#220 5 - 11 November 2004 20 pages Rs 25

SILVER LINING: An uplifting Valley sunset on Wednesday was not reflected on the political horizon.

p10-11 Birds of a feather

Weekly Internet Poll # 160 Q. Which US presidential candidate would be better for the world?

Total votes:1,202 Weekly Internet Poll # 161. To vote go to: www.nepalitimes.com Q. Should the pre-2002 parliament be reinstated?

KUNDA DIXIT ANALYSIS by PUSKAR GAUTAM he recent escalation of T Maoist rhetoric over an impending Indian invasion is being followed up Tunnel vision with frenzied tunnel-digging throughout the country, ’s Maoists are literally going underground ostensibly to thwart Indian air raids. to spread revolution in the region The tunnels are symbolic of the rebel leadership’s change of In their analysis, poverty, Even so, the Nepali com- mechanism and phases of the focus towards external enemies: ethnic exclusion, and rades are taking advantage of poll process. And it won’t be ‘US imperialism’ and ‘Indian topography make the Himalayan continuing political disarray in life-or-death for the Maoists if expansionism’. The leadership arc ideal for a trans-boundary Kathmandu and see an opening polls do happen, they will not and cadre are at present busy in revolution in which guerrillas in the Deuba government’s push try to launch unnecessarily military and political training, can move freely across borders. for elections by April 2005. They costly offensives during it. and believe their ‘strategic They want to convert the ethno- expect an election will further Deuba is obviously laying the offensive’ within Nepal will not separatist agenda of militants in polarise the parties and split the groundwork for elections with be successful unless the the Indian northeast to fight a anti-‘regression’ alliance. Those the TADO ordinance and external intervention is ad- united class war. Maoist for polls will be seen to be in the rampant militarisation. He often dressed. activities have escalated in ‘royal’ camp, while those cites Kashmir and Afghanistan: There appears to be greater western Bangladesh this year boycotting will be labelled pro- if elections can be held there coordination than ever before and a new Maoist party has been Maoist. If the Girija Congress with sufficient troop strength it between the Nepali Maoists, formed in Bhutan. The goal boycotts polls, its cadre may can be held here too. international partners and seems to be an umbrella group defect en masse to Deuba. But the bottom line is that Indian Maoist groups. After a called a ‘South Asian There is some logic in the ‘people’s war’ in Nepal is meeting in Calcutta last month, Federation’ including Deuba’s argument that he has to now not just Nepal’s headache, Indian Maoists and their South militancies throughout the go for elections because talks are but of India and other countries Asian comrades coordinated region. Nepal’s Maoist not possible. It is doubtful if in the region as well. l strategy and mooted the concept revolution is therefore now part elections will be free and fair, of a ‘Himalayan Revolutionary of a regional strategy and turnout will be low. A Zone’ from Kashmir, through coordinated with international bloodbath is not inevitable, it Editorial p2 Nepal, Bhutan and into Assam. revolutionaries. will depend on the nature, Unconstitutional Day 2 EDITORIAL 5 - 11 NOVEMBER 2004 #220

Published by Himalmedia Pvt Ltd, Chief Editor: Kunda Dixit Desk Editor: Abha Eli Phoboo Design: Kiran Maharjan Web: Bhushan Shilpakar Advertising: Sunaina Shah [email protected] Subscription: Anil Karki, [email protected] Sanchaya Kosh Building, Block A-4th Floor, Lalitpur GPO Box 7251, Kathmandu, Nepal An unpatriotic act Tel: 01-5543333-6, Fax: 01-5521013 [email protected], www.nepalitimes.com Printed at Jagadamba Press, Hatiban: 01-5547018 TADO will foster more impunity UNCONSTITUTIONAL DAY he renewal of a fundamental level, the military or is not ‘suspicious’ aside, as reformulated Terrorist and has no real legal basis with preventive detention this onday is Constitution Day and a holiday. But most T Disruptive Activities which to detain civilians. means that no crime needs to M will mark it as a day of national mourning. The (Control and Punishment) TADO allows the army to make have been committed. Yet they constitution has been in life support for three years now. Ordinance 2004 (TADO) has arrests but detention and are now to be held for up to a It is clinically dead. Once described by its own framers as the “best in the world”, the raised concern. The clause that prosecution falls under the year without trial. It is 1990 Constitution was a document that emerged from the provides for detention without State Case Act which empowers important to remember that unprecedented upheaval of the People’s Movement. The hard right trial for up to a year has been the police, and not the army, to even criminals, those who have had lost its shady backdoor influence and was never happy about investigate up to a period of two actually committed crimes, are being sidelined. It has been plotting ever since to worm its way back . GUEST COLUMN months. allowed access to legal As it turned out, the post-1990 elected national leadership The recent disclosure to the recourse within 24 hours of Seira Tamang obliged by making a mess of democracy and relentlessly insulting courts by the army that it has arrest. the constitution. And when the comrades went underground in 1996, called a violation of the basic senior Maoists in detention is President of the Nepal Bar the ultra-right found common cause with a force that hated pluralism tenets of human rights, an critically important because it Association, Sambhu Thapa, as much as it did. autocratic provision enacted in is the first time it has publicly said this week that the Since then, our democratic constitution has been dismantled bit the absence of parliament acknowledged detaining provision for three-month by bit in front of our eyes by a feckless political leadership that couldn’t see beyond the tip of its nose, by Mandale remnants against the spirit of the people. A ruling in the detention without trial under desperate to ride again, by impatient rightwingers in the palace, and constitution and further military’s favor paves the way to the Public Security Act was by the Maoists who wanted a shortcut to end it all. However much they fostering a climate of impunity make the detentions legal and sufficient for the government to shed crocodile tears now, they all had a hand in its demise. among Nepali security forces. will undermine the role of the fight the insurgency. The To be sure, 1990 was an incomplete revolution. The constitution TADO in any of its avatars judiciary. necessity of denying people it spawned was not perfect, but no constitution is—they are supposed has always been condemned for TADO also enables the arrest basic legal rights in the name to evolve and mature. Some of the things the framers left the manner in which it has of people on ‘suspicion’ alone. of security appears now to be a intentionally ambiguous were the role of the monarchy, the degree of granted the security forces The arbitrary and subjective given. its Hinduness and the army’s chain of command. sweeping powers. At a nature of deciding what/who is, It is not at all clear that the As in other constitutional monarchies, they left residual powers in the hands of the head of state with clauses like Article 127. But whatever its language, the preamble left no doubt about the spirit of the constitution: sovereignty rested with the people, the monarch was bound by constitutional norms. Deep down, this is what the present stalemate is all about: How much (or little) power the king should really have and who should command the army. And it doesn’t look like this is going to be resolved without a ruinous fight. This Constitution Day let’s ask ourselves: How much longer are we going to kill each other over something that could be resolved if leaders showed a little vision and statesmanship? In the village of Tatopani in Jumla, a wizened man who looked a lot older than his 50 years, was telling us recently about how his community is trapped between the Maoists and the army when he broke down and wept. Sobbing, he asked, “When will the king talk to the Maoists, when all of us are dead?”



NEPAL’S GUANTANAMO was dismissive of the Maoists: but wishes our own voters could cast throughout history, ‘ham-handed included in Pico Iyer’s latest book, The conflict in Nepal is “They’re not that big a threat. They ballots too. As was the case in the powers’ were wont to throw their Sun After Dark. Tibet is Nepal’s inexplicably neglected by the can create problems. They are 2000 election, Bush’s party is doing weight around. Ancient rulers in this next-door destination, leading to international media but two weeks quite capable of terrorising. That’s its corrupt best to disqualify or part of the world, too, specialised in the northern lights, and it is ago, UK telelvision viewers had for one of the reasons that sometimes intimidate hundreds of thousands of ‘bullying’ peaceful nations around assumed that Nepali tourism the first time full exposure to it. they create problems, otherwise African-American and Latino voters, them under various guises. Local entrepreneurs and captains of Potential tourists might not have they are on the run.” as well as Democratic Party voters in chauvinists do not miss an business and industries are aware of been encouraged. The impact of Asked about the fate of the general. I don’t know if it’s apparent opportunity to recall how, once this all-important fact. the Maoists on life in rural Nepal disappeared, he replied: “We are in the international press but upon a time, the national borders Peter J Karthak, Kathmandu was a major theme in an episode going to announce the whereabouts people have registered, and are extended from this river to that river. of Michael Palin’s immensely of the people who have trying to vote in much greater N A Pityata, email PREDATORS popular and much acclaimed disappeared like Guantanamo Bay numbers than in previous elections, Re: ‘We’re not whores’ (#218) by series Himalaya. This showed in Nepal. And we will take action often fighting last-minute legal l I thought the editorial, Naresh Newar. It is a shame that Maoists forcing the abandonment against anybody, any officer who battles instigated by Bush’s party to ‘Bushwhacking,’ was brilliant (let the Nepal’s labour law enforces of the initial recruitment of deliberately abuses human rights.” do so. Many of our constitutional people of the world so affected vote patriarchal values and the notion of Gurkhas because of the alleged Asked specifically if “the rights have been taken away by the in US presidential elections). You power by forcing women into sex ‘abduction’ of the British officer in- families of the 662 who have so-called Patriot Act, and our TV look to be, and read, as the work. The call to regulate charge and an interview with disappeared between 2000 and and radio stations are under the ‘hippiest’ English publication in undocumented labourers and trekkers who showed a receipt 2003 will all be told where those control of a couple of huge Bush- Nepal. decriminalisation of women’s work in issued by the Maoists for people have gone, he replied: supporting corporations. Diebold F A Hutchison, Kathmandu cabin restaurants and registering contributions ‘asked’. A clear “They will definitely be told very Corporation, that manufactures the them is not new. We should impression was given that the soon. They will all be told very computerised voting machines used TIBET continue to debate the issue and countryside was effectively under soon. They will be made public, in many states this year, which can Many thanks for reprinting Pico lobby for appropriate laws and the control of the Maoists. yes.” Asked if he can guarantee count votes from remote locations, Iyer’s ‘Tibetan reflections’ (#219). In gender sensitive policies so that This message was strongly that, the reply was an emphatic: has contributed millions to Bush’s July, I chanced quite, literally, clients and restaurant owners don’t reinforced by an extended report “Yes, Yes.” Those familiar with the campaign. On the eve of our accidentally upon a unique exploit women and they get the on ‘Newsnight’, the BBC’s flagship fate of such assurances in the past presidential election, many of us publication called Kyoto Journal. wages and other benefits they are daily current affairs program. This will not be holding their breath. here are more frightened than we Its 57th issue carries an article, ‘On entitled to under the labour law. featured film of Maoists doing Name withheld, London have ever been about the course the ropebridge’ also by Pico Iyer. Only then can women be saved military training, interviews with the non-elected president and his Since it is a long essay, Iyer paints from predator employers and the victims of Maoists’ BUSHWHACKING administration are taking. Tibet’s ancient, modern and her delinquent clients. intimidation and violence, and After reading your editorial, Hilary Dirlam, North Carolina, latest situations in a composite Meena Poudel, UK allegations of serious human ‘Bushwhacking’ (#219) I want to tell USA portrait. The piece you outsourced rights abuses by the security you that I am one American who not should be read in tandem with or RED ZONE forces. There was an interview with only wishes you could cast a ballot l Your editorial ‘Bushwhacking’ after the longer and previous one. I Kunda Dixit’s work to expose how Sher Bahadur Deuba in which he in our election (and not for Bush) was very eloquent. The fact is that expect these two essays are every ordinary Nepali in western NATION 5 - 11 NOVEMBER 2004 #220 3 strategy of preventive detention has had any impact on the state’s ability to defeat the Maoists. What is clear is that it is in detention that so many Dead or alive forms of abuses take place: torture, disappearances, rape and killings. TADO legalises On Constitution Day, we should be thinking about how to revive it this process of making anyone he country’s supreme Sadly, the supreme court itself two years. It has been easy for and everyone vulnerable to court is empowered to has been directly involved in the court to direct the executive arbitrary treatment. With the T interpret the constitution creating such a condition. to make laws, now it needs to judicial system helpless when and see that it is functioning In a landmark verdict, the address the more crucial issue security forces deny detaining properly. Unfortunately, it has court had endorsed Prime of pulling the country out of the people and the National Human repeatedly acted according to Minister Sher Bahadur Deuba’s current legislative vacuum. Rights Commission is unable to recommendation on 22 May No matter what Deuba says have full and unimpeded access 2002 to the king to dissolve in public, he knows meaningful to detainees, anyone and STATE OF THE STATE parliament and hold elections polls can’t be held in the everyone is vulnerable to being CK Lal on 13 November even when the country. So the formation of a disappeared. kingdom was under a state of new legislature through Writing of the old TADA, the the word rather than the intent emergency. elections is ruled out. recently released Human Rights of the supreme law of the land. Reading out the unanimous Progressive laws to address the Watch 2004 report on Nepal As a result, the constitution is decision of the court, Chief aspirations of the excluded states: ‘TADA has allowed the in limbo. Justice Keshab Prasad communities can’t be passed in security forces of Nepal to Its interpretations on Upadhyay had intoned to the absence of a functioning literally get away with murder. citizenship and language issues baffled journalists on 6 August parliament. The result: The security forces have used have been exclusionary in the 2002: “The dissolution of the the weight of an internal escalation of the insurgency. their sweeping powers to past but with its recent House is a political issue emergency. Had the court Legal experts close to the broadly target anyone suspected judgement on reservations for outside the purview of the acted with more foresight, we ‘ruling opposition’ UML have of having Maoist sympathies, and janjati students the court. The apex court has the wouldn’t be faced with the done all kinds of constitutional including lawyers who defend court has lived up to its right to interpret only those inevitability of a constituent acrobatics to suggest a way out Maoists, members of left-of- reputation of being a bastion of issues that are of a legal and assembly 15 years after the of the impasse: an all-party centre political parties, human conservatism. constitutional nature. It cannot promulgation of a new convention to form an ad hoc rights workers and civilians who Had the 1990 constitution give its verdict on political, constitution. After all, the legislature, proportional are forced to give shelter to the been fully functional, there social and economic disputes. constitution is a living nomination from the political Maoists.’ would have been some logic in The court cannot provide a document that evolves with parties of the dissolved State security is officially the directive of the supreme panacea for all kinds of time to meet realities parliament to form an interim sounding somewhat conciliatory court that the government make controversies, issues and unimagined by its framers. parliament and recognition of on human rights lately and has laws before enforcing positive disputes.” Last week, the president of the authority of Rajya Sabha as initiated limited steps towards discrimination policies to Apparently, he resorted to the Bar Association, Shambhu that of parliament. heeding judiciary directives. address the grievances of the legalese in order to bypass the Thapa, told the press that the But the most workable Indeed, TADO assumes that the marginalised. But in the responsibility of protecting the court should reactivate the alternative for constitutional army is now taking human absence of parliament, the constitution. Rather than constitution rather than allow revival is still the restoration of rights seriously. But in the court’s injunction is status courting controversy by being it to atrophy. Fortunately, the the last parliament. If not that, absence of independent human quoist. No wonder and proactive in favour of the court still has an opportunity then we may as well recognise rights monitoring in the field, janjati students are angry. constitution, the apex court to review its decision in light its demise and begin framing a this is a dangerous assumption In issuing the directive, the decided to let it crumble under of developments over the last new constitution. l for either side in a dirty war. court seems to have ignored Amidst what Amnesty that, depending upon the International has called Nepal’s position of the observer, the ‘human rights catastrophe’, constitution is either comatose TADO only underlines the or dead. There is no way urgent need for a Human Rights operative laws can be enacted Accord with nationwide in the present context without monitoring. This is the only way resorting to the patently to guarantee real security for undemocratic practice of ordinary people. l getting an ordinance issued.

hills are trapped in a senseless People like Jubari Lal Bhattarai system of so-called ‘people fighters’ and Dirgha Raj Shahi are is highly appreciated (‘People in victims from both sides. the Red Zone’, # 219). The story Sameer Ghimire, Sydney touched us all deeply as it painted an accurate picture of poor Nepalis l Kunda Dixit’s chilling and at a time when the urban-centric moving account of what the and few fortunate enough people people of Kalikot are going were preparing for Dasain. It was through (‘On a knife-edge’, shocking to hear that Nepalis in #219) is journalism at its best. remote parts need to have a special He has given us the facts visa to move around in their own straight, without embellishment district. It seems that the road and without editorialising and in towards prosperity (which is the right the process has given us, the of every individual in democracy) is readers, a first-hand account of virtually blocked for a majority of what the war means to ordinary Nepalis. The worst part, however, is Nepalis. It should goad our that the conflicting parties claim rulers and revolutionaries to that they are the ‘genuine’ move the peace process forward. representatives of the people. Gopal KC, Kumaripati


On the whole, how satisfied are you with the way democracy works in Nepal? 80 percent of Nepalis

A new baseline survey of democracy shows a majority of Nepalis are in favour of the status quo on the issues of monarchy, religion, state language and state structure

new nationwide public Developing Societies and used a number disagree with the statement dictatorship. Only 16 percent A opinion poll to gauge what multi-pronged methodology to make that Nepalis ‘enjoy freedom of regard the 4 October 2002 move Which of these do you dislike most about Nepalis think about a comprehensive assessment of speech without fear’. More than by King Gyanendra as a positive democracy ? democracy has confirmed previous democracy in the region with a three-fourths think a bulk of Nepalis step. A full 84 percent view surveys to show that a majority caste-ethnic breakdown. The full do not have the basic necessities. Nepal’s political situation since reject dictatorships. Many want a results of the Nepal poll will be Comparatively, respondents then as ‘bad’ or ‘very bad’. full-fledged constitutional monarchy released on 7 November in appear more wary of reposing their Even though 51 percent of the and prefer a national rather than an Kathmandu. trust in political parties and respondents say they have no ethnic or regional identity. In the Nepal poll, most (51 parliament than in other state access to mass media (newspapers, A majority of Nepalis are in percent) respondents say what institutions, signifying a lingering radio and television), 80 percent democracy means to them is memory of post-1990 political have never taken part in any primarily ‘freedom, equality and instability. In separate questions rallies or demonstrations, and 65 POLL ANALYSIS liberty’. A similar proportion think about the level of trust, the court percent say they ‘never’ discuss Hachhethu ‘basic needs like food, clothes and system scored the highest ‘great deal politics. shelter for everyone’ are the most of trust’ (30 percent) followed by More than two-thirds surveyed favour of the status quo on the issues essential characteristics of a election commission (26 percent), say they are ‘very proud’ about How do you assess the country's situation of monarchy, religion, state language democracy. Some 68 percent say local government (25.5 percent), the being Nepalis, while 49 percent after King's move on Octber 4, and state structure. However, the freedom of speech and action are army (25.5 percent), police (21 say they are ‘very proud’ of their 2002 compared to situation before that ? agenda of state restructuring has what they ‘most like’ about percent), civil servant (21 percent), ethnic/regional identity. Ethnic considerable appeal for a substantial democracy. central government (19.5 percent), and national identities in Nepal percentage of the respondents, most Asked to assess the way parliament (17 percent), and appear to complement each other. of them from caste/ethnic, regional democracy works in Nepal, 57 political parties (14 percent). Nearly half of those surveyed say and religious minorities. percent are ‘somewhat’ or ‘totally’ Close to two-third of the they want to identify themselves The ‘State of Democracy in dissatisfied. A similar proportion respondents (62 percent) agree that as ‘only Nepali’ and only eight South Asia Poll’ is a regional draws a correlation between an ‘democracy is preferable to any percent say they want to opt for exercise to get a baseline evaluation increase in corruption and other kind of government’ and a full ‘only ethnic/regional identity’. of democracy in Bangladesh, India, democracy. Sixty-one percent of the 80 percent feel democracy is Nineteen percent like to project Nepal, Pakistan and Sri Lanka. The respondents do not agree with the ‘suitable’ or ‘very suitable’ to Nepal. their identities as ‘equally Nepali project was coordinated by the New statement ‘everyone enjoys equal Only 28 percent are indifferent and and ethnic/regional’. Delhi-based Centre for the Study of rights’ in Nepal. Nearly the same 10 percent said they prefer a Most respondents (91 percent)

Which view among these regarding the How do you like to identify yourself ? Which, among these views regarding monarchy, do you think is right ? language, do you choose ?

America has chosen its It’s over president and the rest of the us must live with that

t’s over. There are no recounts, no several ‘battleground’ states, choose Bush Second, one thought pulsed through mixed and yes, even more cosmopolitan. I second chances. The American over the earnest and intelligent John their mind. There’s been no terrorist Places like Kansas are increasingly people have spoken and delivered unto Kerry? From America’s bruised left, you attack on American soil since 11 Spanish speaking, New York and Los President George W Bush a decisive re- will hear talk of conspiracies, lies and September 2001. For many voters, even Angeles are leaning Republican thanks election mandate. What he does with that mutterings about ‘stupid voters in the some Democrats, President Bush got to Asian, African and other voters who is the story of the next four years, not just heartland’. But perhaps there’s a more credit for this. Again, forget the logic of value conservative social values and in the United States but around the world. magnanimous explanation. the left or those in the know about the fiscal prudence even above tolerance Incidentally, at this point, perhaps it’s First off, there’s war. America has real reason for al Qaeda reticence and welfare policies. wise to point out that any never ever voted a war president out of (craftiness, long-term plans, the way fear Within 25 years, America’s largest talk of a office. The proudest republic on earth mongering by the right wing plays into ethnic group, larger than white world makes its elected president the actual terrorist hands). Forget it all. America Europeans, will be Spanish speakers HERE AND THERE ballot in commander-in-chief of its armed forces. is safe because George W Bush is from Latin America. These people voted Daniel Lak the US Not a figurehead like Queen Elizabeth of standing on guard. And wisely, the for President Bush by 60 percent in this presidential Great Britain but an officer who can send president’s handlers had him repeat this election. What will they do when they election is spurious, silly and impossible. his troops into battle. We know this over and over on the campaign trail. form a plurality of the American Lose that thought. It will never happen. already, so do the Afghans and Iraqis. Various other issues and attributes people? No, America has chosen President This was an overwhelming reason bestowed upon Bush played into his And finally, there’s Kerry. A fine, Bush and the rest of us must live with given by many voters who chose Bush in victory too. Such as the growing gap fine man in my estimation, but honestly, that. If we believe in democracy, if we the past week’s ballot. You can’t change between the country’s liberal, on reflection, rather challenged in the insist that there is wisdom in majority horses in mid-stream and never mind if cosmopolitan urbanites on the east and charisma department, too easily rule, if consensus matters, then it’s Bush half the country and most of the rest of west coasts and the people who live in portrayed as a smug, elitist liberal from for us. This doesn’t mean carte blanche for the world–perhaps mistakenly–thinks the centre or the south. These are two a dying breed in a more pre-emptive war or treaty busting by that the horse is lame, not overly bright, worrisome solitudes and both political dying part of the country. Not ‘one of us’ his government. But let us hear no more or incapable of finding a creative path parties in the US encourage them to win for most Americans. whining about ‘illegitimate presidents’ for through the thorn bush. You’re on ‘em. temporary electoral advantage. Divide There are lessons here for the still there are none, at the moment, in charge You ride ‘em. and rule worked for the British Empire worthy and estimable Democratic Party. in Washington. Then there’s terrorism. As Americans for a time but it won’t work for much They have four years now to learn, and So why did the voters who matter, of all political persuasions stood waiting longer in America. Both extremities of give it their best shot in 2008. those in Republican strongholds and to cast their ballots this past November the country are changing, becoming more Ain’t democracy grand? l NATION 5 - 11 NOVEMBER 2004 #220 5

constitution, three-fourths are in How suitable is democracy for our country? favour of elections for a constituent assembly. As in earlier public opinion want democracy suveys, 63 percent want the king to be a ‘full-fledged constitutional monarch’. Twenty-two percent wanted him to have more power either ‘strongly agree’ or ‘generally animals’ ranked next with 14 the respondents are in favour of and authority and 15.5 percent are agree’ with the need for both percent each. foreign direct investment, the rest in favour of a republic. Two-thirds majority and minorities getting equal On the whole, Nepali citizens oppose it. of the total respondents want Nepal treatment and similar numbers agree seem to feel more comfortable with Asked about possible solutions to be a Hindu state (73 percent of with ‘special treatment and the economic condition of their to the conflict, among those who the Hindu respondents) whereas protection to minorities’. Asked if own household than that of the responded with definite answers, 69 most non- wanted the minorities should take up the way of country. The ratio of household percent favour a ‘roundtable country to be secular. How proud are you to be a Nepali ? life of the majority, those for and and national economic condition is conference’, 22.5 percent want new A majority is in favour of the against were nearly 50-50. But there 55:31 for ‘satisfied’, 38:13 ‘better elections, and only 5.5 percent status quo in retaining Nepali as the was near-unanimity on the question than past’, and 53:37 ‘will be better want a reinstatement of parliament. ‘sole official language’ but 31 of gender equality. in the future’. Surprisingly, the Among those who responded percent favour recognition of other Two-thirds of the respondents people feel individually better off, with definite answers (treating official languages and 16 percent feel ‘generally safe’, and only 20 and have more hopes for ‘could not understand’ and ‘no want local languages for local percent say they feel ‘fully safe’. themselves than for the nation. opinion’ as missing variables), a governance. Most respondents want Asked what makes them feel Most respondents seem to be in clear majority of the respondents Nepal to remain a unitary state, insecure, the majority fears ‘anti- favour of public sector involvement (51 percent) are in favour of only 24 are in favour of federalism social elements’ (62 percent), in industries, transportation, framing a new constitution, 40 and 8.5 percent are in favour of followed by ‘deteriorating political electricity and water. Most think the percent want the present ethnic autonomy. l situation’ (21 percent), and only 21 civil service should not be trimmed, constitution amended and only nine percent say the ‘Maoists’ make them and only a quarter favour percent are satisfied with it. Among The full report is being released next week by the State of Democracy in feel insecure. The ‘state’ and ‘wild privatisation. Nearly 60 percent of those who prescribe a new As compared to a few years ago, how is the South Asia Nepal. Contact: 5535038. economic condition of your household today? Should Nepal remain a Hindu state or be a secular state ? METHODOLOGY The survey was conducted from 6 August-20 September in 163 polling stations, 31 in urban and 132 in rural areas, spread over 39 parliamentary constituencies of 38 districts. Face-to-face interviews based on a structured questionnaires were conducted with a nationwide sample of 3,249 respondents. Of them, 45.5 percent were male, 54.5 percent What could be done to bring the Maoists to What could be done to bring the Maoists to What could be done to bring the Maoists to female. Eighty percent were rural, How satisfied are you with the present dialogue: with Parliament? dialogue: with Government? dialogue: with Constitution? and 45 percent illiterate. Hill economic condition of Nepal? caste (including Newar) made up 40.4 percent of the respondents, tarai caste were 14.7 percent, hill ethnic were 17.4 percent, tarai ethnic made up 4.5 percent. Hill dalit were 6.3 percent, tarai dalit 3.8, and Muslim 3.2. Religion- wise, 83.4 percent were Hindus, nine percent Buddhist, three percent Muslim, three percent Kirat and one percent Christian. 6 NATION 5 - 11 NOVEMBER 2004 #220

Karnali offensive Nepal’s latest tourist

○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ Hundreds of rebels swooped down on Gamgadi just after midnight on Monday setting fire to a dozen government buildings. The army and attraction: meeting police appear to have stayed in the safety of their barracks an hour’s walk above the town while the Maoists went on an arson spree in the bajar. mountain guerrillas However, there was a security patrol in the town which engaged the Maoists and forced them to retreat. A body of a Maoist was found and it is believed that several others were killed or injured. Buildings belonging to the district administration, police, forest, land revenue, post office, DDC and Nepal Telecom were set on fire. Offices of NGOs, CSP/DFID, SAPPROS, RCDC, were also gutted. UMN staff Kristi Kirjavanen had her satellite phone and Rs 50,000 stolen. Later that night, Maoists attacked the powerhouse of the Small Hydroelectric Centre in Dolpa, destroying it. Damage is estimated at Rs 133 million, the district headquarters and Dunai is expected to be without power for months. The Maoists also returned to Jumla and destroyed the one government building that had been spared in their last attack in August – the District Soil Conservation Office. In Humla, the rebels destroyed the Nepal Telecom office, which means plans to activate 150 phone lines in the district distributed last month are now wrecked.

Spinal conference in Nepal


One night five years ago, US neurosurgeon Daniel Spitzer received a ANIL SHRESTHA frantic telephone call from the wife of a friend in Nepal. The man had fallen off a cliff and broken his neck. Was there anything Spitzer could do? The doctor bought a surgical halo, an expensive device designed to Close encounters with Maoists immobilise the neck to allow it to heal, and arranged to send it via Federal Express to Bir Hospital where Dr Upendra Devkota was treating the patient. But the box got stuck in Dubai even as the time of operation RAMESH POUDEL in POKHARA neared, because of problems of using a courier service to transfer a medical item. t was bound to happen Till last year, the Maoist usually carry a gun and they pay After urgent calls (and threats) all around, the sooner or later: Maoists have receipts were from the ‘People’s anyway just to avoid trouble. In head harness arrived in Kathmandu as air cargo and Ibecome Nepal’s latest tourist Liberation Army’. This year the the remote Kangchenjunga and was rushed to be fitted on the patient: journalist Kanak Mani Dixit, who had broken his neck in a attraction. Maoists have a checkpoint in Karnali treks, the fee is $100 per trekking accident on the way to Manang. Dixit wore it Trekking lodges along the Ghorepani where they charge Rs trekkers and Rs 500 for per porter for six months and after recovering, with the help of Annapurna Base Camp trail are 1,200 ($15) for entry and give and guide. friends set up the Nepal Spinal Injury Rehabilitation abuzz with hikers exchanging receipts bearing the name of the Despite frequent reports of Centre in Jorpati. experiences on their Maoists’ Magarat Autonomous encounters with Maoists, many Spitzer (left) is in Kathmandu this week to attend encounters with the rebels and Region. Another checkpoint in trekkers have returned from their the Fourth Asian Spinal Cord Network conference MIN BAJRACHARYA passing around precious Ghandruk (pictured above) is on Annapurna treks without ever being organised at the Hyatt by the Spinal Injury souvenirs: Maoist tax receipts the road to Annapurna Base meeting the rebels. Other parts Rehabilitation Centre of Jorpati. Nepal’s neurosurgeons, physiotherapists, emblazoned with portraits of Camp and there the Thambuwan of Nepal, such as Everest and and others working with the spinally injured are going to be attending the Lenin, Stalin and Mao. Autonomous Region charges Rs Langtang, are free of Maoist conference with doctors from Asia and Europe. Compared to last year, when 100 per day as ‘people’s tax’. But activity even though porters To ensure maximum benefit from his trip, Spitzer arrived on Monday night with six more surgical halos that he has been collecting from many tourists were they are flexible. When a have to go through intensive patients in the US over the past several years and five duffel bags full of apprehensive about meeting Japanese trekker met Maoists searches by security forces at neurosurgical equipment. Maoists and felt uncomfortable only on the return journey when checkpoints along the trail. about paying a ‘revolutionary all his money had finished, the Bandinima Sherpa, vice-

24-hour BBC on 103 FM tax’ to a group espousing rebel sentry gave him Rs 700 and president of the Trekking Agents

○○○○○○ ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ violence, this season’s trekkers sent him down to Pokhara. Association of Nepal, says news BBC World Service is broadcasting its 24-hour FM radio service in seem to have taken the rebels The Maoist tax has now of friendly Maoists have spread Kathmandu starting Friday, 5 November. BBC 103 FM will be the first in their stride. become so organised that through the Internet and round the clock news in English over FM for listeners in the valley. BBC “They behaved like trekking agents even budget the travellers’ chats and most will use the Radio Nepal transmitter and it will continue its regular Nepali friends,” said Joni Lundstrom expense for their groups before trekkers are not rattled to meet Service news from Radio Sagarmatha 102.4 and other FM stations in from Sweden, “they gave us a they go on the trek. rebels anymore. “Trekking is Nepal. receipt for Rs 1,000 and told us “For many trekkers, coming adventure tourism, and they see they would provide us with across guerrillas with guns is an it as a part of the adventure security.” exciting experience,” Val package.” There is an apparent Pikethly, a Canadian trekking Even so, tourism officials paradox here: anywhere else in guide told us recently. “They get deny they will ever sell Maoism the world news of violence excited because they are not as a tourist attraction. They say dissuades tourists but in Nepal affected by the insurgency like the conflict has ruined the local it seems to be turning out to be the locals are.” economy, and everyone in the something of a draw. Part of the Amanda Mockidge, a British mountains is waiting for a reason is that the young trekker, came across rebels in durable ceasefire and lasting Maoists that trekkers have met the Annapurna region in peace so the tourists return in on the Annapurna Base Camp western Nepal recently and was the numbers they once came. trail are non-threatening, asked to pay Rs 500. “I enjoyed No tourist has ever been friendly and helpful. The result chatting with them,” she directly harmed by the Maoists is that the Annapurna trail has recalled, “they said they would but news of the conflict in the seen a spurt in trekking use the money for the international media has affected compared to the last season revolutionary cause.” Trekkers arrivals even though numbers when publicity about firefights say they are never forced to pay are climbing again this season near Ghandruk forced many to the money but the Maoists for the first time since 1998. l go to Khumbu instead. Some 200 trekkers have been passing through Pokhara every day headed to Annapurna Base Camp or to Ghorepani. Although the war tax is mandatory, it doesn’t seem to bother individual trekkers much, they see it as just another fee that tourists have to pay the authorities every step of the way in Nepal. Although trekking permits and charges have been scrapped for the Annapurnas there is still the Rs 2,000 Annapurna Conservation Area Project (ACAP) fee. 7 NATIONJumla’s road to the future5 - 11 NOVEMBER 2004 #220 “We can live without food, we have done that before, but we can’t live without peace.”


uccessive governments in rebel raid two years ago and the S Kathmandu have been talking Maoists run their own 30 kw mini- about a Karnali Highway linking hydro in Rarali VDC. Surkhet to Jumla in western Nepal for The Maoists have also started farm decades. collectives, more out of necessity than After 1990, in response to pressure ideology. Because of the exodus of from local electorates, money was young people from the villages there finally sanctioned. The World Bank aren’t enough farmhands. “Some stepped in with a loan but lethargy, families have land and no one to work bureaucracy, and the insurgency have it, others have people but no land. delayed a highway that everyone hoped With the collectives everyone shares would be the lifeline for Nepal’s most work and harvests,” says Mani Kesh neglected and deprived zone. Gautam, a soft-spoken comrade who is This year, Rs 460 million has again area in-charge at Kudari. been earmarked and work has resumed Indeed, social reform seems to be from both the Surkhet and Jumla sides. rapidly taking root in one of Nepal’s The two ends of the road reflect two most conservative and distinctly different philosophies: in underprivileged areas. Women are Kalikot the work on a 73 km stretch has treated more equally and they don’t been handed over to the army and in have to give birth in the cowshed Jumla local communities are digging 32 anymore. Untouchability is on the way km. out and dalits eat with other castes. The army’s section along the But, was it necessary to kill people for Karnali River traverses some of the most change that was happening anyway rugged terrain in Nepal. The military as education and awareness spread? argues that since a lot of dynamite is Maoist student leader, Comrade needed, it doesn’t trust anyone else Parbat, has the intense gaze of with the job. Because of rebel activity, someone steeped in party doctrine, it needs a forward base every few and replies: “Chairman Mao said kilometres to secure its workers. history has taught us that entrenched Contractor Yudistir Khadka is feudal domination cannot be uprooted waiting behind a rock for a dynamite without armed struggle.” charge to go off. After the explosions, Jumlis have been empowered by he says, “It is difficult, the rock has to the launch of their own community be blasted and despite the army radio station, Karnali FM. It broadcasts presence we can’t get enough workers.” news, political interviews and Five of Khadka’s workers from Dolakha information on health, environment were among the 35 the army mistakenly and other issues. In an area with no killed at Kotbara airfield in February other media, the radio has raised 2002. awareness levels. “You can actually But here in Jumla, the terrain see the self-confidence in the people flattens out and local communities after the station started,” says have been given 500 m of road each to announcer Hari Debi Rokaya at dig. Ratna Bahadur Shahi of the Karnali Karnali FM, “The people of Jumla Integrated Rural Development and already feel like it is their own radio.” Research Centre (KIRDARC) says the Maoist leaders in the surrounding self-help model is working well. “If we mountains listen to the station as well don’t build this road ourselves, no one but complain there isn’t enough news else will,” he says. Indeed, the two and current affairs. models for road building may also be a KIRDARC’s Min Bahadur Shahi lesson in how to sustain development says the radio and the highway have activity in areas under rebel control. proved that it is possible to deliver At Tatopani, 20 km south of Jumla, services to the people and ensure hundreds of villagers are hacking development even in insurgency through the rock with their bare hands. areas. “You just have to be straight Each community is paid for a stretch of forward about it, do genuine good and road, locals get jobs and benefit from have a channel of communication the road. “I have seen mothers dying with both sides,” he says. while giving birth on the side of the Jumla has a district hospital but trail because they couldn’t be carried to the doctors have gone home for Tihar a hospital in time,” says Dhan Bahadur and there are only seven patients Buda of a grassroots group. because it is difficult for villagers to At the rate of construction, the travel due to Maoist restrictions. That Jumla end of the highway will be is why Shri Bahadur Bhandari and his finished in six months. But the Surkhet group decided to take health care to part will take another three years even the villages through a network of 3,000 if the Maoists allow it. And it doesn’t trained mothers. “The Maoists leave look like they will. Local Maoist in- us alone because they know the charge, Makar Bahadur Shahi, says: people need us,” he says, “and we “We will not let the army use the can’t just sit here and say there is a excuse of the road to encroach on our war going on and not do anything.” territory.” In Jumla, because locals are Just outside Jumla, Bahadur involved, the Maoists say they support Buda takes a break from road-digging the road. Many local youths have and yearns for peace to return: “We decided not to go to India since there is can live without food, we have done work at home. that before, but we can’t live without Even if the road from the south peace.” l doesn’t get to Jumla, KIRDARC wants to start a local transport cooperative to run A TALE OF TWO ROADS: The last stretch of electric minibuses in the 32 km stretch the Surkhet-Jumla highway is relatively flat to Jumla. Electricity won’t be a (top to bottom) and is being dug by local problem. The Jumla powerhouse has communities, while in Kalikot it is being been rebuilt after it was destroyed in a blasted through the mountains by the army. PICS: KUNDA DIXIT 8 #220 OfferingEXCLUSIVE an olive branch5 - 11 NOVEMBER 2004

ALL PICS: AARTI BASNYAT One way to bring peace may be to oil Nepal’s economic engine with innovative cash crops


artmut Bauder had two opportunity to own an olive farm Chitlang. choices when he returned came, he grabbed it. Olive oil available in the H to Nepal in 1995: open a A scenic four-hour drive Kathmandu market is often pharmaceutical company or away from the capital, nestled adulterated because it is mixed start an olive farm. Though he in the midst of yellow mustard with cheaper hazelnut oil. The had worked as managing fields, the blue-green olive trees chemical components of both director in a pharmaceutical thrived. When he started in 1995 oils are relatively the same and company in India for 18 years, Bauder tells us, “ It was just an it is almost impossible to he chose to start an olive grove. experiment, I wanted to prove detect the difference in a After a long and hard that it could be done.” Now the chemical analysis. struggle, the first olive farm in trees have grown and he has Spain is the biggest Nepal was established under the proved his point: the farm producer of olive oil in the registration of Himalayan yielded 70 litres of olive oil last world right now. Tunisia and Plantations (HP). Land with year and this year he expects the Morocco are upcoming suitable climate and soil had to yield to triple. producers but they haven’t be found, it had to be near a Bauder wants to teach his been able to market the oil road. Finally, Bauder settled on adopted country to love the effectively. Nepali olive oil Chitlang. olive. He says, “You don’t was sent for testing in The olive is a native to Asia plant olive trees for yourself Australia, Italy and Minor and spread from Iran, but for the sons of your sons. Germany last year to get a Syria and Palestine to the rest of I want Nepali farmers to each feel of the standard of olive the Mediterranean basin 6,000 have a couple of trees. This oil being produced here. years ago. It is among the oldest way, they can produce their The results were very known cultivated trees in the own oil for cooking and encouraging: olive oil from world, being grown even before eating and it is healthier. Nepal was considered written language was invented. The process of extracting ‘extra-virgin’, having the The olive has a lot of oil from olives is as highest quality. associations from its leaf being simple as making orange This year Bauder the official symbol of peace to it juice. This makes it even plans to send the oil for being the sign of land in the more feasible.” official registration and story of Noah’s ark in the Bible. Nepal has ideal certification to ensure Olive is also one of the conditions for olive acceptability in both healthiest oils around. The trees, and there are national and people of the Mediterranean indigenous wild olives international markets. who use only this oil have been here. The climate needs As his dream slowly found to have fewer cardio- to be semi-arid and the comes to life, Nepali vascular and carcinogenic soil rich but not water investors waiting on the ailments and live longer than retentive. Marginalised fence can cash in on the the rest of the world. lands not used for other opportunity. If it does A childhood in southern crops are perfect for not make Nepal a viable From top to bottom: Chitlang Valley in all it’s finery, picked olives before France instilled in Bauder a olive trees. Bauder took olive oil producer, it they go for processing, olives being loaded before being transported to lifelong love for all things advantage of this and would at least make it Kathmandu, Vinci, one of Bauder’s olive groves. Mediterranean. When the bought 10 hectares in self-sufficient. l 5 - 11 NOVEMBER 2004 #220 9

Lhasa bus

○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ Chinese and Nepali transport authorities signed an agreement last week Let’s spend to start direct bus services from Kathmandu to Lhasa from May 2005. Each side will be operating two buses daily in the initial phase. They will be of three types with varying facilities and prices. One-way fare for First Class buses will be $70, $60 for Standard and $50 for Coach Class. A vibrant Tihar culture can boost the economy

To Dubai t will take some days for friends and usually on cards. ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○

○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ Kathmandu to get over the There is little that serves as The Thai charter airline, Phuket Air, is to begin thrice-weekly Boeing 757 I Dasain hangover,and, by tourist attraction. Let’s take an flights on the Bangkok-Kathmandu-Dubai route from next month. The then, the Tihar fever will have example: The average Indian or airline reportedly has fifth-freedom rights between Kathmandu and taken over. Traffic is reduced on a foreigner would rather go to Dubai, and this is expected to provide a choice to passengers who now Kathmandu roads, restaurants Kolkata to see the magnificent have to rely only on Royal Nepal Airlines on that direct route. The do less business. In India, pandals or visit the Mysore Phuket Air flight is also expected to allow Gulf-based tourists to combine their Thai and Nepal holidays. palace than come to Nepal and ECONOMIC SENSE watch buffalos being Beed decapitated.

Durk Air to Delhi Consumer evolution is ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ however, the opposite is true. making more and more people Druk Air has started a new winter flight schedule offering early morning Kathmandu-Delhi flights on its new Airbus 319 on Sundays and Dushera and are festivals eat out and travel more, Wednesdays. Delhi- when people spend, spend, especially during holidays. In Kathmandu flights are on spend. They travel, they shop, America, the period between Fridays and Saturdays. From they eat out and generally let Thanksgiving, Christmas and 11 November-14 February the themselves go. New Year marks half the average airline will go back to its In Delhi and other North annual family spending. In BAe146 three times a week Indian cities, thousands swarm Hong Kong, the bulk of from Paro to Kathmandu and to see the burning of Rawan’s entertainment spending takes Kathmandu to Delhi on Sundays, Wednesdays and Fridays and back on effigy. In Bengal, Puja is place during the Chinese New Mondays, Thursdays and Saturdays. now packaged as a carnival for Year. It is time we in Nepal tourists. The celebrations have a started selling and I mean really

Qatar flying more frequently lot of corporate sponsorships selling our festivals. ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ available as they exploit the How can we get people to Following the recent open skies policy announced by the Indian opportunity to keep in contact come out of their houses during government, Qatar Airways is tripling the number of weekly non-stop flights between Doha and Mumbai, Cochin, Trivandrum and Hyderabad with the consumer. Tihar and other festivals? How with 51 flights weekly from 1 November. Qatar flies from Kathmandu to While driving through the to ensure that the festivity is Doha and Kuala Lumpur with 14 flights a week. smaller towns and cities, one packaged to suit young observes that the festive zeal has spenders, and I am not talking more to do with spending. There about selling tickets to the Kot

Slowdown in decline is non-stop activity 24 hours to watch animal sacrifices.

○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ Tourism officials are enthused that tourist levels are up in October with people pouring into the Could there be exhibitions and compared to September. But this October is 12 percent down from last streets. Street vendors do events that revolve around year mainly because of publicity about the Maoists blockade and anti- booming business and all shops historic sites and temples? Tihar Muslim riots. “Tourism is picking up again,” says Tek Bahadur Dangi, are open because this is the best melas that combine chief executive officer of NTB, “but it takes a long time to rebuild our time for business. Transport entertainment with religion? ANUP PRAKASH image after the mass cancellations in September, after international entrepreneurs happily work Wouldn’t food festivals and lower middle class media reports of strikes and demonstrations.” overtime. carnival-style programs during entrepreneurs, be it ice cream The decline has hit Indian arrivals the most, numbers have been In Nepal, the Dasain-Tihar jatras be feasible? vendors or balloon sellers. This consistently slowing in the past four months, with 31 percent fewer arrivals culture is strong and people do If Nepali economy is to grow, spreads the wealth around and this October compared to last October. Non-Indian arrivals decreased by buy new clothes and splurge on there has to be more spending. creates a whole new downstream eight percent in comparison to last October, mainly for Americans, a goat or two, but on the whole it For that, we first need to earn multiplier. And Dasain-Tihar Japanese, Italians and Chinese visitors. But there were modest increases for Australians, British, French, Dutch, Spanish and German tourists in is a family festival when people more. And once we have done would mean more than just October, largely because of the resumption of flights to Europe. stay indoors. The only thing they that, the spending culture boomtime for the spend is time with family and during festivals creates more slaughterhouses. l “More growth only if peace is restored”

What will the next 10 years be like? entire energy has to be used to reduce such assets. They The trend in the stock markets and financial results is that have not been able to focus on other developmental the banks have fared quite satisfactorily. Despite the activities, or new products. The public has a negative economic slowdown and the fragile situation, the banks have perception which has to be reversed. sustained their growth. What worries me is if this growth can continue because of the impact of the slowdown in the What is the trend among depositors and borrowers? industrial sector in the last few years. The banks have Customers are happy if they get to deal with a stronger sustained growth by diversifying their product line, by entity. Such stronger entities are possible after mergers and keeping their spreads high. The interest rate in savings have acquisitions. That will also win the confidence of customers gone down tremendously, lending rates have also gone down and shareholders. Look at the stock market, even today the as per market rates. Looking at the inflation figures, bankers public have faith in private sector banks. should be concerned on behalf of our depositors. If the spreads come down, with diversification, the impact will be What has been the response to your housing loans? seen in the performance of the banks in the coming days. About two and a half years ago, when I talked about launching direct housing loans, there were not many takers. Isn’t banking getting a bit crowded? Everyone thought this was a grey area. But at Everest Bank There is fierce competition among private sector banks and we had given very deep thought to the idea, and today, so far they have been reaping benefits because our two every bank is into home loans. Being the pioneers we have largest government owned banks are not playing the role reaped rewards, we have modified the needs of borrowers. they should. Once their health improves, and they are Our target clients are from the middle and the upper middle MIN BAJRACHARYA working on it, they would come in aggressively and this will class and they are the least defaulters. Everest Bank Limited has earned impact private sector banks which will not be able to match their size and network. To meet this challenge, private sector How has the Rastra Bank’s recent policy of reducing the its spurs as a pioneer in housing commercial banks will have to re-devise their strategies in cash reserve for the private banks helped in liquidity loans. Its Executive Director, SS three areas: They have to be technologically superior, they flow in the market? will have to start monitoring non-performing assets, and The reduction of the Cash Reserve Ratio under the new Dabbas, worked for three decades human resources skills and knowledge have to be upgraded monetary policy resulted into the increase of availability of to meet national and international competitions that have funds in the banking sector. at India’s biggest public sector been brought about by the WTO, SAFTA, BIMSTEC, etc. For sometime, there was excess liquidity but Nepal Rastra bank, the Punjab National Bank. Bank was trying to follow the peace budget. Big and new What do you expect the public sector banks to do? investments, like hydropower, will happen only if peace is On Everest’s tenth anniversary, he They can play a pivotal role in the economic development restored. And if that happens, this liquidity, which seems to explains the vision behind the of the country. Looking at the size and the network they have be in excess today, would fall short. In that case, we will have with them, it has not been exploited in the right way. Their to look abroad to financing our projects. institution. non-performing assets have increased to an extent that their 10 CONSERVATION Birds of passage

Let’s watch birds so they don’t disappear

by 9,800 birds. “It was a sharp According to the newly- drop, and it looks like wetland published The State of Nepal habitats are under severe threat Birds 2004 by the World due to overfishing, animal Conservation Union (IUCN) and grazing and farm BCN, the species most at threat encroachment,” says are those categorised as ornithologist Hem Raj Baral of ‘specialist birds’ with special Bird Conservation Nepal (BCN). habitat needs. Among them are: Besides Kosi Tappu, the pale-headed woodpecker, ornithologists have also noticed coral-billed scimitar babbler, a dramatic drop in the fulvous parrotbill and the population of water birds in the golden-breasted fulvetta which rivers and ponds of Royal survive mainly on bamboo NARESH NEWAR Chitwan National Park. “Waste groves. The great hornbill and water from Bharatpur, great slaty woodpecker require Narayanghat and the Bhrikuti mature trees for feeding and t is the season for bird- Paper Mill pollute the Narayani nesting. As trees and bamboos watching once more as poisoning the fish and then the vanish, so do the birds. I Nepal becomes the birds,” adds Baral. Pokhara’s Khaling says conservation of transit point for millions of birds famous lakes are also a favourite birds is given secondary travelling south for the winter. spot for migratory and importance to flagship species The bar-headed geese are indigenous birds. But siltation, like tigers, rhinos and elephants. honking their way in arrow- encroachment and pollution Only a few organisations focus shaped formations down the have taken their toll in recent on bird conservation in Nepal Gandaki this week. The years. and ornithologists are frustrated ducks come by the hundreds of Besides water bodies, bird with the lack of interest among thousands to land in the habitats in tarai grasslands are the government and donors in backwaters of the Kosi Tappu also threatened. Nepal is home protecting birds. sanctuary in eastern Nepal, and to eight percent of the world’s “They think that giving others make brief stopovers in bird species with 861 species funds for protected areas will wetlands and take off again for recorded here. Of these, 133 conserve birds. Most birds are India, Africa or southeast Asia. species are under threat and 73 actually dying and nearing Eurasian spoonbill The Kosi Tappu Wildlife fall under the critically extinction outside the national ALL PICS: PAUL STERRY/BCN Reserve is regarded as one of threatened category. Most of this parks,” says ornithologist Tika Asia’s most significant sites not is due to the destruction of Giri. Vultures across South Asia, River tern just for migratory water birds but forests and grasslands and including the Nepal tarai, for also birdwatchers from all over contamination of water bodies. instance, are near extinction the world. Kathmandu Valley is The white-rumped vulture, because they ingest a also blessed with two famous slender-billed vulture, Bengal veterinarian drug called bird hills on its rim: Shivapuri florican, swamp francolin, lesser diclofenac from livestock and Pulchoki which host up to adjutant, grey-crowned prinia carcasses. (See ‘No more 300 species of birds in their and sarus crane are some of the circling’ Nepali Times, #185) vicinity. threatened species in the tarai. The Bengal florican, doesn’t But habitat destruction and “The bird population exist anymore outside protected draining of wetlands, not just in declines when there aren’t many areas. There used to be an Nepal but also along the suitable habitats to breed in. estimated 5,682 Bengal migratory routes is endangering During mating, males need floricans till a few decades ago, these birds. enough grasslands to flaunt now they are down to less than Twenty years ago, over 50,000 themselves and attract females, 100 in the four national parks. birds were sighted here at Kosi failing which they won’t breed,” A native of Chitwan, Giri has Tappu in one day. Last year, the explains Sarala Khaling from sighted over 800 species in the Annual Waterbird Count noticed World Wildlife Fund for Nature 20 years he has been involved in that the daily number was down Conservation (WWF) Nepal. bird conservation. He believes

Baer’s Pochard TIM LOSEBY/BCN TIM LOSEBY/BCN 5 - 11 NOVEMBER 2004 #220 11

Grey headed fish eagle

the only way to save our birds is by telling people about them. Great Bittern “People are not indifferent to birds, they just don’t know how they are responsible for their disappearance,” says Giri, who blames modern farming methods that promote pesticides and agrochemicals. Pesticides are responsible for endangering at least 20 species, mainly birds of prey, large wading birds and storks. Says conservationist Sagendra Tiwari from IUCN: “Farmers know the role of birds in balancing the ecosystem. What they don’t know is how pesticides and fertilisers affect them.” l

Bird Conservation Nepal www.birdlifenepal.org (See also ‘Bird Country’, Nepali Times #133) 12 FROM THE NEPALI PRESS 5 - 11 NOVEMBER 2004 #220 Interrogation journalists becoming news that the leadership had taken

themselves? the decision to fight India. ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ Bimarsa, 29 October-4 November It’s true Bimarsa broke the “That is the reason why we Baburam on BP by Shankar Roka news about the Dasain truce, have built the tunnels in the which was an exclusive a few bordering areas.” Kantipur, 26 October As the whole city slept, I was in days before Prachanda’s Bhusal explained that the the middle of nowhere statement. This could have Maoists were dealing with two Mr Parshuram Pokhrel, expecting to die soon. It was the been the reason why I was kind of wars at present: one I wish to congratulate you for having been appointed the chairperson of being questioned. The three against India and the other Sundarijal-Jail-turned-BP- museum. I must also thank you for converting night before Fulpati, I was the prison into a museum. I believe that the establishment of the BP museum is walking down the street when a men told me that they had against the “old regime” important. BP was an important figure in the building of modern Nepal. I young man, of around 25, been following me since within Nepal. “The remember meeting him on different occasions between 1977 and 1982 and how blocked my path. He asked me morning. It was almost two in government had been he inspired me. to follow him towards a taxi the morning and they seemed transporting soldiers from one Today, as a revolutionary communist, I have fundamental differences with to be running out of place to other even during the BP’s philosophy and politics but I do not hesitate to declare that BP is indeed one around the corner. Inside was of the most influential and multidimensional personalities of modern Nepal. As a another man with his face questions. Then they tried to Dasain truce which means it is matter of fact, both BP and PL (Pushpa Lal) are two unrivalled pillars of Nepal’s covered by his jacket. He intimidate me by saying I was preparing for a fierce democratic/leftist movement. It is ironic that these great thinkers were never grabbed my hand and pulled me on top of the palace’s offensive. We have no choice successful politicians. Today, it is just the opposite: successful politicians of inside. As I struggled, the driver blacklist. “Just remember but to take on the old regime Nepal aren’t great thinkers. Opportunists without calibre are so-called leaders. what happened to Gopal through war.” Bhusal was A subjective study and investigation on the wide gap between thoughts and also held onto my hand while politics has become our immediate need. No society can make historic changes the person behind me shoved me Budathoki,” one of them said addressing a mass meeting without appropriate identification and proper use of knowledge. The reason behind into the taxi. ominously. He looked really which criticised People Front the crisis we see in Nepali society today is due to the dearth of thinkers in “We’re from the army and tired and said he was Nepal or its campaign against political movements. you’re under interrogation,” the releasing me. “You can go the Maoists. Bhusal charged As long as we try to look bigger than we really are, finding a solution to the home now, but I still think PFN activists of posing as country’s crisis is almost impossible. It is in context to this that we must believe man in the back told me rudely. the museum will help younger generations study a great thinker and politician “Why do you always write about you are associated with the Maoists, robbing people and such as BP. the Maoists? Who are your Maoists,” he added. As I got manhandling Maoists. “If they As far as BP’s national tolerance policy is concerned, instead of idealising, sources? How do you get all the out of the taxi, I noticed that don’t stop all this, apologise we need to analyse it scientifically to reach a subjective conclusion. History has information? Where do you meet its license plate had been in public and return all the shown that development of knowledge and science takes place on the basis of covered up. looted properties, we will negation. For instance, the relative materialism and scientific thoughts of Arastu the Maoist leaders? What is your in the west and of Gautam Buddha in the east during the ancient period was position in the Maoist party?” I attack them,” she warned. barred by unscientific thoughts of the materialistic middle age. In similar ways, replied politely and softly, Underground “The PFN has become

the relative progressive ideal of BP’s earlier part was not there in the latter part saying I was just a journalist reactionary like the Nepali ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ of his life. doing my job. I tried to assure Rajdhani, 31 October Congress and the UML.” We need to decide which part of BP’s life to follow. Considering the Sikkim Bhusal attended the program, scandal and feudal nationalism in Nepal then, BP’s saying (‘I am them that I didn’t write against joined at the neck with the king’) is an illusion. We must or for either the Maoists or the Maoist leaders say they have three days from Baglung Bajar, understand that today’s national and international scenario government. I didn’t carry built tunnels along the Indian amidst tight security. has changed significantly. weapons, only my pen and wrote border where they expect After the royal massacre, feudal nationalism the truth. Indian military offensives Protection patrol has vanished. That is why talking about a By then I was scared. No one against them. Maoist handshake with the establishment, like ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ BP did, would not be reasonable. knew I had been abducted and politburo member, Pampha Kantipur, 31 October Today’s establishment is a broker they had taken away my cell Bhusal, addressing a program for foreign powers. Discussing phone. Was this what happened at Jhibakhola of Baglung on TAPLEJUNG-The local any program other than a to the other journalists like 30 October said: “We believe community in the people’s republic would be suicidal for any nationalistic Krishna Sen, Ishwar Chandra the tunnels will be necessary Kanchenjunga Conservation and democratic power. Gyawali, Govinda , to counter Indian attacks. The Area (KCA) is trying to The new phase of Khila Bahadur Bhandari, Indians are getting worried promote tourism by assuring protest by the Manrishi Dhital and about the success of the visitors of security during Communist Party of Sharma. Would I be tortured and people’s war in Nepal.” their stay in the area with day- Nepal (Maoist) against reactionary disappeared like Rebati Sapkota, Bhusal, who is believed to and-night patrols. “We have India ruler’s Chun Bahadur Gurung, Danda be the sixth in the party been patrolling camp sites to expansionist Gurung, Lamsal and hierarchy, said the Maoists make sure tourists are not character and Gopal Budathoki? Was this were fully prepared to defend looted or harassed,” says policy means going to be another case of the country against India, and Mingma Sherpa of Yamfudin that there will be no compromise with lackeys. This is something everyone must understand. Those who call themselves BP’s followers should forge national unity on the basis of a real people’s republic.

Two replies to Baburam

Kantipur, 2 November

Baburam Bhattarai was right to point out the superficial ways of our political leaders. Just as he stated in his letter, we see a dearth of real thinkers in politics. In fact, even BP’s followers have forgotten his philosophy on social transformation. They need to understand the difficulties that BP faced and what he chose to do. Bhattarai’s letter has raised hopes. Like he said, in the past, queens were all- powerful. Then came Jang Bahadur Rana. In 1950, the Ranas were overthrown. In 1990 Ganeshman Singh emerged a political giant. Today, when someone is fighting for the people, why should he be stopped? Can we expect the country to achieve peace through the respect Bhattarai has shown for BP’s philosophy? Basu Jamarkattel

In his letter, Baburam Bhattarai has mentioned Gautam Buddha. It does not sound right coming from Bhattarai. Buddha never resorted to guns to impose the thought of relative materialism. Bhattarai regards Buddha’s philosophies as scientific while he resurrects the Trust me. I can definitely lift this one even if I couldn’t lift that smaller one. characters of Nadir Shah and Genghis Khan. Using various excuses, Bhattarai went into the jungle and took up arms. In Heavy barbell: Election Buddha’s country, where you can have a peaceful movement, what meaning Light barbell: Peacetalk Rajdhani, 31 October does violence have? Buddha was a revolutionary figure. He was an atheist who dismissed the caste system. But as soon as Bhattarai had a chance, he took his QUOTES OF THE WEEK parents on a pilgrimage to Manakamana. Bhattarai must know that because of Buddha’s stance against the caste system and the existence of god, Yadab has been legally kept in detention on orders of the authorities . So the writ for his emerged as a strong movement for social change. That was the reason Vedic release should be quashed. priests boycotted Buddha in many villages and barred them from giving him alms. Buddha’s favourite disciple, Maudgalyayan, was hacked to death with his head crushed. Yet Buddha did not call for revenge and instead preached peace, Chief of Legal Department of the Royal Nepal Army, Brigadier General B A Sharma in equality and non-violence. Kantipur 4 November, in response to the Supreme Court order to release senior Maoist leader Matrika Yadab Ramcharan


VDC. Last year, some Maoists India. About 10 bighas of land beat up an American tourist belonging to a community when he refused to pay them. school has also been The incident was reported in encroached upon. Kathmandu the international media, has remained silent on this Voting right causing a sharp decline in the issue making it easier for India number of tourists visiting to intrude. Even the political KCA. Now, the Maoists have parties are quiet. realised that tourists are not Speaker Taranath Ranabhat in Kantipur, 1 November coming even in the peak season Royal tika and it is the rebels who are warning the villagers from ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ The government is using its propaganda machinery to Jana Astha, 2 November make people feel it is working towards restoring peace harassing their guests in and holding general elections. But what it wants to do anyway. They have warned Senior police officials who did is still not clear. Apart from the government, there are hoteliers and businessmen not not go to the royal palace to two other forces directly related to elections: political to overcharge tourists. receive Dasain tika from the parties and voters. For the parties that ruled the “It is more peaceful here king last month are in trouble. country for 14 years with the people’s confidence, now and tourists have begun These are officials who would elections are not something they can run away from. visiting again,” says happy spend hours waiting at As far as the voters are concerned, they first need villager, Ritu Gurung, from different power centres to get to be assured that peace will be restored. Due to the Kabeli. The KCA even provides transfers to places where they conflict, a big chunk of voters have left for foreign tourists with kerosene so the could earn illegally. But when countries to earn their livelihood. The remaining surrounding forests are not cut. voters have no interest to take part in the polls. it came to waiting in queue for But this does not mean we should look for excuses a tika from the only Hindu to obstruct the people’s participation in a democratic Land, ho! monarch in the world, many of exercise. The government should not prolong the

them chose to stay at home.

○○○○○○○○○○○○ ○○○○ state of political limbo of the last two and a half years. Deshantar, 31 October Police headquarters has issued If such a situation persists, instability and lawlessness a circular to all stations asking will prevail. If the country is run with the help of one KAILALI-Indian and Nepali them to prepare a list of ordinance after another, the constitution will have no authorities are not doing officials who went to receive status and the rule of law, which is the basic essence of anything to prevent Nepali tika from the king. Those who a democratic society, will become a joke. That is why land from being encroached did not go to the palace have the constitution needs to be activated at the earliest upon by people from across the been asked to furnish an and we need to have a legitimate government. There are three ways of restoring the House of border. Indian authorities have explanation. The headquarter Representatives: First through elections, second installed new border posts at wants their answers at the through the court’s decision, and third through the Parasain VDC, and local earliest. Officers fear they will king’s order. Of the three, an election is the best national agreement and pledge on the results. residents are furious. Indian now be blacklisted and not get alternative. We need to consider the other options Recent sample polls suggested that very few voters will officials say the new posts are promotions or be transferred to only if elections cannot be held. For the king to issue turn up at polling booths under present where the surveys shows they places not of their choice. The an order reinstating the House of Representatives circumstances. There may not be voting in some should be. One old post number police headquarters is believed either the prime minister will have to make a constituencies. 94 has been replaced by to have begun the investigation recommendation or the court will have to make such a Normally, even if the result of such an election number 773, which is three km after a visibly small number of ruling. receives legal approval, it will not get political endorsement. If that is the case after our elections, away from the original spot. police officers turned up at the Before elections take place, we need to prepare the conflict will escalate. This is why we need an all- Farms belonging to many palace for royal tika this the basic infrastructure and agree on some preconditions. For instance, there needs to be a party consensus before the polls. Nepali families are now in Dasain.

;/sf/ egsf] ] hgtfsf df‰af6 cfPsf hgtfsf ] lxtdf sd ug]{ hgkltlglwx¿sf| ] ;:yf+ xf ] . o;y { ;/sf/sf /rgfTds sfdx¿df k"jf{u|x/lxt eP/ ;xofu] ug '{ / ;/sfaf6 s'g} q6L' ePdf To;sf] lg/fs/0f ug{ ;'‰fj lb g' k|To]s ;r]t gful/ssf] st{Jo x'g cfp5F . hgtfsf kL/dsf { ;Gg' / /rgfTds ;‰fjx¿' ux0f| ug{ >L % sf] ;/sf/ ;w} tTk/ / hfu?s 5 . >L % sf] ;/sf/ ;"rgf tyf ;+rf/ d+qfno ;"rgf ljefu 14 INTERNATIONAL 5 - 11 NOVEMBER 2004 #220

America’s class chasm Bush’s conservative, evangelical middle America defeated Kerry’s liberal, coastal elitists

NEW YORK In the aftermath of the civil war that the United States has just fought, one result is clear: The Democratic Party’s first priority should be to reconnect with the American heartland. John Kerry’s supporters should be feeling wretched about the millions of farmers, factory workers and waitresses who ended up voting — utterly against their own interests — for Republican candidates. One of the Republican Party’s major successes over the last few decades has been to persuade many of the working poor to vote for tax breaks for billionaires. The Democrats are still effective on bread-and-butter issues like health care, but they come across in much of America as arrogant and out of touch the moment the discussion shifts to values. ”On values, they are really noncompetitive in the heartland,” noted ANALYSIS Mike Johanns, a Republican who is Nicholas Kristof governor of Nebraska. “This kind of elitist, Eastern approach to the party is just devastating in the Midwest and Western states. It’s very difficult for senatorial, congressional and even local candidates to survive.” In the summer, I was home — too briefly — in Yamhill, Oregon, a rural, working- class area where most people would benefit from Democratic policies on taxes and health care. But many of those people disdain Democrats as elitists who empathise with spotted owls rather than loggers. One problem is the yuppification of the Democratic Party. Thomas Frank, author of the best political book of the year, What’s the Matter With Kansas: How Conservatives Won the Heart of America, says that Democratic leaders have been so eager to win over suburban professionals that they have lost touch with blue- collar America. ”There is a very upper-middle-class flavour to liberalism, and that’s just bound to rub average people the wrong way,” Frank said. He notes that Republicans have used “culturally powerful but content-free issues” to connect to ordinary voters. To put it another way, Democrats peddle issues, and Republicans sell values. Consider the four G’s: God, guns, gays and grizzlies. One-third of Americans are evangelical Christians, and many of them perceive Democrats as often contemptuous of their faith. And, frankly, they’re often right. Some evangelicals take revenge by smiting Democratic candidates. Then we have guns, which are such an emotive issue that Idaho’s Democratic candidate for the Senate two years ago, Alan Blinken, felt obliged to declare that he owned 24 guns “and I use them all”. He still lost. As for gays, that’s a rare wedge issue that Democrats have managed to neutralise in part along with abortion. Most Americans disapprove of gay marriage but do support some kind of civil unions (just as they oppose ‘partial birth’ abortions but don’t want teenage girls to die from coat-hanger abortions). Finally, grizzlies — a metaphor for the way environmentalism is often perceived in the West as high-handed. When I visited Idaho, people were still enraged over a Clinton administration proposal to introduce 25 grizzly bears into the wild. It wasn’t worth antagonising most of Idaho over 25 bears. “The Republicans are smarter,” said Oregon’s governor, Ted Kulongoski, a Democrat. “They’ve created ... these social issues to get the public to stop looking at what’s happening to them economically. What we once thought — that people would vote in their economic self-interest — is not true and we Democrats haven’t figured out how to deal with that.” President Bill Clinton intuitively understood the challenge and John Edwards seems to as well, perhaps because of their own working-class origins. But the party as a whole is mostly in denial. To appeal to middle America, Democratic leaders don’t need to carry guns to church services and shoot grizzlies on the way. But a starting point would be to shed their inhibitions about talking on faith and to work more with religious groups. Otherwise, the Democratic Party’s efforts to improve the lives of working-class Americans in the long run will be blocked by the very people the Democrats aim to help. l INTERNATIONAL 5 - 11 NOVEMBER 2004 #220 15 Reluctant talkers in Andhra Pradesh

SONNU CHHINA combing operations. Even if we are playing their political their business,’’ he shot back. in HYDERABAD see Naxals carrying illegal arms, games and the police have been The Maoists are trying to push we have been told to remain non- made scapegoats,’’ he said. the government into a corner. ar away from the talks table confrontational,’’ said a senior “Their demands are just not Varavara Rao, poet and emissary in Hyderabad, Andhra officer. The fate of peace talks is valid in this day and age. of the People’s War Group was FPradesh’s Maoist People’s on shaky ground and the state Andhra is not the feudal full of praise for his Nepali War Group, whose cadre government has not succeeded society it was 30 years ago,’’ comrades. He told reporters strength had dwindled during in getting the People’s War said another officer. during a lull between two rounds the crackdown by the former Group to disarm. Maoist groups recently of peace talks with the Andhra government of Chandrababu ‘‘This peace is temporary, united and have created a government last week: ‘‘We We support the Naidu, have been going ahead deceptive. We are certain that if corridor from Andhra all the support the Nepal revolution. If with recruitment and are busy hostilities resume, the result will way to Nepal. ‘‘YSR does not the Indian and the US ‘‘Nepal revolution. stocking arms. be really bloody,’’ said a officer at want to feel politically isolated governments back off, the Nepali If the Indian Intelligence sources his new posting. ‘‘The problem is at this stage. Before anyone Maoists will definitely succeed in confirmed that the Naxalite with the talks. We have lost the asked him to, he went to the their struggle in Kathmandu.’’ and the US strength has doubled in recent psychological advantage. We table. Now he is looking for the But this bigger international governments back months and said the Y S R have been pushed back four first exit,’’ said another officer. picture is the last thing on the Reddy government has muzzled years. We feel ditched by the The officers have express Andhra Pradesh chief minister’s off, the Nepali the state police. government. A lot of sacrifices instructions not to talk to the mind. All he is doing for the Maoists will The Greyhounds, an elite have been made,’’ he said. media. Director General of moment is to ask the rebels to police force of 3,000 commandos Over 500 policemen have Police S R Sukumara has stop planting red flags in big definitely succeed created to tackle the rebels, been killed in the last 30 years. maintained throughout that he farmers’ fields. He doesn’t know in their have been recalled to ‘‘Without really consulting the will back the ceasefire and how he will get them to lay down Hyderabad. All superintendents police, the political powers have provide a suitable environment arms during the next round of struggle in of police, including those who gone to the negotiating table. We for the talks. The only time he talks. And he doesn’t know how Kathmandu. know sensitive districts like the were given a fait accompli: talks erupted was when Naxals his panel will figure out the back of their hands, have been have to happen, it was on the demanded a higher salary for Naxals’ sweeping demand ’’ reshuffled. poll manifesto and all our constables during the first for land reform. l Varavara Rao, Maoist negotiator from the People’s War Group ‘‘We have stopped all reservations were overruled...they round of talks. ‘‘It’s none of (Indian Express) Beware of DV e-crooks

NEW YORK—The email message is sprinkled with telltale exclamation marks and misspellings, but to foreigners yearning to live legally in the United States, it may seem like a dream come true: ‘Congratulation, you have won DV-2004-1005 USA National Visa Lottery!!!’ In fact, the electronic message which goes on to ask for contact information, a photograph and $349.67 in fees, is just the latest swindle to hit would-be winners of the green card visa lottery conducted yearly by the US State Department. Applications for the 2006 lottery, officially known as the Diversity Visa Lottery, will be accepted electronically on a State Department website, www.dvlottery.state.gov, from 5 November to 7 January. Last year was the first time Internet applications were required and nearly six million applicants competed for a chance to apply for 50,000 immigrant visas. The lottery is intended to promote immigration from countries that send less than 50,000 migrants to the US every year and includes Nepal. Swindles like the phony email message seem to proliferate during lottery season, said Angela Aggeler, a spokesperson for the State Department’s Bureau of Consular Affairs. Among the frauds recently brought to her attention, she said, were pop-up windows that might help swindlers capture the email addresses of potential applicants searching for advice. There is no fee to enter the lottery, though legitimate services may charge something to help with the application. Applicants selected in the random drawing are notified by mail and only by the Department of State, Kentucky Consular Centre. All other notifications are fake. 16 CALENDAR #220 Portraits of Nepal 5 - 11 NOVEMBER 2004 Toni Hagen’s Nepali Faces is more than a calendar for 2005, it is a memento for a good cause n Toni Hagen’s classic work Nepal: geologist a part of the team? Hagen I The Kingdom in the Himalaya (first recalled that after his field visits, Ranas published in 1961) there is a would accost him and ask if he had photograph of five students at an outdoor discovered any gold. school in Bhojpur. One is a Rai, one a Hagen was in Nepal for six months on Bahun, one a Chettri, one a Tamang and that first visit. He returned in 1952 as an one a , representing a microcosm of employee of the Nepal government to the caste/ethnic diversity of Nepal. Long conduct the first geological survey of the before Dor Bhadur Bista wrote People of country, travelling more than 14,000 km Nepal to introduce the country’s people on foot over eight years to corners that no and their cultures to the world, and long one had been to before. It is doubtful if before Jan Salter painted her Faces of anyone else, barring his expedition sardar Nepal Aila Sherpa, has seen as much of the in country. REVIEW pencil Coming from Switzerland and having Manesh Shrestha and some definitive views on how Nepal oil, could/should develop, Hagen looked for Toni Hagen had travelled all over the development opportunities. He proposed country and met a population which was ropeways as the means of transporting just entering the modern era after Rana goods as well as ‘green roads’, promoted rule. self-help over foreign aid, small-scale The 2005 calendar Nepali Faces, projects over big ones and located quite a published by the Toni Hagen Foundation, few choice spots for hydropower projects is once again a testimony to the late including the Karnali Bend. Hagen’s Swiss geologist-turned-development Swiss team had envisaged the Kulekhani expert’s work among Nepalis in the 1950s. dam in 1951. It was built in 1982. Indeed, what makes this calendar unique Rather than bring goods from outside is that the 13 colour prints were taken into the countryside and thus ruin local about half a century ago. The calendar livelihoods, Hagen proposed local has been printed in Nepal and its produce from the hinterland reaching the had become Nepal’s biggest source of lives of the people in these past 50 years. proceeds are to go to the activities of the bigger market outside. He even advocated foreign currency. Those were innocent times and the faces Toni Hagen Foundation which tries to doing away with the National Planning Few know that Toni Hagen was as that peer out of Toni Hagen’s calendar inform Nepalis about their own country, Commission as an anachronism: how accomplished in his skills as a seemingly chide us contemporary folks its diversity in geography and population. could Singha Darbar decide what was photographer, a fact that impressed BP for having stumbled on the path to Hagen first came to Nepal in 1950, a good for rural Nepal? Koirala who wrote the foreword to the progress. couple of weeks before King Tribhuban The success of the Tibetan carpet first edition of his book. The quality of The calendar is a perfect new year ‘took refuge’ at the Indian Embassy in industry is a testimony of Hagen’s earthy pictures in the Nepali Faces 2005 gift for those who care for Nepal and Lainchaur and the century-long Rana rule wisdom and long-term vision. He was Calendar tells us why he was impressed: want to remember an intrepid geologist, ended. He was part of the four-man Swiss instrumental in setting up the carpet portraitures from 50 years ago are alive in his affection for this country and its Forward Team sent by the Swiss weaving training centre for Tibetan fully-preserved colour. people. l government on the Nepal government’s refugees in 1960 insisting that they earn Faces tell what ethnic or caste group request and thus inaugurated official their livelihoods rather than live on a Nepali belongs to. But in these development aid to Nepal. But why was a hand-outs. By the 1990s, carpet export calendars, it is also their clothes and appearance that give us hints. Only in the last decade has there been a homogenisation of attire in the hills. But here, it is easy to make out who is who from the apparel, coiffure, ornaments, as well as features. The pictures in this calendar tell us how the people of Nepal differ in appearance even today: Chettri of western Nepal, Newar of Kathmandu Valley, Bhotia of the far northwest, Tamang of the east, and Tharu of the southwest Tarai. Like attire, even this will one day change with the rapid inter-marriage and integration of Nepali ethnicities. Toni Hagen Foundation 01-5542544 The calendar celebrates Nepal’s [email protected] Toni Hagen studying ammonite fossils in Jharkot in 1955 with Dhaulagiri in the background. diversity, but it also reminds us how Printed and distributed by hagen’s portrait of a Jumla girl (top) who must now be 65 years old. much and how little has changed in the Himalayan MapHouse SPORTS 5 - 11 NOVEMBER 2004 #220 17 A Himalayan challenge Whether you want to race your kayak and raft, or just watch, Bhote Kosi is the place next week

Swinging by the rules Knowing the rules can make all the difference

olf is known as a gentleman’s game. It is perhaps the only sport KIRAN PANDAY G played on such an expanse of open space that competitors AARTI BASNYAT three events: kayak free style, Rs 1,000 for Nepalis and $50 for often never get to see one another during the game, despite playing the same field under similar conditions. kayak slalom, and kayak foreigners. Those who want to It is also essentially a self-regulating game: golfers should epal is a prime location for downriver races. In the rafting watch the event can do so. There understand the basic rules. white water rafting with department, there is only one is a package deal for $25 with One must understand that the rules are meant to assist players N Karnali and Sunkosi being event called the raft downriver transportation, food, rather than impose penalties on them. That means, as a golfer, you rated among the top 10 rivers in race. accommodation and thrill are need to ‘play the ball as it lies, play the course as you find it, and if the world. Trisuli, Kali Gandaki, NARA hopes to promote taken care of. The event is only you can’t do either, do what is fair’. Bhote Kosi and Tamur are also rafting tourism in Nepal through for professional rafters and However, to do what is fair you need to have adequate knowledge famous for their white waters. the tournament and get kayakers with a minimum of the rules. In general, golfers are so preoccupied with their swing Upto 15 percent of tourists who international coverage of some requirement of having rafted in that they tend to assume they visit Nepal also take to the thrill of the finest white waters in the at least Grade Five rapids. know the rules. It is only when the of the rapids. world. It also hopes its Nepali NARA General Secretary TEE BREAK rules begin to work against them Deepak Acharya in the form of penalties that they The Nepal Association of rafting crew gets exposure to Nani Kaji Thapa tells us, “The start realising the harsh realities Rafting Agents (NARA) is well international-level training and number of participants are of their ignorance. By then, of course it’s too late to lament, “Oh if I aware of the potential that competition so Nepal can increasing every year, and their had only read the rules or called a marshal for a ruling!” Nepal has for white water compete in international kayak skill levels are also improving.” World’s no 1 golfer Vijay Singh was penalised during a PGA tour rafting, and is trying to promote and raft competitions. Although international tournament in 2003. His breach was removing a loose impediment on this sport both nationally and NARA’s slogan is ‘Nepal is publicity of the maoist conflict the green with a towel. Luckily, he realised and corrected his mistake internationally. Since 2002, your white water destination’ has affected rafting, it is not by adding a two-stroke penalty before signing his scorecard. This NARA in association with Peak and in a bid to promote white expected to deter the true raft prevented him being disqualified from the tournament. UK have been organising the water rafting, it also organises and kayak aficionados this year. You can see that even top professional players get confused at Himalayan Challenge down the the Trisuli river festival every But aren’t people getting times with the rules of golf. Remembering every single rule is quite Bhote Kosi river. year on the last Saturday of May. bored with Bhote Kosi every impossible but whenever doubt creeps in, a marshal is called or two balls are played with a decision sought afterwards. This year, the competition is This event aims at promoting year? Thapa replies: “Yes, next Vijay Singh paid his two-stroke penalty in 2003 but a revision of to be held from the 13-15 rafting among local tourists and year we plan to change the the Rules of Golf the following year allows the removal of loose November with both kayak and has more of a picnic air. river.” l impediments with towels. rafting races along a stretch of This year, NARA plans to The rules are amended once every four years. It is of paramount the Bhote Kosi from near the host at least 300 participants. Himalayan Challenge Bhote Kosi importance to keep yourself updated. References are available on Chinese border down to Some 50 Nepalis and 75 13-15 November the United States Golf Association website www.usga.org. Click on Dolalghat. foreigners have already Contact: Nepal Association ‘Playing the Game’ and read Decisions on the Rules of Golf 2004 – In the kayak races, there are registered. Participation fee is of Rafting Agents 2005. For an explanation of the general rules, consult with your local 4244048, [email protected] club professional. Often seen at the club level are golfers taking wrong drops from unplayable lies, water hazards and lateral water hazards. A recurring problem is how the proper point of entry into a hazard is not identified and neither is the nearest point of relief. In this game you are given the initial privilege of being your own judge. The game is no fun if rules are not followed. This Saturday on 6 November, if you are part of the KIA Open at Gokarna Golf Club, keep the above in mind and save yourself from being unnecessarily penalised. l

Deepak Acharya is a golf instructor and Golf Director at Gokarna Forest Golf Resort & Spa, Kathmandu. [email protected] 18 CITY 5 - 11 NOVEMBER 2004 #220

ABOUT TOWN In ancient Greece, the passion of two of literature’s most FESTIVAL AND EXHIBITIONS notorious lovers, Paris, Prince of Troy (Orlando Bloom) JAI NEPAL CINEMA v Uneven Fragments Art forms by various artists at Gallery Nine. and Helen (Diane Kruger), Queen of Sparta, ignites a war Until 12 November. 4428694 that will devastate a civilization. When Paris spirits Helen away from her husband, King Menelaus (Brendan EVENTS Gleeson), it is an insult that cannot be suffered. Familial v Video Show & Discussion on Psychological Conditioning at pride dictates that an affront to Menelaus is an affront to Nepal Japan Children’s Library, Lainchour, 3PM on 6 November. his brother Agamemnon (Brian Cox), powerful King of the 4279712 Mycenaeans, who soon unites all the massive tribes of v Nepal Kaleidoscope Photo Competition on any subject that Greece to steal Helen back from Troy in defence of his Now Showing portrays Nepal or the Nepali way of life, submission deadline 16 brother’s honour. Two worlds will go to war for honour and November. www.pjclub.com.np power. Thousands will fall in pursuit of glory. And for love, Call 4442220 for show timings v 3rd Annual Ride and Rage with the Himalayan Enfielders to the a nation will burn to the ground. www.jainepal.com Last Resort on 20-21 November. Rs 1,500 per person, includes transport, food and accommodation. 4440462 v WCN Amateur Nature and Wildlife Photography Competition for KATHMANDU AIR QUALITY amateur photographers. Deadline 30 November. 5524202, www.wcn.org.np One festival just got over and another is to begin. As the respite in air v Bluebird Festive Blast Shopping specials for Tihar at both pollution takes a break, pollution levels are reaching dangerous levels. Tripureswor and Lajimpat outlets. Putalisadak is back to its unhealthy concentration of PM10. Patan Hospital and Thamel are catching up fast. With Tihar around the corner and MUSIC firecrackers in the air, it looks like a bad week for air quality. Keep your masks on. v Tata Young Live at Hyatt Regency 24-30 October in micrograms per cubic meter. Kathmandu on 5 November, 7.30 PM Source: www. mope.gov.np onwards. Entrance Rs 2,500. 4720382, 2081040 Good < 60 v Fusion Night at the Rox Bar. Every Ok 61 to 120 Wednesday from 6PM onwards. 4491234 v Deo at Not Just The Jazz Bar, Fridays at Unhealthy 121 to 350 Hotel Shangri-la, Lajimpat. Harmful 351 to 425 v Jatra Friday Nites The Strings. 4256622 Hazardous >425 v Happening Live Jazz in town by Cadenza at Upstairs Jazz Bar, Lajimpat. Putalisadak Patan H Thamel Kirtipur Bhaktapur Matsyagaun Every Wednesday and Saturday, 7.45 PM onwards. NEPALI WEATHER by MAUSAM BEED DRINKS An anti-cyclonic circulation in central v Asia, abetted by a high pressure zone Island Bar with DJ Raju and The Cloud Walkers.Rox Bar 4491234 over northern India is bringing in dry v Free Drink Deals at Red Onion Bar, Lajimpat and cold air into the subcontinent, which explains the below average temperature FOOD and the clear bright weather of the past v International Food Festival at Hyatt Regency, 11AM onwards 6 Nov week. It also chased away lingering v Charcoalz a barbecue of Western, Indian and Mongolian delights moisture that was giving us overcast at Hotel Yak & Yeti, 6PM to 10PM. Till 30 November. skies. This spell of dry, clear weather v La Soon Restaurant and Vinotheque, Pulchok for spacious indoor with fresh air from the Tibetan plateau and outdoor seating. 5537166 is expected to continue, notwithstanding the circulation over the Arabian Sea v Fresh Catch Seafood every Saturday, Sunday at The Café, Hyatt v that is sending some plumes of high- Genuine Thai cuisine at Royal Lotus, Bakhundole. 5521231 altitude cirrus riding the jetstream in v Delicious barbecue dinner Fridays at Summit Hotel. 5521810 our direction. Expect chilly nights, v Friday Nights at Subterrania Club Kilroy. 4412821 thickening morning mist and warm v Farm House Café Park Village Hotel. 4375280 balmy afternoons in Kathmandu Valley. v Café Bahal Newari and continental cuisine under the giant Cinnamon tree at Kathmandu Guest House, Thamel. 4700632 KATHMANDU VALLEY v Barbecue-Ban Bhoj at Godavari Village Resort. 5560675 Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue v Vegetarian Creations at Stupa View Restaurant. 4480262 v Splash Spring BBQ Wednesday and Friday 6PM Radisson Hotel v Executive Lunch at Toran Restaurant, Dwarika’s. 4479488 v The Beer Garden at Vaijayantha, Godavari Village Resort. 24-07 23-07 23-06 23-07 22-08 5560675 v Dwarika’s Thali Lunch at the Heritage courtyard. 4479488 v The Tharu Kitchen at Jungle Base Camp [email protected] GETAWAYS v Dream Holiday package tour to Malaysia during Tihar. Marco Polo Travels and Qatar Airways, 2012345, v Canyon Swing 140 m down stream at The Last Resort. 4439525 v Getaway package night’s stay at Godavari Village Resort 5560675 v Shivapuri Heights Cottage, [email protected] v Tiger Mountain Pokhara Lodge ihar special. 4361500 v Golf at Gokarna Forest Golf Resort & Spa. 4451212 v Weekend Special at Park Village Resort, . 4375280 v Early Bird discounts at Shangri-La Hotel & Resort. 4412999 19 Sisters5 - 11 NOVEMBERthree 2004 #220 pstairs,in the Lajimpat Park business. “It is tough to survive just work: Neera takes care of the U Gallery, Neera, Neeti and Juni on art. There are times when we feel creative end. Neeti is the manager, point reverently at a portrait of discouraged but we remember dad’s while young Juni does the interiors. their father, Joshi, who legacy and that inspires us to carry Juni has learnt fast, and says set up the Gallery 34 years ago. on,” explains Neera, who is a people in Kathmandu have realised Ramananda was a painter botanist and has published her own aesthetics is not just costly interiors: himself and wanted to create a collection, Flora From Kathmandu “A painting doesn’t just brighten up home for the arts at a time when Valley. a room, it adds beauty and there were few places to exhibit The sisters have divided up the expression to people’s lives.” l in Kathmandu. (Sampada Malla) The three sisters grew up in an KIRAN PANDAY artistically-stimulating ALL SMILES: Pakistani Prime Minister Shaukat Aziz and Ambassador environment. They watched their Zameer Akram responding to a question from the audience at a talk father paint but didn’t really want organised by the Nepal Council of World Affairs and the Pakistani to become artists themselves. Embassy on 1 November at the Soaltee Crowne Plaza. Park Gallery first opened in Pulchok and the girls got involved in organising things and helping out dad. Park hosted many exhibitions and gained fame quickly. When Ramananda died suddenly in 1988, the responsibility of running fell on the delicate shoulders of Neera, Neeti and Juni. “Dad had plans to expand the gallery and we are fulfilling his dream,” says Neera, the eldest. With the support from their mother, the three sisters have been running the gallery in Lajimpat now for a year and a half. There have been people who have offered to ADULT FRANCHISE: Former Foreign Minister Chakra Bastola casts his buy the gallery but they are ballot at a mock poll organised by American Deputy Chief of Mission, determined not to sell. “We want Elizabeth Millard, on 2 November to coincide with the US elections. to try and promote young John Kerry won, 28-10. talented artists and give them exposure,” says Neeti. Park Gallery also offers custom framing for exhibiting artists and gives art classes to students during vacations. For the Joshi family, Park is more than just a MIN BAJRACHARYA

KIRAN PANDAY HELSINKI-KATHMANDU: The first chartered Finnair 757 of the season touched down at Kathmandu on Wednesday bringing a plane-load of Finnish tourists and journalists.

KIRAN PANDAY BOWLED OVER: The Indian Embassy team, winners of the Soaltee Crowne Plaza Super Sixes 2004, let off a victory cheer at the Tribhuban University stadium on Monday.

KIRAN PANDAY PINCHING THE TIP: Health workers and curious onlookers at a rally to mark National Condom Day on 30 October at Tundikhel. 20 5 - 11 NOVEMBER 2004 #220 Journalists should tell the truth: Minister

BY OUR ARMCHAIR ANAL-IST Journalists must help in the process of nation-building by sticking to

facts even if they are wrong, the Minister of Lies and Statistics www.nepalitimes.com opined yesterday at a ceremony to honour the country’s ten most- imaginative columnists. Gradually warming up to the subject, the magnanimous minister added that if the Fourth Estate reported truthfully on government statements they knew to be factually incorrect, they wouldn’t have to pay taxes and all billboards in the country would be banned. UNDER MY HAT Without mincing words, the Kunda Dixit Minister said: “Correspondents must accurately report our lies so the reading public is not mislead.” (That is what he factually said, I swear. –Editor) Later, the Minister distributed plaques, shawls and envelopes to fifth columnists whose writings in the past year have been found to contain the fewest number of verifiable facts. I’ll show you my plaque if I can get this shawl off. Nepal’s corruption ranking improves BY OUR UTTERLY CORRUPT CORRESPONDENT For the first time since records started being kept, Nepal scored less than 3.0 points in the world corruption rankings, overtaking Azerbaijan, Angola and Transylvania in the 2004 Transparency International Coefficient. “It is a matter of great national pride that we are now at par with the most-corrupt countries in the world, Haiti and Bangla- desh,” said the Director-General of the Department of Graft and Sleaze, “but this is no time for complacency, we must not rest on our laurels, we must be even more crooked because there are countries where malfeasance is spreading faster than here.” The DG said Nepal is on target to achieve a 2.5 Index in next year’s survey. He added: “We are even prepared to bribe the folks at Transparency International in case we don’t quite make it.” Tenth Condom Day observed KATHMANDU—Underlining the need to correct prevailing ignorance among the general populace about regression, the four agitated parties took out a procession through the streets of the capital this week to mark International Condom Day. Activists, social workers, teachers and daily-wage earners took part in the procession, carrying anti-regression banners, shouting pro-condom slogans and creating a monstrous traffic jam around Dharara. Said an agitator: “We are very happy with the turnout, it shows the political parties are totally against general erections at the present time.”

In other news: India-Pakistan War breaks out BY OUR UNDIPLOMATIC CORRESPONDENT India and Pakistan are going to war for the fourth time after independence after a mix-up over a tea party invitation in the landlocked Himalayan escalated into a full- scale nuclear conflagration. “They didn’t invite us for tea, so we had no option but to fire an incontinental ballistic missive on our front page,” said a visibly- peeved editor from the frontlines. He added: “We didn’t want to be petty, but thought what the heck, since we are in neutral terri- tory we might as well.” As the nuke-tipped pettiness escalated, it threatened to derail Indo-Pak rapprochement, and the leaders of the two countries once more refused to shake hands in public.

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