Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-02339-0 — Rediscovering Stanislavsky Maria Shevtsova Index More Information


Abramtsevo Circle, –, – Agitprop (agitational propaganda) groups, xi,  Private Opera Theatre and, – Stanislavsky on, – Abramtsevo commune Aleksandrov, Nikolay, – collective goals of,  Alekseyev, Georgy,  cross-arts explorations in, x Alekseyev, Konstantin. See Stanislavsky, Mamontov and, – Konstantin Stanislavsky at,  Alekseyev, Sergey, – acting. See also System of acting Alekseyev, Vladimir, – analogous,  Alekseyev Circle, – as noble profession,  All-Russian Theatre Association,  Acting: The First Six Lessons (Boleslavsky),  American Laboratory Theatre,  active analysis, – Andreyev, Leonid, , , ,  restrictions on,  Andreyev, Nikolay,  actors. See also System of acting Andreyeva, Maria, – co-creativity with directors, , –,  Antarova, Konkordiya, –, – discipline for,  anthroposophists, – in First Studio,  First Studio and, – inert, – yoga and,  in MAT, – Antoine, André, , – method of physical action, –, –, Théâtre Libre,  –, ,  The Armoured Train - (Ivanov), ,  obligations of, – art. See also System of acting; specific topics passive, – cross-arts explorations, in Abramtsevo stage creativity of,  commune, x Stanislavsky as, –, , , –, , Stanislavsky on, – ,  Tolstoy, Lev, on, – in theatre of emotional experiencing, World of Art, x – Association of Friends of the Studio,  An Actor’s Work on a Role (Stanislavsky), – audiences, for theatre An Actor’s Work on Himself, Part One ensemble theatre and, relationship with,  (Stanislavsky), –, , ,  in US, Stanislavsky on, – English translation of, , – The Avenger (Pletnev),  An Actor’s Work on Himself, Part Two (Stanislavsky), –, , ,  Babanin, Konstantin,  English translation of, , – Bakhrushin, Aleksey,  actor-singers, at Bolshoy Opera Studio,  Bakhtin, Mikhaïl, – Adashev, A. I.,  Bakst, Leon,  Adashev School, – Baliyev, Nikita, , – Adler, Stella,  Balladina (Slowacki),  ‘advocates of the people.’ See narodniki ballet masters, at Bolshoy Opera Studio, – affective memory, – Ballets Russes, x, 


© in this web service Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-02339-0 — Rediscovering Stanislavsky Maria Shevtsova Index More Information

 Index

Barba, Eugenio,  The Burning Letters (Gnedich), – The Barber of Seville (Rossini), –,  Butusov, Yury, , – Barca, Calderon de la,  Byron, George Gordon (Lord), –, – Barker, Harley Granville,  Bartoshevich, Alexei,  cabbage party. See kapustnik The Bat cabaret, – Cain (Byron), –, – Batalov, Nikolay, – throughaction in, – The Bathhouse (Mayakovsky),  Carnicke, Sharon Marie, –,  Beaumarchais, Pierre, – Castorf, Frank,  Beaumont, Francis, – Chagall, Marc,  Benedetti, Jean, , ,  Chaliapin, Fyodor, ,  translation of Stanislavsky’s works, , – Art Theatre and, x–xi, –, –,  Benois, Aleksandr, , ,  Cheban, Aleksandr,  Berger, Henning, – Chekhov, Anton, , –, , , – Bernhardt, Sarah, – Stanislavsky and Bessalko, Pavel,  musicality and, – Biagini, Mario,  production scores by Stanislavsky and, Bill-Belotserkovsky, V. N.,  – biomechanics,  works directed by Stanislavsky and, Birman, Serafima, xi, , , , –, , – –, ,  Chekhov, Mikhaïl, xi, , , –, Blair, Rhonda,  –, , , –, , , Blake, William,  – Blok, Aleksandr, – artistic legacy of, – ‘Bloody Sunday,’  psychological gesture theory of,  The Blue Bird (Maeterlinck), – Chepurov, Aleksandr,  Blue Blouse theatre groups, xi, , – Cherevichki (Tchaikovsky),  Blyum, Vladimir,  The Cherry Orchard (Chekhov, Anton), –, Bogdanov, Aleksandr, – – Boleslavsky, Richard, –, –,  Chesnokov, Pavel,  Bolsheviks, – Children of the Sun (Gorky), , , , Bolshoy Opera Studio, , – – actor-singers at,  Children’s Theatre, ,  architectural limitations of,  Chronegk, Ludwig, – Association of Friends of the Studio and,  Civil War, in Russia, , – ballet masters at, – Clark, Katerina, – First Studio and,  Claudel, Paul,  musical tradition in, – collective creation, through ensemble theatre,  Opera-Dramatic Studio transition from,  collective creativity, through ensemble theatre, teachers at, –  Bolshoy Theatre,  Communist Party after October Revolution,  criticism of Meyerhold, – Borovsky, Victor, – MAT and,  Bourdieu, Pierre,  newspapers controlled by,  on conductorless orchestra,  conductorless orchestra, as metaphor,  bourgeois culture,  Constructivism, , –, –, , ,  Boyd, Michael,  Copeau, Jacques, , – Brahm, Otto,  Coquelin, Constant,  Brecht, Bertolt, , , –,  Cormon, Eugène, – The Bricklayer (Bessalko),  Craig, Edward Gordon, –, , , , Brook, Peter, , , –, – – brutalism,  creation. See collective creation Bruysov, Valery, – creativity. See collective creativity Bulgakov, Mikhaïl, –, –, – The Cricket on the Hearth (Dickens), –,  Burdzhalov, Georgy, –. See also Fourth Studio Crommelynck, Fernand, , 

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D. E. (Podgayetsky),  Dukhobors (‘spirit wrestlers’), – The Dawn (Verhaeren),  Dullin, Charles, – The Days of the Turbins (Bulgakov), –, – Duma, establishment of,  Dead Souls (Gogol), – Duncan, Isadora, xi, , –, –, , The Death of Ivan the Terrible (Tolstoy, Aleksey), ,   Duras, Marguerite,  Decroux, Étienne, – Durasova, Maria, – The Deluge (Berger), – Duse, Eleonora,  Demidov, Nikolay, xi, , –, , , , ,  Earth Rampant (Tretyakov, Sergey),  d’Ennery, Adolphe, – Edwards, Christine, – Deutsches Theater,  Efros, Anatoly, –,  Deykun, Lidiya, xi, , – Efros, Nikolay, ,  Diaghilev, Sergey, – Eidinger, Lars,  Ballets Russes, x,  Eisenstein, Sergey, – Stanislavsky and,  Eliade, Mircea,  World of Art, x Elizabeth I (Empress), – Dickens, Charles, –, ,  emotional experiencing. See theatre of emotional directors, – experiencing co-creativity with actors, , –,  An Enemy of the People (Ibsen), – definition of, – ensemble theatre development traditions for, – audience relationship with,  at MAT, – collective creation through,  Meyerhold as, – collective creativity through,  Nemirovich-Danchenko as, – framework for, – with Stanislavsky, – MAT as, – result director,  mission of, – role in artistic process, – permanence of ensemble as element of,  root director,  Nemirovich-Danchenko on,  Stanislavsky as, –. See also Chekhov, organic processes of,  Anton; Gorky, Maksim; Shakespeare, Pushkino and,  William as repertory company,  of A Mad Day or The Marriage of Figaro, Stanislavsky as influence on, – – star system as distinct from,  with Nemirovich-Danchenko, – System of acting in, – realism for, – as ‘theatre-church,’ – of The Sunken Bell, – under USSR regime, – of Uriel Costa, – as Utopian community, – discipline, – ‘epic theatre,’  for actors,  Erdman, Nikolay, , – in System of acting, – Erik XIV (Strindberg), ,  types of,  ethics, – The Divine Image (Blake),  disruptions of,  The Divine Poem (Scriabin),  in System of acting, –,  The Doctor in Spite of Himself (Molière),  etudes, in System of acting, –, , , , Doctor Stockman (Ibsen), – , , , , , ,  Dodin, Lev, x, , , , , , –, eurhythmics, ,  –, , , –, – Evreinov, Nikolay, – Don Pasquale (Donizetti), – Donizetti, Gaetano, – The Fairground Booth (Blok),  Donnellan, Declan, – ‘fantastic realism,’  Dostoyevsky, Fyodor, , ,  of Vakhtangov,  The Drama of Life (Hamsun), ,  Fedotov, Aleksandr, – A Dream of Passion (Strasberg),  Fedotov, Glikeria, ,  Dréville, Valérie,  The Festival of Peace (Hauptmann), –

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The Fiery Angel (Bruysov), – The Government Inspector (Gogol), , – Figes, Orlando,  Granovsky, Aleksandr, – First Five Year Plan, under Stalin, ,  The Green Circle (Gippius), – First Studio, xi, , – Griboyedov Drama Studio, – actor’s creativity in,  Grotowski, Jerzy, , , – Adashev School and, – Group Theatre,  anthroposophists and, – Gurevich, Lyubov, , – Bolshoy Opera Studio and,  Gutskow, Karl, – greater than national importance of,  gymnastic theatre, – MAAT and, – student training at, – Habima theatre,  System of acting in, – habitus, , –, , –,  timeline for,  Hall, Peter, – as Utopian community, – Hamlet (Shakespeare), , – yoga and, – Hamsun, Knut, ,  Fitzpatrick, Sheila,  Hanako,  Flight (Bulgakov), , ,  Hapgood, Elizabeth Reynolds, – Fokin, Valery,  Hauptmann, Gerhart, –, – Fomenko, Pyotr,  Hejermans, Herman, – The Forest (Ostrovsky),  Hellerau, ,  Forsythe, William,  Hesychasm,  Fourth Studio, , – Hisa, Ota,  formation of, – ‘holy theatre,’  political mission of,  Hosking, Geoffrey,  theatrical objectives of, – human spirit, Stanislavsky on, –, , , , The Fruits of Enlightenment (Tolstoy, Lev), xi, , , –, , –, , ,  , ,  Fuller, Loïe,  ‘I am.’ See ‘ya yesm’ Ibsen, Henrik, , , – Galendeyev, Valery, – immediate action, – Gandhi, Mahatma,  Imperial Theatres. See also state theatres Gas Masks (Tretyakov, Sergey),  Bolshoy Theatre,  Gates, Helmar,  censors in, – Gémier, Firmin,  cultural influence of, – Gest, Morris,  ,  Geytts, Mikhaïl, – monopoly of, abolishment of,  Giatsintova, Sofya, xi, , – star system in,  Gippius, Zinaïda, – improvisation, – Gnedich, Pyotr, – individuality, as distinct from individualism, Gogol, Nikolai, , –, – – The Golden Cockerel (Rimsky-Korsakov), – inert actors, – Goldoni, Carlo,  The Internationale (anthem),  Golovin, Aleksandr, xiii, , –, , –, Israfilov, Israfil,   Israfilov, Rifkat,  Golubkina, Anna, ,  Ivanov, Vsevolod, ,  Gorchakov, Nikolay, ,  Gorky, Maksim James, William,  Children of the Sun, , , , Jaques-Dalcroze, Émile, , – – The Lower Depths, –, , , –, K. S. Stanislavsky’s Teachings on the Word on the – Stage (Galendeyev),  The Petty Bourgeois,  Kachalov, Vasily, , , – Stanislavsky and, works directed by Kamerny Theatre, – musicality of, – Kandinsky, Vasily,  production scores by, – Kantor, Tadeusz, 

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kapustnik (cabbage party),  Lugné-Poe, Aurélien-Marie,  Karbauskis, Mindaugas,  Lunacharsky, Anatoly, , –, – Kedrov, Mikhaïl, , , ,  Commisariat of Enlightenment, ,  Kerzhentsev, Platon, , –, – nationalization of theatres and, – Khalutina, Svetlana, – Luzhsky, Vasily, , –. See also Khlebnikov, Velimir,  Fourth Studio Khmelyov, Nikolay,  Lyddiard, Alan,  The King of the Dark Chamber (Tagore), Lynch, James,  – Lyubimov, Yury,  Knebel, Maria, xi, , , ,  at Opera-Dramatic Studio, , , – MAAT. See Second Knipper-Chekhova, Olga, , , – A Mad Day or The Marriage of Figaro Kogan, Sam,  (Beaumarchais), – Komisarjevsky, Theodore, , –,  throughaction in,  Komissarzhevskaya, Vera, – Maeterlinck, Maurice, , –,  Komissarzhevsky, Fyodor,  ‘magic realism.’ See ‘fantastic realism’ kommunalka (small communal apartment), – The Magnanimous Cuckold (Crommelynck), Komsomol (Communist Youth) theatre groups, ,  – The Maid from Pskov (Rimsky-Korsakov), – Korovin, Konstantin,  Malaev-Babel, Andrei,  Korsunovas, Oskaras, – Malaya Bronnaya Theatre,  Krasner, David,  Malevich, Kasimir, , , –, ,  Krechetova, Rima, ,  Malochevskaya, Irina,  Kristi, Grigory, , , –, –,  Maly Drama Theatre (MDT, St. Petersburg), Kruchenykh, Aleksey,  –, – Maly Theatre (Moscow),  laboratory (laboratory-studio), –, , –, Mamontov, Savva, x, –. See also Private , , –, –, , , – Opera Theatre Lady Macbeth of the Mtensk District Stanislavsky mentored by, – (Shostakovich),  The Mandate (Erdman),  Lake Lyul (Fayko),  Mardzhanov, Konstantin, – The Lamentations of Jeremiah (The Bible), Markov, Pavel,  – Massalitinov, Nikolay, – Leblanc, Georgette,  Massenet, Jules,  LeCompte, Elizabeth,  MAT. See Moscow Art Theatre Lecoq, Jacques, – Matyushin, Mikhaïl,  LEF journal,  Maudsley, Henry,  Lenin, Vladimir. See also Russia, post- A May Night (Rimsky-Korsakov),  Revolutionary period Mayakovsky, Vladimir, , , ,  nationalization of theatres under, – Mchedelov, Vakhtang, –. See also Second NEP period under,  Studio Leonidov, Leonid, , –, –,  MDT. See Maly Drama Theatre Leskov, Nikolay,  Medea-material (Mu¨ller),  Levitan, Isaac, , ,  Meisner, Sanford,  Lieutenant Yegunov’s Story (Turgenev),  The Merchants of Glory (Pagnol and Nivoix), Lieven, Dominic,  – The Life of Man (Andreyev, Leonid), , , Merlin, Bella,   The Merry Wives of Windsor (opera) (Nicolai), Lilina, Maria, ,  – Limanowski, Mieczyslaw, – metaphysics, of Silver Age, – Literature and Revolution (Trotsky),  anthroposophists, – Litovtseva, Nina, ,  First Studio and, – Littlewood, Joan, – yoga and,  The Lower Depths (Gorky), –, , , literary genres during, – –, – Rasputinites, 

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metaphysics, of Silver Age (cont.) Second Studio merger with, – Symbolists, , – as socially inclusive, – theosophists,  stage structure of,  method of physical action, immediate action, under Stalin, from -, – – political attacks against, – Meyerhold, Vsevolod, , – socio-political plays, – biomechanics, , , –, ,  studio affiliations with, xi–xii Blue Blouse groups and, – Opera-Dramatic Studio, xi–xii, – Communist Party criticism of, – Povarskaya Studio, xi–xii, , , , , Constructivism and, –  as director, – Tolstoy, Lev, and, – gymnastic theatre of, – TRAM as opponent of, xi during October Revolution,  Moskvin, Ivan,  Proletkult and,  Mu¨ller, Heiner,  public influence of, – Munk, Erika, – Stanislavsky’s friendship with, xi, , – Muratova, Yelena,  theatrical theatre of, – My Life in Art (Stanislavsky), –, –, , – The Miracle of St. Anthony (Maeterlinck),  English translation of, – The Mistress of the Inn (Goldoni),  Mystery-Bouffe (Mayakovsky), ,  Mitchell, Katie, – Mnouchkine, Ariane, ,  narodniki (‘advocates of the people’), , – Théâtre du Soleil, , ,  Nekrasov, Nikolay,  Molière,  Nekrosius, Eimuntas,  Molière (A Cabal of Hypocrites) (Bulgakov), – Nemirovich-Danchenko, Vladimir, x–xi, , A Month in the Country (Turgenev), –, –. See also Moscow Art Theatre –, – as director, – monumentalism,  with Stanislavsky, – Morozov, Savva, ,  on ensemble theatre, . See also ensemble Moscow Art Theatre (MAT), x–xi theatre accessibility of, – Nepmen, – actors in, – New Economic Policy (NEP),  Agitprop as opponent of, xi eradication of,  as apolitical,  Nicholas II (Tsar),  artistic crisis within,  Nicolai, Otto, – artistic mission of, – Nivoix, Paul, – audience relationship with,  No Way Out (Leskov),  dissatisfied audiences, – Novitskaya, Lidiya, , – ‘Bloody Sunday’ and,  Nunn, Trevor,  Blue Blouse groups as opponents of, xi Communist Party and,  October Revolution, x directors at, – Bolshoy Theatre after,  as ensemble theatre, –. See also ensemble Imperial Theatres after,  theatre Maly Theatre after,  European tour of, – MAT during, – individuality as distinct from individualism in, The Storming of the Winter Palace, –,  – Old Believer Orthodoxy, xi,  MAAT, – Old Believers, –,  nationalization of, – Opera-Dramatic Studio, xi–xii, – as Academic Theatre,  active analysis in, – during October Revolution, – restrictions on,  in Prague,  Bolshoy Opera Theatre transition to,  Proletkult as opponent of, xi creative process in, for musical composition, promotion of,   rejection of politics, xi growth years for, – restructuring of,  Knebel at, , –

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method of physical action in, – Radishcheva, Olga, –,  immediate action, – Radlov, Sergey, – throughaction,  Rasputinites,  word action, – raznochintsy,  System of acting and, – realism. See also ‘fantastic realism’; timeline for,  ‘socialist realism’ works performed at, –, – for Stanislavsky, – Ormerod, Nick,  Reinhardt, Max, ,  Orthodoxy, of Stanislavsky, , –, , – Réjane,  Ostermeier, Thomas, –, –, – repertory companies, ensemble theatre as,  Osterwa, Juliusz, – Repin, Ilya, –,  Ostrovsky, Aleksandr, , ,  representation. See theatre of representation Othello (Shakespeare), – result director,  Ribot, Théodule,  Pagnol, Marcel, – Richards, Thomas,  passive actors, – Rimsky-Korsakov, Nikolay, –, , , – Perceval, Luk, – The Rite of Spring,  Peter the Great, – Rodchenko, Aleksandr, – The Petty Bourgeois (Gorky),  Rodin, Auguste,  The Phantom Lady (Calderon de la Barca),  Roerich, Nikolay,  Philosophy of the Unconscious (von Hartmann), Roerich, Yelena,   Roksanova, Maria,  The Pillars of Society (Ibsen),  Romeo and Juliet (Shakespeare), – Piscator, Erwin,  root directors,  Pletnev, Valerian,  Rosmersholm (Ibsen),  Podgorny, Nikolay, – Rossi, Ernesto,  Poem of Ecstasy (Scriabin),  Rossini, Gioachino, –,  Polenov, Vasily, – Rudnitsky, Konstantin, , – Polenova, Yelena, – Rumyantsev, Pavel, ,  Popov, Aleksey,  Russia. See also Union of Soviet Socialist Popova, Lyubov, – Republics Povarskaya Studio, xi–xii, , , , ,  Civil War in, , – The Powers of Darkness (Tolstoy, Lev),  proletarian insurrections in, – Princess Turandot (Gozzi), – tsarist era Private Opera Theatre, x, – demise of,  Abramtsevo Circle and, – Duma established after,  project-based theatre,  Russia, post-Revolutionary period. See also Union Proletkult (Proletarian Culture), xi, – of Soviet Socialist Republics class definitions and,  Bolsheviks in, – founding of, – bourgeois culture during,  Meyerhold and,  NEP period,  peak of,  Nepmen, – Smyshlyayev and, –, – October Revolution propaganda Bolshoy Theatre after,  agitational,  Imperial Theatres after,  through newspapers,  Maly Theatre after,  through state theatres, – MAT during, – Pryazhko, Pavel, – The Storming of the Winter Palace, –,  psychological gesture,  promotion of MAT during,  Pushkino, ,  Russian State Institute of Scenic Arts,  The Russian Theatre under the Revolution (Sayler), The Queen of Spades (Tchaikovsky),  

Rabelais and His World (Bakhtin), – Saint-Denis, Michel, – Rachmaninov, Sergey,  Sakhnovsky, Vasily, , –

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Salvini, Tomaso,  spiritual communion,  Sats, Ilya, ,  stage creativity, of actors,  Sats, Natalya,  stage design, Stanislavsky on, , – Saxe-Meiningen Court Theatre,  Stalin, Josef Sayler, Oliver,  Five-Year Plan, ,  Scriabin, Aleksandr, ,  MAT under, from -, – The Seagull (Chekhov, Anton), –, – socio-political plays, – Stanislavsky direction of, – Stanislavski in America (Munk), – Sechenov, Ivan,  Stanislavsky, Konstantin, –. See also Moscow Second Moscow Art Theatre (MAAT), – Art Theatre; Society of Art and Second Studio, , – Literature; specific studios criticism of works at, –,  at Abramtsevo commune,  MAT merger with, – on agitprop theatre, – Society of Art and Literature and,  on American audiences, – ‘studists’ at, – arrest of,  as theatre-studio, – on art, – theatrical focus of, – artistic legacy of, – works performed at, –, – in England, – Sellars, Peter, – in France, – Senelick, Laurence,  generational transmission of,  Serov, Valentin, – international context for, – Shakespeare, William, , –, – temporal factors for, – Shakhalov, Aleksandr,  in US, – Shchepkin, Mikhaïl,  Chekhov, Anton, works of Shchukin, Sergey,  directed by Stanislavsky, – Shekhtel, Fyodor,  musicality and, – Shostakovich, Dmitry,  production scores for, – friendship with Meyerhold, – in Communist Party newspapers,  Silver Age. See metaphysics Diaghilev and,  Simov, Viktor, ,  as director. See directors Sinitsyn, Vladimir,  as director-pedagogue, –,  Slowacki, Juliusz,  Duncan as influence on, xi small communal apartment. See kommunalka early years for, – Smeliansky, Anatoly, – Gorky and, works directed by Smolin, Dmitri,  musicality of, – Smyshlyayev, Valentin, , –,  production scores for, – as Bolshevik, – individuality as distinct from individualism Proletkult and, –, – for, – (Rimsky-Korsakov), inspiration for, – ,  line of physical action,  Sobolevskaya, Olga,  Mamontov as mentor to, – Sobolyov, Yury,  method of physical action, – sobornost, ,  immediate action, – socialism,  throughaction, , –, , , – ‘socialist realism,’ – word action, – Society of Art and Literature, –, –. See Meyerhold friendship with, xi also Moscow Art Theatre Old Believer Orthodoxy as influence on, xi intelligentsia and, – Orthodoxy of, , –, , – raznochintsy and,  spiritual practices, , – Sokolova, Zinaïda, –,  as stage actor, – Sologub, Fyodr,  on stage creativity,  Solovyova, Inna,  on stage design, , – Solovyova, Vera, – on the subconscious, –, – Soviet Writers’ Union,  on the superconscious, – ‘spirit wrestlers.’ See Dukhobors Tchaikovsky and,  ‘spirit-soul,’ – Tolstoy as influence on, xi

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Tortsov (teacher/creator) and, , , , ‘fantastic realism’ and,  – in First Studio, – on the unconscious, – foundational points of, – on visualization,  four elements of, – ‘ya yesm’ for, – method of physical action and, –, –, – yoga for,  ‘nature’ and, – Stanislavsky, Konstantin, works of for opera,  An Actor’s Work on a Role, – Opera-Dramatic Studio and, – An Actor’s Work on Himself, Part One, –, , organic creative nature and,  ,  practical purpose of, xi English translation of, , – theatre of emotional experiencing and, – An Actor’s Work on Himself, Part Two, –, , yoga and,  ,  English translation of, , – Tagore, Rabindranath, – My Life in Art, –, –, , – Taïrov, Aleksandr, – Stanislavsky in Focus (Carnicke),  Fourth Studio and,  star system, in Imperial Theatres,  Talashkino community,  State Jewish Theatre, – The Tale of Ivan the Fool and his Brothers state theatres (Tolstoy, Lev),  nationalization of, – Tarasova, Alla,  propaganda through, – Tatarinov, Vladimir,  Stein, Peter,  Taylor, Frederick Winslow,  Steiner, Rudolf,  Taylorism,  The Storming of the Winter Palace, –,  Tchaikovsky, Pyotr, , – Strasberg, Lee,  Tcherkasski, Sergei, –, – Method acting theory and,  The Teacher Bubus (Fayko),  Stravinsky, Igor,  teachers, at Bolshoy Opera Studio, – Strehler, Giorgio, ix–x,  Telesheva, Yelena,  Strindberg, August,  Telyakovsky, V. A.,  Student Studio, . See also Third Studio Telyatinki community, – ‘studists’ Tenisheva (Princess),  at Second Studio, – Théâtre du Soleil, ,  at Third Studio, – Théâtre du Vieux Colombier,  the subconscious, Stanislavsky on, –, Theatre for Young People,  – Théâtre Libre,  Sudakov, Ilya, ,  Théâtre National Populaire, – Sudbinin, Serafim,  ‘theatre of death,’  The Suicide (Erdman), – theatre of emotional experiencing, – Sulerzhitsky, Leopold, xi, –, , –, actors in, – , –, –, , , , spectators in,  –. See also First Studio System of acting and, – on affective memory, – theatre of representation,  on improvisation, – Theatre of Worker Youth (TRAM), – Orthodoxy of,  MAT opposed by, xi The Sunken Bell (Hauptmann), – ‘theatre-church,’ ensemble theatre as, – the superconscious, – theatre-studio, – Sushkevich, Boris, –, –,  theatrical theatre, – Symbolists, , – ‘theatricality,’  ‘synthetic’ theatre, – Theory of the Development of a Stage Show System of acting, for Stanislavsky, –, (Smyshlyayev), – – theosophists,  discipline in, – Third Studio, , – in ensemble theatre, – development of,  ethics in, –,  ‘studists’ in, – etudes in, –, , , , , , , The Three Sisters (Chekhov, Anton), –, , , ,  –, –

© in this web service Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-02339-0 — Rediscovering Stanislavsky Maria Shevtsova Index More Information

 Index

throughaction, , –, , – Vasilyev, Anatoly, x, –, –, – Tolstoy, Aleksey, , – Vasnetsov, Apollinary, –,  Tolstoy, Lev, xi, , , ,  Vasnetsov, Viktor, –, – on art, – Verhaeren, Emile,  MAT and, – Vershilov, Boris,  Tolstoy, Sofya,  Victory Over the Sun (Kruchenykh),  Toporkov, Vasily, – Le Vieux Colombier, – Tortsov (teacher/creator), , , , – Vilar, Jean, – Tovstonogov, Georgy,  The Village of Stepanchikovo (Dostoyevsky), , TRAM. See Theatre of Worker Youth  Tree, Herbert Beerbohm, – Vinogradskaya, Irina, ,  Trench, Herbert, – visualization, , ,  Tretyakov, Pavel,  Volkenstein, Vladimir, – Tretyakov, Sergey, ,  Volkostrelov, Dmitry,  Trotsky, Lev, – von Hartmann, Edouard,  Tsar Fyodor Ionnovich (Tolstoy, Aleksey), , – Vrubel, Mikhaïl, –, –,  Turgenev, Ivan, –, –, , – Vyakhireva, V. A.,  Two Orphans (d’Ennery and Cormon), – The Wayfarers (Volkenstein), – Udaltsova, Zinaïda, –,  Weigel, Helene, – Uncle Vanya (Chekhov, Anton), –, –, Wells, H. G., – – Werther (Massenet),  the unconscious, – What is Art? (Tolstoy, Lev),  Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR),  The White Guard (Bulgakov),  ensemble theatre in, – White Nights (Dostoyevsky),  First Five Year Plan in,  Whyman, Rose, – socialism in,  Wilde, Oscar,  Taylorism in,  Wilson, Robert, ix–x United States (US) The Wooster Group,  Stanislavsky legacy in, – word action, – theatre audiences in, Stanislavsky on, – World of Art, x Untilovsk (Leonov),  The World of Art (Diaghilev, journal), – Uriel Costa (Gutskow), – The Wreck of the ‘Hope’ (Hejermans), – US. See United States Uspenskaya, Maria, ,  ‘ya yesm’ (‘Iam’), , –,  USSR. See Union of Soviet Socialist Republics Yagoda, Genrikh,  Utopian communities Yasnaya Polyana community, – Abramtsevo commune Yefremov, Oleg,  collective goals of,  Yelizaveta Petrovna (Smolin),  cross-arts explorations in, x Yermilov, Vladimir,  Mamontov and, – Yevgeny Onegin (Tchaikovsky), – Stanislavsky at,  Yevpatoria community, –,  ensemble theatre as, – yoga,  First Studio as, – First Studio and, – Pushkino, ,  for Stanislavsky,  sobornost and,  System of acting and,  Talashkino community,  Telyatinki community, – Zagorsky, Mikhaïl,  Yasnaya Polyana community, – Zatvornik, Feofan, – Yevpatoria community, –,  Zavadsky, Yury, –,  Zhenovach, Sergey, – Vakhtangov, Yevgeny, xi, , –, –, Zola, Émile,  , –. See also Third Studio Zon, Boris, –, –, – ‘fantastic realism’ of,  Zuyeva, Anastasiya, –

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