'Flying Disk' LEX Ending Tomorrow; Tonite's Landing Third of Schedule It's two down and one to go Air Force Station. a.m., flowing ashore from for the 4th Marines today as Yesterday, infantrymen of Amphibious Squadron Five's Operation "Flying Disk" moves Battalion Landing Team 1/4 APA Magoffhs and the LST ipto the second day at Bellows' made the initial assault at 9 Henry County. This morning, BL'i 3/4 was But Few Plaudits scheduled to land on Yellow Beach at 8 a.m., from the APA Calvert and the LST Summit County. ServBn Does 'Lions Share' The infantry phase of "Flying Disk" is slated to end tonight at midnight, fol- lowing the 8 p.m. landing of Of Training Operation Work BLT 2/4 from the APA Montrose and the LST Sum- By GySgt. Jack Paxton Station may be an infantry- mit County. WHAT'S HAPPENING? Why it's a Skyhawk of VMA-212 - The First Brigade's Opera- man's dream, but to Leather- In all, more than 4000 in- landing on a carrier deck, of course. But this landing was a tion "Flying Disk" now under- necks of Service Battalion - fantry and support unit Ma- special one. (see story and phutos, page 3.) way at Bellows Air Force main supporting element of the rines are involved in the ex- operation-it's nothing but a ercise which features different nightmare of work. landing teams, but the same Like the forgotten lineman general battle situation for on the victorious football each of the three BLT's. team, a Marine eupport unit In addition, the framework often does the lion's share of "Disk" has been used as of the work, but sometimes the backbone for an extensive receives an ant's portion of logistical exercise by the Regi- the plaudits. ment with the support of the Example: Maj. F. A. Hill, entire Service Battalion. The Service Battalion CO, is also LOGEX is scheduled to end VOL. II No. 25 Marine Corps Air Station, Kaneohe Bay, Hawaii June 22 1962 Deputy Tactical Exercise Co- tomorrow atnoon. - ordinator for "Flying Disk." Tactically, Navy Capt. R. B. His Operations Officer, Maj. Erly, Commander, Amphibious 'A ny Girl's Race' W. S. Peterson, also wears Squadron Five, home-based at more than one helmet. Prior San Diego, Calif., is conducting to the exercise he was opera- the while Col. Wil- tions officer. When the LEX liam H. Marsh, 4th Regimental Units Plan Secret Gimmicks began, he shifted to assistant commander, heads the landing deputy 'I'EC. Before "Disk" is force. over at noon tomorrow, he will The situation and mission also have served as regimental for each of the BLT's calik To Boost Their Queen Reps shore party officer. for the seizure; occupation While the eyc8 of most and defense of radar and With little more than a week to go, the first returns on the Windardites will be fo- communications facilities as .iter Carnival Queen Contest are beginning to trickle in. cused on the beach-storming well as the Bellows airfield. Although- first reports are sketchy, indications are that it's infantrymen, Maj. Hill & In addition, each BLT was still any girl's race. battalion will be up to their to search-out and destroy Even while this story was being written. more prom -soles supply cases in one of the mythical guerrilla forces on the beachhead before pushing NEW SCHOOLS NCOIC came in to put 2/4 representative. Judy "Tink" Mills. ahead most extensive Logistical - Exercises ever seen on the inland to assist forces of MGySgt. Harry B. Gamble ar- of the previously leading Crystall Howorth. of ServBn. island of Oahu. Oahu's "Royal Militaire" and rived at K-Bay last week to One-Four's contestant, Joan ; Voting ends in the contest To them falls the task of restore power to the existing assume duties a NCOIC of }Linter, was running a close Monday, July 2 - "Payday." preparing and distributing to "royal government." Brigade Schools. Sgt. Gamble third for the moment Key to the contest seems to all infantry units more than Other San Diego-based - - on way was previously stationed at according to the early count. be the number and success of 100 tons of dummy cargo ships, which are their duty with the 7th in MCS Quantico where he serv- Rumors are flying around fund-raising "gimmicks" any simulating all classes of sup- for Fleet the Far East, include the At- ed as operations chief of the K-Bay regarding various given outfit can think up and plies. sums collected and yet unre- use to raise the vote tally for tack Transport USS Paul Re- Schools Demonstration Team. After the cargo reaches the ported that could put any of their entrant. vere, Attack Cargo ships USS He succeeds MGySgt. J. V. beach it will actually be Skagit and USS Seminole and the queen contestants fn the The contribution jars, with moved to the batalion landing Be'g, who is now NCOIC of the Dock Landing Ship USS lead. the girls' pictures attached, teams on request then the Station Rifle Range. placed around the base will - - Catamount. The Paul Revere eventually returned to the ini- is flagship for Flying Disk. account for only a small part tial supply point. of the total contributions. Other Amphibious Force "Promoters" in the various "In simple language," Maj. units taking part are de- units are racking their brains Hill said, "we want all units tachments of Underwater for new and different ways to to know what's available to Demolition Team 11, Naval entice votes for their queen them supply-wise, how to Beach Group One and Tac- contestants. order it under combat condi- tical Air Control Squadron- The queen will start her tions, and above all else, 13. to use and reign officially on July 4, how it maintain Flying Disk is designed to with appearances in two it once they get it." impart valuable lessons in the Windward Oahu Independ- The major emphasized that refinement of nighttime and ence Day Parades. the logistical exercise operates low visability landing tech- On the morning of July 4, hand-in-glove with the actual niques for the Marine Corps- the queen and two runners-up (See ServBn, Page 3) Navy team. will appear in a parade through Kailua. She will then be whisked to Kaneohe to ride in a similar parade there. Later in the afternoon of July 4, she will be introduced and make a personal appear- ance at the festivities to be held at Kailua Beach Park. A crowd of some 10,000 is ex- pected to be on hand at the beach. Besides the "Royal Car- riage," the plush red converti- ble in which she will ride dur- ing the Carnival, the queen will receive prizes of clothing, a color portrait, a transistor radio, dinner for four at a restaurant of her choice and a $15 certificate for purchasing shoes. INITIATIVE FOR MARKSMANSHIP--Everybody in "G" Co., The K-Bay queen will also LOADING ZONE-With the LST Summit County waiting at a LVT 2/4, will be concentrating harder on marksmanship in the fu- be crowned with glittering KMCAS docks, Cannoneers from "G" ['try, 3/12 and Carnival Queen crown which she will retain to crewmen of "A" Co., 1st Amtrac Bn., began loading Tuesday ture after Miss Judy Mills, Battalion Water remind years of her in later Disk." Each the LVTs carried one of "G" Bat- entry, presented LCpl. K. E. Robertson with the company's the time she reigned as Queen for "Flying of High Rifle Trophy. Robertson fired a 232 or 0uuloa Rifle Range of the Navy Relief Water Car- tery's 105 howitzers playing an important role in the exercise last week. nival. which concludes at noon tomorrow. 2 Windward Marine June 22 1962 Chaplains Corner Col. W. R. Campbell Commanding Officer PETER I. OTA, Cale Clark Executive 01 leer Lt. Col. A. L. f From the Garden of Eden to B. Services Officer Capt. R. Morrisey Informational this modern day, one of Perseverance Pays - Some people have a goal that they SSgt. Al W. Steele Editor the curses of people is separa- just don't forget. GySgt. Tony Beatrice, formerly of the Ma- Sgt. Jim DiBernardo Assistant Editor tion, the feeling of being alone rine Exchange Office, had his - to finish high school. Prior SSgt. Dick Vernon Sports Editor and isolated from others. to enlisting in the Corps, he had finished 11 years at a Phila- The WINDWARD MARINE is published every Friday In the Garden, it was the fig delphia high school, and completed the G.E.D. test in 1947. by and for the personnel of the U.S. Marine Corps Air leaf which symbolized the sep- But, he still wanted a diploma. After 19 years in the Marine Station, Navy No. 990, c/o FPO, San Francisco, Calif. aration, but in modern day we Corps, Gunny Beatrice began attendance at Kailua High School Printed at the Royal Printers and Publishers, Inc., Hono- have become more subtle and Adult Education Classes two nights a week. He and 250 other lulu, Hawaii, the WINDWARD MARINE is published with it is neurotic behavior. Even students graduated at Farrington High School May 27. Beatrice appropriated funds in conformity with paragraph 1720.1 so, the curse remains and the left K-Bay Monday and will retire at Treasure Island June 29. MarCorMan 1961 and MCO 5727.3. The WINDWARD MA- person who is alone, who feels He and his family will make their home in South Carolina.
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