PAAIA Public Affairs Alliance of Iranian Americans

Congressional Scorecard | 114th Congress, 2015-2016 Table of Contents

About PAAIA...... ii The Congressional Scorecard...... ii

Section I: Senate...... 1 Nuclear Agreement Legislation...... 2 U.S. - Relations...... 5 Immigration...... 6

Section II: House of Representatives...... 15 Nuclear Agreement Legislation...... 16 U.S. - Iran Relations...... 18 Immigration...... 21 Special Topics...... 23

*Cover image courtesy of Wikimedia Commons and Martin Falbisoner. Some rights reserved.

i About PAAIA

The Public Affairs Alliance of Iranian Americans, PAAIA, Inc., is a nonprofit, nonpartisan, nonreligious 501(c)(4) organization that serves the interests of Iranian Americans and represents the community before U.S. policymakers and the American public at large. We work to foster great- er understanding between the people of Iran and the United States, expand opportunities for the active participation of Iranian Americans in the democratic process at all levels of government and in the public debate, and provide opportunities for advancement for our next generation.

One of PAAIA’s principal missions is to advocate and advance policies and legislation at the local, state, and national levels on matters of interest or concern to Iranian Americans and in furtherance of the best interests of our community. To that end, PAAIA’s Public Policy Center aims to edu- cate the Iranian American community about the laws, regulations, and policies that affect their lives, and to educate policymakers, lawmakers, and the general public about the views of Iranian Americans on important policy issues.

The Congressional Scorecard

The PAAIA 2015-2016 Congressional Scorecard rates members of Congress on votes and other positions taken in the House of Representatives and Senate in the 114th Congress that affect and are of interest to the Iranian American community.

Published yearly, the primary purpose of the scorecard is to ensure that Iranian Americans are informed of the voting records and performances of their members of Congress. In addition, the scorecard ensures that members of Congress are aware that their votes and positions on issues of im- portance to the Iranian American community will be analyzed and made public. It examines votes and positions only for 2015-2016, and does not, in any way, reflect each member’s past voting record. The scorecard is merely an informational tool used by PAAIA and its affiliated organizations and does not indicate our approval or disapproval of specific members of Congress.

In this scorecard, PAAIA focuses on legislation and congressional actions regarding the Iran Nuclear Agreement, U.S. - Iran relations, and immi- gration. We have also included a "special topics" for noteworthy legislation that does not fall neatly into any other category.

The following sections’ analyses indicate whether PAAIA supports (+) or opposes (-) the legislation. Those who introduced, cosponsored, or voted for measures are indicated by an additional (+) or (-) with their names, depending on PAAIA’s position. The designation "S" refers to a bill in the Senate, while "H.R." referse to House Resolutions.

ii Section I: Senate

1 Nuclear Agreement Legislation

S.269 - Nuclear Weapons Free Iran Act of 2015

The bill, amongst other measures, would have reinstated sanctions on Iran that were previously waived under the interim nuclear agreement and would have imposed new economic penalties on Iran if international ne- gotiations did not yield a final nuclear deal by the self-imposed deadline.

PAAIA supported the Obama Administration’s efforts in urging Senators to temporarily hold off on imple- menting new sanctions legislation while talks with Iran regarding its nuclear program were in process. Ad- ministration officials as well as most experts expressed concerns that passing such legisla- tion could potentially derail the negotiations and splinter the international coalition cooperating on sanctions. Cosponsors receive a (-) on the scorecard.

Primary Sponsors: Sen. Kirk, Mark [R-IL], Sen. Menendez, Robert [D-NJ]

Co-sponsors: 52

Status: Referred to the Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs. Original measure reported to Senate by Senator Shelby. Without written report.

2 | © PAAIA Public Policy Center 2016 Cotton Letter - Warning Iranian Leaders that President Obama’s successor could revoke any nuclear agreement

On March 9, 2016, a group of Republican Senators sent an open letter to Iranian leaders, warning that Presi- dent Obama’s successor could revoke any nuclear agreement "with the stroke of a pen" if the deal is not ap- proved by Congress. The letter was spearheaded by Senator Tom Cotton (R-AK), a staunch opponent of the nuclear talks with Iran. The letter drew criticism from the Obama Administration, Democrats, and some -Re publicans for potentially undermining nuclear negotiations with Iran and threatening to torpedo bipartisan- ship on Capitol Hill when it comes to preventing a nuclear-armed Iran. PAAIA’s national public opinion sur- veys indicate that Iranian Americans strongly support diplomatic initiatives to address questions about Iran’s nuclear program. Senators who signed the letter receive a (-) on the scorecard.

H.J.Res.64 - Disapproving of the agreement transmitted to Con- gress by the President on July 19, 2015, relating to the nuclear program of Iran

The legislation states that Congress does not favor the nuclear agreement with Iran (Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action) transmitted by the President to Congress on July 19, 2015, for purposes of prohibiting the tak- ing of any action involving statutory sanctions relief by the United States pursuant to such agreement. On a procedural vote, the resolution fell two votes short of 60 needed to consider the legislation, effectively ensur- ing that the nuclear accord will be implemented.

3 PAAIA’s 2016 national public opinion survey shows that nearly two-thirds of Iranian Americans (65%) ap- proved of the P5+1 agreement with Iran designed to place limits on Iran’s nuclear program. Senators who voted to invoke cloture to end the debate and bring the measure of disapproval for a vote receive a (-) on the scorecard while those who voted against the motion receive a (+).

Primary Sponsor: Rep. Royce, Edward R. [R-CA-39]

Co-sponsors: 52

Status: Failed to pass the Senate.

S.2119 - Iran Policy Oversight Act

The legislation would strengthen implementation of the nuclear agreement with Iran while also reaffirming Congress’s commitment to countering Iran’s activities of concern. It would require the President to designate within the State Department a special coordinator for implementation of and compliance with the JCPOA regarding the Iran’s nuclear program. PAAIA’s 2016 national public opinion survey shows that nearly two- thirds of Iranian Americans (65%) approved of the P5+1 agreement with Iran designed to place limits on Iran’s nuclear program. Cosponsors receive a (+) on the scorecard.

Primary Sponsor: Sen. Cardin, Ben [D-MD]

Co-sponsors: 13

4 | © PAAIA Public Policy Center 2016 Status: Referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations U.S. - Iran Relations

S.3267 - Countering Iranian Threats Act of 2016

The bill seeks to expand sanctions for ballistic missile development, support for terrorism, and other illicit Iranian actions; sanctions transfers of conventional weapons to or from Iran; and extends the expiring Iran Sanctions Act through 2026. In addition, the proposal would prohibit Iran’s financial institutions from engag- ing in dollar-based financial transactions with banks in third-party countries. The legislation would prevent the implementation of certain sanctions relief mandated by the Iran by amongst other measurers prevent permissible dollar transactions between Iran and the international community that are wholly outside the U.S. financial system. PAAIA’s national public opinion surveys indicate that Iranian Americans would not be sup- portive of efforts to undermine or derail the Iran nuclear deal. Cosponsors receive a (-) on the scorecard.

Primary Sponsor: Sen. Corker, Bob [R-TN]

Co-sponsors: 7

Status: Referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations

5 S.Res.529 - Calling on the Government of the Islamic Republic of Iran to release Iranian Americans and his fa- ther,

The resolution calls on the Iranian government to immediately release Siamak Namazi and his father, Baquer Namazi, who are dual U.S.- Iranian citizens currently detained in Iran. It calls on the Secretary of State, the allies of the United States, and the to raise the cases of Siamak and Baquer Namazi with offi- cials of the Government of Iran at every opportunity. The resolution also encourages the Obama Administra- tion to utilize the appropriate measures against the government of Iran if Siamak and Baquer Namazi are not released. Cosponsors receive a (+) on the scorecard.

Primary Sponsor: Sen. Booker, Cory [D-NJ]

Co-sponsors: 4

Status: Referred to the House Committee on Foreign Affairs. Ordered to be Reported by Voice Vote. Immigration

S.2449 - Equal Protection in Travel Act of 2016

6 | © PAAIA Public Policy Center 2016 The legislation would strip the discriminatory dual nationality provisions contained in the Visa Waiver Pro- gram Improvement and Terrorist Travel Prevention Act passed into law. Because the visa waiver program is based on reciprocity, the reforms could potentially place reciprocal restrictions from Europe and other par- ticipating countries. Iranian Americans and other American citizens could be barred from the program solely based on their national origin. The changes proposed in the legislation will address this matter by repealing the provisions aimed at restricting certain dual nationals of the 38 countries participating in the Visa Waiver Program.

Primary Sponsor: Flake, Jeff [R-AZ]

Co-sponsors: 3

Status: Referred to the Committee on the Judiciary

Visa Waiver Letters - Expressing concerns over dual national provisions

There have been several Senate letters regarding the discriminatory dual nationality provisions contained in the Visa Waiver Program Improvement and Terrorist Travel Prevention Act passed into law. Senators who signed the letter receive a (+) on the scorecard.

7 Nuclear Agreement Legislation U.S. - Iran Relations Immigration Visa Waiver S.269 Cotton Letter H.J.Res.64 S.2119 S.3267 S.Res.529 S.2449 Letters Alabama Shelby (R) (-) (-) Sessions (R) (-) (-) (-) Alaska Murkowski (R) (-) (-) (+) Sullivan (R) (-) (-) (-) (-) Arizona McCain (R) (-) (-) Flake (R) (-) (+) (+) Arkansas Boozman (R) (-) (-) (-) (-) Cotton(R) (-) (-) (-) California Feinstein (D) (+) Boxer (D) (+) (+) (+) Colorado Bennet (D) (+) (+) Gardner (R) (-) (-) (-) Connecticut Blumenthal (D) (-) (+) (+) Murphy (D) (+) (+) Delaware Carper (D) (+) Coons (D) (-) (+) (+) (+)

8 | © PAAIA Public Policy Center 2016 Nuclear Agreement Legislation U.S. - Iran Relations Immigration Visa Waiver S.269 Cotton Letter H.J.Res.64 S.2119 S.3267 S.Res.529 S.2449 Letters Florida Nelson (D) (+) Rubio (R) (-) (-) (-) (-) Georgia Isakson (R) (-) (-) (-) Perdue (R) (-) (-) (-) Hawaii Schatz (D) (+) (+) (+) Hirono (D) (+) Idaho Crapo (R) (-) (-) (-) Risch (R) (-) (-) (-) Illinois Durbin (D) (+) (+) (++) Kirk (R) (-) (-) Indiana Coats (R) (-) (-) Donnelly (D) (-) (+) (+) Iowa Grassley (R) (-) (-) (-) Ernst (R) (-) (-) (-) Kansas Roberts (R) (-) (-) (-) Moran (R) (-) (-) (-)

9 Nuclear Agreement Legislation U.S. - Iran Relations Immigration Visa Waiver S.269 Cotton Letter H.J.Res.64 S.2119 S.3267 S.Res.529 S.2449 Letters Kentucky McConnell (R) (-) (-) (-) Paul (R) (-) (-) Louisiana Vitter(R) (-) (-) (-) Cassidy (R) (-) (-) (-) Maine Collins (R) (-) (-) King (I) (+) Maryland Mikulski (D) (+) Cardin (D) (-) (++) Massachusetts Warren (D) (+) Markey (D) (+) (+) Michigan Stabenow (D) (+) (+) Peters (D) (-) (+) Minnesota Klobuchar (D) (+) (+) Franken (D) (+) (+) Mississippi Cochran (R) (-) (-) Wicker (R) (-) (-) (-)

10 | © PAAIA Public Policy Center 2016 Nuclear Agreement Legislation U.S. - Iran Relations Immigration Visa Waiver S.269 Cotton Letter H.J.Res.64 S.2119 S.3267 S.Res.529 S.2449 Letters Missouri McCaskill (D) (+) Blunt (R) (-) (-) (-) Montana Tester (D) (+) Daines (R) (-) (-) (-) Nebraska Fischer (R) (-) (-) (-) Sasse (R) (-) (-) (-) Nevada Reid (D) (+) Heller (R) (-) (-) (-) (+) New Hampshire Shaheen (D) (+) Ayotte(R) (-) (- (-) New Jersey Menendez (D) (-) (-) (-) Booker (D) (+) (+) (+) (+) New Mexico Udall (D) (+) Heinrich (D) (+) (+) New York Schumer (D) (-) (-) (+) Gillibrand (D) (+)

11 Nuclear Agreement Legislation U.S. - Iran Relations Immigration Visa Waiver S.269 Cotton Letter H.J.Res.64 S.2119 S.3267 S.Res.529 S.2449 Letters North Carolina Burr (R) (-) (-) (-) Tillis (R) (-) (-) North Dakota Hoeven (R) (-) (-) (-) Heitkamp (D) (+) Ohio Brown (D) (+) (+) Portman (R) (-) (-) (-) Oklahoma Inhofe (R) (-) (-) (-) Lankford (R) (-) (-) (-) Oregon Wyden (D) (+) (+) (+) Merkley (D) (+) Pennsylvania Casey (D) (-) (+) Toomey (R) (-) (-) (-) Rhode Island Reed (D) (+) Whitehouse (D) (+) South Carolina Graham (R) (-) (-) (-) Scott(R) (-) (-) (-)

12 | © PAAIA Public Policy Center 2016 Nuclear Agreement Legislation U.S. - Iran Relations Immigration Visa Waiver S.269 Cotton Letter H.J.Res.64 S.2119 S.3267 S.Res.529 S.2449 Letters South Dakota Thune(R) (-) (-) (-) Rounds (R) (-) (-) (-) Tennessee Alexander (R) (-) Corker (R) (-) Texas Coryn (R) (-) (-) (-) Cruz (R) (-) (-) (-) Utah Hatch (R) (-) (-) (-) (+) Lee (R) (-) (-) (-) Vermont Leahy (D) (+) (++) Sanders (I) (+) Virginia Warner (D) (+) (+) Kaine (D) (+) Washington Murray (D) (+) (+) Cantwell (D) (+) West Virginia Manchin (D) (-) (-) (+) (-) Capito (R) (-) (-) (-)

13 Nuclear Agreement Legislation U.S. - Iran Relations Immigration Visa Waiver S.269 Cotton Letter H.J.Res.64 S.2119 S.3267 S.Res.529 S.2449 Letters Wisconsin Johnson (R) (-) (-) Baldwin (D) (+) (+) Wyoming Enzi (R) (-) (-) (-) Barrasso (R) (-) (-) (-)

14 | © PAAIA Public Policy Center 2016 Section II: House of Representatives

15 Nuclear Agreement Legislation

Diplomacy Letter - Expressing support for diplomatic efforts to curtail Iran’s nuclear program

On May 7, 2015, Democratic members of the House of Representatives sent a letter sent a letter to President Obama supporting his administration’s efforts to negotiate a comprehensive nuclear agreement that will pre- vent Iran from obtaining a . The letter makes the case that U.S. negotiators need the time and space to build on the progress made in the interim agreement and turn it into a long-term settlement. It also highlights the concerns of lawmakers about the potential ramifications if the U.S. was to abandon negotia- tions or cause there collapse.

PAAIA’s national public opinion surveys indicate that Iranian Americans strongly support diplomatic initia- tives to address questions about Iran’s nuclear program. Representatives who signed the letter receive a (+) on the scorecard.

H.R.3461 - Iran Nuclear Agreement

A bill to approve of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), signed at Vienna on July 14, 2015, relat- ing to the nuclear program of Iran. A day after the Senate secured the JCPOA, the House of Representatives in a symbolic gesture voted not to approve the Iran nuclear agreement.

16 | © PAAIA Public Policy Center 2016 PAAIA’s 2016 national public opinion survey shows that nearly two-thirds of Iranian Americans (65%) ap- proved of the P5+1 agreement with Iran designed to place limits on Iran’s nuclear program. Those who vot- ed for the bill have received (+) on the scorecard, while those who voted against it receive a (-). The primary sponsor of the legislation is marked.

Primary Sponsor: Rep. Boehner, John [R-OH]

Co-sponsors: 0

Status: Failed in the House of Representatives by Yea-Nay Vote (162-269).

H.R. 3741 - Commission to Verify Iranian Nuclear Compliance Act

The legislation would establish a Congressional-Executive commission to oversee the implementation of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA). The Commission would verify Iran’s compliance with its obli- gations under the agreement, assess the adequacy of the safeguards and other control mechanisms contained in the agreement, and assess the capacity of the International Atomic Energy Agency to implement the ver- ification regime. H.R.3741 would establish lasting Congressional and Executive branch coordination on the nuclear agreement and send a message to the international community that the U.S. is resolved in seeing full compliance of the agreement.

PAAIA’s 2015 national public opinion survey indicates that Iranian Americans are support of leg-

17 islation that would make an Iran nuclear agreement subject to congressional oversight. Cosponsors receive a (+) on the scorecard.

Primary Sponsors: Rep. Connolly, Gerald [D-VA]; Rep. Hannah, Richard [R-NY]

Co-sponsors: 17

Status: Referred to the House Foreign Affairs Committee. U.S. - Iran Relations

H.R.4992/5119/5631 - Legislation that will roll back Iran Nucle- ar Deal

On the one-year anniversary of the Iran Nuclear Deal, the House of Representatives passed a series of bills that would roll back U.S. commitments to implement the international agreement. The legislation, amongst other measures, would prevent the implementation of certain sanctions relief mandated by the nuclear accord on the basis of non-nuclear activity, prohibiting permissible dollar transactions between Iran and the inter- national community that are wholly outside the U.S. financial system, and barring U.S. purchases of "" from Iran. The Administration has threatened to veto the legislation if it clears the Senate.

18 | © PAAIA Public Policy Center 2016 PAAIA’s national public opinion surveys indicate that Iranian Americans would not be supportive of efforts to undermine or derail the Iran nuclear deal. Representatives who voted against the measure have an (+) next to their name, while those who voted for the bill receive a (-).

Primary Sponsors: Rep. Royce, Ed [R-CA], Rep. McCarthy, Kevin [R-CA], Rep. Pompeo, Mike [R-KS]

Co-sponsors: 59

Status: Passed the House of Representatives, currently pending in the Senate.

H.Res.233 - Expressing the sense of the House of Representa- tives that Iran should immediately release the three U.S. citi- zens that it holds, as well as provide all known information on any U.S. citizens that have disappeared within its borders

The resolution calls on the Iranian government to immediately release Iranian Americans Amir Hekmati, , and detained in Iran as well as provide information on U.S. citizens who have disappeared within Iran’s borders. The measure passed the House of Representatives without amendment on June 15, 2015. A cosponsorship and positive vote each receive a (+), and an abstention receives a (±).

Primary Sponsor: Kildee, Dan [D-MI]

19 Co-sponsors: 202

Status: Passed the House of Representatives.

H.Res.808 - Calling on the Government of the Islamic Republic of Iran to release Iranian Americans Siamak Namazi and his fa- ther, Baquer Namazi

The resolution calls on the Iranian government to immediately release Siamak Namazi and his father, Baquer Namazi, who are dual U.S.- Iranian citizens currently detained in Iran. It calls on President Obama, the allies of the United States, and the United Nations to raise the cases of Siamak and Baquer Namazi with officials of the Government of Iran at every opportunity. The resolution also encourages the Obama Administration to utilize the appropriate measures against the government of Iran if Siamak and Baquer Namazi are not re- leased. Cosponsors receive a (+) on the scorecard.

Primary Sponsors: Rep. Royce, Ed [R-CA], Rep. Connolly, Gerald [D-VA]

Co-sponsors: 16

Status: Referred to the House Committee on Foreign Affairs. Ordered to be Reported by Voice Vote.

20 | © PAAIA Public Policy Center 2016 Immigration

H.R.158 - Visa Waiver Program Improvement and Terrorist Travel Prevention Act of 2015

The legislation amends the Immigration and Nationality Act to include terrorism risk as a factor when deter- mining an alien’s eligibility under the Visa Waiver Program (VWP) to travel to the United States. VWP allows citizens of 38 participating countries to travel to the U.S., Europe, Japan and South Korea without a visa for stays of 90 days or less. The legislation excludes those with Iranian, Iraqi, Sudanese and Syrian nationality or anyone who has traveled to those countries in the past five years from using the program to enter the coun- try. Because the program is based on reciprocity, this could potentially place reciprocal restrictions from Eu- rope and other participating countries. As such, Iranian Americans could be barred from the program solely based on their national origin or for visiting family and other legitimate travel plans. Representatives who voted against the measure have an (+) next to their name while those who voted for the bill receive a (-).

Primary Sponsor: Rep. Miller, Candice [R-MI]

Co-sponsors: 93

Status: Passed the House of Representatives, cleared both Chambers of Congress as part of must pass omni- bus bill that was signed into law by President Obama on December 18, 2015.

21 H.R.4380 - Equal Protection in Travel Act of 2016

Discussed in the Senate section of this scorecard, the legislation would strip the discriminatory dual nationali- ty provisions contained in the Visa Waiver Program Improvement and Terrorist Travel Prevention Act of 2015 passed into law in December 2015. Cosponsors receive a (+) on the scorecard.

Primary Sponsor: Amash, Justin [R-MI]

Co-sponsors: 25

Status: Referred to the House Judiciary Committee.

H.R.5203 - Visa Integrity and Security Act of 2016

A bill to amend the Immigration and Nationality Act to provide for new procedures pertaining to the process- ing of petitions and applications for immigrant or nonimmigrant visas or for immigration benefits, and for other purposes. If enacted into law, the legislation would negatively impact the Iranian American communi- ty, undermine U.S. interests, and make it increasingly difficult for all immigrants and travelers to come to the United States. It includes a discriminatory provision that mandates individualized Security Advisory Opin- ions (SAO) on all immigrant and non-immigrant visa applicants who are nationals of Iran, Iraq, , Soma- lia, , Sudan, or Yemen. This could increase the probability that people who are completely innocent will, by virtue of their nationality, be subject to unnecessary screening procedures and may be improperly barred from entering into the United States.

22 | © PAAIA Public Policy Center 2016 Cosponsors and Representatives who voted to mark-up the legislation in the House Judiciary Committee re- ceive a (-) on the scorecard, while those who voted against the mark-up receive a (+).

Primary Sponsor: Forbes, Randy J. [R-VA]

Co-sponsors: 8

Status: Referred to the House Judiciary, Homeland Security, and Foreign Affairs Committees. Ordered to be Reported (Amended) out of Judiciary Committee by a margin of: 14 - 10. Special Category

H.Res.156 - Recognizing the cultural and historical significance of Nowruz

The legislation recognizes the cultural and historical significance of Nowruz and wishes Iranian Americans, the people of Iran, and all those who celebrate the holiday a prosperous new year. In addition to commem- orating the Nowruz holiday, the resolution acknowledges the “lasting contributions” of Persian civilization to the world and the “noteworthy” impact Iranian Americans have had to the social and economic fabric of America. The resolution also underscores the importance of human rights and religious tolerance not just for the people of Iran, but for people everywhere, and supports the democratic aspirations of the Iranian people.

23 Cosponsors receive a (+) on the scorecard.

Primary Sponsor: Honda, Michael [D-CA]

Co-sponsors: 17

Status: Referred to the House Foreign Affairs Committee.

24 | © PAAIA Public Policy Center 2016 Nuclear Agreement Legislation U.S. - Iran Relations Immigration Special Category Diplomacy H.R.3461 H.R.3741 H.R.4992/ H.Res.233 H.Res.808 H.R.158 H.R.4380 H.R.5203 H.Res.156 Letter 5119/5631 Alabama Byrne (R-1) (-) (- - -) (±) (-) Roby (R-2) (-) (- - -) (+) (-) Rogers (R-3) (-) (- - -) (++) (-) Aderholt (R-4) (-) (- - -) (+) (-) Brooks (R-5) (-) (- - -) (++) (-) Palmer (R-6) (-) (- - -) (+) (-) Sewell (D-7) (+) (+) (-++) (±) (-) Alaska Young (R-At Large) (-) (- - -) (+) (-) Arizona Kirkpatrick (D-1) (+) (+++) (++) (-) McSally (R-2) (-) (- - -) (+) (-) Grijalva (D-3) (+) (+) (+++) (+) (+) Gosar (R-4) (-) (- - -) (++) (-) Salmon (R-5) (-) (- - -) (++) (-) Schweikert (R-6) (-) (- - -) (++) (-) Gallego (D-7) (+) (+) (+++) (++) (-) Franks (R-8) (-) (- - -) (+) (-) (-) Sinema (D-9) (+) (+++) (++) (-) (+) Arkansas Crawford (R-1) (-) (- - -) (+) (-) Hill (R-2) (-) (- - -) (+) (-)

25 Nuclear Agreement Legislation U.S. - Iran Relations Immigration Special Category Diplomacy H.R.3461 H.R.3741 H.R.4992/ H.Res.233 H.Res.808 H.R.158 H.R.4380 H.R.5203 H.Res.156 Letter 5119/5631 Womack (R-3) (-) (- - -) (+) (-) Westerman (R-4) (-) (- - -) (+) (-) California LaMalfa (R-1) (-) (- - -) (++) (-) Huffman(D-2) (+) (+) (+++) (++) (+) (-) Garamendi (D-3) (+) (+) (+++) (+) (-) McClintock (R-4) (-) (- - -) (+) (-) Thompson(D-5) (+) (+) (+++) (++) (-) Matsui (D-6) (+) (+) (+++) (+) (-) Bera (D-7) (+) (+) (+) (+++) (++) (-) Cook (R-8) (-) (- - -) (++) (-) McNerney (D-9) (+) (+) (+++) (++) (-) Denham (R-10) (-) (- - -) (+) (-) DeSaulnier (D-11) (+) (+) (+++) (++) (-) Pelosi (D-12) (+) (+) (+++) (+) (-) Lee (D-13) (+) (+) (+++) (+) (+) Speier (D-14) (+) (+) (+++) (+) (-) Swalwell (D-15) (+) (+) (+++) (++) (-) (+) Costa (D-16) (+) (+++) (++) (-) Honda (D-17) (+) (+) (+++) (++) (+) (+) (+) (+) Eshoo (D-18) (+) (+) (+++) (+) (-) (+) Lofgren (D-19) (+) (+) (+++) (++) (+) (-) (+) (+) Farr (D-20) (+) (+) (+++) (+) (+)

26 | © PAAIA Public Policy Center 2016 Nuclear Agreement Legislation U.S. - Iran Relations Immigration Special Category Diplomacy H.R.3461 H.R.3741 H.R.4992/ H.Res.233 H.Res.808 H.R.158 H.R.4380 H.R.5203 H.Res.156 Letter 5119/5631 Valadao (R-21) (-) (- - -) (+) (-) Nunes (R-22) (-) (- - -) (+) (-) McCarthy (R-23) (-) (- - -) (+) (-) Capps (D-24) (+) (+) (+++) (+) (-) Knight (R-25) (-) (- -) (+) (-) Brownley (D-26) (+) (+) (+++) (++) (-) Chu (D-27) (+) (+) (+++) (++) (-) (+) (+) Schiff(D-28) (+) (+++) (+) (-) Cardenas (D-29) (+) (-) (+-+) (++) (-) (+) Sherman (D-30) (-) (--+) (++) (+) (-) Aguilar (D-31) (+) (+) (+++) (++) No Vote Napolitano (D-32) (+) (-) (+++) (++) (-) Lieu (D-33) (+) (-) (+-+) (++) (-) (+) (+) Becerra (D-34) (+) (+) (+++) (++) (-) Torres (D-35) (+) (+) (+++) (++) (-) Ruiz (D-36) (+) (+) (+++) (++) (-) Bass (D-37) (+) (+) (+++) (++) (+) Sanchez, Linda (D-38) (+) (+) (+++) (+) (-) Royce (R-39) (-) (- - -) (++) (++) (-) Roybal-Allard (+) (+) (+++) (+) (-) (D-40) Takano (D-41) (+) (+) (+++) (+) (+) (+) Calvert (R-42) (-) (- - -) (+) (-) Waters (D-43) (+) (+) (+++) (+) (+)

27 Nuclear Agreement Legislation U.S. - Iran Relations Immigration Special Category Diplomacy H.R.3461 H.R.3741 H.R.4992/ H.Res.233 H.Res.808 H.R.158 H.R.4380 H.R.5203 H.Res.156 Letter 5119/5631 Hahn (D-44) (+) (+++) (+) (-) Walters (R-45) (-) (- - -) (+) (-) (-) Sanchez, Loretta (+) (+) (+++) (±) (-) (+) (D-46) Lowenthal (D-47) (+) (+) (+) (+++) (++) (-) (+) Rohrabacher (R-48) (-) (- - -) (++) (-) Issa (R-49) (-) (- - -) (++) (+) (-) (-) Hunter (R-50) (-) (- - -) (++) (-) Vargas (D-51) (-) (+) (- - -) (++) (-) Peters (D-52) (+) (+) (+++) (++) (-) (+) (+) Davis (D-53) (+) (+) (+++) (++) (-) Colorado DeGette(D-1) (+) (+) (+++) (++) (-) Polis (D-2) (+) (+) (+) (+++) (++) (-) Tipton (R-3) (-) (- - -) (±) (-) Buck (R-4) (-) (- - -) (+) (-) Lamborn (R-5) (-) (- - -) (+) (-) Coffman(R-6) (-) (- - -) (++) (-) Perlmutter(D-7) (+) (+) (-++) (++) No Vote Connecticut Larson (D-1) (+) (+) (+++) (+) (-) Courtney (D-2) (+) (+) (+++) (+) (-) DeLauro (D-3) (+) (+) (+++) (++) (-) Himes (D-4) (+) (+++) (++) (-) (+)

28 | © PAAIA Public Policy Center 2016 Nuclear Agreement Legislation U.S. - Iran Relations Immigration Special Category Diplomacy H.R.3461 H.R.3741 H.R.4992/ H.Res.233 H.Res.808 H.R.158 H.R.4380 H.R.5203 H.Res.156 Letter 5119/5631 Esty (D-5) (+) (+) (+++) (++) (-) Delaware Carney (D-At Large) (+) (+) (+) (+++) (++) (-) District ofColumbia Norton (D-At Large) (+) (+) Florida Miller (R-1) (-) (- - -) (++) (-) Graham (D-2) (-) (- - -) (++) (-) Yoho (R-3) (-) (- - -) (++) (-) Crenshaw (R-4) (-) (- - -) (+) (-) Brown (D-5) (+) (+) (+++) (++) (-) DeSantis (R-6) (-) (- - -) (++) (+) (-) (-) Mica (R-7) (-) (- - -) (++) (+) (-) (+) Posey (R-8) (-) (- - -) (++) (-) Grayson (D-9) (+) (+++) (+) (-) Webster (R-10) (-) (- - -) (+) (-) Nugent (R-11) (-) (- - -) (+) (-) Bilirakis (R-12) (-) (- - -) (++) (-) Jolly (R-13) (-) (- - -) (++) (-) Castor (D-14) (+) (+) (+++) (++) (-) Ross (R-15) (-) (- - -) (+) (-) Buchanan (R-16) (-) (- - -) (+) (-)

29 Nuclear Agreement Legislation U.S. - Iran Relations Immigration Special Category Diplomacy H.R.3461 H.R.3741 H.R.4992/ H.Res.233 H.Res.808 H.R.158 H.R.4380 H.R.5203 H.Res.156 Letter 5119/5631 Rooney (R-17) (-) (- - -) (+) (-) Murphy (D-18) (+) (+++) (++) (-) Clawson (R-19) (-) (- - -) (++) (-) Hastings (D-20) (-) (+) (-) (+) Deutch (D-21) (-) (+++) (++) (-) Frankel (D-22) (-) (++NV) (++) (-) Wasserman Schultz (+) (+++) (+) (-) (D-23) Wilson (D-24) (+) (+) (+++) (++) (-) Diaz-Balart (R-25) (-) (- - -) (++) (-) Curbelo (R-26) (-) (- - -) (++) (-) Ros-Lehtinen (-) (- - -) (++) (+) (-) (R-27) Georgia Carter (R-1) (-) (- - -) (+) (-) Bishop (D-2) (+) (+) (+++) (+) (-) Westmoreland (R-3) (-) (+--) (+) (-) Johnson (D-4) (+) No Vote (+++) (+) (+) (+) Lewis (D-5) (+) (+) (+++) (++) No Vote Price (R-6) (+) (- - -) (+) (-) Woodall (R-7) (-) (- - -) (+) (-) Scott(R-8) (-) (- - -) (++) (-) Collins (R-9) (-) (- - -) (+) (-) Hice (R-10) (-) (- - -) (+) (-)

30 | © PAAIA Public Policy Center 2016 Nuclear Agreement Legislation U.S. - Iran Relations Immigration Special Category Diplomacy H.R.3461 H.R.3741 H.R.4992/ H.Res.233 H.Res.808 H.R.158 H.R.4380 H.R.5203 H.Res.156 Letter 5119/5631 Loudermilk (R-11) (-) (-NV-) (+) (-) Allen (R-12) (-) (- - -) (+) (-) Scott(D-13) (+) (-) (+++) (+) (-) Graves (R-14) (-) (- - -) (+) (-) Hawaii Takai (D-1) *Vacant (+) (+) (++) (-) Gabbard (D-2) (+) (+) (+++) (++) (-) Idaho Labrador (R-1) (-) (- - -) (++) (-) (-) Simpson (R-2) (-) (- - -) (++) (-) Illinois Rush (D-1) (+) (+) (+++) (±) No Vote Kelly (D-2) (+) (+) (+++) (+) (-) Lipinski (D-3) (-) (+-+) (+) (-) Gutierrez (D-4) (+) (+) (+++) (+) (-) Quigley(D-5) (+) (+++) (+) (-) Roskam (R-6) (-) (- - -) (±) (-) Davis, D (D-7) (+) (+) (+ +) (±) (-) Duckworth (D-8) (+) (+) (+++) (+) (-) Schakowsky (D-9) (+) (+) (+++) (+) (+) (+) Dold (R-10) (-) (- - -) (+) (-) Foster (D-11) (+) (+) (+) (+++) (+) (-) Bost (R-12) (-) (- - -) (±) (-)

31 Nuclear Agreement Legislation U.S. - Iran Relations Immigration Special Category Diplomacy H.R.3461 H.R.3741 H.R.4992/ H.Res.233 H.Res.808 H.R.158 H.R.4380 H.R.5203 H.Res.156 Letter 5119/5631 Davis, R. (R-13) (-) (- - -) (+) (-) Hultgren (R-14) (-) (- - -) (+) (-) Shimkus (R-15) (-) (- - -) (++) (-) Kinzinger (R-16) (-) (- - -) (+) (-) Bustos (D-17) (+) (+) (+++) (+) (-) LaHood (R-18) (- - -) (-) Indiana Visclosky (D-1) (+) (+) (+++) (+) (-) Walorski (R-2) (-) (- - -) (++) (-) Stutzman (R-3) (-) (- - -) (±) (-) Rokita (R-4) (-) (- - -) (++) (-) Brooks (R-5) (-) (- - -) (+) (-) Messer (R-6) (-) (- - -) (++) (-) Carson (D-7) (+) (+) (+++) (++) (-) (+) Bucshon (R-8) (-) (- - -) (+) (-) Young (R-9) (-) (-NV-) (+) (-) Iowa Blum (R-1) (-) (- - -) (±) (-) Loebsack (D-2) (+) (+) (+++) (++) (-) Young (R-3) (-) (- - -) (+) (-) King (R-4) (-) (- - -) (+) (-) Kansas Huelskamp (R-1) (-) (- - -) (+) (-)

32 | © PAAIA Public Policy Center 2016 Nuclear Agreement Legislation U.S. - Iran Relations Immigration Special Category Diplomacy H.R.3461 H.R.3741 H.R.4992/ H.Res.233 H.Res.808 H.R.158 H.R.4380 H.R.5203 H.Res.156 Letter 5119/5631 Jenkins (R-2) (-) (- - -) (++) (-) Yoder (R-3) (-) (- - -) (+) (-) Pompeo (R-4) (-) (- - -) (+) (+) (-) Kentucky Whitfield(R-1) (-) (- - -) (+) (-) Guthrie (R-2) (-) (- - -) (+) (-) Yarmuth (D-3) (+) (+) (+++) (++) (-) Massie (R-4) A (+-+) (+) (-) (+) Rogers (R-5) (-) (- - -) (+) (-) Barr (R-6) (-) (- - -) (++) (-) Louisiana Scalise (R-1) (-) (- - -) (+) (-) Richmond (D-2) (+) (+) (+++) (+) (-) Boustany (R-3) (-) (- - -) (++) (-) Fleming (R-4) (-) (- - -) (+) (-) Abraham (R-5) (-) (- - -) (++) (-) Graves (R-6) (-) (- - -) (+) (-) Maine Pingree (D-1) (+) (+) (+++) (+) (-) Poliquin (R-2) (-) (- - -) (+) (-) Maryland Harris (R-1) (-) (- - -) (+) (-) Ruppersberger (D-2) (+) (+) (+++) (+) (-)

33 Nuclear Agreement Legislation U.S. - Iran Relations Immigration Special Category Diplomacy H.R.3461 H.R.3741 H.R.4992/ H.Res.233 H.Res.808 H.R.158 H.R.4380 H.R.5203 H.Res.156 Letter 5119/5631 Sarbanes (D-3) (+) (+++) (+) (-) Edwards (D-4) (+) (+) (+++) (+) (-) (+) (+) Hoyer (D-5) (+) (+++) (++) (-) Delaney (D-6) (+) (+) (+++) (++) (-) Cummings (D-7) (+) (+) (+++) (++) (-) Van Hollen (D-8) (+) (+) (+++) (++) (-) (+) Massachusetts Neal (D-1) (+) (+) (+++) (+) (-) McGovern (D-2) (+) (+) (+++) (++) (+) (-) Tsongas (D-3) (+) (+) (+++) (+) (-) Kennedy (D-4) (+) (+) (+++) (++) (-) Clark (D-5) (+) (+) (+++) (+) (-) Moulton (D-6) (+) (+) (+) (+++) (++) (-) (+) Capuano (D-7) (+) (+) (+++) (++) (+) (-) Lynch (D-8) (+) (+) (+++) (+) (-) Keating (D-9) (+) (+) (+++) (++) (+) (-) Michigan Benishek (R-1) (-) (- - -) (++) (-) Huizenga (R-2) (-) (- - -) (++) (-) Amash (R-3) (-) (--+) (++) (-) (+) Moolenaar (R-4) (-) (- - -) (++) (-) Kildee (D-5) (+) (+) (+) (+++) (++) (+) (+) Upton (R-6) (-) (- - -) (++) (-)

34 | © PAAIA Public Policy Center 2016 Nuclear Agreement Legislation U.S. - Iran Relations Immigration Special Category Diplomacy H.R.3461 H.R.3741 H.R.4992/ H.Res.233 H.Res.808 H.R.158 H.R.4380 H.R.5203 H.Res.156 Letter 5119/5631 Walberg (R-7) (-) (- - -) (++) (-) Bishop (R-8) (-) (- - -) (+) (-) (-) Levin (D-9) (+) (+++) (++) (-) Miller (R-10) (-) (- - -) (++) (-) Trott(R-11) (-) (- - -) (++) (-) (-) Dingell (D-12) (+) (+) (+++) (++) (+) (+) Conyers (D-13) (+) (+) (+++) (+) (+) (+) (+) Lawrence (D-14) (+) (+) (+++) (++) (+) (+) Minnesota Walz (D-1) (+) (+) (+++) (+) (-) Kline (R-2) (-) (- - -) (+) (-) Paulsen (R-3) (-) (- - -) (+) (-) McCollum (D-4) (+) (+) (+++) (+) (-) Ellison (D-5) (+) (+) (NV+NV) (+) (+) Emmer (R-6) (-) (- - -) (+) (-) Peterson (D-7) (-) (- - -) (+) (-) Nolan (D-8) (+) (+) (+++) (+) (-) Mississippi Kelly (R-1) (-) (- - -) (±) (-) Thompson(D-2) (+) (+) (+++) (+) (-) Harper (R-3) (-) (- - -) (++) (-) Palazzo (R-4) (-) (- - -) (+) (-)

35 Nuclear Agreement Legislation U.S. - Iran Relations Immigration Special Category Diplomacy H.R.3461 H.R.3741 H.R.4992/ H.Res.233 H.Res.808 H.R.158 H.R.4380 H.R.5203 H.Res.156 Letter 5119/5631 Missouri Clay (D-1) (+) (+) (+++) (+) (+) (-) Wagner (R-2) (-) (- - -) (+) (-) Luetkemeyer (R-3) (-) (- - -) (+) (-) Hartzler (R-4) (-) (- - -) (+) (-) Cleaver (D-5) (+) (+) (+++) (++) (-) Graves (R-6) (-) (- - -) (+) (-) Long (R-7) (-) (- - -) (+) (-) Smith (R-8) (-) (- - -) (+) (-) Montana Zinke (R-At Large) (-) (- - -) (+) (-) Nebraska Fortenberry (R-1) (-) (- - -) (+) (-) Ashford (D-2) (-) (- - -) (++) (-) Smith (R-3) (+) (-) (- - -) (+) (-) Nevada Titus (D-1) (+) (+++) (+) (-) Amodei (R-2) (-) (- - -) (+) (-) Heck (R-3) (+) (- - -) (+) (-) Hardy (R-4) (-) (- - -) (+) (-) New Hampshire Guinta (R-1) (-) (- - -) (++) (-) Kuster (D-2) (+) (+) (+++) (++) (-)

36 | © PAAIA Public Policy Center 2016 Nuclear Agreement Legislation U.S. - Iran Relations Immigration Special Category Diplomacy H.R.3461 H.R.3741 H.R.4992/ H.Res.233 H.Res.808 H.R.158 H.R.4380 H.R.5203 H.Res.156 Letter 5119/5631 New Jersey Norcross (D-1) (-) (+++) (++) (-) LoBionda (R-2) (-) (- - -) (+) (-) MacArthur (R-3) (-) (- - -) (+) (-) Smith (R-4) (-) (- - -) (++) (-) Garrett(R-5) (-) (- - -) (++) (-) Pallone (D-6) (+) (+++) (+) (-) Lance (R-7) (-) (- - -) (++) (-) Sires (D-8) (-) (+++) (++) (-) Pascrell (D-9) (+) (+++) (++) (-) Payne (D-10) (+) (+) (+++) (+) (-) Frelinghuysen (-) (- - -) (+) (-) (R-11) Watson Coleman (+) (+) (+++) (+) (+) (+) (D-12) New Mexico Lujan Grisham (D-1) (+) (+) (+++) (+) (-) Pearce (R-2) (-) No Votes (++) (-) Luján (D-3) (+) (+) (+++) (+) (-) New York Zeldin (R-1) (-) (- - -) (++) (-) King (R-2) (-) (- - -) (±) (-) Israel (D-3) (-) (+) (+++) (++) (-) Rice (D-4) (-) (+) (+++) (+) (-)

37 Nuclear Agreement Legislation U.S. - Iran Relations Immigration Special Category Diplomacy H.R.3461 H.R.3741 H.R.4992/ H.Res.233 H.Res.808 H.R.158 H.R.4380 H.R.5203 H.Res.156 Letter 5119/5631 Meeks (D-5) (+) (+) (+) (+++) (+) (-) Meng (D-6) (-) (+++) (++) (-) Velazquez (D-7) (+) (+) (+++) (+) (-) Jeffries(D-8) (+) (+) (+++) (+) (-) (+) Clarke (D-9) (+) (+) (+++) (±) (+) Nadler (D-10) (+) (+++) (+) (-) (+) Donovan (R-11) (-) (- - -) (++) No Vote Maloney, C. (D-12) (-) (+++) (++) (-) (+) (+) Rangel (D-13) (+) (+) (+++) (++) (-) (+) Crowley (D-14) (+) (++NV) (++) (-) Serrano (D-15) (+) (+) (+++) (++) (-) Engel (D-16) (-) (+++) (++) (+) (-) Lowey (D-17) (-) (+++) (+) (-) Maloney, S. (D-18) (+) (+) (++-) (++) (-) Gibson (R-19) (-) (- - -) (+) (-) Tonko (D-20) (+) (+) (-++) (++) (-) Stefanik (R-21) (-) (- - -) (+) (-) Hanna (R-22) (-) (+) (- - -) (++) (-) Reed (R-23) (-) (- - -) (+) (-) Katko (R-24) (-) (- - -) (+) (-) Slaughter (D-25) (+) (+) (+++) (+) (-) Higgins (D-26) (+) (+) (+++) (+) (-) Collins (R-27) (-) (- - -) (+) (-)

38 | © PAAIA Public Policy Center 2016 Nuclear Agreement Legislation U.S. - Iran Relations Immigration Special Category Diplomacy H.R.3461 H.R.3741 H.R.4992/ H.Res.233 H.Res.808 H.R.158 H.R.4380 H.R.5203 H.Res.156 Letter 5119/5631 North Carolina Butterfield(D-1) (+) (+) (+++) (+) (-) Ellmers (R-2) (-) (- - -) (+) (-) Jones (R-3) (-) (+++) (++) (-) Price (D-4) (+) (+) (+++) (++) (-) Foxx (R-5) (-) (- - -) (+) (-) Walker (R-6) (-) (- - -) (+) (-) Rouzer (R-7) (-) (- - -) (+) (-) Hudson (R-8) (-) (- - -) (++) (-) Pittenger(R-9) (-) (- - -) (++) (-) McHenry (R-10) (-) (- - -) (+) (-) Meadows (R-11) (-) (- - -) (++) (-) Adams (D-12) (+) (+) (+++) (+) (-) Holding (R-13) (-) (- - -) (++) (-) North Dakota Cramer (R-At Large) (-) (- - -) (++) (-) Ohio Chabot (R-1) (-) (- - -) (++) (-) (-) Wenstrup (R-2) (-) (- - -) (+) (-) Beatty(D-3) (+) (+) (+++) (++) (-) Jordan (R-4) (-) (- - -) (++) (-) Latta(R-5) (-) (- - -) (+) (-) Johnson (R-6) (-) (- - -) (++) (-)

39 Nuclear Agreement Legislation U.S. - Iran Relations Immigration Special Category Diplomacy H.R.3461 H.R.3741 H.R.4992/ H.Res.233 H.Res.808 H.R.158 H.R.4380 H.R.5203 H.Res.156 Letter 5119/5631 Gibbs (R-7) (-) (- - -) (±) (-) Davidson (R-8) (- - -) (-) Kaptur (D-9) (+) (+) (+++) (+) (-) Turner (R-10) (-) (- - -) (+) (-) Fudge (D-11) (+) (+) (+++) (-) Tiberi (R-12) (-) (- - -) (+) (-) Ryan (D-13) (+) (+) (+++) (+) (-) Joyce (R-14) (-) (- - -) (++) (-) Stivers (R-15) (-) (- - -) (++) (-) Renacci (R-16) (-) (- - -) (+) (-) Oklahoma Bridenstine (R-1) (-) (- - -) (++) (-) Mullin (R-2) (-) (- - -) (++) (-) Lucas (R-3) (-) (- - -) (+) (-) Cole (R-4) (-) (- - -) (+) (-) Russell (R-5) (-) (- - -) (+) (-) Oregon Bonamici (D-1) (+) (+) (+++) (+) (-) Walden (R-2) (-) (- - -) (+) (-) Blumenauer (D-3) (+) (+) (+++) (+) (-) (+) DeFazio (D-4) (+) (+) (+++) (+) (-) Schrader (D-5) (+) (+++) (+) (-)

40 | © PAAIA Public Policy Center 2016 Nuclear Agreement Legislation U.S. - Iran Relations Immigration Special Category Diplomacy H.R.3461 H.R.3741 H.R.4992/ H.Res.233 H.Res.808 H.R.158 H.R.4380 H.R.5203 H.Res.156 Letter 5119/5631 Pennsylvania Brady (D-1) (+) (+) (+++) (+) (-) Fattah(D-2) (+) (+) (+) (-) *Vacant Kelly (R-3) (-) (- - -) (+) (-) Perry (R-4) (-) (- - -) (++) (-) Thompson(R-5) (-) (- - -) (+) (-) Costello (R-6) (-) (- - -) (++) (-) Meehan (R-7) (-) (- - -) (+) (-) Fitzpatrick (R-8) (-) (- - -) (++) (-) Shuster (R-9) (-) (- - -) (++) (-) Marino (R-10) (-) (NV-NV) (++) (-) (-) Barletta(R-11) (-) (- - -) (++) (-) (-) Rothfus (R-12) (-) (- - -) (++) (-) Boyle (D-13) (-) (+++) (++) (-) Doyle (D-14) (+) (+) (+++) (+) (-) Dent (R-15) (-) (- - -) (+) (-) Pitts(R-16) (-) (- - -) (+) (-) Cartwright (D-17) (+) (+) (+++) (++) (-) Murphy (R-18) (-) (- - -) (+) (-) Rhode Island Cicilline (D-1) (+) (+) (+) (+++) (++) (+) (-) (+) Langevin (D-2) (+) (+) (+) (+++) (+) (-)

41 Nuclear Agreement Legislation U.S. - Iran Relations Immigration Special Category Diplomacy H.R.3461 H.R.3741 H.R.4992/ H.Res.233 H.Res.808 H.R.158 H.R.4380 H.R.5203 H.Res.156 Letter 5119/5631 South Carolina Sanford (R-1) (-) (- - -) (+) (-) Wilson (R-2) (-) (- - -) (+) (+) Duncan (R-3) (-) (- - -) (++) (-) Gowdy (R-4) (-) (- - -) (++) (-) (-) Mulvaney (R-5) (-) (- - -) (+) (-) Clyburn (D-6) (+) (+) (+++) (±) (-) Rice (R-7) (-) (- - -) (+) (-) South Dakota Noem (R-At Large) (-) (+--) (+) (-) Tennessee Roe (R-1) (-) (- - -) (+) (-) Duncan (R-2) (-) (+++) (+) (-) Fleischmann (R-3) (-) (- - -) (+) (-) DesJarlais (R-4) (-) (- - -) (++) (-) Cooper (D-5) (+) (+++) (+) (-) Black (R-6) (-) (- - ) (+) (-) Blackburn (R-7) (-) (- - -) (+) (-) Fincher (R-8) (-) (- - -) (+) (-) Cohen (D-9) (+) (+) (+++) (++) (-) (+) (+) Texas Gohmert (R-1) (-) (- - -) (+) (-) (--) Poe (R-2) (-) No Votes (+) (-)

42 | © PAAIA Public Policy Center 2016 Nuclear Agreement Legislation U.S. - Iran Relations Immigration Special Category Diplomacy H.R.3461 H.R.3741 H.R.4992/ H.Res.233 H.Res.808 H.R.158 H.R.4380 H.R.5203 H.Res.156 Letter 5119/5631 Johnson, S. (R-3) (-) (- - -) (+) No Vote Ratcliffe(R-4) (-) (- - -) (++) (-) (--) Hensarling (R-5) (-) (- - -) (+) (-) Barton (R-6) (-) (- - -) (±) (-) Culberson (R-7) (-) (- - -) (+) (-) Brady (R-8) (-) (- - -) (+) (-) Green (D-9) (+) (+) (+-+) (++) (-) McCaul (R-10) (-) (- - -) (++) (-) Conaway (R-11) (-) (- - -) (+) (-) Granger (R-12) (-) (- - -) (+) (-) Thornberry(R-13) (-) (- - -) (+) (-) Weber (R-14) (-) (- - -) (++) (-) Hinojosa (D-15) (+) (+) (+++) (±) (-) O’Rourke (D-16) (+) (+) (+++) (+) (-) Flores (R-17) (-) (- - -) (+) (-) Jackson Lee (D-18) (+) (+) (+++) (++) (-) (+) (+) Neugebauer (R-19) (-) (- - -) (+) (-) Castro (D-20) (+) (+) (+++) (++) (-) Smith (R-21) (-) (- - -) (+) (-) (-) Olson (R-22) (-) (- - -) (+) (-) Hurd (R-23) (-) (- - -) (++) (-) Marchant (R-24) (-) (- - -) (++) (-) Williams (R-25) (-) (- - -) (++) (-)

43 Nuclear Agreement Legislation U.S. - Iran Relations Immigration Special Category Diplomacy H.R.3461 H.R.3741 H.R.4992/ H.Res.233 H.Res.808 H.R.158 H.R.4380 H.R.5203 H.Res.156 Letter 5119/5631 Burgess (R-26) (-) (- - -) (+) (-) Farenthold (R-27) (-) (- - -) (+) (-) Cuellar (D-28) (+) (+++) (++) (-) Green (D-29) (-) (+--) (+) (-) Johnson, E. (D-30) (+) (+) (+++) (+) (-) Carter (R-31) (-) (- - -) (+) (-) Sessions (R-32) (-) (- - -) (+) (-) Veasey (D-33) (+) (+) (+++) (+) (-) Vela (D-34) (-) (- - -) (+) (-) Doggett(D-35) (+) (+) (+++) (++) (-) Babin (R-36) (-) (- - -) (+) (-) Utah Bishop (R-1) (-) (- - -) (+) (-) Stewart (R-2) (-) (- - -) (+) (-) Chaffetz(R-3) (-) (- - -) (+) (-) Love (R-4) (-) (- - -) (+) (-) Vermont Welch (D-At Large) (+) (+) (+++) (++) (-) Virginia Wittman(R-1) (-) (- - -) (±) (-) Rigell (R-2) (-) (- - -) (+) (-) Scott(D-3) (+) (+) (+++) (+) (-) Forbes (R-4) (-) (- - -) (+) (-) (-)

44 | © PAAIA Public Policy Center 2016 Nuclear Agreement Legislation U.S. - Iran Relations Immigration Special Category Diplomacy H.R.3461 H.R.3741 H.R.4992/ H.Res.233 H.Res.808 H.R.158 H.R.4380 H.R.5203 H.Res.156 Letter 5119/5631 Hurt (R-5) (-) (- - -) (+) (-) Goodlatte(R-6) (-) (- - -) (+) (-) (--) Brat (R-7) (-) (- - -) (++) (-) Beyer (D-8) (+) (+) (+++) (+) (-) Griffith(R-9) (-) (- - -) (±) (-) Comstock (R-10) (-) (- - -) (++) (-) Connolly (D-11) (+) (+) (+) (+++) (++) (+) (-) (+) (+) Washington DelBene (D-1) (+) (+) (+++) (++) (-) (+) (+) Larsen (D-2) (+) (+) (+++) (+) (-) Herrera Beautler (-) (- - -) (+) (-) (R-3) Newhouse (R-4) (-) (- - -) (+) (-) McMorris Rodgers (-) (- - -) (+) (-) (R-5) Kilmer (D-6) (+) (+++) (++) (-) McDermott(D-7) (+) (+) (+++) (+) (+) Reichert (R-8) (-) (- - -) (+) (-) Smith (D-9) (+) (+) (+++) (++) (-) (+) (+) Heck (D-10) (+) (+) (+++) (++) (-) West Virginia McKinley (R-1) (-) (- - -) (++) (-) Mooney (R-2) (-) (- - -) (+) (-) Jenkins (R-3) (-) (- - -) (+) (-)

45 Nuclear Agreement Legislation U.S. - Iran Relations Immigration Special Category Diplomacy H.R.3461 H.R.3741 H.R.4992/ H.Res.233 H.Res.808 H.R.158 H.R.4380 H.R.5203 H.Res.156 Letter 5119/5631 Wisconsin Ryan (R-1) *Speaker (-) (+) (-) Pocan (D-2) (+) (+) (+++) (++) (+) (+) Kind (D-3) (+) (+) (+++) (±) (-) Moore (D-4) (+) (+) (+++) (+) (-) Sensenbrenner (R-5) (-) (- - -) (+) (-) (--) Grothman (R-6) (-) (- - -) (+) (-) Duffy(R-7) (-) (- - -) (+) (-) Ribble (R-8) (-) (- - -) (+) (-) Wyoming Lummis (-) (- - -) (++) (-) (R-At Large)

46 | © PAAIA Public Policy Center 2016