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GIPE-003136-Contents.Pdf (894.2Kb) DhananjayaraO Gadgil Library ", 111~llltilll~U mil Oil mil UIIID i' G1PE-PUNE-003136 A HISTOR Y 01' THB POLITICAL LIFE RIGHT HONOURABLE 'VILLIAIVI PITT. VOL. IV. G. SIDNEY.\.Printer/ ", . i, NonhwDbedlllld litrcet. Strand. HISTORY OP THB PO-LIT ICAL LI~rlE OP TU. RIGHT HONOURABLE WILLIAM PITT; IWCLUPIWG lOll. ACCOUIfT OP TIlE TIMES IN WHICH HE LIVED. By JOHN 'GIFFORD, EsQ. IN SIX YOLUMES. WBC IIBI, UP TOTI O.II'ITUII .B caBDB\B IIUWDO. LUCAN• • VOL IV. , ~nlJ.n:r- . t I ' .. ~ PRINTED FOB. • A.DElL~ND W.DAVn:S, STRAND. 1809. _. ;' ... -----,<--_. --'~"---'.. .... ~ CONTENTS. • , CHAPTER XXVIII. State of Jacobinism in Englana-,..S~othered for !l time, but destined to ~reak OIlt with additional vtolence--Th~ bold. ness of the Jacobina increases with the laccen ot their brethren in France--The London Corresponding Society­ Send delegates to different partl of dle Kingdom~";'ltJIpi4 , progress of disafFeCtion-oThe doctrines of Jaco~iniam.. alluring to the poor and id1e-Cautious conduct of th~ Minister--ConventiOll at Edinburgh~-Tbeir viewg~ their objects, and proceedings-Adopt French Fonna-...Meeting of Parliament-KiDg'aSpeech---Address moved by Lord CIUfdeD; and seconded by Sir Peter BurreU-Eloqt.eDt, .pcech of Lord Mornington-Acknowledgments of the French Jawbins, that the1were the 8&gressOrs, 'and brougbt on the warO:=--Speecbea of Mr. Foll. and 'Mr. ' Sheridan-Tbey impute the cruelties" of the .French Government to thed,espotism of the Monarcby--Falsebood of this imputation proved-The attack of foreign power. assigned as a second cause of tbese enormitiet---The enor. mities proved to exist before the attack began--'Pacinll disposition of France asserted-Her aggressive" spirit. distinctly proved-Mr. F,,1I. abusei the AI1i~ of Oreat Britain_Affirms tllat Louis the Fourteenth attempted to ~'ertlHO\V the established c:hurc:b of EDgland--Tbia u4 , , ., . vi ,CONTENTS. ,denied in his late History o~ James the Second--Disaster. of the Allies magnified, and their v~ctories ,depreciated­ Speeches of Mr. Du~das and, Mr. WindUam-Speech of Mr. Pitt; he justifies an interference in the internal affairs of France-Represents the destruction of the Jacohin systeDl ' as necessary fur· the peace of EUrope-:..lmpracticllbility of '. ,- " ,). p~ace with the, Revolutionary Gov~rnment-Instability of that Governmentinferr«!d~Reasons for the invalidity of such inf~rence'adduCed'-'Negotiation ,with ,France, at this period, shewn to be impracticable-Mr. Fox's' amend-, ' - ~ent rejected bya maj~rity :oi 21 S ':"'Address carried­ Similar address moved in the House of Lords--Debate ,thereon-Amendment proposed by LordGuildford-Ridi­ ~ulous argtiment advanced in IUpp~~t of. it--,Negatived by ninety-se.~en votes against twelve.,.Motion of Loid Stanhope fot:'Jlcknowledging the French' Republi~He pronounces a panegyric on, the French' ll~volution-His ignorance 'of its history aemonsttate.t_Declar~·himself a Jacobin--- Can' find no one to :secol;d his motion_Legality nf the sentences of th'e Scotch Judges on Mulr and'Palmer, for­ sedition,questioned by Mr~ AdaQl-His molion "lind ' speech on lhe subject in theUouse of Comm"ons~--His general principle contrary to general practice---His motion rejected by 126 votes agaiust 31.--Mr. Adam's motion, for a' reviSal of the sentence on Muir, and Paliner-:­ Opposed by the Lord Advocate-Auswer~d bJ Mr. Pitt-­ .Rejected by the Hous~-;Tbird motion, of Mr. Aqam on the defects in Scottwl'Laws-Negatived by the 'House­ Discussion of the same q1l6tions in the House of Lords­ iubsidiary Treaty w,ith the Kiogof Sardiuia---Cel~sured by the 0l>Position-Maid'eu speech ~f Mr. Canniug--­ lIis,~ liberal notions o~ National. Policy---His masterly C;Unr,lCler 'of the French' Government-_-Tbe treaty .anctioned by the, House--1'he Opposilio.l com­ plain off the' increase of the· army--That ~ea~ure .ali:f~nded;by Mr. Pitt-_:Mr~ .Pitt opens the bud~~.... Taxe& conENTS, \!pOD glme. lad llpoD births and buriall repealed-New duty .ott 'pirits, bricks, tilea, glass, paper, and on the indentura and admissioa of AtlDmies-Bill' to prohibit the remittance of money to France-King" message to .1'arliameDt 011 the landing of the Hessian Troops---Mr. Grey'. motion 011 tbe subject--FoUy of discussing abstract priDcipJee-Motioa Ilegatived--K.~g·. message on the i",reaJe of tbe army-Ugality of voluntary c:ontributiollS ~ tho defence of the country-Denied by Mr. Sheridan. -Debsta, on the queetioo-Argwnents of Mr, Sheridan . confuted 11) Mr. Pitl-:.-Oppoaition accused by ~eir late Leade ... of favouriJlg the viewa. tbe eoemy--Splenetic invectivee of Mr. SheridaD--Di~ion renewed by Mr. ' Francis--Mr. Pitt', speech on the questio~--He defends voluntary contribntions OD the gmunds of law. of prece­ dent, and of ~ncy-Tuee -the Opposition witli an inva­ liOll of tho Rights of tlao Subject-Bill for carrying the measure into eKect pal8el witbout a tivision-Motioa of Mr. HarrillOn for the abolition of certain places and pen­ lion.. Ind for imposing a tn upon -others--Injustice of tuch I propoul. and absurdity of the reasoning wed in IUl'port of it-~f. of the eronomical arra;gements adopted by Mr. Pitt, produced by Mr. Ro_Mr. Fox .upport. the motion, but opposes the proposal for taxing linecure pl~Mr. Pitt'a reply-Motion rejected by 117 against 5O-Bill for enabling the King to employ the French Emigrantw-Opposed by Mr.Sberidari. who deprecates a system of retanation--Jastice and necessity of sucb system maiDtained---Mr; 'Vh~bread objects to the employment of Roman Catholics who have takeD no Test -.Mr, l'ox,~ speech--He prefe... the Re."olutionary Government of France to tho Ancient Monarchy--Denies the right of interference which be had forlU&ly ~ain­ tained, and condemns the tystem of retaliation-=-Tendency of hi' speech considered:.l.His insincerity pro\"ed--He l!..l answered by Mr. -Burke and Mr. Dundas-Mr. Barke . viii . \tefeiidS ;ffie :z.:u tcdwzi's~.,.Bi1t ~lr!sM_LM;ii'quij brLans­ -do~e's fuotion 'oli-the ~bjeci: 'rif ~-.ReleCted on a divisioo it,y r03agaitit J3""\~Similiar~iiod by Mr. Whit-· bread"-Op'pO'sed 1>, Mr. l'itt-..:.NegatiVeil hy l1's 1026-':' - Ano'tl:Jer tnotid!l i.D. tM Itouse Of L'Ords.oh \he same su~ je'H--.l\ejedred I)y 95 Yo 9~-Uenetat FttZpiitrick's 'Iilotioo in favOur 'of La Fayette~o'sed 'fly Mr, Budte; Mr. W1ndIlIim, and Mr. Pltt'~":Rejected bi ilie House-;.Major· Mait1~d {1rovases Mienquiry irit~ the causes'Ofth'e di~~ters It .DnnkU:'k IInd~t Touton~E!tpUnation.Of MInisters 00 \:lie wubj'ed-"Ex~itidn .tt) Otmkirlc ce'nsliied~...Motion fciran enquiry ''de~'tiVed:i..5UbsidiID11.'reat'y 'with Frussia 'di~sed in both HoliSe's ..... Eitfilot~aty Dfotionof Earl , Staubop-e.;.;...His horrible perver316ndf 'Seripfure to ·prove . .Kings '3 tOrSe 'Opon 'n1ankincl.;.o.the lord 'Chancellor refusek to reM 'the preamble 'of hi~ resdrution-J,~()b'serva­ llOns on the 'object 'and babl.~e 'Of the freedom 'of Debate, 'aM '01'1 Pilrliall1eDtillY L'>els-o.-llia ~yme DlO'ves to expunge Earl Statibo~'s ie~o'rition froin 'thb Jomnals of the House:"';'VotM unani1llously-~torA Lauderclale', lnOtro6 on tbesubject~-ftesistec'lby a motion 'Cdr ai!joum~ ment. ':-~.' , CHAPTER XXIX. !Qcrease4 audacity of 'the Seditious Clubs~General meetin& , of the London Corresponding Society-Seditiou... resolu­ tions of the Society for constitutional informatiou­ In8amruatory' address . the Corresponding Society-- , ~f' . Indicate the necessity ofredress. and the means 9f O?- taining it.-·Resolve to assemble a General Collvention of thePeople~--This add~~'approved. and circulated by the Coostitutiolli11 Soci\!ty-..:..committees appoint~, and seditious publicatioRs di,tributed:--Public, Meetings-­ Means adopted for supplying the disaffocted with Arms-- :Tb.e Secrtitaries. and, Several Members of the Societiet. 'ara apprebeftdea, and committed lor trial---Their paperl .net boob laid before the House of Con1mon5~ .... A com­ mittet appointed 10 eumine them-·Fint repOrt of the Commit,Itee brought up by Mr. PiH--His speeCh on the tUbjectw-lrc.tracei the origid and progress of the Societies -Their t»n'aectiail with France---With the B.-itis" Con­ ventioa at !:dinbUrgh---l"roposed Convention intended to W'pene4e the Parliament, and to exercise fult Legis1ati~e powera--Mr.Pitt ln6veS fat leave 'to bring in a Bill to enable hil Majesty to arielt and detain all persons sus­ peictec1 of 'treasonable conspiracies far a limited time-­ Opposed \y Mr. Foit--He defends the Societies a5 friends of peace--... Mainfains the legality of thea conduct---Ap­ provei of Ii Convenrlon-Comiden the Bill as destructive of the 'ConstittitiOft-I. followed by Mr. Grey add Mr. Sheridan-The lalter~1J tbe ·Secret Committee, 1M 'Com.",itleuf pulJlM; Sqfefy, and'stylee Mr. Pitt, the British BarTer-Motion can'ied by two llundred and one vote. totbirty-nine-Bill opposedoD the third reading--Mr. (irer" Speecb--Vindicatea the conduct of the Societies--­ Abuses Mr. Pitt-Mr. Pitt vindicated from Mr. Grey' .. charge of duplicity and apostaey--.False assertions of the 'Opposition corrected by Mr.Dundas--Mr. Sheridan tllreat­ en. to· desert his duty in Parliament if the Bill passes--­ Mr. 'Vindham ridiculea the arguments of Opposition, and calls them II Committ,re rif JacoZ,ins,and Pllrtisana' OJ' Anarch!J--~Angry Speech of Mr. Fox---Avows his pre­ ference of Ille mos' unjust peace over the "Iort just U'~ --Regards. the Bill as holding ont encouragement to our'· foreign and domestic enemies--Bill defended by Mr. Pitt ---The fallacy and e\'i1 tendenc;y of Mr, F..,x·s arguments derboltlstrated---The Seditiobt Clubs entertain a diffluent opinion of th~ Bill'iom tthat avou·ed by M~. Fox---Bill passed by one hUlldreq ~ forty-six to twenty-eight votes:---.
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