Case Study of Public Broadcasting Service of Bosnia and Herzegovina”, Media Dialogues / Medijski Dijalozi, Vol
International Journal of Scholarly Papers for Media and Society Research Martinovic, D. (2010), „Role of Public Service Television in the Process of Globalization – Case Study of Public Broadcasting Service of Bosnia and Herzegovina”, Media dialogues / Medijski dijalozi, Vol. 3, No. 1, pp. 107‐114. mr DRAGO MARTINOVIĆ, savjetnik za odnose s javnošću općine Široki Brijeg, Bosna i Hercegovina ROLE OF PUBLIC SERVICE TELEVISION IN THE PROCESS OF GLOBALIZATION – CASE STUDY OF PUBLIC BROADCASTING SERVICE OF BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA Abstract : Division of Bosnian society, including public, public opinion and media market, the role of public service television in this day and age of the globalization process, also minimized. Division of the society is present and when it comes to public television viewers, and ratings of the three public television broadcaster Bosnian only 30 percent. Adoption of the Strategy of transition from analogue to digital terrestrial broadcasting, as in due course the introduction of digital television is a logical conti‐ nuation of the development of public television in Bosnia and Herzegovina. But the continuing development of Bosnian television will be no consensus of all interested parties (there are mainly thinking of representatives of the three constituent nations in Bosnia and Herzegovina), which will lead to the establishment of sustainable public broadcasting service to the satisfaction of all citizens of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Public Television Service of Bosnia and Herzegovina would just promote the diversity of language, culture and nation could have an important role in the process of globali‐ zation. Keywords: public service, Bosnia and Herzegovina, television, globalization, public. 107 ULOGA JAVNOG TELEVIZIJSKOG SERVISA U PROCESU GLOBALIZACIJE NA PRIMJERU JAVNOG RTV SERVISA BOSNE I HERCEGOVINE Apstrakt : Podijeljenost bosanskohercegovačkog društva, pa tako i javnosti, javnog mnijenja i medijskog tržišta ulogu javnog televizijskog servisa, u da‐ našnjem vremenu procesa globalizacije, je minimizirao.
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