Participants List for Working Party on National Accounts (WPNA) & Working Party on Financial Statistics (WPFS) Liste des Participants pour Groupe de travail sur la comptabilité nationale & groupe de travail sur les statistiques financières 13/10/2008 - 16/10/2008 Sessions Session Start End Working Party on National Oct 15 2008 9:30AM Oct 16 2008 6:00PM Accounts OECD Member States or Permanent Delegations Australia/Australie Mr. Michael DAVIES +61 6 26 331 428 522 Head of National Accounts Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS)
[email protected] P.O. Box 10 ACT 2616 Belconnen Australia Australia/Australie Ms. Wendy RAEDT +61 2 6252 6244 Director, Financial Statistics BSC International Accounts and Financial Statistics
[email protected] Branch Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) P.O. Box 10 ACT 2616 BELCONEN Australia Austria/Autriche Mrs. Ursula HAVEL +43 1 71128 / 7648 Head, National Accounts Division +43 1 714 62 52 Directorate for Macro-Economic Statistics
[email protected] Statistics Austria Guglgasse 13 1110 VIENNA Austria Austria/Autriche Mr. Roman HOFSTÄTTER +431404203337 Supervisory and Monetary Statistics Division +431404203399 Oesterreichische Nationalbank
[email protected] Postfach 61 1011 Wien Austria Belgium/Belgique Mr. Pierre CREVITS +32 2 221 30 29 Head of National & Regional Accounts and Short +32 2 221 32 30 Term Indicators
[email protected] National Bank of Belgium Boulevard de Berlaimont 14 1000 Bruxelles Belgium Belgium/Belgique M. Bertrand JADOUL +32 2 221 5269 Assistant Adviser +32 2 221 3230 National & Regional Accounts and Short term
[email protected] Indicators Banque Nationale de Belgique Boulevard de Berlaymont 14 1000 Belgium Page 1/15 as of Wednesday, October 22, 2008 Canada/Canada Mr.