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9-1954 Modern Home Anna Walker

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Recommended Citation Walker, Anna, "Modern Home Sewing" (1954). SDSU Extension Circulars. 695.

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\ '\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ ', \ ...... ; \ / . \ / \ / / \ / \ / \ / / \ / \ / \ HOME SEWING \ \ \ \ \ ----' -- ...,, ...,, ------•


By MRS. ANNA D. w ALKER Extension Clothing Specialist Never before in the history of fabrics the clothes which she makes must come up has there been such an array of exciting to the fashion standards of the best ready- materials to tempt the home sewer to try to-wear which she sees in magazines, her skill in clothing construction. Old movies, television, and in store windows. friends in the field are taking on new Since she sews to produce a garment .finishes and new fibers have ·entered into which is stylish and smart, the time spent the fabric picture-all calling for new in sewing at home, in spite of the lovely knowledge in their handling during con- fabric and good , is lost if the goal struction. is not attained. The ultimate in joy of In addition to this abundance of textile achievement is reached when the question material from which to choose, there is the "Where in the world did you find such splendid selection of good patterns, , a smart" takes the place of "I see and sewing equipment which is available you made it yourself!" (It surely looks like today. it!) A new style consciousness has swept the This circular will attempt to set forth country and the modern home sewer is no some of the ways in which this goal may longer satisfied just to make clothes, but be reached. Pattern Chosen Should Fit the Fabric Probably one of the first things for the sheer, crisp fabrics made from nylon, home sewer, who seeks the professional Orlon, and Dacron. look, to consider is the fabric and its re- Some fabrics do not lend themselves to lation to the pattern. Fabrics should not certain details of construction such as be asked to do the impossible. To ask a pointed collars, underarm , and other such details where successful con- stiff fabric to fall in soft folds is as redicu- struction calls for closely clipped corners. lous as . to ask a soft flowing fabric to Sheer, loosely woven, crisp fabrics such produce a crisp "stand-out" look. So, to as cotton voile, Orlon, nylon, or Dacron become conscious of fabric in its relation sheers are examples of these fabrics. In to style and details of construction in the contrast to these materials, crisp, closely pattern is the first step toward a profes- woven fabrics which ravel very little can sional looking garment. be clipped close to the stitching at collar Some fabrics ravel readily, pucker easily, points with no danger of raveling. or tear easily and are characterized by These are only two examples of where slippage tendencies. For these fab- the choice of the pattern influences the rics, the wise home sewer will choose a success the home sewer will have in inter- pattern which has the majority of the long preting the pattern to produce a profession- seams on the partial bias. Some ex- al looking garment. The alert sewer should amples of this kind of fabric are: voiles always think about fabric in relation to pat- treated for crease resistance, and some tern as she shops. South Dakota Extension Service Circular 514 • 4 Fundamentals of Clothing Construction

Before considering the special problems in home construction which are presented by the new fabrics, a modern home sewer may want to review the fundamental prin- ciples which apply regardless of the fabric chosen.

Prepare the Fabric for Cutting The fabric is straightened across the ends, basted and rolled in a towel Many problems which arise during the after soaking in water. When removed sewing of a garment are caused by poor from the towel it can be straightened preparation of the fabric before cutting. because original pressing in gone. Cloth is woven with warp and filling threads at right angles to each other. Pat- terns are marked with arrows or perfo- rations which indicate the position of the Often the fabric comes from the bolt off pattern in relation to the crosswise or because it has been pressed crooked in lengthwise thread of the fabric. It is easy finishing. In this case, it is the home sewer's to see then, that the cloth must be straight responsibility to correct this situation be- before the pattern can be placed accurately. fore the pattern is placed for cutting. This may be done in a number of ways depend- ing upon the fabric. For washable fabrics the easiest and most satisfactory method is to place the piece of material ( which has been cut or torn with the thread) into some warm water. Leave it in the water long enough for it to be thoroughly soaked. Remove it from the Cut along a pulled thread to straighten water and roll it in a large towel or old materials which cannot be torn. sheet. (Illustration) Do not put the fabric through a wringer as this will cause wrinkles which will have to be pressed out. To check the fabric for straightness of When the material is still damp, remove thread (grain), do the following: (1.) See if the ends are straight with the thread. it from the towel and lay flat on a table, They may be torn in some fabrics or in folded with the right sides in and with ends some, which do not tear easily, a crosswise pinned or basted together. and thread may be pulled for a guide for cut- ends should make a perfect right angle ting. (Illustration) (2.) Fold the two sel- with each other. Ironing with the thread vages together and, if the cloth is straight, the torn ends should fall together evenly to keep the fabric straight or smoothing and the and ends should form a with the hands while drying will put the perfect right angle. (Illustration) fabric in a good condition for cutting. • • Modern Home Sewing 5 Place Pattern Accurately 1- w w The next step toward the creation of a I ca professional looking garment is to place the pattern on the fabric with accuracy. This is a method of straightening wool Margins on printed patterns should be fabric before cutting trimmed off. Use a ruler or a and see that each hole or each part of the line which indicates the straight of the Wool fabrics and other fabrics which material is the same distance from the sel- are not washable _may be straightened as vage. ( See Illustration) As each piece is follows: placed, it should be pinned first on thi~ line, 1. Straighten the cut ends by tearing or then smoothed out and pinned at the pulling a thread for a guide in cutting. corners and at close enough intervals 2. Fold the fabric lengthwise and baste the straightened ends together. This may be done with a long _machine stitch. 3: Wet a sheet thoroughly, then run it through a loose wringer to remove ex- cess water. 4. Place a wet sheet on the fabric about eight inches from the end. ( See Illustra- tion) 5. Fold the fabric over the end of the sheet and fold or roll sheet and fabric together to the end. ( See Illustration) 6. Cover with wrapping paper or a Turk- Measure from the selvage to straight ish towel and let stand until the mois- of the material line on pattern before ture from the sheet has penetrated into pinning the pattern in place. the fabric. The wool will feel cool, but not wet. around the pattern to hold the pattern 7. Check the grain lines and smooth out firmly on the fabric. (Illustration) on a flat surface. Pat the fabric with the placed at right angles to the cutting edge hands until it is grain perfect. Pressing will hold the pattern more securely and with an iron will not be necessary.


Notice that the pins are placed at right Fabric is now straight and ready angles to the line with heads to- for cutting . ward the inside. • 6 South Dakota Extension Service Circular 514 • prevent tearing of the pattern. Some ma- terials which have a tendency to creep will require more pins than firmer materials.

Cut With Care Patterns are made accurately to size and generally with a stated of . ½ to ¼ inch. The pattern envelope will tell what this seam allowance· is and each piece of pattern is marked with the seam allowance. Cut with care using sharp MATERlAL PATTERN

Use a tracing wheel or pencil and ruler.

It is easier to cut a smooth straight line, if the cutting is done from the wide to the narrow end of the pattern, i.e., from Notches cut out, instead of in, do not to the waistline; from to armhole, weaken seamlines. A hand placed etc. firmly on the fabric makes cutting Notches which indicate the position of easier and more accurate. pieces of the pattern in relation to each other need to be marked as the pieces are shears. If the left hand is placed on the cut. If the pattern pieces are far enough fabric when cutting, it is easier for you to apart to permit it, these notches should be cut close to the material. Cut with long even cut out from the edge. ( See Illustration) strokes without lifting except where the If space does not permit this method, each shears are cutting. (See Illustration) notch should be marked with thread, Never use for cutting out chalk, or carbon. Never cut notches into because they do not make for accuracy in the seam line to weaken it. cutting. Mark all perforations which indicate the position of darts, tucks, , , etc. as needed. This marking may be done with chalk, white manicure pencil, thread, or 's tracing paper. Dress- maker's carbon is an especially prepared carbon which may be found on most no- tion counters. It is useful when marking smooth washable fabrics. If the material is folded with the wrong side out for cut- ting, one piece of carbon may be placed __under the pattern carbon-side down and the other under the material carbon-side This shows use of dressmaker's tracing up. A tracing wheel or pencil and ruler paper for marking. may be used. (See Illustration) • Modern Home Sewing 7 Sew With Skill be lost if the pieces are allowed to stretch and spread. The more loosely woven fab- A great deal has been said about the rics will have a greater tendency to stretch importance of careful cutting with the in handling. Notice how much larger the grain line of the ·fabric in mind at all cut fabric piece is than the paper pattern times. If the pieces of the garment are not as the .piece of pattern js taken off. A row handled properly as they are put together, of stitching through the single the time spent in cutting accurately will thickness of fabric about ¾ inch from the off grain cut edges will put the cut pieces back to the size of the pattern and will hold the crosswise and length wise threads FABRIC in the right position. STRETCHES Find the direction for this line of stitch- ing ( stay-stitching) by running the finger along the cut edge and observe if the edge c is stretched or held in place. ( See Illustra- · tion) The illustrations show the direction for stay-stitching the edges in blouse and skirt pieces. Notice that the skirt need only be stay-stitched from the hipline to the waistline and at the waistline. Pieces of the garment may be held to- gether either with pins or thread for stitch- ing. The method which is used will depend upon the fabric and the place on the gar- ment. Some details can be basted with thread more successfully than with pins. With the flexible found on most machines, it is possible to sew over pins

Direction for stay-stitching to keep from stretching may be de- termined by stroking neckline Use a cloth guide for accurate with the finger. seam widths . • 8 South Dakota Extension Service Circular 514

0 I 0 I

Center Fro/lt .Slort Front

Arrows in the illustration show directions for stitching seams to keep the grain of the material in perfect condition. placed at right angles to the seam line. The Sew with the grain of the material in notches should be matched and pinned mind and follow the "wide to narrow" first, then the two ends. If the garment rule, i.e., from the to the waist- has been cut out accurately, any excess line, from the neckline to the armhole, material is . For example: This will from the underarm to the waistline. Use show up when pinning shoulder seams. the cloth guide on the machine for accuracy Ordinarily the back seam is longer than and ease in stitching. (See Illustration) the front seam so should be eased to the front. This gives an to the shoulder If the pieces of the garment are handled line. Follow the instruction sheet in the as little as possible during the construction, pattern envelope for the order of sewing the .finished garment will be crisp and fresh the parts of the garment. looking when it is finished.

Sewing New Fabrics and Finishes After this brief review of the funda- should be used instead of pins or needles mentals of good clothing construction, in placing the pattern when laying out regardless of the fabric used, let us con- plastic film and artificial leather ma- sider the special problems created by less familiar fabrics and .finishes. terials used for jackets and raincoats. 1. Cutting Problems. In sheerest man-made fabrics less puck- Fabrics woven of man-made fibers call ering of seams will result if the pattern for sharper shears for cutting. Weights chosen is one which can be placed on • • Modern Home Sewing 9 garment. On seams where there is vef} little strain, cotton thread size 100 gives good results on very sheer fabrics. Stitch Length. For most of the woven fabrics made from the man-made fibers, shorter stitches will make better looking, stronger seams. Eighteen to twenty stitches to the inch seem to give the best results for the sheer, closely woven Use tacks on fabrics not suitable fabrics. Fourteen to sixteen stitches to for tracing, such as rough tex- the inch may be used for the less sheer tured or sheer materials fabrics.

the fabric where most of the seams are on the partial bias of the fabric. 2. Marking Problems. Plastic and leather-like materials should be marked with pencil. Never use 's tacks or tracing wheel on plas- tics. Tailor's tacks with fine thread are most satisfactory for fabrics which can- not be marked with carbon. (See Illu- stration) 3. Basting Problems. TENSION Use fine, sharp pins or needles to avoid fiber breakage and puckering. Use SCREW paper clips to hold sections of plastic or leather-like materials together. 4. Stitching Problems. It is in the stitching of many of the new materials that the average home sewer experiences trouble. Because the differ- ent fibers vary in weight, thickness, and elasticity, it is important to know your The arrows point out the location of fabric. Ask the sales person and read the adjusting screws for the lower ten- the label or description in the catalogue. sion on four types of . Experiment on a sample to find the best stitch length, tension, needle size, and 5. Machine Problems. kind of thread. The following stitching Tensions. The above illustration shows guides may prove helpful: the location of the adjusting screws for Needle Sizes. Most of the fabrics woven the lower tension on different types of from man-made fibers call for smaller cases. When nylon thread it used, needle sizes. Use 9 or 11 needles. Size 9 the tensions, both top and bottom, is better for sheer, closely woven fabrics. should be as loose as they can be and still Size 11 for heavier, bulkier fabrics. Be produce a good looking line of stitching. sure that the machine needle is smooth Do not be afraid to adjust this lower ten- and sharp-a rough needle will pull sion ! Silk thread requires a little tighter threads. tension than nylon. Dacron thread may Thread. Size "A" nylon thread, Dacron be used with about the same tension as thread, or Size "A" silk thread. Nylon for mercerized cotton thread. or Dacron thread will dry at the same Taffetized or everglaze and embossed speed as the man-made fabric in the cottons call for a loose tension so that • 10 South Dakota Extension Service Circular 514 • the tight stitching line will not cut the A pad of felt placed under the spool crisp paper-like finish. Rayon and ace- will be helpful in preventing the spool tates may be stitched with a regular from spinning. These pads may be pur- tension. Most Acrilans, Orlons, Dacrons, chased at stores where sewing machines nylons, plastics, and knit fabrics call for are sold. loose tensions, both top and bottom. Be Fastening Threads. All seams should be sure that the drag on both top and bot- back tacked or overstitched when sew- tom thread is the same so that the line ing with nylon, silk, and Dacron of stitching will be balanced. thread. These threads have a greater Winding Bobbins. Since there must be tendency to rip out at the ends and no tension on the nylon thread when it often knots do not stay tied. is wound on the bobbin, the thread may If darts are stitched from the small just rest on the top of the tension discs end with a continuous thread, there rather than into the hooks used regu- will be no knot to tie. Pull the bobbin larly when winding the bobbin or it may thread out and thread it through the also be wound by hand. Dacron, silk, needle from the wrong side. Knot this and mercerized thread may be wound thread to the top thread and wind it on on the bobbin in the usual way. the spool. Enough thread to stitch the If the fabric is stretched slightly with should come from the bobbin. ( See one hand behind the presser foot and Illustration) When this method is used, the other hand in front of the foot as be sure that the dart is well basted and the material feeds under the foot, the pressed before stitching as this is actu- seam in many of the man-made fabrics is less apt to pucker. The slightly stretched fabric springs back into place when the seam is pressed. ( See Illustra- tion.)

Stretch the fabric slightly behind the presser foot when sewing man-made fabrics for the seam is less . ,..thread needle apt to pucker. _ ~'------~ opposite direction Machine Speed. When using nylon, Dacron or silk thread, the machine should be run at a moderate rate of speed. It will be hard to keep the ma- A continuous thread, as illustrated, chine threaded and the spool will spin makes a knot ot the top of the dart when using these threads, if the machine unnecessary. This is advisably used on is run too fast. short darts in sheer fabrics . • Modern Home Sewing 11 ally the wrong direction for stitching- *Press during construction with a damp wide to narrow is the rule. This method 'pr~ss cloth and iron set for nylon or is justified in the case of a short dart in rayon. a sheer fabric where a knot would be * A steam iron may be used-a thin too conspicuous or where it might come press cloth over the seams to be pressed untied. is advised. Seam Finishes. Seam finishes will vary *If ripping is necessary, cut thread at with the fabric and the place on the gar- close intervals. Do not pull and snap ment. On many of the new fabrics, the thread as in many cases this will where there is a tendency toward ravel- pucker and spread the threads in the ling, wider seams are recommended. fabric. Edges finished by edge-stitching, zig- *It is best not to have to change a seam zag stitching, or edges turned under and line after it has been pressed. Sharp stitched are some methods used. creases are often hard to press out. Some fabrics may be fused with a *Knit fabrics such as tricot and jersey flame to prevent ravelling. This is a haz- use about fourteen stitches per inch ardous method and great care must be and a looser tension both top and bot- used to prevent burning the garment. tom so that the stitching line has the same elasticity as the fabric. *Many of the new fabrics have a tend- Hints for Sewing New Fabrics ency to slide off the table of the ma- chine. A piece of Turkish toweling *Work buttonholes in sheer fabrics by ( terry cloth) made into a case and slip- machine. ped over the leaf will give a rough *Use the lighter weight in sheer surface which will keep the fabric fabrics. from slipping.

Extension Service, South Dakota State College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts, Brookings, South Dakota Published and distributed under Acts of Congress, May 8 and June 30, 1914, by the Agricultural Extension Service of the South Dakota State College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts, Brookings, GEORGE I. GILBERTSON, Director. U. S. Department of Agriculture, cooperating .

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