Fisheries and Marine Service Technical Report 911 January 1980
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i Fisheries and Marine Service Technical Report 911 January 1980' BIBLIOGRAPHY ON THE LIMNOLOGY AND FISHERIES OF CANADIAN FRESHWATERS. NO. 6 by H. F. Nicholson Department of Fisheries and Oceans Great Lakes Biolimnology Laboratory Canada Centre for Inlan4 Waters 867 Lakeshore Road Burlington, Ontario L7R 4A6 This is the 23rd Technical Report from the Great Lakes Biolimnology Laboratory ii ©Minister of Supply and Services Canada 1980 Cat. no. Fs 97-6/911 ISSN 0701-7626 Correct citation for this publication: Nicholson, H. F. 1980. Bibliography on the limnology and fisheries· of Canadian freshwaters. No.6. Fish. Mar. Servo Tech. Rep. 911: pages i-vi, 1-105. iii ABSTRACT Nicholson, H. F. 1980. Bibliography on the limnology and fisheries of Canadian freshwaters. No.6. Fish. Mar. Servo Tech. Rep. 911 : pages i-vi, 1-105. This bibliography is the sixth of a continuing series and contains a further 500 references and the Canadian freshwater features to which they refer. Key words: Bibliographies; Canadian Freshwaters. , ,., RESUME Nicholson, H. F. 1980. Bibliography on the limnology and fisheries of Canadian freshwaters. No.6. Fish. Mar. Servo Tech. Rep. 911 : pages i-vi~ 1-105. La pr~sente bibliographie est la sixi~me d'une s$rie permanente; elle contient 500 nouvelles ref{rences et la liste des accidents g~ographiques,d'eau douce auxquels ces derni~res renvoient. Key words: Bibliographies; Eaux douces canadien. iv PREFACE Due to the great replication of feature names in the Canadian Provinces and also to the fact that so many of our lakes, rivers, and streams are as yet unnamed, users of this 'bib1iography should first refer to the relevant Gazetteer of Canada in order to verify both the name and co ordinates of the freshwater feature they require. Authors of scientific papers on Canadian freshwaters should also accurately identify the features they have investigated. A great deal of basic data published in the past cannot be included in these bibliographies because this has not been done. Unfortunately this is also true for many current papers. If features investigated are not in the Gazetteers or their Supplements, then the 1:50,000 topographical map No. on which they appear should be given together with the Military Grid Reference. Latitude and longitude are not precise enough for accurate initial identification. v INTRODUCTION This bibl iography is the sixth in a continuing series and contains a further 500 references and the approved freshwater features to which they refer. Each reference is identified by a number and appears in the Index in numerical order. The bibliography is divided into provinces, in alphabetical order. Each province contains a. list of freshwater features in alphabetical order. With each feature is given its coordinates ~s publ ished in the relevant Gazetteer or its Supplement, and followed by the Reference Index No(s) appl icable to it. The Reference Index is appl ied only to those freshwater features whose names and coordinates have been, or will be, approved by the Canadian Permanent Committee on Geographical Names. Unapproved feature names and coordinates are kept on file until they become approved. Previous names and misspelled names (as found in the literature) of approved features are included, and appear below and to the right of the approved name. They are also cross-referenc~d. When there is a change of name of a freshwater feature, it invariably becomes out of alphabetical order in the bibl iographies. It is then deleted and entered into the latest issue. Thus some of the Reference Index numbers given herein refer to the previous five biblihgraphies. Bibl iographies Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and Appendix A are publ ished as Technical Reports Nos. 471, 504, 566, 672, 804 and 605, respectively. vi INTRODUCTION La presente bibliographie est la sixieme d'une serie permanente; elle contient 500 nouvelles references et la 1iste des accidents g~ographiques d'eau douce auxquels ces dernieres renvolent. Chaque reference est identifiee par "un numero et apparatt ~ 1 'index a 1 'ordEe numerique. La bibl iographie est ordonnee alphab~tiquement par province, et les accidents d'eau douce dans chacune sont enumer€s par ordre alphab~tique, accompagn~s de leurs coordonnees telles que publiees dans Ie Repertoire pertinent des noms geographiques ou son supplement, suivies du (des) nO(s) d'index de la (des) reference(s). L'index des references a ete r~serve aux accidents d'eau douce dont Ie nom et les coordonnees ont €te ou seront approuves par Ie Comite permanent canadien des noms geographiques. Les noms et las coordonnees non approuves sont gardes en dossier jusqu'a leur approbation. Les noms anterieurs et mal orthographies (trouv~s dans les publ ications) des accidents geographiques approuves sont indiques au bas et a la droite du nom approuve, avec renvoi a la ref'rence pertinente. Lorsque Ie nom d'un accident change, i1 n'est plus a 1 'ordre alphabetique dans les bibl iographies. On 1 'enleve et 1 'inscrit dans Ie dernier numero. Ainsi, les numeros d'index de certaines references donn~es dans Ie present num~ro peuvent renvoyer aux cinq bibl iographies precedentes. Les bibliographies nOs 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 et I 'annexe A constituent les . os . rapports techniques n 471, 504, 566, 672, 804 et 605, respectivement. 1 REFERENCE INDEX 4501. de MARCH, L. 1978. "Permanent sedimentation of nitrogen, phosphorus and organic carbon in a high arctic lake". J.Fish.Res.Bd.Can., 35(8): 1089-94. 4502. ONTARIO MINISTRY OF THE ENVIRONMENT. 1976. "Polychlorinated biphenyls in the Ontario environment". Rept.PCB Comm. 4503. RUDD, J.W.M., & HAMILTON, R.D. 1978. "Methane cycling in a eutrophic shield lake and its effects on whole lake metabolismn; Limnol.Oceanogr., 23(2): 337-48. 4504. CORK, H.F. 1978. "Temperature and evaporation on LakeDiefenbaker, 1977". Can.Dept. Fish.Environm., Atmos.Environm.Serv., Hydrometeorol.Rept., (27). 4505. CORK, H.F. 1974. "Lake Diefenbaker energy budget, summer, 1973". Can.Dept.Environm., Atmos.Environm.Serv., Hydrometeorol.Rept., (11). 4506. CORK, H.F. 1975. "Temperature and evaporation on Lake Diefenbaker, 1974". Can.Dept. I':nvironm., Atmos , Envi r-onrn , Her-v, , Hydrometeorol.Rept., (13). 4507. CORK, H.F. 1975. "Evaporation from Tobin Lake, 1974". Can.Dept.Environm., Atmos. Environm.Serv., Hydrometeorol.Rept., (14). 4508. CORK, H.F. 1976. "Surface temperatures and evaporation, Tobin Lake, 1975". Can.Dept. Environm., Atmos.Environm.Serv., Hydrometeorol.Rept., (17). 4509. CORK, H.F. 1976. "Temperature and evaporation on Lake Diefenbaker, 1975". Can.Dept. Environrn., Atmos.Environm.Serv., Hydrometeorol.Rept., (18). " 4510. CORK, H.F. 1977. "Evaporation from Tobin Lake, 1977". Can.Dept.Fish.Environm., Atmos. Environm.Serv., Hydrometeorol.Rept., (26). 4511. VANDERPOST, J.M. 1978. "Preliminary studies on methanol oxidizing bacteria from the Mackenzie River, N.W.T.". Can.Dept.Fish.Environm., Environm.Protect.Serv., Rept., EPS 4:"'NW-78-2. 4512. KUPCHANKO, E.E. 1971. "North Saskatchewan River pollution, survey, 1970-1971; summary report". Alta.Dept.Environm. 4513. KUPCHANKO, E.E. 1972. "North Saskatchewan River pollution survey, 1971-1972; summary report" . Alta.Dept.Environm. 4514. MUNSON, B.A., & DANIEL, E.E. 1973. "The North Saskatchewan River mercury project, 1972-1973". Rept.Alta.Dept.Environm. 4515. DEAN, E.L. 1975. "Aquatic ecology and fisheries in Reit;ldeer Lake". Churchill River Study, (Missinipe Probe), Final Rept., (10). 4516. HECKY, R.E. 1975. "Sediments in Sokatisewin and Reindeer Lakes". Churchill River Study, (Missinipe Probe), Final Rept., (12). 4517. HUANG, P.M., & LIAW, W.K. 1975. "Sediments in Drinking Lake". Churchill River Study, (Missinipe Probe), Final Hept., (15). 4518. WILLARD, J.R. 1975. "Benthic fauna in Sokatisewin Lake". Churchill River Study, (Missinipe Probe), Final Rept., (14). 4519. PATALAS, K., & SALKI, A. 1975. "Crustacean plankton in Reindeer Lake". Churchill River Study, (Missinipe Probe), Final Rept., (11). 4520. MOSHENKO, R.W., & GILLMAN, D.V. 1978. "Creel census and biological investigation on lake trout from Great Bear and Great Slave Lakes". Fish.Res.Bd.Can., MS Rept., (1440). 4521. SCHLICK, R.O. 1978. "Stevenson and Pelican Lakes fisheries survey, 1973". Man.Dept. Renew.Resourc.Transp.Serv., Fish.Managem.Br., MS Rept., (78-39). 4522. SCHLICK, R.O. 1978. "Fisheries survey of Gods Lake, 1973". Man.Dept.Renew.Resourc. Transp.Serv., Fish.Managem.Br., MS Rept., (78-5)., 4523. SCHLICK, R.O. 1978. "Fisheries survey of Kisseynew Lake, 1973 and 1974". Man.Dept. Renew.Resourc.Transp. Serv., Fish.Managem.Br., MS Rept., (78-4). 4524. CROSSMAN, E.J. 1976. "Quetico fishes". Roy .Ont .Mus., Life Sci-Misc .Publ. 4525. STOCKNER, J.G., & COSTELLA, A.C. 1978. "Benthic algae "in the Thompson River, British Columbia: their response to pulpmill and sewage effluent". Can.Dept.Fish.Environm., Fish.Mar.Serv., Techn.Rept., (758). 4526. DAVIDOFF, E.B. 1978. "The Matheson Island sauger fishery of Lake Winnipeg, 1972-1976". Man.Dept.Renew.Resourc.Transp.Serv.,, MS Rept., (78-54). 4527. DERKSEN, A.J. 1978. "The use of mercurials for turf fungicides on golf courses and its possible contribution to mercury pollution with special reference to Clear Lake and Falcon Lake, Manitoba". Man.Dept.Rewnew.Resourc.Transp.Serv., Fish.Managem.Br., MS Rept., (78-46). 4528. FEDERAL-PROVINCIAL THOMPSON RIVER TASK FORCE. 1975. "Summary report on sources and effects of algal growth, colour, foaming, and fish tainting in the Thompson River system,l. 4529. ST.JOHN, R.F.., CARMACK, E.C., DALEY, R.J., GRAY, C.B.J., & PHARO, C.H. 1976. "The limnology of Kam.l oops Lake". Can .Dept .Envl r-onm ;, Inl.Wut.Direct., Pacific and Yukon Heg., MS Rept. Li5~O. Dn.r.ON, P.J., JEF'F'I1HS, D.S., SNYDER, W., I1F.TD, n., YAN, N.D., EVANS, D., MOSS, ,J., /I; SCHEIDEH, W.A.