The American Lady-Tailor Glove-Fitting System of Dress Making
' : - . fdfl . - . ... • • . 1 i , 1 • • • • i ft) '•-.; r i. # i ' ".. - i ! It r it ; . CvAMDkPS^ fedt Improved and Simplified. LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. ®|ap. - ®W'Sl l 1« # Slielf .vGr..2? fc UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. 4$ f. L Second Edition.] [Price, Five Dollars, THE AMERICAN Lady-Tailor Gloye-Fitting- System OP- DRESS-MAKING Invented and Taught by ^ • Mrs, Elizabeth Gartland IN HER SCIENTIFIC COLLEGE. KE^nSED, iLLTJSTBiLTED # SlIMIIF'IQjIIF'IEID- PHILADELPHIA, PA. 1884. Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1884, by Mrs. Elizabeth in the Office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington, D. C. : IMPORTANT NOTICE. \K^ To all whom it may Concern : —Only those purchasing this Book from me or my authorized agents are hereby licensed to use my Systems of Cutting and Fitting, set forth in this work, the contents of which I have secured by copyright. And no person shall have any right whatever to sell or teach in any manner, my system, without first procuring from me or my duly authorized agents a license in writing, signed by me, specifying how and in what way it may be used. MRS. E. GARTLAND, 15 SOUTH 13th STREET, PHILADELPHIA, PA. LEADING PARIS FASHION MAGAZINES And they can be had at any time by the single number or by subscrip- tion; post-paid, at the prices given in the following list One Six Three Single Year. Months. Months. Copy. *Aquarelle Mode Weekly 9 16 20 9 9 00 $ 5 00 45c. *Album de la Toilette Semi-Monthly.. 7 25 4 00 2 25 45c. *Coquet Semi-Monthly.
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