'Flying Disk' LEX Ending Tomorrow; Tonite's Landing Third of Schedule It's two down and one to go Air Force Station. a.m., flowing ashore from for the 4th Marines today as Yesterday, infantrymen of Amphibious Squadron Five's Operation "Flying Disk" moves Battalion Landing Team 1/4 APA Magoffhs and the LST ipto the second day at Bellows' made the initial assault at 9 Henry County. This morning, BL'i 3/4 was But Few Plaudits scheduled to land on Yellow Beach at 8 a.m., from the APA Calvert and the LST Summit County. ServBn Does 'Lions Share' The infantry phase of "Flying Disk" is slated to end tonight at midnight, fol- lowing the 8 p.m. landing of Of Training Operation Work BLT 2/4 from the APA Montrose and the LST Sum- By GySgt. Jack Paxton Station may be an infantry- mit County. WHAT'S HAPPENING? Why it's a Skyhawk of VMA-212 - The First Brigade's Opera- man's dream, but to Leather- In all, more than 4000 in- landing on a carrier deck, of course. But this landing was a tion "Flying Disk" now under- necks of Service Battalion - fantry and support unit Ma- special one. (see story and phutos, page 3.) way at Bellows Air Force main supporting element of the rines are involved in the ex- operation-it's nothing but a ercise which features different nightmare of work. landing teams, but the same Like the forgotten lineman general battle situation for on the victorious football each of the three BLT's. team, a Marine eupport unit In addition, the framework often does the lion's share of "Disk" has been used as of the work, but sometimes the backbone for an extensive receives an ant's portion of logistical exercise by the Regi- the plaudits. ment with the support of the Example: Maj. F. A. Hill, entire Service Battalion. The Service Battalion CO, is also LOGEX is scheduled to end VOL. II No. 25 Marine Corps Air Station, Kaneohe Bay, Hawaii June 22 1962 Deputy Tactical Exercise Co- tomorrow atnoon. - ordinator for "Flying Disk." Tactically, Navy Capt. R. B. His Operations Officer, Maj. Erly, Commander, Amphibious 'A ny Girl's Race' W. S. Peterson, also wears Squadron Five, home-based at more than one helmet. Prior San Diego, Calif., is conducting to the exercise he was opera- the while Col. Wil- tions officer. When the LEX liam H. Marsh, 4th Regimental Units Plan Secret Gimmicks began, he shifted to assistant commander, heads the landing deputy 'I'EC. Before "Disk" is force. over at noon tomorrow, he will The situation and mission also have served as regimental for each of the BLT's calik To Boost Their Queen Reps shore party officer. for the seizure; occupation While the eyc8 of most and defense of radar and With little more than a week to go, the first returns on the Windardites will be fo- communications facilities as .iter Carnival Queen Contest are beginning to trickle in. cused on the beach-storming well as the Bellows airfield. Although- first reports are sketchy, indications are that it's infantrymen, Maj. Hill & In addition, each BLT was still any girl's race. battalion will be up to their to search-out and destroy Even while this story was being written. more prom -soles supply cases in one of the mythical guerrilla forces on the beachhead before pushing NEW SCHOOLS NCOIC came in to put 2/4 representative. Judy "Tink" Mills. ahead most extensive Logistical - Exercises ever seen on the inland to assist forces of MGySgt. Harry B. Gamble ar- of the previously leading Crystall Howorth. of ServBn. island of Oahu. Oahu's "Royal Militaire" and rived at K-Bay last week to One-Four's contestant, Joan ; Voting ends in the contest To them falls the task of restore power to the existing assume duties a NCOIC of }Linter, was running a close Monday, July 2 - "Payday." preparing and distributing to "royal government." Brigade Schools. Sgt. Gamble third for the moment Key to the contest seems to all infantry units more than Other San Diego-based - - on way was previously stationed at according to the early count. be the number and success of 100 tons of dummy cargo ships, which are their duty with the 7th in MCS Quantico where he serv- Rumors are flying around fund-raising "gimmicks" any simulating all classes of sup- for Fleet the Far East, include the At- ed as operations chief of the K-Bay regarding various given outfit can think up and plies. sums collected and yet unre- use to raise the vote tally for tack Transport USS Paul Re- Schools Demonstration Team. After the cargo reaches the ported that could put any of their entrant. vere, Attack Cargo ships USS He succeeds MGySgt. J. V. beach it will actually be Skagit and USS Seminole and the queen contestants fn the The contribution jars, with moved to the batalion landing Be'g, who is now NCOIC of the Dock Landing Ship USS lead. the girls' pictures attached, teams on request then the Station Rifle Range. placed around the base will - - Catamount. The Paul Revere eventually returned to the ini- is flagship for Flying Disk. account for only a small part tial supply point. of the total contributions. Other Amphibious Force "Promoters" in the various "In simple language," Maj. units taking part are de- units are racking their brains Hill said, "we want all units tachments of Underwater for new and different ways to to know what's available to Demolition Team 11, Naval entice votes for their queen them supply-wise, how to Beach Group One and Tac- contestants. order it under combat condi- tical Air Control Squadron- The queen will start her tions, and above all else, 13. to use and reign officially on July 4, how it maintain Flying Disk is designed to with appearances in two it once they get it." impart valuable lessons in the Windward Oahu Independ- The major emphasized that refinement of nighttime and ence Day Parades. the logistical exercise operates low visability landing tech- On the morning of July 4, hand-in-glove with the actual niques for the Marine Corps- the queen and two runners-up (See ServBn, Page 3) Navy team. will appear in a parade through Kailua. She will then be whisked to Kaneohe to ride in a similar parade there. Later in the afternoon of July 4, she will be introduced and make a personal appear- ance at the festivities to be held at Kailua Beach Park. A crowd of some 10,000 is ex- pected to be on hand at the beach. Besides the "Royal Car- riage," the plush red converti- ble in which she will ride dur- ing the Carnival, the queen will receive prizes of clothing, a color portrait, a transistor radio, dinner for four at a restaurant of her choice and a $15 certificate for purchasing shoes. INITIATIVE FOR MARKSMANSHIP--Everybody in "G" Co., The K-Bay queen will also LOADING ZONE-With the LST Summit County waiting at a LVT 2/4, will be concentrating harder on marksmanship in the fu- be crowned with glittering KMCAS docks, Cannoneers from "G" ['try, 3/12 and Carnival Queen crown which she will retain to crewmen of "A" Co., 1st Amtrac Bn., began loading Tuesday ture after Miss Judy Mills, Battalion Water remind years of her in later Disk." Each the LVTs carried one of "G" Bat- entry, presented LCpl. K. E. Robertson with the company's the time she reigned as Queen for "Flying of High Rifle Trophy. Robertson fired a 232 or 0uuloa Rifle Range of the Navy Relief Water Car- tery's 105 howitzers playing an important role in the exercise last week. nival. which concludes at noon tomorrow. 2 Windward Marine June 22 1962

Chaplains Corner Col. W. R. Campbell Commanding Officer PETER I. OTA, Cale Clark Executive 01 leer Lt. Col. A. L. f From the Garden of Eden to B. Services Officer Capt. R. Morrisey Informational this modern day, one of Perseverance Pays - Some people have a goal that they SSgt. Al W. Steele Editor the curses of people is separa- just don't forget. GySgt. Tony Beatrice, formerly of the Ma- Sgt. Jim DiBernardo Assistant Editor tion, the feeling of being alone rine Exchange Office, had his - to finish high school. Prior SSgt. Dick Vernon Sports Editor and isolated from others. to enlisting in the Corps, he had finished 11 years at a Phila- The WINDWARD MARINE is published every Friday In the Garden, it was the fig delphia high school, and completed the G.E.D. test in 1947. by and for the personnel of the U.S. Marine Corps Air leaf which symbolized the sep- But, he still wanted a diploma. After 19 years in the Marine Station, Navy No. 990, c/o FPO, San Francisco, Calif. aration, but in modern day we Corps, Gunny Beatrice began attendance at Kailua High School Printed at the Royal Printers and Publishers, Inc., Hono- have become more subtle and Adult Education Classes two nights a week. He and 250 other lulu, Hawaii, the WINDWARD MARINE is published with it is neurotic behavior. Even students graduated at Farrington High School May 27. Beatrice appropriated funds in conformity with paragraph 1720.1 so, the curse remains and the left K-Bay Monday and will retire at Treasure Island June 29. MarCorMan 1961 and MCO 5727.3. The WINDWARD MA- person who is alone, who feels He and his family will make their home in South Carolina. RINE is a member of and receives the services of the this separation, is the person * * * Armed Forces Press Service (AFPS). who has a deep-seated fear in A Live One - Theater #1 will play host to a USO show his life. tonight entitled "Spotlight Review" immediately following the No paid advertising may be accepted. The information dancing a novel- Section and the WINDWARD MARINE are in Bldg. 220. As in the case of the Garden first movie. The troupe, featuring singing, and movie is slated Telephones: WINDWARD MARINE 72-104; ISO 72 -535- of Eden, the separation was ty act, will perform for one hour. The second 72 -955. brought about through disobed- to go at 9 p.m. ience of God. Subscription Rate: $2.50 per year Circulation-5000 * * * This is still a cause! Thirty Year Vet Takes Okinawa Post - SgtMaj. Emory M. The isolation of people was Krotky became the top enlisted man ir, the 3rdMarDiv last one form of brainwashing by week when he relieved Russell 0. Baker as division sergeant Editorially Yours the Communists in Korea. major. SgtMaj. Baker, the second senior sergeant major in the According to Dr. William E. Corps, will take over as MCB sergeant major at Camp Le- Mayer, an army psychiatrist, jeune. Krotky's previous duty station was 29 Palms, Calif. Pranks? No Thanks! prisoners of the Communists * * * received this type of treat- What's a prank? Everybody knows what a prank is. Almost Future Mousers Need Homes - BM-1 Don Collver, Station ment. Boat House, gave a call this week requesting a notice be all of us at one time or another have been fore or aft of The Communists separated the fun. printed concerning free "mouse traps." Seems the boathouse the "natural leaders" from the a long 4erordin. Wahcter.A. a prank is a "mischievous trick tabby became mother of five young felines. Won't be group and further isolated the before they will be ready to give away. Give a call to Collver or practical joke.- Sounds harmless, but those mischievous others by dividing them from at 72941 if interested. tricks or jokes can spell serious injury - even death. one another. * * * Take the so-called innocent prank recently involving two Ma- It is said a number of tech- Keep Your Best Foot Forward - With warmer months com- rines on the Mainland. niques to accomplish this were ing. we invite your attention to Station and Brigade Orders The two started their "ingenious" prank by "midnight used, but perhaps the most ef- 1020.1G 1020.1E which items of wearing fective was the development of and point out certain requisitioning" a statue of Smokey the Bear 'national fire the informer system. For the apparel considered not appropriate aboard the station. These safety symbol' from a park. Toting the heavy statue away. items include shower shoes, go-aheads, tennis shoes, bedroom presence of an informer in the slippers, "T" shirts, collarless sweaters or shirts. levis or dun- they decided to make the game even more interesting. They group lead to a general mis- sent Smokey to the height of his career atop a flag pole. of garees and swimming suits. They can be worn while in living - trust everyone. It created in sports, horseback riding, sailing hob- Mission almost completed. the unexpected a fear which caused quarters, participating happened. The lan- prisoners bies, swimming and sun-bathing in prescribed areas. Items yard snapped. Smokey drove one of the pranksters into the to withdraw from the group and in many instances considered taboo are short shorts, abnormally tight-fitting deck like a tent peg. the clothes and apparel offensive to the general public. This little by-lay back-fired into tragedy. Ironically. group really failed to exist. When this happened, the * * a national safety symbol literraly someone. * killed prisoner felt Merle, unde- Social Notes - June, the traditional month for weddings, Another recent prank - this one at a college fraternity ini- fended. and helpless, thus produces many harmonious marriages and of course a few tiation - resulted in the death of a student. What had started his morale as well as his mis-matches . . But nothing like the wedding which occurred as harmless jest resulted in tragedy. emotional and physical sup- Tuesday night at the Staff NCO Club. "Bride" Gus Eovin In these examples. there had certainly been no original in- port from others was lack- was wed to "Groom-elect" Jean Mastropetro for obvious tnet to commit harm-and none was anticipated-but harm ing. reasons. was done nevertheless. One of the best defenses The bride was dressed in the latest "Daisy May" creation in a lovely burnt orange. Her shoes were matching (a left These examples should serve as a warning to unthinking against this, Dr. Mayer contin- ues, is the really convinced re- and a right) high-laced, white . . . tennis shoes. She carried pranksters. Although pranks can be 'funny. they can also be a lovely gob of artificial sweetpeas pressed into an outdated fatal. ligious person. If his faith, re- gardless of preference, h a d Guidebook for Marines. Flowergirl Stephanie Green graced And such pranks can result in disciplinary acticn which been a part of his whole life, the area with empty, colorful . . . beer can. Soloist Virginia could destroy a military career or an individuals future. such a man was able to with- Evans rendered a rendition(?) of appropriate wedding music Think before you start clowning. Better set. just don't par- stand the outward pressures of entitled "She's Too Fat For Me," which had been requested ticipate in pranks. this process of isolation. This by the groom. The "kicks" could get you killed. may lead us to conclude that The wedding was illegal because there was no license issued . . . the inner spiritual resources and because it was social night for the Staff Wives . . are important in withstanding putting on a hillbilly mock wedding. outward pressures. This is true A 'Bite' on Fishing of any area of our lives. Summertime is the time when a young man's fancy turns For the power of a grow- ing, and convinced religious Weekend Bus Service Schedule to . . . fishing. But local rules put the bite on certain young- sters' fishing activities. faith, is the one integrating force in life that strengthens The rule in For Bellows Air Force Station point - found in Station Order 5510.11 - the will of the person. With- says that children under 15 years of age must be accom out it, by neglect of the spir- :;TTaLAY panied to fishing sites aboard the Station. itual aspects of life, each of Depart Tine Arrive The ponds just inside the main gate draw bike-riding us opens the door to all sorts r4Lot Hear ;heater r -,,:,2 Hear Lottelig ILBitsvcen/3/12)1A youngsters like a magnet of temptations that lead to Rear Itendli. 1086 0910 Pick-up-Stand Mokapu 1 Harris 0915 - and a warning from Station con. Pick-u 0920 BOLAS Main Sate 0925 servation officials. a separation from our fellow IdiCAS Aain Gate 0930 Bellows APS 1015 man and our God. Bellows APS 1030 rxits Main Sate 1115 Child safety is the reason for the rule. Hereafter, children Pick-up-Stand 1120 Whereas regular religious Bear Bldg. 10S6 1125 under the 15year age I 1130 limit will be apprehended and a cita- worship, witnin the community Rear Lot Theater tion issued to not the child but to PkLot - - the parents. of the Church, leads to a spiri- Rear Theater I 1300 Bear Lot(Bldg 1046(SvcBn/3/1211305 Rear Bldg. 1086 1310 Pick-up-Stand Mokapu 1 Harris 1315 tual nourishment much needed Pick-u tend 1320 axis Mein Gate 1325 in KKCAS . in Gate 1330 Bellows APS 1415 the world today. For man Bellows AFS 1430 PICAS Main Gate 1515 does not live by bread alone. Pick-un-Stand 1520 Rear Bldg 1086 1525 Rear Lot Theater I 1530

1700 - Bus departs direct to Bellows APS to return personnel. Departure from Bellows will be tem. Aloha 313061 Separt Tina Arrive DEPARTURES ntLof sear .heater I IlOt Rear LotSSldg 10861svcen/3/11)1it7 Rear . 1086 1110 Pick-up-Stand Mokapu i Harris 1115 Puick- 1120 DICAS Main Gate 1125 MSgt. H. P. Moulton from DCAS ',sin Gate 1130 Bellows AFS 1215 Bellows AFS 1230 TCAS Main Gate 1315 HqCo., 4th Marines to 1st Mar- Pick-up-Stand 1320 Div in June. Roar Bldg. 1086 1325 Rear Lot Theater I 1330 CWO A. J. Broullard from PkLot Rear Theater I 1400 Rear Lot(Erldg 1086(S.0ln/3/12)1405 MCAS to 1stMAW in the Far Bear 1086 1430 Pick-up.Stand Mokapu & Harris 1415 East in Aug. Pick-u tend 1420 ?ACAS Hain Gate 1425 INCAS n Gate 1430 Bellows APS 1515 SSgt. D. Niekison Bellows APS Mp-ain Gate 1615 THE GOOD GUYS-LtCol. L. V. Tope, CO of HMM-I61 (r), J. from Hd 1530 OCAS Co. 4th Marines to 3rd MAW. Pick-undSta 1620 presented Good Conduct Awards to eight enlisted men lest Roar Bldg. 1086 1625 SSgt. J. W. Thomas from 3/4 Rear Lot Theater I 1630 week. Left to right are LCpI. E. G. Bradley, Cpls. W. J. to lstMarDiv. 1715 - Bus departs direct to Bellows Ara to return personnel. Jackson, B. C. Wilder, G. D. Garrett and J. Zackarevicz, Sgt. GySgt, P. M. Smith from Departure from Bellows will be 1815. R. W Christmcn, GySgt. W. Glisson and Cpl. P. I. McBride. MAG 13 to 2dMAW. June 22 1962 Windward Marino 3

Cake-Cutting Stirs up the Hornet; '212 Pilot Makes 70,000th Landing ls tLt. Michael J. "Mike" best carrier we have ever Ranger, plane captain of Lt. Ripley of VMA-212 had the qualified on. Hornet has good Ripley's Skyhawk. of making the 70,- deck handling and f In presenting the cake to distinction ine Cpl. Ranger, Lt. Ripley said: 000th arrested landing on teamwork." "I couldn't fly the plane with- board the Hornet June 14. Just before doing the honors out him." The "Devil Cats" w e r e of cutting the cake, Lt. Ripley The Hornet, an anti-subma- aboard the Hornet two days was congratulated by Brig- rine warfare carrier and nu- Gen. Keith B. McCutcheon, CG, making cleus of a Hunter-Killer Group, carrier qualification 1st Marine Brigade, who flew is in the Hawaiian area for runs flying their A4D Skyhawk aboard to watch the Group's training operations prior to jet attack bombers. attack bombers in action. deployment with the U.S. 7th During a cake-cutting cere- Also present to add their Fleet in the Western Pacific. mony following the landing, -well done's" were Navy Capt. Lt. Ripley told bystanders that Hoyt D. Mann, CO of the Hor- the "Hornet was the best car- net, RAdm. Thomas A. Chris- GETS THE FIRST SLICE-Plane Captain Cpl. John D. Ranger rier he has ever been aboard- - topher, Commander Carrier Di- and the cake proves the ship vision 17 and Col. G. E. Doo- ServBn. fr), bites into the first slice of cake presented him by 1st Lt. has good cooks . too." ley, MAG-13 CO. M. J. Ripley. Lt. Ripley said of Cpl. Ranger, "I couldn't fly my He added: "All the pilots The first piece of cake landing operation and isn't plane without him." of VMA-212 feel this is the was given to Cpl. D. just an "on paper" problem. John "Every piece of equipment from the largest crane to the smallest shop van is on the 14thND Includes beach," he said. In addition to the equip- ment, about 900 officers and Offduty Drivers men from Service Battalion are involved in "Flying Disk," including 25 members For Safe Awards of the battalion who are serving as umpires To them Kaneohe Bay motorists were falls the responsibility of ..iven a goal to shoot for last the les...1 "play" of the week when the Commandant, problem. :4th Naval District established Of the umps, 12 handle Operation Drive Safe" for oft - maintenance problems. Their ty military drivers. task is fairly simple. They Safe dri.er awards here- pick, for example, a truck and tofore were setup largely for tell its driver that the fan belt the driver of military vehi- is snapped. Then it's up to the cles. Under the new program, driver to thoroughly explain however, the average Sunday the procedures he would use driver is eligible for a Com- to get his truck back in opera- mandant's trophy to be tion. awarded annually in JanuarY. Medical umpires, under To be eligible for the new the First Marine Brigade award a military driver must THE CEREMONY - IstLt. M. J. Ripley cuts the first slice from the cake commemorating the Surgeon, Navy Capt. William 111 have been on duty in the 70,000th aircraft landing on the deck of the U SS Hornet. On hand for the event were: (I to r), A. Rob i e. are operating 14th Naval District for a 12- Col. G. E. Dooley, MAG-I3 CO; LtCol. John Lowman, 212 CO; Brigade Commander, Brig- somewhat differently. month period, (2) be nomi- As simulated casualties are nated by his parent command ( Gen. K. B. McCutcheon; Hornet skipper, Navy Capt. H. D. Mann; IsfLt. Ripley; Plane Cap- introduced into the problem, and (3) be able to survive a tain, Cpl. J. D. Ranger, and RAdm. T. A. Christopher, Commander, Carrier Division 17. Capt. Robie's observers not District run-off. only evaluate evacuations, but The top driver chosen by judge each individual Marine each participating activity wii Chief of Staff Senior Member Division Draft Here on how well he knows self-aid compete with other Distric and buddy aid. drivers in tests dealing with For Short Layover Other "hot" items these general knowledge, road cour- 1st Brigade Leadership Council umpires are looking for in- tesy and driving skill. The Brigade is playing host clude the ability of the in- Locally, both Station and to 558 drop-in visitors who dividual Marine to follow Brigade officials indicated Has Officer, Enlisted Members arrived Tuesday for a few proper procedurek for repair that criteria would be forth- days' stay before continuingcon and replacement of equip- coming in the near future to A Brigade Leadership Coun-1 The purpose of the council is: to the Third Mar ine Division ment and the teeing of entire pick Kaneohe Bay's entry in cif has been formed to assist To review and analyze on Okinawa. units to see if they know the District runoff. unit commanders with prob- !techniques and programs of Capt. J. T. Carroll, Draft how to request supply and They pointed out that one lems involving all aspects of units so that all may benefit Commander and his divvy- re-supply and how fast the of the major considerations in leadership within their com- from experiences of each. bound Marines, arrived aboard response is by the supply any K-Bay runoff will be the mands. ships of PHIBRON-5, now point. personal driving record of each The council, headed by To discuss and make rec- working with the Brigade in "We may not be the guys driver. Past citations, acci- Col. R. L. Stallings, Brigade ommendations to the com- Operation "Flying Disk." who score the touchdowns," d e n t s, etc., will be a prime Chief of Staff, is comprised manding gen era 1 and com- The draft is expected to re- Maj. Hill said, "but there factor in determining the lo- of senior °Wens and enlist- manding officers for special turn aboard ships sometime won't be very many advances cal winner. ed Brigade personnel. programs. this weekend. without us." To provide the Brigade with a staff agency of experi- enced officers and noncom- missioned officers of varying backgrounds who are compe- tent and capable to make rec- ommendations to solve unusual problems involving leadership. Members of the council in- clude the CO and 1st Ser- geant, HqCo; CO of MAG- 13 and Group Sergeant Ma- jor; CO of the 4th Marines a n d Regimental Sergeant Major: CO of ServBn and Battalion Sergeant Major: and the CO, 3/12 and Bat- talion Sergeant Major. The 1st Sergeant of Brigade Headquarters Company will act as recorder. at CLEAN AS A WHISTLE-Cleanliness of their helicopter helped The council will meet "L" CO. CHANGE OF COMMAND-Capt. J. C. Conrad* win the Aircraft of least quarterly at the call of Cpl. S. Domino (I) and LCpl. M. H. Bither the senior member or at such (r) accepts "L" 3/4 colors from Capt. L. H. Buehl. To the rear t'ie Month plaque at HMM-161 last week. LtCol. L. V. Tope, times as directed by the com- is IstLt. R. K. Roth, XO. Parade and change-of-command cere- cquadron commander, made the presentation. rrionding gener.A. monies took place on Platt field last Thursday. Juno-22 1962 4 Windward Marino.

POTENT WEAPONS SYSTEM -A VMA-214 Skyhawk bear- missiles, one on each bomb rack. Squadron pilots fired Bull- ing two new bullpup air-to-surface missiles stands ready on pups last week. the flight line. The aircraft is capable of carrying three such VMA-214 Unleashes The 'Bullpup'

By: Cpl. J. C. Schwaniger Photos: Sgt. C. B. Simmons carrier USS Lexington. It has Training Bulletin published since been supplied to other by the Air Force, there is The next time you fire your rifle, stop and think: If it were Navy carrier squadrons and only one foreign missile possible to guide the bullet all the way downrange to the exact Marine Corps aviation units comparable to the Bullpup. center of the bull's-eye without just aiming. squeezing and around the globe. The French air force uses hoping. there would be no room for error. The Air Force also uses the the AS-30, which is slightly This, basically, is the theory behind the "Bullpup" missile. Bullpup aboard F-100 and F- heavier and has a nine-mile newest addition to the MAG-I3 arsenal of air-to-surface mis- 105 fighters, and its latest ver- range. siles and weapons. sion includes an optional nu-' VMA -212, the MAG's other Marine Attack Squadron- over 1500 miles an hour. The clear warhead. attack squadron flying Sky- 214, the "Blacksheep," is the missile's speed, coupled with According to a recent pub- hawks, will receive the Bull- first tactical unit in the Ha- the speed of the launching air- lication, the Air Intelligence pup later this month. waiian Islands to use the po- craft, account for its devastat- tent "Bullpup" and is present- ing impact, several times the ly undergoing pilot familiar- force of comparable free-fall ization with the weapon. bombs of the same payload. Just what is the Butipup The A4D Skyhawk can And what can it do? The carry three Bullpups, one on each bomb rack. The missile stubby, 11-ft.-long, eight- is designed to be used on winged missile has a range targets where anti-aircraft of six miles and weighs more fire prevents the close air than 500 pounds. Its payload SPEEDSTER -- The now Bull- support attacks used in de- varies from 250 to 1000 livery of normal bombs. Also pup has a contained speed of pounds of high explosives. the Bullpup's great accuracy more than twice the speed of The Bullpup is propelled by gives the Skyhawk an advan- sound. It is more accurate than both solid and packaged liquid tage never before experi- conventional bombs. fuel rockets to a speed well enced. At a range of six miles, the pilot can launch the missile and maneuver it on target in a matter of seconds. Pr i or to receiving the "Pups," '214 pilots trained dili- gently with a missile simulator in the squadron ready room. The ingenius device simulates every possible condition which could be encountered in the actual missile firing. LtCol. R. W. Mullane, squadron CO, and Capt. J. Orr, Avionics Officer, first took Bullpups into Hawaiian airspace lakt Wednesday and fired them in the Kahoolawe target range. Returning to K-Bay, LtCol. Mullane com- mented: "The missile per- formed exactly as adver- tised. It was pretty good." FINAL CHECK-LtCol. R W. Mullane, '214 CO, receives a PRACTICE SESSION-2ndLt. D. C. Jarvis, '214 pilot, operates The Bullpup was first set final briefing on the Bullpup from Mr. Walter Swayze, Martin into production by the Martin the Bullpup simulator. The training device permits pilots to Corp. Technical Representative. LtCol. Mullane fired the first Corporation in 1959 and be- practice guidance techniques for the stubby air-to-surface mis- Bullpup for the squadron. came operational aboard the sile. June 22 1962 Windward Marine 5

Capt. Comer, Cpl. Reyes Capture 4th Marines Rifle-Pistol Matches Sixty - four shooters lay match also placed second in 752-4 X's. shoulder - to - shoulder in last postol competition with a 804- Pistol teams improved on a Saturday's Intra - Regimental 5 X's score. average per team over 95 Rifle and Pistol Matches. Third place honors were points from their practice When the smoke cleared and claimed by H&S 3/4 with a matches. the scores were checked, Cpl. J. K. Reyes of "K" Co., 3/4 had taken high score with the rifle with a 280-15 V's. First place in the pistol matches fell to Capt. A. G. Comer. CO of HqCo, 4th Marines, with a respectable score of 254-5 X's. DOWN DEEP-SSgt. Dennis Kirwin of the Aku Marines chased Rifle teams shooting last fish to depths of up to 40 feet before spearing a rare specimen Saturday improved their scores to bring back to the boat. 104 points per team on an aver- age over the previous week's practice sessions. "B" Co 1/4, placed first in Is Only the team rifle event with a Ocean Floor Limit scorn of 1044-46 V'c. Thu team is composed of: Sgt. R. 0. Oliver, Sgt. R. B. Tedrick. HIGH PISTOL SHOOTER - Captain A. G. Comer, CO of For Aku Marine Vaterbirds LCpI's D. L. Germain and B. HqCo, 4th Marines is congratulated by Cot W. H. Marsh, 4th E. Williams. Marines CO, on the Captain's score of 254-5X's, high pis- Local members of the Aku- bug of the ISO office, dived to Second place honors in the tol score of the day. Marine Club paid a visit to the depths of 100 feet experiment- rifle match went to HqCo. clear waters off Mokapu Point ing with a new underwater 4th Marines with a score of last weekend only to be sent camera. 1034-56 V's and third place Kendick Fans Dozen scurrying to shallow waters by While some of the SCUBA "F" Co. 2/4, fired a 1030- two curious sharks. divers of the club spent their 46 V's Sgt. Clyde Simmons, shutter- time spearing choice and rare Holding and squeezing was Brigade Ball Team Downs Hickam fish, Lt. Bill McIntyre chased the order of the day during the down - after some delicate rifle matches as 11 of 16 teams In One-Sided Shutout Game, 10-0 maneuvers a 20-30 pound It. D. Tork Due - broke the 1000-point mark. Brigade softballers from ling him safely to first. Leon- sea turtle. High team in the pistol three teams combined their ef- ard stole to second and was Lt. McIntyre also brought to matches was "E" 2/4 with an forts in a visiting game at brought home on a sacrifice by Here for Meet shore a 5-foot Conger Eel in 830-11 X's. Sgt. M. A. San- Hickam Tuesday night and Bob Kendrick. :i,,r.ne Corps La ,.:c Lant the waters off Sunset Beach. defur. Cpls P. It. Bauman came home with the situation Hickam's big threat came in Dave Tork, world record hold- Persons interested in join- and D. G. O'Farrell, and J. well in hand. the bottom of the third inning er in the pole vault, may com- ing the Aku club should con- P. Hawthorne composed the Only five active players when they received a walk and pete in a Labor Day track and tact Clyde Simmons at the ISO winning pistol team. would have been needed to a batter got to first on an error field event at Alexander Field office, 72955, or MSgt. Harvey HqCo, 4th Marines, who play the game, which was by the Marine rightfielder. No in Honolulu. Rau, club president at 72052. placed second in the rifle called after five innings due to one scored. Both the manager and coach the one-sided Marine on- The fifth inning was the big of the Pasadena Track Club, of slaught. run-getter for the K-Bay which Tork is a member, have Pitcher Bob Kendrick struck squad. Leonard walked and been negotiating with the Station Order 5510 Sets Policy On was advanced to second on a out 12 Hickam batters, walked chairman of the Hawaiian one and gave up one hit as the bunt by D. L. Booth. Kendrick AAU track and field commit- Marine team downed Hickam came up and singled to right, tee for the Labor Day classic. fishing, Hunting Aboard Station bringing the run in. Paul Henry Yamasaki, chairman 10-0. Stevenson and Joe Gallager Station Order 5510.11 out- thorized personnel only. Players seeing action in the of the Hawaiian AAU, has ex- lines current fishing and hunt- Those persons authorized to both hit for extra bases bring- pressed hope that Tork and game were the catcher, first ing in two more Marine runs. ing regulations here on station. fish on the Air Station are baseman and two outfielders. other Southern California track The following is a brief sum- Gallager then scored on a stars will be here for the active duty personnel, civil For the rest of the team, things passed ball. mary of the regulations set service employees, retired mili- were pretty dull. events. forth in the above order. The umpires called the game Stars such as Ken Hogan, tary and their immediate fami- In the first inning, Fred after Kendrick struck out outstanding middle - distance There is no hunting al- lies. Military personnel are al- Leonard, of the Brigade team three in a row in the Hickam led things off with a bunt runner and shot put stars Dal- lowed on the Air Station as lowed no more than two half of the fifth with the score las Long and Parry O'Brien it is classified as a bird and down the third base line, get- 10-0. are members of the Pasadena game sanctuary. guests at one time and must club and would participate if Surf fishing, offshore fishing accompany them at all times. team is able to compete the and sub-surface "r skin and Any person fishing locally. lung fishing is allowed by au- on or within the jurisdiction of the Air Station and who is 15 or more years old must have in his possession a val- id station fishing permit or, in the case of civil service or military personnel, proper identification cards. No boats other than special services boats, military craft and private boats with fishing permits will be allowed in the offshore buffer zones. Areas where fishing is au- thorized are as follows: Finger Pier near the Navy Boathouse (by permission from Boat House personnel); Hangar fishing area, during non-work- ing hours only; Bay area along runway, and runway fishing areas; the Black Beach area THE EYES HAVE IT-Cpl. J. K. Reyes, of "K" Co, 3/4 points IN THE NICK OF TIME-MAG-I3 first baseman C. D. Crewse to south of Mokapu Point, Fort out the rear sight of his rifle and explains Cot W. H. Marsh, Hase and the fish pond area. receives the throw from the infield in the nick of time to put Regimental CO, the sight picture he used to fire the winning All areas not listed are con- out S. J. Spezio, catcher for 2/4, in last Friday's game. Two- score of 280-15V's last Satu-day. sidered "no fishing" areas. four won the game 6-0. .

6 Windward Marine June 22 1962

Softball League in light I-M Race; Runs Galore But Not Against 2nd Bn. Brigade-Station softball is shut-out game. Hitters of 3/4 game ever pitched in a dis- oft to a running start with the got on base during almost ev- trict tournament in Southern K-Bay teams battling for grand ery inning, but were unable to Florida. honors. get across for a score. 3/4 vs. MAG-13 In 3/4's first game, Bill Al- Bill Allen struck out 15 bat- Lt. Bill Allen pitched a one- len pitched a 3-hitter only to ters during the 3-0 tilt. Allen, hit ball game and hit a first- lose, 3-0, during a fifth inning due for rotation in the near fu- inning homer to help his club onslaught by 3/12. ture, pitched last year in HA- down the MAG team, 4-1, June A passed ball, throwing er- SAC ball. He also has the hon- 14. ror and two bunts caused the or of pitching the only perfect During the contest, MAG * collected its lone run in the fourth inning when the catcher hit a long drive to center field and raced home on the center- fielder's error. The 3/4 team collected runs on Bill Allen's homer and on two passed balls, a walk and two singles in the fourth inn- ing. 2/4 vs. 3/12 Bob Kendrick was the win- ning pitcher and Jim Reichart the as 3/12 bowed to 2/4 Wednesday, June 13, by a score of 7-4. Kendrick hit a sixth inning home run with no one on. Oth- er runs were scored in the first (2) third (2) and seventh, to bring home the bacon for 2/4. DOING THE catcher, C. F. Beamer puts TWIST-MAG-13 1st Radio vs. 2/4 'NOW' -"4111111M1 the tag on 2/4 baserunner Daniel Jeweski as he tries to "twist" Two unearned runs scored out of reach. The game was won by 2/4 by a score of 4 -I. for 1st Radio Company in the K-BAY POLE VAULTER-Lt. Aubrey Dooley, holder of the first inning, but were not Hawaiian AAU pole vault record, readies himself and his vault- Entries Due Tomorrow enough to cope with the strong ing pole for the National AAU track and field meet to be held hitting and pitching of 2/4. this week-end in California. Two-four won it, 6-2. 2/4 vs. MAG-13 K-Bay 'Duffers' to Compete Bob Kendrick was at it again last Friday night. One ball after another whizzed by the MAG - 13 softballers as Pole Champ A. Dooley In Klipper Link Golf Match Kendrick pitched his second Vault no-hit, no-run ball game this A club-house tournament to ed their qualifying rounds, season, defeating the MAG-13 determine K-Bay's best golf- they will be assigned to a club by a score of 6-0. Leaves Meet ers is now underway at Klip- flight, to be determined by the Fred Leonard hit a homer for Mainland a the per Links. To qualify, total number of persons entering for 2/4 and Paul Stevenson hit Lt. Aubrey Dooley, K-Bay's This leap broke existing rec- of 36 holes of golf must be golfing tournament. a single, then cleared the bases played. ace pole vaulter and past- ords in Hawaii. Each flight will play a on errors. Kendrick struck out coach of John Uelses, will corn- The 36-hole course must be match-a-week until the winner 18 MAG batters. Pete in the National AAU K-Bay spikester Lynn in completed prior to July 8 is selected. Current standings the track and field meet in Califor- Mayhan, also has placed an league: and must be played with All entries must be sub- nia this weekend. entry for consideration in someone entered in the tour- Team Won Lost Lt. Dooley's entry has milted no later than tomor- 2/4 4 0 the California meet, but no namen t. Each individual row to the club house for been accepted by the Cali- 3/12 2 1 word has been received as must notify the pro shop that the Club-house champion- f or n i a A A U. Yamasaki. 3/4 1 1 yet on acceptance. they are starting their qual:- ships. chairman of the Hawaiian MAG 1 2 tying rounds and then go to AAU track and field meet, Mayhan anchor-manned the it. In other golfing news, there ServBn 1 2 announced last weekend. will be a Scotch foursome IstRadio 0 2 winning Armed Forces team After entrants have complet- tournament on July 8. 1/4 0 0 On May 26, during Hawaii's in the 880-yd. relays on the AAU track and field cham- May 26 events. He also placed pionships, Dooley vaulted to a second in the 220-yd. run and record height of 14-ft. 61-.1 in. fourth in the 100-yd. dash.

Twenty Hawaiian Records Broken During Junior Olympic Swim Meet Twenty Hawaii age - group Doreen Smith took second swim records were broken in place in the 100-yd. back the Junior Olympics swimming stroke events and fourth in meet held at the Palama Swim the 200-yd. medley competi- Club of Honolulu last week- tion. end. In the girls' 50-yd. back- The Hawaii Swim Club took stroke meet for ages 10 and top team honors in the meet. under, K-Bayite Peggy Hail K-Bay swimmers finished sev- placed second with a time of enth overall, winning six med- 38.6 seconds. She also placed als and 15 ribbons. second in the 50-yd. fly-stroke Age groups for the swim- and fourth in the 100-yd. in- ming events ranged from 7-17 dividual medley races. years. More than 15 clubs from the Hawaiian Islands partici- Both the boy's and girl's re- pated. lay teams from K-Bay's swim During the time trials, 580 club finished fifth in the 2r)0- sim.lers waited their turns yd. free style events. to perform for the judges. Doreen Smith, Susan Laes- Of these, 200 qualified for sic. Joan Laessle and Ruth the finals. Yih teamed up in the 13-14 In the 50-yd. free style year girls' 200-yd. medley MINOR LEAGUE - The minor league is moving along this season at a rapid pace with all events for girls 13-14, K-Bay's relay races to place third teams close to the league leader. The Falcons have high hopes of capturing the title this year. Ruth Yih finished fourth with with a time of 2:21.1. a time of 28.4 seconds. Ruth Tomorrow's meet at Barber's Team members are; (front row I to r) Mike Dunn, )(riven Thomas, Billy Bertram and Michael Hon- also finished third in the 100 - Point is a classified in rine; (second row) Robert Rees, David Joyce, Aundre Holmes, Robert Miller and Peter Rahill; meet yd. fly event and second in the which 11 swimmers from Ka- (third row) Guy Clayton, Clyde Watts, Charl es Thomas, Roger Stillwell, Paul Orem and Perry 200 - yd. individual medley neohe Bay swim club will com- McGuire. Coaches are Robert O'dham (I) and Donald Russell. race. pete. June 22 1962 Windward Marine 7

I Theater Schedule

NOTE: Show times at Theater No. 1 are 6:05 and 8:20 p.m. daily. Only one feature will be shown at Theater No. 2 at 7:30 p.m. daily. Matinees begin at 1 p.m. Saturday and Sunday at Theater No. 1 only. geot, French aids in By GySgt. Jim Mitchell delightful, a good-over-bad plot shaded TONIGHT - by badly dubbed-in English. T#2 - The Horizontal Lieu- T#1 - Earth vs. The Flying tenant Saucers - Take a pencil and notebook with you. Learn the TUESDAY latest on space warfare from Hugh Marlowe, grade-B spe- T#1-The Bandit Of Zhobe cialist. Naturally, he saves the -Filmed in , this entree world from a horrible end. is exciting desert fare with Joan Taylor, amidst shrieks British soldiers doing battle and shaking, adds little to this with Indian legions. Victor science-fiction mess. Mature, the fearless bandit, T42 White Wilderness annihilates many enemy foes - before joining their ranks to SATURDAY rescue stunning Anne Aubrey. The combat scenes will aston- Matinee - 3:10 To Yuma - ish the younger set. SIXTY-FOURTH BIRTHDAY - K-Bay's youngest Hospital Corpsman, Robert Gallego (r), re- A ceives the first piece of cake well-acted, but often used, T#2 --Time Bomb birthday from RAdm. C. D. Riggs (MC) USN, CinCPacFlt outdoor drama starring Glenn Medical Officer, as HMI H. A. Young (r) look s on. The Air Station's Medical Detachment Ford as the gunman who WEDNESDAY celebrated the Navy Hospital Corps' 64th birthday during a picnic and party at the Pyramid brings in a cold-blooded killer Rock recreation area last Friday. for the reward money. How T#1 - Hey, Let's Twist - he accomplishes this is the Okay rock-and-roller, this one whole plot. Van Heflin and is just for you. Actually filmed Picnic Friday Felicia Farr co-star. in the Peppermint Lounge in STAFF T#1 - Follow That Dream New York, the story deals with -Displaying charm, singing the rapid popularity of the and acting ability, Elvis Pres- restaurant after the owner's Closing Program Thursday son ley comes into his own in a introduced the twist. Stars CLUB real down-to-earth family Joey Dee and Teddy Randazzo. Today: Happy Hour starts drama. A way out flick for the teeners. Firtr linrafinn rh.urrh criutni With Arthur O'Connell VI T triAll I 111111 U1111111111011 priovirlei weekend activities from 4 to portraying his father. Elvis at- T#2-The Bandit Of Zhobe 6 p.m. with free pupu for the tempts to support a house full THURSDAY K-Bay's annual Protestant The school's closing picnic patrons. of orphans from the earnings Vacation Church School's clos- will be held at Bellows Air The Oklahomans provide of a broken down fishing pier. TX1 - Cinderfella - Cin- ing program will be held Force Station in recreation music for your listening and Resulting problems make for a derella receives a real face-lift- Thursday at 7:15 in the area #3 next Friday morn- dancing pleasure from 9 p.m. highly entertaining p.m. movie for ing in this production. Jerry Old Mokapu School ing. to 1 a.m. all. Auditori- Lewis, the rich man's son, is um. Buses will depart for Bel- Saturday: The Bar opens at Trt2 Earth vs. the ill-treated one by his - The Flying step- Children who attended the lows from the Old Mokapu 11:30 a.m. and closes at 1 a.m. Saucers mother and her two sons. It's Vacation Church School will School at 9:30 a.m. Dining Room hours are from the princess, Anna Marie Al- SUNDAY present the program. Includ- Children planning on at- 1 to 10 p.m. berghetti, who seeks the young ed in the presentation will man who has lost his slippers. tending the picnic are re- Social Night tonight from Matinee Seventh V be a display of the craft they 7:30 to - Co-stars Ed Wynn and .Count quested to bring their own 9 p.m. followed by of Sinbad - Strap on your have made. sack lunches. dance music by the Pagans sword belts kiddos, mighty Basie. Rated outstanding for Parents of the children who the entire family. Buses will return to K-Bay from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. Sinbad is at it again. Let's attended the school are cor- by 2 p.m. Ttt2 Hey, Let's Twist dially invited. Monday: Bar open from 4 to hope that our hero, Kerwin - 11:30 p.m. Dining Room hours Matthews, doesn't run across are from 5 to 8 p.m. Pop,ye or he's had it! Thursday: Bridge and pi- T#1 - The Horizontal Lieu- ENLISTED nochle tournament begins at tenant - Brace yourself for a Aiehte ceigilice4 7:30 p.m. funny cinema session drawing laughs from Army life in Ha- CATHOLIC BIBLE CLASS as announced C. I In waii during 1944. The hero, St. Michael's Chapel at Divine Services. Today: Happy Hour from 6 Jim Hutton, spends most of his SUNDAY MASS - 8:00, 9:30 CHRISTIAN SCIENCE to 8 p.m. with free pupu for World War II combat arguing and 11:00 a.m. Sunday the patrons. with baseball The Ramblers umpires and WEEKDAYS-Monday through 9:30 a.m.-Sunday School. Western hunting down a soda pop thief will play in the 1-2-3 side 11 Service Chris- on a neighboring island. Gor- Friday 11:30 a.m. and 4:30 a.m.-Church from 8 to 12 p.m. and the geous Paula Prentiss, his girl-, p.m., Saturdays and holidays, tian Science Society, 55 Kai- Ozark Playboys entertain the friend, sweats it out on Wai- 9 a.m. nalu Drive, Kailua. FRHIPs and their guests kiki Beach. Hilarious for all CONFESSIONS - Saturday, Christian Science minister at from 8:30 tp.m. to 12:30 a.m. ages. 6:30 to 8:00 p.m. and one- Chapel Center, Wednesday 1 to Saturday: The Dining Room , Tzt2 - Follow That Dream half hour- before all masses. 2:30 p.m. For appointment at opens at 12:30 and closes at Children's Confessions from other hours call KM/CAS Chap- 9 p.m. The Cimarrons enter- MONDAY 9:30 to 10:00 a.m. lain center. tain in the 1-2-3 side from 8 T#1 Time Bomb BAPTISMS 12 noon Sun- Wednesday to 12 p.m. Music in the FRHIP - - Curt - by Jurgens is a former Merchant days by appointment; phone Testimonial Meeting. room will be provided the Marine officer lured into 72350. Note: Reading Room at 55 Belaires from 8:30 p.m. to 12:30 wrecking a ship for the insur- Novena services Monday at Kainalu Drve is open on Mon- a.m. ance money. Mylene Demon- 7 p.m. Wenesday and Friday be- Sunday: Brunch will be day, in the Aloha Room ADULT CHOIR on Wednesday 11:30 3:30 served tween a.m. and pan. 12:30 at 7 p.m. from 9 a.m. to p.m. Also Monday evening 7 to 9 followed by regular dinner CHRISTIAN DOCTRINE p.m. until 9 p.m. MENU CLASS for children 3 p.m. JEWISH Monday For the first time Happy during the school 8 p.m.-Friday, Aloha Chapel, Hour will prevail each Sun- Noon Meal Evening Meal year at the OLD MOKAPU Johnson Circle Housing (off day from 6 to 8 p.m. starting TODAY SCHOOL. Kam Highway), Pearl Har- tonight. Sea Food Platter PROTESTANT bor. Monday - Thursday: Club is Barbecued Beef on Bun Trinity Chapel LATTER DAY SAINTS open from 4 to 11:30 p.m. Divine SATURDAY Sunday Services Sunday Sunday meeting.* Brunch Pan Roast of Veal 9:00 a.m-Priesthood DIVINE SERVICES - 9:30, 10:30 a.m.-Sunday School. Quantico Window SUNDAY 11:30 and 7:30 p.m. 6:30 p.m.-Sacrament Meeting.* Brunch Grilled Ham Steaks SUNDAY SCHOOL-9:30 a.m. 5A11 services at Church of Dedication Held MONDAY in old Mokapu School. Latter Day Saints, Kailua Rd., Tuesday The 18 etched glass windows Chili Con Carne Kailua. 'n the Marine Corps Memoria Maryland Fried Chicken ALTAR GUILD-8 p.m., meets Tuesday BANGING BONGOS Sultry fourth Tuesday Chapel at MCS, Quantico, were - TUESDAY of the month 7 p.m. - Study class in the dedicated in recent Sunday Jackie Kent, GI's version of in Trinity Chapel. Protestant Chapel conducted Pan Roast of Beef ceremonies. Abbie Lane, beats out a rhy- Wednesday by L. D. S. (Mormon) mis- A monument to Marines who thm on the miniature drums. Panned Salisbury Steak Wednesday 6:30 CHOIR -- p.m. sionaries. have given their lives in bat- She and other members are ap- WEDNESDAY for 9:30 a,m, choir. Wednes- NOTE: is Nursery care pro- tle since the Revolution, the pearing in the USO show, Beef Chop Suey day 7:30 p.m. for 11:00 a.m. vided free for children at the windows depict highlights in Hawaiian Baked Ham choir. Care Center while parents at- the history of the Corps, from "Chasing the Gloom," now THURSDAY COMMUNICANTS' CLASS - tend Sunday morning services its founding in 1775 through touring Alaska and the Pacific. Poor Boy Sandwiches Sunday 6:15 p.m. (Sept. to at either Trinity or St. Mich- LtCol. John Glenn's orbital Stay alert, maybe she'll deco- Breaded Veal Chops June). ael's Chapel. flight last February. rate Theatre No. I soon. 8 Windward Marine June 22 1962

Quarters Hike Is 'One Step Closer,' But Start Date 2 Months Further Further hearings on the incomes as the best possible hie us to attract and retain quarters allowance legislation source for computation of high caliber personnel in both now in Congress have been the BAQ rate structure for the officer and enlisted rank held and a step closer to final the following reasons: structure . . action reported. The analysis directly re- The Senate Armed Serv- flects current cost conditions "We owe to those military ices Committee, in executive requiring no comparisons with personnel for whom we can- session, reported favorably cost data of a preceding period. not provide housing. quar- on the bill after hearing ear- It includes the informa- ters allowances more in line lier testimony by Secretary tion necessary for establishing with current costs in the ci- of Defense Robert S. Mc- a graduated allowance for all vilian community. Namara, ranks in that it reflects ex- "We consider the proposed The committee added an penditures for housing by in- increases to be very modest amendment, however, in the come groups. and request your favorable nature of a substitute bill, HR The data is regularly consideration." 11221. The legislation is ex- available and can be used for JAPANESE NEWSMEN-Some of the 20 Japanese newsmen future BAQ adjustment studies The committee also voted to pected to be considered on the postpone until "early nex! who visited the Station last Thursday went their way up to Senate floor in the near future. at no additional cost to the government. year" consideration of the re- Kansas Tower for a briefing on MCAS and the 1st Marine The amendments were (1) Brigade. The guests also toured MAG-I3, barracks area, Cape- of In his statement Mr. Mc- computation of military retired to make the effective date pay. (AFPS) hart Housing, and viewed SAR and MOREST demonstrations. the bill Jan. 1, 1963, and (2) Namara also made these points to delete that section which . . I consider adequate hous- would have made permanent ing for our service families to The Way of the Wai the Dependents Assiitance be of vital importance in our Act. effors to make military careers A spokesman for .the Senate sufficiently rewarding to ena- Armed Services Committee 'Necks Adopt Thai Customs said it was too early yet to de- Allied Countries Due termine if the package would have to be referred to a joint committee for ironing out. U.S. H-156 Fighters In Spite of Language Block Secretary McNamara, in his By GySgt. Matt statement, said: "I am appear- The Department of Defense Mathews ing before the committee in has announced the Northrup N- 31) MARINE EXPEDITIONARY UNIT, UDORN, THAI- support of HR 1122.1. This bill 156 jet will soon be acquired for LAND. 1 Dela}ed i -- There may be a language barrier. but has modified to some extent, in certain allied countries under wherever Marines have served. they have found one trait which the case of enlisted grades, the the Military Assistance Pro- stands them in good stead-plain ordinary courtesy and good legislation proposal originally gram. manners will overcome most language difficulties. submitted by the Department The supersonic fighter, spe- Some 20111) Marines of the Expeditionary Unit in Thai. of Defense. cifically developed to meet the "However, the changes do land have found that their hosts are among the most cul- needs of an economical multi- tured and polite people of any not alter the basic principles mission aircraft, will replace vie theater (Which features pro- place they'e served. which the Department's obsolete fighters which have And its contagious. American films). posal sought to incorporate in become difficult to support and Marines are finding them- During the playing of the the allowance structure. We maintain. Anthem, at which time the support the House bill." selves wanting to adopt every- Weighing only 12,000 pounds day Thai customs. King's photograph is displayed At this point Mr. McNamara with on the screen, everyone, Thai went into the history of basic full external fuel, the N- Among the first customs 156 is capable of carrying more taken over by Marines is the and American alike, stand at allowance for quarters and attention. told the lawmakers how in than 5,000 pounds of external traditional Thai , the FINAL HONORS LCpI. stores, "Wai." This greeting corre- - September 1961 he had weapons, or a combina- Those American troops F. W. Lee Jr., H&S Co., 2/4, estab- sponds to the Amercian lished the Advisory Panel on tion of weapons and external hand- who do the "tourist" routine mounts the battalion Driver.of- fuel tanks. shake, but the Marines have by visiting Thai temples Military Family Housing Pol- the-Month plaque on his vehi- Armament includes bombs, found it means much more to have learned that combat icies and Practices. cle after being commended by He said the panel finally guided air-to-ground missiles, the Thai people. It signifies re- boots come off first. for a accepted a Federal Housing unguided air-to-ground rockets, spect, thanks or apology. To do otherwise would be Col. W. H. Marsh "job Administration report re- gun pods, and air-to-air mis- To Wai, the hands are put like entering a church with well done." Lee rotates to the flecting the housing expenses siles such as the Sidewinder. together in a praying position your hat on. Mainland later this month. of civilians according to their (AFFS) before the face and then the head is nodded slightly. This rule, like most cour- The thumbs are placed be- tesies here, are just old-fash- Capt. Bunch Assumes side the nose and the index ioned common sense and good fingers opposite the forehead. manners. 'C' Motor Command Troops practice Wai in The majority of Thai people William J. Bunch re- are devout Buddhists and Capt. their tents, and so far only cently assumed new "duties as one accident has been re- Americans have been quick to CO of "C" Company, 3rd Mo- ported: A Navy corpsman learn that many Thai customs tor Transport Battalion, suc- struck his head on a tent and taboos are of religious na- ceeding Capt. Carl H. Schulze. pole while nodding. ture. This includes such taboos Before taking over his new Men and officers is a v e assignment, Capt. Bunch was learned that to the Thai, the as touching a Thai on the head and shoulders. His soul formerly regimental mot or most honored and respected transport officer. person in the country is the rests there and to touch is King. to disturb. Capt. Schulze, presently on For example, the King's An- You do not point or shake leave, is scheduled to return them is played at the end of your finger at someone, stand to the Mainland for retirement every large public gathering, over a seated Thai when talk- after more than 23 years serv- including the local Udorn mo- ing to him, or shout at a per- ice. He was CO of "C" Com- son when talking to him. pany from Oct. 1960.

Health Record Audit FROM: For Station H&HS Place Station personnel health rec- ords will be audited from Stamp(s) June 25-29 to insure immu- Here nization certificates (DD737) are up-to-date. Personnel are required to TO: keep their DD 737 certificates current and in their possession at all times. This will be checked during personnel and clothing inspections. The audit of health records will be conducted at the Sta- tion Dispensary's medical rec- ONTOS REENLISTMENT-Sgt. F.M. Kennedy (rt.), signs the ords office during the hours of MAIL THE WINDWARD MARINE HOME TODAY. enlistment contract for an additional six years under the watch- 8 to 10 a.m. and 1 to 3:30 p.m. NO ENVELOPE REQUIRED. Departments ful eyes of Capt. D. J. Murphy, "B" Co., 3d A-T Bn, CO, (c), are asked to have 20 percent of their per- Postage required: 3rd Class Mail-3c, 1st Class and GySgt. R. Matthews Jr., company reenlistment NCO. Sgt. sonnel report to the Station Airmail 14c. For mailing fold paper twice and secure Kennedy also received his second Good Conduit Award during Dispensary each day during outer edge with tape or staple. the reenlistment last week. the audit.