The Barren Ground Grizzly Bear in Northern Canada
294 NOTES AND PAPERS SHORT for the expression of these attitudes in The Social Development of Canada, To- a manner consistent with fundamental ronto: University of Toronto Press. 1942, thought modes of the old culture. p. 39. That these spirit entities are a re- “Howard, J. K., Strange empire. New York: sponse to white contact seems certain. Wm. Morrow and Co., 1952, p. 254ff. and However, the explanations of the func- p. 299. tions of belief in the Angnasheotik ad- :{Mooney,James, The Ghost Dance Religion vanced here, plausible though they may and theSioux Outbreak of 1890,14th be, are little more than guesses. Sys- Ann. Rep., Bur. of Ethn. 1892-93, pt. II., tematic study would be necessary to Washington,Government Printing Of- establish or refute them and might at fice, p. 657. the sametime add something to our $Worsley, Peter. TheTrumphet Shall knowledge of the processes of accul- Sound: A Study of CargoCults in turation. Melanesia. Magibbon and Kee, 1957. KENNETHDUNCAN* ETurner, L. M. Ethnology of the Ungava ____~ District. 11thAnn. Rep. Bur. of Ethn. * University of Western Ontario, London, 1889-90, Washington, Government Print- Ontario, Canada. ingOffice, p. 267. CHawkes, E. W.,The Labrador Eskimo. ‘Bailey, A. The conflict of European and Geol. Surv.Mem. 91, No. 14, Anthrop.Ser. Algonkian cultures. Cited in S. D. Clark: Ottawa:King’s Printer, 1916, p. 118. THEBARREN GROUND GRIZZLY withthose of more recent observers, BEAR IN NORTHERN CANADA whose coverage tends, on the whole, to Although little is knownof the be more systematic. Finally, the appar- ethology and ecology of theBarren ent trend in the data depends partly on Ground grizzly bear in the Northwest the limits selected for each map-period.
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