUTTER, CHEESE, SALT* Satinetts nf various colours and prices his assortment may be found- Black and coloied Cantc^ Crapes v together with every other artiolc in hi< iineof COFFEE, very superior. Bang up Cords, dark and heavy Goods First quality blue Camblets Tartan Plaids Black and whitn French! do FISH.—-Mackerel, Shad, and Cod. vftusines?. Baizes and Flannels. Salisbtny Flannels and Baizes Flannels, of all colors,cheap Bandanoe, fiaga and blakk Cotton Hdkfs. f He has also for sale, Whips, Spur*, Raisins; Oranges ; Pepper ;Alspice ; Gin A large^jassortment of Fancy &. Silk Vestings. , Salisbuiy Flannel Black, cinnamon, and Coiion Flagg hdkfs. ch^ap as any &leigh Bells, and a very choice selection of ger ;Pearlash, Starch, Snuff, Tobacco, &c. Black, green and drab Tabby Velvet green Bombazettes Black Bombazine Canton Flannel Bki-'ioks, Checks and •Brass and silver plated, pottedj and Japaned &c. together with an'assortment, of Earthen B'ack silk Velvet. Ratinet Caroline Plaids & Caroline stripes Black Plaids Bangupcords <>f good quality Hard- Ware, Buffalo Robes, fee. fee. all rif Ware, Hardware, fee. Black Canton Crapes; colored do. Circassian Blk and red fig'd Rattinetrs' Plain and fig'd Grode jtfap Black t which may be obtained on as moderate terms FRANCIS HOYT,. Cashmere, Merino, Circassian and Cassimere Saitinetts, cheap enough Blk, blue, gr<-en Italian Luiestiing . Black India Levan­ at any similar establishment. WARD CEICHESTF.R. Shawls, of various colors and pa terns & drab labby Velvet Brown Cambric tine and Sarsnett j Col'd Florences •* * Old articles promptly attended to. Norwalk. Dec. 15, 18?6. 43 Sinchews slTkTforSsCrf 4s6d. 5a6rf, 7s ihe yd Bang up Cord, cheap Devonshire Kersey Fis'fl Riit'ini tt fms and common Irish Wanted, CATT'.E'S HAIR., Black Italian Silks at 7s lOrf the yard—only Russian Shawls 7 4 and 8-4 red & blk Linens Linen Cainbric and Lawn NJEW GOODS JUST REC'D BY ,Norwalk, Jan.2d, 1827. 45 call and judge for yourselves merino Shawls 4 4 red merino do Black, pink, and bh.e Cbmbric • liLlB. bElV^tTl', Bl'k &. coi'd Gross de Naples Silk. Plain do. 6 4 and 8-4 fig'd Cashmere Shawls, a very STEAM BOAT LINE. Wadding for ladies coals Buck kin mittens Green, pink, white, blue Lutestring, for 8s w4 few Rods East of the Bridge. handsome article 4-4'cashinere Shawl£4 Light blue Ladies Cloth Rose and Point Bobinett Laces, the laigest assortment yet of­ Stages every day, Sundays excepted for LUE, black, olive, mixed &. drab Cloths all colors Purple and chints Shawls Blankets Bleaphed and uhbleaclied fered, being a lot sacrificed at auction, and * .• JSawpitts) Stamford, Norwalk, and and Cassii.ieres Diabet 1 piece very excellent steel mixt Cassimere Sheetings, &c.:&tc.I&c. ® B will be sold extremely low. Bridgeport. Blue and black mixed Satinetts Black Canton crape Blk, geen, and white Thread Laces ; Edgings, and Insertings HARDWARE. Bang up cord Devonshire Ketsey French C rape Greeh whitegauze veils S^iss Muslins. Swiss Muslin Points Knives and Forks ; Razors and Strops ; Lyonskin V Rose and Point Blankets Blk and white bobinet Laces, various width's Linen Cambrick. &. Linen C'ambrick hdkfs. Knob Lscks; Stock and Trunk do ; Butts & Red, white, yellow, green, and Salisbury and very cheap Floss Thread and Cotton Flagg and Bandanoe Hdkfs. some at 4s4d. Screws; Buck Saws ; Saw Files; Door Han­ Flannel, various qualities and Pearling Good black Levantine Bl'k Italian Crapes,at 2s6d, 4s, 4s6cf, 5s, 5*6d, dles ; Brass Nails ; Shoe and Biead Knives; Tartan Plaids various patterns, «ome at 2s 9d Blk Sarcuietts Col'd Florences Fig'i? Green fo wht Crape; Crape Lisse. [Gs6d,8s6d Wrought and cut Nails, &LC. Caroline plaids and stripe Green baizes Gros de-Naples silk J Thread, Bobinett arid Scotch Ginghams, dark. 9 8 wide Also—A small assortment of Groceries. Black, blue, brown and crimson plain and Cotiou Laces Irish Linens long Lawns >e6vwtiti566fifi65r Domestic Ginghams. Bl'k &, col'd cambrics Norwalk-. January lit, 1827. 45 figured Bombazetts Silk Braids Piping cord Gloves of most HE Directors of the Steam Boat JOHN Furniture Chintz, Blue c£ yellow Nankeen Blk bombazine, Circassian, lustring &. satteen every description Dorebester Bedtickir/g MARSHALL h ••ive commenced run­ Bolivar Stripes. Norwich Crape,a dark brown T HAr.D-WARE, &c. Fig'd and black Ratinett Furniture chintz 6 4, 8-4, and 10-4 Damask Table Diaper ning a daily Lino of STAGES during the Brown Cambrick, for Hats .Calicoes, various qualities [hams Russia Diapers White Jean Plaid Cravat •winter season, as follows, viz. JOILV IllIlIiML Jaconet and Cambric Muslins, fig'd & plain American and imported stripe Plaid &,Ging- Silk and Cotton Flafcji Hdkfs Leaving Zachariah Mead's, 23 Bowery, nr AS just received from York an addi­ Plain and figured Mull Muslins Cassitnere and Cashmere Shawls White and black silk Hose Cotton and •<Parrott fe Kirk's, OS Mulberry street, N. Y- tion to his s'ock of Hard Ware, besides Irish Linens, from 2sl0d to 8s the yard 4 4.scarletValentia, & 8 4 scarlet and fig'd do worsted Hose Calicoe-, a very hand­ Sdvery day, at 9 o'clock, A. M. a si' all assortment of Hollow Ware, and (eels Black Hdkfs. from 8s fid to 12s the hdkf Purple and ciiimz Shawls some asortment and new s Silk aria Leaving Horace Cook's Tavern. Norwalk, confident, altho' he does not consider himself White Flannels', for 3«6d, 3s9d to 8s the yd. Silk and cotton flagg hand'fs Cotton Umbrellas Furniture Chinia ;$Con.) at 7 o'clock, A. M. Captain Peter a Successor to any one, he ran sell as cheap. Mersailles Quilts ; Domestic Flannels Black canton and plaid do Black and green Prunelle Ladies travel­ "Knapp's, Stamford, at 8 o'clock, A. M- The following articles comprise apart of Shell Combs, large and small White cotton bordered and baitees do ling Baskets children's Shoes Socks & Fare to Sawpitts, $1 00 nis assortjnf nt vtz: Daisy Buttons; Leaf and Frog Trimmings A £>ood assortment of Shirting Muslins Sioc ings Fancy hdkts. Book, Jab- Greenwich . 1 25 Fine black worsted Hose ; common do Desk and trunk Locks Table and teaspoons Linen of various qualities Long Lawn onet. Cambric and Swiss Muslins plain Stamford , ' , 1 50 Long white Kid Gloves. Ladies' white and Stock and dead do I/tk powder ^ Furniture Dimity Muslin Robes and fig'd Vestings American & imported Norwalk . 2 00 col'd kidGioves. Horseskindo. best imported Chest and pad do Lather brushes and J'inen cambric Cambric muslin Ginghams Clark's spool cotton Bridgeport 3 00 Gentlemen's Gloves of all kinds Curtain pins . boxes Blue and plain Nankeens Ribbons cap Ribbons Apron Checks ah Baggage at the risk of iis respective Gentlemen's Cravats, ail S'JZP.S and patterns Commode nobs Norfolk and common Cravats, assorted colors Diaper Indigo Blue morocco Recticufes a good .tfwners. 1 Silk Umbrellas. iMilliiiett and Wire Snuff iobacco box*- - latches and ketches Blue silk Velvet supply of domestic Shirtings and Sheet iugs N. B.
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