How to find us SIP GmbH is located in Holzkirchen, approx. 40 km south of at the Gewerbering 14a, 83606 Holzkirchen, ph: +49 8024 4669900

Approaching from the highway A 8


Münchner Oldtimer Reifen

SIP Software for Intellectual Property GmbH Gewerbering 14a, 83607 Holzkirchen

By car For navigation systems please enter: Raiffeisenstr. 6.

Approaching on the A 8 from Munich to Salzburg, take the exit Holzkirchen, then follow the B 318 towards Holzkirchen after 1 km follow the sign „Gewerbegebiet, Sandoz-Hexal“ and take the next exit to the right at the following T-junction take a right turn at the next roundabout take the second exit towards „Rudolf-Diesel-Ring“ pass the bakery „Ratschiller“ and turn right at the next T-junction follow the street and after passing „Münchner Oldtimer Reifen“ you find the entrance and a parking lot in front of Raiffeisenstr. 14a

By public transport You can also travel to Holzkirchen by S-Bahn (S3) and the Bayerische Oberlandbahn (BOB). From Munich Central Station take the S3 towards Holzkirchen (leaves every 20 to 40 minutes from the basement level of the station, travel time 50 Min.)


take the Bayerische Oberlandbahn (BOB) towards Holzkirchen from the train station (leaves every 60 Min., travel time 30 Min.) there are taxis available outside Holzkirchen station, it is only a short ride to Gewerbering 14a.

SIP Software for Intellectual Property GmbH Gewerbering 14a, 83607 Holzkirchen

From Munich Airport by public transport

take the towards Ostbahnhof (leaves every 20 Min. from the train terminal in the basement level) change trains at Ostbahnhof to S3 towards Holzkirchen, (leaves every 20 to 40 Min., travel time 40 Min.)


take the S1 towards Munich Central Station (leaves every 20 Min. from the basement) change trains at Munich Central Station to S3 towards Holzkirchen or BOB

SIP Software for Intellectual Property GmbH Gewerbering 14a, 83607 Holzkirchen