USE OF FORCE GUIDELINES FOR IMPLEMENTATION OF THE UN BASIC PRINCIPLES ON THE USE OF FORCE AND FIREARMS BY LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICIALS August 2015 Amnesty International Dutch Section Police and Human Rights Programme Amnesty International PO Box 1968 1000 BZ Amsterdam The Netherlands T (0031) (0)20-626 44 36 F (0031) (0)20-624 08 89 E
[email protected] I All rights reserved. This publication is copyright but may be reproduced by any method without fee for advocacy, campaigning and teaching purposes, but not for resale. The copyright holders request that all such use be registered with them for impact assessment purposes. For copying in any other circumstances, or for reuse in other publications, or for translation or adaptation, prior written permission must be obtained from the publishers, and a fee may be payable. To request permission, or for any other inquiries, please contact
[email protected]. Printed in the Netherlands ISBN 978-90-6463-368-3 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS These Guidelines could not have been produced without the help of the many people who gave their time and expertisetoassistAmnestyInternationalinitspreparation. The main work was carried out by a project team of three people: Anja Bienert (drafting), Maggie Maloney and Sarah Masters (legal and equipment related input, editing and proof reading). Furthermore, Daniela Grosche carried out extensive research and established an impressive database of examples from various countries. Liana Rodrigues did an amazing amount of work in carrying out additional research, checking upon the validity of documents, and proof reading. Carline Westervelt supported the team in the most valuable manner in orga- nizationalandothermatters.